Thesun 2009-08-27 Page02 KDSB Proposes Early Redemption of Bonds

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2 theSun | THURSDAY AUGUST 27 2009

news without borders

‘Notices of
KDSB proposes early Tiong lodges report
over RM10m ‘donatio
by Charles Ramend
payment false’
» From Front Page

redemption of bonds
Perunding BE Sdn Bhd be appointed as the
ala Dimensi Sdn Bhd sole quantity surveyor despite knowing that
PETALING JAYA: Ku i Tio ng Kin g Sin g lodged
Ser the same company had been engaged by
executive officer Datuk had
day, reiterating that he KDSB, leading to a conflict of interest.
a police report yester i On g Tee Keat a RM10
chi ef Da tuk Ser “KDSB, along with BTA Architect, had
given MCA
worked in concert to issue notices of payment
million donation. per
y is the turnkey develo to PKA which are false, erroneous or defective,
Tiong, whose compan e, file d the rep ort
etrade Zon which PKA believes is intended to mislead,”
by Giam Say Khoon their cash back at a Tiong King Sing of the Port Klang Fre pol ice headquarters at
lower bond price. (left) arrived for Wa ngi dis tric t Lee claimed. He also alleged that the notices
[email protected] at the Dang
“In any case, the inquiry at of payment were fraudulent as claims were
noon. k
ged handover of cash too made for non-existent work.
KUALA LUMPUR: Port Klang the government 9.30am but left However, since the alle wa s tra nsf err ed to
the rep ort Lee listed alleged irregularities and details
Free Zone (PKFZ) turnkey will have to pay before it got place in Petaling Jaya,
dquarters here. of the notices of payment as contained in his
developer Kuala Dimensi Sdn (for the bond). underway at the district police hea the
is also Bintulu MP and Aug 11 police report. They are that KDSB:
Bhd (KDSB) has suggested So in order to 10.30am. It is learnt Tiong, who clu b cha irm an, had
nch ers » made claims for RM5 million in respect of
an early redemption of bonds (reduce the When met Barisan Nasional Backbe g at
he gave the cash to On procurement of a performance bond and
issued to finance the project cost), we can at the parlia- said in his report that loc atio n on thr ee
another insurance premiums that it is not entitled
to help reduce costs from the just buy back ment lobby, the PJ Hilton Hotel and to claim;
current RM4.6 billion to a the bond at the Faizal said he occasions. 10
ee payouts totalling RM » claimed RM254.8 million for monsoon drain
minimum RM3.2 billion. current price had tried to clarify The breakdown of thr mil lion and RM 1 mil-
, RM 4 and water supply works that it is not entitled
KDSB deputy chief exec- without waiting allegations against million was RM5 million to claim under Development Agreement 3;
utive officer Datuk Faizal for it to mature (in the company of irreg- lion. ed
ef ACP Arjunaidi Moham » may have overclaimed RM79 million in
Abdullah made the suggestion 15 years); we can cut the ularities in the project to Petaling Jaya police chi ort and sai d police professional fees based on the Public Works
ng’ s rep
at a three-hour inquiry by the cost,” he said. the extent of RM500 million confirmed receiving Tio what
before deciding under Department’s standard form of agreement for
Public Accounts Committee, “From KDSB’s rough cal- to RM1 billion, in reports by would need to study it the r com me nt. consultancy services between contractors and
lined fur
its chairman Datuk Seri Azmi culation, it (the cost) can even PricewaterhouseCoopers and laws to classify it. He dec d
accepting the cash file consultants for a design and build contract;
Khalid told reporters yester- be cut down to RM3.2 billion the special task force. Ong who has denied t aga ins t Tiong on » claimed RM55.8 million for the construction
atio n sui
day. or RM3.5 billion. We have “We tried to answer some a RM500 million defam of electrical infrastructure for 33kv system
Azmi said the real cost of suggested this and I think of the questions but some Monday.
the project was the interest the government is seriously works which had yet to start;
matters are already in court,
accruing on delayed payment » appeared to have overclaimed for hotel
studying the matter.” so it is not advisable (to dis-
to KDSB by the Port Klang that he works to the sum of RM24.9 million;
On allegations of over-bill- cuss them) because it would
Authority (PKA). was happy with the outcome » claimed RM62.2 million for variation work
ing against KDSB by a PKA be sub judice.”
of the meeting. which arguably it is not entitled to claim, as
Faizal had explained to the special task force looking into He also denied that the PKA
The committee will hear the procedural requirement under Additional
committee that by paying up the PKFZ scandal, Azmi said had been over-billed, as KDSB
from former PKA chairman Development Works had not been complied
now, the cost of the project Faizal had denied any over- had not been paid in full.
and PKFZ executive chairman with; and
could be reduced. billing. “There are more billions PKA
Datin Paduka O.C. Phang on » claimed RM83 million for 33kv power sup-
Azmi said that if the gov- “It is not our duty to to be paid over a period of chairman
Sept 1, and from former PKA ply to Precinct 2 and 8, civil infrastructure for
ernment redeems the bond determine if there is over-bill- another seven or eight years, Datuk Lee
chairmen Tan Sri Dr Ting which had yet to be built.
now, especially in light of the ing since the case has been so there is no over-billing. If Hwa Beng » Re-measurement by JUCB Sdn Bhd of office
current financial situation, brought to court,” he said. there is, we can do all the ad- Chew Peh and Datuk Yap
(left) arrives blocks and light industry units showed a cost
people would be willing to get KDSB CEO Datuk Seri justments,” Faizal said, adding Pian Hon on Sept 2.
at the MACC difference of RM93 million.
headquarters » Contributions to the authorities for basic infra-
in Putrajaya structure were not made as required by Land
yesterday. Agreement 1 to the sum of RM2.3 million.
‘Terengganu Umno reps not joining PKR’
KUALA TERENGGANU: rumours are only to create an semblymen led by him had involvement of BN reps in
State assemblyman for Ajil unpleasant situation among agreed to join the PKR and the question and answer
Datuk Rosol Wahid has the Umno state assembly- would together with eight PAS session and debates at the
denied a report on a news men. assemblymen form a new assembly sitting, Rosol said
portal that he and eight “What is sure is that we government in Terengganu. internal problems between
other Terengganu Umno state are still BN representatives However, according to the party’s representatives
assemblymen were planning ... there is no compromise the report, the move was and the mentri besar had yet
to cross over to Parti Keadilan on that. What is important disrupted when Terengganu to be resolved.
Rakyat and topple the Barisan is to ensure our govern- PAS Commissioner and PAS Without clarifying what
Nasional state government. ment is strong, and we have Dewan Ulama head Datuk these internal problems were,
Rosol said he and other confidence in the leadership Harun Taib disagreed with he said the matter had been


Umno assemblymen had of Datuk Seri Najib (Abdul the plan. He was said to be raised during a meeting with
never discussed the matter, Razak),” he told reporters after more comfortable cooperat- the prime minister on Aug
although he admitted there the second and last day of the ing with Mentri Besar Datuk 23.
were still internal problems Terengganu state assembly Ahmad Said. Rosol said the Umno
in the party’s state leader- sitting yesterday. Terengganu has 32 state president had privided an
ship. Rosol was asked to com- seats, with Umno holding 23, assurance that the political
“Such a thing will not ment on a Malaysian Insider PAS eight, and MCA one. crisis in Terengganu would be
take place in our group. The report that nine Umno as- Asked about the non- resolved quickly. – Bernama

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