Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan - West Bengal

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Biodiversity is the abundance of variability existing microorganisms, particularly plant growth-promoting

among living organisms – be it plants, animals, rhizobacteria (PGPR) by their release of growth
microorganisms or the whole ecosystem of which they promoting substances help the crops to sustain even in
are a part. Progress of industrial civilisation, rapid growth stress conditions. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
of human population and excessive exploitation of earth’s by their elaborating phosphate acquisition and moisture
resources have led to dwindling of earth’s biodiversity. conservation system help the establishment of plants in
Biodiversity programmes up till now are mostly centred degraded ecosystem. A diverse group of soil
on plants, animals and insects, with little attention given microorganisms are endowed with the capacity of
to microorganisms, in general, and soil microorganisms detoxication of wide range of unwanted and unnatural
in particular. Soil biodiversity is largely due to soil biotic compounds called xenobiotics which agricultural soil
community comprising various micro and macro receives enormously every season in the form of
organisms. The described microbial phenomenon and pesticides. Microbial oxidation sometimes modifies the
range of diversity of microorganisms in soil are perhaps oxidation state of some heavy metals received from city
only a fraction of biodiversity present in soils of the world compost, sewage-sludge and thereby convert them to
(Kennedy and Smith, 1995). The difficulties in less toxic state. Soil biota thus perform a myriad of
cataloguing the full range of soil microbial diversity lies in activities beneficial to human beings.
the construction of culture media suitable for growth of
each species and strain that occur in soil. At the present The state of West Bengal has a unique geographical
level of expertise, only less than 1.0% of soil microbes setting in terms of
can be cultured (Pace, 1997) agro-climatic conditions. The hilly mountain and Terai
region in the north, alluvial tract in the middle, red and
Soil is a natural habitat of diverse groups of organisms lateritic zone in the west and coastal saline zone in the
ranging from tiny bacteria to large earthworm. This south with wide range of soils gives a diversification in
diversity is indispensable for sustainability in production agro-ecosystem. The diversity of soil organisms may
system on the one hand and maintenance of soil health increase or decrease due to occurrence of different
on the other. The accelerating over-exploitation of soil landforms that constitute various ecological niches for
due to intensification of agriculture resulting in habitat different communities. The soil distribution in West
destruction and chemical pollution and overall ecological Bengal has been given in Colou r Plate III and for
crisis created by man have threatened the existing area of broad classes/association of soils in different
biodiversity of soil, in other words the whole life districts see Annexure IX .
supporting system of soil.
Diversity within the soil organisms maintains the Information regarding the occurrence and distribution of
sustainability and productivity of the soil ecosystem. The diverse groups of soil organisms under different agro-
high species diversity may be instrumental in cycling and ecosystem of West Bengal is not comprehensive. Most of
recycling of nutrients and energy and thereby achieving our present knowledge has accumulated from studies
the stability of the soil ecosystem. The diverse group of conducted with specific organisms or individual groups of
soil organisms is not only pivotal in nutrients availability organisms. Scientific efforts to elucidate interconnections
but also in maintaining different trophic relationships or interactions among organisms and their activities
among the existing soil population. There is a definite which are responsible for operation of soil ecosystems
relationship among the soil organisms – synergistic, are also little. However, some information regarding the
antagonistic or neutral - in a well-managed agro- quantitative and qualitative composition of soil flora and
ecosystem. Soil flora, particularly fungi by their enormous fauna are available which may highlight mainly the
mycelial hyphae entangle the soil particles and improve organism load under different agro-ecological conditions
soil aggregation, which in turn improves soil aeration, of the state.
infiltration and root elongation. Rhizosphere


The relative abundance of soil microflora primarily The component of biodiversity of soils whether being
depends on the moisture, pH and organic matter content beneficial or harmful, undergoes a quick shift upon
of soil. In general, the soils of Nadia, which represent the perturbations or anthropogenic activities like
new alluvial zone, rear maximum bacterial and management practices including intensive land clearing,
actinomycetal diversity owing to slightly alkaline reaction tillage, puddling, monoculture, use of fertilisers,
(pH 7.7) favourable for their development (Tab le XL ). pesticides, sewage-sludge and inoculation of exotic
On the other hand, saline soils representative of coastal highly competitive organisms etc. Hassink et al (1991)
zone support minimum diversity of those organisms due showed the rhizospheric community was affected most
to high osmotic potential and some adverse ionic effects. by management practices. Alternative management
practices such as minimum tillage or no tillage, crop
Lateritic soil, representative of red lateritic zone, rotation, organic matter application, integrated nutrient –
however, is enriched with fungal diversity (Mukherjee et pest management, mulching, agro-forestry system
al., 1999). In acid soils of northern districts of West improved and preserved soil biodiversity when compared
Bengal actinomycetal diversity is relatively less owing to with the previous detrimental practices.
unfavourable pH condition. Although rhizobial diversity
under acid soil is high but their symbiotic effectiveness is West Bengal has a vast area of land where rice-rice
low (Table XLI ) and hence pulse cultivation in acid soil system is followed. Excessive ploughing and laddering
is restricted to some extent. Reports (De, 1954) suggest during puddling destroy structural stability leading to
that Azotobacter is not universally present in the acid compaction and hardpan formation under such system.
soil; pH may be the limiting factor for their sustenance in Diffusion of air to such soil is restricted. A distinct
this soil. Beijerinckia have, however, been observed in microbial shift is obvious. Aerobic flora and fauna
some acid soils. Information indicates that more than disappear while facultative and obligate anaerobes
50% of rice soil of West Bengal, in spite of having proliferate. Fungal flora falls dramatically whereas
favourable pH, does not harbour Azotobacter. Even in microaerophilic Azospirillum population predominates
those soils where Azotobacter is present, the number is and strict aerobes like Azotobacter mostly disappear.
generally small (Bhattacharya, 1958) as also their Photosynthetic blue-green algae with lot of diversity
species richness (Table XLII ), the population of A. appear profusely in such puddled rice soil (Table
Chroococcum being the single dominant species. A. XLIII ).
indicum, which is later renamed as A. Beijerinckia is very
scarce. In rice ecosystem photosynthetic heterocysts In red-lateritic, coastal saline and acidic alluvial zones of
bearing cyanobacterial appearance is a unique West Bengal monocropping is usually practiced. Under
phenomena. Reports (Saha, 1979) suggest that the such system the total carbohydrate fraction of soil
majority of the cyanobacterial abundance in alluvial soil organic carbon (SOC) is exhausted compared to that of
of West Bengal is restricted to the family Nostocaceae, native (barren) soil resulting in reduction of
with Nostoc, Anabaena and Cylindrospermum being by macroaggregates, the habitat of microbial population.
far the most frequently observed genera. The other Thus soil structure is modified or in extreme cases
dominant genera are Calothrix, Mastigocladus and destroyed. This habitat destruction under monocropping
Scytonema found in some alluvial soils (Table XLIII ). leads to poor microbial diversity. Continuous
Under acid soils, Nostoc and Anabaena may be found monocropping encourages less variability among the
because they are seen to have tolerance to a wider microbes around the rhizosphere due to less variation in
range of pH (5.0 to 10.5) and to be ubiquitous in all rhizodeposition. On the other hand, monocrop helps to
regions in varying proportions. Plant parasitic nematodes build up root associated pathogenic organisms. Whereas,
infestation is gaining importance under rice based crop rotation with suitable crops increases soil organic
cropping system. Nematode diversity increases if matter, balances uptake of nutrients, diversifies
nematode susceptible crops are included in cropping rhizodepositions and breaks the root associated
system (Mukherjee and Khan, 2000) (Tab le XLIV and pathogenic incidence.
XL V).
Although a balanced fertilisation at field dose is not
harmful to soil organisms, but nature of fertiliser used


dictates how it influences the soil biodiversity. For Soil biology remains in an equilibrium state. This
example, there are evidences that long-term application equilibrium is disturbed when an exogenous material like
of (NH4)2SO4 develops acidity in the soil. On the other pesticides is introduced (Alexander, 1977). There are
hand use of NaNO3 on long-term basis results in some pesticides, which have o effect on microbial
deterioration of soil stability and soil structure by diversity (Bollag and Liu, 1990) while others exert
dispersing the clay colloids. Thus fertiliser application deleterious effect on micro-organisms (Das and
causes alteration in soil condition in respect to microbial Mukherjee, 2000; Mukherjee et al., 200). In an alluvial
growth and development. On the other hand, fertiliser by soil of West Bengal under rice ecosystem insecticides
its ionic effects and osmotic pressure reduces microbial like hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), phorate, carbofuran
diversity. Generally speaking, where fertiliser application and fenbalerate, in general, significantly increased total
increases plant growth, the effect on soil macrofauna, bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and phosphate
notably earthworm, is also favourable (Fraser, 1994). solubilisers. While the effect of carbofuran on the
However, earthworms are very sensitive to soil pH, so diversity of nitrogen fixing bacteria was not significant
that the repeated addition of ammonia-based fertilisers to (Das and Kukherjee, 1995) (Tab le XL VI ). Insecticides,
poorly buffered soils may be harmful to earthworms. in general did not bring about much quantitative change
Nitrogeneous fertilisers at field dose increase active in the microbial community in the rice rhizosphere.
protozoa population (Griffiths, 1990) but high levels of Among the organisms studied Azotobacter disappeared
nitrogenous fertiliser (120 kg/ha) reduces the same. under the influence of phorate and fenvalerate while
There are several reports of decreased nematodes Diplococcus and Lactobacillus appeared under phorate
diversity after application of ammonium-based fertiliser. and fenvalerate, respectively (Tab le XL VII ). Among the
Fertiliser consumption in West Bengal is high when actinomycetes diversity. Streptomyces were highly
compared to our national figure. Such high application of stimulated while those of Nocardia and Micromonospora
fertiliser may have shifted population dynamics of were reduced (Tab le XL VII ).
different soil biota. However, no information is available in
this respect. When pesticides are applied to soils in very high
concentrations, microbial composition significantly
changes. Indiscriminate pesticides application causes a
tremendous reduction in earthworm population. Although
single application of pesticides have shown minimal
affect on soil biological properties, it may be more
important to consider the effect of repeated application
over many years. West Bengal is a state of high cropping
intensity. In the north tea is the main commercial crop,
which receives wide range of pesticides. In the south
field and horticultural crops receive variety of pesticides.
Farmers very often indiscriminately use pesticides that
may create soil and environmental pollution leading to
destruction of non-target beneficial microbial pool.

The effect of most of herbicides on soil flora is more or

less temporal at recommended dose. But blanket
application of herbicides can upset the microbial ecology
in soil and change the useful flora.

Inoculated organisms, if competitive enough, sometimes

alter the microbial composition of native soils. Introduced
organisms may be synergistic, antagonistic or neutral.
Consequently, the native flora may be accelerated,
retarded or remain static. Reports (Saha, 2000) suggest


that ginger rhizome inoculation with Azotobacter and agrochemicals like pesticide and fertilisers in general,
Bacillus alone or in combination enhance the bacteria, and ammonia based fertiliser, in particular reduces their
fungi and actinomycetes, N-fixing bacteria and P- number in cultivated soil. Recent evidences suggest that
solubilisers in zinger rhizosphere. More interesting was earthworm population in long-term fertiliser experiment
that combined inoculation of Azotobacter and Bacillus plots is almost non-existent. Insufficient use of organic
significantly suppressed the soft-rot of ginger by reducing matter is one of the causes of reduction of earthworm
the fungal propagules of Fusarium and Phthium. population in cultivated soil. Earthworm essentially
increases microbial diversity in surrounding soil by their
Organic matter and its quality tremendously modify the castings. Ponomareva (1953) stated that there is an
composition of soil flora and fauna. Reports (Saha et al., increase of actinomycetes, pigmented bacteria and other
1993, 1995) suggest that organic matter application (@ acteria of Bacillus cereus group in earthworm excreta.
0.5% w/w) significantly increases various groups of Earthworm stimulates the growth of N-fixers and
microorganisms in alluvial soils. Among the organic Azotobacter in drilosphere by stabilising the pH of soil by
matter berseem straw enriches the soil with huge number supplying CaCO3 from their calciferous glands.
of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, N-fixers, P-solubilisers
and S-oxidisers (Tab le XL VIII ). Organic matter upon Deforestation and fragmentation are the common
their decomposition releases phenols, aldehydes, fatty phenomenon in the northern and southern districts of
acids, sulphides etc. that may depress plant parasitic West Bengal and these operations lead to extinction of
nematodes biodiversity. On the other hand, the diversity symbiotic microbes that are host specific and have poor
of bacteria and protozoa feeding nematodes flourishes dispersal ability. Some evidence suggests that symbiotic
upon the addition of organic matter in soil. VA-mycorrhizal fungi and N-fixing bacteria are often
adapted to a narrow range of environmental conditions.
Disturbance such as deforestation and over grazing alter
Soil invertebrates are an integral part of soil biodiversity. the soil environment so drastically that mycorrhizal fungi
They affect soil structure; alter patterns of microbial from the neighbouring forest are no longer capable of
activity and influence soil organic matter dynamics and colonizing and surviving. Certain macro basidiomycetes
nutrient cycling. Among the soil invertebrates, sp. very common in forest soil are more venerable to
nematodes, termites and earthworms are considered disturbance than micro fungi. Canopy opening, acid rains
important from agricultural point of view. Cultivation of etc. cause changes in Basidiomycetes community
virgin soil significantly reduces the total nematodes composition and reduction in species richness. These
population. Decreased nematode diversity is a common subsequently result in decline in fungi vorus snail in
feature of cultivated soils (Yeates and Bird, 1994) and forest ecosystem.
increasing cultivation commonly increases losses of
diversity (Boag, 1988). Earthworms in soil engulf large West Bengal has a vast soil biological resource base.
number of nematodes along with soil, which get killed To protect its soil biodiversity government should
inside the earthworm gut. Thus, abundance of nematode formulate an action plan in consultation with scientific
is regulated naturally. Free-living nematodes feed on and rural community. As soil is the most basic natural
bacteria, fungi and algae and thereby regulate the resource for human sustainability, research is required
diversity and abundance of those organisms in soil at an accelerated space to understand the significance
(Ingham et al., 1985). of soil biodiversity and their changes in soil ecosystem
with the changes in management practices. There is
From prehistoric era earthworm is considered as the also a necessity to understand the forces that regulate
friend of farmer as they improve the soil fertility by their soil biodiversity and whether a definite level of
casting. But successive tillage operations particularly biodiversity needs to be maintained in soil to sustain
mechanical disruptions of soil by tractor and mould board soil health and its resilience.
plough disturb their growth. Excessive use of


Tab le XL : Var iabi li ty in m ic rob ial po pula tion in so me so il s of W est Bengal

Soil type Bacterial population Actinomycetes Fungi population

(cfu x 105/g soil) population (cfu x 104/g soil)
(cfu x 105/g soil)
Alluvial soil 96.0 84.6 3.4

Lateritic 76.2 30.5 19.0

Saline Soil 62.5 20.0 3.5

Tab le XLI: Representat ive sy mbiot ic ef fecti veness of native rhi zobia l st ra ins in so ils of dif fe rent
di str ic ts of W .B.

Dist ri ct Block Ch ickpea Lenti l Pea Lathyrus

Rhi zobia Rhi zobia Rh izob ia Rhi zobia
Nad ia Krishnagar-I C D C -
Ranaghat-I C D C -
Beldanga-I B B C -
Bhagabangola-II B B - -
Mu rsh idabad Farakka B B - -
Lalgola B B C -
Wes t D inajpu r Bansihari B B C A
Kusmarganj B B C D
Gangarampur B B B A
Islampur B B B D
Ma lda Bamangola B B - B
English Bazar B B B -
Kharba-II B B - B
Rotua-II B B - B
A – ver y poor , B – poor , C – med ium, D – high

Tab le XLII : Populat ion of Azotobacte r in soi ls of dif fe rent reg ions of W est Bengal.

