Re: What's The Difference Between Safe Mode and Selective Startup

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Posts: n/a Re: What's the difference between Safe Mode and Selective Startup

Safe Mode bootsWindows with only basic drivers (for instamce does not load CD/DVD drivers) - basic services - and ses standard V!" for video dis#lay (not installed card drivers)$ Dia%nostic start # o#tion via msconfi% is a close co sin$ &f com# ter boots in Safe Mode b t not normallly - a driver is s s#ect$ Selective start # via msconfi% #rovides an o#tion to 'selectively' #ic( which services and start # items will load - and whether or not the system$ini and win$ini files will load (these are re) ired for bac(ward conm#atility)$* Safe Mode more #rominently sed for tro bleshootin% when Windows will not boot normally - Selective start # for dia%nosin% sl %%ish o#eration or erratic behavior$ 'S san +ice' ,$net0 wrote in messa%e news:l1l/i$2343-5(6-$47879.newsfe-8$#h/$$$ 0& have a #ro%ram which sto##ed wor(in%$ 0 0 &t wor(s if & boot into Safe Mode$ 0 0 : t it doesn;t wor( if & do MSC<=>&! to %et the System Confi% ration 0 ?tility@ and select 'Selective Start #'@ and nchec( all the bo/es@ and 0 reboot$ 0 0 What does this minimal boot do that Safe Mode doesn;t doA 0 0 (When startin% this #ro%ram & started %ettin% the error@ 'Brror while 0 n#ac(in% #ro%ram@ code CP3$ Please re#ort to a thor$' +esearched the 0 error and a lot of #eo#le said it mi%ht be anti-vir s software ca sin% it$ 0 & tried rebootin% witho t startin% my 6as#ers(y anti-vir s@ b t that 0 didn;t hel#$ Minimal boot sin% MSC<=>&!@ and it still doesn;t wor($ : t 0 if & boot into Safe Mode@ it wor(s$)

#2 18-08-2007

6en :la(e@ MVP

Re: What's the difference between Safe Mode and Selective Startup

Posts: n/a

<n >ri@ -4 " % 7DD4 --:-E:78 -D2DD@ S san +ice ,$net0 wrote: 0 0 0 0 0 0 & have a #ro%ram which sto##ed wor(in%$ &t wor(s if & boot into Safe Mode$ : t it doesn;t wor( if & do MSC<=>&! to %et the System Confi% ration ?tility@ and select 'Selective Start #'@ and nchec( all the bo/es@ and

0 reboot$ 0 0 What does this minimal boot do that Safe Mode doesn;t doA &t loads all the drivers that safe mode doesn;t$ &t loads in yo r selected screen resol tion instead of the minim m one$ Fhere are li(ely other thin%s@ b t those are the main ones that come to mind at the moment$ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(When startin% this #ro%ram & started %ettin% the error@ 'Brror while n#ac(in% #ro%ram@ code CP3$ Please re#ort to a thor$' +esearched the error and a lot of #eo#le said it mi%ht be anti-vir s software ca sin% it$ & tried rebootin% witho t startin% my 6as#ers(y anti-vir s@ b t that didn;t hel#$ Minimal boot sin% MSC<=>&!@ and it still doesn;t wor($ : t if & boot into Safe Mode@ it wor(s$)

-6en :la(e@ Microsoft MVP Windows - Shell/?ser Please +e#ly to the =ews%ro #

#3 18-08-2007

S san +ice
What's the difference between Safe Mode and Selective Startup

Posts: n/a

& have a #ro%ram which sto##ed wor(in%$ &t wor(s if & boot into Safe Mode$ : t it doesn;t wor( if & do MSC<=>&! to %et the System Confi% ration ?tility@ and select 'Selective Start #'@ and nchec( all the bo/es@ and reboot$ What does this minimal boot do that Safe Mode doesn;t doA (When startin% this #ro%ram & started %ettin% the error@ 'Brror while n#ac(in% #ro%ram@ code CP3$ Please re#ort to a thor$' +esearched the error and a lot of #eo#le said it mi%ht be anti-vir s software ca sin% it$ & tried rebootin% witho t startin% my 6as#ers(y anti-vir s@ b t that didn;t hel#$ Minimal boot sin% MSC<=>&!@ and it still doesn;t wor($ : t if & boot into Safe Mode@ it wor(s$)

#4 18-08-2007$com
Re: What's the difference between Safe Mode and Selective Startup

