Annual Report 2008

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The Harry S.

Truman Library Institute,

a 501(c)(3) organization, is dedicated to

the preservation, advancement, and outreach activities

of the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum,

one of our nation’s 12 presidential libraries

overseen by the National Archives and Records Administration.

Together with its public partner, the Truman Library Institute

preserves the enduring legacy of America’s 33rd president

to enrich the public’s understanding of history,

the presidency, public policy, and citizenship.

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e x e c u t i v e m e s s ag e


Harry Truman’s legacy of decisive and principled leadership was frequently in the national spotlight during 2008 as the nation noted the 60th
anniversaries of some of President Truman’s most historic acts, including the recognition of Israel, his executive order to desegregate the U.S.
Armed Forces, the Berlin Airlift, and the 1948 Whistle Stop campaign. We are pleased to share highlights of the past year, all made possible by
your generous support of the Truman Library Institute and our mission to advance the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum.

• On February 15, the Truman Library opened a new exhibit on Truman’s decision to recognize the state of Israel. Truman and Israel: Inside
the Decision was made possible by The Sosland Foundation and The Jacob & Frances O. Brown Family Fund. A traveling version of
the exhibit currently is on display at the Harry S. Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
• The nation bade a sad farewell to Margaret Truman Daniel earlier this year. A public memorial The Harry S. Truman
service was held at the Truman Library on February 23, 2008; she and her husband, Clifton Daniel,
were laid to rest in the Courtyard near the President and First Lady. Library and Museum is
• Tom Brokaw drew a record crowd—more than 820 attendees—to Wild About Harry, the annual
fundraising dinner of the Truman Library Institute. The April 2008 event raised $357,000 for the a place of discovery,
Truman Library’s acclaimed educational programs, public forums, and special exhibitions.
• On May 16, Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War opened to great fanfare. The dynamic and
interactive exhibit from the National Constitution Center attracted nearly 56,419 visitors during its scholarship, and
four-month run. We are grateful for the title sponsorship of UMB Bank and for our media partner, The
Kansas City Star. lifelong learning.
• U.S. Rep. John Conyers, Jr. provided the keynote address for the Truman Library’s commemoration
With your ongoing
of President Truman’s desegregation order. A new online exhibit tells the dramatic story of Executive
Order 9981; you can view it at support, the Truman
• Along with preserving the artifacts in Truman’s Working Office, construction began on the exhibit
gallery, which will afford the public unprecedented viewing of Truman’s office at his presidential Library will continue
library. Truman’s Working Office will officially re-open on May 8, 2009, the 125th anniversary of Harry
Truman’s birth. its mission to

• In September, the Truman Library Institute was awarded a prestigious Legacy Fund grant by the Ewing interpret our past,
Marion Kauffman Foundation. The $250,000 grant was one of only eight legacy gifts awarded to
“iconic organizations” for “innovative programs and initiatives that hold promise for advancing the understand our
civic welfare” of Greater Kansas City.
present, and create
• U.S. Senator and presidential candidate John McCain delivered an economic policy speech from the
Truman Library on October 1, 2008, calling President Truman “a man of principle, of wisdom…. His
an inspired future.
accomplishments in war and peace are among the most significant of any president.”
• Ted Sorensen and NPR’s Scott Simon headlined the second annual Howard & Virginia Bennett Forum on the Presidency. More than
700 gathered to hear the panel discuss The Media and the Presidency on October 5, 2008.
The Harry S. Truman Library and Museum is a place of discovery, exploration, scholarship, and lifelong learning. With your ongoing support, the
Truman Library will continue its mission to interpret our past, understand our present, and create an inspired future.


Chairman President

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – w w w. t ru m a n l i b r a ry. o rg
Public Programs and Events

More than 5,000 people attended public programs and special events offered by the Truman Library Institute. Countless others accessed
program content via broadcast outlets and at Here we offer highlights from the superb line-up of programs, which
ranged from book events on current topics such as energy independence and presidential campaigning to forums on health care and the
presidency to informative programs commemorating the 60th anniversaries of some of President Truman’s most important decisions.

Connie Schultz | Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist

“And His Lovely Wife”
February 13, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Presented in honor of First Lady Bess Wallace Truman’s 124th birthday
Public Memorial Service
Margaret Truman Daniel (1924-2008)
February 23, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
The only child of President and Mrs. Truman, Margaret Truman Daniel, passed away on
Tuesday, January 29, 2008. A public memorial service at the Truman Library included remarks
from Congressmen Ike Skelton and Emanuel Cleaver II, former Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright, and sons Thomas Daniel and Clifton Truman Daniel. The ashes of Mrs. Daniel and her
husband, E. Clifton Daniel, were interred near the burial plot of her parents in the Truman
Library Courtyard.
February 24, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Theatrical performance co-presented with the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education as part
of the special exhibition Truman and Israel
Holocaust Survivors Panel 60TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT
April 6, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Jack Mandelbaum, Isak Federman, Ann Federman
Moderator: Fran Sternberg, historian
Co-presented with the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education as part of the special exhibition
Truman and Israel
Wild About Harry
April 10, 2008 | Kansas City Downtown Marriott
Featuring Tom Brokaw
Honorary Chairs: Mary and John Hunkeler
Event Chairs: Kay and Tom Martin
Baseball and Our Presidents
April 12, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Mel Marmer, baseball historian
Presidential Wreath Laying Ceremony
May 8, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
In observance of the 124th birthday of Harry S. Truman, America’s 33rd president
Free Film Screening
PBS American Experience: “Truman”
From top: Connie Schultz; “Life in a Jar”; May 8, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Holocaust Survivors Panel; “Wild About
Harry”; Presidential Wreath Laying

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – 2 0 0 8 A n n u a l R e p o rt
Harry S. Truman Legacy Symposium
“Immigration Legacy of Harry S Truman”
May 16-17, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Little White
House, Key West, Fl.
The sixth annual symposium addressed the timely
topic of immigration and featured presentations by
Harry Truman’s eldest grandson, Clifton Truman Daniel;
National Archives staff members; former Truman aides; and others.
Meet the Curator
“Truman’s Working Office”
May 20, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
The Truman Library is currently embarked on a project to preserve the office of former President
Harry Truman and to improve the interpretive experience for the Library’s museum visitors.
Curator Clay Bauske described the three-step process to protect and preserve Harry Truman’s
office, in which the former president conducted business almost daily from 1957 until 1966.
Free Civil War Film Series
Lincoln and the War Within | May 22, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Glory | May 29, 2008
The General | June 5, 2008
Shenandoah | June 12, 2008
Ride with the Devil | June 12, 2008
Presented in conjunction with the special exhibition Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War
International Academic Conference 60TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT
“Harry S. Truman, the State of Israel, and the Quest for Peace in the Middle East”
May 29, 2008 | Truman Peace Institute at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Presenters William A. Brown, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel
Ronald Zweig, New York University
Ronald and Allis Radosh, City University of New York
Michael J. Cohen, Bar-Ilan University
Melvin Leffler, University of Virginia
Tribute to the Blue Helmets: 60th Anniversary of UN Peacekeeping 60TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT
May 31, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Co-presented with the Greater Kansas City United Nations Association
Book Event | Author Jon Taylor
“A President, a Church, and Trails West” From top: International Academic
June 1, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum Conference in Israel; Tribute to the
Blue Helmets; Free Family Fun on the
Free Family Fun on the Fourth Fourth; the Berlin Candy Bomber with
July 4-5, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum educators
Weekend events celebrating Independence Day and complementing the temporary exhibition
Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War included $5 Museum admission on July 4 and
“Lincoln Family Fun Days on July 5, with Lincoln-era games and crafts for kids and costumed
re-enactors from Missouri Town 1855.
The Berlin Candy Bomber 60TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT
July 14, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Ret. Lt. Col. Gail Halvorsen (a.k.a., “Candy Bomber) and Roger Miller, historian
Commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – w w w. t ru m a n l i b r a ry. o rg
60th Anniversary of the Desegregation of the U.S. Armed Forces 60TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT
July 28, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Keynote Address by U.S. Rep. John Conyers, Jr.
Honorary Chairmen: U.S. Congressmen Ike Skelton and Emanuel Cleaver II
Project Vote Smart | National Bus Tour
July 28, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Book Event | Author Jay Hakes
“A Declaration of Energy Independence”
September 15, 2008
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum and Midwest Research Institute, Kansas City, Mo.
The Howard & Virginia Bennett Forum on the Presidency
“The Media and the Presidency”
October 5, 2008 | Unity Temple on the Plaza, Kansas City, Mo.
Above: The Howard & Virginia Bennett Presenters Scott Simon, NPR host of Weekend Edition
Forum on the Presidency Ted Sorensen, former speechwriter and Special Counsel to JFK
Timothy Naftali, director, Nixon Presidential Library & Museum
Costas Panagopoulos, assistant professor of political science, Fordham University
Forum on Climate Change | Dr. John Stone
October 24, 2008 | Kansas City Public Library - Plaza (Truman Forum)
WHY WE GIVE Co-presented with the United Nations Association of Greater Kansas City and the Harry S.
Truman Center for Governmental Affairs at UMKC
Mary and Michael Johnston
Gladstone, New Jersey

“We are so pleased with

what the Truman Library
Institute has done with our
philanthropic support. They
are wonderful stewards of
our endowed gift, and the
forums they organize have
been fantastic. We couldn’t
be more pleased.”
Mary and Michael Johnston Truman Library
created The Howard & Virginia Director Michael J.
Bennett Forum on the Presidency Devine presents
to honor Mary’s father, Howard U.S. Rep. John
Bennett, one of several influential Conyers, Jr., with a
individuals who helped establish copy of President
the Truman Library more than 50 Truman's Executive
years ago. Order 9981, which
resulted in the
integration of U.S.
Armed Forces.

