- Odd-Numbered: xs jk z+φ

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Chapter 11 – Odd-Numbered

11.1. Show that Exs = Aejk0 z+φ is a solution to the vector Helmholtz equation, Sec. 11.1, Eq. (16),

for k0 = ω µ0 0 and any φ and A: We take

Aejk0 z+φ = (jk0 )2 Aejk0 z+φ = −k02 Exs
dz 2

11.3. An H field in free space is given as H(x, t) = 10 cos(108 t − βx)ay A/m. Find
a) β: Since we have a uniform plane wave, β = ω/c, where we identify ω = 108 sec−1 . Thus
β = 108 /(3 × 108 ) = 0.33 rad/m.
b) λ: We know λ = 2π/β = 18.9 m.
c) E(x, t) at P (0.1, 0.2, 0.3) at t = 1 ns: Use E(x, t) = η0 H(x, t) = (377)(10) cos(108 t−βx) =
3.77 × 103 cos(108 t − βx). Then the vector direction of E will be az , since we require that
S = E × H, where S is x-directed. At the given point, the relevant coordinate is x = 0.1.
Using this, along with t = 10−9 sec, we finally obtain

E(x, t) = 3.77 × 103 cos[(108 )(10−9 ) − (0.33)(0.1)] = 3.77 × 103 cos(6.7 × 10−2 )
= 3.76 × 103 V/m

11.5. A 150-MHz uniform plane wave in free space is described by Hs = (4 + j10)(2ax + jay )e−jβz
a) Find numerical values for ω, λ, and β: First, ω = 2π×150×106 = 3π × 108 sec−1 . Second,
for a uniform plane wave in free space, λ = 2πc/ω = c/f = (3 × 108 )/(1.5 × 108 ) = 2 m.
Third, β = 2π/λ = π rad/m.
b) Find H(z, t) at t = 1.5 ns, z = 20 cm: Use

H(z, t) = Re{Hs ejωt } = Re{(4 + j10)(2ax + jay )(cos(ωt − βz) + j sin(ωt − βz)}
= [8 cos(ωt − βz) − 20 sin(ωt − βz)] ax − [10 cos(ωt − βz) + 4 sin(ωt − βz)] ay

√ time, ωt − βz = (3π × 10 )(1.5 × 10 ) − π(0.20) = π/4.
. Now at the given position and
And cos(π/4) = sin(π/4) = 1/ 2. So finally,

H(z = 20cm, t = 1.5ns) = − √ (12ax + 14ay ) = −8.5ax − 9.9ay A/m

c) What is |E|max ? Have |E|max = η0 |H|max , where

|H|max = Hs · H∗s = [4(4 + j10)(4 − j10) + (j)(−j)(4 + j10)(4 − j10)] = 24.1 A/m

Then |E|max = 377(24.1) = 9.08 kV/m.

11.7. The phasor magnetic field intensity for a 400-MHz uniform plane wave propagating in a certain
lossless material is (2ay − j5az )e−j25x A/m. Knowing that the maximum amplitude of E is
1500 V/m, find β, η, λ, vp , R , µR , and H(x, y, z, t): First, from the phasor expression,
we identify β√= 25 m−1 √ from the argument
√ of the exponential function.
√ Next, we evaluate
H0 = |H| = H · H∗ = 22 + 52 = 29. Then η = E0 /H0 = 1500/ 29 = 278.5 Ω. Then
λ = 2π/β = 2π/25 = .25 m = 25 cm. Next,

ω 2π × 400 × 106
vp = = = 1.01 × 108 m/s
β 25

Now we note that 

µR µR
η = 278.5 = 377 ⇒ = 0.546
vp = 1.01 × 108 = √ ⇒ µR R = 8.79
µR R
We solve the above two equations simultaneously to find R = 4.01 and µR = 2.19. Finally,
H(x, y, z, t) = Re (2ay − j5az )e−j25x ejωt
= 2 cos(2π × 400 × 106 t − 25x)ay + 5 sin(2π × 400 × 106 t − 25x)az
= 2 cos(8π × 108 t − 25x)ay + 5 sin(8π × 108 t − 25x)az A/m

11.9. A certain lossless material has µR = 4 and R = 9. A 10-MHz uniform plane wave is propa-
gating in the ay direction with Ex0 = 400 V/m and Ey0 = Ez0 = 0 at P (0.6, 0.6, 0.6) at t = 60
a) Find β, λ, vp , and η: For a uniform plane wave,