Locat ion pH Azotobacter ( No. / g so il )

Serampore 6.0 650
Bardhaman 6.6 150
Swarupnagar 6.8 100
Tamluk 6.9 2000
Konnagar 7.0 50
Kharampur 7.3 300
Baruipur 7.3 2500


Jadupur 7.4 700

Belur 7.7 Innumerable
Chakmir 7.9 1800
Baduria - 50
Beldanga - 150

Tab le XLIII : Heteroc yst bear ing N- fi xing spp. of Blue -Green Algae found in dif ferent rice gro wing
so il s of W .B .

Location/ Fam il y Nagarukh ra Har inghata Kalyan i Nara yanpur Chakdah

Rivulariaceae - Calothrix - - -
Calothrix sp.
Nostacaceae Cylindrospermum Nostoc C. michailovskoense, Anabaena Anabaena
muscicola, Muscorum, C. muscicola, Variabilis, Orientalis,
C. licheniforme, Nostoc sp., Cylindrospermum Anabaena sp. A. oscillarioides,
Anabaena sp. C.Muscicola, Sp., Anabaena Anabaena sp.,
Nostoc sp. Anabaena sp. Spiroides, C. muscicola
Anabaena sp.,
Nostoc sp.
Scytonemataceae Camptylonemopsis - - - Scytonoma sp.
Microchaetaceae Microchaete sp - - - Microchaete
Microchaete sp.
Stigonemataceae - - - Hapalisiphon -
Mastigocladaceae - - - Mastigocladus -

Tab le XLIV : Phytopa rasi tic nematode biodive rs ity in ri ce based cropping syste m in W.B. at
dif fe rent agro cl ima ti c zones

Agroclimatic Cropping system Stage of Population density of different nematode species / 250 cc soil
region sampling (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Gangetic Rice-Jute-Rice Tillering 163 170 185 94 - 560
New alluvium (Rice)

Red and lateritic Rice-Wheat Panicle 171 - - - 114 869



Gangetic old Rice-Rice Tillering 165 - 215 - - 946

alluvium (Rice)

Table XL V : Phytopara sit ic nematode biodive rs ity in West Bengal under dif fe rent cropping
sy stem s

Cropp ing sy stem Population density of dif fe rent nematode spec ies / 200 cc soil
(1 ) (2) (3) (4 ) (5 ) (6) (7 )
Rice-Rice-Greenmanure 45 - 38 22 15 - 395
Rice-Mustard-Ladies finger 31 - 24 6 - - 543
Rice-Potato-Sesame 29 25 18 41 - 15 668
Rice-Potato-Groundnut 11 4 29 38 - 15 603
Rice-Rice-Rice 18 10 11 11 - - 355
Rice-Potato-Rice 27 70 48 - - 21 749
Rice-Wheat-Jute - 220 17 18 - 9 636
Rice-Cabbage-Rice 58 - 16 18 - 6 508
Rice-Mustard 36 - 32 28 - 5 647
1. Hirschmanniella oryzae, 2. Meloidogyne sp., 3. Hoplolaimus sp., 4. Helicotylenchus sp.,
5. Pratylenchus sp., 6. Tylenchorhynelous sp., 7. Saprozoic nematodes

Table XL VI: Ef fect of in secti cide s on the di ver sit y of mi cro flo ra in a r ice field soi l.

Treat ment Bacter ial Actino my cetes Fungi po pula tion N- fi xing bacte ri al P-so lubi li sing
populat ion populat ion (cfu x 10 /g soi l) pop ulation organ is ms (cfu x
(cfu x 10 5 /g soil ) (cfu x 10 5 /g soi l) (cfu x 10 4 /g soi l) 10 5 /g soil )
Ini tia l At Init ial At Init ial At Init ial At Init ial At
60d 60d 60d 60d 60d
Control 121 101 13 63 60
HCH 174 144 13 69 95
Phorate 102 153 75 132 8 14 40 68 44 86
Carbofuran 129 106 10 60 70
Fenvalerate 116 137 11 61 88


Tab le XL VII: Ef fect of insect ic ides on the occur rence of predo minant genera of mi cro -organ is ms
in ri ce field soi ls

Micro-organism No. of isolates HCH Phorate Carbofuran Fenvalerate

Bacte ria
Bacillus sp. 45 49 48 44 52
Micrococcus 8 9 11 10 7
Pseudomonas 7 7 3 4 4
Staphylococcus 8 3 2 6 3
Corynebacterium 1 0 1 3 1
Proteus 0 1 3 1 0
Azotobacter 1 1 0 1 0
Diplococcus 0 0 1 0 1
Lactobacillus 0 0 0 0 2
Erysipelothrix 0 0 1 1 0
Act inom ycetes
Streptomyces sp. 35 50 43 47 44
Nacardia sp. 29 19 23 20 24
Micromonospora sp. 6 1 4 3 2
Fung i
Aspergillus sp. 27 26 19 24 24
Penicillium sp. 23 10 19 18 15
Fusarium sp. 13 26 10 19 25
Trichoderma sp. 3 3 14 6 3
Rhizopus sp. 4 2 8 3 2
Helminthosporium sp. 0 3 0 0 0

Tab le XL VIII : Ef fect of dif ferent organ ic matter on m ic robia l diver si ty in so ils .

Treat ment Bacte ria l Ac tino my cetes Fung i N-fi xer P-s olub il is er S- ox idi ser
population population populat ion (cfu x 10 5 /g (c fu x 10 6 /g (c fu x 10 5 /g
(c fu x 10 6 /g (cfu x 10 5 /g (c fu x 10 5 /g so il ) soi l) soi l)
Control soi
22l) so26
il ) soi
75l) 77 23 5
Berseem Straw 67 97 95 150 51 13

Bagasse 59 70 109 109 35 11

Paddy Straw 40 65 88 108 37 10


IX. C 76 84 94 130 46 15
X. C 85 84 102 131 42 24
XI. I 59 101 109 105 35 25


There are certain broad-based overall strategies for addressing problems of soil biodiversity.

Ÿ Evolving better soil management techniques and putting an end to manipulating soil morphology for high value
crops like tea.
Ÿ Encourage R&D in soil bio-diversity.
Ÿ Encourage soil testing before growing season on a regular basis.
Ÿ Thrust on soil care by farmers.

Action Pl an

Ÿ Device sample soil-testing and regeneration officer, Agricultural officers in the Banks specially in
mechanisms by use of biological indicators. the rural sector, Representatives of local bodies,
Earthworm culture using indigenous species may be NGOs, Panchayat. Time frame: Yearly
useful as a first step.
Suggested actors: Agricultural Department, Ÿ Composting requires to be practised on a much
Government of West Bengal, Soil-scientists (State larger scale.
govt/ ICAR institutes located in the state), Suggested actors : Agricultural extension services,
Entomologists/ plant pathologists, Farmers who are Panchayats. Time frame : One year.
ready to experiment on their fields, WBCADC,
NGOs and Panchayat Institutions. Time frame: 5 Ÿ Soil and water conservation.
years. Suggested actors : WBCADC, Kalyani Krishi Vigyan
Kendra, Forest Department. Time frame : One year.
Ÿ Participatory meetings to be organised with local
bodies in the process of soil status report-yearly Ÿ Alteration of cropping pattern.
Suggested actors : Agriculture Department,
Suggested actors: Agriculture department, People
Agricultural Universities, Kalyani Krishi Vigyan
from the administrative arena of the state like Block
Kendra. Time frame : One year.
Development Officers/ agriculture development


In about a hundred years (1856 to 1949) because of will have to be read with the plight of very aggressive
excessive use of fertilisers on a pasture in England, number marketing of agro-chemicals by the corporate quarters that
of species of native plants were reduced from 49 to 3. do not hesitate to buy decisions in their favour to promote
Widespread use of chemicals based agriculture that was the sale. This situation is hardly enviable for those who care for
norm in England then, continues to be the norm in most nature and conservation of biodiversity. It is also well known
states in our country even today. West Bengal is no now that the ‘protected area’ approach is losing its
exception, despite the setbacks in terms of loss of variety, significance more and more as the primary method of
which has affected the entire spectrum of crops grown. A managing biodiversity. It will be in the non-forest areas
recent study of diminishing crop varieties in West Bengal, where the major thrust for biodiversity management
commissioned by the Department of Environment, shows programme will have to be positioned in future.
declining trends in availability of many native varieties Understandably, the agricultural fields will be the most
especially in rice. In a separate project also commissioned significant land use area where the future of biodiversity
by the Department of Environment in 2000, phenomenal rise management will have to meet the most formidable
in inorganic fertiliser application rate has been observed challenge. This is true for West Bengal and is also true for
along with declining yield and soil health. the country as a whole.

The traditional farmers, who are globally known to be the Agriculture is by far the most extensively practised activity in
only repository of varietal diversity of seeds are hardly left West Bengal. Ecological history of agricultural biodiversity
with very many incentives to carry on with their practices tends to separate the time into three sections:
which are increasingly losing out to the persistent advocacy pre-independence,
and monetary promise of modern agriculture. To match this diversity when the Green Revolution was on,
loss of diversity, the formal centers of seed preservation and biodiversity now.
(rice/ oil etc.) have shown a drastic fall in the number they
are now maintaining in the State. The completely rain-fed, organic and single-cropped pattern
of the pre-independence period went through a complete
While the defaulting industries which are releasing polluted overhaul during the days of the Green Revolution, when
waste, can be apprehended by the Pollution Control Board/ improved varieties, synthetic, inorganic inputs and
Department of Environment and be punished for non- mechanised techniques took over slowly but surely. This
compliance of the provisions of the Environmental Protection was due to a single important consideration – yield, at
Act, there is no legislative or regulatory provision for non- remunerative prices. This, however meant a lot of changes
point sources of pollution in our country. Very often, the in the agro-biodiversity of the entire landscape of West
agricultural fields, are non-point sources of pollution, as they Bengal, and a massive change in its land-use pattern. This
drain a large amount of unutilised chemicals and toxins. The also led to a gradual to rapid change in gene pool and
Department of Environment or for that matter the State varietal base, which became narrower with time.
Pollution Control Board does not have any tangible
instrument to regulate the overuse of agrochemicals. This


This chapter takes a look at the status of biodiversity and its In addition, there are two success stories of good
decline in West Bengal, and suggests appropriate measures conservation initiatives – one in the area of biofertilisers and
to conserve variety. There is a special note on weeds found the other on reviving biodiversity of a Medinipur wasteland
in the different agro-climatic zones, which are a very by the Rural Development Centre, Kharagpur.
important component of wild biodiversity. Horticulture being
of prime importance and having immense potential, has Since tea is an important commercial crop in West Bengal,
been dealt with elaborately, with separate statement on its problem has been treated separately, in accordance with
biodiversity status, current initiatives and future conservation the feedback from the people in separate meetings held in
measures required. North-Bengal.

Ag ro-climatic zones moderately high temperature, high humidity and rainfall

are almost of regular occurrence whereas a rainy day is
Int roduction rare in winter when clear sky, bright sunshine and low
temperature become usual features. During transitional
West Bengal is the only State in India which extends periods the weather is variable from day to day but
from the snowy peaks of the World’s loftiest mountain, during monsoon the condition of any one day is a fair
the Himalaya in the North to the Bay of Bengal in the sample of the season. Apart from the above regional
South. Although not very large in itself, its location in and seasonal variations in the climatic elements and
respect of land and water and varied topography weather phenomena, some areas have some definite
induces diverse climatic conditions. The South facing climatic trend also.
slopes of the Himalayas receive very heavy rainfall in
some places exceeding 5,000 mm, whereas in some All the above variations of climatic conditions coupled
areas of the relatively drier western districts of the State with soil are well reflected in the natural vegetation of
the average annual rainfall marginally exceeds 1,200 the land, which includes numerous varieties of species
mm. The western districts of the State suffer from beginning with mangrove along the coastal belt to
frequent ‘heat wave’ in summer months when maximum purely temperate flora over the Himalayas. Various
temperature frequently goes upto 45oC or even beyond, aspects of agricultural activity, cropping pattern,
whereas the northern hilly region comes under the grip productivity and occurrence of posts and diseases are
of intense cold during winter when the minimum also in tune with the above. Management of water, soil
temperature often drops below freezing point. The and land are also conditioned by climatic variations in
coastal areas of the State experience fierce cyclonic the State.
storms during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon months.
Droughts of different intensity are common in some The agro-climatic regions of West Bengal have been
areas while floods have become almost a regular shown in Colou r P late IV.
phenomena in others.
Seasonal Diversity
The distribution of precipitation, temperature, humidity,
cloudiness also register marked variations from one Depending on homogeneity of weather condition the
season to the other. During the monsoon cloudy sky year in West Bengal may broadly be divided into the
following four seasons :


1) Cold weather season or winter December – February Rabi
2) Hot weather season or summer March – May Pre-kharif
3) Southwest monsoon or Rainy June – September Kharif
4) Retreating monsoon or ‘Hemanta’ October – November Maturity and harvesting of kharif and field
preparation and sowing of Rabi crops


Compiled for present publication

Cold Weather Season or Winter West Bengal receives 6% to 18% of the total annual
rainfall during the season. The main source of rainfall
Weather of the winter season is characterised by low during the season is from the well known ‘Norwesters’.
temperature, clear skies, inclined but bright sunshine, The amount of rainfall gradually increases along with
light, variable northerly wind which is dry and chilly. Fog the progress of the season. Average summer rain in the
frequently occur where and when the humidity is high. State varies from 95 mm at Para in Purulia to 680 mm
In the coastal areas sea fog frequently invade inland.It at Gorubathan in Darjiling. Cultivation of Jute, Aus
is the season of low temperature. January is the coldest Paddy, summer pulses, oilseeds and vegetables in the
month in the brief winter season lasting from December State depend largely on the distribution of summer rain.
to February. The mean daily temperature of the winter
season varies from a little over 21oC along the coastal South- West Monsoon or Ra iny Season
belt of the south to 16oC in the northern margin of the The southwest monsoon is the principal feature in the
plains of Darjiling and Jalpaiguri in the north. In the hills climate of West Bengal as well as the main denominator
temperature decreases rapidly with increasing of the prosperity of the State and its agro-economy.
elevation. Minimum temperature over the plains of
North Bengal often drops up to 4 to 5oC and over the This season is characterised by uniform temperature with
Gangetic West Bengal 6 oC - 7oC following the passage minimum diurnal range almost throughout the entire
of the Western disturbances. tenure of the season. Average temperature of the season
over the State from the coastal belt up to the plains of
This is the driest season of the year which contributes Jalpaiguri and Koch Bihar varies from 28oC to 29oC.
1.1 to 3.6 % of the total annual rainfall of different
districts and the amount varies from 21.6 mm at Tapan This is the well-known rainy season in the State which
to 121.7 mm at Gorubathan in the Sub-Himalayan West contributes 73 to 81 % of total annual rainfall of different
Bengal and 32.2 mm at Memari-II to 69.9 mm at districts within 48 to 88 rainy days. The amount of rainfall
Taldangra in Gangetic West Bengal. varies from 970 mm at Burabazar in Purulia to 3914 mm
at Gorubathan in Darjiling.
Hot We ather Season or Summer
By the second week of June the whole of West Bengal
The summer is proceeded by a somewhat insignificant comes under the influence of the Bay of Bengal branch
spring season which is rather a period of transition of the monsoon current. The monsoon is a period of
between the winter and the summer. It is a period of general rain with intervals of comparatively dry weather.
extreme heat which gradually increases day by day, The districtwise figure of normal rainfall in West Bengal
reaching the maximum in May. During the season the has been shown in Annexure X.
western plateau fringe becomes the hottest place where
the average temperature lies above 30 oC. To the east it Ret reat ing Monsoon or ‘He manto’
is slightly lower and along the coastal belt it is also low
due to the moderating affect of the sea. To the north the The season of retreating monsoon is a period of
average summer temperature gradually decreases from transition between the warm rainy monsoon and the dry
28oC in Maldah to 20oC up to margins of the hills. May cool winter. The change begins in the early October after
is the hottest month everywhere when the average daily the withdrawal of monsoon and is usually completed by
maximum temperature lies above 38oC along the the end of November.
Western part. Maximum temperature frequently
exceeds 40oC specially in the western districts during The clear autumn weather following the termination of
April and May. the monsoon rains is accompanied by a rapid fall of
temperature. Minimum temperature drops more steadily
than the maximum, creating a larger diurnal range. The


mean temperature of October is about 2oC lower than the

mean temperature of September but the change from This region occupies only 2.8 % of the total area of the
October to November is still larger. State extending over 8 agricultural blocks in Darjiling,
Kalimpong and Kurseong Sub-division of Darjiling
The monsoon withdraws from West Bengal after some district. Although the average annual rainfall of this
intermittent action in the first half of October. Rainfall zone is 3045 mm it varies widely depending on the
gradually ceases to occur over most part of the State location of a place with respect to height and slope.
except the coastal areas, where the amount of cyclonic Gorubathan located on the south facing slope in
rain is fairly high. This season shares with 5oC to 10oC of Kalimpong sub-division receives average annual rainfall
the average annual rainfall of different districts which of 5007.8 mm, Pulbazar on the other hand records
varies from 80 mm to 290 mm in different parts of the 1895.4 mm average annual rainfall due to its location
State. on the leeward side. Temperature also varies widely
due to variation in height. Annual average precipitation
The sky becomes gradually clear with some white is much higher than the potential evapotranspiration
patches of floating cumulus clouds. This is the season of and the span of growing season (when precipitation
cyclones specially in the coastal belt. During cyclonic exceeds half the potential evapotranspiration) is large
storms and depressions the sky remains overcast with which varies from 200 to 280 days. This zone covers
low cloud which persists for days together along with two distinct climatic regions – (a) Super humid montane
gusty winds and rain specially in the coastal areas. southern slope and (b) Humid montane northern slope.

