Balancing of Control Loops

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A manual for getting the correct function of 23 control loops used in
hydronic heating and cooling systems.

M-011 GB

1. Why balance? -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

2. The tools you need --------------------------------------------------------------- 6

3. Control loops with two-way control valves --------------------------------- 8

3.1 Variable primary and secondary flows --------------------------- 8-14
3.2 Variable primary flow and constant secondary flow --------- 15-19
3.3 Constant primary flow and variable secondary flow -------- 20-21
3.4 Constant primary and secondary flows ---------------------------- 22

4. Control loops with three-way control valves ----------------------------- 23

4.1 Variable primary flow and constant secondary flow --------- 23-26
4.2 Variable primary and secondary flows ----------------------------- 27
4.3 Constant primary and secondary flows ----------------------- 28-29
4.4 Constant primary flow and variable secondary flow ------------- 30

5. Control loops compared ------------------------------------------------------ 32

5.1 Active primary network ------------------------------------------ 33-36

5.2 Passive primary network --------------------------------------------- 37

A. The authority of two-way control valves ----------------------------------- 38
A.1 The inclomplete definition of valve authority ---------------- 38-39
Casselden Place, Melbourne, Australia A.2 The correct definition of valve authority ß' ------------------ 40-41
A.3 Sizing of control valves ----------------------------------------- 42-45
B. The authority of three-way control valves ---------------------------------- 46
Balancing of Control Loops is No. 1 in the Tour & Andersson series of publications for HVAC practitioners. B.1 In mixing function ----------------------------------------------- 46-47
Manual No. 2 deals with balancing distribution systems. Manual No. 3 deals with balancing radiator systems and B.2 In diverting function --------------------------------------------- 48-49
manual No 4 deals with Stabilising differential pressure.
C. How to set the BPV to ensure the minimum pump flow ----------------- 50
Please note that this publication has been prepared for an international audience. Since the use of language differs D. Definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------ 51-52
somewhat from country to country, you may find that some of the terms and symbols are not the same as those you
are used to. We hope this does not cause too much inconvenience.

Author: Robert Petitjean, M.E. (Industrial Engineering), Director of Systems Technology, Tour & Andersson AB.

Production: Tour & Andersson AB, Technical Documentation

— second version —

Copyright 1999 by Tour & Andersson AB, Ljung, Sweden.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in
writing from Tour & Andersson AB. Printed in Sweden, October 1999.

2 3
1. Why balance? 1. Why balance?

Many property managers spend fortunes dealing with complaints about the indoor
climate. This may be the case even in new buildings using the most recent control Percentage increase in energy costs for every
technology. These problems are widespread: degree C too high, or too low, relative to average
building temperature.
• Some rooms never reach the desired temperatures, particularly after load
• Room temperatures keep swinging, particularly at low and medium loads, even % Heating % Cooling
Värme Kyla
though the terminals have sophisticated controllers. 45 45
• Although the rated power of the production units may be sufficient, design
power can’t be transmitted, particularly during startup after weekend or
night set back.
35 35
These problems frequently occur because incorrect flows keep controllers from
doing their job. Controllers can control efficiently only if design flows prevail in
the plant when operating under design conditions.
The only way to get design flows is to balance the plant. Balancing means 25 25
adjusting the flow by means of balancing valves. This has to be done in three

1. The production units must be balanced to obtain design flow in each boiler or 15 15
chiller. Furthermore in most cases, the flow in each unit has to be kept constant.
Fluctuations reduce the production efficiency, shorten the life of the production
units and make effective control difficult.
5 5

2. The distribution system must be balanced to make sure all terminals can receive
˚C ˚C
at least design flow, regardless of the total load on the plant. 20 21 22 23 20 21 22 23

3. The control loops must be balanced to bring about the proper working
conditions for the control valves and to make primary and secondary flows
compatible. Why is the average temperature higher in a plant not balanced?
This manual deals with the balancing of control loops. It tells you how to During cold weather it would be too hot close to the boiler and too cold
balance 23 common control loops using two-way and three-way control valves. on the top floors. People would increase the supply temperature in the
For manual about the balancing of distribution systems, please see TA manual building. People on the top floors would stop complaining and people
No. 2. close to the boiler would open the windows. During hot weather the
Manual 3 concerns Balancing of radiator systems while manual 4 examines the same applies. It is just that it would be too cold close to the chiller, and
stabilisation of the differential pressure. too hot on the top floors.
One degree more or less in a single room rarely makes any
difference to human comfort or to energy costs. But when the average
temperature in the building is wrong, it becomes costly.
One degree above 20 degrees C increases heating costs by at least 8
percent in mid Europe (12% in the south of Europe). One degree below
23 degrees C increases cooling costs by 15 percent in Europe.

4 5
2. The tools you need 2. The tools you need

Three things are necessary: Differential pressure controller

Flow measuring and regulating Adjustable set point: 10-60 kPa and 20-80 kPa.
devices, measurement instrument To stabilize the differential pressure across the control valves and/or circuits.
and a balancing procedure.

Flow measuring and regulating devices. These are Measurement instrument. Measuring is
Balancing valves which are both variable orifice and regulating valves or required in order to really know that design flows
Orifice devices with an independent regulating valve. are achieved and also to find what differential
pressures that are applied in different parts of the
There is a great difference between balancing valves of different makes. This plant. It is also a good tool for trouble-shooting
translates into an equally great difference in the accuracy of indoor climate control, and system analyses.
in energy savings—and in the time, cost and effort required to do an adequate The balancing instrument CBIII from TA
balancing job. Hydronics has all necessary features to fulfil
TA, whose products are used worldwide, cater for all the different market these demands, eg:
requirements and offer both fixed and variable flow measuring devices and • Measures and documents differential
regulating valves. pressure, flow and temperature of
These are some of the distinguishing features of TA products: STAD, STAF, STAP/STAM and other
valves from TA Hydronics.
• Programmed to calculate presetting
values for balancing and also the TA Method and TA Balance.
• Two-way communication with PC.
• Corrects the calculations for antifreeze agents.
• Large storage capacity - can handle 1000 valves and 24 000 values
when logging.
• Graphic display making it possible to assign plain-language names for
plants and valves.

Proportional relief valve. In variable flow system,

STAD STAF STAP a TA BPV valve can be used to perform three
STAD balancing valve STAF balancing valve STAP Differential pressure distinct functions:
15 to 50 mm 20 to 300 mm controller
• ensure a minimum flow to protect the
15 to 50 mm
Balancing valves and orifice devices • reduce the temperature drop in pipes.
• Flow precision for valves better than +/- 5% and for fixed orifices better than • limit the differential pressure on the terminal
+/- 3%. circuits.
• Sizes up to 50 mm have four full turns from open to closed position. Larger The BPV has a shut-off function and preset
sizes have eight, twelve or sixteen full turns. point of 10–60 kPa.
• The valves are available with internal threads, with flanges, with welded or 15 to 32 mm (1/2” to 1 1/4”)
soldered valve ends, with grooved ends and with compression fittings.
• Sizes up to 50 mm are made of Ametal®, probably the only pressure die
casting alloy that meets the world’s toughest demands for resistance to

6 7
3. Control loops with two-way control valves 3. Control loops with two-way control valves

3.1 Variable primary and secondary flows ts q

∆H ∆pV
Fig. 2. A modulating relief valve reduces the differential pressure by a constant
STAD value regardless of the flow.

tr q
When the control valve is oversized, for instance due to the limited choice of
Kv values, the primary differential pressure can be indirectly reduced by means of
a BPV modulating relief valve. The BPV reduces the differential pressure by a
constant value regardless of the flow.
Fig. 1. Control of a variable flow terminal unit
The control valve authority ß’ = ∆pcV / (∆H - ∆pBPV).

In Fig 1 the two-way control valve controls the coil output by adapting the
water flow.
The authority of the control valve ß’ = ∆pcV /∆H. The term "authority" is
explained in detail in Appendix A and B. Balancing procedure fig 2
The two-way control valve is selected to create, fully open and design flow, a 1. Open all control valves fully. Make sure all the BPVs are open (minimum
pressure drop ∆pV = ∆H - ∆pC - 3 (kPa) setpoint).
Moreover this value ∆pV must be higher than 0.25 x ∆Hmax. 2. Adjust to design flow with STAD. Do this as part of the balancing procedure for
the entire primary system (see TA manual No 2) and before you proceed to
step 3.
Balancing procedure fig 1 3. Find out which handwheel setting of STAD that will create a pressure loss of at
1. Open all control valves fully. least 3 kPa in STAD for design flow. Use the CBI or a TA nomogram to find the
2. Adjust to design flow with STAD. Do this as part of the balancing procedure for correct setting.
the entire primary system (see TA manual No 2). 4. Readjust STAD according to step 3. The flow in STAD should now be higher
than design value.
5. Adjust the setpoint of the BPV until you get back to design flow in STAD.
Measure the flow in STAD as you adjust the BPV.

8 9
3. Control loops with two-way control valves 3. Control loops with two-way control valves

∆H H


Fig. 3. A ∆p controller keeps constant the differential pressure

across the control valve. STAP

Depending on the design of the plant, the differential pressure available on

some circuits can vary dramatically with the load. In this case, to obtain and
maintain the correct control valves characteristic, the differential pressure across Fig. 4. A differential pressure controller STAP stabilises the differential pressure
the control valves can be maintained practically constant with a ∆p controller as across a set of terminal units.
represented on figure 3.
The differential pressure across the control valve ”V” is detected on one side by When several small terminal units ”C” are close to each other, it can be
connecting the capillary downstream the measuring valve STAM. The pressure on sufficient to stabilise the differential pressure on the whole set according to
the other side is connected directly to the acting membrane by an internal figure 4.
connection in the STAP. The supply pressure is transmitted to the STAP by means of a capillary
When the differential pressure across the control valve increases, the STAP mounted on the entering of the balancing valve of the first circuit.
closes proportionally to compensate. When the differential pressure ∆H increases, the valve STAP shuts to
The control valve ”V” is never oversized as the design flow is always obtained compensate. Each control valves ”V” is chosen to create, fully open and at design
for the valve fully open and its authority is and remains close to one. flow, approximately the same pressure drop as its coil unit.
All additional differential pressure is applied to the STAP. The control of the
differential pressure is quite easy in comparison with a temperature control and a
sufficient proportional band can be used to avoid hunting. Balancing procedure fig 4
As the flows are correct at each terminal, no other balancing procedure is
1. Keep the set point of the STAP as it comes from the factory.
required. If all control valves are combined with STAP, then balancing valves in
The control valves ”V” are fully open
branches and risers are not necessary but for diagnosis purposes.
2. Balance the terminals of the branch according to the TA Balance method
(Handbook 2) which does not depend on the differential pressure ∆H available.
Balancing procedure fig 3 3. Adjust the set point of the STAP to obtain the design flow through the balancing
1. Open fully the control valve ”V”. valve STAD of the first circuit. The flows will be automatically correct in the
2. Preset the STAM (STAD) to obtain at least 3 kPa for design flow. other circuits.
3. Adjust the set point ∆pL of the differential pressure controller STAP to obtain in
STAM (STAD)the design flow.

10 11
3. Control loops with two-way control valves 3. Control loops with two-way control valves

tp A tp STAD-1
A ts
qb BPV
qb BPV

V t2 t1
B tr
qp qs C
B tr
Fig.5. A secondary pump creates a sufficient differential pressure. The secondary water
temperature is necessarily different from that of the primary.
Fig.6. A differential temperature controller maintains a minimum flow qb in
the bypass, such that ts = tp.
If the differential pressure ∆H is too low to give a reasonable authority for the
coil control valves, a secondary pump can create a sufficient differential pressure. If the secondary water temperature must be equal to that of the primary, the
The solution in Fig 5 can also be used when the primary differential pressure is circuit in Fig 6 (heating only) or the circuit in Fig 7 (both heating and cooling) may
too high. be used.
The secondary water temperature ts can be constant or variable, but is To obtain ts = tp, the flow qb through the bypass must be greater than zero. A
necessarily different from the primary temperature tp. In heating ts < tp, while in
∆T controller acts on the primary control valve V to ensure a minimum flow qb in
cooling ts > tp.
the right direction. The ∆T controller keeps t2 slightly higher than t1. Normally, the
At low loads, the differential pressure across the secondary tends to increase.
setpoint of the ∆T controller is between 1 and 2 degrees.
When this pressure exceeds a certain value, the BPV opens to allow a minimum
flow to protect the pump. This flow also limits the temperature drop in the pipes so
that the necessary water temperature is obtained throughout the secondary network. Balancing procedure fig 6
The secondary.
Balancing procedure fig 5 1. Open all control valves. Close the BPV.
The secondary. 2. Balance the coils in the secondary system with STAD-2 as the Partner valve
1. Open all control valves fully. Close the BPV. (see TA manual No 2).
2. Balance the coils in the secondary system with STAD-2 as the Partner valve 3. Set the BPV on the maximum allowed ∆p for the coil control valves.
(see TA manual No 2). 4. Close the coil control valves.
3. Set the BPV on the maximum allowed ∆p for the coil control valves. 5. Set the BPV to obtain the minimum pump flow (see Appendix C).
4. Close the coil control valves. The primary.
5. Set the BPV to obtain the minimum pump flow (see Appendix C). 1. Open the control valve V.
The primary. 2. If the primary flow is unknown, calculate it using the formula below.
1. Open the control valve V. 3. Adjust to primary design flow with STAD-1. Do this as part of the balancing
2. If the primary flow is unknown, calculate it using the formula on page 15. procedure for the entire primary system (see TA manual No 2).
3. Adjust the primary design flow with STAD-1. Do this as part of the balancing
procedure for the entire primary system (see TA manual No 2). qp = 1.05 qs

12 13
3. Control loops with two-way control valves 3. Control loops with two-way control valves

tp qp A ts = tp 3.2 Variable primary flow and constant

D secondary flow

∆H tp B
qp V
qb C
B tr tr tr
A qs = ct
Fig. 7. A differential pressure controller keeps the flow constant in the bypass,
ensuring a constant differential pressure across this bypass.

The circuit in Fig 7 may be used in cooling plants where ∆H is too low to give Fig. 8. Control of coil output for a coil supplied at constant flow.
a sufficient authority for the coil control valves, and where ∆H varies greatly.
The control valve STAP maintains a small and constant flow in the bypass, This circuit is frequently used both in heating and in cooling. The coil supply
regardless of variations in ∆H. This small flow is measured by means of STAD-2. temperature ts is adapted to the power need through control of the primary flow.
When ∆H increases, the STAP closes correspondingly, ensuring a constant diffe- If, under design conditions, ts must be equal to tp, the maximum flow qp in the
rential pressure across the balancing valve STAD-2. primary must be equal to or greater than the secondary flow qs. Otherwise, the
installed power can not be transmitted to the secondary since the design value tsc
can not be obtained. Primary and secondary flows must be compatible. These flows
are adjusted by the balancing valves STAD-2 and STAD-1.
A floor heating example: Assume that tsc = 50°C, which is well below the tp
Balancing procedure fig 7 = 80°C. The control valve must then be selected for a relatively small flow. For a
1. Open all control valves. return temperature trc = 45°C, the formula below shows that the primary flow will
2. Set STAD-2 to create, for 5% of design flow qs, a pressure loss corresponding be only 14% of the secondary flow. If the control valve is selected for this flow, it
to the selected setpoint of the ∆p controller. Use the CBI, or a TA nomogram, to can operate over its entire range. The limit of 50°C for the circuit supply tempera-
ture will not be exceeded at the maximum valve opening. If the secondary pump
find the correct setting for STAD-2.
fails, the primary flow passes through the bypass, preventing overheating in the
3. Balance the secondary circuit where STAD-1 is the Partner valve (see TA circuit.
manual No. 2).
Balancing procedure fig 8
1. Open control valves fully.
2. Adjust to secondary design flow with STAD-2.
3. If the primary flow is unknown, calculate it using the formula below.
4. Adjust the primary flow with STAD-1. Do this as part of the balancing
procedure for the entire primary system (see TA manual No 2).

ts − t r 50 − 45
q p = qs = qs = 0.14 q s
tp − tr 80 − 45

14 15
3. Control loops with two-way control valves 3. Control loops with two-way control valves

tp B tp B qs = ct ts

qp V qp V

qb qb
tr tr
tr tr

A qs = ct STAD-1 A STAD-2
Fig. 10. A primary constant flow distribution converted to primary variable flow.
Fig. 9. A check valve in the bypass allows a certain waterflow through
the coil C even if the secondary pump fails. It’s common to convert existing constant water flow distribution systems into
variable flow in large plants. There are three reasons: 1) The supply water tempera-
This is essentially the same circuit as in Fig 8. However, a check valve is added ture can then be kept constant without having to keep in service all production units
at all loads. 2) A variable distribution flow means reduced pumping costs. 3) The
to prevent circulation in direction BA in the bypass.
plant can be designed with a diversity factor.
If the circuit is used in district heating and the primary control valve is Normally, the secondary side continues to work with constant flow.
oversized, the check valve prevents heating of the return water. If the circuit is used After conversion, we cannot work with ts=tp. When the valve V is completely
for a heating coil in contact with outside air, the check valve eliminates the risk of open, we can get ts=tp with flow reversal in the bypass. Since the demand is
freezing due to secondary pump failure. satisfied in this situation, there is no signal to make the two-way valve close. It
Note that it’s impossible to obtain a primary flow greater than the secondary remains open and we are back to a constant flow distribution system. To avoid this,
flow. ts has to be adjusted so that ts < tp in heating and ts > tp in cooling.
The primary flow will vary as a function of the load:
Balancing procedure fig 9 P
qp = %
tsc equal to tp: (tsc - trc) ( P - 1)
1. Close the control valve V. 1+ 100
(tp - trc)
2. Adjust to secondary design flow qsc with STAD-2.
3. Open the control valve V. P is the load in percent of design power.
Now assume that tp=6°C, tsc=8°C and trc=12°C. For P=50%, we get qp=75%.
4. Adjust the primary flow to the same flow qsc with STAD-1. Do this as part of
Thus the flow demand is 75% for a power demand of 50%.
the balancing procedure for the entire primary system (see TA manual No 2). Before converting the constant flow system into a variable flow system, the
flow demand was 100% for a power demand of 50%.
tsc not equal to tp: This conversion does not change really the primary into a true variable distribu-
1. Close the control valve V. tion as the flow in % remains higher than the power in %.
2. Adjust to secondary design flow with STAD-2.
3. If primary flow is unknown, calculate it using the formula below. Balancing procedure fig 10
4. Open the control valve. 1. Balance the three-way valve circuits (see TA manual No 2). STAD-2 is the
5. Adjust the primary design flow with STAD-1. Do this as part of the balancing Partner valve.
procedure for the entire primary system (see TA manual No 2). 2. If the primary flow qp is unknown, calculate it using the formula below.
3. Open the control valve V.
4. Adjust the primary flow qp with STAD-1. Do this as part of the balancing
qp = qs (ts - tr) procedure for the entire primary system (see TA manual No 2).
(tp - tr)
qp = qs (ts - tr)
(tp - tr)

16 17
3. Control loops with two-way control valves 3. Control loops with two-way control valves

Fig 11a Fig 11b

The control valve authority is therefore ß’ = 8/18 = 0.44.
STAD-2 STAD-2 The STAD-3 can be replaced by a modulating relief valve BPV (Fig 11 b)
ts STAD-3 qs BPV which keeps a constant differential pressure EF. In the floor heating example, this
E- F+ E- F+ improves control valve authority from 0.44 to 0.61.
V qp V
STAD-1 STAD-1 Balancing procedure fig 11
A tp tp

STAD-3 in the bypass (Fig 11a):

≈0 tr ≈0
1. Open all control valves fully.
B C C 2. Set the STAD-3 to create a pressure loss ∆pEF = ∆pcV+ pressure drop in the
Fig. 11. Secondary pumps induce flow through the distribution network. primary circuit (8+5=13 kPa in our example) for a flow rate qb = (qsc - qpc) in
the bypass. Use the CBI, or the TA nomogram, to find the correct handwheel
If the distribution network is a low pressure loss passive circuit, circulation setting for STAD-3.
may be induced by secondary pumps. 3. Set the STAD-1 to create a pressure loss of 3 kPa for primary design flow. Use
The balancing valve STAD-3 creates a certain differential pressure between F the CBI, or a TA nomogram, to find the correct handwheel setting for STAD-1
and E. This pressure generates the primary flow qp in the control valve V, through 4. Close the control valve V. Adjust to design flow with STAD-2.
FCB and AE. The differential pressure ∆pcEF is obtained for qb= qsc-qpc. This 5. If the primary flow qpc is unknown, calculate it using the formula below.
implies that qsc has to be greater than qpc. When the control valve V is closed, the 6. Open the control valve V. Readjust STAD-3 to obtain qp= qpc measured in
bypass flow qb=qsc and ∆pEF is at its maximum. This is also the differential STAD-1.
pressure applied across the closed control valve V. To obtain a good authority for
this valve, it’s important to avoid big changes in ∆pEF. This means that qpc has to qp = qs (tsc - trc)
be as small as possible compared to qsc. Consequently, this system can only be (tp - trc)
considered if there is a large difference between ts and tp, as for example in floor
The flow through the bypass is given by this formula: BPV in the bypass (Fig 11b):
1. Open all control valves fully.
qb = qs (tp - ts) 2. Set the STAD-1 to create a pressure loss of 3 kPa for qp=qpc. Use the CBI, or a
(tp - tr) TA nomogram, to find the correct handwheel setting for STAD-1.
3. Open STAD-2. Adjust the BPV to obtain design flow in STAD-1.
Assuming that the secondary flow qs is more or less constant, the control valve 4. Adjust STAD-2 to obtain design flow in the secondary.
authority ß’ = ∆pcV/∆pEFmax.

Example: Floor heating with tp = 80°C, ts = 50°C, tr = 45°C and qs = 100. At

full load, qb = 100 (80-50)/(80-45) = 85.7. At this flow, the balancing valve STAD-
3 in the bypass must create a differential pressure that compensates for the pressure
loss of the two-way valve (8 kPa for instance) and of the primary circuit (5 kPa), a
total of 13 kPa. When the two-way valve is closed, at zero load, the flow qb
changes to 100 (assuming that the increase in the pressure loss EF has little effect
on the flow qs) and the pressure loss in the STAD-3 becomes ∆pEFmax = 13 x
(100/85.7)2 = 18 kPa.

18 19
3. Control loops with two-way control valves 3. Control loops with two-way control valves

3.3 Constant primary flow and variable secondary

qp tp ts = tp
qp tp A tp

∆H qb BPV

qb qs

qs tr

Fig. 13. Reducing or increasing the differential pressure applied across coils by
means of a secondary pump.
Fig. 12. A modulating relief valve BPV stabilizes the differential
pressure applied to small units.
When the primary differential pressure is too high or too small for the
When the available differential pressure on the primary is too high for the secondary, the circuit in Fig 13 presents a possible solution. In this circuit, a relief
secondary, the circuit in Fig 12 may be used. valve is used to obtain a minimum flow to protect the pump. STAD-1 is essential to
The setpoint of the BPV can be selected within a range from 8 to 60 kPa. This avoid short-circuiting the primary system.
makes it possible to ensure good working conditions for the coil control valves
(good authority) regardless of variations in the differential pressure ∆H. The BPV
ensures a constant differential pressure between A and B. STAD creates a pressure
loss of (∆H - ∆pBPV).
Balancing procedure fig 13
Balancing procedure fig 12 1. Open all control valves. Close all BPVs.
1. Open all control valves. Close all BPVs. 2. Balance the coils against each other with STAD-2 as the Partner valve (see TA
2. Balance the coils against each other, the branch against other branches and the manual No 2).
riser against other risers (see TA manual No 2). Do this before you proceed to 3. Set the BPV on the maximum permitted differential pressure for the coil control
step 3. valves.
3. Close the control valves of this branch. 4. Close the coil control valves of this branch.
4. Reduce the BPV setpoint slowly until you get back to 2/3 of the design flow in 5. If necessary, reduce the BPV setpoint until you obtain the minimum pump
STAD. flow (see Appendix C).
(See also handbook 4 - appendix 5.5 for complementary explanations). 6. Adjust to primary design flow with STAD-1. Do this as part of the balancing
procedure for the entire primary system (see TA manual No. 2).

20 21
3. Control loops with two-way control valves 4. Control loops with three-way
control valves
3.4 Constant primary and secondary flow
4.1 Variable primary flow and constant
secondary flow
tp qp C tp B ts

Passive primary network
qb A passive primary network is a distribution network without a pump. The
∆H secondary pump pressurizes both the primary and the secondary.


STAD-1 STAD-2 tg ts
D tr A qs
Fig. 14. Constant primary and secondary flows.
G qb
A coil is supplied at constant flow. The supply water temperature is modified
by the two-way control valve V. This temperature has to be adjusted so that ts < tp tr qs
in heating and ts > tp in cooling. The BPV keeps the differential pressure CD
qg D tr
constant. This is the design pressure loss for the control valve V, which has an STAD
authority close to 1 after balancing.
Fig. 15. Mixing circuit associated with a production unit.
Balancing procedure fig 14
1. Open all control valves. Close all BPVs. Fig 15 shows a circuit controlled by a three-way mixing valve. The primary
2. If the primary flow is unknown, calculate it using the formula below. circuit consists of an exchanger, a bypass line or a boiler that can either accept zero
3. Adjust the primary flow with STAD-1. Do this as part of the balancing flow or be equipped with a bypass pump that generates a minimum flow. The three-
procedure for the entire primary system (see TA manual No 2) and before you way valve should be selected for a pressure loss at least equal to that in G, and at
proceed to step 4. least 3 kPa.
4. Close the control valve V.
5. Measure the flow in STAD-1. Reduce the BPV set point slowly until you get
back to 2/3 of the design flow in STAD-1.
6. Adjust the secondary design flow with STAD-2.
Balancing procedure fig 15
(tsc- trc) 1. Open the three-way valve completely.
qp = qs
(tp - trc) 2. Adjust to design flow with STAD.

(See also handbook 4 - appendix 5.5 for complementary explanations).

22 23
4. Control loops with three-way control valves 4. Control loops with three-way control valves

Active primary network
tg tp H ts An active primary network is a distribution system with its own pump.
The primary pump creates a differential pressure which forces the water flow
through the secondary circuits.
G qb2 qb1 STAD-3 C
qp tp ts
tr qs F E
D A L qs
qg tr
qb C

Fig. 16. Mixing circuit with intermediate bypass.

- tr

When the flow qs in the circuit is greater than the design flow through the D C
production unit, a bypass AB insures compatibility between the flows.
The pressure drop created by the STAD-3 , for a water flow qb1 = qsc - qgc, is the
necessary differential pressure to compensate the pressure drops in the STAD-1 + Fig. 17. Mixing valve with differential primary pressure and
G + the 3-way valve. compensation balancing valve.
The pressure drop created by the three-way control valve for the design flow qgc
must be equal or higher than the design pressure drop in G and accessories with a The three-way valve in Fig 17 is supplied by a primary differential pressure
minimum of 3 kPa. ∆H. This pressure may disturb the function of the three-way valve. The water flow
qb in the bypass may reverse and cancel the mixing function of the control valve.
Balancing procedure fig 16 To prevent this, the balancing valve STAD-1 has been installed. The pressure
1. Open the three-way control valve ”V”. loss in STAD-1 should be ∆H for design flow qpc.
2. Calculate the design flow qb1 required in the STAD-3 and the flow qgc in The design pressure loss across the three-way valve must be at least equal to
STAD-1 with formula below. ∆H to give an authority of 0.5. This pressure loss has to be covered by the
3. STAD-3 and STAD-1 are balanced according to the TA Balance method (See secondary pump.
Handbook 2 - version 2).
4. Adjust the flow qs with the STAD-2. Balancing procedure fig 17
1. Close the three-way valve.
2. Adjust to secondary design flow with STAD-2
3. Open the three-way valve.
qgc = qsc (tsc- trc) qb1 = qsc - qgc 4. Continue to measure the flow with STAD-2. Adjust STAD-1 to obtain the same
(tg- trc) flow as in step 2. Do this as part of the balancing procedure for the entire
primary system (see TA manual No 2).

24 25
4. Control loops with three-way control valves 4. Control loops with three-way control valves

tp V2 ts 4.2 Variable primary and secondary flows

∆H qs
Passive primary network
∆p = min
qb C V
tp qs ts
- qp
V1 qp STAD
≈0 qb BPV

Fig. 18. Elimination of the primary differential pressure by means of a pressure controller.

In some plants the three-way valves do not work satisfactorily because of a too + tr
high primary differential pressure. Sometimes a differential pressure controller is STAD
installed to eliminate or reduce this pressure to a reasonable value, as shown in Fig
18. Fig. 19. The three-way valve prepares the water temperature
This is an expensive solution. However, it may be considered if the differential in the distribution system.
pressure controller is used to supply several 3-way valves and when a variable flow
system is required in the distribution. If a constant primary flow is accepted, the The three-way valve controls the secondary water temperature. The two-way
design of figure 20 is better. control valves make the fine tuning of the energy supply by adapting the flow to
the demands.
The three-way valve has an authority close to 1. At low loads, the modulating
relief valve BPV ensures a minimum pump flow, and also reduces the temperature
Balancing procedure fig 18 drop in the pipe line.
1. Close the three-way valve. Note: Below a certain flow, a three-way valve will work with laminar rather
2. Adjust to secondary design flow with STAD. than turbulent flow. Then the three-way valve temporarily loses its basic characte-
3. Adjust the setpoint of the differential pressure controller to a value as low as ristics and the control loop becomes difficult to stabilize. Thus, the minimum flow
possible. controlled by the BPV must be high enough to create a pressure loss of at least
1 kPa in the three way valve.

Balancing procedure fig 19

1. Open all control valves. Close the BPV.
2. Balance the secondary system (see TA manual No 2 ) with STAD as the Partner
3. Close all two-way control valves.
4. Set the BPV to obtain the minimum pump flow (see Appendix C).

26 27
4. Control loops with three-way control valves 4. Control loops with three-way control valves

4.3 Constant primary and secondary flows

qp B ts
Active primary network F
tp qs
V ∆H
qp A ts qbp qbs C

tp qs
qb C tr

Fig. 21. When tsc is not equal to tp, it is better to place the bypass
on the secondary side.
B D tr
When the design temperature tsc is not equal to tp, the circuit in Fig 21 is often
Fig. 20. The balancing valve STAD-1 and the bypass AB, eliminate the primary preferable to that in Fig 20.
differential pressure across the three-way valve. The flow in the control valve is lower in Fig 21 than in Fig 20 (qp instead qs),
thus allowing the use of a smaller three-way valve.
If the primary flow may be constant, it’s simple to avoid a too high differential The authority of the three-way valve is close to 1.
pressure on the primary of a mixing three-way valve. It’s just to install a bypass AB
and to compensate the primary differential pressure with the balancing valve Balancing procedure fig 21
STAD-1. The authority of the three-way valve will then be close to 1. 1. Open the three-way valve.
2. Adjust to secondary design flow with STAD-2.
3. If the primary flow qp is unknown, calculate it using the formula below.
Balancing procedure fig 20 4. Adjust the primary flow with STAD-1. Do this as part of the balancing
1. Open the three-way valve. procedure for the entire primary system (see TA manual No. 2).
2. Adjust to secondary design flow with STAD-2.
3. If the primary flow qp is unknown, calculate it using the formula below.
4. Adjust the primary flow with STAD-1. Do this as part of the balancing qp = qs (tsc - trc)
(tp - trc)
procedure for the entire primary system (see TA manual No. 2).

qp = qs (tsc - trc)
(tp - trc)

28 29
4. Control loops with three-way control valves 4. Control loops with three-way control valves

4.4 Constant primary flow and variable H

secondary flow A B
tp tp

tp tp qp
≈0 qs

∆H qs STAD-3 qb C

STAD-3 qb C

V Fig. 23. Circuit in diversion on a passive distribution.

Fig. 22. A three-way mixing valve in a diverting circuit. If the distribution system is passive (no active differential pressure), there is a
need for a separate pump. This pump can be common to several circuits.
Note: The most important balancing valve is STAD-1. STAD-3 can be omitted
The three-way valve used as a mixing valve in a diverting circuit can supply the if ∆pC < 0.25 H.
coil at variable flow and constant water supply temperature, while keeping primary
flow constant. This way, the three-way valve eliminates interactivity between
circuits on the primary side. Balancing procedure fig 23
The three-way valve should create a design pressure loss equal to or greater 1. Open all three-way valves.
than the pressure loss in circuit C to ensure an authority of at least 0,5. 2. Adjust to design flow with STAD-1. Do this as part of the balancing procedure
Note: The most important balancing valve is the STAD-1. STAD-3 can be for the entire primary system (see TA manual No 2) and before you proceed to
omitted if ∆pC < 0.25 ∆H. step 3.
3. Close all three-way valves.
4. Measure the flow in STAD-1. Adjust to design flow with STAD-3.
Balancing procedure fig 22
1. Open all three-way valves.
2. Adjust to design flow with STAD-1. Do this as part of the balancing procedure
for the entire primary system (see TA manual No 2) and before you proceed to
step 3.
3. Close the three-way valve.
4. Measure the flow in STAD-1. Adjust to design flow with STAD-3.

30 31
5. Control loops compared 5. Control loops compared

5.1 Active primary network

ts ∆pV > ∆H/2 *
Variable primary water flow ∆H ∆pSTAD = ∆H -∆pV - ∆pC
C 1
ß' = ∆pV / ∆H
Variable secondary water flow Constant secondary water flow tr q
ts q ∆pV > (∆H - ∆pBPV)/2 *
2 way 5 2 way 8 - 9 - 10 ∆H ∆pV ∆pSTAD > 3 kPa
3 way 19 3 way 17 - 18 C 2 ∆pBPV = ∆H - ∆pV - ∆pC - ∆p STAD

tr ß' = ∆pV / ( ∆H - ∆pBPV)

Constant primary water flow
∆H ∆pV > Min STAP set point ≥10 kPa
Variable secondary water flow Constant secondary water flow C
3 ∆pSTAM (STAD) ≥ 3 kPa
ß' close to one
2 way 12 - 13 2 way 14

3 way 22 3 way 20 - 21 tp
q s < qp

∆pV > ∆H/2 *

Same functions obtained with two way or three way control valves.
qb BPV
∆pSTAD-1 = ∆H -∆pV

ß' = ∆pV / ∆H
B tr
qp qs

tp STAD-1
A ts
ts = tp
qs < qp
qb BPV
∆pV > ∆H/2 *
V t2 t1
qs ∆pSTAD-1 = ∆H -∆pV
B tr
∆T ß' = ∆pV / ∆H

tp qp A ts = tp
ts = tp

∆pV > ∆H/2 *

7 ∆pSTAD-1 = ∆H - ∆pV - ∆p STAD-2
ß' = ∆pV / ∆H
B tr

Variable primary and secondary water flows.

Variables are represented by their design values - Values
recommended (*).
32 33
5. Control loops compared 5. Control loops compared

tp B q s < qp qp tp A tp

qp V
∆pV > ∆H/2 * ts = tp
qb C 8 ∆pSTAD-1 = ∆H -∆pV
tr tr
BPV 12
ß' = ∆pV / ∆H
A qs = ct qb
STAD-1 STAD-2 ∆pSTAD-1 = ∆H -∆pBPV
tp B qs < qp
qp V ∆pV > ∆H/2 *
qp tp ts = tp
qb C 9
∆pSTAD-1 = ∆H -∆pV
tr tr ts = tp
ß' = ∆pV / ∆H
A qs = ct qb BPV
+ qp tp ts
∆pSTAD-1 = ∆H
L qs ∆pV > ∆H * qs
qb C
17 ∆pSTAD-1 = ∆H
tp tp
ts = tp
- tr
ß' = ∆pV / ( ∆pV + ∆pH )
∆H qs
STAD-2 ∆pV > ∆pC *
STAD-3 qb C
22 ∆pSTAD-3 = ∆pC
tp V2 ts
∆pV1 > ∆H/2 * qp ∆pSTAD-1 = ∆H - ∆pV - ∆pC
∆H STAD-1 qs
∆pV2 > 3 kPa * tr
STAD-1 ß' = ∆pV / ( ∆pV + ∆pC )
∆p= min
qb C 18 ∆pSTAD-1 = ∆H - ∆pV1 V

V1 qp STAD-2
tr ß'V1 = ∆pV1 / (∆H - ∆p ) Constant primary water flow and variable secondary water flow.
Variables are represented by their design values - Values
recommended (*).
Variable primary water flow and constant secondary water flow.
Variables are represented by their design values - Values
recommended (*).

34 35
5. Control loops compared 5. Control loops compared

tp qp
tp ts
5.2 Passive primary network
qs > qp
qb qp < q s
∆H ∆pV > 8 kPa qp tp qs
∆pSTAD-3 =
BPV C 14 ∆p
V q
b ∆p1 + ∆pV + ∆pSTAD-1
∆pSTAD-1 = ∆H -∆pBPV
- + STAD-3 (11a) ∆pSTAD-1 ≥ 3 kPa *
STAD-1 STAD-2 L>10 d
tr ∆pV ≥ ∆pSTAD-3 / 2 *
ß' = ∆pV / ∆pBPV
D tr A qs STAD-1 STAD-2
ß' = ∆pV/∆pSTAD-3max

qp < q s
V qs
qg A ts ∆pV > 3 kPa * ∆pBPV =
tp V ts
tg qs ∆p1 + ∆pV + ∆pSTAD-1
∆pSTAD-1 = ∆H (11b) ∆pSTAD-1 ≥ 3 kPa *
qb C 20 L>10 d
tr ∆pV ≥ ∆pSTAD-3 / 2 *

ß' = 1 STAD-1 STAD-2 ß' = ∆pV/∆pBPV

B D tr
qp V qs
tp ts

qg B ts ∆pV > ∆p1 *

∆pV > 3 kPa * qb
tg qs ß' = ∆pV / (∆pV + ∆p1)
L>10 d
qbp qbs C ∆pSTAD-1 = ∆H - ∆pV
tg V tp ts
A tr ß' = 1 qg
STAD-1 STAD-2 qp < q s
V qb1
∆pV > ∆p1 *
L>10 d ß' = ∆pV / (∆pV + ∆p1)
Constant primary and secondary water flows. STAD-1 STAD-2
Variables are represented by their design values - Values ∆p= 0 tr qp qs tr
recommended (*).

Variable primary water flow and constant secondary water flow.

Variables are represented by their design values - Values
recommended (*).

36 37
Appendix A
Appendix A The authority of two-way control valves
The authority of two-way control valves 100
Water flow %
Water flow %

80 1
0. 80
A.1 The incomplete definition of valve authority


60 0. 0.
1 b=

The static characteristic of a control valve is defined for a constant differential 50


pressure across the valve. But this pressure is rarely constant in a plant. Therefore, 40
the real characteristic of a control valve is not the same as the theoretical one. 30

When the control valve is fully open, the differential pressure ∆pmin is equal to 20

the available differential pressure minus pressure losses in terminal unit, pipes and Valve lift h%
Valve lift h%
accessories. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
When the control valve is closed, pressure losses in the other elements
Distortion of a linear valve characteristic Distortion of the “EQM”
disappear since the flow is zero. The entire available differential pressure as a function of its authority. characteristic of a valve as a function
∆Hmax=∆pmax is then applied across the control valve. of its authority.
But the control valve is sized based on ∆pmin since it is at this pressure loss
The lower the authority, the bigger the distortion of the theoretical valve
the design flow is to be obtained (fully open valve).
When the valve is near its closed position, the real flow is higher than the Consider a valve with a linear characteristic, designed to obtain the design flow
theoretical since the differential pressure is greater than ∆pmin. The theoretical exactly at full opening, but with a fairly low authority of 0.1. At a 10% valve lift,
characteristic is distorted. The degree of this distortion depends on the ratio ∆pmin/ the flow in the circuit is about 30%.
∆pmax. Suppose that the terminal unit is a heating coil with a design temperature drop
This ratio is the control valve authority. of 10K. Then 30% of the water flow produces 80% of the design power.
The final result is that the coil output is 80% of the design power at a control
∆p min valve lift of only 10%. Under these conditions there is little hope to obtain stable
β= control. The situation would be even worse if, for the same authority, the control
. ∆p max valve was oversized!
An authority of 0.5 is acceptable since it does not greatly deform the valve
characteristic. In other words, the pressure loss at design flow in a fully open
control valve must be equivalent to at least half the available differential pressure.
Note that the design flow does not appear in the definition of valve authority.
The differential pressure
The curves in the figures above are plotted assuming design flow when the
applied to the control valve control valve is fully open. But that is rarely the case in practice, since it is difficult
depends on its degree of to avoid a certain degree of oversizing.
opening. When a control valve is oversized, ∆pmin is reduced, assuming constant
∆pmax. Thus, the control valve authority is also reduced. The theoretical valve
characteristic will be heavily distorted and control becomes difficult at small loads.
However, an oversized control valve can have a good authority. If the differen-
tial pressure applied to a circuit is doubled, ∆pmin and ∆pmax increase in the same
proportion and the authority remains unchanged, although there’s now an overflow
in the circuit.
What, then, will happen to the valve authority in a circuit exposed to a variable
differential pressure?
Then ∆pmax and ∆pmin will vary simultaneously in the same proportions. The
valve authority ß thus remains constant.
However, the valve characteristic is deformed, despite the fact that the
authority ß is the same.
Therefore, the authority as defined above, does not give enough information
about the real distortion of the valve characteristic.
38 39
Appendix A Appendix A
The authority of two-way control valves The authority of two-way control valves

A.2 The correct definition of valve authority ß’ q%

c- Without BV
We get a more coherent definition of the authority if we relate the pressure loss 120
in the control valve for design flow to the maximum pressure loss in the valve: 110
100 b- With BV
∆p across the fully open control valve and design flow
β' = 80
∆p valve shut 70
a- Theoretical
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Influence on the control valve characteristic through

limiting the maximum flow by a balancing valve.

Can a balancing valve be put in series with a control valve?

A control valve with exactly the calculated Kv-value is usually not available on
the market. Consequently, the installed valve is more or less oversized. During start
up after night setback, when most control valves are open, the overflow in favoured
units creates underflows in others. It’s therefore essential that the flow through the
control valve is limited by a balancing valve.
Flow as a function of valve lift when the
circuit supply pressure varies with The figure above shows how this type of limitation influences the control valve
constant authority ß. characteristic. Without a balancing valve, the overflow in the fully open control
valve will be 22% and its authority ß = 0.5 according to the conventional definition
of valve authority. But this is a rather misleading information about the authority,
The figure shows that the authority ß’ takes into account the distortion of the since the flow is wrong.
valve characteristic. This is not true for the authority ß according to the
conventional definition. The authority ß’ = 0.34 indicates the real distortion of the valve characteristic.
The two authority factors relate to each other according to the formula below
( Sq is the overflow factor): The authority ß’ is the same with or without the balancing valve, and depends
mainly on the initial choice of control valve.
β = (Sq )2 . β'
By installing a balancing valve, we can obtain the correct water flow under
Sq ≥ 1 with the valve open. When the maximum flow is equal to design flow, ß= ß’. design conditions and improve the control valve characteristic.

40 41
Appendix A Appendix A
The authority of two-way control valves The authority of two-way control valves

A.3 Sizing of control valves

∆p (bar), q (m3/h) ∆p (kPa), q (l/s) ∆p (mm WG), q (l/h) ∆p (kPa), q (l/h)
The Kv factor.
A control valve creates a complementary pressure loss in the circuit to limit the q = Kv ∆p q = Kv ∆p q = 10 Kv ∆p q = 100 Kv ∆p
water flow to the required value. The water flow depends on the differential q 2 2 q 2
2 q
pressure applied to the valve: ∆p = ( qKV) (
∆p = 36 KV ) (
∆p = 0.1
KV ) (
∆p ≈ 0.01 KV )
∆p × 1000
q = Kv q q q q
ρ Kv = Kv = 36 Kv = 0.1 Kv = 0.01
∆p ∆p ∆p
Kv is the valve flow factor. ∆p

Some formulas involving the flow, Kv and ∆p (p = 1000 kg/m3).

p is the density. For water, p =1000 kg/m3 at 4°C and p = 970 at 80°C.
q is the liquid flow in m3/h.
In addition, pumps and terminal units are often oversized for the same reason. This
∆p is the differential pressure expressed in bars. means that control valves frequently have to work near their closed position,
resulting in unstable control. It is also possible that these valves periodically open
The maximum Kv value (Kvs) is obtained when the valve is fully open. This to a maximum, definitely during start up, creating an overflow in their unit and
value corresponds to the water flow expressed in m3/h, for a differential pressure of underflows in other units. We should therefore ask the question:
1 bar.
The control valve is selected so that its Kvs value will give design flow for the What to do if the control valve is oversized?
differential pressure available when the valve is working under design conditions. We have already seen that we usually can’t find exactly the control valve that
It is not easy to determine the Kvs needed for a control valve since the available we want.
differential pressure for the valve depends on many factors: Take the case of a 2000 watt coil, designed for a temperature drop of 20 K. Its
• The actual pump head. pressure loss is 6 kPa for the design flow of 2000 x 0.86/20 = 86 l/h. If the
• Pressure losses in pipes and accessories. available differential pressure is 32 kPa and pressure losses in pipes and accessories
• Pressure losses in terminal units. are 4 kPa, the difference is 32 - 6 - 4 = 22 kPa which must be applied across the
These pressure losses also depend on the precision with which balancing is control valve.
done. The required Kvs value is 0.183.
During the design of the plant, the theoretically correct values for pressure If the lowest available Kvs value is 0.25, for example, the flow will be 104 l/h
losses and flows for various components are calculated. But components with instead of the desired 86 l/h, an increase by 21%.
exactly the specified properties are rarely available. The installer must normally In variable-flow systems, differential pressures applied to terminal units are
select standard values for pumps, control valves and terminal units. variable since pressure losses in pipes depend on the flow. Control valves are
Control valves, for instance, are available with Kvs values which increase in a selected for design conditions. At low loads, the maximum potential flow in all
geometric progression, called a Reynard series: units is increased and there is no risk of creating underflows in some units. Under
design conditions, and when maximum load is required, it's essential to avoid
Kvs: 1.0 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.3 10 16 ..... overflows.

Each value is about 60% greater than the previous value. a- Flow limitation by means of a balancing valve in series
It is unusual to find a control valve that creates exactly the desired pressure loss If the flow in the open control valve under design conditions is greater than the
for design flow. If, for instance, a control valve that creates a pressure loss of 10 required value, a balancing valve in series can be used to limit this flow. This does
kPa for the design flow is needed, it may occur that the valve with the nearest not change the real authority of the control valve, and we even improve its
higher Kvs value creates a pressure loss of only 4 kPa, while the valve with the characteristic (see figure page 41). The balancing valve is also a diagnostic tool and
nearest lower Kvs value creates a pressure loss of 26 kPa for design flow. a shut-off valve.
42 43
Appendix A Appendix A
The authority of two-way control valves The authority of two-way control valves
ts Some rules of thumb.
When two-way control valves are used on terminal units, most control valves
will be closed or almost closed at low loads. Since water flows are small, pressure
C losses in pipes and accessories are negligible. The entire pump head is applied
STAD across the control valves, which must then be able to resist this pressure. This
increase in the differential pressure makes control difficult at small flows, since the
tr q real valve authority ß’ is reduced greatly.

A balancing valve limits the flow in the control valve Assume that a control valve is designed for a pressure loss of 4% of the pump
without changing its authority ß’ head. If the plant works at small flow, the differential pressure across this control
valve increases from 4 to almost 100%. The differential pressure is thus multiplied
b - Reduction of the maximum valve lift by 25. For the same valve opening, all flows are then multiplied by 5 (√25 = 5).
To compensate for oversizing of a control valve, the valve opening may be
limited. This solution can be considered for Equal percentage characteristic valves, The valve is forced to work near its closed position. This may result in noise
since the maximum Kv value can be significantly reduced with a reasonable and hunting (under these new working conditions, the valve is oversized five
reduction in the maximum opening. If the degree of opening is reduced by 20%, times).
the maximum Kv value is reduced by 50%.
In practice, balancing is carried out by means of balancing valves in series with This is why some authors recommend that the plant is designed so that the
fully open control valves. The balancing valves are then adjusted in each circuit design pressure loss in the control valves is at least 25% of the pump head. Then, at
successively in order to give a pressure loss of 3 kPa at the design flow. low loads, flow oversizing of control valves does not exceed a factor 2.
The control valve lift is then limited to create 3 kPa in the balancing valve. It’s not always possible to find control valves capable of resisting such large
Since the plant is and remains balanced, the flow is therefore actually obtained differential pressure without generating noise. It is also difficult to find valves small
under design conditions. enough to satisfy the above criterion when low power terminal units are used.
Then, differential pressure variations in the plant should be limited, for example by
c- Flow reduction using a ∆p control valve in series. the use of secondary pumps.
The differential pressure across the control valve can be stabilized according to Taking this additional concept into consideration, the sizing of a two-way
figure below. control valve must satisfy the following conditions:

1. When the plant operates under normal conditions, the flow in the fully open
control valve must be the calculated flow. If the flow is greater than this, a
H balancing valve in series will limit the flow. An authority of 0.30 is then acceptable
for a PI type controller. If the authority is lower, the control valve should be
replaced for a smaller one.
2. The pump head should be such that the pressure loss in the two-way control
STAP STAM (STAD) valves can be selected to be at least 25% of this pump head.

A ∆p controller keeps constant the differential pressure across the control valve For On-Off controllers, the authority concept is meaningless since the control
valve is either open or closed. Its characteristic is therefore not very important. In
The set point of the differential pressure control valve STAP is chosen to obtain this case the flow is limited, with no fundamental restriction, by a balancing valve
the design flow for the control valve fully open. In this case, the control valve is in series.
never oversized and its authority is kept close to one. Balancing procedure is
described on page 10.

44 45
Appendix B Appendix B
The authority of three-way control valves
The authority of three-way control valves

B.1 In mixing function The valve VE represents the control port. Its pressure drop for the design flow
= ∆pV. If the circuit flow qs is constant, the pump pressure head H is constant, as
A three-way valve used in mixing can supply a circuit at constant flow and are pressure losses in the circuit. The result is that the pressure difference ∆pDC is
variable inlet water temperature. constant. This pressure difference is applied to valve VE when it is closed. By
The primary water at temperature tp is mixed with the return water at tempera- definition, the valve authority is given by the ratio ∆p (valve open) to ∆p (valve
ture tr in the necessary proportion to obtain the required mix temperature ts. closed). Thus:

ß' = ∆pV = ∆pV
tp ts
E C ∆pDC ∆pV+ ∆pG

G qb This authority is equal to 0.5 or more if ∆pV > or = ∆pG. This means that the
pressure loss across the three-way valve must be at least equal to the pressure loss
in the variable flow circuit G, including the pipes.
tr qs
The circuit below gives a constant flow in the production unit and the three-
qp D tr way valve authority is close to 1.
Three way valve in mixing function. STAD-1 A H ts

When port E opens, port L closes in the same proportion. The third common qg L
port remains open. When port E is closed, the three-way valve is closed and no
G qb C
energy can be extracted from the primary. The temperature ts is then equal to tr
which gradually reaches the mean temperature of the room.
The balancing valve STAD-2 can adjust the flow to the required value. In qp qs
principle, a hydraulic resistance equal to that of G must be created in the bypass by tr tr
means of STAD-3 in order to give the same water flow qs regardless of whether the
three-way valve is open or closed. In this case, the three-way valve is balanced. A bypass AB and a primary pump can give a constant production flow and
a three-way valve authority close to 1.
The authority of the three-way valve.
We will replace the three-way valve by two two-way valves working in opposi-
tion. We will then obtain the same mixing function. In fact, the three-way valve draws from and discharges into the bypass AB
which actually forms a virtual production unit with no pressure loss. In this case
tp C qs H ts the authority of the three-way valve is:

VE ∆pV
ß' = ∆pV + ∆pDBAE
G qb VL C

tr qp qs Since ∆pDBAE is low, the authority of the control valve is close to 1.

D tr
A three-way valve can be represented by two two-way valves working in opposition.

46 47
Appendix B
Appendix B
The authority of three-way control valves
The authority of three-way control valves

B.2 In diverting function

When used in diverting function, a three-way valve can supply a circuit at
Three-way valves are usually designed to perform a mixing function: two
variable flow and constant water supply temperature while keeping the primary
inputs and one output. Their use in diverting function with one input and two
flow practically constant.
outputs will generate water circulation through the valve in the direction opposite
V to the planned. For some valves, this reversal may lead to a significant increase in
ts E ts the noise level and a valve chattering phenomenon.

∆H L qs

STAD-3 qb C
tp tp

∆H qs

tr STAD-3 qb C

Diverting valve mounted in a diverting circuit. qp

The primary flow is transferred through port E or bypassed through port L. In

principle, it’s constant. The balancing valve STAD-1 located in the constant-flow tr
pipe, limits the flow by creating a constant pressure loss. V
Diverting circuit using a three way mixing valve
Since the three-way valve in a distribution circuit is used to keep the primary
flow constant to avoid interactivity between circuits, it would be logical to take This is why a diverting function with a three-way mixing valve is obtained by
whatever action is necessary to ensure that this purpose is actually satisfied. placing the valve in the return circuit as shown in the figure. This then provides the
This is done by placing a balancing valve STAD-3 in the bypass in order to same function, while respecting the water circulation direction through the valve.
create a pressure drop equivalent to that of C for the same flow. In this way, the In both cases the valve authority is:
primary flow is unchanged if port E or port L is fully open since the hydraulic
resistances in series with these ports have the same value. ∆pV
ß' = ∆pV + ∆pC
The most important balancing valve is this STAD-1. STAD-3 can be omitted if
∆pC is lower than 0.25 times ∆H.
To obtain an authority of at least 0.5, the pressure loss in the three-way valve
must be equal to or greater than the pressure loss in the terminal unit C.

48 49
Appendix C Appendix D

How to set the BPV to ensure the minimum pump flow Definitions
Authority: See Appendix A two-way valves and Appendix B three-way valves in
In some cases a BPV modulating relief valve is installed to ensure a minimum this manual.
flow to protect the pump, as in the figure. Automatic: Anything that executes specific operations without human interven-
If this minimum flow is for instance 10% of design flow, the pressure loss in tion.
the balancing valve STAD-2 is only 1% of the pressure loss at design flow. Balancing: Measurement and control process to obtain the required flows in
Normally, this is a far too low value to allow precise measurement. So how can we hydraulic circuits.
measure such a small flow as qsmin?
Circuit: A number of hydraulic components connected by piping forming a
The following method can be used: continuous and closed path through which a fluid, normally transporting energy,
can circulate.
a) Find out which handwheel setting of STAD-2 that will create 3 kPa for the
minimum pump flow qsmin, for instance 10% of design flow. Use the CBI, Compatibility: Two circuits are hydraulically compatible if water flows in each
or a TA nomogram, to find the correct setting. circuit are matched to obtain the required temperatures.
Control loop: A closed loop including a sensor, controller, actuator and a
b) Adjust STAD-2 to this setting temporarily. Close the two-way control controlled system, in order to keep the controlled physical variable at a set value.
valves. Design value: The plant is calculated in certains conditions with specific values for
the controlled variables, outdoor conditions, supply and return water temperatures.
c) Open the BPV slowly until you obtain the minimum pump flow qsmin in Those values, used to calculate the plant, are the design values; they are identified
STAD-2. by a subscript “c” (values used for calculations).
Differential pressure: The pressure difference measured between two points.
d) Reopen STAD-2 to its preset position.
EQM: Equal percentage valve characteristic modified to avoid discontinuity of
flow near the shut position.
When the coil control valves close and the flow qs goes below the specified Indoor climate: The indoor climate in a room is defined by a set of physical
minimum flow qsmin, the BPV opens. The BPV then bypasses a flow qsmin for as variables (ambient temperature, radiating surface temperatures, circulating air
long as the flow qs in the coil control valves remains below qsmin. speeds, relative humidity) which in combination give a sensation of comfort or
qp tp ts = tp Instability: A control loop is said to be unstable if the controlled variable
permanently oscillates without finding an equilibrium position. Except at extreme
loads (zero or maximum), an On-Off controller is essentially unstable.
∆H Interactivity: Two circuits are said to be interactive when variation of the water
flow in one modifies the water flow in the other.
qb BPV
Interface: The point at which two circuits meet, and where there is generally an
energy exchange. The two circuits are generally distinguished by calling one the
primary circuit and the other the secondary circuit. In principle, energy is transfer-
qs red from the primary circuit to the secondary circuit under normal operating
Pressure drop: The loss of pressure determined by friction in pipes or in any other
element through which a fluid circulates.
This method is only applicable if the flow measurement device is of the
variable orifice type, as the STAD balancing valve.

50 51
Appendix D

Pump head: Differential pressure generated by a pump and applied to a circuit to

create a forced circulation of water or another fluid. It is normally expressed as a
head of liquid.

Relief valve: An automatic pressure relieving valve that opens in proportion to the
increase in pressure over the setpoint. It may perform one, two or three of the
following functions: (1) stabilize the differential pressure across the control valves,
(2) ensure a minimum flow to protect the pump, and (3) limits the temperature drop
or rise in the pipes.

Set value: Used in a control loop and selected, normally by the User, to achieve a
given purpose. The controller is required to maintain this physical variable as close
as possible to the set value, despite the various disturbances which may influence
the controlled system.

Temperature drop or rise: The difference in fluid temperature, measurable

between the supply pipe and the return pipe for a terminal or for a production unit,
or more generally any temperature difference between two points in the plant.

Terminal (terminal unit): Any device which directly or indirectly transmits heat
or cold into a room (radiator, heating or cooling coil).

Total balancing: A general concept designed to produce optimum indoor climatic

conditions by applying a dynamic procedure to the hydraulics, which is one of the
optimization factors; this procedure includes five steps:
1. Make sure that the control concept is compatible with the hydraulic design.
2. Choose suitable controllers and control valves with correct characteristics.
3. Make sure that control valves always operate under reasonable working
4. Obtain required flows in terminal units under design conditions and potentially
at least these flows under other conditions.
5. Guarantee flow compatibility at all interfaces.

Total pressure: Sum of the static pressure and the dynamic pressure at the point

Valve characteristic: This is the relation set up between the water flow through
the valve and the valve lift, assuming that the differential pressure across the valve
remains constant. The flow and the lift are expressed as a percent of their maxi-
mum value.


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