French Line Infantry Regiments 31 To 40

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French Infantry Regiments and the Colonels who Led Them: 1791 to 1815

Part IV: 31e - 40e Regiments

By Tony Broughton, FINS

31e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Regimental History 1610: Created 1635: Regiment d'Aunis 1791: 31e Regiment d'Infanterie 1793: 31e demi-brigade de bataille (formed from the following) 1er bataillon, 16e Regiment de Infanterie 1er and 2e bataillons, Volontaires d'Ille-et-Vilaine 1796: 31e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following) 1er demi-brigade de bataille(1er Bat, 1er Regt d'Inf, 1er Bat Vol de la Butte de Moulins and 3e Bat Vol du Loiret) 109e demi-brigade de bataille(1er Bat, 55e Regt d'Inf, 7e Bat Vol de Seine-et-Oise and 5e bis Bat Vol de Rhone-et-Loire) 2e bataillon, 4e demi-brigade de bataille 1804: Incorporated into the 7e and 103e Regiments d'Infanterie de Ligne There was no 31e Regiment d'Infanterie during the Empire period Colonels and Chef-de-Brigade 1791: De Barbantane (Hilarion-Paul-Francois) - Colonel 1791: De Losse de Bayac (Charles-Joseph) - Colonel, 1er bataillon 1793: Colle (Jean-Theodore) - Colonel, 1er bataillon 1794: Aubree (Rene-Francois-Jean) - Chef-de-Brigade 1795: Levrier (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1797: Michel (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1798: Monnet de Lorbeau (Louis-Claude) - Chef-de-Brigade 1799: Vonderwiedt (Marie-Joseph-Simon-Alexis) - Chef-de-Brigade 1802: Baron (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1804: Aussenac (Pierre-Gabriel) - Chef-de-Brigade Six of the above officers attained the rank of General-de-Brigade and above De Barbantane (Hilarion-Paul-Francois)

Born: 8 March 1754 Colonel: 10 March 1788 General-de-Brigade: 6 October 1791 General-de-Division: 7 September 1792 Died: 27 March 1828 Colle (Jean-Theodore) Born: 17 March 1733 Colonel: 11 February 1793 General-de-Brigade: 19 May 1793 Member of the Legion d'Honneur: 25 March 1804 Died: 22 September 1807 Aubree (Rene-Francois-Jean) Born: 23 June 1763 Chef-de-Brigade : 18 August 1794 General-de-Brigade: 19 September 1799 Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804 Died: 1 December 1808 (killed at Saragosse) Monnet de Lorbeau (Louis-Gabriel) Born: 1 January 1766 Chef-de-Brigade : 23 July 1796 General-de-Brigade: 5 april 1799 General-de-Division: 27 August 1803 Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804 Died: 8 June 1819 Vonderweidt (Marie-Joseph-Simon-Alexis) Born: 8 June 1771 Chef-de-Brigade : 5 April 1799 General-de-Brigade: 12 June 1802 Died: 9 August 1802 Aussenac (Pierre-Gabriel) Born: 30 March 1764 Chef-de-Brigade : 6 October 1802 (74e demi-brigade d'Infanterie) Chef-de-Brigade : 6 December 1802 (7e demi-brigae d'Infanterie) Chef-de-Brigade : 22 March 1803 (31e demi-brigade d'Infanterie) General-de-Brigade: 6 August 1811 Officer of the Legion d'Honneur: 15 June 1804 Baron of the Empire: 15 August 1810 Died: 2 February 1833 Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 31e Regiment d'Infanterie

No Colonels killed or wounded Regimental war record (Battles and Combats)

1792: Valmy 1793: Mayence, Sainte-Lucie and Le Mans 1794: Armee du Nord 1795: Armee de Sambre-et-Meuse 1796: Biberach 1797: Berne 1801: Saint-Dominique 1804: Saint-Dominique Battle Honours Valmy 1792

32e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Regimental History 1775: Created from 2e and 4e bataillons d'Aunis 1791: 32e Regiment d'Infanterie 1796: 32e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following) 21e demi-brigade de bataille(1er Bat, 11e Regt d'Inf, 2e Bat Vol du Var and 1er Bat Vol de la Haute- Garonne) 118e demi-brigade de bataille(2e Bat, 59e Regt d'Inf. 2e Bat Vol de la Drome and 3e Bat Vol de l'Isere) 129e demi-brigade de bataille(1er Bat, 70e Regt d'Inf and 1er and 2e Bat Vol de l'Herault) 1803: 32e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne Colonels and Chef-de-Brigade