√ ω√ 2π × 107 
β = ω µ = µR R = (4)(9) = 0.4π rad/m
c 3 × 108

Then λ = (2π)/β = (2π)/(0.4π) = 5 m. Next,

ω 2π × 107
vp = = = 5 × 107 m/s
β 4π × 10−1


µ µR 4
η= = η0 = 377 = 251 Ω
 R 9

b) Find E(t) (at P ): We are given the amplitude at t = 60 ns and at y = 0.6 m. Let the
maximum amplitude be Emax , so that in general, Ex = Emax cos(ωt − βy). At the given
position and time,

Ex = 400 = Emax cos[(2π × 107 )(60 × 10−9 ) − (4π × 10−1 )(0.6)] = Emax cos(0.96π)
= −0.99Emax

So Emax = (400)/(−0.99) = −403 V/m. Thus at P, E(t) = −403 cos(2π × 107 t) V/m.

11.9c. Find H(t): First, we note that if E at a given instant points in the negative x direction, while
the wave propagates in the forward y direction, then H at that same position and time must
point in the positive z direction. Since we have a lossless homogeneous medium, η is real, and
we are allowed to write H(t) = E(t)/η, where η is treated as negative and real. Thus

Ex (t) −403
H(t) = Hz (t) = = cos(2π × 10−7 t) = 1.61 cos(2π × 10−7 t) A/m
η −251

11.11. A 2-GHz uniform plane wave has an amplitude of Ey0 = 1.4 kV/m at (0, 0, 0, t = 0) and is
propagating in the az direction in a medium where  = 1.6 × 10−11 F/m,  = 3.0 × 10−11
F/m, and µ = 2.5 µH/m. Find:
a) Ey at P (0, 0, 1.8cm) at 0.2 ns: To begin, we have the ratio,  / = 1.6/3.0 = 0.533. So

  1/2
µ  
α=ω 1+ − 1

(2.5 × 10−6 )(3.0 × 10−11 )  1/2
= (2π × 2 × 10 )
1 + (.533)2 − 1 = 28.1 Np/m
Then  1/2
µ  1+ 
β=ω + 1 = 112 rad/m

Thus in general,

Ey (z, t) = 1.4e−28.1z cos(4π × 109 t − 112z) kV/m

Evaluating this at t = 0.2 ns and z = 1.8 cm, find

Ey (1.8 cm, 0.2 ns) = 0.74 kV/m

b) Hx at P at 0.2 ns: We use the phasor relation, Hxs = −Eys /η where

µ 1 2.5 × 10−6 1
 = −11
 = 263 + j65.7 = 271 14◦ Ω
 1 − j( / ) 3.0 × 10 1 − j(.533)

So now
Eys (1.4 × 103 )e−28.1z e−j112z ◦
Hxs = − =− j14 ◦ = −5.16e−28.1z e−j112z e−j14 A/m
η 271e

Hx (z, t) = −5.16e−28.1z cos(4π × 10−9 t − 112z − 14◦ )
This, when evaluated at t = 0.2 ns and z = 1.8 cm, yields

Hx (1.8 cm, 0.2 ns) = −3.0 A/m

11.13. Let jk = 0.2 + j1.5 m−1 and η = 450 + j60 Ω for a uniform plane wave propagating in the az
direction. If ω = 300 Mrad/s, find µ,  , and  : We begin with

µ 1
η=  = 450 + j60
 1 − j( / )

jk = jω µ 1 − j( / ) = 0.2 + j1.5
µ 1
ηη ∗ = 
 = (450 + j60)(450 − j60) = 2.06 × 105 (1)
 1 + ( / )2
(jk)(jk)∗ = ω 2 µ 1 + ( / )2 = (0.2 + j1.5)(0.2 − j1.5) = 2.29 (2)
Taking the ratio of (2) to (1),

(jk)(jk)∗ 2  2
= ω ( ) 1 + ( / ) = = 1.11 × 10−5
ηη ∗ 2.06 × 105

Then with ω = 3 × 108 ,

1.11 × 10−5 1.23 × 10−22

( )2 = = (3)
(3 × 108 )2 (1 + ( / )2 ) (1 + ( / )2 )

Now, we use Eqs. (35) and (36). Squaring these and taking their ratio gives

α2 1 + ( / )2 (0.2)2
=  =
β2 1 + ( / )2 (1.5)2

We solve this to find  / = 0.271. Substituting this result into (3) gives  = 1.07 × 10−11
F/m. Since  / = 0.271, we then find  = 2.90 × 10−12 F/m. Finally, using these results in
either (1) or (2) we find µ = 2.28 × 10−6 H/m. Summary: µ = 2.28 × 10−6 H/m,
 = 1.07 × 10−11 F/m, and  = 2.90 × 10−12 F/m.