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – 2 0 0 8 A n n u a l R e p o rt
Eyewitness Panel: Memories of WWII
November 7, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Featuring Dorinda Makanaonalani Nicholson, author of Pearl Harbor Child
Presented in conjunction with the special exhibition Memories of World War II: Photos
from the Archives of The Associated Press
Musical Memories of WWII
November 11, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Michael Lasser, radio host of “Fascinatin’ Rhythm”
Presented in conjunction with the special exhibition Memories of World War II: Photos from the
Archives of The Associated Press
Harry Truman – Home for the Holidays
November 28-29, December 26-28, 2008 | Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Niel Johnson, Truman historian and re-enactor

Niel Johnson as Harry S. Truman

Senator John McCain Visits Truman Library

On October 1, 2008, Senator John McCain delivered an
economic policy speech from the Harry S. Truman Library and
Museum, engraving his name on the roster of presidential
hopefuls who have made a pilgrimage to the hometown and
presidential library of America’s 33rd president, Harry S. Truman.
Senator John McCain on Harry Truman
“He was a man of principle, of wisdom and a deep and abiding
love for our country. His accomplishments in war and peace
are among the most significant of any president in the
twentieth century. He succeeded beyond everyone's
expectations—perhaps, even his own—because every day
Harry Truman woke up determined to put his country before
party and self-interest. We would all be better public servants,
and the country would be better served, if we tried a little more
often to keep the example of this good American before us.”
Senator McCain’s address from the Truman Library was
covered by every major news outlet in the nation.
Official Guestbook
Each year, the Truman Library and Truman Library Institute host luminaries and
dignitaries from around the world. During the past year, official visitors included
U.S. Senator John Warner, House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn,
U.S. Congressman Ike Skelton, U.S. Congressman Emanuel Cleaver II,
U.S. Congressman Dennis Moore, U.S. Congressman John Conyers, Jr., Former
Missouri Governor Bob Holden, journalist Bill Moyers, and official international
visitors from more than 30 countries, including China, Azerbaijan, Israel,
Ireland, England, France, Greece, Taiwan, Japan, Pakistan, Australia, Finland,
The Netherlands, and Russia.

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – w w w. t ru m a n l i b r a ry. o rg
premier events | highlights


On April 10, 2008, legendary newsman and best-selling author Tom Brokaw anchored the Truman
Library Institute’s annual fundraising dinner, Wild About Harry, delivering a record-breaking event to Celebrating HST’s
support the legacy of Harry S. Truman and the presidential library and museum which bears his 125th Birthday
name. More than 820 attendees filled the ballroom of the Muehlebach Tower, a venue with special
significance. For nearly a decade, the Muehlebach Hotel’s Presidential Suite served as Truman’s April 23, 2009
headquarters. Sixty years earlier, on election day in 1948, Truman sat in the suite with his staff and Kansas City Downtown Marriott
followed the news. When an advisor told Truman about Muehlebach Tower
some good early results, Truman responded, “I’ve been
telling you I was going to win all the time.” Don and Adele Hall
The fundraiser, led by event chairs Kay and Tom Martin EVENT CHAIRS
and honorary chairs Mary and John Hunkeler, raised Shawsie Branton
$357,000 in support of the Truman Library. And in a Page Branton Reed
year when pundits and presidential hopefuls are For tickets and sponsorship
recalling Truman’s decisive and courageous leadership, opportunities, please contact
Kansas City proved it is still Wild about Harry: Kim Rausch at (816) 268-8237
or [email protected].
attendance jumped nearly 25 percent over the previous
year; record-breaking revenues were vaulted by 23 new
individual and corporate sponsors.
The Truman Library Institute gives a presidential salute
to the stellar volunteer leadership, underwriters and sponsors of Wild About Harry, all of whom
helped “smash to smithereens,” as emcee Nick Haines declared, all previous revenue and
attendance records.
Wild About Harry proceeds provide vital funding for the Truman Library’s acclaimed forums, educational programs, and exhibitions.

The howard & virginia bennett

forum on the presidency
On Sunday, October 5, 2008, the Truman Library Institute presented the second annual Howard & Virginia Bennett Forum on the
Presidency. The event attracted an audience eager to engage and participate in the topic, The Media and the Presidency: Playing
Politics. Scott Simon, host of NPR’s Weekend Edition, opened the discussion with a classic reference: “When you talk about the
presidency and the press, any of us in the press have to have a sense of humility. There was probably no more vivid illustration of the
fact that the press is often wrong than that famous headline in the Chicago Tribune, ‘Dewey Defeats Truman.’”
True to form, The Howard & Virginia Bennett Forum on the Presidency delivered a spirited dialog among the moderator and panelists,
who this year included JFK’s speechwriter, Ted Sorensen; the director of the Nixon Library, Timothy Naftali; and political scientist
Costas Panagopoulos. A pre-event reception offered the opportunity for West Wing Council and Buck Stops Here Society members to
meet and visit with these special guests.
“The Howard & Virginia Bennett Forum on the Presidency is the flagship public event for the Truman Library Institute and a must for
the area’s thoughtful and engaged citizen,” said Alex Burden, Institute executive vice president. “We are extremely grateful for the
vision and support of Mary and Michael Johnston, who generously endowed the series and continue to play an active role in planning
and hosting the annual event.”

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – 2 0 0 8 A n n u a l R e p o rt


February 15 – April 13, 2008
Marking the 60th anniversary of President Truman’s world-altering decision to recognize the
fledgling state of Israel in 1948, Truman & Israel comprised two side-by-side exhibits, Inside the
Decision and Portrait 2000. Inside the Decision brought 1948 dramatically to life with firsthand
accounts of the political battle leading up to the recognition of Israel. Among the many original
artifacts and documents included in the exhibit were President Truman’s Cabinet chair; President
Truman’s statement offering “de facto” recognition to Israel, May 14, 1948; and correspondence
between President Truman and several prominent people who offered him advice on the issues of
displaced persons and the recognition of Israel. The companion exhibit, Portrait 2000, was organized
by the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education with funding from the Jewish Community Foundation
of Greater Kansas City and featured 50 black-and-white portraits of Holocaust refugees and
survivors who settled in Greater Kansas City. The Museum welcomed 19,285 visitors, including
2,810 students, during the exhibition’s run.
Sponsored by The Sosland Foundation
And The Jacob & Frances O. Brown Family Fund


May 16 – September 14, 2008
Neither a traditional biography of Lincoln nor a conventional exhibit on the Civil War, Lincoln: The
Constitution and the Civil War shed light on one of our nation’s darkest periods and a largely
unknown drama. Although the Civil War was a military conflict waged between North and South, at
base it was a Constitutional crisis—the severest test of the American experiment in popular self-
government since the founding of the Republic. Lincoln understood this, and his constant focus on
the Constitution enabled him to chart a course that, ultimately, saved both Constitution and country.
Organized by the National Constitution Center in partnership with The Lincoln Museum in Fort
Wayne, Indiana, and in cooperation with the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, the
exhibition focused on the three constitutional crises which Lincoln faced as president: secession,
slavery, and civil liberties during the Civil War. During its run, Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil
War attracted 56,419 visitors; 5,416 of these were students.
Title Sponsor: Kearney Wornall Foundation, UMB Bank, n.a., Trustee
Media Sponsor: The Kansas City Star



On July 26, 1948, President Harry S. Truman signed Executive Order 9981, which provided for
equality of treatment and opportunity for all Americans serving in the armed forces. At great
risk to his own re-election in 1948, President Truman was willing to raise the civil rights
issue and to formulate and promote a reform agenda. His actions demonstrated his
determination to correct the abuses of the past and to advance the rights of all Americans.
Now an online exhibit tells this little known chapter in our nation’s civil rights story. The
documents, photographs, and firsthand accounts in To Secure These Rights give insight
into the political and cultural climate and the unlikely president who took a stand. To view
To Secure These Rights, visit

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – w w w. t ru m a n l i b r a ry. o rg

The teaching of history matters.

Truman biographer David McCullough has said, “History is a guide to navigation in perilous times.” And yet, a 2001 National Assessment of
Educational Progress in U.S. history and civics showed that American students are failing to grasp the significance of people, places and
events of history. With your help, the Truman Library Institute will continue to support the effective teaching of history—the future of our
democracy depends on it. The programs offered by the Truman Library are designed to meet national academic standards and serve as the
standard for our nation’s presidential libraries.

The White House Decision Center During FY08, 5,394 students stepped into a re-creation of
the West Wing and into the shoes of President Truman, his cabinet members and advisers, and
members of the media. Praised in The New York Times as a model for all presidential libraries,
the White House Decision Center (WHDC) is the Truman Library’s flagship education program.
Designed as a hands-on history lab, the WHDC strengthens student skills in information
gathering and analysis, problem solving, decision making, leadership, and communication, while
deepening knowledge of history and government. Grade 8 – Adult
Museum Tours More than 11,239 students visited the museum in FY08. Two-thirds of the
students who received docent-led tours visited the museum on scholarship, thanks to the
generous funding of the Edward G. and Kathryn E. Mader Foundation, the M.R. and Evelyn
Hudson Foundation, and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. K-12
Truman Footlocker In FY08, more than 1,200 students experienced the Truman Footlocker, a
popular, hands-on classroom resource filled with replicas of Truman-related artifacts, documents
and photographs. K-12
National History Day More than 400 students in grades 6-12 competed at the Truman Library
in the regional competition of the National History Day Contest on March 10, 2008. Of those, 13
went on to compete as finalists at the University of Maryland in June.
NEW – Presidential Election Trivia Contest With one of the most dramatic elections in
modern history as a backdrop, 54 students on nine teams from across Missouri went toe to toe
on topics ranging from Defeated Presidents to Vice Presidential Candidates to Slogans, Ads &
Speeches. First Place was awarded to Rock Bridge High School in Columbia, Mo. Second and
third-place prizes went to Holden and Tarkio high schools, respectively.

Intern Program
With support from the Truman Library Institute, the Internship Program of the
Truman Library offers real-world experience to students working toward careers as
archivists, museum administrators and marketing/public relations professionals.