1792: Baussancourt (Joseph de) - Colonel 1793: Vimeux (Louis-Antoine) - Colonel 1794: Saint-Sauveur (?) - Colonel 1796: Rampon (Antoine-Guillaume) - Chef-de-Brigade 1796: Dupuy (Dominic-Martin) - Chef-de-Brigade 1797: Charlot (Hugues) - Chef-de-Brigade 1798: Darmagnac (Jean-Baptiste) - Chef-de-Brigade 1800: Darricau (Augustin) - Chef-de-Brigade 1803: Duranteau (Luc) - Colonel 1808: Aymard (Antoine) - Colonel 1813: Branger (Louis-Prudence) - Colonel

Five of the above officers attained the rank of General-de-Brigade and above Vimeux (Louis-Antoine) Born: 13 August 1737 Colonel: 11 January 1793 General-de-Brigade: 27 May 1793 General-de-Division: 6 september 1794 Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 15 June 1804 Baron of the Empire: 9 April 1811 Died: 23 June 1814 Rampon (antoine-Guillaume) Born: 16 March 1759 Chef-de-Brigade : 14 October 1793 (161e demi-brigade de bataille) Chef-de-Brigade : 1 May 1794 (129e demi-brigade de bataille) Chef-de-Brigade : 13 March 1796 (32e demi-brigade d'Infanterie) General-de-Brigade: 11 april 1796 General-de-Division: 25 January 1800 Grand Officer of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804 Count of the Empire: 26 April 1808 Died: 2 March 1842 Dupuy (Dominic-Martin) Born: 8 February 1768 Chef-de-Brigade : 25 February 1794 (21e demi-brigade de bataille) Chef-de-Brigade : 26 May 1796 (32e demi-brigade d'Infanterie) General-de-Brigade: 6 December 1796 (refused promotion) General-de-Brigade: 22 July 1798 Died: 21 October 1798 (of wounds sustained during the revolt at Cairo) Darmagnac (Jean-Barthelemy-Claude-Toussaint) Born: 1 November 1766 Chef-de-Brigade : 26 July 1798 General-de-Brigade: 27 April 1801 General-de-Division: 19 July 1808 Died: 12 December 1855 Darricau (Augustin) Born: 5 July 1773 Chef-de-Brigade : 27 April 1801 General-de-Brigade: 14 February 1807 General-de-Division: 31 July 1811 Baron of the Empire: 27 July 1808 Died: 6 May 1819 Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 32e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Chef-de-Brigade Dupuy: wounded 15 April 1796 and 11 November 1796 Chef-de-Brigade Darmagnac: wounded 11 May 1799 Colonel Aymard: wounded 28 July 1809 Colonel Branger: wounded 28 July 1813 and 13 October 1813 Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 32e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815 Officers killed: Thirty Officers died of wounds: Eleven Officers wounded: One hundred and forty-three Regimental war record (Battles and Combats) 1791: Antilles 1793: Mainz 1795: Loano 1796: Montelgino, Dego, Lonato, Arcole and Saint Georges 1797: Rivoli and Mantoue 1798: Malta, Alexandrie and Les Pyramides 1799: El-Arish, Jaffa, Acre, Mont-Tabor, Aboukir and Damiette 1800: Heliopolis 1801: Alexandrie 1805: Haslach, Diernstein and Ulm 1807: Mohrungen and Friedland 1809: Talevera de de Reina and Almonacid 1810: Baza 1811: Ubida, Venta-del-Baul and Ticola 1812: Ossana 1813: Vittoria, Sorauren and Bayonne 1813: Lutzen,Wurschen, Buntzlau, Dresden and Leipzig 1814: Orthez and Toulouse 1814: Nogent-sur-Seine, Nangis, Monterau and Limonset 1815: Mundolsheim and Srasbourg Battle Honours Lonato 1796, Les Pyramides 1798 and Friedland

33e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Regimental History 1625: Created 1636: Regiment de Touraine 1791: 33e Regiment de Ligne 1793: 33e demi-brigade de bataille (formed from the following)

