Analysis and Interpretation of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Results

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Analysis and

interpretation of CFD
(Computational Fluid
Dynamics) results.
Seitcea Denis
Teofan Maria Gabriela
What is CFD |
Computational Fluid
• Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the process
of mathematically predicting physical fluid flow by
solving the governing equations using
computational power.
• When an engineer is tasked with designing a new
product, e.g. a winning race car for the next race
season, aerodynamics plays an important role in
the overall performance of the design. That said,
aerodynamic performance is not easily quantifiable
during the concept phase.
• Traditionally, the only way for an engineer to
optimize his/her design is to conduct physical tests
on product prototypes. With the rise of computers
and ever-growing computational power (thanks to
Moore’s law), the field of CFD has become a
commonly applied tool for predicting real-world
• In a CFD software analysis, fluid flow and its associated physical properties,
such as velocity, pressure, viscosity, density, and temperature, are calculated
based on defined operating conditions. In order to arrive at an accurate,
physical solution, these quantities are calculated simultaneously.
• Every CFD tool, both commercial and/or open source, uses a mathematical
model and numerical method to predict the desired flow physics. The most
common CFD tools are based on the Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations. While the
bulk of the terms in the Navier-Stokes equations remains constant, more terms
can be added or removed based on the physics. For example, if heat transfer,
phase change, or chemical reactions need to be considered, more terms will
be introduced into the governing equations.
• It is very important that the proper operating conditions, numerical methods,
and physics are considered in order to conduct an accurate and successful
CFD analysis. If this is done correctly, performance insights can be obtained
quickly that will result ultimately in a better performing and more efficient final
Streamlines showing airflow around the F1 car obtained
using N-S equations
Governing Equations of CFD

Conservation of Mass: Continuity Equation

Conservation of Momentum: Newton’s Second Law
Conservation of Energy: First Law of Thermodynamics or
Energy Equation
• These principles state that mass, momentum, and energy are stable
constants within a closed system. In short, everything must be conserved.
• The investigation of fluid flow with thermal changes relies on certain physical
properties. The three unknowns which must be obtained simultaneously from
these three basic conservation equations are the velocity v⃗, pressure p and
temperature T. Yet p and T are considered the two required independent
thermodynamic variables.
• The final form of the conservation equations also contains four other
thermodynamic variables; density ρ, enthalpy h, viscosity μ, and thermal
conductivity k; the last two of which are also transport properties. These four
properties are uniquely determined by the value of p and T.
Fluid flow should be analyzed to know vecv, p and T throughout every
point of the flow regime. Furthermore, the method of fluid flow
observation based on kinematic properties is a fundamental issue. The
movement of fluid can be investigated with either Lagrangian or
Eulerian methods

 Lagrangian description of fluid motion is based on the theory to follow a fluid particle
that is large enough to detect properties. Initial coordinates at time t0 and coordinates
of the same particle at time t1have to be examined. To follow millions of separate
particles through the path is almost impossible.

 In the Eulerian method, instead of following any specific particle across the path, the
velocity field is examined as a function of space and time.
This missile
explains the
Continuity Equation
 The equation for the Conservation of Mass is
specified as:

 where ρ is the density, v⃗ the velocity and ∇ the gradient


 If the density is constant, the flow is assumed to be incompressible and the continuity
equation reduces to:
• If the density is constant, the flow is
assumed to be incompressible and the
continuity equation reduces to :

where p is static pressure, t is viscous

stress tensor and ρg⃗ is the gravitational force
per unit volume. Here, the roman numerals

I: Local change with time

II: Momentum convection
III: Surface force
IV: Diffusion term
V: Mass force
• Viscous stress tensor T¯ can be
specified as below in accordance with
Stoke’s Hypothesis:

• If the fluid is assumed to be

incompressible with constant
viscosity coefficient μthe Navier-
Stokes equation simplifies to:
Partial Differential Equations
• The Mathematical model merely gives us
interrelation between the transport
parameters which are involved in the whole
process, either directly or indirectly. Even
though every single term in those equations
has a relative effect on the physical
phenomenon, changes in parameters should
be considered simultaneously through the
numerical solution, which comprises
differential equations, vector-, and tensor
• A PDE comprises more than one variable and
is denoted with “∂”. If the derivation of the
equation is conducted with “d”, these
equations are called Ordinary Differential
Equations (ODE) that contain a single
variable and its derivation. The PDEs are
implicated to transform the differential
operator (∂) into an algebraic operator in
order to get a solution. Heat transfer, fluid
dynamics, acoustic, electronics and quantum
mechanics are all fields in which PDEs are
What is the significance of PDEs in seeking a solution to governing equations? To answer
this question, we initially examine the basic structure of some PDEs to create connotation.
For instance:

• The numerical solution is a

discretization-based method used to
obtain approximate solutions to complex
problems that cannot be solved with
analytic methods. As seen in image,
solution processes without discretization
merely give you an analytic solution
which is exact but simple.
• Moreover, the accuracy of the numerical
solution highly depends on the quality of
the discretization. Broadly used
discretization methods might be
specified, such as finite difference, finite
volume, finite element, spectral
(element) methods and boundary

• Multitasking is one of the plagues

of the century that generally ends
up with procrastination or failure.
Therefore, having planned,
segmented and sequenced tasks
is much more appropriate for
achieving goals: this has also
been working for CFD.
• In order to conduct an analysis,
the solution domain is split into
multiple sub-domains, which are
called cells. The combination of
these cells in the computational
structure is named mesh.
Mesh Errors and Mesh Independence Studies

• Errors due to mesh are a common issue that results in inaccurate solutions or outright failure of the
simulation. This can happen because the mesh is too coarse and flow physics are not captured within
an area of large, coarse cells. Because of this, a mesh independence study needs to be carried out to
ensure the mesh is not having a tangible impact on the solution. An example of a mesh
independence study can be defined as below:
1. Generate an initial mesh that accurately captures the geometry and appears to have enough cells
and mesh density via visual inspection.
2. Regenerate mesh with a higher number of cells and more mesh density in areas of interest.
Conduct the CFD analysis again and compare the results accordingly. For instance, if a case is the
examination of internal flow through a channel, comparing pressure drops at critical regions would
be a good measurement of mesh sensitivity.
3. Keep refining the mesh until the results and key physical properties (pressure drop, max velocity,
etc) converge satisfactorily with the previous mesh and CFD analysis.
• By doing this, errors
based on the mesh
structure can be
eliminated and the
optimum number of
elements may be
achieved to make
computation an efficient
process. Figure 6 looks
into static pressure
change at imaginary
region X through the
increase in the number
of mesh elements.
According to Figure 6,
around 1,000,000
elements would have
been sufficient to
conduct a reliable study.
Applications of
Computational Fluid

• CFD can be used in every

possible application that
involves fluid flow. For
example, flow over a cylinder
is a classic academic
example that is taught in
university-level fluids
courses. The same
phenomenon can be
observed in the movement of
clouds in the atmosphere, as
seen in Figure
Incompressible and Compressible Flow

o If compressibility becomes a non-

negligible factor, this type of analysis
helps you to find solutions for
compressible flows in a very robust and
accurate way. One example would be a
Large Eddy Simulation of flow around a c

Laminar and Turbulent Flow

o Depending on flow properties such as

density, viscosity, and velocity, flow can
be characterized as either laminar or
turbulent. Most commercial applications
of flow are generally turbulent; however,
there are exceptions. For example,
natural convection flow from a warm
light is considered laminar flow.
Turbulent simulations are slightly more
computationally expensive as there are
more terms in the governing equations.
This valve is one example of turbulent
flow analysis.

Mass and Thermal Transport

o Mass transport simulations include
smoke propagation, passive
scalar transport, or gas modeling.
SimScale uses OpenFOAM solvers to
• Jameson, A., Schmidt, W. and Turkel, E., “Numerical Solution of the Euler
Equations by Finite Volume Methods”
• M. Kawaguti, “Numerical Solution of the NS Equations for the Flow Around
a Circular Cylinder at Reynolds Number 40”, 1953, Journal of Phy.Soc.
Japan, vol. 8, pp. 747-757
• Frank M. White, Viscous Fluid Flow, McGraw-Hill Mechanical Engineering,
3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0072402318

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