Posts: n/a

<n >ri@ -4 " % 7DD4 --:-E:78 -D2DD@ S san +ice ,$net0 wrote: 0& have a #ro%ram which sto##ed wor(in%$ 0 0&t wor(s if & boot into Safe Mode$ 0 0: t it doesn;t wor( if & do MSC<=>&! to %et the System Confi% ration 0?tility@ and select 'Selective Start #'@ and nchec( all the bo/es@ and 0reboot$ 0 0What does this minimal boot do that Safe Mode doesn;t doA 0 0(When startin% this #ro%ram & started %ettin% the error@ 'Brror while 0 n#ac(in% #ro%ram@ code CP3$ Please re#ort to a thor$' +esearched the 0error and a lot of #eo#le said it mi%ht be anti-vir s software ca sin% 0it$ & tried rebootin% witho t startin% my 6as#ers(y anti-vir s@ b t that 0didn;t hel#$ Minimal boot sin% MSC<=>&!@ and it still doesn;t wor($ : t 0if & boot into Safe Mode@ it wor(s$) &s the #ro%ram com#atable with yo r system A

Fech"rena Comm nity 0 Fechnical S ##ort 0 Com# ter Iel# 0 Windows JP 0 Windows JP S ##ort

RE: What is the difference between safe mode and norma...

in safe mode the lan card didn't work and other driver like video graphic driver it uses the standered (plug & play) driver it is this mode we uses for R&D in normal mode all serives are working

RE: what is the difference b/w safe mode and normal mo...

The difference is in normal mode load all the drivers but in safe mode load only default drivers.

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RE: What is the difference between safe mode and norma...

n normal mode all drivers are accessed and given access. !here as in "afe mode only selected drivers are accessed..

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July !" 2

# 3: #:2#


Member Since: July 2007 ontribution:

! RE: What is the difference between safe mode and norma...

in safe mode the lan card didn't work and other driver like video graphic driver it

uses the standered (plug & play) driver it is this mode we uses for R&D
in normal mode all serives are working

RE: What is the difference between safe mode and norma...

# bit is binary information. t is either $ (off) or % (on). # 64-bit operating system can move 64 bits of data per clock cycle (% &'() moves billions per second). &oing from a %*+bit OS (!indows ,.%) to ,-+bit

(Windows XP) will make a huge difference on the same machine.

# *.+bit /" is better than ,-+bit because0 + t effectively doubles system capabilities if the system is running a 64-bit processor. + 1ore information can be sent at one time on a *.+bit system than on a ,-+bit system. t's great for data+ intensive programs. + 2ou can run a ,-+bit app on a *.+bit operating system3 much like you can run a %*+bit app on Windows XP. + 1icrosoft is enabling developers to build *.+bit functionality within its ,-+bit programs.

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RE: What is the difference between safe mode and norma...
# bit is binary information. t is either $ (off) or % (on). # 64-bit operating system can move 64 bits of data per clock cycle (% &'() moves billions per second). &oing from a %*+bit OS (!indows ,.%) to ,-+bit (Windows XP) will make a huge difference on the same machine.

# *.+bit OS is better than ,-+bit because0 + t effectively doubles system capabilities if the system is running a 64-bit processor. + 1ore information can be sent at one time on a *.+bit system than on a ,-+bit system. t's great for data+ intensive programs. + 2ou can run a ,-+bit app on a *.+bit operating system3 much like you can run a %*+bit app on Windows XP. + 1icrosoft is enabling developers to build *.+bit functionality within its ,-+bit programs.

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Operating System Interview Questions And Answers W at!s O"#$A%I&' S(S%#)* An Operating System+ or OS+ is a so,tware program t at t e /omputer ardware to /ommuni/ate and operate wit t e /omputer so,tware0 Wit out a /omputer Operating System+ a /omputer wou.d -e use.ess0 O"#$A%I&' S(S%#) %("#S As /omputers ave progressed and deve.oped so ave t e types o, operating systems0 1e.ow is a -asi/ .ist o, t e di,,erent types o, operating systems and a ,ew o, Operating Systems t at ,a.. into ea/ o, t e /ategories0 )any /omputer Operating Systems wi.. ,a.. into more t an one o, t e -e.ow /ategories0 '3I - S ort ,or 'rap i/a. 3ser Inter,a/e+ a '3I Operating System /ontains grap i/s and i/ons