1er bataillon, 17e Regiment d'Infanterie 10e bataillon, Volontaires de Seine-et-Oise 2e bataillon, Volontaires de la Nievre 1796: 33e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following) 10e demi-brigade de bataille(2e Bat, 5e Regt d'Inf, 1er and 2e Bat Vol d'Indre-et-Loire ) 90e demi-brigade de bataille(2e Bat, 45e Regt d'Inf, 8e Bat Vol des Federes and 4e Bat Vol du Nord) 5e bataillon, Volontaires de la Sarthe 1er bataillon Volontaires de Porte-au-Prince 1803: 33e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne Colonels and Chef-de-Brigade 1791: De Maillou (Jean-Louis Ramaud) - Colonel 1792: D'Aigreville (Louis-Francois-Hector d'Haudore) - Colonel 1792: Charlot (Guillaume) - Colonel 1794: Bord (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1796: Almain (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1796: Laval (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1799: Rouget (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1803: Saint-Raymond (Jean) - Colonel 1807: Pouchelon (Etienne-Francois-Raymond) - Colonel 1812: Maire (Claude-Augustin) - Colonel One officer attained the rank of General-de-Brigade Pouchelon (Etienne-Francois-Raymond) Born: 25 October 1770 Colonel: 7 January 1807 General-de-Brigade: 8 October 1812 Officer of the Legion d'Honneur: 7 July 1807 Baron of the Empire: 19 March 1809 Died: 4 September 1831 Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 33e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne Colonel Maire: wounded 16 October 1813 Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 33e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815 Officers killed: Thirty-one Officers died of wounds: Seventeen Officers wounded: One hundred and sixty-three Regimental war record (Battles and Combats) 1792: Thionville 1793: Wissembourg, Kaiserlautern and Bischweiler

1794: Fleurus and Maastricht 1795: Loano 1796: Cembra and Rivoli 1797: Rivoli and Mantoue 1799: Pastrengo, Verona and Magnano 1805: Austerlitz 1806: Auerstadt and Czarnowo 1807: Eylau and Friedland 1809: Thann,Eckmuhl,Ratisbonne, Gospic, Wagram and Stettin 1812: Smolensk, La Moskowa, Krasnoe, Beresina and Wina 1813: Dresden, Kulm, Peterswald and Leipzig 1814: Defence of Luxembourg 1815: Ligny and Namur Battle Honours Austerlitz 1805, Wagram 1809 and La Moskowa 1812

34e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Regimental History 1775: Created from the 2e and 4e bataillons Regiment de Touraine 1775: Renamed Regiment de Savoie-Carigan 1785: Renamed Regiment d'Angouleme 1791: 34e Regiment d'Infanterie 1793: 34e demi-brigade de bataille (formed from the following) 2e bataillon, 17e Regiment d'Infanterie 4e bataillon, Volontaires de la Moselle 3e bataillon, Volontaires de la Meuse 1796: 34e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed romthe following) 1er and 2e bataillons, 67e Regiment d'Infanterie 85e demi-brigade de bataille(1er Bat, 43e Regt d'Inf, 1er Bat Vol de la Haute-Marne and 5e Bat Vol du Haute-Rhin) 148e demi-brigade de bataille(2e Bat, 80e Regt d'Inf, 7e and 11e Bat Vol de la Gironde) 2e bataillon, Volontaires de Paris 3e bataillon, Volontaires de Seine-et-Oise 3e bataillon, Volontaires d'Arras 1803: 34e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne Colonels and Chef-de-Brigade 1791: De Bisson (Simon-Francois) - Colonel 1792: Legrand (Francois-Jean) - Colonel 1792: Meunier (Hugues-Alexandre-Joseph) - Colonel 1794: Barrere (?) - Chef-de-Brigade

