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Technical Graphics 9 - 01 - 14

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DTE Student Name & ID No. Jarlath Lydon

Sube!t" Te!hn#!al Gra$h#!% To$#!&%'" #%ometr#!
(u$#l )ear Grou$" 2nd year No. o* (u$#l%" 2+
Le%%on No. ,,,2 o* -8,,, Len.th /* Le%%on" +0 m#nute%
Date" 9 1 0- 1 -2 T#me o* Le%%on" -0.00 1 --.20
-. ST3TE4ENT /5 T6E (7(ILS8 (9E:I/7S ;N/<LEDGE 3ND S;ILLS
The %tudent% =#ll be *am#l#ar =#th the ba%#! %>#ll% o* te!hn#!al .ra$h#!% %u!h a% ho= to u%e all the
e?u#$ment !orre!tly@ the name% o* ea!h $#e!e o* e?u#$ment %u!h a%@ %et %?uare%@ tee %?uare@
$rotra!tor@ $en!#l%@ et!. Student% =#ll al%o >no= ho= to $o%#t#on a %heet !orre!tly on the dra=#n.
board and =#ll be able to !on%tru!t the border on the dra=#n. %heet. The %tudent% haAe
!om$leted deAelo$ment%@ !#r!le% @ ell#$%e% and ortho.ra$h#! $roe!t#on 2 be*ore the Bhr#%tma%
brea>. In th#% !la%% I =#ll re!a$ %tudent $reA#ou% >no=led.e o* ortho.ra$h#! $roe!t#on and .et
the %tudent to a$$ly the%e $r#n!#$le% to #%ometr#! dra=#n..
In the la%t !la%% the %tudent haAe !om$leted t=o ba%#! #%ometr#! dra=#n.%
2. 93TI/N3LE 5/9 T6E SELEBTI/N & ST97BT79ING /5 S7CJEBT 43TTE9
3ND 5/9 T6E 4ET6/D/L/G)
In the la%t !la%% the %tudent% !om$leted ba%#! #%ometr#! %ha$e%D one %?uare one and one =#th a
%lo$e but #n th#% ?ue%t#on they =#ll !om$lete one =#th a !urAe %o th#% ?ue%t#on =#ll deAelo$
%tudent% %$at#al ab#l#ty@ $roblem %olA#n.@ !reat#Ae #ma.#nat#on and %$at#al modell#n.
#ma.#nat#on% %o a% %tudent% !an a$$ly %u!h %>#ll% to a more $roblemat#! ?ue%t#on@ and u%e the%e
%>#ll% to .et a .ra$h#!al %olut#on%. It #% eEtremely #m$ortant *or %tudent% to deAelo$ the%e ba%#!
%>#ll% *or later #n l#*e %$e!#*#!ally #n relat#on to true %ha$e% o* obe!t%.

