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Nevada State College Teacher Preparation Program Lesson Plan Format

This lesson plan is for a 1st grade health class. It focuses on discussing good and bad habits and giving examples of both. Students will work in groups to cut out pictures from magazines of healthy and unhealthy foods and active and inactive lifestyles. They will glue these onto a Venn diagram poster to show their understanding. As an assessment, students will take home a worksheet to make a list of healthy or unhealthy items in their kitchen. The teacher will use open discussion and questioning to check students' comprehension and differentiate instruction as needed.

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0% found this document useful (0 votes)
106 views3 pages

Nevada State College Teacher Preparation Program Lesson Plan Format

This lesson plan is for a 1st grade health class. It focuses on discussing good and bad habits and giving examples of both. Students will work in groups to cut out pictures from magazines of healthy and unhealthy foods and active and inactive lifestyles. They will glue these onto a Venn diagram poster to show their understanding. As an assessment, students will take home a worksheet to make a list of healthy or unhealthy items in their kitchen. The teacher will use open discussion and questioning to check students' comprehension and differentiate instruction as needed.

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DATE: _2/27/2013__________________


Unit Title Lesson Title
Content Area Health Good or Bad? Grade Level 1st Student Tea !er"s Na#e B. Trenholm

Co##on Core Standard$s% t!at &ill 'e addressed in t!e lesson(

(1.3) t!dents "#ll $e a$le to d#s%!ss &ood and $ad ha$#ts and &#'e e(am)les o* $oth.

Content O')e tive$s%*

(3.2) +dent#*, health, *ood %ho#%es "hen &#'en t"o o)t#ons as "ell as $e a$le to #dent#*, $et"een an a%t#'e and #na%t#'e l#*est,le.

Lan+ua+e O')e tive$s%*

(1.3) t!dents "#ll $e a$le to d#s%!ss &ood and $ad ha$#ts and &#'e e(am)les o* $oth.

,e- Con e.ts / Vo a'ular-*

A%t#'e- +na%t#'e- health, and !nhealth,

Assess#ent 00 Ho& &ill I 1no& t!e students !ave #astered t!e ontent and lan+ua+e o')e tives2

+n*ormal Assessment. /!est#on and ans"er thro!&ho!t the ent#re lesson #n order to d#**erent#ate "hen ne%essar,. 0ormal assessment. t!dents "#ll "or1 "#th &ro!) )eers and *orm a 2enn D#a&ram on )oster $oard "#th )#%t!res o* $oth health, and !nhealth,. Also #n%l!ded "#ll $e )#%t!res o* a%t#'e and #na%t#'e l#*est,les. Also- the tea%her "#ll &#'e o!t a hando!t *or the %h#ldren to ta1e home to ma1e a l#st o* health, or !nhealth, #tem #n the#r 1#t%hen and ha'e them $r#n& that home *or add#t#onal assessment o* the#r learn#n&.

Classroo# Des ri.tion 00 3!at #ust 'e ta1en into a ount re+ardin+ t!e #a1e0u. o4 t!is lass as I .lan 4or all students2
t!dents m!st $e a$le to $r#n& s!))l#es home to %om)lete )ro3e%t or the s!))l#es m!st $e a'a#la$le #n the %lassroom to $e !sed *or ma1e.!) #* st!dent #s a$sent.

3!at &ill I di44erentiate2

4ontent 5rod!%t 5ro%ess ( 6 (

Ho& &ill I di44erentiate2

+nstr!%tor %an !se rele'ant mater#al s!%h as ne"s)a)ers and ma&a7#nes. Also &ro!) s#7es %an 'ar, $ased on needs o* st!dents.

A tivities5Tea !in+ Strate+ies

Ti#e Pre0Assess#ent* The #nstr!%tor "#ll ha'e o)en %on'ersat#on "#th the %lass to determ#ne a))ro)r#ate &ro!)#n& to $ene*#t st!dents most and to determ#ne "h#%h st!dents "#ll need e(tra &!#dan%e. 9uildin+ 9a 1+round* +n &ro!)s- the st!dents "#ll "or1 to&ether to %!t )#%t!res o!t o* ma&a7#nes o* th#n&s that the, th#n1 are health, or !nhealth, *oods- as "ell as )#%t!res o* a%t#'e or #na%t#'e l#*est,les. Lin1s to E:.erien e* The tea%her "#ll hand o!t and &o o'er the s%hool8s l!n%h men! or other men!s that are a))ro)r#ate to &#'e e(am)les o* 1e, %on%e)ts. Lin1s to Learnin+* +n an o)en %ontrolled %lass *or!m the tea%her "#ll 9!est#on st!dents on the 1e, %on%e)ts and %orre%t as ne%essar, !nt#l the st!dents seem %a)a$le o* %om)let#n& a%t#'#t,. 67 #inutes Lesson Se;uen e* 6( The tea%her "#ll hand o!t *ood men!s and ha'e an o)en 9!est#on and ans"er *or!m a$o!t the *ood men! and the 1e, %on%e)ts o* the lesson. <( The tea%her "#ll &#'e d#re%t#ons "h#le model#n& the a%t#'#t, and state the o$3e%t#'es and e()e%tat#ons o* the a%t#'#t,. =( +n &ro!)s o* *o!r- st!dents "#ll !se ma&a7#nes and ne"s)a)ers to %!t o!t and &l!e )#%t!res on a t"o %#r%le 2enn d#a&ram on )oster $oard o* e(am)les o* the 1e, %on%e)ts. T"o )#%t!res *or ea%h %on%e)t m!st $e !sed. The m#ddle o* the d#a&ram m!st sho" health, and a%t#'e )#%t!res "h#le the o!ts#de %#r%les are *or #na%t#'e and !nhealth, )#%t!res. >( As the a%t#'#t, #s ta1#n& )la%e the #nstr!%tor m!st $e #ntera%t#'e "#th the st!dents to &!#de as needed. 8( 4los#n&. the tea%her "#ll %hoose t"o o* the &ro!)s *#n#shed )rod!%t to )resent to the %lass to &#'e an o'er'#e" o* the 1e, %on%e)ts and to %ommend the st!dent *or the#r &ood "or1. Hi+!er Order ?uestions*

68 #inutes

67 #inutes

1. :hat m#&ht ha))en #* "e onl, eat !nhealth, *ood? 2. :hat m#&ht ha))en #* "e don8t sta, a%t#'e? Grou.in+* t!dents "#ll $e &ro!)ed #n &ro!)s o* *o!r $ased on the needs o* s)e%#*#% %h#ldren and "#ll $e determ#ned $, )re.assessment 9!est#on#n&.

Closure* The tea%her "#ll &#'e o!t a hando!t *or the %h#ldren to ta1e home to ma1e a l#st o* health, or !nhealth, #tem #n the#r 1#t%hen and ha'e them $r#n& that home *or add#t#onal assessment o* the#r learn#n&.

Materials@ Resour es and Te !nolo+-* ;a&a7#nes and ne"s)a)ers ("#th a lot o* )#%t!res o* 1e, %on%e)ts)- &l!e st#%1s- s%#ssors)oster $oard- *ood men!s- home"or1 (health, *ood l#st "or1 sheet)- and )oster $oard.

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