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The diagram shows two patterns of cell division. Cell division type A is used in gamete formation.

1 Cell division type B is used in normal growth.

(a) Name the two types of cell division, A and B, shown in the diagram.

Type A ____________________________________________________________

Type B ____________________________________________________________

(b) Name the process in which an egg and sperm join together.


(c) Cell 1 contains 46 chromosomes. How many chromosomes will there be in:

(i) cell 10; ___________________________________________________


(ii) cell 14? ___________________________________________________

(Total 5 marks)

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The diagram shows a family tree in which some individuals have an inherited disorder, which
2 may cause serious long-term health problems.

(a) What proportion of the children of A and B have the disorder?


(b) Explain the evidence from the diagram which shows that the allele for the disorder is

Use the appropriate letters to identify individuals in your answer.

You may use genetic diagrams in your explanation. There is space for you to draw a
genetic diagram at the top of the facing page.







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(c) (i) What is meant by ‘embryo screening’?



(ii) A doctor suggests that couple C and D should have their embryos screened but that
couple G and H do not need this procedure.

Explain the reasons for the doctor’s suggestions.









(Total 8 marks)

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The photograph shows a Crossbill.

A Crossbill feeds by using its bill (beak) to force apart the scales on conifer cones. It then uses its
tongue to extract the seeds. If the bill is clipped it grows back again.

Scientists were interested in the evolution of the bill of the Crossbill.

In an investigation, they clipped the bills of several Crossbills so that their bills no longer crossed.

They observed that Crossbills with clipped bills took much longer to get seeds.

Use information from the investigation to suggest an explanation for the evolution of the bill in the

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In your explanation, use the ideas of selection, competition and mutation.










(Total 4 marks)

The drawings show two different species of butterfly.


• Both species can be eaten by most birds.

• Amauris has a foul taste which birds do not like, so birds have learned not to prey on it.

• Hypolimnas does not have a foul taste but most birds do not prey on it.

(a) Suggest why most birds do not prey on Hypolimnas.





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(b) Suggest an explanation, in terms of natural selection, for the markings on the wings of








(Total 5 marks)

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The diagram shows one method of producing herbicide-resistant crop plants.

(a) (i) The herbicide-resistance gene is obtained from a herbicide-resistant plant.

Which structure in a cell carries the genes?


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(ii) How is the herbicide-resistance gene cut out of this structure?



(b) Apart from having the herbicide-resistance gene, the herbicide-resistant plants are identical
to the herbicide-susceptible plants.

Explain why.





(c) Suggest one advantage to a farmer of growing herbicide-resistant crops.



(d) Many people are opposed to the growing of herbicide-resistant crops produced in this way.

Suggest one reason why.


(Total 6 marks)

Chromosomes contain molecules of DNA. Genes are small sections of DNA.

(a) Each gene contains a code.

What does a cell use this code for?





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(b) DNA fingerprints can be used to identify people. One example of the use of DNA
fingerprints is to find out which man is the father of a child.

The diagram shows the DNA fingerprints of a child, the child’s mother and two men who
claim to be the child’s father.

The numbers refer to the bars on the DNA fingerprints.

(i) Which man, A or B, is more likely to be the father of the child?

Use the numbers on the DNA fingerprints to explain your choice.

In your answer you should refer to all four people.








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(ii) Only half the bars of the child’s DNA fingerprint match the mother’s DNA fingerprint.

Explain why.





(Total 7 marks)

Scientists are investigating how to reduce methane emissions from cattle.

Most of this methane is emitted by the cows belching.

Scientists have found that less methane is belched if the cows eat high-sugar rye grass.

This rye grass has been produced by genetic engineering.

(i) Suggest how the high-sugar rye grass might have been produced by genetic engineering.







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(ii) Some people might object to the growing of genetically-engineered, high-sugar rye grass
for feeding cattle.

Give two reasons why.

1. _________________________________________________________________



2. _________________________________________________________________


(Total 5 marks)

Pathogenic bacteria and viruses may make us feel ill if they enter our bodies.
(a) Why do bacteria and viruses make us feel ill?

