Biology - Genetics Review 2

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Biology: Genetics Review 1.

In garden peas, the pairs of alleles coding for seed shape and seed color are unlinked. The allele for smooth seeds (S) is dominant over the allele for winkled seeds (s). The allele for yellow seed (Y) is dominant over the allele for green seeds (y). If a plant of genotype Ssyy is crossed with a plant of genotype ssYy, which offspring are recombinants? A. SsYy and Ssyy B. SsYy and ssYy C. SsYy and ssyy D. Ssyy and ssYy

2. What constitutes a linkage group? A. Genes carried on the same chromosome B. Genes whose loci are on different autosomes C. Genes controlling a polygenic characteristic D. Alleles for the inheritance of ABO blood groups

3. A parent organism of unknown genotype is mated in a test cross. Half of the offspring have the same phenotype as the parent. What can be concluded about the parents from this result? A. The parent is heterozygous for the trait. B. The trait being inherited is polygenic. C. The parent is homozygous dominant for the trait. D. The parent is homozygous recessive for the trait

4. The allele for red flower color (R) in a certain plant is co-dominant with the allele for white flowers (R). Thus a plant with the genotype RR has pink flowers. Tall (D) is dominant to dwarf (d). What would be the expected phenotypic ration from a cross of RRdd plants with RRDd plants? A. 9:3:3:1 B. 50% pink 50% white, and all tall C. 1:1:1:1, in which 50% are tall, 50% dwarf, 50% pink and 50% white D. 3:1

6. A polygenic character is controlled by two genes each with two alleles. How many different possible genotypes are there for this character? A. 2 B. 4

C. 9 D. 16

7. A cross is performed between two organisms with the genotypes AaBb and aabb. What genotypes in the offspring are the result of recombination? A. Aabb, AaBb B. AaBb, aabb C. aabb, Aabb D. Aabb, aaBb 8. The pedigree below shows which members of a family were Rhesus positive ( and ) and Rhesus negative ( and O). The allele for Rhesus positive blood (Rh+) is dominant over the allele for Rhesus negative blood (R-).
Rhesus positive male I II III Rhesus negative male Rhesus positive female Rhesus negative female

Which are possible genotypes of the individuals numbered I, II and III? I A. B. C. D. Rh+ Rh+ Rh+ Rh+ Rh+ Rh+ Rh+ Rh II Rh+ Rh+ Rh+ Rh Rh+ Rh Rh+ Rh III Rh+ Rh Rh+ Rh+ Rh+ Rh Rh+ Rh+

9. In peas the allele for round seed (R) is dominant over the allele for wrinkled seed (r). The allele for yellow seed (Y) is dominant over the allele for green seed (y). If two pea plants with the genotypes YyRr and Yyrr are crossed together, what ratio of phenotypes is expected in the offspring? A. 9 round yellow : 3 round green : 3 wrinkled yellow : 1 wrinkled green B. 3 round yellow : 3 round green : 1 wrinkled yellow : 1 wrinkled green C. 3 round yellow : 1 round green : 3 wrinkled yellow : 1 wrinkled green D. 1 round yellow : 1 round green : 1 wrinkled yellow : 1 wrinkled green

10. What is a difference between autosomes and sex chromosomes? A. Autosomes are not found in gametes but sex chromosomes are. B. Sex chromosomes are found in animal cells and autosomes are found in plant cells. C. Autosomes are diploid and sex chromosomes are haploid. D. Sex chromosomes determine gender and autosomes do not.

11. If red (RR) is crossed with white (rr) and produces a pink flower (Rr), and tall (D) is dominant to dwarf (d), what is the phenotypic ratio from a cross of Rrdd and rrDd? A. 9:3:3:1 B. 50% pink, 50% white and all tall C. 1:1:1:1, in which 50% are tall, 50% dwarf, 50% pink and 50% white D. 3:1

12. Hemophilia is caused by an X-linked recessive allele. In the pedigree shown below which two individuals in the pedigree must be carriers of hemophilia?

A. I-1 and II-1 B. I-4 and II-2 C. II-1 and II-2 D. III-2 and III-3

13. Mendel crossed pure breeding (homozygous) tall pea plants that had coloured flowers with pure breeding dwarf pea plants that had white flowers. All of the resulting F1 plants were tall and had coloured flowers. If Mendel had crossed these F1 plants with a pure breeding strain of dwarf pea plants with coloured flowers, what proportion of tall coloured plants would be expected in the offspring?
1 A. 4
3 B. 8

1 C. 2

9 D. 16

14. What is a sex-linked gene? A. A gene whose locus is on the X chromosome only. B. A gene whose locus is on the X or Y chromosomes. C. A gene whose locus is on the both X and Y chromosomes. D. A gene whose locus is on the Y chromosome only.

