Stokes Theorem

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FI 2201 Electromagnetism

Alexander A. Iskandar, Ph.D.

Physics of Magnetism and Photonics Research Group

General Information
Lecture Schedule :
18 19 R1201 26 27 R1201

57 58 R9132 Teaching Assistant : Mr. Andika Putra. During the tutorial there will be several Quizes and average mark of the Quizes will be one of the component of the Final Mark

Alexander A. Iskandar


Vector Analysis


Rate of Change
df/dx provides us with information on how quickly a function of one variable, f(x), changes. For instance, when the argument changes by an infinitesimal amount, from x to x + dx, f changes by df, given by
df df = dx dx

In three dimensions, the function T will in general be a function of x, y, and z: T(x, y, z). The change in T is equal to , ( , ) g q
T T T dT = dx + y dy + z dz x r T T T y + = x + z [(dx )x + (dy ) y + (dz )z ] = T d l x y z
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Vector Differential Operator

The vector derivative operator (del) produces a vector when it operates on scalar function T(x, y, z).
=x +y +z x y z

is a vector valued operator its acts on a function There are three kinds of vector derivatives, corresponding to the three kinds of multiplication possible with vectors:
Gradient, the analogue of multiplication by a scalar.

Divergence, like the scalar (dot) product.

r v

Curl, which corresponds to the vector (cross) product.

r v

Alexander A. Iskandar


The result of applying the vector derivative operator on a scalar function T is called the gradient of T
T = x

T T T +y +z = ei iT x y z

Write the total differentiation as

dT = r r T T T dx + dy + dz = T d l = T d l cos x y z

Geometrical meaning : the maximum change (total differentiation) occur when = 0 i e when we are moving 0, i.e. r ( d l ) in the same direction as T and the magnitude of T gives the slope of this maximal direction. Example 1.3
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The scalar product of the vector derivative operator and a vector function is called the divergence of the vector function:
r v v y v z v = x + y + z (v x x + v y y + v z z ) = x + + = i vi x y z x y z

The divergence of a vector function is a scalar quantity. What is the divergence? r Geometrical meaning : v measure how much the r vector v spread out (diverges) f t d t (di ) from a point in question. i ti ti If two objects following the direction specified by the vector r function v increase their separation, the divergence of the vector function is positive. If their separation decreases, the divergence of the vector function is negative.
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r v ( x, y ) = xx + yy

r v = 2

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The curl of a vector function v is defined as
x r v = x vx y y vy z z = ijk j vk ei vz

The curl of a vector function is a (pseudo) vector. What is the curl? r Geometrical meaning : v measure how much the g r vector v curls (circulate) around at the point in question. If there were nearby objects moving in the direction of the function, and they circulate about that point, the curl will be nonzero.
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r v ( x, y ) = yx + xy

r v = 2z r v = 0
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More Examples
The two previous functions had nonzero divergence and zero curl, or vice versa. The sum of the two functions, shown here, has (constant) nonzero divergence and curl.
r v ( x, y ) = ( x y ) x + ( x + y ) y

r v = 2
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r v = 2z
Electromagnetism 11

More Examples
Heres one with nonzero, nonconstant divergence and constant curl.
r v ( x, y ) = ( x 2 y ) x + ( x + y 2 ) y

r v = 2( x + y )
r v = 2z

To visualize your vector field, try the excellent Java Applet RelVel.html
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism 12

More Examples
Heres a source with zero divergence and zero curl.
r v ( x, y ) = x x +y
2 2


y x + y2

r v = 0

r v = 0

Alexander A. Iskandar



More Examples
Heres a circulation with zero divergence and nonconstant curl.
r v ( x, y ) = y x +y
2 2


x x2 + y2

r v = 0

r v =

1 x + y2

Alexander A. Iskandar



More Examples
Heres a circulation with zero divergence and zero curl.
r v ( x, y ) =

y x x+ 2 y 2 x +y x + y2

r v = 0 r v = 0

Alexander A. Iskandar



More Examples
Heres a vortex with zero divergence and zero curl.
r x+ y y+x v ( x, y ) = 2 x+ 2 y 2 x +y x + y2 r v = 0 r v = 0

Alexander A. Iskandar



Why are Div and Curl important in EM ?