FY08 Inter ns
Dennis Brammeier Jennifer Farr Cassie Mundt
Catherine Cooney Lucia Flaim Jessica Seigler
Emily Crouch Rachel Gard Emily Sellers
Kara Drury Marco Ibarra Jenny Wilborn

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – 2 0 0 8 A n n u a l R e p o rt
Summer Institute
1948: A Year of Decisions
July 14-18, 2008
Thirty-five teachers from nine states attended
the fifth annual Summer Institute. Focused
on the theme 1948: A Year of Decisions,
high school educators spent the week with
scholars, historians, and eyewitnesses to
history in order to deepen their
understanding of the Marshall Plan, the
1948 recognition of Israel, the
desegregation of the U.S. Armed Forces,
the 1948 election, and the Berlin Airlift.
Retired Lt. Col. Gail Halvorsen, known
worldwide as the Berlin Candy
Bomber, participated in the
conference and presented a sold-out
public program on July 14.
National History Day Workshop
November 1, 2008
Each year, the Truman Library’s education team helps area teachers and
students prepare to compete in the National History Day Contest. This year, 103 participated in INSTITUTES
the workshop, titled The Individual in History.
Fall Workshop
Memories of World War II
November 7-8, 2008
Area teachers gathered to gain new expertise and a wealth of classroom resources for
interpreting the lessons of World War II. Presenters included educators from the Truman and
“I have attended several
Eisenhower presidential libraries, as well as faculty from the University of Missouri-Kansas City
seminars and conferences
and the University of Central Missouri.
and this ranks at the top
of my list.”
“It was a wonderful week,
Conferences/Teacher Inservice – The nationally recognized education staff containing information
frequently are invited to present programs on Truman-era history and the that will be extremely
teaching of social studies. useful in my classroom.”
Curriculum Kits – Packaged curricula, ready for classroom use, offer “I feel revived as a
secondary educators interactive learning modules on the Cold War, teacher.”
Presidential Decision Making, and WWII. “A terrific
Video Lending Library – More than 120 unique videos on Truman, WWI, WWII, conference
that I would
the Cold War, and the Truman era are available to educators at no charge.
Teacher Talk – A newsletter featuring education news and resources is recommend
delivered to 10,500 educators, free of charge. to all.”

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – w w w. t ru m a n l i b r a ry. o rg
Friends members &
Friends and members of the Truman Library Institute enjoyed a
number of varied events throughout the year, including a private
tour of the new Federal Reserve Bank, a reception at Kansas
City’s exclusive Carriage Club, V.I.P. access to receptions with
Tom Brokaw and Ted Sorensen, and private tours of traveling
exhibitions. To review or upgrade your member benefits, please
call us at (816) 268-8237.

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – 2 0 0 8 A n n u a l R e p o rt
T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – w w w. t ru m a n l i b r a ry. o rg

During the past half-century, scholars have turned again and again to the Truman era, illuminating for today’s students, leaders, and
thinkers the critical issues of Truman’s presidency. The enormously rich—and world-famous—archival resources of the Truman Library
are instrumental in the continuation of future scholarship. The Grants & Awards Program opens the doors to these resources and is
invaluable to emerging scholars.
Scholar’s Award
Matthew J. Dickinson
Professor of Political Science, Middlebury College
Harry Truman and the Executive Office of the President

About the Award

The Scholar’s Award is a one-time award offered in even-numbered years to a scholar who is
engaged in a study of the public career of Harry S. Truman or some aspect of the Truman
administration or of the U.S. during Truman’s administration. The scholar's work must be based
on extensive research at the Truman Library. The award—up to $30,000—is intended to free
the applicant from teaching or other employment.
About the Recipient
Matthew Dickinson is a professor of political science at Middlebury College. He taught previously at
Harvard University, where he also received his Ph.D., working under the supervision of presidential
scholar Richard Neustadt. Dickinson is the author of Bitter Harvest: FDR, Presidential Power, and
the Growth of the Presidential Branch (Cambridge University Press) and has published numerous
articles on the presidency, presidential decision making, and presidential advisers. His current book
project, titled The President and the White House Staff: People, Positions and Processes, 1945-
2008, examines the growth of presidential staff in the post-World War II era.

Harry S. Truman Book Award

Wilson D. Miscamble
Professor of History, University of Notre Dame
From Roosevelt to Truman: Potsdam, Hiroshima, and the Cold War
(Cambridge University Press, 2007)

About the Award

The Harry S. Truman Book Award recognizes the best book published within a two-year period
that deals primarily with Harry S. Truman or the period of his presidency. Past recipients include
Dean Acheson, former secretary of state (1970); Walter Isaacson, president and CEO of the
Aspen Institute (1988); Stephen Schlesinger, director of the World Policy Institute (2004); and
John Lewis Gaddis, noted historian of the Cold War (2006). The prize is $1,000.
About the Book
More than 20 books were contenders for the Truman Book Award. From a field of titans, the Research
& Grants Committee awarded the 2008 prize to Wilson D. Miscamble’s From Roosevelt to Truman. A
two-time recipient of the Truman Book Award, Miscamble’s critically acclaimed work directly
challenges historical views that Truman’s actions as president represented a sharp break with the
diplomatic policies of his predecessor, Franklin D. Roosevelt; along the way, Miscamble provides a
vivid portrait of Truman’s foreign policy decision making relative to the origins of the Cold War.

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – 2 0 0 8 A n n u a l R e p o rt
Dissertation Year Fellowships
Each year, the Truman Library Institute awards a maximum of two Dissertation Year Fellowships
for graduate students who have completed research and are ready to begin writing on Truman’s
public career and presidency. The maximum award per recipient is $16,000.

Michael Czaplicki, Doctoral Candidate in History, University of Chicago, The Corruption of Hope:
Political Scandal, Congressional Investigations, and Popular Understanding of Government in the
U.S., 1932-52
Jason Petrulis, Doctoral Candidate in U.S. History, Columbia University, Marketing the American
Way, 1939-1950

FY08 Research Grants

Research grants of up to $2,500 help offset expenses for graduate and postdoctoral students
traveling to the Truman Library to conduct research.
Robert J. Barnes, Doctoral Candidate in International History, London School of Economics, Hugh E. Evans, M.D.
United Kingdom, The (UN) Resolved Conflict: The United Nations and the Korean War, 1950-1954 Professor
Jo Butterfield, Doctoral Candidate in History, University of Iowa, Imagining Women's Human UMDNJ-NJ Medical School
Tenafly, New Jersey
Rights: International Feminist Activism, Gender Politics and the Birth of the Cold War
William R. Fernekes, Social Studies Supervisor, Hunterdon Central Regional High School,
Flemington, NJ, Courage, Compassion and Commitment: Senator Clifford P. Case of New Jersey
Rebeccah M. Friedman, Doctoral Candidate in History, New York University, Consuming
Democracy: U.S. Cultural Diplomacy in Mexico, 1945-1968
Lance D. Jones, Adjunct Faculty, Washburn University and Highland Community College,
Following Orders Is No Excuse: The Impact of the World War II War Crimes Trials on Military “As a physician-historian I
Justice have researched the health of
FDR and its implications for
Benjamin W. Hill, Master’s Thesis in History, Armstrong Atlantic State University, Lasting
the selection of Senator Harry
Leadership: Harry S. Truman's Impact upon the Men of Battery D in War and Peace
S. Truman and his succession
John B. Judis, Senior Editor, New Republic, Genesis: Harry Truman and the Origins of the Arab- on April 12, 1945. (See The
Israeli Conflict Hidden Campaign: FDR’s
Health and the 1944
Kevin Kim, Doctoral Candidate in History, Stanford University, The Inner Cold War: Korea,
Election.) Among numerous
American Leaders, and the Crisis of the Free World, 1945-1954
other sources the late
Joyce Mao, Assistant Professor of History, Northern Kentucky University, Asia First: China and Margaret Truman Daniel
American Conservatism, 1937-1972 provided illuminating insights.
How fortunate the nation and
Douglas C. Waller, Author and Lecturer, Former Correspondent with Time and Newsweek
world were to have a
magazines, Gen. William J. "Wild Bill" Donovan Biography
dedicated, hard-working
leader at this critical moment
of transition and in the years
that followed. I am delighted
to contribute to the Truman

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – w w w. t ru m a n l i b r a ry. o rg

We are pleased to share with you an unaudited statement of FY08 income and expenses. With your support, the Truman Library Institute
raised nearly $1.2 million, a new record in the organization’s 50-year history. This benchmark was supported by a record-breaking Wild
About Harry—which brought in more than $357,000 and drew a crowd of more than 820—and significant growth in the ranks of the
Honorary Fellows and West Wing Council membership programs.


$1,174,000 Contributions (non-campaign)
includes corporate, foundation and individual giving, endowment,
bequests, grants and sponsorships

$22,500 Truman Working Office Campaign

$256,566 Investment Income
$110,923 Entrepreneurial Ventures
includes online Museum store sales, public and education
program revenues

$5,347 Misc Other

TOTAL $1,569,336

$973,062 Programs, Exhibits, Education
& Outreach
$28,144 Capital Improvements and
Preventative Maintenance
$343,987 Fundraising
$204,722 Administration

TOTAL $1,549,915

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – 2 0 0 8 A n n u a l R e p o rt

Left to right: Newly elected

Honorary trustees; Board members Honorary Chair
in Truman Library Courtyard;
Honorary Chair Clifton Truman Clifton Truman Daniel
Daniel with Board members
Officers & Committee Chairs
Chairman William C. Nelson, George K. Baum Asset Management
Vice Chair Clyde F. Wendel, UMB Bank, N.A.
Vice Chair & Treasurer Roger A. Novak, Novak Birks, P.C.
Secretary Herb M. Kohn, Bryan Cave, LLP
President Michael J. Devine, Harry S. Truman Library and Museum

Carol Anderson, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO
John A. Dillingham, JoDill, Inc. and Dillingham Enterprises, Inc.
Charles M. Foudree, Ret., Harmon Industries, Inc., Independence, MO
Richard A. Gephardt, Gephardt & Associates, L.C.
Sam F. Hamra, Hamra Enterprises, Springfield, MO
Allen L. Lefko, Bank of Grain Valley, Kansas City, MO
Thomas R. McGee, Jr., DST Realty, Kansas City, MO
John P. McMeel, Andrews McMeel Universal, Kansas City, MO
Larry L. McMullen, Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin, LLP, Kansas City, MO
Wilson D. Miscamble, Notre Dame University, South Bend, IN
James B. Nutter, Jr., James B. Nutter & Company, Kansas City, MO
Cappy P. Powell, Community Volunteer, Kansas City, MO
Page Branton Reed, Community Volunteer, Kansas City, MO
William M. Reisler, Consumer Growth Products, Kansas City, MO
John J. Sherman, Inergy, LP, Kansas City, MO
Elizabeth T. Solberg, Ret., Fleishman Hillard, Inc., Kansas City, MO
Charles S. Sosland, Sosland Companies, Inc., Kansas City, MO
Maurice A. Watson, Partner, Husch Blackwell Sanders, LLP, Kansas City, MO

National Advisory Council

John C. Danforth, Partner, Bryan Cave LLP, St. Louis, MO
Walter Isaacson, President and CEO, Aspen Institute, Washington, D.C.

