Fatigue Thresholds

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The document discusses fatigue crack growth thresholds, endurance limits, and design.

The document is about fatigue crack growth thresholds, endurance limits, and design based on papers presented at a symposium.

The document covers topics like mechanisms and modeling of near-threshold fatigue crack propagation, significance of intrinsic thresholds, effects of stress intensity factors, and test procedures.

STP 1372

Fatigue Crack Growth

Thresholds, Endurance Limits,
and Design

J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, editors

ASTM Stock Number: STP1372

100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959

Printed in the U.S.A.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Fatigue crack growth thresholds, endurance limits, and design / J.C. Newman and R.S.
Piascik, editors,
(STP ; 1372)
"ASTM stock number: STP1372."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8031-2624-7
1. Metals--Fatigue. 2. Metals--Cracking. 3. Fracture mechanics. I. Newman, J.C. II.
Piascik, Robert S. II1. ASTM special technical publication ; 1372.
TA460.F375 2000
620.1 '66--dc21 99-089527

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Each paper published in this volume was evaluated by two peer reviewers and at least one edi-
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Printed in Philadelphia,PA
February 2000
This publication, Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and Design, con-
tains papers presented at the symposium of the same name held in Norfolk, Virginia, on 4 -
5 November 1998. The symposium was sponsored by ASTM Committee E8 on Fatigue and
Fracture. The symposium co-chairmen were J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, NASA
Langley Research Center.
Overview vii


Mechanisms and ModeLing of Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack Propagation--


The Significance of the Intrinsic Threshold--What Is New?--A. HADRBOLETZ,


On the Significance of Crack Tip Shielding in Fatigue Threshold-Theoretical

Relations and Experimental Implications--H.-J. SCHINDLER 46

Effects of K ~ on Fatigue Crack Growth Threshold in Aluminum Alloys--



Fatigue Crack Growth Threshold Concept and Test Results for AI- and
Ti-Ailoys--G. MARCI 81

Resistance Curves for the Threshold of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Particle

Reinforced Aluminium Alloys--B. TABEgNIG,P. POWELL,AND R. PIPPAN 96

An Indirect Technique for Determining Closure-Free Fatigue Crack Growth

Behavior--s. w. SMITHAND Ro S. PIASCIK 109

Effect of an Overload on the Threshold Level of Ti-6-22-22--A. J. McEVILY,


Relation Between Endurance Limits and Thresholds in the Field of Gigacycle

Fatigue~c. BATHIAS 135

A Size Effect on the Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Threshold of Alloy 718--
Effect of Geometry and Load History on Fatigue Crack Growth in Ti-62222--
H. O. L I K N E S A N D R. R. S T E P H E N S 175

Increases in Fatigue Crack Growth Rate and Reductions in Fatigue Strength

Due to Periodic Overstrains in Biaxial Fatigue L o a d i n g - -
A. V A R V A N I - F A R A H A N I A N D T. H. T O P P E R 192


Analysis of Fatigue Crack Closure During Simulated Threshold Testiugm

R. C. M c C L U N G 209

Analyses of Fatigue Crack Growth and Closure Near Threshold Conditions

for Large-Crack Behavior--J. r NEWMAN,JR. 227

The Mechanics of Moderately Stressed Cracks--F. o. RIEMELMOSERAND

R. P I P P A N 252


Pitfalls to Avoid in Threshold Testing and Its Interpretation--R. w. BUSH,

J. K. D O N A L D , A N D R. J. B U C C I 269

Use of Small Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis in Predicting the S-N Response
of Cast Aluminium Ailoys--M. J. CATON,J. W. JONES, AND J. E. ALLISON 285

Prediction of Fatigue Limits of Engineering Components Containing Small


Corrosion Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds for Cast Nickel-Aluminum

Bronze and Welds--E. J. CZYRYCA 319

Mean Stress and Environmental Effects on Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack

Propagation on a Ti6246 Alloy at Room Temperature and 500"C--
C. S A R R A Z I N - B A U D O U X , Y. CHABANNE, A N D J. P E T I T 341

Component Design: The Interface Between Threshold and Endurance L i m i t - -


Near-Threshold Fatigue Strength of a Welded Steel Bridge Detail--

P. A L B R E C H T A N D W . J. W R I G H T 374

Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds Measurements in Structural Materialsm

R. L I N D S T R ( ~ M , P. L I D A A R , A N D B. R O S B O R G 400
Endurance Limit Design of Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron Components Based
on Natural D e f e c t s - - G . MARQUIS, R. RABB, AND L. SIIVONEN 411

Author Index 427

Subject Index 429


The technical session on fatigue-crack growth (FCG) threshold mechanisms was chaired
by R. Pippan. Three mechanisms that influence thresholds, crack-tip closure, environment,
and Kmax effects, were discussed. A simplistic four-parameter model that describes FCG
threshold behavior of elastic-plastic materials was presented. The proposed model was ca-
pable of predicting the R-ratio effects produced by "intrinsic" mechanisms and "extrinsic"
shielding mechanisms. From this research, the basic FCG threshold behavior was character-
ized by two parameters, Kmax/th and Agth/int , which can be obtained from two tests conducted
on a single specimen. A crack-tip closure concept based on the cyclic plasticity in the vicinity
of a fatigue crack under threshold conditions was proposed.
The electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI) technique was used to characterize
crack-tip dislocation configuration and derive crack-tip plastic strain contours. From these
results, the lower portion of the load-crack-tip-opening displacement curves was critically
evaluated for crack-tip opening loads. This technique was used to study the fatigue-crack-
growth-threshold behavior of quasi-two-dimensional structures, such as thin foils and films
of various materials. Microstructure and environment based mechanisms and modeling for
near-threshold FCG were presented. Here, three crack-growth regimes were suggested: (1)
stage I single crystal crack growth, (2) stage II cracking along the normal to the applied
load, and (3) a crystallographic stage which prevails near the threshold when the deformation
at the crack-tip was localized within a single slip system. The damaging effects of water
vapor environment were discussed in terms of hydrogen assisted crack propagation. Near
threshold, Km,x effects were investigated in ingot and powder metallurgy atuminium alloys.
Results suggest that no single value of FCG threshold exist. Observations suggest that Kmax-
accelerated, closure free, near-threshold FCG was caused by changes in crack-tip process
zone damage mechanism(s).

Test Procedures
Two sessions on loading and specimen-type effects were chaired by E. Phillips and R.
Piascik. Research showed that the resistance-curve (R-curve) method to determine the thresh-
old for fatigue-crack growth should allow more reliable application of AKth values to engi-
neering problems. A very simple technique to measure such R-curves was described and the
results were shown to give effective thresholds. Application of the R-curve method leads to
the Kitagawa diagram that can be used to estimate the fatigue limit as a function of defect
Different interpretations of the influence of Kmax on hKth were highlighted during the
session. Research showed that a constant AKth could be established and considered a material
property based on the fatigue-crack-growth rates asymptotically approaching zero. While
similar behavior was observed by others, a finite decrease in AKth was noted for increased
Kmax; here, an increased Kma x driving force was suggested and no constant FCG threshold
was observed. A unique test procedure based upon the increase in threshold level was
adopted to determine the maximum level of crack closure resulting from an overload. The


novel observations showed that FCP behavior at distances well beyond the overload plastic
zone could be sensitive to prior overloads.
High (gigacycle) cycle fatigue studies showed that fatigue thresholds were about the same
in conventional fatigue and in resonant fatigue if the computation of the stress-intensity factor
(K) was correct. But there was a very large difference between the endurance limits at 106
cycles and 109 cycles. Results suggest that a life prediction approach based on AK,h was not
safe because it does not account for an incubation nucleation process. Standard (ASTM
E647) fatigue-crack-growth tests on nickel-based superalloy 718 along with crack-closure
measurements were instrumental in reconciling data from different laboratories. But, the
results did show that standard techniques could not explain increased closure from larger
specimens. Similar differences in Ti-6222 threshold fatigue-crack-growth rates were observed
using three standard test specimen configurations. Here, differences in threshold FCP rates
could not be explained by crack-tip closure, suggesting possible crack length and load re-
duction procedure dependence on FCP behavior.
FCP under biaxial constant straining and periodic compressive straining was discussed.
Accelerated FCP after compressive loading was related to flattening of fracture surface as-
pirates and reduced crack closure. For various biaxiality ratios, the ratios of the effective
strain intensity factor range to constant amlitude strain intensity factor range at the threshold
were found to be close to the ratios of the closure free fatigue limit obtained from effective
strain-life to the constant amplitude fatigue limit.

The session on analyses of fatigue-crack-growth-threshold behavior was chaired by T.
Nicholas. Three papers in this session analyzed the behavior of fatigue cracks in the threshold
regime using several different analysis methods. These methods were the elastic-plastic finite-
element method (FEM), the Dugdale-type model, the BCS (Bilby, Cottrell and Swinden)
model, and a discrete-dislocation model. Most of these methods only consider plasticity-
induced closure in a continuum mechanics framework but the discrete-dislocation model was
applied to a two-phase material with alternating regions of different yield stresses to simulate
different grain structures.
Test measurements made during load-reduction procedures have indicated that the crack-
opening stresses rise as the threshold was approached. In the literature, this rise has been
attributed to roughness-, fretting-oxide-debris-, or plasticity-induced closure. These analysis
methods were being investigated to see if threshold behavior could be predicted from only
the plasticity-induced closure mechanism. Two-dimensional, elastic-plastic, finite-element
crack-growth simulations of the load-reduction threshold test show a rise in the crack-opening
stress (Sopen/Smax)ratio as the AK levels were reduced, only if the initial AK level at the start
of the load-reduction procedure was high enough. At low initial AK levels, the rise in the
crack-opening-stress ratio was not predicted. Comparisons made between the FEM and the
strip-yield model, FASTRAN, showed good agreement under plane-stress conditions. The
rise in the closure level was caused by remote closure at the site of the initiation point for
the load-reduction procedure. Because both of these analyses were two-dimensional, in na-
ture, a remaining question was whether three-dimensional effects could cause a rise in closure
even at the low ~ K levels due to the plane-stress regions near the free surfaces. The strip-
yield model demonstrated that the plastic deformations even with the low AK levels were
still a dominant factor for crack-face interference near threshold conditions.
The study of a homogeneous material with the dislocation model showed the existence of
an intrinsic threshold in the near threshold regime due to the dislocation nature of plasticity.
Incorporating micro-structural features (alternating grain structure) into the analysis, it was

shown that the intrinsic threshold value was determined only by the mechanism for dislo-
cation generation and does not depend on micro-structural details like the grain size. How-
ever, in the near threshold regime and in the lower Paris regime the plastic deformation and
the crack-growth rates are severely influenced by microstructure. Only in the upper Paris
regime, where cyclic plastic-zone size exceeds several times the micro-structural length scale,
usual continuum plasticity mechanics was appropriate to describe the events at the crack tip.

R. Rice and G. Marci chaired two sessions on applications of threshold concepts and
endurance limits to aerospace and structural materials. The impact of a number of testing
variables on the measurement of fatigue-crack-growth thresholds, in particular ASTM E647,
was discussed. Applicability of the original E647 recommendations in light of some recent
advances was also discussed. In addition, the effects of some commonly overlooked param-
eters, such as residual stress and environment, on the measurement and interpretation of
crack-growth thresholds were presented.
A model using small-crack data to estimate the stress-life (S-N) response of cast aluminum
alloys tested at high stress levels (50 to 90% of the yield stress) under R = - 1 conditions
was developed. The tradition L E F M model, with small-crack data, was inadequate in pre-
dicting the S-N behavior at the high stress levels. Perhaps, the use of non-linear fracture
mechanics concepts, such as the cyclic J integral, would have improved the life predictions
at the high stress levels. In another paper, the cyclic resistance-curve method was used to
correlate fatigue limits for structural carbon steel components with small defects (ranging in
length from 0.16 to 4 mm's). The threshold condition of crack growth from these small
cracks was given by a constant value of the effective-stress-intensity-factor range irrespective
of crack length and stress ratio (R = 0 to - 2 ) . Haigh (stress amplitude mean stress) diagrams
for the endurance limit were successfully derived from the arrest condition of nucleated
small cracks in smooth specimens.
Fatigue-crack-growth rate tests on cast nickel-aluminum bronze (NAB) and NAB weld
metal specimens were conducted to determine the threshold for fatigue-crack growth (Agth),
per ASTM E647. Compared to the values for cast NAB, higher AKth values and higher crack-
closure levels in NAB weld metal tests were noted, due to the residual stresses in the weld-
ment. The cracking behavior of a Ti-6246 alloy under cyclic loading at different levels of
mean stress was studied, with special attention to the near-threshold fatigue-crack growth
regime, and to possible coupled effects of corrosion and creep. The near-threshold crack
growth at low Kmax (i.e. low R ratio) was shown to be highly sensitive to the environment,
and a predominant detrimental influence of water vapor was observed, even under very low
partial pressure. This behavior was suspected to be related to a contribution of stress cor-
rosion cracking induced by water vapor when some conditions favoring a localization of the
deformation and the attainment of a critical embrittlement are fulfilled.
A method was derived from fracture mechanics to assess the effects of stress concentra-
tions in components. The approach was based on an extension of the well-known critical-
distance concept. This concept was tested using data from specimens containing short cracks
and circular notches of various sizes and was successfully applied to the analysis of a com-
ponent in service. In another paper on structural components, fatigue test data were presented
for a transverse stiffener specimen made of a typical bridge steel. The specimens were tested
under variable-amplitude fatigue loading for up to 250,000,000 cycles. A fracture-mechanics
model was used to predict the variab'~e-amplitude fatigue lives of the transverse stiffener

Fatigue-crack-growth thresholds were determined for 304 stainless steel, nickel-base weld
metal alloy 182, nickel-base alloy 600, and low-alloy steel in air at ambient temperature and
in high-temperature water and steam. A relatively inexpensive and time-saving method for
measuring fatigue-crack-growth thresholds, and fatigue crack growth rates at low AK-values,
was used in the tests. The method was a AK-decreasing test with constant Kmax.
Defects in several thick-wall castings made of cast iron were statistically evaluated. A
fracture-mechanics based model involving hardness and square-root of the defect area suc-
cessfully related the defect size to the experimentally observed fatigue limit. The model also
correlated the torsion and tension endurance limits. Endurance limits as a function of mean
stress were presented in the form of Haigh diagrams.

James C. Newman, Jr.

NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, VA
symposium co-chairman and editor

Robert S. Piascik
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, VA
symposium co-chairman and editor
J. Petit, 1 G. Henaff, 2 mad C. Sarrazin-Baudoux 3

Mechanisms and Modeling of Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack Propagation

Reference: Petit, J., Henaff, G. and Sarrazin-Baudoux, C., "Mechanisms and

Modeling of Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack Propagation," Fatigue Crack Growth
Thresholds', Endurance Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and
R. S. Piascik, Eds., American Society for Testing mad Materials, West Conshohocken,
PA, 2000.

Abstract: First, this paper proposes a comprehensive framework for the modeling of the
intrinsic FCP (i.e. after elimination of any environmental and closure effects). On the
basis of numerous experimental data on AI alloys, steels and Ti alloys, three intrinsic
crack growth regimes have been identified:
i) stage I regime, observed in single crystals or in the early growth phase of short cracks;
ii) stage II regime, commonly observed when the crack advance proceeds along a plane
normal to the load axis and results from the activation of symmetrical slip systems;
iii) crystallographic stage I-like regime which prevails near the threshold.
Second, this contribution is dedicated to the description of environmentally assisted
propagation and specially focused on the understanding of the role of water vapor and
the complex interactions existing between environment and microstructure. The
effective FCP behavior is described by superimposing two distinct stage II regimes:
i) a propagation assisted by water vapor adsorption which can be operative under
very low partial pressure or at very low frequencies;
ii) hydrogen-assisted propagation which is operative when some critical conditions
are encountered.
Constitutive laws are proposed for both intrinsic propagation and water-vapor
assisted propagation.

Keywords: Fatigue, near-threshold crack growth, effective stress intensity factor,

modeling, gaseous environment, vacuum, water vapor, adsorption, microstructure.

Directeur de Recherche CNRS, Laboratoire de M6canique et de Physique des

Matrriaux, UMR CNRS 6617, ENSMA, 86960 Futuroscope Cedex, France.
2 Maitre de Confdrence, Laboratoire de M6canique et de Physique des Matrriaux, UMR
CNRS 6617, ENSMA, 86960 Futuroscope Cedex, France.
3 Chargre de Recherche CNSR, Laboratoire de Mrcanique et de Physique des
Matrriaux, UMR CNRS 6617, ENSMA, 86960 Futuroscope Cedex, France.

Copyright9 2000 by ASTM International www.astm.org


During the last two decades, the near-threshold fatigue crack propagation has been
widely investigated. The ability to define the conditions under which cracks or defects
are effectively nonpropagating is a powerful means for design and failure analysis. The
threshold stress intensity factor range, AKth, was initially assumed to be a material
parameter. However, numerous experimental data showed that AKthand the near-
threshold propagation behavior are dependent on several intrinsic and extrinsic
parameters [ 1,2]. It has been shown that the number of affecting parameters is reduced
by taking into account the contribution of the shielding effect of crack closure [3].
Introducing the concept of effective stress intensity factor range, AKeff, as defined by
Elber [3], leads to the concept of effective fatigue crack propagation which is assumed to
be more representative of the intrinsic material properties. The interest in the near-
threshold fatigue crack growth and in the threshold concept has been accentuated by the
problem of short fatigue cracks. It has been demonstrated that short cracks tend to
propagate without closure contribution, which is mainly explained by the absence of
closure induced by the crack wake during the early growth [4]. In many cases, the short
crack propagation can be described using effective long crack propagation laws (i.e.
after closure correction). In such conditions, the effective behavior becomes a more
general concept applicable to many kinds of cracks. However, there are still problems
that must be solved by reaching a better understanding and hence a comprehensive
description of the near-threshold fatigue crack growth. Even after closure correction, at
least two main parameters still have a decisive influence: microstructure and
Following the initial work of Dahlberg [5], Hartman [6] and Bradshaw and Wheeler
[7], the deleterious effect of ambient air on fatigue crack propagation as compared to an
inert environment like high vacuum, has been clearly related to the presence of moisture
in the surrounding environment for most of the metallic materials fatigued at room
temperature [8-28]. At higher temperature, the respective role of water vapor and oxygen
is more disputed [26]. The main difficulty encountered to understand the role of water
vapor resides in the complex interactions of an active environment with other parameters
which influence the propagation, including intrinsic parameters as alloy composition and
microstructure or extrinsic parameters as loading conditions, specimen geometry, crack
depth, crack closure and temperature. This paper proposes a survey of studies conducted
on the influence of gaseous moist environments on fatigue crack propagation at mid and
low rates, on the basis of a framework describing the intrinsic fatigue crack propagation
which is essential to uncouple the respective influence of the different factors and to
analyze their interactions.

General Evidences of Environmentally Influenced Fatigue Crack Growth

The diagrams plotted in Figures 1 to 4 give illustrations of the influence of ambient

atmosphere on the effective near-threshold FCP in different metallic materials at room or
moderates temperatures: high purity A1-Zn-Mg single crystal [20], high strength steel
used for helicopter rotors [22], Ti-6A1-4V Titanium alloys used in turbine engine at
300~ [27], and an intermetallic compound type Fe-AI under development for
aeronautic application [28]. A general trend can be observed in all cases with a growth


10-8 aaaa a~r


9 D
, Air
lOqO *~ a Dry nitrogen
. , Vacuum

onl ~t I I
2 5 10 20
AK (MPa'/m)

F i g u r e 1 - Fatigue crack propagation in a single crystal ofAI-4.5% wt Zn-1.25% wt Mg

in ambient air, high vacuum and dry Nitrogen (15 ppm H20). R =0.1 and 35 Hz.

10 -8

10 -9
"u 10"10 o~ 9 air

o vacuum
2 . . . . . . "]b " ' 4()

AK (MPa~/m)

F i g u r e 2 - Comparison of propagation data in ambient air and high vacuum on a high

strength steel 30NCDI6. R=O. 7, 35 Hz.

] ambient air 102 kPa 1.3 kPa 2x104 Pa
102 kPa 1.3 kPa < 4xl 0.4 Pa
O humidifiednitrogen
'~ low vacuum 1 3Pa 1 Pa < 4x~0"4 Pa

9 medium vacuum 10-2 kPa 8xl 0-3 Pa

-{- highvacuum 3xl 0-4 kPa 2x10-4 pa < 10~ Pa


10 "s


,4 9 +

9 +
10 -10

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 2o
AKorf (MPa m 1/2)

Figure 3 -lnfluenceof partial pressure of water vapor and oxygen on fatigue crack
growth in a Ti-6Al-4Valloy at 300~ (Constant Kmax test performed at 35 Hz).

rate in air substantially accelerated compared to that in vacuum at given effective stress
intensity factor ranges. A critical rate range lays about 10 -8 m/cycle for polycrystals (10 .9
m/cycle in AI-Zn-Mg single crystals) for tests run at frequencies ranging between 20 and
Above this critical range, the influence of ambient air is limited while, below, it
becomes substantial and more and more accentuated when AKeff decreases. Finally the
effective threshold range, AKeff, th, is significantly lower in air than in high vacuum [ 18-
23]. Another point of importance is the comparison o f the crack growth in air to that in
an inert gas like nitrogen containing traces of water vapor (Figure 1), or under low
pressure of gas being mainly water vapor (Figure 3 and 4). Typically, a few ppm of
water vapor is sufficient to induce, in the near-threshold area, a detrimental effect similar
to that in air, but is innocuous in the mid-rate range. These observations are in

o air
9 high vacuum
low vacuum .~



10-9 ~ : 9

Room temperature
10-1o o ~ ~ ~ , , l
5 6 7 8 9 10
AK (MPa.m 1~21

F i g u r e 4 - da/dN vs AK curves in a Fe-AI intermetattic compound tested in air, high

vacuum (5xlO "4 Pa) and low vacuum (I 0-2 Pa).

a ' ~ l : Air (e) ; vacuum (o)

'T651 : Air (V) ; vacuum (V)

wT T 9 9 e o~

9 o~
rle o
! ~

Z ~01
Q o

I(1 , ,

OL I 2 6 8

A I ~ n (MPa~]m)

F i g u r e 5 - Interactive influence o f microstructure an atmospheric environment on a

7075 alloy in two aged conditions T7351 and T651 tested in ambient air and high
vacuum (R=O. I, 35 Hz).

accordance with a predominant detrimental effect of water vapor on the growth of

fatigue cracks in metallic alloys at room temperature (5-18) and at moderate temperature
in Ti alloys (27). Such behavior is analyzed in the followings.
An illustration of the coupled influence ofmicrostructure and environment still
existing after closure correction is given in figure 5 on a 7075 alloy in two aged
conditions tested in ambient air and high vacuum [21]. The peak-aged matrix contains
shareable Guinier-Preston zones and shareable precipitates which promote, at
sufficiently low AK, a localization of the plastic deformation within a single slip system
in each individual grain along the crack front, while the over-aged matrix contains larger
and less coherent precipitates which favor a wavy slip mechanism [18, 29-31]. In
vacuum, the peak-aged T651 condition leads to a retarded crystallographic crack
propagation while the over-aged T7351 condition gives a conventional stage II
propagation. The different changes in the slope of the effective curves for both
conditions can be interpreted in terms of microstructural barriers to slip-band
transmission, as initially suggested by Yoder et al. [32]. But the change in the slope at
the level of the critical rate in air are opposite to that in vacuum, and the influence of
aging is also completely inverted, the crack growth for the T651 aging being faster in air
than that of the T7351 and becoming slower in vacuum. These results support a high
sensitivity of slip mechanisms to environment.
From these illustrations of the effect of environment on the fatigue crack propagation
behavior, it appears that modeling of crack growth under active atmosphere, such as
ambient air, requires a specific approach in term of effective stress intensity factor range
(i.e. closure corrected) and accounting with the respective role of embrittling species,
surface oxidation and related interactions with closure and all parameters acting on the
transport of active molecules up to the crack tip. To finally reach a practical and global
description of the nominal propagation, adequate models of the closure contribution
should be added as, for example, numerical modelings developed by Newman et al. [33]
for plasticity induced closure, or Mc Clung and Sheitoglu et al. for roughness-induced
closure [34,35].
Based on studies of the authors and of literature, this paper proposes an overview of
studies conducted on various metallic materials and heading to, firstly, a comprehensive
framework to describe intrinsic crack propagation in the mid-rate and near-threshold
ranges, and secondly, environmentally assisted effective propagation in gaseous moist

Intrinsic Fatigue Crack Propagation

Intrinsic fatigue crack propagation data in the mid-rate range and in the threshold
area were obtained in high vacuum and with closure correction or using loading
conditions for which crack closure is eliminated (constant Km~x-tests). In most cases,
high vacuum (<5x10 4 Pa) has been considered as reference inert environment for tests
run at frequencies ranging about 20 to 50 Hz. Tests carried out at low frequency in high
vacuum have to be more carefully considered. For example, a substantial acceleration of
the growth rates has been observed on a high strength steel tested in high vacuum at
0.2Hz [22] indicating that, even at such low pressure, active species can affect the crack
growth process.

Threshold tests were performed using a shedding procedure in accordance with

ASTM recommendation. The frequency was generally of 35 Hz and the stress ratio R
was from 0.05 to 0.7 or variable (constant Kmaxtests). A furnace was mounted into the
environmental chamber allowing experiments at temperatures ranging up to 500~
Crack advance was optically monitored by mean of a travelling microscope (x 10 to 200)
at room temperature and measured by the potential drop technique when tests are carried
out in controlled atmospheres into the chamber or in the furnace. Closure correction
were made using the compliance offset method by mean of back face strain gauges
(BFSG) or CTOD gauges clipped at the notch of the specimens when tests are run at
room temperature, or using a capacitive detector mounted at the mouth of the notch for
tests run into the chamber and at high temperature. Measurements of validation
performed at room temperature with the three techniques (CTOD gage, BFSG gage and
capacitive detector) were shown in accordance [27]. Numerous experimental data have
been obtained on aluminum alloys (Table 1), single crystals of high purity A1-
4.5%wtZn-l.25%wt Mg (20), steels (Table 2) and titanium alloys (Table 3) including a 7
Ti-48A1-2Mn-2Nb compound.

Table 1-Properties of Al alloys

Alloys Conditions Oy 0M Elongation Grain size (~tm)

(Mp~ (Mpa) (%)
2024 T351 320 473 17.5 40 (Equiaxed)
2618 T651 400 460 10.0 40(Equiaxed)
7075 T351 458 583 10.6 600 x 150 x30
7075 T651 527 590 11.0 600 x 150 x30
7075 T7351 470 539 11.7 600 x 150 x30
7075 24 hours at 234 338 14.4 600 x 150 x30
X7075 T7351 390 464 16.0 8000 x 350 x 310
7175M T7351 475 546 9.8 2400 x 500 x 200
7175F T7351 465 538 11.0 200 x 100 x 20
A1-4.6Cu- 44 hours 496 517 Pa~iallyrecrystallized
1.1Li-Zr 190~ (10 %)
A1-4.6Cu- 64 hours at 531 593 12 Partially recrystallized
1.1Li-Zr 160~ (10 %)

Table 2 - Mechanical properties of steels

Steels ~y (Mp~ OM (Mp~.. Elongation ( % )

30NCD16 1130 1270 13
MARVAL X 1240 1300 14
E 460 460 6O0 21
METASAFE S 1000 771 1046 14
A316 22O 580

Table 3 -Properties of titanium alloys

Ti alloys ov (Mpa) OM(Mpa) Elongation ( % ) microstructure

Ti-6A1-4V : 80% of %
Room T 975 1035 16 platelets + fine
300~ 650 770 20 grains
Ti 6246
(Room T) 985 1098 10.2 Widmanstatten

(Room T) 195/220 286/288 0.25/0.6 Fully lamellar

The intrinsic FCP has been analyzed [36] in accordance to three basic crack propagation
i) The intrinsic stage I, has been identified on single crystals of peak aged A1-Zn-Mg
alloy (Figure 6). Typically, the crack develops within a {111 } plane pre-oriented for
single slip [37]. This regime is also typical of the early growth of microstructural short
cracks in polycrystals [38].
it) The intrinsic stage II is commonly observed on polycrystals and single crystals in the
so-called Paris regime when crack propagation proceeds at macroscopic scale along
planes normal to the loading direction [39,40]. Such propagation is favored by
microstructures which promote homogenous deformation and wavy slip as large or non-
coherent precipitates or small grain sizes. Accumulation and tangling of dislocations
near the crack tip reduce plastic blunting ability of the material, and result in a

Figure 6 - Stage I crack growth in high vacuum in a peak aged single crystal ofA1-
4.5% wt Zn-1.25% wt Mg alloy preorientedfor (111) slip.

Figure 7 a - Crack propagation in high vacuum of a n overaged single crystal ofA1-

4.5% wt Zn-1.25% wt Mg alloypreoriented for easy slip (R=O.1, 35 Hz). The
initial stage II crack switches to a stage I crack in the near-threshold domain.
After threshold, at increasing ~ the stage I crack switches again to stage 11

10.r Single crystals :

OR R-O,I StageII ~q~ ~.~~176
ix 011 R-O.| Stage |
9 PIt R-O.I Stage I "~ "-~
9 PR gar. II Stage I
P01ycrystals : / ~ 7
10-o i OR R-O.I StageII
9/ .--

9f /~ "/"
9 ~./x la

1 2 3 10
~K,,H (MPa'Jrn)

Figure 7b - Crack propagation data in high vacuum of single crystals and polycrystals
of Al-4.5% wt Zn-1.25% wt Mg alloy (R=O.1, 35 Hz). Only data for well established
stage l a n d stage 11have been selected and AK values correspond to mode I loading.

discontinuous progression of the crack front as well in the mid-rate range as in the near
threshold region [39]. Figure 7a illustrates the change from a near threshold stage I to a
mid AK stage II propagation in an A1-Zn-Mg single crystal. Figure 7b shows that,

Figure 8 - a) Profile o f a stage H crack grown in high vacuum in a Al-1.1% wt Li alloy

(R=O.1, 35 Hz); b) Profile o f a stage 1-like crack grown in high vacuum in aal-1.1% wt
Li alloy (R =0.1, 35 Hz).

in comparable loading conditions, stage I cracks grow much faster than stage II cracks.
This result is specially of importance for the early propagation of microcracks. Figure 8a
gives an example of the crack profile of a stage II crack in a technical A1-Li alloy.
iii) The intrinsic stage I-like propagation corresponds to a crystallographic crack path
which is observed in polycrystals near the threshold or in the early stage of growth of
naturally initiated microcracks [38] when the microstructure favors heterogeneous
deformation along single slip systems within individual grains [31,36] (see example in
Figure 8b). Crack branching or crack deviation mechanisms [41] and barrier effect of
grain boundaries [38], are assumed to lower the stress intensity factor at the crack tip of
the main crack and so to induce such retarded propagation compared to the two other
The intrinsic stage II regime for mode I loading is in accordance with a propagation
law derived by Petit et al. [18, 22, 40] from the models initially proposed by Rice [42]
and Weertman [43] :

(daJdN)int = A/D0*(AKeft/E) 4 (1)

where A is a dimensionless parameter, E the Young modulus and Do* the critical
cumulated displacement leading to rupture over a crack increment ahead of the crack tip.
Intrinsic data for well identified stage II propagation are plotted in Figure 9 in a daJdN vs
AIQn-diagram for a wide selection of A1 alloys, and in Figure 10 in a da/dN vs AIQff/E
diagram for a selection of steels and Ti alloys in comparison to the mean curve for AI

II 2024 T351 R=O.! /

2024 T351 R=0.5
10-6 2618 T651 R=O.OI 9149149
x 2618T651 R-Q.I ",~ __~/
O 2618T651 R-O 3 I01
9 2610x651 R-0.5 qo; =A~
(b 2090 PA Bar. R ~ i ~
9 AI-4.6Cu-I.ILiPA R=O.05 ~ /
10-7 9 8090 OA R=Q I ~t~
v X7075 T7351 R-8~l o~ I~
9 7175M T7351 R=O I -~
0 7175F T7351 R=Q~I .~x
7075 24. 2o0~ .-0.1 ~ ~5"
C] 7075 T651 R-O.I o'~p' ~"/
2024-20w/oSiCwT6 R=O.1 z~~~ . ~ / / t ~

/ q-exv 9 ,~1~

~,~9 n u ~'~' 9 2024 T351 13=0.5

/,L BA ~ 9 AI-4.6Cu-I,ILi R=O.!
10-1o /-.e 9 9 7075T651 R-O.~
/9 w 9 9 70?5 T651 R=O.5
/ =:.l~ ~ ?o75T3sl R-o.1

2 3 5 10 20

~Ken (MPaqm)

Figure 9 - Intrinsic stage II and stage I-like regimes for a selection of A] based alloys
tested at room temperature in high vacuum. Data on 2090PA after [25], 8090 after [62]
and 2024-20%SiCw after [63].

These diagrams constitute an excellent validation of the above relation, specially for
growth rates lower than 10-7 m/cycle, and confirm that the LEFM concept is very well
adapted to describe the intrinsic growth of a stage II crack. This regime clearly appears
to be nearly independent on the alloy composition, the microstructure (when it does not
induce a localization of the deformation at the crack tip), the grain size, and hence the
yield stress. The predominant factor is the Young modulus of the matrix, and the slight
differences existing between the three base metals can be interpreted as some limited
change in D o according to the alloy ductility [40]. As a consequence, most of the
changes observed between the nominal stage II propagation o f different alloys in inert
environment are inherent to the changes in the Young modulus and in the contribution of
crack closure.

Ti6246, 500~ Ref. Al\allo / ^~
[] Marval X12, RT ,~
TiN, 850~
10"~ Ti-6AI-4V, 300~
Ti-6AI-4V, RT
30NCD16, RT
[] 316, RT
10 .7
E460, RT

1 0 .9

10_~ 1 . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . i , , , ,,i,,i

10-~ 10-s 104 10.3

Figure l0 - Intrinsic stage Il data plotted in a da/dN vs AKef/E (E : Young modulus)for
a selection of steels and Ti based alloys tested in high vacuum. The straight line is the
mean curve for Al alloys (from Fig. 9).

10~t StageI lik~

109[ ~' .


2 5 10
Figure 11 - Scatter bands for intrinsic stage Llike in AI and Ti alloys.

In sharp contrast with the stage II, the stage I-like propagation cannot be rationalized
using the above relation (Figures 9 and 11). This regime is highly sensitive to factors all
which can favor the strain localization within a single slip system at the microstructural
scale. Such localization can occur at very different stress levels with respect to grain
size, dimension and shearability of precipitates, thickness and length of lamellae and

1 0 -7

10 .9
o o
13 t *

10 -11
1 40
.... i n m


AKaf (MPa4m)

a) Influence of microstructure on intrinsic stage 1-like propagation in

F i g u r e 12 -
Ti-6Al-4V alloy tested in high vacuum at 300~ (constant Km~xtests, 35 Hz):
bimoda140% ap (~=20p.rn).
m heterogeneous 80% ap((~=81~m +lamellae of 50 pm),
mglobular 75% ap r ;
b) Microfractographic aspect of a stage 1-1ike crack in heterogeneous microstructure;
c) profile of stage I-like crack of Figure 12b.

Comparison with the three intrinsic regime of propagation data of naturally

F i g u r e 13 -
initiated microcracks grown in high vacuum in a 7075 alloy in different aged conditions
(R=O.1, 35 Hz).

nature and volume fraction of the phase where such localization takes place. For
example, the Figure 12a gives an illustration of the influence of the size and of the
volumic fraction of primary a grains in a TA6V alloy treated in three different
conditions. The higher the C~pvolnme fraction or/and the larger the grain size, the more
accentuated the retardation induced by the crystallographic crack path (Fig. 12b and c)
which develops within each individual ap grains along basal planes as identified using
the EBSP technique [27]. In addition, the retardation is more well marked when the
number of available slip systems is limited (Ti alloys) or is nearly absent when some
secondary slip systems can be activated near the boundaries [44] and facilitate the
crossing of slip barriers as observed in A1-Li alloys with Lithium addition higher than
The intrinsic behavior of naturally initiated microcracks has been analyzed on the
basis of the above framework consisting of three main crack regimes [45]. An
illustration is given in Figure 13.

As observed in illustration (a) of Figure 13, microcracks initiated at the surface of a

specimen of a 7075 type alloy in T651 peak aged condition, grow in the stage I regime
in the first grain. Such propagation is favored by GP and S' shareable precipitates which
promote the localization of the deformation within PSB's [31]. When the crack has
crossed several grains, the retarded stage I-like propagation regime with a rough
crystallographic surface morphology prevails(illustration (c) of Fig. 13). For larger crack
extend and higher AK ranges, the propagation switches to the intermediate stage II
regime (illustration (b) of Fig. 13). So, it has been shown that, when the relation of the
crack propagation with respect to the microstructure is well established, the LEFM
concept, i.e. the AK concept, can be applied as well for short cracks as for long cracks
after correction for closure and when condition for small scale yielding are fulfilled.

Environmentally Assisted Crack Propagation

Following the rationalization of intrinsic stage lI propagation presented above, some

similar rationalization of FCG in air would be expected after correction for crack
closure and Young modulus efibcts. Figure 14 presents a compilation of stage lI
propagation data obtained in ambient air for a selection of alloys. Obviously there is no
rationalization in air. The sensitivity to atmospheric environment is shown strongly
dependent as well on base metals, addition elements, and microstructures (see 7075 alloy
in three different conditions) as on R ratio and growth rate. However, as noted above, a
typical common critical rate range can be pointed at about 10.8 m/cycle (Figure15).
This critical step is associated to stress intensity factor ranges at which the plastic zone
size at the crack tip is of the same order as grain or sub-grain diameters. In addition it
has been shown that, for growth rates lower than this critical range, crack propagation
results from a step-by-step advance mechanism instead of a cycle-by-cycle progression
as generally observed in the Paris regime in air [46].

10 .5
X7075 T7351
7475 T7351
7020 T651
2618 T651
10-7 Ti~AI41~
~,~ 104

10 "10

10.t t ........ i ........ i ....... i

104 10.5 104 10-3

AKeff/E (m l/Z)

F i g u r e 14 - Comparison of da/dN vs AKef/E crack growth data in air for various alloys.

critical rate
for hydrogen
10 -7 assisted propagation ~ , . /

9 ...'.',, '/
9 ~o:/ /
,~ 10-9
o~ /intrinsic stage H

=~ /e TA6V2 300~
o / 9 X7075
" / 9 7475T7351 RT

10 -H
1 2 5 10 20

10 5 x AKeff/E (x/m)

F i g u r e 15 - Critical crack growth rate (da/dN)cr below which enhanced environmental

influence is observed

On the basis of experimental data in air and inert gas containing traces of water
vapor, obtained on similar aluminum alloys, steels and Ti alloys than those tested in
vacuum, a comprehensive model has been established by Petit et al. [ 18,21,22] including
two different mechanisms for environmentally assisted crack growth as schematically
illustrated in Figure 16.


critical / /
/ ' FCGR /.~. /~o~"


Figure 16 - Schematic illustration of the two different environmentally assisted stage II

propagation regimes in comparison to intrinsic stage Il propagation.

at growth rates higher than a critical rate (da/dN)cr which depends upon several
factors as surrounding partial pressure of water vapor, load ratio, test frequency,
chemical composition and microstructure, the crack growth mechanism is assisted by
water vapor adsorption but is still controlled by plasticity as in vacuum;
at growth rates lower than (da/dN)cr, an hydrogen assisted crack growth mechanism
becomes operative, hydrogen being provided by adsorbed water vapor when some
critical conditions are fulfilled.
Both mechanisms are detailed in the following.

Adsorption Assisted Crack Propagation

Historically, Snowden [47] has first suggested that the environmental effect on
fatigue behavior of metals must be described in terms of the number of gas molecules
striking the crack tip surface and being adsorbed on fresh metal surface exposed to
active species in the part of the loading cycle during which the crack is open. Later,
Lynch [10,11] and Bouchet et al. [17] have proposed that active species adsorption or
chemisorption on a few atomic layers would be sufficient to enhance fatigue crack
propagation by facilitating dislocation nucleation and has demonstrated the detrimental
role of water vapor. This approach, based on a surface phenomenon, is close from the
description proposed by Petch [48] who derived from Gibbs adsorption equation an
expression for the surface energy variation in the case of the adsorption of a diatomic
molecule and a Langmuir isotherm [50]:

71 = 7 - 2 F s k T ln(1 + (A p)l/2) (2)

where 71 is the lowered surface energy, A is a constant related to the condensation factor
determined by the temperature T, p is the pressure, k the gas constant and Fs the number
o f adsorbed molecules at saturation. According to gas kinetic theory, the number of gas
molecules striking a unit area in a unit time is given by the relation:

no = NP / (2/tMkT) 1/2 (4)

where N is the Avogadro number, P the partial gas pressure, M the gas molecular
weight. However, assuming that the upper critical pressure in a S-shaped pressure
controlled phenomenon corresponds to the value o f no at saturation o f an adsorbed
monolayer, the calculated critical pressures were lower by a factor 100 to 1 compared
with experimental data. Similar discrepancies were observed by Bradshaw and Wheeler
A first modification to this approach was proposed by Achter [49] who reconsidered
coverage condition at the crack tip and the impedance factor related to the restricted gas
flow in the fatigue crack; but substantial discrepancies were still observed between
calculated and experimental critical pressure values. These approaches based on
correlation between rate variations and pressure o f active gas at the crack tip did not
settle the actual governing mechanism. In addition unity sticking coefficients were
assumed. The influence o f R ratio or/and of crack closure was not taken into account,
and geometrical crack surfaces were considered instead o f physical surfaces which could
be much larger.
In accordance with Lynch approach [10, 11] adsorption is considered only to induce
change in the cumulated displacement D*, the basic crack propagation mechanism being
similar to that in high vacuum, i.e. in inert environment. Reconsidering the superposition
model originally formulated by Wei [12-16], a revised formulation has been proposed in
the form [ 18]:

(da/dN)e = (da/dN)mt + 0[(da/dN)e,s - (daJdN)int] (5)

with suffixes e = environmental, int = intrinsc, e,s = saturated environmental effect, 0

coverage coefficient of freshly created surfaces b y adsorbed water vapor molecules as
originally defined by Langrnuir [50]. The variation o f D* with respect to 0 can be
written as follows:

l/D* = [l/D*0 + 0 (1/D*l - l/D*0)] (6)

where D* o is the intrinsic value of D* for 0 = 0 and D* 1 the value o f D* when surfaces
are saturated (0 = 1).
The adsorption assisted propagation law can be derived from equation (1) as:

(da/dN)ad = A / D * (AKeff/E) 4
(da/dN)ad = A[1/D*0+ 0 (l/D*1 - l/D*0)] (AKeff/E)4 (7)

The knowledge of the dependence of 0 upon the frequency and the water vapor pressure
is hence essential. Wei et al. [12-16] have proposed to depict this dependence by
considering gas transport at the tip and surface reaction kinetics. Two limiting cases are
i) the transport controlled case with:
0 - SNORT Pot (8)
where S is the active surface area, No the number of adsorption sites per unit surface
area, R the gas constant, T the temperature, Po the surrounding pressure, t the time, and
F the Knudsen flow parameter.
Because of the rapid reactions of environment with fresh surface (high reaction rate
constant kc) and the limited rate for supply of active species to the crack tip, significant
attenuation o f the active gas pressure takes place at the crack tip ;
ii) the surface reaction controlled case with:
0 = 1 - exp (- kc Pot) (9)
when the reaction rates are sufficiently slow so that the gas pressure at the crack tip is
essentially equal to the external pressure.
It is noticeable that Wei's model for transport controlled regime is in agreement with
adsorption controlled propagation. Hence hydrogen assistance is not required to use this
mode. But conversely, when hydrogen assistance is operative, specially in near-
threshold condition, the Wei's model cannot be used.

30NCD16 '
10.8 ])(H20)=10"3Pa


~ +35Hz
10-1o_ -c~ -20Hz
---6~ 5Hz
---~.- 1Hz
2 4 6 8 10
AK ~ ( M P a ' ~ )

Figure 17 - Influence of test frequency on the effective crack growth in a high strength
steel under very low partial pressure of water vapor(Sxl O3 Pa).

An illustration of adsorption assisted propagation is given in Figure 17 for a

30NCD16 steel tested at a total pressure o f 1.3 x 10"3 Pa, with a partial pressure of water
vapor of 1.0 x 10 Pa. At a frequency of 0.2 Hz the prevailing regime is adsorption
assisted propagation (0 = 1) while at 35 Hz the intrinsic regime is operative (0 = 0). At
intermediate frequency, a transitional behavior is observed, 0 varying during the test
from 1 to 0 at increasing rates. A reassessment o f Wei's model has been done by G.
Henaff et al. [22] to describe the low rate range and to account for very low pressures. A
critical point has been the formulation of the crack impedance for a quasi-stationary
crack and a molecular flow. The S curves drawn in Figure 17 correspond to 0 evolutions
as computed from the following equation:

1 Po
ctSo0/4F - Ns Va log (1 - 0) = 4 No RT t (10)

where (~ is the surface roughness parameter, Va the average molecular rate, Ns number
of stationary cycles.

high vacuum 35 Hz

dry nitrogen 0.5 Hz

/ ,
1 0 -G humidifiednitrogen0.5 Hz / S
low vacuum 0.5 Hz

1 0 -z [3
9 Q


1 0 -8
"u ~ oo~

1 0 -9

10-;o i i 1 i i i ~ i I i

~Keff (MPa~/m)

Figure 18 - Adsorption assisted regime in Ti-6Al-4 V alloy at 300~ as defined from tests
at different frequencies and partial pressure of water vapor and compared to intrinsic
crack propagation in high vacuum.

The computations reveal success in accounting for the adsorption-assisted

propagation in 30NCD16 steel [22] (Fig. 17) and also on TA6V at 300~ in Ti-6AI-4V
(Fig. 18). For the latter alloy a value of the surface roughness parameter 0t of 173 is
used. This value is much higher than that used by Wei et al. [12-16] and Ogawa et al. on
titanium alloys [51] lying between 1 and 2. The present value has been obtained
considering that the fatigue rupture surface is fractal from a scale of 10 -1 mm 2 to a scale
10 mm 2 (which seems reasonable to evaluate the number of available adsorption sites)
and a fractal dimension of 2.2 in agreement with results from Mandelbrot et al. on steels
[52] or Bouchaud et al. on A1 alloys [53].

30NCD16 (1Pa, 1-35Hz)

30NCD16 (le3pa, 0.2Hz)
E 4 6 0 (1Pa)
oi1+1500 ppm H20 [128]
1 0 -6 _
316L (1Pa)
TA6V (air 20~ z~Y
TA6V (air 300~ :~_ /
10 -7

1 0 "s

Z 10 .9

//NX /. \
/~ / i n t r i n s i c s t a g e [I
fatigue crack propagation

10 "s 10 .4

AKer/E (qm)
Figure 19 -Adsorption assisted regime on different steels and on Ti-6Al-4V alloy in
selected environments.

In Figure 19 are plotted data for adsorption assisted propagation in different steels
and in Ti-6A1-4V alloy. It can be seen that a reasonable rationalization of da/dN with
respect to AKeff/E is obtained suggesting a comparable acceleration of the growth rates
in both types of alloys.

Hydrogen Assisted Propagation

This propagation regime becomes operative when several conditions favoring high
hydrogen concentration into the process zone at the crack tip are fulfilled:
conditions of access to the crack tip for active species which lead to sufficient partial
pressure of water vapor to create an instantaneous adsorbed monolayer, surrounding
pressure, frequency, growth rate, R ratio. In such conditions, the mechanism is reaction-
- sufficiently low stress intensity factor to reach a regime with a stationary crack and
plastic deformation localized in a limited number of slip systems within a single grain at
the crack front;
- a long time enough to allow hydrogen to diffuse by dislocation dragging so as to
attain a critical hydrogen concentration for metal embrittlement.
Such conditions are encountered in ambient air or in humidified inert gas for growth
rates lower than a critical rate (da/dN)cr [49].
The occurrence of the hydrogen assisted regime can be associated to a typical change
in the slope of the propagation curves which becomes close to 2 to 1, and the transition
from one regime to the other is marked by a more or less well defined plateau range
(Fig. 14, 15, 19). A slope o f 2 to 1 suggests a ACTOD controlled propagation and using
a superposition model, the following expression can be proposed for environmentally
assisted propagation :

da/dN = (da/dN)ad + (daJdN)H 2 (11)

da/dN = 1/D*es (AKeff/E) 4 + AKeff2/Ecy (12)

where cy is the yield stress of the material at the crack tip.

Application of this relation to crack growth in air and of relation (1) in vacuum for A1
alloys shows a good agreement with the experimental data (Fig. 20). But it is still an
empirical description for hydrogen assistance.
Hydrogen embrittlement of iron-based metal requires the accumulation of a critical
hydrogen concentration at some specific spots, unlike aluminum alloys where
embrittlement would result from the formation of hydrides whose brittle nature would in
turn induce an embrittlement of the bulk material [54]. Nevertheless these two processes
would behave in the same way from a kinetic point of view, which might explain a
certain analogy in near-threshold fatigue crack growth behavior. However, the
embrittling process by itself remains unclear and some authors think it is better to talk
about "hydrogen-assisted cracking" rather than "hydrogen embrittlement" [55,56] since
the brittle nature of the process is not obvious.
Beachem [56] proposed "microscopic plasticity mechanisms" and "severe, localized
crack-tip deformations" to explain this behavior. Some authors have shown by in-situ
observations that hydrogen induces an easier motion of the dislocations and a

subsequently earlier rupture as compared to vacuum [57]. This is also consistent with
Beachem's theory which suggests that "instead hydrogen locking dislocation in place," it
"unlocks them to multiply or move at reduced stresses" [58], so that one might talk
about enhanced plasticity.

Hydrogen assisred propagation

............ Adsorption assisted propagation
Intdnsic stage II
Intdnsic stage I-like

[3 7175 T7351 medium grain size

9 7175 T7351 fine grain size
VACUUM z~ 7175 T7351 medium grain size

lO .7

lO .8


g lO -s

,' / sl/I
i i ~ i i ii t i i , i Llll
1 lO

AKeff (MPa x m 112)

Figure 20 - Application of the superposition model for environmentally assisted

propagation in Al alloys.

Strain localization represents an alternative mechanism [58]. In accordance with this

mechanism and on the basis of in-situ crack tip observations in air and in vacuum, and as
mentioned above, McEvily and Gonzalez Vasquez [59] have proposed a representation
of the influence of environment on the blunting process at the crack tip. The higher
growth rates in air would result from a lesser blunting as compared to vacuum. This
analysis is consistent with Davidson and Lankford's previous findings [60,61].
According to them, as less energy is dissipated in plastic deformation in air, more energy

is available for the growth process. It can be pointed out that the two approaches are not
Finally, it should be emphasized that further in-depth investigations covering
different scientific fields are still required in order to precisely define the hydrogen -
assisted mechanism observed in humid atmospheres on metallic alloys.


From studies conducted during the last 25 years on the influence of atmospheric
environment on fatigue crack propagation in metallic alloys the following conclusions
can be drawn:
1 - Theoretical models developed since the initial works o f M c Clintock, Rice and
Weertman do not take into account any potential influence of environment and closure;
so any correlation between such models and experiments should be done using intrinsic
data provided by experiments conducted in inert environment and corrected for closure.
2 - The concept of inert environment has to be carefully used especially at low growth
rates and low frequencies; for example, traces of water vapor of the order of a few ppm
inert gas can be active in the near-threshold area.
3 - Based on numerous experiments on a wide selection of metallic alloys, three main
intrinsic propagation regimes have been clearly defined:
i) Intrinsic stage I which has been identified on single crystals and is also typical of
the early propagation of surface microcracks. Stage I is the fastest regime for given
loading conditions.
ii) Intrinsic stage II propagation is observed on most of the metallic alloys in the
Paris regime, with a crack path normal to the stress axis. A modeling derived from
Weertman and Rice initial models is proposed as: daJdN = A/D* o (AKeff/E) 4
iii) Intrinsic stage I-like propagation corresponds to stage I propagation at the scale
of each individual grain along the crack front. But at macroscopic scale, the crack
remains normal to the stress axis as a stage II crack. As a consequence of shielding
effects (crack branching, crack deviation and microstructural barriers) the stage I-like is
generally retarded if compared to stage II, and is very sensitive to microstructure and
respective slip localization.
4 - The environmental crack growth enhancement has been analyzed by comparing
effective data in gaseous environment containing well-controlled amount of water vapor
and oxygen, to intrinsic data:
i) The effective propagation in ambient air is characterized in most cases by a strong
environmental enhancement of the crack growth, especially near the threshold, and is
much more accentuated for A1 alloys than for steels and Ti alloys at room temperature.
ii) In contrast to intrinsic stage II, environmentally-assisted effective stage II is
highly sensitive to several factors including alloy composition, microstructure, grain size
and yield strength.
5 - The behavior in moist environment of metallic alloys can be described by the
superimposing of two distinct processes:
i) Adsorption of water vapor molecules which promotes the growth process without
altering the basis intrinsic mechanism of damage accumulation. Adsorption onto fresh
surfaces is analyzed as a decrease in the critical cumulated displacement D* which has
been described in term of the surface coverage coefficient 0. This regime is generally

operative in the mid-rate range at atmospheric pressure, but can be operative near-
threshold condition at sufficiently low partial pressure of water vapor.
ii) Hydrogen-assisted propagation as initially described by Wei and co-authors in
which hydrogen is provided by the dissociation of adsorbed water vapor molecules.
Critical conditions for such mechanism depend on water vapor pressure, time
(frequency) and temperature. This regime is generally observed in near-threshold
conditions, at a growth rate below a critical step ranging about 10-8 m/cycle, which
corresponds to deformation localized within individual grain.


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A. Hadrboletz) B. Weiss, 2 and R. Stickler3

The Significance of the Intrinsic Threshold - What Is New?

Reference: Hadrboletz, A. Weiss, B., and Stickler, R., "The Significance of the Intrinsic
Threshold - What Is New?" Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and
Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds., American Society
for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: Numerous investigations in the past decades have shown that the fatigue
threshold is influenced by several external and internal parameters. The effect of closure
as one of the dominating factors indicates the existence of AKth,efras a material property.
Due to the fact that the determination of closure is controversial a modified closure
evaluation procedure was used in this investigation.
Using selected materials (dual phase steel, particulate reinforced Al-alloy) this
modified closure procedure resulted in AKth,effvalues of reduced scatter in comparison to
conventional evaluation procedures.
An alternative concept to describe threshold conditions was suggested by introducing
characteristic plastic strain contours. The dislocation configuration in the vicinity of a
crack tip, revealed by the electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI) technique in the
scanning electron microscope, allowed to deduce such plastic strain values in
polycrystalline Cu selected as model material.
The ECCI technique was also applied to quasi two-dimensional structures (thin foils)
wl~ich may be of interest in microelectronic systems. Results show that for foils of the
thickness in the magnitude of the grain size a crack growth behavior is observed which
appears not to be affected by closure.

Keywords: fatigue threshold, intrinsic threshold, closure, dislocation configuration,

electron channeling contrast, plastic strain amplitude, thin foils

Research Scientist, Institute of Materialphysics, University of Vienna, Strudlhofgasse

4, A-1090 Vienna, Austria.
2 Professor, Institute of Materialphysics, University of Vienna, Strudlhofgasse 4, A-
1090 Vienna, Austria.
3 Professor, Institute of Physical Chemistry - Material Science, University of Vienna,
Waehringerstrasse 42, A-1090 Vienna, Austria.

Copyright92000 by ASTM International www.astm.org


The first case of a fatigue threshold referred to in the literature is the fatigue limit or
endurance limit deduced from conventional S-N curves. The high-cycle fatigue limit of
polycrystalline metals and alloys is defined as the threshold stress for propagation of
cracks which may have nucleated but did not grow further during subsequent cyclic
loading at this particular stress amplitude.
In many cases of engineering practice the dimensioning against fatigue failure is based
on the concept of admissible defects. This concept makes use of the threshold for the
growth of long fatigue cracks as the essential parameter. Thus the question arises which
criteria govern the threshold condition for the growth of such fatigue cracks.
The most widely applied concept to describe the long-crack fatigue threshold is based
on linear elastic fracture mechanics. With respect to the fatigue threshold considerations
under low-amplitude loading (i.e. high-cycle fatigue conditions) a critical AK value is
defined below which practically no crack growth should occur. This value was termed
threshold stress intensity range, AKth. The threshold stress intensity range, AKth was
initially assumed to be a material constant. However, numerous experimental results
showed that AKth is dependent on several external (e.g. R-ratio, tensile and compressive
overload, loading mode, test frequency, temperature and environment) and internal (e.g.
grain size, multiphases, composite material and texture) parameters [1,2].
It could be shown that the number of these affecting parameters can be reduced by
taking into account various mechanisms thought to be responsible for the prevention of a
fatigue crack to close under reduced loads [3]. Introducing the concept of crack closure
the threshold stress intensity was replaced by an effective (or intrinsic) fatigue threshold
stress intensity which is considered to be a true material constant. As frequently
described in the literature the accurate determination of an effective threshold value is
problematic and a modified approach was suggested as will be discussed in the following
chapter [3,4].
About twenty years ago several special conferences were devoted to the fatigue
threshold. However, in the last few years only individual publications appeared in the
literature most of them related to engineering aspects, only a limited amount were
concerned to more basic considerations [5,6]. In 1994 we have summarized in a review
paper the knowledge on fatigue threshold with respect to experimental procedures,
theoretical models, long and short crack behavior etc. [7].
We discussed also the numerous parameters influencing the fatigue threshold
properties from an engineering and a material science point of view and arrived to the
conclusion that due to the complicated nature a quantification of the threshold
conditions on basic principles seems to be problematic. In a critical assessment we
suggested at a first step to unify the testing and evaluation procedure in order to
separate different influencing factors and to introduce alternative criteria to describe the
threshold in a more unified manner.

The objective of this investigation is to treat in a more basic approach the following
aspects related to the threshold:

a modified evaluation of the closure behavior to gain a more fundamental AKth,off

the use of plastic strain amplitude to describe the long crack threshold state with
a unified quantity, which may also be extended to short crack behavior.
Using the electron channeling contrast imaging technique it was possible to
determine the global dislocation structure, which can be related to cyclic plastic
strain values and which allows a correlation to the threshold value.
. . ,

Ul to investigate the fatigue threshold conditions in quasi two-dimensional structures

in order to find an alternative way in minimizing closure.

Evaluation of Crack Closure

As a first attempt to rationalize the different influences on AKth the phenomenon of

crack closure was introduced, resulting in an effective value.
At present various experimental procedures are available for the determination of
One method involves the determination of AKth,efr at high positve R-ratios at which
closure is absent (Kmax-method [7,8]). This method is limited to low-ductility materials
since under the required high tensile stresses ductile materials will be subjected to
considerable plastic deformation.
The second method involves testing at large negative R-ratios (-3<R<-l) at which
Kth. . . . = AKth,~fr. This method does not require stresses as high as mentioned above,
however, it requires a precise alignment of the specimens to prevent buckling [9].
The common method involves the load shedding technique (R = constant, according
to ASTM E-647) for the determination of AKth. To determine the value of AKth,~fr
(AKth,eff=Kth.max-Kel) the closure behavior has to be monitored.
Various procedures have been proposed to determine the closure contribution based
on an evaluation of the recorded load (stress) - crack opening displacement (COD) curve
[3,4]. Idealized crack opening curves have the form as shown schematically in Figure la.
This ideal curve consists of two straight-lines. The branch between Kmax and Kol reflects
the closing of the crack with diminishing external load. Kr is alternatively defined in the
literature as Kop, referring to the opening of the crack under increasing external load. At
K~I the ideal crack is completely closed and further unloading corresponds to the elastic
behavior of a crack free specimen. The compliance of a specimen with an open crack is
larger than that of a specimen containing a closed crack, and thus, the slope of the branch
below Kd is steeper. In this idealized case, for Kmi, < Kcl the AKth,~ff corresponds to the
difference between Km~ and KCL,while AKth is usually defined as Kmax -Kmin-

In a real material the closure behavior is not as abrupt as drawn in Figure la, but
rather gradual as shown schematically in Figure lb. By reducing the external load from
Km,x the crack opening is reduced proportionally along the straight line down to K~l, the
value at which the crack faces first come into contact at asperities. On further unloading
an increasing number of asperities come into contact until at Kclosed the crack faces are in
tight contact and the COD is equal to zero. On further unloading the compliance of the
specimen is again nearly that of a defect free material. On reloading the sequence is
inversed except that the last contact at asperities on the fracture faces is lost at Kop,
which is in general slightly larger than Kol [4]. This small difference has been attributed
to frictional forces at the fracture surface.

Kmax .....................................
i' ...........~...........~ ~
Kmax T t (cony)AKth,e~ff~ F

. ~ e t f ]'~
............................................... ~AKtt"
........ .......................................... i......!.., o ........

Kclosed~mi n COD

a. idealized material b. real material

Figure 1 - Load (or K)-COD Curves, Schematic [4]

For the real material the values of K~l (first contact of asperities) and Kclosed (crack
practically closed, COD = 0) differ significantly. For the evaluation of the closure
contribution the magnitudes of both Kmaxand Kmin are essential. In Figure lb Kminwas
selected so that Kmin > Kc|osed,i.e. the crack never fully closes over the whole K-range.
Although the recording of the load or K-COD curve is experimentally relatively
simple, the interpretation of the significance of the various points along the curve is at
present controversial. Conventionally, K~I is taken as the point of deviation from
linearity of the upper branch of the curve. In view of the asymptotic path of the lower
branch, other investigators proposed to deduce the K~l value from the intersection of the
tangent of the lower portion with the extrapolation of the straight line of the upper
branch [3], as also indicated in Figure lb. It was pointed out by Chen [4] that, in the

closure evaluation, the effect of the lower portion of the load-COD curve down to Kmin
(or to Kcto~a) must be taken into account.
The proposed procedure to measure crack closure [4] involves, for the case Kclo~r <
K ~ < Kc~,the determination of the residual crack opening CODm~ at Krnin, as indicated
in Figure lb. From this it follows the modified AKa,.,ff:
AKth,e ff = AKth - AKshielding
with AK~hi,ld~g (taking into account the difference between the closure-free and the
closure-affected crack) as defined in Figure lb. For the c a s e Kmin< Kclosed it follows that
AKth,e ff = Kth,max.

Significance of Closure

Using the AKth,~ffconcept the influence of different external and internal parameters
on the threshold values can be reduced as shown in Table 1. In this Table a summary of
various closure mechanisms explaining the threshold behavior is presented [10].

Table 1 - AKth-behavior Related to Closure[l O]

[ Parameter [ AKth-behavior [ Comments

R = Kmin/Kma x Max.values of AKa, at R=0 roughness induced closure:
decreasing AKth -values with rough fracture surface at R = 0
increasing positive and increasing smooth fracture surface at higher
negative R-values R-values
significant influence for coarse no R-dependency if Kmin>Kcl
grained material;
AKth almost independent of R for
fine grained material
tensile overload reduction of near threshold [ plasticity induced closure (crack
fatigue crack growth has to transmit an enlarged
plastic zone)
compressive acceleration of near AKthfatigue reduced crack closure due to
overload crack growth flattening of the fracture surface
loading-mode Higher AKth in bending compared influence eliminated by closure
to tension-compression (inhomogeneous plastic

Parameter AKth-behavior Comments

test-frequency minor increase of AKth with formation of oxides on the crack
increasin~ frequency surfaces
test-temperature AKth increases with raising increased closure due to the
temperatures formation of corrosion products
(mainly oxides), predominantly
roughness- and oxide induced
environment AKth is to be almost independent lack of oxide induced closure,
of R in an inert environment absence of roughness induced
compared to air closure which is enhanced by
increased AKa, in oil compared to fretting corrosion (loose
inert, gaseous environment particles),
viscous induced closure
grain size AKth increases with increasing coarser structures exhibit rougher
grain size fracture surfaces leading to
pronounced roughness induced
multi-phases higher AKth-values compared to roughness induced closure and a
single-phase materials meandering crack path
(l~eometrical closure)
metal-matrix /~th varies both with volume AKth,~ff depends only on the
composites fraction and the average size of mean particle size; there is no
the reinforced hard particles function of its volume fraction
texture AKth depends on the angle fracture surface roughness varies
between crack plane and with the crack-orientation
crystallographic orientation (roughness-induced closure),
large changes in crack path
orientation cause geometrically
induced closure

As reported in literature the most prominent external parameter affecting AKth is the
R-ratio. As an example the influence of R in the range of -10 to + 0,8 on AKth of A1
2024-T3 is depicted in Figure 2 which indicates a maximum of AKt~ for R = 0. Using
AK~eff an almost constant value over the whole range of R is derived which may be
explained mainly by roughness induced closure [9]. Various other external parameters
also affect AKth caused by different closure mechanisms [7], however the use of the
ZkKt~,efrconcept reduces their influence (see Table 1).

AKth MPa~/m)


2.0- []
*~ /,~ ~ -*-,-**g ....

-'2 -8 -4 0 O.4 O.8
Figure 2 - Influence of an External Parameter (R-ratio) on AKth and AKth,eff ofAl2024 T3

transverse . o " ' ~ AKth
AKth ~176
15- 4
O" .......... 0 ....................... ~3"""

E 10- ..-O
AKth,eff (mod) ..... ~'-7-'----A
O, .................... "0 ........................ ' ........... 0 ..... "'0
~:-_:=::::~:::: ..... - AKtheff
<1 5- 1 transverse

AKth.eff (conY) I I I
5 10 15 20
40 50
' 60
~ 7'0 80 90

Volume fraction of martensite ira % V o l u m e fraction o f SiC in %

Figure 3a - Influence of an Internal Figure 3b - Influence of an Internal

Parameter (Different Volume Fraction of Parameter on AKth and AKth,4r(Different
Martensite) on AKth and zlKth,ey in a Dual Volume Fraction of SiC Particles with a Size
Phase Steel with the Following Composition: of 5 llm #i an AI Composite Material)
0,07 C; 1,46Si; 0,47Mo; 0,61 Cr

Microstructural features as for example different phases, also influence AKth in a more
complex way, affecting the mechanical properties. Figure 3a depicts the influence of the
volume fraction of martensite in a dual phase ferritic-martensitic steel [11]. Introducing
AKth,~ffdetermined in two different ways shows that the modified evaluation of closure
resulted in almost constant values. The closure behavior may be attributed to mainly
geometrically induced closure.
In Figure 3b the dependence on AKth as function of the volume fraction of SiC
particles with sizes of 5 ~na introduced in an A1 6061 matrix is presented. The reduction
of the effect of the reinforcing particles is expressed by an almost constant value of
AKth,eff [12].

Determination of Plastic Strain in the Crack Tip Region

In view of the experimental efforts and the numerous affecting parameters many
authors attempted to calculate the threshold values from basic principles. For a rough
estimation of the threshold value, as a first guideline the Young's modulus was used.
For a more precise calculation of AKth,eff various models have been introduced which
have been classified into two groups: a) models based on stress field or energy
considerations and b) models taking into account microstructural parameters (e.g. grain
size and dislocation mobility). However a generally applicable quantitative prediction of
the threshold behavior seems still problematic [7].
An alternative approach is to relate the threshold value to the cyclic plastic strain,
due to the fact that the fatigue response is determined by the amount of plastic strain.
Based on the idea of a direct relationship between a characteristic dislocation
structure and plastic strain amplitudes, few studies have been performed on the localized
plasticity in the vicinity of a fatigue crack at threshold. The investigations were mainly
performed with polycrystalline Cu [13] using transmission electron microscopic (TEM)
techniques. As an altemative method the electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI)
technique (ECCI) as a new non-destructive technique was applied. The ECCI technique
allows to reveal the global dislocation structure in the near crack tip region [14,15,16].
Typical dislocation structures of recrystallized polycrystalline Cu specimens (which
was selected as a model material) near the crack tip are presented in Figure 4a and Figure
4b. The specimens were fatigue tested in a resonance system at 20 kHz and R = -1.
Threshold values were obtained with the load shedding technique corresponding to a
propagation rate of about 1.10 I3 m/c. For more experimental details see R e f [ 14].
Figure 4a shows around the crack tip a heavily deformed zone and after
electropolishing it could be revealed that this zone consists of fine dislocation cells
(Figure 4b). For higher AK values the zone containing dislocation cells is extended
(Figures 5a and 5b).

Dislocation cells can also be observed ahead of the crack tip. Beyond this region with
cell structures a dense vein structure containing persistent slip bands (PSB's), labyrinth
structures or mixtures of these are observed as presented in Figure 6. In this figure
characteristic plastic strain values are given.

Figure 4 - Dislocation Structures Around the Crack Tip Observed for Polycrystalline Cu
Tested at the Fatigue ThreshoM (AKth= 2,5 MPam 1/2) at Room Temperature, 20 kltz and
R = -1; ECCI-micrographs [14]

Figure 5 - Dislocation Structures Around the Crack Tip Observed for Polycrystalline Cu
Tested at (AK = 4,8 MPa m 1/2) at Room Temperature, 20 kHz and R = -1;
ECCl-micrographs (14)

To derive at plastic strain amplitudes from these typical dislocation structures the
cyclic stress strain response has to be known. According to [17] for polycrystalline Cu
dislocation cells can be observed for plastic strain amplitudes exceeding 6.10 -4 , whereas
the structure containing loose veins corresponds to plastic strain amplitudes lower than
2.10 4. In between these two values falls the region containing PSB's and veins. As can
be seen from Figure 6 a correlation between observed structures and plastic strain values
is possible.
A comparison between calculated values of the plastic zone size [14] and the extent
of typical dislocation structures reveals agreement if not only the innermost region
containing cells but also the region containing PSB's is considered. Similar observations
were reported by [13] who stated that a quantitative description of the plastic strain in
the plastic zone might be problematic due to the triaxiality of the stress state. Therefore
the fatigue threshold behavior of two dimensional systems was studied.

Figure 6 - Dislocation Arrangement in the Vicinity of a Fatigue Crack in Polycristalline

Cu at Room Temperature, 20 kHz, R = -1, Crack Propagation Rate of about 1.10 -1~m/c

The Threshold Behavior of Quasi Two Dimensional Systems

The investigation of the threshold behavior of quasi two dimensional systems (thin
foils) with grain sizes in the magnitude of the thickness of the foil was performed not
only to avoid the problem of stress triaxiality but also because of the interest in
properties as essential parts in microelectronic and microelectromechanical systems [18].
For the purpose of comparison of the threshold behavior of bulk material,
recrystaUized Cu foils (thicknesses ranging between 20 ~tm and 100 ~tm) were chosen as
testing material. For the determination of the fatigue threshold the foils were attached to
a supporting specimen holder loaded in a resonance system operated at 20 kHz and R =
-1. The end portions of the foils were glued to the supporting holder (bar with cross
section of 20 x 6 mm) leaving a free standing middle zone of approximately 4 mm width.
A small starting notch was introduced in the mid-section of the foil. For experimental
details see [18].
Fatigue crack growth curves (crack length a) as function of the number of loading
cycles (N) were determined for constant-strain amplitude loading. First results are
presented in Figure 7. As can be seen for the bulk material a typical a-N curve is derived,
whereas for the foils the a-N curves show an anomalous behavior which seems to be
similar to the growth of short cracks in bulk material characterized by temporary arrests
of the crack. These a-N curves of the thin foils appear to approach a saturation value
corresponding to a threshold. This behavior may be due to the loading conditions under
displacement control.
The ECCI micrographs at different stages of fatigue (A, B, C) are depicted for a 100
pm foil in Figure 7. The micrograph corresponding to condition A shows temporary
crack arrest, due to an interaction of the crack with a grain boundary. B indicates also a
temporary crack arrest due to formation of a secondary crack surrounded by dislocation
cells. C corresponds to the final threshold condition, the crack tip interacts with a twin
boundary and is surrounded by a small zone consisting of dislocation cells. PSB's can be
observed in the vicinity.
Threshold values were calculated by using the standard LEFM relations for plane
stress conditions for a through crack [18]. We consider these values only as a rough
approximation not taking into account the effects of displacement controlled test
procedure. Based on the observation of the crack growth behavior similar to that of
short cracks it may be hypothesized that these calculated threshold values resemble
effective threshold data of recrystallized bulk Cu, however they show a large scatter
which may be due to the variation of Young's modulus known to be strongly dependent
on textures of Cu foils [19].
In comparison to bulk material the plastic zones around the crack are smaller which
supports the assumption that the threshold value is considered to be an effective value.

Figure 7 - Changes of Crack Length as Function of Number of Loading Cycles of

Recrystallized Cu Foils with Varying Thicknesses and Grain Sizes and for Bulk Material;
ECCI Micrographs above Correspond to Different Stages of Fatigue (A, B, C) of the Foil
with a Thickness' of l O0 pro, test Conditions: Room Temperature, 20 kHz and R - -1

Summary and Conclusions

Based on the alternative concepts to describe threshold behavior it may be

The fatigue threshold is influenced by several external and internal parameters. Taking
into account the effect of closure as one of the dominating factors~ the experimental

findings indicate the existence of AKth,effas an almost material constant. Due to the fact
that the determination of closure is controversial a modified closure evaluation procedure
was used which takes into account the lower portion of the load-COD curve.
For selected materials this procedure resulted in AKth,effvalues of reduced scatter in
comparison to conventional evaluation procedures, so that these values may be regarded
as a true material constant.
A concept based on the cyclic plasticity in the vicinity of a fatigue crack under
threshold conditions was proposed. This requires to study the dislocation configurations
by using the essentially non-destructive ECCI- method, which allows to identify the
changes in mesoscopic dislocation structures between surface layers and the interior of
specimens over large specimen areas. From this information it was possible to derive
plastic strain contours for various critical strain values of the deformed regions around
the fatigue crack. This method should also be applicable to analyse the plastic strain
contours along the crack path revealing the load history. The ECCI technique may be
succesfully applied to other single phase materials and simple alloy systems.
This proposed plastic strain concept may be applied to both short cracks (which are
influenced by the fatigue limit known to be directly related to the plastic strain) and long
cracks (AKth,eff is a function of plastic strain). Thus it seems feasible to present a
modified Kitagawa diagram in terms of plastic strain instead of stress. These
considerations should permit to define the characteristic behavior of cracks with varying
length by the use of a basic physical parameter.
A new method was introduced to study the fatigue threshold behavior of quasi two-
dimensional structures such as thin foils and films of various materials. The observed
crack growth properties (similar to those of short cracks in bulk material) in
polycrystalline Cu foils indicate only a limited amount of closure. This is due to the lack
of microstructural constraint if the thickness of the foils is in the magnitude of the grain
size. The observed characteristic plastically deformed regions are smaller than in bulk
materials indicating a true effective threshold value.


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[9] Kemper, H., Weiss, B., and Stickler, R., "An Alternative Presentation of the
Effects of the Stress-ratio on the Fatigue Threshold," Engineering Fracture
Mechanics, Vol. 32, 1989, pp. 591-600.

[10] Hadrboletz, A., Weiss, B., and Stickler, R., "The Significance of the Fatigue
Threshold for Metallic Materials," Localized Damage IV, H. Nisitani, M. H.
Aliabadi, S. J. Nishida, D. J. Cartwright, Eds., Computational Mechanics
Publications, Southampton, UK, 1996.

[11] Chen, D. L., Weiss, B., Stickler, R., and Wang, Z. G., "Effective Fatigue
Threshold of a Dual-Phase Steel," Euromat 94, Proc. of 15th Conf. on Materials
Testing in Metallurgy, 11th Congress on Materials Testing, B. Vorsatz and E.
Sz6ke, Eds., Vol. 3, pp. 722-726.

[12] Sun, Z. M., Weiss, B., Chen, D. L., Stickler, R., Wang, Z. G., and Bi, J.,
"Small and Long Fatigue Cracks in SiC Particulate Reinforced A1-Alloys,"
Fatigue 93, Proc. of the 5th International Conf. on Fatigue and Fatigue
Thresholds, Montreal, Canada, 1993, J. P. Bailon and J. I. Dickson, Eds.,
EMAS, Warley, UK, 1993, Vol. 2, pp. 1117-1122.

[13] Tong, Z. X., and Bailon, J. E, "Dislocation Structures Near the Fatigue Crack
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[14] Chela, D. L., Melisova, D., Weiss, B., and Stickler, R., "The Electron
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[18] Hadrboletz, A., Kathibi, G., Weiss, B., and Stickler, R., "Fatigue Threshold
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[19] Landolt-B6rnstein, Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Physik, Chemie,

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Hans-Jakob Schindler 1

On the Significance of Crack Tip Shielding in Fatigue Threshold - Theoretical

Relations and Experimental Implications

Reference: Schindler, H. J., " O n the Significance of Crack Tip Shielding in Fatigue
Threshold--Theoretical Relations and Experimental Implications," Fatigue Crack
Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr.
and R. S. Piascik, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken,
PA, 2000.

Abstract: The fatigue crack growth (FCG) threshold behavior of elastic-plastic materials
is analyzed theoretically by simplistic mechanical considerations. Emphasis was laid
upon two of the key aspects of threshold, which are both still controversially discussed in
the literature: intrinsic threshold and extrinsic crack tip shielding. The analytical relations
derived from the model confirm experimental indications, that at R-ratios beyond a
certain limit FCG and its threshold is governed by intrinsic mechanisms, whereas at
lower R it is crucially influenced by extrinsic shielding mechanisms. The latter are
postulated to consist of a crack-closure and a non-closure part, which is confirmed by
preliminary experimental data as well as data from the literature. To measure crack
closure independently, a new experimental technique, the so-called cut compliance
method, is proposed, which is shown by some preliminary tests to work well even in the
threshold regime. The model and the derived mathematical relations also enable one to
distinguish between those parts of the threshold that are inherently associated with FCG,
and the ones that are geometry- or load-history-dependent. Therewith conservatively
transferable threshold data can be obtained.

Keywords: crack tip shielding, crack closure, intrinsic threshold, experimental, residual
stress, influence functions, cut compliance method, threshold chart, R-effect


a crack length and cut length, respectively

an, af depth of initial notch and final length of fatigue crack, respectively
C constant in the crack-growth equation
Cop/pl = Kop/pl ] Kmax
CC cut compliance (-method)
AK SIF range, AK=Krna•

1 Senior research engineer, Swiss Federal Labs. for Materials Testing and Research
(EMPA), CH-8600 Duebendorf, Switzerland.

Copyright 2000 byASTM International www.astm.org

range of SIF that produces plastic strains in the vicinity of the crack-tip
AK~h value of AK below which no FCG occurs
AKth/lnt intrinsic component of AKth
EM strain at measurement point M
FCG fatigue crack growth
Ki SIF at initiation of ductile tearing
Kits SIF due to residual stresses or crack closure stresses
Kmax/th threshold value of Kma• for low R
K . . . . Km~x minimum and maximum SIF of a load cycle, respectively
Knc extrinsic shielding of the crack tip other than crack closure, in terms of
Kop SW required to overcome the contact stresses acting between the crack
Kop/pl plasticity induced crack closure SIF
Kop/~x~ SIF due to crack closure remote from the crack tip
Ksh extrinsic shielding of the crack tip loading in terms of SIF
n exponent in the crack-growth equation
R load or SIF ratio, R=Kmin/Kmax
Rop Roe--KodKm~x
Rp, Rm yield stress and ultimate tensile strength, resp.
Rsh value of R at the transition between shielded and non-shielded crack tip
SIF stress intensity factor
Z influence function

The existence of a threshold of the stress intensity range, AKth, below which no crack
propagation occurs, was postulated shortly after fracture mechanics parameters were first
used to correlate the rates of fatigue crack growth (FCG) [1]. Enabling safe life
calculations to be simplified, fatigue tests to be shortened, and giving some theoretical
support to the widely used concept of fatigue strength and endurance limits, the FCG-
threshold plays an important role in engineering fatigue. However, most of the
knowledge about this phenomenon is of empirical nature, and the underlying mechanisms
are far from being satisfactorily understood. The FCG-threshold is known to be affected
by several parameters, like the R-ratio, stress history, environment, frequency, crack
length, and geometry of the specimen or structural component [2]. So it is no surprise that
there is a pronounced scatter in the experimental data reported in the literature [3]. Since
threshold concepts applied in safe life calculations of structural components only make
sense if there is no doubt that the data used are conservative, relatively high safety
margins have to be applied when using experimental data in practical applications.
Regarding the number of influencing factors on the one hand and the experimental
effort and costs to determine reliable threshold data according to ASTM E647 on the
other, a mainly empirical approach to account for the threshold behavior in safe life
predictions is not adequate. Neither is a purely theoretical one, since the physical
processes involved are much too complex to be treatable purely theoretically. Thus, as in
other fields of fracture mechanics, the most efficient way to come to quantitative

predictions appears to be a semi-empirical one, which means using simplistic mechanical

models in combination with experimental data to determine the inevitable open
parameters of the model. Whilst it should be general and flexible enough to reproduce the
major experimental features and phenomena of the process, it also has to be simple
enough to be analytically solvable. The above mentioned open constants should be as few
as possible, physically well defined and experimentally easily measurable. However, at
least as important as choosing an appropriate model is using it consistently in the
evaluation of test data and in the FCG-prediction of a given structural component.
A key factor in FCG and threshold is crack closure [4-8]. Although this phenomenon
has been known for more than two decades now and is in principle generally accepted as
a typical feature of FCG, there still is no consensus about its physical relevance, its
magnitude, its experimental and computational determination and the definition of
characteristic parameters [9-13]. A variety of models and empirical formulas have been
proposed in the literature to quantify this effect. The controversy especially concerns the
threshold regime, where plane strain conditions prevail and the plasticity induced crack
closure is relatively small. Another important question is the transferability of threshold
values measured on a test specimen to structural components of other shapes and sizes. In
the present paper some of these questions are tried to be further clarified by simplistic
models and considerations. They allow to sort out transferable and non-transferable
components of the threshold.
Probably one of the main reasons why a common view on this subject has not yet
been achieved in the scientific community are the difficulties encountered when
quantifying crack closure experimentally, since the usually applied compliance methods
become inaccurate at low load ranges. In the present paper a new method, the cut
compliance method, is proposed. The preliminary experimental results show the
applicability of this method even in the threshold regime. The data obtained give
additional information about the physical processes involved in the threshold behavior
and allows one to distinguish between those components of the FCG-threshold, which are
affected by the test specimen geometry and the testing conditions and those, which are
inherently connected with the fatigue process. This differentiation is essential when
dealing with the question of the transferability of the threshold data from the test
specimen to a structural component.

Fatigue Crack Growth Law

FCG results from local damage due to the repetitive plastic strains in the vicinity of the
crack tip that result from a cyclic stress intensity factor (SIF) [3,4,14]. The latter, called
the effective S/F-range AK~ff, is formed by the external load reduced by the local crack-
tip shielding effects like crack closure [5, 6]. It is an experimental fact, that there is a
threshold of the effective SlF-range, AKttvint, where the crack ceases to grow. A suitable
modification of Paris' law to account for this behavior is

d N - C . ( A K ~ - AKIn~,,, ) (1)

AKth/int results from mechanisms that prevent micro-plastic effects to occur in the vicinity
of the crack tip, like dislocations caught at grain boundaries, slip bands interrupted by
inclusions, microscopically finite crack tip radii, etc., so it is called the intrinsic FCG-
threshold. AKtlgint is considered to be a material property. Nevertheless it can be affected
by factors like the environment and the loading frequency. The mathematical form of (1)
assures that AKth/int has the awaited minor effect on the FCG-rate da/dN at higher SIF-
AKeff is generally given by

=[Kmax-Ksh for R<Rsh

AK #
L (2)
for R > Rsh
K min AK
R - - - - 1 - - - (3)
lCm,~ Xmax

Rsh=Ksh/Kmax (4)

Ksh represents the total extrinsic shielding in terms of SIF, the term "extrinsic" meaning
due to secondary mechanical forces acting at or near the crack surfaces [12, 15], such as
the well known crack closure Kop. However, directly measured crack closure values Kop
often are significantly lower than the ones determined indirectly by crack growth
observation [11, 17], which implies that crack closure might be not the only shielding
effect of a fatigue crack tip in the threshold regime. Therefore, we assume Ksh to be
composed of crack-closure Kop and an additional component, Knc, i.e.

K,~, = Rop+K,,c (5)

Since extrinsic shielding of other type than crack closure is hardly possible in a 2D-
system, Knc is likely to be associated with 3D-effects such as the crack curvature, which
in general deviates from a straight line, and local non-planar crack-growth caused by
microstructural features, leading to crack surface roughness. Regarding the former and
the particularly local nature of closure effects at small load ranges (where a substantial
part of the closure SIF is formed by contact stresses within a few tenths of a millimeter
behind the crack-tip), it is obvious that closure effects can not be completely captured by
the usual 2D-considerations. The latter results in local friction, Mode-lI- and Mode-III
effects that can contribute to crack-tip shielding but not to crack closure as measured by
direct 2D-methods such as ASTM E 647 or the CC-method discussed later on. According
to these considerations, Knc is likely to depend on the micro-structure of the material and
the specimen or component thickness.
Concerning Kop, it is suitable to distinguish between two components,

Kol, = Kop/pl + Kop/ext (6)


The first, Kop/pl, represents the closure-SIF due to the inevitable local plastic deformation
at the crack tip. The second, Kop/ext, results from additional closure effects such as
corrosion products stuck to the crack faces, asperities and roughness of the crack surface,
including plasticity-induced closure of the crack-faces remote from the crack-tip, due to
overloads at earlier stages of the crack. Thus, Kop/p I can be considered to be inherently
associated with FCG in elastic-plastic materials, whereas Kop/ext depends on system-
specific conditions.
An analytical or a Finite-Element model is required to split Kop according to (6). In
[4], Kop/plwas calculated by means of a strip yield model from the condition that closure-
free crack-growth requires the slope of the crack contour at the physical crack tip to be
zero, which led to

K,,p/pt = Cop/pl'Knvax (7)

P for plane stress (8)
C,,,p/pt = Re + R m

where Rp and Rm denote the yield strength and the ultimate tensile strength, respectively.
Physically, Cop/pl represents the ratio of a representative flow stress in tension to the one
for subsequent compression. The approximation (8) holds for plane stress. In plane strain,
which often prevails in the threshold regime, the strip yield model as used in [4] is less
accurate. Due to triaxiality, the local flow stress is increased, the strain correspondingly
decreased, and the ratio of tensile to compressive flow stress is lower [16], resulting in a
considerably reduced crack closure [7]. Following roughly pattern of the derivation in [4]
and regarding the results of [16], we account for these effects roughly by replacing in (8)
Rm by 2Rrn, thus

C,,p/pt = for plane strain (9)
Rp + 2R,,

Fig. 1 - General behavior o f the opening
SIF as a function o f R according to the
9 i present model
0 Coup,I% 1

The general behavior of Kop as given by (6) - (9) is shown in Fig. 1 as a function of R
which is in good agreement with empirical and numerical behavior [5-8]. In Fig. 2, Kop is
shown as a function of Kmax, which also is in qualitative agreement with the behavior of
experimental data [8]. Fig. 2 also shows a possible way to estimate Cop/plexperimentally.
Actually, as shown in [13, 16], K~plp I depends not only on K .... as stated by (6a-6c),
but, at least to some degree, also on Kmin, since low or negative values of Kmin tend to
reduce the closure effect by additional plastic compression of the crack surface. This
effect is disregarded here for the sake of simplicity (see [18] for further discussion).


c~ AKth/in t .......... "'-..,.,, ,

~arge scale
lyielding ""-..... q

0 Rsh 1
Fig. 2 - General behavior of Kop as a Fig. 3 - Dependence of Kth on R.
function of Kmaxfor R<R4,

With (5) - (9), (2) becomes

AKtI ={(~ C''lpt)'Kn'ax-K'p/~x'-K'c forR < Rsh

forR > Rsh
R,h = (Kop + K,,)/K.... (11)

Threshold Behavior

The FCG-threshold in terms of AK, AKth, is obtained by inserting (10) and (11) in (1)
and setting da/dN=0. One obtains

AK,h = AK,h0 . (1 - R) for R<Rsh (12a)

AKth -~ AKthlin, for R>R~h (12b)


AKth/m t + K p / ~ + K . c
AKth o = (13)
1 - Copot

AKth as given by (12a) and (12b) is shown in Fig. 3. It compares well with experimental
data (see Fig. 7 below and e.g. [12, 17, 19]), indicating that the model used here is able to
reproduce the main characteristics of the FCG and the corresponding threshold. Inserting
(3) in (12) and (13) leads to

Agth/m t + K,,p/~t + Knc

Kmax/th = f o r R< Rsh (14a)
1 - Cop/pt
AK, h = AKth/,,, f o r R> Rsh (14b)

The conditions for non-propagation corresponding to (14a) and (14b), i.e. Kmax<Kmax/th
for R<Rsh and AK<AKth for R>Rsh, respectively, form the shaded area in the Kmax-VS.-
AK-plane (Fig. 4), confirming experimental and theoretical findings of other authors [ 15,
16, 17, 19], This area, called in the following the threshold-chart, characterizes the
threshold behavior of a certain test specimen or component. It is defined by only two
parameters, AKth/int and Kmax/th. Correspondingly, only two threshold tests are required to
establish the threshold chart: One at R<Rsh, e.g. R=0.1, to deliver Kmax/th, the other at
R>Rsh, e.g. R=0.7, to deliver AKth/int. By
performing first the former at a constant
(low) R-value, and then - using the same
specimen - the other at a constant Kmax
(as described in [11], with Kmax chosen
to be about the mean value of K~c and
Kmax of the previous test), the complete
threshold chart can in principle be
obtained from just one single specimen.
Of course, neither Kmax nor AK are
unbounded, but limited by additional
conditions of fracture mechanics and
strength of materials. For example, Kmax
Fig. 4 - Conditions f o r no crack propagation is obviously limited to K~.ax<Kc, or, in
in the test specimen ("threshold chart"), case of stress corrosion cracking or
creep, to Kmax<KEscc o r Kmax<Kereep,
respectively (Fig. 4). Similar limits are imposed on the AK-values by the condition of
general yielding under compression. The corresponding upper and left-hand boundary of
the shaded area, which turns out to be system- and crack-length-dependent [18], is not
further considered here.
From (3) and (14a, b) one obtains an equation to determine Rsh or Ksh, respectively,
from experimentally determined AKtruint and Kmax/thi.e.