The nights start becoming cooler as the days’ heat is Te rai-Ti sta Allu via l Zone
radiated out fast through the clear, night skies. There is
much dew in the morning which is caused by sudden This zone occupies 14 % of the total land area and
drop in temperature at night. extends over 31 agricultural blocks covering whole of
Jalpaiguri and Koch Bihar, parts of Siliguri sub-division
Reg ional Di ver sit y; of Darjiling and Islampur Sub-division of Uttar Dinajpur.
Amount of rainfall increases from about 1600 mm at
The State has been divided into 6 agro-climatic zones as Karandighi in the south to 4035 mm at Kumargram in
follows : the north. Annual average precipitation exceeds by
more than 1000 to 2000 mm over the average potential
 Northern Hill Zone evapotranspiration and the length of growing season
varies from 180 to 220 days. This zone embraces two
 Terai-Tista Alluvial zone climatic zones viz: Super humid Terai and Humid
 Gangetic Alluvial zone
Gangetic Allu via l Zone
 Vindhyan Alluvial zone
This zone occupies 19.7 % total area of the State
covering 92 agricultural blocks of 9 agricultural districts
 Undulating Red and Lateritic zone and
from Uttar Dinajpur to South 24-Parganas mainly to the
east of river Hugli in South Bengal. Average annual
 Coastal saline zone
rainfall of the zone is 1494 mm which varies from 1265
mm to 1858 mm within the zone. Average annual
There is no doubt that the above classification is primarily
precipitation is almost equal to the potential
based on soil and terrain but the zones differ among
evapotranspiration in its central part but exceeds to its
themselves by the variation in climate and weather
northern and southern part. Length of growing season
varies from 160 to a little above 180 days. This zone

No rthe rn Hill Zone


includes parts of Humid interior, Semi humid north and mainly along the western part. This zone receives an
south and Sub-humid east. average annual rainfall of 1413 mm which varies
between 1219 mm and 1644 mm over its different parts.
Vi ndhyan Alluvia l Zone This is the zone where the average annual precipitation
is less than the average annual potential
The Vindhyan Alluvial zone also extends in a north- evapotranspiration. Here the growing season is around
south direction to the west of river Hugli and occupies 140 days and this zone broadly corresponds the
14.4 % total area of the State covering 67 agricultural remaining part of the Sub-Humid west climatic zone.
blocks spread over 10 agricultural districts. This zone Coastal Saline Zone
receives an average annual rainfall of 1472 mm which
varies from 1244 mm to 1955 mm over its different This region occupies 17.1 % of the total land area
parts. Average annual precipitation in general is almost covering 53 agricultural blocks of 4 agricultural districts
equal to or slightly less than the potential all along the coastal belt. Average annual rainfall of this
evapotranspiration. Length of growing season is around zone is 1743 mm which varies from 1535 mm to 1919
160 days and this zone includes three climatic zones mm over its different parts. Average annual precipitation
like Semi Humid north, Semi Humid south and parts of exceeds by more than 200 mm over the average annual
Sub-Humid west. potential evapotranspiration. Here the length of growing
Undu lating Red And Lateritic Zone period varies from 160 to 180 days. This zone broadly
corresponds with the Humid coastal climatic region of
This zone occupies 32 % of the total land area covering the State.
84 agricultural blocks spread over 6 agricultural districts

Land Use Pattern

According to the report on Status of Agriculture in West account for more than 93% of farming community. About
Bengal, 2000, net cultivated area in West Bengal is about 61% of the geographical area (88.75 lakh hectare) is
54.71 lakh hectares. Total number of cultivators is 65.47 available for agriculture, of which about 95 per cent is
lakh and per cultivator availability of net sown area actually under agricultural use and 5% is uncultivable
comes to about 0.85 hectare. Due to continuous division wasteland including current fallow. Approximately 13.4
and fragmentation of cultivated land, larger capital per cent of the land area has forest cover.
investment for development in the agriculture sector is
gradually becoming less remunerative. A striking feature Agro-climatic zone wise land use statistics of West
of the state agriculture is that 72% of the cultivated land Bengal is presented in Table XLIX .
is in the hands of small and marginal farmers who

Tab le XLIX : Land Use Statis ti cs ( area in ha ) 1999 - 2000, W est Bengal


Land under misc. tree

Permanentp pastures

Fallow Land Other Than Current Fallow

Under non-agricultural use Area

Barren and unculturablel

WasteLand Culturable

sown Net area

area Reporting

Current fallow
area Forest

Groves not included in net area


and other grazing

Northern Hill 241543 113401 13333 4504 1216 1797 1615 4874 4622 96181

Terai-Teesta 1216367 196130 186529 4783 336 20545 1595 1893 17958 786598

Gangetic 1714530 2227 418085 2246 155 13368 4218 654 24409 1249168

Vindhyan 1247216 14933 244689 1094 180 5581 6671 2015 6359 965694

Coastal Saline 1484944 427520 234262 1344 131 10435 1609 2309 9021 798313

Undulating Red 2784432 437741 534310 13757 3186 24750 26491 22516 145928 1575753
& Lateritic

Tota l 868903 119195 163120 27728 5204 76476 4219 9 34261 208297 547170
2 2 8 7
Source: Status Of Agriculture in West Bengal, 2000
Recent (1999-2000) information of cultivable area, net cropped, gross cropped area (hectare) and cropping intensity
(per cent) of the state are presented in Tab le L .

Tab le L : Cult ivab le area, net cropped area, gross cropped area & cropping intens ity of West
Bengal, 1999-2000

Cu lti vable Net c ropped Gross cropped Cropping

Di str ic t Area Area Area Intensit y
(ha ) (ha) (ha) (Pe r cent)


Darjiling 166871 147986 173672 117

Jalpaiguri 346063 333158 510923 153

Coochbehar 260492 246121 498569 203

Dinajpur ( N ) 270701 260538 486432 187

Dinajpur ( S ) 196185 192390 298258 155

Maldah 304252 281281 440127 156

Murshidabad 423948 417997 879055 210

Nadia 320935 309329 769126 249

24-Pgs (N) 268263 262043 548090 209

24-Pgs (S) 403849 387610 571845 148

Haora 93706 88085 181660 206

Hugli 230249 225712 495856 220

Burdwan 477343 456751 872844 191

Birbhum 342399 330619 515514 156

Bankura 397731 349590 523165 150

Puruliya 438406 328133 361237 110

Medinipur (W) 516572 485648 792259 163

Medinipur (E) 374975 368716 626731 170

West Bengal 5832940 5471707 9545363 174

Source: Estimatesof Area & Production of Principal Crops in West Bengal, Directorate of Agriculture, Govt. of West
Bengal, 1999-2000


In the preceding decades, the land-pattern in our State had drastically changed. Almost entire arable land has been
brought under the cultivation of Cash-crops and also under Multiple-cropping. As a result, area of traditional pasture-land
has almost vanished. Our state is fodder deficient. Against an annual requirement of 92.6 thousand M/T only 18.78
thousand M/T of green-Fodder is produced. Land available for fodder cultivation in west Bengal is only 1.18%.
Considering all these aspects, Animal Resources Development Department has decided to give emphasis on
establishment/revival/strengthening of pasture land as a means to combat the situation at least to some extent. The
Department proposes to adopt from current financial year Silvi Pasture system in waste and degraded land.

Crop P roduction

Rice, wheat and pulses constitute the major foodgrain crops of the state, while varieties of oilseeds, potato, jute and
sugarcane are other important agricultural crops. Among horticultural crops, vegetables, fruits and flowers occupy
important position.

Dive rs ity at c rop and var ieta l le vels in agri cultu re


Background information It was seen that rummaging through the old records
available in the district agricultural offices, very scanty
Diversity in agriculture has been a matter of concern for information was available for the pre-independence
some time now. More so, when scores of high yielding period, so old farmers with mental alertness were
and hybrid varieties of different crops have entered the selected in each village sampled. The villages were
field, slowly replacing the old indigenous types. While visited and the old farmers were interrogated with
replacement of old poor yielding indigenous types in assistance from the relatively younger villagers who
the different crops, particularly food crops, was could remember what crops and varieties used to be
imperative in view of deficiency in food crop production, cultivated during the pre-Independence period. The
with it several ill effects are also being observed due to information emanating from the interrogation was
lack of judicious management of these highly collected and compiled. The main difficulty was with
productive varieties. Hence along with appropriate rice as there were so many indigenous and improved
management, conservation of old indigenous types is indigenous varieties under cultivation that the farmers
also required so that future breeders utilise the could not remember a great many of them. In crops
valuable source offered by the indigenous types however there was no difficulty as in most cases only
developed after enduring the stress of natural selection non-descript indigenous types were under cultivation.
over ages. Hence for rice the records kept at the Rice Research
Station, Chinsura were consulted and information
Agricultural diversity has to be considered from two available recorded.
angles: (1) crop diversity, and (2) varietal diversity. It
has to be assessed first what was the spectrum of Availing this opportunity of interrogating the farmers
diversity earlier and what is it now. other questions were also asked, which were:
A cut off point needs to be fixed which from a realistic
view was taken to be the independence of the country. Reaction of the farmers towards the high yielding and
hybrid varieties,
With this objective in view a project “Studies of the Views of the farmers regarding requirement and use of
Diminishing Species Diversity in Agriculture in West chemical fertilisers, pesticides, and irrigation water, as
Bengal“ was commissioned by the Department of well as trend of using organic manure,
Environment. As a result of the studies conducted, a Farmer’s views about essentiality of applying organic
somewhat acceptable picture of the status of crop and manures in conjunction with chemical fertilisers and the
varietal diversity existing in the state during pre- way this can be made available to them.
Independence period and after Independence has
emerged. The study required extensive survey in the Questions about other related topics were also asked
districts covering all the blocks. But that extensive and the farmers’ views recorded.
survey could not be undertaken due to the limited
scope under the project. Results of investigations

Methodology The results of the studies made are dealt in two parts.
The first part relates to the information collected on the
While the districts were not sampled, blocks had to be status of crop and varietal diversities during pre- and
sampled restricting it into three per district. Then again post-Independence periods. The second part is about
the villages under each sampled block had to be the farmers’ reactions to the questions asked other
sampled on the basis of high, medium and low land than those about crop and varietal diversity.
situations for cultivation of crops. However, the number
of villages sampled was not fixed, it varied from district (A) Status of crop and varietal diversity during the two
to district. periods under consideration


1. Number of crops cultivated during pre-

Independence period was by and large as it is 2. Number of indigenous varieties, particularly in rice
now. was remarkably higher earlier than it is now.

3. The indigenous rice varieties now are restricted to

such areas only for which high yielding varieties
are not available. In all medium, medium-low and
partly high land where irrigation water has been
made available, only HYV or hybrid varieties are

4. Thus while during pre-Independence period 1015

indigenous and improved indigenous varieties
were in cultivation, at present only 255 are in the
field. These numbers however, are not absolute as
the survey work could not be conducted as
extensively as it was necessary. At present it is
estimated that the indigenous and improved
indigenous varieties together occupy 30 per cent
of the total kharif area while the remaining 70 per
cent is occupied by the HYVs and hybrid varieties
taken together. Besides, 100 per cent of the boro
rice area is covered only by short duration HYVs.

5. In other crops of importance like pulses, oilseeds,

sugarcane, potato, jute etc., while in the pre-
Independence period mostly non-descript local
varieties were in cultivation, there has been a sea
of change after Independence. Wherever
available, the crops are all of better yielding
varieties developed either within the state or
introduced from other states

6. Following an urge to produce more, catchy

varieties have been introduced from neighbouring
countries, ignoring the advice of the Department of
Agriculture. Saket-4 variety of rice is a case in
point. This variety was introduced by the farmers
of the districts adjoining Bangladesh. Being highly
susceptible to blast disease this variety caused
havoc in the field. However, there are also other
examples of introduction of beneficial varieties at
the initiative of the farmers. China Boro from
Bangladesh is extensively cultivated in Koch Bihar
and Jalpaiguri districts. This has not inflicted any
damage on the farmer’s production level.


7. A bold seeded mustard variety Varuna was 2. Out of an urge to produce more, the practice of
planted by the farmers. Its cultivation had to be using organic manures is being overlooked.
discontinued later as this variety needed some Further, as the rural bovine population is gradually
special management that the farmers could not decreasing, the availability of cowdung manure is
afford. also on the wane. Tractors and power tillers are
now available on hire for which land preparation
8. A scented variety of mung i.e. Sonamung is going has become easier and quicker. Though tilling of
to be lost as being poor in productivity and highly soil by bullock driven plough is cheaper, small
susceptible to yellow mosaic virus, this variety has farmers do not favour the upkeep of bullocks due
been pushed to a backseat. The germplasm of to high cost of cattle feed and non-availability of
this variety is a treasure in the germplasm stock at pasture.
the disposal of the entire country as it is perhaps
the only mung variety endowed with a 3. Further, due to fuel scarcity in rural areas
characteristic scent. whatever cowdung is produced is all burnt. This
9. The short duration indigenous toria, part of the has added to the problem of availability of farm
natural diversity in its centre of origin – the foothills yard manure (FYM).
of the Himalayas – is facing extinction due to the
urge of the farmers for higher productivity in 4. Farmer’s feel the problem can be addressed to a
rapeseed, Brassica campestris and subsequent substantial extent if the drive for rural composting
adoption of yellow sarson in its place. is revived. The farm refuse, cowdung, poultry litter,
and the huge tonnage of weeds removed from the
10. Sabui and Babui grass used particularly by the field to keep the cultivated land clean can be used
tribals living in the driver parts of the state are for preparing compost.
slowly disappearing . The grasses were used for
making rope and other articles of household utility. 5. Farmers are well aware of the essentiality of using
They no longer find favour with the tribals after organic manure in conjunction with chemical
synthetic fibre made rope are available in the fertilisers to get the best result.
market. The rope made out of these grasses were
considered to be handier and stable than ropes 6. The disappearance of agriculturally beneficial
made of jute, sunhemp, mesta etc. Further, the creatures like toads, frogs, earthworms, small
growing of these grasses does not require any fishes in the rice fields etc was related to the non-
special cultivational practice. judicious use of pesticides, ignoring the
recommended dose and frequency of application.
11. Gangajali variety of wheat, a durum wheat, known The loss of small fish is felt very gravely by the
to withstand moisture stress in the soils, is hardly farmers as these used to provide food to the poor
visible after the HYVs of wheat have invaded the farming community.
cultivated arena. This precious genotype is getting
lost. 7. Farmers were of the view that indiscriminate use
of pesticides has led to the disappearance of the
(B) Farmer’s reactions beneficial insects, allowing harmful insects to
multiply and spread in the crop fields.
1. High yielding varieties particularly rice, require 8. Note: This is not fully acceptable as the view that
greater use of chemical fertilisers, irrigation water new insects have appeared with the destruction of
and pesticides. Indiscriminate use of chemical beneficial insects is not true. The insects
fertilisers and pesticides is causing disturbance in commonly found now existed earlier also. They
environment and soil health. have flourished due to intensive cropping.