Honorary Trustees
Henry W. Bloch Lawrence E. Gelfand Mary E. Hunkeler Henry J. Massman, IV Beth K. Smith
Willard L. Boyd Larry J. Hackman Milton P. Kayle Thomas A. McDonnell Morton I. Sosland
Mary Shaw Branton Susan M. Hartmann Jonathan M. Kemper C. Westbrook Murphy Elmer B. Staats
George H. Curtis Ken Hechler Richard S. Kirkendall James B. Nutter, Sr. David Stanley
George M. Elsey Francis H. Heller S. Lee Kling Barbara J. Potts

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – w w w. t ru m a n l i b r a ry. o rg
contributors & Members

We thank all of those who contributed generously during Fiscal 2008. Contributions help the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum
remain a crown jewel among our nation’s most valued heritage sites. Listed below are gifts received between Oct. 1, 2007 and Sept. 30, 2008.
We apologize for any errors or omissions. Please contact Kim Rausch at (816) 268-8237 or [email protected] with any corrections.

West Wing Council

The West Wing Council is the premier membership program of the Truman Library Institute. We gratefully acknowledge West Wing Council
members who have chosen to make a significant investment in the Truman Library. To learn about joining the elite ranks of the West Wing Council
and enjoying customized and exclusive benefits, please call Alex Burden at (816) 268-8243.

American Century Foundation - Jonathan Kemper Shirley and Barnett Helzberg Fdn. Barbara and Allen Lefko Beth Smith
Mary Jo Browne Consumer Growth Partners - Mary and John Hunkeler Mandel Foundation Betsey and Rick Solberg
George K. Baum Foundation - Bill Reisler Kristen and Wesley Jasinski Marriott Hotel - Kevin Pistilli Estelle and Morton Sosland
Jonathan Baum Betty and Dick Crumpton Kansas City Power & Light - Karen McCarthy Susan and Tuck Spaulding
Centerpoint Medical Center - Jill and Marshall Dean Elizabeth Danforth Susan and John McMeel UMB Bank, N.A. - Clyde Wendel
Carolyn Caldwell Defamco, LP - Sam Devinki Dottie and Milton Kayle Barbara and Bill Nelson
Commerce Bank of Kansas City - DST Systems, Inc. - Tom McDonnell Nancy and Herb Kohn Roger Novak

Buck Stops Here Society

Buck Stops Here Society members are valued partners of the Truman Library. Annual membership gifts—starting at $1,000—provide important
support for world-class traveling exhibitions, acclaimed educational programs, and public programs featuring national and international opinion
leaders. To learn more, please call Alex Burden at (816) 268-8243.
Joan and Bert Berkley Bunni and Paul Copaken June and Sam Hamra Larry McMullen Tawani Foundation
Marcia and Eliot Berkley Jerry and Vernon Davidson Pat and Paul Kaplan Elaine Meitus Susan and Michael Waldeck
Rae Block Patricia and Dean Davison Kathleen and Dick Kirkendall Richard Menschel Helen and Frank Wewers
Harvey Bodker Nancy and John Dillingham Jeanie and Robert Latz Janet and Marshall Miller Kelly A. Woestman
Susan and Sandy Boyd Susie and Bob Evans Robert Lyons Joyce and Donald Rumsfeld Fdn. Ellen and Jerry Wolf
Shawsie Branton Jo Ann Field Jean and Tom McDonnell Miriam and Daniel Scharf
Joni and Thornton Cooke Francie and James Flynn Molly McGee Jeanne and Charlie Sosland

Donor Honor Roll

$100,000 to $499,999 Mader Foundation The Key West Harry S. Truman Bryan Cave, LLP Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Gattermeir
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McDonnell Foundation Mr. Kirk W. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hall, Sr.
Ten Ten Foundation Mr. Roger A. Novak Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Lefko Charina Foundation, Inc. Hall Family Foundation
Edwin W. Pauley Foundation Mandel Foundation Children’s Mercy Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Sam F. Hamra
$50,000 to $99,999 The Private Bank Marriott Hotel and Clinics Dr. Susan M. Hartmann
Greater Kansas City Community J. B. Reynolds Foundation Thomas Martin Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Cooke, II Mr. and Mrs. J. Randall Hedlund
Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spaulding, III The McDonnell Foundation Copaken Family Foundation Shirley and Barnett Helzberg Fdn.
William T. Kemper Foundation James B. Nutter & Company Mr. and Mrs. Paul Copaken Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Jager
$5000 to $9999 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Polsky Cottey College Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Johnston
$25,000 to $49,999 Andrews McMeel Universal Fdn. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Reisler Country Club Bank Dr. and Mrs. Harry S. Jonas
Jacob & Frances O. Brown Family Bank Midwest Mr. and Mrs. Rick M. Solberg Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Davidson Joyce and Donald Rumsfeld Fdn.
Fund George K. Baum Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Dean Davison Kansas City Chiefs
DST Systems, Inc. Nancy and Gordon Beaham/ Defamco, LP Kansas City Power & Light
Jewish Community Fdn. of GKC Faultless Starch/Bon Ami Co. $1000 to $4999 Mrs. Ann Dickinson Isaac and Minnie Katz Foundation
Kearney Wornall Foundation, BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas City Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dillingham Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Kirkendall
UMB Bank, n.a., Trustee Branton Family Partnership Atterbury Family Foundation Dunn Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Kohn
The Sosland Foundation BNSF Railway Perry H. Bacon Charitable Corp. The Hon. Peggy Dunn and Lathrop & Gage L.C./Peter Brown
Truman Heartland Community Fdn. Carter Community Memorial Trust, Bank of America Mr. Terrence P. Dunn and Stephanie Newkirk
UMB Bank, n.a., Corp. Trustee Barkley Evergreen & Partners Dr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Durrie Mr. and Mrs. Robert Latz
$10,000 to $24,999 Centerpoint Medical Center Mr. and Mrs. E. Bertram Berkley Milton W. Feld Charitable Trust Lockton Companies
American Century Foundation Commerce Bank of Kansas City Mr. and Mrs. Eliot S. Berkley Elaine Feld Stern Charitable Trust Mr. Robert P. Lyons
Americo Life, Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Crumpton Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Block Suzanne Feld Zalk Trust Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lyons
Mr. Robert M. Beren Mr. and Mrs. Marshall H. Dean, Jr. H & R Block Foundation Fidelity Security Life Ins. Co/ Mr. and Mrs. John A. MacDonald
Arvin Gottlieb Charitable Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Evans Mrs. Rae A. Block Sandy and Richard Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Mackle, Jr.
UMB Bank, n.a., Corp. Trustee Garmin International, Inc. Mr. Harvey S. Bodker Mrs. Jo Ann Field Mr. George Manos
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Hunkeler Kristen and Wesley Jasinski Mr. and Mrs. Willard L. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Fiola Mrs. Marjorie N. Martin
Inergy Muriel McBrien Kauffman Fdn. Mrs. Mary Shaw Branton Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Foudree Ms. Molly A. McGee
Kansas City Southern Mr. and Mrs. Milton P. Kayle Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Bruening Mr. and Mrs. David Freirich

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – 2 0 0 8 A n n u a l R e p o rt
Gifts Received
Oct. 1, 2007 – Sept. 30, 2008


