Vector Control of Ac Drives

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ECE 8830 - Electric


Topic 13: Vector Control of AC Induction Motors

Spring 2004

Sc"l"r control of "c dri!es produces good ste"d# st"te perfor$"nce %ut poor d#n"$ic response& T'is $"nifests itself in t'e de!i"tion of "ir g"p flu( lin)"ges fro$ t'eir set !"lues& T'is !"ri"tion occurs in %ot' $"gnitude "nd p'"se& Vector control *or field oriented control+ offers $ore precise control of "c $otors co$p"red to sc"l"r control& T'e# "re t'erefore used in 'ig' perfor$"nce dri!es ,'ere oscill"tions in "ir g"p flu( lin)"ges "re intoler"%le- e&g& ro%otic "ctu"tors- centrifuges- ser!os- etc&

Introduction (contd)
.'# does !ector control pro!ide superior d#n"$ic perfor$"nce of "c $otors co$p"red to sc"l"r control / In sc"l"r control t'ere is "n in'erent coupling effect %ec"use %ot' tor0ue "nd flu( "re functions of !olt"ge or current "nd fre0uenc#& T'is results in sluggis' response "nd is prone to inst"%ilit# %ec"use of 1t' order '"r$onics& Vector control decouples t'ese effects&

Torque Control of DC Motors

T'ere is " close p"r"llel %et,een tor0ue control of " dc $otor "nd !ector control of "n "c $otor& It is t'erefore useful to re!ie, tor0ue control of " dc $otor %efore stud#ing !ector control of "n "c $otor&

Torque Control of DC Motors (contd)

A dc $otor '"s " st"tion"r# field structure *,indings or per$"nent $"gnets+ "nd " rot"ting "r$"ture ,inding supplied %# " co$$ut"tor "nd %rus'es& T'e %"sic structure "nd field flu( "nd "r$"ture MM2 "re s'o,n %elo,:

Torque Control of DC Motors (contd)

T'e field flu( f *f+ produced %# field current If is ort'ogon"l to t'e "r$"ture flu( " *"+ produced %# t'e "r$"ture current I"& T'e de!eloped tor0ue Te c"n %e ,ritten "s:

Te = K t' I a I f

3ec"use t'e !ectors "re ort'ogon"l- t'e# "re decoupled- i&e& t'e field current onl# controls t'e field flu( "nd t'e "r$"ture current onl# controls t'e "r$"ture flu(&

Torque Control of DC Motors (contd)

C $otor-li)e perfor$"nce c"n %e "c'ie!ed ,it' "n induction $otor if t'e $otor control is considered in t'e s#nc'ronousl# rot"ting reference fr"$e *de-0e+ ,'ere t'e sinusoid"l !"ri"%les "ppe"r "s dc 0u"ntities in ste"d# st"te& T,o control inputs ids "nd i0s c"n %e used for " !ector controlled in!erter "s s'o,n on t'e ne(t slide&

Torque Control of DC Motors (contd)

.it' !ector control: ids *induction $otor+ If *dc $otor+ i0s *induction $otor+ I" *dc $otor+ T'us tor0ue is gi!en %#: ,'ere
' Te = K t r iqs = K t ids iqs

= r r

is pe") !"lue of sinusoid"l

Torque Control of DC Motors (contd)

T'is dc $otor-li)e perfor$"nce is onl# possi%le if i0s4 onl# controls i0s "nd does not "ffect t'e flu( - i&e& i0s "nd ids "re r ort'ogon"l under "ll oper"ting conditions of t'e !ector-controlled dri!e& T'us- !ector control s'ould ensure t'e correct orient"tion "nd e0u"lit# of t'e co$$"nd "nd "ctu"l currents&

Equivalent Circuit of Induction Motor

T'e co$ple( de-0e e0ui!"lent circuit of "n induction $otor is s'o,n in t'e %elo, figure *neglecting rotor le")"ge induct"nce+&

