Crack Analysis in Ansys

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106 Chapter 3 Application of ANSYS to stress analysis PROBLEM 3.11

For smaller values of 2a/h, the disturbance of stress in the ligament between the foot of a hole and the plate edge due to the existence of the hole is decreased and stress in the ligament approaches to a constant value equal to the remote stress 0 at some distance from the foot of the hole (remember the principle of St. Venant in the previous section). Find how much distance from the foot of the hole the stress in the ligament region can be considered to be almost equal to the value of the remote stress 0 .


Stress singularity problem

Example Problem
An elastic plate with a crack of length 2a in its center subjected to uniform longitudinal tensile stress 0 at one end and clamped at the other end as illustrated in Figure 3.77. Perform an FEM analysis of the 2-D elastic center-cracked tension plate illustrated in Figure 3.77 and calculate the value of the mode I (crack-opening mode) stress intensity factor for the center-cracked plate.

Uniform longitudinal stress 0 A 100 mm 20 mm B

200 mm 400 mm

200 mm

Figure 3.77

Two dimensional elastic plate with a crack of length 2a in its center subjected to a uniform tensile stress 0 in the longitudinal direction at one end and clamped at the other end.


Problem description
Specimen geometry: length l = 400 mm, height h = 100 mm. Material: mild steel having Youngs modulus E = 210 GPa and Poissons ratio = 0.3.



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3.4 Stress singularity problem


Crack: A crack is placed perpendicular to the loading direction in the center of the plate and has a length of 20 mm. The center-cracked tension plate is assumed to be in the plane strain condition in the present analysis. Boundary conditions: The elastic plate is subjected to a uniform tensile stress in the longitudinal direction at the right end and clamped to a rigid wall at the left end.



Let us use a quarter model of the center-cracked tension plate as illustrated in Figure 3.77, since the plate is symmetric about the horizontal and vertical center lines. Here we use the singular element or the quarter point element which can interpolate the stress distribution in the vicinity of the crack tip at which stress has the 1/ r singularity where r is the distance from the crack tip (r /a < < 1). An ordinary isoparametric element which is familiar to you as Quad 8node 82 has nodes at the corners and also at the midpoint on each side of the element. A singular element, however, has the midpoint moved one-quarter side distance from the original midpoint position to the node which is placed at the crack tip position. This is the reason why the singular element is often called the quarter point element instead. ANSYS software is equipped only with a 2-D triangular singular element, but neither with 2-D rectangular nor with 3-D singular elements. Around the node at the crack tip, a circular area is created and is divided into a designated number of triangular singular elements. Each triangular singular element has its vertex placed at the crack tip position and has the quarter points on the two sides joining the vertex and the other two nodes. In order to create the singular elements, the plate area must be created via keypoints set at the four corner points and at the crack tip position on the left-end side of the quarter plate area.


ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Keypoints In Active CS (1) The Create Keypoints in Active Coordinate System window opens as shown in Figure 3.78. (2) Input [A] each keypoint number in the NPT box and [B] x -, y -, and z coordinates of each keypoint in the three X, Y, Z boxes, respectively. Figure 3.78 shows the case of Key point #5, which is placed at the crack tip having the coordinates (0, 10, 0). In the present model, let us create Key points #1 to #5 at the coordinates (0, 0, 0), (200, 0, 0), (200, 50, 0), (0, 50, 0), and (0, 10, 0), respectively. Note that the z -coordinate is always 0 in 2-D elasticity problems. (3) Click [C] Apply button four times and create Key points #1 to #4 without exiting from the window and nally click [D] OK button to create key point #5 at the crack tip position and exit from the window (see Figure 3.79). Then create the plate area via the ve key points created in the procedures above by the following commands:



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108 Chapter 3 Application of ANSYS to stress analysis


Figure 3.78

Create Keypoints in Active Coordinate System window.

Figure 3.79

Five key points created in the ANSYS Graphics window.


ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Arbitrary Through KPs (1) The Create Area thru KPs window opens. (2) The upward arrow appears in the ANSYS Graphics window. Move this arrow to Key point #1 and click this point. Click Key points #1 through #5 one by one counterclockwise (see Figure 3.80). (3) Click the OK button to create the plate area as shown in Figure 3.81.



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3.4 Stress singularity problem


Figure 3.80

Clicking Key points #1 through #5 one by one counterclockwise to create the plate area.

Figure 3.81

Quarter model of the center cracked tension plate.



