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Describe Vapour Compression Cycle refrigeration system with a line diagram showing

various pressures and temperature.12m 2. Describe with a neat sketch a drier unit as fitted to a large refrigeration system and state why is it required? 12m . !ketch a thermostatic e"pansion control valve as fitted in a refrigeration system# label all the parts and state the location in the refrigeration system.12m $. !ketch and Describe high pressure cut out fitted in a refrigeration system.1%m &n what condition the cut out activates and what action being taken '. a()"plain the term *!uperheat+ with reference to the thermostatic e"pansion valve and *under,cool+ in the condenser. -. )"plain the functions of the following with reference to the refrigeration system.,$m each a(!olenoid valve. b( /igh,pressure safety cut out. c( &il pressure safety cut out. 0. Describe the procedure of charging gas to a large refrigeration system after complete overhaul of the compressor# assuming the condenser1receiver is empty. 2. )"plain with a neat sketch the drain system arranged in a refrigerated room or cargo hold for draining wash water and defrosted water. 3. /ow will you detect the gas leak in the closed system of a refrigerated compressor using 4,12#e"plain at least three methods. 1%. Describe the procedure of charging gas to a large refrigeration system# when condenser gas level is lower than normal. 11. 5rite short notes on maintenance of the following refrigeration system equipments., a(Condensers. b( &il separators c(4ilters and driers.$m each. 12.)"plain the causes and rectification of the following defects# when observed during the running of the refrigeration compressor.,$m each. a( 6oo high delivery pressure. b( 6oo high suction pressure. c( Compressor starting and stopping too often on low,pressure switch. 1$. )"plain the causes and rectification of the following defects# observed during the running of the refrigeration compressor., a( 6oo low suction pressure. b( 6oo low delivery pressure. c( Compressor stopping too often on high,pressure switch.

1'.!tate how each of the following faults identified and rectified for a vapor compression refrigeration machine. m each d( 7ir in the system. e( 8oisture in the system. f( 9ndercharge. g( &vercharged. 1-.Draw a block diagram of an automatic accommodation air conditioning unit and label the parts and indicate the directions of airflow.1%m )"lain the reason for installing the dehumidification and humidification unit.2m 10.5hat are the readings taken and recorded of a domestic refrigeration system during watch keeping on board a ship?$m 12.)"plain the following with reference to the refrigeration compressor., a( !ketch a mechanical shaft seal# method of lubrication and name its parts.2m b( /ow is gas leakage detected through shaft seal and what is its effect on environment? 2m c( 5hat factors can cause the shaft seal failure in service?2m 13. a( Draw a neat sketch of an oil separator fitted to an refrigeration compressor and name its parts.2m b( 5hy is oil separator required and how does it work?$m 2%. a( )"plain the properties of a refrigeration system lubricating oil.$m c( !ketch and describe reciprocationg compressor lubricating oil system. 21. e"plain briefly how does air enters into the closed system of refrigeration compressor?2m 22.5hat action will you take if the moisture could not be removed from the gas by renewing :silica gel;# due to contamination with e"cess moisture?$m 2 .5hat is humidity and how is it controlled on board ship?$m 2$./ow are the basic consideration taken into consideration in calculating the capacity of air condition plant required for installation on a ship? 2'. 5hat is capacity control in a refrigeration system and how is it automatically controlled? 12m 2-.5hat are the factors taken into consideration for optimum comfort level in air conditioning system?$m 20.5hat are the dangerous of the gas for the crew and environment with respect to international regulation?