Equivalent Circuit of Induction Motor (contd)

Since t'e rotor le")"ge induct"nce '"s %een neglected- t'e rotor flu( r 5 m t'e "ir g"p flu(& T'e st"tor current !ector Is is t'e su$ of t'e ids "nd i0s !ectors& T'us- t'e st"tor $s I current $"gnitude- is rel"ted to ids "nd i0s %#: $ s = i2 + i2 I
ds qs

Phasor Diagrams for Induction Motor

T'e ste"d# st"te p'"sor *or !ector+ di"gr"$s for "n induction $otor in t'e d e0e *s#nc'ronousl# rot"ting+ reference fr"$e "re s'o,n %elo,:

Phasor Diagrams for Induction Motor (contd)

(= ) is "ligned T'e rotor flu( !ector r m m ,it' t'e de "(is "nd t'e "ir g"p !olt"ge V is "ligned ,it' t'e 0e "(is& T'e ter$in"l !olt"ge Vs slig'tl# le"ds t'e "ir g"p !olt"ge %ec"use of t'e !olt"ge drop "cross t'e st"tor i$ped"nce& i0s contri%utes re"l po,er "cross t'e "ir g"p %ut ids onl# contri%utes re"cti!e po,er "cross t'e "ir g"p&

Phasor Diagrams for Induction Motor (contd)

T'e first figure s'o,s "n incre"se in t'e tor0ue co$ponent of current i0s "nd t'e second figure s'o,s "n incre"se in t'e flu( co$ponent of current- ids& 3ec"use of t'e ort'ogon"l orient"tion of t'ese co$ponentst'e tor0ue "nd flu( c"n %e controlled independentl#& 6o,e!er- it is necess"r# to $"int"in t'ese !ector orient"tions under "ll oper"ting conditions& 6o, c"n ,e control t'e i0s "nd ids co$ponents of t'e st"tor current Is independentl# ,it' t'e desired orient"tion /

Principles of Vector Control

T'e %"sic conceptu"l i$ple$ent"tion of !ector control is illustr"ted in t'e %elo, %loc) di"gr"$:

7ote: T'e in!erter is o$itted fro$ t'is di"gr"$&

Principles of Vector Control (contd)

T'e $otor p'"se currents- i"- i% "nd ic "re con!erted to idss "nd i0ss in t'e st"tion"r# reference fr"$e& T'ese "re t'en con!erted to t'e s#nc'ronousl# rot"ting reference fr"$e d-0 currents- ids "nd i0s& In t'e controller t,o in!erse tr"nsfor$s "re perfor$ed: 1+ 2ro$ t'e s#nc'ronous d-0 to t'e st"tion"r# d-0 reference fr"$e8 2+ 2ro$ d4-04 to "4- %4- c4&

Principles of Vector Control (contd)

T'ere "re t,o "ppro"c'es to !ector control: 1+ irect field oriented current control - 'ere t'e rot"tion "ngle of t'e i0se !ector ,it' respect to t'e st"tor flu( 0r9s is %eing directl# deter$ined *e&g& %# $e"suring "ir g"p flu(+ 2+ Indirect field oriented current control - 'ere t'e rotor "ngle is %eing $e"sured indirectl#- suc' "s %# $e"suring slip speed&

Direct Vector Control

In direct !ector control t'e field "ngle is c"lcul"ted %# using ter$in"l !olt"ges "nd current or 6"ll sensors or flu( sense ,indings& A %loc) di"gr"$ of " direct !ector control $et'od using " :.M !olt"ge-fed in!erter is s'o,n on t'e ne(t slide&

Direct Vector Control (contd)

Direct Vector Control (contd)