11.15. A 10 GHz radar signal may be represented as a uniform plane wave in a sufficiently small
region. Calculate the wavelength in centimeters and the attenuation in nepers per meter if
the wave is propagating in a non-magnetic material for which
a) R = 1 and R = 0: In a non-magnetic material, we would have:

  1/2
µ0 0 R  1+ R
α=ω − 1
2 R

and  1/2
µ0 0 R  R
β=ω 1+  + 1
2 R

With the given values of R and R , it is clear that β = ω µ0 0 = ω/c, and so
λ = 2π/β = 2πc/ω = 3 × 1010 /1010 = 3 cm. It is also clear that α = 0.

11.15. (continued)
b) R = 1.04 and R = 9.00 × 10−4 : In this case R /R << 1, and so β = ω R /c =
2.13 cm−1 . Thus λ = 2π/β = 2.95 cm. Then
. ω µ ωR µ0 0 ω R 2π × 1010 (9.00 × 10−4 )
α= =  =  = √
2  2 R 2c R 2 × 3 × 108 1.04
= 9.24 × 10−2 Np/m

c) R = 2.5 and R = 7.2: Using the above formulas, we obtain
 1/2
√  2
2π × 1010 2.5  7.2
β= √ 1+ + 1 = 4.71 cm−1
(3 × 1010 ) 2 2.5

and so λ = 2π/β = 1.33 cm. Then

 1/2
√  2
2π × 1010 2.5  7.2
α= √ 1+ − 1 = 335 Np/m
(3 × 108 ) 2 2.5

11.17. Let η = 250 + j30 Ω and jk = 0.2 + j2 m−1 for a uniform plane wave propagating in the az
direction in a dielectric having some finite conductivity. If |Es | = 400 V/m at z = 0, find:
a) Pz,av at z = 0 and z = 60 cm: Assume x-polarization for the electric field. Then
1 ∗ 1 −αz −jβz 400 −αz jβz
Pz,av = Re {Es × Hs } = Re 400e e ax × ∗ e e ay
2 2 η
1 2 −2αz 1 4 −2(0.2)z 1
= (400) e Re az = 8.0 × 10 e Re az
2 η∗ 250 − j30
= 315 e−2(0.2)z az W/m2

Evaluating at z = 0, obtain Pz,av (z = 0) = 315 az W/m2 ,

and at z = 60 cm, Pz,av (z = 0.6) = 315e−2(0.2)(0.6) az = 248 az W/m2 .
b) the average ohmic power dissipation in watts per cubic meter at z = 60 cm: At this point
a flaw becomes evident in the problem statement, since solving this part in two different
ways gives results that are not the same. I will demonstrate: In the first method, we use
Poynting’s theorem in point form (first equation at the top of p. 366), which we modify
for the case of time-average fields to read:

−∇ · Pz,av =< J · E >

where the right hand side is the average power dissipation per volume. Note that the
additional right-hand-side terms in Poynting’s theorem that describe changes in energy
stored in the fields will both be zero in steady state. We apply our equation to the result
of part a:
< J · E >= −∇ · Pz,av = − 315 e−2(0.2)z = (0.4)(315)e−2(0.2)z = 126e−0.4z W/m3
At z = 60 cm, this becomes < J · E >= 99.1 W/m3 . In the second method, we solve for
the conductivity and evaluate < J · E >= σ < E 2 >. We use
jk = jω µ 1 − j( / )

µ 1

 1 − j( / )
We take the ratio,    
= jω 1 − j = jω + ω
Identifying σ = ω , we find
jk 0.2 + j2
σ = Re = Re = 1.74 × 10−3 S/m
η 250 + j30

Now we find the dissipated power per volume:

−3 1  2
σ < E >= 1.74 × 10

At z = 60 cm, this evaluates as 109 W/m3 . One can show that consistency between the
two methods requires that  
1 σ
Re =
η∗ 2α
This relation does not hold using the numbers as given in the problem statement and the
value of σ found above. Note that in Problem 11.13, where all values are worked out, the
relation does hold and consistent results are obtained using both methods.

