Fostoria Intermediate: From The Desk of Mrs. Matz

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Fostoria Intermediate

1202 H.L. Ford Drive

Phone: 419-436-4125
Fax: 419-436-4169
Fostoria City Schools
Inside this issue
Principals Message ..................... 1
Drop Off/Dismissal ...................... 2
Guidance News ........................... 2
PTO ............................................. 2
REDMEN Pride ............................ 3
Collections .................................. 3
Waiver Days ................................ 3
State Report Card ....................... 4
STEM/ESL .................................... 4
Parent Involvement .................... 4
Right To Know ............................. 5
Text Messaging ........................... 5
Literacy Specialist ....................... 6
Redmen Club .............................. 6
Dates to Remember
Sept. 1 - Labor Day -
Sept. 4 - PTO 6:30
Sept. 5 - Home Football Game
Sept. 9 - Frundraiser kick-off
Sept. 12 - Home Football Game
Sept. 15 - BOE Meeting 6:00
Sept. 16 - Fall Pictures
Sept. 19 - Midterms home
Sept. 19 - Home Football Game
Sept. 23 - Fundraiser ends
Sept. 30 - 3rd Grade Dental
Oct. 1 - United Way Kick-off -
4th Grade attends
From the Desk of Mrs. Matz
Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year at Fostoria Intermediate School! It is hard to be-
lieve that September is upon us and that we have already been in school for over a week! It
has been a fantastic start to the year, and we hope to move forward with as much enthusi-
asm and excitement as we have seen these first few days. I would like to recognize the im-
portant role that parents play in the education of their children and the need for an active
partnership between home and school. I encourage you to be an active participant in your
childs education. Please assist us by reviewing school work daily, staying in contact with
teachers, joining our Elementary P.T.O., or volunteering whenever possible. Part of this
active participation is communicationas part of our efforts to keep you informed, Ive
signed up for a service called Remind this year. Remind is a free service that lets me send
one-way messages via SMS, push notifications or email to everyone. Signing up for my
messages on Remind is a quick and easy
process. See below for instruction on how to
Download the Remind app. Its free!
Enter the correct class code (based on your
child(ren)s grade level. If you have more
than one child, you can add multiple to
your account!

Visit the following link(s) online:

Join Via SMS by texting 937-595-0684 the correct class code in the message (below) based
on your child(ren)s grade level.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at 419-436-4125 or
[email protected].
September Newsletter
Volume 2, Issue 1

Please join us! We invite all
PreK-6 parents to become
involved in their childs
Parent Teacher Organiza-
tion. The first Elementary
PTO meeting of the year
will be held on September
in the Fostoria Intermedi-
ate Library. The meeting
will begin at 6:30pm and
will last about an hour. We
will be electing new offi-
cersplease plan on attend-
Welcome Back! My name is Bethany Zambori-Sanford (Mrs. Sanford), and I am the
guidance counselor at Fostoria Intermediate Elementary School. I have been a guid-
ance counselor with the district for nine years, and this is my fourth year at the In-
termediate Building. Before becoming a guidance counselor, I taught English.
I am married, and I am a mother of four. I have an eleven year old daughter and six
year old triplets. My daughter is in the sixth grade, and my triplets just started Kin-
dergarten. I love spending time with my family and friends, and I especially enjoy
I look forward to continuing to work with students and their families. I will be meet-
ing with students one-on-one through self-referral, parent-referral, teacher-referral,
and administrator referral. I will be visiting classrooms and sharing lessons and ac-
tivities that include the following topics: responsibility, respect, bullying, coopera-
tion, and attitude/self-control.
I will also work with students in small group settings. I met with all students last
week, and I gave them the opportunity to sign up for one or more of the following
small groups: Anger Management, Family Support, School Success, Self-Concept,
and Social Skills. If students expressed an interest in participating in a small group, a
permission slip will be sent home in the next couple weeks. Please sign the permis-
sion slip and return it by the date listed on the permission slip.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at 419-
436-4125 ext. 3226, email me at [email protected], or stop in for a visit.
It has been a wonderful start to the year, and I look forward to whats ahead!

Drop-Off/Dismissal Procedure Reminders:
I would like to remind everyone of some important policies and procedures here at Fostoria Intermediateplease keep in mind that
these policies and procedures are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all of our students:

In the morning, students may be dropped off between 8:00am and 8:30am. When dropping off your student(s) before the tardy bell
(8:30AM), we ask that you enter through the SOUTH Parking Lot and drop your student in front of the SOUTH doors. There is absolutely
no parking on this side of the building. All parents wishing to park must do so in a designated parking space in the NORTH Parking Lot.
Parents will not be permitted to enter through the South doors in the morning beginning in Septemberif you would like to walk your
child into the building you will need to enter through the attendance office to get signed in and receive a visitors badge.