T'e princip"l !ector control p"r"$eters- ids4 "nd i0s4- ,'ic' "re dc !"lues in t'e s#nc'ronousl# rot"ting reference fr"$e"re con!erted to t'e st"tion"r# reference fr"$e *using t'e !ector rot"tion *V;+ %loc)+ %# using t'e unit !ector cose "nd sine& T'ese st"tion"r# reference fr"$e control p"r"$eters idss4 "nd i0ss4 "re t'en c'"nged to t'e p'"se current co$$"nd sign"ls- i"4- i%4- "nd ic4 ,'ic' "re fed to t'e :.M in!erter&

Direct Vector Control (contd)

A flu( control loop is used to precisel# control t'e flu(& Tor0ue control is "c'ie!ed t'roug' t'e current i0s4 ,'ic' is gener"ted fro$ t'e speed control loop *,'ic' includes " %ipol"r li$iter t'"t is not s'o,n+& T'e tor0ue c"n %e neg"ti!e ,'ic' ,ill result in " neg"ti!e p'"se orient"tion for i0s in t'e p'"sor di"gr"$& 6o, do ,e $"int"in ids"nd i0s ort'ogon"lit#/ T'is is e(pl"ined in t'e ne(t slide&

Direct Vector Control (contd)

Direct Vector Control (contd)

6ere t'e de-0e fr"$e is rot"ting "t s#nc'ronous speed e ,it' respect to t'e st"tion"r# reference fr"$e ds-0s- "nd "t "n# point in ti$e- t'e "ngul"r position of t'e de "(is ,it' respect to t'e ds "(is is e *5et+& 2ro$ t'is p'"sor di"gr"$ ,e c"n ,rite:
s sin = r cos e "nd qr = e r
s dr

Direct Vector Control (contd)

T'us cos e = r
s dr

s qr = - sin e = - "nd r r

( ) + ( )
s 2 dr

s 2 qr

T'e cose "nd sine sign"ls in correct p'"se position "re s'o,n %elo,:

Direct Vector Control (contd)

T'ese unit !ector sign"ls- ,'en used in t'e !ector rot"tion %loc)- c"use ids to $"int"in orient"tion "long t'e de-"(is "nd t'e i0s orient"tion "long t'e 0e-"(is&

ummar! of alient "eatures of Vector Control

A fe, of t'e s"lient fe"tures of !ector control "re: T'e fre0uenc# e of t'e dri!e is not controlled *"s in sc"l"r control+& T'e $otor is <self-controlled= %# using t'e unit !ector to 'elp control t'e fre0uenc# "nd p'"se& T'ere is no concern "%out inst"%ilit# $ I %ec"use li$iting s ,it'in t'e s"fe li$it "uto$"tic"ll# li$its oper"tion to t'e st"%le region&

ummar! of alient "eatures of Vector Control (contd)

Tr"nsient response ,ill %e f"st %ec"use tor0ue control %# i0s does not "ffect flu(& Vector control "llo,s for speed control in "ll four 0u"dr"nts *,it'out "ddition"l control ele$ents+ since neg"ti!e tor0ue is directl# t")en c"re of in !ector control&

"lu# Vector Estimation

T'e "ir g"p flu( c"n %e directl# $e"sured in " $"c'ine using speci"ll# fitted se"rc' coils or 6"ll effect sensors& 6o,e!er- t'e drift in t'e integr"tor ,it' " se"rc' coil is pro%le$"tic "t !er# lo, fre0uencies& 6"ll effect sensors tend to %e te$per"turesensiti!e "nd fr"gile& An "ltern"ti!e "ppro"c' is to $e"sure t'e ter$in"l !olt"ge "nd p'"se currents of t'e $"c'ine "nd use t'ese to esti$"te t'e flu(& T'ese tec'ni0ues "re discussed on pp& 3>33>8 of t'e 3ose te(t&

Indirect Vector Control

Indirect !ector control is si$il"r to direct !ector control e(cept t'e unit !ector sign"ls *cose "nd sine+ "re gener"ted in " feedfor,"rd $"nner& T'e p'"sor di"gr"$ on t'e ne(t slide c"n %e used to e(pl"in t'e %"sic concept of indirect !ector control&

