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Chekhov Syllabus 2014

This document provides the syllabus for a course on Anton Chekhov taught in the spring of 2014. The class meets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:25-2:40 PM in Languages 207. Key aspects of the syllabus include: - Required readings of Chekhov's short stories, plays, biographies and criticism. - Writing assignments such as comparative analyses, book reviews and creative projects. - A midterm exam and optional creative projects or presentations. - A Chekhov celebration event with another university's Chekhov class in early April. - Important due dates for assignments and exams throughout the semester.

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Chekhov Syllabus 2014

This document provides the syllabus for a course on Anton Chekhov taught in the spring of 2014. The class meets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:25-2:40 PM in Languages 207. Key aspects of the syllabus include: - Required readings of Chekhov's short stories, plays, biographies and criticism. - Writing assignments such as comparative analyses, book reviews and creative projects. - A midterm exam and optional creative projects or presentations. - A Chekhov celebration event with another university's Chekhov class in early April. - Important due dates for assignments and exams throughout the semester.

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Chekhov Russian 327S/Russian 563/Theater 322S Spring 2014 Class Meetings MW 1:25-2:40 in Languages 207 Carol Apollonio Language

Bldg. 310 660-3143/3140 flath@duke.edu email is preferred!

!""i#e $ours MW 12:25-1:25 and "# a$$%int&ent in 310 Language Building. 'eel f(ee t% a))%st &e in $u"li) s$a)es as *ell +%e ,an -%gh. f%( e/a&$le!. Course %es#ription 0 )l%se. 1a(g%n-f(ee en)%unte( *ith the $(%se and d(a&ati) *%(ks %f 0nt%n 2hekh%3. 2(eati3e engage&ent *ith the st%(ies and $la#s %f %ne %f the g(eat &aste(s %f *%(ld lite(atu(e. 4% kn%*ledge %f 5ussian is (e6ui(ed. "ut language students. g(aduate students. and nati3e s$eake(s a(e en)%u(aged t% (ead in the %(iginal. 7his is an 0L8 )%u(se. %ffe(ing 229 and W &%des %f in6ui(#. Rea&ings: 8lease %(de( %( %the(*ise %"tain these titles. 9f #%u get the& f(%& the li"(a(#. $lease let us kn%* s% *e )an sha(e: n% h%gging 9 did n%t $ut the& %n (ese(3e!. 1. 0nd(ei 7u(k%3. ed. Anton Chekhov and his Times htt$://***.a&a:%n.)%&/0nt%n-2hekh%3-7i&es 0nd(ei7u(k%3/d$/15572;3<15! 2. 8at(i)k Miles. Anton Chekhov B(ief Li3es! htt$://***.a&a:%n.)%&/0nt%n-2hekh%3-B(ief-Li3es8at(i)k/d$/1;43<1<001! 3. 0nt%n 2hekh%3. The Steppe and Other Stories. t(. 5%nald =ingle# >/f%(d W%(ld?s 2lassi)s! htt$://***.a&a:%n.)%&/@te$$e-@t%(ies>/f%(d-W%(lds-2lassi)s/d$/01<<555451! 7he a"%3e editi%ns a(e (e6ui(ed. as is A6 "el%*. '%( the *%(ks in A4 and A5. #%u a(e *el)%&e t% find alte(nati3e t(anslati%ns instead %f using these. 7% find a list %f st%(ies in a )%lle)ti%n. )li)k BL%%k insideC and B7a"le %f 2%ntent.C 9t )an "e 3e(# inte(esting t% )%&$a(e diffe(ent 3e(si%ns %f the sa&e te/t. 8lease "e*a(e %f %nline %( Dindle 3e(si%ns unless #%u )an "e su(e the# a(e una"(idged. and that #%u )an identif# the t(anslat%(. 1