In the morning, when you drop off your student(s) after the tardy bell (8:30 AM), you need to park on the NORTH side of the school and
bring your child into the school and sign him/her in at the office. No students should be sent in without an adult. All doors to the building
will be locked after 8:30am. To enter the building you must use the buzzer located at the NORTH Entrance and wait to be buzzed in by
the office staff. Please note that students who wish to eat breakfast should arrive no later than 8:15am.

At the end of the day when you arrive to pick up your student(s):
Enter through the SOUTH Parking Lot and wait in a single file line in the designated area. The first cars will stop in the drop-off / pick-up
zone while following cars should line up behind. Please keep a single line of traffic to ensure students are not crossing through traffic,
etc. There is absolutely no parking (do not exit your vehicle) along the sidewalk or in the parking lot during drop off or dismissal. If there
is a need to enter the building, parents wishing to park must do so in a designated parking space in the NORTH Parking Lot and enter
through the attendance office. You may also park in the South Lot of the Jr/Sr High School and have your students walk to meet you
there. Dismissal will begin at 3:00PM
Welcome to another great
year at Fostoria Interme-
diate School! We will be
participating in two differ-
ent ways to earn cash and
prizes for our school. We
will be collecting both Box
Tops and Labels for Edu-
cation (formerly Camp-
bells Soup Labels). Just
clip Box Top coupons
from hundreds of partici-
pating products and send
them to school. Box Tops
coupons are worth 10
each when our school re-
deems them from Box
Tops for Education. La-
bels for Education allows
us to earn materials and
equipment for our school.
Simply place the coupons/
labels in an envelope or
baggy with your childs
name and teacher on it
and turn it in to your
childs teacher. Please
turn them in separately,
as these are being turned
in to different organiza-
We also will be collecting
aluminum pull tabs for
the Ronald McDonald


Fostoria City Schools will be conducting in-services for all
teachers Prek-12 on Thursday, October 30 and Friday,
October 31. There will be no school for students on
those two days. Transportation will be provided for stu-
dents attending Vanguard/Sentinel.

The district believes that
significant learning by stu-
dents is more likely to oc-
cur when there is an effec-
tive partnership between
the district, schools, and
s t u d e n t s p a r e n t s /
guardians. Such a part-
nership means a mutual
belief in and commitment
to significant educational
goals for each student, a
plan for the means to ac-
complish those goals, co-
operation on developing
and implementing solu-
tions to problems that may
be encountered and con-
tinuing communication
regarding the progress of
accompl i shi ng t hese
goals. The district, in col-
laboration wi th par-
ents, has outlined its com-
mitment to parent involve-
ment in the District Parent
Involvement Plan. In addi-
tion, each elementary
school has a parent in-
volvement policy that was
developed jointly by the
district, schools, and par-
ents and is reviewed and
revised annually.
Ohio School Report Cards to Measure Schools in Two New Areas
This year I have the opportunity to be a part of the STEM (Science, Technol-
ogy, Engineering, and Math) Team. I will be teaching the Engineering por-
tion of STEM, as well as, continuing to give instruction to our ELL (English
Language Learners) students.

This year at FIES, your child has the opportunity to participate in a series of
excellent problem solving, critical thinking and engineering tasks. Your stu-
dent will be grouped with 4-6 students to cooperatively work with each
other to create a design that will solve our engineering problems and com-
plete them in a timely manner. I am definitely excited to watch as the stu-
dents use their skills to work together, problem solve, plan, persevere, and
get ecstatic when they successfully present their projects to the class.

Again I am very excited to be a part of the STEM team bringing excellence
to your students education at FIES.
Mrs. Stevenson
ESL/ Stem Instructor for 2014-15
Most students receive report cards showing how well they are performing in school. Like-
wise, each fall Ohio issues report cards to its school districts and schools. Using A-F letter
grades, Ohio School Report Cards detail how well schools and districts are doing in areas
that affect your childs education.

The reports contain information such as how students are scoring on annual achievement
tests and how much they have learned from the beginning of the school year to the end.
The reports measure districts and schools on how many of their students are graduating on
time as well as whether students of all incomes, races and cultures are getting the support
they need to learn.

The Ohio Department of Education will release school and district report cards for the
2013-2014 school year in September 2014. This year, the reports measure two additional

K-3 Literacy: This grade relates to Ohios Third Grade Reading Guarantee and meas-
ures how well schools and districts are helping young students who are reading below
grade level.

Prepared for Success: These measures report how well schools and districts are pre-
paring their students for college or a career. There are no letter grades, but data are re-
ported for six categories. Among them are how many students graduated with honors or
earned college credit or industry credentials by graduation.

The Ohio School Report Cards also report financial information showing spending and
performance for districts, community schools and STEM schools. From them, you can
learn how much is spent and how much is directed to classroom instruction. The data also
report how your school and districts spending compares to that of others. The financial
data is added to Ohio School Report Cards later in the school year.