1796: Mazas (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1803: Dejean (Jean-Antoine) - Colonel 1806: Dumoustier (Pierre) - Colonel 1807: Remond (Charles-Francois) - Colonel 1812: Dore de la Ricochais (Joseph-Marie) - Colonel 1812: Fondousse (Francois) - Colonel 1813: Faure-Labarbere(Joseph-Antoine) - Colonel 1815: Mouton (Jean-Antoine-Augustin) - Colonel Four of the above officers attained the rank of General-de-Brigade and above Meunier (Hugues-Alexandre-Joseph) Born: 23 November 1751 Colonel: 24 August 1792 General-de-Brigade: 16 July 1795 Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 15 June 1804 Chevalier of the Empire: 15 October 1809 Died: 9 December 1831 Dejean (Jean-Antoine) Born: 25 November 1765 Chef-de-Brigade : 14 August 1793 (13e demi-brigade de bataille) Chef-de-Brigade : 19 July 1796 (11e demi-brigade d'Infanterie) Colonel: 5 October 1803 (34e Regiment d'Infanterie) General-de-Brigade: 19 October 1804 Died: 6 November 1848 Dumoustier (Pierre) Born: 17 March 1771 Colonel: 26 October 1804 General-de-Brigade: 30 December 1806 General-de-Division: 24 June 1811 Baron of the Empire: 27 November 1807 Count of the Empire:28 November 1813 Died: 15 June 1831 Remond (Charles-Francois) Born: 2 November 1761 Colonel: 31 December 1806 General-de-Brigade: 6 August 1811 Commander of the Legion d'Honeur: 17 December 1809 Baron of the Empire: 18 March 1808 Died: 24 June 1843 Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 34e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Colonel Meunier: wounded 15 September 1792 Colonel Dumoustier: wounded 14 October 1806 and 26 December 1806 Colonel Remond: wounded 11 August 1810 Colonel Fondousse: Died of wounds 10 November 1813 Colonel Mouton: wounded 18 June 1815 Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 34e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815 Officers killed: Thirty-eight Officers died of wounds: Nineteen Officers wounded: One hundred and fifty-seven Regimental war record (Battles and Combats) 1792: Jemmapes 1793: Nerwinden, Hondschoote and Wattignies 1794: Fleurus 1798: Antibes 1799: Novi and Mondovi 1800: Riviere, Genes, Sainte-Jacques de Ligurie and Sainte-Barthelemy de Ligurie 1805: Ulm and Austerlitz 1806: Saalfeld, Jena and Pultusk 1807: Ostrelenka and Friedland 1809: Saragosse, Lucena, Jaca, Arzobispo and Ocana 1810: Astorga, Villagarcia and Bussaco 1811: Badajoz, Gerboa, Albuhera and Arroyo-del-Molinos 1812: Burgos 1813: Saint-Sebastien, Bidassoa 1813: Lutzen, Wurschen and Leipzig 1814: Bayonne, Orthez and Toulouse 1814: Arcis-sur-Aube 1815: Ligny and Wavre Battle Honours Fleurus 1794, Austerlitz 1805 and Jena 1806

35e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Regimental History 1625: Created 1671: Regiment d'Anjou 1753: Renamed Regiment d'Aquitaine 1791: 35e Regiment d'Infanterie 1793: 35e demi-brigade de bataille (formed from the following) 1er bataillon, 18e Regiment d'Infanterie 3e and 4e bataillons, Volontaires de la Meurthe

1796: 35e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following) 114e demi-brigade de bataille(2e Bat, 57e Regt d'Inf, 10e and 14e Bat Vol de la Gironde) 1er and 2e Bataillons Volontaires de Lot-et-Landes 29e demi-brigade Legere(29e and 30e Bat de Chasseurs a Pied and 3e Bat Chasseurs des Montagnes) 9e Bataillon volontaires de Dordogne 4e Bataillon Volontaires de Varcluse 1803: 35e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne Colonels and Chef-de-Brigade 1791: De Precy (Louis-Francois-Perrin) - Colonel 1791: Dorsner (Jean-Louis) - Colonel 1792: De la Chaise (Jean-Pierre Grain) - Colonel 1792: Murnan (Jean-Bernard Gauthier) - Colonel 1792: De Santerre (Louis-Jacques Ruelle) - Colonel 1794: Moremberg (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1797: Maucune (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1803: Breissand (Joseph) - Colonel 1811: Penant (Jean-Baptiste) - Colonel 1812: Figie (Pierre) - Colonel 1815: Buchet (Francois-Louis-Julien) - Colonel Two of the above officers attained the rank of General-de-Brigade Murnan (Jean-Bernard-Gauthier) Born: 28 November 1748 Colonel: 7 August 1792 General-de-Brigade: 18 April 1793 Died: 27 September 1796 Breissand (Joseph) Born: 2 April 1770 Colonel: 15 December 1803 General-de-Brigade: 6 August 1811 Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 26 June 1813 Baron of the Empire: 16 December 1810 Died: 1 December 1813 (of wounds sustained at Dantzig) Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 35e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne Colonel Breissand: wounded 15 April 1809 Colonel Penant: killed 24 October 1812 Colonel Figie: wounded 19 September 1813 Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 35e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815

Officers killed: Thirteen Officers died of wounds: Fifteen Officers wounded: Ninety-four Regimental war record (Battles and Combats) 1793: Siege of Toulon 1794: Maastricht 1799: Novi and Coni 1805: Ulm and Vienne 1806: Lubeck 1807: Eylau and Heilsberg 1809: Pordenone, Piave River, Predi, Raab and Wagram 1812: Smolensk, La Moskowa, Malojaroslawetz and Krasnoe 1813: Glogau, Rosek and Tela 1814: Mincio Battle Honours Wagram 1809 and La Moskowa 1812

