PGPT Application Form
PGPT Application Form
Please type or write clearly in block capitals in black ink. Tick boxes ❏ as appropriate.
Family name
First name(s)
Award Undergraduate (eg BA, BSc) Postgraduate - not Research (eg MA, MSc, MBA)
Year of entry ✔ 1 2 3
Research Programmes
Please refer to Additional information sheet for Research Applications.
3. Nationality and immigration
Do you require a visa to study in the UK? Yes No State type of visa (eg Student)
Have you ever been refused a visa for entry into the UK Yes No If yes, please provide refusal documentation
Have you ever been refused entry into the UK Yes No If yes, please provide refusal documentation
4. English language
Is your first language English? Yes No
If yes please provide details of your previous study in section 6 of the application.
5. Financial information
If you are not a self-funding applicant please give the name and address of your sponsor below and enclose a copy of your
letter confirming funding.
Name of sponsor
Email address @
Area Code
Phone number
6. Education
Your application will be considered on the basis of your education. You should therefore give full and accurate details of your education background in this section.
For your application to university, you must include details of all relevant qualifications in date order. (Most recent first)
Examinations or assessments for which results are known (including those failed) and examinations or assessments to be completed, or results not yet published
Start date End date Awarding institution Award and course title Result Grade Language of
(DD MM YY) (DD MM YY) Mark or Band Instruction
Please give details of any work experience, showing your most recent first
Dates of employment Name and address of organisation Job title and brief summary of responsibilities/
From To
8. Further information in support of application
Taught course applicants – in this section please provide further information in support of your application. You should
include a personal statement explaining why you have chosen this course, how your previous education and experience
have prepared you for the course, and the impact it will have on your future career, if applicable ( maximum 500 words).
Research applicants – in this section please provide an outline of your proposed research programme. This should include
an outline of the research questions/area, aims of the project, methodology (if known), potential impact of the research and
some key background literature/references (maximum 1500 words).
Continue overleaf
Further information continued.
The person named in Section 1 below has applied to study at Please tell us if you object to the reference being open to the
Sheffield Hallam University. They have selected you as their data subject on request. Please note that the University may
referee. Please complete and return this form to the address decide to disclose the reference without your consent, if it is
given in Section 5. able to anonymise the information (to protect your identity) or it
is considered reasonable to release the reference even though
A PDF version of this form can be downloaded at
it is possible to identify who wrote the reference. The University
will balance the data subject’s right of access with your right of
application-form. References can be scanned and submitted
by email providing that they are on the reference forms provided
or on official letter headed paper.
Referees should be aware that under the provisions of the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data
Protection Act 2018 applicants may ask the University to
disclose references that have been used in the admissions
process. References will also be accessible if requested in
connection with legal proceedings.
3. Referee’s details
Email address @
Area Code
Phone number
(including full country and area code)
4. Report on the applicant
How long have you known the applicant?
Please specify the applicant’s general suitability to undertake the course(s) including distinct strengths and
areas for improvement
5. Referee’s declaration
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given in this form is correct and complete
Referee’s signature
Print name
What to do next
Please email completed reference to, please type “reference” in the subject heading of the email
It is your responsibility to request references from your referees, we will not do this on your behalf.
Please type or write clearly in block capitals in black ink. Tick boxes ❏ as appropriate.
The person named in Section 1 below has applied to study at Please tell us if you object to the reference being open to the
Sheffield Hallam University. They have selected you as their data subject on request. Please note that the University may
referee. Please complete and return this form to the address decide to disclose the reference without your consent, if it is
given in Section 5. able to anonymise the information (to protect your identity) or it
is considered reasonable to release the reference even though
A PDF version of this form can be downloaded at
it is possible to identify who wrote the reference. The University
will balance the data subject’s right of access with your right of
application-form. References can be scanned and submitted
by email providing that they are on the reference forms provided
or on official letter headed paper.
Referees should be aware that under the provisions of the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data
Protection Act 2018 applicants may ask the University to
disclose references that have been used in the admissions
process. References will also be accessible if requested in
connection with legal proceedings.
3. Referee’s details
Email address @
Area Code
Phone number
(including full country and area code)
4. Report on the applicant
How long have you known the applicant?
Please specify the applicant’s general suitability to undertake the course(s) including distinct strengths and
areas for improvement
5. Referee’s declaration
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given in this form is correct and complete
Referee’s signature
Print name
What to do next
Please email completed reference to, please type “reference” in the subject heading of the email
9. Data protection statement
You can update these options and unsubscribe from mailings at any time by emailing
You will automatically be removed from our mailing list after 2 years.
International Applicants Only
In order to prevent and detect fraud and comply with regulations for international students we reserve the right to, or may
be required to, share this information with external organisations such as the police, the Home Office, the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office, the UK Visa’s and Immigration and local authorities. The University is required to check international
students’ eligibility to study in the UK. This may require the University to liaise with and exchange data with the Home Office or
related Government agencies in relation to students’ visa history and/or immigration history, during the admissions process.
I consent to the Home Office, or related Government agency, releasing information about my immigration history to the
University for these purposes. This may include sensitive personal data about any orders, warnings, convictions or other
penalties relevant to immigration. (Please note that failure to provide consent by ticking the above box may delay the
processing of your application.)
If you have a query about how your data is used by the University, or would like to make a complaint about how the University
has used your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer: For more information about your data
protection rights see:
10. Declaration
Please read and then sign the declaration statement below:
Any offer of a place to study on a course at the University will be made subject to the University’s Terms and Conditions and Student
Regulations. It is therefore important that you read and understand the University’s Terms and Conditions and Regulations. These can
be accessed at
If you provide false, incomplete or misleading information to the University as part of this application, the University may withdraw any
offer of a place made to you. Full details of the University’s Admissions Regulations can also be accessed at
If you have any queries about the University’s Terms and Conditions or the Student Regulations please contact us at before signing this application form.
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge:
• the information I have given in this form is true, complete and accurate; and
• I have included all relevant information in this form.
Applicant’s Date
What to do next
Please send your completed application form to
11. Disabilities and support needs
If you declare a disability this will not be a factor in the university’s decision as to whether or not to offer you a place. However
it is important that the University knows if you have any specialist needs in order that we can provide you with appropriate
support and facilities.
Type of disability
Specific learning disability e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia etc. Blind/partially sighted
Deaf/hearing impairment Wheelchair user/mobility difficulty
Autistic spectrum disorder/Asperger’s syndrome Mental health difficulty
Multiple disabilities Personal care support
please specify
Unseen disability e.g. diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, asthma etc
please specify
Ethnic origin