Ksh -- 1 AKth lint

Rsh -- - - (15)
Kmax/th Kmax/th

According to (11), Rsh represents an upper bound of Rop=Kop/K . . . . thus

Kop < R,h "Kmax (16)

Lower-Bound FCG-Thresholds

The relations (12a, b) and (14a, b), respectively, exhibit the various ingredients of the
FCG-threshold. According to their definition and the discussion above, only AKth/int is a
"pure" material property (though affected by additional factors like loading frequency and
environment). Cop/pl is process- and thickness-dependent. Kop/e• depends definitely at
least on the crack- and specimen-geometry, the environment and the load-history. Knc is
expected to depend on the thickness of the specimen or component, respectively,
increasing with increasing thickness. Thus, for a structural component of the same
thickness as the specimen, a lower bound of Kmax/th, which can be conservatively used to
predict the fatigue behavior of a structure, is obtained by setting Knc and Kop/ext equal to
zero in (13) or (14a), i.e.

AKmaxlthlnun - A K thhnt "~-K "c (17)

1 - Cop/pI

Fig. 5 - Lower-bound- threshold chart and its relation to the chart o f non-propagation in
the specimen (Fig. 4). The dark-shaded area represents its conservative part (Knc = 0).

A lower bound of Kmax/th , which can be used as a conservative threshold for any
component- and crack.geometry, is obtained by neglecting Knc as well and using the
plane strain approximation of Cop/pl, thus

Kmaxlth/Lt~ = ~th/int "(Re

2R m
+ 2Rm )

The graphical representation of the conservative threshold charts according to (17) and
(18) as well as the graphical determination of Rsh is shown in Fig. 5.
In order to determine Kmax/th/min
according to (17), K,c is required. By (5) and (15), it
is found to be

Knc = Kmax/th - zlKth/int - g o p (for R<Rsh) (19)

where Kop has to be measured. For this purpose the cut compliance method is proposed in
the next section.

Measurement of Kop by the Cut-Compliance Method

The cut compliance (CC-) method was primarily developed to measure residual
stresses [19]. Its idea is to release the latter by introducing a cut into the considered body.
From the strain change at a suitably chosen point M due to progressive cutting it is
possible to calculate the distribution of the
released stresses. Since fracture mechanics
Iaf an~ ~-d~a principles are used to establish the
corresponding mathematical relations, the
W stress intensity factor due to residual stresses
is delivered as well [21]. As shown in [22] it
also enables the residual stresses in front of
the crack-tip as well as the corresponding SIF
to be measured in a rather simple way.
x Briefly, the CC-method applied to crack
closure measurements works as follows: A
L cut is progressively introduced along the
Fig. 6 - A cut of length a introduced in the plane of the fatigue crack. As an example,
plane of the fatigue crack of length af Fig. 6 shows the case of a rectangular plate
containing a fatigue crack of a length af,
which was initiated at the tip of a notch of length a,. The actual length of the cut is
denoted by a, its width b y d . As derived in [21] the SIF at the tip of the cut due to the
residual stresses is obtained from the strain eM(a) measured at M by

Kl.(a) - E' dE'vt (20)

Z(a) da

where E' denotes the generalized Young's modulus ( E ' = E for plane stress and E ' = E/(1-
v 2) for plane strain) and Z(a) the so-called influence function [21]. The latter is a unique

function that depends on the component geometry, on the cut plane and on the location of
the strain gage, but not on the residual stress distribution. For a relatively deeply cracked
rectangular plate (a>W/4, L>2W) (see Fig. 6), there is a simple exact solution for Z [22,
Z(a): (21)
~ . ( W - a ~/~

The strain eM(a) is suitably measured by strain gages and recorded as a function of the cut
depth a. Then, this curve has to be processed according to (20) and (21), which can be
done by means of a simple spreadsheet computation. For a..>_>afthis gives the SIF due to
closure stresses acting on the crack faces and the residual stresses in the ligament. At a=
af equation (20) represents the required quantity Kop,

Kop =Klrs(a=af) (22)

(Note that in the range a<af, K rs(a) as delivered by (20) represents not the contact stresses
acting on the crack-faces, but an upper bound thereof.) In cases of small cyclic loads like
near the FCG-threshold, the compressive plastic zone is rather small and may probably
neglected in most cases. Thus, the maximum (negative) value of K1rs obtained by (20)
from specimens loaded near the FCG-threshold represents an upper bound for Kop, which
can be considered to be a good approximation of the actual Kop. Thus we assume

ax(IK,r,I) (23)

Preliminary Experimental Results

To demonstrate the applicability of the CC-method and to give some examples of

obtained closure and threshold data, the results of some tests performed within a
feasibility-study [24] are given in the following. Four single edge notch specimens (Fig.
6; W=14 mm, L= 55mm and thickness B=10mm) of a structural steel of the type FEE460
(Rp=420N/mm 2, Rm=550N/mm 2) were loaded under cyclic pure bending. To obtain near-
threshold data they were fatigued at constant R-values (R=0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7) and a
frequency of about 230 Hz by decreasing load range AK until the growth rate was less
than about 10Tmm/cycle. The measured near-threshold data are shown in Table 1 and in
Fig. 7 as a function of R, and in the Kmax/th-vs.-AKth-plane, confirming the theoretical
behavior of the model as shown in Fig. 1 and 3, respectively.
From the data in Table 1, the following characteristic threshold values are obtained:

AKth/im = 132 N/mm 3/2, Kmax/th=309 N/mm 3/2, (24a)

which results with (15) and (18) in

Rsh = 0.573, Kmax/t~t~ =182 N/mm 3/z (24b)


For the tensile properties given above, (7) and (9) deliver the local plasticity-induced
crack closure Kop/pl in plane strain (which prevails in the present case) to be

Kop/pl = 0.276"Kmax (25)

To measure Kop by the CC-method the fatigued specimens were cut in two halves of
W = 14 mm and B = 4.9ram thickness resulted, in order to obtain two more or less
identically fatigued specimens. One of them was used to measure crack closure by the
CC-method, and the other to measure the actual length of the fatigue crack. The cuts
required for the CC-method were introduced by electric discharge machining (EDM). A
typical strain signal as a function of the cut depth is shown in Fig. 8. To handle the noise
that is typical for EDM-cutting, eM(a) was fitted to a polynomial of 6 th order before (20)
was applied, so the corresponding derivative could be taken analytically. The SIF
obtained by using (20) and (21) on these polynomials are shown in Fig. 9. As expected,
the maximum (actually minimum, since they are always negative) values of Kl~, which
are considered to be Kop, are located quite close to a=af (see Table 2 for af), which
confirms the assumption that led to (23).

Table 1 - Results of fatigue tests in the threshold regime

i Specimen L1 L2 L3 LA
R 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7
AKth [N/mm 3/2] 274 226 153 132

! Kmax/th[N/mm 3]2] 305 315 307 440

Ksh [N/mm 3/2] 1) 173 183 175
l) determined by (15)

300 300 . . . . . . . . . . . . t

;2o "%
~ 200
~ 200

,= 150
loo ~ 100
50 50
0 0 i
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 200 400 600

R K ~ [N/m m ^1.5]

(a) (b)
Fig. 7 - Experimental threshold values as a function of R (a) and K.~ox (b) in comparison
with the behavior of the theoretical model (full lines).

After crack-length measurement the second halves of the described twin-specimens

were used to determine Kop in the same way, but by mechanical sawing instead of EDM.
As expected, the noise in the strain signal was considerably lower [24]. Qualitatively, the
results were the same as the ones shown in Fig. 9. However, as shown in Table 2, there
were considerable differences between the measured Kop of the twins, indicating that the
fatigue process was not perfectly symmetrical.

y = 3.0649xs - 100.03xs + 1339,1x4 - 9399.9x3 + 36439x2 - 73784x + 60745


u~ 4 0

'.~ 3 0



4.5 5 5.5 6 6,5 7 7.5
cut depth a [mm]

Fig. 8 - Measured strain cM at the rear surface of specimen L2 as a function o f cut depth,
and the corresponding fitting polynomial

I 0 a i 0 "1 1
....................... 1--i

0 ~,~R=o 3 / / i
o.=o, t /'




~n - 1 2 0

4.75 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75

cut depth a [rnm]

Fig. 9 - Measured stress intensity factor due to closure stresses and residual stresses as a
function o f cut depth

These preliminary experimental results show that Kop can be indeed significantly smaller
than Ksh, indicating that there is a considerable amount of non-closure shielding. The
analytically calculated Kop/pl a r e relatively close to the measured Kop in both cases, which

means that either Kop/ext is relatively small in the present specimens, or that (7) and (9)
give somewhat too high predictions.

Table 2 - Experimental data obtained from the CC-Method

Specimen L1 L2 L3 L4
R 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7
af [mm] 5.9 6.1 5.9 5.5
Kop [N/mm 3/2] l) 81/139 103/119 _ 2) 107/223
l) values for twin-s ~ecimens, determined according to (23); 2) measurement failed because of
a disconnection;

Table 3 - Experimental crack shielding parameters for R<esh (specimen L1 and L2)

Specimen Ksh 1) Kop 2) K,J) Kop/pl4) gop~xt 5) Kma.dt~min6)

[N/mm151 [N/mmm] [N/mmm] [N/mm15] [N/mm15] [N/mm15]
L1 173 110 63 84 26 269
L2 183 111 72 87 24 282
z) determined by (15); 2~see Table 2(mean values); 3~by (19); 4~by (26); 5) by (5); 6~by (17) and

Discussion and Conclusions

The mechanics of FCG in the threshold regime are analyzed by means of a simplistic
analytical model. It is shown that the conditions for non-propagation of a crack in a test
specimen or a structural component is essentially characterized by two parameters, Km~x/th
and Kth/int- TO determine these two parameters, basically two threshold tests are required:
The first one is suitably performed at a low and constant R-ratio, and the second at a
constant Kmax which has to be considerably higher than Kmax of the first test. Both these
measurements can be performed on the same specimen.
Only one of these two threshold parameters, Kth/int, represents an independent
material property. The other one, KmWth, consists of several intrinsic and extrinsic
components. With respect to their transferability, three types of contributions to Kmax/th
Can be distinguished: intrinsic (material-dependent), inherent (material- and process-
dependent), and system-dependent ones, as schematically shown in Fig. 10. These
various contributions to the threshold explain why there often is a significant scatter in
experimental threshold data reported in the literature. When applied to predict the
behavior of a crack in a structural component, only the intrinsic and the process-inherent
components should be taken into account. The present model offers the possibility to sort

out these components and, therewith, to determine conservative lower bound thresholds
from a few experimental results, in principle just from one threshold test at a high R-
ratio. It is up to further experimental investigations to explore the accuracy and
conservatism of this approach.
To fill the often observed gap between the effective stress range obtained by direct
Kop measurements and the one obtained indirectly from crack-growth measurements a

so-calle "non-closure" shielding was introduced. Its physical nature and influencing
factors need further investigation. The preliminary experimental results indicate that the
introduced "non-closure" shielding effect Knc is of relevant size in the threshold regime,
about one third of the total extrinsic shielding. The physical origin of K,~ is not quite
clear yet. It seems to be mainly due to local closure, crack front curvature and other 3D-
effects that can not be captured with a 2D-consideration of crack closure.
Correspondingly, K,~ is expected to increase with increasing specimen thickness.
Whereas crack closure is higher in plane stress than in plane strain, the non-closure
shielding is likely to behave in the opposite way. Thus, these two effects tend to
compensate each other.

local plasticity
Kth,,nt/(1-Cop,p,) ~.J induced

Legend: [ material
intrinsic - ] [ pr~

Fig. 10 - Composition of the threshold parameter for R <Rsh, K~o.eth

Summarizing, the main conclusions that can be drawn from the present theoretical
and experimental investigation are the following:
9 The simplistic 4-parameter model presented here is able to reproduce the main
features of FCG and threshold.
9 The basic behavior of the threshold is characterized by two parameters, Kmax/th and
AKtbJint, which can be obtained in principle from two tests performed on one single
9 The cut compliance method is applicable to determine the crack closure SIF Kop even
in the threshold range. It provides some additional information about crack closure.

9 Significant crack closure (about 0.3"Kmax in the considered structural steel) is present
even in the threshold regime
9 Besides crack closure as measured by the CC-method, there are additional extrinsic
shielding effects of nearly the same magnitude, which have similar effects on crack
retardation and threshold as crack closure. These additional effects are expected to be
less pronounced at the higher loads outside the threshold regime.
9 The existence of "non-closure" shielding effects explains why opening loads
determined by direct methods, are usually significantly smaller than the ones
determined by indirect methods.


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[7] Schijve, J., "Fatigue Crack Closure: Observations and Technical Significance," Mechanics
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[ 12] Mc Evily, A.J., Ritchie, R.O., "Crack Closure and the Fatigue Crack Propagation Threshold
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[ 13] McClung, R.C., "Finite Element Analysis of Specimen Geometry Effects on Fatigue Crack
Closure," Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 17, 1994, pp.

[ 14] Rice, J.R., "Mechanics of Crack Tip Deformation and Extension by Fatigue, "ASTM STP
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[22] Schindler, H.J., "Experimental Determination of Crack Closure by the Cut Compliance
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[23] Schindler, H.J., Finnie, I., "Determination of Residual Stresses and the Resulting Stress
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Deutscher Verband fur Materialforschung und -prfifung, Berlin, 1999, pp. 153-161 (in
J. A. Newman, I W. T. Riddell, 2 and R. S. Piascik 3

Effects of Kmx on Fatigue Crack Growth Threshold in Aluminum Alloys

Reference: Newman, J. A., Riddell, W. T., and Piascik, R. S., "Effects of K on....

Fatigue Crack Growth Threshold in Aluminum Alloys," Fatigue Crack Growth

Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and
R. S. Piascik, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken,
PA, 2000.

Abstract: Effects of Kmaxon closure-free, near-threshold fatigue crack growth are

examined in ingot metallurgy aluminum alloys 2024 and 7050, and powder metallurgy
aluminum alloy 8009. Significantly lower closure-free fatigue crack growth thresholds, as
well as accelerated fatigue crack growth rates, were observed as Kma• increased. Results
indicate that no single value of fatigue crack growth threshold exists, because near-
threshold fatigue crack growth is dependent on both Kmaxand AK. The near-threshold
Kmaxeffect is linked to an increase in cracK-tip void production. Experimental
observations suggest that Kmax-accelerated,closure-free, near-threshold fatigue crack
growth rates were caused by changes in crack-tip process zone damage mechanism(s) that
are a result of increased crack-tip driving force.

Keywords: thtigue crack growth, threshold, aluminum alloys, Km~x,load ratio, R,



From the time Pads related fatigue crack growth rates to the cyclic stress intensity
factor range, AK [1], researchers have sought an explanation for the secondary effect of
stress ratio (R) or Kmaxon fatigue crack growth rates. Forman [2] and Walker [3] have
proposed empirical relationships. Although useful from a design standpoint, such relations
do not identify the mechanism(s) responsible for the effects of Kmax,or R, on fatigue crack
growth. Elber's concept of plasticity-induced crack closure was a major breakthrough in

1 Graduate Student, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Tech,

Blacksburg, VA 24061.
2 Formerly: National Research Council, NASA-Langley Research Center, Mechanics of
Materials Branch, Hampton, VA 23681; Currently: Mechanical Engineer, U. S. Dept.
of Transportation, Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA
3 Senior Scientist, NASA-Langley Research Center, Mechanics of Materials Branch,
Hampton, VA 23681.

Copyright9 2000 by ASTM International www.astm.org

mechanism-based fatigue crack growth modeling of R-effects [4]. Elber proposed that
fatigue damage occurs only during the portion of loading in which the crack faces are
completely open. Thus, fatigue crack growth rate is described in terms of effective AK, as
defined in Equations 1 and 2, where Kopis the stress intensity above which the crack is

AKeff = Kmax - Kop (1)

d a/d N = f(A K~) (2)

Other researchers have expanded and refined the crack closure concept. For example,
closure has been used to explain load-history effects [5] and mechanisms other than
plasticity have been proposed to contribute to crack wake contact [6, 7]. Nearly all
fatigue crack growth models that account for crack closure assume it is the sole cause of
stress ratio effects. However, some research has suggested that crack closure does not
account for all stress ratio effects, especially at high values of R [8]. This suggests that
intrinsic mechanism(s) (i.e. independent of crack closure), dependent on Kmax,or R, also
influence fatigue crack growth rates. Effects of Km~ on fatigue crack growth rates tend to
be more dramatic in the near-threshold regime than in the Paris regime [9]. The near-
threshold regime of fatigue crack growth governs the fatigue lives of many engineering
structures. Therefore, understanding Km~xeffects is important, especially when designing
components for a tensile mean load subject to small amplitude oscillatory loads. The
objective of this paper is to determine the effects of Knoxon near-threshold fatigue crack

Test Method

To study the effect of Km~xon near-threshold fatigue crack growth, three aluminum
alloys (2024, 7050, and 8009) were selected. Alloy 7050-T6 plate (S-L orientation), and
powder metallurgy (PM) 8009 sheet (L-T orientation) were selected because accelerated
near-threshold fatigue crack growth rates are observed at increased stress ratio [10]. This
behavior is not explained satisfactorily by plasticity-induced crack closure models.
Aluminum alloy 2024-T3 sheet (L-T orientation) was selected because its fatigue crack
growth behavior is relatively well characterized and crack-tip closure models successfully
describe near-threshold behavior at a variety of load ratios. A list of relevant material
properties and testing parameters are presented in Table 1 for all three alloys.
Fatigue crack growth tests were performed using closed loop servo-hydraulic testing
machines, with constant amplitude sinusoidal wave loading. As summarized in Table 1,
alloy 7050 tests were conducted using the ASTM Standard Test Method for Measurement
of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates (E 647) compact tension (C(T)) specimen, while alloys
8009 and 2024 were tested using the eccentricity loaded single edge notch tension
(ESE(T)) specimen (formerly the extended compact tension specimen) [11]. A computer
controlled system [12] was used to continuously monitor crack length throughout testing
using either the back-face strain [13] or the front-face displacement [14] compliance
technique. This system automatically adjusts loads as the crack grows to ensure that
programmed stress intensity factors are applied throughout the tests. Fatigue crack

Table 1 - Mechanical properties and specimen configurations.

Alloy (orientation)
2024-T3 (L-T) 7050-T6 (S-L) 8009 (L-T)
E, GPa 72.4 71.7 88.4
cv, MPa 345 248 420
Kic, MPa~/m 34 29 30
grain size, ~tm 70-150 30-100 0.3-1.0
orientation L-T S-L L-T
specimen geometry ESE(T) C(T) ESE(T)
thickness (B), mm 2.3 2.5 2.3
width (W), mm 38.1 30.5 38.1

growth rates were evaluated after crack growth increments of a/W = 0.001. Periodically,
crack lengths were verified by visual measurements. Testing was performed in accordance
with ASTM standards (E 647), where applicable. For the constant-K~,x threshold tests
performed in this study, C = -0.8 mm ~ was used. Although ASTM standards (E 647)
recommend using C = -0.08 mm 1 for constant-R threshold tests, a steeper K-gradient can
be used for constant-I~ax testing because the crack-tip monotonic plastic zone does not
change as the crack grows. The maximum applied loads during testing were at, or above,
50% of the load capacity. At threshold, the load range always exceeded 1% of the total
load range. Use of a 16 bit data acquisition board allowed sufficient resolution of load
under all test conditions.
Testing was performed at sufficiently high load ratios (0.5 < R < 1.0) so that crack-tip
closure was eliminated. The reduced displacement technique [15], applied to compliance
measurements, did not indicate the presence of crack closure in the near-threshold regime.
However, remote means of detecting crack closure, including the reduced displacement
technique, might not be sensitive enough to detect crack closure in the near-threshold
regime. Therefore, a novel, near-tip, and non-contacting measurement technique named
Digital Image Displacement System (DIDS) [16] was also used to check for closure.
Here, a thin film of tantalum is deposited in a random pattern of 4 ~tm speckles on the
surface of a specimen near the crack-tip. A long-focal-length microscope acquired a series
of digital near-crack-tip images during a load cycle. After the images were obtained, pairs
of speckled regions (one below and one above the crack) were selected. An image
correlation algorithm [t 7] was used to calculate relative displacements for each pair of
speckled regions selected, for each acquired image. The near-crack-tip closure behavior
can be studied from the resulting load versus relative displacement traces. Due to the
complexities involved in using DIDS, only a few tests in which crack closure was deemed
most likely were analyzed this way. Constant-Kmax = 5.5 MPa'Jm tests were deemed most
likely to exhibit closure, but no closure was detected using DIDS in the near-threshold

Effect of Kmx on Fatigue Crack Growth Rate

Figure I shows the near-threshold fatigue crack growth characteristics of alloy 2024
lbr threshold tests conducted at a constant-K,~ax of 5.5, l 1.0, 16.5, and 22.0 MPa~/m. The
ASTM suggested crack growth threshold rate (10 j~ m/cycle) is shown as a horizontal
dotted line in Figure 1. Fatigue crack growth, if affected by crack-tip closure, would lie in
the shaded region. The test data indicate that increased Km~xcauses an increase in fatigue
crack growth rates, especially as threshold is approached. The constant-Km~x test results
reveal two subtle, but important, characteristics for alloy 2024: (1) Km,~ effects exist on
near-threshold fatigue crack growth behavior (e.g. increasing Kmaxfrom 5.5 to 22 MPa'~m,
produced a 13% reduction in AKth) and (2) no true threshold was reached due to a (subtle)
finite slope in the da/cLVversus AK data at the suggested threshold rate.

Figure 1 - Fatigue crack growth rate versus AK data of alloy 2024-T3 for constant-K~ax
threshold tests.

The near-threshold fatigue crack growth characteristics of 7050 are shown in Figure 2
for constant-l~,x threshold tests of 5.5, 11.0, 16.5, and 22.0 MPa{m. The ASTM
suggested threshold crack growth rate is shown as a horizontal dotted line in Figure 2 and
fatigue crack growth, if affected by crack-tip closure would lie in the shaded region.
Fatigue crack growth rates of 7050 aluminum increase with increasing Km~x. As Kma~
increases from 5.5 to 22.0 MPa~/m, the ASTM suggested threshold decreased from AKth =
1.1 to 0.73 MPa~/m(a 34% reduction). No true threshold was reached for this material
because a (subtle) finite slope in the fatigue crack growth data existed about the suggested
threshold rate.
Near-threshold fatigue crack growth data for PM alloy 8009 is shown in Figure 3.
The ASTM suggested crack growth threshold rate is shown as a horizontal dotted line in
Figure 3 and fatigue crack growth, if affected by crack-tip closure would lie in the shaded
region. A comparison of constant-K~ (5.5 and 11.0 MPa~/m) tests results for 8009

Figure 2 - Fatigue crack growth rate versus AK data of alloy 7050-T6 for constant-K,.ox
threshold tests.

Figure 3 - Fatigue crack growth rate versus AK data of alloy 8009for constant-K,,ax
threshold tests.

reveal distinctly different near-threshold behavior when compared with typical fatigue
crack growth curves (i.e. 2024 and 7050). Abrupt transitions in slope, followed by
accelerated fatigue crack growth behavior, were observed in the fatigue crack growth
curves of Figure 3 at points A and B for Km~• = 5.5 and 11.0 MPa{m, respectively. The
constant-Km~• = 5.5 MPa~/m test data intersected the ASTM suggested threshold rate at
AK = 0.9 MPa'Jm, but nearly-AK-independent da/dN is observed at 4 to 5xl 0 "~1 m/cycle
(point A in Figure 3). For the constant-I~x = 11.0 MPa~/m threshold test, the test data

never intersected the ASTM suggested threshold rate for AK > 0.6 MPa~/rn, but a similar
transition in fatigue crack growth behavior did occur (point B in Figure 3)
Additional tests were conducted to investigate the pronounced acceleration in near-
threshold fatigue crack growth rates observed during constant-Km,x threshold tests, shown
in Figure 3. To study the accelerated fatigue crack growth behavior noted by point A in
Figure 3, a constant AK test (0.77 MPa~/m) was conducted at a Km~x= 5.5 MPa~/m with
loading frequencies of 11, 5, and 1 Hz. The results shown in Figure 4a reveal that
increased fatigue crack growth rates (da/dN) were obtained with decreasing loading
frequency. Replotting the data of Figure 4a versus time reveals these fatigue crack growth
rates are time dependent, as indicated by the nearly constant slope (da/dt) for all three
frequencies (see Figure 4b). To investigate the possibility that creep crack growth or
stress corrosion cracking is superimposed on fatigue crack growth, a constant load
corresponding to K = 5.5 MPa~/m (equivalent to the K~,• applied in Figure 4) was held
immediately following the 1 Hz test. No crack growth was detected after 1 week (168
hours) of constant load testing. Had the time-dependent crack growth rate (da/dt) of
Figure 4b persisted, approximately 0.3 mm of crack growth would have occurred during
the 1 week test.

Figure 4 - Crack length as a function of(a) cycles and (b) time Jbr alloy 8009 subject to
constant Kma~ = 5.5 and AK = O. 77 MPa ~/m loading in lab air at 11, 5, and I Hz.

To determine whether the time dependent behavior that was noted in air was a result
of environment, similar tests were conducted in vacuum (<5xl 0 .7 Pa). Comparison of
constant-Km~x (5.5 and 11.0 MPa~/m) threshold tests conducted in air and vacuum under
identical mechanical loading are shown in Figure 5. In general, the air rates are faster than
those in vacuum. However, both vacuum and air data exhibit transitions in fatigue crack
growth behavior at Av,c and Aair, respectively, for Kma• = 5.5 MPax/m, and for Bv,~ and Bai,,
respectively, for K~,~ = 11.0 MPa~/m. Similar to the frequency effect noted in lab air,
increased fatigue crack growth rates (da/dN) were observed as the loading frequency
decreased (11, 5, and 1 Hz) in high vacuum (see Figure 6a) for testing at constant AK
(1.21 MPaxlm) and Km,x = 5.5 MPa'lm (a loading condition near Av,c in Figure 5). Data of
Figure 6b is similar in character to Figure 4b, where da/dt remains nearly constant as
frequency changes. The vacuum data indicate that Kraal-dependent accelerated fatigue
crack growth behavior in 8009 is not induced by environmental effects.

Figure 5 - Fatigue crack growth rate versus AK data f o r constant-K,,~ = 5.5 and 11.0
MPa Vm threshold tests on 8009 aluminum, loaded at 11 Hz, in both lab air (open
symbols) and high vacuum (<5xl O-7 Pa, as closed symbols).

Figure 6 - Crack length as a function of(a) Cycles and (b) time f o r alloy 8009 subject to
constant Kmax = 5.5 and AK = 1.21 MP a ~m loading in high vacuum (<5x10 -7 P a) at 11,
5, and I Hz.


Increasing (closure free) fatigue crack growth rates with increasing Kmaxsuggest
additional crack tip damage occurs at higher Km,x. Examination of crack surfaces
produced during constant-K~,x testing was done to identify and characterize possible I~,x-
enhanced damage. Alloy 2024 fatigue crack surface micrographs are shown in Figures 7a
and 7b for tests conducted at constant-K .... = 5.5 and 22.0 MPa~/m, respectively. The
figures correspond to the crack surface generated at a minimum AK (da/dN = 5x104~
m/cycle), as shown in Figure 1. The direction of fatigue crack growth (FCG) is always

left to right, indicated by an arrow. Transgranular crack paths are shown in Figures 7a
and 7b (flat featureless regions) with widely dispersed voids (a few are labeled A). On the
right side of the figures, voids are marked by white circles, while the left side remains
unmarked. A more detailed comparison shows that as K~,x is increased from 5.5 to 22.0
MPa~/rn, the number ofmicrovoids per unit area increased nearly 25% [18]. Void
formation is the dominant mechanism of quasi-static fracture, shown in Figure 7c (K~ = 42
MPa~/m); voids (labeled A in Figure 7c) are larger and more numerous than those
observed on both fatigue crack surfaces (Figures 7a and 7b). Figure 7d is a micrograph at
high magnification showing a typical microvoid observed on the fatigue surface in Figure
7b. At high magnification, particles (labeled B) are revealed at the bottom of the void.
Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis identified these particles as an undissolved phase,

Figure 7 - SEM fractographs of alloy 2024-T3 fatigue crack surfaces produced by

constant-Km,.~ = (a) 5.5 and (b) 22.0 MPa v~n threshold tests, (c) quasi-static fracture (K,
= 42 MPa v~n), and (d) a high magnificationfractograph of a typical microvoidproduced
on the,fatigue crack surface of Figure 7b. For Figures 7a-c, microvoids are marked by
white circle (or ovals') on the right, but unmarked on the left.

Figures 8a and 8b are micrographs showing the thtigue crack surface of alloy 7050
generated at constant Km,, = 5.5 MPa~/m (AK = 1.1 MPa'~m and da/dN= 1.5x10 -~U
m/cycle) and constant Kma~= 22.0 MPa4m (AK = 0.7 MPa~/m and da/dN = 3x10 l~
m/cycle, respectively (refer to Figure 2). These micrographs show transgranular crack
paths (flat featureless regions labeled B) and regions that exhibit a rough surface (outlined
in white and labeled A). As I~11axincreases, the percent of crack surface covered by rough

regions increases. At monotonic fracture (Kr = 35 MPa~/m), nearly the entire crack
surface is consumed with these rough regions, as shown in Figure 8c. Figure 8d is a high
magnification micrograph showing a typical rough region observed on the fatigue crack
surface in Figure 8b. Closer examination of the rough regions revealed clusters of
microvoids, each containing a small particle, labeled C in Figure 8d. EDX analysis of
these particles identified these regions as A17CuzFe constituent particles. Further study of
Figure 8d reveals faint white lines surround most of particles, which is evidence of ductile
lips marking the outer regions ofmicrovoids. A comparison of fatigue crack surfaces
produced at 5.5, 11.0, 16.5, and 22.0 MPa~/m revealed an increase in constituent particle
microvoids as Kma• increased.

Figure 8 - SEM fractographs of alloy 7050-T6.fatigue crack surfaces produced by

eonstant-K,,,,x = (a) 5.5 and (b) 22.0 MPa v~n threshold tests, (c) quasi-static fracture (K,.
= 35 MPa v/m), and (d) a high magnificationfractograph of a typical region labeledA on
the.fatigue crack surface shown in Figure 8b. Regions labeled A in Figures 8a and 8b
are outlined in white, while regions B in the figures remain unmarked. Figure 8c is
almost completely consumed with regions previously denoted as A.

Figure 9a is a photograph showing the through-the-thickness fatigue crack surface of

an alloy 8009 specimen tested at a constant Km~,~ 5.5 MPa~/m. The near vertical fatigue
crack surface transition in the center of Figure 9a (between the dark and light regions)
marks the change in fatigue crack morphology that coincides with the transition to
accelerated fatigue crack growth rates (point A in Figure 3). The feature (vertical curved
line) on the far right of Figure 9a marks the final crack front of the fatigue crack surface.

Figure 9 - SEM fractographs of alloy 8009fatigue crack surfaces produced by a

constant-Kma~ = 5. 5 MPa v~n threshold test; (a) the entire Jdtigue crack surface, (b) high
magnification fraetograph of region A in Figure 9a, and (0 high magnification
fractograph of region B in Figure 9a. Figures 9b and 9e correspond to,fatigue crack
growth rates just beJbre and just after point A in Figure 3. (Recall threshold tests
performed with decreasing AK.)

A delamination crack parallel to the direction of FCG and normal to the fatigue crack
surface is labeled C in Figure 9a. During fatigue cracking, delamination occurred along
ribbon surface oxides that were produced during processing of the sheet [19]. Figures 9b
and 9c are micrographs showing regions A and B in Figure 9a, respectively, at higher
magnification. Prior to the transition (Figure 9b), the crack surface is somewhat
featureless with widely space voids. After the transition (Figure 9c), the rougher crack
surface contains many voids. Figures 10a and l 0b are micrographs showing the fatigue
crack surface morphology of alloy 8009 at a K~ax= 11.0 MPa~m. Figure 10a shows the
fatigue crack surface just prior to accelerated da/dN (to the right of point B in Figure 3)

and Figure 10b shows the accelerated fatigue crack growth surface morphology (to the
left of point B in Figure 3). Here, accelerated fatigue crack growth rates are correlated
with a distinct increase in void formation. Careful examination of fatigue crack surfaces
similar to that shown in Figure 10b show that only microvoids, with no mating convex
surfaces, are present. This observation strongly suggests a microvoid nucleation process
similar to that observed by other researchers [19]. No EDX analysis was performed on
alloy 8009 due to the extremely fine microstructure. However, it is suggested that void
formation occurs about small (40-80 nm diameter) dispersoids of All3(Fe,V)3Si [20].

Figure 10 - SEMfractographs of alloy 8009fatigue crack surfaces produced by a

constant-Km~ = 11.0 MPa v~n threshold test; high magnijqcationfractographs of crack
surfaces produced (a) just before and (b) just after fatigue crack growth conditions of
point B in Figure 3. (Recall threshold tests performed with decreasing AK.)


Results show that near-threshold fatigue crack growth is dependent on both AK

and K~a• Accelerated fatigue crack growth rates are correlated with increasing levels of
Kr~ causing increasing levels of crack-tip process zone damage. The increase in damage,
manifested as voids, is related to microvoid nucleation at secondary phase particles
(A12CuMg excess phase in alloy 2024, A17Cu2Feconstituent particle in alloy 7050 and
possibly Al13(Fe,V)3Si dispersoid particles in 8009). The effect of increasing Kmaxon AKth
is summarized in Table 2. The table lists the decrease in AKth (ASTM suggested
definition) for corresponding increased levels of Kmax. For example, AI~h for alloy 7050
decreased from 1.3 MPa{m to 0.73 MPa~/m as Kmaxwas increased from 5.5 MPa-~m to
22.0 MPa{m, To relate the fatigue crack growth test results to a meaningful fracture
parameter, Km,xis normalized with K~c,the linear-elastic (plane-strain) fracture toughness.
Table 2 shows that the Knoxlevels used in this study are well below the monotonic
toughness: Km~/K~c-< 0.65 for 2024, < 0.57 for 7050, and < 0.37 for 8009.
Results indicate that for low to moderate levels ofKmax(K~x/K~c< 0.65) near
threshold transgranular fatigue crack growth in alloys 2024 and 7050 exhibited increased
void production with increased Kmax. Similar to voids produced at fracture, the voids
produced during fatigue crack growth nucleate at secondary phase particles. At high K....
this behavior might be explained by "static modes" where isolated regions of the
microstructure exhibit low toughness properties and fail during a single loading cycle

Table 2 - Changes in AKth with K~,o~.

Alloy (orientation)
2024-T3 (L-T) 7050-T6 (S-L) 8009 (L-T)
Change in K n ~ (MPa~/na) 5.5 --->22.0 5.5 --> 22.0 5.5 --->11.0
Change in AKth0VIPa~/m) 1.5 --~ 1.3 1.3 ~ 0.73 1.15 --> < 0.6
K~/K~c 0.16 --->0.65 0.19 --->0.57 0.18 --->0.37
Void initiation sites AI2CuMg particles AITCu2Feparticles AII3(Fe,V)3Si particles*
Particle size (lam) 2 to 3 1 to 3 0.04 to 0.08
* not determined by EDX

(monotonic loading). Because void production occurs especially in the near threshold
regime and can occur at relatively low Kmaxlevels, a more subtle but important alternative
rationalization, in terms of process zone fatigue damage, might be needed to explain this
behavior. The preexisting state o f damage (dislocation cell structure) contained in a cyclic
process zone is greater than that contained in a monoto~fic process zone. For a given
cyclic load, an increase in K~x driving force promotes further dislocation motion allowing
additional dislocations accumulate at barriers (incoherent particle-matrix interface)
promoting void growth. Potential bariers about which voids might form are precipitate-
matrix interfaces, dispersoids, and/or constituent particles.
The ultra-fine microstructure of powder metallurgy (PM) alloy 8009 requires further
mechanistic considerations. Because 8009 contains a submicron grain size, it is unlikely
that crack-tip process zone dislocation cell structures are developed [21, 22]. From
previous research, the fracture properties of alloy 8009 are apparently governed by
microvoid damage produced from dislocation interactions with dispersoids [20]. The
similar microvoid morphology noted on fatigue crack surfaces in this study compared to
room temperature fracture surfaces o f 8009 produced by previous researchers [20]
suggest that accelerated near threshold fatigue crack growth is a result of"dispersoid
type" microvoid damage. Increased fatigue crack growth rates with decreased loading
frequency in vacuum also suggests a further influence by time dependent processes. The
fact that no crack growth was observed during constant load testing suggests that pure
creep is not operative. Based on these observations, it is speculated that accelerated near
threshold fatigue crack propagation by void growth is promoted by a room temperature
creep-fatigue process. Here, fatigue loading is required to generate an abundance of
mobile dislocations that are driven by Km~xto dislocation sinks (dispersoids). The
accelerated near threshold fatigue crack growth rate characteristics shown in Figure 3 are
consistent with a vacancy transport mechanism. Figure 11 is a linear plot of the critical
values (AI~..... da/dNt.... and K~ax) shown in Figure 3 (points A and B), which correspond
to the change in crack surface appearance and unusual threshold behavior previously
noted. Transition points for constant-Km~x threshold tests o f I6.5 and 22.0 MPa~m are
shown in Figure 11, although the associated fatigue crack growth data and fractography
are not presented. The data in Figure 11 suggest that as fatigue crack growth rates
increase, additional Kma~driving force is required to produce sufficient mobile vacancies
to support microvoid crack propagation.

1.75 5xlO -9

AKtrans /~ZO 4x10 -9

---O-- da/dN t.... J " ""
3x10-9 ~
2x10-9 ~
.~ 1.00
lxlO -9 ~

0.75 0xl0 ~
0 5 10 15 20 25

Km~ (MPa~m)
Figure 1 ! - Linear plot of AK),.~,, (open symbols) and corresponding fatigue crack growth
rates, da/dN, .... (closed symbols), versus Km~xfor alloy 8009.


Results show that (1) closure-free near-threshold fatigue crack growth rate is a
ftmction of both AK and Km.xand (2) no single value of closure-free AK~hexists. For well-
behaved alloys, such as alloy 2024, the effect of Kmaxis relatively small and the variation in
AKth is minimal. However, engineering alloys (e.g. alloy 7050 S-L orientation) can exhibit
significant variations in AKth for Kmax-sensitiveorientations. Results also show that fine-
grained microstructures, similar to alloy 8009, can be greatly influenced by K .... resulting
in profound variations in near-threshold crack growth characteristics.
Accelerated near threshold fatigue crack growth rates are correlated with increasing
levels of crack-tip process zone damage. The increase in damage is related to microvoid
nucleation at dispersoid or precipitate particles. It is speculated that the increase in K~ax
driving force promotes void growth by altering the process zone cyclic dislocation
structure and by forcing additional dislocations/vacancies to accumulate at microstructural
barriers (e.g. incoherent particle-matrix interface).


This research was performed while one author (JAN) held a Virginia Tech-NASA
Langley Graduate Student Researchers Program (GSRP) appointment, and another author
(WTR) held a National Research Council - NASA Langley Research Associateship.


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Test Procedures
Gtinter Marci ~

Fatigue Crack Growth Threshold Concept and Test Results for AI- and Ti-Alloys

Reference: Marci, G., "Fatigue Crack Growth Threshold Concept and Test Results
for AI- and Ti-Alloys," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and
Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds., American Society
for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: The fact that fatigue crack propagation (FCP) rates approach zero asymptotically as
the fracture mechanics loading parameter AK decreases toward certain limiting values is the
reason for the scientific interest in these so-called 'threshold' values. In respect to the practical
use of these 'limiting values', the author divides them into two groups, namely in 'non-
propagation conditions' AK~ and in a material property 'FCP-threshold' AKT. It is shown that
AKT must be an integral part in the functional correlation between FCP-rates and the cyclic
loading conditions expressed in AK,ee. The experimental determination of AK~ on six A1-
alloys and tour Ti-compressor disk alloys show that AKT exists for all the alloys investigated.
The effect of temperature on AKT was investigated on one Ti 6A14V- and one Ti 8A1 1V IMo
disk material at room temperature (RT) and 260~ and at RT, 260~ and 360~ respectively.
No temperature effect on AKT was found for the temperature range investigated.

Keywords: fatigue crack propagation, threshold, non-propagation condition, material property


FCP Fatigue crack propagation

Kmm, Km.x Minimum and maximum stress intensity factor of a cycle
AK = I~,ax - K~,n Stress intensity range
R = Kmin ] Kmax Stress- or stress intensity factor ratio
AKth Fatigue crack - non-propagation condition
AKT FCP-threshold, material property, maximum AK causing no
continuous FCP under arbitrary cyclic loading
K^ Partitioning stress intensity factor dividing AK in an

Senior Scientist, Institute for Materials Research, DLR - German Aerospace Research
Center, D-51170 Cologne, Germany

Copyright 2000 byASTM International www.astm.org

effective and a non-effective part

AK~ff Effective part of AK
da/dN FCP-rate
LT, TL, CR, RC Crack orientation as defined in ASTM E 399-97,
Standard Test Method for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness
of Metallic Materials, Figs. 1 through 3


It is know from experience that FCP-rates decrease with decreasing cyclic loading
amplitudes AK in such a way that FCP-rates asymptotically approach zero as AK
approaches a certain limit value. This limit value AK depends on the subject material. In
other words, there is a stress intensity range for a given material below which cyclic
loading does not propagate a crack. This is of eminent technological importance for
structural design as well as for the correct understanding and description of the FCP-
For practical use we would like to have something like the 'fatigue strength' in
W6hler-type fatigue or preferably, a material property similar to K~c. A material property
'FCP-threshold' would mean that for a given material this FCP-threshold is a single-
valued property, such that any AK equal or smaller than this material property 'threshold'
would not produce FCP under any circumstances. Which kind of threshold exists under
cyclic loading conditions must be shown by experimental investigations. To precisely
define the two possibly usable parameters in fracture mechanical terms, the following
definitions are made:
1) any "non-propagation condition' is denoted as AK~
(comparable to the fatigue strength),
2) the material property 'FCP-threshold' is denoted as AKv
(comparable to the yield strength Rp 0.2 or Klc ).
The existence of a material property 'FCP-threshold' AKT had been shown previously by
the author [1]. AKx is independent of the R-ratio, K~,x and load history effects.

The Fracture Mechanics Concept of a FCP-Threshold

When we consider the fracture mechanics description of FCP, then we are dealing with
a cycle-by-cycle correspondence between FCP-rates and the cyclic loading conditions AK.
Beyond a cycle-by-cycle correspondence between da/dN and AK, the fracture mechanics
methodology as presently in use is not valid. For the threshold this can only imply that a
threshold corresponds to conditions that mark the lower end of this cycle by cycle corre-
spondence. The physical limit for a cycle-by-cycle correspondence is the system of Bur-
ger's vectors of the respective metallic material, i.e., is in the range between 10.7 to 5 x
-7 . . . .
10 mrrdcycle. Because of our techmcal limitation to measure such small FCP-rates, the
lower limit tbr cycle-by-cycle FCP is set at 10-7 mrrdcycle in [2, ASTM E 647]. From a

fracture mechanics stand-point, zero FCP-rates corresponds to growth rates < 10.7
mm/cycle. More arguments for setting the lower limit of cycle-by-cycle FCP at 10 7
mm/cycle are found in [1].
A further question relates to the metallurgical meaning of a material property 'FCP-
threshold'. FCP is a damaging mechanism to the material due to cyclic loading conditions.
If no damage occurs under cyclic loading condition, i.e., AK < AKT, then the dislocation
movement in the near-region of the crack front has to be purely elastic. If dislocations
could pass over obstacles under the influence of external loading conditions AKT, then
fatigue damage would accumulate in the crack front region and FCP would follow. The
metallurgical interpretation of a 'FCP-threshold' AKT is graphically shown in Fig. 1 as
the 2-dimensional yield surface (plane strain) for the near-region of the crack front. AKT
(AKT = Kn - Ke ) which can be experimentally measured corresponds to the changing
external loading conditions (Kn > K~ _> K~) which result in the near-region of the crack
front in stress- (Acy~i) and strain excursions (Asia) between the tensile- and the
compression yield surface.
In previous publications, it
was pointed out that the
practical use of 'non-
propagation conditions' AKtu in
the design of structural parts is
very limited. Only in special
cases can a certain benefit be
obtained by consideration of
AKtu in the design process. Yet,
for the AK~fe concept a material
property 'FCP-threshold' is
necessary merely from a formal,
mathematical view-point. In the
correlation da/dN = function of
AKeff, the condition da/dN =
zero requires AK~r to be zero
simultaneously (remember: in Fig. 1-Graphical Definition of a FCP- threshold.
the fracture mechanics concept,
daJdN = zero is identical to 10 -7 ram/cycle growth rate). In order to transfer AK to Al~ff
a partitioning point is required. To prevent any discussion about the physical meaning and
the measurement of this partitioning point, a partitioning point is postulated and here
denoted as K ^, but no further definitions or descriptions are imposed 2 [3] [4]. For the sake
simplicity, assume a constant R test in accordance with ASTM E 647. Then, K ^ must be a
continuous function of (Kmaxand Kmin), i.e., K~x > K ^ > Km~,. It follows that always

2 For the arguments leading to Eq. (2b), the existence of a partitioning point for AK
and acceptance AKin- as driving force for FCP is required. The physical cause .for the
partitioning point (closure versus hydro-static stress) is unimportant for AKr being

'AK~ff' = Kma• K ^ ;~ 0 (1)

Equation (1) contradicts the requirement "AK~ef = zero when da/dN = zero". The
following definition of AK~ee is the simplest functional form to get Eq. (1) in agreement
with this requirement (and with experimental facts):

AKeff : (Kmax - K ^) - AKx (2a)

For Eq. (2a) to be correct and meaningful requires that AK• being of constant value,
independent of the particular cyclic loading condition in question. It is easy to guess that
AKx is actually the material property 'FOP-threshold' AKT. Therefore, Eq. (2a) has to be
written as:
AK~ee = (Kmax- K ^) - ART (2b)

Equation (2b) shows the importance

of the material property 'FCP-
2 threshold' in the fracture mechanics
methodology of FCP prediction. This
is graphically illustrated in Fig. 2.
Consider the stress intensity factor
.= excursion from point '1' to point '2';
this excursion has to be considered as
9 t K^ one cycle, since the unloading
corresponds to a AK < AKT and is -
per definition given in Fig. 1 - merely
elastic. The cycle, i.e., the stress
intensity factor excursion from point
K ^ = partitioning point of AK
'3' to '4', illustrates Eq. (2b)
graphically. Every stress intensity
Fig. 2-Graphical Description of the Relevance factor excursion has to surpass K by
of the 'FCP-threshold' for FCP. AKT before FCP can commence.

Test Methods for the Experimental Determination of the 'FCP-Threshold'

The most commonly used test methods for the determination of a 'FCP-threshold' are
shown in Fig. 3, namely the R-constant method as specified in ASTM E 647 and the Kma•
constant method. In the present investigation, the FCP-rates as well as the threshold had
been determined for a crack growth increment of 0.1 mm. For each of these increments
Aa, the AK was reduced by 6%. Details on the experimental procedures can be found in
Refs. [1], [5], [6], [7]. The K~a• test method was originally reported by Daven-
port and Brook [8] and later Bailon et al. [9], Marci [10] and Hertzberg et al. [11].
Some remarks related to the crack length measurements should be of general interest.
Microscopically, the crack front is never absolutely straight and the crack is not absolutely
fiat and FCP occurs by a system of Burger's vectors. At growth rates of 10-7 to 5x10-'

"~ ax

cycles cycles
Fig. 3 R - C o n s t a n t T e s t M e t h o d , Kmo.~ - c o n s t a n t T e s t M e t h o d
(ASTM E 647 ).

ram/cycle the conditions of non-

propagation by a cycle-by cycle
process might be attained microsco-
pically along parts of the crack front.
A stationary non-propagation condi-
tion along the total crack front is not
achieved under such conditions. Yet,
for a fatigue crack to achieve equi-
librium along its crack front, the
crack has to grow microscopically
in a discontinuous manner to
straighten the crack front and to
make the fracture surfaces more fiat.
Such are the conditions when a
fatigue crack propagates with FCP-
rates in the range of 1 0 -7 and 5 x l O -7
mm/cycle. In contrast to the micro-
scopic conditions of the crack, the
crack length, and therewith the
growth rates, are measured ma-
croscopically by electrical potential
drop methods. Our experience shows Fig. 4 Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior
that the DC potential drop method (Schematically).
we use in our experiments measures
a "quasi" continuous FCP down to approximately 8 x 10-8 mm/cycle FCP-rate. Below
these FCP-rates, even the potential drop method clearly measures discontinuous crack

Materials Investigated

The 'non-propagation conditions' (AKth) and the material property 'FCP-threshold'

(AKT) were determined on aluminum - and titanium alloys. All aluminum alloys were plate
materials of 10 mm thickness from which C(T) specimens with B = 10 mm and W -- 50 mm
were fabricated. The following N-alloys were investigated at room temperature, laboratory air
environment and with a test frequency of 50 Hz :
2219-T851, 2024-T351, 6061-T651, 6082-T651, 7075-T7351 and 7475-T7351.
The C(T) specimens of 2219-T851 were side-grooved in order to keep the FCP in the desired
direction. The effective thickness of the specimens was close to 8.5 ram.
Three titanium alloys investigated consisted of 'end of life' compressor disks of different
stages of the compressor and different air craft engines. Two disks were fabricated from the
alloy Ti 6A1 4V and one disk from Ti 8AI 1V 1Mo. The effect of temperature on AKT and
AK~ were determined on one Ti 6A14V - and one Ti 8A1 1V 1Mo disk by comparison of
the results obtained at room temperature, 533K and 633K. The results from a previous
investigation on IMI 834 turbine disk material are included [12]. Tests were run on C(T)
specimens with a test frequency of 50 Hz. Dimension of the specimens and crack orienta-
tions are given with the respective results. On all materials investigated, AK~ and AKv
were determined by the R-constant as well as K,n,~-constant test method.

Results and Discussion

Non-propagation Conditions AKth and FCP-threshold AKr

Figure 5 shows the results obtained from the compressor disk of Ti 6A1 4V. Indiscriminately,
all conditions with 9x10 ~ mm/cycle < da/dN <__ 1.1x10 -7 ram/cycle are considered non-
propagation conditions AKth, at first. The right side of Fig. 5 shows the AKu, values plotted
1_5 I
m. [] , . , ' [23 '
I 2nd. Stg. Comp. Disc, CF6-50C2

. . [ T i 6AI 4 V , CR-Orient.
C T , B = S m m , W = 2 5 & 50 m m , 5 0 H z , A t m , R T
[~ . . . . .

~3 rn~ 9
, , ,a , 9 9 , ,, .
5 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ..... ,'-a~

o ..... 9 ,m. ~o..t I
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
R - ratio Kmax (MPa m^0.5)

Fig. 5-Non-propagation Conditions and Material Property 'FCP-threshold' for "End

of Life" Ti 6A14V Compressor Disk at Room Temperature.

versus the respective Kmax, whilst in the left side AKth is plotted versus the respective R-
ratio. The word 'respective' refers to AKth which is clearly defined by any two of the
parameters: R, K. . . . Kmm and AK. It can be seen in Fig. 5 that each of the figures empha-
sizes a different aspect of the AKth. The right side of Fig. 5 shows the dominating effect of
non-propagation conditions which are not any more influenced by the R-ratio or K~x.
From Kmax= 20 MPa -~m to nearly K~,a• = 90 MPa "4m, a constant AKd~ between 1.7 to
2.1 MPa -jm is measured. The scatter of _+0.2 MPa ~/m is considered by the author the
limit of measurement capability of present day servo-hydraulic testing equipment. Similar
scatter bands were obtained in [13]. Here we have - in the limits of measurement capabih-
ties - a constant value. Only because the data in this large Km~x range are constant - not
influenced by Kmaxor the R-ratio - allows to define them as material property 'AKT'. It
has to be realized that AKT can not be measured 'a priori'. AKT is determined based on
the property of the measured AKInvalues.
There is a task left which can not be fulfilled by the author or any other individu',d
scientist, namely to define exactly what a material property 'FCP-threshold' AKT should
be. As possibilities there are:

1. the average value of all AKthvalues falling in the scatter band between 1.7 to 2.1
MPa x/m (approximately AKr = 1.9 MPa ~/m),
2. the lower bound value of the scatter band (approximately AKT = 1.7 MPa ~m),
3. define a value statistically, such that 90 % of the data in the scatter band lie above
the defined value,
4. how many AKth values and under what conditions must be determined such
that the material property 'FCP-threshold' AKT can be extracted.
The scientific community, particularly the designers of damage tolerant structures, have to
decide on the exact definition of the material property 'FCP-threshold' AKT.
In the right side of Fig. 5, no such definition is made. The author simply indicates the
data band by two solid lines where the measured values of the material property 'FCP-
threshold' AKT are located. For the AKth values in the Kmax-range between K~,,x = 4.4
MPa "4m and Km,x = 20 MPa~/m, the material property 'FCP-threshold' AKT must exist,
too (based on the definition given in Fig. 1). But in this K=ax-range, neither the Kmax-
constant- nor the R-constant test method is able to measure AKT. Only the 'jump-in test
method' [4] could measure the AKT values in this Km,x-range. The left side of Fig. 5 em-
phasizes the effect of closure (wedging action to separate the fracture surfaces) and/or the
effect of the partitioning point (dividing AK in an effective part) on the AKth values meas-
ured. No conclusion in respect to a material property 'FCP-threshold' can be obtained
from such a figure, i.e., from a AKth - R plot. The Kma• in which AKT can not be
measured by either of the two test methods in Fig. 3 varies from approximately 2 to 6
MPa ~/m (Fig. 6) and 3 to 20 MPa -,/m (Fig. 5) depending on the particular material. The
K..... ranges indicated comprise the R-ratios between 0 < R < 0.8 and therewith the K. . . .
range in which closure has the most pronounced effect on the FCP-behavior. The conse-
quence for the experimental determination of AK,h is that all metallurgical features af-
fecting closure influence the AKthvalues for 0 < R < 0.4 strongly. It is therefore a matter
of number of tests how the trend of data looks like, compare Figs. 6 and 7.
A qualitative definition of the non-propagation conditions and the material property
'FCP-thrcshold' should be given here. It should be realized that for any given K,,,x-value,

E:] ' I E::I R-coast. 9 Kmax-const
: A 1 2 0 2 4 - T 3 5 1 , L T Orientation I]
: CT, B=10mm, W=50mm,50Hz, Atm, RT
=. ...., " " [9 K m a x = coast, r~ R = coast, l

4 84 . . . . . . . i

Turbine Disk, Re & CR Orientation I ' "

CT, B = 1 0 m m , W = 5 0 m m , 5 0 H z , A t m , RT I
0 10 20 :30 40 10 20 30
Kmax (MPa m^0.5) Kmax (MPa m ^0.5)

Fig. 6-Non-propagation Conditions and Fig. 7-Non-propagation Conditions and

Material Property 'FCP-threshold' for Material Property 'FCP-threshold'
Al 2024 - T351 Plotted Versus Kmax. for IMI 834 Plotted Versus Kmax.

any AK < AKth is a non-propagation condition, too. Therefore, AKth is the upper bound
value of all such AK for a given Kmax, i.e., AKth is the largest AK value for a given Kma~
condition that does not produce FCP. In line with this definition of AKth, the material
property 'FCP-threshold' AKT is defined as the largest stress intensity factor excursion AK
that does not produce FCP under any cyclic loading condition.

The Range of Measurement for AKth

S As a general rule, one
[ e n d of life disk,
I Kmax = consL
wishes to measure AKth
"~' 1.0E-04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
and determine AKr in the
stress intensity range
1,0E-05 from 'zero' to the point
of fracture of the respec-
1.0E-06 tive material. Since this is
~ V 62 m 77 A 88Kmax not possible in all cases,
"~~ 1.0E-07 . . . . ~4o ' .. ..... .. . 1
] CT,B=5mm,W=50&25mm,50Ilz, Atm, RT
the following clarifica-
tions are necessary. The
,a, I 2th. Stg. Comp. Disk, CF6-50C2 lowest point of measure-
1.0E-08 i I I I I I I I I : ; : ; ; : : 1,
10 100 ment corresponds to AKth
delta K (MPa m^0.5) at R = 0 and the corre-
sponding K,nax (AKti, =
Fig. 8-da/dN Versus Delta K from Kmax Constant Test for Km,x - 0), let us say K ....
th. The upper end for the
the Kmax-range up to Instant Failure.
measurements of AK~
can be the point of specimen fracture Kc, if no subcritical crack growth under static load
or no abnormal FCP occurs. This is the case for the Ti 6A1 4V disk material from which
the AKth values shown in Fig. 5 were obtained. In Fig. 8, the da/dN versus AK curves

obtained with the K~,~-constant i-~_ ^,

o 26 * 28
method for this disk material are
shown. The AK~ data in Fig. 5 1.OE-Oa
comprise the data points corre-
sponding to FCP-rates of 10-7 =~.OE-04
mndcycle of each of the da/dN
versus AK curves shown in Fig. ,~I.0E-OS
8. The essence of Fig. 8 is that
over the entire K~• up to ~I.0E-OS
specimen fracture (practically) "~
identical da/dN versus AK ~1.oE-o7
curves are obtained. Conse-
quently, the material property 1.0E-0S 9 : ~ 4 ~ : : 1!~!~ ', L~ :-~! .

1 10 100
'FCP-threshold' is identical,
delta K (MPa m^0.5)
Now, compare Fig. 8 with Fig. Fig. 9-da/dN Versus Delta K Curves Obtained with the
9. Both figures show daJdN Kmax-constant Test Method over the Kmax
versus AK curves obtained with Range up to and Including Abnormal FCP Behavior.
the K ~ - c o n s t a n t method. Fig-
ure 9 shows the da/dN versus AK curves for the Ti-disk alloy IMI 834. This material and
other Ti-alloys [13] [14] show an abnormal FCP-behavior when Kma• reaches a certain
(high) limiting value. For materials exhibiting such "abnormal FCP behavior", the upper
end of the measuring range for AKth is the point were "abnormal FCP" starts. In case of
IMI 834 in Fig. 9, the limiting K,~ax value is 27 MPa~/m (see Ref. [12] ). The causes for
this abnormal FCP-behavior in Ti-alloys are presently unknown. This abnormal FCP-
behavior manifests itself such that in the range from 27 to 29 MPa ,Jm the AK~ (da/dN =
10-7 mrrdcycle) becomes smaller than the AKT measured at lower K,,ax values, and that the
more, the more K,,,x exceeds 27 MPa~/m. For Kmaxvalues of 29 MPa~/m and higher, the
FCP-rates initially decrease with decreasing AK. But, upon reaching FCP-rates in the
range of 10-6 mm]cycle, the FCP-rates stay either constant or increase with decreasing
AK. Presently, this abnormal FCP-behavior has been observed only on Ti-alloys.

Comparison of Results from the R-constant- and K,~-constant Test Methods

There exists a question concerning the equivalence of results obtained by the R-constant-
and the I~,~-constant test methods. Independent of the practical usage of each method, the
question is: are the results obtained identical ? In Fig. 10, the R-constant test method was
applied up to R = 0.92. Thus, the results from both test methods can be compared with each
other over most of the K~,a~range (right side of Fig. 10). As can be seen in this figure, both test
methods deliver equivalent results.
The non-propagation condition AKth is determined as the point at which in a certain Aa
(chosen by the investigator) a FCP-rate da/dN = 10-v ram/cycle is measured. It ks the gen-
eral practice (and a necessity for the AICh determination) to use several steps of decreasing AK
and decreasing da/dN, the end-point of this series of steps is than the AK,h with da/dN =

I CT, B=10mm, W=50mm, 50Hz~Atm, RT
E A17075 - T7351, TL Orientation ]

[] e~
2 .... $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.e 1,00 5 10 15 20 25
R - ratio Kmax (MPa m^0.5)

Fig. lO-Non-propagation.Conditions and Material Property 'FCP-threshold' Obtained

on A1-7075-T7351, left." Plotted Versus R, right: Plotted Versus Kmax.

10-7 mm/cycle. Because of this practice, the K~ax-constant test method can not be used for
the lowest part of the total K~ax range, while the R-constant test method can not be used
for the highest part of the total K ~ range.

Results obtained.for A1-Attoys at Room Temperature

The AKT values determined for the Al-alloys are in the range, for:
A1 2024-T351: (Fig. 6) --- 1.0 MPa~/m < AK'r < 1.5 MPa~/m
A12219-T851: (Fig. 11) --- 1.15MPa~/m< AKT < 1.4MPa~/m
A16061-T651: (Fig. 11) --- 1 MPa~/m < AKv < 1.25 MPa'~m
A1 6082-T651: (Fig. 12) --- 0.9 MPa~/m < AK'r < 1.15 MPa'~m

: [ AI 2219- T851, LT- Orientation [] ". AI 6061 - T6S1, LT-Orientat]on ]
. . . . i ~ = 5 0 mm,50Hz,Alm,R._. 3: CT, B=10mm, W=50mm, 50Hz. Arm. RT
[~ " I.K ....... st. D R . . . . st. ]

' o ~ .... i . . . . :-- -

. A ~. 9 9 .A'A~ 9

0 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 50 60
Kmax (MPa m^O.5) Kmax (MPa m^0.5)

Fig. 1 l-Non-propagation Conditions and Material Property 'FCP-threshold' Obtained

on Al 2219-T851 and Al 6061-T651, Plotted Versus Kmax.

< AI 6082-T 651, L T - O r i e n t a t i o n ] A17475 - T7351, LT Orientation /

B=10 ram, W=50mm, 50Hz, Atra, RT W=50mm, 50Hz, Atm, R]]
~4 CT, r B=10rnrn,

r [::3 R-const. A Kmax-const ] " " " ; " [ A Kmax. . . . . t n R. . . . . t. [i . . . .

~a . , [Q. . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . , . . . . 9 . . . . , . . .

~.~ 2 ~, *:~T ....

rnm '. Ik

10 20 3C0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Kmax (MPa m^0.5) Kmax (MPa m^0.5)
Fig. 12-Non-propagation Conditions and Material Property 'FCP-threshold',
A1 6082-T651 and A1 7475-77351, Plotted Versus Kmax.

A17075-T7351: (Fig. 10) --- 1.0 MPa~/m < AKT _< 1.5 MPa'~m
A17475-T7351: (Fig. 12) --- 0.85 MPa,~m _<AKT _< 1.1 MPa~/m.

The A1- C(T) specimens were made from large plates of 10 mm thickness. The C(T)
specimens of the 7475-T7351 were taken out of the plate at one location. For the other al-
alloys, the location at which the specimens were taken out of the plate could vary over the
total of the respective plates. Actually, the C(T) specimens were fabricated out of broken
M(T) specimens, which were supplied in several batches. But for one material they came 'all
out of one plate. To what degree the different specimen locations in the plate could have influ-
enced the scatter band of AKT values, has not been investigated. The non-propagation
conditions AKth for low R-ratios are known to be affected by the metallurgical conditions
in the surface region of the specimens. Numerous investigations concerned with the effect
of metallurgical parameters on AKth are limited to low R-ratios. In addition, the experi-
mental techniques used are often not up to date. Therefore, little information is available
in the scientific literature which allows judgment on the scatter band of AKv as obtained in
the present investigation. The experimental technique is of particular importance, if the -
possibly minute - influence of metallurgical variables is to be systematically investigated.
In the author's opinion, the AKth and AKT results obtained from Al-alloys can be general-

The lower bound value of the material property 'FCP-threshold' AKT for Al-alloys is in
the range of: 0.8 MPa,~m < AKT < 1.2 MPa~/m. A scatter band _+ 0.2 MPa~m
should be a realistic aim for the experimental determination of AKth.

Results for Ti-Compressor Disk Materials at Room-Temperature and Higher


• 5
Disk Ti 8AI IV lMo~ CR-Orient. [:3
CT, B~dimm,W.26 & 50ram, 50Hz, A~, tiT '1 l l t h Stg. Comp. Disk, J T 9 D I
~4 [:~ . . . . . ~ TI 6AI 4V- RC-Orient. "1
I t=l R-const, A Kmax-const
t:2 ' [ CT,B=4mm,W=25mm,501tz,Atm,RT
.... :1. AA A~ " " ~ 9 "i~- ~:s ;,*_ _ : ~ , ~ ~lt~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3rd. Stg. Comp. Disk, CFM56
AK T Kmax-const C] R-const, [,
o 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
Kmax (MPa m^0.5) Kmax (MPa m^0.5)

Fig, 13-Non-propagation Conditions and Fig,. 14-Non-propagation Conditions and

Material Property 'FCP-threshold'. Material Property 'FCP-threshold'.
Plotted Versus Kmax for (End of L(fe) Obtained at RT on a Ti 6A1 4V
Ti 8A1 1V 1Mo Compressor Disk. Disk and Plotted Versus Kmax.

At room temperature, the AKT determination furnished the value-ranges for:

'first' (end oflife) Ti6Al4Vdisk(Fig. 5), 1.7 MPa{m < AKr < 2.15 MPa~/m,
IMI 834 disk forging (Fig. 7), 1.8 MPa'4m < AKT < 2.5 MPa,Jm,
(endoflit'e) T i 8 A l l V 1 M o d i s k ( F i g . 13), 1.6 MPa~/m < AKT < 1.9 MPa~/m,
'second' (endoflife) Ti6A14Vdisk(Fig. 14), 1.65 MPa~/m < AK+ < 2.1 MPa,Jm.

At 260~ the AKT_determination (Fig. 15) supplied the following value-ranges for:
'first' (End of Life) Ti 6AI 4V disk (left side), 1.9 MPa~/m < AKT < 2.5 MPax/m,
and the (end of life) Ti 8A1 1V 1Mo (right side) 1.5 MPa~m < AKT < 1.9 MPa-~m.

At 360~ the AK,2 determination for a Ti 8A1 1V lMo compressor disk (Fig. 16)
resulted in the value-range, 1.7 MPa-,/m < AKT < 1.9 MPa,Jm.

9 [ 2nd. Stg. Comp. Disk, CF6-50C2 I 9 Kmax = eonst. I I 3rd. Stg. C o m p . D i s k ,

~4 . . . . . 9. . _ [ TiSAIIV1Mo,-CR-Orient.
9 " t:3 - - i - ~ ~ T i '6AI 4 V , C R - O r i e n t .
' CT,B=.~mm,W=50 mm,50HzJ~tm t CT,B=Smm,W=50 m m , 3 0 H z , A t m

AA 9 &AA A
2 ' " 9 ~ A,dIL- A - - ' " ~ " " " I~ " "" . . . . " " " "

, AA A 'IJ~ A ~A, ~A'AA i,

260~ Temperature ] ' ' /

I-1 R-const. 9 Kmax-const. I " AK T

"~ 0 I 260~ Temperature I : AK r

0 10 20 30 4( 0 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70
Kmax (MPa m^0.5) Kmax (MPa m^0.5)

Fig. 15-Non-propagation Conditions and Material Property 'FCP-threshold' for

(End of Life) Compressor Disks at 260~ left: 'ftrst' Ti 6A1 4V Disk and right:
Ti 8A1 1V 1Mo Disk.

The AKth and AKT for the

~5 (end of life) Ti 8AI 1V
:[ 3rd. Stg. Comp. Disk, CFM56 I 1Mo compressor disk were
E4 . . . . . Ti 8AI 1V 1Mo, CR-Orient.[. obtained at RT, 260~ and
CT, B=5mm,W=50 mm,3OHz,Atm [ 360~ On the 'first' (end
of life) Ti 6A1 4V compres-
' " ' " " " ' " '" " 1360~ Temperature I
sor disk the AKth and AKT
values were obtained at
,r 2 room temperature and
260~ too. A comparison
of the AKT values in the
E~ R = const. A Kmax = const.] T temperature ranges investi-
gated for each of these Ti-
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 disks, indicates no signifi-
Kmax (MPa m^0.5) cant influence of tempera-
ture on the AKT values.
Fig. 16-Non-propagation Conditions and Material One should be aware that
Property 'FCP-threshold' for a Ti 8Al 1V 1Mo at slightly higher tempera-
Compressor Disk at 360~ tures than these investi-
gated in the present inves-
tigation, a temperature
effect on AKT might turn
out to be significant.
Based on the limited number of test results AKth with R < 0.8, no conclusion can be
reached for the Ti - disk materials as to functional dependence of kKth on the R-ratio.
Again, a scatter band _+0.2 MPa~/m should be a realistic aim for the experimental determina-
tions of AKT and AKth with Ti-alloys.


1. All A1- and Ti-aUoys investigated showed the existence of a material property 'FCP-
threshold' AKT. This agrees with previous results obtained by the author.
2. The material property 'FCP-threshold' AKT values tor the AI- and Ti-alloys were
determined within a scatter band of approximately + 0.2 MPa~/m.
3. The average AKT values at room temperature for the N-alloys, 2024-T351, 2219-T851,
606l-T651, 6082-T651, 7075-T7351, and 7475-T7351 are roughly in between:
0.95 MPa~/m < AKT < 1.25 MPa~/m.
4. At room temperature, the average AKT values for the (end of life) Ti-compressor disks
two different disks of Ti 6A14V and one ofTi 8A1 1V 1Mo] and for a Ti- disk tbrging
[IMI 834] are roughly in between:
1.9 MPa,Jm < AKT < 2.15 MPa,Jm.
5. At 260~ the average AKT values for the two (end of life) Ti-compressor disks [one
disk of Ti 6A14V and one ofTi 8A1 1V 1Mo] are:
2.2 MPax/m and 1.7 MPa~/m, respectively.

6. At 360~ the average AKT value for the end of file compressor disks of
Ti 8A1 1V 1Mo is 1.8 MPa-,/m.
7. No intluence of temperature in the range from room temperature to 260~ or 360~
for the Ti 6A14V or Ti 8AI 1V 1Mo, respectively, was found in this investigation. This
conclusion must be considered preliminary.
8. The non-propagation conditions AK~ for R-ratios below R = 0.8 for the AI- and Ti-
alloys investigated did not show a definite functional dependence on the respective

The author owes a special thanks to Mr. Uwe Fuchs for the careful and diligent execution
of the tests reported on and to Luflhansa - Technik - Hamburg (WU 534) for supplying the
spent Ti-compressor disks.


[1] Marci, G., "Fatigue Crack Propagation Threshold: What Is It and How Is It
Measured ?" Journal of Testing and Evaluation, JTEVA, Vol. 26, No. 3,
May 1998, pp. 220-233.
[2] ASTM E 647 - 95a, Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack
Growth Rates, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 3, Vol. 03.01.
[3] Marci, G., "Determination of the Partitioning Point dividing AK into AKeff,"
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 53, No. 1, 1996, pp. 23-36.
[4l Lang, M. and Marci, G., "Reflecting on the Mechanical Driving Force of
Fatigue Crack Propagation, " Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 29 ~h Volume,
ASTM STP 1332, T. L. Panontin and S. D. Sheppard, Eds., American Society
for Testing and Materials, 1998.
[5] Marci, G., Castro, D.E., and Bachmann, V., "Fatigue Crack Propagation
Threshold, " J o u r n a l of Testing and Evaluation, JTEVA, Vol. 17, No. 1,
1989, pp. 28 -39.
[6] Marci, G , "A Fatigue Crack Growth Threshold," Engineering Fracture
Mechanics, Vol. 41, No. 3, 1992, pp. 367 - 385.
[7] Marci, G., "Non-propagation Conditions (AK,h) and Fatigue Crack Propagation
Threshold (AKT), " Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Struc-
tures, Vol. 17, No. 8, 1994, pp. 891 - 907.
[8] Davenport, R. T. and Brook, R., "The Stress Intensity Range in Fatigue,"
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials" and Structures, Vol. 1,
1979, pp. 151 - 158.
[9] Bailon, J.-P., Dickson, J. I., Masounave, J., and Bathias, C., ''Technical
Note: Comments on the Threshold Stress Intensity Range in Fatigue," Fatigue
and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 3,
1981, pp. 277 - 283.
[10] Marci, G., "Effect of the active Plastic zone on Fatigue Crack Growth Rates,"

Fracture Mechanics, ASTM STP 677, C. W. Smith, Ed., American Society for
Testing and Materials, 1979, pp. 168 - 186.
[11] Hertzberg, R. W., Herman, W. A., and Ritchie, R. O., "Use of a Constant Km~x
Test Procedure to Predict Small Crack Growth Behavior in 2090-T8E41
Aluminum-Lithium Alloy," Scripta Metallurgica, Vol. 21,
1987, pp. 1541 - 1546.
[12] Marci, G., "Comparison of fatigue crack propagation Thresholds of two
Ti turbine-disk materials," Fatigue, Vol. 16, August 1994, pp. 409 - 412.
[13] Marci, G., "Abnormal da/dN - AK curves: New failure mode with Ti - alloys,"
Mat. -wiss. u. Werkstofftech., Vol. 28, 1997, pp. 51 - 58.
[14] Lang, M., Hartman, G. A., and Larsen, J.M., "Investigation of an
Abnormality in Fatigue Crack Growth Curves - the Marci Effect,"
ScriptaMetallurgica, Vol. 38, No. 12, 1998, pp. 1803 - 1810.
Bernhard Tabernig, t Phil Powell, 2 and Reinhard Pippan 1

Resistance Curves for the Threshold of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Particle

Reinforced Aluminium Alloys

Reference: Tabemig, B., Powell, R, and Pippan, R., "Resistance Curves for the
Threshold of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Particle Reinforced Aluminum Alloys,"
Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372,
J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials,
West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: The threshold of stress intensity factor range AKth increases with increasing
crack extension until it reaches the constant value of long cracks. Such curves can be
interpreted as resistance curves for the threshold of fatigue crack propagation.
In the paper a very simple method to measure such R-curves is presented and a
concept based on the R-curve is used to describe the propagation/non-propagation
behavior of physically small cracks. The application of the R-curve technique results in
the Kitagawa diagram where one can estimate the fatigue limit of components containing
"small" flaws. R-curve tests and standard fatigue experiments at different stress ratios
were performed on a 20 vol% SiC particle reinforced 359 T6 cast aluminum alloy which
contains naturally small flaws up to 400 gin. Application of the R-curve concept is
demonstrated and the estimations are compared with experimental results of the fatigue
tests. Good agreement between the predicted and measured failure behavior was found.

Keywords: fatigue threshold, resistance curve, physically small crack, fatigue limit
prediction, Kitagawa diagram


Modern defect tolerant design philosophy is based on the premise that all engineering
structures are inherently flawed. Assuming that small-scale yielding prevails, the linear

~Research assistant and senior scientist, respectively, Erich Schmid Institut for
Materialwissenschaft der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Institut
ffir Metallphysik der Montanuniversitfit Leoben, Jahnstr. 12, 8700 Leoben, Austria.
2Research scientist, Structural Materials Centre, Defence Evaluation and Research
Agency, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 6TD, UK.

Copyrights 2000 by ASTM International www.astm.org

elastic fracture mechanics provide the parameter threshold of stress intensity factor range
AKth as a characteristic value to determine the condition for propagation/non-propagation
of existing flaws. Fatigue cracks should not grow at stress intensity ranges smaller than
AKth. In fact this is only correct for long cracks. Many works show that the similitude
concept of fracture mechanics, i.e. that cracks with the same crack tip condition
(characterised by AK) will propagate at the same rate, does not hold for small cracks.
They even grow at values of AK below that of the threshold value determined in a
standard crack growth test which is called the threshold of long cracks. Hence a fatigue
limit estimation of a component which contains a small flaw based on the long crack
threshold is nonconservative. Furthermore the minimum necessary crack length for
application of the long crack behaviour is usually unknown. Therefore a damage tolerant
concept based on AKth is not commonly used in engineering fatigue design. Different
authors [1-3] have proposed to apply a R-curve technique to fatigue to overcome this
problem. The purpose of this paper is to present a simple technique to measure resistance
curves for fatigue, to describe results obtained on a 20 vol% SiC particle reinforced 359
T6 aluminum alloy and to compare failure prediction based on the R-curve method with
experimental results of fatigue tests.

R-curve Method

The R-curve is defined as the plot of the resistance of a material to crack propagation
versus crack extension. In this context the R - curve can be defined as the resistance of a
material against fatigue crack propagation (characterised by AKth) versus crack
extension. Romaniv et al. [4], Tanaka et al. [2], Pippan et al. [5], Pineau [6] and others
show that the threshold of stress intensity factor range increases with increasing crack
length until it reaches a constant value at a certain extension of crack. This value is called
the long crack threshold. Many authors [2, 4-8] explain this increase of the threshold by
an increase of the contribution of crack tip shielding, mostly caused by an increase of the
crack closure stress intensity [9].
Till now there exists no standard technique to measure R-curves. Suresh [10], Pippan
[11] and Novack and Marissen [12] proposed to measure the long crack threshold on
specimens precracked in cyclic compression. In addition it was shown [3, 13] that this
method also permits to determine the R-curve for AKth. Figure 1 shows schematically the
loading procedure of a R-curve test and the resulting crack extension vs. number of
The specimen is pre-cracked in cyclic compression. The crack emanates from the
notch similar to the crack initiation in cyclic tension, but in cyclic compression the crack
growth then decreases progressively until the crack stops propagating completely. In
front of a pre-crack initiated in cyclic compression there is a small region with residual
tensile stresses. The advantage ofpre-cracking the specimen in cyclic compression is that
the pre-crack is surely open when unloaded and consequently that the stress intensity
where the crack closes is below zero at the beginning of the fatigue crack growth test.
One can perform the threshold test for a constant load ratio by increasing the load
amplitude in steps until the threshold value of the long crack is reached [3, 7, 10, 12, 13].



J Fmin

t gi AK<
9== .- AKeff,th I AKeffth<AK<~Kth
It A K t h /
" "" i~ i " "

cycles N

Figure 1- Schematic illustration o f the loading procedure o f a test to determine the R -

curve for fatigue crack propagation threshold and the fatigue crack growth
curve for a constant load ratio.

If the load amplitude corresponds to a AK which is smaller than the effective threshold
AKeffth (the threshold of a crack without contact shielding), the crack will not grow. The
first propagation is observed if AK is larger than AKeffth. Therefore this technique allows
one to determine an upper and a lower bound for AKeff th. At the load steps where the
amplitudes correspond to a AK which is larger than AIQf~th and smaller than the long
crack threshold, the crack starts to grow and stops at a certain extension. The decrease of
the crack growth rate until arrest occurs is caused by the increase of crack closure or
other shielding mechanisms. Finally there is a step where the crack does not stop. At this
load amplitude the increase o f the maximum stress intensity factor Km~• by crack
extension is larger than the increase of the crack closure stress intensity Kc~. From there
on the test can be continued to measure the conventional da / dN versus AK diagram. The
stress intensity factor ranges AK where the crack arrests for the last time and where the
crack does not stop growing provide a upper and a lower bound for the long crack
threshold o f stress intensity range. If one plots the extension of the crack where it stops
growing versus the corresponding AK, one obtains in addition the R-curve for the
threshold o f stress intensity factor range. Such an example performed at a load ratio R =
0.6 on a 20 vol% SiC particle reinforced 359 T6 aluminium alloy is shown in Figure 2.

1,0 9


E 0,5-

<3 0,4.



0,0 9
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
N (million cycles)
(b) 2,40

2,10 I II 1

1,8o II ii

E 1,50
13- w
~ 1,20
' ~ 0,90



5 10 15 20 25 30 35
N (million cycles)

(c) 3
2,5 - AKth long crack

O- 1,5

<3 1
__~K elfth

0 0,5 1 1,5
Aa [mm]

Figure 2 - Typical experimental result of the first steps of a rising load amplitude
experiment in a 359 + 20% SiC (T6) alloy at a constant load ratio R = 0.6
(a) change of crack extension,
(b) change of stress intensity factor range,
(c) R -curve for the threshold offatigue propagation.


The material examined in this study is a 20 vol% SiC particle reinforced 359 T6 cast
aluminium alloy (Young's modulus 97 GPa and tensile strength 247 MPa). In
microstructural investigations a large number of porosity was found. The mean size of
the particles was about 7 lam.

Crack Growth Tests

Crack growth testing' was carried out for three different load ratios (0.1, 0.6, -1)
according the procedure described in Fig. 1. Two different types of test piece design
have been used: a compact tension specimen (CT40: width W = 40 ram, thickness B =
10 mm, depth of the notch aN = 10 mm) for R > 0 and a standard eight point single edge
notched bend test specimen (SENB8: W = 25 mm, B = 8 mm, aN ----5 mm) for R = -1.
The notches for all specimens were machined by spark erosion. Furthermore a special
razor blade cutting technique was performed in order to get extremely sharp notches
(notch radii between 10 and 20 ~tm). The sharper the notch, the smaller the loads for
prefatigue and the tensile residuel stress field at the crack tip at the start of the crack
growth test. The specimen were prefatigued in cyclic compression (load ratio R -- 20) at
a AK = 8 MPa m I/2 to initiate a crack of about 50 p.m length measured from the notch
root. The experiments were performed on a electromechanlc resonance machine at a
cyclic frequency of about 100 Hz (only a few tests were done in a servohydraulic
machine at 50 Hz). The tests were conducted in air at room temperature. During crack
growth testing the crack length was monitored by DC - potential drop technique. The
accuracy to measure a change in crack length was +/- 5 gm for crack extensions of the
first millimeter.

Fatigue Testing

Additionally fatigue testing on the same material was performed in accordance with
ASTM Standard Practice for Conducting Force Controlled Constant Amplitude Axial
Fatigue Tests of Metallic Materials (E 466-96) using Vibrophore resonant fatigue testing
machines fitted with 20 kN load cells. The test frequency was nominally 100 Hz. Tests
were carried out on plain test pieces (Kt = 1.035) at the two stress ratios R = 0.1 and R --
-1 at RT. The test pieces had a round test section (d = 3.99mm). Tests were run to test
piece fracture or to run-out at 107 cycles nominal. The S/N data exhibited much scatter
which was attributed to the presence of large pores [14]. Therefore microscale
examinations in the SEM of the fracture surfaces have been performed to reveal the
effect of porosity on the fatigue properties and to determine the initial defect sizes. Some
runners-out were also available for microscale examination. They were broken in a
tensile test and their fracture surfaces were studied with specific reference to the
presence of defects.

Results and Discussion

Resistance Curves

In the threshold test the load amplitude was increased in steps and the change of crack
extension and stress intensity factor range was measured. Plotting the extension of the
crack where it arrests versus the corresponding AK, the R-curve for fatigue propagation
is obtained. Figures 3a, b, c show the R-curves for fatigue threshold o f the investigated
alloy for the three different load ratios R = 0.1, 0.6 and -1.


0 ~ .... I .... i .... L .... ~,,,

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Aa [mml

Figure 3a - R-curve for fatigue crack growth threshold of a 20% SiC particle reinforced
359 76 aluminum alloy at the load ratio R = O.1.



< 3

0 .... I .... I
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

aa [mm]

Figure 3b - R-curve forjatigue crack growth threshold o f a 20% SiC particle reinforced
359 T6 aluminum alloy ar the load ratio R = 0.6.

The open, black and gray symbols refer to different experiments where the crack
stopped at certain extensions. The symbols with a x-hair are not data points of the R-
curve, they only indicate the load level where the crack did not arrest (starting point of
the measurement of the da / dN versus AK curve). They have also been used to fit the R-
curve in a conservative way. Initially the crack grew at a load amplitude which
corresponds to a AK of around 1.2 MPa m j/2 irrespective of the different load ratios.
Hence the effective threshold zXK~rfth for this material lies between 1.1 and 1.3 MPa m ~/2.
The thresholds increase with crack extension at all three load ratios, but by a different
amount. It is obvious that the contribution of the effect of crack closure (crack tip
shielding) is much higher at R = -1 and R = 0.1 than at R = 0.6. It should be pointed out
that AK was determined by the difference of K,,~a• and Kmin(hence at the crack growth
test at R = -1 also the compressive part was counted). The extension of the crack where
the long crack threshold is reached is significantly larger at R = 0.1 than at R = 0.6 and R
= -1. The long crack threshold for R = 0.1 is at 4.5 MPa m ~/2 and is reached at a crack
extension of 2 mm. This is a surprising large value, but it should be noted that 80% of
shielding contribution is built up within the first half millimeter of crack extension. The

threshold values for R = 0.6 (2.4 MPa m 1/2) and for R = -1 (8.1 MPa m I/2) are constant
for cracks extensions larger than 1 mm. The rough fracture surfaces of the tested
specimens indicate that the increase of the threshold in the investigated alloy may mainly
be caused by an increase of roughness induced crack closure.

Figure 3c - R-curve for fatigue craek growth threshold of a 20% SiC particle reinforced
359 T6 aluminum alloy at the load ratio R = -1.

S/N Data and Defect Sizes

Standard fatigue experiments were carried out to measure the S/N curves of the 359 +
20% SiC aluminium alloy at the load ratios R = 0.1 a n d - 1 . The S/N data [14], presented
in Table 1, exhibited much scatter. While the specimen XA06410, for example, was a
run - out, the test pieces XA06415 and XA06419 failed within 70 000 cycles, although
they were tested at the same stress level and the same load ratio.
The SEM examinations of the fracture surface of the 359 MMC gave evidence of
presence of large pores (up to 400 gin) in the area of fatigue origin. Most of the critical
pores were located at or near the surface of the test pieces. The pores were characterized

as idealised elliptic flaws, shown in Figure 4 [15] and their defect sizes a0 determined
(see Table l). The fatigue limit appears to be controlled by growth/non-growth of cracks
initiated early at these pores.

Table 1 - S / N data and defect sizes ao in 359 T6 + 20% SiC f o r R = -1 and O. 1.

DERA specimen No A~ [MPa] Numbers ofcycles defectsize[mm] Status

XA06410 144.9 10784000 0.075 Run - out
XA06412 165.6 1472400 0.11 Failure
XA06413 165.6 39907300 0.05 run - out
R=-I XA06414 176.0 47300 0.07 Failure
XA06415 144.9 69700 0.22 Failure
XA06416 155.3 9700 0.4 Failure
XA06417 134.6 2914000 0.25 Failure
XA06419 144.9 <50000 0.24 Failure
XA06397 102.5 197600 0.1 Failure
XA06398 102.5 17400 0.18 Failure
XA06401 83.8 10540300 not available r u n - out
XA06402 93.2 10851900 0.05 ru n - out
R=0.1 XA06403 121.1 27630O 0.04 Failure
XA06404 121.1 88900 0.09 Failure
XA06405 102.5 10882000 notavailable run - out
XA06406 139.7 97200 0.06 Failure
XA06407 139.7 1283000 0.04 Failure

Figure 4 - Idealisation o f real pore.


Application of the R-curve Concept

Using the example of the 359 MMC aluminium alloy the application of the R-curve
concept is now demonstrated and the estimations are compared with the experimental
results of fatigue tests.
One can draw the resistance-curves into a crack driving force diagram (AK versus a),
see Figure 5. Assuming a surface defect and that the component width is much larger
than the defect size, the crack driving force is given by AK = 1.12 A~ (Tza)1/2. The crack
driving forces for different constant stress amplitudes are also drawn in the diagram, The
difference between the origin of the R-curve and the origin of the driving force diagram
is set equal to the initial defect size a0.

E ,-
&cy = 60 MPa Ac~ = 48 MPa
~ 40 MPa

~1- 4

N~ 2
initial defect size
a o = lmm
0 , , J i
' ' ' I . . . . I .... l l l l r

0 2 3 4 5
defect size a [mm]

Figure 5 - Crack driving force diagram with the R-curve of 359 +20% SiC
f o r R = 0.1.

9 At smaller stress amplitudes the crack may propagate at first but it should arrest after
a certain extension which is determined by the intersection of the two curves.
9 At larger load amplitudes the driving force is always larger than the resistance
(threshold). Hence, such a component should fail.
9 The AK vs. crack length curve which is tangential to the R-curve gives the fatigue
limit for the given defect size.

If one assumes that the shape of the R-curve is independent of the initial crack length,
one can shift the R-curve in the crack driving force diagram to different defect sizes in
order to simulate the influence of defect size on the fatigue limit. Hence application o f
the R-curve results in the Kitagawa diagram which gives the fatigue limit of a material
containing "small" flaws. Figures 6a and b show the Kitagawa - diagrams for the 359 +
20% SiC aluminum alloy for the load ratios R = -1 and 0.1.

', 9 ~x.A %,
359 + 20% SiC
A "~LAO ~ R=-I

9 . '%-4

. .-,,,
13_ ~

9 9 9 estimation based on R - c u r v e - ' ~ % ~
AKth/1.12 (n:a)1/2 I " ~
2~Kthelf / 1'12 (tea)l/2 I "~
9 broken I
A not broken at 10 million cycles~ " ~
0,01 0,1 1 10

a 0 [mml

Fig. 6a - Kitagawa diagram (fatigue limit vs. deject size)for the

359 + 20% SiC aluminum alloy for load ratio R = -1.

The dotted line represents the estimation obtained by the application o f the R-curve
concept. The region below this line should be the safe regime where no failure occur.
One can now draw the S/N data (white symbols for run - out, dark symbols for failure,
gray symbols for specimens not available for determing defect size) in the Kitagawa
diagrams, in order to compare these experimental results with the predictions based on
the R-curve concept. It is evident that the experimental results are in good agreement
with the estimations of the R-curve technique. Furthermore the strong influence of load
ratio on the fatigue limit vs. initial crack size at R = 0.1 and R = -1 is obvious. In
addition the limit curves of the effective threshold AK~rr t, and the long crack threshold
AKth are plotted in the diagrams. While the effective threshold always gives a safe lower
fatigue limit, the long crack threshold AKth determines the fatigue limit o f the material
only in case o f large defects.

359 + 2 0 % SiC
i i 9 9 ~


(3- Jl_..

9 9 estimation based on R-curve , ~
~ AKth/1.12 (xa) 1/2 2~
Keff th / 1.12 (ha) v~
9 broken
A not broken
9 not available for investigatton
10 " "~ I
0.01 0.1 1 10

a o [turn]

Figure 6b - Kitagawa diagram (fatigue limit vs. defect size)for the

359 + 20% SiC aluminum alloy for load ratio R = 011.


Resistance curves for the threshold of fatigue propagation should allow a more
reliable application of AKth values to engineering problems. A very simple technique to
measure such R-curves is the step-wise increase of the load amplitude on specimens
precracked in cyclic compression. The resulting R-curves give the effective threshold for
crack propagation, the minimum crack extension where one expects long crack
behaviour and the increase o f shielding as a function of crack extension. Application of
the R-curve leads to the Kitagawa diagram which can be used to estimate the fatigue
limit as a function of defect size. It was shown that the load ratio has a strong influence
on the shape of the R-curve and hence on the fatigue limit vs. initial crack size diagram.
Good agreement was found between experimental results of fatigue tests and estimations
based on the R-curve in the invesugated case of a 20 vol% SiC particle reinforced
aluminum alloy.


The authors thank all partners of the BRITE - EURAM project MISPOM
(Aerospatiale, Teksid, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Universitat Politecnica
de Catalunya, Universitg di Ancona, Erich Schmid Institut, National University Galway)
for collaboration. They are indebted to the European Community for financial support.