Bacteria ____________________________________________________________


Viruses ____________________________________________________________


(b) Most drugs that kill bacteria cannot be used to treat viral infections.

Explain why.







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(c) Antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria are causing problems in most hospitals.

Explain, as fully as you can, why there has been a large increase in the number of
antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.










(Total 8 marks)

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The dodo is an extinct bird. The drawing shows an artist’s impression of the bird.

The dodo lived on a small island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Its ancestors were
pigeon-like birds which flew to the island millions of years ago. There were no predators on the
island. There was a lot of fruit on the ground. This fruit became the main diet of the birds.
Gradually, the birds became much heavier, lost their ability to fly and evolved into the dodo.

(a) Suggest an explanation for the evolution of the pigeon-like ancestor into the flightless dodo.










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(b) The dodo became extinct about 80 years after Dutch sailors first discovered the island in
the eighteenth century.

Scientists are uncertain about the reasons for the dodo’s extinction.

Suggest an explanation for this uncertainty.


(Total 5 marks)

The photograph shows a snake eating a toad.


Cane toads were first introduced into Australia in 1935. The toads contain toxins and most
species of Australian snake die after eating the toad.

The cane toad toxin does not affect all snakes the same way. Longer snakes are less affected by
toad toxin.

Scientists investigated how red-bellied black snakes had changed in the 70 years since cane
toads were introduced into their area. They found that red-bellied black snakes had become
longer by around 3 – 5 %.

Suggest an explanation for the change in the body length of the red-bellied black snakes since
the introduction of the cane toads.








(Total 4 marks)

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(a) What does the theory of evolution state?




(b) Daphnia are microscopic water fleas. Midge larvae prey on Daphnia. The midge larvae
release a hormone into the water. Daphnia respond to these hormones by growing larger
protective ‘helmet’-like structures

Scientists were surprised to observe that the offspring of Daphnia females who had been
exposed to these hormones always had larger helmets than offspring whose mothers had
never been exposed to the hormones. The offspring with the large helmets went on to
produce offspring with large helmets.

Explain why the scientists’ observations seem to contradict the theory of natural selection.




(Total 4 marks)

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Mark schemes
(a) A = meiosis
accept ‘mieosis’
do not accept ‘miosis’

B = mitosis
do not accept ‘meitosis’ etc

(b) fertilisation allow conception


(c) (i) 23

(ii) 46

(a) 1 in 4 / 1/4 / 1: 3 / 25% / 0.25

do not accept 3:1 / 1:4 / 2:6

(b) either from C and D

accept synonyms for dominant / recessive eg
Normal / faulty
accept genetic diagram if clearly referring to correct individuals or
genotypes on family tree
allow ‘gene’ for ‘allele’

any three from:

• C and D have disorder

ignore ‘ C & D are carriers’

• I/J don’t have disorder

• C and D have dominant and

recessive alleles

• recessive alleles from C and D passed to I/J

or I/J have two recessive alleles
NB if allele was recessive then all offspring of C and D would have
the disorder = 3 marks

or from A and B
assume response refers to A + B unless contradicted

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• A is homozygous recessive / rr, and B is heterozygous / Rr can be shown
in words or symbols
allow any symbol

• offspring can be rr or Rr described

allow without key

(c) (i) (embryos) checked for inherited / genetic disorders / conditions

accept diseases for disorders

(ii) any three from:

• C/D have disorder / have dominant allele

accept disease / condition
accept ‘gene’ for ‘allele’
ignore reference to ‘carriers’

• chance of embryo / foetus / child having disorder

or may pass on alleles for disorder to their offspring

• C/D might want to decide on termination or prepare

for child with disorder

• G and H don.t have disorder / both homozygous

recessive / have no dominant alleles (for this disorder)

