Invitation Letter

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PALAIS DES NATIONS • 1211 GENEVA 10, SWITZERLAND • TEL: +41 22 918 9236 • FAX: +41 22 917 9018 • E-MAIL: [email protected]

25 June 2012

Dear National Institutions,

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in the 11 th International

Conference of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) to be held at Le Royal
Hotel in Amman, Jordan from 4 to 7 November 2012.

Please note that the ICC Bureau meeting will be held on 4 November; Regional
groups meetings will convene on 5 November; and the plenaries will be held on 6 and 7

The Conference is organized by the National Centre for Human Rights (NCHR)
of Jordan, in collaboration with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights (OHCHR), and the International Coordinating Committee of
National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (ICC).

The overall theme of the Conference is “The Human Rights of Women and
Girls, Gender Equality: The Role of National Human Rights Institutions”. The
Conference will be a platform for NHRIs and other participants to discuss the current
situation, challenges and advancements relating to the human rights of women in light
of the relevant human rights standards. NHRIs will seek to share experience and best
practices on their work to promote and protect women’s rights. They will focus on how
to change the status of women and girls with a focus on obstacles - legal, economic,
cultural and structural - that lead to discrimination against women and create inequality.
Further, discussions will include practical suggestions on how to eliminate such
discrimination and to empower women towards greater equality.

The Conference will be divided into substantive sessions and working groups,
providing NHRIs the opportunity to focus on specific areas from their own perspective
and national experiences. The main conclusions of the Conference will be reflected and
incorporated into the Declaration of Amman to be considered and adopted by the
participants at the Conference.

In line with the policy adopted at the 9 th International Conference of the ICC held in
Nairobi, Kenya (2008), in countries where an independent national gender-specific
institution exists in addition to a NHRI, we recommend that the NHRI invite a
representative of that institution to be part of their delegation to the Conference.

To: All National Human Rights Institutions


The working languages of the Conference will be: Arabic, English, French, and

A practical Information note and a Registration form are attached for your
attention. The Concept note and Draft agenda will be sent to you at a later stage and
posted on the National Institutions official website (

Please refer to the attached Information note for more details. Should you have
further queries about the 11th International Conference, please address them to Mr.
Bamazi Kossi Tchaa ([email protected]), Ms. Bushra Abu-Shahout
([email protected]) or Ms. Biljana Pesut ([email protected]).

Looking forward to seeing you at this important event,

Yours sincerely,

……………………………………………….. …………………………………………………
Navi Pillay Mousa Burayzat
High Commissioner for Human Rights Commissioner-General, NCHR/Jordan
ICC Chair


1. Information note
2. Registration form

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