and is /ommon.y navigated -y using a /omputer mouse0 See our '3I di/tionary de,inition ,or a /omp.ete de,inition0 1e.ow are some o, '3I Operating Systems0 System 702 Windows 48 Windows 5# )u.ti-user - A mu.ti-user Operating System a..ows ,or mu.tip.e users to use t e same /omputer at t e same time and6or di,,erent times0 See our mu.ti-user di/tionary de,inition ,or a /omp.ete de,inition ,or a /omp.ete de,inition0 1e.ow are some o, mu.ti-user Operating Systems0 7inu2 3ni2 Windows 2000 Windows 8" )a/ OS 8 )u.tipro/essing - An Operating System /apa-.e o, supporting and uti.i9ing more t an one /omputer pro/essor0 1e.ow are some o, mu.tipro/essing Operating Systems0 7inu2 3ni2 Windows 2000 Windows 8" )a/ OS 8 )u.titas:ing - An Operating system t at is /apa-.e o, a..owing mu.tip.e so,tware pro/esses to run at t e same time0 1e.ow are some o, mu.titas:ing Operating Systems0 3ni2 Windows 2000 Windows 8" )a/ OS 8 )u.tit reading - Operating systems t at a..ow di,,erent parts o, a so,tware program to run /on/urrent.y0 Operating systems t at wou.d ,a.. into t is /ategory are; 7inu2 3ni2 Windows 2000 Windows 8" )a/ OS 8 W at are t e -asi/ ,un/tions o, an operating system* Se/urity %ip 3se <ire,o2 instead o, Internet #2p.orer and "$#=#&% Spyware > <ire,o2 is ,ree and is /onsidered t e -est ,ree+ sa,e we- -rowser avai.a-.e today 'et <ire,o2 wit 'oog.e %oo.-ar ,or -etter -rowsing - Operating system /ontro.s and /oordinates t e use o, t e ardware among t e various app.i/ations programs ,or various uses0 Operating system a/ts as resour/e a..o/ator and manager0 Sin/e t ere are many possi-.y /on,.i/ting re?uests ,or resour/es t e operating system

must de/ide w i/ re?uests are a..o/ated resour/es to operating t e /omputer system e,,i/ient.y and ,air.y0 operating system is /ontro. program w i/ /ontro.s t e user programs to prevent errors and improper use o, t e /omputer0 It is espe/ia..y /on/erned wit t e operation and /ontro. o, I6O devi/es0 W y paging is used* -"aging is so.ution to e2terna. ,ragmentation pro-.em w i/ is to permit t e .ogi/a. address spa/e o, a pro/ess to -e non/ontiguous+ t us a..owing a pro/ess to -e a..o/ating p ysi/a. memory w erever t e .atter is avai.a-.e0 W i.e running @OS on a "5+ w i/ /ommand wou.d -e used to dup.i/ate t e entire dis:ette* dis:/opy W at resour/es are used w en a t read /reated* Aow do t ey di,,er ,rom t ose w en a pro/ess is /reated* W en a t read is /reated t e t reads does not re?uire any new resour/es to e2e/ute t e t read s ares t e resour/es .i:e memory o, t e pro/ess to w i/ t ey to0 % e -ene,it o, /ode s aring is t at it a..ows an app.i/ation to ave severa. di,,erent t reads o, a/tivity a.. wit in t e same address spa/e0 W ereas i, a new pro/ess /reation is very eavyweig t -e/ause it a.ways re?uires new address spa/e to -e /reated and even i, t ey s are t e memory t en t e inter pro/ess /ommuni/ation is e2pensive w en /ompared to t e /ommuni/ation -etween t e t reads0 W at is virtua. memory* =irtua. memory is ardware te/ ni?ue w ere t e system appears to ave more memory t at it a/tua..y does0 % is is done -y time-s aring+ t e p ysi/a. memory and storage parts o, t e memory one dis: w en t ey are not a/tive.y -eing used0 W at is % roug put+ %urnaround time+ waiting time and $esponse time* % roug put B num-er o, pro/esses t at /omp.ete t eir e2e/ution per time unit0 %urnaround time B amount o, time to e2e/ute a parti/ pro/ess0 Waiting time B amount o, time a pro/ess as -een waiting in t e ready ?ueue0 $esponse time B amount o, time it ta:es ,rom w en a re?uest was su-mitted unti. t e ,irst response is produ/ed+ not output C,or time-s aring environmentD0 W at is t e state o, t e pro/essor+ w en a pro/ess is waiting ,or some event to o//ur* Waiting state W at is t e important aspe/t o, a rea.-time system or )ission 5riti/a. Systems* A rea. time operating system as we.. de,ined ,i2ed time /onstraints0 "ro/ess must -e done wit in t e de,ined /onstraints or t e system wi.. ,ai.0 An e2amp.e is t e operating system ,or a ,.ig t /ontro. /omputer or an advan/ed Eet airp.ane0 O,ten used as a /ontro. devi/e in a dedi/ated app.i/ation su/ as / s/ienti,i/ e2periments+ medi/a. imaging systems+ industria. /ontro. systems+ and some disp.ay systems0 $ea.-%ime systems may -e eit er ard or so,t rea.-time0 Aard rea.-time; Se/ondary storage .imited or a-sent+ data stored in s ort term memory+ or readon.y memory C$O)D+ 5on,.i/ts wit time-s aring systems+ not supported -y genera.-purpose operating systems0 So,t rea.-time; 7imited uti.ity in industria. /ontro. o, ro-oti/s+ 3se,u. in app.i/ations Cmu.timedia+ virtua. rea.ityD re?uiring advan/ed operating-system ,eatures0

