September 2009 Connector

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Parents, educators, and students working together to build a stronger school community

and outline the role that our PTA will play throughout
Principal’s Message our school. Please show your support of our PTA by
Dear Conn Parents and Families, joining – memberships are $5 per person. You can also
support our PTA by participating in the passive
Welcome to the 2009-2010 school year! It is always fundraisers outlined later in this newsletter.
a treat to see our students return after summer vacation –
their smiles tell me that they are glad to be returning to
school! Savings Trees is Easy! – Vote “No”
It has been a busy and productive summer for the CONNector Hard Copy Opt-Out Option
Conn Family. Our office and custodial staff has worked
to prepare our building for the return of over 600
students and 75 teachers and support staff. As you are In our hope to save trees and printing funds, the
aware, there have been a number of changes as a result Conn PTA is asking parents this year to choose
of budget shortfalls and staffing adjustments. We have whether or not they would like to receive the
made staffing adjustments in an effort to maximize our monthly CONNector in hard copy form in their
resources and to minimize staff and student impact. We Tuesday folder or access the newsletter
will not offer Spanish to our K, 1st, and 2nd graders this electronically. The newsletter will be posted each
year. We look forward to maintaining our 3rd, 4th, and 5th month on the PTA Conn website
grade Spanish program under the direction of Señora (
Ramirez. We will continue to work with our staff and Also, those parents that choose to sign up for the
with county leaders to reinstate K-2 Spanish as our Conn Listserve will receive monthly emails that
budget permits. include links to the newsletters as they are published.
In our ongoing effort to keep you informed, I will
utilize two specific tools to share information with you – Thank you for taking the time to check the
the CONNector monthly newsletter and my weekly option you prefer on the sticker you will find inside
telephone message. The CONNector will come home in your child’s Tuesday folder. The address for the
Tuesday folders at the beginning of each month. I record Conn website is listed there as well for easy access.
my phone messages on Mondays (unless we are not in
school) and those are delivered to the phone number on If you have any questions or concerns, please
your child’s official school record. If you do not receive feel free to contact Julie Snee, CONNector Editor.
the phone message, contact our Data Manager Karen Her phone number and email address are listed
Foye in the main office. I hope you will find these two elsewhere in this newsletter.
methods of communication to be effective!
We have received End-of-Grade (EOG) test results We ask for your support in maintaining a safe and
for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students in math, reading, and orderly campus by adhering to the following guidelines:
science. Our students performed quite well and we are 1. School starts at 9:05 daily – please see that your
proud of the work of our teachers and students in child arrives on time.
preparing for these annual tests. We met the target scores 2. If your student walks to school, escort them to
for all 21 subgroups under the Adequate Yearly Progress our campus – do not allow them to cross the streets
(AYP) accountability program. Additionally, we without supervision.
achieved expected growth on the state’s ABCs 3. Use our crosswalks and pay attention to the
accountability program. Hats off to our entire school traffic on Brookside Drive.
community for these accomplishments. 4. Carpoolers should wait in the carpool loop until
Our PTA continues to be an invaluable member of carpool duty staff arrive at 8:45.
our school-home-community partnership efforts. The 5. Carpoolers must be dropped off in the carpool
PTA board and I met three times during the summer to loop – not in the parking lot.
coordinate calendar events, plan the 2009-2010 budget,
September 2009 CONNector 
6. Do not use cellphones while in our parking lot or I am honored to serve as your President this year. I
carpool lane. encourage every Conn parent, grandparent, aunt, and
7. Display your carpool tag so staff can easily uncle to join the PTA and be involved in some way this
identify student names. year. We are always looking for new faces and new
8. School dismisses at 2:40 on Wednesdays and at ideas to enhance the wonderful education our students
3:40 on other days – please refrain from checking your receive at Conn. Feel free to contact me
student out before these times. ([email protected]) or Dakeisa Parker , PTA President-
9. Encourage good attendance and responsibility Elect ([email protected]) with questions, ideas
by sending your child to school on time daily. or comments.
Join us in welcoming three new staff members: Ms. Linda Davis
Missy Overby, Speech Language Pathologist, Ms. Hang Conn Elementary PTA
Van Vo, Special Programs Teacher Assistant, and Ms.
Leslie Taylor, Principal’s Fellow. Plan to attend our
annual Parade of Staff on Thursday, September 10 at Counselor’s Corner
6:30 to meet our entire staff Happy New School Year!
We look forward to working together with parents
and families to support all of our students’ academic and Welcome to all of the new students and parents, as
personal development. If you have questions about your well as our returning Conn family!
