Chapter Irice

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Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the oldest domesticated crops known to mankind, with farmers having grown it under irrigated conditions for more than 4,000 years. It is the world s most important food crop and a primary food source for over one third of the world s population. It ranks third after wheat and mai!e in terms of worldwide production. "orld area under rice cultivation is a#out $%&.' million ha with a production of (&%.) million tonnes and productivity of 4.' tonnes ha*$. India has the largest area under rice cultivation, occupying an area of 44 million ha with an annual production of a#out $0%.' million tonnes and a productivity of ).4 tonnes ha*$. It contri#utes a#out 4' percent of the total food grain production and 4( percent of the total cereal production. Rice is #eing grown e+tensively in the states of "est ,engal, -ttar .radesh, /ndhra .radesh, 0rissa, 1hhattisgarh and 2amil 3adu. In 2amil 3adu, total rice producing area is a#out $.4 million ha with average productivity of '.4 tonnes ha *$ and a production of 5.% million ha (6inistry of /gricultural In India, )0$)). It ranks si+th in rice production and second in productivity wise, ne+t to .un7a# (%.') tonnes ha *$). It is a means of livelihood for millions of rural households and plays a vital role in national food security, hence the slogan 8Rice is Life is most appropriate. 1.1 Rice cultivation In India, rice is cultivated mostly in lowland. 2here are two methods in cultivating rice in low*land viz., direct seeding method and transplanting method 1.1.1 Direct seeding method 9irect seeding method is one of the traditional methods of rice cultivation. In this method, the rice seeds are directly sown in the puddled field #y #roadcasting. :ither dry seeds or pre*germinated seeds are sown in the field #y a la#our carrying the seeds in a small #asket and scattering it uniformly on the field. 2he uniformity of seed distri#ution depends solely on the e+perience of the la#our doing the task. 2he present trend is towards using the direct paddy seeder for sowing the pre*germinated seeds. In which, the seeds are filled in the drum and it is sown #y pulling the drum seeder on the field #y a la#our.

1.1. Trans!lanting method In transplanting method, seedling raised in the nursery are uprooted and transplanted into the main field $%*'0 days after sowing. 2ransplanting is carried out either manually or mechanically. 2ransplanted rice has more uniform crop stands, higher yield than direct paddy seeding (;han < =unnel, $4&&). 2here are two methods in transplanting, namely traditional method and >RI method. i. Traditional method o" trans!lanting In this method, )%*'0 day old seedling is transplanted on to the puddled field. 2he seedlings are transplanted manually or mechanically #y planting 4*& seedlings per hill with row to row spacing a#out )) cm and plant to plant spacing a#out $)*$% cm. ii. #RI method o" trans!lanting >ystem of Rice Intensification (>RI) is the method, developed in 6adagascar in early $4&0 s, where, it has #een shown that yields can #e enhanced #y suita#ly modifying certain management practices such as controlled supply of water, planting of younger seedlings and providing wider spacing (Laulanie, $44'). 2his methodology is gaining momentum all over the country. In this method, $% day old seedlings are transplanted on the well puddled field. 0nly one younger seedling is transplanted per hill with row to row and hill to hill spacing of )% cm. :arly transplanting of rice seedlings assures special significance and principle means in o#taining higher yields in >RI cultivation. Rice seedlings lose much of their growth potential, if they are transplanted more than $% days after they emerge in their nursery. ?ence, it is essential to transplant the seedling at right time in a checkrow planting of )%+)% cm with single seedling per hill. 1. Rice trans!lanting 2ransplanting of seedlings from the nursery can #e done in two different ways such as manual hand transplanting and machine transplanting with rice transplanters. i. $anual hand trans!lanting

In this method, the seedlings are transplanted into the puddled field #y e+perienced la#ourers. It is la#our intensive and #ack #reaking process. 3early )%0*'00 man h *$ha*$ is re@uired for manual transplanting. ii. $achine trans!lanting In this method, self*propelled rice transplanters are used to transplant the seedlings. 2ray or mat type nurseries are used for transplanting with mechanical transplanter. 1onsidera#ly less time and la#ourers are re@uired than manual transplanting. It gives uniform crop density with #etter crop standing contri#uting to high productivity. 6echanical transplanting increases the appro+imate area that a person can plant from 500 to $0,000 m) day*$. 1.% Need "or the #RI trans!lanter In >RI method of cultivation, marking of the field is done #efore transplantation to ensure proper spacing. 2hen la#ourers prefera#ly women workers transplant one or two younger rice seedlings in each grid of the marking. 2his method of planting re@uires careful planting on the grid which is difficult for the workers, who do not normally follow proper spacing in planting and maintain seedling population per hill. 6oreover it re@uires a#out )%0*'00 worker h *$ha*$. "ith moderni!ation and ur#ani!ation causing migration of rural la#ours to the avenues of employment, there had #een a shortage of man power for agricultural operation during peak season causing increase in la#our wages. 2he la#our re@uirement for various operations in rice cultivation has #een found to #e $$ per cent for puddling and field preparation, '& per cent for transplanting, $4 per cent for weeding, )0 per cent for harvesting and $) per cent for threshing (Aig $.$).

&ig. 1.1 'a(our re)uirement "or various o!erations in rice cultivation /mong all the operations, transplanting alone consumes more than one third of the total la#our re@uirement. In order to overcome such difficulties, a suita#le transplanter should #e developed for the >RI method of cultivation coupled with proper nursery. In e+isting method of mat nursery, the seeds are #roadcast manually. In manual #roadcasting, the uniformity of plant stand will #e less. ?ence while transplanters use this nursery, the fingers either miss to pick or they pick multiple num#er of seedlings. ?ence, to make the transplanter suita#le for >RI #y the farmers, a simplified nursery raising system is re@uired with uniform seed distri#ution coupled with picking single or two seedlings per hill. 1.* Need "or the modi"ication in rice trans!lanter and automatic nurser+ raising machine "or #RI method 2here are several self*propelled transplanters availa#le commercially, which will reduce the la#or re@uirement drastically there #y reducing the cost of cultivation. Aor the >RI method of cultivation, single seedling per hill, hill to hill spacing and uniform distri#ution plays a crucial role in the growth and yield of the plant. ,ut, all the e+isting transplanters are not suita#le for >RI method of transplanting, #ecause the three important crucial factors for >RI are not met satisfactorily. >o it is necessary to develop or modify the e+isting models of transplanter for s@uare planting and modify the automatic nursery raising machine for singleBdou#le seedling per hill and uniform distri#ution of seeds for >RI method. ?ence, the modification and evaluation of automatic nursery rising machine with modified rice transplanter for >RI method is contemplated.

1., O(-ectives ;eeping the a#ove facts in view the present investigation on 86odification and evaluation of automatic nursery rising machine with modified rice transplanter for >RI methodC was taken with the following specific o#7ectives. i. ii. iii. iv. v. 2o study the metering mechanism of automatic nursery raising machine. 2o evaluate the seed metering mechanism in la#oratory. 2o modify the seed metering mechanism for singleBdou#le seedling per hill 2o field test with modified transplanter and refine them if necessary after field testing. 2o work out cost economics.

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