9. Introduction of high yielding varieties has changed

the rural social character and has been 10. Modern agricultural technology has provided
instrumental in providing more employment to the solutions to many problems. Short duration
rural agricultural labourers. Further, higher varieties have made it possible to take up
production being the need of the day to keep pace intensive cropping system.
with the steady growth of population, a
compromise has to be reached. 11. Land shaping techniques followed in South 24
Parganas have enabled the farmers to convert the
chronically mono-cropped areas to at least double
cropped, that too with vegetables, raising the
economic level of the farmer. Similarly, soil
amendment techniques in the highly acid soil
areas of the state has enabled the farmers to grow
crops of choice and need.

Action Plans suggested

This may be discussed in two parts, one relating to

conservation of genetic wealth and the other on the
steps to take according to the farmers’ views and
related matters.

(A) Conservation of genetic wealth available in

indigenous material

1. Indigenous rice varieties that are not found in the

field, should be conserved. Before starting the
conservation process a fresh and extensive
survey has to be conducted. This will take into
account the existing varieties still cultivated in the
remote areas where modern agricultural
technology has not yet percolated or due to
economic reasons high yielding varieties cannot
be grown. These materials should be collected
and added to the repository, after checking the list
of already available genetic wealth which are
being maintained.
Actor: Department of Agriculture, Govt of West
Time frame: (i) Survey- 3 years (ii) Collection and
conservation - 5 years


2. Earlier a large number of scented indigenous and Actor: Department of Agriculture

improved indigenous varieties of rice used to be Time frame: 5 years
grown. Presently, very few of them are in the field,
presumably due to their poor yielding ability. All 3. Sonamung, a scented indigenous variety of mung
such scented varieties are to be conserved.It is should be collected and conserved as it is the only
necessary to check whether the characteristic scented mung in the country. Sonamung also
scent will be retained if these scented varieties are does not express its characteristic scent in places
conserved in an area other than where it used to other than where it is grown at present viz. specific
be grown. One example will amply demonstrate areas in the districts of Malda and Nadia. Hence
this concern. Tulai Parigi, a scented variety of location-based repositories are to be established.
South Dinajpur, does not express its scented Actor: Department of Agriculture
character even in the nearby district of Time frame: 3 years
Murshidabad. Under such circumstances,
location-based repositories are to be established. 4. Naturally occurring diversity of toria, Brassica
campestris, found in its centre of origin near the
foothills of the Himalayas, has to be conserved by
collecting the available material and maintaining in
the relevant research centre.
Actor: Department of Agriculture
Time frame: 3 years

5. Mash and Biri Kalai used to be extensively

cultivated earlier. With the availability of better
yielding erect and photo-insensitive types, these
have been pushed to back seat. These indigenous
types are endowed with capability of growing in
adverse climatic conditions and the seeds have a
high content of oligosaccarhide that is useful for
preparation of some split pulse products so
popular with the consumers. These types require
to be conserved.
Actor: Department of Agriculture
Time frame: 3 years

6. Mashiam Kalai in hills is a very hardy and stable

pulse for hilly areas where very few other kinds of
pulses can be grown due to high acidic content of
soils. Other crops are slowly replacing this pulse
and it is not unlikely that in future this crop may
lose its identity. This indigenous crop variety
should be conserved.
Actor: Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya
Research Centre, Kalimpong and Department of
Time frame: 2 years


7. A wild maize type was located in Darjiling and Actor: Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya
Sikkim hills in the 60s by the Indian Agricultural Research Centre, Kalimpong and Department of
Research Institute (IARI). This was considered to Agriculture
be one of the progenitors of cultivated maize and Time frame: 3 years
was found to possess some useful characters
worthy of being incorporated into the cultivated 8. A durum wheat variety Gangajali, capable of
maize. The seeds may be collected and growing well under rainfed condition and having
conserved. excellent chapati-making quality used to be grown
in Malda. With the availability of HYVs of wheat
this variety finds no place at present excepting in
the fields of some interested farmers. This variety
requires to be conserved.
Actor: Department of Agriculture
Time frame: 2 years

Actions to be taken according to farmers’ views and

related matters

1. Special drive to develop rural composting using

farm and household refuse, cowdung, and weeds
removed from the cultivated land, coupled with
restoration of the practice of growing green
manure crops with short duration legumes like
mung, cowpea and others.
Actor: Department of Agriculture
Time frame: 2 years
2. Growing of Azola in village tanks and ponds for
subsequent application in the field.
Actor: Department of Agriculture and relevant non-
government organisations (NGOs)
Time frame: 5 years

3. Drive to extensively use bio-fertilisers with special

stress on B.G.A.
Actors: Department of Agriculture, Bidhan
Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV) and
relevant NGOs
Time frame: 5 years and should be regular

4. Application of effective strains of Brady Rhizobium

to pulse crops, particularly when a pulse crop is
intended to be taken in an area where earlier no
such pulse crop was grown. Effective nodulating
strains require to be given.
Actors: Department of Agriculture, Bidhan
Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV)
Time frame: 2 years


8. Balanced farming was advocated by the

5. Sabui and Babui grass plants to be conserved Department of Agriculture quite some time ago.
Actors: Department of Agriculture Such balanced farming will involve use of use of
Time frame: 1 year) organic manures, green manures, bio-fertilisers
like BGA, Azotobacter, Brady Rhizobium,
6. The seed size of Benoy, a rapeseed variety phosphate solubilising bacteria etc. as well as
popular amongst the farmers, is found to have chemical fertilisers. By this the efficacy of N, P, K
deteriorated. Seed size improvement programme intake as well as soil health will improve.
requires to be taken up immediately by utilising Actors: Department of Agriculture
the natural variability in the plants. Time frame: it should be a continuous process
Actors: Department of Agriculture
Time frame: 6 to 7 years) 9. In view of the possible bad effects of high doses of
chemical fertilisers and pesticides beyond the
7. Farmers may be trained about the vermiculture recommended levels, farmers must be educated
technique developed at BCKV and followed by about the Integrated Pest Management
some NGOs. This will add organic matter as well techniques to keep pest attacks at bay.
as earthworms to the soil, to supplement use of Actor: Department of Agriculture
organic manures. Time frame: This should be a continuous process
Actors: Department of Agriculture and BCKV till the farmers are educated
Time frame: 3-4 years
10. Soil testing facilities should be expanded from the
present level, by establishing mobile testing
laboratories. This way, the farmers themselves will
learn how to minimise the use of chemical
Actor: Department of Agriculture
Time frame: This should be a continuous process

The Chal leng e of Conse rving Horticultur al Biod iversity in W est B enga l

I. I n t ro d u ct io n : from Peru or Mexico. Some of the crops came with

voyagers and some others with travellers and
Commercial horticulture in West Bengal started as an invaders. Scientists, farmers and institutions
extension of home-gardens. Nawabs, Zamindars, introduced and evolved a large number of varieties of
kings and the wealthy people promoted gardening with horticultural crops in course of time by selection from
indigenous and exotic collections as a symbol of natural sources, breeding or from exotic sources.
nobility. Home gardens and subsistence horticulture Consequently, the varietal treasure was very rich in
have been a continued programme among colour, flavour, taste and all other quality attributes.
communities since time immemorial. Vegetables and
fruits for home consumption are supplied from such Many of the introduced varieties existed in cultivation
gardens only in remote areas having no organised for a short period and were replaced by better ones
market. Home gardens and subsistence horticulture after some time. There exists a continuous process in
have been a continued programme among commercial horticulture. With increase in population,
communities since time immemorial. Vegetables and
fruits for home consumption are supplied from such pressure on land multiplied, search for higher yielding
gardens only in remote areas having no organised types intensified, and thus old varieties even with
market. Many of the new species and varieties of excellent rare qualities were slowly pushed out by new
fruits, vegetables, flowers have been introduced from high yielding varieties. Apart from human
other countries. For example, papaya came to India interventions, there were other biotic and abiotic
from Central America, pineapples from Brazil, tomato


stresses acting on the system like pests, diseases, Analysis of ongoing development programmes is
environmental hazards etc. Wide variability in many necessary to find the gaps. Most of the programmes
crops like mango, citrus, banana, some of the flowers, aim at distribution of seeds, plants, equipment and
etc. was due to existence of a large number of wild other materials for introducing or popularising a few
relatives in India and nearby countries. varieties selected centrally. There is hardly any scope
There are many horticultural crop species. Fruits, of participation of farmers in planning. Peoples’
vegetables, flowers, spices, plantation crops, participation alongwith decentralised planning is, on
medicinal and aromatic plants are generally in the fold the other hand, considered as the appropriate course
of horticulture. However, some plantation crops like of action for a sustained programme for conservation
tea, coffee, rubber and cocoa are dealt with separately of biodiversity in horticulture.
for their great industrial and commercial importance.
Multiplicity of varieties in each of the said crop species It has been stated under the action plan that general
has added to the complexity of the issue. awareness among public and people’s participation
Conservation of all existing and dwindling genotypes are essential for preserving the diversity in
is a gigantic task. horticulture. Under alternative action plans, one of
them is “Viswavidyalays will involve NGOs, local
Fruits and vegetables, known as protective foods, are bodies, voluntary organisations (VOs) and other
strongly recommended in daily diet for health care associations of the area”. In the institutional structure
because these are rich sources of essential envisaged for conservation of biodiversity, a zonal
constituents biodiversity conservation centre, an organisation of
like minerals, vitamins, enzymes, etc. in addition to the people, NGOs and the government has been
carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Ever since the early conceived. This organisation may be set up at zonal or
human beings started gathering roots and fruits from dictrict level.
forests at the dawn of civilisation, these crops became
inseparably bonded with culture and customs of Under the specific project proposal with reference to
mankind especially in India. These were used in horticulture (A n n e xu re X I ), an amount of Rs 10 lakh
religious offerings, in social gatherings, parties and has been shown as cost of awareness campaign.
also as valuable gifts. Spice crops had been in use
not only for adding taste and flavour to foods but also Conservation of biodiversity is a global issue
to preserve for future use. Spice was a precious trade extending across all ecosystems and habitats.
item to early voyagers from Europe. Flowers were Developed countries owe an ecological debt to the
used in every household not only for decoration and developing countries and industrially prosperous
beautification but also for various religious areas within a country owe a similar debt to those in
performances, from birth until death. Relationship of ecologically handicapped areas. The people at large
medicinal plants with mankind needs no mention. should be made to understand the concept through
training, publicity, meetings and media reports.
Horticultural crops, apart from supplying nutrition,
satisfy demand for taste, flavour, aesthetic beauty etc. In West Bengal 62.9% of the total geographical area is
This is possible because of existence of innumerable sown which is much above the national average.
varieties. In other words, an important basic issue in Finding new area for cropping to feed the expanding
utility of horticultural crops is in the existence of wide population is becoming more and more difficult.
diversity in quality, colour, flavour, taste, etc. Loss in Therefore, increasing crop productivity by popularising
diversity reduces ability to satisfy in general. Some high yielding varieties and hybrids is the most
varieties were introduced and some others occurred predominant strategy in almost all the development
as a consequence of natural phenomena. In course of programmes. Hence, the diverse varietal base is
time the varieties were distributed and then flourished gradually narrowing. But at the same time the
in preferred agro-climatic zones. demand for quality is increasing. Biotic and biotic
stresses coupled with human intervention are


continuously changing the scenario of biodiversity in Phytochemicals Corporation of the Govt. of West
horticulture. Overemphasis on a few genotypes may Bengal.
lead the farmers to a disastrous situation in future.
Conserving biodiversity against this backdrop is thus a ii Te ra i Zo n e
challenging task.
The districts of Jalpaiguri and Coochbehar and the
The study of the biodiversity in horticultural crops in northern fringe of Uttar Dinajpur district may be
the state of West Bengal will include identifying included in this zone. Normal rainfall is as high as
reasons for loss, if any, the impact of the loss and 4136 mm in Jalpaiguri and 3193 mm in Coochbehar.
suggesting measures for conserving the biodiversity. This terrain has characteristic light acidic soil,
turbulent rivers and waterways. Predominant soil type
II. A g ro - cl im a t e a n d a g r icu lt u re : is sandy loam. It is subjected to high rate of soil
erosion from sloppy land as well as flush floods. In
As stated earlier, West Bengal is divided into three general soil fertility status is low. The pH of soil
agro-climatic regions and six agro-climatic zones. A ranges between 4.2 and 6.5.
brief account of important zones in relation to Tea is the most important plantation crop. Pineapple
horticulture is given below. Area and production of grows on 9 to 10 thousand ha. The area supplies
horticultural crops in the state have been presented in 28% of pineapples produced in the whole country.
A n n e xu re X I I & X I I I . Jackfruit, lemon, mangoes, guava, coconut, arecanut
and banana are grown in small orchards or home-
i. Hi ll zo n e : gardens. Major vegetables are tomato, cabbage,
cauliflower, brinjal, cucumber, lady’s finger, pumpkin,
Three hill subdivisions of Darjiling district constitute colocasia, amaranthus, beans, sponge gourd, ridge
this zone. High rainfall (3212 mm), cool humid climate, gourd etc. Ginger, turmeric, chili, minor seed spices
sloppy land, brown forest soil, rich in undecomposed like black cumin, coriander are also cultivated.
organic matter, light texture, acidic reaction are Marigold, Chinarose, season flowers may be seen
characteristic features of this area. Soil is subjected growing in small plots and home-gardens. Tea
to heavy erosion. The pH ranges between 4.2 and 5.8. planters introduced many crops in this area. A
number of medicinal plants grow in this region.
Excellent quality mandarin orange grows on about Citronella and lemon grass are also found in terai
2000 ha at a height below 2000 m. Cabbages, region.
cauliflower, radish, peas and beans, tomato,
cucumbers, potato, chow chow are important i ii A l lu via l Zo n e
vegetables. Orchids, gladioli and bulbous flowers
grow luxuriantly. Many ornamental and foliage plants, The alluvial zone extends from Uttar Dinajpur to South
cacti and succulents are also grown in numerous 24 Parganas and includes both Ganga alluvium and
nurseries. Many playhouses have been erected in Vindya alluvium soils. In this vast plain rainfall is
Kalimpong area for commercial floriculture. about 1500 mm and climate moderate.
Production of vegetable seeds, flower seeds and
bulbs has been taken up by many. Ginger and large Ganga alluvium soils contain high proportion of fine
cardamom are the two spices grown in this area. sand, silt and clay loam in low situations. The soil in
Some plants of plum, peach and pear are grown in general is neutral in reaction. But Vindya alluvium soil
small home-gardens. The hill region has special is coarse in upland but fine in medium and low land. It
importance in the horticultural scenario of the state. is slightly acidic, pH 5.0 to 7.0.
Tea is of great importance in the economy of the area. Mango is the predominant fruit crop of this zone
Eastern Himalayas is a rich source of medicinal distributed mainly in the deep alluvial soils on the two
plants. There are two plantations of cinchona and sides of the river Ganges and the Bhagirathi. Banana
dioscorea under the Pharmaceuticals and is the next important crop. Papaya, litchi, guava,