4. -----Seven Short Novels. t(. Makan%*it:k#! htt$://***.a&a:%n.)%&/@e3en-@h%(t-4%3els-0nt%n2hekh%3/d$/03<3005526! 5. -----Chekhov: The Essential Plays. t(. Mi)hael =en(# =ei& 7he M%de(n Li"(a(#! htt$://***.a&a:%n.)%&/2hekh%3-Essential-M%de(nLi"(a(#-2lassi)s/d$/037576134<! 6. We a(e *aiting f%( the ne* 4%(t%n editi%n %f 2hekh%3?s sh%(t st%(ies t% "e $u"lished this &%nth. 8lease d% n%t %(de( the %ld editi%n ed. Matla*!F this ne* %ne *ill "e 3e(# diffe(entG htt$://***.a&a:%n.)%&/2hekh%3s-@ele)ted-@t%(ies-2(iti)alEditi%ns/d$/03<3<25307! We *ill "e als% (eading %the( *%(ks "# 2hekh%3. "i%g(a$he(s. and )(iti)s handouts!F ea)h student *ill (e3ie* %ne additi%nal "%%k student?s )h%i)e!. 9n additi%n t% the assigned (eadings. students *ill "e e/$e)ted t% (ead and (e3ie* %ne additi%nal "%%k. 7his )an "e a "i%g(a$h#. a *%(k %f )(iti)is&. %( an# %the( "%%k that is (ele3ant t% the t%$i)s add(essed in %u( )%u(se. 9f #%u a(e signed u$ f%( the g(aduate nu&"e(. then #%u *ill ha3e the %$$%(tunit# t% d% e/)iting additi%nal (eadingsF f%( sta(te(s. $lease %"tain and "egin (eading H%nald 5a#field?s "i%g(a$h# Anton Chekhov: A Life and 0le/ande( 2hudak%3?s Chekhovs Poetics ). 'il(s/per"or(an#es a3aila"le in Lill# Li"(a(#. the Language La". and else*he(e!. Hu(ing the )%u(se %f the se&este(. students a(e e/$e)ted t% *at)h at least t*% fil&s %( theat(i)al $e(f%(&an)es! and tu(n in *(itten )%&&ents a"%ut the&. 7he )lass &a# )h%%se t% *at)h fil&s as a g(%u$. Spe#ial event )ith *+C, 7he fi(st *eekend in 0$(il. *e *ill get t%gethe( *ith %u( )%unte($a(ts students in a 2hekh%3 )lass at I42! f%( a 2hekh%3 )ele"(ati%n. 8%tential a)ti3ities in)lude )%&$etiti%ns. d(a&ati) (eadings and $e(f%(&an)es. h%&e-)%%ked 5ussian f%%d. a)ade&i) $anels. and &%(e. %ra(ati# an& #reative engage(ent *ith the te/ts. @tage $e(f%(&an)es. $a(%dies. s)(een$la#s. and lite(a(# i&itati%ns a(e all f%(&s %f inte($(etati%n. @tudents *ith $a(ti)ula( inte(ests in the theate( es$e)iall# th%se signed u$ f%( 7heate( 322@! and in )(eati3e *(iting 2

