MG Training Application Form

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Course Application Form

Please complete this application form in BLOCK CAPITALS with black or blue ink. If you require
more space, please provide an extra sheet of paper. If you need help choosing a course and
completing this application form, please telephone 0800 298 3724
Title National Insurance Number
Surname Home Telephone
First Names Work Telephone
Home Address Mobile Telephone
Email Address
Postcode Date of Birth

2. COURSE DETAILS Please enter details for the course you would like to study.
Course Title Start Date Venue Code

A) Is English your first language? Yes ‫ ڤ‬No ‫ ڤ‬If no, please indicate any qualifications in English you have below.
B) Please enter below any qualifications you have that are relevant to the course you are applying for. Evidence may be required to complete
Qualifications/Training taken Organisation Grades Grades Dates Dates to
Predicted Achieved from

4. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES MG Training UK Ltd is committed to equality of opportunity. This information will be used for monitoring
and managing duties and obligations under the Race Relations Act 1976 and the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2001. Which of the following do
you use to describe yourself?
Asian or Asian British – Black or Black British - Mixed – White and Asian White – British
Bangladeshi African
Asian or Asian British – Black or Black British – Mixed – White and Black White – Irish
Indian Caribbean African
Asian or Asian British – Black or Black British – Mixed – White and Black White – other White
Pakistani other Black background Caribbean background
Asian or Asian British – Chinese Mixed – other Mixed Any other
other Asian background background

5. INDIVIDUAL NEEDS If you have a disability, illness or difficulties in reading and writing English, which of the following would help:
Enlarged text paper Someone to write for you Other (please specify)
Coloured Overlays Signer/communicator
Coloured Paper Dictionaries
Someone to read for you Extra time
If you have a learning difficulty, are you likely to need any additional support during the course? Yes / No
If yes, how do you describe your learning difficulty (e.g. diabetes, dyslexia, visual impairment)?

Other support required:

6. EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS Please give the details of someone who can be contacted in the event of an emergency.
Telephone Relationship to you


REPS Exhibition Former student Course Leaflet
Leisure Opportunities Careers Centre Direct Mail Ultrafit Mag.
Local Newspaper Job Centre Plus Learn Direct Other (Please specify)
Health and Fitness Mag. Employer MG Training Website

8. PAYMENT TYPE Please indicate how you will be paying your course fees. Cheques/Postal Orders payable to MIKE GRICE

Cheque □ Postal Order □ External Source □

External Source (MG Training UK Ltd will invoice the named organisation below for payment. Please attach an official order/letter if
Name of employer/organisation:

Contact Name:
Telephone No:

□ I am paying the full amount now £_______.
□ I enclose my deposit of £______and the balance I will pay four weeks before the course start date.
I confirm the information I have given in this application is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions.

Data Protection:
I consent to MG Training UK Ltd processing the personal data set out in this form and other data which MG Training UK
Ltd may obtain from me (or from other people about me) for the purposes stated in this form or connected with my studies
or any other legitimate reason.

Applicant’s Signature______________________________________

Name (Please print)_______________________________________ Date_________________

If you do not wish to receive further information about MG Training UK Ltd products and training please tick box.

Please return to:

MG Training UK Ltd, 11 Earls Court Road, Harborne, Birmingham, B17 9AH

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