15. The pedigree chart below shows the inheritance of a genetic disease in a family. What is the nature of the allele that causes this disease?

A. Dominant and sex linked B. Dominant and non-sex linked C. Recessive and sex linked D. Recessive and non-sex linked

16. What is always a difference between the alleles of a gene? A. Their position on the chromosome B. Their amino acid sequence C. The number of codons that each contains D. Their base sequence

17. Hypophosphataemia is a disorder involving poor re-absorption of phosphate from glomerular filtrate in humans. It shows a sex-linked dominant pattern of inheritance as illustrated in the following pedigree.

Which row in the table correctly identifies the genotypes of individuals 1 and 2? Individual 1 A. B. C. D. XHXh XhY XhY unaffected Individual 2 XHY XHXH XHXh affected

18. A gene has three alleles. How many different genotypes can be found for this gene? A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12

20. What is the genetic cross called between an individual of unknown genotype and an individual who is homozygous recessive for a particular trait? A. Test-cross B. Hybrid cross C. Dihybrid cross D. F1 cross

21. Which human trait shows a pattern of polygenic inheritance? A. ABO blood type B. Sickle cell anemia

C. Skin color D. Co-dominant alleles

22. How does the X chromosome differ from the Y chromosome in humans? A. The Y chromosome is longer. B. Some genes on the X chromosome are absent from the Y chromosome. C. The genes are the same but some on the Y chromosome are not expressed. D. The X chromosome determines sex.

23. Why is it sometimes difficult to identify how certain characteristics are inherited in humans. A. Most genes are linked. B. Rates of mutation are high. C. The inheritance may be polygenic. D. The environment varies so little.

25. In the pedigree shown below, the female, labeled I-2, is a carrier for colour blindness, however neither male (I-1 or II-1) is colour blind.

What is the probability that offspring III-1 will be colour blind? A. 50% B. 25% C. 12.5% D. 0%

26. Which of the following blood group phenotypes always has a homozygous genotype? A. A B. B C. AB

D. O

27. What feature demonstrates codominance in the inheritance of ABO blood groups? A. When A antigens and B antigens are present on red blood cells. B. When A antibodies and B antibodies are present in blood serum. C. When IA and i alleles are expressed in homozygotes. D. When IA and i alleles are expressed in heterozygotes.

28. Alleles S and T are both dominant. In the theoretical cross ttSs x Ttss, which of the following offspring would show recombination? A. TS, tS B. TS, Ts C. tS, Ts D. TS, ts

29. What is a test cross? The crossing of an organism, with an unkown genotype, to a homozygous recessive organism (tester). A cross between an individual of unknown genotype or a heterozygote (or a multiple heterozygote) to a homozygous recessive individual. Test cross can be used to decide the genotype of the F1 generation. The test cross can be used to support the idea that the recurrence of the recessive character in the F2 generation is due to the heterozygous condition of the F1 . The test used to prove whether any given pair of traits could be alleles (different characters).

30. A woman has a heterozygous genotype for blood group B. She is expecting a baby with a man who is homozygous Group A. What are the possible blood groups for their baby?

I. Group O II. Group A III. Group AB

A. II and III only B. I and II only C. I and III only D. I, II and III

31. Colour blindness in humans is caused by an X chromosome linked recessive allele. In the pedigree chart below which two individuals must, for certain, be carriers of colour blindness?




A. II and IV B. I and III C. II and III D. I and II

32. A pure breeding tall plant with smooth seeds was crossed with a pure breeding short plant with wrinkled seeds. All the F1 plants were tall with smooth seeds. Two of these F1 plants were crossed and four different phenotypes were obtained in the 320 plants produced. How many tall plants with wrinkled seeds would you expect to find? A. 20 B. 180 C. 60 D. 30

33. What are homologous chromosomes? A. Two chromosomes with differing sets of genes, in the same sequence, with the same alleles B. Two chromosomes with the same set of genes, in a different sequence, with the same alleles C. Two chromosomes with a different set of genes, in the same sequence, with different alleles D. Two chromosomes with the same set of genes, in the same sequence, sometimes with different alleles

34. Which feature of a genetic pedigree chart demonstrates that a characteristic is sex linked? A. Numbers of offspring carrying the characteristic decreased over several generations. B. One gender is more commonly affected than the other. C. Equal numbers of males and females inherit the characteristic. D. Boys and girls only inherit the characteristic from their mothers.