1. Pook, L.P., "The Role of Crack Growth in Metal Fatigue", The Meta& Society
London, 1983, p. 101.
2. Tanaka, K., and Akinawa, Y., "Resistance-curve Method for Predicting Propagation
Threshold of Short Fatigue Cracks at Notches", Engineering, Fracture Mechanics,
30, 1988, pp. 863-876.
3. Pippan, R and Stfiwe H. P., "Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in Constant-Amplitude
and Constant-AK Tests on Notched Specimens", In: ECF6, H. C. Elst and A. Bakker
(Eds), EMAS, Warley, UK, 1986, pp. 1269-1277.
4. Romaniv, O., Siminkovich, V.N. and Tkach, A.N., Fatigue Thresholds, J. B~cklund,
A. F. Blom and C.J. Beevers (Eds), EMAS, Warley, UK, 1981, pp. 588-594.
5. Pippan, R., Berger, M. and Stfiwe, H. P., "The Influence of Crack Length on Fatigue
Crack Growth in Deep Sharp Notches", Metallurgical Transactions, 18a, 1987, pp.
6. Pineau, A., In Proceedings: Small Fatigue Cracks, R. O. Ritchie and J. Lankford
(Eds), AIME, 1986, pp. 191-212.
7. Suresh, S., Fatigue of Materia&, Cambridge University Press, 1991.
8. McEvily, A. J. and Yang, Z., "The Growth of Short Fatigue Cracks under
Compression and/or Tensile Cyclic Loading", Metallurgical Transactions, 22A,
1991, pp. 1079-1082.
9. Ritchie, R. O., "Mechanisms of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metals, Ceramics and
Composites: Role of Crack Tip Shielding", Mater&& Science and Engineering, 103,
1988, pp. 15-28.
10. Suresh, S., "Crack Initiation in Cyclic Compression and its Application",
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 21, 1985, pp. 453-463.
11. Pippan, R., "The Growth of Short Cracks under Cyclic Compression", Fatigue
~acture Engineering Materials Structures, 9, 1987, pp. 319-328.
12. Nowack, H. and Marissen, R., "Fatigue Crack Propagation of Short and Long
Cracks", In Proceedings: Fatigue 87, R. O. Ritchie and E. A. Stark (Eds), EMAS,
Warley, UK, 1987, pp. 207-230.
13. Pippan, R., Pl~chl, L.,Klammer, F.and Sn3we H. P., "The Use of Fatigue Specimens
Precracked in Compression for Measuring Threshold Values and Crack Growth",
Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 22, 1994, pp. 98-103.
14. Powell, P., In working paper DERA/WP/2.3/2 in BRITE-EURAM project MISPOM
(n ~ BE96-3168), 1998.
15. WES 2805, Japan Welding Society standard, 1980.
Stephen W. Smith ~ and Robert S. Piascik2

An Indirect Technique for Determining Closure-Free Fatigue Crack Growth


Reference: Smith, S. W. and Piascik, R. S., "An Indirect Technique for Determining
Closure-Free Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds,
Endurance Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik,
Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: The effects of stress ratio (R) and maximum applied stress-intensity factor
(K,~x) on fatigue crack growth rate (da/dN) have been investigated. Fatigue crack growth
behavior was analyzed by plotting applied cyclic stress-intensity factor (AK) versus applied
Km~xfor an ct+13titanium alloy (Ti 6-2-2-2-2) at several values ofda/dN. This analysis
revealed two distinct regions of fatigue crack growth behavior. At threshold da/dN (~
10"1~m/cycle) and for Kmax< 4.6 MPa~/m the threshold cyclic stress-intensity factor
(AKth) is greatly influenced by crack closure. For closure free fatigue crack growth ( K ~
> 4.6 MPa~/m), a subtle but distinct decrease in AKthis observed with increasing K ~ .
Plots of AK versus K,,axwere also generated for AA 2024 testdata produced in two
different studies. These data also revealed two distinct regions of fatigue crack growth
behavior consistent with the Ti 6-2-2-2-2 results. This methodology can be used to
determine closure free fatigue crack growth and to monitor subtle changes in AKth.

Keywords: fatigue crack growth, fatigue crack growth threshold, crack closure, K,,ax
effects, stress ratio effects

Senior Engineer, Lockheed Martin Engineering & Sciences, Hampton, VA 23681,

formerly Resident Research Associate, National Research Council, Hampton, VA
2 Senior Scientist, Mechanics of Materials Branch, NASA-Langley Research Center,
Hampton, VA 23681.

Copyright92000 by ASTM International www.astm.org


Research has shown that stress ratio effects are dominated by fatigue crack closure,
particularly in the near-threshold regime [1-5]. To determine values of cyclic stress-
intensity factor (AK) corrected for closure (AKar), the crack opening stress-intensity (Kov)
must be determined (AK~tr= K~x - Kop) [2]. However, the experimental determination of
an opening load is difficult and can result in a high degree of scatter for near-threshold
fatigue crack growth. These difficulties are not surprising when one considers the
available tools to determine opening loads. The most common measurement techniques
rely on determining a deviation in a load-displacement trace [2, 6], where the displacement
is measured using a remote strain gage or crack mouth opening gage. Typically, crack-tip
displacements in the near-threshold regime are very small. Therefore, measurements with
a far-field displacement gage may lack the required fidelity to accurately determine crack
opening loads within the threshold regime. Other techniques require the measurement of
surface displacements near a crack tip [7, 8]. However, these measurements may not
accurately reflect the opening behavior along the entire crack front.
With the current limitations of crack closure measurements, it is desirable to develop
indirect techniques to determine the effects of crack closure. Schmidt and Paris [3] were
the first to analyze fatigue crack growth rate data by plotting AKthversus R. They
observed a distinct transition in the data which was attributed to the presence of crack
closure. Later, D~ker and Bachmann [4] modified this analysis by plotting data as AKth
versus K,~,, to more accurately reflect trends in fatigue crack growth behavior. Analyses
of this nature have attempted to determine intrinsic AKth values by identifying data which
are free of crack closure [3, 4, 9-11]. Within this paper, the area of focus is expanded to
include the lower Paris to threshold regime, in order to characterize near-threshold stress
ratio (Km~x)effects.

Materials and Testing

The alloy used in this study is an ct+13 titanium alloy, Ti 6-2-2-2-2 (Ti-5.60 A1-1.81
Zr-l.79 Cr-1.88 Sn-1.96 Mo-0.23 Si, wt.%) received in sheet form cross rolled to a final
thickness of 1.65 mm (0.065 inch). The alloy was hot rolled at 927 ~ (1700 ~ and
solution annealed at 899 ~ (1650 ~ for 30 minutes, followed by an aging treatment at
510 ~ (950 ~ for l 0 hours (the material was processed in packs of several sheets which
were air cooled following all heat treatments). The solution treated and aged product
contains primary <xgrains less than 10 ~tm, with transformed 13colonies. For comparison,
the fatigue crack growth rate data for aluminum alloy (AA) 2024-T3 from two separate
studies will also be presented [3, 12].
All fatigue crack growth rate testing was performed using closed loop servo-
hydraulic machines, operated under load control, with sinusoidal waveform loading.
Eccentrically loaded single edge notch tensile (ESE(T)) specimens, formally known as
extended compact tension (EC(T)) [ 13], were used for fatigue crack growth rate testing.
All Ti 6-2-2-2-2 data presented, was acquired using 38.1 mm wide T-L oriented
specimens tested at 5 Hz. A strain gage (bonded to the back-face surface of each
specimen) located directly opposite the machined notch, was used to determine crack

length and crack opening loads. The calculated crack length and stress-intensity factor
(K) solution [13] were used with an automated system to perform K control testing. The
computer controlled system made it possible to perform variable AK tests with very
smooth profiles free of stepped load sheds. Visual crack length measurements were
performed periodically during fatigue testing and were used along with a final fracture
surface crack length to make small (typically 0.5 % error) corrections (by linear
interpolation) to the compliance based crack length determinations.
Fatigue crack growth rate tests were performed by applying a constant R or constant
Km~, in accordance with ASTM Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth
Rates (E 647). Constant R tests were performed with a decreasing AK (C = -0.08 mm~)
in the near-threshold regime and increasing AK (C = +0.16 mm1) in the Paris regime and
higher. Constant K.,~, tests were performed using a decreasing AK (C = -0.40 mm-~ or
-0.80 mrn"~) starting at low R, with R increasing as the fatigue threshold is approached. A
schematic of the applied stress-intensity profile for each of these techniques is represented
in Figure 1. The constant R decreasing AK test, represented by Figure la, results in a
decreasing Km~ and minimum stress-intensity factor (Kml,)to reduce AK. IfKminis
reduced to a level less than Kop, crack closure will be present, reducing the crack tip
driving force resulting in decreased fatigue crack growth rates. For constant Km~
decreasing AK tests, represented by Figure lb, an increasing Kmi,produces a reduction in
AK. This increasing R procedure makes it easier to maintain a Kmin which is greater than
Kop, consequently free of closure, as threshold is approached.


' ~ - - - K o p
~ / v " ' x Kmin

time time
a) b)
Figure 1. Schematic diagrams for the a) constant R decreasing AK test and b)
constant K,,o~decreasing AK test.

Throughout the fatigue crack growth rate tests, load-displacement measurements

were evaluated to determine crack closure using the offset technique described in ASTM
E 647. Opening loads corresponding to several offset levels (1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 %) were
continuously determined. Periodically, load-displacement data were acquired and
analyzed independently to determine crack opening levels using Elber's reduced
displacement technique [2]. The results for crack opening load measurements using each
of these techniques were compared and the offset level which produced crack opening

levels agreeing most favorably with results from Elber's technique was used to determine
AIQfr. For all of the results presented, a 1% offset level resulted in the best agreement
with results from Elber's technique.


Fatigue crack growth rate data for tests performed in room temperature laboratory
air at two constant stress ratios are presented in Figure 2. These tests were conducted at
R = 0.1 (circle symbols) and R = 0.5 (square symbols). Also plotted in Figure 2 is the
closure corrected (AK~rr) data for R = 0.1 (diamond symbols). The AKcfr data shown in
Figure 2 were calculated using opening loads at a load-displacement offset of 1%. For
the R = 0.5 results shown in Figure 2, no crack closure was detected using either the
offset technique or Elber's reduced displacement technique. Here, very good agreement
between the AIQ~rresult (R = 0.1) and R = 0.5 data were observed in the near-threshold

Figure 2. Fatigue crack growth rate data for Ti 6-2-2-2-2 m room

temperature laboratory air using constant R testing.

Constant K~x tests were conducted to produce near-threshold fatigue crack growth
rate data at very high stress ratios [14, 15]. Figure 3 shows lower Paris to threshold
regime fatigue crack growth rate data for the two constant R tests, previously shown in
Figure 2, as well as three constant K~x tests (K~x = 11.0, 16.5, 22.0 MPa~/m). Three
points for AK between 5.5 and 9.5 MPaqm are identified in Figure 3 where the loading
parameters for a constant K,~x test and a constant R test are similar; the fatigue crack
growth rates determined using both test methods for the similar loading conditions are in
excellent agreement. This confirms that when identical loading parameters are applied for
constant K~x and constant R tests, consistent results are obtained. At very low values of
AK, the three constant Kmx tests shown in Figure 3 produce accelerated da/dN compared
to the two constant R tests. The three values of AK identified along the x-axis in Figure 3
represent the intercept of the fatigue crack growth test results (Kmax= 16.5 MPa~/m, R =
0.5, and R = 0.1) with da/dN at 1 x 101~ m/cycle. These values are estimates of AKth, per
ASTM E 647. As shown in Figure 2, the difference in AKth for R = 0.1 and 0.5 appears to
be a result of crack closure. However, the further decrease in AKth observed for the three
Km~ tests presented in Figure 3 is not consistent with the view of a single intrinsic fatigue
crack growth rate curve [2].

Figure 3. Lower Paris to threshoM regime fatigue crack growth rate data for Ti 6-
2-2-2-2for constant R and constant Kmc~tests.


Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior

Fatigue crack growth rate data (shown in Figure 3) were evaluated using an analysis
developed by Schmidt and Paris [3]. Shown in Figure 4 are values of AK versus R at 1 x
10-I~ m/cycle from two constant R (open symbols) and five constant K,~x tests (solid
symbols). These seven data points represent values of AK and R obtained by performing
linear regression analysis for the five test conditions presented in Figure 3 as well as
constant K~x tests at 3.85 and 6.6 MPax/m. Two distinct regions can be identified [3].
For R < 0.5, AK~ increases sharply with decreasing R. For R > 0.75, the Schmidt and
Paris analysis assumes no change in the observed AKth with increasing R. For R less than
a critical stress ratio (R~l ~ 0.73), increasing AK~ with decreasing R was attributed to
fatigue crack closure. Fatigue crack closure was confirmed to exist at R = 0.1 using both
the offset technique and Elber's reduced displacement techniques. For stress ratios
greater than ILl, an average AK is chosen to represent a constant AKth (AI~ff in Figure 4).
While the two linear fits shown in Figure 4 appear to result in a fairly good representation
of the data, a line of constant AK does not appear to accurately represent the trends in the
data. The apparent limitation of this technique is in assuming a constant AKth exists for R
> Rr

da/dN = 1 x 10-1~m/cycle
l i 6-2-2-2-2 T-L
24 ~ Lab Air, 5 Hz
"e O constant R
9 constantK.=

AK.. ...........


O i , = , l , , , = l , , , , l , , l l l , t l l

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 .0


Figure 4. AKth versus R data at 1 x 10"1~m/cycle for Ti 6-2-2-2-2 (using

Schmidt-Paris plotting method).

The data presented in Figure 4 are plotted as AKthversus Kmaxin Figure 5. For low
values of Km~x(< 4.6 MPa~/m), a relatively large increase in AKth is observed with
decreasing Km.x(dashed linear regression line). As noted previously, this region is
dominated by fatigue crack closure. For values of Kr~x greater than approximately 4.6
MPa~/m, a more subtle yet distinct decrease in AKth is observed for increasing Km,x(dotted
linear regression line). This behavior extends to very high values of R (> 0.9), suggesting
that fatigue crack closure is not influencing the fatigue crack growth behavior for Kma~>
4.6 MPa~/m. The shallow slope indicates that fatigue crack growth behavior is affected by
applied Km~x,even when the growing fatigue crack is not affected by crack closure
processes. Therefore, the use of a line of constant AK to represent the high R data does
not accurately represent the observed trends. The results in Figure 5 are consistent with
the AA 2024-T3 data of Schmidt and Paris [3] when plotted as AKthversus K,.a~ (Figure
6). Here, a linear regression fit of the data for K,~x > 4 MPa~/m (dotted line in Figure 6)
reveals a distinct decrease in AKt~with increasing K ~ . More recent AA 2024-T3 data
[12] (shown in Figure 7) confirm the trends shown in Figures 5 and 6. For each of these
sets of data, no discrete value of AKth is observed and the threshold regime is described by
two linear curves which represent a closure dominated region and a Ko~xaffected region.
Examination of the fatigue surfaces for the K~x affected data presented in Figure 7 has
revealed an increase in size and density of voids formed with increasing Kmax[12]. These
observations indicate that the fatigue processes are affected by the applied Kmaxand that
the change in AK with applied Kmaxis not solely due to crack closure.

d a / d N = 1 x 10 -l~ m/cycle

Ti 6-2-2-2-2 T-L
24 ~ Lab Air, 5 Hz

0 constantR
closure dominated 9 constant K~ax
Kma x affected

"~" "o . . . . . 9 . . . . . . Jt . . . . .

0 t t i t I i t i i I i i i i i , , , , i , , , ,

0 5 10 15 20 25

Krnax(MPa qm)

Figure 5. Z~th versus K,,~ data at 1 x 10"]~re~cyclefor Ti 6-2-2-2-2, showing

two distinctfatigue crack growth regions.

da/dN < 5 x 10 "1~ m/cycle

AA 2024 - T3, L-T
Lab Air, 580 Hz
I 9 constant displacement I
+ I~ closure dominated

..... i11" .ntUnn.-nn .......
9 9 ......... .II..

0 . . . . I , , , , I , . , , I . , , , t , , , , I , , , .

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Km~ (MPa qm)
Figure 6. zlKthversus K,.~ data at da/dN < 5 x 101~ re~cyclefor AA 2024-T3,
showing two distinctfatigue crack growth regions (from Schmidt and Paris [3]).

da/dN = 1 x 101~ m/cycle

AA 2024-T3, L-T
~) 24 ~ Lab Air, 11 Hz
O constantR /
1 - constant Kmax
closure dominated
n 2

""1! e . . . . -e. - ..~=

0 , , I i I , , , I I i , , , I , l I , I I l i i I , i i i I i , i i

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Kmax (MPa ~/m)

Figure 7. AKth versus K,,~ data at 1 x lO"1~rn/cyclefor AA 2024-T3, showing

two distinctfatigue crack growth regions (from J. A. Newman, et al. [12]).

Plots of AK versus Km~ were used to determine a single daJdN versus AK curve that
represents the boundary between crack closure dominated and K,=, affected fatigue crack
growth behavior. Figure 8 is a plot of AK versus Km~ at four values of constant da/dN for
constant R and constant K~x tests. Curves of AK versus Km~xwere generated for a total
of twenty values of da/dN from 1 x 10"1~to 1 x 10-7 m/cycle for Ti 6-2-2-2-2. Data
presented for each value of daJdN can be fit using two linear regressions, representing a
closure dominated region A (dashed lines) and a Km,xaffected region B (dotted lines). The
absolute value of the slope for the Km,xaffected regime, B in Figure 8, is seen to increase
with increasing da/dN. The slope of the linear regression fit for the Km,~affected regime
for twenty values of da/dN examined are plotted in Figure 9. Here, the absolute value of
the slope is observed to decrease with decreasing da/dN to a crack growth rate of
approximately 5 x 10-1~m/cycle. For values ofda/dN less than 5 x 10-1~the slope of the
Km~ affected regime remains fairly constant and is not zero as previously suggested [3].
The intercept of the two linear regressions for each value of da/dN represents the
boundary between regions A and B; the boundary is marked by line segments connecting
the intercepts in Figure 8. The intercepts are used to develop a fatigue crack growth rate
curve which distinguishes between the region A closure dominated and region B Kin=,
affected data (solid line in Figure 10). Any fatigue crack growth rate data to the let~ of the
solid line in Figure 10 is free of crack closure, while data within the shaded region are
affected by crack closure.

Ti 6-2-2-2-2 T-L
24 ~ Lab Air, 5 Hz
constant cornaant
R K.=

(A)\ O
101~ m/cyde
101~ m/cyde
& 9 1x 109 rn/cyde
"~. 1 V 9 3x 10"9 m/cyde
o_ 3
/1 ~ / - " - - - - - - - - . ~ closure free i B ; " ""
0 1 ~ " A " " " " " " " die " " " " o - . . . Ao . . . .

: 22 . . . . . i .......... 9 .......... . ....

I 9 ................ e- ......... e ---

I 1 ] I 1 1 1 I | 1 1 t | i I 1 1 I I ( | t ~ i

0 5 10 15 20 25
Km~ ( i P a ~/m)

Figure 8. AK versus K=a~data for Ti 6-2-2-2-2 at severalfatigue crack

growth rates, showing two distinctfatigue crack growth regions.

Ti 6-2-2-2-2 T-L
24 ~ Lab Air, 5 Hz
m slope~ affected
0.08 near regression



m 0.04

0.02 9
I1 9
II1= n 9

0.00 " ........ ~ ........ ' ......... '

10-1o 10-9 10-8 10-r
da/dN (m/cycle)

Figure 9. Absolute value of slope versus log da/dNfor the linear regression
fit of the K~.=affected data of Ti 6-2-2-2-2 at room temperature for twenty
selected value, of da/dN.
Ti 6-2-2-2-2 T-L
24 ~ Lab air, 5 Hz


~ 10-9
closure free boundary

10 1 o
affected closure
~gion B) dominated
0 (RegionA)
i i i i i i i i

2 3 4 5 6 78910
AK (MPa ~/m)

Figure ] O. Lower Paris to threshoM regime fatigue crack growth rate data for
Ti 6-2-2-2-2 showing regions affected by crack closure andfree from crack

Crack Opening Behavior

The closure-free boundary does not coincide with the closure corrected AK,~r curve,
dashed line shown in Figure 10, suggesting a discrepancy between the two methods used
to establish closure-free fatigue crack growth rate data. Based on the bilinear AK versus
K , = plots shown in Figure 8, the closure corrections performed to establish the AK~
curve for the R = 0.1 data do not fully account for crack closure. Also, the R = 0.5 data is
contained in the closure dominated regime for each of the values of da/dN presented in
Figure 8. However, far-field closure measurements did not resolve any closure for R =
0.5. This suggests that the far-field measurements lack the necessary resolution to
accurately determine crack-tip opening loads. Additionally, far-field load-displacement
traces have been shown to be highly dependent upon interpretation, which can result in
large differences in reported crack-tip opening levels [6, 16].
The plots o f AK versus K.=x (Figure 5 and 8) can be used to develop a better
understanding of the crack opening behavior for Ti 6-2-2-2-2. Assuming I ~ x influences
fatigue crack growth behavior in the closure dominated region, the K . ~ affected linear
regression line (dotted line in Figure 1 l) can be extended into the closure dominated
region. Selecting a data point within the closure affected regime (R = 0.1 is noted as point
1 in Figure 11), a vertical line can be extended to the x-axis (solid line). The solid line
intercepts the K~,a. affected linear regression (dotted line) at A K ~ and the x-axis at the
applied K , = (noted as K,=,~ =~ in Figure 11). Kop is calculated by subtracting AK~s from
the applied K~x, resulting in a I ~ = 1.6 MPa~m for R = 0.1 at 1 x l0 1~ m/cycle.

da/dN = 1 x 10 1~ m/cycle
3 q ,-~---Point I Ti 6-2-2-2-2 T-L
24 ~ Lab Air, 5 Hz
O constantR
9 constant Kmax

where: Kop = Kin=x,am - AK,,~

v 2

I A t I I i I ' I l , J , I , , i , I , i I I

0 ? 5 10 15 20 25
K ..... pp %ax ( i P a %/m)

Figure 11. AKth versus K ~ data for Ti 6-2-2-2-2 at 1 x 10"l~ m/cycle,

showing Kop determination.

Figure 12 is a comparison of opening ratio (KorJKm~) versus AK for R = 0.1 using

the AK versus K~x data (square symbols) and the ASTM offset technique at an offset
level of 1 % with a far-field strain gage to measure displacement (triangle symbols)9 No
data for KodK,,~x < 0.175 are presented for the far-field technique due to the limited load-
displacement data acquired below this level which makes it impractical to determine
fatigue crack closure using the offset technique. The two curves indicate a similar trend;
decreasing KodK~x with increasing AK. However, the directly measured opening ratios
are lower in value than those determined using the AK versus Kmaxcurves, particularly as
threshold is approached. This discrepancy suggests that the far-field strain gages used in
this study are not able to fully resolve the closure events occurring at the crack tip. This
also suggests that the AK~frcurve presented in Figure 2 does not accurately reflect an
effective fatigue crack growth behavior for Ti 6-2-2-2-2 under the conditions examined.

I Ti 6-2-2-2-2 T-L
24 ~ Lab Air, 5 Hz
\ calculated from AK
VS. Kmax curves
0.4 9 extrapolation to
I~= x affected curve
9 1% offset (back-faced
strain gage)

..... ..,/... ............ 5, ......... .. ...........

fa re'fie'dClm~ l
0.1 resolutionlimitfor
offset technique

0 ! J i i I i i I i I I I I t I t i i i I l i ! i I i i i i

2 4 6 8 10 12 14
AK (MPa ~m)

Figure 12. Opening stress-intensity ratio versus AK comparing calculated

values and experimentally measured values for Ti 6-2-2-2-2for R = O.1.


The methodology outlined in this paper has been used to identify closure free fatigue
crack growth and to monitor subtle changes in AKth. Fatigue crack growth behavior of Ti
6-2-2-2-2 has been evaluated by plotting values of AK and K,~x for several values of
da/dN from constant R and constant K~x tests. Plots of AK versus Km,xfor each value of
da/dN examined reveal a closure dominated regime and a closure free Kr~x affected
regime. The slope of the Km,xaffected regime approaches zero as da/dN approaches 1 x
10"1~m/cycle. However, a finite slope was measured for all values of da/dN, suggesting
that no single intrinsic AKthis present. This behavior was also observed for AA 2024 in
the near-threshold regime. Estimates of Kop determined with this methodology can be
used in conjunction with conventional compliance techniques to more accurately interpret
crack-tip closure processes.


[1] Couper, M.J. and Griffiths, J.R., "Effects of Crack Closure and Mean Stress on the
Threshold Stress Intensity Factor for Fatigue of an Aluminum Casting Alloy,"
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1990, pp. 615-624.
[2] Elber, W., "The Significance of Fatigue Crack Closure," Damage Tolerance in
Aircraft Structures, ASTM STP 486, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, PA, 1971, pp. 230-242.
[3] Schmidt, R.A. and Paris, P.C., "Threshold for Fatigue Crack Propagation and the
Effects of Load Ratio and Frequency," Progress in Flaw Growth and Fracture
Toughness Testing, ASTM STP 536, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, PA, 1973, pp. 79-94.
[4] D~3ker,H. and Bachmann, V., "Determination of Crack Opening Load by Use of
Threshold Behavior," Mechanics of Fatigue Crack Closure, ASTM STP 982, J.C.
Newman, Jr. and W. Elber, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, PA, 1988, pp. 247-259.
[5] Musuva, J.K. and Radon, J.C., "Threshold of Fatigue Crack Growth in a Low Alloy
Steel," Advances in Fracture Research (Fracture 80, D. Francois Ed., Pergamon
Press, Oxford, 1982, pp. 1365-1372.
[6] Donald, J.K., "A Procedure for Standardizing Crack Closure Levels," Mechanics of
Fatigue Crack Closure, ASTMSTP 982, J.C. Newman, Jr. and W. Elber, Eds.,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1988, pp. 222-229.
[7] Davidson, D.L. and Lankford, J., "High Resolution Techniques for the Study of
Small Cracks," SmallFatigue Cracks, R.O. Ritchie and J. Lankford, Eds., TMS,
Warrington, PA, 1986, pp. 455-470.
[8] Sutton, M.A., Zhao, W., McNeill, S.R., Helm, JD., Piascik, R.S., Riddell, W.T.,
"Local Crack Closure Measurements: Development of a Measurement System
Using Computer Vision and a Far-Field Microscope," Advances in Fatigue Crack
Closure Measurements and Analysis, ASTM STP 1343, R.C. McClung and J.C.

Newman, Jr., Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West
Conshohocken, PA, to be published.
[9] Suresh, S., Fatigue of Materials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK,
1991, pp. 203-215.
[10] Liaw, P.K., Leax, T.R., and Logsdon, W.A., "Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack
Growth Behavior in Metals," Acta Metallurgica, Vol. 31, No. 10, 1983, pp.
[11] Vasud~van, A.K. and Sadananda, K., "Classification of Fatigue Crack Growth
Behavior," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, A, Vol. 26A, 1995, pp.
[12] Newman, J.A., Riddell, W.T., and Piascik, RS., "Effects of K ~ on Fatigue Crack
Growth Threshold in Aluminum Alloys" accepted for publication in Fatigue
Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J.C.
Newman and R.S. Piascik, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials,
West Conshohocken, PA, 1999.
[13] Piascik, R.S. and Newman, J.C., Jr., "An Extended Compact Tension Specimen for
Fatigue Crack Growth and Fracture Testing," International Journal of Fracture,
Vol. 76, 1995, pp. R43-R48.
[14] Herman, W.A., Hertzberg, R.W., and Jaccard, R., "A Simplified Laboratory
Approach for the Prediction of Short Crack Behavior in Engineering Structures,"
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 11, No. 4,
1988, pp. 303-320.
[15] Hertzberg, R., Herman, WA., Clark, T., and Jaccard, R., "Simulation of Short
Crack and Other Low Closure Loading Conditions Utilizing Constant K~x AK-
Decreasing Fatigue Crack Growth Procedures," Small-Crack Test Methods,
ASTMSTP 1149, J.M. Larsen and J.E Allison, Eds., American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1992, pp. 197-220.
[16] Riddell, W.T., Piascik, R.S., Sutton, M.A., Zhao, W., McNeill, S.R., Helm, J.D,
"Determining Fatigue Crack Opening Loads from Near-Crack-Tip Displacement
Measurements," Advances in Fatigue Crack Closure Measurements and
Analysis, ASTMSTP 1343, R.C. McClung and J.C. Newman, Jr., Eds., American
Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, to be published.
A. J. McEvily, t M. Ohashi, 2 R. Shover, ~and A. DeCarmine 1

Effect of an Overload on the Threshold Level of Ti-6-22-22

Reference: McEvily, A. J., Ohashi, M., Shover, R., and DeCarmine, A., "Effect of an
Overload on the Threshold Level of Ti-6-22-22," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds,
Endurance Limits, and Design, ASTM STP, 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds.,
American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: The effects of overloads on the fatigue crack growth behavior of the high
strength a / fl titanium alloy Ti-6-22-22 have been investigated. Fatigue cracks were
grown at a baseline R level of 0.1, and single overloads, ranging in magnitude from 2-3
times the baseline level, were applied to determine the effect of the overloads on
subsequent fatigue crack growth behavior. Because of the high yield strength of the alloy,
1225 MPa, the number of delay cycles following an overload was not as pronounced as in
alloys of lesser strength. A principal effect of an overload in this titanium alloy was to
increase the threshold for fatigue crack growth. An experimental procedure based upon
the increase in threshold level was adopted to determine the maximum level of crack
closure resulting from an overload.
The novel observation was made that following a sufficiently high overload the
process of further crack growth involved the emergence of a surface crack ahead of the
preexisting crack. It was also observed that the crack growth behavior at distances well
beyond the overload plastic zone size could be sensitive to prior overload history.

Keywords: Fatigue crack growth, fatigue threshold, overloads, titanium.

Ti-6-22-22 (Ti-6AI-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr) is a high strength a / fl titanium alloy of

interest for advanced aircraft applications such as the High Speed Civilian Transport and
the U. S. Air Force F-22 fighter aircraft [1]. Although the alloy has been available for
over 20 years, only in recent years have detailed assessments of the fatigue crack growth
characteristics of Ti-6-22-22 in thin sheet form been made, e.g.,Stephens et al. [2]. The
purpose of the present paper is to add to the information on fatigue crack growth behavior
of this alloy, and in particular to consider the effects of overloads on subsequent crack
growth behavior. This latter aspect is of interest because of the high yield strength of the
alloy, 1225 MPa (175 ksi). Since the number of delay cycles, Na, following an overload
is inversely proportional to the square of the yield strength [3,4] it is to be expected that
an overload will result in a lower value of Na than in alloys of lower yield strength. An
overload will also result in an increase in the threshold level, and the magnitude of this
increase will be a matter of interest.

MetallurgyDept., U. of Connecticut, Storrs, c r 06269.

2 NationalResearchInstitute of Police Science, Tokyo,Japan

Copyright* 2000 by ASTM International www.astm.org

Materials and Tests

The Ti-6-22-22 alloy for these tests was supplied by NASA Langley in 1.65 mm thick
sheet form, and is from the same batch tested by Stephens et al. [2]. The alloy had been
solution heat treated at 732 ~ C for 1/2 hour, aged at 510 ~ C for 10 hours, and then air
cooled. The resultant microstructure consisted of an equiaxed a -phase dispersed evenly
throughout an a +fl-matrix with an estimated grain size less than 10/.tm (Stephens et al.
ASTM type compact specimens (CT) in the LT orientation were used for the fatigue
crack growth studies (W = 57.2 mm, H = 34.5 mm). (An ECT specimen was also tested
for comparison purposes.) To facilitate the observation of the crack tip, the specimen
surface under observation was polished to a mirror-like finish prior to testing. Strain
gauges were affixed to the front surface at the back edge for the purpose of determining
the crack opening level, Kop, by the subtracted-displacement technique. With some
specimens two gauges, one on each face, were used to amplify the displacement signal. A
manually decreasing A K procedure was used to determine the rate of fatigue crack
growth as a function of A K (R = 0.1, frequency 30 Hz or less), and the crack tip position
was determined with the aid of a low-power microscope. In these decreasing A K tests
the normalized K-gradient was equal to - 0.08 mm 1 in accord with ASTM Designation E
647. After fatigue crack growth, the roughness of the fatigue fracture surfaces was
measured with a Tencor Alpha-Step 200 Surface Profiler.
In the overload tests the crack was grown at a given baseline level, A Kb. and the
overload was applied after the base line growth rate had stabilized. The % overload was
defined as
%overload- Km"~~ - gmaxbxl00 (1)
gm~x~ - gminb
where KmaxoJis the maximum stress intensity factor at the overload level, K~xb is the
maximum stress intensity factor at the baseline level, and Krmnbis the minimum stress
intensity factor at the baseline level. Single overloads were applied at different baseline
levels ranging from 6 to 18 MPa~t-m, with the % overload being either 100, 150 or 200.
The number of delay cycles following an overload was determined by noting the total
number of cycles needed to advance the crack through the overload-affected zone at a
constant AK and then subtracting the number of cycles required to grow the crack this
same increment in the absence of an overload.
In preliminary testing it was found that the residual tensile stresses induced during the
machining of the starter notch could result in crack development ahead of the notch, as
shown in Fig. 1. These residual stresses also affected crack growth behavior. For
example, in one case a crack was developed at the starter notch at a AKv level of 12
M P a ~ m , and a high baseline closure level of 9.0 MPa~]-m was found after 1 mm of
crack growth. The closure level gradually reduced to 4.1 M P a ~ m , after an additional 12
nun of crack growth at the 12 MPa ~ A I ~ level. There was also evidence of a strong
loading-history effect in this Ti-6-22-22 alloy. For example, in one test sequence a 200%
overload was applied at AKb = 12 M P a ~ m , where the baseline crack growth rate was 3
x 105 mm/cycle. After 1.8 mm of additional crack growth at the baseline level, a distance

well beyond the overload plastic zone size, the crack growth rate was only one half of its
original value. This and similar observations indicated that there were long-range history
effects following a high overload. Because of such large history effects, in the overload
tests if the crack wake contained an overload-affected zone it was machined away before
conducting another overload test on the same specimen.

Fig. 1. Appearance of crack ahead of starter notch.


Baseline Data

Fig. 2. is a plot of da/dN as a function of A K. The threshold value, corresponding to a

crack growth rate of 10-1~m/cycle for the data shown, was 4.6 MPa~t-m. (In this test
the crack length before conducting the decreasing A K test was 15 mm, so that any
residual stress problems associated with the starter notch were avoided.) In a second
specimen the threshold level was higher, 5.5 MPa~m. Fig. 3 is a plot of the crack
opening levels as a function of A K for both a CT specimen and an ECT specimen. It
is seen that the crack opening level is fairly independent of the A K level for both
types of specimen, an indication that in this high strength material crack closure is of
the roughness-induced type. The average value of the closure level was 2.6
MPa~m for the CT specimen, but for the ECT specimen a lower value was obtained.
It is noted that crack closure level at threshold for R = 0.1 loading of an ECT
specimen obtained by Stephens et al. [2] was also lower than for the present CT
results, i.e. 1.6MPa~m vs. 2.6 MPa~m. In our tests the fracture surface roughness
values, Ra, for both types of specimens were similar, i.e., I-2/an but the crack path in
the ECT specimen was straighter than in the CT specimen. We surmise that the higher
H/W ratio of the ECT specimen (1.875 vs. 1.2) led to better specimen alignment,
which resulted in less crack-path wandering and lower closure levels. (In a subsequent
study the loading pins were mounted in bearings, and the closure levels observed for a
CT specimen were similar to those reported herein for the ECT specimen.)

. . . . . |

E le-9

"o le-10

le'114 5 6' 7' 8' 9' 10

AKb (MPa~/m)
Fig. 2. The rate of fatigue crack growth for Ti-6-22-22 as a function of A K at R = O. 1.

In the subsequent analysis of the effect of an overload, the following constitutive

relationship will be used
dN A(AK e# -- Z~efflh ) 2 (2)
where A is a material constant, A Kaf = Kmax - Koo,and A K~fah is the value of A K at the
threshold level. Fig. 4 is a plot of this relationship. From this figure it is observed that the
9 2
value of the material constant A equal to 1.0 x 10 (MPa) when da/dN is expressed in

o CT Specimen
9 ECT Specimen

t3.. 4
,,e' ~o o
~ c~ o o o
0 0
o o elDo o 9 9

5 10 15

AKb (MPa~/m)
Fig. 3. Crack opening levels for Ti-6-22-22 as a function of A K at R = O. 1.


0 R=O.I O ~
O) le-8

E le-9

~ le-10 /{
0.1 10
Fig 4. The rate of fatigue crack growth as a function of A Ko, - A K,,mhfor Ti-6-22-22.
O v e r l o a d Studies
Review: In previous studies we have found, as first observed by Paris and Hermann
[5], that two crack opening events take place following an overload. The lower of these
opening levels is designated Kopl and represents the crack opening level everywhere
except in the overload zone at the surface of the specimen. The higher of the two opening
levels is designated Kov2,and represents the opening of the crack within the surface
overload zone itself [3]. Fig. 5 shows for a 9Cr- lMo steel (o-~ = 530 MPa) how these
two levels can be detected using a compliance method together with an offset
displacement technique [4]. (Here K,,v2.iis the level at which crack opening in the surface
overload zone initiates). It is noted that the crack must advance a sufficient distance into
the overload zone before a sufficient change in compliance has occurred to render the
second opening level detectable. However, the higher the yield strength of a material as
with Ti-6-22-22, the smaller will be the overload plastic zone size, which renders the
detection of Kop2more difficult.
The following expression has been developed to determine the n u m b e r of excess
cycles (delay cycles, No) over the number of cycles required at constant amplitude for the
crack to transit the overload affected zone [4]:
rP~ [ K m~x~ - K~176- AK~l/th - 1] (3)
Na = A(Kmax b _ K,,p h _ AK~a~h )2 Kmaxt, -- Kop2ma x _ Z~elBh

where A is a material constant defined above, rpolis the size of the overload plastic zone,
Km~xbis the maximum value of K at the baseline level, Kopbis the crack opening level at
the baseline level, A Keffth is the effective value of A K at the threshold level, and K,,p2max
is the maximum value that K,,p2attains as the fatigue crack traverses the overload zone. In
Eq. 3, the term before the brackets represents the number of cycles required to traverse
the overload zone if there were no retardation effect, and the term in brackets is a
multiplying factor which reflects the severity of the overload. The value of rpolfor plane
stress is approximated by
Kit (4)
rP~ Irty~

Fig.6 compares experimental and calculated values of bid for two thicknesses of the 9Cr-
1Mo steel, with Ko02maxfrom load-displacement plots expressed as

K op2max = 0.8(-~) ~ (5)

A reasonably good correlation between the experimental and calculated values of Nd is

Aa-O.O mm 0 . 0 mm
0,24 mm
0.54 mm
I it: 0 . 9 2 trill',
/ "'tnu --e,-/ 1.02 rnm

'-'J Kem'b_.~.. | K~,,| " ~ / /

\ - -l:--,IJ:f
Offset Displacement
Fig. 5. Load -offset displacement plots before and after a 100% overload
(A Kb = 14.5 MPa~m ) for a 0.3 mm thick specimen of 9Cr- 1Me
steel at various increments of crack length measured from the
point of overload application. After Bad and McEvily (4).
As the result of an overload a new threshold level, AK,ho~, will be established.
The magnitude of AKthot can be estimated for the 9Cr-lMo steel subjected to a 100%
overload by noting from Eq. 3 that when
Km~x~,h - Kop,_m,~ - AK~h = 0 (6)
we have the condition for the non-propagation of a fatigue crack after an overload. Eqs. 5
and 6 can then be combined to yield the following expression for AK,ho~, noting that
Kmaxhth= AKthot/(l - R) :
AKe~h (7)
AKth~ --
1 0.8(0.3)o.15
For the 9Cr-lMo steel A K~ffthwas 3.5 MPa-fmm and R was 0.05, so that for B equal to
6.35 ram, the estimated value of AK,~oj is 6.5 M P a ~ m ; for B equal to 0.3 mm the
estimated value of AK,hot is 14.0 M P a ~ m . In contrast, the constant amplitude threshold
was 6.0 M P a ~ m for the 6.35 mm thick specimen, and 7.5 M P a ~ m for the 0.3 mm thick
M C E V l L Y ET AL. O N O V E R L O A D OF Ti-6-22-22 129

specimen, so that the change in threshold level due to a 100% overload was much more
pronounced in the thinner specimen.
We will employ a similar type of analysis in dealing with overload effects in
10 9 i ] I

0 B=0.3 rnm I00~ overload

9 B=~6.35 r n m
I 0B

(1) 10 7

10 6
10 5

10 4 i /0 I
o 1o 3o 40

Fig. 6. Comparison of the calculated number of delay cycles with
experimental results as a function of A Kb for both 0.3 mm and
6.35 mm thick specimens of 9 Cr- 1Mo steel. After Bao and
McEvily (4).
Present Results:
Next we consider the effect of an overload on Ti-6-22-22. Because of its high yield
strength, 1225 MPa, for a given overload rpolis smaller by a factor of five as compared to
the 9Cr-1Mo steel. We have found that over the small plastic zone sizes resulting from
overloads in Ti-6-22-22 at A Kb levels similar to that shown in Fig.5 that the change in
the compliance of the specimen was generally insufficient to clearly resolve the upper
opening level in the 1.65 mm thick specimens. Preliminary results also confirmed the
expectation that the number of delay cycles following an overload was much smaller for
Ti-6-22-22 than for the 9Cr-lMo steel. We therefore directed our attention to the
determination of AKthot and adopted an indirect approach to estimating the value of
Kop2m~x,The assumption was made that after an overload a new threshold would be
established subject to the condition
gmaxtho I Kop2m.x = Z ~ efflh
- - (8)
is the value of Kmaxat the new threshold following an overload. From Eq.
w h e r e Kmaxthol
8 the value of Kop2~, is given as
Kop2max = gm~xtho l - z~kgeffth (9)

1 0 0 % O.L. ' '
0 Kmaxthol
9 Kop2max

~r 10

0 I I I
0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 7. Km~,~ol, Kop2maxand Kmaxbas a function of A Kb for 77-6-22-22 as a function
of A Kh after a 100% overload.

r 100%
o Calculated

Z 100000


0 15
AKolth J 12
Fig. 8. The number of delay cycles after a 100% overload as a function of
A Kb for Ti-6-22-22.
From the constant amplitude tests A Kef~ was known to have a value of 2.4 MPa ~ m , so
that only the value of Kmaxtholat which the crack would propagate had to be established to
obtain Kop2,=x. This was done by using the following experimental procedure. After an
overload the specimen was cycled at the original baseline level. If the crack did not
propagate after 106 cycles, the A K level was increased by 0.5-1.0 M P a ~ m and the
specimen was again cycled to determine if crack propagation would occur at the new A K
level. If propagation did not occur after 106 cycles the A K level was again increased.
This procedure was followed until a A K level was reached at which the crack
propagated, with this A K level corresponding to a new threshold level, A Kmol, as
influenced by the application of the overload. Based upon these experimental results
corresponding values for K,=xthol and Kop2m~xcan then be determined with the aid of Eq.
7, and a plot of Ko~2~x as a function of A Kb can be made. Fig. 7 gives the values for
Kmax~o~and Kop2,~ax as a function of A K b. for the case of the 100% overload. Also shown
McEVILu El" AL. ON OVERLOAD OF Ti-6-22-22 131

in Fig.7 is a line which represents K~xb for R = 0.1 loading. Propagation can only occur
at the baseline level when Kmaxbexceeds K~axmo~.
Once the Kop2~x level had been established, the number of delay cycles, Na, can be
determined using Eq.3. This was done for the 100% overload case, and the results are
shown in Fig 8, with reasonably good agreement being found between the trends of the
experimental and calculated values. It was observed that after an overload the crack
deflected slightly and this may account for the number of delay cycles being somewhat
higher than predicted. It is noted that the numbers of delay cycles in this high strength
titanium alloy are small in contrast to those in 9Cr-lMo steel at comparable A K levels. A
main effect of an overload inTi-6-22-22 is therefore to increase the threshold level rather
than to develop large numbers of delay cycles above the new threshold.

Fig. 9. Appearance of fatigue crack after 150% overload.

Fig. 10. Appearance of fatigue crack after 200% overload.

For the 150% and 200% overload cases, however, a different mode of crack growth
following an overload took place which precluded an analysis for the number of delay
cycles similar to that carried out for thel00% overload case. Upon increasing the baseline
level after an overload to the Kmaxt,o~level, instead of the original crack propagating
through the overload zone as in the case of the 100% overload, a new crack appeared at
the surface ahead of the original crack and eventually linked up with the original crack.
This surface cracking process was similar to that for the notched specimens shown in Fig.
1. Examples of this type of discontinuous growth after an overload are given in Figs.9

and 10. In these figures the overall direction of crack growth is from left to right. In Fig.
9 the site of the overload is at the extreme left of the figure. The main crack appeared to
have been arrested within the overload plastic zone. A new surface crack ahead of the
overload point had formed at the right of the figure, but had not yet linked up with the
main crack at the left. The overload plastic zone size is also detectable in Fig. 9, and it is
noted that the size of this zone is in agreement with the size estimated by Eq. 4.
In Fig. 10 the site of the overload is at the heavy, dark vertical line in the left center of
the figure. The ridged region at the right is the new surface crack, and it is similar in
appearance to the crack shown in Fig. 1. This ridging is a form of extrusion associated
with the emergence of the new surface new crack. The size of the overload plastic zone
in this case is also in agreement with the size estimated by Eq. 4.
There is the possibility that the new surface crack is a manifestation of the growth of a
tunneling, subsurface crack, which, being in plane strain, is not significantly affected by
an overload. The highest value of K~xol in these tests was 50.4 MPa ~ m . The
corresponding plane stress plastic zone size is 0.54 ram. If the depth of this plastic zone is
taken to be equal to its extent, then roughly 0.7 mm of the 1.7 mm thickness would be in
plane strain, and more so for lower values of Km~xo~.To check on the possibility of sub-
surface crack growth, the following experiment was carried out. A specimen at A Kb
equal to 18 MPax/'m was subjected to a 200 % overload, and cycling was resumed at the
original baseline level. After 800,000 cycles a surface crack appeared ahead of the main
crack and in less than 7,500 additional cycles it joined with the main crack. Cyclic
loading was terminated at this point, and 10:an were polished from the surface. No crack
could be observed within the overload plastic zone. The absence of surface cracking at a
depth of 10/am may be due to the curvature associated with the lateral contraction in
which occurs in the overload zone. At a free surface in this region there can be no
residual compressive stress normal to the plane of crack growth. In order to avoid regions
of high compressive residual stress, a surface crack initially should be shallow and grow
along a line slightly away from the line of maximum contraction, as observed.
In the next stage of this experiment, an additional 0.75 mm of material was removed
from the surface to reach the mid-thickness region. After polishing it was found that a
crack was present which was continuous from the position of the overload through the
overload zone. On the basis of this experiment it appears that the surface cracks which
appear ahead of the overload plastic zone and the main surface crack are indeed
manifestations of subsurface fatigue crack growth.
Since the discontinuous surface crack growth process differed from that modeled for
the 100% overload case, the value of Kop2maxand the number of delay cycles were not
determined for the 150% and 200% overload cases. A plot of Krmxtho~as a function of
A Kb is shown in Fig. 11 for each of these overload levels. From these plots it is seen that
the threshold level following an overload was 15.0 MPa~/-m for the 150% overload, and
18.0 M P a ~ m for the 200% overload.
As a result of an overload a new threshold is established which increases from the
original value of 4.6 MPa~fm to a higher level, with the magnitude of the increase

30 J i i i i i i i i i 30 i i f i i i i i i i

150%O.L. 200% O.L.

25 -- Kmaxb / 25 Kmaxb - - //_
O K m a l / "E" O Kmaxtho, / J


[3_ #_
10 ,0

I I I I I 5
' ' ' o8
6 1 . . .1.4
12 16 18 2 ' o 2' 2' 24 26

AKD(MPa~Jm) AKb(MPa~/m)
Fig. 11a. Km~,~otand Kmaxbas a function Fig. 11b. K ~ o t and K,,a~Bas a function
A Kb for 150% overloads. A Kb for 200% overloads.
depending upon the severity of the overload, as indicated in Fig. 12. It is noted that for
the 100% overload case the increase in threshold level is relatively small. This is
consistent with the work of Phillips and Newman [6], who found that for spike overloads
applied to Ti-6-22-22 specimens every 2500 cycles in otherwise constant amplitude
cycling at a Act of 124 MPa and an R of 0.1, there was little effect on total lifetime for
overload levels of 83% or less.
Other Observations: Since a dwell at maximum load is known to have an adverse
affect on the fatigue behavior of some titanium alloys, we explored the effect of a 72 hour
hold at a 200% overload level, 37.3 M P a ~ m (rpol = 0.3 mm) No crack growth occurred
during this hold time, or in subsequent cycling at the baseline A K level, 12 MPax/-m.
The Kovl crack opening level subsequent to the overload was 2.3 M P a ~ m , whereas just
prior to the overload K,,pbhad been 3.3 M P a ~ m . This decrease was due to the to the
blunting of the crack tip that occurred during the overload. It is noted that when the
overload was applied without a dwell being involved that a decrease of the same order of
magnitude in Kopt took place, therefore very little happened during the dwell at room
temperature to affect the fatigue crack growth process.
20 . . . .
18 o R=0.1
~ 16
--~ 14
t3 12

2 I I I I I
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250
Overload (percent)
Fi.q. 12. Effect of ma.qnitude of the overload on the subsequent threshold level.

Concluding Remarks

1. There is a significant increase in threshold level at the 150 and 200% overload levels in
1.6 mm thick specimens of Ti-6-22-22.
2. After 150% and 200% overloads, the main fatigue crack at the surface was either
completely arrested or propagated at an extremely low rate. The emergence of a new
surface fatigue crack ahead of the arrested or slowly growing surface fatigue crack was a
manifestation of the subsurface growth of a fatigue crack.
3. At the 100% overload level the increase in threshold level due to an overload is much
less than at higher overload levels. For overloads of 100% or less, their effect on the
subsequent rate of propagation in this alloy is relatively small. Reasonably good
agreement was found between the experimental and calculated trends of the delay cycles
at the 100% overload level.
4. Fatigue crack growth behavior in this alloy was strongly influenced by the residual
stresses associated with the starter-notch-machining process, as well as by load history


The financial support provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA Research Grant No. NAG 1 1382) is gratefully acknowledged. Appreciation is
also expressed to Dr. J. C. Newman for helpful discussions throughout the course of this


[ 1]. Lineberger, L., "Titanium Aerospace Alloy," Advanced Materials.and Processes,

ASM, Vol. 153, No.5, May 1998, pp. 45-46.

[2] Stephens,R. R., Stephens,R. I., Veit, A. L. and Anderson, T. P., "Fatigue Crack
Growth of Ti-62222 Titanium Alloy under Constant Amplitude and MiniTwist Flight
Spectra at 25 ~ C and 175 ~ Int. J. Fatigue, Vol. 19, 1997, pp. 301-308.

[3] McEvily, A. J. and Yang, Z., "The Nature of the Two Opening Levels Following an
Overload in Fatigue Crack Growth, Met. Trans, Vol. 21A, 1990, pp. 2717-27.

[4] Bao, H. and McEvily, A. J., The Effect of an Overload on the Rate of Fatigue Crack
Propagation under Plane Stress Conditions, Met. Trans., Vol. 26A, 1995, pp. 1725-33.

[5] Paris, P. C. and Hermann, L., Fatigue Thresholds. J. Backlund, A. F. Blom, and C. J.
Beevers, Eds., EMAS, Warley, UK, Vol. 1, 1985, p.ll.

[6] Phillips, E. P. and Newman, J. C., Jr., Private communication, 1998.

Claude Bathias I

Relation Between Endurance Limits and Thresholds in the Field of Gigacycle


Reference: Bathias, C., "Relation Between Endurance Limits and Thresholds in the
Field of Gigacycle Fatigue," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and
Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds., American Society
for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: In order to predict fatigue crack propagation at very long life a

piezoelectric fatigue machine was built in our laboratory. This device is able to fail
specimen at l0 I~ cycles and to determine thresholds up to 10.9 ram/cycle. The
originality of this machine resides in the possibility to apply simultaneously to a
specimen a constant tension effect and longitudinal ultrasonic vibratory effort with
adjustable amplitude. That is to say, the R ratio can be varied from -1 to 0.9.
It appears that the fatigue thresholds are about the same in conventional fatigue
and in resonant fatigue if the computation of the stress intensity factor K is correct.
But there is a very large difference between the endurance limits at 106 cycles and l09
cycles. It means about 10% for steels and 30% for aluminium and nickel-based
To improve the relation between thresholds and fatigue limits, the gigacycle
fatigue is studied in a Ni alloy manufactured by powder metallurgy with two sizes of
inclusions. The testing temperature is 450~ The first conclusion is that there is not
any infinite fatigue limit until 109 cycles. The second conclusion is a possible
correlation between the fatigue limit and the threshold at R ratio = 0. This relation is
much more improbable for R = -1 because an incubation phenomenon exists around
an inclusion or a porosity loaded at low stress level.

Kcywords: gigacycle fatigue, threshold, prediction

It is of great importance to understand and predict a fatigue life in terms o f

crack initiation and small crack propagation. It has been generally accepted that at

Professor, CNAM - ITMA, 2 rue Cont6, 75003 Paris, FRANCE

Copyright9 2000 by ASTM International www.astm.org

high stress levels, fatigue life is determined primarily by crack growth, while at low
stress levels, most of the life is consumed by the process of crack initiation. Several
authors demonstrated that the portion of life attributed to crack nucleation is the
upper 90% in the high cycle regime ( 1 0 6 t o 1 0 7 cycles) for steel, aluminum, titanium
and nickel alloys. In the case for which the crack nucleates from a defect, such as
inclusion, pore, it is said that a relation must exist between the fatigue limit and the
crack growth thresholds,
However, the relation between crack growth and initiation is not obvious for many
reasons. First, it is not sure that a fatigue crack grows immediately at the first cycle
from a sharp defect. Second, when a defect is small, a short crack does not grow as a
long crack. Specially the effect of R ratio or the closure effect depends of the crack
length. Thus, the relation between AKth and CYDis still to be discussed.
Another important aspect is the concept of infinite fatigue life. It is understood
that below AKth and below CrD the fatigue life is infinite. In fact, the fatigue limit 6D
is usually determined for Nf = 107 cycles. Recently, it was shown by several authors
[1-6] that fatigue failure can appear up to 109 cycles and may be beyond 1 0 9 . The
fatigue strength difference at 107and 109 cycles could be more than 100 MPa. It
means the relation (YD versus AKth must be established in the gigacycle regime if any
relation exists.
In order to discuss this problem we have carried out some tests in the gigacycle
regime using a piezo-electric fatigue machine working at 20 KHz. In what follows we
report the results of the fatigue behavior of two types of alloys:
- the first type is characterized by inclusions and porosities such as Ni base
alloys processed by powder metallurgy;
- the second one is characterized by structural defects as Ti alloys without
The experiments show that there are several mechanisms depending on the
alloys and defects. It seems that there is no general relation between AKth and •D
even a t 1 0 9 cycles. But, in the case where initiation depends of inclusions, a
Murakami type model appears efficient.

Experimental Device


Since the first 20 KHz machine was constructed in 1950 by Mason [7], ultrasonic
fatigue testing is less time consuming.
A schematic view of our USF system of this study is shown in Figure 1. The
machine is essentially an ultrasonic machine constituted of a Branson power
generator whose frequency is held at 20 KHz. The vibration of the specimen is
induced with a piezo-ceramic transducer which generates acoustical wave to the
specimen through a power concentrator (horn) in order to obtain more important
stress and an amplification of the displacement. The resonant length of the specimen
and concentrator is calculated at a frequency of 20 KHz. The dynamic displacement
amplitude of the specimen extremity Uo is measured by an optic fiber sensor, which

permits to measure the displacement from 1 g m to 199.9 gin, with a resolution of 0.1
gm. A system of video-camera / television is used for the detection of crack initiation
with a magnification of 140-200 times.
For crack propagation a single edge notched specimen is used. For our specimen,
the stress intensity factor K was calculated correctly by Wu by finite element method
For crack initiation an axisymetrical specimen is chosen. Both specimens are
discribed in other papers [4,5,6,8].

Stress Intensity Factor Calculation

stress \ dispAXi21
, I

r--- , , ,\ 1'7
convertor I I ~ I A


Figure 1 - Schematic of a Piezo-Electric Fatigue Machine

In the usual domain of fracture mechanics, a lot of relations are proposed to

calculate the stress intensity factor K in specimens. But it is generally believed that all
formulates are established for static or cyclic loading, not for the vibration excitation.
In a vibratory system, the situation becomes more complex in the presence of inertia
force and the absence of nominal force that is necessary to the classical fracture
As the specimen used in ultrasonic fatigue testing is often special, the FEM is the
only suitable method to derived different specific problems:
- the presence of a crack in the vibrating specimen;
- non constant thickness;
- elevated order mode of vibration;
- influence of temperature on the experiments.
For our specimen, K was correctly calculated by finite element method for R = -t,
singular elements were used at the crack tip to resolve K. The computation is based
on the FEM using the linear elasticity theory for the plane-strain problem. The eight-

node isoparametric quadratic elements are employed. K was also calculated by FEM
when ultrasonic specimen are use for conventional fatigue [8].

Computer Control

The stress intensity factor of the specimen was obtain by measuring the
displacement amplitude at the extremity of sample. The voltage that the high
frequency generator applied to the transducer ceramic sets the displacement
amplitude. To avoid any sensor, we have developed a computer system which control
the tension using a D/A and A/D card. In the generator, a DC tension output has been
set up giving 0 to 10 volts response corresponding strictly proportional to 0 to 100%
of axial amplitude displacement of the transducer.
This output is calibrated with the displacement of the horn end by a optical
displacement amplitude measurement system. This sensor enables to evaluate the
maximum stress and strain value at the middle of a virgin specimen (without crack).
This maximum strain value is checked and confirmed to be exact, using an electric
strain gauge during tests.
The displacement amplitude control by computer was more reproducible and
permit test even when it is impossible to measure directly the displacement amplitude
(cryogenic endurance test for example).
The displacement amplitude for certain specimens can be modified not only by
changing output power but also by replacing the horn (Figure 2).

Piezo-Electric MaxInputvoltage
Transducer 9 320 V

High Frequency
Freque+y 1 .
Contro~ Voltage~ontrot

L o,s

Personal Computer

Figure 2 - Schematic of Amplitude Control by Computer


Fatigue of Alloys with Inclusions

Fatigue of PM Nickel Base Alloys (N18)

In order to study the application of AK thresholds to the initiation of fatigue crack

from defects, we have chosen a nickel base alloy (N18) with and without seeding of
inclusions to reveal the role of inclusions in the gigacycle domain [9].

The chemical composition of N18 nickel base alloy is:

Crl 1,5 Co 15,5 M06,5 A14.3Ti4,3 Nb 1,5HFo,5 (1)

The principal mechanical properties are:

~y = 1050MPa UTS = 1500 MPa

In order to reveal the effect of defects, a pollution with ceramic inclusions (80 to
150 g m diameter) was made, using 30 000 inclusions for 1 kilogram of alloy, A
comparison is done between N 18 alloy with and without inclusions. Nevertheless, it
is observed that when the rate of ceramic particles increases, the porosity is also
increased, that is to say, a competition exists between particles and pores for crack

Fatigue Crack Growth of Nl 8 Alloy

Figure 3 presents the results at high frequency to R = -1, We could see that the
threshold is smaller at high temperature than at ambient temperature, Normally we
could wait a fall of threshold with the increase of the temperature. But in Figure 3
the threshold is smaller at 400~ that at 650~ and 750~ The curves at 400~
650~ and 750~ cut the vicinities 10-Smm/cycle, The observed gaps are explained
by the phenomenon of oxidization to the bottom of the crack. On the crack surface
of the sample used in our tests, the oxidization at 650~ and at 750~ was observed.
At high temperature, normally propagation crack rate increases with the temperature.
But the oxidization could slow down propagation to the neighborhood threshold to a
small load when the temperature is rather elevated.

1. E-04 s


"~ 1.5-06
400 ~ I
,a 650 ~ I
z 1. E-07
"o [] 9
9 750 ~

1. E-08
g a,,
[] 9


1. E-09 , , i i , i i i i . . . . . . .
1 10 1 O0

AK (MPa,/m)

Figure 3 - F a t i g u e Threshold for N18 at R = -1

At 450~ the effect of R ratio is given in Figure 4. We found that the AK

thresholds for R = -1, R = 0, R -- 0.8 are respectively 5.5 MPa4ffi, 8 and 4.5.

1 .E-03

1. E-04


o 1.E-06
z ].E-07

-o 1.E-08 f

1.E-09 L

1.E-10 I i k ~ b i , , i

1 10 100
K (MPa~/m)

Figure 4 - Fatigue Threshold for N18 at 450~


Fatigue Crack Initiation of N18 Alloy

Figure 5 presents the fatigue results on N18 nickel base alloy at 20 kHz and
different ratio R. The specimens are polished before testing. There is no horizontal
asymptote on the S N curve between 106 and 107 cycles. Between 106 and 109 cycles
a flat S-N curve with a uniform slope is observed. It means that the fatigue limit
defined as an asymptotic value of the stress up to 106 is a wrong concept in this case.
It is found that for long life range the initiation of the crack starts inside the specimen
from a defect. It means that the number of cycles so-called for initiation depends of
the size of the defect, the location of the defects and also of low crack growth rates in
vacuum betbre the internal crack collapses at the surface of the specimen (Figure 7).


350 :- ID
roll 9 9
300 F
9 9 II ~
9 R=0.8 seeded

~-. 250 9 R=0.8 standard

9 R=0 standard
9 R=0 seeded

9 9 9 &;;
1 O0 .............................................................
1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08 1.E+09 1.E+10 1.E+11
Cycles to failure

Figure 5 - SN Curves for N18 at 450~

Gigacycle Fatigue of Nt8 at 450~ with R Ratio Equal to -1.

The curve of standard and polluted N 18 with R = -1 are shown Figure 6. The
crack propagation represents a circular area (d -=- 1 mm) on the fracture surface. The
initiation occurs in most cases on the surface but it is not clearly linked to surface
roughness or defects.
The defect is usually not single but multiple pores without precise limits. Their
sizes are among 40 and 100 gm. Only two seeded N18 samples, initiation sites are
internal ceramic inclusions. If we do not take them into account, initiation sites and
fatigue limits at 109 cycles of standard and seeded material are the same, 525 MPa ;

but in presence of inclusions the fatigue limit can drop until 400 MPa.
Initiation small pores can not be attributed to the absence of other defect because
ceramic inclusions have been observed on the surface and inside this sample. No
crack nucleation at the surface ceramic inclusions can be observed after the fatigue
A surface artificial defect of i00 gm diameter comparable at inclusion size,
makes by an electrical arc, generates a fatigue life shorter than a natural defect (only
1% of usual fatigue life). This fact could indicate that incubation phase was
important in the case of natural porosities.


600 J


~ 500


o Seeded 7
L9 StandardJ

3 0 0 i i ~ illlll i i i rlllll i I I IIIIII i i i l l , , l ' i i i iJiil

1. E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08 1.E+09 1.E+10 1.E+11

Cycles to failure

Figure 6 - SN Curves f o r N18 at R = -1 and 450~

Gigacycle Fatigue o f N18 at 450~ with R Ratio Equal to 0

The curve of standard and polluted N 18 with R = 0 am shown Figure 5. Initiation

sites are meanly porosities for the standard N 18 and ceramics inclusions for polluted
material inside the sample and not on surface (Figure 7). The data scattering for
seeded material is higher than standard because of the size, shape and interfaces
with matrix of porosities are more constant than inclusions. But it is outstanding
that fatigue limits are not so different (540 MPa for standard material and 520 MPa
for seeded one) although that the average size of porosities and inclusions are quite
different (23 lam for standard and 98 lam for seeded).
We also observe that for standard SN curve, the fatigue limit at 109 cycles is 75
MPa lower than fatigue limit a 107 cycles.

Figure 7 - Fatique crack initiation on inclusion

N=9.7 107 - 1/2cr=260MPa
R=O - 450~
N18 seeded - f=2OkHz

Gigacycle Fatigue of N18 at 450~ with R Ratio Equal to 0.8

In this case all initiation sites are internal but the SN curves of standard and
polluted materials are clearly different (Figure 5).
The fatigue limit of seeded material is 25 MPa lower than standard material (125
MPa for standard and 150 MPa for seeded). A large mean stress value increases the
ceramic inclusion nocivity.

Modeling of the Gigacyclic Fatigue and Discussion

Initiation Zones at 109 Cycles - In specialized literature, few results are given on
this topic. According to our own observations and those of Murakami [10], the
gigacyclic fatigue crack initiation seems to occur essentially inside the sample and
not at the surface as it is observed for some shorter life.
So we can modelize three types of crack initiation in a cylindrical sample of
which the surface was polished depending on whether it is low (104 cycles),
megacyclic (106 cycles) or gigacyclic (109 cycles) fatigue. Let's say that for the
smallest numbers of cycles to rupture, the crack initiation sites are multiple and on
the surface, according to the standard, at 106 cycles, there is only one initiation site
but, for the higher number of cycles to rupture, the initiation is located at an internal
Integration of the da/dn Curve - Considering da/dn =C AKm and AK = (rd2)
AC~/rta where A(y is the fatigue limit at 109 cycles for a given R ratio and a is the
maximum size of the radius of the internal propagation. We compute the initial
value of AK at the tip of the inclusion or at the pore. The average AK initial is given

R ratio AKth 2xKi particle MPa 4m zXKi pore MPa'lm

-1 5.5 8.5 6
0 8 12 6.25
0,8 4.5 6.7 3.3

Concerning the particles, for a given AKi the crack growth rate is always higher
than 10-6mm/cycle. It means the fatigue life of the specimens should be less than 106
cycles instead of 109 cycles. Thus, it is not realistic to say the crack grows as soon as
the first cycle is applied. A nucleation time is operating.
Concerning the pores, AKi is smaller than AKth for the same R ratio, but AKth is
determined in air and for a long crack. In vacuum AKth is higher than in air. In this
respect, it is reasonable to think the crack initiates without nucleation from a pore.

Prediction of Fatigue Limit at 109 Cycles - Murakami [10] has proposed a fatigue
model to predict the fatigue limit of steels depending of hardness and defect size.

According Murakami [t0], it seems the fatigue strength at 109 cycles can be
predicted using his model with few modifications. From the present data we have
verified this relation :

C.(Hv+120) [(1-R3)Cq
O"w - ~ . ~
(,tgV6"~)I/6 [ 2 ]

where :

C = 1.78 for internal and external defects Hv : Vickers hardness

~/area: Defect surface o-w : MPa
R : Load ratio c(: 0.878 + Hv.104
: 0.878 + Hv. l 0 4

Table 1 - Application of Murakami Model to N18 Alloy

R -1 -1 0 0 0,8 0,8
Defect Mixed Inclusion Porosity Inclusion Porosity Inclusion
Localisation Surface Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal
",/area 50 100 25 100 25 100
o-w (MPa) 524 466 309 246 160 I26
o- experimental 525 400 280 270 160 130
Error % 0 +14 0 -9 0 -3

Comparing the effect of inclusions and porosities, it is interesting to point out the
The role of the inclusions is sometimes hidden by the role of porosities when the
R load ratio is equal to -1 or to 0. The scattering of the results for R = 0 in a N18
polluted of inclusions is very important. Since for a NI8 standard, the scattering is
It is very remarkable that when R = 0 or R = -1, the resistance to the gigacyclic
fatigue at 450~ is 250 MPa in the N 18 with or without inclusions.
On the contrary, when the static stress of the fatigue cycle is very high, for R = 0,8,
the role of inclusions becomes preponderant. Without inclusions, the N18 fatigue
limit, at 450 ~ is 155 MPa at 109 cycles. However, it is 125 MPa with inclusions.
This is the case of damage done by the vibrations on the turbine disks.
For a rough application, it seems better to use Murakami approach than a short
crack growth modeling.

S p r i n g steels - Two kinds of ultrahigh strength spring steel wires for automotive
use were tested in this study [11]: a Chromium-Vanadium steel of valve spring
quality(VSQ) (ASTM A232) and a Chromium-Silicon steel VSQ wire (ASTM
A877), which were supplied in the form of normalized hot-coiled 6.5 mm diameter
wire. The Cr-V and Cr-Si spring wires are suitable for shock loads and moderately
elevated temperature service, the latter has better relaxation resistance than the Cr-V
alloy steel and can be used at temperatures as high as 245~ The chemical
composition (in wt%) and tensile properties of the materials were listed in Tables 2
and 3 respectively.
The fatigue strength was determined in the life range of 106 - l09 cycles as shown
in Figures 8 and 9.

950 [


~ 850 I * *

8~ 9 .

750 .

7OO I i i i i l l l l _ ~ , i, ,ll ~ l , I,hl , I I,'lltl ~ I J l ' l l l l Jl,,~,l i , i1,,11

1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08 1.E+09 1.E+10 1.E+11

Cycles to Failure

Figure 8 - S N Curve f o r the Steel 6 0 CV2 at R = -1


, 2R1=2.5 2R2=6.5]
[] 2R1=3 21=12=10 J
900 Q


9 []

E 800



650 ......... i i J i f l i H , , , , , i J , f i i L , , , , ,

1.E+03 1.E+05 1 .E+07 1 .E+09 1 .E+I 1

Cycles to Failure

Figure 9 - S N curve f o r the Steel 55SC7 at R = -1

The experimental results show that fatigue fracture can occur in the high strength
steel wires beyond 107 cycles. The fatigue strength at 107 cycles is 860 MPa for Cr-Si
steel, better than 810 MPa for Cr-V steel. Instead, at 109 cycles is about 800 MPa for
Cr-V steel, and better than 770 MPa for Cr-Si steel.
Two typical S-N curves are obtained, for Cr-V steel, the S-N curve becomes
horizontal beyond 106 cycles at a limiting stress (about 800 MPa), known as fatigue
limit, and the S-N curve of Cr-Si steel does not generally exhibit a horizontal
asymptote beyond 106 cycles as it was admit according to the standard. Fatigue crack
initiations were observed in internal defects (Figure 10), in the case of fatigue life is
beyond 107 cycles. On the other hand, the fatigue initiation occurs in the surface.
Depending of the transition between the6two o~erating mechanisms a stepwise S-
N curve can appear with a plateau at 10 - 10 cycles. This type of behavior is
reported in the literature by K. Miller and S. Nishijima [12].

Table 2 Chemical composition

Alloy C Sil Cr V IMn P Ni

60CV2 0.48-0.53 0.1-0.4 0.8-1.1 0.15min 0.7-1.0 0.04ma 0.035max

55SC7 0.51-0.58 1.2-1.6 0.6-0.8 0.6-0.8 0.04ma 0.035max
54SC6 0.535 1.400 0.635 0.629 0.016 0.006 0.056

Figure 10 - Internal Initiation on Spring Steel

Our experimental and analytical techniques show the portion of fatigue life
attributed to crack nucleation is higher than 99%Nf when Nf is 108 cycles.
An other example with a stepwise S-N curve is given for 4142 steels.

Gigacycle Fatigue of 4142 Steels - For this investigation, a kind of low alloy high
strength steel (42CrMo4 or 4142) was used. Four different 42CrMo4 steel specimens,
characterized by two compositions viz S - 0.024 wt% for 42CrMo4U, S - 0.087 wt%
for 42CrMo4R (shown in Table 4) and two tempering temperatures 600~ for
reception B and 425~ for reception C (shown in Table 5), were provided. In Table 6
the mechanical properties of the four 42CrMo4 steels are given.

Table 4 - Chemical Composition (%)

C Mn P S Si A1 Ni Cr Cu Mo
42CrMo4U 0.428 0.827 0.012 0.024 0.254 0.023 0.173 1.026 0.210 0.224
42CrMo4R 0.412 0.836 0.015 0.087 0.242 0.023 0.186 1.032 0.209 0.164

Table 5 - Heat Treatment

Heat treatment
Rep B Austenitization : 950~ ; Oil quenching; Temper : 600~
Rep C Austdnitisation : 950~ ; Oil quenching; Temper : 425~ _

The high strength steels were tested in ultrasonic fatigue tests(f = 20KHz) with a
stress ratio R = - 1 under load control. The specimens were polished by grinding using
# 500, 1200, 2400, 4000 papers. All experiments were performed at ambient
temperature. During testing, the middle section of the specimen was cooled by
compressed air and the temperature was controlled at about 70~ The fatigue
strength was determined in the life range of 106 - 109 cycles as shown in Figure 11.

900 900

800 9 9 lira C42Cr-Mo4- R C I [ ] 800 ,#

9 9 m -~

700 | 9 n~ nu..~~ ~ 700

AA : A. A-,I~I~
~ 600 " ~ ooo
E ,t,,~
5OO 500 & 42Cr-Mo4 - UB
IN 42Cr-Mo4 uc ,....
400 400 ............... ~ ......... ' ' '"'"'
1,E+04 1.E+06 1.E+08 1.E+10 1.E+04 1.E+06 1,E+08 1.E+10

Cycles to failure
Cycles to failure

Figure 11 - S-N Curve f o r the 42CrMo4 Steels R = -1

The experimental results show that fatigue rupture can occur in the high strength
steels over 107 cycles. The S-N curve of Cr-Mo steel does not generally exhibit a
horizontal asymptote beyond 106 cycles as it was admitted according to the standard.
Fatigue crack initiations were observed on internal defects, in the case of fatigue live
is beyond 107 cycles. A stepwise curve is well defined in this case, depending of two
nucleation mechanisms.
Fracture surfaces were observed after testing by SEM. The stages of crack
initiation, stable crack propagation, unstable crackypropagation and final failure are
well defined. In the high cycle range regime (> 10 cycles), the initiation sites were
founded at nonmetallic inclusions located in the interior of the specimen as far as 900
~am. The origin was identified by the use of energy dispersive analysis, the typical

composition of the inclusion is sulfide. In the low cycle range regime (< 107 cycles),
the initiation sites were found at surface.


9 o


O =16

E 1.E-07
Z "o 9
o A
9 A9

1. E-08

1. E-09 i ; i i i i i i i i i i ~ i ,

10 1 oo
A K (MPa4 m)

Figure 12 - Fatigue Threshold of Ti6246 in Function of Thermal Processing

Conditions R = -1

Fatigue of Alloys Without Inclusion

What does happen in alloys without inclusion in the gigacycle fatigue regime?
To answer this question, titanium alloys were tested in crack propagation and in
crack initiation. It is well known that in titanium alloys there is not any inclusion or
porosity. In this condition, nucleation of fatigue crack cannot nucleate from defects.

Fatigue Threshold of Ti Alloys

The Ti- alloy w a s supplied by the RMI Company: the chemical

composition is shown in Table 6. Four Thermomechanical Processes (TP) routes
(TPI(1) TPI(2) TP2 and TP3) were used to produce the forgings with different
microstructures and

attendant mechanical properties (Table 7). The 13-processed microstructures present

similar lamellar a-phase morphology with different primary ~ volmne fraction and
grain size in a transformed 13 matrix. The ~+13 process conduces to a bi-modal
structure with duplex lamellar and globular primary alpha phase.

Table 6 - Chemical Composition of 17- Alloy Investigated (in wt%)

TP A1 Sn Zr Mo C Cu Si Fe 02 H2 N2
number ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
1(1) 5.68 1,98 3.96 6.25 90 <50 <50 400 930 44 80
1(2);2&3 5.70 2,04 4.08 6.43 83 <50 <50 300 1100 28 70

Table 7 - TP Routes Variables and Associated Microstructures

T.P. Forging Thermal treatment Final microstructure type

Number condition
1(1) and 955~ ~ 935~ + 905~ ct platelets and
1(2) (T[~ + 10~ + 595~ g-transformed matrix
2 955~ 935~ Cool. --> Room coarse 0t platelets and
(T[~ + 10~ T. B-transformed matrix
+ 595~
3 905~ 935~ + 905~ bi-modal structure
(T[3- 40~ + 595~ (cx platelets and ~ nodular)
and B-transformed matrix
Water Quench

Quantification of the morphological aspects has been performed to provide a

complete description of various microstructures. Two orthogonal metallographic
surfaces were examined, the number of detected whole particles being more than
2000. A global image analysis was used to measure primary a-phase volume fraction
(fc~P), total a-phase volume fraction (hzT), thickness of primary alpha platelets (dczP)
and mode distance between coarser particles (dg). Sizing and shape measurements
were performed in individual analyses way. This procedure provides, for example, the
perimeter (PAP), the area (Sap) and the longest dimension (LczP) of each particle.
For the low crack growth rate, an effect of microstructure has been found on the
threshold. The results given in the Figure 12 show that the fatigue threshold is higher
for coarse lameller microstructure than for fine globular microstructure (TP 3).
Quantitative microstructure fractures are given in the Table 8.

Table 3 Mechanicalproperties

Alloy UTS E P A HV
MPa Gpa Kg/m3 %
60CV2 1800 210 7850 435

55SC7 1800 210 7850 35 500

55SC7-TT2 1800 210 7850 35 590

54SC6 1692 210 7850 510


Table 8 - Image Analysis Results for the Four TP Microstructures

TP fotP fas dczP d6 Po~p/S~P

Condition lam glob lam glob lam glob lam glob
% % }am btm btm- 1
1(1) 54 13 1.7 0.8 2.9
Axial view _ 2 _ 4 - 0.2 -+ 0.2 __ 0.9
1(1) 37 15.8 1.7 2.5 2.6
Radial view -+ 2 .+ 4 +_0.2 + 0.2 + 0.8
1(1) 42 14.8 1.7 1.9 2.7
Volume +4 .+ 8 _+0.4 .+ 0.4 + 1.7
1(2) 43.9 14.1 1.9 2.4 2.2
_+4 _.8 ___0.4 .+0.4 __1.5
2 66.2 7.3 2.2 0.74 1.7
_+4 .+8 _+0.4 .+0.4 + 1.6
3 20 27.3 20 1.0 3.1 1.6 4.3 1.16 4.5
9+ 4 +4 _+8 _+0.4 _+0.4 _+0.4 +__0.4 _+0.8 _+3.2

Fatigue Initiation of Ti Alloys

With the same alloys it is found that crack initiation and fatigue can occur up to
109 cycles in spite there is not any inclusion or pore. Figure 13 presents SN curves
depending on the thermal processing.

9 9 m9

~500 i TP1
TP1 (1)t
x 450 TP2
250 , iii1,111 , , .L,r,,I,~,,,,, i = r,ll,lr i . . . . . . . ' , ,L,,,,,I ,

1.E+04 t.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08 1.E+09 1.E+10

Cycles to failure

Figure 13 - Gigacycle SN Curve for 77 6246 at 300 K and R = -1


At room temperature, a significant difference can be observed in S-N curves between

the different TP conditions. Thus, the TP3 material have comparatively the best
fatigue resistance (510MPa), the T P I ( t ) and TPI(2) materials exhibit a lower
response with a fatigue-limit estimated respectively at 490MPa and 400MPa for 109
cycles and TP2 material has the worse fatigue-limit resistance with only 325MPa.
We must notice the TP3 alloy gives the lowest AK threshold and the best fatigue
The SEM fractographic observations indicate than all the TPI(1) broken samples
have systematic surface initiation (less than 40pm of the external surface) whereas
TPI(2), TP2 and TP3 have systematic internal fatigue crack site. Internal initiation
sites were identified by tracking back along the fracture surface markings which
radiated from the point of origin. In TP2 conditions, microstrncture and more
particularly colonies of primary alpha phase (ap) is showing through the fracture
surface by backscattered electrons observations and form a sort of facet (Figure 12). It
can be seen that the facets are oriented to the fracture plane: a feature common to all
samples specimen. In the duplex structure and mainly at low temperature, fracture
initiate on coarse globular primary alpha phase (Figure 14).

Figure 14 - Fatigue Crack Initiation on o~Primary Phase

In conclusion, it is emphasised that gigacycle fatigue regime is not always

correlated at defects such as inclusions or pores. For Ti 6246, the gigacycle fatigue
limit is associated with transformed amount and secondary alpha volume fraction.
Internal fatigue initiation with quasi-cleavage facets in primary alpha phase has been
In this conditions, it is very difficult to get a general relation between AKth and
A~ D. A nucleation process must exist.

General Discussion of the Gigacyclic Fatigue

Initiation Zones at 10 9 Cycles

In specialized literature, few results are given on this topic [1]. According to our own
observations and those of Murakami [10], the gigacyclic fatigue crack initiation
seems to occur essentially inside the sample and not at the surface as it is observed
for some shorter life.

So we can modelize three types of crack initiation in a cylindrical sample with

polished surface dependingg on whether it is low cycle (10 4 cycles), megacyclic (10 6
cycles) or gigacyclic (10 cycles) fatigue. For the smallest numbers of cycles to
rupture, the crack initiation sites are multiple and on the surface, according to the
general opinion, at 10 6 cycles, there is only one initiation site but, for the higher
number of cycles to rupture, the initiation is located at an internal zone. What remains
is to specify how and why some fatigue cracks can initiate inside the metal in
gigacyclic fatigue.

Initiation M e c h a n i s m s a t 1 0 9 Cycles

The explanation of the phenomenon is not obvious. It seems that the cyclic plastic
deformation in plane stress condition becomes very small in the gigacyclic regime. In
this case, internal defects or large grain size play a role, in competition with surface
damage. It means also the effect of environment is quite small in the gigacyclic
regime since the initiation of short cracks is inside the specimen. Thus, the surface
plays a minor role if it is smooth. The effect of plane stress plasticity is evanescent
compared to microplasticity due to defects or microstructure misfits. It means that
internal initiation is correlated with stress concentration or load transfer.

Role o f the Inclusions - The inclusions can be some privileged crack initiation
sites, especially if the R load ratio is high. Figure 7 presents an example of the N18
alloys. If the crack initiates from an inclusion or from a pore, it seems a relation
between AKth and CYDat 109 cycles can exist. But it is not a general relation.

Role o f the Porosities - The porosities can initiate crack in competition with
inclusions, so much that the load ratio is low, particularly in tension compression.

Role o f the Grains Size - In titanium alloys, the inclusions and the porosities are
not important. They are only grain anomalies which initiate cracks. In the T6A4V and
6246 alloys, the internal initiation often occurs near long primary o~ platelettes.
Nevertheless, the secondary phase seems to play a role also important in the
resistance at gigacyclic fatigue enhancing more or less the ~P/b platelette cracking
[5]. The important influence of the microstructure on the fatigue resistance at a high

number of cycles has already been mentioned in the above paragraph. In this case, the
relation between AKth and ~D is difficult to justify.


Experimentally we have shown that beyond 107 cycles, fatigue rupture can occur
in a large number of alloy. In some cases, the difference of fatigue resistance can
decrease by 100, even 200 MPa, between 10 6 and 10 9 cycles. According to our
observations, the concept of infinite fatigue life on an asymptotic SN curve is not
correct. Under these conditions, the fatigue limit defined with a statistical analysis
between 10 6 and 10 7 cycles cannot guarantee an infinite fatigue life. In the range of
gigacycle fatigue a piezo-electric fatigue machine has been used at 20 KHz.
Assuming that the fatigue life of machines, such as engins are ranging about l0 s
cycles, it is very interesting to determine a safe fatigue limit for 10 9 cycles. From a
practical point of view, the only way is piezo-electric fatigue machine. A relation
between AKth and ACYD.is not general.
The very high fatigue life, called gigacyclic, requires more attention for the choice
of the alloys or for the prediction of endurance. An approach based AKth and that
crack concept is not safe because an incubation nucleation process is often operating.


[1] S. Stanzl-Tschegg, "Ultrasonic Fatigue", Fatigue 96- pp 1886-1887, 1996

[2] J.M. Wells, "Ultrasonic Fatigue" AIME - ISBN member 0-89520-397-9, 1982
[3] C. Bathias, "A review of fatigue of Aluminum" Matrix Reinforced by Particules
and Short Fibers Sciences Forum 217-222, 1407 - 1412, 1996
[4] J. Ni, "Mechanical behavior of alloys in ultrasonic fatigue" ThOse de doctorat
CNAM, 1991
[5] G. Jago "Relation between microstructure and properties in Ti alloys" ThOse de
doctorat- CNAM, 1996
[6] H. Tao, "Ultrasonic fatigue of Ti and alloys at cryogenic temperature"ThOse de
doctorat, CNAM (1996)
[7] Mason, W.P "Piezoelectric cristals and their applications" ultrasonics, pp 161-164,
[8] T. Wu and C. Bathias., "Application of fracture mechanics concept in ultrasonic
fatigue" Engng. Fract. Mech., Vol. 47, No 5, pp 683-690, 1994.
[9] J. Bonis, ThOse de doctorat, Univ. Paris-Sud, 1997
[10] Y. Murakami and M. Endo., "Effects of defects, inclusions and inhomogeneities on
fatigue strength", Fatigue, Vol. 16, 163-182, 1994
[11] Q. Wang, ThOse de doctorat, CNAM (1998)
[12] Euromech 382 on gigacycle fatigue, To be published by FFEMS on may 1999, Paris,
1-2 july 1998
K. R. Garr I and G. C. Hresko, III2

A Size Effect on the Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Threshold of Alloy 718

Reference: Garr, K. R., and Hresko, G. C., III, " A Size Effect on the Fatigue Crack
Growth Rate Threshold of Alloy 718," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance
Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds., American
Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: Fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) tests were conducted on Nickel-based
superalloy 718 in the solution annealed and aged condition at room temperature. In
each test, the FCGR threshold was measured using the K-decreasing constant R method.
Initial testing was at two facilities, one of which used C(T) specimens with W = 127
ram. Previous data at the other facility had been obtained with specimens with W =
50.8 mm. A comparison of test results at R = 0.1 showed that the threshold for the 127
mm specimen was considerably higher than that of the 50.8 mm specimen. A check
showed that this difference was not due to a heat-to-heat or lab-to-lab variation.
Additional tests were conducted on specimens with W = 25.4 mm and at other R values.
Data for the various specimens is presented along with parameters usually used to
describe threshold behavior.

Keywords: Alloy 718, crack propagation, crack closure, specimen size effect, fatigue
crack growth rate threshold, Biaxiality ratio, T stress, constraint


Two test laboratories were used during the course of obtaining fatigue crack growth
rate (FCGR) data on Nickel-based superalloy 718. Considerable testing had been
conducted at one facility, laboratory A, on C(T) specimens with a width, W, = 50.8 mm.
The second laboratory, laboratory B, used a larger specimen, W = 127 mm.
The FCGR threshold at room temperature with R = 0.1 from laboratory B was
considerably higher than the previous values obtained at laboratory A. A heat-to-heat

Engineering Specialist, The Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Propulsion & Power, 6633
Canoga Ave., PO Box 7922, Canoga Park, CA 91309-7922.
2 Associated with Fracture Systems Research, 3135 Essex Road, Allentown, PA 18103.

Copyright 2000 byASTM International www.astm.org

variation was ruled out as the data at laboratory A agreed with data from a different heat
of Alloy 718 previously tested at that facility. To check out the potential for a
laboratory variation, specimens were exchanged between the two facilities. The results
from each of these tests agreed with the earlier data based on specimen size. Thus, the
disparity in FCGR thresholds could not be attributed to either a heat-to-heat or
laboratory variation. Further tests were conducted on specimens with W = 25.4 mm at
R = 0.1 and at 0.7. The report presented here gives the results of the tests conducted at
laboratory A on different size specimens at room temperature with additional data from
an earlier test series using the same heat of material tested at R values from 0.1 to 0.9.


The material tested was Nickel-based superalloy 718 with composition as shown in
Table 1. All specimens were of the C(T) configuration with varying width, W,
machined from 12.7 mm plate. The plate was milled down to the final thickness and the
specimens electric-discharge machined to the final planer dimensions with the crack
oriented in the T-L direction. The thickness varied slightly. Specimens originally
fabricated for laboratory A were roughly 7.6 m m thick while those for laboratory B
were about 9.4 mm.

Table 1 - A l l o y 718 Composition (wt %)

0.050 2.98 18.26 53.40 1 0 5.10 r <0.10 r

After fabrication, the specimens were given a solution anneal and age heat treatment
as follows: solution annealed at 1038 ~ for 10 min to 30 rain in Argon, followed by an
air cool to room temperature. They were then aged at 760 ~ for 10 h, then furnace
cooled to 649 ~ and held at that temperature until the total aging plus furnace cooling
time was equal to 20 h. The average room temperature mechanical properties are: yield
strength = 1071.4 MPa, ultimate tensile strength = 1330.7 MPa, elongation = 24 %, and
RA = 37.3 %. The grain size taken on specimen 5W1 was ASTM 2.5.

Experimental Procedure

The FCGR testing methodology used was in accordance with ASTM Test Method
for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates (E647-88) except for the pin and
clevis arrangement. The 50.8 mm specimens had a 12.7 mm OD metal bushing inserted
in the pin hole with a 9.53 mm diameter pin. The hole in the clevis was standard size,
W/4, but did not have a flat bottom; thus, the clevis hole is oversize for this pin. The

25.4 mm specimens had a similar arrangement. The 127 mm specimen used a 25.4 mm
diameter pin in a needle roller bearing.
All tests were conducted at room temperature on C(T) specimens with W equal to
25.4 ram, 50.8 mm, and 127 mm. These will be referred to as 1W, 2W, and 5W,
respectively, as these represent the relative size variation. Specimens 1W1, 1W2, IW3,
1W4, 2W1, and 2W5 were electric-discharge machined from the tested halves of
specimen 5W1.
Fatigue precracking was performed on all specimens. With one exception, precrack
growth rates for tests conducted at or below R = 0.7 were less than 10-s mm/cy.
Although specimen 2W6, tested at R = 0.7, had a maximum crack growth rate of 1.52 X
10 .5 mm/cy, the crack growth rate was below 10 -5 mm/cy for the last 1.65 mm of
precracking. Specimens tested at R = 0.8 and 0.9 had crack growth rates above 10 -5
mm/cy in the initial portion of the precracking. The crack growth rate was below 10-5
mm/cy for at least the last 1.52 mm.
A closed-loop servo-hydraulic machine was used for all tests. Frequencies in the
threshold region were in the range of 100 Hz to 150 Hz. The threshold segment was
performed using the automated K-decreasing constant R test procedures [1,2].
Generally, the threshold portion was terminated when the crack growth rate was 1 X
10 .8 ram/cycle or lower, or the crack showed no further growth after cycling for 12 h to
24 h, indicating that the crack had arrested. This was followed by a K-increasing
procedure for verification and to obtain growth rates at higher AK's. In some tests a
second decreasing AK segment was conducted.
Crack length was measured by Direct Current Potential Drop (DCPD). The current
leads were placed at the midpoint of the specimen width, W. The potential leads were
on the front face, positioned across the specimen crack mouth. The crack length was
related to the normalized change in potential difference by Johnson's equation [3]. All
the data, except the closure measurements, were obtained digitally. After testing, the
specimen was broken open and a visual measurement made of the final crack length. If
the visual measurement differed from the DCPD value, the DCPD data were adjusted.
The signal cancellation technique was used to measure crack closure using a front
face clip gage [4]. Frequency was reduced to the 20 to 30 Hz range and the clip gage
attached to the specimen. Closure was determined using an oscilloscope. An analog
conditioner modified the load and displacement signals to produce a nulled oscilloscope
trace that displayed the distinct nonlinear behavior associated with crack closure.
Through signal conditioning, the load displacement curve was made to be vertical. This
nulled load versus displacement curve was then amplified and the signal monitored on
an oscilloscope. Photographs of the oscilloscope trace were taken with a Polaroid SX
70 camera with automatic exposure. Crack closure levels were estimated from the
photographs of the oscilloscope trace where deviation from the vertical occurred. See
references [4-7] for discussions of the method. Typically, closure measurements are
taken several times during a test. The load percentage corresponding to the closure
point was entered into the analysis program with the corresponding electric potential
value. The analysis program performed a least squares fit to all the closure data and
linearly distributed the closure over the F C G R curve.
Crack length versus cycle data was reduced to da/dN data by the modified secant
method. In this method, the Aa and AN increments are sequenced to every other data

point but incremented by each data point. Successive Aa increments overlap each other.
The stress intensity range, AK, is calculated from the equation given in the standard
using a crack length midway through the increment. The equations for da/dN and a are

(da/dN),= -[a'+l-a'-']- and a,=l[a,+i+a,_l] (1)


(da/dN)i = crack growth rate of the ith increment

ai = crack length midway through the increment
Ni = cycle number of the ith increment.