Dr. Paul McGraw and Dr. and Mrs. Donald Potts Mr. Edward S. Chandler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Fried Ms. Nancy Schuyler and
Dr. Nancy Newhouse St. Luke’s Health System Mr. John M. Purcell and Mr. and Mrs. David Gaebler Mr. Donel C. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. John P. McMeel Mr. and Mrs. John S. Thornton Dr. Teri Lea Chandler-Purcell Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Gall Kimak’s Pest Control, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. McMullen Mr. and Mrs. Terrence R. Ward Mr. Ted Chanock The Hon. and Mrs. Jack E. Gant Mrs. Dee Dee King
Ms. Mary Kay McPhee and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Zobrist Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Chase Mr. Roger C. Geary Dr. Robert E. Kleiger
Mr. William E. Pfeiffer Ms. Patricia Chasnoff Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gilson Mrs. Frank W. Koger
Ms. Elaine P. Meitus $100 to $499 Mr. Stephen B. Chick Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ginsburg Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kort
Mr. Richard L. Menschel Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Aaron, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Chiles Mr. and Mrs. James Goetz Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kraner
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Nelson Ms. Mary W. Abbott Mr. Carlo Ciccone Mrs. Geraldine Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreamer
Mrs. Jeannette Nichols Mr. H. W. Abplanalp Mr. Greg Cusack and Mr. Nathan Golden Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Krigel
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pack Mr. Everett Och and Mr. Robert L. Claassen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Kurth
Harry Portman Charitable Trust Ms. Teresa Abramowski Mr. and Mrs. John W. Clark Ms. Catherine F. Gorman Mr. Robert P. Kuster
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Powell Mr. Walter Accurso Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Loeb H. Granoff Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Lakin
Mr. and Mrs. Landon H. Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Byron T. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coble Ms. Melissa Green Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lanard
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Scharf Mr. and Mrs. Travis M. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Coffey Mr. and Mrs. James Greenwood Dr. and Mrs. Burnell Landers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schultz Ms. Suzanne E. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Byron Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Grimaldi The Hon. Donald H. Lane
Silverstein Eye Centers Mr. and Mrs. William L. Allen Mr. Jules Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Ruvane E. Grossman Mr. and Mrs. Asher C. Langworthy, Jr.
Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP Ms. Kathie L. Allison Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Cohn Ms. Sara E. Groves and Mr. John Lantos
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Sosland Mr. and Mrs. William J. Amend Mrs. Roberta Coker Mr. Robert D. Firnhaber Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Leaman
Mr. and Mrs. Morton I. Sosland Ameristar Casinos Dr. and Mrs. Terry Coleman Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gulick Ms. Lisa Leonard
The STAKE Foundation Dr. Carol Anderson Mr. J. Danny Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Hackman Mr. Paul L. Lerner
Stepp & Rothwell, Inc. Mrs. Davie B. Anderson Mr. Bob Tietze and Mr. Terry Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hall, Jr. Mrs. William Levi
Tawani Foundation Ms. E. Vernice Anderson Ms. Therese A. Ciolek and The Hon. Seth Hammett Mr. and Mrs. Howard Levitan
Mr. and Mrs. H. Guyon Townsend, III Dr. Linnea M. Anderson Mr. George S. Cornish Mrs. Sally M. Hands Mr. and Mrs. William F. Liddle, Jr.
Mrs. Louis W. Truman Mr. and Mrs. Rod Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Costello Mr. and Mrs. Jeff B. Hanes Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Lightstone
UMB Bank, n.a. Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold Mr. Lawrence U. Costiglio Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hanson Dr. Malcolm E. Linville, Jr.
Veterans of Foreign Wars Ms. Kathryn Ashenbrenner Mr. and Mrs. William H. Coughlin Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Harbert Mr. and Mrs. Byrne Litschgi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Waldeck Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ashton Mrs. Patricia Couper Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Haynes Mrs. Betty M. Long
Wendy’s of Missouri, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Atha, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis Health Benefits Professionals Mr. David Lonie
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wewers Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Atlas Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner Davis Dr. Mary Ann Heiss Mr. and Mrs. George B. Lopez
Dr. Kelly A. Woestman Mr. and Mrs. James Aust Mr. and Mrs. Leodis Davis Mr. John C. Henshaw, Jr. Ms. Lou Ann Wewetzer and
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome T. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Richard Banes Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison Mr. John F. Herbst, Jr. Mr. Larry L. Lunda
Mrs. Thomas J. Wood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Kenneth Baum Mrs. Betty J. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hering Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. MacAvoy
YRC Worldwide Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Clay R. Bauske Mr. Larry O. Denny Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Herman Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Madison
Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Benson Mr. and Mrs. Barry Denslow Mr. and Mrs. Jerry N. Hess Mr. and Mrs. John W. Maher
$500 to $999 Mr. Jerome Berko Mr. and Mrs. Merle Deterding Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hesse Mr. and Mrs. Mel Mallin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Berkowitz Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Devine Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hickok, Jr. Ms. Gilda H. Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Atterbury Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Bertram, Jr. Mr. Sam M. Devinki Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hiersteiner Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Marsh
Mrs. Gerald D. Aurbach Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn Betts Mr. and Mrs. Carl DiCapo Mr. Kevin Hill Ms. Joanna M. Martin
Ms. Sara Deubner and Mr. Carl V. Blomgren Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dick Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hintz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin
Dr. Linton T. Bayless Blue Ridge Bank and Trust Co. Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Dickey Mr. Jerome W. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Martin
Belagroup LLC Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Bogacz Mr. William M. Dickey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hoenig Ms. Sue Masica
Berkebile Nelson Immenschuh Ms. Carolyn Bond Mr. and Mrs. James W. Dickson Dr. and Mrs. R. Duane Holder Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mathews
McDowell Architects Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Bond Mr. Richard H. W. Dillard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Holman Ms. Tracie Mattivi Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Blitt Mr. Ron Bonesteel Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Dinneen Dr. Leaetta Hough Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mayta
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Boles Dr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Borman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Doering Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Howe Mr. Dennis Taylor and
Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Brown Dr. Marguerite E. Boyd Mr. Michael B. Downey Mr. George C. Hubel Dr. Bridget McCandless
Citigroup Foundation Mrs. Lewis J. Bratt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Aaron L. Hudson Mrs. Doris A. McCartney
Mr. James H. Davis Dr. W. Robert Brazelton The Hon. and Mrs. Michael S. Dukakis Mr. and Mrs. William W. Humphrey, III Mr. and Mrs. Gary McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy De Leon Mr. Walter C. Bridgewater Mr. and Mrs. James T. Dukas Dr. Amy Hunkeler Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McCormick
Mrs. Courtney R. Earnest Mr. Rodger L. Brough eBay Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Graham T. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Ted McGrade
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Eiman Ms. Joyce Broughman Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Edwards City of Independence Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. McKee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Arnold H. Brown Mr. Mark Eggert Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Innes Dr. and Mrs. Gerald McManus
Mrs. Florence M. Fordemwalt Mr. and Mrs. Garthe Brown Mr. George M. Elsey Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Ireland Dr. and Mrs. Robert Meneilly
Mr. and Mrs. David Gerber Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Brown Embarq Matching Gifts Program Mrs. Ann Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Jay Menitove
Miss Hortense Greenley Dr. and Mrs. Craig Bruner Mrs. Olga M. Engel Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Jacobson Ms. Kay Menzel
Mr. and Mrs. Sol N. Himmelman Mr. and Mrs. James Brunkhardt Mr. Robert L. Engel Dr. and Mrs. Larry S. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Merrill, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Hupp, Jr. Mrs. Ina J. Bryan Mr. Daniel Winter and Mr. Mike Mr. and Mrs. David F. Jensen Mr. Robert E. Meyerhoff
Mr. and Mrs. David Immenschuh Mr. and Mrs. George Buchman Enos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jerde Midwest Center for Holocaust Educ.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis LaMarra Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burge Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Evans, Jr. Jewish Community Endowment Fund Colonel Paul L. Miles
Richard M. & Carol H. Levin Mr. and Mrs. Julian D. Butler Ms. Marcia Rodgers and Jewish Federation - GKC Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller
Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cable Mr. Steve Everly Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John M. Miller
Mr. Richard M. Levin Mr. and Mrs. James C. Callaghan Mr. George M. Ewing, Sr. Dr. Niel M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Pleasant V. Miller, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Loboda The Hon. Victor E. Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Farchmin Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Johnson Mr. Timothy W. Miller
The Hon. and Mrs. Michael W. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Calvin Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fedotin Mr. Stephen B. Johnson Dr. Wilbur H. Miller
Manners Mr. Louis Capozi Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Oskar Kaaring Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Mitchell
Rev. Wilson D. Miscamble Brig. General and Mrs. Jack L. Capps Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Fingersh Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kander Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mitchell
Mitchell Capital Management Co. The Hon. Joe Pierron and Ms. Marjorie Finley Mr. and Mrs. George E. Kapke Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Mnookin
Ms. Sheila Normile Dr. Diana B. Carlin Pierron Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Fischbach Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Kariel Ms. Melanie R. Moentmann
Nuveen Investments Mr. and Mrs. William E. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fleenor Mr. and Mrs. Ward A. Katz Montacie Development Corporation
Park University The Hon. and Mrs. Harold L. Caskey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fleming Mr. William T. Paulic and Dr. and Mrs. David L. Moore
The Party Patch Mr. John W. Chalfant Dr. and Mrs. Barry L. Flinchbaugh Ms. Barbara L. Kay Ms. Terri Moore
Pasadena Community Foundation Mr. Edward S. Chandler, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John D. French The Hon. and Mrs. Joseph Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Morgan