child’s learning, please contact his/her teacher by note, The start of a new year holds the promise of new
email, or by leaving a message in the main office. If you experiences and new opportunities, as well as the
have questions about our school program, please contact anticipation of personal growth for all students. My
the main office. We appreciate your support and are glad objectives this year are to provide continued support to
you are part of our school family. parents and students, and address personal and social
P.S. Please read the enclosed information on the issues that discourage academic success in any way. I
H1N1 and follow the recommendations so we can will spend the majority of my time offering responsive
maintain a healthy school. services, designing individualized plans to address
students’ needs, and delivering direct guidance services
Diann P. Kearney to all students via classroom and/or small group lessons.
Conn Elementary Principal It is my goal to see each child reach his or her fullest
I’d like to take this opportunity to invite you to
PTA President’s Message contact me via email or phone with any concerns you
have for your child during the school year. My email
Dear Conn Families,
address is: [email protected] / phone: 919-856-3028. I
Welcome to our 2009-2010 school year! The Conn anticipate meeting you at some time during the course of
Elementary PTA invites you to join us in supporting our the school year. Please also visit
students and staff in the classroom and at events and click on the link “Parents
scheduled throughout the year. We are looking forward and Public” to find out more about the role of a school
to an exciting year for us all! counselor and various informative articles for parents.
The PTA board and Conn staff have been working Thank you and I wish you a happy and successful
hard over the summer to create a calendar that will bring school year.
many exciting events to our community. Familiar events Robyn D. Faison
like the Fall Carnival (CONNivale) in November and School Counselor
Family Spirit Night in February, as well as a spring Yard
Sale will continue to bring excitement for the entire
community. Our Cultural Arts program will enhance our H1N1: Information for parents,
students’ curriculum thorough the grade level students and staff
residencies in music, writing, story telling, and Batik. Wake County Public School System works closely
We will continue to support the Media Center with new with Wake County Human Services on any cases of
materials. The Green Team and Butterfly Garden will communicable diseases or viruses. WCPSS and Wake
continue to cultivate interest in learning about and County Human Services are carefully monitoring the
interacting with our environment. Don’t forget to check situation and will keep parents and the public updated.
out the Kindergarten garden, which received certification With Year-round schools in session and with the start of
as a Wildlife Habitat, due to the variety of birds that Traditional schools on Tuesday, Aug. 25, taking simple
have made their home at Conn. steps to protect your health are very important.
September 2009 CONNector  
As with any virus, cold or other illness, students Be honest and accurate. In the absence of factual
and staff with cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, information, children often imagine situations far worse
fever or feverishness, tiredness, body aches, headache, than reality. Don’t ignore their concerns, but rather
chills, diarrhea and vomiting should stay home from explain that at the present moment the vast majority of
school/work until they have recovered. CDC people, even those who are sick, will be okay.
recommends that people with influenza-like illness Nationwide, the number of people who are currently sick
remain at home until at least 24 hours after they are free is very small. Children can be told that there are many
of fever (100° F [37.8°C]), or signs of a fever without ways to avoid the virus and how doctors can help to treat
the use of fever-reducing medications. people who do get sick. Contact your pediatrician and/or
Tips for parents on talking to children about refer them to the Centers for Disease Control and
H1N1 (provided by National Association of School Prevention (CDC) for factual information.
Nurses): The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC)
Concern over H1N1 can make children and parents H1N1 (Swine Flu) Web site, is, is
updated frequently and is the best source for general information.
anxious. There is still uncertainty about how far and Information can also be found by contacting the North Carolina
quickly the virus will spread during the fall and winter Department of Health and Human Services CARE-LINE at 919-855-
flu season. Acknowledging some level of concern, 4400 (English/Spanish) Additional WCPSS Information:
without panicking, is appropriate and can result in
people taking actions that reduce the risk of illness.
Helping children cope with anxiety regarding the flu Academically Gifted
requires providing prevention information without
causing alarm. Hello and welcome back! Students, are you ready
Children look to adults for guidance on how to react for some challenges? We’ve got plenty in store! The
to stressful events. If parents seem overly worried, Conn AG website will list many important dates for
children may panic. Parents should reassure their meetings and news about Explorers and module classes