Surface roughness measurements were made on several specimens using a Mitutoyo

Surftest 402 instrument. Roughness was measured over a 0.762 mm stroke. The
instrument was set on either the 10.2 or 50.8 Ixm range depending on the ability of the
instrument to obtain a measurement. Most measurements were made using the 50.8 ~tm
scale. Roughness average, defined as the arithmetical average of deviations from the
center line, was measured. Two measurements were taken at each location and the
average value used. Measurements were taken at various locations in the central region
of the fracture surface with the instrument stroke parallel to the crack growth direction.
The specimens were mounted on a movable table with a digital micrometer that was
used to set the measurement position. The center of the stroke was used in calculating
the roughness position.

Results and Discussion

The da/dN versus AK and AK effective curves for specimens tested at R = 0.1 and
0.7 are shown in figures la through ld. The thresholds and other data are given in
Table 2. As seen in Fig. la and in Table 2, the threshold varies with specimen width.
Specimen 5W1 has a much higher threshold than the 1W and 2W specimens, outside
the scatter the authors generally observed. More on this point later. A similar result is
seen in Fig. l b for tests at R = 0.7, except that the thresholds for the l W and 2W
specimens are essentially the same. Note, the decreasing portion of specimen 2W5 was
terminated at the value shown without achieving arrest.
Figures ic and ld, show the same data plotted as a function of AK effective. In Fig.
lc, AK effective tends to reconcile the R = 0.1 data except near the lowest AK effective
region. Note, the lowest point for 2 W l is below 1MPa~/m, see Table 2. Figure ld
shows the data for the R = 0.7 tests. Closure measurements were made on both the l W

10 .5 I I I I I I I I I

10"5 ~ oR =0.
. .11W1
..... I ' '
1W2 ,~ 1W4
10 -6 E] 10-6

' 'oiwi:,
,$, /..& 2W1 .$,

o 2W3
E 10"7 ~E~ 10-7
Z =.{
10_8 10-8
(b) O 5W2
10-9 , , 10 -9 I I I I i ii, I

1 10 1 10

AK (MPa-m1/2) AK (MPa-m1/2)
10-5 ' ' ' ' ' '''1 10 .5

10-6 1 0 -6

E 10 ~ g 10-7
=0.1 0.7 :
~ 10_8 '
~ 10_8
~ o lW3
1W2 ,.~[ [] 1W4-
Z~ 2W1 0 0 A 2W5
(c) 0 5Wl (d) O 5W2
10-9 I I = ' ' 'iil 10 .9 I I ! I I I Ill

1 10 1 10

AKeff (MPa-m1/2) AKeff (MPa-m 1/2)

Figure 1 -(a)da/dN vs. A K f o r R = 0.1, (b) da/dN vs. A K f o r
R = 0.7, ( c ) d a / d N vs. A K effective for R = 0.1, (d)da/dN vs.
A K effective f o r R = 0.7
Table 2 - Summary of Threshold Data o~"

Applied daMN at Effective a at

Width Thickness AK(th) Threshold AK(th) Threshold a/W at C
Specimen (mm) (mm) R (MPa-m m) (mm/cy) (mm) Threshold (n.]i~ "1)
(MPa-m la)
-0.20 C
1Wl 25.425 9.398 O. 1 6.54 8.94 X 10 -9 1.88 9.789 0.385 r'fl
1W2 25.349 9.423 0.1 6.56 7.80 X 10 -9 1.86 9.708 0383 -0.20 O
2Wl 50.825 9.398 0.1 10.13 7.87 X 10 s 2.45 15.796 0.311 -0.08
2W1 (a) 50.825 9.398 0.1 7.79 1.04X10 ~ 0.97 25.842 0.508 -0.08 7~

2W2 50.698 7.747 0.1 9.86 6.30 X 10-s 17.943 0.354 -0.08
0.1 9.13 4.78 X 10 -9 18.636 0.368 -0.08 o
2W3 50.698 7.823
5W1 126.873 9.271 0.1 15.37 4.67 X 10 a 1.30 36.695 0.289 -0.08 "1-
5 W l (a) 126.873 9.271 0.1 17.72 1.18 X 10 ~ 2.78 45.095 0.355 -0.08
2W4 50.749 7.747 0.4 7.60 3.94 X 104 18.306 0.361 -0.08
2W4 (a) 50.749 7.747 0.4 6.05 2.43 X 10 .8 27.658 0.545 -0.08
1W3 25.375 9.398 0.7 3.00 3.81 X 10 -9 (b) 12.377 0.488 -0.20
1W4 25.425 9.423 0.7 2.78 9.14 X 10 -9 (b) 14.059 0.553 -0.08
2W5 (c) 50.775 9.423 0.7 3.03 1.58 X 10 .8 1.78 25.618 0.505 -0.08/-0.16
2W6 50.698 7.849 0.7 3.15 6.10 X 10 -9 25.517 0.503 -0.08
2W7 50.724 7.823 0.7 2.69 1.38 X 10-s 26.861 0.530 -0.08
5W2 126.949 9.550 0.7 4.48 5.41 X 10 "9 1.91 36.101 0.284 -0.08
2W8 50.724 7.569 0.8 2.85 2.05 X 10 -9 27.318 0.539 -0.08
2W9 50.876 7.696 0.9 2.51 5.28 X 10 "9 20.610 0.405 -0.08
2W10 51.054 7.798 0.9 3.30 8.97 X 10 -9 17.318 0.339 -0.08
(a) Indicates a second decreasing AK test on the same specimen.
(b) Closure measurements were taken, however, no evidence of closure was found in this specimen.
(c) No arrest; decreasing segment terminated at threshold value shown. Last 11 points were with the steeper gradient.

specimens but no closure was observed, as noted in Table 2. Specimen 2W5 and 5W2
are in good agreement.
Table 2 gives the specimen dimensions, the R value, and stress gradient, C, used in
the test, the applied AK, da/dN, crack length, and a/W at threshold, and, if closure
measurements were taken, the AK effective threshold. Looking at all the 2W specimens
tested at R = 0.1, it is noted that the spread in AKth is from 7.79 to 10.13 MPax/m, a
difference of 2.34 MPax/m. This includes specimens of both thickness. Now consider
the minimum difference between AKth for specimens 2 W l and 5 W l , 15.37 and 10.13
MPa~/m, respectively. This is a difference of 5.24 MPax/m. For the 2W specimens
tested at R = 0.7, the difference between the highest and lowest values of AKth is less
than 0.5 MPax/m, again including specimens of both thickness. The minimum
difference between AKth for specimens 2W6 and 5W2 is 1.33 MPax/m (3.15 and 4.48
MPax/m, respectively). Also, comparing only the values of AKth for specimens with
thickness equal to roughly 9.4 mm shows the variation in threshold to be due to
specimen width and not thickness.
Based on these observations, the authors consider the increased value of AKth for the
5W specimens to be outside the variability generally observed. Further, it is concluded
that the higher value of AKth in the 5W specimens is due to specimen width and not due
to thickness.
It should be pointed out that the stress gradient, C, of the 1W specimens tested at R =
0.1 and specimen 1W3 tested at R =0.7 was higher than that of the other specimens.
The authors do not believe that this difference influenced the values of AKth obtained.
This is based on the good agreement in AKth values for specimens l W 3 and 1W4 and
the results of Zawada and Nicholas [8]. Their results showed no effect of the load
shedding constant between -0.08 mm l and -1.2 mm -1 on the values of AKth. Also, the
steeper stress gradient should produce a higher, not lower, threshold value.
Figures 2a and 2b, respectively show the AKth and Kmax-thplotted as a function of R.
Included are data for 2W specimens of the same heat of material tested at R = 0.4, 0.8,
and 0.9 in an earlier program, none of which had closure measurements taken during the
test. Figure 2a, shows the effect of mean stress on the threshold stress intensity. There
is a variation in response of the threshold stress intensity with R that is a function of
specimen size, as shown by the different slopes. Included in Fig. 2a are the AK
effective thresholds. The average value of AK effective thresholds between R = 0.1 and
0.7 appears to be independent of mean stress and specimen width.
The lines drawn in Fig.2a are from the average value of the threshold at R = 0.1 to
the average value at R = 0.7. For the 2W specimens, the line then connects to the
average of the 0.9 data. The data at R = 0.4 and 0.8 were not used in determining the
Figure 2b shows Kmax-thversus. R confirming the observations made in Fig. 2a.
Figures 2a and 2b indicate that the region where the threshold is controlled by either
Kmax or AK varies with specimen width. In Fig 2b, the 5W specimens have a negative
slope between R = 0.1 and 0.7 while the I W specimens have a positive slope.
As closure was not found in the l W specimens tested at R = 0.7, it is possible that
the transition where the threshold is controlled by either Kmaxor AK is at an R value
lower than 0.7. Assuming that AKtlaat R = 0.6 is the same as at R = 0.7 would result in

20 , I ' I ' I ' I ' i * I , I ' I ' I '

0 (a)
~i 15 0~-~ 0 1WSPECIMENS
10 < ~ "~. O 5W SPECIMENS

i I = =
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
35 . , I , I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I , I ' ~ '
~E 25 - ~ 2W SPECIMENS / / ~
20- ____ o sws c, NS /

+ L (b)
0 , I , I , I , I , I , I , I , I i I ,
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Figure 2 - (a) AKth vs. R. Open symbols are AK applied. Closed
symbols are AK effective, (b) Kmax_th vs. R. All data are at threshold

20 , ,, i , ,, , U , , , , U , , , , i ,, , , i, , , ,U , , , ,

15 R=0.1~ 0 1WSPECIMENS
o. 10 ~ R = 0.4 O 5W SPECIMENS

ff" 5 J / ~ ~R=0.7 R-O9

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Kmax.th( M P a - m 1/2)

Figure 3 - AKth vs. Kmax_th


F i g u r e 4 - (a) U vs. AK, (b) U vs. 1/Kma x, (c) U vs. 1/AK.

Open symbols R = O.1, closed symbols R = O. 7

the same value of Kmax-that both R = 0.1 and 0.6. This would produce a line with zero
slope in Fig. 2b With the transition where the threshold is controlled by either Kmax or
AK at R = 0.6. It would also make the slope of the l W line in Fig.2a slightly steeper.
Rectifying the 5W data requires an increase in the average value of AKth at R = 0.7.
More data with closure are needed for specimens with different widths at different R
Doker, et al., [9] appears to have first suggested plotting threshold data as AKth vs.
Kmax-th. More recently in a series of papers, Vasudevan, et al. [10,11], and Sadananda
and Vasudevan [12], have expanded the use of the two parameter approach. Figure 3 is
a plot of AKth versus Kmax-th. The data for the different width specimens tested at the
same R value fall on the same line. All the same R value data fall on their respective
lines with slopes of (l-R). The lowest value of AKth is defined as AK*th in Vasudevan, et
al.'s notation. The lowest AKth value is 2.51 MPa-m ~n for the 2W specimen at R = 0.9.
Based on the trend of the data in Fig. 2a, this value appears to be independent of
specimen width. Although negative R value tests were not conducted, it appears that
the lowest value of Krnax-th,defined as K*max-th,would depend on specimen width.
An estimate of the K*max-thfor each specimen width was made. For each specimen
width, the lowest AKth at R = 0.1 and the highest AKth at R = 0.7 were used to estimate
the lowest AKth at R = 0.0. Using data given by Usami [13], an estimate of the AKth at
R = -1 was made and Kmax-thcalculated. The Kmax-thvalues for the IW, 2W, and 5W
specimens are 6.21, 7.46, and 14.97 MPa~/m, respectively. According to Vasudevan, et
al [10,11] and Sadananda and Vasudevan [12], crack growth will occur when Kmx >
K*max-thand AK > AK*th. Based on this, the 5W data would not have predicted crack
growth at the values observed in the I W and 2W specimens, and the 2W data would not
have predicted the 1W data, tested at R equal to 0.1.
Figures 4a and 4c show the trend in closure level, U = AK, ff/AK, as a function of
various parameters. The shaded symbols represent R = 0.7 data, the open symbols are
for R = 0.1 data. Figures 4a to 4c show that the fraction of the load cycle over which
the crack is open decreases as threshold is approached, i.e., closure increases. In all
cases, the closure levels varies with specimen width with the larger width specimen
having the higher closure level, particularly in the R = 0.1 data.
These results are consistent with those of Zawada and Nicholas [8]. They tested
C(T) specimens of Rene 95 of different sizes at 650~ in vacuum and lab air at R = 0.1
in the near threshold region. They also tested at different values of C, the load shedding
constant. As mentioned earlier, their results showed no effect of the load shedding
constant between --0.08 mm l and -1.2 mm -1, and no effect of specimen thickness for W
= 40 mm with thickness of 5 mm and 10 mm. They did, however, observe a difference
in the closure level between the W = 40 mm and 20 mm specimens with thickness equal
to 5 mm. The smaller specimen had lower values of Kcl Zawada and Nicholas [8]
considered the difference in closure levels between the two sizes to be outside the
"specimen-to-specimen variability" and "beyond the uncertainty in determining closure
In a study of the effect of load history and specimen geometry on the value of the
crack closure load, Ashbaugh [14] observed a size effect. Ashbaugh tested Rene 95 at
room temperature and R = 0.1. Crack closure was measured by CMOD, back face
strain gage, and interferometric displacement gage (IDG) on three different size C(T)

specimens. Two specimens had W = 40 mm, one with thickness, t, = 10 mm (standard)

and the other with t = 5 mm (thin), and one specimen with W = 20 mm and t = 5 mm
(half size). In constant amplitude tests, the half size specimen had lower values of
closure than did the standard and thin specimens, which were essentially the same. The
difference in closure levels was considered to be outside the normally observed scatter
in the data by Ashbaugh [14].
The results shown in Fig. 4a are in agreement with the data of Shercliff and Fleck
[15] on BS 4360 50B steel. The increase in R value for both the 2W and 5W specimens
increased da/dN, see Fig. 1, and increased U. They attributed the near threshold
behavior to oxide or roughness induced closure.
Davidson [16] measured the closure by a stereo technique that allowed him to
determine the mode I and mode II closure levels. He plotted U versus 1/AK and
showed that the opening load in mode II was lower than in mode I at low values of AK.
The mode I closure was linear while the mode II closure was nonlinear in the low AK
region. Figure 4c is a similar plot for our data. However, our closure measurements do
not differentiate between mode I and mode II closure.
Figures 5a and 5b show Kop/Kmaxversus AK or Kmax, respectively, again exhibit that
closure increases with specimen width. Considering Fig. 5a, Shercliff and Fleck [15]
observed a similar behavior in the 6082 A1 they tested and attributed this to roughness
induced closure.
To summarize the results, the threshold and the degree of closure vary with
specimen width. The question is what causes the differences?
Several parameters were investigated in an attempt to answer that question. The
plastic zone size, the biaxiality ratio (B), the T stress, and the specimen roughness.
Table 3 gives the plastic zone size, PZS, divided by the specimen thickness, t, and PZS
divided by the remaining ligament, (W-a), at the start of the decreasing AK segment and
at AKth. Also included in the table are values of B and T at the start and at the AKth.
The plastic zone size, PZS, was calculated using the equation

PZS = (1/2g)(Kmax/~y) (2)


(Yy = yield strength.

As seen in Table 3, the value of PZS/thickness increases with specimen width for
specimens tested at R = 0.1, compare specimens l W l , lW2, 2W1, and 5W1. This
holds for both at the start and at threshold. This trend does not appear to hold for
specimens tested at R = 0.7, compare specimens lW3, 1W4, 2W5, and 5W2. The
reverse trend occurs when PZS/(W-a) is compared. Here the larger specimens have the
smaller value, particularly at the start. Newman [17] stated that as long as the PZS
divided by crack length and PZS divided by the remaining ligament are less than 0.1,
small scale yielding conditions exist. All the specimens met this criteria.
Leevers and Radon [18] gave tabulated values of B, the biaxiality ratio, for the C(T)
configuration as a function of a/W. Their case b data were fitted to a 5 th order

F i g u r e 6 - Roughness measurements (a) vs. AK and (b) vs. a/W.

Measured parallel to the growth direction. Closed symbols are for the
decreasing AK mode with the higher threshold
Table 3. - Summary of Various Parameters at the Start of a Decreasing AK Segment and at Threshold

PZS/ PZS/ T at T at
PZS/t PZS/t (W-a) (W-a) B at B at Start AKth
Specimen R Start at AKth at Start at AKth Start (b) AKth (b) (MPa) (MPa)
1W1 0.1 2.89 X 103 7.79 X 10-4 1.44 X 10.3 4.68 X 10-4 0.344 0.523 33.61 21.68
lW2 0.1 2.88 X 10-3 7.82 X 10-4 1.44 X 10-3 4.71 X 10-4 0.342 0.521 33.44 21.75
7.25 X 10-4 5.02 X 10-4 0.342 0.429 23.77 21.69 5)
2W1 0.1 2.91 X 10-3 1.87 X 10-3
2Wl (a) 0.1 2.97 X 10-3 1.11 X 10 -3 9.06 X 10-4 4.16 X 10-4 0.531 0.599 30.11 18.20
2W2 0.1 4.59 X 10-3 2.15 X 10.3 9.49 X 104 5.08 X 10-4 0.349 0.488 27.44 22.51
2W3 0.1 4.57 X 10 "3 1.82 X 10-3 9.48 X 10-4 4.45 X 10-4 0.342 0.504 27.18 21.14 o
5W1 0.1 7.85 X 10"3 4.36 X 10.3 7.71 X 10-4 4.49 X 104 0.341 0.396 24.47 19.93 '30
5Wl (a) 0.1 8.62 X 10.3 5.80 X 10-3 9.49 X 10-4 6.58 X 104 0.465 0.490 30.51 25.63 co
2W4 0.4 6.74 X 10 -3 2.87 X 10.3 1.39 X 10.3 6.86 X 10-4 0.343 0.496 32.91 26.22 o
2W4 (a) 0.4 6.48 X 10-3 1.82 X 10.3 1.63 X 10 -3 6.11 X 10-4 0.533 0.603 40.42 20.64 o
1W3 0.7 1.24 X 10 -2 ' 1 . 4 8 X 10 .3 6.40 X 10-3 1.07 X 10-3 0.384 0.593 74.38 30.09 (,f)
1.26 X 10.3 6.60 X 1 0 -3 1.05 X 10 "3 0.339 0.603 71.37 26.59 a
1W4 0.7 1.33 X 10 -2 m
2W5 0.7 9.15 X 10-3 1.50 X 10 "3 2.28 X 10-3 5.63 X 104 0.341 0.598 42.09 21.31 m
2W6 0.7 1.59X 10z 1.95 X 10.3 3.32 X 10 "3 6.08 X 10-4 0.343 0.598 50.90 22.20 m
1.35 X 10-2 1.43 X 10-3 2.79 X 103 4.68 X 10 .4 0.341 0.602 46.53 18.60 0
2W7 0.7 -I
5W2 0.7 1.28 X 10"2 3.24 X 10-3 1.26 X 10-3 3.41 X 10-4 0.306 0.388 29.61 17.24 0
2W8 0.8 3.49 X 10-2 3.71 X 10.3 7.03 X 10 "3 1.20 X 10 "3 0.344 0.603 74.17 29.28 >
2W9 0.9 3.27 X 10-2 1.13 X 10.2 6.88 X 10 -3 2.88 X 10 .3 0.382 0.543 76.90 53.43 F
2W10 0.9 3.17X 10-2 1.93 X 10.2 6.73 X 10.3 4.47 X 10-3 0.383 0.469 76.17 66.30

(a) Indicates a second decreasing AK test on the same specimen.


polynomial, equation 3, and the coefficients used to calculate B at the start of the
decreasing AK test and at AKth. As all the specimens started the first decreasing AK
section at an a/W of about 0.25, there was essentially no variation in B. Also, most of
the specimens reached threshold at a/W of between 0.35 and 0.4, again producing little
variation in B. Only those specimens that had a second decreasing AK segment had
larger values of B.

B = -0.209+2.758ct-4.479~2+15~3-32.083t~%21.667c~ 5 (3)


(~ = a/W'.

The T stress has been used to explain the differences in crack growth rates of
specimens with different geometry [15,19,20]. It was thought that the T stress may also
be used to explain the differences observed in the present work. The equation used to
calculate the T stress was that given by Leevers and Radon [18], equation 4, with Kmax
being used in all cases. As seen in Table 3, the T stress showed some variation at the
start of the decreasing AK segment for specimens tested at R = 0.1, but essentially no
variation at AKth, particularly when only the first decreasing AK segment is considered.

T = BK/~/~a (4)


a = crack length.

Roughness measurements were taken on several specimens. Figure 6 shows the

roughness variation for specimens on which closure was measured. The data shown are
only for the decreasing AK segments. Although there is considerable variation in the
roughness of an individual specimen, most of the measurements were in the 4 to 9 ~tm
range independent of specimen width or R value at which tested. The roughness of the
specimens originally fabricated for testing at laboratory A have essentially the same
roughness range regardless of R value, 4 to 10 lxm.
Figure 7 shows the trend in some of the parameters investigated as a function of
specimen width for specimens tested at R = 0.1. The open symbols are for the start of
the test and the closed symbols at AKth. Data for the 50.8 mm and 127 mm specimens
are for the first decreasing AK segment. In Fig. 7a, Kop/Kmaxincreases with W with the
commensurate decrease in U, Fig. 7b. Figure 7c shows the biaxiality ratio. The
variation in the value of B at threshold is due to the variation in a/W at which threshold
occurred. The T stress, Fig. 7d, shows some variation at the start of the test but
essentially none at threshold.
Constraint was also considered as a possible reason for the difference in AKthwith
specimen width. Fig. 8a and 8b show da/dN versus AK for the 2W and 5W specimens
tested at R = 0.1 and 0.7, respectively. In Fig. 8a, note that a very small shift in the R =
0.7 curve would bring the Paris section in line with the Paris region of the R = 0.1



F i g u r e 7 - (a) Kop / Kmax vs W, (b) U vs. W, (c) Biaxiality ratio vs. W, (d) T stress vs. W.
Open symbols are at start, closed symbols are at threshold. All data are for R = 0.1




F i g u r e 8 a - d a / d N vs. A K f o r 2 W Specimens F i g u r e 8 b - d a / d N vs. A K f o r 5 W Specimens


curve. In Fig. 8b, for the 5W specimens, a much larger separation is seen. Newman's
closure model [21] with the maximum stress divided by the flow stress, Smax/Oo,of 0.2
was used to estimate the Paris region constraint factor. Smax and ~o were calculated
using equations (5) and (6), respectively. The values of Pmax and a/W were obtained
from the test records.

Smax-- [Pr~x/(tW (1-c~) ) ][ l +3( l +a)/(1-cx) ] (5)

~o = (ffy+O'u)]2 (6)


Pmx = maximum load

t = thickness
W = width
Cry= yield strength
au = ultimate tensile strength.

The constraint factor was 3 for the 1W and 2W specimens and 1.2 for the 5W
specimens. Newman's model [21] is based on plasticity and applies to the Paris region
and is not applicable to the threshold region. Also, in these tests the Paris region is
obtained after the threshold has been determined and thus, can't influence directly the
threshold behavior. However, it is included here as it gives an indication that the
constraint is different in the larger specimen and that constraint may be a factor in
controlling the threshold behavior. At present the authors are not aware of a constraint
model for the threshold region for nickel base superalloys.
Some speculation by the authors is offered. Roughness is essentially the same
regardless of specimen size and the R value tested. Assuming that the curvature seen in
Fig. 4b is indicative of mode II, as seen by Davidson [16], a possible explanation for the
different values of AKthis that the amount of mode II in a specimen is a function of
specimen width. An alternative explanation may be made on the basis of the difference
in constraint with specimen size, as seen in Figure 8.


Fatigue crack growth rate tests were conducted on Nickel-based superalloy 718 at
room temperature at R = 0.1 and 0.7 on C(T) specimens with W of 25.4 ram, 50.8 ram,
and 127 ram. Additional data on 50.8 m m specimens was obtained from a separate test
program. The FCGR threshold varied with specimen width, particularly at R = 0.1,
with the highest threshold resulting from the widest specimen. Closure was measured
on some specimens and the AK effective threshold obtained. Although this was
instrumental in reconciling the data, it did not explain why there is more closure in the
larger specimen. The biaxiality ratio and T stress were calculated but did not show a

difference that could explain the data. Roughness measurements were taken on specific
specimens, again with no significant difference between the specimens. Most of the
roughness measurements were between 4 and 10 I-tmregardless of R value or specimen
width. At this time there does not appear to be an obvious explanation for the different
thresholds due to the specimen width. Differences in constraint or mode II stresses with
specimen width are possible mechanisms that may explain the different values of AKth
observed. Additional FCGR data are needed over a wide range of R values and
specimen widths to better describe the boundary of this effect and the variables
controlling the behavior.


This paper is based on work performed under NASA Contracts NAS8-40000 and
NAS8-45000. We are pleased to acknowledge the contribution of P. Stifling for
fractography, the assistance of R. Ball with the roughness measurements, and the
helpful discussions with J. C. Newman, Jr., D. W. Schmidt, and D. Russell.


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Haakon O. Liknes I and Robert R. Stephens 2

Effect of Geometry and Load History on Fatigue Crack Growth in Ti-62222

Reference: Liknes, H. O. and Stephens, R. R., "Effect of Geometry and Load History
on Fatigue Crack Growth in Ti-62222," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance
Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds., American
Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: Fatigue crack growth behavior of Ti-62222 mill-annealed material in sheet

form was examined as a function of specimen geometry. The geometries investigated
were the eccentrically loaded single edge-notch tension (ESE(T)), the compact tension
(C(T)), and the middle tension (M(T)). Tests were conducted at room temperature at two
load ratios (R=0.1 and 0.7) and covered a broad range of crack growth rates ranging from
107 to 10.2 mm/cycle. The same precracking and threshold test procedures were used for
all geometries as each threshold test was started at the same crack length and continuous
load shedding was applied at a K-gradient of C=-0.08 mm -1. As a result, the same stress
intensity-crack length (K-a) history was maintained throughout all of the threshold tests.
Experimental results showed differences in fatigue crack growth behavior at the lowest
crack growth rates while higher crack growth rates were similar. Surface roughness
differences at lower crack growth rates were observed at the same nominal AK for the
three geometries, suggesting differing crack growth mechanisms. Discrepancies
observed in specimen behavior are assessed in terms of the crack tip stress field
distribution which include both y-direction and T-stresses. In addition, supplemental
fatigue crack growth tests showed a dependence on crack length and load reduction

Keywords: fatigue crack growth, near threshold, load ratio, roughness, geometry, crack
closure, T-stress, biaxiality, y-stresses, titanium, load history
For damage-tolerant design, it is important to be able to accurately determine the
threshold stress intensity range, AKth, as this value identifies the point below which a
crack is not expected to grow when subjected to cyclic loads. Previous studies have
examined the effect ofbiaxial stresses and specimen geometry on fatigue crack growth
and threshold behavior [1-7]. Conventional fracture theories assume the state of stress
and strain in the vicinity of a crack tip is characterized by a single parameter, the stress
intensity factor K. However, in recent years, researchers have attempted to describe the
fracture behavior in terms of two parameters [8-10], where the second parameter is the
elastic T-stress. The T-stress is the second term of the Williams [11] series expansion for
linear elastic crack tip fields, as shown in equation (1).

i Graduate Assistant, Mechanical Engineering, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83843

2 Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83843

Copyright* 2000 by ASTM International www.astm.org

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Although the T-stress is neglected in linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM),
researchers have found the sign and magnitude of the T-stress can effect the size and
shape of the plastic zone at loading levels corresponding to small-scale yielding [12,13].
The magnitude of T varies with the applied stress, thus it is commonly described in terms
of the stress biaxiality parameter, B, as shown in equation (2). This notation was
introduced by Leevers and Radon [14] and has become widely used. Sherry et al. [15]
have provided a compendium of T-stress solutions for two and three dimensional cracked

B =-- (2)

Numerous reports of geometry and biaxiality effects on fatigue crack growth have
been documented in the literature, primarily for threshold and near threshold behavior.
Although Liu et al. [1] reported that stress biaxiality ratios (t~x/Oy)between -1.5 and 1.75
did not effect fatigue crack growth rates in aluminum alloys using a Cruciform specimen,
many other researchers have identified effects. Leevers et al. [2] showed that fatigue
crack growth rates in PMMA were reduced by a factor of 2 or 3 as the stress biaxiality
ratio was varied between 0 and 2. Shercliff and Fleck [3] showed that for tests on
aluminum and steel specimens in the C(T) and M(T) configurations (under plane strain
conditions), greater retardation was observed after an overload in M(T) specimens than in
C(T) specimens. This was attributed to the T-stress and its effect on the plastic zone size.
Several studies have reported higher crack growth rates in the more symmetrically
loaded (with respect to the load line) specimens such as the M(T) than in asymmetrically
loaded specimens such as the single edge-notch tension (SE(T)), wedge-opening loading
(WOL), and C(T) [4-7]. Differences were attributed to the mode I stress distribution
ahead of the crack tip and the microstructural/crack tip interaction. Lang et al. [4] found
that fatigue crack growth rates using the M(T) specimen were consistently higher at all
frequencies than those using the WOL specimen. Horng and Fine [5] observed a higher
threshold stress intensity with the SE(T) specimen than with the M(T) specimen. They
also found that when corrected for closure, fatigue crack growth data for both specimen
types matched within experimental error. Surface roughness-induced crack closure was
reported as the origin of the specimen geometry effect. Vecchio et al. [6] observed
higher fatigue crack growth rates in the M(T) specimen than in the C(T) specimen for an
aluminum alloy and a nickel-base superalloy. They noted that the specimen with the
greatest load symmetry yielded the lowest threshold stress intensity level. Saxena et al.
[7] showed that the fatigue crack growth rate for the SE(T) specimen was higher than the
C(T) specimen in the early stages of crack growth, while in the latter stages no difference
was observed. From these studies, it is apparent a complex interaction exists between the
crack tip, microstructure, and surrounding stress field.
Recently, High Speed Civil Transport and Aging Aircraft research programs have
begun utilizing a relatively new specimen geometry, the ESE(T). The elongated
specimen configuration provides many distinct advantages over the SE(T), M(T), and

C(T) [16]. These include lower applied loads than the SE(T) and M(T), reduced T-
stresses in comparison to the C(T), a tendency to maintain crack planarity in materials
whose texture and microstructure tend to cause out-of-plane growth, and additional
working room within the elongated section to allow the use of environmental chambers
or complex transducers. Furthermore, the stress intensity factor solution for the ESE(T)
specimen has the advantage of being valid to essentially a/W=0. There is also substantial
interest in standardizing the ESE(T) specimen in the ASTM Test Method for
Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates (E647-95a), but additional analysis of this
geometry is needed before this step is taken.
This paper contains a description and analysis of a research program involving
geometry effects observed between the ESE(T), C(T), and M(T) specimens in Ti-62222
mill-annealed sheet material. This material is a relatively high strength ~/13 titanium
alloy of interest for advanced aircraft applications. It is of paramount importance for
damage tolerant design applications that the fatigue crack growth behavior be properly
evaluated. This need led to the objectives of this research which were to compare fatigue
crack growth behavior between three specimen geometries and to evaluate the factors that
effect the near threshold fatigue crack growth behavior.

Experimental Details

Material and Specimen Detail

The material used in this investigation was Ti-62222 (Ti-6A1-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr) mill-

annealed (as-received) material. This material has an alpha phase dispersed throughout
an alpha plus beta matrix, with an estimated grain size of approximately 10 ~tm (Figure
1). Fatigue crack growth tests were performed in the L-T orientation, with the following
tensile properties: ultimate tensile strength of 1 164 MPa, yield strength of 1 112 MPa,
and an elongation of 12.9% for a 50 mm gage section. ESE(T), C(T), and M(T)

Figure 1 - SEM micrograph of Ti-62222 mill-annealed microstructure.


specimens were machined from approximately 1.6 mm thick sheet, where the specimen
thickness was maintained at 1.6 mm. The width of the specimens was 38.1 mm for the
ESE(T) and C(T), and 76.2 mm for the M(T). Initial notch lengths for each geometry
were 5.1 mm for the ESE(T), and 7.6 mm for the C(T) and M(T) specimens (Figure 2).


9 -762 -- "lI
Figure 2 - Schematic o f C(T), ESE(T), and M(T) specimen geometries. All dimensions in

Test Procedure

Fatigue crack growth tests were performed without interruption on computer

controlled closed-loop servohydraulic test systems under load control, in accordance with
E647-95a. Tests were performed using a sinusoidal waveform at frequencies between
20-30 Hz. A consistent precracking history between specimens was maintained so that
the threshold tests could be started at the same crack length, as defined by the stress
intensity factor solution, and the same nominal AK for each geometry, regardless of stress
ratio. This approach allowed application of the same K-a history throughout the test. At
R=0.1, precracking was started at a=7.6 mm and AK=14.2 MPa~/m, and finished at a=12
mm and AK=10 MPa~/m. Load shedding was applied at a K-gradient of C=-0.08 rnm -1,
according to

AK = AKo exp[C(a-ao)] (3)

where AKo was the initial stress intensity range and ao was the initial crack length. Since
the ESE(T) specimen had a notch only 5.1 mm long, it was cycled at a constant AK=14.2

MPa~/m until the crack length was 7.6 mm, at which time the load was shed at a rate of
C=-0.08 mm 1. At R=0.7, the notches were precracked to a length of 12 mm at a constant
zSJs 0 MPa,lm. Therefore, all threshold tests, regardless of the specimen geometry,
were started after the precracking procedure at an initial crack length of a =12 mm and
AK= 10 MPa~m. Duplicate tests were performed to verify repeatability of fatigue crack
growth behavior.
The procedure for testing at higher crack growth rates varied slightly between
geometries. Specimens were precracked by load shedding to approximately AK=7
MPa',/m and then cycled at constant load. However, for the M(T) specimen, a K-gradient
of C=0.10 mm 4 was used to assure that sufficient data were collected prior to specimen
Crack length was monitored using the compliance method and verified visually with a
50X travelling microscope marked in increments of 0.01 mm. Tests using the M(T)
specimen utilized a clip-gage that had a compressive force of approximately 25 N. This
compressive force was required to insert the clip-gage into the specimen knife edges.
However, because of the relatively low loads encountered using the thin ESE(T) and
C(T) specimens during threshold tests, an extensometer with a compressive force of 0.4
N was used in an effort to perform the low stress ratio tests at a true stress ratio of 0.1.
The force required to compress a clip-gage for insertion into specimen knife edges can
act to increase the actual stress ratio seen at the crack tip if the applied cyclic loads are of
the magnitude of the compression force of the clip-gage. The low-force extensometer
was attached to the specimens via rubber bands wrapped around dowel pins positioned
through the specimen. The 1.6 mm diameter dowel pins were inserted through holes
located +_5.1 mm from the crack line, and 3.8 mm from the front face of the specimens
(Figure 2). Ninety degree notches 0.25 mm deep were machined on the front face of the
ESE(T) specimens to hold the extensometer knife edges in place. To address concerns
over the effect of the dowel pin holes on the accuracy of the stress intensity solution,
finite element analysis was performed on ESE(T) specimens with and without dowel pin
holes. At a crack length of 12 mm, the difference in stress intensity was only about 0.3%,
and decreased rapidly at longer crack lengths. Since the dowel pin holes were farther
away from the notch tip in the C(T) specimen than in the ESE(T) specimen, it was
assumed that the influence of the holes for the dowel pins in the C(T) specimen would be
similar or less.
The C(T) specimen was modified slightly from the design specified in E647-95a in
order for the specimen to fit in the clevis grips that were used. If the standard specimen
design had been used, the clevis grips would have interfered with the dowel pins.
Therefore, the pin hole location was moved from 0.275 W to 0.358 W from the centerline,
where W was the specimen width. Additionally, a 0.208 W diameter hole was used rather
than 0.25 W. The influence of these changes on the stress intensity was also analyzed via
finite element analysis. At a=12 mm, the stress intensity calculated for the modified
specimen was approximately 2% higher, but dropped offrapidly to approximately 0.5%
lower than the standard specimen at longer crack lengths, which was deemed acceptable.
C(T) specimens were measured before and after notching with a micrometer to see if any
residual stresses were present that might effect fatigue crack growth behavior, but no
differences were observed. Additionally, custom washers were used to keep the C(T) and

ESE(T) specimens centered in the clevis grips in an effort to avoid misalignment that
could induce shear loading across the faces.
For the R=0.1 tests, crack closure data were collected automatically at the same time
the nominal data were collected by the computer. For the M(T) specimen tests, crack
opening data were collected using a clip-gage only. For the ESE(T) and C(T) specimen
tests, crack opening data were collected at both the front face (using an extensometer)
and at the back face by means of a small strain gage. This was done to verify crack
opening measurements using both methods and to assess crack opening load as a function
of measurement technique. Crack opening data were analyzed using the offset method
outlined in E647-95a with a 2% offset criterion.

Results and Discussion

The fatigue crack growth tests performed at R=0.1 and 0.7 using the three specimen
geometries are presented in Figures 3 and 4. Duplicate tests for each geometry showed
good repeatability for nominal crack growth data in all regions. However, some
variability was seen in crack closure data even in cases where the nominal data were
indistinguishable between duplicate tests. Data presented for the various geometries are
representative of the typical crack growth behavior. Comparison of crack opening loads
obtained at the front face with those obtained at the back face generally showed little
difference. The most extreme difference was in the C(T) specimen, where data from the
back face showed about 6% less closure than data from the front face. The crack closure
data presented in this paper for the C(T) specimen are the average of the back face and
front face compliance measurements, while for the other geometries crack closure data
presented are based on the front face compliance.
For higher crack growth rates at R =0.1, the fatigue crack growth behavior was
consistent between the three specimen geometries, with no discernible differences
(Figure 3). At R =0.7, crack growth behavior was also similar, with the M(T) specimen
showing slightly higher crack growth rates, however the difference was very small
(Figure 3).
For near-threshold tests (region I) at R=0.7, there was no crack closure observed based
on compliance plots since the minimum load was found to be greater than the apparent
crack opening load, thus AK = AKeff. There was not a significant difference in crack
growth behavior between the three specimen geometries except for the lowest decade of
crack growth rate (Figure 4a). Over this range, the M(T) specimen showed slightly
higher crack growth rates and a lower threshold value than the other two geometries.
For R=0.1, at an intermediate AK value of approximately 10 MPa~/m or greater, the
nominal crack growth rates observed for the three specimen geometries were similar
(Figure 4b). However, as AK values approached threshold, the C(T) specimen exhibited
lower nominal crack growth rates and a higher nominal threshold value (AKth,nom=4.5
MPa~/m) than observed for the M(T) and ESE(T) specimens (AKth,nom=3.3MPa~/m and
3.1 MPa~/m, respectively). The difference observed between the ESE(T) and M(T)
fatigue crack growth curves was small, with the M(T) specimen showing slightly lower
crack growth rates than the ESE(T). When corrected for crack closure, the nominal
curves for all three specimen geometries shifted to the left to various degrees depending
on the extent of crack closure observed. The C(T) specimen experienced the greatest


1 0 -2


"~ 10.3

o.,~ ~ o M(T),R=0.7
/~ e * C(T), R=0.7
",.~ v ESE(T), R=0 1
10-5 ~.~ 9 M(T),R=0.1
D C(T),R=0.1
. . . . p . . . . . . .

10 100
AK, MPa~/m

Figure 3 - Region 1land region IIIfatigue crack growth behavior.

(a) R = 0 . 7 ESE(T), AK (b) R=0.1

10-4 1 0 -4 ESE(T), AK~ ~.,~
M(T), AK
M(T), AKe. t ~
'u C(T), AK ~.,~IIIV
~, 10-5 -5~
.~10 C(t), AKe. ~ ' ~

z" z"
"a 10_6 "~ 10_6

J~ 9 ESE(T)
o~ M(T) ~7o 9v
8 'dp 9 C(T)
1 0 "7 10 .7
10 10
AK, MPa~m AK, MPa4m

Figure 4 - Region I fatigue crack growth behavior; (a) R=0. 7, (b) R=0.1.

degree of crack closure while the ESE(T) specimen experienced the least. Crack closure
levels for the M(T) specimen fell between the other two geometries but closer to the
ESE(T). The large shift observed for the C(T) specimen is a result of the significantly
higher crack opening loads observed in comparison to those observed for the other two

geometries (Figure 5). This figure compares the ratio of the crack opening stress
intensity and maximum stress intensity ( g o p / K m a x ) t o the stress intensity range (&K).
During load shedding, as AK decreased and approached threshold, the opening load to
maximum load ratio increased significantly for the C(T) specimen and to a lesser exterit
for the ESE(T) and the M(T), although the M(T) crack opening load was always greater
than that observed for the ESE(T). The general trend for the C(T) specimen was a
moderate increase in gop/Kmaxwhich leveled off as threshold conditions were approached.
For the M(T) and ESE(T) specimens, gop/gmaxshowed a very gradual increase followed
by a rapid increase as the stress intensity range approached threshold. A summary of the
threshold values is shown in Table 1.

9 C(T)
0.7 9 M(T)
9 ESE(T)



,r 0.4



0.1 i i i i

2 4 6 8 10 12

AKnom, MPa~/m

Figure 5 - Kop/Kmax vs. AK for constant amplitude near threshold loading, R=0.1.

Table 1 - Fatigue Crack Growth Threshold Values

Specimen R=0.1 R=0.1 R=0.7

Type AK'th,nom (MPa~/m) /~r~th,eff (MPa~/m) AKtn (MPa~/m)

M(T) 3.3 1.9 2.1

ESE(T) 3.1 2.1 2.8
C(T) 4.5 1.5 2.6

For R=0.1, crack growth rates decreased as the loading was changed from being
symmetric with respect to the load line (M(T)) to an asymmetric condition (C(T)). One
might expect the fatigue crack growth rates observed for the ESE(T) specimen to fall
between the M(T) and C(T) crack growth rate curves inasmuch as it is also
asymmetrically loaded, although to a lesser extent than the C(T) specimen. However,
this was not the case, which will be discussed in detail later.
Nominal fatigue crack growth data for the three specimen geometries, when plotted in
terms of/~r(eff, did not improve the correlation in the fatigue crack growth data, as
reported by Homg and Fine [5]. In addition, at R=0.7, where crack closure contributions
were minimal, there was still a small difference in the fatigue crack growth behavior.
However, the higher crack opening loads observed for the C(T) specimen in comparison
to the other geometries were consistent with that reported by Homg and Fine [5],
Vecchio et al. [6], and Saxena et al. [7]. Lang et al. [4] attributed specimen closure
differences observed to the inherent stress gradient of the specimens. In more
symmetrically loaded specimens, the stress gradient away from the crack across the
specimen width is very small, while for more asymmetrically loaded specimens there
exists a higher stress gradient due to the bending component. A uniform stress
distribution tends to keep the crack open for a major part of the fatigue cycle, while a
higher stress gradient leads to early closure of the crack [4]. This argument helps account
for the higher crack opening loads observed in the C(T) specimen in comparison to the
ESE(T) and M(T) specimens.
In general, the lower AKth values and higher crack growth rates for more
symmetrically loaded specimens are consistent with other studies [3-7] when compared
with asymmetrically loaded specimens. Higher crack growth rates and a lower threshold
stress intensity value for the ESE(T) specimen in comparison to the C(T) specimen are
consistent with comparisons made between the SE(T) and the C(T) [5, 7]. The SE(T) and
ESE(T) geometries have similarities, with the main difference being the location of the
load line. The asymmetric loading of the C(T) specimen is greater in magnitude than
with the ESE(T) specimen, thus the crack growth behavior observed for these two
geometries is consistent with previous findings.
An examination of the fracture surfaces for the intermediate and higher crack growth
rates revealed similar characteristics for the different geometries. The fracture surfaces
were relatively smooth with evidence of both faceting and fatigue striations. For the
intermediate crack growth rates, there were no discernible differences between the
fracture surfaces of the three specimen geometries. For the near-threshold tests, as the
applied AK level was reduced below approximately 10 MPax/m to near-threshold
conditions, the fracture surface morphology became more crystallographic in nature with
more facets present, as observed in SEM fractographs. The observed increase in fracture
surface roughness with decreasing AK level for all three specimen types supports the
crack opening measurements (Figure 5), as the measured Kop/Kmaxratio increased with
decreasing 2tK. An increase in surface roughness with decreasing AK was observed for
all three specimen geometries, as determined from SEM fractographs. However, it was
observed that the fracture surface roughness was greatest for the C(T) specimen and
approximately the same for the ESE(T) and M(T) specimens (Figure 6). The
corresponding AKth associated with these fractographs was between approximately 3 and

4.5 MPa~/m, depending on geometry. A rougher fracture surface would tend to lead to
greater mode II displacement during crack growth. This would in turn lead to higher
crack opening loads, which is consistent with the observations made in this study for the
three geometries, and especially for the C(T) specimen. The variation in surface
roughness observed between the three specimen geometries does not explain all of the
differences observed in the fatigue crack growth behavior. These remaining differences
suggest that other conditions existed that may have influenced the crack
tip/microstructure interaction. A discussion of possible contributing factors follows.

Figure 6 - SEM fractographs showing surface morphology at near threshold conditions,"

(a) M(T), (b) ESE(T), (c) C(T).

Crack Tip Stress FieM

Previous studies [4, 6] have shown that at a given AK the y-direction stress distribution
ahead of the crack tip is higher in the M(T) specimen than in the C(T) and WOL
specimens. Based on finite element analysis, Vecchio et aL [6] showed the y-direction
stress is very similar for the M(T) and C(T) specimens close to the crack tip (within 0.02
mm), yet increases for the M(T) at distances farther away from the crack tip. It is
reasonable to assume that the y-direction stress for the ESE(T) specimen is also similar to
the M(T) and C(T) specimens close to the crack tip. It was also reported that the higher
y-direction stress distribution observed in the M(T) specimen resulted in a larger process
zone (the cyclic plastic zone) in the M(T) specimen than in the C(T) specimen. These
studies concluded that because of the higher y-stress distribution, more damage
accumulated (as a result of the larger process zone) in the M(T) specimen precipitating
higher crack growth rates, The material used in this study has a yield strength of 1 112
MPa. For R=0.1 at AK=10 MPa~/m, the monotonic plastic zone size in the crack plane
based on plane stress conditions was calculated to be approximately 32 }am
(2ry=(Kmax/CYys)2/x). The cyclic plastic zone was calculated to be roughly 8 ~tm. At the
threshold value for the C(T) specimen (AKth=4.5MPa~/m), the monotonic and cyclic
plastic zone sizes were approximately 6.4 ktm and 1.6 lam, respectively. Because of
lower threshold values, the plastic zone sizes for the M(T) and ESE(T) specimens at
threshold were even smaller. Therefore, the cyclic plastic zone size associated with the
threshold and near threshold conditions presented in this study are contained within the
distance ahead of the crack tip (< 20 ~m) where the y-direction stress is similar for the
three geometries. Therefore, similar y-direction stresses just ahead of the crack tip would
result in similar plastic zone sizes. Because of the high strength and small plastic zones
observed in this material for near threshold conditions at R=0.1, it is assumed the
differences in crack growth behavior are not associated with the difference in the y-
direction stress distribution for the three specimen geometries.
What appears to be of greater significance in this study at R=0.1 is the effect of the
additional biaxial stress (the T-stress) developed at the crack tip. Previous studies
reported that the size and shape of the plastic zone is effected by the level of remotely
applied biaxial stress, where higher biaxial stress ratios result in smaller plastic zones
[1,17,18]. Larsson and Carlsson [13] also showed similar behavior for uniaxially loaded
M(T) and C(T) specimens due to the inherent stress biaxiality in these geometries. Joshi
and Shewchuk [19] explained that when a positive biaxial stress is applied to a uniaxially
loaded specimen, additional plastic constraint is placed on the crack tip, reducing the
plastic zone size, and contributing to slower crack growth. While T-stress solutions for
the C(T) and M(T) specimens have been extensively published [14-15, 20-21], a solution
for the ESE(T) specimen was performed by the present authors over an a/W range of 0.2
to 0.7 using finite element analysis for comparison. As a verification of the method and
model used, an analysis was also performed on the C(T) geometry to compare results
with previously published solutions (Figure 7). The T-stress solution for the M(T)
specimen is always negative (B~-1), and only changes slightly as a function of crack
length. For the ESE(T) specimen, the T-stress is negative until an a/Wratio of
approximately 0.45 and then becomes positive. At a given a/Wratio, B is always lower

in the ESE(T) specimen than in the C(T) specimen. Because of similar crack growth
behavior for the M(T) and ESE(T) specimens and the lower T-stresses in these
geometries, it is suggested that in this study there was a dependence of the fatigue crack
growth behavior on the T-stress.





._z- ~ C(T), Leevers and Radon [14]

9N -0.4
C(T), Cotterell [20]
. B
C(T), Kfouri [21]
M(T), Leevers and Radon [14]
r C(T), Present work
-0.8 ~ 3 - - ESE(T), Present work
CO W ~ V

-1.2 , , J i i i

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Crack Length to Width Ratio, a/W (2a/W for M(T))

Figure 7 - Comparison of stress biaxiality parameter (B) vs. crack length to width ratio
(a/W) for C(T), ESE(T), and M(T) specimen geometries.

The reduced specimen geometry effect observed at R=0.7 is believed to be related to a

correlation between the cyclic plastic zone size and the grain size of the material. At
R=0.7, Kmaxis much larger in comparison to that observed at R=0.1 for the same AK.
Therefore, at given AK levels, the cyclic plastic zone size is much larger at R=0.7 than at
R=0.1. At AK=10 MPa~/m, the cyclic plastic zones were approximately 8 ~tm and 70 ~tm
for R=0.1 and 0.7, respectively. Also, at AK=4 MPax/m, the cyclic plastic zone size is
roughly 10 ~tm for R=0.7, the typical grain size dimension for this material. Several
studies [22-24] have shown a good correlation between material grain size and cyclic
plastic zone as a transition from a structure-sensitive mode of fatigue crack growth to a
structure-insensitive one. These studies support the argument that when the plastic zone
size is greater than the microstructural dimension, material damage is fairly homogeneous
and relatively structure-insensitive. This is associated with region II type growth. As the
cyclic plastic zone becomes smaller than the grain size, structure-sensitive crack growth
occurs, corresponding to region I type growth. This occurs at approximately AK=4
MPa~/m for R=0.7, which also corresponds to the small divergence in crack growth
behavior (Figure 4a). Therefore, at R=0.7, region II type growth is extended to lower AK

values in comparison to R=0.1, which accounts for the similar fatigue crack growth
behavior observed between the three geometry types at R=0.7. At R=0.1, where the
cyclic plastic zone is much smaller and on the order or less than the material grain size,
crack growth is more dictated by the crack tip/microstructure/stress field interaction.

Load Reduction Procedure

Considering stress biaxiality effects on crack growth behavior, it follows logically that
a similar trend (higher crack growth rate for lower B) may exist in uniaxially loaded
specimens where the level of stress biaxiality varies with crack length, as in the ESE(T)
and C(T). To examine this theory, a modified test procedure was devised that would
result in B values of approximately one half the B values observed in the test procedure
previously described for the C(T) specimen. This was achieved by starting the threshold
test at a different AK and crack length, and load shedding at a different rate. The
procedure consisted of a rapid precrack at C=-0.52 mm "1 ending at a--9 mm and AK=8
MPa~/m. The threshold test was then started and the load was shed at C=-0.15 mm -1.
The results show that the nominal fatigue crack growth curve gradually shifted to match
the fatigue crack growth curve of the M(T) specimen (Figure 8a). Crack opening loads
were still higher for the C(T) than in the ESE(T) or M(T), but lower than the baseline
C(T) experiment (Figure 8b). Higher crack growth rates were seen despite the fact that
this test was performed at a steeper K-gradient. This suggests a crack growth dependence
on test procedure, and in particular, the level of stress biaxiality seen at the crack tip as a
result of the test procedure. In addition, with the C(T) and ESE(T) specimens, it is
difficult to separate the effects o f the K-gradient and biaxiality level on crack growth
because each is influenced by the other. This may not be the case in the M(T) specimen,
where B changes only slightly as a function of crack length.
For practical reasons, the ASTM load reduction procedure is based on the nominal
stress intensity range AK, although AKeffhas been shown to more effectively rationalize
differences in crack growth behavior under conditions where closure levels vary. To
evaluate the effective load shedding rate, an "effective" K-gradient, Cell, was calculated
for each threshold test. Average Ccff values for the M(T) and ESE(T) specimens were
approximately -0.10 mm q. However, the C(T) specimen, which exhibited higher levels
of closure, had Cefr values of nearly -0.15 mm -I through most of the test. Based on these
observations, an additional C(T) threshold test was performed with a K-gradient of C=-
0.04 mm q. The precracking procedure for this test was the same as for the test performed
at C=-0.08 mm "1. Due to the low load shedding rate, AK levels below approximately 6
MPa~/m were not attained because the crack length exceeded the specimen width, leading
to premature specimen failure. However, a general trend was established. The average
Celt value for this test was about -0.07 mm 1. The nominal crack growth behavior was
unchanged, but the AKerrcurve more closely matched the AKeffcurves for the M(T) and
EC(T) specimens. Based on this study, it would appear that the ASTM recommended
load shedding rate of-0.08 mm "1 may not be appropriate for some materials and
specimen geometries, as variations from the recommended load shedding rate can
influence closure levels and can lead to more conservative (lower) threshold values.

C(T) R=0.1
10 -4 M(T)
C(T), Low B o,P,
Procedure ~pl-
C=-0.15 mm "1) ~"
10 .5


10 "7
2. 10
AK, MPm/m


R=0.1 9 C(T)
9 M(T)
0.7 ~ % V ESE(T)
~7 C(T),
(C=-0.15 mm -1)
0.6 9 C(T), C=-0.04 mm "1

E 0.5




0.1 i , , r

4 6 8 10 12



Figure 8 - Comparison of various load-history conditions," (a) fatigue crack growth

behavior, (b) Koe~max vs. AK.


Based upon the nominal stress intensity factor range for R=0.1, fatigue crack growth
rates were found to be higher in the M(T) and ESE(T) specimens than in the C(T)
specimen for lower crack growth rates. Correcting for crack closure, growth rates were
higher in the C(T) specimen than in the M(T) and ESE(T) specimen. Crack opening load
differences were attributed to variations in fracture surface roughness for the three
specimen geometries, with the C(T) specimen developing the roughest fracture surface as
indicated by fractographic observations. At R=0.7, where crack closure contributions
were minimized, differences were still observed in crack growth behavior, yet to a lesser
At R=0.1, the plastic zone sizes calculated for near threshold conditions were found to
be contained within the dimension ahead of the crack tip where the y-direction stress for
the three geometries is similar. Therefore, the y-stress distribution ahead of the crack tip
was assumed to have little influence on the fatigue crack growth behavior at R=0.1.
Similar fatigue crack growth behavior for the symmetrically loaded M(T) and
asymmetrically loaded ESE(T) specimen also supports this claim.
Crack growth differences at R=0.1 were attributed to the stress biaxiality inherent to
the specimen geometries studied. Generally, lower B values corresponded to higher
crack growth rates. This was also found to be true for the C(T) specimen when the test
procedure was changed, resulting in lower B values and thus an increase in the crack
growth rate.
Variations explored in the K-a history for the C(T) specimen suggest a crack length
dependence on the fatigue crack growth behavior. It is felt that the ASTM recommended
load shedding rate of-0.08 mm "1 may be inappropriate for certain specimen geometries,
as changes in the load shedding rate produced shifts in both the nominal and effective
fatigue crack growth curves, resulting in more conservative threshold values.


The authors gratefully acknowledge research funding from Lockheed-Martin

Aeronautical Systems Company. Special thanks are due to the Idaho Space Grant
Consortium as well as the State of Idaho for financial assistance of this research program.
The authors would also like to thank J. C. Newman, Jr. and E. P. Phillips for helpful
discussions regarding this study.


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1974, pp. 1833-1842.
A. Varvani-Farahani I and T. H. Topperz

Increases in Fatigue Crack Growth Rate and Reductions in Fatigue Strength

due to Periodic Overstrains in Biaxial Fatigue Loading

Reference: Varvani-Farahani, A. and Topper, T. H., "Increases in Fatigue Crack

Growth Rate and Reductions in Fatigue Strength due to Periodic
Overstrains in Biaxiai Fatigue Loading," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds,
Endurance Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik,
Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.
Abstract: Fatigue crack growth under biaxial constant amplitude straining (CAS) and a
strain history having periodic compressive overstrains (PCO) were investigated.
A comparison of the growth of fatigue cracks under constant amplitude straining and
under strain histories having periodic compressive overstrains revealed that the morphology
of the fracture surface near the crack tip and the crack growth rate changed dramatically
with the application of the compressive overstrains. When the magnitude of the
compressive overstrains was increased, the height of the fracture surface irregularities was
reduced as the increasing overstrain progressively flattened fracture surface asperities near
the crack tip. The reduced asperity height was accompanied by drastic increases in crack
growth rate and decreases in fatigue strength.
Crack opening stress measurements for biaxial fatigue cracks made using confocal
scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) image processing of the crack profile, showed that the
biaxial cracks were fully open at zero internal pressure for block strain histories containing
in-phase periodic compressive overstrains of yield point magnitude. Therefore, for the
shear strained samples there was no crack face interference and the strain intensity range
was fully effective. For PCO tests with biaxial strain ratios of -0.625, and +1, effective
strain intensity data were obtained from tests with positive stress ratios for which cracks
did not close. The strain intensity factor ranges derived from popular fatigue life parameters
were used to correlate fatigue crack growth rates for the various strain ratios investigated.
These parameters all involved the shear strain range, and the normal strain range acting on
the maximum shear strain plane. For various biaxiality ratios, the ratios of the effective
strain intensity factor range to the constant amplitude strain intensity factor range at the
threshold were found to be close to the ratios of the closure free fatigue limit obtained from
effective strain-life to the constant amplitude fatigue limit.

Keywords: Biaxial fatigue, periodic compressive overstrain, confocal scanning laser

microscopy technique, closure-free fatigue life, crack growth rate, intensity factor range

Many investigations [1-3] have shown that, for both short and long fatigue cracks,
periodic compressive overstrains of near yield stress magnitude drastically accelerate both
crack initiation and crack propagation.

1Professor- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ryerson Polytechnic University,

Toronto, M5B 2K3 Canada
2Professor- Civil Engineering Department, University of Waterloo, N2L 3G1 Canada

Copyright* 2000 by ASTM International www.astm.org

At near threshold stress intensities, these effects are thought to be due to a flattening of
crack tip asperities by the high compressive stress which leads to a reduction in crack
closure and an acceleration in crack growth. The results of Topper and Yu [1] showed that
increased propagation rates and decreased threshold stress intensities accompanied the
application of periodic compressive overstrains for various metals. Their findings also
revealed crack opening stress levels below zero for large compressive overstrains.
Similarly, Zaiken and Ritchie [4] proposed two mechanisms responsible for the decreased
opening stress level: (i) the flattening of fracture surface asperities and (ii) a change in the
residual stresses ahead of the crack tip. However, they argued that the contribution of the
residual stress ahead of the crack tip would not be significant.
Previous studies [3, 5] investigated the growth of short fatigue cracks under constant
amplitude straining and strain histories having periodic compressive overstrains of various
magnitudes. They reported that the fracture surface near the crack tip and the crack growth
rate changed dramatically with the magnitude of the compressive overstrain. The height of
the surface irregularities reduced as the compressive overstrain increased and progressively
flattened fracture surface asperities near the crack tip. This resulted in a reduced crack
closure stress and a higher crack growth rate. Varvani-Farahani and Topper [6] developed a
model of the plastic deformation of the fracture surface asperities at the crack tip to relate
the crushing of the asperities to crack closure and crack growth rate. They correlated the
magnitude of the periodic compressive overstrain, the fracture surface asperity height and
the plastically flattened area to the fully effective strain intensity factor range (AKeff).
This study provides quantitative information concerning crack growth rates as a crack
grows into the interior of the specimen under biaxial strain ratios (hoop strain/axial strain)
of )~=-1, -v, -0.625 and +1 obtained using a Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy
(CSLM) image processing technique. CSLM also provided accurate measurements of the
height of asperities for constant amplitude straining and for periodic compressive overstrain
histories. The effect of periodic compressive overstrains on fracture surface asperities,
crack growth rate, and fatigue life for uniaxial and biaxial fatigue straining conditions were
studied. A number of strain intensity parameters derived from popular critical shear plane
parameters were used to correlate fatigue lives and crack growth rates for the various strain
ratios investigated. These parameters all involved the shear strain range, the normal strain
range and the crack depth on the maximum shear strain plane. The following critical plane
approaches were examined in this study.
1. Shear strain parameter (Tresca)- the earliest shear plane theory used the shear strain
amplitude on the plane of maximum shear strain amplitude to correlate fatigue lives for
different biaxial strain ratios.

7ma. = Max orl a- hl orl h- ,1] (1)

where ~,, eh, and ~, are axial, hoop, and radial strain on tubular specimen respectively.
2. Brown and Miller [7] proposed that fatigue cracks initiate on the planes of maximum
shear strain and hypothesized that the maximum shear strain amplitude (~trn,x) and the
amplitude of the strain normal to the plane of maximum shear strain (an) were the critical
parameters governing fatigue damage. The Brown-Miller life parameter is defined as

AYmax + C Aen = Constant (2)


where A~/maxand A E n a r e the maximum shear strain range and normal strain range on the
maximum shear strain plane, respectively.

The value of the constant C of 0.30 was chosen to best fit the fatigue data presented in this
3. Kandil et al. [8] derived the following equivalent shear strain parameter for
correlating multiaxial fatigue data

~=2 +S (3)

The values of the constants ~=0.50 and S=0.20 were chosen to give the best fit curve to
the present fatigue data.
4. Fatemi and Socie [9] have demonstrated a robust correlation of fatigue data for
various stress states with and without mean stress, based on the assumption that the peak
normal stress to the plane of maximum shear strain range directly affects the Stage I shear-
dominated propagation of small cracks. They proposed the following parameter

A~m~ [1 + k O'n] = f(Nf) (4)

2 L ~
where k is a constant equal to 0.60 for 1045 steel [9], Nf is the number of cycles to failure,
and ~, and ~y are the normal stress and yield stress, respectively.

Experimental Procedure
Material, Properties, and Specimen Design
The material examined in this investigation was a SAE 1045 Steel in the form of 63.5 mm
diameter bar stock with the following chemical composition (Wt %): 0.46 C, 0.17 Si, 0.81
Mn, 0.027 P, 0.023 S, and the remainder Fe. This material is a medium carbon heat
treatable steel which is widely used in the automotive industry. The microstructure of the
SAE 1045 steel after fmal polishing showed pearlitic-ferritic features containing up to 30
pm long sulfide inclusions in the rolling direction. The modulus of elasticity is 206 GPa,
the cyclic yield stress is 448 MPa. Fig. 1 shows the solid uniaxial and tubular biaxial
fatigue specimens used in this study.

Fatigue Crack Tests

Uniaxial Fatigue Tests---Uniaxial fatigue crack growth rate tests were performed in
axial strain control in an MTS servo-hydraulic test machine with a load-cell capacity of
25000 lb (111.20 kN). The crack growth tests under uniaxial constant amplitude straining
(CAS) were performed with a strain amplitude of +0.075%. Periodic compressive
overstrain crack growth tests were performed with compressive overstrains of -0.17%, -
0.24%, and -0.38% followed by numbers of small cycles n equal to 50, 200, 500, and
1000 [3]. Figs. 2a-b illustrate the crack growth test strain histories for uniaxial constant
amplitude straining and a uniaxial strain history containing periodic compressive

Biaxial Fatigue Tests---Thin-walled tubular specimens were cyclically strained in the

axial direction in the strain frame while pressure was alternately applied to the inside and

outside of the specimen during each cycle. The biaxial fatigue machine is described in
Ref. [5].

2.5"-16UN~ R = 3 6 mm

Flat part of specimen

(a)] L ll ,mm' (b) l

r~ 10mm 100rnm ~ 45"~ 90mm_.~

Figure 1 - Uniaxial Plate Specimen, and b) Biaxial Tubular Specimen

Three biaxial principal strain ratios (hoop strain/axial strain) were used ~,=-1 (pure
shear straining), a biaxial strain ratio of ~,=-0.625, and ~,=+1 (equibiaxial straining).
Constant amplitude biaxial fatigue tests and tests with strain histories containing
periodic compressive overstrains (PCO) were performed in strain control at a frequency of
0.5 Hz. The axial strain (ea) and transverse (hoop) strain (eh) were controlled to provide
the 180 ~ out-of-phase biaxial strain ratio of k=-I and a strain ratio of -0.625. The strain
histories used for biaxial shear fatigue tests for strain ratios of -1, and -0.625, respectively
are shown in Figs. 2c-d and 2e-f. One of the strain histories for each strain ratio is constant
amplitude straining and the other has blocks of a periodic compressive overstrain followed
by n small cycles. Equibiaxial fatigue (k=+l) tests were performed under strain control for
both constant amplitude straining and for strain histories containing periodic overstrains.
The axial strain and hoop strain were controlled to provide an in-phase biaxial strain ratio of
k=+l. The strain histories used in equibiaxial fatigue are shown in Figs. 2g-h. The number
of small cycles per block at each strain level was chosen so that the overstrain damage was
about 20% of the total damage.

n cycles ] Ea ~(O ~n/ ~cycles

/~ ~(L= --_ 0.625)1
~ ~ time ~V~V~- -
Ea ~/ ~ (b) - (~=--V) Eh
) I~ Y (f) time

cyclesAAAAAAL ('),--_lh
[ n cycles
l/mvvvuvvvm- v"-*, [Eal,,.,,,~,, ~/WW~NW~_ (L=-+l)
rl'""'"'- I~/v' vv"v"vvvv-(d'rC'^AAA"V'A
t i^A^AL
me [Eh~ ~]~V~ time
Eh ) I (g)V V -(h)

Figure 2 - Straining Histories for various Uniaxial and Biaxial CAS and PCO Conditions
Uniaxial and Biaxial Crack Depth and Crack Opening Measurements

Under uniaxial straining, a confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) image

processing technique was used to measure the crack depth of small cracks in the early stage

of growth (Stage I) as the number of cycles increased. The CSLM system which is
described in detail in previous studies [10-11] has a resolution of 0.25 ktm. Crack growth
in Stage II was measured on the surface of the plate specimen shown in Fig. la using an
optical microscope with a 500X magnification. Similarly, shear and equibiaxial fatigue
crack lengths were measured using an optical microscope at the same intervals as the depth
measurements were performed using CSLM.
Using a tensometer (tension machine) and a pressurizing device respectively for
uniaxial and biaxial cracked specimens, cracked specimens were pulled to open the crack
mouth under the CSLM system [11]. Then a laser beam was centered on the crack by direct
observation through an attached optical microscope. The cracked specimen was scanned by
the laser beam which was then reflected to a detector. Images from different levels of crack
depth were obtained by changing the specimen height using a piezo-electric stage. A set of
confocal image slices at depth steps of 1 ~tm were acquired. Post image processing was
later used to combine all the images. Optical sectioning using post-image-processed crack
data provided the crack depth and the crack mouth width at every point along the crack
length for each tensile stress/internal pressure system employed. Fatigue crack growth tests
under strain histories presented in Fig. 2 were performed by measuring the crack depth and
crack length at intervals of 1000-5000 cycles.

Fracture Surface Asperity Height Measurements

A fractographic examination of the fracture surface of short fatigue cracks was carried
out after breaking the 1045 Steel specimens in liquid nitrogen. The fracture surface and the
variation in the height of asperities on the fracture surface were observed using a confocal
scanning laser microscope. First, the laser beam was centered on the area of the fracture
surface adjoining the crack tip by direct observation through an attached optical
microscope. An area of 1 mm 2 of fracture surface at the crack lip was scanned by the laser
beam and reflected to the detector. In order to obtain a three dimensional profile of fracture
surface asperities, a piezo-electric stage, was used. The piezo-electic stage controls the
distance between specimen and microscope. This provides successive images of level
contours of the asperities from their peaks to their valleys. All images were combined to
create an image of the configuration of the fracture surface profile. Taking different slices
through this profile and determining an average value of fracture surface asperity height in
each slice, revealed that the asperity height is dramatically influenced by the magnitude of
the compressive overstrain. In this study the fracture surface asperity heights of specimens
under both constant amplitude straining and strain histories containing periodic
compressive overstrain cycles were measured. The CSLM measurements of the fracture
surfaces of small cracks revealed that there was little variation of asperity heights across the
fracture surfaces. The maximum variation of asperity height in an area of 1 mm 2 did not
exceed 10%. The fracture surface asperity heights reported in the results section of this
study are the average values of asperity height measured on a 1 mm 2 area of the fracture

Results and D i s c u s s i o n

Cracking Behaviour for various Biaxiality Ratios

Uniaxial Fatigue Straining ()~=--v)---Under uniaxial straining, cracks first initiated and
grew into the specimen on the maximum shear plane at 45 ~ to the specimen surface (Stage I
growth). After growing through one or two grains into the specimen (in the depth
direction) in Stage I, the crack plane (in the depth direction ) rotated to become normal to
the axis of straining (Stage II growth). The plane of crack growth in Stage II was observed

from the fracture surface of the specimen after failure. Aspect ratios (a/c) of cracks which
experienced fatigue straining just above the fatigue limit stress were found to be
approximately 0.80. Using the CSLM technique [10], the crack depth profile (in Stage I
crack growth) was found to be semi-elliptical in shape.
Equibiaxial Fatigue Cracks (A=+l)--In equibiaxial (in-phase biaxial) fatigue tests on
tubular specimens, cracks initiated and grew along the specimen surface on the two
maximum shear planes parallel to and perpendicular to the specimen axis and propagated
through the wall thickness on planes at 45 ~ to the specimen axis. About two thirds of the
equibiaxial fatigue cracks initiated parallel to the axial direction of the tubular specimen. The
greater number of cracks in this direction which coincides with the direction of rolling is
attributed to elongated sulfide inclusions parallel to the rolling direction. Equibiaxial fatigue
cracks initiated at a few points on the tubular specimen and propagated along and into the
specimen. In most tests, failure defined by oil leaking through the specimen thickness
occurred when the crack length exceeded 2 ram.

Biaxial Shear Cracks of 0,=-1) and (~,=-0.625) - - I n 180 ~ out-of-phase biaxial

straining tests on tubular specimens, cracks initially nucleated on an active slip band system
which coincided with the maximum shear planes at _+45 degrees to the axial direction of the
specimen. Microcracks (shear planes) propagated into the surface of the specimen while
their length remained unchanged.
To measure the depth of microcracks, fatigued tubular specimens were pressurized
internally using a hydraulic device in the confocal scanning laser microscope. Hoop and
longitudinal stresses due to a progressive increase in the static internal pressure opened the
crack along the maximum shear plane and three dimensional images of the crack were
acquired. The crack opened and the crack depth increased with internal pressure until it was
fully open. Under both shear straining (~,=-1) and a biaxial straining of ~,=-0.625, many
microcracks initiated and grew into the specimens. In each specimen, about 10 microcracks
were marked and the depth and length of these microcracks were measured as the number
of cycles progressed. Then the average crack length and depth of the ten microcracks at
given cycle numbers from initiation to failure was calculated. The scatter in the measured
length and depth of cracks in a specimen did not exceed 15%. The propagation of
microcracks can be characterized as R-system crack behavior using the terminology
introduced first by Marco and Starkey [12]. In this system, cracks start at many points on a
specimen and progress toward the interior of the material (depth direction). The number of
microcracks increased as cycling progressed. Once a crack initiated it grew into the
specimen as the number of cycles increased but, its surface length did not increase much
until the specimen reached about 90% of its fatigue life. The microcracks were uniformly
distributed on the surface of specimen. At 60%-70% of the fatigue life, linking up of a few
microcracks was observed. At 90%-95% of the fatigue life when the shape ratio of crack
depth to half crack length reached unity, the microcracks began to grow in the length as
well as in the depth direction and began linking up on shear planes. This linking up of
microcracks led to failure shortly thereafter. Typically during failure inclined microcracks
linked up in the longitudinal direction of a specimen to form a 2.0 mm to 5.0 mm crack.
Table 1 presents the crack plane, the crack growth mechanisms for Stage I and Stage II
crack growth, the variation of crack aspect ratio, and the ratio of N/Nf (crack initiation life
to the fatigue failure life) for biaxial strain ratios of -0.625, -1, and +1.

The Effects of Periodic Compressive Overstrains on Fracture Surface Asperity Height

Uniaxial Fatigue Straining (~,=-v) - - A n examination of the growth of short fatigue

cracks under constant amplitude straining and during strain histories having periodic

compressive overstrains of various magnitudes revealed that the fracture surface near the
crack tip and the crack growth rate changed dramatically with the magnitude of the
compressive overstrain. The height of the surface irregularities reduced as the compressive
overstrain increased progressively flattening fracture surface asperities near the crack tip.

Table 1-Crack Plane, Stage I and II Crack Growth, Aspect Ratio, and N i/Nt Ratio for
various Biaxiality Ratios ~,

Crack Plane Stage I and H Crack Growth
b]t Nt
(0.128,-0.08) 0.088

(o.16, -o.1) 9 h ~ Microcracks 1 ' 1.2 .......... p- 9 O.074

[~ I @60% of life ~
u-~ (0.2, 4). 125) 0.078

(0.24, -0.15) h Stage I ~ " 01 '~ , 0 0 ~0.068

(0.29, -0.18) ,~s I, Microcracks 21 | a 0.070
80% of "
(0.15, -0.15) 0.050

(0.20, -o.2o) IAXqll ~ Stage II ff ' 0.110

(0.30, -0.30 ) 0.095

Free surface tiff'- \ ~ 0 r
(0.50, -0.50) 0.090

(o.lO, o. lO) 0. 074

(0.135,0.135 0.088
1.2 J

(0.22, 0.22) 0.083

C l 10 100
(0.30, 0.3O) a 0.085
Free surface

CSLM image processing of the fracture surface in an area immediately behind the
fatigue crack tip was used to measure the height of asperities for constant amplitude
straining and for periodic compressive overstrains of -0.17%, -0.24%, and -0.38%
(followed by 50 small fatigue cycles). Asperity height decreased from 28 gm in constant
amplitude straining to 18, 13, and 8 I-tm for -0.17%, -0.24%, and -0.38% overstrains,
respectively. A complementary investigation using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
revealed compression-induced abrasion marks. The abrasion marks corresponded to the
region close to the crack tip location when the compressive overstrains of -0.38% were
applied [31.
Fig. 3a shows crack depth versus number of cycle plots for cracks for various
magnitudes of the compressive overstrains. Fig. 3b shows that as the magnitude of
periodic compressive overstrain increases the height of fracture surface asperities reduces.

The crack growth rate of short fatigue cracks in 1045 steel increases dramatically as the
magnitude of compressive overstrain increases. A compressive overstrain led to a flattening
of roughness asperities and therefore a reduction in closure stress. In this regard, Henkener
et al. [13] reported that the crack growth rate increased as the magnitude of a compressive
overload increased. The increased compressive overload led to an increase in the range of
the effective intensity factor. Herman et al. [14] and Hertzberg et al. [15] also showed that
a low closure stress (due to compressive loads) is associated with the crushing of asperities
in the crack wake.

1500 ..... 1.2 9 . . , , 9 , , . . . , 9 . 9 , 9 . .

PC0~0.24% I 99
r *
~1000 ~0.s


s 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
10 4 10 5 10 6 lo7 Compressive overstrain/cyclic yield strain
Log of Number of cycles

Figure 3- a) Crack Growth behavior under CAS and various PCO Histories, and b)
Asperity Height versus various PCO Magnitudes
The crack growth behavior of short fatigue cracks under three periodic compressive
overstrains (Fig. 3a) shows that the increase in crack growth rate from -0.17% to -0.24%
compressive overstrain is much higher than that for an interval from -0.24% to -0.38%
compressive overstrain. For a 1 mm increase in crack depth in this figure, a test at a -
0.17% overstrain level requires 8000 blocks (50x8000=400,000 cycles) while the tests
with-0.24% and -0.38% overstrains correspond to about 1800 and 1500 blocks
respectively. In this regard, Kemper et al. [16] and Tack and Beevers [17] observed a
similar saturation effect in which increases in compressive overstrain beyond a certain level
did not result in additional increases in crack growth rate.

Biaxial Fatigue Straining---CSLM measurements and SEM examinations of crack

fracture surfaces, which had experienced in-phase periodic compressive overstrains,
revealed that for all strain ratios the fracture surface asperities at the crack tip were severely
flattened suggesting that the decreases in fatigue lives are mainly due to the crushing of
fracture surface asperities by in-phase compressive overstrains. A typical SEM fractograph
of a specimen subjected to an in-phase biaxial compressive overstrain of -0.3% followed
by 19 small )~=-1 (shear straining) tension-compression cycles of-+0.15% strain is shown
in Fig. 4b. A noticeable feature of the flattened asperities on the fracture surface of the in-
phase PCO tests is the parallel abrasion lines. The deduction, that these lines are induced by
the abrasion between crack flanks due to the compressive overstrain, is substantiated by the
observation that parallel lines are formed in the same direction in all flattened areas. Similar
reductions of asperity heights were observed for all other strain ratios.
For shear straining ()~=-1), CSLM observations showed that the application of a -0.3%
compressive overstrain crushed the fracture surface asperities and resulted in fully open
crack growth with no crack face interference. Thus, the full range of applied strain intensity

was effective. For uniaxial straining (k=-v) and equibiaxial straining (k=+l), PCO cycles
increase the portion of a fatigue cycle that is effective (see Figs 5a-5b).

Figure 4- SEM Microphotographs of Fracture Surface Asperities a) before, and b) after

Application of PCO Shear Straining History
Small cycle numbers were chosen so that the crack opening stress remained below the
minimum stress and the whole strain cycle was effective. For PCO biaxial fatigue straining
of -0.625, there is both a decrease in crack face interference in the shear mode, and an
increase in the effective portion of the opening mode due to overstrains. Again small cycle
numbers were chosen so that the crack faces did not touch and the whole strain cycle was
effective (see Fig 5c).

•a Fully Effective Small Cycles . ]

~ ~ ~ ~vli~n

I ,k3pening Level
Full Effective Small Cycles E " Fully Effective Small Cycles

ii 1- r

Rt V -
Crack Opening Level (b) I~r~
CrackxOpening Level
w (Ca
\ ]

Figure 5- Fully Effective Small Cycles when the Crack Opening Level is less than
Minimum Strain Level." a) Uniaxial Straining, b) Equibiaxial Straining, and c) Biaxial
Straining of ~=-0. 625
Fatigue Life Parameters based on Critical Shear Plane Approaches
Under both constant amplitude straining and strain histories containing periodic
compressive overstrains, fatigue failure defined by oil leaking through the specimen

thickness occurred when the crack length exceeded 2.0 mm. Figs. 6a-6d plot the fatigue
lives versus i) the maximum shear strain parameter (SSP), ii) the Brown and Miller
parameter (BMP), iii) the Kandil et al. parameter (K et al. P), and iv) the Fatemi and Socie
parameter (FSP) for various strain ratios. The upper data (open symbols) give fatigue lives
under constant amplitude straining and the lower data (solid symbols) give equivalent small
cycles to failure for strain histories containing periodic compressive overstrains in which
the crack remained open during the small cycles.

102 ........ i ........ i ........ i ........ , I0 ~ c - ~ ....... , ........ , ........ , ........ ,

i A~ Co)
%A = . 0 &
.'~ " "rip '0'~3 ,r
d 9 ~ 0o ^- zx
103 ~+ Io-SL om~ /5 ~
9 ,,, , ,~, % co ~
ICA~PCOI~- I .Om. %
-- A
. "" ""

II 9 i~,625

104 | ........ , ........ , ........ , ........ ,

l0 s 104 10~ l0 s 107
103 10 4 l0 s 10 6 10 7
E q u i v a l e n t f a t i g u e life
E q u i v a l e n t fatiRue l i f e

10 2

ao (c) (d)
:,10 2
? o ~ooT
A~m di~ A q~
O0 (20&
A A%
a%oo 9%" 0A, oo oDo oo,~
~._.10 s 9 m6e
CASPOOlZ , ' m e ~I..~,
10 3 Pcc >~ :'- ;.I
J o IO
[] 9
9 9

10 4 10 s 10 6 lO 7 l0 s 104 l0 s 10' 107

Equivalent fatigue life E q u i v a l e n t f a t i g u e life

Figure 6- Fatigue Lives for Tests at various Strain Ratios versus Life Parameters of a)the
Maximum Shear Strain. b) Brown and Miller, c) Kandil et al., and d) Fatemi and Socie for
Constant Amplitude Straining and Periodic Compressive Overstrain Histories

For instance, Fig. 6a plots fatigue lives versus the maximum shear strain parameter for
various strain ratios of -v, -0.625, -1, and +1. These figures show a significant decrease in
the fatigue strength of specimens which were subjected to periodic compressive overstrains
of yield point magnitude. Under uniaxial straining, the fatigue strength was reduced by a
factor that ranged from 1.50 at short lives (104 cycles) to 2.7 at the fatigue limit when
periodic compressive overstrains of -0.38% were applied. The fatigue strength reduction
due to the overstrains for ~,=-1 straining varies from 1.40 at short lives (104 cycles) to 1.75
at the fatigue limit, for biaxial tests with a strain ratio of X~--0.625 the reduction varied from
1.50 at short lives (104 cycles) to 1.90 at the fatigue limit, and for equibiaxial tests the
reduction varied from 1.75 at short lives (104 cycles) to 2.80 at the fatigue limit when in-
phase periodic compressive overstrains of -0.30% were applied. In Fig. 6 fatigue lives are
given as an equivalent number of small cycles which is calculated as

Neq. S M = N T ( 1 - 1 ~ / 1 ( N~T /
n)/ -\nNfos) (5)

n = the number of small cycles following a compressive overstrain in a block history,
NT = the total number of cycles, and
Nf os = the number of overstrain cycles to failure.

Figures 6a-6d show that the fatigue lives obtained under constant amplitude straining
(with closure) and various biaxial strain ratios are collapsed onto one curve when they are
plotted against the shear strain parameter, the Brown and Miller parameter, the Kandil,
Miller and Brown parameter, and the Fatemi and Socie parameter. Fully effective (closure-
free) fatigue life data obtained for the periodic compressive overstrain tests were correlated
reasonably well for all strain ratios by the shear strain and the Brown-Miller (BM)
approaches for lives less than 106 cycles. The Kandil-Miller-Brown parameter (KMB) and
the Fatemi-Socie parameter (FS) show better correlations over the whole of the low cycle
fatigue (LCF) and high cycle fatigue (HCF) regions.

Strain Intensity Factor Range Formulations based on Critical Shear Plane Components

Strain intensity factor range values [19] were calculated for a semi-elliptical surface
crack under tensile mode straining, and shear mode straining using,

AK I = FI Q E A e ~ - a (6a)

AK n = FnQA y G ~f~-a (6b)

AK I = the strain intensity factor range for the opening mode,
AI% = the strain intensity factor range for shear straining,
FI = the shape factor for a semi-elliptical opening mode crack,
F~ = the shape factor for a semi-elliptical shear crack,
Q = the surface strain concentration factor,
Ae = the cyclic normal strain range,
AT = the cyclic shear strain range,
E = the elastic modulus
G = the shear modulus, and
a = the crack depth on the plane of maximum shear strain.

The strain concentration factor Q [19] is a function of crack depth, a, and grain size, D,
given by eqn (7)

Q = 1 + 5.3 exp ( - a D ) (7)

where odD is used as a constant which fits the measured fatigue limit strain Aen to the
maximum strain calculated from

AK~ (8)
Aeth = F Q E ~

In eqn (8), for uniaxial straining and pure shear straining, the shape factor F
corresponds to F~ and F~ [18] respectively.

The effective strain based intensity factor range was modeled based on critical plane
strain components. Critical plane approaches postulate that cracks initiate and propagate on
the maximum shear strain plane and that the normal strain on this plane assists in the fatigue
crack growth process. The components of this model consist of the maximum shear strain
range and the normal strain range acting on the maximum shear strain plane [18]. Equations
(9a-9c) provide the effective strain intensity factor ranges based on i) the shear strain
parameter, ii) the Brown and Miller parameter, and iii) the Kandil et al. parameter,

AKS~ff =F• Q G AY~x ~-q~a (9a)

AKBMeff = Q G (1711A~#max + 0.78FI Ae~)zx/~a (9b)

AKK~ff = Q G [FII (m~#max) 0.5 + 0 . 73 FI(A,%)~ ] 2a/-~-a (9c)

where shear modulus G=E/2(I+v) and Poisson's ratio (v) in this study is v=0.3. The
derivation of equations (9a-9c) are given in Ref. 20.
These parameters showed roughly the same ability to correlate fatigue crack growth
rates. As mentioned earlier closure free crack growth was achieved in PCO tests by
choosing a number of small cycles that maintained the measured crack opening stress
below the minimum stress of the small cycles (see Fig. 5).

Closure Free Crack Growth Rate versus the Effective Strain Intensity Factor Ranges

Crack growth rates for biaxial strain ratios of -v, -0.625, -1, and +1 versus the
effective strain intensity factor range values (AKef0 -formulated based on the maximum
shear strain parameter, the Brown and Miller parameter, and the Kandil et al. parameter- are
plotted in Figs. 7a-c. In these figures, (da/dN) is the crack growth rate for the small cycles
in PCO histories which is obtained by subtracting the crack growth due to the compressive
overstrain cycles from the growth per block due to the periodic compressive overstrains
followed by n small cycles and dividing by the number of small cycles per block.

da da


(dddN)o s = crack growth rate due to overstrain cycles in a block history

(da/dN)T = crack growth rate due to both small cycles and overstrain cycles in a block
n = the number of small cycles between two overstrains in a PCO block history, and
m = the number of overstrain cycles in a PCO block history.
The constant amplitude strain intensity factor range (AK) at the threshold level for strain
ratios of -v and +1 was found to be about 9.0 and 8.9 MPa4-~ respectively, and for strain
ratios of -0.625 and -1 was found to be about 5.0 and 5.20 MPa~t-m respectively.
Table 2 presents the ratios U 1 (the effective strain parameter range at the fatigue limit/the
strain parameter range at the fatigue limit ), and Uz=AKJAK at the threshold intensity level
for various strain ratios and parameters.

.--. 10 -8 lOS[ o'~

(a) (b)
I N ~

10-1o o X=-V
9 3~--1
o x,=--v
9 L=-I
63 [] s n L=-0.625
0 L=+I OO O o L=+I
.o .......
10-12 [ 0 -12
1 lO lO0
1'0 . . . . . . . 1'00
AKff -MPaq'~ AKaf - M P a t ~


10-m o L=-v
9 L=-I
n L=-0.625
oeo o L=+l
10 100
AKaf - MPaV-m

Figure 7- Crack Growth Rate versus Effective Strain Intensity Factor Range based on: a)
the Shear Strain Parameter, b) the Brown and Miller Parameter, and c) the Kandil et al.

Table 2- U 1 and U2 ratios for various strain ratios and critical shear plane parameters.

/i m m amu l lummm n i Hmnm n m I

~r,'~ai iuoi~ai imo~-~mu i n o u m i ima~ii imo~zmi ino~rmi iml~
H nisei l i~ -- i 151 i |~( i i ~ ~__ _ i i ~ ~._ _ li~-' [~
l Rill il~J il~}; i l ~ ii|[i i il|tli il~I|

For various biaxiality ratios, the ratios of the effective strain intensity factor range at the
threshold intensity to the constant amplitudestrain intensity factor range at the threshold
level were found to be close to the ratios of the closure free fatigue limit to the constant
amplitude fatigue limit.