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – w w w. t ru m a n l i b r a ry. o rg
Dr. and Mrs. J. Harold Morris Ms. Lee Williams and Ms. Carol Curtis and Dr. and Mrs. Charles Becker Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Campbell
Mr. Richard J. Mosko Mr. Brent Schondelmeyer Mr. Edward B. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Beikman Dr. and Mrs. Robin R. Canterbury
Ms. Moira Mulhern Mr. Jim Schroeder and The Wally Foundation Miss Nancy P. Bemis Mr. Daniel J. Carden
Mr. James Murie The Hon. Patricia S. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Weary Dr. and Mrs. Edward Bennett Ms. Nicki Cardwell
Ms. Elizabeth A. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Scott Ms. Pam Fleischer and Dr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Bergman Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carey
Ms. Deborah Smith and Mr. John A. Scully Mr. Ken Weiner Mr. and Mrs. William S. Berkley Ms. Judith Ann Carey
Dr. Mark C. Myron Mr. Jonthan J. Seagle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Weir Mr. Charles M. Berlau Mr. Edward Carlin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nadeau Dr. Arlene E. Segal Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Weir Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Bertoncin Erik D. Carlson, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. Naylor Mr. Christopher Senior Mr. Douglas J. Wells Mr. Richard Besgrove Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nelles Mr. and Mrs. J. Stan Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Westhoff Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Bettlach Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Carrozzo
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Nerman Mr. and Mrs. William Shackelford, III Ms. Jeanne P. Whitman Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Bilen Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nerman Dr. and Mrs. Nathan G. Shechter Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Whittlinger Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bills Ms. Chelsea Cassell
Mrs. Mary Nesselrode Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. James M. Whitworth, Jr. Mr. Alan Black Mr. and Mrs. Jim W. Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nochlin Mr. Michael Shields The Hon. and Mrs. John Wildenthal Mr. and Mrs. David Blanchard Mr. Earl K. Cavanah
Ms. Laura Normile Mr. David A. Shipp Professor Caroline H. Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Blaney Mr. Wayne Chaney
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Normile Lt. Col. and Mrs. Robert J. Shippee, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Williams Ms. Betty D. Blatt Dr. and Mrs. John Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard O’Donnell Ms. Margaret E. Shouse Mrs. Lillie B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Larry N. Blick Mr. Leo M. Chop
Mr. Matthew O’Donnell Mr. Lindsey E. Shull The Hon. Valdenia C. Winn and Ms. Wilma Bloom Mr. Mark E. Chop
Ms. Karen DeLuccie and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd T. Silver, Jr. Dr. K. V. Persley Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Bock Mr. and Mrs. Eric H. Christenson
Mr. Joseph F. O’Hara Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Simon Mr. William Wolbach Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bodney Mr. and Mrs. Paul Christiansen
Mr. and Mrs. Bjorn E. Olsson The Hon. and Mrs. Alan K. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Woods Ms. Colleen Boeding Mr. and Mrs. Charles Christianson
O’Neill Communications Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sloan Mr. James G. Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bohanon Mr. and Mrs. Richard Christman
Ms. Phyllis Oswald Mrs. Beth K. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woolrich Mr. Loren Boline Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Chronister
Mr. and Mrs. Lambert B. Ott, Jr. Mrs. Beverly N. Smith Mr. Robert S. Thompson and Mr. Carl E. Booth Dr. Anna Cienciala
Mr. and Mrs. I. I. Ozar Dr. Harold I. Smith Dr. Mary M. Wurtz Mr. Rick Borges CIGNA Matching Gifts Program
Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Padula Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Smith Dr. Joseph M. Yasso Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Joseph Borrell Mr. and Mrs. Foster Clark
Dr. Lillian G. Pardo and Mr. William G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Young Mr. and Mrs. James Borthwick Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark, Jr.
Dr. Manuel P. Pardo Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zeldin Mr. Ralph Thomas Bota Mr. Joe H. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Major W. Park, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Stanford A. Zeldin Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Boudreau Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Clark
Mr. Scott Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Abraham D. Sofaer Dr. and Mrs. Benedict K. Zobrist Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Bova Mr. and Mrs. William M. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. David Pener Dr. and Mrs. Warren H. Solomon Ms. Diana K. Boylls Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Clemons
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Penrod Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Sowers $99 or less Mrs. Patricia Brady Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Perelson Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Speca Mrs. Oca Mae Abernathy Mr. Douglas M. Brattebo Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Cohn
Ms. Becky Blades and The Spectra Energy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Abrams Rev. and Mrs. Robert A. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Sanford L. Cohn
Mr. Cary Phillips Matching Gifts Program Mr. Frank A. Adamo, Jr. Ms. Jenny M. Brewer Ms. Bernice I. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Moritz Pick Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Sprechman Mr. Mark Adams Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Brick Mr. David Coleman
Mr. William R. Piper Sprint Foundation Mr. Ernest Adelman Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bright Mr. David E. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Pistilli Mr. and Mrs. Otto M. Spurny Ms. Margo Aldridge Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brock Mr. and Mrs. TImothy Coleman
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Poch Mr. Michael D. Stackpoole Mr. and Mrs. John E. Alldredge Mr. Harlan E. Brockman Mr. and Mrs. David Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Posner Ms. Susan M. Stanton Mr. William W. Allen Mrs. Ellen Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Connelly
Mrs. James W. Powell Mr. Raymond Starzmann Mr. and Mrs. Francis Amoroso Dr. Mark J. Brodkey Cooper Communications
Mr. Derek Prater Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Stern Mr. and Mrs. David W. Anderson Mr. Arthur W. Brooks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Cooper
Mrs. Alma R. Price Margaret Stevenson Truman- Mr. Donald D. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Copher
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Putt Deceased Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Anderson Mrs. Betty M. Brown Ms. Armelina Costantini
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pyster Mr. William T. Stewart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Shawn M. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown Ms. Theresa Cotter
Ms. Eileen Quint Mrs. L. R. Stiffelman Mr. William Anton Prof. D. Clayton Brown Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Cotton
Ms. Margo L. Quiriconi Mr. and Mrs. R. James Stilley, Jr. Mr. Guy de Verges and Mr. Dallas E. Brown, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hardin C. Cox
Ralph K. Ruckman, DDS, PC Dr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Stoll Ms. Stephanie Arnold de Verges Mr. and Mrs. David Brown Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Raney Mr. Brad Stratton Mr. and Mrs. William L. Atwood Mr. and Mrs. Dick C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Craig
Ms. Delores A. Rau Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Streen Dr. and Mrs. James D. Austin Mr. Forrest Brown Mrs. Eugenia R. Crain
Mrs. Jackson P. Ravenscroft Dr. and Mrs. William W. Stueck, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marlow S. Baar Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Crider
Mr. James F. Reed Mr. and Mrs. H. Kenneth Swearingen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bacic Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Brown Mr. and Mrs. Darrell A. Cross
Dr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Reed Mr. and Mrs. H. Stephen Talge Dr. B. Joyce Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown The Honorable and Mrs. G. L. Crystal
Ms. Stephanie Reed Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bailey Mr. Theodore Brown, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Geral Culp
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Remer Mr. Mark Thornhill and Mr. and Mrs. William W. Baker Judge Wesley E. Brown Mrs. Regina Smith Culver
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Revier Ms. Maria Donigan Mr. and Mrs. David E. Balducchi Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bruner, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Maurice Culver
Ms. Susann Riffe Mr. and Mrs. James P. Tierney Ms. Judith M. Baldwin Mr. Jeffrey Bruns Mr. and Mrs. C. Leroy Cundiff
Mrs. Marilyn P. Rinker Dr. and Mrs. Lowell Tilzer Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Balka Mr. Richard W. Bryant Mr. Frank Cunningham
Ms. Mary Roe Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Timmons Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Bardsley Mr. Frank L. Buchan Trooper and Mrs. Albert Curley
Ms. Mildred W. Roesler-Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Titens Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Barewin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Y. Curran
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Ronan, Jr. Toledo Federation of Teachers Mr. and Mrs. Bryant P. Barnes Mrs. Sally N. Bueno Mr. and Mrs. John T. Curry
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Roth Local 250 Mr. Edmund C. Barnum Mr. Lon Bumgarner Mrs. C.I. (Catherine) Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rubel Mr. Andy Toma Dr. and Mrs. Harold F. Bass, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Chester P. Buras Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Daddona
Mr. Ernest Rubenstein Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Triplett Mr. and Mrs. James D. Bastin Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Burnup Mr. and Mrs. Don Dagenais
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Ruckman Ms. Mary L. Turner Mr. Robert S. Bates Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burrows Mrs. Elaine Dalgleish
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Runnion, III Mr. and Mrs. John W. Uhlmann Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bates Mr. and Mrs. Riley L. Burrus Mr. and Mrs. William H. Danforth
Mr. Douglas R. Rushing Dr. Lisa Vansaghi and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Batts Dr. and Mrs. V. Frederick Burry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Russell Mr. Tom Vansaghi Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Baum Mr. Mike Buser Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Danner
The Hon. and Mrs. Howard F. Sachs Mr. and Mrs. Mike Vaughan Mr. Mark Bauman Dr. Elwyn L. Cady, Jr. Mr. Alfred Dannhauser
Mr. Carl H. Sapper, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Vickers Dr. and Mrs. William L. Bayer Mr. Jerry F. Caligiuri Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Dauer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Joel D. Vile Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bazer Mr. and Mrs. James C. Callinan Mrs. and Mr. Chris Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Scallions Mr. and Mrs. George P. Vogt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Beal Drs. Greta and Marvin Camel Mr. and Mrs. James C. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Schechter Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Beaver Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Chris L. Davis

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – 2 0 0 8 A n n u a l R e p o rt
Gifts Received
Oct. 1, 2007 – Sept. 30, 2008

Major and Mrs. Douglas J. Davis Mr. Michael P. Ferrell Dr. and Mrs. Keith G. Grafing Mrs. Judith B. Hines Mr. Kevin G. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Deacon Dr. Robert H. Ferrell Mr. Paul R. Grass Mr. Gordon S. Hodgkins Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dean Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ferro Ms. Jo Ann Graybill Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Hogarty Ms. Tammy Kelly
Mrs. Edna H. Deaton Rabbi and Mrs. David S. Fine Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Green Mr. Richard G. Hollow Ms. Lou Ann Kempf
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Decker Mrs. Mary Faye Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Norman Green Mr. and Mrs. Elliott M. Hollub Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Kennedy
Professor and Mrs. Wayne L. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Green Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Holzle Mr. Christopher Kerecman
Decker Mr. Roger Fisher Mrs. Laura Greenbaum Mr. James R. Homan Mr. John L. Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Dees Ms. Lora Hackman Fitzgerald Ms. Louise Greenfield Ms. Loraine Honeywell Mr. and Mrs. Johnny F. Kessler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Royce D. Delmatier Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Fitzpatrick Mr. Seymour D. Greenstone Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Hope, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kilker
Mr. John H. Dengler Mr. Paul Flam Mr. and Mrs. Randy Gregory Ms. Gerlinde M. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Killen
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas E. DeNigris Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Greim Mrs. Christa Hoppman Mr. Dale N. Kindred
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Denrow Fleischhauer Mr. and Mrs. C. Philip Griffin Ms. Cindy Horn Ms. Shelley King
Ms. Carolyn M. Detillier Mrs. Jacqueline S. Fleschman Ms. Francie Grossman Mrs. Millie Horn Mrs. Donna M. Kinnard
Mr. Nicholas A. Di Blasio Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fleschman Mr. Warren Hagel Mr. and Mrs. Alex R. Horowitz Mr. and Mrs. D. Jack Klein
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Dickson Mrs. Reba C. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Hubert D. Hagen Mrs. Patricia M. Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Klein
Mrs. Frances Dillingham The Honorable and Mrs. Donald R. Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hagen Mrs. Jane Howard Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kleinman
Mrs. Martha Dillman Ford Ms. Norma R. Hagerty Mr. and Mrs. John W. Howard Mrs. Ruth I. Knee
Ms. Amy Disch Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Forster Mr. Terry Haggard and Mrs. Martha Howard Mr. Lloyd R. Knox
Ms. Lynna Do Mr. and Mrs. A. Warren Francis Ms. Vicki White Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Howard Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Koirtyohann
Mr. Terry Gratz and Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Francis Mr. Wayne A. Haglund Mr. and Mrs. Scott Howard Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Konort
Ms. Erica A. Dobreff Ms. Randi Frank Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hahs Mr. Ronald Howes Mrs. Margaret Koontz
Mr. and Mrs. Youngsik Dokko Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Franklin Ms. Eloise A. Haldeman Mr. and Mrs. John Howland Mr. and Mrs. Mark Koontz
Mrs. Shirley C. Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Roger Franklin Dr. and Mrs. James M. Hale Mr. Vernon Huff Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kopke
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Donath, Ed.D. The Hon. and Mrs. Thomas J. Frawley Mr. Richard E. Hale Mr. and Mrs. William J. Huhmann Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Koshland
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Donath Mrs. Helen L. French Mr. C. Francis Hales Mr. Brad Huit Ms. Irene Kovac
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. William J. French Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hamann Mr. J. Wells Hull Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kraner
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Doty Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Frey Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Hamann Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Kranitz
Ms. Deborah R. Douglas Professor and Mrs. Richard M. Fried Dr. and Mrs. Alonzo L. Hamby Mr. Douglass Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kratchman
Ms. Hazel A. Douglas Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Friedland Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton Ms. Mary Kay Ingenthron Mr. Eric M. Kratty
Mr. and Mrs. William Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Major D. Hammett Dr. and Mrs. John E. Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Downing Mr. Paul Friedrichs Mr. and Mrs. David Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Arlan L. Irwin Mr. Sid Kross
Mrs. Adele S. Dresner Miss Luella E. Friend Professor Irving Hand Mrs. Ernest Isenberg Ms. Phyllis J. Krueger
Dr. and Mrs. George M. Drew Ms. Vesta Frizzell Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Hanover Professor and Mrs. Dan N. Jacobs Ms. Anna B. Kurzweil
Mr. John R. Duck Mrs. Carole Fulk Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hanson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vernie E. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kutler
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Dunlap Dr. Connel R. Fullenkamp Ms. Barbara A. Hare Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Jacobson Ms. Barbara M. Kuzdzol
Dr. Marvin I. Dunn Mrs. Henrietta M. Fullerton Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Hargett Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Jaffe Mr. Leo R. La Pierre
Mr. Mark Durbin Mr. and Mrs. Rick E. Fullerton Mr. and Mrs. Claude S. Harkins Mr. and Mrs. James R. Jahnz, Jr. Professor Virginia J. Laas
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Durig Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Gaar Mr. and Mrs. James C. Harlan Dr. and Mrs. William J. James Mr. Philip D. Lagerquist
The Hon. and Mrs. Gary D. Ms. Norene Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harrell Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jancek Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Laitner, Jr.
Dusenberg Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gall Mr. and Mrs. David A. Harrington Mr. Robert M. Janice Mr. and Mrs. Sanders R. Lambert, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Dusing Col. John Gallagher Dr. Connie K. Harris Ms. Adell J. Janzen Mrs. Leona G. Lambert-Suchet
Mr. William S. Eastberg Dr. Robert E. Gamer Mrs. Jane E. Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Jeffries Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell H. Easter Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Gathright Miss Margaret F. Hartzell Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Langford
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Edwards Mrs. Patricia A. Gelaude Mr. Thomas A. Harz Mr. Jay R. Jennings, II Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Lappin
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Edwards Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Gelfand Mr. and Mrs. Wendell R. Hathhorn Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Jennings Dr. James E. Larson
Ms. Cynthia G. Edwards and Dr. Frank Genovese Mrs. Judith A. Hauck Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Orville Larson
Mr. Kevin Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gerchick Dr. Jerzy Hauptmann Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Johns Mr. Robert Laskey
Mrs. and Mr. Emma L. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Gershon Dr. William E. Hauser Mrs. Catherine D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Latare
Mr. Jason A. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Douglas N. Ghertner Mrs. Margaret J. Hausheer Ms. Wendy Frieman and Mr. Sean Lathrom
Mr. and Ms. Malcolm L. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Gibson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Hawks Dr. David E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Norm Laumeyer
Mr. David Egan Professor and Mrs. James N. Giglio Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hayden Mrs. Judith C. Johnson Ms. Carol Ann Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Ehrenpreis Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gilbertson Mr. Thomas D. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston Mr. Tom Lawler
Dr. and Mrs. Gustave Eisemann Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gilmartin Drs. James and Maridella Heiman Mr. John P. Jones Ms. Christina Lawrence
Mr. Mark Eisemann and Prof. John Gingles Mr. and Mrs. Greg Heishman Ms. Paula L. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Lawrence
Ms. Leslie Mark Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Glenn Ms. Olga K. Heisler Mr. R. Michael Jones Dr. Bryan F. Le Beau
The Hon. and Mrs. Mike Eliason Ms. Anne Gobi Mr. and Mrs. Gene Herman Mr. Thomas L. Jumps Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. LeBlanc
Mr. Robert L. Eller and Mr. Steven D. Goers Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Herndon Mr. Edward Junk Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. LeCluyse
Ms. Mary Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goldberg Ms. Mary Herrick Ms. Susan Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. LeDuc
Mr. Charles S. Ellington Mr. Theodore S. Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hersh Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kandt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Hershey Mr. Donald H. Kane Dr. and Mrs. Kyo Rak Lee
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Embury Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Gonas Mr. Albert A. Owen and Kansas City Public Library Mr. and Mrs. Myung Woong Lee
Mr. Scott D. Enos Mr. Allan L. Goode Ms. Juarenne Hester Mr. Theodore E. Kapala Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Lee
Mr. Gregory E. Eufinger, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Goodell Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hetrick Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Kapell Mr. Jean LePage
ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc Professor Craufurd D. Goodwin Ms. Linda Heuertz Mrs. Florence Kaplan Mr. Meyer Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne M. Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Tom Heuertz Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Z. Kaplan Dr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Lessig
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Farnsworth Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Goodyear Mrs. Doris M. Hickson Mr. and Mrs. Sidney M. Karsh Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lewis
Ms. Bonnie Fast Ms. Patricia L. Gore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Higgins, III Mrs. Connie Katowitz Mrs. Barbara Lindau
Mr. and Mrs. John Fatz Ms. M. S. Gorman Ms. Joan Hilger-Mullen Mr. Homer Kay Brigadier General Beverly S. Lindsey
The Hon. and Mrs. Arthur B. Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Gose Dr. David Hill Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Keeland Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Lipsky
Federman Mr. and Mrs. William Gossman Mrs. James T. Hill, Jr. Ms. Joyce L. Keeler Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Liska
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Feiereisen Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hill The Honorable Chris Keen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lombardozzi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Feiereisen Mr. Dan Gould Mrs. Helen L. Hilliard Mr. Duane B. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Albert Loncaric
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ferrell Mr. Andrew Grabau Mr. and Mrs. Edgar G. Hinde, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly Dr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Long