limes, lemon and coconut are other fruit crops. amaranthus are other important vegetables. Potato is
Potato, brinjal, lady’s finger, cucurbit vegetables, cultivated in all the districts. Sweet potato, ‘Shank
(cucumber, pumpkin, ridge gourd, snake gourd, Alllu’, ‘Mete Alu’, different types of beans are also
sponge gourd, palwal etc.) colocasia, leafy grown. Commercial cultivation of flowers is not
vegetables, tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, sweet common. However, rose gardens are coming up with
pepper, peas and beans, radish, are major vegetables promise. Many medicinal plant species are found in
widely grown in different parts of this region. Hugli, crop fields, bushes, forest areas, tank banks and
Midnapur and Barddhamandistricts together contribute homesteads. Among spices chilli and coriander are
2/3rd of potatoes of the state. Chili, turmeric, ginger, grown.
minor seed spices are also cultivated. Commercial
cultivation of flowers is popular in parts of Midnapur, v Co a st a l Zo n e
Nadia, Haora and North 24 Parganas districts.
Ornamental and fruit plants are produced in nurseries A stretch of 11.42 lakh ha coastal zone lies in
near Kolkata in this zone. Medicinal plants occur in Midnapur (East), South 24 Parganas and Haora
forests, homesteads, tankbanks, odd plots, bushes, districts. Annual rainfall in this area is 1750 mm on
roadsides and borders of crop fields in this zone. In average and the monthly mean relative humidity
each of the major crops a large number of varieties varies between 68 and 82%. Mean maximum and
are available. Wide variations are found in colour, minimum temperatures are 28.2 to 34C and 16 to
size, quality, and form as well as in other 26C. Thus the climate is milder.
characteristics of the crops in this zone.
The soil is alluvial, partly saline with alkali patches.
iv We st e rn L a t e r it i c Zo n e The pH is between 7.0 and 8.5. About 86% is clay
loam to heavy clay and the rest sandy loam to loam.
The districts of Puruliya, Bankura, Birbhum, western Nearly 60% of the cropped area is low and only 10%
parts of Midnapur are included within this zone. Total is in high situation. Soil salinity is very high in dry
area is about 10 lakh ha and rainfall around 1400 mm. seasons.
A comparatively dry hot climate prevails during
summer season when the temperature shoots upto Coconut, sapota and cashew are the most important
42°C or more and desiccating wind blows in mid-day fruit crops. Date palm being highly salt tolerant is
time. found all over the area. Cucurbit vegetables like
watermelon, luffa, sponge gourd, palwal, cucumber,
The terrain is undulated and subject to erosion of soil etc. are cultivated traditionally. Tomato, brinjal, lady’s
through innumerable waterways. Soil is mild acidic finger, leafy vegetables are also grown. Chilli is the
with low nutrient content. Iron and aluminium oxides most important commercial spice crop of the region.
are found in surface and subsurface of eroded soil. In Different varieties like Sagar Sundari, Bullet etc.
many places the upland situations are uncultivated occupy a huge area of about 28 thousand ha in South
and gravelly. A huge area is marked as cultivable 24 Parganas only. Flowers like marigold, jasmine,
waste. Organic matter, nitrogen and micronutrient hibiscus, tube rose, etc. are grown in small plots near
content are generally low in upland horticultural areas. homesteads. Nursery is an important business in this
region especially in South 24 Parganas. There are
The area does not grow much of fruit crops. ‘Deshi’ more than 200 to 300 small and large nurseries
date palm and palmyra palm are found in abundance. producing fruit and ornamental plants.
Guava, papaya, citrus fruits, ber, Jackfruit grow in
home-gardens and small orchards. ‘Kendu’ is found in III. Cu rren t kno wledge of biodive rs ity in
this zone only. Cucurbit vegetable especially, hort icu ltu re
cucumber, ridge gourd and pumkin are cultivated in
large areas. Brinjal, peas, radish, cabbage, Horticultural crops, unlike food grains, cannot directly
cauliflower, tomato, lady’s finger, colocasia, address the world hunger Issues but can contribute to


reduce risks of many fatal diseases in addition to produce is highly perishable and the harvest seasons are
providing nutrition. Consequently, until self-sufficiency in short, growers, traders, transporters are all very active
food grains was achieved in the country, horticulture had during the seasons for marketing and distribution.
to wait in the sidelines. Significant stress on horticulture
in the agricultural production plan could be noticed since Demand for quality from consumers changes with time.
seventh five-year plan. Instead of regular survey, So is the demand from traders, transporters and retailers.
knowledge on area and production of horticultural crops The farmers also keep on changing varieties. In the
was mostly based on notional estimates, market arrivals, process of welcoming new types for immediate gains,
trade channel reports etc. Excepting potato no other many old varieties get lost unnoticed. But no one has
horticultural crop feature in the regular survey reports. been categorically entrusted with the responsibility of
Area and production of horticultural crops in West Bengal conservation of genotypes. The warnings and
have been shown in Annexure s XII & XIII . suggestions from scientists or institutes have failed to
initiate comprehensive action plan in this direction.
Nevertheless, horticultural crops have been contributing
upto 18% of the total income from agriculture while Most of the fruit and vegetable crops are highly cross-
occupying less than 10% of the gross cropped area. pollinated and so a lot of variations are found in the form
Income per unit area from these crops is more. Many of of cultivars or strains/ecotypes. Multiplicity of varieties in
the horticultural crops have well known areas of each crop has added to the complexity of the scenario.
concentration. In such areas huge employment is Tab le LI represents an account of varieties of different
generated in harvest season for handling, packing, crop species grown in West Bengal. But this is not
storage, transport and retailing. Since most of the exhaustive.

Tab le LI : Mul tip li cit y of horti cultu ral c rops and va rie ties

Crop Crops grown in West Bengal Approx. number of co mmon

Di vi sions va riet ies/h ybr ids un de r
cult ivat ion (no t exhaust ive )
1 2 3
Fruits mango, banana, guava, pineapple, sapota mango – above 150
Papaya, litchi, mandarin, orange, limes, banana – about 25
lemon, pummelo, jackfruit, and around 40 guava - 8
other minor fruits pineapple – 6
litchi – 7
Others together – Above 200
(Total number of varieties of minor fruits
not known)
Plantation Coconut, cashew, arecanut coconut – 5
crops cashew – (Not ascertained)
areca – 3
Vegetables potato, brinjal, lady’s finger, cucumber, potato – 2
cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, peas, beans, brinjal – 25
radish, carrot, beet, spinach, basella, pumkin, lady’s finger – 15
luffa, sponge gourd, ash gourd, palwal, cucumber – 1 1
kankrol, amaranth, cowpea taro, elephant foot cabbage – 18
and another 30 vegetables cauliflower – 22
tomato – 17
Total number of varieties of the remaning 30
could not be ascertained.


Crop Crops grown in West Bengal Approx. number of co mmon

Di vi sions va riet ies/h ybr ids un de r
cult ivat ion (no t exhaust ive )
Spices Chili, ginger, turmeric and large cardamom , Chili-21
coriander, black cumin, fenugreek Ginger-2
Others- A few
Flowers rose, tuberose, jasmine, marigold, gladiolus, Innumerable varieties of rose, season
lilium, dahlia, chrysanthemum and all other flowers, chrysanthemum, hibiscus etc. are
season flowers, hibiscus, narium grown.
tabarnaemontana and other flowering plants
Shrubs and Huge number of trees, shrubs, creepers, There are many varieties in each group of
ornamental climbers, cacti, succulants and houseplants ornamental plants
plants are maintained in nurseries

The number of varieties mentioned in Tab le LI above is It cannot be conclusively stated how many of these
not exhaustive. However, the wideness of the varietal species/ varieties are indigenous to West Bengal.
diversity is understandable. Even a clone within a cultivar However, some of the mango varieties, around 50-60 in
or an ecotype is an important genetic material. Detailed number, have been developed and grown only in West
description of each specific component is out of scope of Bengal. Same is the case with several banana and litchi
this paper. The State Agricultural University, research varieties, and some minor fruits and vegetables which
stations and govt. farms maintain many varieties. are found in West Bengal only. It cannot be stated that
Farmers and nurseries are rich sources of information. any of the cultivated species is threatened a of today. But
most of the open pollinated varieties of vegetables have
In the last 50 years there has been reduction in the been pushed almost out of the field by high-yielding,
number of commercial food crops. Modernised hybrid types.
agriculture requires uniformity of genetic composition of For example, varieties like Sioux, Moneymaker,
domesticated plants which has resulted in erosion and Monitoba, Marglobe etc of open pollinated tomatoes
narrowing of genetic base. Reduced diversity renders have been replaced totally by a host of hybrid tomatoes
crops less adaptable to new stresses like flood` draught, from different companies. Same is the case with
pests and disease. Future generation may blame us for traditional cabbage varieties. The area under local
lack of responsibility and foresight. banana varieties like Kanthali, Martaman etc are being
gradually squeezed out and Cavendish varieties are
aggressively occupying these areas.

(List of species and common varieties of some fruit and plantation crops, vegetable varieties and flower and ornamental
plants have been shon in Annexure XIV , Annexure XV & Annexure XVI respectively.)


After domestication of horticultural plant species, the varietal base widened by human intervention in the manner
described under the diagram below.

Selection from natural

habitat, chance seedlings

Breeding of
Introduction from New varieties
various sources
Appearance of a new
Pests and disease
Productivity and Quality demand
production Trials, demonstrations from traders and
restricted cultivation consumers

Soil and climate


Variety sustains or
(i) Inc reas ing population and reduc ing
Accelerated food production is inescapable due to rapid land hold ing size : High yield potentiality of some of
increase in population. In fact tremendous success in the varieties and hybrids has narrowed down the wide
food production has also contributed to the growth of varietal base.
pupulation. Need for quick gains in quantity prompted
overdependence on an increasingly narrowing gene (ii ) Disease and pest tole rance of severa l
pool. On the other hand varied genetic resource va riet ies and hybr ids: Some resistant varieties
contributes to the genesis of many new traits. However, replaced susceptible ones. Martaman variety of banana,
it may be mentioned that diverse germplasm is not susceptible to sigatoka disease, has been replaced by
always preferred in the traditional breeding in anticipation Giant Governor in some areas.
of transfer of negative traits in hybrids which may be
difficult to eliminate. (ii i) Bette r qualit y and ma rket demand of
ce rtain accepted types: Sugar Baby watermelon
The forces that decide sustainability of a variety are too yielding family size fruits replaced Shipper, which is a
many. The major ones are adaptibility to the soil and very large fruited variety.
climate, tolerance to pests and diseases, quality
including keeping quality, consumer preference etc. The (iv ) High keeping quali ty: A few selected
strongest force is however return per unit area. Human types which can be stored longer or transported to
initiatives are not fully balanced in making adjustment for distant city markets are gaining more areas . Hybrid
all possible implications from introduction of a new tomatoes are good example.
variety or a technology. Therefore, search for a better
and more versatile variety continues. Consequently, (v) Advantages in cu lti vation : Absence of
rapid changes are noticed in varietal scenario. Farmers spine of Giant Kew pineapples, dwarf stature of some of
are strongly attached to traditional systems of cultivation the fruit varieties, uniformity of hybrid cabbages,
and varieties. But higher income per unit area being the adaptability to adverse climate like high temperature,
driving force in the choice of a variety they are to accept high or low soil moisture etc. are some of the qualities
new promising ones. which made several fruit and vegetable varieties/hybrids
more popular.
The assignment of food security for the expanding
population from fixed land resource prompts dependance (vi ) Extens ion of ir ri gation fac il it ies : In
on varietal replacements and overreliance on a few high unirrigated areas larger number of varieties are cultivated
yielders. The challenge of conserving diversity originates traditionally but irrigated plots are occupied by a few high
in the backdrop of expanding population pressure, income generating types only.
diminishing holding size, rapid urbanisation etc. The
diverse base tends to narrow down under pressures from (vi i) Govt . pol ic ies: Govt. policies are framed
these burning issues and a few high yielding varieties at present primarily to ensure higher per capita
and hybrids agressively push out many others with availability, i.e. higher production from unit area, and not
special qualities. Consequently, many genotypes are lost to ensure conservation of diverse quality attributes.
unnoticed. Major factors affecting biodiversity in Seeds of highly productive varieties and hybrids are
horticulture in West Bengal may be listed as follows. distributed. The farmers hardly have any say in such
centrally administered decisions. Such programmes are


prone to be disbalanced. In the event of a severe biotic period it will regenerate all resources. With more and
or abiotic stress threatening sustainability of a crop or more modernisation of village life and demise of old
farming system, a large gene pool will be needed for timers the communities got detached from much
scientific selection of the appropriate type. Farmers’ knowledge based on experience. In some cases
participation in deciding the programmes might be a overexploitation resulted in loss of types. Some valuable
better course. orchids are difficult to find in their natural habitats.

(vi ii ) Int roduction of exot ic va riet ies and Changes in socia l custo ms: Slow changes in
hyb rids : In recent years as a result of liberalisation of social customs, religious performances, ethical and moral
seed import policy many varieties and hybrids of perceptions of the people have also contributed to the
horticultural crops are being easily imported by various loss of biodiversity. A busket of rare varieties of
agencies. This has strongly threatened sustenance of a excellent quality mangoes is not a commonly used gift
number of indigenous varieties. package now a days. Instead of Kanthali, other varieties
of banana are also finding place in religious rites.
(ix ) De velop ment prog ram mes : Roadsides,
crop fields, bushes, odd plots, tank banks etc. are the Fertiliser consumption in West Bengal was 7.32 lakh MT
natural habitats of innumerable species and varieties of in 1992-93 which increased to 13.50 lakh MT (estimated)
flowers, medicinal and aromatic plants. Many of the in 2000-01. Pesticide application per ha increased from
forest areas are known to have conserved speciies and 0.47 kg AI in 1990-91 to 0.50 kg AI in 1997-98 on gross
varieties of horticultural importance like minor fruits, cropped area. Incidence of cancer, mental retardation,
minor root vegetables etc. from time immemorial. But neurological disorders in Kasargod district of Kerala,
development programmes like roads, industries, neighbouring cashew plantations where aerial spray of
institutions, housing, irregation projects, etc. destroy such endosulfan is done frequently to control tea mosquito in
habitats and destroy the resources without making cashew, has recently raised serious alarm among people
alternative arrangements for ex-situ conservation. of the area.

(x) Natu ral re sour ces: Collection of food and A few varieties are aggressively occupying the fields and
herbs from natural habitats, had been supporting human many others with special qualities are being wiped out.
life since the dawn of civilisation. Many of these species Introduction of these new varieties and hybrids have
and varieties were gradually domesticated and cultivated. brought in application of underground water, fertilisers
Others continued to remain in their habitats and were and pesticides in very high quantities. Hybrid vegetables,
collected in need by knowledgeable persons of local potato, cavendish, banana receive high inputs.
communities. Medicinal plants, some root vegetables, Continuous application of such inputs is initiating adverse
flowers especially orchids are examples. Among effect on soil health and evolution of resistant strains of
aborigins in different parts of the world, where collection pathogens. Race for immediate gains by these methods
of root vegetables and hunting were the main activities may compel the production system to confront a
for sourcing of food, a rule prevailed that an area visited disastrous situation in near future. A large gene pool at
once will not be exploited in next six months during which hand will be essential in such an event.


Every individual is a stakeholder in the matter of lot. Participation of all individuals, groups of individuals
conservation of biodiversity. The government of a like Non Govt Organisations (NGO), voluntary
welfare state has the responsibility to conserve the organisations (VO), clubs, associations, cooperative
environment and hence the genotypes within the same. bodies etc. is necessary. It calls for a general awareness
But this is a very hard task especially in a Third World campaign. Such a peoples’ movement may be
country besieged with an exploding population. Policy supported or supplemented by laws and administrative
makers as well as the administrators have to contribute a orders. The scientists in the research institutes and


universities are to give guidance for framing the laws and genetic resources. A change or a loss can affect all of
orders. the beneficiaries who act as a part in the chain of
The current understanding of the biodiversity of the operations from production to consumption. Some
stakeholders require replenishment from discussions, important organisations like Agri-Horticultural Society,
seminars and in-depth studies. Different communities, Rose Society, Floriculture Associations, nurserymen are
the farming groups, the traders, packers, transporters, custodians of many horticultural varieties. These
industrialists and corporate bodies are not fully aware societies and similar other bodies can play very important
that they can contribute towards conservation of the role in this movement.