• so offspring (of G and H) cannot / don.t have disorder


any four from:

max two marks for a Lamarck explanation

• mutation produced a bird whose bill was crossed

do not allow birds decide to mutate

• birds compete for food / seeds

• mutant crossbill able to obtain food faster / easier / more successfully

• selected for or more likely to survive

• reproduce / mate / breed / produce offspring


(a) wing pattern similar to Amauris

4 1

birds assume it will have foul taste


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(b) mutation / variation produced wing pattern similar to Amauris
do not accept breeds with Amauris
do not accept idea of intentional adaptation

these butterflies survived


breed / genes passed to next generation


(a) (i) chromosomes

allow DNA
ignore nucleus

(ii) enzymes

(b) asexual reproduction / no gametes / no fusion / only one parent

ignore clones

cells all contain same genetic information / same genes (as parent) / same DNA

(c) can spray crop with herbicide – only weeds killed

crop survives herbicide insufficient

(d) any one from:

• fears / lack of knowledge about effects of GM food on health

allow ‘think that GM food is bad for health’
ignore not natural or against religion

• crop plants may pass on gene to wild plants

• encourages use of herbicides


(a) any two from:

• to combine / use amino acids
do not allow to make amino acids

• in specific / particular / correct / right order

• to manufacture protein / enzymes / hormones

allow examples of proteins / enzymes / hormones

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(b) (i) (man) B
no mark for this but max 2 marks if A given

any three from:

• child gets DNA / bars / lines from mother and father / parent s
ignore genes / chromosomes

• (child has) mother’s 25 / 28 / 30 / 31

or child gets 17 / 19 / 22 / 24 from mother

• (child has) man B’s 10 / 12 / 13 / 14

or child gets 18 / 20 / 21 / 23 from B

contradictions disqualify 2nd and / or 3rd marking points

ignore genes / chromosomes

• no bars / DNA / lines from man A correspond to child


(ii) any two from:

• gametes / eggs / sperm

• contain only half of (mother’s / father’s) DNA /

chromosomes / genes / genetic information

• due to meiosis

(i) any three from:

ignore references to other methods eg tissue culture and embryo

• remove gene

• use of enzymes

• from plant with high sugar production

allow from bacteria

• insert gene into rye grass


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(ii) any two from eg

• concern about effect on (health) of cow

• concern about effects on human (health)

• concern about food chain effects or effects on ecosystem

• effect on gene pool

ignore not natural or cost
ignore ethical / religious arguments
if no other marks awarded
‘we don’t know the long term effects’ = 1 mark

(a) (bacteria) produce toxins / poisons

8 1

(viruses) damage / kills cells or toxins released from cell


(b) any two from:

• viruses live inside cells

• viruses inaccessible to drug

• drug would damage body cells / tissue


(c) any four from:

• overuse of antibiotics

• bacteria mutate
do not allow antibiotic causes mutation

• antibiotics kill non-resistant strains or idea of selection

• reduced competition

• resistant bacteria reproduce


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(a) any four from:
• mutation / variation

• produces smaller wings / fatter body

must be linked to mutation / variation

• wings no longer an advantage since no predators

allow wings / flight not needed as no predators

• wings no longer an advantage since food on ground

allow wings / flight not needed as food on ground

• fatter body can store more energy when fruit scarce

• successful birds breed / pass on genes


(b) any one from:

• evidence has all gone

• no scientists on island at time to record evidence

• no records (from sailors)


any four from

• mutation
do not accept ‘had to mutate / decided to mutate’

• produces longer snake or there is variation in snake length

do not accept ‘had to adapt and became longer’

• longer snake less susceptible to toxin or longer snake survives

• survivors reproduce

• gene passed to next generation

allow characteristic passed to next generation

(a) present day organisms have evolved from simpler organisms

ignore answers in terms of natural selection

over long periods of time

millions / billions of years

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(b) (natural selection operates on successful)
characteristics produced by chance / (random) mutation

in this experiment caused by hormones / environment

allow this example indicates
inheritance of acquired
characteristics for 2 marks
allow this is Lamarckism only for 1 mark

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