Resilient Landscapes in Volatile Urban Environments: Jhirschman@csupomona - Edu

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Resilient Landscapes: Sustainability in a Changing World ASLA Session #C7, Friday September 18, 2009 1:30-3:00 p.m.

Resilient Landscapes in Volatile Urban Environments oan !irs"#man $ood%ard, FASLA Ca&i'ornia State (o&yte"#ni" )ni*ersity, (omona +#irs"#man,"s-pomona.ed.esi&ien"e t#eories and perspe"ti*es a&ert &ands"ape ar"#ite"ts to desi/n 'or probab&e '-t-re *o&ati&ity, ran/in/ 'rom s#ort-term pert-rbations s-"# as s#i'ts in &and o%ners#ip and maintenan"e to &ar/er disr-ptions s-"# as dro-/#t and disin*estment. 0#is presentation #i/#&i/#ts desi/n strate/ies and app&i"ations deri*ed 'rom resi&ien"e s"ien"e and 'rom e1p&orin/ &ands"apes t#at maintain '-n"tion %#en intended maintenan"e and "are are interr-pted. 2. 2ntrod-"tion 3ir4%ood 520067 states t#at t#e pro'essions8 predominant desi/n approa"# is to "reate permanent %or4s optimisti"a&&y re&iant on on/oin/, '-&&y '-nded maintenan"e. !o%e*er, t#is tr-st 're9-ent&y &eads to disappointment $it# t#e in"reasin/ -p#ea*a&s in t#e -rban e"onomi", so"ia&, and en*ironmenta& sp#eres, %e need too&s ot#er t#an tr-st and optimism to "reate '-n"tionin/ &ands"apes in t#e 'a"e o' probab&e *o&ati&ity. A resi&ien"e perspe"ti*e o''ers 4ey strate/ies. Strate/ies #i/#&i/#ted in t#is presentation are deri*ed 'rom resi&ien"e t#eory and re'ined by: o :1p&oration o' Los An/e&es ;'era& &ands"apes< o App&i"ation o' strate/ies to a m-&ti-s"a&ed p&an 'or resi&ient -rban &ands"apes in Los An/e&es 0#e presentation8s intent is to initiate a dis"-ssion abo-t #o% %e mi/#t "reate more adaptab&e, d-rab&e &ands"apes t#at "arry on t#ro-/# periods o' *o&ati&ity. .esi&ien"e 0#eory and ;Fera& Lands"ape< (erspe"ti*es Adapti*e "y"&es and ba"4&oops are -nderst-died in app&i"ation to desi/n and p&annin/ 5=-nderson and !o&&in/, 20027 Fera& &ands"apes are t#ose t#at %ere desi/ned 'or intended irri/ation and maintenan"e b-t 'or a *ariety o' reasons %ere re&eased 'rom "are. 0#ey pro*ide a /ood *e#i"&e 'or e1p&orin/ "on"epts in resi&ien"e as t#ey embody t#e adapti*e "y"&e8s ba"4&oop, and ;p&ay t#e #and t#ey are dea&t.< 5(o&&an 19927 2' '-n"tiona& aspe"ts o' t#ese &ands"apes "an inad*ertent&y s-r*i*e myriad "o&&apses o' e1pe"ted "are, t#en %#i"# aspe"ts o' t#eir desi/n "o-&d be deliberately in"orporated so t#at &ands"apes "an '-n"tion t#ro-/# probab&e '-t-re disr-ptions> :1amp&es: o 0#e &ands"ape o' (a-& $i&&iams-desi/ned .oberts #ome in ?a&ib-8s So&sti"e Canyon #as mo*ed t#ro-/# 'ront and ba"4&oops o*er a @0-year period and persists. o 0#omas C#-r"#8s St-art (#arma"e-ti"a& &ands"ape desi/n in (asadena, CA, %as ne/&e"ted 'or o*er a de"ade, t#en re#abi&itated. 0#e desi/n8s st-rdy 'rame%or4 "arried t#ro-/# to t#e ne1t period o' "are and may s-r*i*e '-t-re disr-ption. Strate/ies 'or S#apin/ .esi&ient Lands"apes 0#e 'o&&o%in/ t#ree #i/#&i/#ted strate/ies are not pres"riptions, rat#er, are proposa&s t#at in*ite e1perimentation and 'eedba"4 o AptimiBe "onditions %#en estab&is#in/ ne% desi/ns o :stab&is# di*erse str-"t-ra& "onditions to s-pport pro"esses o )ti&iBe ambient pro"esses to spread se&'-maintainin/ str-"t-re