In this paper crack growth rates and fatigue lives under constant amplitude straining and
periodic compressive overstrain histories were studied. Four principal strain ratios of -v, -
0.625, -1, and +1 were chosen.
1. In uniaxial straining (k=-v), cracks initiated along the maximum shear plane at 45 ~ to
the surface of the specimen (Stage I growth) and failure then took place by Stage II growth
perpendicular to the axis of the specimen. In equibiaxial fatigue straining (~=+1), cracks

nucleated on the two maximum shear planes parallel and perpendicular to the specimen axis
and initially propagated into the specimen on planes at 45 ~ to the specimen surface (Stage I
growth). They then propagated normal to the stress axis (Stage 11 growth). In both uniaxial
and eqnibiaxial fatigue straining, a crack once initiated, grew in the length and depth
directions until failure took place.
In tests with biaxial strain ratios of ~,=-1 and ~=-0.625, surface cracks initially
nucleated on slip bands at 400-45 ~ to the axis of the specimen. Then the growth of
microcracks on shear planes into the specimen occupied up to 90% of the fatigue life during
which time the surface length of the microcracks remained nearly constant. The
microcracks started increasing in length after the crack became semi-circular (a/c=l) at
about 90% of fatigue life. Failure then occurred by a rapid linking of microcracks.
2. CSLM measurements and an SEM examination of the growth of short fatigue cracks
under uniaxial and biaxial constant amplitude straining and during strain histories having
periodic compressive overstrains revealed that the crack growth rate increased dramatically
with the magnitude of the compressive overstrain. The height of the fracture surface
irregularities reduced progressively as the compressive overstrain increased, and flattened
fracture surface asperities near the crack tip. This resulted in a reduced crack closure stress
as well as fatigue strength and caused faster crack growth.
The magnitude and frequency of application of the periodic compressive overstrain
cycles in the second test series was chosen to reduce the crack opening stress to a level
below the minimum stress level of the constant amplitude cycles so that there was closure
free crack growth. The compressive overstrains significantly increased crack growth rates
and decreased the threshold strain intensity for the smaller constant amplitude cycles. They
also caused a large decrease in the small cycle fatigue resistance as measured by their
equivalent strain-fife curves.
3. Fatigue lives obtained under constant amplitude straining (with closure) and various
biaxial strain ratios were collapsed onto one curve when they were plotted against the shear
strain parameter, the Brown and Miller parameter, the Kandil, Miller and Brown parameter,
and the Fatemi and Socie parameter. Fully effective (closure-free) fatigue life data obtained
for the periodic compressive overstrain tests were correlated reasonably well for all strain
ratios by the shear strain and the Brown-Miller (BM) approaches for lives less than 10 6
cycles. The Kandil-Miller-Brown parameter (KMB) and the Fatemi-Socie parameter (FS)
showed better correlations over the whole of the low cycle fatigue (LCF) and high cycle
fatigue (HCF) regions. The effective strain intensity factor range was modeled based on
critical plane strain components. For various biaxiality ratios, the ratios of the effective
strain intensity factor range at the threshold intensity to the constant amplitude strain
intensity factor range at the threshold level were found to be close to the ratios of the
closure free fatigue limit to the constant amplitude fatigue limit.

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R. Craig McClung 1

Analysis of Fatigue Crack Closure During Simulated Threshold Testing

Reference: McClung, R. C., "Analysis of Fatigue Crack Closure During Simulated

Threshold Testing," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and Design,
ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds., American Society for
Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: Load shedding procedures during fatigue crack growth threshold testing can,
under some conditions, induce significant changes in fatigue crack closure levels, which
can in turn artificially influence the apparent threshold level. In this paper, mechanics
analyses of growing fatigue cracks that account for plasticity-induced closure are used to
study load shed effects on crack opening levels during simulated threshold testing. Both
finite element and FASTRAN strip yield models are employed, and the two approaches
are compared. The current ASTM standard test method for determining thresholds is
evaluated. Analyses explore the effects of initial stress, initial stress intensity factor,
specimen size, material flow strength, and load shed rates on crack closure.

Keywords: fatigue crack growth, fatigue crack closure, threshold testing, finite element
model, FASTRAN, strip yield model, load shedding


Fatigue crack growth (FCG) thresholds are an important element of many practical
fatigue design systems, characterizing conditions under which FCG is not expected to
occur at perceptible rates. Reliable experimental measurement of the threshold for a
given material is therefore a critical component of the materials testing needed to support
these design systems. Although many different methods for determining the threshold
have been proposed, one of the most common methods in current use is the one
recommended in ASTM E 647, "Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue
Crack Growth Rates." This method, based on research published by Saxena, Hudak,
Donald, and Schmidt in 1978 [1], steadily decreases the load range of the fatigue cycle
while maintaining the chosen stress ratio, R, constant, thereby steadily decreasing the
applied range of the stress intensity factor, AK. The stress intensity factor threshold,
AKth, is determined from the resulting FCG data as the value of AK corresponding to a

Manager, Materials Integrity Section, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX


Copyrights 2000 by ASTM International www.astm.org

specified slow growth rate, operationally defined in the ASTM test method as 10-l~
The ASTM method specifies the rate of load shedding in terms of the normalized
K-gradient, C, such that C is limited to a value algebraically greater than -0.08 mm -1
( - 2 in.-1):
1 dK
C- (1)
K da

The relationship between AK and crack length, a, is therefore given by

AK = A K 0 e x p [ C ( a - a 0 ) ] (2)

where AKo is the initial AK at the start of the load shed, and a 0 is the corresponding crack
Threshold tests conducted by this method, at this specified load shed rate, can be
relatively slow and expensive, especially when slower cycling frequencies are required.
Faster load shed rates are attractive as a means of saving time and money. Furthermore,
the recommended ASTM rate of C = -0.08 mm -1 is not feasible for some small specimen
geometries, because the crack may effectively run out of specimen before the threshold is
reached. For example, the surface-crack tension specimen (sometimes called the Kb bar
specimen) commonly used in the aircraft gas turbine engine industry [2] can have a
thickness as small as 6.35 mm (0.25 in.).
Some experience suggests that shed rates faster than those recommended by the
ASTM test method can be employed without ill effect. This was observed by Saxena et
al. [1] in their original work, and faster rates have been employed in the gas turbine
engine industry for many years. Sheldon, Bain, and Donald [3] have recently completed a
systematic study of the effects of shed rate and other parameters on measured values of
AK~ determined from tests on Kb and compact tension specimens of Ti-6A1-4V. They
obtained nearly identical threshold values for shed rates ranging from -0.24 mm -1
( - 6 in. -1) up to - 1.6 mm -~ (-40 in. -1) at R = 0.1 when starting Kmax values were less than
11 MPax/m (10 ksi~/in.). At a higher stress ratio ofR = 0.8, gradients ranging from
-0.3 mm -1 (-7.5 in. -~) to -0.8 mm -1 (-20 in. -1) had no effect on measured threshold,
although gradients of - 1.2 mm-I (_ 30 in.-~) did exhibit distinctly higher thresholds.
When initial Kmax values were higher, ranging from 8.8 to 44 MPax/m (8 to 40 ksix/in.),
faster shed rates also led to higher thresholds. Representative data from this study are
shown in Figure 1, which illustrates the increase in measured threshold with increasing
initial Kmax values for two different ASTM load shed rates. In these data, thresholds are
unchanged with initial Kmax until initial Kmaxexceeds 20 MPax/m (18 ksi,/in.). The
artificial elevation in threshold is more pronounced for -0.8 mm -~ (C = - 2 0 in.-1), but
still occurs at -0.4 mm -~ (C = -10 in.-l).
It is not completely surprising that load sheds much faster than recommended by the
ASTM standard can sometimes cause anomalous results. However, load sheds conducted
at the recommended ASTM load shed rates can also cause difficulties when initial AK
values are too high. Fleck [4] has documented a particularly good example of this

8 ' I ' I ' I ' I '

Sheldon, Bain, and Donald (1998) O

C(T) specimen
(~o=930 MPa
---?.E R=0.1

13_ /k
v o
v o o

o C = - 0 . 8 m m -1
3 /k C= -0.4 mm -1

2 t I i I i I i I I

0 10 20 30 40 50

Kmax at start of load shed (MPa~/m)

Figure 1 - Experimentally determined [3] effect of K,~ at start of load shed

on measured threshold for different load shed rates

phenomenon from companion threshold tests at R = 0.05 with 3 mm (0.12 in.) thick
compact tension specimens of BS4360 steel. A "conventional test" employed an ASTM
load shed with C = -0.08 mm -1 ( - 2 in. -1) and AK0 about 10 MPa~/m (9 ksi~/in.). Crack
growth data at higher AK values were approximately the same for C values of 0 or
+0.08 mm -1. Another test employed an ASTM load shed with C = -0.08 mm -~ but a
much higher value of AK0 = 51.4 MPa~/m (47 ksi~/in.). While the conventional test gave
a threshold value around AK~ = 6 MPa~/m (5.5 ksi~/in.), the test with a load shed from a
large AKo indicated a much higher threshold of 12.9 MPa~/m (11.7 ksi~/in.) (see Figure 2).
One potential reason for the observed effects of rapid load shed and high initial AK on
apparent threshold is fatigue crack closure. Plasticity-induced closure is dependent on the
prior load history, which influences the plastic wake behind the crack as well as the
residual stresses ahead of the crack. Since the prior load history in a threshold load shed
has a larger amplitude than the current load history, the residual displacements behind the
crack will be relatively larger, which could lead to artificially increased levels of closure.
Increased closure, in turn, would reduce the effective range of the stress intensity factor,
leading to threshold crack arrest at somewhat higher AK levels than under constant
amplitude loading.
Fleck [4] provided some experimental evidence for this argument. He measured
closure in the tests referenced previously using a crack mouth gage, back face strain gage,
and replicas. As shown in Figure 3, in the "conventional test" with a load shed beginning

Fleck (1984) ,~
BS4360 steel ,tt'~
C(T) specimens / I
10 .4 I !
c~176 ~ ~:

~ load shed
pP ~ from large
P initial AK0

i i I i III t i t I ....
1 5 10 50

Figure 2 - Fleck [4] F C G data f o r test with a conventional load shed

f r o m an initial A K o = 10 MPav/m and another test with a
load shed f r o m an initial A K o = 51.4 MPav/m

at AKo about 10 MPa,/m, the effective stress range ratio U = (Sin=x - Sop~,)/(Sm,x Smin) -

remained about 0.70, decreasing only very near the threshold. However, in the test where
the load shed began at AK0 = 51.4 MPa~/m, U decreased (closure increased) sharply to
0.40 as AK decreased to 40 MPa,/m, and further decreased below 0.20 as threshold was
approached. This substantial increase in closure could easily explain the sharp increase in
apparent threshold.
In this paper, two different mechanics models of plasticity-induced crack closure are
employed to study the potential effect of load sheds on closure. The first model is an
elastic-plastic finite element (FE) simulation of fatigue crack growth, and the second
model is based on a Dugdale strip yield analysis of a fatigue crack. The effects of load
shed rate, initial AKo, and material strength on crack closure during simulated ASTM load
sheds are characterized, and the implications of the results for threshold testing are

conventional j " 7/
0.1~- | o *** ~est_~,.~ /

U 0.E-
_ ial AK 0

~ c k (1984)
C(T) specimens
10 20 30 40 50

Figure 3 - Fleck [4] crack closure measurements for test with a

conventional load shed from an initial A K o = 10 M P a / m and
another test with a load shed from an initial A K o = 51.4 M P a / m

Finite Element Modeling

Elastic-plastic finite element models of growing fatigue cracks have been used to
study crack closure for over twenty-five years [5]. The model employed in this study [6]
has been used for over ten years to address a wide range of problems. In this model, the
meshes were composed of four-noded linear strain elements arranged to form a center-
crack geometry, employing quarter-symmetry. At each occurrence of minimum load in a
cycle, the boundary conditions at the crack-tip node were changed to allow the crack to
grow by one element length through a group of very small, uniformly-sized elements
along the crack line. Remote stresses were applied in many small steps, stresses and
displacements along the crack line behind the crack tip were closely monitored on each
load step, and boundary conditions on the crack surfaces were appropriately changed as
the crack opened or closed. The constitutive model followed linear kinematic hardening
characterized by H / E = 0.01, where E is the elastic modulus and H is the slope of the
plastic line. The flow stress, o 0, is the intersection of the elastic and plastic lines. The
material simulated in this research was either an aluminum alloy with E = 70 000 MPa
(10 154 ksi) and o 0 = 430 MPa (62.4 ksi), or Ti-6A1-4V with E = 116 000 MPa (16 800
ksi) and o 0 = 930 MPa (135 ksi). All analyses were plane stress. Further information on
the FE model is available in [6].
In this study, applied loads were chosen to simulate threshold load reduction
schedules. The crack was first grown at a constant applied stress range until a full wake

had developed and closure levels had stabilized. Then, at some predetermined crack
length, stress amplitudes were reduced in accordance with Eqn (2) while keeping the
stress ratio constant at R = 0. The load reduction continued until the crack had grown out
of the fine mesh region.
Note that strictly speaking, the finite element mesh is dimensionless, because "loads"
are applied in normalized form as remote traction stresses on the top boundary. The mesh
geometry is adequately described in mesh coordinates, and physical dimensions do not
have to be assigned to the mesh in order to perform fatigue crack growth simulations.
However, since the ASTM threshold load shed specification is dimensional, a physical
length scale must be assigned to the mesh in order to define the load schedule. This
seemingly minor detail turns out to provide an important insight into the ASTM threshold
method, as will be discussed later.
A detailed FE study of the threshold load shed problem has been reported previously
[7]. Representative results are reproduced in Figure 4. In this simulation, the mesh was
assigned a length scale of 0.05 mm, so the specimen half-width W (1000 mesh units) was
50 mm or roughly 2 inches. The initial applied maximum stress (Smax) in the fatigue cycle
was set equal to 0.400, where 00 = 430 MPa (62.4 ksi), and the initial crack size was
a0 = 14 mm (0.55 in.), so AK0 at the start of the load shed was approximately 38 MPa~/m.
The load shed followed the ASTM method with C = -0.08 mm -1, the ASTM
recommended value. The simulation was stopped when the crack ran out of the fine
mesh region (a = 330 mesh units = 16.5 mm), at which time the applied stress was 0.300.
In Figure 4, the stress history (SmJO0, bottom curves) and closure history (SopJS . . . . top
curves) are shown for the threshold load shed (solid lines) and for two corresponding
constant amplitude stress histories (dashed lines). The constant amplitude simulations
were conducted at maximum stresses of 0.400 and 0.300, which were the beginning and
ending stresses in the threshold simulation.
The constant amplitude simulations show the usual small maximum stress effect on
closure behavior, such that Sopen/Sm~xwas slightly higher for the slightly lower Smax/O0
value. The striking result, however, is that the closure level during the load shed
simulation increased substantially (Sopon/Smaxrose from 0.48 to 0.64), ending much higher
than the corresponding constant amplitude closure level for the final maximum stress.
This behavior is qualitatively consistent with the earlier cited experimental results of
Fleck, who saw a sharp initial increase in closure when starting an ASTM load shed from
a relatively high initial AK0.
Additional FE simulations reported in [7] investigated the effects of different assigned
specimen sizes. The initial maximum stress Smax/O0was kept the same, but the initial AK0
values were higher (55 MPa,/m) or lower (27 MPa,/m) since the specimen dimensions
were different. Since the ASTM schedule is dimensional, the rate of decrease of the
applied stress was also different. Closure increased more sharply for the higher initial
AK0 and less sharply for the lower initial AKo.
The FE simulations permit detailed investigations of thestress, strain, and
displacement fields associated with growing fatigue cracks. Studies in [7] found that the
load shed process caused changes in the crack opening displacements, the cumulative
axial plastic strains behind the crack tip, and the residual stresses both ahead of and
behind the crack tip. As postulated above, the residual plasticity from earlier in the load

1.0 1.0
simulated aluminum
1 mesh unit = 0.05 m m
0.8 0.8

crack opening stresses .f
0.6 0.6
-_-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sopen/Smax Smax/tro

0.4 0.4

normalized maximum applied stresses

0.2 0.2

0.0 , I , I i I ~ I. i I i I I 0.0
270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340
Crack Length, a (mesh units)

Figure 4 -Applied stress histories and crack closure histories for finite element
simulation of threshold load shed test and two constant amplitude tests [7]

history, when applied stresses were larger, caused increased crack closure later in the load
history, when applied stresses were smaller. The crack opening process was still a
continuous "unzipping" of the crack except at the highest initial AK0 values, when
discontinuous closure was observed. The discontinuous closure was associated with a
"hump" of residual deformation at the location of the crack tip at the beginning of the
load shed,
However, the FE model is not the ideal tool to study closure during threshold load
sheds. The FE mesh along the crack line must be fine enough to capture reversed
yielding at the crack tip in order to give reliable results [5], and this causes problems at
low stress amplitudes, when plastic zone sizes become very small. The logical
solution-to make near-tip elements smaller-either dramatically increases the number of
elements, thereby making execution times impractically long, or requires a decrease in the
length of the fine mesh region, limiting the distance over which loads can be shed. As a
result, the threshold test simulations reported above addressed only the early portion of
the load shed and were terminated before the applied stress intensity factor reached true
near-threshold levels. For example, AK at the end of the load shed in Figure 4 was still
about 29 MPa~/m. Therefore, although the FE studies clearly show the tendencies for
closure artifacts under some load sheds, they cannot simulate the entire load shed process.

FASTRAN Modeling

An alternative mechanics model of fatigue crack closure that is free of these

limitations is one based on a strip yield crack model. Although several such models have
been published, the most well-known and widely-used is the FASTRAN model of
Newman [8, 9]. FASTRAN is an analytical crack closure model based on the Dugdale
model, but modified to leave plastically deformed material in the wake of the crack. In
this model, the plastic-zone size and crack-surface displacements are obtained by
superposition of two elastic problems-a crack in a plate subjected to a remote uniform
stress and a crack in a plate subjected to uniform stress acting over a segment of the crack
surface. The FASTRAN model was developed for a central crack in a finite-width
specimen subjected to uniform stresses, or through cracks emanating from a circular hole
in a finite width specimen also subjected to uniform applied stresses. The model is
composed of rigid-perfectly plastic regions ahead of the crack tip and in the crack wake,
and a linear elastic region elsewhere. The flow stress o0 in the plastic regions is taken as
the average between the yield and ultimate strength of the material as a first-order
approximation for strain hardening.
The primary advantages of FASTRAN are that it is much faster than the FE model,
and that there are no mesh limitations on the extent of crack growth or the stress
magnitudes applied. The disadvantages are that FASTRAN employs a much simpler
representation of the stress, strain, and displacement fields both ahead of the crack and
behind the crack (in its wake); much simpler formulations for material constitutive
response and constraint; and the model is limited to only two geometries.
FASTRAN has been used previously to study crack closure during threshold load
sheds. Newman [10] simulated several different threshold load shed procedures and
found anomalously high levels of closure very near threshold in some cases. More
recently, Newman [11] has employed the current version of the model, FASTRAN-H [9],
to investigate load shed closure behavior in more detail.
Because FASTRAN is a simpler and more approximate model of closure, it is
important to verify its accuracy by comparison to more sophisticated models. In this
case, it is relatively simple to compare the current FASTRAN-H code to the FE
simulations of load shedding in the regime where the FE model can be reliably exercised.
A sample comparison is shown in Figure 5. These simulations are for a middle-crack
tension specimen (ASTM designation M(T)) of total width 2W = 12.7 mm (0.5 in.). The
simulated material is Ti-6A1-4V with a flow stress of o 0 = 930 MPa (135 ksi). The
applied maximum stress at the beginning of the load shed was SmJO o = 0.4, and the
corresponding crack length was 2a = 3.8 mm (0.15 in.), so the initial AK0 was
30.4 MPax/m (27.6 ksix/in.). The load shed followed the ASTM protocol with R = 0 but
at an accelerated load shed rate with C = -0.8 mm -1 (-20 in.-1).
The predicted closure levels in the FASTRAN and FE simulations agree remarkably
closely in the region where the two overlap. Stable opening levels under constant
amplitude loading prior to the load shed are similar, and both models indicate a sharp
increase in closure immediately after the start of the load shed, followed by a leveling-out
of opening stresses. Since the FASTRAN simulation is not mesh-limited, however, it
provides a more complete picture of the closure history as the load shed continues: in this

0.8 i I i I i I i I


__r'-- M(T) specimen
2W=12.7 mm
O FASTRAN-II Initial Sr.~Jao=0.4
[] FEM ~o=930 MPa
Initial AK=30.4 MPa~/m
C=-0.8 mm-1, R=0

0.0 i t i I i t t I i

0 1 2 3 4 5
Crack Length, 2a (ram)

Figure 5 - Comparison of calculated closure stresses during simulated threshold

load sheds with FASTRAN-H and finite element models

case, the high opening level decreases slightly but remains artificially elevated and even
begins to increase again near the end of the load shed. In this particular simulation, the
final AK is about 4.4 MPax/m (4 ksix/in.).
Based on these validations, the FASTRAN model can now be used with some
confidence to study how different parameters influence closure behavior during threshold
load sheds. Figure 6 shows results for three simulations with the same geometry,
material, stress ratio, and normalized K-gradient, but different initial maximum stresses at
the start of the load shed. The initial AK values at the start of the load shed ranged from
11.8 to 35.3 MPa,/m (10.7 to 32.1 ksix/in.). The simulations show the usual stress level
effect on closure before the start of the load shed. At the highest Smaxl% value, the
closure history is much like that shown in Figure 5: a sharp immediate increase in
closure when the load shed commences, followed by some decrease in closure as the load
shed continues, but then a further rise in closure near the end of the load shed. At the
lowest Smax/Oovalue, the initial rise in closure is relatively small, and additional increases
in closure are not observed near the end of the test. The final normalized closure level
Sop~,/Sm~x is slightly higher than S.pen]Sma x just before the load shed, but this is to be
expected; the Sm~x/Oo value at the end of the test is lower than at the start of the test, and
the stress level effect on constant amplitude closure has already been noted.
Figure 6 demonstrates that closure levels can change in complex ways during a
threshold load shed. For the purposes of determining the FCG threshold itself, the most
important closure level is probably the closure level at near-threshold values of AK. In

1.0 , I ~ i I ' I ' I ' I '



o) 0.4
- ---" -o SmaxJoo=0.2
M(T) specimen o SmJCo=0.6
0.2 2W=25.4 mm, 00=930 MPa
C=-0.8 mm -~, R=0
0.0 I i I i I i I I i I i
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Crack Length, 2a (mm)

Figure 6 - Calculated crack opening stresses during simulated threshold load sheds
for different maximum stresses at start of load shed

this study, the value of AK = 5.5 MPa,/m (5 ksiv/in.) was chosen as a representative near-
threshold condition. In the graphs of results that follow, then, the closure behavior during
a threshold load shed is characterized by the SopJSmax value when AK has decreased to
5.5 MPa,/m, irrespective of the starting AK value. This provides a convenient one-
parameter indication of load shed closure.
Figure 7 summarizes the results of numerous simulations for the same material, load
shed rate, and a/W value, but six different specimen sizes and six different initial
maximum stresses, leading to a wide range of initial AK values at the start of the load
shed. The results demonstrate the effect of the initial AK value on anomalous closure
behavior during threshold load sheds. When the initial AK value was relatively small, the
load shed had little or no effect on crack closure; the SopJSmax value at AK = 5.5 MPa,/m
was within a few percent of the corresponding SopJSmax value during constant amplitude
cycling at the final SmJOo value. As the initial AK increased, however, an increasing
closure artifact was observed, with Sopen/Smax values even approaching 1 as the initial AK
approached 44 MPa,/m (40 ksi,/in.). This increase was consistently observed whether the
higher AK value was due to a larger specimen size or a higher initial stress, suggesting
that initial AK is an appropriate correlating parameter.
However, AK alone is an inadequate indication of whether or not a closure artifact is
observed. The results in Figure 8 demonstrate that material strength is also a critical
variable. The two sets of simulations in Figure 8 differed only in the material flow
strength; all other loading and geometry parameters were the same. The material with the
lower flow stress exhibited closure artifacts at substantially lower values of initial AK.

1.0 i , i J i i


E Z~
-~ 0.8

II ~)~o~ []~
O 2W=6.35mm
0.4 M(T) specimen
[] 2W=12.7mm
E Initial a/W=0.1 /" 2W=25.4 mm
Initial SmJo-o=0.1-0.6 v 2W=50.8mm
o 0.2 2W=101.6 mm
ao=930 MPa
03 O 2W=203.2 mm
C= -0.8 mm -1, R=0
0.0 i I i I i I i I ,
0 10 20 30 40 50

AK at start of load shed (MPa~/m)

Figure 7 -Calculated effect of AK at start of load shed on crack opening stress

near threshold for different specimen sizes and initial maximum stresses

1.0 ' I ' I ' I ' I '

o []

E []


M(T) specimen
E 0 ao=465MPa
.....= Initial a/W=0.1
Initial SmaxJ(~o=0.1-0.6 [] ao=930MPa
o 0.2
03 C=-0.8 mm -1, R=0

I i I r I i I
0 10 20 30 40 50

,SK at start of load shed (MPa~/m)

Figure 8 - Calculated effect of AK at start of load shed on crack opening stress

near threshoM for different material flow strengths

All of the simulations in Figures 7 and 8 maintained the same value of the ASTM
normalized K-gradient, C =-0.8 mm -I ( - 2 0 in.-1). The results in Figure 9 show the
effects of load shed rate: closure artifacts were observed at much lower initial AK values
for faster shed rates. At the recommended ASTM rate (C = -0.08 mm -I = - 2 in.-1),
larger initial AK values could be tolerated even in this weaker material, but a closure
artifact was observed eventually as initial AK continued to increase. These simulation
results in Figure 9 are entirely consistent with the experimental data shown earlier in
Figure 1: higher values of initial AK led to anomalously high closure and anomalously
high thresholds, and these anomalous effects occurred at lower values of initial AK for
faster load shed rates. No direct comparisons between the experiments and the analysis
are provided because closure measurements were not reported for the experiments, and it
is not immediately obvious how to calculate the quantitative effect of increased closure
on apparent threshold in the simulations.


Evaluation of the ASTM Load Shed Scheme

The mechanics analyses conducted in this study indicate that the A S T M threshold test
scheme can effectively reduce cyclic load amplitudes without inducing significant closure
artifacts under some conditions; in particular, when the initial AK0 is relatively small.
Furthermore, the analyses suggest that load shedding can be performed at much faster
normalized K-gradients without introducing closure artifacts if the initial AK o is
adequately small. However, the analyses indicate that the ASTM scheme can lead to
artificially increased levels of crack closure, and hence yield artificially high apparent
thresholds, when the initial AK0 is too high for the particular normalized K-gradient
selected. This problem appears to be more pronounced for materials with lower flow
The ASTM standard itself attempts to address some of these concerns by suggesting a
limit, not on the initial AK0 value, but on the upper bound da/dN value (10 -8 m/cycle) for
the K-decreasing procedure. While this appears to be a useful guideline, it is not clear
how this upper bound da/dN value can be linked directly to the mechanics of the fatigue
crack that govern closure behavior. Is this upper bound da/dN value sometimes too
restrictive? How might it change with different material strengths? Is it sometimes an
inadequate limit?
The inherent dimensionality of the current ASTM method raises other concerns. The
normalized K-gradient must be expressed in terms of a physical length dimension. In
contrast, a mechanics perspective on the fatigue crack reveals that the crack-tip
deformation fields are inherently nondimensional. That is, the crack tip fields can be
completely characterized by an appropriate set of nondimensional parameters that can
then be scaled to describe any particular (dimensional) application. For example,
Figure 10 shows the contours of residual plastic strain around a growing fatigue crack that
were calculated from the FE closure model. This figure is a "snapshot" of the plastic
strains at zero load after the crack has grown a long distance through the member. The

1.o I ' I ' I i I

--~ 0.8
13_ O
0.6 O A

E M(T) specimen a C = - 0 . 0 8 m m -1
oo 9 C = - 0 . 8 m m -1
Initial a/W=O.1
0.2 Initial SmaxJ%=0.1-0.3
(~o=465 MPa, R=0

i I i I i I = I i
0 10 20 30 40 50

AK at start of load shed (MPaqm)

Figure 9 - Calculated effect of AK at start of load shed on crack opening stress

near threshold for different load shed rates

Figure 10 - Contours of residual axial plastic strain around a growing fatigue crack,
as calculated by a finite element model of crack closure

plastic strains ahead of the current crack tip represent the crack-tip plastic zone that was
formed at the maximum load in the previous cycle. The plastic strains behind the crack
tip represent the residual plastic wake that leads directly to crack closure. This particular
set of plastic strain contours is characterized completely by the normalized applied stress,
SmJoo, the normalized plastic hardening modulus, H/E, and the normalized crack length,
a/W. As long as these ratios remain the same, the same set of plastic strain contours
would be obtained no matter what value of maximum stress or specimen width was
Instinctively, an acceptable rate of load shedding should somehow be related to crack
growth through these crack-tip strain fields. If the load is shed too rapidly relative to the
crack-tip deformation fields, then closure artifacts could be expected. Therefore, it might
be reasoned that an appropriate expression for the acceptable rate of load shedding ought
to be somehow nondimensional in keeping with the nondimensional crack-tip fields.
However, the ASTM method is dimensional, and this can lead to potential difficulty.
As noted previously, the FE closure model itself captures some of the inherent
nondimensionality of the fatigue crack, because loads are applied in partially normalized
form as remote stresses, and no length scale is required for the FE mesh. But since the
ASTM method is dimensional, some length scale must be assigned in order to carry out
the analysis. Consider a somewhat ridiculous set of choices of that length scale.
Consider, on the one extreme, a length scale of 1 mesh unit = 1 micron. Then consider,
on the other extreme, a length scale of 1 mesh unit = 1 mile. The nondimensional
contours of Figure 10 apply equally to either length scale, since a scales with W. But the
ASTM method does not similarly scale. Figure 11 shows the stress history required to
satisfy the ASTM schedule for a normalized K-gradient of -0.08 mm -~. The specimen
with the 1 mile length scale will experience a precipitous drop in applied stress relative to
the crack tip fields, while the specimen with the 1 micron length scale will experience a
negligible drop in applied stress relative to the crack tip fields. The mile specimen will
inevitably show a massive closure artifact, while the micron specimen will experience
effectively no load reduction before the crack grows all the way through the specimen.
The initial AK values in these two absurd examples are also clearly extreme:
AK0 = 5.6 MPav/m for the micron specimen, and AK0 = 224 000 MPa~/m for the mile
specimen. In keeping with the more realistic analyses summarized earlier, the closure
artifact arises for large initial AK0. For small initial AK0, more rapid load sheds are
possible without introducing closure artifacts. But it is possible that this indicates a
potential difficulty with the fundamental form of the ASTM normalized K-gradient itself:
(1/K)(dK/da). When K is very large, dK/da is also permitted to be very large. The results
of the closure analyses presented in this paper indicate that when AK is relatively large,
the ASTM load shed scheme produces closure artifacts. In contrast, it would seem that an
ideal load shed scheme should give an artifact-free closure response at all AK levels.

Speculation About Improved Load Shed Schemes

Perhaps a more fundamental concern about the current ASTM load shed scheme, and
in particular the current functional form of the normalized K-gradient, is simply that it
sometimes works, sometimes doesn't work, and sometimes introduces unnecessary and





[ ' ' ' 1 lmeshunit=lmicron I

0.1 mesh unit 1 mile

0 T 1 Y ~ ~ T - -

0.26 0.28 0.3 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.4

Crack Length, a44/

Figure 11 - Applied stress history for finite element simulated ASTM load sheds
with two extreme values of assigned mesh scale

expensive conservatism, without providing any a priori indication of when it will or will
not work efficiently. Perhaps something better is possible. Perhaps it is possible, as
noted in the previous paragraph, to have a load shed scheme that will give an artifact-free
closure response at all AK levels.
The investigations reported in this paper have identified some important features of
such an improved load shed scheme, if it exists. An optimum load shed scheme should
be somehow nondimensional, in keeping with the inherent mechanics of the fatigue
crack. An optimum load shed scheme should somehow account for material strength,
perhaps employing the material flow strength or yield strength in the
nondimensionalization somehow. An optimum load shed should permit the load shed to
be carried out at the fastest rate that is safely possible, to minimize the time and cost of
the test. And an optimum load shed scheme should avoid closure artifacts. These closure
artifacts appear to occur most often at very large AK values, but it must be noted that
some additional closure artifacts were observed in some of the FASTRAN simulations at
the very lowest AK values, very near the end of the threshold test.
It is not clear if such an improved load shed scheme exists, and the search for such a
scheme is well beyond the scope of the current investigation. And it should be noted that
the optimum load shed scheme will likely need to address issues other than the mechanics
of plasticity-induced closure. Many lessons were learned in the early days of threshold
test method development, and any search for improved methods should incorporate those

lessons learned and not repeat earlier mistakes. The ASTM method itself emerged as the
best among several competing methods, based on thorough experimental investigations.
And it must be emphasized strongly that the current ASTM method appears to give
satisfactory threshold results under many conditions from the perspective of plasticity-
induced crack closure, particularly when the specified limit on da/dN is observed. The
primary practical drawback of the current method is more likely that it recommends shed
rates that are impractically slow for some applications, and the method itself provides no
guidance on how and when to safely increase the shed rate. However, the analyses
reported in this paper indicate some key factors to be considered when experimentally
determining limits on shed rates: initial AK value and material strength.

Limitations of this Investigation

Several limitations of this investigation should be noted. First, all of the reported FE
and FASTRAN-II results were for plane stress conditions (c~ = 1 in the FASTRAN-II
code). In contrast, near-threshold FCG conditions are often more nearly plane strain in
nature, since loads and plastic zone sizes are small. However, additional FASTRAN
threshold load shed simulations, not shown here, were conducted in full plane strain
(t~ = 3), where crack closure still occurs even in baseline constant amplitude behavior [6].
The results were qualitatively similar, although anomalous increases in closure were
somewhat less pronounced and occurred at slightly higher values of initial AK. The plane
stress results were shown here because they illustrated the phenomena more clearly, and
because large numbers of plane stress analyses were computationally much faster than
plane strain analyses. However, it should not be hastily concluded that threshold load
shed closure effects are strictly a plane strain phenomenon. Thresholds may be
significantly influenced by crack closure that occurs at the specimen surface, which will
be more nearly in plane stress. Furthermore, remember that the most striking closure
artifacts occurred very early in the load shed, when applied stresses were significantly
higher and the constraint state could more nearly approximate plane stress. These
artifacts may still influence closure later in the load shed after the stress state has
transitioned to plane strain.
Second, these investigations were limited to plasticity-induced crack closure. Near
the threshold, other closure mechanisms such as crack surface roughness or crack surface
oxides may become important. However, the plasticity-induced closure mechanism is
still operative near the threshold (perhaps under plane strain conditions, as discussed in
the previous paragraph), and can make independent contributions to the interference of
mating surfaces behind the crack tip. In other words, the contributions of different
closure mechanisms may be additive, and so artificially elevated levels of plasticity-
induced closure can influence the total closure level, even if the contributions of
roughness- or oxide-induced closure are substantial. And again, remember that some
closure artifacts are associated with the early load shed history, when applied stresses are
significantly higher and plasticity-induced closure is likely of even greater relative

Finally, the results of this simple analytical investigation are necessarily qualitative in
nature. Although quantitative trends are clear, it is not yet possible to fix specific
quantitative criteria for "safe" threshold load sheds from analytical modeling alone, due
to ambiguities about the stress state and the potential contributions of other closure
mechanisms. Experiments are still needed to calibrate the analyses and/or to determine
specific numerical limits on load shed rates and initial AK values. What these analyses
do provide is evidence that any empirically-derived criteria for reliable threshold testing
according to the current ASTM method must consider not only the normalized K-gradient
but also the initial AK value and the material strength. Further analyses should be useful
in interpreting and extending new experimental investigations of the current ASTM
method, and also in developing and validating potential new threshold load shed schemes
employing alternative K-gradient forms.


1. Mechanics modeling of growing fatigue cracks indicate that closure artifacts that
could influence apparent thresholds can arise during load shedding procedures
specified by the ASTM test method.

2. Load shedding can sometimes occur at rates faster than recommended by the ASTM
test method without introducing closure artifacts or inducing artificially high
thresholds. Faster load shed rates are acceptable when values of AK at the start of the
load shed are relatively lower, but faster rates can cause difficulties when values of
AK at the start of the load shed are relatively higher.

3. Load shedding at rates recommended by the ASTM test method can still produce
closure artifacts when the initial AK at the start of the load shed is too high.

4. Specified values of initial AK at the start of the load shed are insufficient, by
themselves, to determine if closure artifacts will occur. Material flow strength can
also play a key role, such that weaker materials exhibit closure artifacts at smaller
initial values of AK.

. Safe use of the current ASTM test method requires experimentally confirmed limits
on the value of AK at the beginning of the load shed, taking material yield strength
into account.

. It may be possible to develop an improved, dimensionless load shed method based on

principles of crack-tip mechanics that takes material strength into account and is
independent of initial AK.


[11 Saxena, A., Hudak, S. J., Jr., Donald, J. K., and Schmidt, D. W., "Computer-
Controlled Decreasing Stress Intensity Technique for Low Rate Fatigue Crack
Growth Testing," Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 6, 1978, pp. 167-174.

[21 Van Stone, R. H., and Richardson, T. L., "Potential-Drop Monitoring of Cracks in
Surface-Flawed Specimens," Automated Test Methods for Fracture and Fatigue
Crack Growth, ASTM STP 877, American Society for Testing and Materials, I985,
pp. 148-166.

[31 Sheldon, J. W., Bain, K. R., and Donald, J. K., "Investigation of the Effects of
Shed-rate, Initial Km~x,and Geometric Constraint on AKthin Ti-6A1-4V at Room
Temperature," to be published in International Journal of Fatigue.

[4] Fleck, N. A., "An Investigation of Fatigue Crack Closure," CUED/C-MATS/

TR.104, Cambridge University Engineering Department, 1984.

[5] McClung, R. C., "Finite Element Analysis of Fatigue Crack Closure: A Historical
and Critical Review," FATIGUE '99, Seventh International Fatigue Conference,
Beijing, China, June 1999, in press.

[6] McClung, R. C., Thacker, B. H., and Roy, S., "Visualization of Fatigue Crack
Closure in Plane Stress and Plane Strain," International Journal of Fracture, Vol.
50, 1991, pp. 27-49.

[7] McClung, R. C., "Finite Element Modeling of Crack Closure During Simulated
Fatigue Threshold Testing," International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 52, 1991,
pp. 145-157.

[81 Newman, J. C., Jr., "A Crack-Closure Model for Predicting Fatigue Crack Growth
Under Aircraft Spectrum Loading," Methods and Models for Predicting Fatigue
Crack Growth Under Random Loading, ASTM STP 748, American Society for
Testing and Materials, 1981, pp. 53-84.

[9] Newman, J. C., Jr., "FASTRAN-II- A Fatigue Crack Growth Structural Analysis
Program," NASA TM 104159, February 1992.

[10] Newman, J. C., Jr., "A Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics Approach to the Growth of
Small Cracks," Behavior of Short Cracks in Airframe Components, AGARD
Conference Proceedings No. 328, 1982, pp. 6.1-6.26.

[ 11] Newman, J. C., Jr., "Analyses of Fatigue Crack Growth and Closure Near Threshold
for Large-Crack Behavior," this publication.
J. C. Newman, Jr.

Analyses of Fatigue Crack Growth and Closure Near Threshold Conditions for
Large-Crack Behavior

Reference: Newman, J. C., Jr., "Analyses of Fatigue Crack Growth and Closure Near
Threshold Conditions for Large-Crack Behavior," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds,
Endurance Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds.,
American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: A plasticity-induced crack-closure model was used to study fatigue crack

growth and closure in a thin-sheet 2024-T3 aluminum alloy under threshold and constant-
Kmax testing procedures. Two methods of calculating crack-opening stresses were
compared: one based on contact-K analyses and the other on contact crack-opening-
displacement (COD) analyses. These methods gave nearly identical results under
constant-amplitude loading but under load-reduction (threshold) simulations the contact-
K analyses gave lower crack-opening stresses than the contact-COD method. Crack-
growth load-reduction simulations showed that remote closure (crack surface contact
away from the crack tip) can cause a rapid rise in opening stresses in the near threshold
regime for low-constraint (plane-stress) conditions and high applied stress levels for both
low and high stress ratios. Under low applied stress levels and high constraint (near
plane-strain) conditions, a rise in crack-opening stresses was not observed near the
threshold regime. But the residual crack-tip-opening displacements (CTOD) were of the
order of measured oxide thicknesses in the 2024 alloy. In contrast, under constant-Km~x
testing, the CTOD near threshold were an order-of-magnitude larger than measured oxide
thicknesses. Residual-plastic deformations were much larger than the expected oxide
thicknesses. Thus, residual-plastic deformations, in addition to oxides and roughness,
play an integral part in threshold development.

Keywords: fatigue crack growth, thresholds, fracture mechanics, cracks, stress-intensity

factor, crack closure, plasticity, constraint

In 1970, Paris [I] proposed a method to determine very slow fatigue-crack-growth

rates and showed the development of a fatigue-crack-growth threshold, AKth. Later,
Saxena et al [2] and an ASTM Task Group developed a standard test met'hod for near-
threshold crack-growth-rate measurements. The use of thresholds in the design of
structures subjected to cyclic loading has greatly increased over the past 20 years.
Especially in components subjected to high-cyclic loading, such as engines or propellers,
crack propagation to failure occurs very rapidly and thresholds play a large role in life

Senior Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, 23681-2199.

Copyrights 2000 by ASTM International www.astm.org

prediction. Damage tolerance methods are currently being proposed for use under high-
cyclic fatigue conditions and large-crack thresholds are controlling the design of these
components. However, continued work in the threshold regime over the past decade
suggests that current methods of defining the fatigue-crack-growth threshold are
influenced by the test method [3-5] and reveal significant differences between fatigue-life
predictions based on small-crack growth rate behavior compared to that based on large-
crack (threshold) behavior [6]. These issues raise questions about the use of the
thresholds in the design of structures subjected to cyclic loads. Various forms of fatigue-
crack closure (plasticity, roughness and oxide debris) have all been proposed to occur
during the threshold development. Thus, a complete understanding of thresholds must
address all of the possible forms of closure.
Elber [7] observed that fatigue-crack surfaces contact each other even during tension-
tension cyclic loading and he subsequently developed the crack-closure concept. This
observation and the explanation of crack-closure behavior revolutionized damage-
tolerance analyses and began to rationally explain many crack-growth characteristics,
such as crack-growth retardation and acceleration. Since the discovery of plasticity-
induced crack closure, several other closure mechanisms have been identified, such as
oxide- [8] and roughness-induced [9] closure, which appear from the literature to be more
relevant in the near-threshold regime. However, observations of fatigue-crack surfaces
near threshold conditions, which show roughness and/or oxides, do not readily show the
extent of the residual-plastic deformations (without strain measurements or X-ray
diffraction) in relation to oxide thicknesses and roughness contributions.
The objective of this paper is to use a two-dimensional, plasticity-induced crack-
closure model [10, 11] to study fatigue-crack growth and closure in a thin-sheet 2024-T3
aluminum alloy under threshold (load-reduction) and constant-Kmax testing procedures.
Analyses were made on a middle-crack tension, M(T), specimen using the modified strip-
yield model, as shown in Figure 1. Two methods of calculating crack-opening stresses
were compared: one based on contact-K analysis and the other on contact crack-opening-
displacement (COD) analyses. Results from these two methods and values determined

+ f

S 2w )y S

I 1 f

Figure 1 - Crack configuration analyzed with strip-yield model.


from remote crack-mouth-opening displacements (CMOD) using the 1 or 2% compliance

offset method are compared. Crack-growth simulations, using the crack-closure model,
under threshold and constant-Kmax testing procedures were made under a variety of
conditions. The effects of constraint (plane-stress or plane-strain conditions), stress ratio,
stress level, and load-shedding rates on crack growth and closure were studied. The "
crack-tip-surface displacements were computed to show the extent of the residual-plastic
deformations near threshold conditions. An assessment of the role of plasticity-induced
closure and residual-plastic deformations, in addition to oxide debris, in threshold
development was made.

Plasticity-lnduced Crack Closure Model

The plasticity-induced crack-closure model, shown in Figure 2, was developed for a

through crack in a finite-width plate subjected to remote applied stress. The model was
based on the Dugdale strip-yield model [12] but modified to leave plastically deformed
material in the wake of the crack. The details of the model are given elsewhere and will
not be presented here (see Newman [10, 11]). One of the most important features of the
model is the ability to model three-dimensional constraint effects. A constraint factor, t~,
is used to elevate the flow stress (~o) at the crack tip to account for the influence of stress
state (txtyo) on plastic-zone sizes and crack-surface displacements. (The flow stress ~o is
taken as the average between the yield stress ~ys and ultimate tensile strength tYu of the
material, as a first approximation for strain hardening.) For plane-stress conditions, tx is
equal to unity (original Dugdale model); and for simulated plane-strain conditions, ct is
equal to 3. Although the strip-yield model does not model the correct yield-zone shape
for plane-strain conditions, the model with a high constraint factor is able to produce
crack-surface displacements and crack-opening stresses quite similar to those calculated
from three-dimensional, elastic-plastic, finite-element analyses of crack growth and
closure for finite-thickness plates [13].
The calculations performed herein were made with FASTRAN Version 3.0.
Modifications were made to FASTRAN-II (Version 2.0 described in reference 11) to
improve the crack-opening stress calculations under variable-amplitude loading, to
improve the element "lumping" procedure to maintain the residual-plastic deformation
history, and to improve computational efficiency. From the model, CMOD was
calculated at the centerline of the model (x = 0). In the application of the model, about 25
to 30 elements are created along the crack surface during threshold and constant-Kmax
test simulations. There were 10 elements in the plastic zone (crack-tip element, j = 1, is
1% of the plastic-zone size). The crack-tip-surface element (j = n) was 2% of the cyclic
plastic zone (r Crack-surface displacements were calculated from the elements along
the crack surface, as shown in Figure 2(a). The crack-opening stress is normally
calculated from the contact stresses, shown in Figure 2(b), by equating the applied stress-
intensity factor at So to the stress-intensity factor caused by the contact stresses [10]. This
value is denoted as (So)k. Herein, the crack-opening stress was also calculated from the

Figure 2 - Schematic of strip-yield model at maximum and minimum applied loading.

contact-COD analysis [4]. From a displacement analysis, the applied stress required to
"fully" open the crack surfaces, (So)d, was calculated.

Effective Stress-Intensity Factor Range against Crack-Growth Rate Relations

The linear-elastic effective stress-intensity factor range developed by Elber [7] is

AKeff = (Smax - So) F ,](rcc) (I)

where Smax is the maximum stress, So is the crack-opening stress and F is the boundary-
correction factor. The crack-growth rate equation proposed by Elber states that the crack-
growth rate is a power function of the effective stress-intensity factor range (like the Paris
equation). However, fatigue crack-growth rate data plotted against the AK or AKeff,
commonly show a "sigmoidal" shape. To account for this shape, the power relation was
modified by Newman [10] to

dc/dN = C (AKeff)n G / H (2)

where G = 1 - (AKo/AKeff)p and H = 1 - (Kmax/Cs) q. The function G accounts for

threshold variations with stress ratio (AKo is a function of stress ratio) and the function H

accounts for the rapid crack-growth rates approaching fracture. The parameter C5 is the
cyclic fracture toughness. As cracked specimens are cycled to failure, the fracture
toughness is generally higher than the toughness for cracks grown at a low load and then
pulled to failure. This is caused by the shielding effect of the plastic wake [14]. The
cyclic fracture toughness (C5), like the elastic fracture toughness (KIe), is a function of
crack length, specimen width, and specimen type. A two-parameter fracture criterion
[15] was used to model the fracture process (predict C5 as a function of crack length and
specimen width). Although the fracture term, H, was originally selected to fit high-rate
data approaching fracture, the term has recently been used to help explain some Kmax
effects at low rates [16].
The threshold function, G, was originally selected because crack-opening stresses
from constant-amplitude loading could not collapse the low-rate data onto a unique AKeff
against rate curve. The (AKeff)th values, denoted as AKo, were a function of stress ratio,
R. Developing models to predict threshold behavior would allow better correlation of
data and the determination of intrinsic material crack-growth properties in the near-
threshold regime. Many investigators (see for example, refs. 17-18) have shown
experimentally that the stress-intensity factor threshold under load-reduction schemes can
be explained by crack-closure behavior (or a rise i~n crack-opening loads as the threshold
is approached). Recently, Donald and Paris [19], using a remote displacement gage, have
shown that the measured crack-opening loads were "not" able to correlate low stress-ratio
test data with high stress-ratio (non-closure) data because the measured opening loads
were much too high. But what caused the rise in opening loads from the threshold tests?
And why does the remote displacement gage method fail to measure the appropriate
opening value to correlate crack-growth rate data? A number of suggestions have been
advanced to explain the rise in opening loads. Among these are the mismatch of crack-
surface features observed by Walker and Beevers [9]; the corrosion product formation on
the crack surfaces, as observed by Paris et al [8] and measured by Vasudevan and Suresh
[20]; and plasticity-induced crack-closure during load reduction, as calculated by
Newman [4]. The mismatch of crack-surface features and corrosion products on the
crack surfaces can cause the surfaces to come into contact at a higher load than the load
for a crack without mismatch or corrosion products. The mode of crack growth near the
threshold is a combination of Mode I and II (tensile and shear). The mixed-mode crack
growth, and permanent plastic deformations, causes an irregular crack-surface profile and
mismatch, and, consequently, the possibility of premature crack-surface contact. The
analytical treatment of crack closure due to crack-surface mismatch or corrosion products
on the crack surface is beyond the scope of the present paper. Only the effects of
residual-plastic deformations were considered in this paper. However, an assessment of
the effects of oxide-debris thickness in relation to computed crack-tip-surface
displacements are made for threshold and constant-Kmax testing. A possible reason for
the remote displacement gage measuring the incorrect opening load during threshold
testing will be addressed in the next section.

Crack Growth and Plasticity-Induced Closure Analyses

In the following sections, the plasticity-induced crack-closure model, FASTRAN, was

used to simulate fatigue-crack growth under constant-amplitude loading and the ASTM
Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates (E-647) load-
reduction (threshold) testing procedure. The local crack-tip and remote (CMOD)
displacements near thresholds were studied under low (plane-stress) and high (plane-strain)
constraint conditions. The two methods (contact-K and COD) used to calculate crack-
opening stress levels were compared. Using the contact-K analyses, the effects of
constraint, stress ratio, stress level and load-shedding rates on crack-opening stresses were
studied. A brief discussion of possible three-dimensional residual-plastic-deformation
effects on closure is presented.

Constant-Amplitude Loading

The original crack-closure model [10] used the contact-K analysis to calculate crack-
opening stresses under constant-amplitude loading. But under variable-amplitude loading,
remote or intermittent closure occurs, such as after a single-spike overload, leaving an open
gap between the closed surfaces and the crack tip. Thus, a crack-opening displacement
(COD) method to calculate crack-opening stresses was also developed by Newman [4].
Here the opening stress was the applied stress level required to "fully" open the crack
surfaces. A comparison of the two methods for constant-amplitude loading is shown in
Figure 3 for three levels of constraint at Smax/(Yo= 0.2. Here the two methods gave
essentially the same results. The solid curves are the crack-opening stress equations
developed to fit these results [21]. Comparisons of crack-growth predictions with test data
under variable-amplitude loading tend to support the use Of the contact-K analysis method
[10]. But the contact-COD method may have bearing on crack-opening measurements
recently made by Donald and Paris [19]. This will ,be presented and discussed later.

Load-Reduction Method

As previously mentioned, Saxena et al [2] and other A S T M colleagues developed a

standard test method for near-threshold fatigue-crack-growth-rate measurement. The
load-reduction procedure was based on stress-intensity factors changing at an exponential
rate. A typical load-reduction example is shown in Figure 4. The ratio of the current
applied stress, Smax, to the initial applied stress, (Smax)i, is plotted against crack length.
The crack length (ci) at the initiation of the load-reduction procedure was 20 mm in a
large middle-crack tension specimen. The smooth curves are based on a constant rate of
change in normalized plastic-zone size with crack extension. The normalized K-gradient,
-I 9 ,
(dK/dc)/K, was -0.08 mm for the upper solid curve, as recommended. This is
equivalent to about a 5% change in stress every 0.5 mm of crack extension, as shown by
the stair-step lines. The standard also allows a 10% change every 0.5 mm of crack
extension, if computerized, smooth load-reduction capability is not available. This is

Smax / ~5o = 0.2 i
O (So)k - contact K analysis
[] (So)d- contact COD analysis
/ / /
- - Equation (Newman [21]) ~'/
J / /
So / Smax

0.4 = .,'"'

P l a n e s t r a i n : c~ ; 3 .'

0.0 I I r' I I
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Stress ratio, R

Figure 3 - Calculated crack-opening stresses from contact-K and contact-COD analyses

under constant-amplitude loading.

1.0 ~, Middle-crack
L~ tension specimen

[~~ R = constant
l~ Ac = ci c -

Smax , ~ L ~ e'0'08(Ac)

e.0.2(Ac) /

t I
10 20 30 40
Crack length, c, mm

Figure 4 - Load-reduction procedures for low-crack-growth rates.


equivalent to a normalized K-gradient of -0.2 mm , as shown by the lower solid curve.
The standard load-reduction scheme (upper solid curve) will be used unless otherwise
Local and Remote Displacements - Simulated crack-growth analyses under the
standard ASTM load-reduction procedure were made after precracking an M(T) specimen
for about 13 mm from a sawcut of 13 mm in length. These analyses were conducted at low
and high constraint for low (R = 0) and high (R = 0.7) stress-ratio conditions. The applied
stress level was chosen so that a high stress-intensity factor condition would exist at the start
of the load-reduction procedure. The reason that this level was chosen was because some
recent threshold testing results in the literature appear to have initiated the load-reduction
test at high K levels and the resulting AKth values are showing specimen-size and specimen-
type effects [19].
Plane-stress conditions - Figure 5 shows the local COD along the crack surfaces for a
plane-stress simulation at R = 0. The sawcut, fatigue precracking (constant-amplitude
loading at (Smax)CA= 115 MPa), and load-reduction regions are as indicated along the x-
axis. The solid and dashed curves show the results at maximum and minimum applied
stress, respectively. These results show that even at the maximum applied stress (9 MPa)
the crack surfaces were still in contact near the start of the load-reduction regime. The solid
symbols show the displacement at the centroid of the elements in the model. Although not
apparent from the figure, the crack surfaces at the crack tip (c = 51 mm) are closed at
minimum load.

0.04 Aluminum alloy

~o = 415 MPa
0.03 (Smax)CA = 115 MPa; R = 0
o~ = 1.15 (Plane stress)
9 ,,,~x = 9 MPa

COD. mm 0.00


-0.02 Sawcut Constant Load reduction

I amplitude L J
-0.03 ~1~ -I~ -I

-0.04 I I I I I
0 10 20 30 40 50
x-axis, mm

Figure 5 - Crack-surface displacements after load reduction under plane-stress conditions.


The remote cyclic CMOD results at c = 51 mm are shown in Figure 6 as the solid
curve. Loading and unloading followed the same curve. The dotted line is the linear-elastic
behavior. Of course, the contact-COD method gave an opening-stress ratio of 1.0 (crack
surfaces never opened) but the contact-K analysis gave a value (So)k/Smax of about 0.68.
The open symbol denotes when the crack tip opened. The dashed line shows the (So)kCA
results from a constant-amplitude simulation at the same stress-intensity factor. In an effort
to assess whether the value from the contact-K analysis was appropriate to use in a crack-
growth analysis, the cyclic crack-tip displacements for both the load-reduction (solid curve)
and constant-amplitude (dashed curve) simulations are shown in Figure 7. These results
show that the crack-tip-cyclic displacement (or cyclic strain) for the load-reduction case was
less than that for the constant-amplitude case. Of course, the contact-COD value, (So)d, is
not appropriate because the crack tip experienced cyclic plastic deformations and,
presumably crack-tip damage and crack growth. Thus, the appropriate opening value to use
would be higher than the constant-amplitude case, but whether the (So)k value is appropriate
would require further study of crack-growth rates against cyclic displacements or cyclic
hysteresis energies. This is beyond the scope of the present study. However, reference 16
showed a close relationship between the traditional AKeff approach and the cyclic crack-tip
displacements for a steel and an aluminum alloy for constant-amplitude loading, which
would support the use of the (So)k values.

1.0 Aluminum alloy , ~

%=415MPa ,,,, ,,'"
Smax = 9 MPa; R = 0
0.8 w = 305 mm
c = 51 mm
(z = 1,15 (Plane stress) ? (So)k
S / Smax . (So)kCA
/ ~ rack-tip


0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015
CMOD. mm

Figure 6 - Remote crack-mouth-opening displacements after load reduction under plane-

stress conditions.

L . . .. ~'I 1 t l f
....i-'-" / / j


/ / t/- L;onstant
0.6 ' ~_~.~" amplitude
S / Smax

/~/ Aluminum alloy
t (~o = 415 MPa
0.2 Smax = 9 MPa; R = 0
(~ = 1.15 (Plane stress)

0.0 J i i I i i
0e+0 I e-5 2e-5 30-5 40-5 5e-5 6e-5
Figure 7 - Crack-tip deformationsfor a cycle of loading during constant-amplitude loading
and load-reduction crack-growth simulations.
High-constraint conditions - To simulate more realistic crack-tip conditions, a higher
constraint factor (~ = 2) was used in the same load-reduction case (R = 0) as previously
shown. The local COD along the crack surfaces are shown in Figure 8. Again, the solid
and dashed curves show the results at maximum and minimum applied stress, respectively.
In contrast to the plane-stress case, these results show that the crack surfaces were not in
contact at the maximum applied stress (7 MPa). But at minimum load, the crack surfaces
near the start of the load-reduction procedure and at the crack tip (c = 54 mm) were closed.
The remote cyclic CMOD results at c = 54 mm are shown in Figure 9 as the solid
curves. Loading and unloading, again, followed the same curve and the dotted line is the
linear-elastic behavior. The dashed line shows the (So)kCAresults from a constant-
amplitude simulation at the same stress-intensity factor. Here the contact-C.OD method
gave an opening-stress ratio of about 0.62 and the contact-K analysis gave a value
(So)k]Smax of about 0.4 (slightly higher than the constant-amplitude value). Using these
remote displacements and the 1 or 2% compliance-offset method gave an opening stress
value very nearly equal to the (So)d value. This may be why the remote displacement gage
may measure an incorrect opening load during threshold testing.
Incidentally, the work of Paris et al [22] has indicated that under conditions of remote
(or partial) closure, such as that shown in Figure 8, the appropriate opening stress to use in
calculating the effective stress is (2//1;) Sop. The value of Sop was measured using the 1 or
2% compliance-offset method. As shown herein, Sop is nearly equivalent to (So)d

0.04 Aluminum alloy

(Yo = 415 MPa
0.03 (Smax)OA = 115 MPa; R = 0
(z = 2.0
Smax = 7 MPa

COD, mm 0.00


-0.02 Sawcut Constant Load reduction

I amplitude I
-0.03 --" --I ~ ~-I ~ ~1

-0.04 I l I I I
10 20 30 40 50
x-axis, mm

Figure 8 - Crack-surface displacements after load reduction under high-constraint


Aluminum alloy /
~o = 415 MPa
Smax = 7 M P a ; R = 0 / /


S / Sma x

0.4 9 ." /(So)k


0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012
CMOD, mm

Figure 9 - Remote crack-mouth-opening displacements after load reduction under high-

constraint conditions.

determined from the COD analyses. Note that the ratio of (So)k to (So)d is 0.62, close to
2//I; (a value of 0.64).

Crack-Opening-Stress Behavior - In the following, realistic crack-growth properties

for the 2024-T3 aluminum alloy are chosen to study the effects of constraint, stress ratios,
stress levels, and load-reduction rates on crack-opening stress behavior during threshold
testing. For the thin-sheet alloy analyzed herein, a constraint factor of 2 was selected for
low rates and 1.15 for high rates. A constraint-loss regime was assumed to occur in the
crack-growth rate regime of 1x 10-7 to 2x 10-6 m/cycle. The contact-K analyses were used to
calculate crack-opening stresses. A brief discussion of three-dimensional effects is also
Constraint effects - An M(T) specimen was subjected to simulated fatigue precracking
at a maximum applied stress of 115 MPa at R = 0 under three conditions of constraint.
First, analyses were conducted under constant constraint of 2 and 1.15; and then under a
more realistic condition of variable constraint (c( = 2 to 1.15 during thetransition from flat-
to-slant crack growth). For o~= 2, the crack-opening stresses during the precracking stage
are shown as the dashed curve in Figure 10. The solid triangular symbol shows the initial
AK value for the sawcut (no prior plastic history). After a small amount of crack growth,
the So/Smax value stabilized and the load-reduction test were initiated at a AK of 30 MPa~/m.
The crack-opening stresses during the load-reduction phase are shown as the lower solid
curve. A rise in opening stresses (and threshold development) occurred at low values of

1.0 Aluminum alloy

---- FASTRAN c o = 415 M P a

(Smax)CA = 115 M P a


S o / Sma x


K = (K)i e -0"08 Ac
1 (Smax)CA
0.0 I I I I J. I I
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
AK, M P a - m 1/2

Figure 10 - Calculated crack-opening-stress ratios from simulated threshold tests showing

effects o f crack-tip constraint.

AK. For the other constraint cases, the precracking stage was not shown for clarity. For t~ =
1.15, the results are similar to the previous case, except that the opening values are higher
and the rapid rise in opening stresses occurred at a higher AK. The more realistic case
shows a mixture of the other two cases. At R = 0, the threshold in 2024 aluminum alloys
generally occurs at a AKth value of about 3 MPa~m.
Stress-ratio effects - Figure 11 shows the precracking stage for the more realistic
crack-growth properties (or = 2 to 1.15) under constant-amplitude loading at R = 0 and 0.7
(dashed curves). Again, the triangular symbols show the initial value of AK at the start of
the test simulation. The results for the load-reduction phase at R = 0 are identical to that
shown in the previous figure. It must be noted that the crack-growth simulation at R = 0
violates the threshold testing procedure, in that the initial AK value at the start of the load-
reduction scheme is too high. However, this may be the source of some of the high values
of thresholds and specimen-size effects being reported in the literature. On the other hand,
the results at R = 0.7 seem to be a more realistic test condition. To initiate cracks from
sawcuts in aluminum alloys, a AK value of about 4 to 6 MPa~/m is generally required. The
crack was precracked at (Smax)CAof 135 MPa and the AK value at the start of load-
reduction phase was about 10.5 MPa~m. The crack-opening stresses are generally near the
minimum applied stress but the analyses show a rapid rise at a AK of about 2 MPa~/m. This
corresponds quite closely to the development of the threshold value at R = 0.7 for the 2024
alloy [25].

1.0 ---- FASTRAN Aluminum alloy

5 o = 415 MPa
(Smax)CA = 135 MPa ( ~ = 2 t o 1.15
0.8 .~ R=0.7


S o / Sma x


K = (K)i e 0'08 Ac I

(Smax)CA = 115 MPa [

0.0 I I I I ], I L
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
AK, MPa-m 1/2

Figure 11 - Calculated crack-opening-stress ratios from simulated threshold tests showing

effects of stress ratio.

Stress-level effects - Because the previous low stress ratio test simulation was
conducted at a very high precracking stress level, a much lower applied stress level was
chosen for the second test simulation at R = 0. Again, the (Smax)CA= 115 MPa results
shown in Figure 12 are identical to that previously shown. But precracking at a low stress
level (45 MPa), before the load-reduction phase, resulted in a stabilized crack-opening
stress level even down to very low AK values. Thus, under the low applied stress levels, a
threshold does not develop solely due to the residual-plastic deformations. Here oxide
and/or roughness contributions are needed to predict threshold development. However,
residual-plastic deformations still play an important part in threshold development at low
stress ratios because it is the combination of the various forms of closure that ultimately
contribute to thresholds.

1.0 ---- FASTRAN Aluminum alloy

(3o = 415 M P a
K = (K)i e ~ Ac cz = 2 to 1.15
0.8 R=0


S O / Sma x


(Smax)CA = 45 M P a
I 115 M P a

I f
0.0 , 1, , ,1 , I
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

AK, MPa-m 1/2

Figure 12 - Calculated crack-opening-stress ratios from simulated threshold tests showing

effects of stress level.

Load-shedding effects - Crack-growth simulations were conducted at R = 0.7 at a

precracking level 135 MPa using two load-decay rates (y= -0.08 or -0.2 mm-1). The results
are shown in Figure 13. The solid triangle shows the initial ZXKvalue for each simulation.
The specimens were precracked to a AK value of about 11 MPa~/m before the load-
reduction simulation began. These results show that the faster decay rate caused a rise to
threshold to occur at a higher AK value than the standard decay rate. The arrows indicate
the value of the constraint factor. The precracking stage was conducted in the constraint-
loss regime and the minimum c~ value was about 1.5. The rise in crack-opening stresses at
low AK values was caused by remote closure due to residual-plastic deformations.

o~=2 o~= 1.5

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0.6 7= - 0.08

S o / Srna x K = (K)i e 7Ac

0.4 Aluminum alloy ---- FASTRAN

G o = 415 M P a
(Smax)CA = 135 M P a
R = 0.7
(x=2to 1.15

0.0 I I I I I I
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

AK, M P a - m 1/2

Figure 13 - Calculated crack-opening-stress ratios from simulated threshold tests showing

effects of load-reduction rates.

Three-dimensional effects - The previous results show that in-plane plasticity can
cause remote or intermittent closure under plane-stress conditions or under high applied
stress levels. The use of the constraint factor in a two-dimensional model is "averaging" the
effects of three-dimensional plastic stress states at the crack front and in the plastic wake.
Three-dimensional crack-growth and closure simulations [23] under constant-amplitude
loading show that substantially more closure occurs in the plane-stress regions than in the
interior of a finite-thickness body.
Apparently, the plane-stress regions near the free surfaces of a specimen also play an
important role in crack-closure behavior under variable-amplitude loading. McEvily [24]
found in a test on a 6061 aluminum alloy (B = 13 mm) that a spike overload caused
significant crack-growth delay. When he machined 25% of the thickness from each surface
(after the application of the spike overload), he found very little crack-growth delay. Thus,
the crack-closure effect under spike overloads is predominantly a surface phenomenon.
Do the plane-stress regions cause more contact in a threshold test? To help answer this
question, three-dimensional elastic-plastic analyses are required and this must await a future

Application of Crack Closure Analyses to Test Data

The crack-closure model analysis will be applied to test data on thin-sheet 2024-T3
aluminum alloy. The threshold tests were conducted on M(T) specimens using the ASTM

load-reduction procedure [19, 25]. In addition, test and analyses will also be compared for a
constant-Kmax test [19].

Constant-Amplitude~Load-Reduction Tests and Analyses

Hudson [26] conducted constant-amplitude fatigue-crack-growth rate tests on a 2024-

T3 aluminum alloy (B = 2.3 mm) material over a wide range in stress ratio. Later, Phillips
[25] conducted threshold tests on the same material to obtain test data at very low crack-
growth rates. Recently, Donald and Paris [19] conducted a test on a similar thin-sheet 2024
alloy using a constant-Kmax test. The constant-amplitude crack-opening stress equations
[21] with a constraint factor of 1.73 (rates less than l x l 0 -7 m/cycle) [27] were used to
calculate the effective stress-intensity factor for these data. The results from Hudson and
Phillips' data are plotted on Figure 14 and show that the data correlates quite well, even
down to threshold. The constant-Kmax test of Donald and Paris (solid diamonds) agreed
with the other data for rates greater than about 2x10 "9 m/cycle, but resulted in lower AKeff
values than the constant-R tests as the threshold was approached. The constant-R tests
showed a slight trend with stress ratio at threshold. The higher stress ratio test had a lower
Z~Kth(based on full range) than the low stress ratio tests. Phillips [25] measured a rise in
crack-opening stresses for the low R tests, but he did not measure a rise for the R = 0.7 test.
However, he observed in all cases that a higher load was required to re-initiate growth of the
dormant crack even at the high stress ratios. This may indicate that an accumulation of
oxide raised the opening load even for the high stress ratio test. Interestingly, the solid lines
on Figure 14, below rates of l x l 0 -9 m/cycle, is a baseline fit to small-crack data for this
alloy [28]; and these results generally agree with the constant-Kmax test data. (The baseline
curve is fit to small-crack data below rates of 1 x 10-9 m/cycle and large-crack data above
1 x 10-9 m/cycle, ignoring the large-crack threshold data [28].)
A comparison of measured and calculated crack-opening stresses at R = 0 are shown in
Figure 15. The solid symbols are measured values from Phillips [25] using the Elber
method [29] and the open symbols are opening values determined from Hudson's data
using an indirect method [10]. (The indirect method finds the value of opening stress at R =
0 to correlate with the baseline AKeff - rate curve.) The solid curve shows the predicted Ko
values from the closure model. Because the precracking AK levels were less than about 5
MPax/m, the analysis did not predict a threshold from residual-plastic deformations. The
sharp knee shown by the test data at a AK of about 4 MPa~/m is the development of the
threshold. Based on the literature, oxide accumulation is suspected to cause threshold
development. The dotted lines are based on constant constraint calculations from plane-
stress to plane-strain conditions. The sharp knee at a AK level of about 12 MPa~/m is
associated with the beginning of the constraint-loss regime.
Figure 16 shows the crack-opening values from the Donald-Paris data [19] at R = 0 and
0.7 using the indirect method (symbols). The constant-Kmax test results at rates lower than
about 2x10 -9 m/cycle and the baseline AKeff- rate curve (Figure 14) at higher rates were
used as the baseline data. Because the R = 0.7 and constant-Kmax results differed at low
rates, the indirect method produced a sharp rise in opening stresses near the threshold for

I e-7 2024-T3 ~ o
Middle crack tension ~_ 8
B = 2.3 or 2.2 mm ~
* Donald and Paris [19]
le-8 (Kmax = 22 M P a - m l / 2 ) ~ o D

- - Baseline
.,~ '~176
W ~ Phillips [25] and
dc/dN le-9 ,~r Hudson [26]
m/cycle Small-crack ~/~'i ~ R
regime [28] # : ~ , v o n0.7
\ x 9 9 o 0.5
le-10 / ~ o 0
] . ~ -I
/ e: ~ 9 -2

le-ll I I Il I I I I l I I I I I I

0.5 1 2 5 10
AKeff , MPa-m 1/2

F i g u r e 14 - Effective stress-intensity factor against crack-growth rates for 2024-T3 at very

low rates showing small-crack regime and constant-Kmax test results.

9 Phillips [25]; w = 38 mm (Elber method),,' O
O Indirect method 9O O
(Hudson [26]; w = 152 mm) ,.,'" O U j ' /
8 2024-T3 ,"" o ~ / "
B=2.3mm o~=1 '"" / ~ 1 7 6
R=0 ," 0(3,,/ ..-"
"" 0 ~" ++""
...... FASTRAN ++'+ 0~0.+.+'"0~,'~2
K~ ((~ = 1.73 to 1.1) ," Q/~ .-'" ...
MPa-m 1/2 w=152mm """ S ' " " .-'"'""_
4 "" z~-xo__//~''" . - ' " " " ~=3

,' .':-'" / loss regime -

0 i i I i
0 5 10 15 20
AK, MPa-m 1/2

F i g u r e 15 - Crack-opening stress-intensity factors for 2024-T3 aluminum alloy at R = 0

from measured, indirect method, and model calculations.

t.0 2024-T3 u o Indirect method

B = 2.2 mm (Donald and Paris [ 19])
w = 50..8 mm --- FASTRAN
0.8 R = 0.7 (o~ = 1.73 to 1.1)

R =0.1
S O / Sma x


Start of
threshold development
Load ~ Load
d~6~easino I ""inc~'easin'g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0.0 I I I I
0 5 10 15 20

AK, MPa-m 1/2

Figure 16 - Crack-opening stress ratios for 2024-T3 aluminum alloy at low and high stress
ratios from indirect method and model calculations.

the R = 0.7 data (square symbols). The low R results also showed a sharp rise near
threshold. The solid curves show the calculations from the closure model for load-
decreasing and load-increasing tests. Again, the model did not show a rise in opening loads
because the AK level at the start of each test was low (about 6 MPa{m). For these cases,
the contact-K and COD analyses gave essentially the same results. Remote displacement
gages are most likely unable to measure the very small amount of closure for the high-stress
ratio tests. But under high-R conditions, the calculated opening load is very near to the
minimum applied stress level. Thus, a small amount of interference from roughness or
oxide-accumulation may cause a threshold to develop. (Donald and Paris [19] did not
measure any opening loads under the R = 0.7 test but measured a rapid rise on the R = 0.1
To study why the model did not predict a rise in the opening stresses, the near crack-
tip-opening displacements at the start of the test threshold development (shown by the
vertical arrows in Figure 16) are shown in Figures 17 and 18. The local COD values are
shown in Figure 17(a) at maximum load and Figure 17(b) at minimum load. The stress-
intensity factor range AK (2 MPa~/m) was slightly higher than the R = 0.7 threshold value
that would have developed for the 2024-T3 alloy (about 1.56 MPa~/m [19, 25]). The crack
length and plastic-zone size are as indicated on the figure. The solid curve shows the crack-
surface profile. The dashed curve shows the boundary between elastic and plastic material.
Even under the high-constraint conditions and at the low stress-intensity factor level, the
residual-plastic deformations contribute greatly to tile final crack-surface profile. The

Residual plastic Aluminum alloy
deformations G o = 425 MPa
(computed) 1/2
0.8 ~ Kma x = 6.7 MPa-m
"~/~" AK = 2 M e a - m 1/2
t/ ~ R=0.7
~lL ~.,.. (z = 1.73

COD, Hm 0.0

-0.4 pm
r I
Crack, c"-I - Plastic zone, p

-1.2 I I I I I
9.47 9.48 9.49 9.50 9.51 9.52
x-axis, mm

(a) M a x i m u m load

Residual plastic Aluminum alloy
deformations G o = 425 MPa
(computed) 1/2
0.8 / Kmi n = 4.7 MPa-m
---.. J AK = 2 MPa-m 1/2
"4F'/'<..~.. R=0.7
" " ~ .~. (z = 1.73

COD, ~tm 0.0

-0.4 /---" ~ ~" Crack-tip-regio n closed

Crack, c ~ I-- Plastic zone, p

-1.2 I I I I I

9.47 9.48 9.49 9.50 9.51 9.52

x-axis, mm

(b) M i n i m u m load

Figure 17 - Crack-tip-surface displacements showing residual-plastic deformations and

plastic-zone size near threshold conditions at high-stress ratio.

Residual plastic Aluminum alloy
deformations (~o = 425 MPa
"~.(computed) 1/2
0.2 I~<" Kmax = 3.6 Mea-m
~! F ~" \ AK = 3.2 MPa-m 1/2
--~ R=0.1
0.1 ~ ~ r162

COD, gm 0.0

-0.1 CTOD = J0
7 ktm

-0.2 _f dj d
/ "Crack, c ~1- Plastic zone, p - I

-0.3 i i i
9.375 9.380 9.385 9.390
x-axis, mm

Figure 18 - Crack-tip-surface displacements at maximum load showing residual-plastic

deformations and plastic-zone size near threshold conditions at a low stress ratio.

CTOD at maximum load was 0.05 gm. At minimum load, the crack-tip region is closed
over a very small area (So/Smax = 0.71). Because tests indicate that a threshold would have
developed under these conditions, the other forms of closure may be contributing to
threshold development. In considering oxide-induced closure, what oxide-layer thickness
would have been required to influence crack closure at minimum load? For the 2024-T3
aluminum alloy at a high relative humidity (95%), Vasudevan and Suresh [20] measured
peak oxide thicknesses of 0.02 gm at R = 0.33. But oxide-layer thicknesses are expected to
be smaller at the high stress ratio condition because crack-surface contact is minimal and
oxide layers are less likely to be crushed or broken to create fresh crack surface. However,
the crack-surface displacements would also have been smaller than those shown in the
figure at AKth. Thus, residual-plastic deformations and oxide accumulation could be
plausible explanations for threshold development. The relative contribution of crack-
surface roughness to threshold development is difficult to assess.
The crack-tip-surface displacements at maximum load for the R = 0.1 test simulation
are shown in Figure 18. The CTOD was 0.07 gm. The residual-plastic deformations
(difference between solid and dashed curves) were of the same order-of-magnitude as the
near crack-tip COD. At minimum load, the crack surfaces were closed over a large region
(not shown). Thus, a peak oxide-layer thickness of 0.02 gm [20], in combination with the
residual-plastic deformations, would have had a large influence on calculated crack-opening
loads and threshold development.

Constant-Kmax Test and Analysis

The constant-Kmax test [30] has been proposed as an alternative test to obtain low
crack-growth rate data. A crack-growth and closure analysis of the constant-Kmax test
conducted by Donald and Paris [19] is shown in Figure 19. The upper dashed line is the
Kmax (22 MPa~/m) value and the lower dashed curve is the Kmin value. The initial notch
half-length was Cn and the crack half-length ci denotes the start of the increasing Kmin test.
The solid curve shows the calculations from the model. At a stress ratio of about 0.8, the
crack surfaces became fully open at the minimum stress-intensity factor (solid symbol).

Kmax = 22 MPa-m 1/2

20 f f
J ~ " K o = Kmi n
15 Ko
K 1 " 7
MPa.m 1/2 L___~____5 / 2024-T3
10 Go = 425 MPa
Kmin B = 2.2 mm
- - FASTRAN w = 50.8 mm
((z= 1.73 to 1.1) K c = 60 MPa-m 1/2

~'n ci
0 I I I I i
5 6 7 8 9
Crack length, c, mm

Figure 19 - Calculated crack-opening stress-intensity factors for constant-Kmax test.

At the end of the test simulation, the R value was about 0.95 and the AK value was 1.2
MPa~/m. Figure 20 shows the local crack-tip-surface displacements at the minimum load
under these conditions. The solid curves are the crack surfaces and the dashed curves show
the boundary between the elastic and plastic regions. The crack-tip-opening displacement
was about 0.14 pm, nearly an order-of-magnitude larger than the expected peak oxide
thicknesses [20] even under a relatively high humidity. Thus, oxide-induced closure should
not be an issue. Again the contribution of crack-surface roughness is difficult to assess.
But the constant-Kmax test results agreed reasonably well with the small-crack data on this
alloy (see Figure 14). Note that the residual-plastic deformations were about 50 times larger
than the crack-tip-opening displacement.

2024-T3 AK = 1.2 MPa-m 1/2
o o = 425 MPa R = 0.95
o~ = 1.73

~" Residual plastic

| deformations
_ ~ (computed)
COD,#m 0
CTOD = 0.14 gm


Crack, c ='1

-10 I I I I
9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17
x-axis, mm

Figure 20 - Crack-tip-surface displacements at minimum load under constant-Kmax

testing near threshold conditions.


A plasticity-induced crack-closure model was used to simulate fatigue-crack growth

and closure under constant-amplitude, load-reduction, load-increasing, and constant-Kmax
testing on thin-sheet 2024-T3 aluminum alloy. The following conclusions were made:
(1) Crack-opening stresses under constant-amplitude loading computed from contact-
K analyses were nearly equal to those computed from a contact crack-opening
displacement (COD) method, but under threshold testing (load-reduction) simulations,
the opening stresses from the contact-K analyses were equal to or lower than those from
the contact-COD analyses.
(2) For some remote (partial) closure situations, crack-opening stresses computed
from remote displacements, using the 1 or 2% compliance-offset method, agreed with the
values computed from the contact-COD method. But comparisons of crack-growth
predictions with measurements tend to support crack-opening stresses from the contact-K
(3) Under low (R = 0) and high (R = 0.7) stress-ratio load-reduction simulations,
analyses produce residual-plastic deformations that cause remote closure and threshold
development for low-constraint (plane-stress) behavior and at high applied stress levels
(applied-stress-to-flow-stress ratios greater than about 0.25). For plane-strain conditions
and low applied stress levels, remote closure and threshold development were not

(4) Under low (R = 0) and high (R = 0.7) stress-ratio load-reduction simulations,

analyses produce residual-plastic deformations near threshold conditions that were of the
same order-of-magnitude as the crack-tip-opening displacements. But additional
contributions from roughness and/or oxide-fretting debris are required to develop
(5) Constant-Kmax test simulations produce closure-free crack surfaces from residual-
plastic deformations at the high stress ratio (R > 0.8) conditions; and the crack-tip
opening displacements at minimum loads were an order-of-magnitude larger than
expected peak oxide thicknesses for 2024 aluminum alloys. Thus, contributions from
oxide-fretting debris may not have an influence on threshold development.


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Franz O. Riemelmoser I and Reinhard Pippan 1

T h e M e c h a n i c s o f Moderately Stressed Cracks

Reference: Riemelmoser, K O. and Pippan, R., "The Mechanics of Moderately

Stressed Cracks," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and De-
sign, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds., American Society for
Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: The intrinsic behaviour of fatigue cracks is discussed by a discrete dis-

location model and by a BCS-type continuum mechanics approximation. The inves-
tigation of a homogeneous material shows that the near threshold regime and the
existanee of an intrinsic threshold itself can be ascribed to the dislocation nature of
plasticity. By incorporating mierostructural features in the analysis it is then shown
that the intrinsic threshold value is determined only by the mechanism for the dis-
location generation and does not depend on microstructural details like the grain
size. However, in the near threshold regime and in the lower Paris regime the plastic
deformation and the crack growth rates are severely influenced by microstructure.
Therefore, a micromechanies approach should be used for the predictions of the plas-
tic response of materials. Only in the upper Paris regime, where the cyclic plastic
zone size exceeds several times the microstructural length scale usual continuum plas-
ticity mechanics is appropriate to describe the events at the crack tip. Macroscopic
quantities like the yield stress of materials cannot be used to describe moderately
stressed fatigue cracks.

Keywords: intrinsic material behaviour, threshold, dislocation mechanics, BCS

model, computer simulation


Fatigue crack propagation in metals is at all amplitudes of stress the result of some
non-reversible plastic deformation. It is characterised by two length parameters: the
cyclic crack tip opening displacement A C T O D and the cyclic plastic zone size AaJ.
Opposed to these mechanical length scales are the material inherent ones such as
the Burgers vector of a lattice dislocation and the mean distance between dislocation
obstacles, the thickness of lamellars in perlitic materials, the size and the spacing of
particles in metal matrix compounts and the grain size in monolithic metals.
It is reasonable to assume that the use of standard continuum mechanics to de-

1 Research assistant and senior scientist, respectively, Erich Schmid Institute for
Material Science of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Metal
Physics of The University Leoben, A - 8700 Leoben, Austria.


Copyrights 2000 by ASTM International www.astm.org


scribe fatigue crack propagation and its accompanying plasticity implies that the
mechanical lengths scales involved are large in comparison to material length scales
which would only be the case in the upper Paris regime where the cyclic plastic zone is
a few tenths of millimeters in size. In the lower Paris regime and in the near threshold
regime the cyclic plastic zone size decreases to the microstructural length scales and
A C T O D is in the order of a Burgers vector of lattice dislocations such that standard
continuum mechanics is no longer appropriate to describe the mechanical response of
the material.
There are some papers of ours dealing with related questions where plasticity has
been described as motion of discrete dislocations. For instance, Pippan [1] has shown
by the simulation of the dislocation motion at cyclically loaded mode III and mode
II cracks that the intrinsic threshold of homogeneous materials can be explained by
the stress intensity factor necessary to generate the dislocations at the crack tip.
Later he has incorporated dislocation obstacles in the simulations [2] where it turned
out that the calculated intrinsic threshold value does surprisingly neither depend
on the obstacle distribution nor on their strength such that the intrinsic threshold,
also for such more complicated microstructures, is only a function of the dislocation
generation mechanism. Similar calculations have been performed by Riemelmoser et
al. [3] for mode I cracks. It was found that many characteristic features of fatigue
crack growth in the near threshold regime including the anomaly of the constancy of
striation spacing at low A K values, can be explained by discrete dislocation models.
These investigations put forward an argument that in the near threshold regime the
crack grows similar to the Paris regime in each and every cycle.
The aim of the present paper is to study the mechanical response of homogeneous
and more complicated materials as a function of the stress intensity factor range. It is
shown that only at large A K values materials behave in coincidence with macroscopic
continuum mechanics. At intermediate stress intensity ranges the plastic deformation
at the crack tip is severly influenced by the actual position of the crack tip in relation
to the microstructure and at very small A K values the discrete (dislocation) nature of
plasticity becomes the dominating factor influencing the plastic response of cyclically
loaded cracks.
Three examples of materials are discussed which are

1. a homogenous material without microstructural features,

2. a homogenous material with a grain boundary, and

3. a duplex material.

Subsequently a short description of the simulation techniques used is given and then
the results are discussed.

The Cyclic Crack Tip Opening Displacement and the Intrinsic Thresh-
o l d in a H o m o g e n e o u s M a t e r i a l

In the following we study the plastic response of materials when they are loaded
in mode II under plane strain conditions. Let us assume t h a t the plastic zone size is
small in comparison to the overall specimen dimensions. In this case it is sufficient
to consider a semi-infinite crack along the negative x-axis where the remote stresses
are characterized by the stress intensity factor KrI. The plasticity is modelled as
a dislocation arrangement ahead of the crack tip in a plane coplanar to the crack
plane as schematically shown in Fig. 1. The mechanical properties of the material
are characterized by the shear modulus #, by Poisson's ratio u and by the critical
resolved shear stress O'crit which acts against the motion of the dislocations.

D e n s i t y B(r)

, ',
L Crack
[ Ocrit
< ,

Figure 1: A schematic of the dislocation density in front of a 'mode II crack.

The force, F(r), on a dislocation with the Burgers vector b at the position r ahead
of the crack tip has been derived in [41 as follows:

P(r) - Kub #b2 +E #bb' r~ 1

47rr~-u) b, 2~r~---u) r-r' (1)

In case of dislocations with a positive Burgers vector the first term in this equation
is the repulsive force caused by remote loading, the second term is the attractive
dislocation image force which is due to the free surface of the crack and the third
term expresses the reaction of the dislocation with the stress field induced by the
other dislocations at the positions r ' with the Burgers vectors b'.
In the following we use two different ways to solve Eq. 1. The direct method is
to compute the force on the dislocations and to simulate the motion of the discrete
dislocations. This is a convenient method when only a small number of dislocations
is generated. At large stress intensity ranges many dislocations are cyclically moved

and the straightforward simulation of the dislocation motion becomes too cumber-
some. Here it is preferable to make a continuum mechanics approximation of Eq. 1 in
the spirit of the BCS theory [5] of cracks (named after the pioneers in elasto-plastic
fracture mechanics Bilby, Cottrell and Swinden). The Burgers vectors of the dislo-
cations are smeared out by setting b = B(r)dr. This leads to the singular integral

1 dF(r) K #B(r)dr # fo ~ ~r' B(r') ,

B(r) dr - ~ 47rr(1 - v) + 21r(1 - y) V r ~ _ r , dr = --O-crit(/") (2)

where the integration in the third term between the equality signs is performed over
the entire plastic zone of size co. The second term between the equality signs, which
is of a higher order can be dropped. The benefit of doing this continuum mechanics
approximation is that the remaining integral equation can now be solved analytically
at least for a crack in a homogeneous material where the critical resolved shear
stress is constant throughout the plastic zone [6].
By a method as introduced by Rice 17] also cyclic plasticity problems, i.e. cracks
unloaded with a certain A K , can be solved. Here the dislocation arrangement at
the crack at maximum load is sought as discussed above. Then the solution of a
second crack in a material with a critical resolved shear stress which is twice as large
as O-crit of the former material is computed. The dislocation arrangement, i.e. the
distribution of the Burgers vector, of the partially unloaded crack is now obtained by
subtracting the solution of this second crack from the first one. The cyclic crack tip
opening displacement, ACTOD, is equal to the amount of Burgers vectors leaving
the body at the crack tip during unloading. For a homogeneous material the well
known expression Eq. 3 is derived as follows:

ACTOD - AK]s(1 - ~') (3)

The result of this and the forthcoming analyses is given in terms of the ACTOD
rather than in the crack growth increment per loading cycle da However, in metals
there is a close relationship between these parameters which can be written as:

- / 3 ACTOD ~' (4)
where a equals to unity for materials when the crack propagates in a striation for-
mation mechanism, i.e. by crack tip blunting and resharpening. For materials where
additional damage mechanisms like micro cracking in front of the crack tip occurs the
exponent a is larger than unity. The factor/3 is about 0.5 when the plastic shearing
at the crack tip produces a V-notch as proposed by Pelloux [8]. For our mode II
crack the factor/3 equals unity when the crack growth process is due to irreversible
plastic shearing at the crack tip.
Let us now consider the direct method of solving Eq. 1 by means of the discrete
dislocation model as explained in [1]. Here the crack is loaded in steps. The disloca-
tions are generated at the crack tip whenever the local stress intensity factor reaches

a critical value k~ [9]. The equilibrium arrangement of the dislocations is found by

shifting the dislocations along the slip plane as long as the force acting on them (given
by Eq. 1) is larger than the critical resolved shear stress.
In Fig. 2 the BCS continuum mechanics solution (Eq. 3) and the result of the
dislocation modelling are compared for two different critical resolved shear stresses
O-cdt,1 : #/700 and O'crit,2 : # / 3 5 0 . The stress intensity k~ to generate dislocations at
the crack tip is in both cases the same k~ = 0.29#v~. The stress ratio K m i n / / ( m a x is
set R = 0.1.

5 ."%ff~

'023~ ."" i)-"


o ,0,

, 12/il;i
9" 9..... B C S theory ~ - , a / 7 0 0
"' .... B C S t h e o r y -r=-/~/350
2 9 -- d i s l o c a t i o n m o d e l -r=-/Y700
10 o O -- d i s l o c a t i o n m o d e l v=-/Y350

s 10 ~ 2 5
A K i n / ~ b 1/2

Figure 2: Comparison o/ the discrete dislocation mechanics solution of the Eq. 2 with
the BCS continuum mechanics approximation for two different critical resolved shear

In the BCS continuum solution, Eq. 3, the A C T O D is proportional to the second

power of the stress intensity factor range. Therefore the solutions of both the plasti-
cally harder and the plastically softer material appear as a straight line with a slope
of 2 in the log A C T O D - log A K - d i a g r a m .
At large stress intensity ranges, in the Paris regime, where many dislocations are
cyclically moved the discrete dislocation model leads to the same result. As expected,
here the continuum mechanics approximation and the discrete dislocation modelling
are equivalent. At small A K values the curves of the discrete dislocation model
bend down leading to an intrinsic threshold of the plastic deformation which is at a
A C T O D of 1 Burgers vector per cycle. Clearly, plastic deformations smaller t h a n 1
Burgers vector cannot occur.
In our opinion this is the reason why many measured crack growth curves show a
knee in the range about a crack propagation rate of 1 Burgers vector per cycle, where
these curves become very steep. Crack growth increments below 1 Burgers vector per
cycle can be explained, as David L. Davidson [10] mentioned, as follows: W h e n the
global stress intensity range is somewhat above the threshold then it is likely t h a t due
to irregularities along the crack front the local driving force in some grains is above

and in the other grains it is below the threshold. The crack propagates then only in
these few grains where the local driving force exceeds the threshold. This leads to a
change in the microscopic crack shape and, in turn, to a stress redistribution along
with crack propagation in neighboured grains. As a result of this grain-by-grair/crack
propagation the growth rate averaged over the entire crack front might be smaller
t h a n 1 Burgers vector per cycle.
Again consider Fig. 2. In the Paris regime the crack growth curves for the two
materials are different because they have different critical shear stresses C~crit. It is
interesting t h a t in the near threshold regime the curves of the two materials come
closer and finally meet at A C T O D = lb, i.e. at the intrinsic threshold of the material.
This clearly shows that the intrinsic threshold obviously does not depend on the
resistance against dislocation motion. It depends, in this case, on the dislocation
generation mechanism, i.e. on k~, only. In the simulations the intrinsic threshold
turned out to be about A K t h , i n t r ~ 1.9k~. From Fig. 2 it can be seen t h a t the
continuum mechanics approximation overestimates the A C T O D near the threshold
by a factor of t0 or even more depending on the critical shear stress.
In agreement with real measured crack growth curves we find by simulation, as
depicted in Fig. 2, that the transition between the near threshold regime and the
Paris regime is gradual. The border between the Paris and the near threshold regime
can be drawn at a A C T O D of about 150 Burgers vectors per cycle [3].
From the standpoint of discrete dislocation mechanics the Burgers vector of the
dislocation could be considered as information inherent in the material. It reminds
the material t h a t a small but nevertheless finite stress intensity factor has to be over-
come to generate the dislocations and the plastic flow. By smearing out the Burgers
vector, i.e. by continuum mechanics approximation, this information is lost. For t h a t
reason continuum mechanics is not capable (without any additional assumptions) to
reproduce the near threshold behaviour of fatigue cracks.