11.19. Perfectly-conducting cylinders with radii of 8 mm and 20 mm are coaxial. The region between
the cylinders is filled with a perfect dielectric for which  = 10−9 /4π F/m and µR = 1. If E
in this region is (500/ρ) cos(ωt − 4z)aρ V/m, find:
a) ω, with the help of Maxwell’s equations in cylindrical coordinates: We use the two curl
equations, beginning with ∇ × E = −∂B/∂t, where in this case,

∂Eρ 2000 ∂Bφ

∇×E= aφ = sin(ωt − 4z)aφ = − aφ
∂z ρ ∂t
2000 2000
Bφ = sin(ωt − 4z)dt = cos(ωt − 4z) T
ρ ωρ
Bφ 2000
Hφ = = cos(ωt − 4z) A/m
µ0 (4π × 10−7 )ωρ
We next use ∇ × H = ∂D/∂t, where in this case

∂Hφ 1 ∂(ρHφ )
∇×H=− aρ + az
∂z ρ ∂ρ

11.19a. (continued)
where the second term on the right hand side becomes zero when substituting our Hφ .
∂Hφ 8000 ∂Dρ
∇×H=− aρ = − −7
sin(ωt − 4z)aρ = aρ
∂z (4π × 10 )ωρ ∂t

8000 8000
Dρ = − sin(ωt − 4z)dt = cos(ωt − 4z) C/m2
(4π × 10−7 )ωρ (4π × 10−7 )ω 2 ρ

Finally, using the given ,

Dρ 8000
Eρ = = −16
cos(ωt − 4z) V/m
 (10 )ω 2 ρ

This must be the same as the given field, so we require

8000 500
= ⇒ ω = 4 × 108 rad/s
(10−16 )ω 2 ρ ρ

b) H(ρ, z, t): From part a, we have

2000 4.0
H(ρ, z, t) = cos(ωt − 4z)aφ = cos(4 × 108 t − 4z)aφ A/m
(4π × 10−7 )ωρ ρ

c) P(ρ, φ, z): This will be

500 4.0
P(ρ, φ, z) = E × H = cos(4 × 108 t − 4z)aρ × cos(4 × 108 t − 4z)aφ
ρ ρ
2.0 × 10−3
= cos2 (4 × 108 t − 4z)az W/m2

d) the average power passing through every cross-section 8 < ρ < 20 mm, 0 < φ < 2π.
Using the result of part c, we find Pavg = (1.0 × 103 )/ρ2 az W/m2 . The power through
the given cross-section is now
2π .020
1.0 × 103 20
P= ρ dρ dφ = 2π × 103 ln = 5.7 kW
0 .008 ρ2 8

11.21. The cylindrical shell, 1 cm ¡ ρ ¡ 1.2 cm, is composed of a conducting material for which σ = 106
S/m. The external and internal regions are non-conducting. Let Hφ = 2000 A/m at ρ = 1.2
a) Find H everywhere: Use Ampere’s circuital law, which states:

H · dL = 2πρ(2000) = 2π(1.2 × 10−2 )(2000) = 48π A = Iencl

11.21. (continued)
Then in this case
I 48
J= az = az = 1.09 × 106 az A/m2
Area (1.44 − 1.00) × 10−4

With this result we again use Ampere’s circuital law to find H everywhere within the
shell as a function of ρ (in meters):
 2π  ρ
1 54.5
Hφ1 (ρ) = 1.09 × 106 ρ dρ dφ = (104 ρ2 − 1) A/m (.01 < ρ < .012)
2πρ 0 .01 ρ

Outside the shell, we would have

Hφ2 (ρ) = = 24/ρ A/m (ρ > .012)

Inside the shell (ρ < .01 m), Hφ = 0 since there is no enclosed current.
b) Find E everywhere: We use

J 1.09 × 106
E= = az = 1.09 az V/m
σ 106
which is valid, presumeably, outside as well as inside the shell.
c) Find P everywhere: Use

P = E × H = 1.09 az × (104 ρ2 − 1) aφ
=− (104 ρ2 − 1) aρ W/m2 (.01 < ρ < .012 m)

Outside the shell,

24 26
P = 1.09 az × aφ = − aρ W/m2 (ρ > .012 m)
ρ ρ

11.23. A hollow tubular conductor is constructed from a type of brass having a conductivity of
1.2 × 107 S/m. The inner and outer radii are 9 mm and 10 mm respectively. Calculate the
resistance per meter length at a frequency of
a) dc: In this case the current density is uniform over the entire tube cross-section. We
L 1
R(dc) = = = 1.4 × 10−3 Ω/m
σA (1.2 × 10 )π(.012 − .0092 )

b) 20 MHz: Now the skin effect will limit the effective cross-section. At 20 MHz, the skin
depth is

δ(20MHz) = [πf µ0 σ]−1/2 = [π(20 × 106 )(4π × 10−7 )(1.2 × 107 )]−1/2 = 3.25 × 10−5 m

11.23. (continued)
This is much less than the outer radius of the tube. Therefore we can approximate the
resistance using the formula:
L 1 1
R(20MHz) = = = = 4.1 × 10−2 Ω/m
σA 2πbδ (1.2 × 10 )(2π(.01))(3.25 × 10−5 )

c) 2 GHz: Using the same formula as in part b, we find the skin depth at 2 GHz to be δ =
3.25 × 10−6 m. The resistance (using the other formula) is R(2GHz) = 4.1 × 10−1 Ω/m.

