Sunday, April 27, 2014 - Knox Bulletin

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GRIEF SHARE Matthew 5:4

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. The Stratford Christian Reformed Church has extended an invitation to partner and participate with them to offer GriefShare. Their next session will be in on September !" !#$4 and run until Christmas. GriefShare is a la% ministr% of healin for those experiencin rief: at the present time or in the past. &t is a 'ible based" non( denominational" la% ministr% available throu hout the world. &t is a rief recover% seminar support roup of encoura ement. )ach session is a confidential" video(based pro ram with discussion. To learn more about this ministr%" please lo on to www. riefshare.or Their information evenin for interested individuals is as follows: *ate: Tuesda%" Ma% !#" !#$4 +lace: Stratford Christian Reformed Church $,# -thlone Cres." Stratford" ./ Time: 0:## p.m. RS1+ to confirm %our attendance 2or for more information3 4 5%66e 1an *runen 5$,(!0$(0$47 or 5inda 'rouwer 5$,(!05(!50#. GOLFERS WANTED! .n 8une $!" !#$4" Stratford 9 *istrict Christian School will be havin their annual fundraisin olf tournament" at the Stratford Golf and Countr% Club. &f %ou are a serious olfer or :ust want to en:o% a da% on the course for a ood cause" call5$,(!0$(##5$ to re ister %ourself or a team of four. -fterwards" en:o% a li ht meal and pri;e iveawa%s< TRIBUTE TO BRIAN Music came from his soul.. An evening celebrating a dear friend and the music he made. When: Saturda%" Ma% $#" !#$4 Time: 0:## p.m. Where: St. Mar%s +resb%terian Church $40 =idder Street" )ast >reewill .fferin oes towards a Music Scholarship in 'rian?s name. Minister: Rev. Mar6 Gedc6e 5$,(505(@@$0 or b% email at m Director of M sic: Su;anne Strahan Office A!ministr"tor: Bath% 'a6er Tre"s rer: Shannon -rcher Office: #$%&'($&)*(* 6noxsAwi OFFI+E HOURS %"m& $,m T es!"- thro .h Fri!"-

/NO0 1RESB2TERIAN +HUR+H A,ri3 '(4 ')$5 $$:)) "m Minister: Rev. Mar6 Gedc6e Music *irector 4 Su;anne Strahan PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP ( +ra%er" Meditation and 1isitin PRELUDE: & *anced in the Mornin 4 $,th centur% Sha6er" adapted b% S. Carter" settin b% *.). =a ner

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS +ALL TO WORSHI1: 5eader: God" be present to us as we are present to %ou 1eo,3e: "n! he"r o r ,r"-ers 5eader: 'efore God and all of creation" & stand before %ou as someone see6in repentance. 1eo,3e: Before Go! "n! "33 of cre"tion4 6e st"n! 7efore -o "s ,eo,3e see8in. Go!9 5eader: To ether" let us stand before God 1eo,3e: se"rchin. for re,ent"nce in the ,resence of Go!9 5eader: Come let us worship. 2Sand% >er uson" Strathearn C.C." )dmonton" -lta." Gatherin " Resources for =orship +lanners" The Cnited Church of Canada3 O1ENING H2MN: D!55 /ow let the vault of heaven resound 1RA2ERS OF THE 1EO1LE AND THE LORD:S 1RA2ER .ur >ather in heaven" hallowed be %our name" %our 6in dom come" %our will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us toda% our dail% bread. >or ive us our sins as we for ive those who sin a ainst us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. >or the 6in dom" the power and the lor% are %ours now and forever. -men 1ASSING OF THE 1EA+E: 5eader: The +eace of Christ be with %ou Congregation: And also wit !o". ANTHEM: -s the *eer 4 /%strom" arr. =a ner

+HILDREN:S H2MN: D!54 8esus is risen from the rave +HILDREN:S TIME

S+RI1TURE READING: +salm $E 8ohn !#:$,(E$ SERMON: *oubt and >aith H2MN: D!57 /ow the reen blade rises OFFERING OFFERTOR2: &ona 'oat Son 4 arr. 8ac6 /oble =hite

OFFERTOR2 1RAISE: D77$ =e ive thee but thine own 2v. $9!3 1RA2ER OF DEDI+ATION 2to ether3 Gracious God" we ive of our time" our talent" and our financial resources to help in the transformation of the world to a place that is more pleasin in God?s si ht 4 a place overflowin with stories of new life and hope as people face the challen es that lie before them. This we as6 in 8esus? name. -men 2-llan =arren" St. Geor e C.C." St. Geor e" ./" Gatherin " Resources for =orship +lanners" The Cnited Church of Canada3 H2MN: D!5! Fe is 5ord 2sin throu h twice3 1RA2ERS OF THE 1EO1LE +LOSING H2MN: D!4@ -t the dawnin of salvation BENEDI+TION 1OSTLUDE: Crown Fim =ith Man% Crowns 4 *avid F. Fe art%