The Cyclic Crack Tip Opening Displacement and the Intrinsic Threshold
in a M a t e r i a l w i t h a D i s l o c a t i o n O b s t a c l e

Let us now study the effect of a dislocation obstacle on the intrinsic near threshold
behaviour. The investigated scenario is sketched in Fig. 3. Here a single dislocation
obstacle is located at a distance D in front of the crack tip. The dislocations pile up
against the obstacle until the shear stress on the dislocation closest to the obstacle
overcomes a characteristic stress value, O-barrier. When this critical stress is reached
the dislocation passes the obstacle and penetrates into the second grain.
The material characteristic length scales are now the microstructural length pa-
rameter D as well as the Burgers vector b of the lattice dislocations. Five cases were
simulated with D/b = 100; 300; 1000; 3000 and 10000, i.e. in all these cases D is large
in comparison to b. The critical shear stess in the matrix is set O-crit = ~ / 7 0 0 and
O'barrie r = # / 7 0 .
The predicted A C T O D curves computed with the discrete dislocation model are
depicted in Fig. 4. In the high stress intensity range regime the plastic zone size

, Dislocation
Density B(r)




I. ~ .i

Figure 3: A schematic of the dislocation arrangement when a grain boundary acts as

a dislocation obstacle.

is much larger than even the largest D considered. Here all the computed results
collapse into a single curve. This confirms, what we expected, namely, when the
plastic zone is much larger than the grain size then the crack propagation does not
depend on microstructural features but only on the macroscopic yield strength.
The picture changes for intermediate stress intensity ranges. Now the plastic
zone size is on the order of D and the crack propagation is severely influenced by
the microstructure. The BCS type continuum mechancis predicts larger A C T O D for
increasing D given equal A K values. Roughly the same tendency is found by the
discrete dislocation modelling. For instance, the curve due to the simulation with the
smallest D, indicated by the diamonds is generally below the curve with the largest
D (circle). On the other hand, in the region of A K between 4 and 5 times #x/~ the
curve with squares pertaining to intermediate D values is below the curve with the
smallest D. This trend which is opposite to the continuum mechanics prediction is
affected by the interaction of both involved material length parameters D and b.
At very small stress intensity ranges near the threshold the crack behaviour is then
dominated by the second length scale only, by the Burgers vector of the dislocation.
All the computed curves meet at A C T O D = 1 b. In Fig. 4 it is seen that the predicted
intrinsic threshold for the considered cases is always about A K t h , i n t r ~ 1.9ke, which
is the same value as found previously for the homogeneous materials. This reveals,
in accordance with [2], that the intrinsic threshold is not only independent from the
critical shear stress for dislocation motion, as shown in the previous section, but also
from microstructural details such as the location and, as pointed out in I2], by the
strength of dislocation obstacles.
These findings are in a qualitative agreement with experimental results reported in
II1[. There it has been shown that precracks formed under compression-compression
cycles, where no extrinsic crack closure occurs, do stop after a certain crack growth
increment with no obvious relation to the microstructure. This is a reasonable indi-
cation that here the threshold, which is the intrinsic threshold because of the lack of
crack closure, does not depend on the position of the crack tip in respect to the grain
boundaries and other dislocation obstacles. In pure tension fatigue loading crack

R=0.1 ; 'rcrit=p,/700; 7barrier=/-d70;


q) 2
"~ 102

u) 5

~ 2
r.- lo 1
121 s

=100 b
0 2 =300 b
=1000 b
] 0~ =3000 b
D= 10000 b
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0

AK in p,b 1/2

Figure 4: The cyclic plastic deformation in dependence on the stress intensity range
for various D when a single obstacle is located in front of a fatigue crack tip.

closure occurs and this is, in our opinion, the reason why these fatigue cracks often
interact with the microstrueture, especially at and near the threshold.
A second experimental support of our results has been given by Liaw et al. [12]
and by Hertzberg [13] and [14]. The former have summarized many threshold data,
where they have found that the closure corrected thresholds of many materials are
proportional to their elastic modulus. To the same conclusion came Hertzberg. For
a wide range of materials (A1, Ni and Fe alloys) he compared the stress intensity
factor, Kb, corresponding to a crack growth rate of i Burgers vector per cycle (which
is very close to the threshold). He found that this stress intensity factor is given by
tcb = E v ~ .
This is easily explained by our calculations that show that the intrinsic threshold
is proportional to the critical stress intensity for dislocation generation which, in turn,
is given by ke o( #x/~ as found by Rice and Thomson [9].

A F a t i g u e C r a c k in a T w o - P h a s e M a t e r i a l w i t h D i f f e r e n t Y i e l d S t r e s s e s

In Fig. 5 a composite material with alternating layers of two ductile phases c~ and
is sketched. For b o t h phases the thickness of these layers is equal T = 4.5#m. Both
phases have equal elastic constants given by the shear modulus # = 80GPa and the
Poisson ratio v = 0.3. The plastic properties of the phases are different. In the phase
the critical shear stress is equal to an = #/700 and in ~ it is a~ = #/350. It is
assumed t h a t there is no barrier stress to transfer the plasticity from one phase into
the other.

Figure 5: The investigated layered material. The yield stress of the phase [3 is twice
as large as the yield stress of phase a.

Again we have computed the A C T O D by means of the direct simulation of the

dislocation motion as well as by the continuum mechanics BCS type method. The
singular integral equation for the given problem is so complicated that an analytical
BCS solution is hardly achievable. We have solved it numerically by a procedure,
as explained in [15], where the plastic zone is discretised into uniform displacement
elements. In such an element the crystal above the element is displaced in respect to
the crystal below it by an amount d. The displacement d in each element is then, as
we have shown, determined by the linear algebraic equation system:

Z d3 gij + O'applied = --O-crit (5)

where the influence functions go are derived in [15]. The distribution of the Burgers
vector, B(r), is obtained by
B(r)- or (6)
A computed example of the dislocation distribution is depicted in Fig. 6. It is seen
that the dislocations pile up when they leave the softer and enter into the harder
phase. At the interface from the harder to the softer material an inverse pile up is
We have considered 4 different locations of the crack tip as shown in Fig, 7. The
results of these simulations are shown in Fig. 8. The lull line with black circles
pertains to simulation I where the crack tip is on the left-hand boundary of the softer
a-phase. In the second simulation (full line, white circles) the crack tip is in the
center of the a-phase. In the third and fourth simulation (dashed line; black and
white circles respectively) the crack tip is on the left-hand side respectively in the
center of the harder ~-phase.
Consider that in Fig. 8 three regimes have been identified. The large A K regime
where macro mechanics applies, the micro mechanics regime at intermediate stress
intensity ranges and the dislocation mechanics regime at AKeff values which are
smaller than about 2 times the intrinsic threshold.

Figure 6: The dislocation distribution at maximum load ( K = 1 5 M P a v / m ) in the

duplex material. Material data are in the text.

In the macro mechanics regime the four computed crack growth curves collapse
into a single curve which shows t h a t here the crack propagation rate obviously does
not depend on the location of the crack tip in respect to the microstructure. This
single curve is described by the macroscopically averaged critical shear stress. In our
example where the a and fl lamellars have the same thickness and where no barrier
stress is assumed this macroscopic critical stress is simply tile arithmetic average of
the critical shear stresses of either component.
At intermediate stress intensity ranges the predicted crack growth rate is very
strongly influenced by the microstructure. It can be seen t h a t the largest crack
growth rates appear in simulation I where the crack tip is at the interface at the left
side of the plastically softer component. The crack growth rate is smaller in the other
cases and the smallest crack propagation rate is predicted for simulation III. Here the
crack tip is at the interface at the left-hand side of the harder/~ phase. This suggests
t h a t the larger the volume percentage of the harder phase within the plastic zone the
smaller the crack growth rate.
For the discussion of this result it is important to remember that the four predicted
A C T O D curves have been obtained for the same macroscopic compound material. It
is seen t h a t the plastic deformation at intermediate stress intensity ranges is not only
a function of the applied loading, but it is also sensitive to the actual position of the
crack tip in respect to the c~ and fl platelets. This means that in a given macroscopic
m a t e r i a l equal changes of the stress intensity factor for different positions of the crack
tip does not lead to equal plastic deformations. The principle of similitude is violated
in the micro-mechanics regime.
This is also true at small stress intensity ranges where the discreteness of the
plasticity becomes important. Here the various curves come closer and meet again
at the intrinsic threshold, which once more shows t h a t the intrinsic threshold value
itself does not depend on the microstructure.

Figure 7: The position of the crack tip in the four simulations.


In this paper we consider the intrinsic behaviour of moderately loaded cracks by

means of a discrete dislocation model and by a BCS type continuum mechancis solu-
tion. We have started the discussion with homogeneous materials and then we have
considered microstructural features like grain boundaries and plastically dissimilar
Before we summarize our results it should be emphasized t h a t we have considered
only the intrinsic material behaviour. Some extrinsic effects, especially crack closure
[16] are also very important. For instance, it is often reported t h a t the dependence
of the threshold of stress intensity range on grain size can be ascribed to roughness
induced crack closure. Furthermore we want to note t h a t residual stresses caused by
an elastic mismatch of different phases or even of differently oriented grains in the
microstructure could also influence the threshold value. But even if in future times
more refined investigations become possible, the following results should be valid in
a very general character.

9 At large stress intensity ranges, in the upper Paris regime, when the cyclic plas-
tic zone encircles many grains the crack propagation is determined by macro-
scopic quantities like the yield strength and the Young's modulus of the mate-

9 At intermediate stress intensity ranges, in the lower Paris regime when the
cyclic plastic zone size shrinks to the scale of microstructural features as, e.g.,
the grain size the plastic deformation and the crack propagation rate is strongly

5 dislocation micro : macro
mechanics mechanics mechanics
2 J
10 0 Simulation I~ J
Simulation I ~

./~-f~ Sir~ulation IV
! ~ / Simulation III
pure a-phase .~'1~
F-- 10-~
O d i s l o c a t i o n model ~0' J
"'-~ ooO~f
o . ". ' - purefl-phase
10.2 = - dislocation model
9 -
5 e,
10o s s 101 2
A Ke~Kintr, th

Figure 8: The A C T O D - c u r v e s for ~ different locations of the crack tip as sketched

on the right upper corner pertaining to crack tip a) on the left side of a, b) in the
center of c~, c) on the left side of/3 and d) in the center of 8. Dots pertain to the
result of the discrete dislocation modelling.

influenced by the microstructure. Then a micromechanical approach should be

used. Many laws known from macro continuum mechanics as, e.g., the principle
of similitude, do no longer hold in the lower Paris regime.

Below a crack growth rate of about 150 Burgers vector per cycle, i.e., in the near
threshold regime, the plastic deformations are influenced by the discreteness of
plasticity. The difference in the predicted crack growth rate between continuum
mechanics and the discrete description of plasticity is more than 1 order of
magnitude. Furthermore, the discrete dislocation mechanics sometimes lead
to unexpected results. We have discussed the example of a grain boundary in
front of the crack tip where in the near threshold regime the material behaves
opposite to the predictions of classical continuum mechanics.

The intrinsic threshold does not depend on microstructure. It is a function of

the dislocation generation mechanism, only. Therefore it is proportional to the
stress intensity factor necessary to generate dislocations. When the dislocations
are generated at the crack tip this critical stress intensity factor is proportional
to the shear modulus according to Rice and Thomson: ke o( #x/~. This is in line
with the observations of Liaw et al. and it explains the experimental findings
of Hertzberg.


This work was financially supported by the FWF (Fonds zur FSrderung der wis-
senschaftlichen Forschung), Project Nr. P 11622 TEC.


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[6] J. Weertman, I. H. Lin and R. Thomson, Acta Metallurgica, %1.31, 1983, pp.473-

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[9] J.R. Rice and R. Thomson, Philosophical Magazine A, Vol.29A, 1974, pp.73-

[10] David L. Davidson, private communication (1998).

[111 R. Pippan, Philosophical Magazine A, Vol.77A, 1998, pp.861-873.

[12] P.K. Liaw, T.R. Leax, W.A. Logsdon, Acta Materialia, Vol.31, 1983, pp.1581-

[131 Richard W. Hertzberg, International Journal of Fracture, Vol.64, 1993, pp.R53

- R58.

[14] Richard W. Hertzberg, Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.A190, 1995,


I15] F.O. Riemelmoser and R. Pippan, An inclined strip yield model for describ-
ing monotonic and cyclic plasticity, Proceedings ICES'98, Modelling and Simulation
Based Engineering II Eds. S.N. Atluri and P.E. O'Donoghue, 1998, pp. 1456-1461.

[16] R.O. Ritchie, Mechanisms of fatigue crack propagation in metals, ceramics

and composites: Role of crack tip shielding. Material Science and Engineering A,
Vo1.103, 1988, pp.15-28.
Ralph W. Bush, 1 J. Keith Donald, 2 and Robert J. Bucci 3

Pitfalls to Avoid in Threshold Testing and its Interpretation

Reference: Bush, R. W., Donald, J. K., and Bucci, R. J., "Pitfalls to Avoid in
Threshold Testing and its Interpretation," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds,
Endurance Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik,
Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: The impact of a number of testing variables on the measurement of fatigue

crack growth thresholds is discussed. References are made to the original works from
which the current recommendations for measurement of threshold in ASTM E 647 were
derived. The applicability of these original recommendations in light of advances made
since that time is discussed. In addition, the effects of some commonly overlooked
parameters and features, such as residual stress and environment, on the measurement
and interpretation of crack growth thresholds are presented.

Keywords: fatigue, crack growth, threshold


AK stress intensity factor range

AKth stress intensity factor range at threshold
Kmax maximum stress intensity in stress intensity factor range
AKo initial ~ in K-gradient expression
Ko initial Km~xin K-gradient expression
C K-gradient
a crack length
ao initial crack length in K-gradient expression

~Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics, US Air Force Academy,

2354 Fairchild Dr., Suite 6H2, USAF Academy, CO 80840.
2Director, Fracture Technology Associates, 2001 Stonesthrow Rd., Bethlehem, PA
3Technical Consultant, Alcoa Technical Center, Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa
Center, PA 15069.

Copyright 2000 byASTM International www.astm.org

Experience has often indicated that fatigue crack growth (FCG) rate data from
standard long crack specimens may be either non-conservative or overly conservative.
The reliability of near-threshold FCG data are influenced by many factors, such as
measurement and control issues, decreasing K-gradient, starting K level, specimen
residual stresses, and environmental issues. The original authors of ASTM Test Method
for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates (E 647) recognized the importance of
these factors on the determination of threshold (AKth) and incorporated several guidelines
in the standard dealing with these issues. However, these guidelines stem from
experience gathered fifteen to twenty years ago when manual control and visual
observation of cracks were the norm. During the ensuing time period a new generation
engineers and technicians have arisen that may not be aware of the basis for and
limitations of these guidelines. In addition, automated test machines and data acquisition
systems have largely replaced the manual and visual systems used twenty years ago.
These newer systems provide for decreasing scatter in test results through better test
control and make it easier to perform tests under alternative methods of control, such as
constant Kmaxdecreasing AK. Given these advances in testing technology and the
passage of time since current threshold testing guidelines were introduced, it makes sense
to review the basis and limitations of these guidelines. We should also remind ourselves
o f some of the more common pitfalls that lead to erroneous fatigue crack growth
threshold measurement and interpretation.

Decreasing K-gradient

The most common method of determining threshold (AKth) utilizes a method of

reducing the applied AK values from an initial level in a controlled fashion as the crack
length increases. This process is termed load shedding. The rate of load shedding needs
to be slow enough to avoid anomalous growth rates due to transient behavior and to allow
at least 5 crack growth data points to be measured per decade of crack growth rate [1].
This can be done by controlling the test such that AK = AKoexp[C(a-ao)]. The present
standard limits the normalized K-gradient, C, to values algebraically greater than -0.08
mm 1 (-2 in. 1) in order to avoid spurious threshold measurements. Steeper gradients can
be used in any particular case if it is shown that the threshold is unaffected by use of that
It is instructive to look back for the origin of this guideline. The guideline was
instituted to minimize crack growth transients based on the observation that "where the
monotonic plastic zone size was small relative to the crack increment (Aa) between crack
length observations, the effect of overload transient was small" [2]. In References 1 and
2, a number of tests were performed over a range of stress ratios from - 1.0 to + 0.8 using
one aluminum alloy (2219-T851) and one steel alloy (10 Ni steel). The AK required to
generate a given crack growth rate was measured for several specimens. The ratio of this
AK for a given specimen and the mean AK at the same FCG rate and stress ratio for a
group of specimens was plotted versus K-gradient. K-gradients up to four times steeper
than those in the current guideline were used. These results are reproduced in Figures 1
and 2. Except for the tests conducted at a stress ratio of+0.1, all AK values were within
7.5% of the mean. This indicates that for these two alloys the measured threshold is a
fimction of C only at low positive values of R. Figures 3 and 4 provide another partial

view o f this data set. In these figures valid fatigue crack growth curves for 2219-T851
are compared to curves exhibiting unusually low threshold values obtained during tests
with steep decreasing K-gradients.

1.2 --
X R=0.1
O R = 0.3
/x R=0.5
[] R=0.8
,-,'d 1.1 R = -1.0

r +7.5%

X Z~L~_ X
I -7.5%
.,~ 0.9


0.8 I ' I ' I

-0.08 -0.16 -0.24 -0.3
Normalized K-gradient, C (ram -1)

Figure 1 - Effect of normalized K-gradient on near-threshoM FCG rates for 2219-T851

aluminum alloy [1]

These earlier experiments utilized visual observations for crack length

measurement and manual "stepped" load reduction sequences. It is reasonable to assume
that the K-gradient guidelines were, in part, based on limitations in crack length precision
and transients associated with discreet load shedding increments. Today, automation
provides greater crack length precision and more precise load shedding control. As such,
data for both a 2024-T3 and a Ti-6A1-4V alloy tested at a stress ratio o f + 0.1 in Figures 5
and 6 respectively demonstrate a lack of sensitivity of the measured threshold to
decreasing K-gradient. This is so even with K-gradients up to ten times steeper than
recommended in E 647.
The data set on-which the current guideline in E 647 was based clearly indicates
that the measured fatigue crack growth threshold depends in a complex manner on the
decreasing K-gradient and a number of other variables. Hence, the guideline is a
conservative and simplified extrapolation of one data set based on two alloys that may
not be representative of the broad range of materials tested today. This guideline was

12t X R = +0.1
R = +0.5
A R = +0.8
_= 1.1

+7.5 %



0.8 : 1 T [ q

-0.08 -0.16 -0.24 -0.32

Normalized K gradient, C (ram -1)
Figure 2 - Effect of normalized K-gradient on near threshold FCG rates for 10Ni steel
alloy [1]

never meant to be all-inclusive, nor was it intended to cover all situations. It is now wetl
understood that a certain amount of flexibility is desirable in establishing the optimum K-
gradient. For example, even the recommended K-gradient according to E 647 may not be
appropriate for small samples because of the limited material available for the required
range of crack extension. Therefore, the optimum K-gradient is influenced by a number
of considerations including crack length measurement precision, load control precision,
and specimen size.

Initial K level

The K level at which a threshold test is started has been shown to have an effect on
the measured crack growth threshold. E 647 recommends not using the K-decreasing
procedure at crack growth rates greater than 10-8 m/cycle (3.9 x 10 -7 in/cycle). In the
event that a K-decreasing test is initiated at a Kmax level sufficiently high to be partially or
predominantly plane stress, the resulting AKIn may be elevated above the "true" long
crack threshold and is sensitive to both the starting Km~ level and the magnitude of the

Material: 2219-T851 Aluminum Plate

Orientation: L-T
R = +0.1
Frequency: 100 Hz
Environment" Ambient Air
9 K decreasing test data, C = -0.16 l/finn
K increasing test data (Constant amplitude loading)


D/ K-increasing
9 9 ( ~ / test results
(6 tests)

a 07
9 (3(

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AK (MPa-m vz)

Figure 3 - Examples o f anomalous fatigue crack growth rates at R = + O.1 obtained when
rate o f K-decrease with crack extension is high (C = -0.16 mm 4) [1]

decreasing K-gradient. This is the result of plasticity induced closure in the crack wake.
As AK is decreased, the plasticity induced interference remains in the crack wake and
reduces the cyclic stress intensity at the crack tip. A demonstration of this phenomenon
is shown in Figures 7 and 8 for two different specimen types using a 2024-T3 and a Ti-
6AI-4V alloy respectively. The results shown in these figures indicate a trend towards
increasing measured threshold as the initial Kmax increases, to a point where the threshold
can not be measured for the highest starting Kmaxlevel due to the high plasticity-induced
crack closure level.

Alternative Method of K-Control

In theory, stress analysis should allow for the determination of a AKth material

property independent of crack size and geometry. In practice, this is often not the case
The standard practice determines AKth at a crack length that is longer than typical of
small cracks at similar stress intensities. At a low stress ratio, interference in the crack
wake (crack closure) can reduce the range of AK and is considered one reason why the
AKth determined from a long crack may be non-conservative for small crack behavior. A
constant Kmax decreasing AK test provides near-threshold FCG rate data at a high stress
ratio free from the influence of crack closure. [3-5] Steep decreasing K-gradients can be
used without causing crack growth rate retardation because Kmax remains constant. One
issue that remains unresolved is the influence of Km~xon the resulting threshold.
Although this test procedure is permitted under the existing E 647 standard, details
regarding K-gradients, Km,x limitations and application are non-existent.
1E-007 ~


,-, _ 9 ,/ ",kK-increasing
*~ O (D/ / test results -
( ~ / / / (6 tests)
"~ 1E-009

/ Material: 2219-T851 Aluminum Plate

1E-010 - / Orientation:L-T
/ R = +0.1
/ Frequency: 20-70 Hz
/ Environment: Ambient air
0 K decreasingtest data,C - -0.28 l/ram
1E-011 i i I i ~ ~
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
AK (MPa-m In)

Figure 4 - Examples o f anomalous fatigue crack growth rate at R = + O.1 obtained when
rate o f K-decrease with crack extension is high (C : -0.28 mm 4) [1]

Other Load Transients

Other load transients that can affect threshold measurement are typically due to
human error, inexperienced test operators, and/or software/hardware malfunction during
the test. Two examples of these transient effects are inadvertent overloads and prolonged
test interruptions, Overloads of sufficient magnitude result in increased levels o f


K-Grad StartK DKth
0 -0.4 6.6 2.72
[] -0.4 6.6 2.73
. - ~ 1 0 -~ z~ -0.8 6.6 2.68
0 -0.4 6.6 2.(
o -0.8 6.6 2.;
E * -0.4 6.6 2.E
x -0.2 6.6 2.E
._.10 -6

R = 0.1
"~ 1 0 - ~ M(T) g e o m e t r y

10 , , , , ,,, , , , , , , ,,,
1 10

Figure 5 - Fatigue crack growth rate plot showing the effect of decreasing K-gradient for


K-6rad StortK DKth
0 -0.2 11.0 4.08
& -0.4 8.8 4.03
.~. 10 -5 [] - 0 . 8 8.8 4.24
0 -I .6 8.8 4.31

"~ 10-7 -4

10 - 8 I I I I I |1 ! I I L I t I I I I I
1 10
AK (MPav'~)

Figure 6 - Fatigue crack growth rate plot showing the effect of decreasing K-gradient for


K-Grad Starting K I f
0 -0.4 6.6 ~i~
-0.4 11.5 f
,~, 10 -5 [] - 0 . 4 15.4 t
10 - 0 . 4
:# -0.4
.~E 1 0-5

i0-7 M(T) g e o m e t r y

10 -8 I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I 1 1.

1 10
AK ( M P a ~ )

Figure 7 - Fatigue crack growth rate plot showing the effect of the starting Kmaxlevelfor


K-Grad StartK DKth
0 -0,8 8.8 4.24
zx - 0 . 8
- 15,2 4.54
~ , 10 -5 a - 0 . 8 19.8 4.47
0 -0.8 29.7 4.87
- "# - 0 . 8 44.0 --
E 10-6

~D 10-7
~'o C(T) g e o m e t r y

10 -8 I I I I I I I I I f [ I [ I I I I |

1 10
Z~K (MPa,/-~)

Figure 8 - Fatigue crack growth plot showing the effect of the starting Kmoxlevelfor

plasticity induced crack closure levels and reduced levels of AK~ffat the crack tip. This
increased crack closure can cause crack retardation, resulting in thresholds that are
greater than expected. [2, 6-8] On the other hand, prolonged test interruptions may result

in thresholds that are either greater than or less than expected. This behavior can be often
attributed to the interaction of the crack tip material with the lab environment during the
test interruption. [9,10]. The atomic species most commonly associated with this
behavior is hydrogen from water vapor contained in the lab environment. A mechanism
commonly used to explain a threshold less than that expected is that the hydrogen atoms
diffuse into the plastic zone ahead of the crack tip, reducing cyclic ductility and resulting
in increased crack growth rates at a given AK level. [11-14] If, however, a film of
corrosion product builds up on the fracture surface behind the crack tip during the test
interruption the amount of crack closure will increase after restarting the test. The AK~ir
at the crack tip will now be reduced, resulting in a greater than expected threshold. The
mechanism that operates during the test interruption is primarily a function of the
corrosion susceptibility of the material. For example, in 7XXX aluminum alloys,
overaging is performed to enhance the corrosion resistance of the material. Hence,
overaged tempers tend to exhibit greater thresholds than underaged tempers. [15-17]

Specimen Preparation and Precrack Procedure

Both specimen preparation and precracking procedures are addressed in E 647.

However, given the length of the standard, some inexperienced users may not grasp the
significance of these sections. In some cases it has been noted that machining a specimen
notch with a dull tool can affect the growth rate of a fatigue crack at a significant distance
from the notch tip. The use of a dull tool can produce plastic deformation and residual
stresses at the notch root of the specimen. The residual stresses can accentuate crack
closure levels at the low load levels and short crack lengths at which thresholds are
generally measured. Even if the crack is grown to a greater length than normal, the
effects of the plastic deformation are still present in the crack wake and may yet alter
threshold behavior.
In other cases, in an effort to save time, precracking loads are selected that are too
high and the K-decreasing portion of the test is begun at loads less than those used for
precracking. This is equivalent to imposing a block overload sequence on the specimen
prior to measuring threshold. It is well known that an overload of sufficient magnitude
results in lower crack growth rates than those measured during steady state. [2, 6-8]
Hence, precracking at loads greater than those used to begin the K-decreasing portion of
the test can result in measured thresholds greater than that measured from a steady state
While both of these issues are addressed in the standard, the authors have seen
instances where improper precracking and machining procedures have resulted in
spurious thresholds.

Residual Stresses

The effects of residual stresses on FCG rate measurement were first brought to
light in 1981 [18]. When residual stresses are present in test coupons, an additional
internal loading component is added to the applied load that is not accounted for during
data analysis. The schematic in Figure 9 illustrates this concept. Classical linear elastic

fracture mechanics similitude breaks down when the additional loading component due to
residual stress is appreciable as compared to the external applied load. Residual stress
influence can masquerade as a specimen geometry effect or as a false microstructural
effect [18,19]. Among the most common test specimen geometries, the compact tension
specimen has been shown to be the most susceptible to residual stress bias. An example
of a residual stress bias in an aluminum alloy is shown in Figure 10. In this case a new
processing method was used to fabricate the product. The initial conclusion reached was
that the new processing method increased the fatigue crack growth threshold of the alloy
substantially. However, the material made with the new processing method had not been
stress relieved. Subsequent testing using stress relieved material fabricated with the new
process demonstrated that the apparent increase in threshold was entirely due to residual
An effective method for detecting residual stress influences in compact tension
specimens has been described previously [20]..In this method the height of the compact
tension specimen is measured about the location where the clip gauge is to be affixed to
the specimen both before and after machining the specimen notch. A change in height
greater than a certain amount indicates that residual stresses of sufficient magnitude to
create a significant shift in the threshold measurement exist within the specimen. For
example, in a compact tension specimen with a width of 50 ram, a change in the height of
0.05 mm or greater would indicate a potential problem.

Part Coupon

K = ffappl(Xa) 1/2 Y ( a f W ) + ffresid f ( a , a f W )

Y, f= geometric functions,W = part, specimen size
Part Coupon
aappt large small
a small large
~=sia/t~pvl small large

"~ Residual stress induced bias is magnified in the coupon test.

Figure 9 - Schematic of residual stress effects on fracture mechanics test measurements



--o<~-_ No
c o~i.s R~i-d~---Is-ug~q
Stress (5):

Aluminum Alloy 2618-T6 (~-

R = +0.1 c~ _-
2s ~
1E-006 Relative Humidity > 90% ,.O~ -


IE-009 ~ l 1i~11"l(~
- - 4 - -i I
2 4 6 8 10 20 40
A N ( M P a - m 1/2)

Figure 10 - Comparison of valid and anomalous FCG rate measurements for specimens
with and without residual stress

Environmental Interactions

Environmental interactions during fatigue crack growth testing can produce either
increases or decreases in crack growth rates depending on the rate of crack growth and
mechanism involved. Chemical interactions at the crack tip tend to increase crack growth
rates [12-14, 21, 22 ] and can result in decreasing thresholds. On the other hand,
corrosion material may build up on exposed fracture surfaces, increasing crack closure,
and resulting in a decrease in crack growth rates, especially when crack opening
displacements are low. This may actually result in greater thresholds than expected in an
inert environment [23]. An example of this latter type of behavior is illustrated in Figure
11. In the experiment depicted, a constant crack growth rate was obtained in ambient air
for aluminum alloy 7475-T7351. When sump water was introduced, the crack growth
rate gradually decreased and eventually the crack stalled completely due to buildup of
corrosion product on the fracture surface.
It could be argued that a threshold measured in an aggressive environment is not
necessarily a material property, as it has a time dependency as well. It could also be
argued that the authors o r E 647 did not intend for the threshold methods described in the
standard to apply to testing in these types of environments. One can also ask the
question: how aggressive an environment is required to cause a significant change in the
crack growth threshold? For many aluminum alloys, the most common "aggressive"
environment required is often termed "lab air". An example of this for the aluminum
alloy 7050-T7451 is shown in Figure 12. In this figure the da/dn - AK curves compared
were obtained in low (<10% RH) and high (>90% RH) humidity air. The low humidity
air curve is representative of lab air during the cold winter months, whereas the high
humidity curve is representative of lab air during the hot, humid summer months. Hence,
depending on the time of year the crack growth threshold can vary significantly when
measured in lab or ambient air.

---, 120 I I I
Q O OO O O O 0 OOo0
9,, ~ 40
" 0
O o~ ooOO ~oo
~ @ -40
, I , I , I
. + +
;9 5
0 2x106 4xl06
0 2x106 4x106 6x106
Cycles in Ambient Air Cycles in Sump Water

Figure 11 - Crack opening displacement measurements showing that crack arrest occurs
in 7475-T7351 C T specimens tested in sump water because of gradual buildup of closure
forces caused by corrosion products on crack surfaces [23]

A second manifestation of the non-uniqueness of crack growth threshold in humid lab air
for certain materials is demonstrated schematically in Figure 13. This figure contrasts the
behavior of SCC (stress corrosion cracking) susceptible and resistant aluminum alloy
tempers when the loading sequence is cycled between K-decreasing and
K-increasing in the near threshold region of a FCG test. Fracture surface oxide layers in
SCC susceptible aluminum alloy tempers have a tendency to be thicker than in SCC
resistant tempers, thus increasing the amount of crack closure and decreasing crack tip
AK values. Formation of this oxide layer is time dependent, as is attainment of crack
growth threshold conditions. Until the oxide layer and corrosion debris formed attain
their equilibrium thickness in the test environment the crack closure levels and threshold
continue to increase. If insufficient time is given for this equilibrium thickness to form,
the behavior depicted in Figure 13 can be observed. That is, the threshold of an SCC
susceptible product may increase with successive cycles until steady state behavior is
reached, as opposed to an SCC resistant product in which the equilibrium oxide layer
thickness is thinner and achieved rapidly. Therefore, steady state behavior is generally
attained during the first K-decreasing segment. The time dependence of the threshold of
the SCC susceptible alloy-temper is related to the time required for a layer of corrosion
product to form to a steady state thickness. In an SCC resistant product the thickness of
this layer is insufficient to produce a time dependent threshold in lab air. [15,16]




=~ 1E-008


2 4 6 8 10 20 40

AK (MPa - m 1/2)

Figure 12 - Fatigue crack growth rate plot showing the effect of relative humidity for
705 O-T7451

~' dK/da- negative/
da/dN , dKtda- positive/

F;:" / Start

behavior~ " * /
Ttanstent-~ J "/ state
behavior /
~./" "Steady

AK --~- ~K
Highly SCC-Susceptible SCC-Resistant
Alloy-Temper Alloy-'i emper

Figure 13 - Typical response to positive and negative K-gradients observed during early
stages of near-threshoM FCG tests on aluminum alloy tempers with high and low
resistance to SCC


Technology, fundamental understanding of crack growth thresholds, and testing

techniques have made substantial advances since E 647 was originally drafted. In fact, E
647 has been extensively modified for non-visual crack length determination although

test procedure guidelines are still based on twenty-year-old experience. However, the
importance of careful experimental technique and specimen preparation has not
diminished. One of the important recommendations made in E 647 regarding threshold
measurement is to follow the K-decreasing portion of the test with a K-increasing portion
that covers the same segment of the da/dn curve in order to verify the results. While this
may not be cost or time efficient in all cases, many of the anomalous crack growth
thresholds would be detected early on if this recommendation were heeded. Attention to
detail in designing experiments to measure thresholds is invaluable to eliminating
extraneous influences due to the topics discussed in this paper.


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Determinations on Incompletely Stress Relieved Parts" AeroMat '96, Dayton,
Ohio, June 6, 1996.

[21] Gao, M., Pao, P. S., and Wei, R. P., "Chemical and metallurgical aspects of
environmentally assisted fatigue crack growth in 7075-T651 aluminum alloy,"
Metallurgical Transactions A, Vol 19A, July 1988, pp. 1739-1750.

[22] Radon, J.C., "Influence of environment on threshold in fatigue crack growth", Metal
Science, July I979, pp. 411-419.

[23] Nordmark, G.E and Fricke, W.G., Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 6, No. 5,
Sept. 1978, pp. 301-303.
Michael J. Caton, l J. Wayne Jones, l and John E. Allison 2

Use of Small Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis in Predicting the S-N Response of Cast
Aluminum Alloys

Reference: Caton, M. J., Jones, J. W., and Allison, J. E., "Use of Small Fatigue Crack
Growth Analysis in Predicting the S-N Response of Cast Aluminum Alloys," Fatigue
Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C.
Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West
Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: The development of a material model to estimate the S-N response of a cast
aluminum alloy is described. An important requirement of such a model is sensitivity to
processing effects such as solidification time and subsequent material characteristics such
as secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS), strength, and porosity. It has been speculated
that the fatigue properties of aluminum castings are dominated by the propagation of
cracks which initiate from microshrinkage pores ranging in size from - 10 to 1000 gm.
A model was developed that calculates fatigue life based on small crack growth rates
measured in cast 319 aluminum specimens with two different solidification times. Results
from this small crack model are compared with predictions from a traditional LEFM
model using long-crack data and measured thresholds.

Keywords: crack growth threshold, small fatigue cracks, cast aluminum, porosity, crack
initiation, crack propagation, life prediction


Over the past decade the automotive industry has increasingly employed cast
aluminum alloys as a replacement for cast iron and steel components in order to achieve
weight reduction and improved fuel efficiency. Cast aluminum is currently being used
for wheels, transmission components, chassis and suspension components, and engine
components. With the introduction of these alloys into structurally demanding
applications there exists a need for a thorough understanding of their fatigue performance
in order to ensure durability in the component design process. A traditional approach to
incorporate the fatigue resistance of a material into the design of a component is the use
of stress-life (S-N) curves. Such S-N curves are typically established experimentally with
laboratory specimens and the influence of processing parameters on the fatigue

Graduate Student and Professor, respectively, Department of Materials Science and

Engineering, University of Michigan, 2300 Hayward Ann Arbor, M148109-2136.
2 Senior Staff Technical Specialist, Ford Motor Company Scientific Research
Laboratories, MD 3182 SRL, Dearborn, MI 48121-2053.

Copyright 2000 byASTM International www.astm.org

performance of a cast alloy is manifested by shifts in the S-N curves. However,

experimentally determining S-N data for different variations in alloy, processing, and heat
treatments can be expensive and time consuming. Even for a given alloy, heat treatment
and casting process, variation in solidification condition in different regions of a
component result in significant variations in fatigue properties. This substantially
compounds database requirements and the ability to use general databases for component
design. A material model capable of estimating the fatigue performance of cast alloys and
indicating the influence of processing variables such as solidification time and the
resulting strength and porosity distribution is preferred.
Numerous studies of cast aluminum alloys have reported that fatigue cracks initiate
predominantly from pores which develop in the material during the solidification process
[1-6]. Although porosity can result from entrapped gas, resulting in nearly spherical
voids, in high quality casting it more typically results from a combination of volume
contraction and failure of interdendritic feeding at the last stages of solidification,
resulting in irregularly shaped voids termed "microshrinkage pores" [7]. Microshrinkage
porosity is directly related to the solidification time in a given region of a casting and is
generally considered a microstructural constituent of cast aluminum components. It is
thought that microshrinkage pores located near the specimen surface are the most likely
to result in the nucleation of a fatigue crack and therefore the most detrimental to fatigue
performance [2, 8]. Figure 1 shows a typical microshrinkage pore on the fracture surface
of a cast 319 aluminum fatigue specimen. A fatigue crack initiated at the ~ 800 ~tm
microshrinkage pore shown in Figure 1(b) and grew to a critical size resulting in fracture
of the specimen. In general, pore sizes in cast aluminum alloys can range from ~ 10 to
1000 ~tm.

Figure 1 - Fracture surface of a W319-T7 Al fatigue specimen. (a) The fatigue crack
initiated from the microshrinkage pore outlined in the white box. (b) The initiating pore
is located at the specimen surface and has a maximum dimension of ~ 800 I.tm.

It is speculated that for a wide range of stress amplitudes, the number of cycles
required to initiate a fatigue crack in a cast aluminum specimen is a negligible portion of
the total fatigue life and that a fracture mechanics or crack growth type approach to

predicting fatigue performance is reasonable [1-3, 8, 9]. Several studies have predicted
the fatigue performance of cast A1 alloys based on fracture mechanics methods [1-3, 8, 9].
Most of this work has used a LEFM method coupled with fatigue crack growth constants
acquired from long cracks. It is recognized, however, that a significant portion of fatigue
lifetime can be spent propagating a small crack whose growth behavior is not accurately
described by long crack data. For materials that exhibit a small crack effect, use of long
crack data can lead to significantly non-conservative estimates of fatigue properties. This
is because small cracks (typically of lengths less than ~ 1 to 2 mm) can propagate at
significantly faster rates than long cracks under equivalent AK levels and at stress
intensities less than the threshold stress intensity factor range, AKth, measured for long
cracks [10-12].
Several approaches have been used to modify long crack data in an attempt to estimate
the behavior of small cracks when predicting fatigue performance. These approaches
generally use closure-corrected, effective stress intensity factors to account for the
reduced crack closure effects observed in small cracks. Couper et al. [1] determined the
effective stress intensity factor range, AK~m for long cracks and used the Paris equation,

da (
C AKe~ )~ (1)

tO predict the S-N behavior of an A1-7Si-0.4Mg casting alloy, where da/dN represents the
rate of crack growth and C and m are constants determined empirically from the crack
growth curve. Here, the effective driving force, AK~ff, is reduced by taking into account
crack closure following Elber's approach [13] where AI~ff = UAK. In this case, a closure
factor, U, of 0.5 is used for the fully reversed loading condition (R = -1). Reduced levels
of crack closure are thought to be an important factor contributing to the accelerated
growth of small fatigue cracks [13, 14]. The results of this approach were in reasonable
agreement with experimental data but slightly non-conservative, especially at higher
stresses. Skallemd et at. [2] also accounted for crack closure by using AKcff in the
following crack growth equation,

da C(AK" " ) (2)

dN ~tr ,h.eSt

to predict the fatigue response of a cast A356 aluminum alloy. Here, AKth,effrepresents
the threshold stress intensity range determined from long crack da/dN vs. AK~ff(closure
corrected) data. This model is further modified by introducing an effective crack length,
a0, which augments the stress intensity solution for small cracks as follows,

AKe~ = Acr,st 9F . (3)

where AcYeeedenotes the effective applied stress range, F is a correction factor, and a
represents a measure of crack dimension. This is an approach proposed by El Haddad et
al. [15] to correct for threshold behavior, where ao is a constant for a given material and

material condition determined from AKth and the fatigue limit, Acre. The predictions from
this model were somewhat non-conservative for calculations omitting ao from Equation 3,
and mostly conservative when a0 was included in the calculations. Hinkle et al. [3]
predicted the S-N response for a cast A356 aluminum alloy by using long crack data
corrected for closure in a Forman crack growth equation,

do m
dN (1-- g)gh. -- ~k~eff

where R is the stress ratio (O'rnin/(Ymax)and Ktc represents the fracture toughness. In this
model, small crack behavior is approximated by extrapolating the growth data beyond the
threshold into the low AK regime and by using closure corrected, AKeff long crack data.
By using minimum and maximum observed pore sizes as an initial crack dimension, this
model predicted reasonable bounds for the experimental data.
Relatively little work has been done to experimentally monitor the growth of small
cracks in cast aluminum alloys. Gungor and Edwards [16] predicted the fatigue
performance of a squeeze-cast aluminum alloy (6082 -T6) by using measured small crack
growth data (acquired at R = 0.1) in a Paris relation. The results were in very good
agreement with experimental data at intermediate and low fatigue lifetimes but
conservative at low stresses. The utility of this approach is enabled by the good
correlation of small crack growth rates over a narrow range of stress amplitudes (40 to
57%Cry) using a AK solution. However, other studies of small crack growth in cast
aluminum alloys have shown that the applied stress level can significantly influence the
da/dN vs. AK behavior [17, 18]. Such a stress level effect on small crack data
significantly complicates the use of AK and a Paris relation for predicting S-N response.
The values for C and m used in Equation 1 will change by an unknown amount as the
applied stress amplitude changes, introducing error into the lifetime calculations.
Shiozawa et al. [17] reported a stress level effect on small crack growth when using AK
and employed an alternative crack driving force to estimate the S-N behavior of two
squeeze-cast aluminum alloys (AC8A-T6 and AC4C-T6). In this case, the following
crack growth relation proposed by Nisitani et al. [19J was used to successfully correlate
the small crack data without any influence of stress level,

dN- i Ir,I
" tT,,

where oa is the applied stress amplitude, ~t is the tensile strength, and C1 and n are
empirical constants. The S-N calculations determined by integrating Equation 5 were in
good agreement with experimental data. Recently, Conley et al. [8] achieved good fatigue
life predictions for a cast A356 alloy using a Paris relation and empirical constants (C and
m in Equation 1) determined from small crack growth data reported by Seniw et al. [20].
However, the small crack measurements and the life predictions were only conducted for
a single stress amplitude. If a stress level effect exists within this alloy, then this approach

will lead to inaccurate predictions for stress amplitudes that vary significantly from that
used to acquire the small crack growth data.
In a study of small crack growth behavior in a cast 319 aluminum alloy, Caton et al.
[18] reported not only a significant stress level effect, but also showed that the
solidification time in a casting can significantly affect the growth behavior of small
fatigue cracks. This represents an important consideration since different regions of a cast
component can experience considerably different solidification times and therefore
possess different microstructures, strengths, and fatigue characteristics. A small crack
growth relation similar to Equation 5 was shown to uniquely define the growth of small
cracks at two stress amplitudes in specimens of two different solidification times.
In the current paper, a model derived from this small crack relation is presented and
used to estimate the S-N response of a cast 319-type aluminum alloy, a commercial A1-
Si-Cu alloy used in casting automotive engine components (henceforth designated as
W319). The results from this model are compared to those determined using a traditional
LEFM model and long crack data. It will be shown that use of long crack data can result
in considerable overestimates of the fatigue performance, particularly when threshold
stress intensities are considered. The small crack model developed in this work greatly
improves the accuracy of the stress-life calculations.

Experimental Methods

The material investigated in this study is a cast 319-type aluminum alloy whose
nominal composition is (by weight %): 7.43 Si, 3.33 Cu, 0.22 Mg, 0.24 Mn, 0.38 Fe, 0.01
Ni, 0.12 Ti, 0.13 Zn, 0.03 Sr, 0.03 Cr, and balance A1. This alloy will be referred to as
W319 throughout the paper. It has been shown that the solidification time significantly
influences the tensile and fatigue properties of W319 [4]. The effect of solidification time
on fatigue behavior is considered by examining specimens with solidification times of
- 44 seconds and ~ 2603 seconds. The condition produced by the faster solidification
will be referred to as the "Fine" condition due to its smaller secondary dendrite arm
spacing (SDAS) while the condition produced by the slower solidification will be referred
to as the "Coarse" condition. All of the specimens underwent a T7 heat treatment
consisting of an 8 hour solution treatment at 495~ followed by a boiling water quench
(-90~ and 4 hours of aging at 260~ A summary of the microstructural and tensile
characteristics for the two material conditions are given in Table 1. The average grain
sizes in these two microstructures do not differ greatly (-0.5 - 1.3 mm for the Fine
condition and ~ 1.6 mm for the Coarse condition) [18].
The growth of small fatigue cracks (- 17 gm to 2 mm) was monitored in uniaxial
specimens taken from hot isostatically pressed (HIP) W319 aluminum using a replication
technique. The 3 hour HIP procedure at 480~ and 105 MPa was applied to the small
crack specimens prior to the T7 heat treatment and final machining and reduced the
microshrinkage porosity to a negligible level. Eliminating the shrinkage porosity in these
specimens increases the likelihood of surface initiation and facilitates the observation of
naturally-initiated cracks from the earliest stages of propagation by means of replication.
The tensile properties of the W319 alloy are changed only slightly by the HIP process and
while the HIP procedure significantly alters the fatigue crack initiation in W319 A1 [18],

Table 1 - Tensile properties of the W319-T7 aluminum alloy

as influenced by solidification time reported in [4].1
Material Average time for Average SDAS Yield Strength Tensile Strength
Condition solidification ([tm) (MPa) (MPa)
Fine 44 seconds 23 223 327
Coarse 2603 seconds 100 151 166
T Data from specimens that did not undergo hot isostatic pressing.

it is suspected that the propagation behavior is not greatly influenced. Optical and SEM
analyses indicated that there was no influence of the HIP procedure on any critical
microstructural features other than porosity.
The small fatigue cracks were grown under constant amplitude, fully reversed loading
(R= - 1) and AK was determined using the solution presented by Newman and Raju [21]
for a surface crack in a finite plate. The growth of long fatigue cracks (- l0 to 25 ram)
was measured in C(T) specimens at a stress ratio, R, of 0.1 and growth rates were
determined as a function of AK and AK~ff. Testing was conducted at a commercial testing
laboratory in accordance with ASTM Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack
Growth Rates (E 647-95). AI~ff was determined by the ASTM technique described in
Donald [22]. More thorough details of the experimental procedures used to determine the
long and small crack behavior are given in [18].
The samples for small crack growth testing were taken from the same starting material
as castings that were used in a study of the fatigue behavior of W319 by Boileau et al. [4].
Stress-life data were established for the Fine and Coarse conditions of the W319 alloy
which did not undergo the HIP process [4] using uniaxial, cylindrical specimens with a 5
mm gauge diameter and testing was conducted under fully reversed loads. The fracture
surfaces of the failed specimens were examined using scanning electron microscopy and
the number and sizes of the pores present on the surfaces were determined using an
Oxford ISIS Imaging System [4].

Results and Discussion

As previously described, most of the models used to predict the fatigue performance of
cast aluminum alloys have used closure-corrected long crack growth data. A considerable
difference can exist between the behavior of fatigue cracks when they are small (a < l
mm) and when they are long (a > 5 mm) and these models consequently possess some
degree of error. This paper presents a comparison of stress-life calculations in W319
aluminum using both long and small crack growth data and therefore quantifies the
degree of improvement that is achieved by using measured small crack growth data. This
section first discusses the fatigue crack growth behavior in W319 and then presents two
models that calculate the stress-life response. The first model is a traditional LEFM
approach which uses long crack growth data and the second model is one based upon the
measured growth behavior of the small fatigue cracks.

Crack Growth Behavior

The crack growth data acquired for the Fine and Coarse SDAS conditions, originally
reported in [18], are shown in Figure 2. Included in the plots are the long crack
measurements (AK and AKefe) obtained from C(T) specimens and small crack data
measured at the stress amplitudes of 100 and 140 MPa. The small crack data in Figure 2
represent measurements from two to four cracks for each condition of microstructure and
stress amplitude. The Paris constants, crack growth thresholds, and cyclic fracture
toughness, KQ, values determined from the long crack curves are given in Table 2. KQ
was taken as the maximum stress intensity at a growth rate of - l x l 0 5 m/cycle. It can be
seen from the plots in Figure 2 that there exists a significant small crack effect in this
alloy for both solidification times. All of the measured small cracks experienced growth
at stress intensities lower than the long crack threshold, AKth. The closure-corrected long
crack data (AKeff) offers an improved approximation of the small crack behavior but still
provides an inadequate estimate for a broad range of applied stress amplitudes.
It is evident from Figure 2 that the applied stress amplitude has a distinct effect on the
small crack growth curves with application of higher stress amplitudes resulting in faster
growth rates at equivalent AK levels for both microstructural conditions. The effect is
more pronounced in the Coarse SDAS condition (Figure 2b) where the 100 and 140 MPa
stress amplitudes represent a greater fraction of the strength. It is speculated that the
observed stress level effect in this alloy is related to the varying degrees of plastic
deformation attendant at the crack tip and violation of the small scale yielding assumption

Table 2 - Paris constants, fatigue crack growth thresholds, and cyclic fracture toughness
values calculated from the long_crack growth curves in Figure 2 [18].
Material Testing Threshold Cyclic Toughness
Condition Condition C m (MPa-m 1/2) K.~(MPa-m 1/2)
Fine Long Crack 4.82~'0:f~ 4.49 AK~h = 2.7 16.72
(Fig. 2a) (AK)
Fine Long Crack 5.65x10 -1~ 2.59 AKth,eff= 0.6 13.9
(Fig. 2a) (AK~ff)
Coarse Long Crack 2.44x10 -15 8.10 AKth = 4.0 13.24
(Fig. 2b) (AK)
Coarse Long Crack 3.46x10 q~ 2.93 AKth,eff= 0.8 11.45
(Fig. 2b) (AK~ff)

The solidification time also has a distinct effect on the growth behavior of the small
fatigue cracks. Figure 3 shows the measured small crack growth data for the two different
solidification times of ~ 44 seconds (Fine SDAS) and ~ 2603 seconds (Coarse SDAS) at
stress amplitudes of 100 and 140 MPa. The curves indicate that faster growth occurs in
the Coarse microstructure (slower solidification) for a given stress amplitude. It is
speculated that the influence of solidification time is closely related to the significant
differences in strength in these two conditions (see Table 1) [18].

10 .4 r , . . . . . . ,i . . . . . . .

Small Crack Data, AK Long Crack Data (R = 0.1)

~, Fine, %=100MPa //
9 Fine, %=140MPa //
--7R~-1) - iI/
10-6 AKeff / / AK

10"8 OmaxJGYield . i j" /

0.69 ,~ ~ff~ /
10 .9 9- .-or' / w319- ,,
0 49 ~ ,/ Fine SDAS (-23t.tm)
9 J / - 44 sec. solidification time

10-10 . . . . . . . ! . . . . /. . . . . . . , . . . . . . .
0.1 1 10 100

AK, AKe~ (MPa-m 1/2)


Small Crack Data, AK
o Coarse, %=100MPa Long Crack Data (R=0.1)
9 Coarse,aa = 140 MPa / /
-- ~Ke. / / ~K
10 .7 I~max/~yield _~,~ .i /
z - - . ,'t o.. / /
"O 1 0 "s
0.91 ooo~ / /

~e . / ./ W319-T7 AI
)~ r Coarse SDAS (-100~m)
. . . . . . /,V,i , , ] l , ;,260,0sec. s,olidificationtime
0.1 1 10 100

AK, AKeff (MPa-m 1/2)


Figure 2 - The long and small crack growth curves determined for (a) the Fine and (b) the
Coarse microstructures of the W319- T7 alloy [181.

The influence of solidification time (microstructure) on the growth behavior of small

cracks sheds some light on the factors responsible for observed differences in the fatigue
properties of cast aluminum alloys. It has been shown that solidification time significantly
alters the fatigue properties of the W319 alloy with faster solidification resulting in
improved fatigue resistance [4]. While it is likely that the improved fatigue performance
is due, in part, to reduction in pore size and quantity, the data in Figure 3 shows that this
phenomenon is also due to differences in small crack growth behavior. Therefore,
improved fatigue performance in a more quickly solidified alloy is not only a result of a
smaller initial crack size (initiating from a smaller microshrinkage pore) but also results
from slower crack propagation.

105 . . . . . , ' ' i

, , , , , , ,

Small Cracks (R = -1)

w319-'r7 AI
Coarse, cta = 100 MPa Fine: - 4 4 sec. solidification time
C o a r s e : - 2 6 0 0 sec. solidification time
10-6 Coarse, ~a = 140 MPa
Fine, ~a = 100 MPa

107 Fine'~a=140MPac0arse
______4 o',~'~ ,~1':7 '~'~176

140 MPa e~176 Coarse

Z 9 oO~ 100 MPa
10-s 80 ~
"O Fine ~ ,~,~a Fine
140 MPa , o~O 9 ~ 100 MPa
~dl'6 ,A o ~, z~ ^ z ~

109 @ %0 ,,

10-10 n J i i i n ~ ~ I I t n n J i a

0.1 1 10
AK (MPa-m 1/2)

Figure 3 - The effect of solidification time and stress level on the da/dN vs. AK curves for
small fatigue cracks in the W319-T7 alloy [18].

It has been recognized for some time that AK does not properly characterize the
driving force behind the growth of small cracks and several more appropriate parameters
have been proposed such as elastic-plastic parameters like AJ and AS [23]. Recent work
by Edwards and Zhang [24, 25] demonstrates that the plastic zone size ahead of the crack
tip serves as a good parameter to characterize the driving force of small crack growth in
two 7000 series aluminum alloys. Nisitani et al. [19] have also proposed an alternative
growth law for small cracks which is described by a relation like that given in Equation 5.
As mentioned, Shiozawa et al. [17] have shown that Equation 5 works well in describing
the growth of small cracks in two squeeze-cast aluminum alloys (AC8A-T6 and AC4C-
In a previous study of W319-T7 aluminum [ 18], it was shown that a single growth
relation, much like that proposed by Nisitani et al., works well in correlating the small

crack data for different solidification rates and at different stress amplitudes. The relation
can be written as


where ern~ is the remote strain corresponding to the maximum stress in the load cycle, cra
is the applied stress amplitude, cry represents the monotonic yield strength, and D, s, and t
are empirical constants. The terms Emaxand cry are introduced into the crack growth
correlating parameter used in Equation 6 to allow for comparison of the propagation
behavior in different materials as discussed in [18]. For a given applied stress amplitude,
a material with lower yield strength (cry) will experience a greater degree of crack tip
plasticity, and a material which experiences a greater remote strain (emax) will encounter a
greater contribution to crack tip opening displacement. Both of these phenomena
contribute to faster propagation rates. Figure 4 shows a plot of the small crack data

10-5 ' ~ ,,,,,,i , , ,,,~,,i , , ,,,,i,i , . . . . ,,,i , , ,,,,,,i . . . . . ,,

o Coarse, Cmax = 100 MPa
10-6 9 Coarse, ~rmax = 140 MPa /
Fine, ~max = 100 MPa
Fine, Cmax = 140 M P a 9 . / ~
-~ 10-7
~ 10 .8 ~ da/6N = D i( ~ma• IJa/Cy)2.5 a ] 1
oq~.; D=7.1x105, t=1.25
J Fine'.-44 sec. solidificationtime
......... / ,6,,, ~ , ,2 , ,, ,J0??ec. solldi,f,icationlim:,,
10-14 10-13 10-12 10-11 10-10 10-9 10-8
(~max~a/%) z5 a (rn)

Figure 4 - The crack growth relation given in Equation 6 correlates the growth of small
fatigue cracks in the W319-T7 alloy for two solidification times (~44 and -2600 sec.) and
at two stress amplitudes (100 and 140 MPa) [18].

measured in the W319-T7 alloy as a function of the correlating parameter (emaxcra/cry)s a.

It can be seen that the growth data for the two different solidification rates and two
different stress amplitudes can all be reasonably defined by the single expression given in
Equation 6 where D, s, and t are determined to be 7.1x105, 2.5, and 1.25, respectively.

The successful correlation of small crack data seen in Figure 4 suggests that data acquired
at a limited number of stress amplitudes could be adequate to describe the growth
behavior of small cracks for a wide range of untested stress levels. This enables a very
straightforward calculation of the propagation life of a specimen, Np, and the
determination of S-N curves.

Stress-Life Modeling

Fatigue life calculations were conducted for the Fine and Coarse conditions of the
W319-T7 alloy using the long crack growth data shown in Figure 2 in a LEFM method
(Equation 2) and using a small crack model based on Equation 6. Results of the different
methods of estimating fatigue life are compared to experimental data in Figure 5. The
models used to estimate S-N response are described below.
LEFM Model - The long crack growth data given in Table 2 were incorporated into a
fatigue life prediction model described in [2]. This traditional LEFM model assumes a
negligible initiation life and calculates the propagation life using the crack growth
relation given in Equation 2. A computer program developed by Iveland and Odegard [2,
9] was used to calculate the fatigue lifetime based upon the following input parameters:
yield strength (Gy), tensile strength (Gt), cyclic fracture toughness (KQ), crack growth
threshold (AKth or AKth,eff), Paris' constant (C), Paris' exponent (m), plastic constraint
factor (c0, specimen radius (r), applied stress amplitude (Ga), and stress ratio (R). The
program is capable of predicting fatigue lifetime based upon crack initiation from several
different pore configurations. The results given in Figure 5 are based upon initiation from
a single pore modeled as a semi-circular surface crack. The K solution determined by the
program for this crack configuration is outlined in [2]. The initial crack size was taken as
the average equivalent pore diameter observed on the fracture surfaces of the W319-T7
fatigue specimens. Table 3 reports the pore size distribution which resulted from a study
of the fracture surfaces of the fatigue specimens represented as experimental data in
Figure 5 [4]. Therefore, the initial crack depth, b, and initial half crack length, a, were
assigned values of 134 ~tm in the Fine condition and 526 ~tm in the Coarse condition.
The model considers failure to occur when the stress intensity at the crack tip reaches the
cyclic fracture toughness, KQ. The fracture toughness values which were used in the
program for the different material and testing conditions are given in Table 2.

Table 3 - Porosity distribution in the W319 aluminum alloy [4]. 1

Material Condition Equivalent Pore Diameter
Minimum(~m) Average(~m) Maximum(~m)
Fine (~ 23 ~tm SDAS) 20 134 278
Coarse (~ 100 ~m SDAS) 156 526 1178
Measured from fracture surfaces of fatigue specimens.

Figure 5 shows fatigue life calculations determined using crack growth parameters
determined from the long crack AK data (lighter solid curves) and from the closure
corrected AKeeedata (dash-dot curves). In both cases, the effect of considering crack
growth thresholds is indicated. When the measured crack growth thresholds reported in

450 ....... i ........ i ........ i ........ ] . . . . . ... i ........ i . . . . . ,,q , , ,,,,,,

Calculated: Long Crack AK Data (Eq. 2) W319-T7 AI

400 --.- Calculated: Long Crack AKeff Data (Eq. 2) Fine SDAS (-231.tm)
Calculated: Small Crack Model (Eq. 8) - 4 4 sec. solidification time
350 ,a Experimental Data

~v300 \

<E 200
~, 15o ~. x. ,~ ~ Extrapolating
-"~'~ ~ Paris regime
, ~ a ~ Using -~
......... .......
102 10a 104 10s 108 10? 108 109 101o
Nf, Cycles to Failure


Calculated:LongCrackAK Data(Eq. 2) W319-1"7 AI
300 -- -- Calculated:LongCrackAKeff Data(Eq. 2) Coarse SDAS (~ 100l.tm)
-2 600 sec. solidification time
Calculated:SmallCrackModel(Eq. 8)
9 ExperimentalData
0_ 250

"O 2O0
r Extrapolating
E Paris regime
9 ~ \. ~ / Using



101 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 107 108 109 10 lo
Nf, Cycles to Failure


F i g u r e 5 - S-N calculations are compared to experimental data for (a) the Fine and (b)
the Coarse microstructures of the W319-T7 alloy.

Table 2 (AKth o r AKth,eff)are entered into the life calculation program, endurance limits
are predicted. An alternative approach is to linearly extrapolate the Paris regime beyond
the threshold into the low AK regime. This was implemented by selecting a sufficiently
low threshold value in the program such that any applied stress amplitude will result in
crack growth. In this case, no endurance limits are predicted as shown in Figure 5.
It can be seen in Figure 5 that the use of long crack AK data (lighter solid curves)
results in substantial overestimates of the fatigue performance when compared to the
experimental data for both the Fine and Coarse microstructures. The overestimates are
particularly large when the measured AKth values are used in the life calculation program.
The experimental data shows failures at a stress level of ~ 96 MPa (~ 2x105 t o 10 7
cycles) in the Fine microstmcture, which is - 90 MPa less than the calculated endurance
limit of 186 MPa. In the Coarse microstructure, a failure was observed experimentally at
a stress amplitude of - 55 MPa (- 10 6 cycles) which is - 72 MPa less than the calculated
endurance limit of 127 MPa. The calculations that were made using long crack AK data
that was extrapolated beyond the measured thresholds show improvement, but are still
non-conservative, particularly for the Coarse microstructure (Figure 5b).
The calculations in Figure 5 based upon the closure corrected long crack AI~ff data
(dash-dot curves) show a marked improvement over those which did not consider crack
closure. For the Fine microstructure (Figure 5a), the calculations based upon the AI~ff
data correlate fairly well with experimental data, despite somewhat conservative
estimations at low stress levels and significantly non-conservative estimation of the high
stress level data. In the Coarse microstructure (Figure 5b), the calculations based upon the
AKeff data are non-conservative at intermediate to high stress levels. Recall that the long
crack da/dN vs. AK~ffcurve for the Coarse microstructure (Figure 2b) did not provide an
adequate estimate of the small crack growth data tested at 100 MPa and 140 MPa stress
amplitudes. The closure corrected long crack data provided a better estimate of the small
crack growth in the Fine microstructure (Figure 2a) where the same applied stress levels
represent a smaller fraction of the yield strength. It has been speculated that plasticity
effects may contribute to faster growth rates at the higher stress levels and that the
absence of crack closure cannot solely account for the small crack effect [18].
The S-N calculations from long crack AK~ffdata provide good estimates of the fatigue
performance at stress amplitudes where the da/dN vs. AI~ff curves are in close agreement
with small crack growth curves. However, the effect of stress level on small crack
behavior apparent in Figure 2 limits the stress amplitudes at which estimates of S-N from
long crack AiSle data are accurate. The primary objective of this work is to better
understand and be able to better predict the fatigue performance of cast aluminum alloys
as represented by the S-N data points in Figure 5. By observing the crack growth curves
in Figure 2, it can be said that the long crack AiSle curves do not describe the fatigue
behavior which results in the S-N data in Figure 5. The long crack AKeff curves only
describe small crack behavior for a very limited range of stresses. Looking closely at the
AI~ff calculations in Figure 5, it is for this limited stress range that the long crack AK~ff
method provides accurate results. More accurate calculations over a wider range of
applied stress amplitudes can be achieved from a knowledge of the small crack growth
behavior and its dependence on stress level. The following model offers this improved

Small Crack Model - The bold curves in Figure 5 represent fatigue life calculations
determined using a small crack growth based model. Like the LEFM model described
above, this model assumes a negligible initiation life and a pre-existing surface crack
whose size, ai, is equivalent to the average pore sizes reported in Table 3. The
propagation lifetime is calculated by integrating Equation 6. First, it is recognized that
the term (~;maxCa/Oy)~ is constant for a constant amplitude fatigue test. Then Equation 6
can be rewritten as

~N = D[Qa]' = [DQ' ]a' (7)

where Q = (8max (Ja/~y) s. Integration of Equation 7 then results in



1 a;t+l _a i-t+l
Np DQ' -t+l (8b)

The critical crack size to cause failure, af, was assigned the value of 3 mm for all stress
levels based upon experimental observations. It should be noted that the model is quite
insensitive to variations in ae, particularly for sizes greater than 2 mm.
The S-N calculations from this small crack model correlate well with the experimental
data in Figure 5 and show a distinct improvement over the calculations from the LEFM
model using both long crack AK and AKeff data. In particular, a notable improvement can
be seen at the high stress levels in both microstructures. Despite the improvements,
however, the calculated curves resulting from the small crack model are at the high end of
the experimental scatter for high stress amplitudes in the Coarse microstructure. For a
140 MPa stress amplitude applied to a specimen with the Coarse microstructure, the
small crack model calculates a lifetime of - 1000 cycles. While a specimen was observed
to fail at 1515 cycles under these conditions, another specimen was observed to fail at
130 cycles. In this case, the model gives a reasonable estimation for the longer life
specimen, but overestimates the performance of the lower life specimen by approximately
an order of magnitude. This calls into question the source of scatter in the experimental
data and whether the degree of scatter can be estimated.
It is likely that the scatter in the S-N data is due in part to the variation of initiating
pore size. Figure 6 compares the experimental data to the range in calculated fatigue life
that results by using the minimum, average, and maximum pore sizes (see Table 3) as the
initial crack size, ai, in the small crack model. It can be seen that the range in lifetime
resulting from variations in initiating pore size does not estimate the full range of the
experimental data. In fact, the lowest bound of calculated lifetime for the Coarse
condition at 140 MPa (ai = 1178 lam, N o = 450 cycles) overestimates the lowest
experimental data point by - 5x while the highest bound for the Fine condition at 100

MPa (ai = 20 ~tm, N o = 106 cycles) underestimates the highest experimental data point at
this stress level by - 5x. In general, varying the initial crack size from 20 ~tm to 278 ~tm
in the Fine microstructure or from 156 ~tm to 1178 ~m in the Coarse microstructure
results in approximately a 5x range in estimated cycles to failure. However, the
experimental data for both solidification times can vary by more than an order of
magnitude at a given stress amplitude.
The overestimation of fatigue performance in the Coarse microstructure at high
stresses is thought to result from the oversimplified assumption of a single initiation site
and a single propagating fatigue crack. In reality, there are likely multiple fatigue cracks
propagating in a given specimen, particularly in the Coarse microstructure where the
pores are much larger and represent a larger volume fraction of the microstructure [4].

350 ' ,,,i-,i ~ i,,,,,11 , , ,,,,,41 ~ , , , i , ,i,,,,,i , , ,,,,,,I ' ' ,,'",l , ,r~f,,,

W319-T7 AI
Calculated (Eq. 8): ai = Max. & Min Pore Sizes
.... Calculated (Eq. 8): ai = Average Pore Sizes
9 Experimental Data: Coarse (-100 Ilm SDAS)
250 Experimental Data: Fine (-23 Ftm SDAS)


,< 150



101 102 103 10 '~ 105 106 107 10 e 109
Nf, Cycles to Failure

Figure 6 - The range in calculated S-N response obtained by varying the initial crack size
from the minimum to maximum observed pore sizes (see Table 3) is compared to the
scatter in experimental data.

Depending upon the proximity of initiating pores, propagating cracks can coalesce to
form larger cracks which will quickly increase the propagation rate and decrease the
number of cycles to reach a critical crack size. Odegard and Pederson [9] looked at the
effect of considering multiple crack initiation sites on the estimated fatigue performance
of a cast A356 aluminum alloy. They used the model described in [2] to calculate fatigue
life for the two scenarios of initiation from a single pore and simultaneous initiation from
three closely spaced pores. The scenario of closely spaced, multiple initiation sites
resulted in lower calculated lifetimes which were in closer agreement with experimental
results. The same approach can be taken with the small crack model. If we assume the
simultaneous crack initiation from two near-surface pores located 500 ~tm apart from

each other, the small crack model gives reduced lifetimes as illustrated in Figure 7. If the
two pores are assigned the average size for the Coarse condition (a = 526 ~tm), then the
small crack model calculates a lifetime of - 600 cycles at a stress amplitude of 140 MPa.
If the two pores are assigned the maximum size for this condition (a = 1178 ~tm) then a
life of - 130 cycles is calculated at 140 MPa. These estimations based upon the scenario
of multiple propagating cracks provide a much better approximation of the experimental
data with the lowest lifetimes.
While multiple crack initiation can provide an explanation for the overestimation of
fatigue performance in the Coarse condition, this cannot explain the underestimation of a
few experimental points in the Fine microstmcture. With smaller and less numerous
pores present in the Fine microstructure, some fatigue specimens of this condition may
not possess pores near the surface whose corresponding stress intensity is sufficient to

350 ' ' ',,,,,I , ,,,,,,,i , ,'h',,,,,I , ,,,,,,,i . . . . ,,,,I , , ,,,,,,i , , ,,,,-t , ,,,,,,

I...~..@_. initiation from One Pore (a = 526 l.tm) I W319-T7 AI

300 Initiation from Two Pores (aI = 526 ~tm) / Coarse SDAS (-100~tm) -
-2 600 sec. solidification time
Initiation from Two Pores (a~= 1 178 ltm)
250 Experimental Data
Initial edge to edge distance between two
initiating pores taken as 500 lxm.
< 150
~~" ~..<..:...
100 "4moo
"< ~ . ..~... .

h I Iltllll t I Inllkll I I L Illl~l I d IId~kkl I I Illlhll I I llldlkl I I Illnlll t I t 111

101 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 ~ 10 8 10 9

Nt, Cycles to Failure

Figure 7 - The estimated influence of initiation at multiple pore sites on the S-N behavior
is compared to experimental results for the Coarse microstructure of the W319-T7 alloy.

nucleate and grow a crack. In these cases, the assumption of a negligible initiation life is
not correct. A significant number of cycles may be required to nucleate a crack from a
small pore or a feature such as a Si particle or slip band. Also, the small crack model has
not addressed the possibilities of crack deceleration or arrest due to microstructural
barriers. This too would lead to conservative estimations of fatigue life.
The small crack model displays the ability to accurately estimate the influence of
solidification time on fatigue performance in the W319-T7 alloy over a broad range of
stress amplitudes. Such a capability is of great utility in the design process of castings.
Since the local solidification condition significantly influences fatigue properties and can
vary dramatically from one area of a casting to another, an accurate fatigue model can be

coupled with solidification models to optimize the component design and the casting
process. A reliable predictive capability can also save the time and money required to
experimentally establish an extensive stress-life database for a wide range of
solidification conditions.


The following conclusions can be drawn from this study of methods for estimating the
fatigue performance in the cast W319-T7 aluminum alloy:
1) A substantial small crack growth effect is observed in cast W319-T7, especially at
slow solidification conditions (Coarse SDAS).
2) A significant stress level effect on the da/dN vs. AK behavior of small cracks in the
W319-T7 alloy limits the applicability of a long crack LEFM approach to predict
stress-life curves.
3) Use of long crack da/dN vs. AK data in a traditional LEFM model results in
significant overestimates of fatigue performance, particularly when the crack growth
threshold, AKth, is taken into consideration. Use of closure-corrected long crack data
(AI~ff) in this model results in a general improvement of the calculations, but still
provides inaccurate estimates at certain stress levels.
4) A small crack growth relation that uses a correlating parameter written as
[(Emax ~a/(Iy) s a] is incorporated into a model that estimates fatigue life. This model is
used for estimating the stress-life response of W319-T7 aluminum in two different
microstructural conditions and provides a distinct improvement over the traditional
LEFM approach using long crack data.
5) Future improvements to this approach include incorporation of multiple initiation
sites and coalescing cracks.


The authors would like to express gratitude to J. M. Boileau, J. C. Newman, Jr., and P.
C. Collins for their helpful discussions regarding this work, J. Odegard for supplying the
LEFM algorithm, and K. Donald at Fracture Technology Associates for conducting the
long crack testing and closure calculations. M. J. Caton and J. W. Jones also wish to
express sincere appreciation to the Ford Motor Company for funding this project.


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Yoshiaki Akiniwa t and Keisuke Tanaka ~

Prediction of Fatigue Limits of Engineering Components Containing Small Defects

Reference: Akiniwa, Y. and Tanaka, K., "Prediction of Fatigue Limits of Engineering

Components Containing Small Defects," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance
Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds., American
Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: The propagation and arrest behavior of fatigue cracks under various stress
ratios was investigated using structural carbon steel specimens having single edge or
small surface pre-cracks with lengths ranging from 0.16 to 4.33 mm. The threshold
condition of crack extension from pre-cracks was given by a constant value of the
effective stress intensity range irrespective of pre-crack length and stress ratio, and the
value was equal to the threshold value obtained for long cracks. Cracks extended from
pre-cracks were arrested under low stress amplitudes because of the development of crack
closure with crack growth. A cyclic resistance curve was constructed in terms of the
maximum stress intensity factor which was the sum of the range of the threshold effective
stress intensity and the crack opening stress intensity factor, and was used for predicting
of fatigue thresholds. The predicted values of the fatigue limit for crack extension, the
fatigue limit for fracture, and the length of non-propagating cracks agreed very well with
the experimental results. The cyclic resistance-curve method was further applied to
predict the effect of the mean stress on the endurance limit of smooth specimens. Haigh
diagrams for the endurance limit were successfully derived from the arrest condition of
nucleated small cracks in smooth specimens.

Keywords: fatigue, pre-crack, small crack, crack closure, stress ratio, mean stress,
resistance-curve method, fatigue limit

Evaluation of the fatigue strength of structural components containing small defects

is a classical subject for design engineers, because fatigue failures usually originates
from those stress concentrations. The fatigue limit of engineering components is
determined by the threshold condition of propagation of nucleated small cracks. An
increasing number of studies have shown that the development of crack closure with
crack propagation plays a key role in the propagation of small cracks [1-4]. The
development of the crack closure with crack growth caused an increase of resistance for a
crack to propagate.
Tanaka et al. [5] proposed a cyclic resistance-curve method to predict the fatigue
limit of notched components. Fatigue limits for crack initiation, fracture, and non-

1 Associate professor and professor, respectively, Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan.

Copyright 2000 byASTM International www.astm.org

propagating crack length from a notch in various materials could be predicted by the
method irrespective of notch geometry and loading condition [5,6]. Furthermore,
Akiniwa et al. [7] successfully applied the method to the component containing crack-like
Engineering components are often subjected cyclic loading under mean stresses in
service. The effect of the mean stress has been discussed on the basis of the Haigh
diagram [8]. Especially, the fatigue limit of smooth specimens has been evaluated by
empirical relationships such as Goodman and Gerber curves. For specimens containing
small defects, Murakami et al. [9] proposed the empirical equation to predict the fatigue
limit on the basis of abundant experimental data. It is very useful for fatigue design, but
underlying physical mechanisms are not clear.
In the present study, the propagation and non-propagation behavior of the fatigue
cracks initiated from pre-cracks was investigated using structural carbon steel specimens
with single-edge and small surface pre-cracks under several stress ratios. The crack
closure behavior of the small surface cracks was dynamically measured at the same
frequency of the fatigue tests by using an interferometric strain/displacement gage with a
laser diode developed by Akiniwa et al. [10]. The cyclic resistance-curve method was
extended to predict the fatigue strength ofpre-cracked specimens under mean stresses.

Cyclic Resistance-Curve Method

A cyclic resistance-curve method was proposed in our previous papers [5,7]. The
method applied to the crack extension from pre-eracks is briefly described below. In Fig.
1, the cyclic resistance-curve is indicated by the solid line. The maximuna stress
intensity factor (SIF), K,..... is adopted to indicate the resistance of crack propagation.
The threshold value. K,,axth, is given by the following equation as a function of the amount
of crack extension, Ac:

K,,,~ = Ko,,, + ~o.,~, (1)

where Kopthis the crack opening SIF at the threshold and AKo~,h is the effective component
of the SIF range. The value ofAKomh is constant and equal to the value obtained for long
cracks, AK~mh~[1,5]. In the figure, c~ is a pre-crack length. Crack closure is developed
from Ac=0 and approaches the value for long cracks, Kop, ..... at Ac2. The broken lines
indicate the change of K,,,x calculated for each applied stress. When K,,ax is larger than
K,,a.,th, a crack can grow. For the applied stress larger than Crw~,the crack extends. It
continues to propagate when the stress is larger than %2. When the applied stress is
between ~w~ and ~w2, the crack ceases propagating at Ac=Ac,p. Namely, ~,~j and ~w2 are
the fatigue limits of crack extension and of fracture, respectively.
The value of AKemh is constant irrespective of crack length as described before.
Once the change of the crack opening SIF at threshold as a function of the amount of
crack extension from pre-cracks is established, ~ ~ and cr w2can be predicted by

K ..... ~ (2)
F(e, + Ae)

.... .,-.-"

c."" ~
S opth
Kmaxth oe

:( l A Keffth
= A geffth m
r ACnp ~ AC At2
if "-'"
Figure 1 - Cyclic Resistance-Curve

Experimental Procedure

Material and Specimen

The material used in the experiments was a structural medium-carbon steel (JIS
$45C) with the following chemical compositions in wt.%: 0.43 C, 0.19 St, 0.81 Mn,
0.022 P, 0.02 S, 0.01 Cu, 0.02 Ni and 0.14 Cr. The material was annealed at 850~
for 1 h and cooled in the furnace. The ferrite grain size measured with the linear
intercept method was 19 ~tm. The yield stress was c~v=316 MPa, the tensile strength was
%=612 MPa, the true fracture stress was ~r=985 MPa and the Vickers hardness was
Figure 2 shows a pre-cracked specimen with a thinned section at the center. The
stress concentration factor is calculated to be 1.03. Surface pre-cracks with half lengths
of 0.16, 0.38, 0.5 and 0.78 mm were introduced by fatigue. For the cases of 0.38, 0.5
and 0.78 ram, a starter notch with a diameter o f 50 pm and a depth of 25 pm was drilled
at the center of the specimen. For relatively long cracks, a single-edge-notched
specimen was used. The notch depth was 0.75 mm. Through-thickness pre-craeks
were introduced by fatigue. The total eraek length including the notch depth was 2.23
and 4.33 ram. After pre-cracking, all the specimens were annealed at 650~ for 1 h to
relieve the residual stress induced by pre-cracking.

Fatigue Tests

Fatigue tests were performed in a servo-hydraulic fatigue testing machine in air at

room temperature under axial tension-compression. The loading frequency was 15 Hz.
For the cases of the initial half crack length q=0.16, 0,38, 0 . 7 8 , 2 . 2 3 and 4.33 mm, the
stress ratio was R=-I. For the case ofc~=0.5 mm, the stress ratio was R=-2, -0.5 and 0.

When the crack did not extend after stress cycles of 10 6 o r arrested after a small
amount of crack extension, the fatigue test was interrupted. The specimen was annealed
again at 650~ for 1 11 before subsequent fatigue tests to relieve the residual stress
induced by preceding fatigue tests. The stress amplitude was raised step-wise until the
crack propagated continuously. The initial pre-crack length becomes gradually larger
during a series of the fatigue tests.
The crack length on the specimen surface was measured with a traveling
microscope. Crack closure was determined by the unloading elastic compliance method
[11 ]. For the case of surface cracks, an interferometric strain/displacement gage with a
laser diode was used [10]. For the case of long through-cracks, the displacement signal
adopted was the output o f a strain gage glued on the front face or the back face of the
notch. In both cases, the relation between the applied load and the crack opening
displacement was measured dynamically at the same frequency of the fatigue tests.
The load shedding technique was adopted to investigate the near threshold
propagation behavior of long fatigue cracks under R=-2, -1, -0.5 and 0.

Stress Intensity Factor

For the surface cracks, the stress intensity factor was calculated by Newman and
Raju's equation [12]. The aspect ratio used was calculated from the unloading elastic
compliance on the basis of the surface crack length and the relation between the applied
stress and the crack mouth opening displacement as reported by Ravichandran et al. [ 13].

Experimental Results and Discussion

Threshold Valuesfor Long Cracks

The relation between the threshold SIF ranges of long cracks and the stress ratio is

R15 2 - ~b10


Figure 2 - Fatigue Specimen (dimensions in ram)


shown in Fig. 3. AK,h~ decreases linearly with stress ratio, h o w e v e r AK~mh~ remains
constant. The threshold values are summarized in Table 1. F r o m these results, Kma~th~
( M P a f m ) can be approximated as follows:

gnlaxth ~ = 5.08 R G Re
=2.92/(1-R) R > R,~ (3)

where Ro=0.425. W h e n R is larger than R~, AKt,~ is equal to AKe,v,h~.

Propagation Behavior From Pre-Cracks

Figure 4 s h o w s an e x a m p l e o f the relation b e t w e e n the c r a c k p r o p a g a t i o n rate,

dc/dN, and the SIF range, AK, obtained for the s p e c i m e n with a pre-crack length o f 0.5
m m for R=0. In the figure, the solid line indicates the relation obtained for long cracks.
For the stress amplitude o f 52.5 M P a , cracks did not extend. For the case o f 89 MPa,

Table 1 - Threshold SIF Ranges for Long Cracks and Fatigue Limit of Smooth

Stress A Kthoo Krnaxth~ z5Keft.th~ o. w

R (MPaf-m) (MPa,/-m) MPa-/-m) (MPa)
0 5.06 5.06 2.98 188
-0.5 7.55 5.03 3.00 205
-1 10.52 5.26 2.94 223
-1.5 -- -- -- 224
-2 14.98 4.99 2.77 --

20 $45C
z~ K t h a

e~ A go~fth
15, ~-,
zxK,,~ =5.08(1 - R)


.~ "~

~d 5 "| R~ -
A KCfeth~=2.92 MPa f"m . " - ,Jr

azl I I I t I
-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Stress ratio, R

Figure 3 - Relation between Threshold SIF Ranges and Stress Ratio for Long Cracks'

dc/dN accelerates along the solid line after taking a minimum value, and subsequently the
specimen was broken. When the stress amplitude was between these values, the crack
became non-propagating after a small amount of crack extension. The cracks can
propagate even at AK below the threshold value for long cracks. Most of the
propagation data of the small surface cracks lie above the relation for long cracks, when
compared at the same AK. The threshold value, AK,h, increases with increasing stress
10_8 R =0 q =0.5 mm

i .... \
~ n g crack_
-~ 10.9

v o
c- o d O 5_2.5
-,-- v ~l [] 57.5
~ 10-1o ~x A 61.0
r Ao V 650
I~ o 70.0
o 80.0
A N N 850
o V N X 89.0
10-11 t'~r"wr'vA ~A i , i , ,

2 10
Stress intensityrange, AK MPaf-m
Figure 4 - Relation between Crack Propagation Rate and SIF Range
4 R=0 c;=0.5mm ] I

' ~ K~176 M4 NN ~ ,
'~ 2 "N"g~"Nt~t. . . . . . :

aSa-~ ~ , 8~176
~ IM 85.ol

9 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.i0

Cracklength frompre-crack, Ac nun
Figure 5 - Change of Crack Opening SIF at Threshold with Crack Growth

Crack Opening Behavior

Figure 5 shows the crack opening stress intensity factor, Kop, as a Amction o f the
increment o f half crack length from a pre-craek, Ac. In the figure, the marks with the
arrow indicate the arrest o f surface cracks and the broken line means the threshold value
for long cracks, Kop,ho,. The initial value o f Kop at Ac=0 is close to zero irrespective of
the stress anlplitude. The value o f Kop increases gradually with crack extension.
When dc/dN is plotted against AKef, a unique relation could be obtained between
dc/dN and AKofrirrespective o f applied stress, and it agreed well with the relation for long
cracks as reported in our previous paper [7]. Namely, the threshold condition is given by
AKcmh~. For other stress ratios and crack lengths, similar results were obtained.

Cyclic Resistance Curve

As described above, the change o f the crack opening SIF at threshold as a function
o f the increment o f crack extension from pre-cracks, AC.p, is necessary for the resistance-
curve method. For the case o f small pre-cracks, a higher stress amplitude is necessary to
extend the fatigue crack. Then the ratio o f the maximum stress, ~ ..... to the yield stress,
~y, is also an important parameter for crack closure. In this study, we propose a
following equation for the pre-cracked specimen.

t. o'>. )

where a and ,/are parameters to be determined from the experimental results. All the

200 I I




1.0 I
0.5 y = 0.59(1+R) R < -1
y=0 R > -1
~0.0 O

-0 ..'

-1. I I I
-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0
Stress ratio R
Figure 6 - Change of Coefficients of Resistance-Curve with Stress Ratio

experimental data were used to determine the optimized parameters, et and y. Figure 6
shows the change o f c~ and y with stress ratio R. Although c~ increases with R, ~, is
nearly zero except for R=-2. The values o f ec and y can be approximated as follows:

ct= 116( 1 - R ) 4 2 + 33 (5)

y =0 R>=-I
=0.59(1 +R) e<-I (6)

where y is negative for R < - 1.

3.0 I I I
1545C R = -1 ]
ga~ 2.5 - Kopth~ =2.32 MPa,/-m
, =4.33-- ram,

-~: -~ 2.0

~ 1.5 2.23 0,78

"5~ 1.0
I M 4.33
I c~ 2.23
~.-= 0.5 I a 0.78
I v 0.38
f I I I o 0.16
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 )20
Crack length from pre-crack, Ac~p mm


3 '-I I I I
iS45C ci=0.5mm ]

o a R=-0-5 g3.----------'-~
~~ 1
~ R = -2 _V__....-----

~.~o I-- Fitted curve I

-1 .... I I I I
0 20 40 60 80 100xl0 "3
Crack length from pre-crack, .Ac~, mm

Figure 7 - Change of Crack Opening SIF with Crack Extension
(a) R=-I. (b) R=0, -0.5, and-2.

Figures 7 (a) and (b) show the relation between Kop,hand AC,p. In the figures, the
solid lines indicate the fitted lines calculated by Eqs 1 and 4. Very good fitting was
obtained. It is possible to approximate the change of Kop,, as a function of Ac.p and Cm=/

According to the R-curve method, the condition of crack arrest can be described
as follows.

K,..x < K~..x,h -= aKo~a, + Ko~,, (7)

where Kop,his given by Eq 4 as a function of Ac,v The threshold stress can be evaluated
from Eq 2.
The relation between the stress amplitude, r and the equivalent pre-crack length 1
(=c,F 2) is shown in Fig. 8 for R=0, -0.5 and -2. In the figure, the dotted line, the dot-
dash-line and the double dot-dash-line correspond to the fatigue limits o f smooth
specimen, gmax=Agemh~+ y and Kmax=Kmaxth~, respectively. The open, half-open and
solid marks mean no growth, growth and arrest, and continuous growth, respectively.

400 I I
or. = 188 MPa [ R =0, c, =0.50 mm I
..........~ ...........
~ _ Murakamfs method

~axth~ ~ Keff~h~o~. ~ t h Z e
3oen marks. Non.growth ~'.
Half open marks: Growthand stop
10 Solidmarks: iContinuousgrowthI ~.
~. 400
a . =205 MPa
~'~ 100 ..........................................
- ~ - - r' ~ ~a ' " k ? -Muraka i's.method_

lO i I l
400 or,,=241 MPa

100 - Murakami'smethod ~.~. -

Km~,,h = a K ~ f f , ~ + ~, ~ .

[ =-2, =0.52mmI
10 I I
0.01 0.1 1 10
Equivalent cracklength, e mm

Figure 8 - Change of Threshold Stress with Pre-Crack Length


The solid line indicates the fatigue limit for fracture predicted by the resistance-curve
method. For longer initial cracks, the predicted fatigue limit for fracture is given by the
double dot-dash-line, i.e. Km,x=Kmaxth~. On the other hand, for smaller initial cracks, the
threshold value is less than the double dot-dash-line, and is close to the dot-dash-line, i.e.
K,,ax=AKef~h~.+y. The solid line agrees very well with the experimental results. The
condition of crack extension is given by K~=AK~mh~+y. At the stress level between the
dot-dash-line and the solid line, the crack arrests after a small amount of crack extension.
In the figure, the broken lines indicate the prediction by Murakami's method [9]. The
predicted value of R=-2 is lower than the experimental result. For the other two cases, a
fairly good agreement is observed.
In Fig. 9, all the measured fatigue limits are summarized. In the figure, the bar-
marks mean the experimental results connected between no-growth and continuous
growth data. The experimental results agree very well with the solid lines predicted by
the cyclic resistance-curve method. The threshold stress amplitude decreases with
increasing stress ratio, when compared at the same crack length.
Even when the applied stress is lower than the fatigue limit of smooth specimens,
non-propagating surface cracks can be observed in the smooth specimen. In Fig. 9, the
relation between the applied stress and the maximum non-propagating crack length
observed in the smooth specimen is also plotted by the open marks. The relation
between the applied stress and the equivalent non-propagating crack length can be
approximated by the linear relationship irrespective of stress ratio as indicated by the dot-
dash-line. The fatigue limits of smooth specimens indicated by the dotted lines are
identical to the intersection points between the solid line and the dot-dash-line. The
crack length at the intersection point means the maximum non-damaging crack length.
Once the relation of the dot-dash-line is known, the fatigue limit of smooth specimens
under any mean stresses can be predicted as the intersection point.

400 / I I
/ aa=1128 g o.165
I........................................ -~."