#indo$s %dmin &nter'ie$ (uestions

&, Apr- ),,. /o 0o$$ent

&1 )es ribe *o$ t*e )+,P lease is obtained1 2t3s a 4o+r-step process consistin5 o4 (a 2P re6+est- (b 2P o44er- 7 2P se%ection and (d ac"now%ed5e$ent1 )1 & an-t seem to a ess t*e &nternet. don-t *a'e any a ess to t*e orporate net$ork and on ip on/ig my address is 109122314141 #*at *appened5 T8e &6'1)941:1: net$as" is assi5ned to Windows $ac8ines r+nnin5 '(;),,,;XP i4 t8e <=0P server is not avai%ab%e1 T8e na$e 4or t8e tec8no%o5# is AP2PA (A+to$atic Private 2nternet Protoco% Addressin5 1 31 #e-'e installed a ne$ #indo$s!based )+,P ser'er. *o$e'er. t*e users do not seem to be getting )+,P leases o// o/ it1 T8e server $+st be a+t8ori>ed 4irst wit8 t8e Active <irector# 41 +o$ an you /or e t*e lient to gi'e up t*e d* p lease i/ you *a'e a ess to t*e lient P,5 ipcon4i5 ;re%ease 91 #*at aut*enti ation options do #indo$s 2666 Ser'ers *a'e /or remote lients5 PAP- SPAP- 0=AP- ?S-0=AP and @AP1 61 #*at are t*e net$orking proto ol options /or t*e #indo$s lients i/ /or some reason you do not $ant to use ",P7&P5 /WLin" (/ove%% - /etA@B2App%eTa%" (App%e 1 .1 #*at is data link layer in t*e 8S& re/eren e model responsible /or5 )ata link layer is lo ated abo'e t*e p*ysi al layer. but belo$ t*e net$ork layer1 Ta"in5 raw data bits and pac"a5in5 t8e$ into 4ra$es1 T8e networ" %a#er wi%% be responsib%e 4or addressin5 t8e 4ra$es- w8i%e t8e p8#sica% %a#er is reponsib%e 4or retrievin5 and sendin5 raw data bits1 (1 #*at is binding order5 T8e order b# w8ic8 t8e networ" protoco%s are +sed 4or c%ient-server co$$+nications1 T8e $ost 4re6+ent%# +sed protoco%s s8o+%d be at t8e top1 '1 +o$ do ryptograp*y!based keys ensure t*e 'alidity o/ data trans/erred a ross t*e net$ork5 @ac8 2P pac"et is assi5ned a c8ec"s+$- so i4 t8e c8ec"s+$s do not $atc8 on bot8 receivin5 and trans$ittin5 ends- t8e data was $odi4ied or corr+pted1 &,1 S*ould $e deploy &PS9,!based se urity or erti/i ate!based se urity5 T8e# are rea%%# two di44erent tec8no%o5ies1 2PSec sec+res t8e T0P;2P co$$+nication and protects t8e inte5rit# o4 t8e pac"ets1 0erti4icate-based sec+rit# ens+res t8e va%idit# o4 a+t8enticated c%ients and servers1 &&1 #*at is :M+8S"S /ile5 2t3s a 4i%e stored on a 8ost $ac8ine t8at is +sed to reso%ve /etA2OS to speci4ic 2P addresses1 &)1 #*at-s t*e di//eren e bet$een /or$ard lookup and re'erse lookup in )NS5 Corward %oo"+p is na$e-to-address- t8e reverse %oo"+p is address-to-na$e1 &31 +o$ an you re o'er a /ile en rypted using 9FS5 Bse t8e do$ain recover# a5ent1 +o$ do you double!boot a #in 2663 ser'er bo;5 T8e Aoot1ini 4i%e is set as read-on%#s#ste$- and 8idden to prevent +nwanted editin51 To c8an5e t8e Aoot1ini ti$eo+t and