36e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Regimental History 1775: Created from 2e and 4e bataillons, Regiment d'Aquitaine 1791: 36e Regiment d'Infanterie 1793: 36e demi-brigade de bataille (formed from the following) 2e bataillon, 18e Regiment d'Infanterie 1er bataillon, Volontaires du Loiret 5e bataillon, Volontaires de la Somme 1796: 36e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following) 163e demi-brigade de bataille(1er Bat, 90e Regt d'Inf, 15e and 25e Bat Vol des Reserve) 4e bataillon, Volontaires du Morbihan 5e bataillon, Volontaires du Pas-de-Calais 1803: 36e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne Colonels and Chef-de-Brigade 1791: De Contades de Giseux (Louis-Gabriel-Marie) - Colonel 1792: De Wildermouth (Jean-Henri) - Colonel 1792: Isambert (Augustin-Joseph) - Colonel 1793: De Saint-Laurent (Jean-Baptiste-Philibert Bodin) - Colonel 1793: De Glatigny (Jean-Jacques-Rene) - Colonel 1794: Quetard de la Porte (Jacques) - Chef-de-Brigade 1796: Sergent (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1799: Lapisse (Pierre-Belon) - Chef-de-Brigade

1799: Graindorge (Jean-Francois) - Chef-de-Brigade and Colonel in 1803 1805: Houdard de Lamotte (Antoine-Charles) - Colonel 1806: Berlier (Pierre-Andre-Hercule) - Colonel 1811: Metrot (Jean-Francois-Antoine) - Colonel Five of the above officers attained the rank of General-de-Brigade and above Isambert (Augustin-Joseph) Born: 22 March 1733 Colonel: 29 June 1792 General-de-Brigade: 8 March 1793 Died: 9 November 1793 (executed by orders of the military tribunal) Quetard de la Porte (Jacques) Born: 5 December 1746 Chef-de-Brigade : 21 November 1794 (36e demi-brigade de bataille) General-de-Brigade: 23 June 1799 Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804 Baron of the Empire: 14 June 1810 Died 10 september 1810 Lapisse (Pierre Bellon) Born: 25 November 1762 Chef-de-Brigade :8 November 1795 (83e demi-brigade de bataille) Chef-de-Brigade : 19 June 1796 (57e demi-brigade d'Infanterie) Chef-de-Brigade : 10 June 1799 (36e demi-brigade d'Infanterie) General-de-Brigade: 26 September 1799 General-de-Division: 30 December 1806 Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804 Died: 30 July 1809 (of wounds sustained at Santa Olalla, Spain) Graindorge (Jean-Francois) Born: 1 July 1770 Chef-de-Brigade : 26 July 1799 (84e demi-brigade d'Infanterie) Chef-de-Brigade : 7 November 1799 (36e demi-brigade d'Infanterie) Colonel: 1803 General-de-Brigade: 1 February 1805 Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 21 August 1809 Baron of the Empire: 29 October 1809 Died: 27 September 1810 (of wounds sustained at the Battle of Busaco) Berlier (Pierre-Andre-Hercule) Born: 10 October 1769 Colonel: 20 October 1806 General-de-Brigade: 6 August 1811 Officer of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 March 1806

Baron of the Empire: 18 August 1810 Died: 14 August 1821 Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 36e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne Chef-de-Brigade Quetard de la Porte: wounded 22 November 1796 Colonel Houdard-Lamotte: wounded 2 December 1805 and killed 14 October 1806 Colonel Berlier: wounded 8 February 1807 Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 36e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815 Officers killed: Forty-five Officers died of wounds: Eighteen Officers wounded: One hundred and fifty-eight Regimental war record (Battles and Combats) 1792: Capture of Mayence 1793: Hondschoote 1799: Mainfeld, Ponte d'Alto, Matinsbruck, Nauders, Sus, Wasden, Zurich, Schwyz, Linth River, Saint Gotthard, Muottental and Netstall 1800: Hohentweil and Hohenlinden 1805: Ulm and Austerlitz 1806: Jena 1807: Eylau and Heilsberg 1808: Gamonal 1809: Burgos, La Corogne, Oporto and Gefrees 1810: Xeres and Bussaco 1811: Sabugal and Fuentes de Onoro 1812: Alicante and Les Arapiles 1813: Osma, Vitoria, Nivelle and Bayonne 1813: Kulm and Dresden 1814: Toulouse 1814: Mery-sur-Seine, Bar-sur-Aube, and Laon 1815: Strasbourg Battle Honours Hondschoote 1793, Zurich 1799, Austerlitz 1805 and Jena 1806