The ongoing schemes are mainly from the Central Govt., fringe of the problem. Moreover, ex-situ stocks become
State Govt., National Horticulture Board, Commodity genetically more or less static since these are not subject
Boards for coconut, cashew, spices, etc. Each to stresses for evolution of new types. In spite of much
government farm and research station maintains many weaknesses such varietal and clonal collections are very
varieties. The govt also distributes quality seeds and important. A more important initiative will be conserving
planting materials of proven varieties as well as new spices and varieties in situ in collaboration with farmers,
varieties and hybrids. NGOs, associations and societies land owners, NGOs, various associations and societies
or peoples organisations also participates in such and voluntary organisations.
programmes. The nurseries maintain and distribute
planting materials and seeds of many horticultural plants. Food crops like fruits and vegetables receive more
These actions are without any coordination from attention followed by the plantation crops. Spices are in
biodiversity conservation point of view. It is necessary to low priority area. Flowers and ornamental plants as well
integrate all such initiatives to conserve the genetic as medicinal plants are outside the focal area of the
resources. initiatives mentioned above. This should also be given
due importance as far as practicable in the programmes
The magnitude of the task of conserving the diversity is of distribution of seeds and plants and conservation of
so vast that ongoing programmes can hardly touch the diversity.


Gaps in the ongoing initiatives are too many of which a

few are mentioned hereafter. (ii ) Lacunae in the lin kages between
hort icu ltu re and biod iver si ty
Gaps in in for mation
Before any positive step is taken for conservation of Not only the health and prosperity but survival of human
biodiversity in horticulture in a region the foremost race on earth is dependant on the contribution from
requirement is a bench mark survey in the ecosystem. innumerable plant and animal species. Diversity is the
Unfortunately, no such comprehensive study report, biggest tool for maintaining a state of natural balance in
statewise or regionwise, exists. Information is available the environment congenial for existence of all living
from old villagers, scientists working in a region, NGOs beings. The components of horticulture are also integral
and the people engaged in production and trade of part of this system. Fruits, vegetables, plantation crops
horticultural crops. Gaps in information can be reduced and spices, being replete with vitamins, antioxidants,
by systematic and scientific documentation of all inputs minerals and unknown nutriceuticals not only provide
related to varietal diversity available from knowledgeable nutrition but reduce risks of many diseases and
persons and institutes. Old timers, who received the abnormality. Flowers, ornamental plants provide
knowledge through oral communications from ancestors aesthetic beauty. Medicinal plants distributed all over in
are also reducing in number. Some such information are the surroundings protect men and animals from diseases.
already lost. Horticulture has not been attached due priority as a part


of the life and prosperity supporting biodiversity. The collections are not adequately covered under the present
major crops receive some attention but the minor crops legal framework or administrative orders in force. There
and species remain unnoticed. But each component, is scope for reviewing in the greater interest of
stated above, should have its place in the biodiversity in sustaining horticultural development. Instead of creating
totality. infrastructural facilities the stress of the horticultural crop
production policy was on the distribution of seeds and
(ii i) Gaps in v is ion various other inputs at subsidy or free of cost. This may
bring immediate gains but induce negative growth.
Food availability for the rapidly increasing population has However, in recent years stress on creating infrastructure
been the biggest concern absorbing full attention of all to support production and marketing is being noticed.
stakeholders. Immediate gains from overdependence on
a narrowed down varietal diversity was an inescapable (v) Gaps in in sti tutiona l and human
measure. Seeds and planting materials of high yielding capac ity
varieties/hybrids are multiplied and distributed through
various programmes like minikits etc. Majority of Human capacity is limited for various reasons and so is
varieties cannot be considered in this programme. Again, the capacity of institutions. But the task of conserving
beneficiaries are not the choosers. The policy adopted biodiversity is voluminous because of multipolicity of
centrally is generally implemented. In the process, a species and varieties. Even the variation at clonal level
large proportion of the gene pool remain out of notice. A is an important issue. This unlimited resource cannot be
genotype of strawberry, Frageria virginiana ssp.glauca conserved with the limited capacity of the institutions
clone having day neutrality character has revolutionised working in isolation. A good number of research stations
California strawberry industry. The trait is said to be under the control of the state govt. and the State
worth 80 million $ per year. Hence it is not only the Agricultural University are doing excellent job of
immediate gain which should be in view. maintaining many germplasms. The objective of such
programme is not to preserve the available biodiversity in
(iv ) Gaps in pol ic y and lega l st ructu re totality but to keep some of the selected types of special
merit in collection. This attempt may be considered as a
Horticultural crop production plan does not address the supplimentary one. Comprehensive plan for conserving
problem of conserving biodiversity in its totality. all the germplasms, involving every citizen in one way or
Identification of threatened species or varieties, other, will perhaps generate better results.
monitoring extent of exploitation, regulating varietal
No systematic documentation of the available genotypes
has been made so far.
Inadequacy of knowledge is a serious bottleneck. Even
the sources of knowledge are not sufficient and gradually
Preparation of an action plan should be preceded by a
clear understanding of the issues and problems related
Attempts made for conserving varieties in research
to the biodiversity in horticulture in West Bengal. This
stations, educational institutes etc. are much less than
may be enumerated as below.
requirement. The objective is also different.
Components of horticulture have not been duly noted as
There is limitation in human or institutional capacity in
integral parts of the biodiversity in totality supporting the
this respect considering the volume of work.
life cycle in an ecosystem and enhancing prosperity of
The challenge can perhaps be met if the people’s
participation, i.e. involvement of all stakeholders
Multiplicity of species and varieties have added to the
including NGOs, VOs, institutions, etc. are achieved.
complexity of the problem. But none can be ignored
since each of the genotypes is a potential contributor.


Creation of infrastructural facilities should receive farmer-led R&D cannot develop without being guided by
overriding priority instead of subsidised distribution of a competent scientists. Food security issue and very small
few inputs. holding size are the two major problems that can
frustrate such a programme. Where these problems do
Farmers’ views should also be considered during not exist, farmer-led R&D may be possible under the able
planning for horticulture development in an area. guidance of a competent scientist under an apex body.
Specially, progressive farmers may be useful for
The sole objective of the action plan is to conserve the experimentation that is essential for research and
biodiversity wealth in horticulture as comprehensively as development.
possible. Based on the discussions on gap analysis and
the issues identified above several actions may be People’s parti cipat ion in the biodi vers it y
suggested as follows. conse rvat ion prog ram me

Pol ic y inte rvent ion It is important to understand that the action plans that
have been conceived as part of the discussions require
There is no denial of the hard fact that production of to be in the form of projects. The biodiversity wealth is
horticultural crops from the fixed land resource should distributed in every nook and corner of West Bengal.
increase at a much faster rate than that of population. Fallow land, canal banks, borders of crop fields, forest
New varieties and technologies are to be introduced in fringe areas, wastelands and similar other places, mostly
place of traditional types. But instead of ignoring the highland areas, are the storehouses of valuable
local germplasms altogether these should be conserved biodiversity in addition to regular crop fields and gardens.
in a research station, a reserve area or in a germplasm
bank. Collection of orchids, rare medicinal plants or such In order to preserve the wealth distributed in such a
other species from natural sources should be intervened manner, people’s groups in the local areas are to be
with effective orders to prevent overexploitation. vigilant. Beginning from the zonal/district biodiversity
Institutes entrusted with the task of conserving conservation centres, there should be organisations like
biodiversity will advise the administrative authorities to NGOs, VOs, local clubs, even schools and colleges,
frame such orders. social welfare groups right up to the village level. It s not
a difficult proposition in the era of organised Panchayati
Distribution of plants, seeds and inputs to enhance Raj. What is required is a very strong campaign and
production by introduction of new varieties/hybrids, training programme, coupled with some financial
expansion of area, reduction of loss due to pests and assistance. The apex body can organise such units at
diseases or improvement of existing orchards, constitute every level and disseminate the messages from the
the ongoing govt. programmes. Experienced farmers, scientists in charge up to the grassroot level.
associations, NGOs, etc. working in villages may be
given opportunity in selection of programmes. Their It may be necessary to prepare a detailed working plan
views should be analysed, or alternatively planning by a separate competent organisation/ personnel for
should be from the grassroot level. Steps are to be implementation.
initiated one year ahead of target season. Such policy
decisions are likely to save some of the diversities. Not only the working groups, but all the stakeholders,
including the consumers should also be aware about the
biodiversity issues.
Fa rme r- led R&D
Actions to conse rve biodive rsit y
Farmer-led research and development is an area that
has not received adequate thinking and has not gained The function of conserving biodiversity is a kind of
currency among the powers that be. But farmer-led R&D research work on one hand and a form of movement with
is definitely a distinct step in empowerment. However, people’s participation on the other. It must be considered


that ex-situ collections tend to be genetically static. in the district farms. The laboratory and farm will
These are not subjected to pests, pathogens, abiotic conserve the indigenous types only and not the
stresses and other selective agents which result in exotic ones. These actions will elevate the status of
continued evolution of new traits and characters. The horticultural biodiversity to a much higher level and
process of conserving genetic resourses should be at the same time enhance its linkage with the
multidimentional and comprehensive to allow national biodiversity.
preservation as well as continued evolution of new
characters. 3. Setting up of the institutions, involving organisations,
sensitisation of the people and stakeholders¸
1. A central institute under the technical control of the establishment of laboratory, allotment of land in
State Agricultural University will be primarily identified farms can be completed in a period of 3-5
responsible to coordinate functions of all related years. Preparation of a Detailed Project Report is
agencies and to conserve biodiversity in horticulture out of scope of this theme paper. An indicative
in the state. estimate of expenditure has been presented in
Annexure XI .
2. An organisation may be set up in each district
involving NGOs and VOs and a few distinguished The estimated fixed cost for implementation will be
people of the district to implement biodiversity Rs 350 lakhs and annual expenditure in the project
conservation plan. This district level functionary will will be to the tune of Rs.100 lakhs as detailed in
act under the guidance of the central institute. It will Annexure XI . Cost can be minimised if an
create general awareness among the different alternative action plan is followed.
classes of people. It will also keep contacts with
owners of land, bushes, tankbanks and monitor 4. Women farmers should be taken into confidence for
exploitation of species and varieties available. It will every agricultural programme extending from control
try to conserve germplasms in situ. If a species or over seeds right up to credit supply.
variety has fear of being lost it will be sent for On a small scale, home garden/kitchen garden can
conservation in reserve experimental farms. Instead be an important part of the horticultural production
of a separate organisation working in isolation for plan where participation of women, children and
different biodiversity components one such body even students can be a very effective approach in
may be set up in the district for all subjects. conserving horticultural biodiversity.
Actors – Women farmers, housewives etc
Each district organisation will prepare an inventory Timeframe – Ongoing
of horticultural species and varieties available in
different corners. NGOs and VOs will conduct the
survey under the supervision of a scientist from a
related discipline available within the district itself or
selected from the central institute.
In one or two govt. farms or University research Alter native Action Pl an
centres in each district some areas will be allotted
for conserving the species and varieties. A An alternative action plan which will be less costly is
technologist working in the farm will be in charge of stated below:
such ex- situ conservation plots.
Ÿ Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalay may be
The central institute will be equipped with a designated as the apex body entrusted with the
laboratory for cryogenic storage of seeds, plant work of conservation of biodiversity. Uttar Banga
tissues, pollen grains etc. It will also have a farm for Krishi Vishwavidyalay will take up the programmes
conservation of one set of species and varieties kept in North Bengal.


Ÿ One or two farms in each agro-climatic zone will

have some reserved area for conservation of
indigenous germplasms available in the respective Ÿ Loss in biodiversity as a consequence of natural
zone. One type will be conserved in one farm only. stresses or human intervention is a continued
phenomenon with long lasting effects. Reduction of
Ÿ A compendium containing the description of this loss and conserving the entire genetic
varieties of each zone will be compiled and resources is also a continuous and huge task
published by the Vishwavidyalays. requiring thorough planning and adequate

Ÿ Vishwavidyalays will involve NGOs, Local bodies,

Voluntary Organisations and other associations of
the areas.
Ÿ The staff of the farms will monitor ex-situ
conservation and coordinate in – situ conservation.

Ÿ Additional staff and fund required by the Universities

may be made available for implementing the

Within the scope of “National Biodiversity Strategy and Direct seeded rice and maize crop fields – Cyperus
Action Plan (NBSAP), weeds belong to the Group of rotundus, Digitaria sp., Lindernia, Echinochloa colona
Wild Species and Varieties and also Agricultural (Shamaghas)
Ecosystems. They are an important component of Potato crop fields – Chenopodium album (Balhka),
agro-biodiversity, and have vital links with the socio- Cyperus rotundus (motha), Anagallis arvensis.
economic life of West Bengal. They are used for edible
value, in folk medicine (both internal and external use), Zone – II
as fodder, thatching materials, rope-making, broom
making, refrigeration, stitching material for sal leaves, Terai - Tista Alluvial of North
composting, as insecticides, paper making and very
importantly as soil binders. Because of their diverse In maize crop fields (kharif) – Echinochloa colona
use, they deserve special attention in terms of status (Shamaghas), Digitaria sp., Cyperus rotundus (motha),
description according to agro-climatic zones. Cynodon daetylon (Durba ghas)

West Bengal has six agro-climatic zones. The following In direct seeded rice (Aus paddy) – Echinochloa
is a description of the agro-climatic zones of West colona (Shama ghash), Cynodon Daetylon (Durba
Bengal and common weed species in agricultural crop ghas), Digera arvenses, Digitaris sp.
fields of different zones:
In transplanted rice (Amon) – Echinochloa crussgalli,
Zone – I Digitaria sanguinals, Fimbristyllis sp., Marsilea
Hill Regions of North
In Jute crop – Cyperus rotundus, Echinochloa colona,
Tea Gardens – Imperata Cylindrica Mikania scandeus Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Corchorus acutangulas
Pineapple crop – Stellaria sp,. Dry meria sp, and (wild jute).
Cyperus rotundus


In wheat crop (Rabi season) – Chenopoduum album, sp.l, Cyperus rotundus, Cynodun dactylon, Amarathus
Anagallis arvensis, polygonum sp. viridis.