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

T'e ds-0s "(es "re fi(ed on t'e st"tor "nd t'e dr-0r "(es "re fi(ed on t'e rotor& T'e de-0e "(es "re rot"ting "t s#nc'ronous speed "nd so t'ere is " slip difference %et,een t'e rotor speed "nd t'e s#nc'ronous speed gi!en %#:

e = r + sl
Since- e = e dt - ,e c"n ,rite:

e = r + sl

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

In order to ensure decoupling %et,een t'e st"tor flu( "nd t'e tor0ue- t'e tor0ue co$ponent of t'e current- i0s- s'ould %e "ligned ,it' t'e 0e "(is "nd t'e st"tor flu( co$ponent of current- ids- s'ould %e "ligned ,it' t'e de "(is& .e c"n use t'e de-"(is "nd 0e-"(is e0ui!"lent circuits of t'e $otor *s'o,n on t'e ne(t slide+ to deri!e control e(pressions&

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

T'e rotor circuit e0u"tions $"# %e ,ritten "s:
d dr + Rr idr ( e r ) qr = 0 dt

d qr dt

+ Rr iqr + ( e r ) dr = 0

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

T'e rotor flu( lin)"ge e0u"tions $"# %e ,ritten "s:

dr = Lr idr + Lmids
qr = Lr iqr + Lmiqs
T'ese e0u"tions $"# %e re,ritten "s:
Lm 1 idr = dr ids Lr Lr iqr = L 1 qr m iqs Lr Lr

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

Co$%ining t'ese ,it' t'e e"rlier e0u"tions "llo,s us to eli$in"te t'e rotor currents ,'ic' c"nnot %e directl# o%t"ined& T'e resulting e0u"tions "re:

d dr Rr Lm + dr Rr ids sl qr = 0 dt Lr Lr

d qr

Lm Rr + qr Rr iqs + sl dr = 0 dt Lr Lr

,'ere sl = e r &

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

2or decoupling control t'e tot"l rotor flu( r needs to %e "ligned ,it' t'e de-"(is "nd so ,e ,"nt: 0r50 5? d0r@dt 50
If ,e no, su%stitute into t'e pre!ious e0u"tions- ,e get: Lr d r =L i + m ds r Rr dt "nd
Lm Rr sl = iqs L
r r

,'ere r '"s %een su%stituted for &

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

2or i$ple$enting t'e indirect !ector control str"teg#- ,e need to t")e t'ese e0u"tions into consider"tion "s ,ell "s t'e e0u"tion:

e = r + sl
7ote: A const"nt rotor flu( results in t'e e0u"tion:

=L i m ds r
so t'"t t'e rotor flu( is directl# proportion"l to ids in ste"d# st"te&

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

An i$ple$ent"tion of indirect !ector control for 4-0u"dr"nt oper"tion is s'o,n %elo,:

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

2e"tures of t'is i$ple$ent"tion: iode rectifier front-end ,it' " :.M in!erter ,it' " d#n"$ic %r")e in t'e dc lin)& 6#steresis-%"nd current control& Speed control loop gener"tes t'e tor0ue co$ponent of current- i0s4&

Const"nt rotor flu( is $"int"ined %# using t'e desired ids4& T'e slip fre0uenc# sl4 is gener"ted fro$ t'e desired i0s4&

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

Slip g"in As is gi!en %#: * sl Lm Rr Ks = * = iqs Lr r e "nd e "re gi!en %#:

* e = sl + r "nd = e dt

T'e incre$ent"l encoder is necess"r# for indirect !ector control %ec"use t'e slip sign"l loc"tes t'e rotor pole position ,it' respect to t'e dr "(is in " feedfor,"rd $"nner&