37e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Regimental History 1625: Created 1675: Regiment du Maine 1740: Renamed Regiment d'Eu 1775: Renamed Regiment de Nivernais 1778: Renamed Regiment Marechal-de-Turenne

1791: 37e Regiment d'Infanterie 1796: 37e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following) 111e demi-brigade de bataille(1er Bat, 56e Regt d'Inf, 1er Bat Vol de l'Orne and 2e Bat Vol de la Meurthe) 173e demi-brigade de bataille(1er Bat, 95e Regt d'Inf, 5e Bat Vol de la Moselle and 6e Bat Vol des Vosages) 1803: 37e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne Colonels and Chef-de-Brigade 1791: De Fressineaux (Joachim-Robin de Blair) - Colonel 1792: De la Crouziliere (Bernard-Martin Lambron) - Colonel 1793: Chantepie (?) - Colonel 1796: Lacroix (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1801: Petit (Claude) - Chef-de-Brigade 1803: Gauthier (Jean-Joseph) - Colonel 1812: Mayot (Melchior) - Colonel 1813: Fortier (Ferjeux) - Colonel Two of the above officers attained the rank of General-de-Brigade Petit (Claude) Born: 14 June 1763 Chef-de-Brigade : 16 July 1801 General-de-Brigade: 29 August 1803 Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804 Died: 3 June 1809 (killed while leading an attack on the bridge at Prebourg) Gauthier (Jean-Joseph) Born: 30 April 1765 Chef-de-Brigade : 20 July 1800 (38e demi-brigade d'Infanterie) Colonel: 14 November 1803 General-de-Brigade: 6 August 1811 Officer of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804 Baron of the Empire: 19 December 1809 Died: 26 November 1815 (of wounds sustained at Quatre-Bras) Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 37e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne Colonel Mayot: killed 18 August 1812 Colonel Fortier: wounded 28 November 1812 and 19 October 1813 Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 37e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815

Officers killed: Thirty-three Officers died of wounds: Fifteen Officers wounded: One hundred and sixty-eight Regimental war record (Battles and Combats) 1793: Fort Vauban 1799: Zurich 1800: Moeskirch, Dillingen and Hohenlinden 1808: Girone and Molins del Rey 1809: Essling, Wagram and Znaim 1811: Tarragone 1812: Jacobowo, Oboiardszina, Polotsk and Beresina 1813: Lutzen, Bautzen, Leipzig and Hambourg 1814: La Rothiere and Monterau 1815: Ligny Battle Honours Zurich 1799 and Poltosk 1812

38e Regiment d'Infanterie

Regimental History 1629: Created 1762: Regiment de Dauphine 1791: 38e Regiment d'Infanterie 1793: 38e demi-brigade de bataille (formed from the following) 2e bataillon, 19e Regiment d'Infanterie 1er bataillon, Volontaires de la Somme 3e bataillon, Volontaires de l'Aube 1796: 38e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne( formed from the following) 42e demi-brigade de bataille(2e Bat, 21er Regt d'Inf, 1er Bat Vol de la Somme and 3e Bat Vol de l'Aube) 200e demi-brigade de bataille(2e Bat Vol de Jura, 6e Bat Vol de l'Aine and Grenadiers de la Cote d'Or) 1803: There was no 38e Regiment d'Infanterie during the Empire period Colonels and Chef-de-Brigade 1791: Le Boeuf (Charles) - Colonel 1792: De la Gardiolle de la Cour (Charles-Philibert) - Colonel 1794: Dussaussay (Benigne-Louis) - Chef-de-Brigade 1795: Fabus (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1795: Daumas (Marie-Guillaume) - Chef-de-Brigade 1800: Gauthier (Jean-Joseph) - Chef-de-Brigade

