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Tsai-Tse Kao

Sr. Thermal Hydraulic Engineer, Nuclear Department, Foster Wheeler Energy Corp., Livingston, N. J. Assoc. Mem. ASME

Free Convection Along A Nonisothermal Vertical Flat Plate

A technique has been developed for the solution of free convection problems on a vertical flat plate with arbitrary (though smooth) temperature or heat-flux distributions. The general theory is developed with local similarity as a first approximation, and universal functions for improvement. Comparisons with highly accurate numerical solutions validate the use of one simple correction term for most applications. Computations are readily performed with the use of a hand-held mini-computer. Four illustrative computational examples are carried out with the aid of the two working charts provided for air.

G. A. Domoto
Assoc. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Mem. ASME

H. G. Elrod, Jr.
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Mem. ASME

The purpose of this paper is to present a rapid and accurate method for the computation of heat-transfer parameters for free convection along a vertical flat plate subjected to arbitrarily prescribed wall temperature or wall heat flux. Very few publications on this subject is presently available in the existing literature. Finite-difference type of numerical computational programs have been reported for the cases of constant wall temperature and a step-jump discontinuity in wall temperature [1,2].' There are Karman-Pohlhausen type of approximate solutions in references [3, 4, 5, 6], and similarity solutions for free convection over a nonisothermal vertical plate have been provided by Sparrow and Gregg [7] and by Finston |8]. Yang [9] has verified that the similarity possibilities have, essentially been covered by these authors; namely, the cases of power-law and exponential dependence of wall temperature upon elevation. Gebhart and MoUendorf [10] have included viscous dissipation in their analysis, and have provided more extensive solutions for the foregoing cases. Foote [11] had discussed the possibility of solving the general problem in power series, and solutions for a number of particular cases have been obtained by Niuman and Pohlhausen [12]. A Gortler-type of series expansion has been tried by Kelleher and Yang [13], to accommodate more general wall temperature variations. Kuiken [14]

also obtained an expansion for the case where wall temperature variation is expressed in a power series in the stream-wise coordinate. In what follows, a coordinate transformation is introduced to treat the problem of nonisothermal free convection with rather general wall temperature or heat flux distribution. A new parameter, characterizing the nonisothermal conditions of the wall is introduced. The resulting transformed equations are solved by an asymptotic method which has been used successfully by Kao and Elrod [15], and Kao [16] recently in their treatment of nonsimilar boundary layer equations. The present method yields exceptionally accurate results, and desk computations can readily be carried out. Graphs and tables are provided for the cases of Prandtl number equal to 0.7 to facilitate such computation. Four examples are given to illustrate the present technique. Since no numerical solutions seem to be available for comparison, a difference-differential numerical computation program (see Appendix) was developed to permit comparisons, and thereby demonstrate the effectiveness of the present method.

Transformation of Boundary Layer Equations

A detailed analysis of free convection under general conditions has been given recently by Kuiken [17]. Here we shall limit ourselves to the usual boundary-layer equations. Those governing free convection over a vertical flat plate with either prescribed wall temperature or heat flux are given by: Continuity du/dx + dv/dy = 0 Momentum udu/dx + vdu/dy = gP(T - T) + vd2u/dy2 (2) (1)

1 Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper. Contributed by The Heat Transfer Division and presented at the Winter Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 30-December 5, 1975, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Revised manuscript received by the Heat Transfer Division October 22, 1976. Paper No. 75-WAIHT-15.



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In order to lessen the dependency of the solution on the stream-wise coordinate, we introduce the following coordinate transformation: = C* F(x)dx Jo x = CiF(x)1/2y/e/4 where F(x perature, and,TV



Too for the case of prescribed variable wall tem(10) (11) (12)

F(x) = Q2/3(5/6 P ' Q2'3dx] 1/5 Q(x) = qa(x)/Cik

for the case of prescribed variable wall heat flux. One can easily verify that, for the case of power-law distributions of wall temperature or heat flux, the foregoing coordinate transformations reduce essentially to those of the similarity cases given by Sparrow and Gregg [7]. The following nondimensional stream function and nondimensional temperature are introduced. /(J,x)=F(x)i/2^/4C1^W 0(J,*) = ( T - T ) / F U - ) (13) (14)