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – w w w. t ru m a n l i b r a ry. o rg
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lorimer Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mooney Mrs. India Philley Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Salmon Mr. James A. Starke
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lorimer Mr. and Mrs. James D. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Piazza Mr. Robert T. Salsman Dr. and Mrs. James H. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Loven Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Ossean E. Pierson The Honorable and Mrs. Stanley J. Dub and Joy Steincross
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lowrey Mrs. Waunita B. Moore Ms. Donna Pittman Salva The Hon. and Mrs. Robert Steinkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Dean S. Lucal Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Morman Mr. and Mrs. David Piziali Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Salz Mr. and Mrs. Boris Stephen
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Luetjen Mr. and Mrs. John W. Morrison, III Mr. and Mrs. Nick L. Pizzichino Mr. Richard E. Sandeen Mr. John A. Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Luhnow, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Moseman Mrs. Elizabeth W. Plesser Captain and Mrs. Thomas J. Saul Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Stevens
Mrs. Lily Lumpp Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Moser Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Ploeger Mr. Keith L. Savastano Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Lunceford Mr. and Mrs. Jerold W. Mullins Ms. Mary Elizabeth T. Plyler Mr. John E. Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. William D. Stilley
Mr. Glenn S. Lunden Mr. and Mrs. Dick Munzinger Dr. and Mrs. Monte M. Poen Mr. and Mrs. Steve Scarpello Mr. and Mrs. Donivan Stogsdill
Mr. and Mrs. Loren F. Lundy President Phelps Murdock Dr. and Mrs. Jim C. Pogue Ms. Marilyn Schade Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stokes
Dr. and Mrs. Harold H. Lurie Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Poland Dr. Kurt W. Schake Ms. Mary L. Stone
Mr. Rene Macleay-Santiago Ms. Carol Ice and Mr. Stephen L. Mrs. Dixie Pollard Mr. Rudolf R. Scheffrahn Mr. Arthur H. Stoup
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Maginness Murphy Ms. Adena Potok Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Scheibach Dr. and Ms. John H. Strange
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Mahurin Dr. Thomas Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Richardson K. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Scherer Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Street
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Mallin The Honorable Gerard S. Naples Mr. Douglas R. Price Ms. Jane Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. John R. Streu
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Maloney Mrs. Virginia F. Neff Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Price, II Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Schmiedeler Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Malott Professor Anna K. Nelson Mr. Gordon Prickett Mr. and Mrs. John L. Schmiedeler Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Stringer
Mr. Timothy Malpede Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Neuse Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Prosser Dr. Kenneth Schowengerdt and Mr. and Mrs. Shirley E. Strnad
Mr. and Mrs. Ken C. Manqueros Dr. Robert P. Newman CDR and Mrs. Gerald P. Pulley, Dr. Joyce Koenig Mrs. Barbara Stubbs
Rev. Tom Manson and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Nickle (Retired) Mr. Jim Schraeder Mr. Paul K. Stuewe and
Rev. Frances Manson Mr. Paul Niewrzel Dr. Thomas Purcell Rosemary G. Schrepfer, M.D. Ms. Beth Wasson
Mr. Daniel Marcus and Mr. Myron Nollen Mr. Eugene J. Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. John Gregg Scircle, III Dean and Mrs. Al Sullivan
Dr. Maeva Marcus Ms. Anne M. Nolte Dr. James R. Ralph, Jr. Mr. Richard V. Seaboldt Ms. Patricia Petre Surber
Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. Marder Ms. Laura D. Nolte Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Raney Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sebby Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Sutton
Mrs. Barbara Hall Marshall Mr. and Mrs. James C. Noonan Mr. John A. Rauschkolb Mr. William R. Sierks and Professor Martha H. Swain
Mr. Edward E. Marshall Ms. Arlene F. Gerhard Norris Mr. and Mrs. B. John Readey, III Ms. Mamie Segall Dr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Swaney
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Marshall Mr. Aaron M. North Miss Mary Sue Reagan Mrs. Elizabeth Seippel Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Massman Dr. Henrietta Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Reakes Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Sellers Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Sweeny
Mr. Robert D. Mathena Mr. Michael Norton Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Reasoner Mr. Thomas Sellmeyer Mrs. Martha Ann Swoyer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Matheny, Jr. Mr. James I. Nutter Judge and Mrs. Edward C. Reed, Jr. Ms. Mary Ann Adams and Mr. and Mrs. David R. Sylvan
Ms. Dee Mathews Mrs. Mary Nygren Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Reed Mr. Richard Sengpiehl Dave and Barbara Sylvan
Mr. Joseph L. Matz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Connor The Hon. and Mrs. Don Reimal Mrs. Anne H. Shalinsky Foundation
Miss Barbara Ann Maxwell Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Offer Mr. Dave Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Shank Dr. Harold J. Sylwester
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCarron Mr. and Mrs. David O’Hagan Mr. Jack Rennekamp Mr. Robert Sharp Mr. Edward R. Szynal
Mrs. Margaret S. McCausland Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Oliver Mr. Loren D. Reuter Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Shelby Mr. and Mrs. James O. Talbot
Ms. Kay L. Retzlaff and Mr. Duane R. Olsen Mr. Guy Reynolds Judy and Steve Sherry Dr. and Mrs. Duane A. Tananbaum
Mr. Thomas R. McCord Dr. and Mrs. James C. Olson Mr. James P. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Sherwood Mrs. Theodore Tannenwald
Ms. Mary Alice McDermott Mr. Ted Olson Mrs. Anita J. Rhodes Mr. David Shipman Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McDonald Mrs. James C. Olson Ms. Marcy Richardson Ms. Hazel H. Shippee Mrs. Betty F. Tatum
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. McDowell Ms. Susanna Organic Ms. Linda M. Ridgeway Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Shrout Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin McEntarfer Mr. and Mrs. David Orum Ms. Leslie R. Riggs Mrs. Betty Shrout Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tedrow
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. McFarlane Mr. and Mrs. Norman Oshin Dr. and Mrs. Ted Rights Mrs. Leona Shulkind Mr. and Mrs. George H. Templeton
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. McKeel Mr. and Mrs. Claude T. Owen Rear Admiral and Mrs. J.T. Riker Mr. Timothy Shull Ms. Sherry S. Templeton
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McKiernan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palan Mr. and Mrs. R. Dean Rinehart Siegal Enterprises, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Thomas
Ms. Dorothy C. McKinley Mr. Uldis J. Palde Ms. Susan Robb Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Siegler Dr. Kent Thomas
Mr. Larry McMaster Mrs. Matti Palluconi Ms. Karen M. Roberts Ms. Margaret A. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Thompson
Mrs. Priscilla J. McMillan Mr. Kent I. Palmer Mr. Steven L. Roberts Mr. James D. Sims Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Thornburgh
Ms. Cynthia McNabb Mr. and Mrs. Myron L. Paris Dr. and Mrs. David Brian Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Sims Mr. and Mrs. James A. Thornton
Miss Connie McQuain Mrs. Patricia A. Parr Dr. and Mrs. Jay Robinow The Hon. and Mrs. Thomas E. Sims, Sr. Mrs. Virginia Tillitt
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McShane, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Parrish Mr. Beauford W. Robinson The Honorable and Mrs. Fred Six Ms. Karen Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Meade Mr. and Mrs. F. Dale Parson Mr. and Mrs. James M. Robinson Dr. and Mrs. W. Christian Sizemore Mr. Paul R. Tolland
Ms. Susan Medler and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pashen Mr. Randy Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Max J. Skidmore Mr. Daniel Tolle
Mr. Roger Oyster Mrs. Frances Patchett Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. James R. Slater Mr. Ronald J. Tomczykowski
Ms. Lucinda S. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Patinkin Mr. James B. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Slater Mr. and Mrs. Noel Torpey
Mr. Clifford Meek Mr. and Mrs. William J. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Slegman Mr. James F. Townsend
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Memmer Ms. Heather N. Paxton Dr. Marvin Rogolsky Mr. and Mrs. J. Randolph Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Townsend
Merrill Lynch & Company Mr. and Mrs. William C. Paxton Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow S. Rooklin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Smith Mr. Ronnell B. Townsend
Foundation, Inc. Mr. Charles J. Payer, Jr. Ms. Sherrill L. Rosen Mrs. Darline C. Smith Dr. and Mrs. George Tracy
Dr. George L. Meshke Mr. and Mrs. H. Scott Peck Mr. Peter Kretzmer and Mr. Donald L. Smith Mrs. Norma M. Trahan
Mr. Harold Metts Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. Pelka Ms. Deborah S. Rosenberg Mr. James R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Trandahl
Mrs. Edith C. Metzgar Mr. and Mrs. Joel Pelofsky Mrs. Helen Rosin Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Smith Ms. Ruth R. Traurig
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Michel Captain Robert C. Peniston, USN (Ret.) Dr. and Mrs. Gene Ross Ms. Pam Smith Representative Christel H. Truglia
Microsoft Mr. J. Scott Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Rostenberg The Hon. and Mrs. Philip G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Truman
Mrs. R. H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rothman Mr. Carl T. Solberg Ms. Judy J. Tucker
Ms. Jana Miller Mrs. Doris Pesek Dr. and Mrs. David M. Rube Dr. and Mrs. David H. Solomon Ms. Judy J. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rubin Ms. Genevieve A. Soulis Mr. and Mrs. Lee Uldbjerg
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Million Ms. Patricia A. Peters Mr. Siegfried Ruschin Ms. Kimberly J. Spitzig Ms. Stephanie Ulsh
Dr. Franklin D. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Peters Dr. Judy Rush Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Spry Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ungerman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Monahan Dr. Jody L. Peterson Ms. Mary Russell Mr. and Mrs. Ken Srozinski Mr. Daniel E. Uscian
Ms. Marilyn Montgall Mr. Joseph L. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Rutledge Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Stanford Ms. Sue Valentine
Mr. and Mrs. Elton M. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Pettit Mr. Kurt Sakamoto Mr. Robert E. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Grant T. Van Duzee
Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Moody, Jr. The Pfizer Foundation, Inc. Sara L. Sale, Ph.D. Mrs. Gloria Stansbarger-Shy Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Vest