Two of the above officers attained the rank of General-de-Brigade Daumas (Marie-Guillaume) Born: 24 September 1763 Chef-de-Brigade : 7 August 1795 (200e demi-brigade de bataille) Chef-de-Brigade : 21 March 1796 (38e demi-brigade d'Infanterie) General-de-Brigade: 20 July 1800 Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804 Died: 30 May 1833 Gauthier (Jean-Joseph) Born: 30 April 1765 Chef-de-Brigade : 20 July 1800 General-de-Brigade: 6 August 1811 Officer of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804 Baron of the Empire: 19 December 1809 Died: 26 November 1815 (of wounds sustained at Quatre-Bras) Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne Chef-de-Brigade Daumas: wounded 25 March 1799, 14 August 1799 and 5 May 1800 Regimental war record (Battles and Combats) 1792: Jemmapes 1793: Nerwinden and Siege of Luxembourg 1794: Siege of Grave 1796: Lindau, Capture of Bregentz, Lautrach, Biberach, Eriskirch, Waldshut, Laufenbourg and Lorrach 1799: Mainfeld, Ponte d'Alto, Nauders, Sus, Wasen, Schwitz, Amsteg, and Sainte-Gotthard 1800: Moeskirch and Hohenlinden Battle Honours Jemmapes 1792, Sainte-Gothard 1799 and Moeskirch 1800

39e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Regimental History 1629: Created 1762: Regiment du Isle-de-France 1791: 39e Regiment d'Infanterie 1793: 39e demi-brigade de bataille (formed from the following) 1er bataillon, 20e Regiment d'Infanterie 1er and 2e bataillons, Volontaires des Basse-Pyrenees 1796: 39e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following) 46e demi-brigade de bataille(2e Bat, 23e Regt d'Inf, 4e and 6e Bat Vol de l'Isere)

121e demi-brigade de bataille(1er Bat, 63e Regt d'Inf, 1er Bat Vol de l'Union and 7e Bat Vol du Var) 4e bataillon, Volontaires des Basse-Alpes 10e bataillon, Volontaires de l'Ain 1803: 39e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne Colonels and Chef-de-Brigade 1791: De Loran (Jean-Francois) - Colonel 1793: Prat (Jean-Francois-Regis-Alexis-Marie) - Colonel 1793: Thiballier (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1795: Bellet (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1795: Pourailly (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1796: Prompt (?) - Chef-de-Brigade 1799: Maucune (Antoine-Louis Popon) - Chef-de-Brigade and Colonel in 1803 1807: Soyer (Jacques-Pierre) - Colonel 1810: Lamour (Francois-Marie) - Colonel 1811: Thevenet (Louis-Marie-Joseph) - Colonel 1814: Daries (Joseph-Hyacinthe) - Colonel 1815: Menu (Paul-Alexis-Joseph) - Colonel Three of the above officers attained the rank of General Maucune (Antoine-Louis Popon) Born: 21 February 1772 Chef-de-Brigade : 25 March 1799 (39e demi-brigade d'Infanterie) Colonel: 1803 General-de-Brigade: 10 March 1807 General-de-Division: 26 May 1811 Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 25 December 1805 Baron of the Empire: 10 September 1808 Died: 18 February 24 Lamour (Francois-Marie) Born: 22 August 1772 Colonel: 25 October 1810 General-de-Brigade: 4 May 1813 (two days after his death) Died: 2 May 1813 (killed at the battle of Lutzen) Thevenet (Louis-Marie-Joseph) Born: 25 November 1773 Colonel: 13 June 1811 General-de-Brigade: 25 December 1813 Officer of the Legion d'Honneur: 12 July 1809 Chevalier of the Empire: 12 November 1809 Died: 30 August 1846

Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 39e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne Chef-de-Brigade Maucune: wounded 15 August 1799, 28 May 1800 and 8 June 1800 Colonel Lamour: killed 2 May 1813 Colonel Thevenet: wounded 5 May 1811 and 13 December 1813 Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 39e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815 Officers killed: Twenty-our Officers died of wounds: Twenty-one Officers wounded: One hundred and four Regimental war record (Battles and Combats) 1793: Le Boulou 1794: Sans-Culottes 1795: Loano 1796: Millesimo, Lodi, Mondovi, Mori,Castiglione and Arcole?? 1797: Rivoli and Mantoue 1799: Trebbia River and Novi 1800: Defense of Var 1805: Elchingen and Ulm 1806: Jena 1807: Eylau, Guttstadt and Friedland 1809: Essling and Wagram 1810: Cuidad-Rodrigo, Coa River, Almeida, Busaco and Torres-Vedras 1811: Pombal, Redhina and Fuentes-d'Onoro 1812: Almaraz, Les Arapiles and Garcia-Hernandez 1813: Castro-Urdiales, Tolosa, Sorauren, Nivelle and Bayonne 1813: Lutzen, Siege of Dantzig, Leipzig and Dresden 1814: Toulouse 1815: Surzburg and Sufflweyersheim Battle Honours Arcole 1796, Ulm 1805 and Friedland 1807