11.25. A good conductor is planar in form and carries a uniform plane wave that has a wavelength
of 0.3 mm and a velocity of 3 × 105 m/s. Assuming the conductor is non-magnetic, determine
the frequency and the conductivity: First, we use

v 3 × 105
f= = = 109 Hz = 1 GHz
λ 3 × 10−4
Next, for a good conductor,
λ 1 4π 4π
δ= =√ ⇒ σ= = = 1.1 × 105 S/m
2π πf µσ 2
λ fµ (9 × 10 )(109 )(4π × 10−7 )

11.27. The planar surface at z = 0 is a brass-Teflon interface. Use data available in Appendix C to
evaluate the following ratios for a uniform plane wave having ω = 4 × 1010 rad/s:
a) αTef /αbrass : From the appendix we find  / = .0003 for Teflon, making the material a
good dielectric. Also, for Teflon, R = 2.1. For brass, we find σ = 1.5 × 107 S/m, making
brass a good conductor at the stated frequency. For a good dielectric (Teflon) we use the
. σ µ  1 

1  ω  
α= = ω µ = R
2   2 2  c
.   1  . √ ω 
β = ω µ 1 + = ω µ = R
8  c
For brass (good conductor) we have
. .  1
α = β = πf µσbrass = π (4 × 1010 )(4π × 10−7 )(1.5 × 107 ) = 6.14 × 105 m−1

αTef 1/2 ( / ) (ω/c) R (1/2)(.0003)(4 × 1010 /3 × 108 ) 2.1
= √ = = 4.7 × 10−8
αbrass πf µσbrass 6.14 × 105


λTef (2π/βTef ) βbrass c πf µσbrass (3 × 108 )(6.14 × 105 )
= = =   = √ = 3.2 × 103
λbrass (2π/βbrass ) βTef ω R Tef (4 × 1010 ) 2.1

11.27. (continued)

vTef (ω/βTef ) βbrass
= = = 3.2 × 103 as before
vbrass (ω/βbrass ) βTef

11.29. Consider a left-circularly polarized wave in free space that propagates in the forward z direc-
tion. The electric field is given by the appropriate form of Eq. (80).
a) Determine the magnetic field phasor, Hs :
We begin, using (80), with Es = E0 (ax + jay )e−jβz . We find the two components of
Hs separately, using the two components of Es . Specifically, the x component of Es is
associated with a y component of Hs , and the y component of Es is associated with a
negative x component of Hs . The result is

Hs = (ay − jax ) e−jβz

b) Determine an expression for the average power density in the wave in W/m2 by direct
application of Eq. (57): We have

1 ∗ 1 −jβz E0
Pz,avg = Re(Es × Hs ) = Re E0 (ax + jay )e × (ay − jax )e+jβz
2 2 η0
= 0 az W/m2 (assuming E0 is real)

11.31. A linearly-polarized uniform plane wave, propagating in the forward z direction, is input to a
lossless anisotropic material, in which the dielectric constant encountered by waves polarized
along y (Ry ) differs from that seen by waves polarized along x (Rx ). Suppose Rx = 2.15,
Ry = 2.10, and the wave electric field at input is polarized at 45◦ to the positive x and y
axes. Assume free space wavelength λ.
a) Determine the shortest length of the material such that the wave as it emerges from the
output end is circularly polarized: With the input field at 45◦ , the x and y components are
of equal magnitude, and circular polarization will result if the phase difference between
the components is π/2. Our requirement over length L is thus βx L − βy L = π/2, or
π πc
L= = √ √
2(βx − βy ) 2ω( Rx − Ry )

With the given values, we find,

(58.3)πc λ
L= = 58.3 = 14.6 λ
2ω 4

b) Will the output wave be right- or left-circularly-polarized? With the dielectric constant
greater for x-polarized waves, the x component will lag the y component in time at the out-
put. The field can thus be written as E = E0 (ay −jax ), which is left circular polarization.

11.33. Given a wave for which Es = 15e−jβz ax + 18e−jβz ejφ ay V/m, propagating in a medium
characterized by complex intrinsic impedance, η.
a) Find Hs : With the wave propagating in the forward z direction, we find:

Hs = −18ejφ ax + 15ay e−jβz A/m

b) Determine the average power density in W/m2 : We find

1 1 (15)2 (18)2 1
Pz,avg = Re {Es × H∗s } = Re ∗
+ ∗ = 275 Re W/m2
2 2 η η η∗


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