In oilseeds crops (Mustard, Niger) – Argemone Sugarcane – Echinochloa colona, Cyperus rotundus,
mexicana, Chenopodium album Ageratum conyzoides, Convotvulus arvensis (Hiran
Khuri), Trianthema portulacastrum, Cynodon dactylon,
In potato crop – Chenopodium album, Anagallis Euphobia hirta, Phyllanthus niruri, Euphorbia pilulifore,
arvensis, Cyperus rotundus Eleusine India, Daelyloctenium aegyptium

Zone – V
Zone – III
Coastal Region of 24-Parganas and Medinipur
Vindhya alluvial region
Rice fields – Chara zeylanica (Rustna), Nitella
In transplanted rice – Echinochloa crussgalli, Digitaria eriocaulon, Hydrodictyon sp., Cyperus iria (Annual
sp., Ludwigia parviflora, Ammania sp., Fimbristyllis sp., motha), Scirpus sp.
Scirpus sp., Monochoria vaginalis, Sagiltari sagittifolia
Chillis vegetables, sugarbeet (Rabi season) – Ecliptra
Jute – Cyperus rotundus (Motha), Echinochloa colona, alba, Echinochloa colona, Cyperus rotundus
Digera arvensis, Eleusine indica
Indiscriminate use of herbicides and widely grown high
Sugarcane – Ageratum conyzoides, Echinochloa yielding varieties are creating shifts in weed flora, and
colona, Trianthema portulacastrum, Cyperus rotundus there has come to think about the alternative use of
weeds without destroying them completely by chemical
Zone – IV
Act ion Plan
Lateritic Region of the West Birbhum, Bankura,
Puruliya and parts of Medinipur 1. A fresh survey needs to be done on both status of
weeds and shifts in their pattern of occurrence,
Direct seeded rice – Cyperus rotundus, Echinochloa considering the changes in pattern of land use.
colona, Digitaria sp., Eleusine indica. Actors: Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vidyalaya, Uttar
Banga Krishi Vidyalaya, Krishi Vigyan Kendras.
Transplanted rice – Echinochloa crusgalli, Digitaria sp., Timeframe: 1 year.
Monochoria vaginalis, Sagitaria sagittifolia, Fimbristyllis
sp., Scirpus sp., Marsilea quadrifida (Shusni), Ludwigra 2. Agricultural policy should have a specific section
parviflora, Ammania baccifera dealing with weeds
Actor: Agriculture dept.
Wheat – Chenopodium album, Anagalis arvensis Timeframe: Immediate.
(Krishna neel), Sperfula arvensis (Gajra), Polygonum


In North Bengal, particularly in the districts Darjiling and destruction of large tracts of forest cover has a very
Jalpaiguri, the cause of man animal conflict and unlikely root. It is the tea industry which is responsible for


all these. The industry generated a sizeable chunk of In the NBSAP Consultation Meet held at Siliguri on
unemployed population during the recession years. A September 11, 2001 and on 5-6 January, 2002, the
large section of this population occupied forest land and concern regarding the ongoing damage to biodiversity
started cultivation. This finally led to growing of scattered caused by the tea garden activities featured repeatedly.
settlements which expanded in size and increased in Most of the NGO representatives present at the meeting
number over time creating the present problem of expressed serious concern about the issue and
settlements and rights in protected forest areas. The unanimously demanded some immediate action to
unplanned and ill-conceived importing of coolie labour assess and to impose control over the situation.
from all parts also led to ethnic tensions, which are still
being felt today. Some of these conflicts have taken a The major points raised by the participants on tea
militant turn of late, making forest protection and gardens issues were as follows:
development increasingly difficult.
Ÿ Excessive quantity of chemical pesticides being
The onset of large scale tea cultivation in North Bengal used in tea gardens. Apparently such extensive use
was not only responsible for the conversion of land for of pesticide is causing irreparable and indiscriminate
tea production but was also the root cause behind damage to the insect community. Also these
generation of this excessive population pressure in and chemicals are coming into the streams flowing
around the adjoining wilderness zones abound with floral through the tea gardens and then to the river system
and faunal diversity. The Forest areas which harbour a of the area, causing damage primarily to the aquatic
wide variety of animal life, were partially converted to diversity and in turn the overall diversity of North
cultivated patches of land and the remaining portions left Bengal. These pesticides have already caused
to be exploited for fuelwood, food, fodder and timber. havoc to the fish fauna of the area. In some places
This not only decimated the animal population but also such contaminated stream water are entering and
devastated or degraded some rich habitats of North flowing through major National Parks and Wildlife
Bengal leading to the extinction of certain species. Gross Sanctuaries. But almost no scientific research has
change in North Bengal landscape for cultivation of tea is been done on the subject. NGOs alleged that
largely liable for the fragmentation of Duars forest and working on this subject within the tea gardens will
thus destruction of North Bengal forest corridors. not be possible unless the study is carried out by the
administration. According to them, the tea estate
The tea industry today can perhaps be held responsible administration will never supply real figures on the
for affecting biodiversity of North Bengal in three different use of pesticides, neither they will allow any
ways: organisation to work freely on this particular issue.
One of the NGO representatives claimed that 74
Ÿ Through excessive use of synthetic pesticides which chemicals are being used in tea gardens for
is harmful to floral and faunal diversity. different purposes, including pesticides. But the
Ÿ Through illegal encroachment. impacts of those chemicals on the surrounding
natural system is not known. The tea estate
Ÿ Indirectly putting immense pressure on the adjacent
management does not provide proper training to the
forest areas for livelihood of the labour population or
workers regarding use of pesticides. Apparently
excess population generating from the labour
insignificant regular practices like washing of used
pesticide containers in the streams might cause
severe damage to the surrounding ecosystem,
Contrarily, the recent thrust given by some of the tea
which can easily be avoided. Uncontrolled use of
estates to develop organic farming and also forest and
synthetic pesticides in tea gardens apparently takes
nature preserving models as attempted to be achieved in
place in some tea estates, as labourers get payment
Makaibari Tea Estate (Dutt, 2000) are not generally
for spraying pesticide on per litre basis. Such a
detrimental to biodiversity.
practise leads to further excessive spraying. Though
these might seem trivial points, but the total practice


of pesticide application in tea gardens should be Gap Analy sis

scientifically scrutinised.
[ In this context another point that can be If the alleged problems are carefully looked at, it can be
mentioned, though not discussed in the Consultation said that proper relevant information is very much
Meet, is that ‘According to Mr. Ghosh Hazra, lacking. No proper scientific study has been carried out to
Director of the Tea Research Centre, Kurseong, the assess the real impact of the use of pesticides in tea
topsoil of Darjiling is disappearing due to increased gardens on the flora and fauna of the surrounding
erosion. The erosion is attributed to regular ecosystems. For instance some NGO representative
application of weedicide (from weeds) that grow alleged that bee keeping is being encouraged to
around tea bushes. These chemicals not only kill generate alternative income for the North Bengal forest
the weed but also strike at the root, thus loosening fringe villagers, but ironically the bees are occasionally
the soil in the process. This explains the increasing dying in swarms due to indiscriminate use of pesticides.
number of landslides in the past few years.(Dutt, In reality, there is no supporting evidence from any
2000)] scientific institution to corroborate this statement. Same
is the case with the accusation that the fish fauna
Ÿ Excessive pressure from tea estate labourers suffered heavy damage from pesticides coming into the
causing severe damage to the adjoining forest streams flowing out of tea gardens. Since evidence and
areas. Tea estate laborers collect huge quantity of supporting research findings are missing, it is extremely
fireweed, their cattle graze in the forest in great difficult to draw any action plan to reduce the problems.
number, their requirements for NTFP and also Scientific information is lacking on average quantity,
timber are met from the nearby forest and so on. composition and contamination factors of pesticides or
There are certain measures to reduce exploitation of other chemicals in use.
forest patches, but malpractice and corruption take On the socio-economic side much hard work is needed to
the lead and worsen the situation. For example, as solve the multifaceted problems of tea estate labourers.
alleged by one of the NGO representatives, in some For this, the NGOs, tea estate management and the
gardens, labourers are supposed to receive lakri or government departments must act in unison. But lack of
fuelwood worth Rs 200/- from local contractors proper coordination can be felt everywhere in the field.
against a slip issued to them by the tea estate One point must be kept in mind that the tea industry is
management. Contractors buy the slip from the providing substantial amount of foreign exchange and
labourers at much lower prices without giving them thus only scientific management can improve the
anything. The labourers as usual collect their situation. Necessary restrictions should better be
required quantity of fuelwood from adjacent forests. imposed keeping the production level intact.
Contractors are selling away the supply. Again, in
most of the areas tea estate labourers are Suggested Action Plans
incidentally crime prone and show much inclination
towards involving themselves in activities like illegal Ÿ Extensive scientific research on the impact of
tree felling and poaching, even militant action. The pesticide and weedicide application in tea gardens
population is rising at a considerably high rate. The on the flora, fauna and total ecological system of the
unemployed youths from the labourer community adjoining areas. The research survey should cover
indulge in all sorts of destructive activities and due sample areas in the hills as well as plains, and study
to the proximity to forest areas most of these actions carefully the seasonal variation in level of impact.
are damaging to the surrounding ecosystem. [ Actors: Government Departments preferably
Ÿ Illegal encroachment activities to the forest land by Dept.of Environment and Dept. of Forest jointly in
the tea estate administration have been alleged by collaboration with research institutes like the Bose
some NGOs. Such encroachments can be traced Institute and Indian Institute of Chemical Biology;
without much difficulty and can be tackled firmly by University of North Bengal; University of Calcutta
the state administration. and local NGOs. Expected Time Frame : 3 years. ]


Ÿ Extensive research and development regarding unemployed family members of tea estate
application of bio-farming in tea gardens. labourers.
[ Actors: Government Departments preferably [Actors: Tea estate management, government
Dept.of Agriculture jointly in collaboration with departments, research institutes, universities and
research and education institutes like the Bidhan local NGOs. Expected Time Frame: Ongoing ]
Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Tea Research Ÿ Assessment of the participatory management model
Institute, Universities, and R & D wings of big tea of Makaibari Tea Estate and if found to be effective,
companies. Expected Time Frame : Immediate and publicity and adoption of the same model for other
ongoing. ] tea estate areas.
Ÿ Arrangement for alternative fuel source for the tea [ Actors: For assessment Government Departments
estate labourers. Developing alternative income preferably Dept.of Environment and Dept. of Forest
source and special welfare measures for jointly. Expected Time Frame : Immediate. ]


1) Waste land deve lopment: Case study of acid Presence of wasteland and/or degraded land is a threat
late ri ti c uplands of W es t Bengal to the productive lands also. The productive lands,
adjacent to the wastelands are easily affected by the
About half of India’s landmass is estimated as degraded degradation process and turn into wastelands, if
and is thus subjected to the process of transformation appropriate conversation measures are not adopted.
into wasteland. Since arable land is gradually declining Presence of wasteland and process of degradation
and agricultural sector is under tremendous pressure for cannot be admitted for several environmental reasons.
extension of land, wasting of this vast wasteland should Many other hazards like reduction in atmospheric
be prevented. Although there are possibilities of meeting moisture, increased siltation in reservoirs, rise in
a part of our huge energy deficit from other conventional incidence of flooding, increasing in soil salinity, pollution
and non-conventional sources, the major part of this of water and air, wild life depletion, decline in land
demand will have to be met from fuel wood sources only. productivity etc. inevitably occur. Moreover, barrenness
This necessitates rapid and large-scale reforestation and means visual pollution also.
afforestation of wastelands through appropriate
reclamation measures. The need for land use planning in wastelands appears as
inescapable, if one analyses the changing land uses in
Since the recent past an unprecedented level of our country over time. Reclamation of barren land,
awareness has been created throughout the country to degradation of existing land uses in our country over
improve the conditions of wastelands as a vital natural time. Reclamation of barren land, degradation of existing
resource. Greening the wasteland is not only a prior arable land transformation of agricultural land to non-
concern in our planning but also a focal area of study and agricultural uses are going simultaneously over the
work of many voluntary organization and individuals. It years. Large areas of wastelands, which were once
has been realised that the presence of wastelands reclaimed, have often gone back to the state of degraded
injurious to the land, environment and economy. Hence land. In fact, the emphasis was given to reclaim and
there is a felt-need for developing them as a natural conserve statistically larger target areas as fast as
resource for guaranteeing income and employment for possible rather than qualitatively changing them into
millions of rural poor on the one hand and for maintaining permanently cultured areas as a long-term sustainable
ecological balance in the countryside on the other. measure. Indiscriminate plantation of certain species has
been the most common prescriptions for wasteland


development in major part of the country. Factors of mostly by marginal people remain fallow year after year
wasteland formation, its use potentiality, existence of and thus get further degraded.
activities in and around the wastelands, possibilities of
biotic encroachment and need for legal control on use of Keeping these problems in view, attempts have been
wastelands are some issues which have not been given made at the outset to organise such marginal land
due consideration in the process of wasteland planning. holders to form a group who could be imparted with
The result of these shortcomings have been the knowledge through training and demonstration on the
reclamation of wasteland on the one hand and following areas:
degradation of larger areas on the other. This calls for Land shaping, soil treatment and water conservation
prescribing appropriate measures for wastelands at methods
micro-level commensurate with land potential and Selection of appropriate crops and cropping system to
infrastructure available and hence formulating policy substitute the traditional cultivation practices .
outlines for control and regulation of the wastelands. Introduction and sustainable cultivation of crop like
medicinal plants, horticultural crops, aromatic grasses,
The strategy for wasteland development has varied sabai etc. besides plants providing fuel and fodder
considerably depending mainly upon the socio-economic requirements.
status/background of the target users beneficiaries, since Processing and marketing of cash crops for value
the level of development and economic return depend addition and income generation.
very much on the initial investment potential, Promoting integrated farming system involving improved
management capability and interest in such a risk prone goatery, duckery, piggery etc. along with production of
venture. However, appropriate technological support is a agricultural and horticultural crops.
must for the venture, irrespective of socio-economic
considerations. Accordingly, the following three models of Implementation of the programme has been in progress
wasteland development have been conceived by the since March, 1996 in about 10 villages of Nayagram
Rural Development Centre of IIT Kharagpur, with special block of Medinipur district.
reference to undulating acid lateritic uplands of South –
Western part of West Bengal. Wasteland develop ment through large scale
co mme rc ial cul tiva tion:
a) Co mmun ity organi sation for waste land
develop ment: The programme demands scientific and technical
expertise for efficient use of lands which lay barren and
This programme involves participation of socio- unproductive for years, through creation of infrastructure
economically backward small and marginal land holders and adoption of innovative cropping practice. However
who have been allotted with parcels of vested lands such a venture calls for progressive entrepreneurs,
which are degraded to the extent that does not permit capable of taking risk of high investments on one hand
any viable agricultural practice. Those lands are available and on the other, efficient enough to foster high level
in scattered small plots without any irrigation resource management. On the social front, it aims at employment
within their reach. In this effort, physical consolidation of of the land dependent deprived class of people living
land is not possible though technological conformity is around the sites of such farming lands.
always feasible through technological conformity is
always feasible through participatory approach to This centre has made voluntary efforts towards transfer
development. of technology and prepared the master plan for
developing a piece of 150-acre lot owned by a private
The acid lateritic soils are considered to be handicapped entrepreneur. The salient features of the programme are
with its very slow depth of surface soil, low organic as follows:
matter, low CEC, Ca, Mg, P, Zn, etc. and high Fe, Mn,
and AP content of soil responsible for poor growth and Development of 150 acres of contiguous patch of
meager yield of crops. Hence such marginal lands owned wasteland characterized by undulating topography with


shallow layer gravelly surface soil including exposure of be replicated in similar ecological niche besides catering
lateritic soil at places. to different socio-economic classes.
Land shaping and fencing for protection for biotic
intervention. Wasteland develop ment in com muni ty land or
Creation of irrigation facilities by constructing a deep tube cluste red land of indi vidua ls by for mi ng SHG:
well with capacity to cover more than 100 acres under
dry land annual crops including agro-forestry. The third model concerns the contiguous patch of land
The plan of cropping system includes major perennial owned by a good number of villages where both physical
forest and horticultural plantation viz. teak, white sandal, and technological consolidation is possible. In Jhargram
papaya, mango, guava, anona, amloki, drumstick, ber, Block, an area of about 70 acres which was vested to
banana, coconut etc. Agro-forestry test cropping model Govt. and later distributed to about 130 Lodha families is
included a very short duration (3 to 4 months) intercrop being considered for development in this manner. Land is
with perennial species viz., teak/ sandalwood + characterized by the domination of large patches of red
watermelon/ cucumber, mango + amorphophalus (ol) laterite wasteland, which are put to fragmented use by
/brinjal, drumstick + groundnut, etc. the inhabitants who are mostly tribals. The composition of
tribals and non-tribals is 88% and 12% respectively. The
Complete coverage of soil surface with the canopy of extremely primitive state of the art results in a meagre
watermelon or cucumber in teak plantation served as an subsistence for the people. For the present study a 68.6
effective vegetative mesh resulting in better growth of acre tract of wasteland has been considered and a
teak plants. section of the tribal population has been identified as the
target group for adoption and implementation of the
The intensive cropping schedule of a number of short improved utilization model. The choice of project area
duration vegetable crops like amaranthus, spinach, was done with the help of local leaders.
capsicum, brinjal, cucumber, radish, onion, pea, bitter
guard, lady’s finger etc. which have been grown as The approach here has been participatory and
sequence and inter-crops. A host of first hand information technological achievements and experiences of the first
has been generated. One among these is inter-cropping model could be maid replicable here though with certain
of amorphophilus with short duration cash crops like limited options. In fact, major considerations included
green grass or sesamum. Currently, attempts have also comparatively low but affordable inputs, less risks and
been made for raising seedlings of high value ornamental quick returns. The farmers need intensive training in
plants. The future plan includes cultivation of medicinal groups and marketing of products need to be given
plants like Isabgul and export quality bold seeded priority. Participation of the farmers has been assured
peanuts. through formation of the Self Help Group (SHG) and
Required guidance was provided for maintaining soil operationalising technological consolidation for the
fertility at this level for sustainable production of purpose of planning and farming.
perennials and annuals. This involve intensive use of
cattle manure which were made available from This approach to wasteland development is in its initial
surrounding villages. Besides use of lime, appropriate implementation stage. However the activities that have
mix of micro-nutrient and major nutrient based fertilisers been initiated are: organisation and orientation of tribals
were used. Besides, effort have been made in a limited towards acceptance of the new technology and
way for fresh water aquaculture including composite fish participation in the institutional framework which is
culture and prawn culture. expected to smoothen the functional and operational
aspects. However, in this current approach a lot more
This venture provided round the year employment for has to be done to prove it to be an established model.
about 100 people of three surrounding villages, and this But the general enthusiasm and motivation that have
had a visible impact on their general health irrespective been induced among the local people through repeated
of male and female workers. This exercise generated a contacts and meetings, have laid the foundation for a
good number cropping systems/ packages which could


systematic intervention for sustainable wasteland


2) Case study – Use of biofe rti li ser s in West

Bengal: A succe ss sto ry The agriculture output of
West Bengal has been steadily increasing. In the state,
the total foodgrain production in 2000-2001 was 144.82
lakh tones, and in the 2001-2002 fiscal the target
production was set to 171.87 tonnes. Thus we are
expected to achieve self-sufficiency in food grains in very
near future.