children that health and school officials are working hard throughout the year, along with some general
to ensure that people throughout the country stay information about the program. The website can be
healthy. However, children also need factual, age- accessed through Conn’s homepage directly at
appropriate information about the potential seriousness Just
of disease risk and concrete instruction about how to click on the Academically Gifted link highlighted at the
avoid infection and spread of the virus. Teaching bottom.
children positive preventive measures, talking with them If you are interested in learning more about the
about their fears, and giving them a sense of some Wake County AG model, and/or the services offered at
control over their risk of infection can help reduce Conn, please consider attending one of the information
anxiety. sessions on September 8. Additionally, Wake County
Remain calm and reassuring. Your children will AG brochures are available upon request and will be sent
react to and follow your verbal and nonverbal reactions. home three times to parents of all third graders in Wake
What you say and do about the flu virus and current County Schools. More information about Wake
prevention efforts can either increase or decrease your County’s A.G. Program is available via the Wake
child’s anxiety. If true, emphasize to your children that County website: I look forward to
they and your family are fine. Remind them that you and another fantastic year at Conn!
the adults at their school are there to keep them safe and Nancy A. Hanley
healthy. Let your children talk about their feelings and Academic Gifted Specialist
help put their concerns into the appropriate perspective.
Make yourself available. Your children may need
extra attention from you and may want to talk about their Media Minute
concerns and questions. Make time for them. Tell them
While you enjoyed reading over the summer break,
you love them and give them plenty of hugs and kisses.
lots has been happening in your media center! Thank
Review basic hygiene practices. Encourage children
you to Chris Tully for making furniture modifications,
to practice everyday good hygiene by washing their
including moving stationary shelving and creating a
hands, by covering their mouths with a tissue when they
book return slot in the check out desk. Kim Bowen,
sneeze or cough, and by not sharing food or drinks.
Linda Dohme, and their children spent many summer
These simple steps are very effective at preventing the
days moving all of our books, creating a more user
spread of flu and other illnesses. Giving children
friendly space for our children. Welcome to Ms. Rozar,
guidance on what they can do to prevent infection gives
our new media assistant! Please come check us out as
them a greater sense of control over the flu and will help
we grow and improve!
to reduce their anxiety.
September 2009 CONNector  
Support our growth through Celebration Books, a Labels for Education. By sending these labels back to
program that allows you to dedicate a new book in the school, Conn receives a variety of benefits.
media center with a $10 donation. Your child will Our Fall Fundraiser again this year will be with
choose the book and be the first one to check it out! InnisBrook Wraps. This will help fund PTA projects that
Dedication forms are available in the media center, on support our school throughout the year. Typically. this is
the Conn website, and periodically through Tuesday our most successful fundraiser of the year.
folders. Celebration Books are a great way to honor
students, teachers, grandparents, and special occasions.
Another way to encourage your child’s literacy and
support the media center is our annual Book Fair. Mark Conn PTA Spirit Night 
your calendar for October 12 – 16, with Family Time on
Tuesday, October 13 from 4 – 6 p.m. Watch the Wed. Sept. 23 
Tuesday folder and website for more information and
opportunities to volunteer. 4 – 8 pm 
Parent resource books are located outside Ms.
Faison’s office. Please see media staff to check them Join us at Chick‐fil‐A at North Hills for dinner and 
out. Also, watch the bulletin board outside the media connect with other Conn families. Conn Elementary 
center for all the media center happenings!! will receive a portion of the sales generated.  
Brenda Shore
Media Coordinator
Your delicious 
Title I Intervention Program
Chick‐fil‐A meal 
What is Title I? It is a federally funded intervention
program that offers students an extra support in reading on 9/23 equals 
and math. We use a balanced approach to reading and 15% back to 
math instruction. Our direct instruction includes
working with words and vocabulary, using reading and Conn! Hope to 
math strategies, comprehending stories, books, word
problems, and fluency. The lessons are structured and see you there! 
fast-paced. Each Title I teacher works with a small group
of students in all grade levels. We meet 5 days a week  
for 30 minutes. This is done in addition to their regular
classroom instruction. “OUR STUDENTS” need all of
us (parents and teachers) to support them.
You will be contacted if your child qualifies for our
program. Our first parent meeting (PAC) will be held With each Conn family participating, we can reach
September 24th. our fundraising goals. The Fall Fundraiser this year will
be Friday, September 18 through Friday, October 2.
Amy Allen Dameron Julie Thomas, the PTA VP for Fundraising, will be
Title I Literacy Teacher/Testing Coordinator sending more information out soon.