+h rch O,enin. To!"-: Tim +auli +h rch O,enin. Ne;t Wee8: Tim +auli Ushers this 6ee8: *ale 9 5%nn 'ast" *iane +ar6er" Baren Savelle Ushers ne;t 6ee8: Richard 'ast" Mi6e 9 Cath% 'achner" 8ohn =aldie Greeters this 6ee8: Charles 9 Mar aret 5upton +hi3!ren:s Time: *ale 'ast +offee this 6ee8: *ale 9 5%nn 'ast

Worship God on Sunday then Walk with Him on Monday

+ELEBRATING $() 2EARS! .n Sunda%" Ma% 4th" we celebrate our $0#th anniversar% as a con re ation. The service is at $$:## a.m.. The Rev. Baren Forst" minister of St. -ndrew?s" .rillia" will be our uest preacher. Baren was a wonderfull% encoura in leader for our church from !### to !##E. =e will be led in our music b% the Choir and +raise )xplosion. >ollowin worship" please :oin us for lunch provided b% the Cancer Care MissionG=i Room 2donations received for lunch will be iven to .utreach Missions3. =e ive than6s for their hospitalit%. 5et us invite all those who have been part of our con re ation to :oin us for this special service. GORGEOUS GIRLS: GALA The *ove Real 'eaut% =or6shops for Girls are fun" educational and interactive sessions for irls a es $#($4 and their adult female mentors: mothers" relatives" friends 4 an%one interested in startin a dialo ue on beaut% and self(ima e with a member of the next eneration. Come" :oin us for a warm" fun evenin complete with entertainment and treats< Tic6ets are available at 8enn 9 5arr%?s 'rittle and Sha6es" =B >inancial and throu h Mind% Gou h 25$,(!05(E00#3. Ti#$ets %"st &e '"r# ased in ad(an#e and will be available until Ma% E. When: =ednesda%" Ma% 0" !#$4 Time: 7:E# 4 @:E# p.m. Where: -von Mennonite Church ,# Greenwood *rive +ost: H5.## per person /ote: -ll irls must attend with their mom or mentor

SATURDA24 MA2 $)4 ')$5 %:)) A9M9 < $:)) 19M9

We Need:
Volunteers for Friday setup and Saturday sale Donations of baking and books he support of the whole !ongregation to make this sale a su!!ess

"ou !an pur!hase a table to sell your treasures #$%& for one table or $%' for two tables(

)ro!eeds from the sale will go to !hur!h missions

MANNA DA2 & A C ild in O"r Hands Rev. 5inda -shfield is a minister at Bnox +resb%terian" =aterloo. She will be the feature spea6er for a Manna *a% happenin at Crieff Fills Retreat and Conference Centre 2near Guelph3 from $#:E# to E +M on Thursda%" Ma% $5. The theme of the da% is I- Child in .ur FandsJ. Fow do we pass on our Christian faith from eneration to enerationK =hether a parent" randparent" relative" friend or con re ational member" God has placed a child in our hands. The cost is H!# which includes lunch. &t is important to re ister in advance. 'rochures are available in the narthex. &f %ou are interested" please spea6 with Mar6 Gedc6e. +ONGREGATIONAL RETREAT +lease mar6 on %our calendars our Con re ational Retreat happenin on Saturda%GSunda%" 8une !$G!! at Camp Bintail. =e share this retreat time with St. Mar%s +resb%terian Church. More details" includin the Retreat >orm" are comin soon.

Bintail on the Road !#$4

=e are loo6in forward to Bintail on the Road which will be happenin at our church Monda% to >rida%" 8ul% 0($$. &f %ou 6now of children who would be interested in bein part of this pro ram" please contact the church office b% email of phone. =e also need volunteers. Lou are also welcome to learn more b% spea6in with Mar6 Gedc6e" Chantale +itts or Mar% *ou all. ')$5 STRATFORD 2F+=2OUTH UNLIMITED BAN>UET >eaturin Sin erGSon writer 4 8acob Moon When: Saturda%" Ma% E" !#$4 27(, p.m.3 Where: -rden +ar6 Fotel" Stratford +ost: H!##GTable of @ >or tic6ets or more information please call 5$,(!0!($7$4 or )mail: Seein the hope and potential in ever% %oun person<

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