22.Draw a neat sketch of an oil separator and describe its functions.12m 23.)"plain the functions with a neat sketch the following with reference to the refrigeration system., d( 6hermostatic e"pansion valve. e( Compressor shaft seal. %.Describe the danger of *Contamination+ with reference to sump oil in the refrigerated compressor and its effect on the system?-m 1./ow is 4reon gas affect the *o<one+ and the climate?$m 2./ow does a port state control regulation inspection carried out on a refrigeration system? $m ./ow is the reciprocating compressor lubricated?$m $.5hat are the uses of psychometric charts and when do you use them?$m '.5hat are the ma=or components of a reciprocating compressor and how does it work?12m -.5hy is e"pansion valve used in the refrigeration or air conditioning system? 0.5hat is the term *coefficient of performance+ means in a refrigeration or air condition system?$ 2.)numerate the standard maintenance carried out in a refrigeration or air condition system? 2m 3.5hat are the properties of air for an effective air conditioning system? 2m $%.5hat are the basic principles of air conditioning?2m $1.5hat is called central air conditioning and how is it carried out?$m $2.5hat are the safety features incorporated in a vopur compression cycle.2m $ .5hat is the term *defrosting+ and how does it work?2m $$.5hat are the different types of 4reon gas used for refrigeration system?$m $'.5hat is the use of the compressor in the vapour compression system?2m

$-.a(/ow many filters are fitted on the gas side in the refrigeration system and where are they fitted?2m b( /ow does the e"pansion valve work and control the superheat in the )vaporator? 1%m $0.5hat is the term *carry over+ and what are the dangers of it in a refrigerated system?2m $2.5hat are the min and ma" temperature of all the cold rooms on board ship?2m $3./ow do you identify the condenser is dirty and what action will you take?2m '%.)"plain the term *>iquid knock+ in a refrigeration system.2m '1.5hat are the two ways of charging gas to the refrigerated compressor? '2. 5hat safety precaution will you take when working with a refrigerated compressor during troubleshooting or repairs?2m ' ./ow is the air cleaned in the air conditioned unit and how re,circulation controlled?2m '$.Describe the refrigerated ship refrigeration system and how does the cargo temperature maintained. PROBLEMS '-.7 refrigerating plant using carbon dio"ide was operated between pressures of -%bar and 1$bar. 6he refrigerant left the evaporator %.3' dry and $%k=1kg was added by the Compressor. ?f no undercooling took place in the condenser and the flow rate was 1.2kg1s calculate. 1.6he condition of the vapour entering the evaporator 2.6he coefficient of performance and .6he capacity from and at %@ '0.7n ammonia refrigeration plant operates between pressures of 0bar and 1.13-bar with a flow rate of '.-kg1min. the ammonia is dry both entering and leaving the compressor and no undercooling takes place in the condenser. ?f the overall efficiency of the compressor is -%1 calculate a( the coefficient of performance of the system and b(the power supplied to the compressor.

'2.6he refrigerant of the vapour compression plant enters the evaporator .2'dry and leaves .3'dry. the temperature rise of the circulating brine is 2@C while the refrigerant flow rate is 2.'kg1min. if the specific enthalpy of the evaporation of refrigerant at evaporator pressure is 11'kA1kg# calculate a( the rate of flow of brine and b( the capacity of the plant from and at %@C. take the enthalpy of fusion of ice as kA1kg and the specific heat capacity of the brine as kA1kg. '3.6he evaporator of a 4reon 12 refrigerant plant operating at a temperature of ,1'@C ant the dryness fraction of the vapour at outlet is %.3. the compressor adds energy at the rate of %kA1kg and the vapour enters the condenser dry and saturated. ?f the condensate leaves the condenser without undercooling calculate the heat e"tracted by the evaporator per kg of the refrigerant. -%.7 refrigerating plant circulates ammonia at a rate of %kg1min and operates between pressures of 2.%00 bar and 1%. $bar. the ammonia enters the condenser at $'@C and the refrigerant leaves the condenser .2'dry. if the dryness fraction of the ammonia leaving the evaporator is %.3# calculate the coefficient of performance for the plant.

-1.4reon 12 is liquefied in the condenser of a refrigerating plant at a constant temperature of 2'@C and flows through the evaporator at a constant temperature of ,2%@C. the vapour leaves the evaporator .3' dry and the power absorbed by the compressor is 1.'k5. if the speed of the compressor is 2.'rev1s# calculate a( the mass flow rate and b( the swept volume of the compressor. -2.6he circulation rate of 4reon 12 through a refrigerant plant is 1''%kg1hr. the plant operates between pressures of 2.131bar and -.'1-bar. thee refrigerant leaves the condenser as saturated liquid and leaves the evaporator dry and saturated. ?f the power absorbed by the compressor is 1%k5# calculate a( the refrigerating effect in kA1hr and b( the condition of the vapour leaving the compressor. - .6he enthalpy of the refrigerant leaving the compressor of a refrigerating plant is 2 %kA1kg ant the flow rate is $.'kg1min. the flow of sea water through the condenser is $%kg1min while the temperature rise of the water is '@C and its specific heat capacity is $.1 kA1kgk. ?f the power absorbed by the compressor is 2.'k5 calculate the capacity of the plant from ant at %@C. take the enthalpy of fusion of ice as kA1kg.