/ /

The resulting transformed equations are: f" + (3 - 2,3)//" - 2/' 2 + 6 = mf'df'/di 0"/Pr + (3 - 2~p)f0' - ifcfO = mf'd6/dZ where - f'df/dO - 9'df/dO (15) (16)

Fig. 1 Coordinate system

5 = yF(x)2dF/dx


Here primes denote derivatives with respect to K. The boundary conditions are given in the following: /(, 0) = / U 0) = 0, /'(,)=(), or 9($,a,) = o (18) (19)

Energy dT/dx + udT/dy = ad2T/dy2 with boundary conditions u(x, 0) = v(x, 0) = 0, T(x,0) = Tw(x) or u(x, ) = 0, T(x, =) = T, (4) (5) where (3)

9(,0) = 1

9'(,0) = - l

For the case of prescribed wall temperature, the nondimensional heat transfer parameter at the wall is: Nu,-/Gr r
1/4 =

0'U, _: V2


- [(T, - TJixj X (Tw - T)dx J'*



The coordinate system is shown in Fig. 1. Mass continuity is satisfied automatically by the introduction of a stream function \j/, defined as u = dypldy v = d\p/dx (6) (7)

Nu, = hx/k and Gy-x=gfS(Tw-T)x*h2

Nomenclature* / = nondimensional stream function F = defined in equation (10) S = gravitational acceleration Grx = g]i(Tu, - T)x3/p h = heat transfer coefficient k = thermal conductivity Nu;v = hx/k Pr = Prandtl number T = temperature variable u = velocity in the x-direction v = velocity in the y-direction x = coordinate along the plate y = coordinate normal to the plate a = thermal diffusivity /5 = wall temperature or heat flux variation parameter as defined in Eq. (17) (3 = coefficient of volumetric expansion
e(0) = 4Hd~P/dt;

ii = kinematic viscosity Subscripts W = surface condition < = conditions in the ambient 0 = zero order solution 1 = first order solution Superscript 1 = derivative with respect to the independent variable

\p = stream function = transformed stream-wise coordinate x = transformed normal coordinate t) = (TT)/F

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Table 1
Prescribed Wall Temperature Preacribed Wall Heat Flux

/(*, 0) =/'(, 0) = 0, 0(f,O) = l

0c(|9,O) 1.2802 1.3385 1.1,096 1.U968 1.6053 1.7U25 1.9201, 2.1591 2.6956 3.0058 3.8780 5.7556 13.6787 00

/ U ) = 0, or

0(|, c=) = 0

(23) (24)

<?'(, 0) = - l

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.I4 0.2 0 0.2 0.1, 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 -1.lt -1.5 -0.731* -0.69U6 -0.6511 -0.601,0 -0.553U -0.14995 -0.14,23 -0.3821 -0.3188 -0.2527 -0. 1838 -0.1122 -0.0380 0

OfS, 0)
0.6369 0.61,53 0.6537 0.6621 0.6705 0.6789 0.6872 0.6951, 0.7036 0.7117 0.7197' 0.7276 0.7351, 0.7393

0.7665 0.0830 0.81,57 0.8961 0.9563 1.0296 1.1211 1.2387 1.2970 1.621,6 1.9889 2.7038 5-2311

Uncertainty concerning the neglect of the right-hand side of equations (15) and (16) is the weakness of this local similarity concept. Equations (21)-(24) have been solved by us on an IBM 360/91 computer. A standard shooting technique as described by Nachtsheim and Swigert [18] is used. The results are tabulated in Table 1 and Fig. 2, for a Prandtl number of 0.7. Present Method In the present analysis, we first change from the (, x) coordinates to the (/?, x) coordinates. Thus, f" + (3 - 20)ff" - 2/' 2 + 0 = SKfW/dfl - fdf/d'P) (25) (26)

