Ordinary Differential Equations

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In addition to Part-I (General Handout for all courses appended to the Timetable) this portion gives further specific details regarding the course.
Course No. Course Title Instructor-In-Char e Instructors % : ,ATH F+*& : Or-inar$ Di..#r#ntial E/uati ns : !A"RA# DU!E$

%. COURSE DESCRIPTION: E0ist#nc# an- uni/u#n#ss t1# r#ms2 pr p#rti#s . lin#ar s$st#ms2 3#1a!i r . s luti ns . nt1 r-#r #/uati ns2 as$mpt tic 3#1a!i r . lin#ar s$st#ms2 sta3ilit$ . lin#ar an- 4#a5l$ n nlin#ar s$st#ms2 c n-iti ns . r 3 un-#-n#ss an- t1# num3#r . 6#r s . t1# n ntri!ial s luti ns . s#c n- r-#r #/uati ns2 sta3ilit$ 3$ Liapun !7s -ir#ct m#t1 -2 aut n m us an- n naut n m us s$st#ms8

&. SCOPE ' O!(ECTI)E: Or-inar$ Di..#r#ntial E/uati ns .r#/u#ntl$ ccurs as mat1#matical m -#ls in man$ 3ranc1#s . sci#nc#, #n9in##rin9 an- #c n m$8 F r a mat1#matician c n.r nt#- 4it1 suc1 a m -#l t1#r# ar# a num3#r . issu#s t a--r#ss an- !ari us appr ac1#s t c1 s# .r m% Is the *ro+le, -ell-*ose./ D $ u #0p#ct t1# -i..#r#ntial #/uati n t 1a!# a s luti n: I. s , is t1#r# a uni/u# s luti n satis.$in9 t1# 9i!#n initial r 3 un-ar$ c n-iti ns: Can 0ou 1in. an e2*licit3 anal0tical solution/ T1is is nl$ p ssi3l# in rar# circumstanc#s8 4eo,etric or 5ualitati6e ,etho.s: T1#s# m#t1 -s 9i!# insi91ts int s luti ns an- - n t r#/uir# s l!in9 t1# -i..#r#ntial #/uati n8 9#n#ral, /ualitati!# .#atur#s .

Sta+ilit0 an. .e*en.ence on *ara,eters% Ha!in9 3tain#- a s luti n 3$ an$ m#t1 -, 4# 4 ul- li5# t 5n 4 1 4 t1# s luti n c1an9#s i. 4# c1an9# t1# initial -ata 3$ a small am unt ;sta3ilit$ anal$sis< an- i. 4# c1an9# param#t#rs in t1# -i..#r#ntial #/uati n ;param#t#r -#p#n-#nc#<8 C urs# 1#lps -##p#r un-#rstan-in9 . t1# c mplicat#- m -#ls t1at ar# t1#r# in t1# r#al li.#8


Pl#as# D N t Print Unl#ss N#c#ssar$

BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Pilani Pilani Campus Instructi n Di!isi n

7. TE8T !OO9: S Ah,a. ' # R # Rao % T1# r$ . Or-inar$ Di..#r#ntial E/uati ns 4it1 Applicati ns in Bi l 9$ anEn9in##rin9, East =#st Pr#ss, *>>>8 :. RE;ERENCE !OO9S: R%. T1# /ualitati!# t1# r$ . r-inar$ -i..#r#ntial #/uati ns, an intr -ucti n, Fr#- Braun#r an- ? 1n A N 1#l, D !#r Pu3licati ns, *>@>8 R&. T1# r$ . Or-inar$ Di..#r#ntial E/uati ns, E8A8 C --in9t n A N8 L#!ins n, Tata ,cGra4B Hill, *>C&8

<. COURSE P"AN: To*ics to +e co6ere. Intr -ucti n A O!#r!i#4 . t1# c urs# N tati n an- D#.initi ns E0ist#nc# an- Uni/u#n#ss . S luti ns . Scalar Di..#r#ntial E/uati ns, E0ist#nc# T1# r#ms, Di..#r#ntial A Int#9ral In#/ualiti#s Intr -ucti n t Lin#ar S$st#ms, FSS, Pr p#rti#s . Lin#ar H m 9#n# us S$st#ms, In1 m 9#n# us Lin#ar S$st#ms B#1a!i r . S luti ns . nt1 r-#r Lin#ar H m 9#n# us E/uati ns, As$mpt tic B#1a!i r Intr -ucti n t sta3ilit$, C ntinu us -#p#n-#nc# an- sta3ilit$ pr p#rti#s . S luti ns Lin#ar S$st#ms, =#a5l$ N n lin#ar S$st#ms, T4 Dim#nsi nal S$st#ms Intr -ucti n t sta3ilit$ 3$ Liapun !Gs s#c n- ,#t1 -, Aut n m us s$st#ms, N n Aut n m us S$st#ms S#c n- r-#r -i..#r#ntial #/uati ns 3 un-#-n#ss . s luti ns Oscillat r$ #/uati ns, Classical #/uati ns Re1. To Te2t !oo= C18 * s#cti n * A& C18* S#cti n% + D E C18& S#cti n% * D + "ecture No.

1-2 3 -8
> B*&

C18& S#cti n% F D E C18+ S#cti n% * D & C18+ S#cti n% + D E C18E S#cti n% * D +

*+ B*@ *C B &* && B&E &@ B+E

C18F s#cti n *BE



Pl#as# D N t Print Unl#ss N#c#ssar$

BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Pilani Pilani Campus Instructi n Di!isi n


C mp n#nt ,i- S#m E0am

Durati n >) mins

=#i91ta9# ;H< +EH

Dat# A Tim#

R#mar5s Cl s#- B 5

27/9 10:00 11:30 AM 2/12 AN

C mpr# E0am Iui6#s'Assi9nm#nts

+ 1rs


Op#n A Cl s#- B

Iui6#s ma$ 3# c n-uct#in r#9ular r c mm n 1 ur8

?. CHA#!ER CONSU"TATION HOUR: =ill 3# ann unc#- in t1# class8 @. #A9E-UP Polic0: Prior permission is needed for makeup, makeup will only be given if enough evidence is there for not being able to take regular test. A. NOTICES: All n tic#s 4ill be displayed on the Notice Board of the Mathematics Department. Normally information will also be conveyed in the class.

Instruct rDinBc1ar9# ,ATH F+*&


Pl#as# D N t Print Unl#ss N#c#ssar$

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