a(e en)%u(aged t% $(%$%se s$e)ial $(%1e)ts. 0ll s$e)ial $(%1e)ts &ust "e $(%$%sed *ith a *(iting J%( &ediaK sa&$le and $(%s$e)tus! and a$$(%3ed "# M%nda#. +anua(# 27. 7his deadline is infle/i"le. 7heate( students sh%uld $lan t% (ead all f%u( %f the &a1%( $la#s l%gisti)s 7B0!. @tudents *h% &ight "e $lanning )a(ee(s in &edi)ine sh%uld "e a*a(e that 2hekh%3 *as a d%)t%(. and &a# *ant t% $lan s$e)ial $(%1e)ts that *ill take this int% a))%unt. -riting L%u d%n?t (eall# think until #%u *(ite. W(iting is a $(%)ess. n%t a (esult. With this in &ind. #%u( *(iting $(%1e)ts a(e nu(tu(ed gentl#. th(%ugh $ee( (e3ie*s and $(%fess%(?s )%&&ents. =en)e %u( )%u(se?s BWC )%ding. .. E/$e(ien)e sh%*s that kn%*ing 5ussian gi3es #%u n% $a(ti)ula( ad3antage in this )lass. 9t is e/hila(ating. th%ugh. t% (ead this genius in his %*n language. @tudents inte(ested in (eading in the %(iginal sh%uld %"tain )%$ies %f (ele3ant te/ts. u$%n )%nsultati%n *ith the $(%fess%(. 5ussian students *h% ha3e al(ead# satisfied thei( BWC (e6ui(e&ent &a# neg%tiate a (edu)ti%n in *(iting assign&ents in e/)hange f%( *%(k *ith the %(iginal te/ts. We )an als% a((ange s$e)ial ti&es t% g% %3e( the 5ussian te/ts. Course Re/uire(ents 40M 5ead all the assign&ents %n ti&e. "e a"le t% $(%3e that #%u ha3e. sh%* u$ t% )lass and $a(ti)i$ate in )lass. *at)h t*% &%3ies %( $la#s and (e$%(t %n the& d% %ne )lass $(esentati%n %n a )(iti)al *%(k %( %n #%u( %*n (esea()hF 20M Mid-te(& e/e()iseF 40M W(iting assign&ents: f%u( sh%(t $a$e(s %( the e6ui3alent!F these in)lude 1! %ne )%&$a(ati3e anal#sis %f t(anslati%ns %f a 2hekh%3 st%(#F 2! %ne "%%k (e3ie*F 3! %ne anal#sis %f a single st%(# %( $la#. a (e*%(king %f na((ati3e int% d(a&a %( 3i)e 3e(sa. %( s%&e %the( $(%1e)tF 4! %ne $a$e( %f #%u( )h%i)e. 7he final $a$e( sh%uld (e$(esent in-de$th thinking a"%ut a *%(k %( *%(ks. L%u &a# )h%%se t% )%&"ine the thi(d and f%u(th $a$e(s int% a single Bte(& $a$e(FC als%. $(%$%sals f%( )(eati3e $(%1e)ts fi)ti%nal %( theat(i)al! a(e *el)%&e. +ote on gra&ing 1! This course is not a race or competition it is a conversation! No student "ho fulfills all the #uantitative re#uirements of the course $attendin% and participatin% dili%ently in

class and completin% all the readin%s& "ritin% assi%nments& and e'ams (to the re#uired specifications)* "ill receive a final %rade of less than +! ,-uantitative compliance. "ith readin% assi%nments is monitored throu%h daily content #ui//es& on "hich you should receive at least a +! 2! 0 never %rade the #uality or #uantity of comments students make in class! 0f you have somethin% to say& say it if not& then dont say anythin%! 0t "ill make no difference "hatsoever for your %rade! 1* There is no final e'am& and the "ork load is spread evenly throu%hout the semester! Plannin% to do everythin% in end2of2 semester all2ni%hters is a* an e'tremely 3ad idea and 3* impossi3le! 4ont do the "ork5fail the course! 6* 0n accordance "ith our ,daily commitment. ethos& daily #ui//es can never 3e made up& no matter "hat the circumstances! Note that attendin% class and %ettin% a lo" #ui/ %rade is 3etter than not attendin% class! 0 do drop t"o #ui/ %rades at the end of the semester! 0(portant %ates M%nda#. +anua(# 15: Wednesda#. +anua(# 2< $(%1e)t $(%$%sals M%nda#. 'e"(ua(# 17 B%%k (e3ie* d(aft due M%nda#. Ma()h 17 final "%%k (e3ie* due '(ida#. Ma()h 7-@unda#. Ma()h 16: @$(ing "(eak M%nda#. Ma()h 24 a! Mid-te(& e/e()ise "! fi(st fil& %( e3ent (e$%(t due Week %f 0$(il 1-6: 2hekh%3 2ele"(ati%n *ith I42 Wednesda#. Ma()h 26: 7hi(d $a$e( d(aft due M%nda#. 0$(il 7: final 3d $a$e( due Wednesda#. 0$(il 16 f%u(th $a$e( d(aft due %$ti%nal! >u( s)heduled e/a& da# 7B0!: '%u(th $a$e( due S#he&ule o" 1vents +ote: in addition to the assi%ned readin%s& each student "ill 3e responsi3le for readin% and presentin% at least one critical article durin% the course of the semester $%raduate students "ill have fi(st $a$e( d(aft due a! fi(st $a$e( due "! 'i(& deadline f%( )(eati3e

