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September 2, 2018

Welcome to Aldersgate Church!
We’re glad you’ve found our church! We hope you’ll find us to be
an encouraging, friendly group of people. While we don’t make
any claims to be perfect, at our church we come together to help
make the kingdom of God a reality on earth by loving God and
loving our neighbor.


Next New Member Sunday is September 30th
The local church is the most significant arena through which disciples of
Jesus Christ are made and Jesus’ disciples reach out into the world to
share God’s love. It is in and through the church that Jesus Christ is
proclaimed and professed as Lord and Savior. Please contact Pastor Rob
by telephone at 434-973-5806 or complete the communication card
found in your bulletin and place it in the offering plate when it is passed
during the service if you wish to explore the meaning of membership in
the life of Aldersgate Church.
For Our Youngest Friends
and Their Parents
A professionally staffed nursery is available for children birth through
age three during all services and Sunday School on the lower level. An
usher will be happy to direct you. Additionally, a Parent Room is
available in the Parlor adjacent to the Sanctuary, for viewing and
hearing all services. Please ask an usher to show you the way. All
restrooms are equipped with changing tables.

Sunday Children's Worship

During 9am and 11am Services
Calling all children! Sunday September 9th, children 3 years old through
5th grade are invited to come and be a part of our new Children's Worship
time downstairs following the Children's Message. There they will have
opportunities to encounter God through scripture, music, prayers, and
other meaningful and fun ways. Elementary-age children will return to
the sanctuary and gather with the congregation for the benediction each
week. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Julie Nitzsche. Special Sunday of Worship and Fellowship as
Aldersgate Church kicks off its fall schedule!
Children's Sunday School
Children's Ministry is kicking off a great new year of growing in faith!
Sunday School, a time of bible discovery with friends, invites all children • Worship at 9am and 11am
to come and learn at 10:10am. Lynn Bremer will be leading the • Invite at Least Two Friends to Worship
elementary class and Sherry Bryant will be leading our all new
• Connect with Sunday School or a Small Group at 10am
Preschool/Kindergarten class.
• Sip N Chat
• Community Picnic from 4pm to 6pm
Is God Calling You?
Adult volunteers are needed to share their hearts and talents with the • New Small Groups and Bible Studies starting on or
children of Aldersgate. Have you ever wondered how you might make a after September 9th
difference in the life of a child? Have you ever wondered what small
part you might be able to play in Children's Ministry? Helpers are
needed each Sunday morning at 9am & 10am. If you want to hear more Use the Communication Card in your bulletin to share the names and
about how you can help, please contact Pastor Julie. 434-326-6639. addresses of individuals or families that you would like to receive an
invitation to Back to Church Sunday or the email the information along
with your name and contact number to [email protected].
Volunteers Needed Youth Sunday School
for Backpack Program Each Sunday — 10:10 AM – 10:50 AM
At 6pm on Wednesday evenings during the school year, volunteers go to Youth Room - 105
Greer Elementary School and pack approximately 150 bags of food for Youth Sunday School- Every Sunday Youth Sunday School meets in the
underserved families within the Greer community. The food is taken Youth Room from 10:10 – 10:50 AM. This is open to all 6th - 12th graders.
home by students on Fridays. The families who receive this food may For more information contact Ms. Rebecca, [email protected]
not otherwise have adequate food resources for the weekend. We are
in need of volunteers to help with this program. Your time commitment Youth Ministry in Mission
is 30 minutes once a month. Please consider being the hands and feet of Calling all Youth! On September 8th we are planning to Gleaning and Pool
Jesus as we continue to do his work. Contact Deb Reynolds Party! Aldersgate Youth (Middle and High School Youth) are invited for
[email protected] for more information, or to sign up to help. an end of the summer mission project and a pool party following our
labor! This is a great opportunity to meet other youth, get a head start
on volunteer hours for school projects and just have a fun time.
Arrive at the Church Parking lot at 10:45 AM. Leaving parking lot at 11
AM Sharp. Following our mission project, we will go directly to the pool.
A Cookout Lunch will be provided for all youth and chaperones at the
pool following our gleaning. Please sign up to attend so that we have
enough transportation and food. I will also send parents more
information on our day and what to bring.
Contact Carolyn Robertson [email protected]

