3.1 Governing Equations: Numerical Methodology
3.1 Governing Equations: Numerical Methodology
3.1 Governing Equations: Numerical Methodology
Continuity equation:
Momentum equation:
* + (3.2)
According to the Stokess hypothesis which assumes that the bulk viscosity can be neglected, the shear-stress tensor for a Newtonian fluid is given by:
Energy equation:
[ ] ( is defined as: (3.5) ) (3.4)
The Finite element method is similar to the FV method in many ways. The domain is broken into a set of discrete volumes or finite elements that are generally unstructured. In 2D, they are usually triangles or quadrilaterals, while in 3D tetrahedra or hexahedra are most often used. The distinguishing feature of FE methods is that the equations are multiplied by a weight function before they are integrated over the entire domain.
Figure 3.1: Energy cascading and different prediction methods The most accurate approach is Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and the NavierStokes equations are solved without averaging or approximation other than numerical discretization whose errors can be estimated and controlled. This method does not need any modeling and all the motions contained in the flow are resolved. The results of a DNS contain very detailed information about the flow at a large number of grid points. These results can be used to produce statistical information. DNS is used as a research tool for understanding the mechanisms of turbulence production, energy transfer, dissipation, noise production, drag reduction, and many other physical aspects of turbulence. In a direct numerical simulation all of the kinetic energy dissipation, which occurs on the smallest scales, is captured. The size of the grid must not be larger than a viscously determined scale, called the Kolmogorov scale, and the time step should be sufficiently small to resolve the period of the fastest fluctuation. If L is the characteristic length of the physical domain, the number of points in one direction should be of the order,
the can be
For the high Reynolds numbers the number of points enormously increases and obviously DNS is restricted to relatively low Reynolds numbers. A method to overcome this problem is called Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) in which the low-frequency modes in space (large eddies) are directly simulated and the energy exchange with the high-frequency modes (small eddies), which are not explicitly simulated, is modeled using a sub-grid-scale model. The justification for such a treatment is that the larger eddies contains most of the energy and is clearly test case dependent whereas the smaller eddies are more universal and easier to model. To separate the large from the small scales, LES is based on the definition of a filtering operation. The Navier-Stokes equations are filtered and the effect of small scales appears through a sub-grid-scale (SGS) stress term. To close the system, an expression for the SGS stresses must be obtained. Similarly to DNS, LES provides a threedimensional, time dependent solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. Thus, it still requires fairly fine meshes. Among the objectives of LES are to study more complex configurations closer to those of engineering interest and at Reynolds numbers beyond the reach of DNS. In Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach, all of the unsteadiness is averaged out. If the flow is steady, time averaging is used as a statistical averaging. While the small scales are somewhat universal, the large ones are affected very strongly by the boundary conditions. The complexity of turbulence makes it impossible for a single RANS model to represent all turbulent flows. Some adjustment of the constants is often required. In the present work RANS approach is used to model the turbulent flow instead of LES or DNS due to lack of computation power.
with additional terms due to fluctuations, are time averaged. The new equations are called Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations.
Continuity equation:
Momentum equation:
( ) * + ( ) (3.9)
where The terms ( which arise from the time averaging of the time dependent velocity
components are known as Reynolds stresses. It must be modeled in order to close the equation set. A common and relatively easy way to model these stresses is the Boussinesq approach which relates the Reynolds stresses to mean velocity gradients. ( ) ( ) (3.10)
The term
There are several different turbulence models within the RANS method that in different ways models the Reynolds stresses. Some models worth mentioning are Mixing length model, model, model and Reynolds stress model, which have none, two, two and seven additional
transport equations respectively, which needs to be solved in addition to the RANS equations. Naturally, all models have their advantages and disadvantages; the Mixing length model is not suitable for flows with separation and circulations, and the Reynolds stress model is the most complex one of these four and needs fairly large computer capability. Left are the two twoequation models and .
In the
Turbulence models
model the two transports equation are solved for the turbulent kinetic energy was initially is derived
and its dissipation rate . This original model also known as standard
proposed by Launder and Spalding (1972). For this model the transport equation for from the exact equation, but the transport for
was obtained using physical reasoning and is , but is not exact. The
therefore similar to the mathematically derived transport equation of turbulent kinetic energy following equations. *( ) +
, and its rate of dissipation , for this model are obtained by the
where gradients,
(3.12) represents the generation of turbulent kinetic energy the arises due to mean velocity is the generation of turbulent kinetic energy that arises due to buoyancy, and
represents the fluctuating dilation in compressible turbulence that contributes to the overall dissipation rate. and are source terms for the continuous phase when modeling Eulerian
particle induced turbulence. , and are constants that have been determined experimentally and are taken to
The available literature is not clear as to the specification of the coefficient default can be taken as constant everywhere or specified as follows { and
are turbulent Prandtl numbers for the turbulent kinetic energy and its
dissipation rate. These have also been derived experimentally and are defined as follows. ,
The turbulent (or eddy) viscosity at each point is related to the local values of turbulent kinetic energy and its dissipation rate by (3.11) where is constant and defined above. The term for the production of turbulent kinetic energy turbulence models studied and is defined as (3.12) is defined as is common in many of the
The generation of turbulent kinetic energy that arises due to buoyancy, follows
(3.13) where is the coefficient of thermal expansion, is the gravitationalvector and is the
turbulent Prandtl number. The dilation dissipation term, effects is defined as (3.14) where c is the speed of sound and Since the inception of the model, there have been countless attempts to improve it. model. This model contains a new is which accounts for turbulence from compressibility
transport equation for the turbulent dissipation rate. Also, a critical coefficient of the model,
expressed as a function of mean flow and turbulence properties, rather than assumed to be constant as in the standard model. This procedure lets the model satisfy certain mathematical constraints on the normal stresses consistent with the physics of turbulence. So the realizable model is substantially better than the standard model for many applications.