Consider the electric field from a point charge, and the magnetic field from a constant current in a long straight wire:

I flows out of page

Nonzero divergence of E indicates the presence of charge; nonzero curl of B indicates the presence of current. These vector derivatives point to the sources of the E and B fields.
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Product rules for vector first derivatives

The following product rules involving the vector product will be used frequently:
( fg ) = (f )g + f (g ) r r r r r r r r r r A B = A B + B A + A B + B A r r r fA = f A + A (f ) r r r r r r A B = B A A B r r r fA = f A + A (f ) r r r r r r r r r r A B = B A A B + A B B A

) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
r r r r r r A B = B A A B

Demonstrate on the board :


Alexander A. Iskandar

Vector Second Derivatives

There are five possibilities for vector second derivatives. Divergence of a gradient of a scalar function f is also called Laplacian :
f f f (f ) = 2 f = x + y + z x + y + z x y z x y z 2 2 2 f f f = 2 + 2 + 2 z y x

Note that the Laplacian can operate on a scalar as well as a vector function. Curl of a gradient, it is always zero
(f ) = ei ijk j k f = 0
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism 19

Vector Second Derivatives

Gradient of a divergence
r A

appear frequently in the equations of fluid mechanics but mechanics, it never lasts long in the equations of electrodynamics. The divergence of a curl is always zero r ( A) = ijk i j Ak = 0 Curl of a curl of a vector function can be expressed in terms of the Laplacian and the gradient of the divergence of the vector function: f th t f ti
r r r A = A 2 A

) (

Alexander A. Iskandar




Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Fundamental theorem of calculus for a function of one variable:

df ( x) dx = f (b) f (a) dx

Geometrical interpretation : Add all change in f(x) as x changes from a to b is the same as the difference of the function f(x) at the end points. Note that the format of this fundamental theorem : integral of a derivative over an interval is given by the value of the function at the boundaries
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism 21

Integral Vector Calculus

In vector calculus, there are three different kinds of derivatives gradient, divergence and curl so there are three different analogues of the fundamental theorem of calculus.

Alexander A. Iskandar




Gradient Theorem
Fundamental theorem involving a path integration of the gradient of a scalar function The gradient theorem
a, C

T d l = T (b) T (a)

where the integral is taken along the curve C, and a and b are the position vectors of the endpoints of C.
r dl
a b

Alexander A. Iskandar



Gradient Theorem
Geometrical interpretation : Adding up the change of the function in question as we go along a given path is the same as the difference in value of the function in question at the boundaries (irrespective of the path) example of path integration that is independent of the path. Because of this independent of path property of integral of a gradient, we may choose any path that makes our calculation simple.
r dl
a b

Alexander A. Iskandar




Gradient Theorem
Two Corollaries :

a, path

T d l

is independent of the path

r T d l = 0

Example 1.9
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Stokes Theorem
The Stokes theorem, for curls:
r r r

( v ) da = v d l

where the integral on the left is carried out over a surface S, and that on the right is carried out all the way around the curve C that bounds S. Integral of a derivative over an interval is given by the value o t e function at t e a ue of the u ct o the boundaries the boundary itself is integration
r dl
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism

r da

r da



Stokes Theorem
Geometrical interpretation : v measure the twist r (circulation) of the quantity v at a particular point hence r r .S ( v ) da measure all this twist (flux of the curl) in given the area and this will be the same as going around the boundary of the area and measure how much the quantity follow the boundary. The direction of the path r integration d l has to be co s ste t t the direction consistent with t e d ect o r of da .
r dl
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism

r da

r da


Stokes Theorem
It does not matter how you choose the surface, the integration just depend on the boundary of the surface example of the surface integration that does not depend on the surface but only on the boundary. Two Corollaries:
does not depend on the shape of the surface but only on the boundary. r r S ( v ) da = 0 the boundary y line shrink to zero