Upcoming Events — Mark Your Calendars! Youth Group 2018-2019 School Year
September 18th 2018 10AM: Tuesday Morning Bible Study returns Youth group will begin their regularly scheduled
evening meetings on Sunday, October 7th
September 27th 2018 5:30 to 8:30PM - Aldersgate At… Carter Mountain • High School Meets from 5 PM til 6:15
October 7 2018 - 3:00 PM: Blessing of the Animals • Youth Group combined Dinner at 6:15 PM — 6:45 PM
October 12th 2018 - Senior Fall Luncheon • Middle School Meets from 6:45 PM – 8:00 PM
• For questions or additional information contact Youth Coordinator:
October 20th 2018 - 3:00 - 6:00 PM: Trunk or Treat (Rain date Oct. 27th)
Carolyn Robertson [email protected]
December 1st 2018 - 8:30 AM:
Pancakes and Pajamas - Hanging of the Greens Save the Date — Vacation Bible School 2019
December 2 2018 - 10:00 AM: Advent Brunch
• Sunday, June 23rd – Thursday, June 27th, 2019
December 15 2018 - 5:00 PM: Children's Pageant and Potluck • Join us for ROAR
December 21st 2018 - 6:00, 7:00 & 8:00 PM: Living Nativity • Where Life is Wild and God is Good
December 24th 2018 - 5:00, 7:30 & 11:00 PM: Christmas Eve Worship • Five Days of VBS fun this summer !
Youth Ministry Kick Off! Invite a Friend! You are invited to
Sunday, September 16th Young Adult Small Group
Liberty Mills Corn Maze — $5 per youth Are you a young professional or parent seeking to connect with others?
Arrive at church by 2:45 pm. Pick up at church at 6:30pm We invite you to a set-apart time of fellowship, encouragement, and
RSVP by September 13th to [email protected] spiritual growth. Beginning September 9th, during the Sunday School
(Dinner will not be provided) hour (10:10-10:50am), we will start a 6-week video series entitled “The
Permission slip required if you do not have one on file Circle Maker”. We will meet in the Parents’ Room, just off of the Sanctu-
ary, and all materials are provided. You don’t need to do anything other
than show up and enjoy. Email [email protected] or call 434.973.5806 if
An Invitation From the Youth Praise Band you have questions or would like more information.
The Aldersgate Youth Praise Band (YPB) will begin their 2018-2019
school year rehearsals on September 23rd at 3:15 to 4:45. we meet in the
main Sanctuary.
It’s the relationship secret
The YPB is always looking for high-school-aged or middle-school-aged that’s hidden in plain sight ...
musicians and singers who are committed and want to be a part of this
unique and long-standing youth ministry at Aldersgate. Since our
previous electric guitarists and keyboardists have graduated and moved
on, we especially need those instruments; but all are welcome. If
interested, please contact Mike Colley at 434-825-9909
or [email protected]