Despite this rosy statistics, a little investigation and

interaction with our farming community always reveal the
prevailing despair in our agriculture sector.
The present fertiliser application rate is about 117.8
kg/hectare 2000-2001 which is significantly higher than
the national average of 87.56 Kg per ha. But, for a 1.85
times increase in food grain production during the period
– 1975-98, our state had to increase its fertiliser
consumption by 9.5 times1.

Paddy is the principal crop of this state. The paddy

growers of our state are facing an acute problem: low
crop yield and ever-increasing production cost. Three
main crops of paddy are grown in the state through the
year: Aus during summer, Aman in the monsoons and
Boro in winter. In 1996-97 the total area under Aus
production in the state was 461,000 hectares and the
yield was 1,600 kg a hectare. The Aman crop on 4.2
million hectares yielded 2,000 kg a hectare. Boro
cultivation accounted for 1.05 million hectares and the
yield was 3,119 kg a hectare or around 800 kg a bigha.
(One bigha is conventionally equal to 33 decimal.)


Food Grain Production Vis a Vis NPK Consumption in West Bengal

1 000 1 000

900 906.62 900

800 800
700 700

600 600

500 500

400 400

31 5.96
300 300

1 25.79 1 36.66
200 1 87.26 1 01 .42 200
80.23 92.1 6

1 00 95.1 8 1 00

0 0

1 970-75 1 975-80 1 980-85 1 985-90 1 990-95 1 995-98

NPK consumption Food grain production

Boro paddy is one of the most important cash crop of our 400 on an average for one bigha to Rs 600, Above all,
state and the present increase in foodgrain production the labour cost has increased 11 times in the last 15
can be attributed to the expansion of Boro area only, but, years. Most hard-pressed among the farmers are those
at present, the yield of Boro came down to just 600 kg who do not themselves till the soil, but are dependent on
per bigha in many places, and the cost of production is labourers. Just a year ago the labour cost component of
rising every year. the total production cost for a bigha was Rs 695. Now it
is Rs 865.
Boro cultivation is dependent more on irrigation, which
means more electricity and higher cost because the Alongwith increase in production cost, there is a
electricity tariff has gone up. The costs of all essential concomitant fall in the price of paddy this year. Even in
inputs of cultivation, too, have gone up according to the leanest of seasons, the paddy price remained near
farmers. Last year the cost of cultivation of one bigha Rs 5.00 per kg – which is often insufficient for realisation
land was roughly about Rs 1,680, but this year it is not of the production cost. The potato sector has also
less than Rs 2,200.The cost of chemical fertilisers, experienced similar setback.
pesticides and insecticides, too, have mounted from Rs


Thus the rural agro-economy has recently entered into a vicious circle, which can be schematically represented as

Motivation to increase yield with a

shortsighted outlook

Indiscriminate use of chemical inputs

Application of more chemical

Susceptibility to pest and diseases
Increase in input cost fertiliser to compensate the
yield loss

Enhanced use of plant protection Stagnation/loss of yield

chemicals Loss of soil productivity

Fall in production

Small and marginal farmers who have small holdings inputs and the exploitative agriculture also indirectly
dominate the farming community of our state. This imposed threat of arsenic contamination in a large part of
community raises high yielding variety crops, but they our state. Expansion of cultivable area by installation of
can not afford the costly chemical fertilisers in groundwater irrigation system made our crops depend
recommended doses. Raising of nutrient hungry high more on irrigation as there were heavy chemical inputs.
yielding variety with inadequate nutrient supply often This caused heavy groundwater removal and release of
seriously depletes soil fertility. On the other hand, in case arsenic in it.
of farmers who have large holdings and practice high
input intensive commercial farming, indiscriminate and Tea, which is one of the most important crops in North
unbalanced fertiliser use has resulted in deep-seated Bengal and a major exportable agricultural produce has
adverse changes in soil structure and productivity. also suffered setback due to high dependence on
chemical inputs. The yield and quality has fallen, and
Use of chemical inputs in agriculture has a very high pesticide residues in tea has reduced its
significant environmental implication also. It not only exportability.
disturbs the sustainability of our agriculture by destroying
the natural productivity of our soil but also affects the Biofertilisers have long been identified as one of the
quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the major tools for sustainable agriculture, but their potential
food we eat. for rescuing our agriculture from this malady of high input
of inorganic fertilisers could not be exploited in this state
Groundwater contamination is an irreversible act that will due to lack of awareness about it among the farming
deprive future generations of one of life's basic community.
resources. Apart from direct contamination with many In this prevailing scenario, West Bengal Forest
hazardous nitrates and pesticide residues, the chemical Development Corporation Limited in collaboration with


Nitrofix Laboratories, undertook a project to produce and The joint venture was formally launched in June 1996
market biofertilisers under the brand name Azophos and and the unit began their constant endeavour of
Rhizophos. The objective of this project was (1) awareness building in different levels. Government and
development of suitable biofertilisers for agriculture, non-government extension agencies, farmers’
forestry, tea and sericulture sector of our state, (2) associations. Local three-tier panchayat administration –
production and distribution of quality biofertilisers (3) all were motivated to join in this movement. The unit
continuous research and development to monitor the organised numerous demonstration trials in government
adverse effects of high chemical input agriculture and farms and farmers fields with different crops in different
development of location specific biofertiliser-based districts with its own resources. The results of the
agronomic practices for different crops. demonstration trials were found to be very promising.
Some of the results of the trials are presented here :


Location - Bankura State Seed Farm Location - Moynaguri Adaptive Research Farm
Duration - August-'96 to December- '96 Duration - August-'96 to December- '96
Rice variety - IR 36 Rice variety - IR 36

700 600
611 610 515
600 500
Yield in Kg/Bigha

500 400 331

400 300

300 200
Half N + Control Half N + Full N
Control Full N
Azophos Azophos

Duration - July - November, 1997 Location - Village - Bongabari,

Farmers name- Sri Nilkantha Mahato P.O. - Vivekananda Nagar, Purulia

Yield in 6500
Kg/ha 6000
5500 4500
With Chemical With Azophos +
fertilizers 1/2 chemical fertilizers

Source : Azophos and Rhizophos – The Wonder Biofertilisers for Sustainable Agriculture – Information Brochure
published by West Bengal Forest Development Corporation Ltd.

The Department of Agriculture of our state recognised and state funded projects. Accordingly, biofertilisers
the movement and issued a circular to all the produced by this organisation has been successfully
department staff to co-operate in popularising the used in National Watershed Development Project of
biofertiliser in our state. Recently, in September, 2001, different districts.
in a fresh circular, the Department of Agriculture
instructed all their departmental staff to include the Department of Environment of Government of West
biofertilisers produced by the joint venture unit in their Bengal has helped this organisation to strengthen its
recommendations for all crops and to consider the production facility for catering to the enhanced
biofertilisers as an essential input for various Centre demand created in different sectors of our state.


At present the joint venture unit selected the districts being generated among them. In 1999-2000, this
of Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar, Burdwan, Birbhum, sector consumed about 7.9 tonnes of biofertiliser
Bankura and Medinipur as thrust areas and began produced by the joint venture, whereas in 2000-2001
wide scale demonstration and promotion efforts there. the consumption rose to about 15 tonnes.

The results of the demonstrations in potato in a major The Dept. of Forests entrusted the work of
potato growing area Near Joypur, Bankura was found standardising the application methodology of
to be impressive. The farmers reported a net saving of biofertiliser application on forestry species to the unit
Rs 400.00 per bigha on fertiliser cost when under an IDA sponsored project. Under this project,
biofertilisers are used to supplement chemical numerous field trials were organised and documented.
fertilisers. Moreover there was an enhancement of The effect of biofertilisers in raising health seedlings in
yield to the tune of about 10 to 15%. The farmers different nurseries of Forest Dept. was demonstrated.
reported less pest and disease infestation in the Some representative results are shown in the next
biofertiliser treated plots. In the plots receiving only page:
chemical fertiliser, often rooting of seed potato was
reported in that area this year, but no farmer using
biofertilisers experienced that setback. Farmers also
have grown very good winter vegetables, particularly
onion, using biofertilisers in that belt.

Barddhamanis one of the districts which practices high

chemical input agriculture for a long time. Sometimes
even 2000 Kgs of NPK is applied per hectare annually
in some multicropped plots. At the time of conducting
the trials in farmers’ fields in Burdwan, the farmers
could not believe that such small amount of chemical
inputs in combination with biofertilisers would be able
to produce yield comparable to the plots receiving
very heavy inorganic fertilisers, but the results of the
field demonstrations really surprised them.

The betel-vine farmers of South 24 Parganas received

biofertilisers with great enthusiasm. They found, in
addition to increase in leaf yield, the plants become
resistant to most of the damaging diseases after
biofertiliser application. Thus, the farmers could do
away with pesticide application altogether in the plots
applied with biofertiliser. This not only cut back the
production cost, but enhanced the crop quality also.

The tobacco farmers of Coochbehar, winter vegetable

and potato farmers of Jalpaiguri, Nadia and
Murshidabad, rice growers of Medinipur who have
used this biofertiliser are all convinced about the effect
of biofertilisers and gradually a steady demand is


Effect of Rhizophos application on Sisoo

Plant height in cm


50.00 48.00
10.00 38.80
40.00 36.8
0.00 29.60 Full NPK
30.00Effect of Azophos
Salugara application
Beliatore on SalArabari
23.50 Rhizophos
Duration of experiment - 120 days
20.00 + 1/2 N
Anon. (1998) Final Report - Consultancy Project on Application of Biofertilisers
+ 3/4 P
Plant height in cm and Mycorrhiza in Forestry,
W.B.diameter in mm
Forestry Project sponsored by IDA

25.0 3.5 3.2

19.9 Salugara
22.2 Salugara
Full NPK
2.5 Azophos
15.0 13.0 2.0 1.8
+ 1/2N
1.5 + 3/4P
The forest 10.0 1.0
divisions are
now 0.5 important buyers of biofertilisers
the 0.0 forestry 0.0
and sector Jhargram consumed 11 tonnes of
Azophos/Rhizophos in the last fiscal year. Apart from using in their nurseries,
Duration of experiment - 120 days
Forest Department also distributes these biofertilisers to the members of
the Forest Protection Anon.and
(1998) Final Report - Consultancy Project on Application of Biofertilisers
Mycorrhiza in Forestry, W.B. Forestry Project sponsored by IDA
Committees of the Joint Forest
Managenent Programme to encourage environment friendly agriculture in forest fringe areas.

Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation – an international NGO also sanctioned a project for developing a
organic input based nutrient management technology for mulberry farming for the sericulture sector of our state. Under
this project, a number of field trials were organised in the districts of Jalpaiguri, Maldah, Birbhum and Bankura, both in
Government Sericulture farms and in farmers’ fields. In all these trials, biofertiliser was found to support very good leaf
yield with a concomitant 50% and 25% decrease in inorganic nitrogen and phosphate application respectively.

Effect of Azophos Application on Mulberry leaf yield – Malda District

180 163
160 86
Fresh leaf yield in g/sq.ft

140 133 133 126 128
115 115 Saifu
Sama yun
120 109 Full
Dilar En taj
100 105 Hossain
96 97 50% N,75%
95 P, Full K + Organic manure @ 10t/ha+Azophos
100 Biswas

The silkworm fed with the
leaves from plots applied with biofertilisers traditional sericulture zones have been gradually adopting this
grew well and produced superior silk. Thus the biofertiliser as an essential input for their mulberry farming.
potential of biofertilisers in the sericulture sector was The sericulture sector of our state consumed nearly 8 tonnes
amply proved. Now Azophos is regularly used in State of this biofertiliser in 2000-2001.
Sericulture Farms and a large community of farmers in


Recently the Joint Venture Unit has been awarded The forests are now are under threat of environmental
with another project by SDC for dissemination of the pollution caused by fertilisers and pesticides used in tea
standardised technology of biofertiliser aplication in gardens. The sloping landscape of tea gardens make the soils
mulberry farming in the districts of Murshidabad, extremely vulnerable to erosion loss and chemical fertilisers
Nadia, Burdwan, Uttar Dinajpur and Medinipur along only aggravates the problem by rapidly destroying the organic
with the districts already covered. matter in the soil. This is often the major cause of tea area
loss in recent floods.
Tea is one of the major commercial crop of our state
and this sector alone governs the economy of northern To combat the environmental hazards caused by the tea
districts of West Bengal. Tea is a major consumer of gardens, as well as to ensure the sustainability of the tea
fertiliser in our state. The entire tea sector of North- sector and maintain the economic stability in tea areas, West
East has consumed about 20,000 tonnes of NPK last Bengal Forest Development Corporation Ltd. initiated
year. Recently many tea garden suffered a drastic fall promotion of use of biofertilisers in that area through its local
of yield despite manifold enhancement in input divisions. A number of demonstration trials were conducted
consumption. Actually this is a repercussion of short- and awareness building programmes organised in different
term benefit-oriented outlook of the tea sector. places in Japlaiguri and Darjiling districts. The result of
The tea crop responds quickly to the application of biofertiliser application in tea was found to be good .
inorganic nitrogenous fertilisers. The foliage appears
quickly and the number of leaves increases with each More than 38 tea gardens have used this biofertiliser and
dose of chemical fertiliser application. But excessive consumed total of 10 tonnes Azophos/Rhizophos in 2000-
chemical fertiliser application made the soil less 2001 fiscal year.
productive by destroying the natural productivity. High
pesticide application has made the plants more Thus the future of biofertilisers in West Bengal seems
disease prone and necessitates intensive pesticide immensely encouraging. The need of the hour is wide
application. The quality of tea has fallen and often the scale awareness building among the actual users. The
tea leaves have been harbouring harmful pesticide joint venture unit does not have enough resources for
residues. Such contamination makes the tea undertaking very large-scale promotion of their
thoroughly unfit for marketing, especially in biofertilisers. Thus a concerted effort from all concerned
international markets. extension agencies in this regard is an immediate
The tea gardens are generally situated in the most necessity to keep the movement alive.
environmentally fragile area of North Bengal forests.


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