+. 3I4S
The a#m% o* th#% le%%on are
9e!a$ rule% and $ro!edure%
E%tabl#%h the %tudent $reA#ou% learn#n.
Enhan!e %tudent% >no=led.e o* #%ometr#!
Learning Outc!e" (LO")
At t#e en$ % t#i" &e""n t#e "tu$ent" 'i&& (e ena(&e$
9e1$rodu!e $reA#ou% >no=led.e
EE$la#n to me ho= to !on%tru!t the
?ue%t#on and be !on*#dent #n
A""e""!ent % LO"
(Nte* eac# LO #a" an a""e""!ent+ Inc&u$e a ,ariet-
% t-.e"+)
D#%!u%%#on on $reA#ou% >no=led.e.
Fue%t#on %tudent% on eEer!#%e.
Bom$let#n. !la%% eEer!#%e
!on%tru!t#n. one.
9e!o.n#Ge the #m$ortan!e o* !lean dra=#n.
Student% !lean the#r e?u#$ment.
0. (L3NNING 5/9 LITE93B) & N74E93B)
L#tera!y =#ll be addre%%ed by a%>#n. %tudent% ?ue%t#on on the to$#! and by =r#t#n. >ey
=ord% on the !hal> board. Numera!y =#ll be addre%%ed by .#Aen %tudent% the oAerall
d#men%#on% and mo%t o* the !on%tru!t#on d#men%#on% to !on%tru!t the dra=#n. %o the $u$#l%
=#ll haAe to add or %ubtra!t d#men%#on% to !om$lete the dra=#n..
I =#ll #n!or$orate a buddy %tudent %y%tem =hereby the =ea> %tudent =#ll be %eated be%#de the
%tudent =ho ha% a .ood >no=led.e and %>#ll o* the to$#! and #% under%tand#n. to *ello=
%tudent. Th#% %trate.y =#ll en!oura.e the =ea> %tudent to learn more a!t#Aely. Seat the =ea>
%tudent to the *ront o* the !la%% be%#de the tea!her %o that the tea!h !an al%o $roA#de eEtra
a%%#%tan!e to the %tudent and mon#tor the %tudent% $ro.re%%. (la!e the %tudent #n a ?u#et area o*
the !la%%room %o that the %tudent =#ll not be d#%tra!ted . (la!#n. the %tudent #% .rou$% to !arry
out $roe!t =or> hel$% the %tudent% =#th m#Eed ab#l#t#e% to $ro.re%% be!au%e they =#ll .et
en!oura.ement and a%%#%tan!e *rom *ello= %tudent%.
0 1 0
0 1 -0
-0 1 +0
+0 1+0
Greet $u$#l% at the !la%%room
door and #nA#te them #n.
9e!a$ the $reA#ou% !la%%.
E%tabl#%h $reA#ou% >no=led.e o*
the %tudent% throu.h ?ue%t#n. and
Introdu!e %tudent% to #%ometr#!
=#th !urAe% u%#n. an#mated $o=er
$o#nt. I =#ll .o throu.h the *#r%t
!la%% eEer!#%e =#th the %tudent% on
(o=er(o#nt. I =#ll ?ue%t#on the
%tudent% on the %te$% to be ta>en
=hen !om$let#n. the !la%%
In%tru!t !la%% to !lean u$ and eE#t
#n an orderly *a%h#on.

I =#ll .et the %tudent% to =or> on
the !la%% eEer!#%e. I =#ll ob%erAe
%tudent% !lo%ely =h#le they are
=or>#n. on the#r !la%% eEer!#%e.
I =#ll .et %tudent% to $ut do=n
the#r $en!#l%. I =#ll then #n%tru!t
any %tudent that ha% not !om$leted
!la%% eEer!#%e to do #t *or
home=or>. I =#ll then a%> all
%tudent% =#ll =al> #nto the
!la%%room #n a ?u#et and orderly
*a%h#on. 3%%#.ned %tudent% ta>e out
e?u#$ment and dra=#n. %heet% and
6#.her and lo=er order ?ue%t#on%.
S#t and ob%erAe the =el!om#n..
The %tudent% =#ll =or> throu.h
the !la%% eEer!#%e =#th me on the
Student% =#ll =or> throu.h the !la%%
eEer!#%e. The %tudent% =#ll ra#%e the#r
hand #* they haAe any ?ue%t#on%
throu.hout the !la%% eEer!#%e.
Student% =#ll ta>e note o* the#r
%tudent% to t#dy u$ and $a!> a=ay
and the t=o a%%#.ned %tudent% =#ll
$a!> a=ay the te!hn#!al .ra$h#!
e?u#$ment then .#Ae $erm#%%#on
*or %tudent% to leaAe the !la%%room
#n a mannerly *a%h#on.
home=or>@ t#dy u$@ $a!> the#r ba.% and
leaAe the !la%%room =hen .#Aen
3n#mated (o=er $o#nt
Coo>" 7nder%tand#n. Te!hn#!al Gra$h#!%@
Gra$h#! A#%ual#%er
6y$er l#n> to $o=er $o#nt

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