35. What does the genotype XH Xh indicate? A. A co-dominant female B. A heterozygous male C. A heterozygous female D. A co-dominant male

36. If a purple flowered (Pp) and a white flowered pea plant (pp) are crossed, what will the offspring be? A. 1 : 1 ratio of purple and white flowers B. 3 : 1 ratio of purple to white flowers C. 1 : 3 ratio of purple to white flowers D. All purple flowers 37. Hemophilia is sex-linked and is caused by a recessive allele. A womans father has hemophilia, but her husband
does not. What is the probability of the women and her husband having a child with hemophilia?

Probability of a son having hemophilia A. B. C. D. 50% 0% 100% 0%

Probability of a daughter having hemophilia 0% 0% 0% 50%

38. Brachydactyly, abnormal shortness of the fingers, was the first human genetic disorder found to be caused by a dominant allele. The pedigree below shows a family with affected males , unaffected males , affected females and unaffected females .


What are the genotypes of the father and mother in the first generation, using the symbol B for the dominant alleles and symbol b for recessive allele? A. bb and BB B. bb and Bb C. Bb and BB D. BB or Bb and bb

39. In Drosophila the allele for normal wings (W) is dominant over the allele for vestigial wings (w) and the allele for normal body (G) is dominant over the allele for ebony body (g). If two Drosophila with the genotypes Wwgg and wwGg are crossed together, what ratio of phenotypes is expected in the offspring? A. 9 normal wings, normal body : 3 normal wings, ebony body : 3 vestigal wings, normal body : 1 vestigal wings, ebony body B. 3 normal wings, normal body : 3 normal wings, ebony body : 3 vestigal wings, normal body : 1 vestigal wings, ebony body C. 3 normal wings, normal body : 1 normal wings, ebony body : 3 vestigal wings, normal body : 1 vestigal wings, ebony body D. 1 normal wings, normal body : 1 normal wings, ebony body : 1 vestigal wings, normal body : 1 vestigal wings, ebony body

40. What constitutes a linkage group? A. Genes carried on the same chromosome B. Genes whose loci are on different autosomes C. Genes controlling a polygenic characteristic D. Alleles for the inheritance of ABO blood groups

41. What are the possible outcomes of recombination? I. A different combination of unlinked genes not seen in the parents II. A different combination of linked genes not seen in the parents III. The same combination of genes seen in the parents

A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II and III

42. A gene in cattle controls whether horns develop or not. When cattle without horns are mated together, none of the offspring ever has horns. A male with horns is mated with females without horns. If half of the offspring have horns and half do not, what is the conclusion? A. The male is homozygous dominant. B. The male is homozygous recessive. C. The male is heterozygous. D. Only males have horns.

44. A parent organism of unknown genotype is mated in a test cross. Half of the offspring have the same phenotype as the parent. What can be concluded about the parents from this result? A. The parent is heterozygous for the trait. B. The trait being inherited is polygenic. C. The parent is homozygous dominant for the trait. D. The parent is homozygous recessive for the trait

45. If a man has blood group O and a woman has blood group AB, what is the probability that their child will be blood group O? A. 0% B. 25% C. 50% D. 100%

46. The diagram below shows the pedigree of a family with red green color-blindness, a sex-linked condition.
1st generation 1 2 Key normal male normal female male with condition 2nd generation 1 2 3 4 5 female with condition

3rd generation 1 2 3 4

(a) Define the term sex-linkage. A gene / trait / allele carried on a sex chromosome.

(b) Deduce, with a reason, whether the allele producing the condition is dominant or recessive. Recessive; evidence from the pedigree such as the 2nd generation-2 and 3 do not have the condition but have one child who does.

(c)(i) Determine all the possible genotypes of the individual (2nd generation-1) using appropriate symbols. XaY (where a = condition)

(ii) Determine all the possible genotypes of the individual (3rd generation-4) using appropriate symbols. XAXa or XAXA where A = normal, a = condition (must have both)

47. The following diagram represents a two generation pedigree showing the blood groups of the individuals. The female has been married to two different individuals.

O 1st generation 1 B 2nd generation 1 2 O

AB Key 2 A 3 AB Male Female

(a) Define the term co-dominant alleles. Alleles of gene / pairs of alleles which both affect the phenotype / both expressed (when present together in an individual / in the heterozygote) (b) Deduce with a reason the probable father of 2nd generation1. 1st generation3 / father 3; father 1 can only donate an O allele / B allele cannot come from O parent (c) If 2nd generation3 marries a man with blood group AB, predict the possible genotypes of the children. IA IA / AA IA IB / AB

IA IO and IB IO / AO and BO / IA i and IB i

48. In Zea mays, the allele for coloured seed (C) is dominant over the allele for colourless seed (c). The allele for starchy endosperm (W) is dominant over the allele for waxy endosperm (w). Pure breeding plants with coloured seeds and starchy endosperm were crossed with pure breeding plants with colourless seeds and waxy endosperm.