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – 2 0 0 8 A n n u a l R e p o rt
Gifts Received
Oct. 1, 2007 – Sept. 30, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Veta Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Weber Dr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Whitley Mr. and Mrs. John H. Windsor Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Yancey
Mr. George P. Viegelmann, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Barton Wechsler Mr. and Ms. Jim Whitten Dr. Betty H. Winfield and Mr. Richard W. Yarling
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Villalva Mr. and Mrs. Jay Weinstein Rep. and Mrs. Jim Whorton Dr. Barry Hyman Dr. Lawrence A. Yates
Mr. Jack Volz Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Welborn Ms. Deanna Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. James W. Winfrey Ms. Patricia Yeats
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Voss Mr. and Mrs. Karl W. Welch Ms. Darlene Wight Col. and Dr. Arthur C. Winn Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Yonke
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wacknov Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Welch Mr. Frank P. Wilfley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Wishna Mr. and Mrs. John E. Young
Dr. and Mrs. William O. Wagnon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Welling Mr. and Mrs. Don Willcoxon Mr. Oliver J. Wisner Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Zalimeni
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Waldron, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William L. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Williams Mr. and Mrs. James A. Witteman, Jr. Ms. Lisa A. Pace and
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Wallace Ms. Judith L. Welpman Mr. Gregg Williams Mr. Charles R. Wittig Dr. Robert L. Zangrando
Mrs. Marilyn F. Walz Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Wertz Rev. and Mrs. Robert R. Williams Mr. John L. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Miles J. Zeller
Dr. Nancy E. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Roger Whitaker Ms. Roberta M. Williams Mr. Frank Woodside and Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Zennario
Ms. Andrea Warren Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Whitcomb Ms. Margie Willis Dr. Sandra L. Woodside Ms. Elaine O. Zimmerman
Ms. Dolores Warren Mrs. Helen E. White Dr. Martin Willman Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Wright Mr. and Mrs. George H. Zimmerman
Mr. and Ms. Eric L. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Jason T. White Mrs. Elaine Wills Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Wyatt Ms. Kimby Zook
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Waxman Mrs. Lana White Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wilson Ms. H. Irene Wyatt Mr. and Mrs. John Zuccotti
Mr. Jeffrey R. Wayne Mrs. Nancy Whitelaw Mr. Paul D. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wylie, II Mr. Louis Zwillenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Webb, II Mrs. Jean Whitener Dr. and Mrs. Htain Win Dr. Kathleen Xidis

Gifts In Kind
Bernstein-Rein Advertising, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Freirich Kansas City Downtown Marriott Mathews Communications/Bruce Speaks Family Legacy Chapel
Capital Grille Golden Barrel Diistributors The Kansas City Star Mathews Stone Hill Winery
Changing Seasons Gift Gallery and Gomer’s Midtown Les Bourgeois Winery Ms. Brenna Meyers Z3 Graphix
Flowers Johnson & Johnson Monument Marriott Muehlebach Hotel Mt. Pleasant Winery
The Examiner Company Mr. Kevin E. Regan

Tribute and Memorial Gifts

Gifts in honor of John and Mary Hunkeler Gifts in memory of Mr. Edward Junk Mrs. Louis W. Truman
Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Gattermeir Mr. and Mrs. Milton P. Kayle Ms. Judy J. Turner
Frances Brown Margaret Truman Daniel
Ms. Phyllis J. Krueger Mrs. Nancy Whitelaw
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Mallin Eileen Normile Weir Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Abrams
Mrs. Betty M. Long
Ms. Sheila Normile Rev. and Mrs. Robert A. Brennan John J. Strode
President and Mrs. Carter Mr. Joseph L. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fleming Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Harbert
Ms. Elaine P. Meitus Mr. and Mrs. William M. Reisler
Mrs. Patricia A. Gelaude Benedict Zobrist
Carol Freirich Ms. Linda M. Ridgeway
Mr. and Mrs. Sam F. Hamra Mrs. Betty M. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Kariel Mr. David A. Shipp
Mr. J. Wells Hull
Mr. Robert E. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Hull

Since 1957, when the Truman Library opened, volunteers have played an instrumental part in the success of this presidential library. The most
public contributions are those made by museum docents, but volunteers assist in virtually every department of the Truman Library and Institute.
The commitment and contributions of our volunteers is extraordinary, and we extend our thanks for the hours of service offered by the following
individuals in FY08:

Karen Berry Nell Danner Lani Kirsch Katherine Novak Mike Summers
Betty Blatt Judy Dingler Jo Kleinman Ric Nyman Bob Tobia
Loren Boline Ron Doering Linda Kobe Curt Oldroyd Ed Vest
Harlan Brockman Frances Duncan Joan Kolich Thurman Oliver Scott Wagner
Don Brown Marjorie Durkee Kathy Lee Jack Perne Christl Webster
Bob Buhr Marietta Feather Beverly Lindsey Mildred Polc Arlene and Karl Welch
Donna Burgess Margaret Fox Eleanor Lopez Bob Potter Eileen Wilcox
Ned Carlin Judy Fundis Dena Love Carolyn Reece Joann and Bob Wilson
Doris Caster Rudy Green Virginia Maglich Barb Schmitt Paul Winans
Alice and John Chapman Leslie Hagensen Janeal Matheson Jamie Schwarz
Steve Chase Jean Hall Doris McCartney Larry Sebby
Myrle and Jack Chastain JoAnn Hatch Jean and Cliff McCormick Tommye Sexton
Jolene Clark Jim Howk JoAnn McInnes Marcella Shinn
Sandra Colyer Dolores Hunter Cyndie McNabb Betty Shockley
Cheryl Compton Ruby James Joan and Tim Meng Carol and Don Smith
Amy Crossley Jack Kammert Bill Naylor Bill Strautman
Harry Daffer Mary Keerns Pat Nickle Judy Sturgess

T ru m a n L i b r a ry I n s t i t u t e – w w w. t ru m a n l i b r a ry. o rg
Harry Truman left America an enduring legacy.

A legacy of values: responsibility, leadership, decisiveness.

And a commitment to the democratic ideals

that make our nation great.

Harry Truman’s story needs to be shared—now more than ever.

With your support, the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum

will continue to guide us as we journey forward into the

uncharted territory of the 21st century.

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