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110 Chapter 3 Application of ANSYS to stress analysis INPUT OF THE ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF THE PLATE MATERIAL Command
ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Material Props Material Models (1) The Dene Material Model Behavior window opens. (2) Double-click Structural, Linear, Elastic, and Isotropic buttons one after another. (3) Input the value of Youngs modulus, 2.1e5 (MPa), and that of Poissons ratio, 0.3, into EX and PRXY boxes, and click the OK button of the Linear Isotropic Properties for Materials Number 1 window. (4) Exit from the Dene Material Model Behavior window by selecting Exit in the Material menu of the window. FINITE-ELEMENT DISCRETIZATION OF THE CENTER-CRACKED


[1] Selection of the element type


ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete (1) The Element Types window opens. (2) Click the Add button in the Element Types window to open the Library of Element Types window and select the element type to use. (3) Select Structural Mass Solid and Quad 8 node 82. (4) Click the OK button in the Library of Element Types window to use the 8-node isoparametric element. (5) Click the Options button in the Element Types window to open the PLANE82 element type options window. Select the Plane strain item in the Element behavior box and click the OK button to return to the Element Types window. Click the Close button in the Element Types window to close the window. [2] Sizing of the elements Before meshing, the crack tip point around which the triangular singular elements will be created must be specied by the following commands:


ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Meshing Size Cntrls Concentrate KPs Create (1) The Concentration Keypoint window opens. (2) Display the key points in the ANSYS Graphics window by


ANSYS Utility Menu Plot Keypoints Keypoints.



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3.4 Stress singularity problem


(3) Pick Key point #5 by placing the upward arrow onto Key point #5 and by clicking the left button of the mouse. Then click the OK button in the Concentration Keypoint window. (4) Another Concentration Keypoint window opens as shown in Figure 3.82.


Figure 3.82

Concentration Keypoint window.

(5) Conrming that [A] 5, i.e., the key point number of the crack tip position is input in the NPT box, input [B] 2 in the DELR box, [C] 0.5 in the RRAT box and [D] 6 in the NTHET box and select [E] Skewed 1/4pt in the KCTIP box in the window. Refer to the explanations of the numerical data described after the names of the respective boxes on the window. Skewed 1/4pt in the last box means that the mid nodes of the sides of the elements which contain Key point #5 are the quarter points of the elements. (6) Click [F] OK button in the Concentration Keypoint window. The size of the meshes other than the singular elements and the elements adjacent to them can be controlled by the same procedures as have been described in the previous sections of the present Chapter 3.


ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Meshing Size Cntrls Manual Size Global Size (1) The Global Element Sizes window opens. (2) Input 1.5 in the SIZE box and click the OK button.

[3] Meshing The meshing procedures are also the same as before.


ANSYS Main Menu Preprocessor Meshing Mesh Areas Free



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(1) The Mesh Areas window opens. (2) The upward arrow appears in the ANSYS Graphics window. Move this arrow to the quarter plate area and click this area. (3) The color of the area turns from light blue into pink. Click the OK button. (4) The Warning window appears as shown in Figure 3.83 due to the existence of six singular elements. Click [A] Close button and proceed to the next operation below.

Figure 3.83

Warning window.

(5) Figure 3.84 shows the plate area meshed by ordinary 8-node isoparametric nite elements except for the vicinity of the crack tip where we have six singular elements.

Figure 3.84

Plate area meshed by ordinary 8-node isoparametric nite elements and by singular elements.



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3.4 Stress singularity problem


Figure 3.85 is an enlarged view of the singular elements around [A] the crack tip showing that six triangular elements are placed in a radial manner and that the size of the second row of elements is half the radius of the rst row of elements, i.e., triangular singular elements.

Figure 3.85

Enlarged view of the singular elements around the crack tip.


[1] Imposing constraint conditions on the ligament region of the left end and the bottom side of the quarter plate model Due to the symmetry, the constraint conditions of the quarter plate model are UX-xed condition on the ligament region of the left end, that is, the line between Key points #4 and #5, and UY-xed condition on the bottom side of the quarter plate model. Apply these constraint conditions onto the corresponding lines by the following commands:


ANSYS Main Menu Solution Dene Loads Apply Structural Displacement On Lines (1) The Apply U. ROT on Lines window opens and the upward arrow appears when the mouse cursor is moved to the ANSYS Graphics window. (2) Conrming that the Pick and Single buttons are selected, move the upward arrow onto the line between Key points #4 and #5 and click the left button of the mouse. (3) Click the OK button in the Apply U. ROT on Lines window to display another Apply U. ROT on Lines window.



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114 Chapter 3 Application of ANSYS to stress analysis

(4) Select UX in the Lab2 box and click the OK button in the Apply U. ROT on Lines window. Repeat the commands and operations (1) through (3) above for the bottom side of the model. Then, select UY in the Lab2 box and click the OK button in the Apply U. ROT on Lines window. [2] Imposing a uniform longitudinal stress on the right end of the quarter plate model A uniform longitudinal stress can be dened by pressure on the right-end side of the plate model as described below:


ANSYS Main Menu Solution Dene Loads Apply Structural Pressure On Lines (1) The Apply PRES on Lines window opens and the upward arrow appears when the mouse cursor is moved to the ANSYS Graphics window. (2) Conrming that the Pick and Single buttons are selected, move the upward arrow onto the right-end side of the quarter plate area and click the left button of the mouse. (3) Another Apply PRES on Lines window opens. Select Constant value in the [SFL] Apply PRES on lines as a box and input 10 (MPa) in the VALUE Load PRES value box and leave a blank in the Value box. (4) Click the OK button in the window to dene a uniform tensile stress of 10 MPa applied to the right end of the quarter plate model. Figure 3.86 illustrates the boundary conditions applied to the center-cracked tension plate model by the above operations. SOLUTION PROCEDURES

The solution procedures are also the same as usual.