For more details on the Ohio School Report Cards, visit
Every child is a different kind of flower,
and all together make this world a beautiful garden.
Parents/Guardians have the right to know about the teaching qualifications of their childs classroom teacher in a
school receiving Title I funds. Longfellow Elementary, Riley Elementary, Fostoria Intermediate Elementary and Fos-
toria Junior/Senior High School receive Title I funds. The federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) requires that any
local school district receiving Title I funds must notify parents that they may ask about the professional qualifications
of their childs classroom teacher. These qualifications include:
1. Whether the teacher has met the Ohio teacher licensing criteria for the grade level and subject areas in which the
teacher provides your child instruction.
2. Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or temporary status that waives state licensing requirements.
3. The undergraduate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate degree or certification (such as National
Board Certification) held by the teacher and the field of discipline of certification or degree.
4. Whether your child is provided services by instructional paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
Parents should contact the school office for this information.

Aviso del Derecho a Saber, Aptitudes de los Maestros
Los padres / tutores tienen el derecho de saber acerca de los ttulos de enseanza de los maestros de su hijo en una
escuela reciben fondos del Ttulo I . Longfellow Primaria , Primaria Riley , Fostoria Intermedio Elemental y Fostoria
Junior / Senior High School secundaria reciben fondos del Ttulo I . La ley federal Que Ningn Nio Se Quede Atrs
( NCLB) requiere que cualquier distrito escolar local que recibe fondos de Ttulo I debe notificar a los padres para que
puedan hacer acerca de las calificaciones profesionales de los maestros de sus hijos. Estas calificaciones son:
1 . Si el maestro ha cumplido con los criterios de concesin de licencias profesor de Ohio para el nivel de grado y las
materias en las que el maestro proporciona a su instruccin de los nios.
2 . Si el maestro est enseando bajo un estatus de emergencia o temporal que renuncia a requisitos de licencia del
estado .
3 . La principal licenciatura del maestro y cualquier otro ttulo de grado o de certificacin (por ejemplo, certificacin
nacional ) que tenga el maestro y el campo de la disciplina de la certificacin o ttulo .
4 . Si su hijo recibe servicios de paraprofesionales y , de ser as , sus calificaciones.
Los padres deben comunicarse con las oficinas de la escuela para obtener esta informacin.
Notice of Right to Know Teacher Qualifications
FCS Adds Text Messaging to Parent/Guardian Automated Communication System
Dear Parents and Guardians,

Fostoria City Schools is pleased to announce that we are now able to send announcements (i.e., closings/delays, etc.)
via SMS text messaging to your mobile phones. If you would like to receive these announcements as text messages,
please do the following:

1. Ensure your school has your cell phone number on file.*
*If the school did not have your cell phone number on file and you contact them to add it, wait at least 24 hours before
proceeding to Step 2.

2. From your cell phone, text the word Join to the number 56360.**
**If our School Connect messaging system finds a match for your number in its database, you will receive a confirmation
message thank you for joining school alerts.
At any time, you can unsubscribe by texting Stop to 56360.

3. Create a contact on your phone with the name of your school or school district (if you have children in multiple schools
in the district), or another meaningful name, and the phone number 56360. Then when you receive a text from this
number, you know who is sending it.

Thank you.
Welcome Back! Its hard to believe summer is over and were
into our third week of school. Ive enjoyed catching up with our
returning 4
graders, as well as, meeting our incoming third
graders! I very much look forward to working with our stu-
dents this year.

During the nine years Ive been a Literacy Specialist in Fostoria
I have worked at Longfellow, Field, Riley, and for the last four
years, at FIES. This year I will primarily be working with stu-
dents in the areas of reading and writing. I will also be assist-
ing teachers with curriculum, assessment, and professional de-

This year my portion of the newsletters will focus on the Read-
ing Wonders program the district adopted last year. While last
year was a year of learning for everyone with the new reading
program, this year we had a little more training with the hopes
we can stream line our instruction. Some of the topics I will be
covering this year are: Close Reading, Complex Text, Vocabu-
lary, Context Clues, Morphology, Syllable Types, Fluency, and
Writing. I hope this information will be helpful when you are
working with your child at home.

If there are any additional topics you would like me to cover,
please feel free to contact me at school or send and note with
your child.

Happy Reading,
Mrs. Dawn Skornicka
Fostoria City Schools

Fostoria Redmen
The Fostoria Redmen Club
is looking for new members.
The club meets once a
month on the last Tuesday
of the month at 7:00 p.m. in
the cafeteria of the Fostoria
Junior/Senior High School.
Please come and support
The Fostoria Redmen Ath-
Together We Make a Difference...
I dreamed I stood in a studio and watched two sculptors there. The clay they used was a young
childs mind, and they fashioned it with care. One was a teacher who used such tools as books
and music and art. One was a parent with a guiding hand and a gentle, loving heart. And when
at last their work was done they were proud of what they wrought, for the things they worked
into the child could never be sold or bought. And they both agreed they would have failed if
each had worked alone, for behind the parent stood the school, and behind the teacher the home.

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