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

If i0s4B0 for neg"ti!e tor0ue- p'"sor i0s is re!ersed "nd sl *"nd sl+ ,ill %e neg"ti!e& T'e speed control r"nge c"n %e e(tended into t'e field ,e")ening region %# incorpor"ting t'e dotted line p"rt of t'e i$ple$ent"tion *see figure %elo,+& 7ote: Closed loop flu( control is no, re0uired&

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

6"r$onic content of '#steresis-%"nd current control is not opti$u$& Also"t 'ig'er speeds t'e current controller ,ill s"tur"te in p"rt of t'e c#cle %ec"use of t'e 'ig' %"c) e$f& S#nc'ronous current control c"n %e used to o!erco$e t'ese pro%le$s& See 3ose te(t- pp& 3C2-3C4 for det"ils&

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

A dc $otor-li)e electro$ec'"nic"l $odel c"n %e deri!ed for "n ide"l !ectorcontrolled dri!e using t'e follo,ing e0u"tions: Lr d r =L i + m ds r Rr dt
3 P Lm Te = r iqs 2 2 Lr

2 d r Te TL = J P dt

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

A tr"nsfer function %loc) di"gr"$ is s'o,n %elo,:

7ote: T'e tor0ue Te responds inst"ntl# %ut t'e flu( '"s first order del"# *,it' ti$e const"nt 5Dr@;r+&

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

T'e p'#sic"l principle of !ector control c"n %e e(pl"ined $ore cle"rl# ,it' t'e 'elp of t'e %elo, de-0e e0ui!"lent circuits:

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

Since ids "nd i0s "re %eing controlled- ,e c"n ide"ll# ignore t'e st"tor-side p"r"$eters& .it' 0r50 under "ll conditions- t'e e$f source on t'e rotor side de-circuit sl0r50& T'is $e"ns t'"t in ste"d# st"te ids flo,s onl# t'roug' t'e $"gnetiEing induct"nce- D$- %ut in t'e tr"nsient c"se- is s'"red %# t'e rotor circuit ,'ose ti$e const"nt 5 Dlr@;r&

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

In t'e 0e-circuit ,'en tor0ue is controlled %# i0s t'e e$f sldr c'"nges inst"nt"neousl# *%ec"use sl dr = Lm Rr iqs / Lr +& Since 0r50- t'is e$f c"uses " current *D$@Dr+i0s to flo, t'roug' t'e rotor resistor ;r& If Dlr is neglected "nd r flu( is const"nt- ids is seen to onl# flo, t'roug' D$ "nd i0s onl# flo,s t'roug' t'e rotor side- "s desired&

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

A serious issue ,it' respect to indirect !ector control is t'"t of slip g"in detuning& T'is is due pri$"ril# to !"ri"tion in rotor resist"nce& T'is effect is illustr"ted %elo, ,'ere ;r5"ctu"l rotor r resist"nce "nd R 5 esti$"ted rotor resist"nce&

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

Continuous on-line tuning of As is !er# co$ple( "nd co$put"tion"ll# intensi!e& 6o,e!er- t,o $et'ods- one %"sed on e(tended A"l$"n filtering *EA2+ for p"r"$eter esti$"tion "nd " second one %"sed on " $odel referencing "d"pti!e controller *M;AC+ "ppro"c' "re good options& T'e EA2 $et'od ,ill %e considered l"ter ,'en stud#ing sensorless !ector control %ut t'e M;AC $et'od is descri%ed ne(t&

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

In t'e M;AC "ppro"c' " reference $odel output sign"l F4 t'"t s"tisfies t'e tuned !ector control condition is usu"ll# " function of ids4 "nd i0s4- $otor induct"nces"nd oper"ting fre0uenc#& T'e "d"pti!e $odel F is esti$"ted %"sed on $otor feed%"c) !olt"ges "nd currents "s s'o,n in t'e ne(t slide& F is co$p"red to F4 "n t'e resulting error used to esti$"te t'e s t'roug' " :-I co$pens"tor& slip g"in K Slip g"in tuning is "c'ie!ed ,'en F5F4&