(&annin/ 'or Lands"ape .esi&ien"e: A Los An/e&es Case St-dy D-estions to &a-n"# p&annin/ s"enarios: 2' re/iona& &ands"apes in Los An/e&es %ere re&eased 'rom e1pe"ted irri/ation and maintenan"e, %#i"# &ands"apes %o-&d "ontin-e to s-r*i*e and '-n"tion> $#ere s#o-&d %e inter*ene to assist /reater "-&t-ra& and e"o&o/i"a& '-n"tion> !o% %o-&d strate/ies %or4 o*er time> :1amp&e: ;.esi&ient Los An/e&es: Lands"apes 'or a Eynami" )rban F-t-re< 5Fenito, :nos, and $e#ni/er, 200@7 Ge1t Steps 0est and ad+-st desi/n proposa&s %it# ;%#at i'>< s"enarios F-i&d-in mana/eab&e disr-ptions to sip#on o'' "atastrop#i" potentia& o' ba"4&oops Cond-"t e1periments %it# ba"4--p monitorin/ systems in t#e ad*ent o' interr-pted personne& a*ai&abi&ity .e"o/niBe t#e inte/rity o' resi&ien"e and "ontin-ity .et#in4 t#e ro&e o' maintenan"e


Terms 5as -ti&iBed in t#is presentation7 Lands"ape 5no-n7: t#e *e/etated areas %it#in a re/ion ?aintain 5*erb7: 5?orris 19787 17 ;t#e %or4 o' 4eepin/ somet#in/ in proper %or4in/ "ondition.< 27 ;"arryin/ on< 37 ;to #o&d in one8s #and< Selected References Fenito, ?ario, Eebora# :nos and 3im $e#in/er. 200@. Resilient Los Angeles: Resilient Landscapes for a Dynamic Urban Future. (omona: Ca&i'ornia State (o&yte"#ni" )ni*ersity. Firnba-m, C#ar&es A. 2003. Si&ent sprin/. Landscape Architecture. 93587: H2-HH, 99. Carse, ames (. 198H. Finite and Infinite Games. Ge% Ior4: Fa&&antine Foo4s. Co&din/, o#an. 2007. J:"o&o/i"a& &and--se "omp&ementation8 'or b-i&din/ resi&ien"e in -rban e"osystems. Landscape and Urban Planning. 8151-27: 6H-@@. C-'', Eana. 2000. The Pro isional !ity: Los Angeles "tories of Architecture and Urbanism. Cambrid/e: ?20 (ress. Ee& 0redi"i, (eter. 200H. Fra*e ne% e"o&o/y. Landscape Architecture. 9H527: 6H-@2. =arrison, a"ey, !ope !oin*i&&e, and Ceanat#a La =ran/e. 200@. !hoosing Resilience: Alternati e Landscape #isions for the Los Angeles Region$ (omona: Ca&i'ornia State (o&yte"#ni" )ni*ersity. =-nderson, Lan"e !. and C. S. !o&&in/, eds. 2002. Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in %uman and &atural "ystems. $as#in/ton: 2s&and (ress. !o&&in/, C. S. 199H. :n/ineerin/ resi&ien"e *s. e"o&o/i"a& resi&ien"e. 2n (. C. S"#-&Be, editor. 'ngineering (ithin 'cological !onstraints$ $as#in/ton: Gationa& A"ademy (ress. 3ir4%ood, Gia&&. 2006. )eathering and Durability in Landscape Architecture. !obo4en, G. .: o#n $i&ey

and Sons. Ly&e, o#n 0. 1999. Design for %uman 'cosystems. Ge% Ior4: 2s&and (ress. ?orris, $i&&iam, ed. 1978. The American %eritage Dictionary of the 'nglish Language. Foston: !o-/#ton ?i''&in Company. (i"4ett, S. 0. A., ?. L. Cadenasso, and . ?. =ro*e. 2006. .esi&ient "ities: ?eanin/, mode&s, and metap#or 'or inte/ratin/ t#e e"o&o/i"a&, so"io-e"onomi", and p&annin/ rea&ms. Landscape and Urban Planning H9567: 3H9-386. (o&&an, ?i"#ae&. 1992. "econd &ature: A Gardener*s 'ducation. Ge% Ior4: La-re&. S&oan, 3e*in $. 2003. Se"ond man missin/. Landscape Architecture. 93567: 82-89. S-4opp, !erbert, !ans-(eter F&-me, and $o&'ram 3-ni"4.1979. 0#e soi&, '&ora, and *e/etation o' Fer&in8s %aste &ands, in La-rie, 2an C., ed: &ature in !ities: the &atural 'n ironment in the Design and De elopment of Urban Green "pace. C#i"#ester: o#n $i&ey K Sons. $ood%ard, oan !irs"#man. 200@. Lettin/ Los An/e&es /o: Lessons 'rom 'era& &ands"apes. Landscape Re ie(. 9527: @9-H9. LLLLL. 200@a. Lessons 'rom 'era& &ands"apes. Landscape Architecture. 9@5127: @2-@9. LLLLL. 2008. :n*isionin/ resi&ien"e in *o&ati&e Los An/e&es &ands"apes. Landscape +ournal 27517: 97-113.

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