40e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Regimental History

1598: Created as the Regiment de Graville 1630: Regiment de Grancy 1635: Regiment de Perche 1639: Regiment de Grancy 1749: Regiment de Briqueville 1762: Regiment de Soissonnais 1791: 40e Regiment d'Infanterie

1793: 40e Demi-Brigade de Bataille (formed from the following units) 2e Bataillon 20e Regiment d'Infanterie 3e Bataillon des Landres 3e Bataillon des Hautes-Pyrenees 1796: 40e Demi-Brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following units) 6e Bataillon de la Manche 2e Bataillon du Forez 10e Bataillon de la Manche 9e Bataillon du Pas-de-Calaise 2e Bataillon of the 104e Regiment d'Infanterie 27e Bataillon de Volontaires Nationaux des reserves 3e Bataillon de Rouen 2e Bataillon de l'Eure Depot of the 15e Regiment d'Infanterie 1803: 40e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne Colonels and Chef-de-Brigade 1792: de Lafont (Jean-Jacques Francois-Barthlmy) - Colonel 1792: Brobecque (Jacques-Grgoire-Louis) - Colonel 1793: Duportal (Flix-Antoine) - Colonel 1793: Lefranc (Jacques) - Chef-de-Brigade 1800: Legendre d'Harvese (Francois-Marc-Guillaume) - Chef-de-Brigade and Colonel in 1803* 1805: Michel (Claude-Etienne) - Colonel 1806: Chasseraux (Thomas-Jean) - Colonel 1809: Millet (Thodore) - Colonel 1812: Gromty (Jean-Joseph de) - Colonel 1813: Jacquemet (Michel) - Colonel 1814: Bougault (Louis-Loup-Etienne-Martin) - Colonel Of the above Officers four went on to become General-de-Brigade and above Lefranc (Jacques) Born: 4 November 1750 (Mont-de-Marsan) Chef-de-Brigade : 21 October 1793 General-de-Brigade: 24 March 1803 General-de-Division: 14 April 1794 (refused the promotion) Commandant of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1803 Died: 5 November 1809 Legendre d'Harvesse (Francois-Marc-Guillaume) Born: 1 November 1766 (Cormeray) Chef-de-Brigade : 20 June 1800(40e demi-brigade d'Infanterie) Colonel: 1803 General-de-Brigade: 24 December 1805

Member of the Legion d'Honneur: 11 December 1803 Baron of the Empire: 9 May 1808 Died:24 August 1828 Michel (Claude-Etienne) Born: 3 October 1772 (Pointre) Colonel: 27 December 1805 General-de-Brigade: 24 June 1811 General-de-Division: 20 November 1813 Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 6 April 1813 Baron of the Empire: May 1808 Count of the Empire: 23 March 1814 Died: 18 June 1815 (killed at Waterloo) Chassereaux (Thomas-Jean) Born: 7 November 1762 (Bain de Bretagne) Colonel: 16 May 1806 (40e Regiment de Ligne) General-de-Brigade: 6 August 1811 Member of the Legion d'Honneur: 25 March 1803 Officer of the Legion d'Honneur:14 May 1807 Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 17 December 1809 Baron of the Empire: 28 May 1809 Died: 5 October 1840 Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 40e Regiment d'Infanterie Colonel Chasseraux: Wounded19 November 1809 Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 40e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804 -1815. Officers killed: Forty-three Officers died of wounds: Nineteen Officers wounded: One hundred and seventy-six Regimental war record(Battles and Combats) 1793: Lauterbourg and Geisberg 1795: Capture of Col d'Ispeguy 1796: Caldiero, Arcole and Passage of the Tagliamento 1800: Chiusella, Montebello, Marengo and Pozzolo 1805: Michelsberg, Hollabrunn and Austerlitz 1806: Saalfeld, Jena and Pultusk 1807: Ostrelenka 1808: Saragosse 1809: Arzopispo and Ocana 1809: Ebersberg, Essling and Wagram 1810: Villa-Garcia and Fuentes-Cantos 1811: Siege of Olivenza, Siege of Badajoz,Fuentes d'Onoro, Albuhera and Arroyo-dos-

Molinos 1813: Cubiry, Saint-Sebastian and Nivelle 1813: Grossgohren, Lutzen, Bautzen, La Katzbach, Kulm,Leipzig and Hanau 1814: Saint-Pierre d'Yrube, Orthez and Toulouse 1814: Rosnay, Champaubert, Vauchamps, Laon and Paris 1815: Surzberg, Suffelweyersheim and Strasbourg Battle Honours Marengo 1800, Austerlitz 1805 and Saragosse 1809.

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