additional assi%nments*! 0deally your article "ill 3e related to one of your "ritin% pro7ects! There "ill 3e some other readin%s as "ell& to 3e provided in handouts! 8inally& dependin% on our tastes and interests& and the contents of the ne" Norton edition& some of the assi%nments may chan%e! 1, -e&nes&a23 4anuar2 5, 0ntro&u#tion, Conte6ts an& other (atters, A &ra(ati# rea&ing, 7rainstor(ing *+C event, 0ssign&ent f%( M%nda#: 1! 5ead the s#lla"us )a(efull#F its )%ntents u$ t% the B@)hedule %f E3entsC! *ill "e 6ui::ed M%nda#. 2! 5ead B7he Lad# *ith the H%gC hand%utF n%te that until #%u get #%u( "%%ks. (eadings *ill "e &ade a3aila"le in $df files $%sted unde( B5es%u()esC and la"eled "# da# %f assign&ent in @akai. Language students &eet *ith the $(%fess%( t% dis)uss a$$(%a)hes t% (eading in the %(iginal. 5ead Miles. $$. 1-26. Russian readers can find all of Chekhov s !orks online a" h""#$%%a&.li'.ru%c%cheho!(a(#%. )his firs" readin* is en"i"led +,- . ./012 and can 'e found here$ h""#$%%a&.li'.ru%c%cheho!(a(#%"e3"(4544.sh"6l754. 8lease see if 9ou can find "he readin*s on "his si"e 'efore class:if 9ou have "rou'le loca"in* "he6 #lease ask in class and ; can *ive 9ou "he Russian "i"le and "he da"e. '(iendl# ti$: +e a"are that on most days "e have a #ui/ on the content of the assi%ned readin%s! A%ain& on 9ondays #ui/ you "ill have the chance to prove that you understand our course policies $as outlined here in the sylla3us*! 2! Begin #%u( fi(st *(iting assign&ent. a )%&$a(is%n %f th(ee t(anslati%ns %f a single 2hekh%3 st%(# f(%& afte( 1;;7!. 0nitial paper drafts "ill 3e due ne't :ednesday&;anuary <=! 5e)%&&ended st%(ies in)lude: B7he Lad# *ith the H%g.C B0"%ut L%3e.C B@lee$#.C B7he Man in the @hell J2aseKC Jaka B0 =a(d 2aseCK. B-%%se"e((ies.C B0"%ut L%3e.C B5%ths)hild?s 'iddle.C B7he -(assh%$$e(C Jaka B7he Butte(fl#C %( B7he 'idgetCK. B7he Ha(lingC Jaka B0ngelCK. 9n seeking %ut t(anslati%ns. it *ill hel$ f%( #%u t% n%te the date %f the st%(#. "e)ause titles )an diffe(. 8a(ti)ula(l# (e)%&&ended f%( this e/e()ise a(e the t(anslati%ns %f 5%nald =ingle# in The O'ford Chekhov! and 2%nstan)e -a(nett in The Tales of Chekhov se(ies!. L%u &a# sea()h %nline. Note that << translations of ,Lady "ith the 4o%. are assem3led under ,>esources. in Sakai $4ay < readin%s* you are "elcome to choose three of these and study this story for this assi%nment! L%u( $a$e( 5

d(aft *ill "e due ne/t Wednesda# +anua(# 15!. Language students &a# )h%%se t% e/$l%(e the %(iginal te/t in lieu %f )%&$a(ing t(anslati%ns. 2, Mon&a23 4anuar2 13, 8The 9a&2 )ith the %og:

0ssign&ent f%( Wednesda#: 1! 5ead B7he 2ha&ele%nC <-=>). B'at and 7hinC ?=.@1 >1) B7he Heath %f a 2i3il @e(3antC A-BC 0>>)D and B7he 5e6uie&C >E). 2! 5ead. in 7u(k%3. $. 3-10 D%(%3in! and $$. 225-34 the fi(st th(ee lette(s!. 3! 2%&$lete #%u( $a$e( d(aft. *hi)h is due Wednesda#. ?our paper should 3e no more than four pa%es lon%! 9ake a %eneral statement& if you can& a3out the differences 3et"een the translations& and 3e sure to provide at least three specific #uotations to support your ar%ument! Provide complete 3i3lio%raphical information5 includin% translator $@*22for the editions you use! This paper is nothin% fancy57ust close te'tual readin%! ?our paper "ill 3e turned in to me via email in a "ord file also& 3rin% t"o hard copies to class for peer e'chan%e! 3, -e&nes&a23 4anuar2 15, 1arl2 )ritings, 'unn2 stories, ;aper &ra"t e6#hange, '%( ne/t Wednesda#. 1! (ead B7he =unts&an.C BMise(#.C and B7he 2h%(us -i(lCF 2! 5ead $$. 234-6 lette(s t% @u3%(in and -(ig%(%3i)h!F 3! (ead and )%&&ent %n t*% $ee( $a$e(s "# ne/t Wednesda#. The point of peer revie"in% is to ena3le the author to improve the paper! 0n your revie" you "ill $a* "rite one sentence statin% the authors thesis $3* comment on ho" successfully the author ar%ued his or her thesis $c* provide specific& mar%inal notes on points of style& "ordin%& or lo%ic $d* offer specific recommendations on ho" to %o a3out re"ritin% the paper and $e* %ive the author a %rade! ?our comments "ill 3e %raded! 3! He)ide %n the "%%k #%u *ill (ead and (e3ie*. 0n# "%%k is fai( ga&e. as l%ng as the(e is a 2hekh%3 )%nne)ti%n: "i%g(a$h#. lite(a(# )(iti)is&. lette(s. &e&%i(s. %( e3en fi)ti%n *ith a st(%ng 2hekh%3 )%nne)ti%n. E&ail &e *ith #%u( ideas %n *hat kind %f "%%k #%u &ight *ant t% (ead "# Wednesda# &%(ning "ef%(e