de4a+%t settin5s- +se t8e S#ste$ option in 0ontro% Pane% 4ro$ t8e Advanced tab and se%ect Start+p1 #*at snap!in administrati'e tools are a'ailable /or % ti'e )ire tory5 Active <irector# <o$ains and Tr+sts ?ana5er- Active <irector# Sites and Services ?ana5erActive <irector# Bsers and Gro+p ?ana5er- Active <irector# Rep%ication (optiona%avai%ab%e 4ro$ t8e Reso+rce Dit - Active <irector# Sc8e$a ?ana5er (optiona%- avai%ab%e 4ro$ ad$inpa" &1 ,an you use Start!<Sear * $it* )FS s*ares5 Ees1 )1 #*at problems an you *a'e $it* )FS installed5 Two +sers openin5 t8e red+ndant copies o4 t8e 4i%e at t8e sa$e ti$e- wit8 no 4i%e-%oc"in5 invo%ved in <CS- c8an5in5 t8e contents and t8en savin51 On%# one 4i%e wi%% be propa5ated t8ro+58 <CS1 31 & run Mi roso/t ,luster Ser'er and annot install /ault!tolerant )FS1 Eea8#o+ can3t1 2nsta%% a standa%one one1 41 &s =erberos en ryption symmetri or asymmetri 5 S#$$etric1 91 +o$ does #indo$s 2663 Ser'er try to pre'ent a middle!man atta k on en rypted line5 Ti$e sta$p is attac8ed to t8e initia% c%ient re6+est- encr#pted wit8 t8e s8ared "e#1 61 #*at *as*ing algorit*ms are used in #indo$s 2663 Ser'er5 RSA <ata Sec+rit#3s ?essa5e <i5est 9 (?<9 - prod+ces a &)(-bit 8as8- and t8e Sec+re =as8 A%5orit8$ & (S=A-& - prod+ces a &6,-bit 8as81 .1 #*at t*ird!party erti/i ate e; *ange proto ols are used by #indo$s 2663 Ser'er5 Windows Server ),,3 +ses t8e ind+str# standard PD0S-&, certi4icate re6+est and PD0S-. certi4icate response to eFc8an5e 0A certi4icates wit8 t8irdpart# certi4icate a+t8orities1 (1 #*at-s t*e number o/ permitted unsu ess/ul logons on %dministrator a ount5 Bn%i$ited1 Re$e$ber- t8o+58- t8at it3s t8e Ad$inistrator acco+nt- not an# acco+nt t8at3s part o4 t8e Ad$inistrators 5ro+p1 '1 &/ *as*ing is one!$ay /un tion and #indo$s Ser'er uses *as*ing /or storing pass$ords. *o$ is it possible to atta k t*e pass$ord lists. spe i/i ally t*e ones using N":M'15 A crac"er wo+%d %a+nc8 a dictionar# attac" b# 8as8in5 ever# i$a5inab%e ter$ +sed 4or password and t8en co$pare t8e 8as8es1 &,1 #*at-s t*e di//eren e bet$een guest a ounts in Ser'er 2663 and ot*er editions5 ?ore restrictive in Windows Server ),,31 &&1 +o$ many pass$ords by de/ault are remembered $*en you *e k >9n/or e Pass$ord +istory ?emembered@5 Bser3s %ast 6 passwords1 &)1 9;plain *idden s*ares1 =idden or ad$inistrative s8ares are s8are na$es wit8 a do%%ar si5n (G appended to t8eir na$es1 Ad$inistrative s8ares are +s+a%%# created a+to$atica%%# 4or t8e root o4 eac8 drive %etter1 T8e# do not disp%a# in t8e networ" browse %ist1 &31 +o$ do t*e permissions $ork in #indo$s 26665 #*at permissions does /older in*erit /rom t*e parent5 W8en #o+ co$bine /TCS per$issions based on

+sers and t8eir 5ro+p $e$bers8ips- t8e %east restrictive per$issions ta"e precedence1 =owever- eFp%icit <en# entries a%wa#s override A%%ow entries1

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