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Primary Sources
"An Act of June 30, 1906, Public Law 59-382, 34 STAT 669, Making Appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the Fiscal Year Ending June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Seven, 06/30/1906 ." OPA - Online Public Access. National Archives and Records Administration. Office of the Federal Register. . Web. 8 Jan 2014. <>. This document was the first one concerning the meat industries problems. The meat inspection act was passed down so people could check how the meat was being processed inside the factories. It began by the fight of the Harvey W. and got signed by Roosevelt later on. This is a primary source since it was signed in the 1906 and the document is from that time.

"An Act of June 30, 1906, Public Law 59-384, 34 STAT 768, for Preventing the Manufacture, Sale, or Transportation of Adulterated or Misbranded or Poisonous or Deleterious Foods, Drugs, Medicines, and Liquors, and for Regulating Traffic Therein, and for Other Purposes, 06/30/1906 - 06/30/1906."ARC- Archival Research Catalog. The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Web. 8 Jan 2014. < This document caused an impact, because it talks about the pure food and drug act which was passed to protect the citizens. This document also helped United States citizens know what each food and drug that was being consumed contained. It was signed in June 30 of 1906, so it is a primary source.

"A Brief History of Early Drug Regulation in the United States." SOT Society Of Toxiology. 2014 Society of Toxicology. Web. 8 Jan 2014. <>. In this website there is a timeline showing what had happen over the years with the FDA. Also, the website explains the things that had happen to make the FDA possible today. There are pictures from the 1906 demonstrating what they are trying to say.

"Federal Food and Drugs Act of 1906." FDA U.S. Food and Drug administration protecting and promoting your health. U.S. department of health & human services, 20 May 2009. Web. 8 Jan 2014. <>. This website shows the document passed in 1906 called the Federal Food and Drugs Act. This explains what some sections in it mean and the consequences that the manufacturers would have if one of the rules are not followed. Also, the website shows definitions of what some of the rules are and examples of them.

"History." FDA U.S. Food and Drug administration protecting and promoting your health. U.S. department of health & human services, 29 May 2013. Web. 8 Jan 2014. <>. This website explains a little about the difficulties the people had to have to be able to make the FDA. Also, it tells you how the FDA got changed over the years.

"Letter from Upton Sinclair to President Theodore Roosevelt, 03/10/1906 ." OPA - Online Public Access. Department of Agriculture. Office of the Secretary. Web. 8 Jan 2014. <>. This document was another one that made an impact in history. This is because the document was written to Roosevelt by Sinclair explaining the working condition inside the factories. Also, this made Roosevelt take responsibility and take actions to help the Unites States fix the meat industries. Another thing is that it is a document signed on 1906 so it is a primary source.

"Meat Inspection Act of 1906 Quotes." Cry Wolf Project exposing myths about the government and economy . Cry Wolf Project. Web. 8 Jan 2014. <>. These were quotes that were mentioned in 1906 by people. All of the quotes on this website address The Meat Inspection act of 1906. They were quotes that showed to the manufacturers and producers that the United States doe have something to say.

"Pioneer Consumer Activist." FDA U.S. Food and Drug administration protecting and promoting your health. U.S. department of health & human services, 18 Jun 2009. Web.

8 Jan 2014. < /default.htm>.

This website explains the life of Harvey W. Wiley and all of the things he did to make the FDA. Also all of the acts that were passed before the FDA were passed because of him. He encouraged many people to take action and change the production in meat industries. Sinclair, Upton. The Jungle. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1906. Print. <>. In this book the jungle there are a lot of horrifying truths about the meat industry. Sinclair uses vivid descriptions to make the reader know what is happening. This is a big source of information since it explains what has been happening in the factories. His point of view made lots of people think twice before taking a bite of their food.

"Slaughterhouse Jobs." ChicagoHS . Chicago Historical Society. Web. 8 Jan 2014. <>. This website explains the problems that were happening inside the Chicago meat industries. Also, it talks about the strikes that were made against the companies so that they could change the ways they did things.

"The 1906 Food and Drugs Act and Its Enforcement." FDA U.S. Food and Drug administration protecting and promoting your health. U.S. department of health & human services, 18 Jun 2009. Web. 8 Jan 2014. <>. This website talks about the book written by Upton Sinclair called the jungle. In this website they go in depth trying to explain Upton Sinclairs experiences helped to create the FDA that we know today.

"The Long Struggle for the Law." FDA U.S. Food and Drug administration protecting and promoting your health. U.S. department of health & human services, 19 May 2009. Web. 11 Jan 2014.

< efortheLaw/>. This explains what the poison squad was and what they did to change Chicago. Also, this talks about the foods that the group had to test to change the way the industries operated. They would taste different food knowing the danger that was in them. They made a big impact in Chicago.

"Upton Sinclair Hits His Readers in the Stomach." History Matters. American Social History Productions, Inc., 7 Jan 2014. Web. 8 Jan 2014. <>. This talks about how Upton Sinclair had affected the view of the people who read his book. Also, it talks about how people stopped eating so that the industries would start changing.

"Upton Sinclair's The Jungle: Muckraking the Meat-Packing Industry." CRF constitutional right foundation. Constitutional Rights Foundation. Web. 8 Jan 2014. <>. This website talks about how the inspectors started inspecting the meat in the industries really carefully. It also talked about the tips that the inspectors had given to the industries so that the animals would not get a disease. Another thing is that if there was meat that was rotten, inspectors would demand the factory to throw it away.

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