)lass!. 8lease d% n%t a("it(a(il# )h%%se a "%%k t% (eadNin s$ite %f a$$ealing titles. &an# %f the& a(e 3e(# 3e(# "adF "e su(e t% )%nsult *ith &e a"%ut this. +ook revie"s "ill 3e due on 9onday& 9arch <A $drafts are due 9onday& 8e3ruary <A*! Mon&a23 4anuar2 20 Martin 9uther <ing3 4r, holi&a2 no #lass 4, -e&nes&a23 4anuar2 22, 1arl2 )ritings Sa& stories, ;eer revie) e6#hange, '%( M%nda#. 1! (ead B,anka.C B@%((%*C handout!. and. in 7u(k%3. $$. 11-16 D%(%lenk%!F 2! (e*(ite #%u( $a$e(. taking $ee( (e3ie*s int% a))%unt. The final paper "ill 3e due ne't "eek& :ednesday& ;anuary BC! 5, Mon&a23 4anuar2 27 8=anka: an& 8Sorro):, ;aper.)riting )orkshop, '%( Wednesda#. 1! (ead B@lee$#C 2! finish #%u( $a$e(. Important: 0n order to receive full credit& you must turn in all drafts $t"o peer2revie"ed and one revie"ed 3y the professor* alon% "ith your final version $in hard copy*! 6, -e&nes&a23 4anuar2 2>, More sa& stories, ;apers are &ue, '%( M%nda#. (ead B7he DissC handout! and 7u(k%3. $$. 237-60. He)ide u$%n and l%)ate the "%%k #%u *ill "e (eading f%( #%u( "%%k (e3ie*. L%u sh%uld "e de)iding %n the t*% fil&s #%u *ill "e *at)hingF #%u sh%uld *at)h and (e$%(t %n %ne %f these "# &idte(& da# M%nda#. Ma()h 24!. 7his B(e$%(tC is a si&$le (ea)ti%n t% the &%3ie a"%ut %ne $age l%ng. t#$ed. *ith 1 O line s$a)ing!. 9dentif# the fil& "# title. #ea(. and di(e)t%(F link it t% a *%(k %( *%(ks "# 2hekh%3F su&&a(i:e the fil&. )%&&enting %n an#thing inte(esting. and gi3e #%u( (ea)ti%n and e3aluati%n. 7, Mon&a23 'e?ruar2 3 Serious stories Chekhov the )ell.kno)n )riter, 2hekh%3 is fa&%usG '%( Wednesda#. 1! (ead B7he @te$$e.C int(%du)ti%n and $$. 1-3; 9-9,!. L%u sh%uld ha3e "egun (eading the "%%k #%u *ill "e (e3ie*ing. 5, -e&nes&a23 'e?ruar2 58The Steppe,:

'%( M%nda#. finish Bthe @te$$eC and )%ntinue (eading #%u( "%%k. 0ls% (ead. in 7u(k%3. $$. 261-3 8lesh)he#e3/-(ig%(%3i)h! and 26;-73. >, Mon&a23 'e?ruar2 10 8The Steppe: '%( Wednesda#. 1! (ead B0 H(ea(# @t%(#C in ,:ard Num3er Si'. and other Stories! and 7u(k%3. $$. 273-;3. and )%ntinue (eading #%u( "%%k. L%u *ill finish #%u( "%%k "# ne/t Wednesda# >)t. 1! and *ill "egin *(iting #%u( "%%k (e3ie*. The first draft "ill 3e due ne't 9onday $8e3ruary <A*& "ith final drafts due 3y 9onday& 9arch <A! 10, -e&nes&a23 'e?ruar2 12 Serious 0ntelle#tual Matters, Chekhov the philosopher, '%( M%nda#. 1! (ead A ;ourney to the End of the >ussian Empire BLette(s f(%& the Easte(n E&$i(eC and B@akhalin 9slandC!. 7u(k%3 $$. 2;3-5. and B-use3C in ,The Steppe.and Other Stories*! 2! +ook revie" drafts are due 9onday! 11, Mon&a23 'e?ruar2 17 Transitions Sakhalin an& 7e2on& '%( Wednesda#. 1! (ead B7he -(assh%$$e(C and/%( B7he Butte(fl#C in :ard Si'! it?s the sa&e st%(#!F and 7u(k%3. $$. 2;5-<2. ?our 3ook revie" is four pa%es lon%& < D spaced& in a <B2point Times Ne" >oman font! Pa%es are num3ered! Email the revie" in a "ord file $not in some other format*! Eive the 3ooks title and full 3i3lio%raphical information: Author& Title $Place: Pu3lisher& date*& num3er of pa%esFillustrations! State the 3ooks thesis and identify its tar%et readership! Eive a summary of the authors ar%ument and state the evidence upon "hich the ar%ument is 3uilt! Go" successful does the author prove the thesisH Comment on style! Go" easy is the 3ook to readH 0s it entertainin%H 0s there anythin% difficult or annoyin% a3out itH To "hom "ould you recommend this 3ookH :hat %rade do you %ive the 3ookH ?our revie" is your o"n "ork and cites no sources other than the 3ook under revie"! ?our revie" offers and develops a clear ar%ument& avoids redundancy and 7ar%on& and is en7oya3le to read! 0f the 3ook you are readin% is a collection of