0"/Pr + (3 - 20) f 8' - 4~0f'O = t(0)(f'd8/d~0 - 8'df/d~0) where

e(0) = 4Hd~pm


Local Similarity Solution Before proceeding to the present method of solution, it is useful to examine equations (15) and (16) from the standpoint of local similarity. No application of the local similarity concept appears to have been published for the present problem. This is probably due to the fact that the transformation for the stream-wise coordinate equations (8), (10), and (11) has never previously been applied. By this concept, the right-hand sides of equations (15) and (16) are presumably rendered small, and, as a first approximation, may be discarded. The resulting equations become a set of ordinary differential equations with 0 appearing only as a parameter. The solution at each stream-wise station becomes locally autonomous, and is completely independent of the solutions at other stream-wise locations. Thus, / ' " + (3 - 20)ff" - 2/' 2 + 0 = 0 8"/Pi + (3 - 2/3)/0' - 4/3/'0 = 0 (21) (22)

Note that if e(0) is zero, the foregoing equations admit similarity solutions automatically. Thus it would appear to be possible to generate expansions for / and 0 with t(0) treated as a small parameter. Next, we seek to expand 0, f, and 8 into power series of e(0). Thus, 0 = 0 + e(/3)A0(/3) + 62Ai + . . . f = h(0,x) + t(0)fi(0,x) + H2 +

(28) (29) (30)

8 = 0O(/J, x) + e(~0)81(0, x) + e 82 +

where 0 is a shifted value of 0. Upon substituting the foregoing expressions into equations (25) and (26), and equating like terms of power of e(0), the first two sets of equations are: Order unity /o'" + (3 - 20)fofo" ~ 2/ 0 ' 2 + 0O = 0 0o"/Pr + (3 - 2/3)/W - 4/?/o'0o = 0 foW, 0) = fo'W, 0) = 0, fo'(0, co) = 0, 0 o (/3,oo)=o (31) (32) (33)

.9 l

1 1
\ 3 9. \ 33


14. 12. 10.

V~ ^

6XP,0 }-""''


/ \ / ^
-*& ))

_9 el

6. 4. 2.

- ^

-1.5 -1.2 -1.0 - 0 . 8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2







Fig. 2 Zero order solutions

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^ 2 H

5 6 7 6 910


30 40 30

e' Fig. 3 A 0 for prescribed wall temperature case

In addition, if the wall temperature is specified

Mft, 0) = 1
and if the heat flux is specified o'(ftO) = - l Order e. / , ' " + (3 - 2 / W i " " (4 + t'Wfi' + O - 20 + e'W'h + #1 = (1 - e'Ao)(fo'dfo'/df3 - fQ"dfQldli) + 2A0/o/o" fli*/Pr + (3 - 2ftVo<V - (4/3 + e')/o'0i = (1 - c'AoHfo'deoW - Oo'dfo/dp) - (3 - 2/} + e ' W / i + 4/3/o'0o + 2Ao(2/o'0o + /oo')



to ft The primary difficulty lies in computing these nonhomogeneous terms. If a finite-difference method is used, a number of similarity solutions in the neighborhood of (3 must be known to a high precision. This difficulty can be resolved by introducing two auxiliary equations for g = df0ld(i and h = dl)0/dfi. By differentiating equations (31)-(34), we get: '" + (3 - 2ftVog" - 4/ 0 'g' + (3 - 2fi)f0"g + h = 2/ 0 /o" h"/Pr + (3 - 2ftl/ 0 /? - 4/Wfi = 4/o'tfo + 40Og' + 2/0<V (39)

(35) with boundary conditions given by (36)

- (3 - 2P)0Q'g


gW, 0) = g'(0, 0) = g'(ft ) = (ft ) = 0 h(fl, 0) = 0 or /j'(ft 0) = 0 for prescribed wall flux for prescribed wall temperature