~ loo

2O I
0.01 0.1 1 10
Equivalent cracklength, f mm

Figure 9 - Relation between Stress Amplitude and Pre-Crack Length and Non-
Propagating Crack Length in Smooth Specimen

F i g u r e 1 0(a) s h o w s the H a i g h d i a g r a m w h i c h is the relation b e t w e e n the stress

a m p l i t u d e and the m e a n stress at the f a t i g u e l i m i t . T h e s o l i d m a r k s i n d i c a t e the
m e a s u r e d fatigue limit o f s m o o t h s p e c i m e n . T h e solid line is the a b o v e - m e n t i o n e d
p r e d i c t i o n and lies b e t w e e n G e r b e r and G o o d m a n lines, and is c l o s e to the r e l a t i o n
between the fatigue limit under R =- 1, c~0, and the true fracture stress, (~r. Figure 10(b)
shows the effect o f initial defect size on the fatigue strength. The dot-dash lines are the
predicted strength for each initial crack length, and the solid line is the prediction given in
Fig. 10(a). W h e n c o m p a r e d at the s a m e m e a n stress, the f a t i g u e l i m i t for fracture
decreases with the initial crack length. For the case o f c 7 0 . 0 5 m m , w h e n the m e a n

300 $45C
R=i2 tt I ~Marks:' Experiment
-1.5 i / Prediction
250 .......~ ~ " - -0.5 //
.i "-'/-........ 0 Gerber's curve
200 I~
~ " " . . . / a ,~0_o, T line --
I "'%-./ ""'"'-s *'..
= 150 i i I /'""' "'<:::%" /
11 II ........ ..., ......~.,..
100 - li-
E u
I II """
I 'k
50 - // Modified ........"...
, Goodman's line '"..i,.
0 I I I I I I ":,, m
-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Mean stress, o m MPa



200 R•=-2 % 9 , 9

.~_ 150

".. R J0
'~ 100
"~. 7 /
/ /

o I I
-200 -i00 0 100 200
Mean stress, a m MPa

Figure 10 - Haigh Diagram. (a) Smooth Specimen. (b) Pre-CrackedSpecimen

stress is larger than 100 MPa, the fatigue limit o f cracked specimens is lower than that
of smooth specimens. Namely, at mean stresses below 100 MPa, the non-damaging
crack length is larger than 0.05 mm.

Simplified Method

Material parameters required for the resistance-curve method based on Eq 4 are

AK,h~, AKefnh~ and r165 Furthermore, the relation between the applied stress and the
maximum non-propagating crack length is necessary to evaluate the fatigue limit of
smooth specimens. In this study, a simplified method using only Vickers hardness, Hv,
of the material will be proposed below.
The values of era, %0 and cyv (MPa) are related to ttv as follows:

erB= 3.2 Hv (8)

~v = 2.8 Hv (9)
~wo = 1.6 Hv (10)

If AKefah~o is assumed to be constant (i.e. 3 M P a f m), the SIF range at threshold under
R=-I, AKth~R._~, can be estimated from Hv [6]. Once AK,h~R=., is known, AK,h~ under
arbitrary stress ratio is given by the following equation as shown in Fig. 3.

AK,,,~ = Z~,h~ R__1 ( 1 - R ) / 2 (AK.,.... ~ AKotf.,~ ) (ll)

As described before, the relation between the applied stress amplitude, ~,, and the
maximum non-propagating crack length, l, is expressed by

c,=m(/)" (12)

0.3 i i i i [ i i i i i i i i

: . nv "1"11


[] SNCM439(600~
O $45C
O SM41B(L)

0.01 ,,I I I I I I I I I

50 100 50O I000

Hardness, Hv
Figure 11 - Change o f Coefficient n with Hardness

where m and n are material constants. Figure 11 shows the relation between n and Hv
obtained for tl~ree materials. The relation can be approximated by

n = 26.3 Hv-i t, (13)

On the other hand, one fixed point in Eq 12 is given by an intersection point between the
predicted line by the resistance-curve method (see the solid line in Fig. 9) and ca=cy,v0
( = l . 6 H v ) (see the dotted line in Fig. 9) for R=-l, Thus all the parameters used in this
method are obtained from Hr.
Figure 12 shows the threshold relation between stress amplitude and amount o f
crack extension for c,=0.5 mm. In the figure, the broken line and the solid line indicate
the predicted value obtained by the resistance-curve method and the simplified method,
respectively. Although the results for the simplified method (solid line) is slightly
higher than the R-curve method (broken line), the predicted values agree well with the
experimental data.
Figure 13 shows the change o f the threshold stress amplitude with Hv for R=-I for
various crack lengths. When Hv is small, the fatigue strength, (Yw, is given by 1.6Hr.
The value of cy,~,increases gradually with Hv for ci=0.05 ram. On the other hand, for the
case of c,=0.5 mm, c,Wdecreases with increasing Hv after taking a maximum value.

R=-2 c =0.52 mm
150 - ~ c~.

100' r== ]_

50- I ---" SlSaplified meth~ "~

2~ 0 I I I I
#z R=-0.5 ci =0.5 rnm

20Oo I I I I
R=0 ci =0.5 mm
r-. 150 -

100 -

50( ="
0 I I I ... I
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Non-propagating crack length from pre-crack, ACn~ mm

Figure ! 2 - Limiting Curves for Pre-Cracked Specimen



Specimens having various pre-cracks were fatigued. The propagation behavior of

fatigue cracks initiated from pre-cracks was investigated on the basis of the measurement
of crack closure. The cyclic resistance curve was determined experimentally to predict
the fatigue strength for the components containing crack-like defects. The followings
can be concluded:

1. The threshold of fatigue crack extension from pre-cracks was given by the
condition that the initial maximum stress intensity factor was larger than the sum
of the effective SIF range at the threshold for long cracks, AKef~h~, and the initial
crack opening SIF.
2. Since crack closure developed with crack growth, cracks initiated from pre-
cracks were arrested under lower stress amplitudes. The threshold condition
was given by AKen---AKemh~.
3. The cyclic resistance curve method was used for predicting the fatigue threshold
of cracked specimens for arbitrary stress ratio. The predicted values of the
fatigue limits for crack initiation and fracture agreed very well with the
experimental results.
4. A simplified method to determine the resistance-curve using hardness was
proposed. A good agreement was obtained between the prediction and

400 ] i / I i i
q =0.05 mm
a~0 =l.6Hv //.._.... .............................................................................
t~ 300 /____ ......... Olmm ...... :

200 . ............... .0•.mm -


100 /~"~" ......... "'-"1Z~. . . . . .

0 100 200 300 400 500 iO0
Vickers hardness, Hv

Figure 13 - Change of Fatigue Strength with Hardness



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E. J. C z y r y c s

Corrosion Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds for Cast Nickel-Aluminum Bronze

and Welds

Reference: Czyryca, E. J., "Corrosion Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds for Cast
Nickel-Aluminum Bronze and Welds," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance
Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds., American
Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: Fatigue crack-growth rate tests of cast NAB and NAB weld metal specimens
were conducted to determine the threshold for fatigue crack growth (AKth). The tests were
conducted in accordance with ASTM E 647, Standard Test Method for Measurement of
Fatigue Crack Growth Rates, in artificial seawater at a cyclic frequency of 2 Hz at R-ratios
of +0.05, +0.40, and +0.60. The specimens were machined from both poor and good
quality, as-cast NAB. Production NAB weldments were used for NAB weld metal
The fatigue crack growth-rate curves for duplicate tests at each R-ratio of cast
NAB in seawater were analyzed in the near-threshold regime to determine AI~. With
increasing stress intensity ratio (R), AK~ decreased. Compared to the values for cast
NAB, higher AI~ and higher crack closure levels in NAB weld metal tests were noted, due
to the residual stress in the weldment. The same fatigue crack growth-rate curve sets were
corrected for crack closure, and the near- threshold stress intensity decreased significantly
when the closure loads were deducted. The closure-corrected, near-threshold stress
intensity, based on AK~e, ranged from 4.4 to 6.1 MPa-~/m for cast NAB versus 4.4 to 7.4
MPa-~/m for NAB weld metal.

Keywords: nickel-aluminum bronze, fatigue crack growth rate, fatigue crack growth rate
threshold, corrosion fatigue, seawater, crack closure

Nickel-aluminum bronze (NAB) is a copper-base alloy widely used for naval and
commercial marine propellers. The nondestructive testing (NDT) methods available for
the inspection of nickel-aluminum bronze propellers include dye penetrant testing,
ultrasonic testing, eddy current testing, and radiographic testing. A sensitive NDT
method and stringent accept/reject criteria can result in the detection and rejection of
numerous indications of small casting defects and weld flaws. The subsequent repairs
slow production and increase costs. Such repairs have been invoked to ensure that cracks

1 Metallurgical Engineer, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division,

9500 MacArthur Blvd., West Bethesda, MD 20817-5700.

Copyright9 2000 by ASTM International www.astm.org

and flaws do not propagate in service. Propellers are designed to operate under low-level
cyclic stress in service. Thus, the flaw tolerance criteria should primarily be based on
seawater corrosion fatigue crack growth.
Quantifying the propensity of pre-existing cracks to grow by fatigue (cyclic
stresses) is derived through linear-elastic fracture mechanics, which provides the
relationships among applied cyclic stress, crack size, and structural geometry [1]. In
fracture mechanics, the crack-tip stress intensity factor for crack opening, K~, is calculated
to relate crack size, geometry, and load orientation, as follows:

K, : Fo~o-4-YS (1)

where F,b = geometry function, ~ = stress, and a = crack length. In order to conduct an
analysis to determine the flaw size which will not extend in service, using a fracture
mechanics approach, the following information is required:
(a) steady and cyclic stresses which act on the component,
(b) typical inherent flaw sizes in the material (or the NDT detectability limits), and
(c) the threshold for fatigue crack growth (AK,h) for the material in its operating
Fatigue crack growth rates (daMN) are expressed in terms of the stress intensity
factor range (AK~). The "threshold" stress intensity, AK,h, is the value where daMN
approaches zero, i.e. the stress intensity for "non-propagating" cracks under cyclic stress
[1]. Thus, the threshold flaw size represents the smallest flaw under the service loading
conditions, which must be repaired; smaller flaws will not propagate. Standard test
methods have been developed for the determination of AKth.
This paper presents the results of fatigue crack growth rate tests and the
determination of the threshold for fatigue crack growth (AKth) for Nickel-Aluminum
Bronze (NAB) and NAB weld metal. A fracture mechanics analysis was conducted to
conservatively estimate threshold flaw sizes for NAB and NAB weld metal with respect
to cyclic loading conditions.

Materials Investigated

The casting used for this study was a propeller hub-blade segment of nickel-
aluminum bronze to MIL-B-24480A (ASTM B 148, Alloy UNS C95800). The casting
was sectioned to provide test coupons for fatigue crack growth specimens. Coupons were
sectioned from both the blade portion (maximum thickness approximately 60 mm) and
the hub portion (uniform thickness approximately 85 mm). Coupons were also cut from
both portions for tensile tests. A weldment was fabricated to provide test specimens for
fatigue crack growth rate testing of NAB weld metal. The weldment was a single-vee butt
joint (60~ included angle) of two pieces of 12.5 mm thick, rolled NAB plate to ASTM B
171, Alloy UNS C63200, with a similar piece as backing bar. The weldment was fabricated
by gas metal-arc welding (GMAW) process with AMPCOTRODE | 46 NAB wire

electrode. A total of 75 mm weld length was produced. A single all-weld-metal tensile

specimen, standard 6 mm diameter, was machined from the weldment.
Wet chemical check analyses were conducted using samples removed from all the
NAB products in this study. The results are given in (Table 1) and show that all the NAB
metals were within specified composition limits.

Table 1 - Chemical composition of nickel-aluminum bronze metals used

Chemical Hub Blade Cast NAB Weld Weld Wire NAB NAB plate
Composition Area Area MIL-B Metal Ampcotrode Plate ASTM
(weight %) -24480A 46 B171
121 c63200
Cu 80.3 81.4 Balance 81.3 balance 81.7 Balance
Mn 1.14 1.05 0.8-1.5 1.74 0.6-3.5 1.71 1.2-2.0
Ni 4.54 4.66 4.0-5.0 4.49 4.0-5.5 4.33 4.0-4.8
Fe 4.16 3.77 3.5-4.5 3.79 3.0-5.0 3.63 3.5-4.3
AI 9.46 8.99 8.5-9.5 8.59 8.5-9.5 8.54 8.7-9.5
Si 0.023 Nil 0.10 0.038 not 0.040 0.10
maximum specified maximum

Tension tests of the NAB casting were conducted to ASTM E 8, using standard
12.5 mm diameter tensile specimens. The results of the tests are given in (Table 2). As
shown in (Table 2), the tensile properties were below that specified by MIL-B-24480A
for separately cast coupons. The fractures and test length of specimens cut from the hub
portion showed extensive porosity and shrinkage cavities. Metallographic examination of
samples from both blade and hub portions was conducted. (Figures 1 and 2) compare the
microstructure of hub and blade, respectively. The microstructure of the NAB metal in
the hub (Figure 1) shows the extensive porosity, a network of shrinkage along grain
boundaries, and a dispersion of inclusions ("dirt") throughout the microstructure.
However, the metal of the blade showed porosity, isolated shrinkage, and much lower
inclusion volume in the microstructure (Figure 2).

The all-weld-metal properties resulting from the tensile test (6 mm diameter) are
shown in (Table 2), where the strength and ductility exceeded the minimum properties
specified for cast NAB and were similar to the producer's typical values. (Figure 3) shows
fine-grained, defect-free microstructure of the weld deposit. In machining of specimens for
fatigue crack growth tests, the notch was at the weld centerline.

Table 2 - Tensile properties of cast nickel-aluminum bronze propeller segment and

nickel-aluminum bronze weld metal

Specimen Yield Strength Tensile Elongation

No. (MPa) Strength in 4 diameters Notes
0.2% 0.5% (MPa) (%)
offset extension
#1-hub 228.2 237.2 393.7 5.2 porosity
#2-hub 215.1 222.0 351.3 4.0 porosity
#3-blade 227.5 231.0 571.2 22.8 good ductility
weld metal 513.0 506.8 799.8 17.0 good ductility
MIL-B- not 241.3 586.0 15.0 for separately
24480A specified minimum minimum minimum cast coupons
Ampcotrode 406.8 717.0 23.5 [2]
46 GMAW (average) (average) (average)
ASTM B148 234.4 248.2 620.5 10.0
C95800 minimum minimum minimum minimum

Figure 1 - Photomicrograph of cast NAB microstructure in hub section (100X)


Figure 2 - Photomicrograph of cast NAB microstructure in blade section (100X)

Figure 3 - Photomicrograph of as-deposited NAB weld metal microstructure (I OOX)


Experimental Methods

Fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) testing of cast NAB and NAB weld metal
specimens was conducted to determine the threshold for fatigue crack growth (AK~) in
seawater. The tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM Standard Test Method E
647-91, "Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates," with the following specific
1) The test specimens in all cases were standard compact specimens C(T), with the
thickness dimension, B = 12.5 mm and the untracked ligament length, W = 50 ram.
2) The continuous K-decreasing procedure of ASTM E 647-91 was followed for each
test, and R ratio remained fixed during each test.
3) Once a growth rate of 10.7 mm/cycle or below was obtained, the test was continued
using a y~-increasing procedure to verify the lower portion of the fatigue crack
growth rate curve and to generate additional data at the higher growth rates.
4) As a minimum, fatigue crack growth rates spanned the range of 2.5 X 104 mm/cycle
to below 107 mm/cycle for each determination of threshold (AK~).
Crack closure loads were monitored using the compliance methods described in
ASTM E 647-91,647, Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth
Rates, and an on-line, automated method of closure determination was used. Crack-mouth
opening displacement (COD) versus applied load data were sampled each cycle to
determine deviation from linearity as the closure load criterion. Since residual stress in cast
metals and weldments, as well as pressure from accumulated corrosion products in
corrosion fatigue tests can act against applied crack opening forces, determination of crack
closure load is critical at the low-load amplitudes involved in AK~ determinations.
The test conditions for determining threshold for fatigue crack growth for both cast
NAB and NAB weld metal were as follows:
1) Tests were conducted in ASTM artificial seawater at a cyclic frequency of 2 Hz
with a sinusoidal waveform, and
2) Duplicate tests of each metal were conducted at stress intensity ratio, R of +0.05,
+0.40, and +0.60.
The fatigue crack growth tests were conducted by Fracture Technology Associates,
Bethlehem, PA, in a 20,000-pound (89 kN) capacity, servo-hydraulic test machine fitted
with a 5,000-pound (22 kN) capacity load cell for best precision in low load measurement.
Crack opening displacement was measured by a clip gage attached to the specimen notch-
mouth, and crack length was monitored throughout the tests using the compliance
measurement technique. Both the clip gage and compliance technique are described in
ASTM E 647. The crack length measurement precision by this technique was +0.005 mm.
The tests were conducted in a horizontal load frame, such that the compact
specimens had notch tip and crack immersed in circulating, aerated ASTM artificial
seawater at room temperature (24 ~ Each test was conducted using a fresh 6 liter batch of
seawater, which ranged from 8.25 to 8.50 in measured pH.
The cyclic, crack-tip stress intensity factor, AK, for the CT specimen was calculated
by the equations given in ASTM E 647-91. The cyclic stress intensity for the CT specimen
is calculated by the following equation:

BqW (2)

where f ( ~ ) = _(2+_a__)) (0.886+4.640t_13.32ct2+14.72ot3_5.6ct4);

and AP = maximum load - minimum load,
a = crack length,
W = specimen width,
B = specimen thickness,
a = afW.
Under constant-amplitude loading (constant AP), as the crack length increases, AK also
increases. Direct, visual measurement of crack length was not possible for tests conducted
in the seawater environment, and crack length was indirectly measured via crack-mouth-
opening displacement. The crack length was determined using the elastic relationship
between specimen compliance (inverse of stiffness) and crack length which has been
determined for the CT specimen [3]. Computation of fatigue crack growth rates used a
modified secant method, where the crack growth at length a~ was based on an increment of
crack extension, Aa, and an increment of elapsed cycles of applied cyclic load, AN, between
ai.l and ai+1.
In order to determine AK~, the general procedure used initiates fatigue crack growth
at a moderate level of AK and approach a target, low growth-rate by a series of load
amplitude reductions, called the K-decreasing method [4]. To minimize any effects of
crack growth retardation, the K-gradient for decrease is maintained to provide a fractional
change in the plastic zone size at the crack tip, as crack length is increasing. The K-gradient
procedures were conducted through automated load-shedding by a computer-controlled test
system [5]. For the test results shown herein, a decreasing K-gradient of-0.16 mm 1 was
After initial crack growth progressed at a moderate rate, the target FCGR for
threshold was approached by the K-decreasing sequence in accordance with ASTM E 647.
After the target FCGR was established, the loading was switched to a K-increasing mode to
generate supplemental crack growth-rate data. The overlap in data at the target FCGR or
below, provides verification of the threshold determined by the K-decreasing technique.
The software for data acquisition and analysis calculates a continuous slope for loading and
unloading segments of the load cycle. From these data, an automated crack closure
determination was made based on the change in slope, to separate from the total, applied
stress intensity that portion "effective" in crack opening, which acts to extend the crack
length [6] by simple subtraction:

a K ~ = aK~pp - aK~, (3)

where AI~pp = total, applied stress intensity range,

AKcl = crack closure portion o f A K ~ ,

AKofe = effective stress intensity range for crack opening and growth.


The fatigue crack growth-rate curves for duplicate tests of cast N A B in seawater
are plotted in (Figure 4, R = +0.05), (Figure 5, R = +0.40), and (Figure 6, R = +0.60) on
the basis of AI~pp. The differences crack growth rates at higher stress intensities between
the duplicate tests at R = +0.05 (Figure 4) and R = +0.60 (Figure 6) may have been due to
porosity which was noticeable on the post-test crack surfaces, as well as on the machined
faces of the specimens. The porosity and shrinkage cavities may act to blunt the
progressing crack front, leading to slower growth at a given stress intensity. However,
their influence was not significant in the threshold regime. All the results are compared
in (Figure 7), where the effect of R on fatigue crack growth rates near threshold are
notable. All FCGR data shown in these and subsequent figures included only the K-
decreasing portion of the tests. The complete FCGR curves for each test, K-decreasing and
K-increasing, were used as data sets for curve fit by log-log linear regression analysis to
determine A~h and the parameters to the linear, Paris Law crack growth regime [1] for each
test. These values from the FCGR tests o f cast NAB are summarized in (Table 3).

Table 3 - Results offatigue crack growth rate tests of NAB in seawater

Test Stress FCGR Threshold Paris Law Parameters

Code Intensity
Ratio (ksi-'~in) (MPa)
GKR-2 +0.05 8.48 9.32 1.513 X 10-14 6.599
GKR-5 +0.05 8.75 9.61 1.881 X 10 -12 4.809
GKR-4 +0.40 6.32 6.94 2.153 X 10-11 4.375
GKR-6 +0.40 5.98 6.57 2.488 X 10-11 4.338
GKR-1 +0.60 4.99 5.48 1.323 X 10-12 5.771
GKR-3 +0.60 4.60 5.05 1.939 X 10-11 4.617
R AKth C n

The fatigue crack growth-rate curves for duplicate tests of NAB weld metal in
seawater are plotted in (Figure 8) for the condition R = +0.40 on the basis o f AK,pp. At
each stress intensity ratio, there was reasonable agreement between the duplicate tests.
The results for all o f the NAB weld metal tests (R = +0.05, +0.40, &~+~Q.60) are compared
in (Figure 9), where the effect o f R on fatigue crack growth rates near threshold again was

Stress Intensity Range, AK(MPa-x/ni)

1 tO 100
10 -2
~, 10"4
= ~i,~~ I 10-3
9.~ lO,.S
"~ 10-~
10"' t.)
I0 "~
10"8 I

10 "~ i ~ i i f i i it x i i i i i i i

10 100
Stress Intensity Range, AK (Ksi- ~ f f )
F i g u r e 4 - Plot of fatigue crack growth rates for NAB in seawater at R = +0. 05

Stress intensity Range. AK(MPa-x/d )

1 10 IO0
10 ~

1 0 .2

_~ 10-4
.~10 "s /
rj 10-r (;KR~o
tO 4

10"s ~0
t O -7

10" z i t tol zt~ I i t I I I

10 100
Stress Intensity Range. AK(Ksi- ,/]K)

F i g u r e 5 - Plot offatigue crack growth rates for NAB in seawater at R = +0.40


S t r e s s Intensit}' R a n g e . AK ( M Pa - v"m )

10 100
10 -2

10 -~

10 -3

10 -2

10 ~ 0 x

#; 10 -~ .=

10 -~ ~

10 ~
10 .5
~pl( R

(;KR 3 (I I,I~
rj 10 -7 G
10 -6 =~

,P I 0 -7

10"9 i i i ~ i i i i i i i i i i
10 100

S t r e s s I n t e n s i t y R a n g e . ,SK ( K s l - V / ~ -)

Figure 6 - Plot o f fatigue crack growth rates f o r NAB in seawater at R = +0.60

Stress I n l e n s i l y R a n g e . ,",K ( M Pa - v ' m )

1 10 100
10 -2 , , , , , i,, , , , , , , , ,1,

1 0 -1

10 -3

10 ~

10" + x
-~ x tl
E 10 3
10 .5

10 -4

~= 10 ~

10 -5
sr~r R ,.r
C "to -7 - nKH ~ r,~n
, (3KR-I .~, 10 ~

,7 r
. . . . . . . . . . .
10 -7

10 9 x D
i i i IAI i F i l i I , , i ,

10 100

S r 1 6 2 Intensity,' R a n g e . ~,K (KM - ~ f i . )

Figure 7 - Comparison o f fatigue crack growth rates #)r NAB in seawater

at three stress ratios based on applied stress intensity-range

Stress Intensity Rmlge. ~K (M Pa - ~ih*)

I0 100

10 -1

10 -3

-~, 10 "~
10 "~

.~ 10 "s
10 ~

"~ 10-~ P~
t~ 10 "~
0 9341.4
t~ 10 -r 04O

10 "~

Q 10 -~'
I0-~ I I I t I I I 110 I , , i i i i i

10 100

Stress Intensity Range, AK (K.~i- ~ - )

Figure 8 - Plot offatigue crack growth rates for NAB weld metal
in seawater at R = +0.40
Stress Intensity Range, &K (M Pa - ~/;d}
1 10 100
i , J , ~ JlJ i , i i i , i IJl
10 -2

10 -1

10 -3

10 -2

.~ 10 "~ P

10 -~


10 -4

10 -6
10 -5

9341-16 0.05
u 10.7
r ')341-20 (I.40
934l-8 n60 10 ~
x 9341-24 0.60

~. 9 o 10 -7
0~ oo
10 ~
10 100

Stress Intensity Range, AK (Ksi - v6~)

Figure 9 -Comparison offatigue crack growth rates for NAB weld metal
in seawater at three stress ratios based on applied stress intensity-range

Again, the FCGR data shown in (Figure 8) and (Figure 9) included only the K-
decreasing portion of the tests. The complete FCGR curves for each test of NAB weld
metal, K-decreasing and K-increasing, where curve fit (log-log linear regression analysis) to
determine AK~h and the parameters to the linear, Pads Law crack growth regime for each
test. These values from the FCGR tests of NAB weld metal in seawater are summarized
in (Table 4). Note again that increasing the stress intensity ratio, R (high mean stress),
decreased AK~ for NAB weld metal in seawater.

Table 4 - Results o f fatigue crack growth rate tests of NAB weld metal in seawater

Test Stress FCGR Threshold Paris Law Parameters

Code Intensity
Ratio (ksi-'~in) (MPa)
9341-12 +0.05 7.37 8.10 poor correlation poor correlation
9341-16 +0.05 16.35 17.97 4.107 X 10-13 6.204
9341-4 +0.40 12.10 13.30 3.15'i X 10-14 6.262
9341-20 +0.40 10.43 11.46 3.009 X 10-13 5.538
9341-8 +0.60 7.72 8.48 7.017 X 10"12 4.932
9341-24 +0.60 7.54 8.28 1.349 X 10-11 4.727
R AKth C

The same fatigue crack growth-rate curve sets for the duplicate tests of cast NAB
in seawater are plotted in (Figure 10) for the condition R = +0.05 to compare results
based on AK~pp with data corrected for crack closure, i.e. on the basis o f AKin. Note that
the near threshold stress intensity is significantly decreased when the closure loads are
deducted. A summary of the results for cast NAB based on AI~fr for all loading conditions
(R = +0.05, +0.40, & +0.60) is plotted in (Figure 11). Similarly, fatigue crack growth-rate
curve sets for the duplicate tests of NAB weld metal in seawater are plotted in (Figure 12)
(R = +0.60) to compare results based on AK,pp with data corrected for crack closure
(AK~ff). Near-threshold stress intensity was decreased when the closure loads were
deducted, and the magnitude of the correction was greater for the weld metal than for the
cast NAB. A summary o f the results for all tests of NAB weld metal (R = +0.05, +0.40,
& +0.60) based on AK~ffis plotted in (Figure 13).
The values of AKth determined from the FCGR tests of cast NAB and NAB weld
metal in seawater are summarized in (Table 5). The fatigue crack growth-rate curves for
duplicate tests of cast NAB in seawater were analyzed in the near threshold regime to
determine AKth on the basis of AKapp. Note that increasing stress intensity ratio, R (high
mean stress) decreased A I ~ for NAB and NAB weld metal in seawater. Compared to the
values for cast NAB in (Table 5), NAB weld metal tests exhibited higher A I ~ values. The
higher crack closure levels in NAB weld metal tests were due to the residual stress in the
weldment. When the data were corrected for crack closure, i.e. on the basis of Aider, the
near threshold stress intensity decreased. It has been shown that increasing load ratio R

Stress Intensity Range. &K(M Pa - V~i~)

10 100
10 -2

10 "~

10 -3

10 "z

-~ 10.4


~-,.~ 10 ~
"O j
10 -*

10 "~
10 "~

r.a 10 ~7
10 "~


4:• x
10 -7

I0-~ I I I I I~1 II1~ I I I I I I I I I

10 ' 100

Stress Intensity Range, AK (lZ,~i- ,/in)

Figure 10 -Plot o f fatigue crack growth rates for NAB in seawater at R = +0. 05
comparing results based on applied stress-intensity versus effective stress-intensity

Stress Intensity Range. AK (M Pa- Vqff)

10 100
10 -2 , 1 q t ~ nil ~ i = , i q ~ ill

10 -~

10 ":~




1o" -;
10 -s

,~ ~GKR.4 0.40.

9(JKR. i 060 ! 10 -6

10 -r
10 "~ , ~ =~,~c~ , ,,~ , ~ , , ,, h,
10 100

Stress Intensity Range, AIr. (Ksi- x/era)

F i g u r e 11 -Comparison of fatigue crack growth rates for NAB in seawater
at three stress ratios based on effective stress-intensity range

Stress Intensity Range. AK (MPa- x/i~i~)

10 100

10 -1

10 -~

10 "2


10 "~

: 10-~
10 ~
10 "~
10 -~

~3.q-14 O,6O .=
u 10 "~ ~' "/3'~1-~ 0,00
x "0341-24 0 6~) t~
.= 10*

x+ 10 -r

10 "~'
x+ sm
10 IO0

Stress Intensity Range. AK (K,~i- ~/Fff)

Plot offatigue crack growth rates for NAB weld metal in seawater at R = +0. 60
F i g u r e 12 -
comparing results based on applied stress-intensity versus effective stress-intensity
Stress Intensity Range, AK (M Pa- x/hi')
1 10 100
, i i i i I l l I I , ~ p , I I I ,
10 ~

'10 -1


0 10 -2



.~'~ 10-5
~2 10"4
10 "6

~ I0 -7

j~o ...................
10 9
g- ~ 8o
o o

10 ~
10 100

Stress Intensity Range, AK (lEvi - ySii-)

F i g u r e 13 - Comparison offatigue crack growth rates for NAB weld metal in seawater
at three stress ratios based on effective stress-intensity range

reduces (AKth)app to a level approaching ( A I ~ ) ~ the "intrinsic" AKth of the material [7,8].
Fatigue cycling at high mean load (high R) keeps the crack mouth open and minimizes the
factors causing closure effects. It should be noted that the closure-corrected, near-threshold
stress intensity, based on AK~fr,ranged from 4.4 to 6.0 MPa-~/m for cast NAB versus 4.4 to
7.5 MPa-~/m for NAB weld metal.

Table 5 - Summary of results for fatigue crack growth rate tests of

NAB and NAB weld metal in seawater

Applied Effective
Test Test Material Stress FCGR FCGR
Code Intensity Ratio Threshold Threshold
(MPa-~m) (MPa-~m)
GKR-2 casting, blade +0.05 9.32 5.44
GKR-5 casting, hub +0.05 9.61 6.16
GKR-4 casting, blade +0.40 6.94 5.06
GKR-6 casting, hub +0.40 6.57 5.11
GKR- 1 casting, blade +0.60 5.48 4.35
GKR-3 casting, blade +0.60 5.05 4.27
9341-12 weld metal +0.05 8.10* 5.63 *
9341-16 weld metal +0.05 17.97 7.48
9341-4 weld metal +0.40 13.30 5.55
9341-20 weld metal +0.40 11.46 4.91
9341-8 weld metal +0.60 8.48 4.61
9341-24 weld metal +0.60 8.28 4.36
Note: * = Invalid test data due to uneven crack front.


NAB Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Database

Ships' propellers are high-value machinery items. Consequently, studies to

determine the corrosion fatigue crack growth properties o f NAB alloy have been
conducted as the fracture mechanics approach to fatigue crack growth and flaw tolerance
developed in order to provide a basis for inspection. Several studies [9-13] presented
da/dN versus AK data for NAB. However, these did not provide experimental data to
specifically determine AK~h, and the effects of crack closure on AKth were not addressed.
The results tended to over-estimate values of AKth at low R-values. (Table 6) summarizes
these data, indicating an estimated AKth by extrapolation of the data and the lowest
fatigue crack growth rate for which data were plotted.

Table 6 - Summary of estimated and measured fatigue crack growth rate

threshold values, AKtl~ for cast nickel-aluminum bronze and weld metal

NAB Test Cyclic Load Estimated Lowest da/dN

Casting Medium Frequency Ratio AKtl~ Value
Type (Hz) R (MPa-~/m) Measured
cast plate [9] air 18.3 0.0 8.79 5.0 X 10-9
prop blade, 0.5R air 5.0 0.0 8.35 2.0 X 10-8
prop blade, 0.5R synthetic seawater 5.0 0.0 7.76 2.0 X 10-8
cast block [ 10] synthetic seawater 5.0 0.0 7.76 1.0 X 10-7
prop blade, 0.3R synthetic seawater 6.0 0.0 5.89 2.5 X 10-8
prop blade, 0.3R synthetic seawater 1.5 +0.4 5.58 2.0 X 10-8
prop blade, 0.3R synthetic seawater 6.0 +0.4 5.58 5.0 X 10-8
prop blade, 0.6R synthetic seawater 6.0 +0.4 5.58 2.5 X 10-8
prop blade, 0.9R synthetic seawater 6.0 +0.4 7.13 1.3 X 10-8
cast plate [12] air 50.0 +0.10 8.49 2.5 X 10-8
cast plate [12] air 50.0 +0.28 7.00 7.5 X 10-8
cast plate [12] air 50.0 +0.50 6.00 1.0 X 10-7
cast plate [13] air +0.20 8.00
cast plate [ 13] air +0.50 6.00

The database for NAB fatigue crack growth rate threshold provides some
information regarding the influence of microstructure, cyclic frequency, environment, and
mean stress (R-ratio). For comparable FCGR test conditions, threshold values for
specimens sectioned from cast plates [9,12,13] were higher than those measured for
specimens sectioned from thick cast blocks [10] and from near the root (0.3R) or mid-
chord (0.5R to 0.6R) o f full-size propeller blades [10,11]. Threshold values for
specimens sectioned from near the propeller tip (0.9R) were higher than those for tests o f
specimens from root or mid-chord from the same propeller [11]. The present studies also
suggest the threshold values for specimens sectioned from the blade area were higher than
for specimens sectioned from the hub. From these results it may be inferred that the
smaller grain size and lesser propensity for casting defects in thinner sections, where
cooling rates are greater, increases F C G R threshold o f NAB, as with most metals [8].

In those studies where FCGR was measured in air versus seawater [10,12] and the
effect of cyclic frequency in the environment was examined [10-12], these factors had
greatest influence in Region 2 (power law region), with only a minor effect on threshold
values. The effect of frequency on fatigue strength and FCGR was negligible in the
frequency range for commercial vessel propeller revolution speeds [11]. The effect of
stress ratio on FCGR threshold in seawater was, however, a significant factor identified in
most of the experiments [11-13], as well as in the tests of the present study.

Applications of Fracture Mechanics to Propellers

Early applications of fracture mechanics analysis were applied in studies of the

fatigue failure of highly loaded propellers. It was shown that fatigue crack growth rates
in the full-scale test of a manganese bronze aircraft carrier propeller could be modeled as
a semi-elliptical surface crack on the tension side of a plate in bending [9], and showed
that very small surface cracks would propagate under the stress measured in at-sea stress
trials in the blade root area (0.3R). The measured stresses in the root full-ahead on
straight course were 8.5 ksi (58.6 MPa) steady stress • 4.25 ksi (• 29.3 MPa) alternating
stress (or • 50% of the mean).
A fracture mechanics analysis was conducted to estimate the crack propagation
life in service of a highly-loaded container ship NAB propeller [10], again modeling the
propeller blade as the growth of a semi-elliptical, surface crack in a plate bending. In this
case, failure occurred from a known initial flaw (6 mm deep by 13 mm long) mid-chord
at the root (0.3R), where a stress amplitude = 54.9 MPa at a stress ratio, R = +0.40, was
estimated for cruising speed. The predicted life of 2 years, 1 month, compared to actual
service life of 2 years, 8 months, was good considering the estimations used and the
sparse database [10]. For the analysis, AKth measured for NAB in seawater o f 7.7 MPa-
4m at R = 0 was reduced by 30% to account for an increased stress ratio o f R = + 0.4 for
operating propellers. A value of AKth = 5.4 MPa-~/m was used, which agreed with values
subsequently measured at R = + 0.40 [11 ]. The shape of fatigue cracks, tracked by beach
marks on the fracture surface of NAB blades which failed in service, showed that the
aspect ratio for flaw growth changed from near semi-circular for shallow, near surface
flaws to semi-elliptical for deep cracks [10]. The fracture mechanics analyses were
extended to provide accept/reject criteria for ultrasonic inspection of ships' propeller
blades [14]. For use as UT criteria, the flaw size calculations were used to determine
critical flaw detection areas, which were dependent on propeller design, vessel, and
design condition [14], since the flaw size calculation was most sensitive to cyclic stress
range and blade thickness.
A study on the growth of fatigue cracks from casting defects in NAB [12],
showed that defects act as crack initiation sites in sizes as small as 100 p.m. Shrinkage
cavities were most common in sizes up to 3 mm, but defects smaller than 250 gm being
common throughout the casting (see Figures 1 and 2). Cracks deeper than 300 p.m were
found to obey the same fatigue propagation laws as long, through-cracks [12]. A AKth =
4.6 MPa-~/m at R = +0.50 was determined by reducing data for the effects of frequency

and seawater corrosion, which predicted a smooth bar S-N corrosion fatigue curve for
NAB, assuming a flaw of 0.5 mm. Using the same AK,h = 4.6 MPa-~/m at R = +0.50 and
a "realistic" defect size of 1 mm, a maximum safe operating stress range of 75 MPa for
NAB ships' propellers was suggested [12]. With no safety factors applied, the
calculation converted to a maximum stress = 149.6 MPa, mean (steady) stress = 112.4
MPa, and cyclic stress amplitude = • 37.2 MPa (33% of the mean).

Defect Tolerance Analysis

A fracture mechanics analysis, using the FCGR thresholds of this study, was
conducted to determine the propensity for pre-existing casting defects in NAB propellers
to propagate by fatigue under cyclic stress in service. Details of the analysis are beyond
the scope of this paper, but salient points are summarized in the following.

Propeller Operating Stress and Residual Stress

Steady and alternating stress data for naval and commercial ships' propellers have
been obtained from at-sea trials with instrumented propellers. These are usually
conducted to validate loads modeling and new designs, and to investigate service
problems [9,10]. In at-sea trials, unsteady stress measurements for commercial vessels
[10] ranged from +29% (tanker) to +84% of steady stress (cargo ship which experienced
two propeller failures).
Propeller design is an iterative process, where an optimization of blade section for
propulsive efficiency (thinner blade) and adequate strength (thicker blade) is conducted.
For structural design of the propeller blade, the allowable stress used by classification
societies (American Bureau of Shipping, Det Norske Veritas, etc.) is based on the
minimum tensile strength and density of the propeller material [15]. Fatigue, per se, is
not part of the design criteria.
Navy propeller blade design limits the blade stress (mean stress at the full-power
ahead, zero-rudder condition) to 12,500 psi (86.2 MPa) for NAB propellers. Although
the value of 12,500 psi (86.2 MPa) approximates the seawater corrosion fatigue strength
of NAB at 10g cycles [16], its use as a design criterion does not directly consider
propeller fatigue performance. Service experience with NAB propellers indicates that
blade fatigue life is unlimited if the maximum blade steady stress is not more than 12,500
psi (86.2 MPa). The design of Navy propellers has an aim of +20% of steady stress.
However, higher values of unsteady stress magnitude may occur due to greater
disturbance to inflow to the propeller than anticipated in design. Although commercial
and naval propellers are both designed for a condition of full-power ahead, the usage
factors are different. The commercial vessel spends a majority of its total time at sea and
at full power in commerce transit. In general, the missions of a naval vessel, especially in
peace-time, require infrequent full-power operation.

In the production of large-diameter propellers, the thick sections experience

uneven solidification patterns and cooling rates, which may result in residual stresses of
significant magnitude. Weld repairs are common on large, rough propeller castings prior
to finishing, and stress relief is not required after welding NAB. Residual stress
influences crack growth rates and the threshold for crack growth in metals. However,
residual stress will be relieved by the application of an external load if local plastic flow
ensues. NAB typically exhibits a rounded stress-strain curve with a proportional limit
well below the yield strength [17], where local inelastic strain relieves and redistributes
residual stress. Experimental studies were conducted on the effects of plug weld repairs
on the corrosion fatigue properties of large cast NAB specimens [17]. It was shown that
tensile residual stress equivalent to yield occurred in the vicinity of the weld repairs.
However, no reduction in fatigue strength due to the weld repairs was found. The applied
cyclic stress conditions (patterned after propeller stress conditions), in combination with
the high residual stress from welding, caused a "shakedown" effect, wherein the mean
stress was reduced to that of the applied condition.

Fracture Mechanics

The analysis considered A I ~ values corrected for crack closure, i.e. on the basis of
AKefr . This allows the use of a single intrinsic value for the FCGR threshold for any
combination of mean stress (R-value) or residual stress. For the analysis, a single
conservative value of (AI~)ee~= 4.4 MPa-~/m was used. The value was similar to that used
in other studies [11,12].
Simplifying assumptions were made to focus on threshold aspects. The stresses
on propeller blades are predominantly generated by the bending moment from developed
thrust and centrifugal force due to rotational speed on the blade mass. The highly-
stressed areas (i.e. the blade root at mid-chord) are thick (15 to 30 cm). A small defect at
or near the surface (where the highest stress intensities occur) is essentially in a uniform,
tensile stress field, rather than the case for a large, deep crack where the bending case
might be more appropriate. Small defects deep in the blade section approach the neutral
axis and are much less susceptible to growth. The growth of fatigue cracks in propeller
blades, as observed from service failures or controlled laboratory tests, showed initial
growth at the surface near the same as into the depth of the blade (semi-circular shape as
in a uniform stress field) [10,11]. The types of defects that may occur in propeller
castings and weld repairs are as follows: porosity (spherical holes), inclusions, dross or
trapped slag (sharp, linear, flake-like defects), and cracks (hot tears, shrinkage cracks, hot
shorts, etc.). Defects like shrinkage cavities, slag, and hot tears can have very irregular
shapes. In the analysis, handbook stress intensity solutions [18] for four general types of
flaws were used: (1) surface-breaking, semi-circular crack (plane strain, tension), (2)
surface-breaking, semi-elliptical crack (10 to 1 aspect ratio), (3) embedded circular crack
(uniform tension), and (4) embedded elliptical cracl~ (uniform tension).

The results of the fracture mechanics showed that smaller surface-breaking flaws
than embedded flaws were required for growth by fatigue. In general, the results show
that large surface breaking flaws (easily detectable by NDT methods) are not likely to
grow by fatigue if the allowable design conditions of 12,500 psi +20% (86.2 MPa +20%)
are not exceeded. Conversely, at higher cyclic stress amplitudes and mean stress, very
small flaws, such as those typically present in a large propeller casting, can be expected
to propagate by fatigue crack growth. Essentially, AKofr for cast NAB was used as the
crack-tip stress intensity factor, K I in the crack models. Computations, then, are of the
form of equation (1), with the critical crack size for fatigue crack growth, a, being
inversely proportional to the square of the cyclic stress amplitude (A6). Thus, unsteady
stress amplitude mapping of the propeller was used to generate critical flaw size mapping
for NDT. NDT methods and indication accept/reject criteria based on flaw tolerance
limit intensive NDT to critical locations. Visual inspection and the good workmanship
criteria apply in other areas.


Fatigue crack growth rate thresholds were determined for cast NAB & weld metal
in seawater at cyclic frequency related to ships' propeller operation. Increasing stress
intensity ratio, R (high mean stress) decreased AK~ for NAB and NAB weld metal in
seawater. Both cast NAB and NAB weld metal showed large closure loads, particularly
at R = +0.05. The higher AK~ and higher crack closure levels in NAB weld metal tests at
all test conditions were due to the residual stress in the weldment. When corrected for
crack closure effects, the effective AI~ was reduced. Closure corrected values suggested
an "intrinsic" AI~h of 4.4 to 5.5 MPa-qm.
The results of the NAB corrosion fatigue crack growth rate thresholds were used
to conduct a fracture mechanics-based analysis for the defect/flaw tolerance of NAB
propellers related to propeller design stress and measured operating stresses.


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[2] AMPCO| Copper and Copper Alloy Weldrod Products, Bulletin W17-371, Ampco
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[3] Saxena, A., and S.J. Hudak, Jr., "Review and Extension of Compliance Information
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[4] Bucci, R.J., "Development of a Proposed ASTM Standard for Near-Threshold

Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Measurement," Fatigue Crack Growth Rate
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[5] Donald, J.K., and D.W. Schmidt, "Computer-Controlled Stress Intensity Gradient
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[6] Donald, J.K., "A Procedure for Standardizing Crack Closure Levels," Mechanics of
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American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1988, pp. 222-229.

[7] Taylor, D., Fatigue Thresholds, Butterworths & Co., Ltd., London, U.K., 1989,

[8] Taylor, D., and L. Jianchun, Sourcebook on Fatigue Crack Propagation: Thresholds
and Crack Closure, Engineering Materials Advisory Services, Ltd., London, U.K.,

[9] Gatzoulis, J., W. Werchniak, and E. Czyryca, "Fatigue Behavior of Large

Propellers," Naval Engineers Journal, October 1974, pp. 65-77.

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[12] Taylor, D., and J.F. Knott, "Growth of Fatigue Cracks from Casting Defects in
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C. Sarrazin-Baudoux, 1 Y. Chabanne, ~and J. Petit I

Mean Stress and Environmental Effects on Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack

Propagation on a Ti6246 Alloy at Room Temperature and 500~

REFERENCE: Sarrazin-Baudoux, C., Chabanne, Y., and Petit, J., "Mean Stress and
Environmental Effects on Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack Propagation on a Ti6246
Alloy at Room Temperature and 500~ '' Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance
Limits and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J.C. Newman, Jr. and R.S. Piasick, Eds., American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 2000.

A B S T R A C T : The cracking behavior of a Ti6246 alloy under cyclic loading

superimposed to different levels of mean stress is studied, with special attention to the
near-threshold fatigue crack propagation regime, and to possible coupled effects of
corrosion and creep. Tests were conducted at room temperature and 500~ in selected
environmental conditions (high vacuum, controlled atmospheric leak low pressure,
controlled partial pressure of water vapor in pure argon) and at different frequencies.
The near-threshold crack propagation at low Kma• (i.e. low R ratio) is shown to be highly
sensitive to the environment, and a predominant detrimental influence of water vapor is
observed, even under very low partial pressure. Conditions for the occurrence of an
abnormal behavior consisting in the disappearance of the threshold for sufficiently high
Krnax level, are discussed from tests performed at various constant Kmax levels in ambient
air, high vacuum and humidified argon. This effect is observed in air and in vacuum for
Kmax higher than 52 MPa'~m, and is related to an intrinsic creep damage process which
appears more efficient at room temperature than at 500~ and more accentuated in air
than in vacuum. The origin of this abnormal near-threshold behavior is discussed in
comparison with a similar behavior described in the literature at room temperature on
another type of Ti6246 alloy and at 120~ on an IMI834. Additional experiments
conducted at 500~ in humidified argon have shown a critical Kmax level reduced to 22
MPa~/m. This behavior is suspected to be related to a contribution of stress corrosion
cracking induced by water vapor when some conditions favoring a localization of the
deformation and the attainment of a critical embrittlement are fulfilled.

K E Y W O R D S : fatigue, titanium alloys, environment, corrosion, temperature, mean

stress crack propagation threshold

Charg6e de Recherche CNRS, Research scientist, Directeur de Recherche CNRS,

Laboratoire de M6canique et de Physique des Mat6riaux - UMR CNRS n ~ 6617 ENSMA
- B.P. 109 - Chasseneuil de Poitou - 86960 Futuroscope Cedex-France

Copyright 2000 byASTM International www.astm.org

Failure of structural materials operating in various environments due to cracking

remains a safety and economic problem despite the effort that has been devoted to
understand the phenomena of fatigue, stress corrosion and creep. Titanium alloys are
interesting to aerospace designers because of their corrosion resistance, high specific
strength and low density. They are often used under cyclic conditions in aggressive
environments such as moist air at elevated temperature (up to 600~ They can also be
submitted to the superposition of a constant loading and small amplitude perturbations
inducing a too soon fracture of some critical pieces at relatively low Kmaxlevels. Then a
detailed characterization of these alloys is required in order to ensure a good damage
tolerance during their operational life. Recently a perplexing near-threshold behavior has
been reported in the literature for several titanium alloys when the Kmax-Constant test
method [1,2] is used. This experimental procedure is valuable when one wants to
determine the threshold value of the effective stress intensity factor range in condition
eliminating the contribution of crack closure. The maximum stress intensity factor, Kmax,
is kept constant, while the minimum, Kmin,is gradually increased until the threshold is
reached. But when the value is sufficiently high and the fatigue amplitude, AK, becomes
sufficiently small, the IMI834 tested at 120~ by Marci [1] was found not to exhibit an
effective threshold. More recently, similar effect has been observed for Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn,
IMI685 and Ti-6A1-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo [2] at room temperature. It is noticeable that this kind
of effect has not been detected at room temperature on a nickel-based super alloy IN100
and a 7475 T7351 A1 alloy [2] and has been up to now only observed on titanium alloys.
In the context of another study of the fatigue crack growth behavior of titanium alloys at
elevated temperature, a no threshold effect has been detected by Sarrazin-Baudoux et al.
[3] on a Ti6246 alloy tested at 500~ in moist environments evoking a possible
interaction between fatigue creep and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) coupled with a
detrimental action of water vapor. This last phenomenon refers to ripple loading [4],
leading to fracture of structural materials at stress intensity levels very much lower than
the static K~scc threshold.
This paper deals with new developments on the study of the near-threshold fatigue
crack growth behavior of Ti6246 alloy under high mean stress levels at room
temperature and 500~ with a special care to potential effects of environment.

Material and Experimental Procedures

The Ti6246 alloy (5.68 A1, 1.98 Sn,3.96 Zr, 6.25Mo) used in this investigation is [3-forged
at 950~ The heat treatment consists of 930~ for two hours, followed by water quenching,
aged at 900~ for one hour and air cooled, held at 595~ for a total aging time of eight
hours and air cooled.
The alloy contains 75% of ~ grains and displays a Widmanst~itten structure,
consisting of intermeshing colonies of 0t platelets contained in large prior 13 grains (300
~tm), the size of the actual ot grains not exceeding 50 ~tm. The chemical composition and
mechanical properties are given in Table 1.
Fatigue crack growth experiments are carried out on Compact Tension C(T)
specimens (10 mm thick and 40 mm wide) in accordance with ASTM Test Method for
Measurements of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates (E 647-88) using a servo-hydraulic
machine equipped with an environmental chamber and a furnace allowing testing in

ambient air, high vacuum (3xl 0-4 Pa) and controlled atmospheres such as humidified
argon with controlled partial pressure of water vapor, at temperatures ranging up to
500~ Crack lengths are tracked using a DC (electrical) potential drop technique [9].
Precracking for all specimens is carried out at room temperature at R = 0.1. The crack
propagation rate is determined using a shedding procedure of the load which is
decreased by steps of 8% down to the threshold, the average crack advance being of
0.1 mm. For tests performed at increasing AK after threshold, the load is progressively
increased by steps of 3 to 5 %. The specimens are submitted to sinusoidal loading at
frequencies varying from 35 Hz to 10-3 Hz with a load ratio (R) of 0.1 or at variable R.
Crack closure is detected using a capacitive displacement gauge and determined by
means of the offset compliance technique [5,6]. Kmax-Constant tests for near threshold
propagation are conducted at increasing steps of Kmin,the decreasing steps of AK being
similar as for the constant R tests. However, it should be noticed that each shed portion
was R constant, Kmaxvariations being lower than +1.0 %. In such condition, Kminis at
any time higher than the stress intensity level for crack closure and so closure is
eliminated in all the explored range. Some additional dwell waveforms are used at
500~ in air with 10 seconds rise and fall time and hold periods of 90 seconds and 180
seconds or without hold time (triangular signal of 10s-10s).
The environmental effect is studied with complementary experiments performed in
various gaseous atmospheres controlled by mean of a mass spectrometer and high
performance hygrometers. On one hand, the partial pressure of water vapor can be
lowered by reducing the total pressure : high vacuum, medium vacuum I; on the other
hand, an atmospheric environment saturated with water vapor and with a very low
amount of oxygen is obtained by mean of a controlled leak connecting the chamber to an
input of humidified argon containing water vapor at a partial pressure around 100
Pa.(medium vacuum II). For the different environmental conditions used, the partial
pressures of oxygen and water vapor are given in Table 2.

Table 1 - Mechanical properties of Ti6246

Temperature (~y(Mpa) CYu(Mpa) A% Km(Mpa~/m) E (Gpa)

Room T 987 1098 10.2 75 122

425~ 727 859 14.6 - 106
500~ 680 800 - - 102

Table 2-Environmental conditions for propagation tests

Environments Partial pressure Partial pressure Partial pressure Total

H20 (Pa) 02 (Pa) N2 (Pa) pressure(Pa)
Ambient air 1300 2x 104 8x 104 105
Humidified argon I 1300 <1 105
Humidified argon II 3000 <1 105
Medium vacuum I 1 - 1.33
Medium vacuum II 100 - 133
High vacuum <2x 10.4 < 10.6 3x 10.4

Influence of E n v i r o n m e n t at L o w M e a n Stresses.

A conventional approach of the study of the near-threshold fatigue crack propagation

(FCP) is based on experiments conducted at R=0.1, and the effective propagation is
determined by mean of closure correction. More recently, Kmaxconstant tests have been
recommended to reach directly the effective behavior without closure correction which
can be more or less controversial [7], especially when interaction can occur between
closure and environment, for example when there exists a competitive influence of
closure induced by oxide wedging and a limitation of the access of the embrittling
species (i.e. water vapor molecules) up to the crack tip by oxide deposits [8], or an
activation of environmental embrittlement by rupture of the oxide film induced by
closure as observed on Ti alloys at 500~ [9]. However, as mentioned here above, when
Kmax becomes too high, some abnormal behavior can occur. Hence, in this section, are
considered effective data provided by tests with closure correction where closure-
environment interaction are not observed, or by tests performed at sufficiently low Kmax
level to avoid any influence of mean stresses.
The da/dN vs AKeff diagram plotted in Figure l a for tests performed at room
temperature at a frequency of 35 Hz shows that for tests run at Kmax lower than 47
MPa~/m there is no influence of the mean stress level on the effective behavior and that
data provided by Kmax-Constant tests or obtained after closure correction from tests at
R=0.1 are comparable. This validate the compliance offset technique used to detect
closure. To illustrate the influence of environment on the fatigue crack propagation

107 ~ K
~" 10.8
0 []
MPam 1/2
"~ 10-9 max=31
"O [] K = 4 7 M P a m 1/2
10"1o [] ~x
[] R=0.1, closure corrected

10-1~ ........ 10
AKen (MPa m 1~)
Figure 1a - da/dN vs AKe# relation in ambient air at room temperature at 35 Hz.

behavior at room temperature, (da/dN) is plotted with respect to AKeeein Figure lb for
tests performed at constant Kmax < 47 MPa~/m at room temperature in air, high vacuum
and humidified Argon I which contains a same partial pressure of water vapor of 1.3 kPa
as that in air (see Table 2). The test frequency is 35 Hz. In all the explored range, the
propagation rates in ambient air and in humidified Argon are similar and are four times
faster than in high vacuum at a given AK~ferange, supporting a comparable effect of both
gaseous environments. This effect has been related to a detrimental effect of water vapor
as evoked in the literature[ 11 ].

1 0 "7

~' 10"9 9 9 highvacuum

>,, O ( ~ . Af~AAA'-
" Kmax= 46 MPa m 1/2

E 1 0 -9 z~ 9149 A 9 /k ambientair
z ~'~ ~ Kmax--47 MPa m112
10.1 o C~ 9 O humidified Argon I
Kmax=22 MPa m1/2
10 "11 , , , , , , , , i

1 10
AKeff (MPa m 1/2)

Figure. lb - da/dN vs AKeff relation in high vacuum, ambient air and humidified argon I
at room temperature at 35 Hz.

Results of tests performed at 500~ are shown on Figure 2 where data in moist argon
II are compared to those obtained in air and high vacuum. The propagation is shown to
be slightly faster in moist Argon than in air, and, in comparison to high vacuum, both
environments exhibit a huge enhancement of the growth rates especially in the near-
threshold domain, i.e. below a plateau range which is absent in high vacuum. These
observations are in accordance with a great sensitivity of the response of the material to
the environment at 500~ [9] and support a predominant effect of water vapor. The

10 -6

~) 10 -7 ~ ~ O ambient air
0>, Kmax--23-24 MPa m1/2

E 10-8 [] humidifiedArgon II
Z Km.x= 21-22 MPa m 1/2
'0 [] 99
~ 10_9 [~ 9 highvacuum
R=0.1, closure cot.


AKeff (MPa m 1/2)

Figure 2 - Effective fatigue crack propagation in Ti6246 alloy at 500~ in air, high
vacuum and humidified Argon H (35 Hz).

influence of the test frequency was explored in air, by mean of tests performed in
condition without closure (constant Kmax tests, 30 MPa~Jm) at frequencies ranging from
35 Hz to 0.1 Hz (Figure 3). Only a slight acceleration is observed at 3.5 Hz while the
growth rates reach an order of magnitude of acceleration at 0.5 Hz and 0.1 Hz. Crack

growth data with a triangular loading at 0.05 Hz and trapezoidal loading with dwells of
90 s and 180 s support a saturation of the effect of environment for frequencies lower
than 0.5 Hz. Such environmentally assisted crack propagation regime can be described
by a relation in accordance with the following model initially proposed by McClintock
da/dN = 0.5 ACTOD
where ACTOD is the crack tip opening displacement range. Such behavior is in
accordance with the saturation of the process and is more consistent with a corrosion-
fatigue mechanism than a creep-fatigue mechanism.

d a / d N = 0.5 A C T O D

--'~o10"6 ~ ( 1 ~ 35Hz, K <=24MPam v2

>, ~ - - ~ j . ~ 7 !O 3.5 Hz, K , = 31 MPa mv2
"~ 10-r 0.5 Hz, K x 30 MPa m1/2
Z 1/2
.~ ~ 0.1 Hz, Kr~ =24 MPa m
910 10"2 [ ] trapezoidalloading,10-90-10
Kr.a,= 31 MPa m112 ~,~ trapezoidalloading,10-180-10
PH triangularloading,10-10
i i r i ~ i i i i
10-9 4 6 8 10 30

AKef f (MPa.m 1/2)

Figure 3 - Influence of test frequency and of dwell time on effective crack propagation
in air at 500~

To explore more precisely the kinetics of the effect of water vapor, tests were run
under low pressure and at very low frequencies (Figure 4). A first experiment was

10.2 d a / d N = 0.5 A C T O D
i i B ~ ( ~ ) ~ ~ O highva.....
R=0.1, 35corrected
closure Hz
10 .2 []
"~ [] highvacuum,0.1 Hz
,,10 -?
r- r~ ~ ( ~ 9 mediumvacuumI, 0.01Hz
Z 10"8 ~ Kma*= 24 MPam1~
"~ (~ /~ mediumvacuumII, 0.1Hz
"0 10 .9 R=0.7

[] mediumvacuumU,0.1 Hz
i i = i i i I = i
10"1~ 4 6 8 10 31) Km~=24 iPa m'~

Figure 4 - Influence of low pressure of water vapor and test frequency on effective
fatigue crack propagation at 500~

performed under a low vacuum obtained by mechanical pumping giving a total pressure
of 1.3 Pa. The partial pressure of oxygen was below the detection threshold of the
analyzer while that of water vapor was of 1 Pa. The data of the test performed at 0.01 Hz
fall within the scatterband of the tests in air at 0.5 Hz and 0.1 Hz and appear to be
consistent with the saturated corrosion-fatigue mechanism described above. In contrast,
a frequency of 0.1 Hz has no effect on the propagation in high vacuum. Another test was
performed in medium vacuum II (total pressure of 133 Pa, partial pressure of water
vapor of about 100 Pa and oxygen not detectable). The tests performed at a stress ratio R
of 0.7 (no closure) and at 0.1 Hz give the same result as under a pressure of 1.3 Pa at
0.01 Hz (medium vacuum I, see Fig. 4) and in air at frequency lower than 0.5 Hz (Fig.
3). These two experiments are very convicting for the detrimental effect of water vapor
which is shown to be active even under very low partial pressure and in absence of any
detectable traces of oxygen. This effect of water vapor has also been reported in the
literature for titanium alloys, but only at room temperature [ 11,12]. The critical exposure
as previously defined [11] can be estimated about 10-2 Paxs and the substantial
enhancement of the growth rates of the saturated regime can be attributed to the
adsorption of water vapor on freshly created surfaces at the crack tip [ 13-15] followed
by an unknown embrittling mechanism.
The test in medium vacuum II (Pmo=100 Pa) was continued at a constant Kmax of 24
MPa~/m in view of an evaluation of the threshold for crack propagation. Exploring the
AK range from 4 MPax/m to 2 MPa'~m, a substantial scatter in the rate measurements
was observed, but no threshold was attained, and even without clean cut evidence, the
crack growth seemed to become independent on the AK range. Such behavior could be
in accordance with the predominance of a mechanism of propagation controlled by Kmax
instead of AK which could be controlled by a creep or a stress corrosion cracking
process. This aspect is explored and discussed in the following.
The fracture surfaces given in Figure 5 are representative of the corrosion-fatigue
process found on the Ti6246 in humidified argon II, air and medium vacuum I. For the
three environments, FCP produces flat surfaces corresponding to a transgranular stage II
propagation and numerous. Microcraeks, which are present in all the cases, seem
associated to the coupled action of temperature [16] and water vapor. The most
significant feature is the difference of the microcracks morphology with respect to
environment. In medium vacuum I, the microcracks are parallel to the propagation
direction while they are perpendicular in humidified argon and in air. Specimen have
been sectionned, parallel to the propagation direction, to reveal the correlation between
the microstructural features and the subsurface microcracks (Figure 5). In air, the section
plane shows that microcracking proceeds along c~ laths and seems to be associated with
oxidation, while in humidified argon, the microcracks have a more brittle appearance
and seem to be independent on microstructure. In medium vacuum I, microcracks can
not be observed because they are parallel to the section plane. In humidified argon and in
air, both surfaces are respectively covered with blue and yellow oxide layers but are
generally free of oxide debris. In medium vacuum I, little oxide is present. But whatever
these differences in the surface morphology, the FCP rates are quite similar (especially
in medium vacuum I and in air). This is consistent with previous studies [17] which
establish that surface oxide films are not damaging. All these results support that, as
compared to high vacuum, even if fracture surfaces have a typical morphology for each

environment, water vapor constitutes the active specie that is responsible for the great
enhancement of growth rates observed in the mid-rate range.

Figure 5 - Microfractographic aspect of cracked surfaces at 500~ in the corrosion-

fatigue regime : (a) Humidified Argon (0.1 Hz), (b) Ambient air (0.1 Hz), (c) Medium
vacuum I (0.01 Hz).The crack propagation direction is from the left to the right

Influence of the m e a n stress on the FCP behavior

Room temperature

Crack growth data for tests conducted at room temperature in ambient air and in high
vacuum are given in Figures 6a and 6b respectively. Five Kinax levels were tested in air
and three levels in high vacuum. For stress intensity factor ranges, AK, higher than 3
MPa~/m in air (Figure 6a) and 5 MPa~/m in vacuum (Figure 6b), the crack growth rate
da/dN appears independent on Kmax and all data fall within the same scatter band. At
lower AK ranges and for Kmax levels lower than 47 MPa~/m, a threshold is obtained with
a value close to 2 MPa~/m in air and 3 MPa'~m in vacuum. But above Kmax = 52 MPa~m,

ambient air, room temperature

10 "7 35 Hz

Kmax (MPa m 1/2)

E 10 .9
z 9 31
9 47
10 "1~ 9 [] 52
[] 55
O 9 57
10 "11 ...... I . . . . . . . . . ,
1 10
AKeff( MPam 1/2)
Figure 6a - Fatigue crack propagation in ambient air at room temperature for different
Km~x levels (35 Hz).

10 "7 high vacuum, room temperature

35 Hz
~" 10 .8

E 10 .9 Kmax ( M P a m 1/2)
z 9 46
~ 10 -lo
E~ 52
9 57
10 -11 . . . . . . I . . . . . . . i

1 10
AKen (MPam 1/2)
Figure 6b - Fatigue crack propagation curves in high vacuum at room temperature for
different Km~xlevels (35 Hz).

an abnormal near-threshold behavior is observed, and, in both environments, the growth

rate becomes independent on AK and lays around 3x10 -9 m/cycle in air and 10-9 m/cycle
in vacuum. These results confirm the existence in ambient air of an abnormal near-
threshold behavior as recently detected by Marci [1] and Larsen and co-authors [2]. In
the figure 7 are compared data exhibiting this abnormal behavior in different Ti alloys. It
is of importance to notice the similitude of the response of the different materials but
also the difference in the Kmax levels at which this phenomenon is observed.
Furthermore, data in high vacuum also demonstrate its existence in an inert environment,
supporting that this phenomenon is associated with an intrinsic governing mechanism. In
Figure 8, data in air and in vacuum are compared at two Kmaxlevels of 46-47 MPa~/m
and 57 MPa,Jm. At 47 MPa'Jm, where a threshold is obtained, the effect of environment
leads to crack propagation rate in air which can be one order of magnitude higher than in
high vacuum for a same fixed AI~ff. The threshold value close to 2 MPax/m in air is
lower than that in high vacuum which is of 2.8 MPa~/m. At Kmax = 57 MPa~/m, where
the steady regime is established, the growth rate appears to be slightly faster in air than
in vacuum, which indicates a lower assistance of environment to the cracking process.

9 Ti6246, 47 MPa m I/2 [] Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn, 28 MPa m 1/2, Ref. (1)

O Ti6246, 57 MPa m 1/2 [] Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn, 25 MPa m 1/2, Ref. (1)

9 IMI 834, 32 MPa m 1/2, Ref. (1) V IMI 685, 46 MPa m 1/2, Ref. (1)

IMI 834, 28 MPa m 1/2, Ref. (1) 9 IMI 685, 48 MPa m 1/2, Ref. (1)
9 Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn, 32 MPa m 1/2, Ref. (1) § Ti6246, 22 MPa ml/2, Ref. (2)

10 7

~- 10-8 V~TV

10~ §247247
'~ 10-10

10 -11 , , , ,, ,,,i , , ...... ,

0.1 1 10
AKe. (MPa.m 1/2)

Figure 7 - Comparison of fatigue crack propagation rates in titanium alloys presenting

the abnormal near-threshold behavior at room temperature in ambient air.

In all cases, including literature, the abnormal crack growth effect occurs roughly
around 70% of the fracture toughness. As it has been evoked, the explanation of this

abnormal behavior could be related to room temperature creep which is a well-known

phenomenon in titanium alloys [2].

10 "7 room temperature

35 Hz 9
~>, 10 .8
99 9149149
E 10. 9
Kmax (MPa m 1/2)

O Air Vacuum
"o 10-1o O
o Q 47 O 46
9 57 [] 57
10"11 i = i i i iI i = i = i i i

AKe. (NPa.m v2)

Figure 8 - Comparison o f crack propagation curves in air and high vacuum at room
temperature f o r K . ~ = 46-47 MPa ~/m and 57 MPa ~/m (35 Hz).

The potential influence of creep has been investigated by performing K-constant test
without cycling between two steps of AK shedding, the sustained stress intensity factor
being equal to the Kmaxlevel of the former fatigue step. When such constant loading
sustain is applied during testing in the mid AK range, the crack does not propagate. But
when it is applied below a critical AK range, (which means when the so called abnormal
behavior is reached), it results in a crack advance which was recorded along an
extension of about 0.1 mm. Measurements of the propagation rate with respect to time,
da/dt, are plotted in Figure 9 for tests conducted in air and in high vacuum. An example
of recording of the evolution of the potential drop corresponding to the crack advance is
presented in Figure 10. It can be clearly observed that the growth rate during the period
of cycling and during the period of constant K sustain is comparable. These observations
demonstrate that below a certain AK range and for a given environment, the crack
advance becomes only controlled by the maximum level of the stress intensity factor and
hence results mainly from a creep damage process. Lang et al. [2] have investigated a
series of tests with intermittent unloading cycles (K=0 MPax/m) during the Kmax-constant
test in order to see if once the abnormal occurs, the crack growth rate interacting with
plasticity decreases or even stops. They have shown that, introducing single or multiple
unloading cycles does not affect the propagation which continues approximately at the
previous growth rate. Then, these tests support that the abnormality does not depend on
the loading history characteristic of the Km,~-constant test when the process is initiated.
Their conclusions are in contradiction with the present results which show a load history
dependence with a critical AK range in addition to a critical Kmax level.
However, at such low AK ranges and low growth rate, the real influence of single or
few underloads is not obvious and an increment of crack advance could be required to
have a substantial load history effect which means the application of a much larger
number of underloads.

K = 5 7 M P a m 1/2

9 20~ air
10"s 9 500~ air
9 20~ high vacuum

..... O ........ O - _c_r_e~_.,air, 20~
10"r 9 9 9 9 Qcreep,vacuum, 20~
10 .8 9 9 == 9 creep, air, 500~

10 -9 , , , , , ,L
0.4 0.6 0.8 1

AKef f (MPa m 1/2)

Figure 9 - Comparison of growth rates (in meter per second) at Km~x = 57 MPa~/m in
fatigue at AK lower than 1.5 MPa ~/m and under sustained loading.


21.45 9


,-, 21.35
E 21.3


21.2 O fatigue cycling

9 sustained loading

21.1 ~''' ~' '' ~' ''' ''' ~' '' ~'''
20 40 60 80 100 120 140

time (s)

Figure 10 - Evolution o f crack advance versus time during cyclic and sustained
loading f o r a test run at in high vacuum at room temperature and at Kmax = 57

It can be observed in the Figure 11 a that the crack path is not the same for the creep-
fatigue regime and the pure creep regime. In the first case, the crack develops
continuously in the plane normal to the loading axis. W h e n cycling is stopping, the
development of two wings corresponding to the monotonic plastic deformation is
observed, and then the crack is growing within one of the two wings hence following the
zone where shearing is assumed to be maximum. So, when the test is switching from one
regime to the other, some transitional local retardation or acceleration can be observed

when the crack tends to change from one kind of path to the other, even if the average
growth rate is not substantially affected.
The morphology of the fracture surfaces of the specimen of figure 1 la is shown in figure
1 lb fatigue regime, and in figure 1 lc for the abnormal regime. The fatigue crack path is
very flat and corresponds to a transgranular faceted cracking process typical of a stage II
regime which is poorly sensitive to microstructure. Conversely, the fracture surface of
the abnormal regime is mixing transgranular and intergranular cracking (fig. 1 lc), and is
characterized by the formation of dimples shown at higher magnification (fig. 1 ld)
typical of a process of static rupture and supporting a predominant creep mechanism.

Figure 11 - (a) Photography of the surface of a specimen tested in air at room

temperature at Kmax = 55 MPa~/m, comparing the crack path in fatigue (AK = 2.0
MPa a/m) and under sustained loading. (b) Microfractographic aspect of the fracture
surface in the fatigue regime of Figure l la). (c) Microfractographic aspect of the
fracture surface in the creep regime of Figure l la). (d) ): magnification of Figure l lc)
showing dimples associated to constant - K loading. The crack propagation direction is
from the left to the right.

High temperature

Figure 12 shows the da/dN-AK data of the tests conducted at 500~ in air and in high
vacuum with Kmax= 46, 55 and 57 MPa~/m. In high vacuum, no Kmaxeffect is observed
and the propagation curves are very similar with a threshold ranging about 3 MPa4m. In
ambient air, for Km~xranging up to 55 MPa~/m, crack growth rates are comparable, and
hence independent on Kmax. A substantial effect of environment is observed especially in
the low AK range with rates of two orders of magnitude higher than those in high
vacuum ( at AKeff=3.5 MPax/m, da/dN =10 1~ m/cycle in vacuum and 10.8 m/cycle in air),
and a much lower threshold value close to 2 MPa~/m. Such enhancement of the
propagation in air at 500~ has been related to an environmental effect very much more
pronounced at elevated temperature than at room temperature [9]. The abnormal
behavior is detected in air and at Kmaxof 57 MPa~/m with a steady crack growth ranging
about 3 to 4x10 -9 m/cycle. A comparison of the response of the material at room
temperature and 500~ in air and high vacuum at Kmax= 57 MPa~/m is shown in Figure
13. The surprising result is related to the steady crack growth in air at 500~ of 4x 10-9
m/cycle which is much lower than the rate measured at room temperature as well in air
as high vacuum in the same loading conditions.

Kma x (MPa m 1/2)

10 .7 Air High vact . . . .
-}- 46 9 46

..... 10 "e 0 55 [] 55
057 I~ 57
.00 10.9

1 10
AKef f (MPa m 1/2)

Figure 12 - Comparison of crack propagation curves at 500~ in air and in high vacuum
and for Km~xranging front 46 MPa ~/m to 57 MPa ~/m (35 Hz).

It is difficult to explain a less accentuated abnormal behavior at 500~ than at room

temperature since an enhanced creep contribution would be expected at elevated
temperature. However such behavior could result from a shearing process of the t~ phase
as evoked for fatigue dwell effect [17] at low temperature, and the contribution of this
mechanism could be reduced at elevated temperature with increasing ductility,
In the upper AK range, temperature does not significantly affect the crack
propagation in high vacuum but induces a substantial enhancement of the rates in air.
Such detrimental effect has been related to a water vapor assistance to the propagation
mechanism [3,8,18].

Kmax = 57 MPa m i n
Air Vacuum
10 .7 9 20oC [] 20oc
9 500~ [] 500~ 9

~" 10-8


~ 1 0 -lo
10-11 , , , , ,, I i = f i i i i = I

1 10
AKe.(MPa m lr2)

Figure 13 - Comparison of crack propagation curves in air and in high vacuum at room
temperature and 500~ and for Kma~ =57 MPa~/m (35 Hz).

Humidified Argon.

To investigate a possible detrimental effect of water vapor on the mean stress effect,
tests were performed in humidified argon I. Corresponding crack growth data are
compared to those in air at room temperature and 500~ in Figure 14. For tests run at

Air Humidified Argon I

Kmax = 30 MPa m 1/2 Kmax = 22 MPa m 1/2
10 -6 9 20~ 9 20~
[] 500~ 9 500~
10 "z
10 .8
Z 10 -9

10 "1~ ee
10 "11 , , , , I , , , , , , , , r

1 Z~Ke"(MPa.ml/2) 10

Figure 14 - Comparison of fatigue crack propagation in air and in humidified Argon I

at low Kmax levels, at room temperature and 500~ (35 Hz).

room temperature at relatively low Kmaxlevels, both environments give similar crack
growth data with an effective threshold ranging about 1.8 to 2 MPa~/m, which is
consistent with a comparable detrimental effect of water vapor in both environments. At

500~ a comparable behavior is again observed in both environments for AK above 2

MPa~/m, but for lower AK range, an abnormal behavior is detected in moist Argon I at a
critical Km~xlevel which is only of 22 MPa~/m and is characterized by a sustained crack
growth rate greater than 2x 10-9 m/cycle. It is of importance to notice that the partial
pressure of water vapor in the argon gas filling the chamber is comparable to that of
laboratory air (see Table 2). So, the same amount of water vapor in a neutral gas appears
to be much more detrimental than in air. This would support that oxygen contained in air
is more preventing the detrimental effect of water vapor than being a detrimental
gaseous specie.
In Figure 15 are collected all data obtained at 500~ in the three test environments :
three Kmaxlevels in air, two Kmaxlevels in high vacuum and Kmaxof 22 MPa~/m in
humidified argon II. This diagram clearly shows that in humidified argon and at a very
much lower Kmaxvalue than in air, an abnormal behavior is detected with a sustained
crack growth rate which is of one order of magnitude higher than in air at 57 MPa~/m.

Kmax (MPa m in)

9 26 v 52 I Air
9 57
10"s [] 26 I
High vacuum
[] 57 I
"~" 9 22 HumidifiedArgon II _ ~
~>' 10s10' 9
z 9 9149149
10 -,o ~, ~ [ ]
10 "11 , J, i i i i ~ i i i i i i i,
1 10
AK (MPa m 1/2)
Figure 15 - Influence o f environment on the occurrence o f the abnormal near threshold
behavior at 500~ (35 Hz).

Such an effect is associated to a mechanism which should be different from the creep
process operating in air and in high vacuum. It could be a stress corrosion cracking
mechanism induced by water vapor which appears much more enhanced in the absence
of oxygen. To reinforce this assumption, tests were conducted in argon containing a
great amount of water vapor (humidified argon II, see Table 2), the partial pressure of
water vapor being 3 kPa. Figure 16 gives an illustration of the response of the material
submitted to different loading conditions. A threshold test run at 35 Hz and a constant
Kmax of 21 MPa~/m seems to lead to a threshold for a stress intensity factor range at
about 2.3 MPa~/m. But further steps in the decreasing of AK do not confirm the
existence of a threshold and even more, exhibit a re-acceleration of the crack
propagation. Such a behavior is comparable to that described in the above section and is

consistent with a substantial Kma• effect. In the same figure, are compared crack growth
data obtained at 0.1 Hz and at a R ratio of 0.1 (very low K,,ax ranging from 6 to 12
MPa~/m), and at R=0.9 ( high Krnaxranging from 21 to 55 MPa,]m). Crack growth rates
for the tests conducted at R of 0.1 and at 0.1 Hz follow the saturated fatigue corrosion
regime previously identified. But, operating at higher R ratio, which means much higher
mean stress levels, a substantial acceleration is detected.These results also demonstrate a
huge influence of the mean stress and suggest the existence of an additional mechanism
of stress corrosion cracking at Kmax< 57 MPa~]m.

H u m i d i f i e d a r g o n II
P = 3000 Pa
E [] R=0.1,0.1Hz
10-~ da/dN = 0.5 ACTOD 6 MPam~/2<Kn.~ < 12 MPam~/2
[ ~ ~ [] decreasingAK, 35 Hz, R = var
K x = 21 MPam 1/2
~9 10 "8 9 increasingAK, 0.1 Hz, R=0.9
Kn~ > 21 MPam 1/2
1 0 "9

1040 - -
AK eff(MPaVm)
Figure 16 - Influence of loading conditions on the effective crack propagation at 500~
in humidified argon II

Figures 17a and b show crack profiles obtained in humidified argon II. On the first
hand is illustrated a situation when fatigue-corrosion cracking is dominating (Figure 17a,
R=0.1, 0.1 Hz), and on the second hand when stress corrosion cracking is expected
(Figure 17b, R=0.9, Kmax=21-24 MPa~/m). In the former case, the crack path is mainly
flat without secondary cracking,

Figure 17 - Crack profiles in humidified Argon at 500~ II :

(a) fatigue corrosion cracking, (b) stress corrosion cracking.

Figure 18 - Cracked surfaces for stress corrosion cracking in humidified argon H at


while in the second case, the crack path is very tortuous with the presence of numerous
secondary cracks and related branching supporting a huge embrittlement induced by
water vapor [20,21 ]. The cracked surface corresponding to stress corrosion cracking
process (Figure 18) shows very rough areas with intergranular decohesion at the prior-[3
grains which might be in accordance with a strong embrittlement of grain boundaries by
water vapor which is not observed in air (i.e. in presence of oxygen).


The following conclusions can be drawn from this study of the fatigue crack growth
behavior of the Ti6246 alloy :
9 A substantial crack growth rate enhancement is obtained in air versus high
vacuum in the near-threshold range and appears more pronounced at 500~ than
at room temperature. From tests performed in controlled environments, the lost of
crack propagation resistance in air has been attributed to a deleterious effect of
water vapor.
9 At 500~ by mean of tests at various frequencies and under different partial
pressures of water vapor, a corrosion-fatigue crack propagation regime has been
identified. At saturation of the effect of water vapor, this regime can be
approximated by the relation : da/dN = 0.5 ACTOD.
9 A near-threshold abnormal behavior consisting in the disappearance of the
threshold and resulting in a constant crack growth rate independent on AK is
observed at room temperature as well in high vacuum as in ambient air, when two
conditions are fulfilled : 1) Kmax higher than a critical level about 52 MPa~/m
which means around 70% of the fracture toughness. 2) Superposition of cycling
loading at AK lower than some 3 MPa~/m.
9 This phenomenon is also observed at 500~ in air, but not in high vacuum, and
the rate of the steady propagation in air is about ten time slower than at room

The corresponding mechanism is assumed to be controlled by a creep damage

process which appears more efficient at room temperature than at 500~ and
more accentuated in air than in vacuum.
In humidified argon, at 500~ a comparable abnormal behavior is detected but at
a much lower critical Kmaxof 22 MPax/m. The sustained crack growth rate is
about 2x10 9 m/cycle which is of about an order of magnitude higher than that in
air at Kmax = 57 MPa~/m. This phenomenon refers more to stress corrosion
cracking, than to creep contribution as in air or vacuum. Such behavior is
consistent with previous observations made on fatigue crack propagation in
similar environmental conditions supporting a more detrimental effect of water
vapor in an inert gas than in air.

On the practical side, these results are very important. For example, the case of a
turbine disc containing a crack, subjected to constant stress of the same order as that one
sufficient stress corrosion cracking with additional very small cycling loading can be
encountered and can lead to unexpected component failure. A conservative evaluation of
the critical size of the defect must be done on the base of the above mentioned critical
stress intensity level instead of the fracture toughness which is more than two times
higher. On going studies will give a complete description and modelling of such a
critical behaviour for titanium alloys and will be explored on some other metallic


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David TayloP and Ge Wang I

Component Design: The Interface Between Threshold and Endurance Limit

Reference: Taylor, D. and Wang, G., "Component Design: The Interface Between
Threshold and Endurance Limit," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance
Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds.,
American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: This paper discusses the use of methods derived from fracture-mechanics for
the assessment of stress concentrations in components. It is known that some sharp
notches can be modelled as cracks, their fatigue limits corresponding to the threshold
value for a crack of the same length. Using this methodology for the assessment of
components gives rise to two problems. The first problem concerns geometry: real stress
concentrations have complex shape and cannot be modelled as notches of simple profile.
The second problem concerns notch size: can short notches be modelled in the same
way as short cracks? An approach has been developed which is an extension of the
well-known critical-distance concept. It can be applied to both cracks and notches and
takes into account the size effect. This has been tested using data from specimens
containing short cracks and circular notches of various sizes; it has also been
successfully applied to the analysis of a component in service.

Keywords: Thresholds, notches, components, endurance limit, short cracks.


The aim o f recent research in our laboratory has been to develop methods of
analysis for the prediction of high cycle fatigue behaviour in engineering components.
In particular, we have tried to predict endurance limits for cases where failure
occurred from geometrical features (stress concentrators) of complex shape, in
components which did not contain pre-existing cracks. Despite this we attempted to
use the methods of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) because it had
previously been shown that many geometric features, such as sharp notches [1] and
small surface defects [2], can be analysed by modelling them as cracks of the same

~Associate Professor and research scientist, respectively, Mechanical Engineering

Department, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Copyright* 2000 by ASTM International www.astm.org

depth. Since most components are now designed using finite element (FE) analysis,
we sought to use linear elastic FE stress data, aiming to generalise the LEFM
solutions to the point where they could be applied to stress data taken from a body of
any shape, thus making them independent of geometric parameters such as notch
depth, which are not always defined for a component. Some success was achieved
using a method by which an equivalent stress intensity was estimated for the notched
(uncracked) body or component [3,4,5]. Having obtained this K value by examination
of the local stress field, the fatigue limit could be predicted by setting AK=AKth: the
conventional threshold parameter. The method was called "Crack Modelling"; it was
shown that components such as automotive crankshafts and other complex shapes
could be successfully analysed in this way, predicting fatigue limits with errors of less
than 10%. Problems were encountered when the method was applied to physically
small notches which, like short cracks, display anomalous behaviour which cannot
simply be predicted from material data obtained from larger features.
In this paper we present a new method which approaches the problem from the
opposite end. Instead of beginning with a fracture mechanics approach and adapting
this for notches, we start with a well-known method of notch analysis and try to apply
this to the behaviour of cracked bodies. The aim is to develop a general solution,
applicable to cracks, notches and plain specimens, which takes account of size effects
in an intrinsic fashion.

Outline of the Theory

Background to Critical-Distance Approaches

The present methodology is based on the so-called "critical distance" theories

which have been used in the analysis of notches and plain specimens for several
decades, since the work of Peterson [6], Neuber [7], Siebel and Stieler [8] and others.
The basic idea here is to examine the stresses not only at the notch tip (the "hot spot")
but also within a certain volume of material surrounding the notch. It is assumed that
fatigue failure will occur if the average cyclic stress within this volume exceeds some
given value. For a plain specimen in tension, for which the stress is the same
everywhere, this value is necessarily the fatigue limit, Aoo. For a plain specimen in
bending, and also for a notch, a stress gradient is set up so that the stress, when
averaged over some distance from the hot-spot, is lower than the hot-spot value. If the
notch is large and blunt this effect will be negligible and the hot-spot stress will still
equal Aoo at the fatigue limit; for sharp notches, or for relatively thin bending beams,
the hot-spot stress will be significantly higher. This methodology has been realised in
various different ways which are all essentially the same. For example, Siebel and
Stieler [8] expressed their predictions in terms of the normalised stress gradient at the
notch, whereas Peterson [6] used the notch root radius as the determining parameter.
Usually the stress field is approximated in some way so as to simplify the
calculations. For example, Peterson assumed a linear stress-distance variation (i.e. a
constant stress gradient) so that the average stress over a certain distance could be

approximated by the stress at a given point. In what follows we will consider four
possible ways of obtaining the stress value, which will be referred to as the point, line,
area and volume methods, depending on whether the stress at a fixed point is used, or
whether the stress is found by averaging over a given line, area or volume. In each
case the region concerned will commence at the hot spot and end at some fixed
distance from it. The major weakness of all of these critical-distance approaches is the
choice of the distance parameter. In practice, the correct distance (i.e. the one which
gives the best predictions) varies considerably from one material to another, tending
to be larger in materials of low strength, when it can exceed lmm, and much smaller
(less than 0. lmm) in high-strength materials. Up to now the appropriate distance has
been found from experimental data. Peterson developed an empirical relation between
this distance and the UTS in steels, by analysing a large amount of test data, and his
results are widely used in industry. However, the accurate determination of this
parameter is a major problem because small variations in the distance chosen can
lead to large errors, especially for sharp notches. Additional errors arise from other
simplifying assumptions such as the assumption of constant stress gradient and the
reliance on root radius as the only relevant geometric parameter.

Our Approach to Finding the Critical Distance

We commence by stating a hypothesis which is somewhat unusual. It is proposed

that the fatigue limit of cracked bodies and ofuncracked bodies can be predicted
using the same theory. Mechanistically, this amounts to saying that the processes of
crack initiation and short-crack growth which are necessary precursors to the failure
of uncracked bodies, are not fundamentally different from the process of crack
extension which is necessary for the failure of a body containing a long crack.
Historically, cracked and uncracked bodies have been considered using different
theories, based on AK for the former and Aa (or As) for the latter. If the present
hypothesis is correct, then methods of analysis which work for plain and notched
bodies, such as the critical-distance approach, will also work for cracked bodies.
Consider the application of a simple critical-distance approach to a long crack, for
which the local stress field can be approximated by...

~(r) = a ( a / 2 r ) '~ (1)

...where o(r) is the stress at a distance r ahead of a centre crack of half-length a under
a remote applied stress o. The simplest approach is thepoint method; equation (1) can
be used to find the critical distance, re, for which an applied stress range of Ao gives
rise to the fatigue limit stress range, Aoo. The result is:

re = (Acs/AOo)2.(a/2) (2)

Since the stress intensity for this crack is...


a K = A o ( m ) ~/2 (3)

...then equation (2) can be rewritten as:

re = (~(/Aoo)2.(l/2r0 (4)

By definition, at the fatigue limit of this cracked body, AK=/~Kth.If we substitute

this into equation (4) we find an interesting result: the value ofr~ is equal to ao/2,
where ao is the parameter defined by ElHaddad et al [9] in their work on short cracks.
Specifically, EIHaddad proposed a modification to the conventional long-crack
equation to allow prediction of short-crack fatigue limits, as...

aK,h = AoI~(a+ao)] ~/~ (5)

...which leads to the result that, for a plain specimen (a=0)...

ao = (AKtdAoo)2.(I/~) (6)

Equation (6) is directly comparable with equation (4). ElHaddad's equation was
purely empirical, and the parameter ao was not given any physical significance. The
above analysis implies that: (a) the critical-distance approach can be used to predict
the fatigue limit of a cracked body, and (b) the physical significance of the ao
parameter is that it is directly related to this critical distance.
The above analysis has shown that thepoint method - the simplest type of critical
distance method - can be used to predict the fatigue limit in the presence of a long
crack. This supports the hypothesis stated above - that cracks, notches and plain
specimens can be analysed using one common approach. It has also allowed us to
identify the relevant critical distance, which can be calculated knowing the long-crack
threshold and plain specimen fatigue limit, thus removing the empiricism inherent in
earlier critical-distance methods. The next section considers whether this same
approach can be applied to short cracks.

Application to the Short-Crack Problem

It is well known that short cracks grow more easily than long cracks at the same
AK, and that the fatigue limit stress range for a short crack is lower than would be
predicted using the conventional long-crack equation (eqn.3). This fatigue limit will
tend to the plain-specimen value, Aoo, as the crack length tends to zero. Taylor and
O'Donnell [10] examined a wide range of data from the literature and concluded that
EIHaddad's empirical equation (eqn.5) was able to predict the effect of crack length
on the fatigue limit with reasonable accuracy. Normally the experimentally-measured
fatigue limit stress was within 15% of the predicted value: in some cases the error was
larger, up to 30%, but these larger errors were always conservative, the experimental
value being higher than the predicted one, and generally occurred in high-strength

materials for which the physical crack sizes were very small. Such experiments are
relatively inaccurate owing to the difficulties of measuring short-crack growth rates,
so an experimental error of at least 20% is expected. Thus equation (5) describes the
effect of crack length on the fatigue limit with reasonable accuracy.
The present critical-distance theory can be used to predict the fatigue limits of
short cracks, using the approach outlined above: the applied stress is found which
gives rise to a value of A6o at a distance ao/2 from the crack tip. However, for a valid
analysis it is not sufficient to describe the stress field with equation (1) because this
equation is only valid for distances r<<a. As the crack length becomes small, with
respect to ao, equation (1) will tend to underestimate the stress at the critical distance.
Instead it is necessary to use a more accurate estimate era(r), such as that developed
by Westergaard [11]:

. ( r ) = ~/[ 1-(a/(a+r)) 2] 1/2 (7)

This will lead to a prediction of Aa for the fatigue limit of the cracked body which

SAE1045 Steel

ttlll I';%
........m........ L E F M

9- -b--- Present theory


100 I [I Illll [
0.01 0.1 10

Crack Length (nun)

Figure 1 - Predictions of the short crack effect, comparing the present theory to that
of E1Haddad et al [9].
is identical to the above prediction when the crack is long, but becomes less than the
long-crack crack prediction as a decreases. When the crack length becomes much less
than ao the stress range at the critical distance tends to become constant, equal to the
applied stress range: the crack no longer has any significant effect on the fatigue limit.