letters or a memoir& then instead of statin% the 3ooks thesis you should descri3e the 3ooks principle of or%ani/ation $e!%! a collection of letters taken from a specific period of their authors lives& chosen "ith the purpose of II (selected in order to %ive the reader II)! 0n the case of a letters collection& you "ill pro3a3ly find yourself evaluatin% the editors purpose in selectin% these letters you may or may not a%ree "ith ho" successfully he or she achieve their %oals! 0n the case of a memoir& you may 3e addressin% #uestions of the memoir authors reada3ility& relia3ility& 3ias& relationship to the author& etc! ?our 3ook revie" is a travelo%ue throu%h the 3ook: %ive us a sense of "hat it feels like to read the 3ook! 12, -e&nes&a23 'e?ruar2 1> 8The @rasshopper:, 9i"e an& ArtA paper.&ra"t e6#hange, '%( M%nda#. (ead BWa(d 4u&"e( @i/C and 7u(k%3. $$. 25-57 @h)he$kina-Du$e(nik!F 2! revie" t"o papers! 8ollo" the same procedure as 3efore! 13, Mon&a23 'e?ruar2 24 8-ar& +u(?er Si6,:

'%( Wednesda#. (ead B5%ths)hild?s 'iddleC and B7he @tudentCF e/)hange $ee( (e3ie*s and "egin (e*(iting. 8inal 3ook revie"s are due on 9onday& 9arch <A! 14, -e&nes&a23 'e?ruar2 26 ;ro"oun& The(es, Ti(e Crun#hes3 the +ature 'ree&o(3 an& other !pportunities to ;hilosophiBe, '%( M%nda#. 1! (ead BM# LifeC in Seven Short Novels! and. in 7u(k%3. $$. 5<-;2 and ;<-131 %n the M%s)%* 0(ts 7heate(!F 2! )%ntinue (e3ising #%u( $a$e(. 15, Mon&a23 Mar#h 3 8M2 9i"e:

'%( Wednesda#. (eading 7B0. 16, -e&nes&a23 Mar#h 5 '%( M%nda#. Ma()h 17. finish #%u( $a$e(. 5ead Jncle Kanya!

S;R0+@ 7R1A< Mar#h 7.16

17, Mon&a23 Mar#h 17

Uncle Vanya. ;apers are &ue,

'%( Wednesda#. (eading 7B0. L%u( &id-te(& *ill "e ne/t M%nda#. 15, -e&nes&a23 Mar#h 1> Uncle Vanya and review '%( M%nda#. stud# f%( the &id-te(&. L%u ha3e al(ead# *at)hed %ne &%3ie and tu(ned in )%&&ents. ?our ne't paper draft "ill 3e due on :ednesday& 9arch BL! 7he length sh%uld "e a"%ut f%u( $ages f%( a standa(d Ba)ade&i)C $a$e(F if #%u a(e g%ing t% d% a )(eati3e $(%1e)t. it sh%uld "e l%nge(. L%u )an )h%%se the t%$i)F "ut he(e a(e s%&e ideas: a! (e*(ite %ne %f the st%(ies *e ha3e (ead int% a $la#F "! e/a&ine a $a(ti)ula( the&e %( &%tif in %ne %f the st%(ies *e ha3e (ead. %( in Jncle KanyaF )! (e*(ite Jncle Kanya int% a sh%(t st%(#F d! *(ite an i&itati%n %f %ne %f the st%(ies *e ha3e (ead. u$dating it and &aintaining at least t*% as$e)ts %f the st%(#: na((ati3e 3%i)e. $l%t. )ha(a)te(. et). e! "egin a (esea()h $a$e( this )an "e a d%u"le-length $a$e( that )an "e tu(ned in. as a )%&"inati%n %f the thi(d and f%u(th $a$e(s. %n the last da# %f )lass!. 1>, Mon&a23 Mar#h 24 Mi&.Ter(