The function Ao (and thus fi) is found by requiring that the zeroth order solution B0 approximate as closely as possible either the wall heat flux (when wall temperature is specified) or the wall temperature (when wall heat flux is specified). In the case of specified wall temperature, 8\ (ft t', 0) = 0 is needed to satisfy the boundary condition, and B\ (ft e', 0) is set to zero in order that the zeroth order solution should by itself yield wall heat flux with accuracy to the order t. In the case of specified wall heat flux, B\ (ft e', 0) = 0 satisfies the boundary condition, and di (ft e, 0) is set to zero in order that OQ at the wall will provide a good approximation to the wall temperature with accuracy of order e. In each case, the overconstrain in boundary conditions leads to determination of Ao, the shifting function in the assigned value of fi renders a most accurate local similarity solution. Thus, the following boundary conditions are specified for equations (35) and (36): fi(P, 0) = /,'(ft 0) = BdP, 0) = fli'(ft 0) = 0 /i'(ft ) = 0i(ft ) = 0 (37) (38)


Thus equations (31)-(42) were solved as a system of ordinary differential equations. A standard shooting technique was used. Results for Ao when Pr = 0.7 are presented in Pigs. 3 and 4. Results for ft'(ft 0) in the prescribed wall temperature case, and for n(ft 0) in the prescribed wall flux case are given in Fig. 2. In the next section, four examples will be considered. Sinusoidal Wall T e m p e r a t u r e Variations In this example, we shall illustrate the typical procedure for determining the wall heat flux by the present method. With the wall temperature given at selected locations along the wall, can be evaluated by the trapezoidal rule starting from the leading edge, using equation (8). Next, a central differencing scheme can be used to evaluate all the derivatives, fi and e are next determined from equations (17) and (27) respectively, and then e'. Once this information at a particular location is known, we can proceed to calculate the heat flux using the technique presented in the previous section. In the present example; we select the location x = 1.8, thus (a) x = 1.8, (S = -0.29f2, = -7.7723, (' = 19.1415; (b) now guess fi = 0.2; (c) from Fig. 3 A,, = 0.0242; id) equation (28) gives an improved fi = 0.103;

Note that Ao depends on two parameters (i.e., ft e') where e' is given at the stream-wise station of interest. Once Ao is found, the value of 13 can be found from equation (28), which is an implicit algebraic equation and can readily be solved either by iteration or by a graphical method. As with the local similarity model, the present method can be carried out without having to determine solutions for upstream stations. All necessary upstream wall information is built into the parameters ft and e'. Equations (35) and (36) involve derivatives of/0 and do with respect

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Table 2 Free connection with sinusoidal wall temperature variations 6' ( x , 0 ) E e' P 5 1 VT 0 0.2 0.1, 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0 0.1987 0.3851, 0.561,6 0.7171, 0.81,15 0.9320 O.98SI1 0.9990 0.9736 0.9053 0.8085 0.71,57 0.6755 0.515S 0.3380 0 0.01987 0.07868 0.171,2 0.3023 0.1,582 0.6355 0.8273 1.0258 1.2231 1.1,115 1.5832 1.6609 1.731' 1.8507 1.5307 0.5 0.1,899 O.WW 0.14,81 0.1,066 0.31,72 0.2632 0.1U,0 -0.02977 -0.2912 -0.7055 -11,157 -1.9863 -2.7798 -5.9286 0 -0.02556 -0.08521, -0.2122 -0.1,296 -0.7887 -1.3595 -2.1,81,2 -11-5117 -7.7723 -17.6310 -1,1.036 -61.0638 -116.852^ 3.3652 1,-1,651 5.0567 5.7136 6.7636 8.314,0 10.6229 12.1510 19.11,15 29.5809 W.836 55.581,2

0.1,911 0.1,782 0.1,5143 0.1,21,2 0.3779 . 0.3129 0.2259 0.1078 -0.103 -0.375 -0.87I: -1.0703

-O.63 -0.627 -0.625 -0.62 -0.612 -0.60 -0.585 -0.561, -0.53 -0.1,75 -0.39 -0.23 -0.16

A '

