Nevada State College Teacher Preparation Program Lesson Plan Format
Nevada State College Teacher Preparation Program Lesson Plan Format
(3.2) +dent#*, health, *ood %ho#%es "hen &#'en t"o o)t#ons as "ell as $e a$le to #dent#*, $et"een an a%t#'e and #na%t#'e l#*est,le.
Assess#ent 00 Ho& &ill I 1no& t!e students !ave #astered t!e ontent and lan+ua+e o')e tives2
+n*ormal Assessment. /!est#on and ans"er thro!&ho!t the ent#re lesson #n order to d#**erent#ate "hen ne%essar,. 0ormal assessment. t!dents "#ll "or1 "#th &ro!) )eers and *orm a 2enn D#a&ram on )oster $oard "#th )#%t!res o* $oth health, and !nhealth,. Also #n%l!ded "#ll $e )#%t!res o* a%t#'e and #na%t#'e l#*est,les. Also- the tea%her "#ll &#'e o!t a hando!t *or the %h#ldren to ta1e home to ma1e a l#st o* health, or !nhealth, #tem #n the#r 1#t%hen and ha'e them $r#n& that home *or add#t#onal assessment o* the#r learn#n&.
Classroo# Des ri.tion 00 3!at #ust 'e ta1en into a ount re+ardin+ t!e #a1e0u. o4 t!is lass as I .lan 4or all students2
t!dents m!st $e a$le to $r#n& s!))l#es home to %om)lete )ro3e%t or the s!))l#es m!st $e a'a#la$le #n the %lassroom to $e !sed *or ma1e.!) #* st!dent #s a$sent.
68 #inutes
67 #inutes
1. :hat m#&ht ha))en #* "e onl, eat !nhealth, *ood? 2. :hat m#&ht ha))en #* "e don8t sta, a%t#'e?* t!dents "#ll $e &ro!)ed #n &ro!)s o* *o!r $ased on the needs o* s)e%#*#% %h#ldren and "#ll $e determ#ned $, )re.assessment 9!est#on#n&.
Closure* The tea%her "#ll &#'e o!t a hando!t *or the %h#ldren to ta1e home to ma1e a l#st o* health, or !nhealth, #tem #n the#r 1#t%hen and ha'e them $r#n& that home *or add#t#onal assessment o* the#r learn#n&.
Materials@ Resour es and Te !nolo+-* ;a&a7#nes and ne"s)a)ers ("#th a lot o* )#%t!res o* 1e, %on%e)ts)- &l!e st#%1s- s%#ssors)oster $oard- *ood men!s- home"or1 (health, *ood l#st "or1 sheet)- and )oster $oard.