Passive Fundraising at Conn

There are a number of easy ways to give back to
your school. We will outline them here each month. The
start of the school year is a great time to renew your
commitment to Conn through your grocery shopping
customer card.
We are locally registered with Food Lion, Harris
Teeter, Kroger and Target. Please make sure your
customer card is connected to Conn by visiting their
customer service desk or their website.
Another easy way to help our school is with Box
Tops for Education, Tyson A+ Labels, and Campbell’s

September 2009 CONNector  
AG Calendar 2009‐2010
Date  Event/Meeting  Time 
Tuesday,  DEP meeting for parents of 4th and 5th grade  8:00 AM or 5:00 PM in room 206 
September  identified AG students. Invitations were 
1, 2009   sent home on August 25. 
Tuesday,  Information session regarding Conn’s Jr.  8:00 AM or 5:00 PM in room 206 
September  Explorers/Explorers Program for parents of 
8, 2009  K‐3 students. 
Tuesday,  *AG modules begin for 5th grade students.   
9/8/2009  *Whole‐class Explorers/Jr. Explorers  
lessons begin for grades K‐3/ 
** To find out more about Explorers topics, 
selection‐criteria and procedures, access 
the Conn AG website.** 

Tuesday,  Make up session for 4th/5th grade DEP  5:00 PM in room 206 

September  meeting via invitation. 
15, 2009 
7/1/2009‐ Fall Nomination window for AG   
9/28/2009  identification. 
9/29/2009  Make up session for parents of K‐3 students  5:00 PM in room 206 
interested in Conn’s Jr. Explorers/ Explorers 
Week of  CogAt/ITBS testing for Fall Nomination   
October 5th,  Window (This is not the third grade CogAt 
2009  testing) 
1/4/2010‐ Spring Nomination window for AG   
2/8/2010  identification.  
Week of  CogAt testing for all Wake County’s third   
January 11,  graders.  
Week of  ITBS testing for select third graders   
February 15, 
Week of  CogAt/ITBS testing for Spring Nomination   
February  Window (Not the third grade CogAt testing) 
22nd, 2010 
June 2010  AG identification letters go home to   
parents/guardians of identified third 
September 2009 CONNector  
2009-2010 Conn Elementary PTA
President Linda Davis 821.7602 210.4420 [email protected]
President-Elect Dakeisa Parker 250.0642 417.6798 [email protected]
VP Fundraising Julie Thomas 434.9690 [email protected]
VP Membership Melissa Madrid 255.5219 [email protected]
Secretary Dionne Lester 792.2442 [email protected]
Treasurer Toddi Steelman 513.0408 271.2844 [email protected]
Asst. Treasurer Joe Sinsheimer 821.9487 [email protected]
Butterfly Garden Christine Murphy 832.3298 345.1807 [email protected]
Communications Reid Serozi 807.1878 [email protected]
CONNector Julie Snee 210.5586 [email protected]
Cultural Arts Peggy Hayes 870.0599 522.7995 [email protected]
Soo Keith 834.1811 [email protected]
Lisa Ferrando
(Staff Liaison) 828.3534 [email protected]
Fall Carnival – Lisa & Rob
CONNivale Vanderberry 872.0741 271.4350 [email protected]
Family Spirit Night CHAIR NEEDED

Green Team Jeff Cherry 915.1012 [email protected]

Holiday Shop Chrissy Pressley 834.6488 368.3856 [email protected]
Hospitality Capricia Conyers 833.1732 [email protected]
Legislative Matthew Brown 834.6488 [email protected]
Literacy Night &
Campaign Pam Hartley 428.0992 [email protected]
Parent Classroom
Liaison, K-2 Carmon Pullen 376.0844 291.8803 [email protected]
Parent Classroom
Liaison, 3-5 Jaime Baker 231.9878 931.1478 [email protected]
Positive Behavior
Support Mary Williams 846.5019 [email protected]
Reflections Kelly LeVoyer 833.2297 [email protected]
Betsy Alexieff 524.8936 [email protected]
Room Parent Coord. Carol Lawson 761.1013 [email protected]
School Store Daphne Shuler
School Spirit Merch. Mary Williams 828.5599 [email protected]
Student Directory Adrienne Berney 828.5599 [email protected]
Teacher Apprec. Susan Robson 212.8733 [email protected]
Yard Sale Gabriella Corter 833.2078 827.3681 [email protected]
Yearbook Mary Williams 828.5599 [email protected]

September 2009 CONNector  
September 2009
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Bell Schedule: 1 2 3 4 5
M,T,Th,F – 9:05-3:45
W – 9:05 – 2:45
Early Release Day
9/23 9:05-12:30

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
-10th Day of School -Innisbrook Fundraiser
-Modules Begin Begins
-Conn Open
House/Parade of
Teachers/PTA General
Meeting – 6:30 pm

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
-PTA Board Meeting -Green Team Grounds
6:15 pm Work Day 10 – noon

20 21 22 23 24 25 26
-5th Grade Field Trip to -5th Grade Field Trip to -Early Release Day
Blue Jay Point (2 Blue Jay Point (2 Student Dismissal 12:30
classes) classes) -Conn Community
-Interims Issued Night – Chick-Fil-A at
(2nd-5th) North Hills 4 – 8 pm

27 28 29 30
-Wake County Teacher
Workday – no school
for students

October 2009
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
6:15 pm -Fall Scholar Night Work Day 10 – noon

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
-Early Release Day -Conn Community
Student Dismissal Night – Chick-Fil-A at
12:30 North Hills
4:00 – 8:00 pm

25 26 27 28 29 30 31
-Conn Staff Meeting – -Conn Showcase 6:30 -Wake County Teacher
PTA will provide pm/PTA General Workday – no school
snacks – 4:30 pm Meeting for students
6:00 pm

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