ECE 334 Chapter 5 Biopolar Small Signal Transistors
ECE 334 Chapter 5 Biopolar Small Signal Transistors
ECE 334 Chapter 5 Biopolar Small Signal Transistors
Understanding of concepts related to: Transistors as linear amplifiers dc and ac equivalent circuits Use of coupling and bypass capacitors and inductors to modify dc and ac equivalent circuits Small-signal voltages and currents Small-signal models for BJT transistors Amplifier characteristics such as voltage gain, input and output resistances and linear signal range Rule-of-thumb estimates for voltage gain of commonemitter and common-source amplifiers.
Introduction to Amplifiers
BJT is an excellent amplifier when biased in forward-active region In these regions, transistors can provide high voltage, current and power gains. Bias is provided to stabilize the operating point in desired operation region. Q-point also determines Small-signal parameters of transistor Voltage gain, input resistance, output resistance Maximum input and output signal amplitudes Power consumption
To obtained linear amplifier, the ac current and voltages must a small enough To insure a linear relationship between the ac signals. To meet this objective The Time-varying signals are assume to be small signals.
BJT Amplifier
C1 and C3 are large coupling capacitors or dc blocking capacitors, their reactance at signal frequency is negligible.
AC coupling through capacitors is used to inject ac input signal and extract output signal without disturbing Qpoint Capacitors provide negligible impedance at frequencies of interest and provide open circuits at dc.
BJT is biased in active region by dc voltage source VBE. Q-point is set at (IC, VCE)=(1.5 mA, 5 V) with IB = 15 A. Total base-emitter voltage is: v =V + v BE BE be Collector-emitter voltage is: v = 10 i R C C CE This gives the load line
8 mV peak change in vBE gives 5 A change in iB and 0.5 mA change in iC. 0.5 mA change in iC gives 1.65 V change in vCE .
C2 is bypass capacitor, provides low impedance path for ac current from emitter to ground, removing RE (required for good Q-point stability) from circuit when ac signals are considered.
= R R = 10 k 30 k 1 2 C R 3 = 4 . 3 k 100 k
R = R
All capacitors in original amplifier circuits are replaced by open circuits, disconnecting vI, RI, and R3 from circuit.
By using the two hybrid parameters (r, gm), we can develop a simplified small signal hybrid-- equivalent circuit for the npn transistor.
Voltage -controlled current source gmvbe can be transformed into currentcontrolled current source,
The small signal collector current can be relate with small signal base current by,
DC and AC Analysis
DC analysis: Find dc equivalent circuit by replacing all capacitors by open circuits and inductors by short circuits. Find Q-point from dc equivalent circuit by using appropriate large-signal transistor model. AC analysis: Find ac equivalent circuit by replacing all capacitors by short circuits, inductors by open circuits, dc voltage sources by ground connections and dc current sources by open circuits. Replace transistor by small-signal model Use small-signal ac equivalent to analyze ac characteristics of amplifier. Combine end results of dc and ac analysis to yield total voltages and currents in the network.
The large value of VCE decreases the effective base width W. Since IS is inversely propositional to W, which cause increase in IC.
If we include the early effect then collector current in terms of early voltage as,
Common-Emitter Amplifiers
Characteristics of a CE amplifier
It has moderately low input impedance (1K to 2K) Its output impedance is moderately large(50K or so) Its current gain is high It has very high voltage gain of the order of 1500 or so It produce very high power gain of the order of 10,000 times or 40dB It produce phase reversal of input signal
Uses: many applications because of Large gain in voltage, current and power
Small-Signal Analysis of Complete C-E Amplifier: AC Equivalent Ac equivalent circuit is constructed by assuming that all capacitances have zero impedance at signal frequency and dc voltage source is ac ground. Assume that Qpoint is already known.
If we include an emitter resistance in the circuit, the Q-point of the circuit will be less dependant on the transistor current gain .
=R R 1 2
= ro R R C 3
In order to determine the input impedance Rib, which is the resistance looking into the base of the transistor. We can write the following loop equation
A common collector amplifier has following chracteristics: 1 High input impedance (20-500K) 2 Low output impedance (50-2000 Ohms) 3 High current gain (50-300) 4 Voltage gain of less than 1 5 Power gain of 20 to 20dB 6 No phase reversal between input and output signals
Input impedance
Load current as
Ai >1 implies that EF amplifier can be used as Small signal power gain amplifier.
Common base amplifier has Very low input impedance (30-150 ) Very high output resistance (500K) Current gain <1 Large voltage gain of about 1500 Power gain of upto 30dB No phase reversal between input and output Uses: for matching low impedance circuit to high impedance circuit
In a similar fashion as we adopted in case of CB and CE amplifier circuit we have the final results of voltage and current gain as follows: