Knox December 1, 2013 Service Bulletin

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PHOTO DIRECTORY Picture directories are now available.

If you had your picture taken or submitted a photo, your free directory will be available in the Narthex today following the service. SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE Coffee Hour is held every unday morning !"#$%" the worship service in the Narthex. Come out for some hot chocolate, tea and coffee&..could be some cookies there as well' (his time of fellowship is prepared by volunteers ) we are in need of volunteers for *ecember, +anuary, ,pril and +une. If you are able to help with this, please contact ,nne -arie Pauli at ./0123/143/5. OFFERING ENVELOPES 6e will be making a slight change for next year with the offering envelopes. Please contact hannon ,rcher 7speak to her at church or email her at shannon.wendell8rogers.com9. hannon would like to know the following: 7/9 do you wish to have offering envelopes 7yes or no9 and 729 if you would like envelopes, do you want them for weekly, monthly or ;uarterly offerings. PERTH COUNTY PLAYERS (Community Theat e !o the Lo"e o! it#$ A Christmas Carol ) by Charles *ickens tratford City Hall ,uditorium *ecember ., 4, < 3 at 3:=> p.m. *ecember / < 3 at 2:>> p.m. (ickets: ?2> and available online or at inclair Pharmacy $ur own u@anne trahan is the -usic *irector of this production' ,s well, other members of our Anox family involved are: Aristen Aeller, ,aron Aropf, -ax Bongfield and tewart %obertson. Plan to attend one of these wonderful performances' #or information, talk to one of the people participating. MIL% &AGS ,t this point in time, milk bags are no longer being collected. (hanks Mini'te ( %ev. -ark Cedcke ./0 .3. 55/3 or by email at Di e)to o! Mu'i)( u@anne trahan O!!i)e A*mini't ato ( Aathy !aker T ea'u e ( hannon ,rcher O!!i)e( +,-./0,.1202 OFFICE HOURS -am. NOON Tue'*ay th ou3h F i*ay

%NO4 PRES&YTERIAN CHURCH De)em5e ,6 /1,2 ,,(11 am -inister: %ev -ark Cedcke Cuest $rganist: -ichel ,llard 1st Sunday in Advent Hope P e7a ation !o 8o 'hi7 ) Prayer, -editation and Disiting P e9u*e( 8e9)ome an* Announ)ement' CALL TO 8ORSHIP( Beader: In anticipation we gather. Peo79e( 8ith e:7e)tation ;e ;ait6 Beader: 6e gather to hear Cood News. Peo79e( O7en ou ea ' an* hea t'6 O Go*6 that ;e may hea ;ith <oy the ;o * you '7ea=> Beader: In this spirit let our praise begin. Peo79e( Let ou 7 aye ' 5e 9i!te*> Beader: Bet our celebration bring new life. 7+ack !allantine1*ickson, /05., 6orship for ,ll easons, Dolume /, ed. by (homas Harding, (he Enited Church Publishing House9 OPENING HYMN( F //5 Hark the Clad ound PRAYER OF ADORATION6 CONFESSION ? THE LORD@S PRAYER $ur #ather in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Cive us today our daily bread. #orgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. ave us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. #or the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever. ,men PASSING OF THE PEACE( Beader: (he Peace of Christ be with you Congregation: And also with you. ANTHEM( +ust 6hen 6e (ruly Needed Peace ) !eall < Carter CHILDREN@S HYMN( F /2G People in *arkness CHILDREN@S TIME SCRIPTURE READING(

Psalm /22 %omans /=://1/G SERMON( , Healthy tart OFFERING OFFERTORY( OFFERTORY PRAISE( F 5=> Praise Cod #rom 6hom ,ll !lessings #low OFFERING PRAYER 7together9 Cracious Cod, may generosity be our watchword as we offer this money: the generosity of gifts presentedH the generosity of faith sharedH the generosity of hope declared. !less our giving through the generous pirit of +esus. ,men 7*avid parks, /00/, 6orship for ,ll easons, Dolume /, ed. by (homas Harding, (he Enited Church Publishing House9 COMMUNION HYMN( F .=> I Come 6ith +oy INVITATION THE GREAT PRAYER OF THAN%SGIVING F .4G COMMUNION CLOSING HYMN( F //4 Hark' , (hrilling Doice is ounding &ENEDICTION POSTLUDE( Chu )h O7enin3 To*ay an* Ne:t 8ee=( (im Pauli U'he ' thi' ;ee=( ean %aleigh, +ohn 6aldie, Baird Christie < !ill #orbes U'he ' ne:t ;ee=( *ale < Bynn !ast, Aaren avelle, %on Cray A*"ent Rea*e ( Divian Harding G eete ' thi' ;ee=: 6endell < hannon ,rcher G eete ' ne:t ;ee=( Charles < -argaret Bupton Co!!ee( *oug < Aathy !aker CHRISTMAS EVE RECEPTION

Please consider bringing a few of your Christmas treats for this event. Iou can leave them in the !an;uet Hall kitchen on unday, *ecember 22 or during the morning of (uesday, *ecember 2Gth. -ark them JChristmas "veK. (hank you THE ALLEY (he ,lley is in need of the following items: 1 winter boots for both men and women 1 mitts and gloves for men, women and children Check your closets for things you arenLt wearing and we will be happy to sell them.

OUR YOUTH GROUP CELE&RATES CHRISTMAS (he Iouth Croup meets again on unday, *ecember /.th from 4 to 5 p.m. in the ban;uet hall. (his time we will be making ama@ing Christmas cookies to share with our families. Cames will also be in abundance' If you would like to learn more, speak to one of the leaders: hannon ,rcher, 6endell ,rcher, -ark Cedcke, Heather Hislop, arah Hislop. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING (here will be a congregational meeting on Sunday, December 8th, immediately following worship to deal with the election of elders to our ession. (he meeting will take place in the sanctuary. (he members being recommended by ession to be elected as elders are: 6endell ,rcher, +im *ougall, Divian Harding, !ev Hider and Bori peiran. SPECIAL NOTE FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL December 8th Dress Rehearsal following Church until 1: ! ".m. Children will be fed lunch at the Church. Please plan on having the children stay after Church this week. December 1#th $unday $chool Christmas Concert Children are to arrive by />:G. a.m. and come to the unday chool area to get into their costumes.

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