'%( Wednesda#. finish #%u( $a$e( d(aft. 5ead B7he =%use *ith the Mansa(dC B7he =%use *ith the Me::anineC %( B0n 0(tist?s @t%(#C! 20, -e&nes&a23 Mar#h 26 8The $ouse )ith the Mansar&: C8An ArtistDs Stor2:E, 16#hange paper &ra"ts '%( M%nda#. 1! (ead B8easantsC in Seven Short Novels!F 2! (e3ie* #%u( $ee(s? $a$e(s. f%ll%*ing the usual $(%)edu(e. 21, Mon&a23 Mar#h 31 8;easants:A 16#hange peer #o((ents,

'%( Wednesda#. 1! (ead B0 +%u(ne# "# 2a(tC %( B9n the 2a(tC Jin The SteppeKF it?s the sa&e st%(#!. B7he Ha(ling.C and. in 7u(k%3. $$. 2<2-300F 2! 5e*(ite #%u( $a$e( "# ne/t M%nda# 0$(il 7!. 4%te again that #%u &a# )h%%se t% e/$and this $a$e( f%( #%u(


final 4th! $a$e(. But in an# )ase a (e*(itten $a$e( is due M%nda#. 22, -e&nes&a23 April 2 A #ouple o" stories a?out )o(en

'%( M%nda#. (ead B7he Man in the 2ase.C L%u( $a$e( is due M%nda#. 23, Mon&a23 April 7 8The Man in the Case:

'%( Wednesda#. (ead B-%%se"e((iesC and B0"%ut L%3e.C and 8lan #%u( last little $a$e(. *hi)h )an "e an e/tended anal#sis %f a st%(#. $la#. %( fil&. *ith )(iti)al (efe(en)es. a (esea()h $a$e(. %( a )(eati3e $(%1e)t. 7his $a$e( *ill "e si/ %( se3en $ages l%ng. %( l%nge(. if )%&"ined *ith #%u( thi(d $a$e(. 2(eati3e *%(k *ill "e l%nge(. 8inal papers are due on "hat "ould 3e our scheduled e'am day. +ote 8or this last paper& the peer revie" process is optional if you "ant peer revie"s or comments from the professor& turn in a draft 3y :ednesday& April <L! This )eek Chekhov #ele?ration )ith *+C 24, -e&nes&a23 April > ChekhovDs 89ittle Trilog2:,

'%( M%nda#. (ead B9n the 5a3ineC and 7u(k%3. $$. ;3-;7. 25, Mon&a23 April 14 B0n the Ravine:

'%( Wednesda#. (ead Three Sisters and. in 7u(k%3. $$. 1<3-213 >lga Dni$$e(! and $$. 30;-14. 9f #%u *ant $ee( (e3ie*s %( $(%fess%( (e3ie*! $lease tu(n in a $a$e( d(aft "# Wednesda#. 26, -e&nes&a23 April 16 Three Sisters

'%( M%nda#. (ead The Cherry Orchard. and 7u(k%3. $$. 314-20. 27, Mon&a23 April 21 Three Sisters; The Cherry Orchard,

'%( Wednesda#. (ead B7he Bish%$C and 7u(k%3. $$. 300-0;. 151<2. and 314 -%(k# and Bunin!. 25, -e&nes&a23 April 23 Sto#k.taking an& revelr2,


'%( M%nda#. (ead B7he B(ideC and 7B0. 7hink things %3e(. 2%&e u$ *ith s%&e $(%f%und )%&&ents t% su& u$ #%u( e/$e(ien)e (eading 2hekh%3. 'inish #%u( last $a$e(.


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