1.1, 1.6 1.3 2.0 2.2 2.3 2.1, 2.6 2.8








Fig. 4

A0 for prescribed wall heat flux case

(e) from Fig. 3, we find that Ao is essentially the same as before. Then from Fig. 2, flo'(0, 0) = -0.475. The foregoing result, as well as others, is set forth in Table 2 and in Fig. 5. Comparison in Fig. 5 of our nondimensional heat-flux with that from the difference-differential solution development in the Appendix, shows excellent agreement. Also shown are results from the local-similarity model. As can been seen, the local-similarity method gives considerable error at points far away from the leading edge.

analysis shows that for a semi-infinite vertical plate, the solution is nonsimilar. Also, notice that the present analysis is valid ifm = 0 , and reduces to the case of constant wall temperature automatically, whereas the transformation given by Sparrow and Gregg gives no results for the constant wall temperature case. According to the transformation of equations (8), (17), and (27),

= A(emx - Dim
i5= 1 - J - K e(/j) = 4 e " m x ( l and d((0)/d~0 = 4(2e~mx - 1) -e~mx)

Exponential Wall Temperature Variation

For this case, the wall temperature variation is given by:

The nondimensional heat transfer parameter is given by: Nu x /Gr j r , / '' = -<?'(& 0){mxemx/(emx l)\1/4/V2



where x is the position along the vertical plate. As pointed out by Gebhart and MoUendorf [10], the similarity solution obtained for this case by Sparrow and Gregg [7], is, in fact, an asymptotic solution for x - oo, or for a vertical plate starting from x = . The present

Comparisons in Fig. 6, for the case m = 1 and Prandtl number = 0.7, show excellent agreement between the present results and those of the accurate difference-differential method. Also shown are results from the local similarity model and from Sparrow and Gregg's [7] similarity solution.

.80 .75 .70

ret 7



_^---^ />^ .4/ /

T w - T = S in(x) Present Numerical - L o cal-si nifari



\ \ \ \\ ^ \ \
2.4 2.6 2.2


.55 .50 .4 5 .40

LSUL! =e" Present - Numerical -Locc ai-simi a n t u .

1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 20


1 . 2


I 1.6


2.0 22-

Fig. 5 Comparison of non-dimensional temperature gradient for sinusoidal wall temperature variation

Fig. 6 Comparison of nondimensional temperature gradient for exponential variation in wall temperature



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18 1.7

w 1.6 ^ ^>-< X
1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1D Local-similarity 1 1 1.0 12 14 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 24

^ "----. ---.. ~ - - ^ - qwA = e X

Present Numerical

ref. 7

Fig. 7 Comparison of nondimensional wall temperatures with exponential variation in wall heat flux

Exponentially Increasing Wall Heat Flux

As a first example for prescribed wall heat flux case, let us consider the case of exponentially increasing wall heat flux, i.e., qw(x)/k = ex

where x is the distance from the leading edge. Without loss of generality, we take C r = (gfS/iv2y/A = 1. Fig. 7 gives the results for the nondimensional wall temperature for Pr = 0.7 at several stations, as obtained by the present method, and by the difference differential method, and by local-similarity. Agreement between the present solution and the numerical solution is excellent. Also shown is the asymptotic similarity solution of Sparrow and Gregg [7]. Linearly Increasing o r D e c r e a s i n g Wall Heat F l u x The wall heat flux is given by: q,Ax)/k= (lx)

we have taken Cj = 1. Comparisons for the linearly increasing flux case in Fig. 8 show that the local similarity does quite well. But the present solution is even better. For the linear decreasing flux case, comparisons in Fig. 9 show that the present solution does well up to about x = 0.5, whereas local similarity deviates considerably for x > 0.3. Both lose accuracy as x - 1. But it should be noted that normalization factor used for 0 (see equation (10)) exaggerates discrepancies when the heat flux is small. Conclusion A method of determining the temperature, heat flux relations in laminar free convection along a nonisothermal vertical plate has been described. The basic feature of this new technique involves finding

4.6 4.2 3.8

where x is the distance measured from the leading edge. Here again,

Present Numerical


qw/k = 1 + x




Present Local-similarity Numerical

x" \\ \





" " " " 1.4 5



140 0.








