Sept PTA Newsletter

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Deweys Diary

Draper Elementary PTA Newsletter

Vol. 7 No. 1 September 2011

5 6 7 No SchoolLabor Day PTA Meeting, 9 a.m. Fall Picture Day ATTA Volunteer Training, 9 a.m. Dads & Donuts, 8 a.m. Room Parent Training, 2 p.m. School Community Council, 3:30 p.m. Reflections Kickoff Assembly Constitution Day No SchoolEBL Day Vision Screenings

Join Us For Dads & Donuts Sept. 8

Our first Dads & Donuts is Thursday, Sept. 8, at 8 a.m. Students are invited to bring their dads, moms, grandparents or other adult to school to read for 30 minutes before school begins. The PTA serves donuts and milk.

8 9 14 16 17 26 29

Art Through the Ages Begins Third Year

We are beginning our third year of Art Through the Ages (ATTA)! This program teaches art history and projects to students in grade one through six. To volunteer, contact your child's teacher or room parent. The Post-Impressionism volunteer training is Sept. 7 at 9 a.m. Visit our blog for details.

5 13 14 19 20-21 24-27 26 27 28 31 National Walk to School Day Dads & Donuts, 8 a.m. Reflections Entries Due Early Out No SchoolFall Recess Red Ribbon Week Red Ribbon Week Parent Education Night Early Out No SchoolEBL Day Halloween Celebrations

Start Working on Reflections Entries

This year's PTA Reflections Art Contest theme is Diversity Means... Reflections offers students the opportunity to express themselves and receive positive recognition for their artistic efforts. The deadline for submitting entries is Oct. 14. Submission forms and detailed information about the program will be posted soon on the schools website and blog. Watch for general information that will be sent home with your student in the coming weeks.

Have You Joined the PTA?

If you haven't joined the PTA yet, now is the time to join. Your $6 PTA membership dues support programs ranging from field trips to Dads & Donuts. Membership forms are available in the office. For more information visit

Stay Informed
Like Draper Elementary on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and visit our PTA blog at

Observing the 10th Anniversary of 9/11

In observance of the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, our fourth-, fifth- and sixth-grade students will be visiting the Sandy Healing Fields on Sept. 8. The students will visit the fields and learn about the many opportunities they have as Americans.

Principals Message
Dear Parents and Students, I am excited to welcome you back to Draper Elementary for Welcome the 2011-12 school year. I hope you have had a wonderful summer break, and are ready to come back to school with a positive attitude, a desire to work hard, and an appetite for learning. This year you will see some new things happening within the walls of our school and the new direction this will take us. One area I would like to share with you is our Dragon Training program. During the first week of school all our students were trained on our three new school rules: Be Safe, Be Kind and Be Responsible. The students were not only taught the rules, but we also demonstrated how each of these rules should correctly look in various locations. This is an important piece in teaching them appropriate behaviors at school. Then on Friday we also trained our Dragons in a new intervention/ enrichment program we will be using for our academic needs. Every student in the building was assigned to a different teacher for a 30-minute activity. The groups are made up of students from different grades and your Dragon will have opportunities to work with various teachers as well. We will use this training as a way to provide our students academic supports at whatever individual level they need and it will also build better relationships within our school. Thank you for all the support you give our school. This truly is a team effort as we try to provide the best education to our Dragons. I love working with you and your students. Lets make it a great year! -Ms. Kenna Sorensen, Principal

Presidential Fitness to Helps Students Get Fit

Students in grades 1-6 will be participating in Presidential Fitness Test activities during the weeks of Sept. 12-16 and Sept. 19-23. A letter will be sent home with more details. Please note two upcoming events in October: National Walk to School Day is Oct. 5, and Red Ribbon Week Parent Education Night is Oct. 26. Watch for more details.

Start Collecting Box Tops for Education

Its time to start collecting and turning in Box Tops for Education. This is any easy way to make money for our school. Simply clip the box top logo as indicated on participating products and send it in to school with your child. Kmart is running a Box Tops special. Buy any six participating products before Sept. 12 and receive 30 bonus Box Tops for the school.

PTA Newsletter Going Paperless

In an effort to save money and provide you with more timely information, the PTA Newsletter will now be published electronically. Students will no longer bring home printed copies of the newsletter. Starting this month, the newsletter will be e-mailed to you. This is the only printed newsletter you will receive this year. You can also follow frequent updates via our newsletter blog at Our blog contains an updated calendar as well as important links. We will also post regularly on Facebook. Simply Like Draper Elementary on Facebook or follow Draper Elementary on Twitter. For those without Internet access, a few printed copies of the newsletter will be available in the office. We hope the social media helps keep you better informed.

PTA Presidents Message

Welcome to another terrific school year at Draper Elementary! I am excited to be serving this year as the Draper PTA President. I know that we can make this an amazing year if we all pull together and get involved. We are fortunate to have wonderful women on the board and many other volunteers, but we would love to see more parents get involved this year. PTA supports all children who attend Draper Elementary. We provide programs to enrich their experiences here at school. Draper Elementary is a terrific school with an amazing principal, teachers and staff. We want all the students at Draper to feel safe, loved, and confident as they come to learn at school each day. Thank you for allowing me to serve in this capacity and please get involved in your childrens education here at Draper Elementary. -Jolynn Skousen, 2011-12 Draper Elementary PTA President

School Info
Draper Elementary School 1080 E. 12550 S. Draper, UT 84020 Ph: 801-826-8275 Fax: 801-826-8276 Mascot: Dewey the Dragon Website: PTA Blog:

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