(a) State the genotype and the phenotype of the F1 individuals produced as a result of this cross. Genotype: CcWw Phenotype: All colored and starchy

(b) The F1 plants were crossed with plants that had the genotype ccww. Calculate the expected ratio of phenotypes in the F2 generation, assuming that there is independent assortment. Gametes are C W, C w, c W, c w and c w; F2 genotypes are CcWw, Ccww, ccWw and ccww; 1 colored starchy: 1 colored waxy: 1 colorless starchy: 1 colorless waxy

The observed percentages of phenotypes in the F2 generation are shown below. colored starchy 37% colorless starchy 14% colored waxy 16% colorless waxy 33%

The observed results differ significantly from the results expected on the basis of independent assortment.

(c) State the name of a statistical test that could be used to show that the observed and the expected results are significantly different. Chi-Square Test

(d) Explain the reasons for the observed results of the cross differing significantly from the expected results. (autosomal) linkage (reject sex linkage) / genes are on the same chromosome / genes do not assort independently; colored starchy and colourless waxy are parentals / colored waxy and colorless starchy are the recombinants; recombinants produced by crossing over.

49. (a) A farmer has rabbits with two particular traits, each controlled by a separate gene. Coat color brown is completely dominant to white. Tailed is completely dominant to tail-less. A brown, tailed male rabbit that is heterozygous at both loci is crossed with a white, tail-less female rabbit. A large number of

offspring is produced with only two phenotypes: brown and tailed, white and tail-less, and the two types are in equal numbers.

(i) Deduce the pattern of inheritance of these traits. Male Bw (heterozygous Brown) + Female ww (homozygous white) F1: 50% Brown (heterozygous Bw) and 50% white (homozygous white) Same for the tail: 50% tailed and 50% tail-less. Then it becomes 25% for the probability of combination between the genes.

(ii) State both parents' genotypes and the gametes that are produced by each during the process of meiosis. Male genotype: Brown tailed double heterozygous (Bw Tt) Female genotype: white tail-less homozygous recessive (ww tt) Male gametes: BT, Bt, wT, wt Female gametes: wt

(iii) Predict the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of the F2 generation. Show your working. F2: 25% Bw * ww = 50-50 =12.5% Brown and 12.5 % white 25% Bw * ww = 50-50 = 12.5% Brown and 12.5 % white 25% Bw * Bw = 75-25= 18.75% Brown and 6.25% white 25% ww * ww = 100% white = 25% Phenotype: 43.75% Brown and 56.25 % white

50. Using an example you have studied, explain a cross between two linked genes, including the way in which recombinants are produced. Linked genes occur on the same chromosome / chromatid; genes (tend to be) inherited together / not separated/do not segregate independently; non-Mendelian ratio / not 9:3:3:1 / 1:1:1:1; real example of two linked genes; key for alleles involved in the example of a cross; homozygous parental genotypes and phenotypes shown; F1 genotype and phenotype shown / double heterozygote genotype and phenotype; possible F2 genotypes and phenotypes shown; recombinants identified; recombinants due to crossing over; in prophase I of meiosis; diagram / explanation of mutual exchange of parts of chromatids during crossing over.

51. (a) Define the term gene linkage and outline an example of a cross between two linked genes. Gene linkage is when traits tend to be inherited together as a consequence of an association between their genes; all of the genes of a given chromosome are linked (where one goes they all go). One example of test crossing

between two linked genes is that which occurs when one test crosses fruit flies with the wild type genotype (gray body, normal wings) and the mutant genotype (black body, vestigial wings). The heterozygous offspring of this breeding are bred again with the homozygous mutant fly in order to produce wild type offspring, homozygous mutant offspring, offspring which were wild type for body color but not for wings, and which were mutant concerning body color but with the wild type gene for wing type. It was expected that if the genes were linked on the same chromosome only offspring with parental phenotypes would be produced. This was the case in this cross, with most offspring appearing with the parental phenotype.

(b) Describe the inheritance of ABO blood groups including an example of the possible outcomes of a homozygous blood group A mother having a child with a blood group O father. Example of co-dominance; multiple alleles / 3 alleles; (phenotype) O has (genotype) ii; B can be IB IB or IB I; A can be IA IA or IA I; AB is IA IB; (P are) i i x IA IA; (gametes) i and IA; (F1 genotype) IA I; (F1 phenotype) blood group A.

(c) Outline sex linkage. Gene carried on sex chromosome / X chromosome / Y chromosome; inheritance different in males than in females; males have only one X chromosome therefore, only one copy of the gene; mutation on Y chromosome can only be inherited by males; women can be carriers if only one X chromosome affected; example of sex linked characteristics (e.g. hemophilia / color blindness); example of cross involving linkage.

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