Mandatory Parent and Youth meeting

for Youth Ministry Programs
Aldersgate Youth Ministry is designed for all youth in middle and high
school. Join us on Sunday, September 23rd at 5pm for dinner,
Starting Sunday, September 16, 5PM at AUMC
fellowship, and important information regarding all youth ministry
Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, award winning and New York Times Bestselling
programming for the 2018-19 school year. This is very important
author of Love & Respect and former pastor, presents his Love and Re-
information that will facilitate a wonderful year of fun and fellowship
spect conference on DVD with discussion to follow, each session lasting
together. Please plan to join us! Adults interested in chaperoning are
about 1 ½ hours. In an exhilarating 10 week study, Dr. Eggerichs will
welcome to join us as well.
spark your imagination, make you laugh (and maybe cry), and refresh
your commitment to each other. Whether you are preparing for mar-
Charlottesville District Youth 5th Sunday riage, in a struggling relationship, or seeking to strengthen a healthy
September 30th at Mt. Moriah UMC in Crozet marriage, these life changing, practical principles can make the differ-
Aldersgate youth will meet at 2:15 PM in the lower parking lot. ence. Each couple will need a Love & Respect Workbook ($10) For
We will eat dinner pizza at Crozet Pizza and return by 6:45 PM more information, or to sign up, contact Chris Fuss 434-466-5721 or
[email protected]
Vacation Bible School Mission Project Update NEX-GEN Virginia Conference
Heifer International Youth Fall Retreats
Aldersgate youth are encouraged to attend the annual Virginia
On August 19th during our VBS Shipwrecked Encore the children that Conference Youth Retreat Weekends. This is a fun weekend of activities,
attended made some very important decisions on the use of the $300 music, over 2 night and 2 days. This is a great time to get away from the
they both raised during the June 24th Week of VBS and received from world and be with friends.
the church in supporting funds for our VBS Mission project call “Animal
Crackers” through Heifer International.
The final consensus by all attending and after a spirited group discussion Middle School Retreat Dates and Details
was that the funds would be used to purchase the following: (Grade 6th – 8th Only)
1 - Goat and training ($120)
Retreat Weekend will be Friday, November 9th til Sunday November 11th
1 - Hope Basket that includes the following animals: rabbits and a
The Very Early Bird Price for the weekend with $100.00 payment by
starter flock of chickens and training ($50)
Sunday, September 16th
1 - Honey bees, hives, and training ($30)
Early Bird Price for the weekend with $120.00 payment by Sunday,
5 - Shared llama and training ($100)
September 30th
Middle School Full Price and final date for Weekend Retreat with
Opportunity to Serve Habitat for Humanity $145.00 payment by October 14th
Each month AUMC partners with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Char-
lottesville to help build safe, decent, and affordable homes for families in
our community. Our next build day is Friday, September 14th. We would
love to have you come and join our crew. We do a variety of tasks and all High School Retreat Dates and Details
skill levels are welcome. For more details and information, please con-
tact Tom Blalock at [email protected].
(Grades 9th – 12th Only)
Retreat Weekend will be Friday, November 30th til Sunday, December 2nd
The Very Early Bird Price for the weekend with $100.00 payment by
Join Habitat for Humanity Sunday, September 16th
as a Receptionist Volunteer (RV)! Early Bird Price for the weekend with $120.00 payment by Sunday,
September 30th
The RV is the first face visitors see when they walk through the door. RVs
High School Full Price and the final date to reserve a spot for the
manage the phone line, help guests connect with the appropriate staff,
Weekend Retreat with $145.00 payment by Sunday, November 11th
and process materials for Habitat Homebuyer applicants. RVs receive
training on Habitat staff member roles/responsibilities in order to ensure
Registration and Refunds will follow the Virginia Conference Policy.
excellent customer service. No computer skills are necessary; however,
The Total cost of the retreat is $145.00 with a portion of this retreat
computer savvy RVs often help with data entry.
underwritten by the church for those who register early.
A typical RV shift is four hours, M-F. RVs volunteer once/week or once
every other week. E-mail Garrett Trent ([email protected]), or call
434-293-9066 to learn more. If you should have any questions about this retreat, contact Carolyn
Robertson at [email protected].
Save the Date! Children’s Nativity Come and join the fun!
All children and youth are invited to participate in our Children's Here WEE Grow Again is right around the corner and
Nativity, "ON THE ROAD TO BETHLEHEM", which will be held on we will need a lot of smiling faces to help make the
Saturday, December 15th. There will be speaking roles for all ages along sale a success. If you would like to have the
with traditional carols and also a few new songs. We will have our first opportunity to meet other church members as well as those from the
rehearsal on Monday 9/24 from 5:45 to 7:45pm for 3rd graders thru High community, this is your chance to do just that while making a difference.
School. Dinner will be provided. Younger children are encouraged to be •The dates we need help are September 5th-22nd. You can go online to
in the Nativity, too, so if you have a 4 year old thru 2 nd grade child who www.hereweegrowagain.com and click on login to create an account
wants to participate please let us know. For more information, email and register as a volunteer. You will then choose the dates/times you
[email protected] or call 825-9202 would like to volunteer.
•Need to come in for a shorter shift? No problem! Just email Karen at
[email protected] and let her know the actual times you
“In the beginning God created…” can make it in.
TODAY the 10AM Seekers Bible study class will begin a study of the •Need to sit while you help out? No problem! We have plenty of
Book of Genesis. If you have ever wanted to study scripture this is a duties where you can sit and contribute to the sale. Just make sure you
good place to start. Genesis speaks of beginnings - of the heavens and let Karen know.
the earth, of animals, of human beings, of society and civilization, of sin •Think because you are a man that you can’t help out? WRONG! We
and redemption. It is foundational to the understanding of the rest of have several men who come and join the fun! We hope you will, too!
the Bible. It is a book that speaks about relationships, highlighting those Hope you can join us in September!
between God and his creation, between God and humankind, and
between human beings. It clearly teaches that the one true God is
sovereign over all that exists. Come and participate with us on Sundays
Sisters in Scripture
in the Library on the lower level at 10AM as we discuss the first book of New Study begins September 9th!
the Bible. No previous Bible study experience is necessary. Contact Lee Beginning Sunday, September 9th at 10am, the Sisters in Scripture Sunday
Babbitt at [email protected]. School Class (Rm. 211) will begin a 12-session small group bible study
DVD, Twelve Women of the Bible. Lysa TerKuerst, Elisa Morgan, Jeanne
Stevens and other leaders look at the spiritual lessons learned from
twelve biblical women and what they mean for your life today. All ladies
United Methodist Men are invited to join us. See Ann Brown with questions.
There is no minimum age limit of 70 to join the Methodist Men's
fellowship here at Aldersgate! We're reconvening on Thursday,
September 13 at 6:30pm in the Wesley Parlor on the upper level for our New Sunday School Study of Romans
supper meeting. We invite all members and frequent guests to come The AGAPE Sunday School Class has started a new study of Romans,
get acquainted with the "core" of Aldersgate's activity support. We're facilitated by Myron Ripley. Please join us at 10am in Room 108.
planning for our Nov. 3-4 flower bulb and plant sale and outlining our
2019 program of service to Aldersgate. Come join us! Holiday Office Hours
RSVP to Merrill Bishop, President: 975-3072 or [email protected] Aldersgate Church offices will be closed tomorrow, Monday, September
3rd. Happy Labor Day!

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