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

Suppose ,e decide to use tor0ue "s t'e $odel p"r"$eter F& T'us3 P Lm * X = T = r iqs 2 2 Lr
* * e

Su%stituting D$ids4 for

gi!es: r

2 L 3 P * * X * = Te* = m ids iqs 2 2 Lr

T'e "ctu"l tor0ue c"n %e esti$"ted fro$ t'e st"tor fr"$e !"ri"%les using t'e e0u"tion:
3 P s s s s X = Te = ( ds iqs qs ids ) 2 2

Indirect Vector Control (contd)

7ote: D$ "nd Dr p"r"$eter !"ri"tions "ffect t'e esti$"tion "ccur"c# of F4 "nd "t lo, speeds- t'e st"tor resist"nce ;s "ffects t'e esti$"tion "ccur"c# of F&

tator "lu#$%riented Vector Control

Gntil no, ,e '"!e onl# considered rotor flu(-oriented !ector control& Airg"p flu( or st"tor flu(-oriented !ector control is "lso possi%le %ut "t " cost of " coupling effect t'"t re0uires decoupling co$pens"tion& See 3ose te(t pp& 381-384 for det"ils&

Vector Control of Current$"ed Inverter Drive

Vector control c"n "lso %e e(tended to current-fed dri!es "s illustr"ted %elo,:

Vector Control of Current$"ed Inverter Drive (contd)

ri!e oper"tes ,it' regul"ted rotor flu( "nd t'e speed control loop is t'e outer loop& T'e speed loop gener"tes t'e tor0ue to co$$"nd Te4 ,'ic' is t'en di!ided %# A r gener"te i0s4& T'e flu( loop gener"tes ids4& $s I is used to control t'e firing "ngle of t'e p'"se controlled rectifier t'roug' " feed%"c) loop& T'e in!erter fre0uenc# is controlled %# " p'"se-loc)ed loop *:DD+ so $s I t'"t t'e st"tor current- - is $"int"ined "t t'e desired tor0ue "ngle ,it' respect to t'e rotor flu(&

Vector Control of C!cloconverter Drive

Vector control c"n "lso %e used ,it' " Sc'er%ius dri!e ,it' c#clocon!erter "s s'o,n:

Vector Control of C!cloconverter Drive (contd)

;ec"ll in t'e Sc'er%ius dri!e- Hs:g is sent to t'e line in su%s#nc'ronous $otoring "nd -s:g is sent to t'e line in supers#nc'ronous $otoring- ,'ere s:g is t'e slip energ#& Currents Ip "nd II "re t'e in-p'"se "nd 0u"dr"ture current co$ponents- ,it' respect to t'e slip !olt"ge- Vr& T'e error fro$ t'e speed control loop gener"tes t'e desired current- Ip49 "nd II4 $"# %e set to Eero *"s s'o,n+&

Vector Control of C!cloconverter Drive (contd)

T'e unit !ector sign"ls "re o%t"ined fro$ t'e follo,ing e0u"tions:
cos sl = cos ( e r ) = cos e cos r + sin e sin r sin sl = sin ( e r ) = sin e cos r cos e sin r s s v vds ,'ere cos e = "nd sin e = qs s s V V

"nd V s is t'e "$plitude of t'e line !olt"ge&

Vector Control of C!cloconverter Drive (contd)

To illustr"te 'o, t'e dri!e ,or)s- consider " dri!e t'"t is "cceler"ting fro$ " su%s#nc'ronous speed ,it' " co$$"nd supers#nc'ronous speed& At su%s#nc'ronous speed: I: ?0- sl ?0- "nd s:g?0& At s#nc'ronous speed- sl50 "nd I: is dc& At supers#nc'ronous speed: I: B0- 5? sl B0- "nd s:gB0&

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