.3 x





Fig. 8 Comparison of nondimensional wall temperature with linearly increasing wall heat flux

Fig. 9 Comparison of nondimensional wall temperature with linearly decreasing wall heat flux

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a shifted v a l u e of (S, t h e t e m p e r a t u r e s i m i l a r i t y p a r a m e t e r , s u c h t h a t the corresponding similarity solution provides accurate predictions of h e a t flux or surface t e m p e r a t u r e . F o u r e x a m p l e s h a v e b e e n given to d e m o n s t r a t e t h e effectiveness of t h e p r e s e n t t e c h n i q u e . Owing t o t h e e x p o s i t o r y n a t u r e of t h i s p a p e r , t h e a p p l i c a t i o n s p r e s e n t e d h e r e i n have d e a l t only w i t h t h e free convection in t h e fluid a d j a c e n t t o a h e a t transfer surface. B u t t h e results o b t a i n e d here can also be u s e d t o s t u d y m o r e c o m p l e x s i t u a t i o n s , s u c h as c o u p l e d free convection conduction problems. In such cases t h e universal functions o b t a i n e d for t h e p r e s c r i b e d wall t e m p e r a t u r e case can b e used in c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h a n u m e r i c a l i t e r a t i v e process t o m a t c h b o t h t h e t e m p e r a t u r e a n d h e a t flux a t t h e wall interface. C o m p u t a t i o n a l exp e r i m e n t s d e a l i n g w i t h s u c h p r o b l e m s r e m a i n to b e c a r r i e d o u t .

Stress and Heat Flux in Forced and Free Convection," Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, N. Y., N. Y., Apr. 1974. 17 Kuiken, H. K., "Boundary Layer Conditions in Free Convection," Journal of Engineering Math., Vol. 2, No. 1, 1968, pp 95-105. 18 Nachtscheim, P. R., and Swigert, P., "Satisfaction of Asymptotic Boundary Conditions in Numerical Solution of Systems of Non-Linear Equations of Boundary Layer Type," NASA TN-D3004,1965. 19 Smith, A. M. O., and Clutter, D. W., "Solution of Incompressible Laminar Boundary Layer Equations," AIAA Journal, Vol. 1, No. 9, Sept. 1963, pp. 2062-2071. 20 Smith, A. M. O., and Clutter, D. W., "Machine Calculation of Compressible Laminar Boundary Layers," AIAA Journal, Vol. 3, No. 4, Apr. 1965, pp. 639-647.

1 Heliums, J. D., and Churchill, S. W., "Computation of Natural Convection by Finite Difference Method," International Development in Heat Transfer, Proceedings 1961-1962 International Heat Transfer Conference, ASME, 1963, pp. 985-993. 2 Hayday, A. A., Bowlus, D. A., and McGraw, R. A., "Free Convection From a Vertical Flat Plate With Step Discontinuities in Surface Temperature," JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER, TRANS. ASME, Series C, Vol. 89, No. 2 Apr. 1967, pp. 244-250. 3 Sparrow, E. M., "Laminar Free Convection on a Vertical Plate With Prescribed Non-Uniform Heat Flux or Prescribed Non-Uniform Wall Temperature," NACA TN-3508,1955. 4 Smith, J. R., "A Computer Program for Laminar Free Convection on a Vertical Plate With Prescribed Non-Uniform Wall Heat Flux or Prescribed Non-Uniform Wall Temperature," Unpublished MS thesis, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1968. 5 Sutton, S. B., "A Study of Free Convection From a Vertical Plate With Sinusoidal Temperature Distribution," AIAA Paper No. 71-988. 6 Seigel, R., "An Analysis of Laminar and Turbulent Free Convection From a Smooth Vertical Plate With Uniform Heat Dissipation per Unit Surface Area," G. E. Report R54GL89, 1954. 7 Sparrow, E. M., and Gregg, J. L., "Similar Solutions for Free Convection From a Non-Isothermal Vertical Plate," Trans. ASME, Vol. 80, 1958, pp. 379-387. 8 Finston, M., "Free Convection Past a Vertical Plate," Z. Angew. Math. Phys., Vol. 7,1956, pp. 527-529. 9 Yang, K. T., "Possible Similarity Solutions for Laminar Free Convection on Vertical Plates and Cylinders," Journal of Applied Mechanics, TRANS. ASME, Series E, Vol. 82, No. 2, 1960, pp. 230-236. 10 Gebhart, B., and Mollendorf, J., "Viscous Dissipation in External Natural Convection Flows," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 38, 1969, pp. 97107. 11 Foote, J. R., "An Asymptotic Method for Free Convection Past a Vertical Plate," Z. Angew. Math. Phys. Vol. 9, 1958, pp. 64-67. 12 Niuman, F., and Pohlhausen, K., "Remarks on the Paper by M. Finston: Free Convection Past a Vertical Plate," Z. Angew. Math. Phys., Vol. 9,1958, pp. 67-69. 13 Kelleher, M., and Yang, K. T., "A Gortler-Type Series for Laminar Free Convection Along a Non-Isothermal Vertical Plate," Quart. J. of Mech. and Appl. Math., Vol. 25, Part 4, 1972, pp. 445-457. 14 Kuiken, H. K., "Free Convection Past a Vertical Plate," Applied Sci. Research, Vol. 20,1969, pp. 205-215. 15 Kao, T., and Elrod, H. G., "Laminar Shear Stress Pattern in Non-Similar Boundary Layers," AIAA Journal, Vol. 12, No. 10, Oct. 1974. 16 Kao, T., "An Asymptotic Method for the Computation of Laminar Shear

Since accurate numerical solutions for laminar free convection along a nonisothermal flat plate do n o t seem to be available in t h e literature for comparison, a difference-differential solution suggested b y S m i t h a n d C l u t t e r [19, 20] in their t r e a t m e n t of forced convection p r o b l e m s is d e v e l o p e d in t h i s A p p e n d i x . B o t h e q u a t i o n s (15) a n d (16) c o n t a i n first derivatives with r e s p e c t to . T h e s e can b e a p p r o x i m a t e d b y t h e classical L a g r a n g i a n m e t h o d in t e r m s of values of t h e f u n c t i o n s a t t w o or m o r e p o i n t s , w h i c h n e e d n o t be equally s p a c e d . A t h r e e - p o i n t a p p r o x i m a t i o n f o r m u l a for d e rivative w i t h r e s p e c t t o is u s e d in t h i s r e p o r t , e x c e p t for t h e s e c o n d p o i n t a l o n g t h e s t r e a m - w i s e d i r e c t i o n w h e r e a t w o - p o i n t f o r m u l a is used. T h u s , a t s t a t i o n n, e q u a t i o n s (15) a n d (16) b e c o m e : / ' " + (3 - 2~Mnfn" ~ 2 / ' 2 + en = 4[/ ' ( / ' &,/_,' (Al)

+ W / / - 2 ' ) - fn" (ctnfn ~ f$nf~l + yf-2)\ 1/Prtf" + (3 - 2~0n)fn6n' - WM'On = 4?n|/'(afl ft,/-l /8,A-i

+ -YnBn-2) ~ On'(anfn " where

+ yf-2)}


Cln = (2 - - , " f n _2)/[( - L-l){n Pn = tin ~ kn-2)IUn y = tin ~ Zn-l)/[(kn


" n-l)(-I - -2)] ~ -2)(n-1 ~ l - 2 ) ]

w i t h b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n s a t e a c h s t a t i o n given by: fntin, 0) = / ' ( { , 0) = 0, 0( n ,O) = l Btin, or )=0 0'(, 0) = - 1

/ n ' ( U ) = 0,

With solutions at stations n 1 and n 1 considered known, t h e p r o b l e m is t o find t h e solution a t s t a t i o n n. A t each s t a t i o n n, a s t a n d a r d shooting t e c h n i q u e as described b y N a c h t s h e i m a n d Swigert [18] can be used to find /"(, 0) and0'(, 0). T h e solution proceeds d o w n s t r e a m , s t a t i o n by s t a t i o n . Since t h e m e t h o d is of implicit t y p e , t h e s o l u t i o n is always s t a b l e .



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