Sample Job Offer Letter
Sample Job Offer Letter
Sample Job Offer Letter
A job offer letter sample written in a full-block business letter format. Employers may use it as an example to write their own, while it gives job applicants an idea of what to expect. Sample job offer letter including the position the candidate has been offered, the salary, the starting date, and information on employee benefits and retirement programs.
Sir, Sub !ffer an appointment as , at our "lant, ########### $ef %our Application dated &nterview held at our Sales !ffice, 'umbai. (ith reference to your application and subse)uent interview conducted at our Sales !ffice,'umbai 'anagement is pleased to appoint you as ############, to work in our ###### "lant, ######## on a monthly salary of $s. ######## * +$A as per $ules. ,indly return the duplicate copy of this offer -enclosed herewith., duly signed, as a token of acceptance of this offer. /hanking you, %ours faithfully 0or "resident Accounts Section. $eview Also Job Experience Certificate Format