( v ) da

Example 1.11
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism 28


Proof of Stokes Theorem

Consider a vector function v that exists everywhere in space, and a specific surface S (not necessarily planar), bounded by curve C. The r circulation of v around C is given by r r = v dl

r dl

r da
points out from the page

where the infinitesimal line element r vectors on C, d l , point parallel to C in the r right-hand-rule sense (as in r r .da = d l a d lb ) relative to the area element vectors on S.
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism



Proof of Stokes Theorem

Now divide the area in two. The two new areas have more total r circumference than they used to, d l1 by twice the length of the dividing line B. But because the line elements follow each curve counterclockwise, the line integral along B around S1 is equal and opposite to q pp that from S2, so the sum of the two r line integrals is the same as the d l2 original: r r r r r r = v d l = v d l1 + v d l 2
C C1 C2
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism



C2 S2



Proof of Stokes Theorem

In fact, if we were to subdivide S into N (>>1) cells, the line integrals along all the dividing lines would cancel out in the sum, though the sum of circumferences would be much larger than originally: r r N r r = v d l = v d li
C i =1 C i

r d l1


And we claim that:

r r v d li r C = n ( v ) lim i ai 0 ai ( N )
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism

Ci bounds Si


Proof of Stokes Theorem

To justify the claim, consider a small box within S, lying with one r corner at ri = (x, y, z ) with area r .ai = zxy , as one of the Si. Its contribution to the total circulation is r r r r

r ltop = xx
y r lbottom = xx

r ri

v dl = v l
i sides

Look at the top and bottom sides first. Their line element vectors are equal and opposite and lie along x, and the top lies y above the bottom. If the square is indeed small, the value of the x component of v in the center of the top side is approximately
vx, top vx ( x, y, z ) +
Alexander A. Iskandar

vx x vx + y x 2 y



Proof of Stokes Theorem

The value of vx in the center of the bottom side is, on the other hand,
vx, bottom vx ( x, y, z ) + vx x x 2

r ltop = xx y r lbottom = xx

r ri

Take the value at the center of each face to serve as the average of vx on the face. Th th circulation contributed b th t and b tt Then the i l ti t ib t d by the top d bottom i is
v x vx y ( x ) vx, top l top + vx, bottoml bottom vx (x, y, z ) + x + x 2 y v x (x) = vx xy + vx ( x, y, z ) + x y x 2
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Proof of Stokes Theorem

Similarly, the left and right sides gives
v y , right l right + v y , left l left =

r r l right = yy lleft = yy v y y v y r x ri + x(y ) v y ( x, y, x ) +

y 2

v y v y + v y ( x, y, x ) + y ( y ) = x xy y 2 r So, noting that ai = zxy we have for all four sides


v dl = v l
i sides

r r

v y vx r r = x y xy = ( v ) ai

Rest assured that we would get the same result with the area vector in any direction; thus our claim is justified.
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism



Proof of Stokes Theorem

Finally we have,
r r v d li N N r r N r r r r C = v d l = v d li = ai i = ( v ) ai ai i =1 i =1 Ci i =1 C r r

( v ) da

or the Stokes Theorem (curl theorem) :

v d l = ( v ) da

Alexander A. Iskandar



Gauss Theorem
And (Gauss) divergence theorem:
( v )d = v da = v n da

where the integral on the left is carried out over a volume V, and that on the right over the surface S that bounds V. Integral of a derivative over an interval is given by the value of the function at the boundaries the boundary itself is integration.

volume V

Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism

surface S


Gauss Theorem
Geometrical interpretation : Sv da measure the quantity r v . passing outward through the (closed) surface r r v measure the spread of the quantity v at a particular point hence measure all this spread (faucets or drains) inside the volume in question.