ANSYS Main Menu Solution Solve Current LS (1) The Solve Current Load Step and /STATUS Command windows appear. (2) Click the OK button in the Solve Current Load Step window to begin the solution of the current load step. (3) The Verify window opens as shown in Figure 3.87. Proceed to the next operation below by clicking [A] Yes button in the window. (4) Select the File button in /STATUS Command window to open the submenu and select the Close button to close the /STATUS Command window. (5) When the solution is completed, the Note window appears. Click the Close button to close the Note window.



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3.4 Stress singularity problem


Figure 3.86

Boundary conditions applied to the center-cracked tension plate model.

Figure 3.87

Verify window. Command


ANSYS Main Menu General Postproc Plot Results Contour Plot Nodal Solution (1) The Contour Nodal Solution Data window opens. (2) Select Stress and X-Component of stress. (3) Select Deformed shape with deformed edge in the Undisplaced shape key box to compare the shapes of the cracked plate before and after deformation. (4) Click the OK button to display the contour of the x -component of stress, or longitudinal stress in the center-cracked tension plate in the ANSYS Graphics window as shown in Figure 3.88.



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116 Chapter 3 Application of ANSYS to stress analysis

Figure 3.88

Contour of the x -component of stress in the center-cracked tension plate.

Figure 3.89 is an enlarged view of the longitudinal stress distribution around the crack tip showing that very high tensile stress is induced at the crack tip whereas almost zero stress around the crack surface and that the crack shape is parabolic.


Figure 3.90 shows extrapolation of the values of the correction factor, or the nondimensional mode I (the crack-opening mode) stress intensity factor FI = KI /( a) to the point where r = 0, that is, the crack tip position by the hybrid extrapolation method [1]. The plots in the right region of the gure are obtained by the formula: (3.6) KI = lim 2r x ( = 0) or
r 0

KI FI () = = lim a r 0 whereas those in the left region KI = lim or

r 0

r x ( = 0) h

where = 2a/h

(3.6 )

2 E u x ( = ) r (1 + )( + 1) E u x ( = ) hr (1 + )( + 1)


KI FI () = = lim a r 0

(3.7 )



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3.4 Stress singularity problem


Figure 3.89

Enlarged view of the longitudinal stress distribution around the crack tip.

Correction factor, (FI =KI /(a)

2 FI 5 1.0200 CCT Plate 2a/h 5 0.2

Displacement Stress Hybrid interpolation method


2 r/3

2 4 r Distance from the crack tip (mm)

Figure 3.90

Extrapolation of the values of the correction factor FI = KI /( a) to the crack tip point where r = 0.

where r is the distance from the crack tip, x ( = 0) the x -component of stress at = 0, i.e., along the ligament, the applied uniform stress in the direction of the x -axis, a the half crack length, E Youngs modulus, ux ( = ) the x -component of strain at = , i.e., along the crack surface, = 34 for plane strain condition and = (3)/(1 + ) for plane stress condition and the angle around the crack tip. The correction factor FI accounts for the effect of the nite boundary, or the edge effect of the plate. The value of FI can be evaluated either by the stress extrapolation method



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(the right region) or by the displacement extrapolation method (the left region). The hybrid extrapolation method [1] is a blend of the two types of the extrapolation methods above and can bring about better solutions. As illustrated in Figure 3.90, the extrapolation lines obtained by the two methods agree well with each other when the gradient of the extrapolation line for the displacement method is rearranged by putting r = r /3. The value of FI obtained for the present CCT plate by the hybrid method is 1.0200. Table 3.1 Correction factor FI () as a function of non-dimensional crack length = 2a/h = 2a / h 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Isida Equation (3.8) 1.0060 1.0246 1.0577 1.1094 1.1867 1.3033 1.4882 1.8160 2.5776 Feddersen Equation (3.9) 1.0062 1.0254 1.0594 1.1118 1.1892 1.3043 1.4841 1.7989 Koiter Equation (3.10) 1.0048 1.0208 1.0510 1.1000 1.1757 1.2921 1.4779 1.8075 2.5730 Tada Equation (3.11) 1.0060 1.0245 1.0574 1.1090 1.1862 1.3027 1.4873 1.8143 2.5767

Table 3.1 lists the values of FI calculated by the following four equations [26] for various values of non-dimensional crack length = 2a/h:

FI () = 1 + FI () = FI () =

A k 2k
k =1



( 0.8)

(3.9) (3.10) (3.11)

1 0.5 + 0.3262 1

FI () = (1 0.0252 + 0.064 ) sec(/2)

Among these, Isidas solution is considered to be the best. The value of FI (0.2) by Isida is 1.0246. The relative error of the present result is (1.0200 1.0246)/1.0246 = 0.45%, which is a reasonably good result.


Problems to solve
Calculate the values of the correction factor for the mode I stress intensity factor for the center-cracked tension plate having normalized crack lengths of = 2a/h = 0.1

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