-$.7 carbon dio"ide refrigerating system operates with an evaporator pressure of 12bar. 7 three cylinder single stage compressor running at 2rev1s increases the pressure to '2bar. 6he refrigerant leaves the compressor running at 2rev1min increases the pressure to '2bar. 6he refrigerant leaves the condenser without any undercooling and leaves the evaporator dry and saturated. 6he flow rate is %kg1min and the compressor adds energy at the rate of $'k5. 9sing the e"tract from the refrigerant tables calculate. 6he cooling load on the condenser and 6he stroke and bore of the compressor if the stroke to bore ratio is 1.'.

-'.6he temperature limits of an ammonia refrigerating system are 2'deg.C and ,1%deg.C.?f the gas is dry at the end of compression# calculate the coefficient of performance of the cycle no under cooling of the liquid ammonia.

--.7 vapour compression refrigerator works between the pressure limits of -% bar and 2' bar. 6he working fluid is =ust dry at the end of compression and there is no under cooling of the liquid before the e"pansion valve. Determine. 1( cop of the cycle 2( capacity of the refrigerator if the fluid flow is at the rate of 'kg1min.

-0.4ind the theoretical C&B for a C&2 machine working between the temperature range of 2'deg.C and ,'deg.C. 6he dryness fraction of C&2 gas during the suction stroke is %.-. -2.7n ammonia refrigerating machine fitted with an e"pansion valve works between the temperature limits of ,1%deg.c and %deg.c. the vapour is 3'C dry at the end of isentropic compression and the fluid leaving the condenser is at %deg.c. 7ssuming the actual cop as -%C of the theoretical# calculate the kgs of ice produced in per kw hour at %deg.c from water at 1%deg.c .>atent heat of ice is 'k=1kg . -3.7 vapour compression refrigerator uses methyl chloride DE,$%( and operates between temperatures limits of ,1%deg.C and $'deg.C. 7t the entry to the compressor# the refrigerant is dry saturated and after compression it acquires a temperature of -%deg.C. 4ind the C&B of the refrigerator.

0%.7 refrigeration machine using E,12 as refrigerant operates between the pressures 2.'bar and 3bar. 6he compression is isentropic and there is no undercooling in the condenser. 6he vapour is dry saturated condition at the beginning of the compression. )stimate the theoretical coefficient of performance. ?f the actual C&B is %.-' of theoretical value# calculate the net cooling produced per hour. 6he refrigerant flow is 'kg1min. 01.7 vapour compression refrigeration plant works between the pressure limits of '. bars and 2.1 bar. 6he vapour is superheated at the end of compression# its temperature being 0deg.c. 6he vapour is superheated by 'deg.c before entering the compressor. ?f the specific heat of super heated vapour is %.- kA1kg F. 4ind the C&B of the plant. 02.7 vapour compression refrigerator uses E,12 as refrigerant and the liquid evaporates in the evaporator at ,1'deg.c. the temperature of this refrigerant at the delivery from the compressor is 1'deg.c when the vapour is condensed at 1%deg.c. 4ind the C&B if 1( 6here is no under coolingG and 2( the liquid is cooled by 'deg.c before e"pansion by throttling. 0 .7 food storage locker requires a refrigeration capacity of 12 6E and works between the evaporating temperature of ,2deg.c and condensing temperature of %deg.c. the refrigerant E,12 is subcooled by 'deg.c before entry to e"pansion valve and the vapour is superheated to ,12deg.c before leaving the evaporator coils. Determine. 1( cop 2( theoretical power tonne of refrigeration.

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