volume V

Example 1.10
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism

surface S

Proof of Gauss Theorem

Consider a vector function v that exists everywhere in space, and a specific volume V, bounded by surface S. r The flux of v through S is given by
r r = v da

r da

where the infinitesimal area r element vectors on S da , point S, outward and are perpendicular to S. Now consider dividing V in two:

Alexander A. Iskandar




Proof of Gauss Theorem

The two new volumes have more total surface area on their boundaries than they used to, by twice the area of the dividing surface D. But because the area elements point outward from each volume, the flux through D from V1 is equal and opposite to that from V2, so the total flux through all the surfaces is the same as it was before:
r r r r r r = v da = v da1 + v da2
S S1 S2
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism

r da1





r da2

Proof of Gauss Theorem

In fact, if we were to subdivide V into N (>>1) cells, the flux through all the dividing surfaces would cancel out in the sum, though the total surface area would be much larger than originally:
r r N r r = v da = v dai
S i Si


We now claim that

r r v dai r S = v lim i Vi 0 Vi ( N )
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism

Si bounds Vi



Proof of Gauss Theorem

To justify the claim, consider a small box within V, lying with one r corner at ri = (x, y, z ) with volume xyz, as one of the Vi. Its contribution to the flux is

r atop = zxy

r ri

r abottom = zxy

v da = v a
i sides

Look at the top and bottom sides first. Their area vectors are equal and opposite and lie along z and the z, top lies z above the bottom. If the box is indeed small, the value of the z component of v in the center of the top face is approximately
vz , top vz ( x, y, z ) +
Alexander A. Iskandar

vz x vz y vz + + z x 2 y 2 z


Proof of Gauss Theorem

The value of vz in the center of the bottom face is, on the other hand,
vz , bottom v( x, y, z ) + vz x vz y + x 2 y 2

r atop = zxy

r ri

r abottom = zxy

Take the value at the center of x each face to serve as the average of vz on the face. Th th fl contributed b th t and b tt Then the flux t ib t d by the top d bottom i is
v x vz y vz vz , top atop + vz , bottomabottom vz ( x, y, z ) + z + + z (xy ) x 2 y 2 z v x vz y vz + vz ( x, y, z ) + z + ( xy ) = z xyz x 2 y 2
Alexander A. Iskandar Electromagnetism 42


Proof of Gauss Theorem

Similarly, the front and back, and right and left, pairs contribute
vx, front a front + vx, back aback = vx xyz x

v y , left aleft + v y , right aright =

v y y



v da v a


Alexander A. Iskandar

v v v rr = z + z + z xyz = v (ri ) Vi x y z r r v dai r S = v lim i Vi 0 Vi ( N )

Electromagnetism 43

Proof of Gauss Theorem

Finally we have,
r r v dai N r r r r r S = v da = v dai = Vi i = Vi ( v )i Vi i =1 i =1 Si i =1 S

( v ) d

or the Gauss Theorem (divergence theorem) :

v da = v n da = ( v )d

r total flow of v through difference of number of faucets = bounding surface or drains within the volume

Alexander A. Iskandar




Integration by Parts
For product of two functions, transfer the derivative operation from one function to another inside an integral can be done at the cost of subtracting (or adding) a boundary (surface) term. For example integrating
d ( fg ) = f dg + df g dx dx dx

over some range, yield

d g f b dg df dx dx dx dx ( ffg ) d = ffg a = f dx d + dx g d a a a
b b b


Alexander A. Iskandar

b dg df f dx = g dx + fg a dx dx a
Electromagnetism 45

Integration by Parts
Exploit the product rule and the appropriate fundamental theorem. For example integrating
r r r fA = f A + A (f )

( ) (
r r

over volume and using the divergence theorem, yield

( fA)d = fA da = f ( A)d + A (f ) d
r r r



r r r r f A d = A (f ) d + fA da

Alexander A. Iskandar




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