Fig. 1 is a plot of the fatigue limit (applied remote stress) as a function of crack
length, comparing the EIHaddad equation with predictions from the present theory.
The long-crack prediction (labelled "LEFM") is shown for comparison. The constants
used in making these predictions are typical for steel: they are actually the properties
of an SAE1045 steel, results from which will be shown below. It is clear that the
present approach gives predictions which are close to those ofEIHaddad et al,
implying that it will also be a good predictor of the experimental data. To confirm
this, fig.2 shows the results of applying the method to short-crack data for various
materials including low-strength and high-strength steels, and copper [12-15]. The
error in estimating the fatigue limit is plotted, with positive values implying a
conservative error, as a function of crack length, normalised as a/ao. Prediction errors
are very acceptable considering the experimental methods involved. The greatest
errors occur for the high-strength materials at low a: errors are almost always

.~ 30 9 High-stren~h steels
25 . Low-stren~h steels

20 I 9 Copper

o 15

,- 0
9 -10
-15 I I I I

0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 2 - Accuracy of fatigue-limit predictions for various sets of experimental data

from the literature [12-15].

Thus it has been shown that this critical distance method is applicable to short
cracks as well as to long cracks. This implies that both short and long cracks obey the
same basic criterion as regards their fatigue limits: that the stress at a certain distance
from the crack tip must be equal to a fixed value, A~o. It is not clear how this criterion
relates to the known propagation behaviour of short cracks, which is complex,
especially for microstructurally short cracks which may initially grow but then
become non-propagating A consideration of this mechanism of fatigue failure is
beyond the scope of the present paper. In the next stage we will attempt to apply the
same theory to notches, and in particular to investigate the size effect in notches.
Large and Small Notches

In what follows we shall consider one simple notch geometry: a circular hole in a
large plate, for which the stress field is given by Airy's equation...

o(R) = (c~/2)[2+(aJR) 2 + 3 ( a n / R ) 4] (8)

...where a, is the size of the notch (i.e. the hole radius) and R is the distance measured
from the centre of the hole. If the same critical-distance approach is used, examining
the stress range at a distance R=a,+ao/2, then it is found that there are three regimes of
behaviour, depending on the size of the notch. For very large notches (a,>>ao/2) the

Circular Hole, SAE1045 Steel


t, . . . . "IL-.

-j. , ,,J

.e 13k

..-&--- Prediction
i !l!,i~
""" "

9 Experimental data

100 , , , i

0.01 0.1 10
Hole Radius (mm)
Figure 3 - The effect of hole size on the fatigue limit: experimental data from
DuQuesnay et al [16].

stress at the critical distance is equal to three times the applied stress, independent of
notch size, so the fatigue limit of these large notches is constant. For very small
notches the stress at the critical distance is also constant, equal to the applied remote
stress, so the notch has no effect on Aco. For intermediate sizes, where an is of the
same order of magnitude as ao, the fatigue limit is dependent on notch size, varying
gradually between the two extreme values noted above. Fig.3 shows predictions,
comparing them with experimental data for SAE 1045 steel taken from DuQuesnay et

al [16]. Fig.4 shows similar predictions for an aluminium alloy (2024) with data from
the same source [16]. Prediction errors are small, in most cases less than 10%, which
is better than the expected experimental error, and most of the predictions are
conservative. The worst prediction, which was about 15% conservative, occurred for
the smallest of the holes in the steel.

Circular Hole, 2024 Aiuminium Alloy


..... t!!!
"- Prediction i

9 Experimentaldata

0.01 0.1 10
Hole radius (nun)

Figure 4 - The effect of hole size on fa#gue limit: experimental data from DuQuesnay
et al [16]for an aluminium alloy.

This demonstrates that the method also works for notches, and predicts accurately
the notch size effect. The next section considers its use for an engineering component.

Application of the Method to a Component in Service

In a previous paper [3] we examined the failure of a large casting in a component

made from grey cast iron. In service this component had failed by fatigue; cracking
initiated from a right-angle comer which had a fillet radius of 0.3mm. In an attempt to
prevent fatigue, this radius was increased by a factor of 10, to 3.18mm, but
unfortunately failures continued to occur. An alternative approach, in which the
original small fillet radius was unchanged but the service loads were reduced, was
successful in preventing fatigue. Fig.5 shows the stress as a function of distance from
the hot spot for these three design conditions: S1 refers to the original design; $2

refers to the increased root radius and C shows the reduced loading conditions on the
original radius. The stress value which is plotted is the greatest principal stress at the
point of maximum load in the cycle. Also shown on the graph is the critical distance
ao/2, which was calculated to be 1.9mm, based on measurements of the fatigue limit
and threshold [3]. The graph also shows two horizontal lines representing the plain-



-,,- Sl
~; 1000
--a-- C

800 • $2
9 ao/2
t/) 600
E Fatigue Limit, $1
.E and $2
~ 400 Fatigue Limit, C


0 I 3 4
D i s t a n c e , r, m m

Figure 5 - Stress-distance plots for the component in the S1, $2 and C designs,
showing also the critical distance (ao/2) and relevant fatigue limits.

specimen fatigue limit. This varied slightly because of a change in R ratio: designs S1
and $2 experienced stresses with R=0.56, but the reduced stresses of design C had a
slightly different R of 0.65. The relevant Aoo values were deduced from experimental
tests at a range of R ratios up to 0.7. They were 62.4MPa at R=0.56 and 53.4MPa at
R=0.65, giving maximum stress values of 142MPa and 153MPa respectively.

It can be seen from the figure that the critical distance method predicts the in-
service behaviour of this component very well. The S1 and $2 conditions have stress
levels which lie above their fatigue limit value, whilst the stress at ao/2 in the C

condition lies below its fatigue limit. This is very much in contrast to the behaviour of
the hot-spot stress, which is much lower in the $2 condition due to the larger root
radius. Clearly this blunting of the comer, which would normally be considered good
design practice, is ineffective in this case, largely due to the material having a very
high ao value o f 3.8mm.
Such behaviour is well known to designers, who would describe cast iron as
having a low notch-sensitivity. Normal design practice would be to calculate a notch-
sensitivity index using an empirical equation such as Peterson's in which the critical
distance would be estimated from the material's UTS. This critical distance is then
used to estimate a fatigue strength reduction factor, Kf, based on the Kt value of the
stress concentration. To use this approach a Kt value has to be estimated for the
feature - a procedure which is very imprecise for any real component geometry and
loading pattern. Kt is only strictly defined for simple geometries such as a notch under
uniform tension or bending, for which a unique nominal stress can be defined. Given
the popularity o f finite element methods in engineering design, it is more appropriate
to use approaches which take advantage of the detailed stress analysis o f the feature
that can be provided by these methods.
The above predictions have all been made using the simplest type of critical-
distance method: the point method. It is assumed that the controlling parameter is
really the average elastic stress over a volume surrounding the crack, and that the
single-valued stress at this critical point is an approximation to this average stress. In
the next section we consider other ways of estimating this average stress.

Critical-Distance Approaches Using Line, Area or Volume Averages

The same approach can be used in conjunction with other methods of determining
this average stress. Thus, starting from the equation for a long crack (equation (1)) we
can find a critical length, area or volume over which the average stress range is equal
to Aoo, and we can relate this critical dimension to the ElHaddad constant ao. The
detailed mathematics will not be presented in this paper (they are outlined in more
detail in another publication [17]; we will instead confine ourselves to stating some
interesting results.
Firstly, regarding the line method, it can be shown that, when a long crack is
loaded to its threshold stress intensity, then the average stress is equal to Aoo over a
distance of 2ao: exactly four times as large as the critical distance for thepoint
method. It can also be shown that the application of this method to short cracks gives
a prediction o f the fatigue limit which is, mathematically, exactly the same as
E1Haddad's equation.
Regarding the area method, a choice arises concerning the exact shape of the area
over which one should average the stress. For example, if one chooses an area in the
form of a semi-circle centered on the crack tip, then the critical radius of this semi-
circle is found to be approximately ao. The result is approximate because, in fact, if
the radius ao is used it is found that the average stress within this area is 1.1Aoo: 10%
larger than required. This means that the use ofao as the distance here will give
slightly conservative predictions.

So far we have not attempted a volume method, but given the availability of FE
stress data for a component, it is not particularly difficult to find the average stress
within any given volume. However, this method presents us with even more choice
regarding the appropriate shape of the volume: possible shapes include a hemi-sphere
centred on the hot spot or a prismatic shape formed by extruding the semi-circular
area. The latter seems more appropriate for straight-fronted cracks or notches, being
simply an extension of the area method into three dimensions, but this will not be
appropriate for all possible geometries.
Another piece of work which is planned for the near future is the consideration of
notches of different shapes. So far we have only analysed circular holes; it is assumed
that, as one considers sharper notches with higher Kt values, then the local stress field
will become more and more crack-like as Kt increases, so that the case of a sharp
crack will gradually be approached. Hopefully it will be possible to predict results
such as those of Smith and Miller [1], who showed that a critical Kt value existed for
any given notch depth, beyond which the notch could be described as a crack.
It should be noted that the theoretical model used here is not a mechanistic one. It
does not consider explicitly the processes of crack initiation and growth, which we
know take place during fatigue. Our sole aim has been to predict the fatigue limit,
using information about the stress field; we have demonstrated that the method works
in a number of cases, but we have not considered why it works. This aspect is
considered in a recent publication [17] and is being further developed in a paper
currently in preparation. It is important to point out that the fatigue limit stress is not
the same as the stress needed to cause crack propagation, because there are many
cases o f crack growth occurring below the fatigue limit, giving rise to non-
propagating cracks. Examples are microstructurally-short cracks and cracks growing
from sharp notches.


1) Critical-distance analysis, which is conventionally used to predict the fatigue limits

of notched bodies, can also be applied to bodies containing long, sharp cracks. In this
case the critical distance can be found analytically, as a function of the material's
threshold and plain-specimen fatigue limit. Using the simplest type of critical-distance
approach - thepoint method - this distance parameter is found to be ao/2, where ao is
the ElHaddad constant used in short-crack analysis.

2) Using the same method with the same distance constant, short-crack effects can be
predicted. The variation of the fatigue limit with crack length is found to be similar to
that in EIHaddad's equation. Experimental data can be predicted with reasonable
accuracy in this way.

3) The same method can also be used to predict the behaviour o f notches: analysis of
data on circular holes in two different materials gave accurate predictions of their
fatigue limits as a function of hole size.

4) The theory can also be applied to more complex shapes, such as stress
concentrations in components. The in-service fatigue behaviour of a component was
analysed, predicting successfully the behaviour of three different designs.

5) The point method is only an approximate estimate of the stresses in the critical
volume. More accurate methods, in which the stress is averaged over a given line,
area or volume, should be investigated, Initial results show that the line method is
feasible, and gives identical predictions to EIHaddad's equation. Area and volume
methods require some decisions regarding the shape of the area or volume: these have
not yet been considered in detail.


We are grateful to Rover, UK for continued funding of this work, and also to
Materials Ireland for providing support for one of the authors (G.Wang).


[1] Smith RA and Miller KJ "Prediction of Fatigue Regimes in Notched

Components," lnt.J.Mech.Sci., 20, 1978, 201-206.

[2] Murakami Y and Endo M "Quantitative Evaluation of Fatigue Strength of Metals

Containing Various Small Defects or Cracks," Engineering Fracture
Mechanics, 17, 1983, 1-15.

[3 ] Taylor D "Crack Modelling: a Technique for the Fatigue Design of Components,"

Engineering Failure Analysis, 3, 1996, 129-136.

[4] Taylor D Ciepalowicz AJ Rogers P and Devlukia J "Prediction of Fatigue Failure

in a Crankshaft using the Technique of Crack Modelling," Fatigue and
Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 20, 1997, 13-21.

[5] Taylor D and Lawless S "Prediction of Fatigue Behaviour in Stress-Concentrators

of Arbitrary Geometry," Eng.Fract.Mechanics, 53, 1996, 929-939.

[6] Peterson RE "Notch Sensitivity," Metal Fatigue (Ed. G.Sines & J.L.Waisman)
McGraw Hill (New York), 1959, 293-306.

[7] Neuber H Theory of notch stresses, Publ. Springer, Berlin, 1958.

[8] Siebel E and Stieler M "Dissimilar Stress Distributions and Cyclic Loading,"
Z.Ver.Deutsch.Ing, 97, 1955, 121-131.

[9] ElHaddad MH Dowling NF Topper TH and Smith KN. "J Integral Applications
for Short Fatigue Cracks at Notches," Int.J.Fract, 16, 1980, 15-24.

[10] Taylor D and O'Donnell M "Notch Geometry Effects in Fatigue: a Conservative

Design Approach," Engineering Failure Analysis, 1, 1994, 275-287.

[11] Westergaard HM "Bearing Pressures and Cracks," J.Appl.Mech. A, 1939, 49-53.

[ 12] Frost NE Marsh KJ and Pook LP Metal Fatigue, Publ.Oxford University

Press(UK), 1974.

[13] Usami S Soc.Mater.Sci.Japan, 1985, 101-111.

[ 14] Lankford J International Journal of Fatigue, 16, 1980, 7-17.

[15] James MN. PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1984.

[16] DuQuesnay DL, Topper TH and Yu MT "The Effect of Notch Radius on the
Fatigue Notch Factor and the Propagation of Short Cracks," In The Behaviour
of Short Fatigue Cracks, EGF Publication 1 (Eds K.J.Miller & ER.de los
Rios). Mechanical Engineering Publications, London, 1986 323-335.

[17] Taylor D Geometrical Effects in Fatigue: a Unifying Theoretical Model.

Int.J.Fatigue 1999 (In Press).
Pedro Albrecht I and William J. Wright 2

Near-Threshold Fatigue Strength of a Welded Steel Bridge Detail

Reference: Albrecht, E and Wright, W. J., "Near-Threshold Fatigue Strength of a

Welded Steel Bridge Detail," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits,
and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds., American
Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: This paper consists or three parts. First, fatigue test data are presented for a
tensile specimen with transverse stiffeners, a typical steel bridge detail. The specimens
were tested under variable-amplitude fatigue for up to 250,000,000 cycles of loading
proportional to the gross vehicle weight distribution of 27,000 trucks weighed on
highways. Few and, in some cases, no stress ranges exceeded the endurance limit in the
longest life tests. It took up to nine months to test the longest-life specimens.
Second, the variable-amplitude S-N life is predicted with an equivalent stress range
model in which stress ranges smaller than the fatigue limit are assumed not to contribute
to fatigue damage. A simplified S-N model is proposed for determining the fatigue life of
existing bridges. The variable-amplitude fatigue limit is shown, both experimentally and
analytically, to be a function of the constant-amplitude fatigue limit and the ratio of root-
mean-cube stress range to maximum stress range of the variable-amplitude load
In the third part of the paper, the variable-amplitude fatigue lives of the transverse
stiffener specimens are predicted with a fracture mechanics model of crack growth.

Keywords: Fatigue, highway bridges, variable amplitude, fatigue limit, steel, design,
testing, specifications, overload, stiffeners, welds


Fatigue under repeated truck loading is a common and critical problem in highway
bridges. Fatigue cracks initiate mostly at details of high stress concentration located in
areas of high stress range. The cracks propagate until they reach a critical crack size at
which the member then fractures.
Highway bridges are designed for fatigue to the requirements of the Bridge Design
Specifications issued by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO). These specifications have two shortcomings.

1 Prof., Dept. of Civ., Engrg., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742.

2 Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, Federal Highway Administration, 6300
Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101.

Copyright 2000 byASTM International www.astm.org

First, the specifications are based on constant-amplitude test data while in reality
highway bridges are subjected to randomly ordered truck loading. As several studies have
noted, the fatigue behavior under variable-amplitude loading differs from that under
constant-amplitude loading. To improve the specifications, fatigue test data are needed
for weldments subjected to variable-amplitude stress range histories corresponding to the
actual distribution of gross vehicle weights.
Second, the Bridge Design Specifications are largely based on fatigue test data in
the finite life regime, that is, at stress ranges greater than the fatigue limit for constant-
amplitude loading. Little data are available on long-life variable-amplitude fatigue when
only few stress ranges are greater than the constant-amplitude fatigue limit.


The objective of the present study is to determine both experimentally and

analytically the fatigue life of a typical welded bridge detail subjected to variable-
amplitude stress cycling near the fatigue limit.

Experimental Work


The long-life fatigue behavior of a typical steel weldment was determined in the
present study with constant-amplitude and variable-amplitude fatigue tests of the
transverse stiffener detail shown in Fig. 1. All dimensions are in mm.


/ t 1~

"" 6

Figure 1 - - Steel Stiffener Specimen

The steel for the stiffener specimens satisfied the requirements of the ASTM
Specification for High-Strength, Low-Alloy Structural Steel with 345 N/mm 2 Minimum
Yield stress to 100 mm Thick (A 588). The 10-ram-thick main plate was made of Grade
A steel with 482 N/mm 2 yield strength and 655 N/mm 2 tensile strength. The 7-ram-thick

stiffener plate was made of Grade B steel with 406 N/mm 2 yield strength and 556 N/ram 2
tensile strength. The Charpy V-notch energy of the main plate was 200 J,
The rolling direction of the main plate was parallel to the longitudinal axis and
loading direction of the specimen. All welds were placed manually with 1.6-mm-diameter
Lincoln E-8018-C3 electrodes. Figure 2 shows the polished and etched longitudinal
section of a specimen.

Figure 2 - - Polished and Etched Longitudinal Section o f Specimen

Test Matrix

Twenty-nine specimens were tested under constant amplitude loading with stress
ranges of 90 to 290 N/mm 2. Twenty-six specimens were tested at variable-amplitude
loading with seven levels of equivalent stress range:

k llm
Z Hi 4 i " 1/m
i I m
i i
8 ~ k
~n i
i 1

k = index for peak stress range, the highest stress range of the spectrum
n i = number of cycles of i-th stress range in spectrum
n = total nmnber o f cycles in spectrum
y, = n,/n = frequency of occurrence o f i-th stress range
f., = i-th stress range

The minimum stress was 3 N/mm 2 in the constant amplitude tests and 14 N/ram 2 in
the variable amplitude tests; both give low load ratios.

Load Spectrum

The variable-amplitude fatigue tests were performed with a spectrum of stress

ranges proportional to the gross vehicle weight (GVW) distribution o f trucks. Although
there are many more automobiles than trucks on the highways, automobiles are too light
to cause fatigue damage and were therefore excluded from the GVW distribution.
The GVW distribution chosen for testing the specimens under variable-amplitude
fatigue came from a weigh-in-motion (WIM) study by Snyder et al [1]. In that study, a
total of 27,513 trucks were weighed on 31 Interstate, U.S., and State route bridges located
in seven States. Figure 3 shows the probability density function for GVW ranging from
2.8 to 100% or, in terms of GVW, from 25 to 890 kN. In comparison, the design truck for
highway bridges weighs 325 kN.
For an equal number of trucks, the equivalent GVW is defined as the weight that
produces the same amount of fatigue damage as is done by all trucks of the GVW distri-
bution. It is calculated from
"~ 1/m
E m
niW (2)


W i = i-th gross vehicle weight

n, = number of trucks of weight W i
m = 3 = rounded value of slope of log-log S-N lines for welded details

The equivalent GVW for the 27,513 trucks is W e = 239 kN. This value is about the
same as the weight of the fatigue truck in the Bridge Design Specifications, which was
obtained by multiplying the 325-kN GVW of the design truck for static loading by the
normalized equivalent GVW to arrive at the fatigue truck:

Wf = q)eWmax= 0.75 "326 = 244 kN (3)


WI = weight of fatigue design truck

q)e = 0.75 = normalized equivalent weight of fatigue truck
Wm~x= weight of design truck for static loading

The probability density corresponding to a bar of the histogram is defined as the

frequency of occurrence divided by the width of the bar. These values were plotted at
normalized GVWs corresponding to the mid-widths of the bars. The points were then
connected with straight lines, giving a probability density function (PDF) for GVW.

27,513 trucks
~ 5 GVWmax= 890 kN
GVWe= 239 kN


0 20 40 60 80 100


Figure 3 - - Probability Density Function for GVWs


0 ! 2 3 4
Figure 4 - - One-half o f Random-order l O OOO-cycle Load Spectrum

The area under the PDF is equal to one. The probability density is very small for the
upper half, GVW/GVWmax > 50 percent.
All specimens were subjected to medium-tail (MT) spectrum loading, from 2.8 to
75% of GVWmax or 25 to 668 kN GVW. The very few trucks with GVW greater than 668
kN were left out because these overloads would have prolonged the fatigue life [2].
Retaining them in the loading spectrum to be applied on the specimens would have
masked the true effect of variable amplitude fatigue.
The PDF was subdivided into N = 10,000 areas of equal frequency of occurrence
1/N but of different widths. These 10,000 cycles were then grouped in 197 blocks of 1, 2,
10 and 60 cycles of constant amplitude. This was done so that during a test, the feedback
signal from the load cell could be identified from one block to another, allowing the value
of each feedback signal to be checked for accuracy against the corresponding command
signal. Combining individual cycles into blocks of at most 60 cycles has no effect on fa-
tigue life. This is apparent from the work by Albrecht and Yamada who showed that more
than 300 cycles can be combined into one block without delaying the rate o f crack growth
in high-low stress range sequences [3].
The 197 blocks of the 10,000-cycle spectrum were arranged in random order to
simulate trucks crossing a bridge in service. The spectrum was repeatedly applied until
the specimen failed. Figure 4 shows one-half of the load spectrum.

Test Results

Crack Initiation And Propagation

Of the 24 specimens that failed under variable-amplitude cycling, 22 exhibited

multiple crack initiation and 2 single crack initiation. More cracks initiated along the
weld toe line than at a comer (23 versus 1). Clearly the specimens were well aligned.
Multiple cracks propagating through the thickness of the main plate coalesced and
formed a long, shallow, half-tunnel-like crack across the width of the specimen. The
specimen eventually failed when the crack front approached the back face of the plate,
causing the net ligament to rupture in a ductile mode at a mean net section stress about
equal to the tensile strength of the base metal.

Constant-amplitude Tests

The data for the 29 specimens tested under constant-amplitude fatigue are plotted
with square symbols in Fig. 5. Twenty-four specimens were tested in the finite life
regime at stress ranges of fr = 97 to 290 N/ram 2. The mean S-N line for these specimens
was determined from regression analysis performed on the logarithms o f N andf. giving:

l0 b 1012-4266
N- m (4)
f rm f3.008

where b and m are the intercept and inverse slope of the log-log mean S-N line. The value
off~ in Eq. 4 must be substituted in units of N/ram 2. The lower-bound S-N line is located
at two standard deviations (s = 0.1180) on the logarithm of life to the left of the mean S-N
10b-2s 1012.1906
N ~ _ _ - _ _
fm f3.oos (5)

Three of the five specimens tested at the lowest stress range off~ = 90 N/mm 2 were
runouts at 10 million cycles. The fatigue limit for constant-amplitude cycling (CAFL) - -
the upper dashed line in Fig. 5 - - was estimated to lie at [4]:

FCAFL = 81 N/ram 2 (6)

Variable-amplitude Tests

Twenty-six specimens were tested at seven equivalent stress ranges and minimum
stress offmin = 14 N/ram z.
Figure 5 compares the variable-amplitude fatigue data (triangular symbols) with the
constant-amplitude data. The data points for the eight specimens tested in the finite life
regime fell to the right @e = 152 N/ram 2) and along ~e = 103 N/ram z) the mean S-N line

10 3 ~ ill I I I I|1111 I I I liillJ I I I lllli I I I I ill

E - ~ M e a n S-N line _ _ Equivalent Stress
Z Range Model

LU ~__ Simplified Model

~ 10 2 CAFL z

I-- A588 Steel Stiffener
[] C.A., fmin = 3 N/mm2
9 V.A., Medium-tail, train = 14 N/mm 2
10 llll I I l lllllJ I l I I llllJ I I I I llllJ I I | I III
10 ~ 106 10 ~ 108 10 9
Figure 5 - - Constant-amplitude and Variable-amplitude Fatigue Test Data,
Comparison with Equivalent and Simplified Stress Range Models

for constant amplitude. The data points for the 18 specimens tested atf. e = 72 to 48
N/mm 2 fell well below the CAFL, FCAFL= 81 N/ram 2 from Eq. 6. Finally, two specimens
tested at the lowest equivalent stress range offre = 42 N/mm 2 did not fail after 250
million cycles of loading at which time the tests were ended.
With decreasing equivalent stress range, fewer cyctes had stress ranges that
exceeded the CAFL, and the data points fell increasingly to the right of the extended
straight S-N line. This runout trend with decreasing exceedence level was originally
reported by Albrecht and Friedland [5].

Figure 6 - - Typical Crack Surfaces (a) Without Inclusions

and (b) with Inclusions

Effect of Inclusions

The main plate contained 0.032% sulfur by weight. While this value is lower than
the 0.05% max allowed by the specification, elongated and flattened manganese sulfide
inclusions still formed in the center half of the plate thickness during rolling. Wilson
previously reported this phenomena, known to occur in A588 weathering steel [7].
Figure 6(a) shows a typical crack surface of a stiffener specimen without inclusions.
The surface had a fine texture as the crack grew through the first 15% of the main plate
thickness. This corresponds to the extent of the fine-grained, heat-affected zone at the
weld toe in Fig. 2. The morphology became slightly coarser when the crack entered the
base metal, and much coarser yet when the net ligament began to yield.
Manganese sulfide inclusions were visible on the fatigue crack surface of some
specimens as shown in Fig. 6(b). Layers of steel between flattened inclusions contracted
transversely at fracture, causing the inclusions to open and making them easily visible.
These inclusions, oriented parallel to the loading direction and normal to the crack plane,
acted as obstacles and forced the crack to propagate around them.
Figure 7 groups the variable-amplitude data by the presence (solid triangles) or
absence (open triangles) of inclusions. Clearly, inclusions prolonged fatigue life at high
stress ranges at which fatigue life consists of a relatively short crack initiation phase and a
long crack propagation phase.

103j Ill I I I I IIII I I I I I IIII I I I I I IIII I I I I 11111

E Mean S-N line


~ 10 2 9 CAFL

rr" A588 Steel Stiffener
CO V.A., Medium-tail, fmin = 14 N/mm2
9 With inclusions
A Without inclusions
16 IIII I I I IIIIII I 1 I I lllll I I I IIIItl I I I I II111
10 5 10 e 10 7 10 a 10 9
Figure 7 - - Effect of Inclusions on Fatigue Strength

Inclusions did not noticeably delay crack growth at low stress ranges,fre -< 55
N/mm 2, where crack initiation consumes a greater part of the total fatigue life than does
crack propagation.

Straight-line Extension Model

The straight-line extension model extends the mean S-N line (Eqs. 4 and 11) down
to the VAFL in Fig. 5. It increasingly underestimates fatigue life, the more the equivalent
stress range is lower than the CAFL; it is used hereafter only as a reference line against
which the models presented in the following are compared.

Equivalent Stress Range Model

Separate equations are needed to predict the variable amplitude fatigue life
depending on whether all, some, or no stress ranges of the spectrum are higher than the
CAFL. The three conditions are illustrated in Fig. 8 where the horizontal line through the
CAFL divides the schematic histograms into light and shaded portions of stress ranges
greater and smaller than the CAFL.

All Stress Ranges Greater than CAFL

When all stress ranges are greater than the CAFL, the histogram can be replaced by
the equivalent stress range,f.e, of Eq. 1, meaning that a given number of cycles of

.f-p ~ Eq. 11 = = Eq. 17

u J-

O0 fr min " fr " 15". '

rJ) k Yn-n a "fr_~e- " VAFL
- - Extended


Figure 8 -- EquivalentStress Range Model

variable-amplitude stress ranges causes the same fatigue damage as an equal number of
cycles of equivalent constant-amplitude stress range. Normalizing the individual stress
ranges by the peak stress range of the spectrum leads to

E m f~p (7)
fre = i=lYi(Di
k, (8)
(Di - fw

~p, = i-th normalized stress range

tip = peak stress range in spectrum

For convenience, Eq. 7 can be written as

f,. = q)<frp (9)

where the normalized equivalent stress range

k 1/m
(De 7i(D i (10)

depends only on the frequency of occurrence and distribution of the variable-amplitude

stress ranges.
Therefore, when all stress ranges are greater than the CAFL, the fatigue life may be
calculated with any of the following expressions:

lO b lO b lO b lO b
"[i(D fr; ~[ifri fre (q)eftI))
i=1 i=l

The left-most stress range spectrum in Fig. 8 shows the lowest position for which
Eq. 11 is still valid; that is, when the smallest stress range is just equal to the CAFL and
all other stress ranges are greater than the CAFL. At this position, the equivalent stress
range,fi e, is the ordinate of point A. Eq. 11 is valid to the left o f point A.

Some Stress Ranges Greater than C A F L

Albrecht and Friedland proposed a numerical method o f calculating the variable-

amplitude fatigue life when only some stress ranges in the spectrum are greater than the
CAFL [5]. The method assumes that only the stress ranges greater than the CAFL
propagate the crack. On that basis, they predicted the variable-amplitude fatigue life of
transverse stiffeners with good success.
In the present study the authors derived the closed-form equation for the Albrecht
and Friedland model. According to Eq. 1, the equivalent stress range for the stress ranges
greater than the CAFL (the upper portion of the center spectrum in Fig. 8) is

I k 1/m kl'l~ 1/m

1/m I EkT i f , , m )
l=a = i=a
ra i=ak (12)
k n. k
~-~ni E~
i=a i=a Fl i=a

a = index for stress range equal to CAFL

fri = FCAFLfor i = a, andfr i =f~p for i = k.

The numerator and denominator in the second term of Eq. 12 should be divided by
n a (number o f cycles in spectrum greater than the CAFL) instead o f n . However, since the
dividers are constant and cancel out, either one can be used. The value n was chosen to
keep the same definition of frequency, Yi= ni/n, a s in Eq. 1. As a result, the sum of the
frequencies of occurrence in Eq. 12 is ~2,/i < 1, for i = a to k, whereas the sum in Eq. 1 is
~23', = 1, for i = 1 to k. Plotted on the horizontal line through point B in Fig. 8 is the
equivalent stress rangefr a for the cycles with stress ranges greater than the CAFL. The
corresponding fatigue life is

l0 b
N - (13)

where fro = equivalent stress range for cycles with stress ranges greater than the CAFL.
Although the cycles with stress ranges smaller than the CAFL (the lower portion of
the center spectrum in Fig. 8) are assumed to not contribute to crack growth, they must
still be counted. Adding them to N a from Eq. 13 gives the total fatigue life:

n-n N
N: N + aN _ a (14)
a FIa a n a /H

n = total number of cycles in spectrum

na number of cycles with stress ranges greater than the CAFL.

The term n a / n is the sum of the frequencies of occurrence of the cycles with stress
ranges greater than the CAFL
n k
a _ E ~i (15)
n ia

Inserting the values o f N a from Eq. 13 and n a / n from Eq. 15 into Eq. 14 gives

l0 b
N- m
k (16)


Finally, noting that the denominator of Eq. 15 is equal to the numerator of the right-
hand side of Eq. 12 leads to the following equation for predicting the fatigue life when
some, but not all, stress ranges are greater than the CAFL:

10 b l0 b
}2 m k (17)

Equation 17 is drawn as a solid curve in Fig. 8, beginning at point A and curving

down and to the right. The abscissa of point E on this curve is the fatigue life for a
spectrum with some stress ranges greater than the CAFL; the ordinate of point E is the
equivalent stress range for the full spectrum. If the fatigue-limit effect were neglected, the
fatigue life would be calculated with Eq. 11, yielding point D on the dashed straight-line
extension of Eq. 11. The distance between points D and E is the increase in fatigue life
that comes from assuming that only stress ranges greater than the CAFL cause the crack
to grow.

N o Stress R a n g e s Greater than C A F L

When the peak stress range is lowered to the CAFL (f~p = FCAFL and a = k in right
specttrm in Fig. 8), the denominator in Eq. 17 is zero and the equivalent stress range of
the full spectrum becomes the variable-amplitude fatigue limit (VAFL):

FVAFL= ( P e F CAFL (18)


where (Pe is the normalized equivalent stress range (Eq. 9). Thus the va~able-amplitude
fatigue life is infinite whenfre -< FVAFL.The relationship between the CAFL and VAFL is
shown with the right spectrum in Fig. 8.

Variable-Amplitude Fatigue Limit

According to Eq. 18, the VAFL should be FVAFL = ~eFCAFL = 0.361' 81 = 29 N/mm 2
for the stiffener specimen of Fig. 1, where % = 0.361 for the MT spectrum (Fig. 3). On
the other hand, there are very few cycles - - 0.38% in Fig. 3 - - between the short-tail
(ST) and MT spectra. While these cycles have a negligible effect on the calculation of the
equivalent stress range, retaining the peak stress range of the MT spectrum reduces
unreasonably the equivalent stress range. To counter this imbalance, the VAFL in Fig. 5
was set at the value for the ST spectrum:

FVAFL= q)efCAFL = 0.536" 81 = 43.4 N / m m 2 (19)

where % = 0.536 is the normalized equivalent stress range of the ST spectrum.

Additional tests in which specimens were subjected to MT and ST spectrum loading
confirmed that the chosen value of % is reasonable [4].
Furthermore, the two specimens tested atfr = 42 N/mm 2 endured 250 million cycles
of loading without failing, a good indication that the VAFL given by Eq. 19 is
reasonable. To determine whether cracks had initiated in these specimens, the weld toes
were brushed with Dykem steel blue; testing was then resumed at a higher equivalent
stress range offre = 103 N/mm 2. One specimen failed after an additional 1.8 million cy-
cles, which is 56% of the mean fatigue life (Nmean = 3.2.106) of the four regular
specimens tested at the same equivalent stress range. The fracture surface contained a
marked crack about 2.5 mm deep and I 1.5 mm long. Initiation and growth of a crack to
that size consumes about 44% of the expected life of the specimen [6]. It would have
taken about 600 million cycles to fail the specimen had the test been continued.
The second specimen failed after 4.35 million cycles off~ = 103 N/mm 2 equivalent
stress range, which is 136% o f the mean fatigue life of the other four specimens tested at
the same equivalent stress range. Since the fracture surface did not contain any markings
indicative of a change in stress range, this test was indeed a runout atfr e = 42 N/mm 2.

Predicted Fatigue Lives

The predicted variable-amplitude fatigue lives are shown in Fig. 5 as a solid curve,
emanating from the constant-mnplitude mean S-N line and approaching asymptotically
the VAFL at extremely long lives of 10 9 cycles. It was calculated with the equivalent
stress range model (Eq. 17), using the mean S-N line (b = 12.4266, m = 3.008) and the
CAFL (FcAFL= 81 N/ram2). The predicted S-N curve correlated reasonably well with the
data although more points fall to the left than to the right of the predicted curve. Table 1
compares the predicted lives with the mean log-mean fatigue lives of the test specimens

at each equivalent stress range. Clearly, the lower the equivalent stress range, the more
the model overestimates fatigue life.
Principles of fracture mechanics help to explain this observation. During the initial
stages of growth, when the crack is still short, the combination of crack length and
variable-amplitude stress range produces only a few ranges of stress intensity factor
greater than the threshold, AK > AKth. As the crack grows longer, more AK values exceed
AKth. Accordingly, the behavior gradually changes from few to many stress ranges
causing fatigue damage during the long life of the specimen. But since most of the life is
spent growing the crack while it is still short, the equivalent stress range model predicts
fatigue life more accurately than does the straight-line extension. In summary, stress
ranges smaller than the CAFL cause some damage, but not as much as the straight-line
extension nor as little as the equivalent stress range model predict (Table 1).
The equivalent stress-range model assumes that stress ranges smaller than the
fatigue limit cause no fatigue damage. This renders the calculation of fatigue life difficult
because the summation in Eq. 17 must be determined anew for each value of equivalent
stress range between FCAFL<fre < FvA~z.

Table 1 -- Comparison of Measured and Predicted Variable-amplitude

Fatigue Life of Stiffener Detail

Equivalent Fatigue Life (No. of cycles)

Range Measured Straight-Line Equivalent Simplified Fracture
f~e Log-Mean Extension Stress Range Stress Range Mechanics
(N/mm 2) Model Model Model
Eqs. 4 and 11 Eq. 17 Eq. 21 Eq. 29

152 1,890,000 730,000 746,000 747,000 616,000

103 3,200,000 2,355,000 2,546,000 2,544,000 2,428,000

72 12,810,000 6,914,000 9,092,000 8,846,000 8,677,000

61 46,900,000 11,380,000 23,330,000 17,780,000 16,782,000

55 72,410,000 15,540,000 57,280,000 30,540,000 28,376,000

48 79,150,000 23,410,000 288,200,000 89,830,000 86,975,000

43.4 a Nottested 31,700,000 Infinite Infinite Infinitec

42 250,000,000 b Infinite Infinite Infinite Infinitec

Notes: a VAFL. bRunout, e All values of AK at the initial crack length are smaller than AKth.

Simplified Stress Range Model

Analogy Between S-N Curve and da/dN Curve

Fatigue life prediction would be greatly simplified if the summation in the

denominator of Eq. 17 could be avoided. An idea from the fracture mechanics literature
yields an elegant simplification. In one of several available models, the gradual transition
between the crack growth equation and the threshold value of the stress intensity factor
range is given as

da n
- c (a/(" - ax~) {20)

da/dN = crack growth rate

a = crack length
AK = stress intensity factor range
AKth threshold value of stress intensity factor range

C, n = material constants

The corresponding model for S-N data, herein called the simplified stress range
model, is given by:

10 h
N_ (21)
fr m - FVAFL

wherefr e = equivalent stress range for full spectrum.

Predicted Fatigue Lives

The simplified model (dashed curve) is compared in Fig. 5 with the straight-line
extension model and equivalent stress range models (solid curve). The simplified model
has three important advantages over the others:
1. It predicts the mean trend of the test data more accurately than does the
straight-line extension and equivalent stress range model (Table 1).
2. The closed-form Eq. 21 is valid in both the finite (above CAFL) and infinite
(below CAFL) life regimes.
3. Eq. 21 is easy to use because the equivalent stress range is that of the full
spectrum and does not change with stress level as is the case in the equivalent
stress range model.

Fracture Mechanics Model

While S-N data are needed for designing structures, they are purely experimental,
apply only to the specific specimen being tested, and are not based on principles of
mechanics. Also, the measured fatigue life is the sum of two inseparable parts - - t h e
crack initiation life and the crack propagation life.
In contrast to the S-N approach, linear elastic fracture mechanics models the physi-
cal phenomena of crack extension at the leading edge and can predict the fatigue life of
structural components subjected to constant- and variable-amplitude loading.
The variable-amplitude fatigue life of the stiffener is calculated with a fracture
mechanics model that includes the threshold effect. The results are compared with those
from the S-N curve approach.

Stress Intensity Factor

Figure 9 shows a part-through crack of semi-elliptical shape at the weld toe of the
transverse stiffener. Stress intensity factors for this type of crack were calculated with the
Newman and Raju [8] and Albrecht and Yamada [9] equations. The former is given by:

c ' t ' b 'to

for 0 _<a/c <_2, c/b < 0.5, and 0 _<<p _<zt. In equation 22,

a = length of crack, in thickness direction of plate

c = half-width of crack, in width direction of plate
b = half-width of cracked plate


Figure 9 - - Part-through Crack at Weld Toe in Calculation of

Stress Intensity Factor

t = thickness of plate
Q = shape factor for elliptical crack, equal to complete elliptical integral of second kind
q0= parametric angle of ellipse
Fs = boundary-correction factor for surface crack in plate
f = uniform stress applied remotely

To account for the effect of a nonuniform stress field caused by the geometrical
discontinuity at the weld toe, Newman and Raju's tension solution was multiplied by
Albrecht and Yamada's stress gradient factor, fg:

K= F s c, t, b,q)

fg=xi=l 7 arcsin a -arcsin (24)


J~ = normal stress at i-th element obtained from finite element analysis of uncracked plate
bi+l, b i distance from crack origin to near and far sides of i-th finite element.

Albrecht and Yamada also proposed a simple method of calculating the stress
intensity factor for a semi-elliptical crack growing from a weld toe in a nonuniform stress
field. Their equation consists of Irwin's solution for the semi-elliptical crack in a finite
width plate under remote tension multiplied by the stress gradient factor of Eq. 24.

K=f~(l'12-0"12a) i ~a2t tan~-~a-af~2t (25)

Figure 10 compares the normalized stress intensity factors calculated according to

Newman and Raju, without and withs (dotted and solid curves), as well as Albrecht and
Yamada (dashed curve). The two solutions differ by less than 5% for a/t < 0.3 and less
than 10% for a/t < 0.6, with the Newman and Raju solution yielding higher values. Since
most of the fatigue life is spent growing a crack while it is still short, these small
differences in K values have a minor effect on predicting fatigue life. Therefore, Albrecht
and Yamada's method was used in the present study because it is simple andfg was
available from a previous study.

Fatigue Life Prediction Model

Generally, the fatigue process may be divided into the two stages of crack initiation
and propagation. But since welded details have severe stress concentrations and crack-
like flaws, the number of cycles in the crack initiation stage is small. Most of the fatigue

life is spent growing a short crack at small stress ranges. Therefore, the following two
assumptions were made in calculating fatigue life: (1) the crack initiation life is
negligible, and (2) the propagation life lasts from an inherent initial crack length to a final
crack length.
The threshold AK is to variable-amplitude crack growth rate as the CAFL is to
variable-amplitude fatigue life. The similarities are apparent from Figs. 8 and 11.
Therefore, three loading conditions were modeled: constant-amplitude loading, variable-
amplitude loading with all stress intensity factor ranges greater than the threshold, and
variable-amplitude loading with some stress intensity factor ranges greater than the
threshold. For each loading condition, the fatigue life prediction consists of defining the
crack growth rate model and integrating the crack growth rate equation from the inherent
initial crack length to the final crack length. The following equations are used.
For constant-amplitude loading:

= C(&K') n (26)

where AK = constant-amplitude stress intensity factor range. The fatigue life equation
1 Fal 1
N da (27)
Cf7 Jo, [F(a) ~-d]"

Ii ........ N e w m a n and Raju

2.5 -- -- Newman a n d Raju * fg
O Albrecht and Y a m a d a
o< 2
o!-'- 1.5

0 1 ..--...,,~ ~ ~.-.u..'~ """.~: "'"'"" . . . . . ~_


0.5 I I I I I
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Figure 10 - - Normalized Stress Intensity Factor," Comparison o f Newman and Raju's
Solution [8] with Albrecht and Yamada's Solution [9]

is solved numerically with 32-point Gaussian quadrature.

For variable-amplitude loading with all stress intensity factor ranges greater than the
-~ = C(AK)" (28)

where AKe = equivalent stress intensity factor range for the full spectrum. The fatigue life

N= 1 ~ 1 da (29)
Cf~" a, [F(a) v/-~] n

AK e

AK e

o AKe ] I / L_Eq. 28

-t~-Ea. 30
Eq. 28

V.A. A I C.A. AKth

Stress Intensity Factor Range, Iog(AK)

Figure 11 - - Fatigue Crack Growth Rate under Variable
Amplitude Loading," Equivalent Stress Intensity Factor Model

is again solved numerically with 32-point Oaussian quadrature.

For variable-amplitude loading with some stress intensity factor ranges greater than
the threshold:

da _ C ~_, 7 i (AK/)" (30)

dN i:~ /

The fatigue life is obtained by solving the equation with the Rnnge-Kutta method.

Inherent Initial Crack Length

The fatigue life was assumed to consist of the crack propagation life from an inher-
ent initial crack length to a final crack length. Since constant-amplitude fatigue test data
were available for each detail, the inherent initial crack length at each stress range at
which tests were performed was calculated with Eq. 27, beginning with the final crack
length and integrating backward over the mean fatigue life at that stress range. The
resulting initial crack length was a i = 0.567 mm for the stiffener shown in Fig. 1. The
inherent initial crack length, a measure of existing flaws in a detail, is related to weld

Final Crack Length

Since fatigue life varies little with final crack length, the latter was determined with
a simple, approximate method. Analysis of fracture surfaces showed that the specimens
failed when the average stress on the net ligament reached the tensile strength of the steel.
Crack initiation at multiple sites, followed by crack coalescence, led to nearly straight
crack fronts at failure of many specimens. Therefore, the final crack length was assumed
to occur when the net ligament ruptured.
P max
A"e' = (t-as)W - F (3l)


t = thickness of main plate

as= final crack length
w = width of main plate
Pmax = maximum applied load
F , = tensile strength of steel.

The final crack length for each specimen is then given by

as=t--- - (32)

wherefmax is the maximum applied stress.

Material Constants in Crack Growth Rate Model

Yazdani and Albrecht [10] performed an extensive analysis of crack growth rate
data for mild high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) and quenched and tempered (QT)
structural steels cycled in air, water, and saltwater. Over 3,500 data points for both
constant-amplitude and variable-amplitude loading were analyzed and compared. The
following equation for mild and HSLA steels in air was used herein:

da - 1.537.10-1ZAK 3'344

where da/dN and AK are in units of m/cycle and MPa4m, respectively.

Crack Growth Rate Threshold

The threshold was inferred from the CAFL of the stiffener detail tested in the
present study. Assuming the inherent initial crack length and a stress range equal to the
CAFL determined from tests,fr = FCAFL,gives the threshold:

AKth = F(ai)FcAFL ~ = 4.5 MPav/-m (34)

This value lies well within the 3.5 to 5.5 MPa4m range reported by Reynolds and
Todd [11]; it was retained for the subsequent analyses.

Crack Aspect Ratio

The ratio of length to half-width of the crack, a/c, is needed to calculate the stress
intensity factor range for a part-through crack. Available data on crack aspect ratios for
cover plates and transverse stiffeners, summarized in [4], are widely scattered and cannot
be represented by a single equation. Therefore, referring to the values used in previous
studies, a constant aspect ratio ofa/c = 0.5 was assumed for the stiffener specimen.

Predicted Fatigue Lives

There is excellent agreement between the fatigue lives predicted with the fracture
mechanics and simplified stress range models, both above and below the CAFL FCAFL=
81 N/mm 2 from Eq. 6 (Table i). In a way this might be expected because the inherent
initial crack length was calculated from the constant-amplitude test data. On the other
hand, no attempt was made to match the crack aspect ratio in the fracture mechanics
model to that of each specimen separately. Nor was crack growth delay from
delaminations included in the fracture mechanics model.

Both models yield fatigue lives shorter than the log-mean lives of replicate
specimens. The biggest mismatch occurs in the finite life regime a t fre = 152 N/ram 2,
mostly a result of delaminations caused by the manganese sulfide inclusions that delayed
crack growth in the specimens.
In the infinite life regime where the equivalent stress range is smaller than the
CAFL, fre < Fc~Fz,, the fracture mechanics and the simplified stress range models still
predict comparable fatigue lives at equivalent stress ranges of fre = 48 and 72 N/ram ~. In
between, atfre -- 55 and 61 N/mm 2, the agreement is not as good, presumably because
only two specimens were tested at each stress range, a number too small to capture the
variability inherent in fatigue tests at very low stress ranges.
Finally, the fracture mechanics model predicts shorter fatigue lives in the infinite
regime than does the equivalent stress range model, because the contributions of the
small stress ranges to crack growth are not neglected.


Specimens tested under GVW spectrum loading failed at equivalent stress ranges
much lower than the CAFL.
As the number of stress ranges greater than the CAFL decreased, the data points fell
increasingly to the right of the straight-line extension of the S-N line.
When the highest stress range in the spectrum is just equal to the CAFL and all
others are lower, the equivalent stress range of the entire spectrum becomes the VAFL.
The VAFL is located below the CAFL by a factor equal to the ratio of the equivalent
stress range to the highest the highest stress range of the spectrum (Eq. 19).
Specimens tested at an equivalent stress range fre = 42 N/mm 2 slightly below the
VAFL fw4Ft = 43.4 N/mm 2 survived 250,000,000 cycles of loading without failing.
These tests lasted about eight months. The number of cycles corresponds to an average
daily truck traffic of 9,100 in one direction during a 75-year service life span, a value
typical of truck traffic on 1-495, the Beltway around Washington, D.C. Each truck
crossing a grade separation bridge at a highway intersection produces one major stress
range cycle.
The straight-line extension model (Eq. 4) increasingly underestimates fatigue life,
the more the equivalent stress range approaches the VAFL.
The equivalent stress range model (Eq. 17) overestimates fatigue life because none
of the stress ranges lower than the CAFL are assumed to cause damage irrespective of
crack length.
The simplified model (Eq. 21) is preferred over the straight-line extension and the
equivalent stress range models for the following reasons: (1) it predicts best the mean
trend of the data, (2) is easy to use, and (3) yields fatigue life from the finite life regime to
the VAFL with one simple, closed-form equation.
The fracture mechanics model correlates very well with the simplified stress range
model; both predict fatigue lives comparable to those measured in the tests. But fracture
mechanics models are too complex for use in ordinary design of highway bridges.

Applicationto SteelHighwayBridges
Structural details on steel highway bridges are designed for fatigue in accordance
with the bridge specifications [12], using the following equation written in the
nomenclature of this paper:
Le < Fr (35)


fre = equivalent stress range at structural detail calculated with beam theory
F r = allowable stress range

The allowable S-N line for a given detail is taken as the lower-bound S-N line at
two standard deviations to the left of the mean S-N line (Eq. 5). Setting m = 3,
substituting A for 10 b-s and F r forfr, and solving Eq. 5 for F r gives the expression for the
allowable stress range in the bridge specifications [ 12]:

F r = (_~) 1/3>_0"5FcAFL (36)

Values of the constant A and the CAFL are listed in the bridge specifications for each
type of detail.
Eq. 36 is conservative in two ways: (1) the model consists of extending the lower-
bound S-N line as a straight line down to the VAFL, and (2) the VAFL is set at a lower
value, that is, 0.5 FCAFL versus 0.536 FCAFL in the present study (Eq. 19). This added
conservatism may be justified for new bridges because projections of GVWs and average
daily truck traffic 75 years (design fatigue life) into the future is at best imprecise.
But straight-line extension is too conservative a model for estimating the fatigue life
of an existing bridge for which information on past loading history may exist in the form
of traffic counts and weighing station records, and fatigue-critical details can be inspected
for cracks with non-destructive methods, For these reasons, an extra safety margin is not
needed, and the simplified stress range method should be used instead for estimating the
remaining life of an existing bridge, Substituting A for 10 b-~and setting m = 3 in Eq. 21
gives the fatigue life of an existing bridge:

N= (37)

wherefre must be calculated for all past and future GVWs and their frequency of

In summary, the authors recommend designing new bridges with the straight-line
extension model, Eq. 36, as is done in the bridge specifications, and existing bridges with
the simplified model, Eq. 37.


[1] Snyder, R. E., Likins, G. E. and Moses, F., Loading Spectrum Experienced by
Bridge Structures in the United States, Report No. FHWA-RD-85-012,
Federal Highway Administration, McLean, VA, 1985.

[2] Abtahi, A., Albrecht, P. and Irwin, G. R., "Fatigue of Periodically Overloaded
Stiffener Detail." Journal of the Structural Division, American Society of
Civil Engineers, Vol. 102, ST11, November, pp. 2103-2119, 1976.

[3] Albrecht, P. and Yamada, K., "Simulation of Service Fatigue Loads for Short-Span
Highway Bridges," ASTM STP 671, Symposium on Service Fatigue, Loads
Monitoring, Simulation and Analysis, American Society for Testing and
Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 155-277, 1979.

[4] Albrecht, P., Lu, H. Y., Jung, K. S., Liu, H. J. and Cheng, J. G., "Long-Life
Variable-Amplitude Fatigue Strength of Welded Steel Bridge Details." Report
No. FHWA-RD-94-108, Federal Highway Administration, McLean, Virginia,

[5] Albrecht, P. and Friedland, I. M., "Fatigue-Limit Effect on Variable-Amplitude

Fatigue of Stiffeners," Journal of the Structural Division, American Society of
Civil Engineers, Vol. 105, No. ST12, 2657-2675, 1979.

[6] Sahli, A. H. and Albrecht, P., "Fatigue Life of Welded Stiffeners with Known Initial
Cracks," ASTM STP 833, Fracture Mechanics: Fifteenth Symposium,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 193-217,

[7] Wilson, A. D., "Influence of Inclusions on the Fracture Properties of A588A Steel,"
ASTM STP 833, Fracture Mechanics: Fifteenth Symposium, American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1984, pp. 412-435.

[8] Newman, J. C. and Raju, I. S., "Stress-Intensity Factor Equations for Cracks in
Three-Dimensional Finite Bodies," ASTM STP 791, Fracture Mechanics:
Fourteenth Symposium Volume I." Theory and Analysis, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1983.

[9] Albrecht, P. and Yamada, K., "Rapid Calculation of Stress Intensity Factors,"
Journal of the Structural Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.
103, No. ST2, pp. 377-389, 1977.

[10] Yazdani N. and Albrecht, P., "Crack Growth Rates of Structural Steels in Air and
Aqueous Environments." Journal of Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.
32, No. 6, pp. 997-1007, 1989.

[]11 Reynolds, G. H. and Todd, J. A., "Threshold Corrosion Fatigue of Welded

Shipbuilding Steels," Technical Report No. SSC-366, Ship Structure
Committee, U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, D.C., 1992.

[12] Bridge Design Specifications - - LRFD, First Edition, American Association of

State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C., 1994.
Rune Lindstr6m, ~ Per Lidar, 1 and Bo Rosborg ~

Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds Measurements in Structural Materials

Reference: Lindstr6m, R., Lidar, R, and Rosborg, B., "Fatigue Crack Growth Thresh-
old Measurements in Structural Materials," Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, En-
durance Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C. Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds.,
American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: Fatigue crack growth thresholds and daJdN-data at low AKl-values (<10
MPaqm) have been determined for type 304 stainless steel, nickel-base weld metal Alloy
182, nickel-base metal Alloy 600, and low-alloy steel in air at ambient temperature and in
high-temperature water and steam. The stainless alloys have been tested in water with 0.2
ppm 02 at 288~ and the low-alloy steel in steam at 286~ The fatigue crack growth
threshold was defined as the AKl-value resulting in a crack growth rate of 10.7 mm per
cycle. The measured fatigue crack growth thresholds (at frequencies from 0.5 to 20 Hz)
are quite similar independent of the material and the environment.
A relatively inexpensive and time-saving method for measuring fatigue crack growth
thresholds, and fatigue crack growth rates at low AK~-values, has been used in the tests.
The method is a AKi-decreasing test with constant K1Max.

Keywords: fatigue crack growth rates, fatigue crack growth thresholds, DC potential
drop, type 304 stainless steel, Alloy 182, Alloy 600, low-alloy steel, air, high-temperature


Crack growth due to vibrations and pressure variations in pipes and pressure vessels in
nuclear power plants can lead to downtime costs and safety risks. It is therefore of inter-
est to determine fatigue crack growth threshold (AKth) and fatigue crack growth rate
(da/dN) data in the threshold region for different material - environment systems. These
data are needed to estimate the remaining life of components, to determine the time be-
tween inspections, and for safety analysis.
Factors that can have an influence on the measured AKth for a specific material are the
environment, load frequency, load ratio (R = KIMi"/KIMax),and rate of AKl-reduction in
the test [1-5].
Measuring crack growth rates in the "near threshold region" and determining fatigue
crack growth thresholds can be time consuming and thus expensive. To measure the

~Researcher, section head, and technical director, Studsvik Material AB,

SE-611 82 Nyk6ping, Sweden.

Copyrights 2000 by ASTM International www.astm.org

crack growth on-line with a sensitive method during the test can reduce the time and
number of specimens needed to determine the threshold value. A number of test methods
have been proposed for determining fatigue crack growth thresholds. The most widely
used is the AKi-decreasing method, where AKI can be decreased step-wise at selected
crack lengths, or decreased in a continuous manner until crack arrest occurs. Other meth-
ods involve combinations of AKi-decreasing and AKi-increasing methods, where AKI is
increased or decreased according to a "test scheme" depending on the measured fatigue
crack growth rates [6-8].
This work deals with fatigue behavior in the "near threshold region" for relatively long
cracks in structural materials. Short cracks and crack initiation have not been addressed.
The objective of the work was to estimate fatigue thresholds values and fatigue crack
growth rates at low AKI for structural materials in light water reactor environments. On
the whole (except regarding the AKI reduction rate for some specimens) the recommen-
dations in the ASTM standard E647-95a have been followed.

Experimental Procedure

Material and Specimens

The materials used were type 304 stainless steel, nickel-base weld metal Alloy 182,
nickel-base metal Alloy 600, and low-alloy steel (LAS). Table 1 shows the chemical
composition of the materials, and Table 2 shows the mechanical properties.

Table 1 - Chemical Composition in Weight %

Material C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo N
Cu A1 V Fe Ta Co Nb Ti
Type 304 SS .044 .50 1.0 .025 .025 18.5 10.5 .45 .088
.3 .02 .07 bal. - - - -
Alloy 182 .04 .46 7.24 .011 .004 13.9 68.3 - -
.01 - - 7.86 .01 .02 1.70 .44
Alloy 600 .072 .35 .19 - .003 14,65 74.94 - -
.3 - - 9.16 - .33 - -
LAS .16 .46 1.54 .012 .005 .03 .05 - .006
.02 .037 - bal . . . . 03 -

Table 2 - Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature

Material Rp0.2 Rm
(MPa) (MPa)
Type 304 SS 296 595
Alloy 182 376 641
Alloy 600 248 683
LAS 368 545

The specimens were standard 25 mm wide compact tension (CT) specimens with a
Chevron notch and 2.5 mm side-grooves on each side. Figure 1 shows the geometry of
the CT-specimens. The crack plane orientation and heat treatment for the specimens are
listed in Table 3. After heat treatment the specimens were fatigue pre-cracked in air at
room temperature to a crack length o f about 25 mm. The maximum Kl during the pre-
fatigue was lower than the maximum KI in the following test.

62.5 Specimen identification


J XX) x / l

t --...


Figure 1 - Geometry of the CT-specimens.

Table 3 - Crack Plane Orientation and Heat Treatmentfor the CT-specimens

Material Orientation* Heat treatment
Type 304 SS L-S 1050~ min/oil quenched (oq)+
680*C/1 h/oq + 5000C/24 h/air cooled
Alloy 182 see Figure 2a as welded
Alloy 600 see Figure 2b 1050~ min/oq + 600~ h/air cooled
LAS L-S none
* Orientation according to ASTM Test Method for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of
Metallic Materials (E 399-90).

Welding direction
Not to

. .
. .

25 mm wide

Plate of Alloy 600 with groove Hot-rolled bar of Alloy 600

filled with Alloy 182 by welding 100 mm in diameter
(a) (b)
Figure 2 - Orientation of the Alloy 182 and Alloy 600 Specimens.

The Alloy 182 material was welded according to nuclear practice using ~ 4 mm weld
electrodes. The weld passes were oriented in such a way that the crack plane could be
oriented parallel with the weld dendrites.

Test Equipment and Test Environments

All tests were performed in a computer controlled servohydraulic materials testing

machine. In this equipment fracture mechanics specimens can be tested under constant
stress intensity or constant stress intensity factor range. The K1 and AKI levels can also be
changed automatically during a test.
The crack growth in the specimen was measured on-line during the tests using both
DC Potential Drop (DCPD) and compliance techniques. Current reversals and an experi-
mentally determined calibration curve for transforming the DCPD-signal to crack growth
were used. The compliance of the specimen was measured using a Linear Voltage Differ-
ential Transducer (LVDT) attached to the front face of the specimen. The specimens were
galvanically insulated from the autoclave system, grips, and loading pins.
Boiling water reactor environments - For the tests in simulated boiling water reactor
(BWR) environments the materials testing machine was equipped with an autoclave. The
autoclave system was a once-through flow system with a volume of 6.7 1 water with the
specimen mounted, and the flowrate through the autoclave was about 8 1/h. The tem-
perature was 288~ and the pressure 9 MPa. The conductivity at room temperature o f the
inlet and the outlet water was monitored during the tests and the typical outlet conductiv-
ity was less than 0.25 gS/cm. Air- or oxygen-saturated water was added to pure water to
reach a level o f about 0.2 or 0.5 ppm oxygen in the outlet water. The corrosion potential
o f the specimen was monitored during the test using a silver - silver chloride reference

S e c o n d a r y - s i d e p r e s s u r i z e d w a t e r r e a c t o r e n v i r o n m e n t - The secondary-side pressur-

ized water reactor (PWR) environment was simulated using pure water with 50 ppb hy-
drazine. In this test the upper half of the autoclave contained water-saturated steam and
the lower half water. The temperature was 286~ and the pressure 7.1 to 7.2 MPa. A dif-
ferential pressure transmitter was used to control the amount of water flowing into the
autoclave to maintain a constant water level. The specimen was mounted in the steam
above the water level.
A i r at r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e - The tests in air at room temperature were performed in the
same or similar type of equipment as used for the tests in high-temperature water and

Test Procedure

Most of the tests were performed similarly: After the specimen had been pre-exposed
to the environment for about a week (either unloaded or with only a small load applied) a
fatigue load with constant AKI was applied. When the crack had propagated a certain
distance (usually 1 mm for the first "step" and for every following step the distance was
decreased by about 5 %), AKI was decreased while maintaining a constant KiMax;thus, the
R-value was increased. This procedure was automatical!~y repeated until the fatigue crack
growth rate (da/dN) reached very low values (below 10 mm per cycle). The shedding of
AKI was performed using the formula for the normalized K-gradient (C) according to
ASTM Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates (E 647-95a), but
with AKI instead of Kl.
1 dAK 1
C - AK, da (1)

where a is the crack length and d A K 1 / d a is the slope of the AKI versus a curve. In step-
wise AKi-decreasing tests, as in this work, the next AKI is then calculated according to
following equation:
AK 1 = AKy 9e ( c ~ ) (2)

where A a is the crack advance since the previous decrease of AKI.

The value of C was in most of the tests close to -0.1 mm "1, but in some exceptional
cases it was as low as -0.3 mm -1. The R-value was higher than 0.8 at the end of all tests.
The load waveform was triangular and the frequency was 20 Hz for testing in simu-
lated BWR environments. For the tests in simulated PWR environment the frequency was
in the range 0.5 to 20 Hz. The tests in air were performed with a frequency of 5 to 20 Hz
depending on the test equipment used. From an environmental influencing point of view,
the frequencies used were relatively high, thus any large effect of the environment on the
fatigue crack growth rates and threshold values was not expected.
After testing the specimen was cooled in liquid nitrogen, broken into two pieces, and
the fracture surfaces were examined in a scanning electron microscope. The true crack
lengths were measured on the fracture surface and the measured crack growth was cor-
rected. For every AKi-level the corresponding da/dN-value was estimated by fitting a
straight line to the data points (crack length versus number of cycles).


The results from the different tests are compiled in Figures 3a-c, which show the fa-
tigue crack growth rate versus AKI for the different material - environment combinations.
Table 4 summarizes the estimated fatigue crack growth thresholds (AKth). The threshold
values were estimated by fitting a curve (third-order polynomial) to the data points and
calculate its intersection with the da/dN=l 0 .7 mm per cycle line.
The fracture surfaces showed transgranular (transdendritic for Alloy 182) cracking.
They were quite similar for tests in the high-temperature environments and in air at room

Table 4 - Measured Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds

Material/ AKth
environment (MPa~/m)
Type 304 SS/air 4.7
Type 304 SS/BWR 4.2
Alloy 182/air 5.0
Alloy 182/BWR 4.9
Alloy 600/BWR 5.4
LAS/air 4.3


I 9 T.o304ss,.w-' 1~ ~ ~ i i i
/ o Type 304 SS, Air /". i. : . . ~
'~-~ ~, - ~s~xL~,,~ ,~: ..... ~~:'-7
- - - ASME Xl, 20 ~ R=0.8 1 ~ "Y
. .~.. : .- __.. . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . . . ~., .-Z ...... . ..... .:..,

Z IE-7 .................

1E-8 . . . . . . . . KI Max ~ 3 2 M P a ~ / m '" ":. . . . . . . " l . . . . . !. . . . . . . . . !... ! - - ~ . - :

,, ,, : ', ,, ,
1E-9 I
5 10
AKI (MPa'~m)

Figure 3a - Fatigue Crack Growth Rate versus dKsfor Type 304 Stainless
Steel in Simulated BWR Environments and in Air.

I 9 Alloy 600, B W R ~ ! i ! !_,~
IE-5 .I a Alloy 182, B W R ~ ...... :.......... : . . . . L.. ~ - : ' ~
/ ~ AIl~ Air o [ : : ~"~'.~n.' :
| ~ A S M E XI, 288 C, R=0.8/ '. L . -_.,. ~ ~'. :
1~_6 ~ , ~ - : ~ c ; i ~ : o . s - I .... ~ : ~.~..~.....:

1E-7 ................. ~ ..... -'.,. . . . . ~ ,-mill-- .:---"--:.---.'

', : '. q,r = ,, ,. ,. ,. ,.
1E-8 . . . B W R : K IMax ~ 30 MPa~/m i' . . . . . . . ~' . . . . . .f -.' i' .... 'i.--i--i--i
' ' '

Air:K] M~=34MPa~m : : ~]i : : : : :

IE-9 i ~ a'
5 10
AKI (MPa4m)

F i g u r e 3b - Fatigue Crack Growth Rate versus AK1for Ni-base Alloy 182 and
Alloy 600 in Simulated BWR Environments and in Air.

i i i ! i~i ~/i ! i i i li!i
1E-5. . . . . . . . . i: . . . . . i:. . . . : i ' " i " i ' ? ~:~' i ] ~ " / : ~ " ] o ~LAS, A i r -:
- - - - ~:: : : : : :
: : : ~ ~ i ] 9 LAS, P W R ]
1E-6. ........ ! ..... air,
. '~~ ! i i li ~--AS~XLw~t~F,R--O.SF
Z 1E-7. . . . . . . . . i..~..~ :..~..,"..','~. - .~..i.i . . . . . . : . ; . . . . . , ~ . . . ~

; Air : KI Max ~ 21 and 31 MPa~/m ' : : : : : :
1E-9 . . . . . . . . ~ '. ~ '. ','.~i
5 10 100

AKI (MPa~/m)

Figure 3c - Fatigue Crack Growth Rate versus AKlfor LAS in a

Simulated PWR Environment and in Air.


Test Technique

The tests to estimate fatigue crack growth thresholds were performed with decreasing
AKI in order to avoid long initiation times until crack propagation starts and to be able to
perform the pre-cracking with a reasonably high AK1. A constant C-value according to
Equation 1 was used for the step-wise shedding of AKI in order to use the specimens as
efficiently as possible (large span of AKI). To minimize problems with crack closure, a
constant KIMax(that is an increasing R-value) was maintained during the tests.
Keeping KlM~xconstant should make it possible to relax the demand on C being
greater than -0.08 m m -1 as stated in ASTM E 647. One possible disadvantage of using
c o n s t a n t KI Max is that changing the R-value may effect da/dN (especially at low AK0 and
the threshold value [1].
Hysteresis of the load can be a problem when performing tests in a pressurized auto-
clave with the load cell placed outside the autoclave at atmospheric pressure. If the force
on the pull rod from the pressure seal is not sufficiently small compared to the load am-
plitude on the specimen the hysteresis has to be compensated for. Another possible prob-
lem in fatigue testing at relatively high frequencies using servohydraulic machines is that
above a certain frequency (depending on actuator type, oil flow, weight of grips and the
specimen, or type and condition of the servovalve) the load amplitude decreases with
increasing frequency even if the demand signal is unchanged. In the tests reported here
the amplitude was automatically compensated for both the hysteresis and the frequency
effect to achieve the correct load amplitude on the specimen.
The present tests have shown that da/dN-data at low AKI and fatigue crack growth
thresholds can be determined in a reasonably inexpensive and time-saving way. A good
crack growth measurement technique, computer controlled test equipment, and software
for automatic control of AKI and R-valUe are needed.


The fracture surfaces showed transgranular or transdendritic (Alloy 182) cracking. The
fact that the fracture surfaces from the tests in the high-temperature environments were
similar to those from the tests in air at room temperature is not surprising since the fre-
quencies used during the testing were relatively high. The environmental contribution to
the cracking usually decreases with increasing load frequency [3, 5, 9,10].
For the tests in simulated BWR environments a transition from fatigue cracking to
stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in the end of the tests, when the R-value was high
enough, could be anticipated (see Figure 4). This should be manifested by an increasing
amount of intergranular cracking on the fracture surfaces. However, the anticipated tran-
sition in crack mode at the end of the tests did not appear in any of the tests. The reason
may be that the tests were interrupted before any initiation of intergranular cracking
could be observed.


low R-value

Fatigue Cracking SCC

Figure 4 - Schematic Diagram of the Change in KI during a Typical Test.

Threshold Values and da/dN

A threshold value was found for all material - environment combinations in this work
except for LAS in simulated secondary-side PWR environment. The threshold values fall
within the rather narrow range of 4.2 to 5.4 MPa4m. Comparing type 304 stainless steel
and Ni-base alloys in air at room temperature and in the simulated BWR environments
(Figures 3a-b) shows that stainless steel in the simulated BWR environments has the
highest da/dN-values and the lowest fatigue crack growth threshold, and that Alloy 600
has the lowest da/dN-values and the highest threshold.
In Figures 3a through 3c reference lines according to the American Society of Me-
chanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, are also
shown. The data for the stainless alloys are compared with the reference curve for aus-
tenitic stainless steel in air (Article C-3000, Fig. C-3210-1) and the LAS data is compared
with the reference curves for carbon and low-alloy ferritic steel in air (Article A-4000,
Fig. A-4300-1) and in water environments (Article A-4000, Fig. A-4300-2). The fatigue
crack growth rates according to ASME are slightly higher than the data points from the
present study for all materials except for stainless steel in the simulated BWR environ-
ment, where the data points fall on both sides of the ASME line. Since the ASME guide-
lines do not use any threshold values they are very conservative at low AKl-levels near
and below AKth.
The reason for not being able to measure a fatigue crack growth threshold for LAS in
simulated secondary-side PWR environment was that the crack stopped long before the
crack growth rate was lowered to 10-7 mm per cycle. The lowest AKI where crack growth
was observed was higher than 6 MPa'4m and daJdN was then higher than 10.6 mm per
cycle. When comparing with the results from tests in air of the same material it was obvi-
ous that the effective AKI on the specimen for some reason was lower than the measured
AKl. The reason for the smaller effective AK1 is not known, however, it is probably not

malfunction of the specimen or the test equipment, since this phenomenon was not ob-
served when testing in air at room temperature using the same specimen and test equip-
ment. A range of phenomena can cause crack arrest at nominally "high" AKt-values, such
as, an overly high rate of AKx-reduction, surface roughness induced crack closure, crack
closure due to corrosion products on the crack surfaces, and test interruptions [2].
An important question is whether a true threshold or merely an apparent threshold has
been measured. Therefore, a recommended procedure after testing with decreasing AKI is
to increase AKt again to check the validity of the measurements [2]. In the tests reported
here an increase in AK1 was not done due to lack of time. However, since the R-values
were rather high (>0.8) in the end of the tests, and AKthusually decreases with increasing
R-value [l,4, 7,8,11], the threshold values measured in the tests should be conservative in
most cases with relatively high (higher than about 1 Hz) load frequencies or in non-
aggressive environments.
Even if the obtained threshold and da/dN-values are conservative as to the R-value,
they are probably not conservative with respect to the frequency. The tests were all per-
formed at relatively high frequencies considering any environmental influence. Fatigue
crack growth rates in water environments usually increase with decreasing frequency due
to the larger environmental contribution to the cracking at lower frequencies [3, 5, 9,10].


A relatively inexpensive and time-saving method to measure da/dN-data at low AKx-

levels and determine fatigue crack growth thresholds in light water reactor environments
at frequencies in the order of 20 Hz has been demonstrated. The method is based on a
AKl-decreasing test with constant KlM~x(on the whole following the recommendations in
the ASTM standard E647-95a). A further improvement of the method would be to incor-
porate a AKrincreasing test in the end, when a threshold value has been reached, to check
the validity of the measurements.
The method has been applied on type 304 stainless steel, nickel-base weld metal Alloy
182, and nickel-base metal Alloy 600 in a simulated BWR environments, and on a low-
alloy steel in a simulated secondary side PWR environment, and also in air at ambient
temperature. A threshold value was found for all material - environment combinations
except for the low-alloy steel in the simulated secondary-side PWR environment. All
threshold values fall within the rather narrow range of 4.2 to 5.4 MPaqm.
The measured fatigue crack growth rates fall below or on the ASME XI reference


This work has been sponsored by Vattenfall AB Ringhals, Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB,
BarseNick Kraft AB, OKG Aktiebolag, and Studsvik AB. The contribution to the work
and the assistance from colleagues from all sponsoring organizations is gratefully ac-


[1] Amzallag, C., Rabbe, P., Bathias, C., Benoit, D., and Truchon, M., "Influence of
Various Parameters on the Determination of the Fatigue Crack Arrest Threshold,"
Fatigue Crack Growth Measurement and Data Analysis, ASTM STP 738, S. J.
Hudak, Jr., and R. J. Bucci, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials,
1981, pp. 29-44.
[2] Bucci, R. J., "Development of a Proposed ASTM Standard Test Method for Near-
Threshold Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Measurement," Fatigue Crack Growth
Measurement and Data Analysis, ASTMSTP 738, S. J. Hudak, Jr., and R. J.
Bucci, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, 1981, pp. 5-28.
[3] Bamford, W. H., "Application of Corrosion Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Data to
Integrity Analyses of Nuclear Reactor Vessels," Journal of Engineering Materials
and Technology, vol. 101, 1979, pp. 182-190.
[4] Radon, J. C., "Fatigue Crack Growth in the Threshold Region," Fatigue Thres-
holds - Fundamentals and Engineering Applications, J. Backlund, A. F. Blom,
and C. J. Beevers, Eds., Engineering Materials Advisory Services Ltd., 1982, vol.
I, pp. 113-132.
[5] Achilles, R. D. and Bulloch, J. H., "The Near-Threshold High R-Ratio Fatigue
Crack Growth Characteristics of SA508 cl III Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel," In-
ternational Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, vol. 35, 1989, pp. 363-382.
[6] Bailon, J. P., Chappuis, P., and Masotmave, J., "A Rapid Experimental Method
for Measuring the Threshold Stress Intensity Factor," Fatigue Thresholds - Fun-
damentals and Engineering Applications, J. B~icklund, A. F. Blom, and C. J.
Beevers, Eds., Engineering Materials Advisory Services Ltd., 1982, vol. I, pp. 77-
[7] Cadman, A. J., Brook, R., and Nicholson, C. E., "Effect of Test Technique on the
Fatigue Threshold AKth,"Fatigue Thresholds - Fundamentals and Engineering
Applications, J. B~icklund,A. F. Blom, and C. J. Beevers, Eds., Engineering Mate-
rials Advisory Services Ltd., 1982, vol. I, pp. 59-75.
[8] D6ker, H., Bachmann, V., and Marci, G., "A Comparison of Different Methods of
Determination of the Threshold for Fatigue Crack Propagation," Fatigue Thres-
holds- Fundamentals and Engineering Applications, J. B~icklund, A. F. Blom,
and C. J. Beevers, Eds., Engineering Materials Advisory Services Ltd., 1982, vol.
I, pp. 45-57.
[9] Scott, P. M., "Corrosion Fatigue in Pressure Vessel Steels for Light Water Reac-
tors," Metal Science, vol. 13, 1979:7, pp. 396-401.
[10] Hishida, M., Saito, M., Hasegawa, K., Enomoto, K., and Matsuo, Y.,
"Experimental Study on Crack Growth Behavior for Austenitic Stainless Steel in
High Temperature Water," Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, vol. 108,
1986, pp. 226-233.
[11] Vasudeven, A. K., Sadananda, K., and Louat, N., "A Review of Crack Closure,
Fatigue Crack Threshold and Related Phenomena," Materials Science and Engi-
neering, Elsevier Sequoia, 1994, pp. 1-22.
Gary Marquis, x Roger Rabb, 2 and Laura Siivonen x

Endurance Limit Design of Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron Components Based on

Natural Defects

Reference: Marquis, G., Rabb, R., and Siivonen, L., "Endurance Limit Design of
Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron Components Based on Natural Defects," Fatigue
Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and Design, ASTM STP 1372, J. C.
Newman, Jr. and R. S. Piascik, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West
Conshohocken, PA, 2000.

Abstract: Cast irons are used extensively in the production of large diesel engines for
power generation or oceangoing ships. One current trend is to replace grey iron with
spheroidal graphite (SG) iron for fatigue critical components. In order to take advantage
of the higher fatigue strength of SG iron and ensure the reliability of a design, better
understanding of the typical defects for these large castings and the relationship between
these defects and the endurance limit fatigue strength have been studied. Testing
included uniaxial constant amplitude, constant amplitude torsion, and simple variable
amplitude loading sequences in the long-life regime. Defects in several thick wall
castings have been statistically evaluated. A fracture mechanics based model involving
matrix hardness and x/area successfully related the defect size to the experimentally
observed fatigue limit. For ferritic-pearlitic SG iron, the hardness of the tougher pearlite
phase was used in the model. The model also correlated the torsion and tension
endurance limits. Endurance limit as a function of mean stress is presented in the form of
Haigh diagrams.

Keywords: fatigue, nodular cast iron, spheroidal graphite cast iron, GRP 500, endurance
limit, nonpropagating cracks, fatigue threshold, casting defects, shrinkage pores


Spheroidal graphite (SG) cast iron is used extensively in the production of large
diesel engines for power generation. Casting provides an economical advantage over
other production methods by offering significant freedom in geometrical shaping for
functionality and material utilisation. When compared to grey iron, SG cast irons have
significantly higher fatigue strengths that can be used to great advantage in the design of
rotating or reciprocating machinery. Rigid quality control during the casting operation

1Researcher, VTT Manufacturing Technology, P.O. Box 1704, FIN-02044 VTT, Finland
2Section Manager, Wartsilfi NSD Corp., P.O. Box 244, FIN-65101 Vaasa, Finland

Copyrights 2000 by ASTM International www.astm.org

can eliminate the relatively large defects often associated with complex castings, but
small microstructural irregularities can never be completely eliminated for large thick-
section castings. These shrinkage pores, inclusions, and other types of naturally
occurring defects have a controlling effect on the endurance limit strength.
Diesel engines used in conjunction with electrical generators must often operate
continuously for many tens of thousands of hours. Design optimisation for long-lives
requires an understanding of the high cycle fatigue behaviour of the cast material.
Loading is primarily constant amplitude, but start-up and other transient events can result
in occasional overloads which are known to greatly effect the fatigue performance of
materials. Fatigue lives are typically computed even in billions of load cycles.
The current paper describes an experimental program to measure the constant
amplitude endurance limit of a SG cast iron at various stress ratios. Results are presented
in the form of Haigh diagrams for long life design. The role of casting defects has been
evaluated via examination of the fracture surfaces and identifying the defect from which
the failure crack initiated. The ~ parameter developed by Murakami, Endo and co-
workers is examined as a means of quantitatively correlating the defect size and
endurance limit. Nonpropagating surface cracks at the endurance limit were investigated
on highly polished specimens. Torsion tests and several long-life uniaxial variable
amplitude tests are also reported.

The ~/area Model

Murakami, Endo and co-workers [ 1-6] have made extensive studies of the constant
amplitude long life fatigue strength of materials containing small cracks, holes,
inclusions, porosity and other inhomogeneities. They show that the fatigue limit is not
the critical stress for crack initiation but the threshold stress for propagating a crack
which emanates from the ofi~nal defect. Many of these flaws are irregularly shaped and
they proposed using the 4area as a measure of the flaw size. For an arbitrary three
dimensional flaw, the ~ is measured by projecting the flaw onto a plane normal to
the principal normal stress direction as illustrated in Fig. 1.
This model is based on the experimental observation that cracks may nucleate at
small stress concentrations early in fatigue but do not propagate if the loading amplitude
remains constant. The fatigue limit is related to the size of the notch, ~ - f ~ , and is less
dependent on notch shape or stress concentration. Two flaws producing the same stress
intensity will not alw_~Lshave the same fatigue limit because of the size dependence of
AKth. In defining 4area, the additional size contribution from the small crack that forms
at the edge of the hole or defect is small and is ignored.
The threshold stress intensity, AKth,for the material is a critical factor in determining
if flaws will result in fatigue failure. Experimentally, it has been found to be a function
of both material strength and flaw size. The resulting relation for surface breaking
defects for fully reversed loading is

1.43(Hv + 120)
CYfl R=-I -- ( a.q/~rea)l/6 (1)

where Hv is the Vickers hardness. Stress ratio effects are considered with the relation

oc=0.226+ Hv x 10 -4

The units are AKth: MPa,]-m, CYn : MPa, Hv : kgf/mm 2 , and ~ : Ixm. A precise
definition of a , f ~ is unnecessary because it is raised to the power_if6 to obtain the
fatigue limit. This exponent means that a 50% increase in the 4area parameter will
result in only a 7% decrease in the fatigue limit.


Figure 1 - Definition of area in the ax/~reaParameter [4].

In torsion, fatigue cracks in some materials nucleate at defects along tensile planes
oriented 45 ~ from the applied shear stresses. Crack growth is controlled by the mode I
stress intensity. The mode I stress intensity factor is higher in torsion than in tension for a
small crack emanating from a hole or volumetric defect. This means that the nominal
stress required to propagate a crack in torsion near a notch or defect will be lower in
torsion than in tension. Based on the ~ model, ~n / ~fl --- 1.25 [5].
The ax/~rea parameter has been verified for a variety of metallic materials and a wide
range of different defects and surface features. It has been used to correlate fatigue
reduction for many naturally occurring defects including non-metallic inclusions, second
phase particles and spheroidal graphites [6]. Beretta et al. [7] successfully applied the
method to cast connecting rods and specimens from three different nodular irons with
relatively large defects. Cast irons, like those used in the current study are of particular
interest because of their complex non-homogeneous microstructure_which consists of
graphite nodules in a dual ferritic-pearlitic matrix.

Haigh Diagram

In high cycle fatigue design, the endurance limit stress amplitude as a function of
mean stress is often presented in the form of a Haigh diagram. Construction of the
diagram requires two monotonic constants, Rm and Rp0.2and two fatigue values, typically
On R=0 and On R=-I. The relation between stress amplitude and mean stress is considered
linear along the line A-B in Fig 2. This is the region between tensile and compressive

iiiii:t!il R:0 /

-Rm -Rpo.2 Rpo.2 Rm

Figure 2 - Haigh Diagram.

As the mean stress is reduced past that at point B, the allowable stress amplitude
gradually reduces to zero at the compressive ultimate strength. Similarly, as the mean
stress increases past that at point A, the allowable stress amplitude smoothly reduces to
zero at the ultimate strength in tension. For materials like cast iron, the ultimate strength
in compression is not necessarily the point of fracture, but may correspond to a specified
degree of gross deformation. The curve of the diagram between the yield and ultimate
strengths can be used only in the case where elastic shakedown occurs, i.e., plastic strain
is in one direction only without reverse yielding. It should be noted, however, that the
effect on mean stress and especially compressive mean stress on materials like nodular
cast iron are poorly documented in the available literature and it is difficult to propose
design curves with any certainty.

Test Material

Test bars were cut from 100 x 100 x 300 mm ingots and from the cylinder head of a
W~rtsil~ 64 medium speed diesel engine. The cylinder head is a complex casting with
outside dimensions of approximately 750 x 1000 x 1400 mm. Material from both the
ingots and cylinder head were nominally identical, GRP 500/ISO 1083 nodular cast iron,
but were received from two different foundries.
Material taken from the cylinder head is hereafter designated as batch 1 and material
taken from the ingots is designated batch 2. Average tensile properties for the two

batches of material are 1t0o.2 =307 MPa and Rm = 517 MPa for batch 1 and Rp0.2 =340
MPa and Rm = 620 MPa for batch 2.
Figure 3 shows micrographs from the two materials. Both show approximately the
same distribution of nodular graphites and a dual ferritic-pearlitic matrix. Material from
batch 1 (Fig. 3a) is approximately 50% pearlite, 40% ferrite and 10% graphite and
material from batch 2 (Fig. 3b) is 77% pearlite, 10% ferrite and 13% graphite.

Figure 3 - Microstructure of a) Batch 1 and b) Batch 2 GRP 500 Nodular Iron.

Microhardness measurement of the different phases were made. For batch 1, the
ferrite phase had a mean hardness o f H v = 170 (200 g) and the pearlite phase Hv = 235
(200 g). The corresponding values for batch 2 material were Hv = 225 (10 g) and Hv =
300 (200 g). Because of the very small ferrite fraction in batch 2, only a 10 g weight
could be applied while in other cases a 200 g weight was used. Due to the highly non-
homogenous microstructure, microhardness measurements were difficult and standard
deviation in hardness was about 25% for batch 1 and 10% for batch 2.

Fatigue Testing

The majority of fatigue testing was accomplished on a computer controlled resonant

type test machine manufactured by Rumul. Test frequency was nominally 160 Hz. Axial
test specimens were 12 mm dia. with a 30 mm gage section and 50 mm transition radius.
Torsion testing was performed using tubular specimens, 20 mm ID x 25 mm OD with a
10 mm gage section and 35 mm transition radius. Specimens were polished with emery
paper and diamond paste so that no scratches or machining marks perpendicular to the
loading direction were visible under x20 magnification. Axial testing was performed
using several stress ratios while R=O was used for torsion testing.
The cutoff limit in the constant amplitude tests to establish the endurance limit was
l x l 0 7 cycles. The staircase test strategy [8] was followed and the median endurance
limit and variance were computed using the simplified maximum likelihood estimation
method developed by Dixon and Mood [9]. For analysis purposes, the fatigue strength of
a population of specimens was assumed to be normally distributed. In most cases 15
specimens were used to determine a single endurance limit value. The computed standard

deviation in fatigue strength for all test series was 8 - 15 MPa. All values reported in this
paper, however, are median values.
For observing nonpropagating fatigue cracks at the endurance limit, eight
rectangular cross section specimens were tested in four-point bending. The cross section
was 20 x 20 mm and the highly stressed region between the two inner rollers was 20 mm
long. The stress amplitude in these tests was 90% of the measured endurance limit stress
amplitude in bending, R=0.05.
In addition to the approximately 120 specimens tested using constant amplitude
loading, five specimens were tested using a variable amplitude load history. The variable
amplitude load history consisted of a block of 220,000 cycles at a stress amplitude of
83.5 MPa and mean stress of 260 MPa. This stress combination did not cause failure
under constant amplitude loading within 1 x 1 0 7 cycles. After the low amplitude cycles,
one single cycle with maximum and minimum stress of 343.5 MPa and 10 MPa was
applied. Maximum stress in both the small amplitude cycles and the single underload
cycle were identical. It can be noted that the minimum nominal stress in each underload
cycle was less than the minimum stress of the small amplitude cycles but remained
tensile, the term "tensile underload" is, therefore, used to describe the nature of the event.
The variable amplitude history is illustrated in the insert in Fig. 4.
Because resonant testing was used, short transients occur both before and after the
application of each underload event. Prior to the underload, the resonance excitation is
removed causing a gradual decrease in cyclic amplitude lasting several seconds.
Similarly, after the underload, the resonant excitation is renewed and the amplitude
gradually increases to the reported value of 83.5 MPa. Because of the high frequency,
both transients occupy 500 - 800 fatigue cycles. This, however, represents less than 1%
of the total cycles in the load history. During the short transients the mean stress
remained constant at 260 MPa. Underloads were achieved by quasi-statically altering the
mean load on the specimen in the absence of resonance.


Figure 4 shows finite life and run outs for batch 2 material at two values of mean
stress. Also shown in this figure are results from the five variable amplitude tests. The
small amplitude cycles in the variable amplitude tests had a mean stress of 260 MPa as
did the solid diamond symbols in this figure. The single largest cycle in the variable
amplitude history had approximately the same mean stress as the square symbols and,
according to Fig. 4, the stress amplitude of 167 MPa would result in a fatigue life of
around 4x105 cycles to failure. Scatter in the failure lives of the variable amplitude
loaded specimens was greater than that observed for the constant amplitude loaded
specimens. The number of tensile underloads required to cause failure ranged from only
10 to 227.

Haigh Diagram

Endurance limit values for the GRP 500 are here presented in the form of Haigh
diagrams, see Fig. 5. Results in this case are mean experimental fatigue strengths and not
design values. The form of the curve, however, is suitable for long-life design if material

scatter and batch to batch variation are considered. Each point on the Haigh diagram is
determined by 6-25 long-life fatigue tests. Yield and ultimate strength values were found
using 10 specimens in tension. The yield and tensile strength for cast iron in compression
may be different than that in tension, but in this figure only the more conservative tensile
values are used.

variable emplltude spectrum

300 ~ - 9 mean 260 MPa 4oo
~--- 220000c/des
280 ~ [] mean 182.5 MPa 350.
o variable amplitude 3oo *
~2so : : :


-"=- 160

120 9 9


L 0 0 0 0 0
80 I I I
1E+04 1E+05 1E+06 1E+07 1E+08
Cycles to failure

Figure 4 - Constant and Variable Amplitude Finite Life and Constant Amplitude
Endurance Limit Fatigue Data for GRP 500 SG Iron.

Figure 5a shows the predicted effect of mean stress for batch 1 based on equation 2. The
line was forced to pass through the point ~fl R=-I. This figure also shows the predicted
mean stress effect of a Smith, Watson and Topper (SWT) based parameter [10]. For high
cycle fatigue this parameter can be expressed as.

(~fl,R= O'fl,R=-I~ 2 R (3)

The Goodman mean stress correction factor found in many fatigue textbooks
predicts data to follow a straight line between Rm and On R=-I [11]. This is also shown in

Fig. 5a. The limited variety of stress ratios for the batch 2 material did not make it
possible to evaluate possible R ratio correction equations. In addition to the uniaxial
endurance limit results, Fig. 5b also shows the result from torsion fatigue tests at R=-I
and R=0.

600 lTa
a) t 9 GRP500batch1
equation 2
.-"''" "'"",, -------- GoodmaneqUati~
\ ."400 ""-,
.... %.,"

9~ ..~
; .,~
~ 9 (31m
I " I "" I 0 ( "' I "~ }
-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600

9 GRP 500 batch 2 - tension
..o" '"'., GRP 500 batch 2 - torsion

9"9 400

. .-'~00
,.~ ~

I I I o i' 9
-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600

Figure 5 - Haigh Diagrams for GRP 500 SG Iron.

Defect Distributions

Following fatigue failure the fracture surfaces were examined with a SEM to locate
the point of crack initiation and to observe the defect type and size that caused initiation.
Sizes were approximated as the area of the smallest ellipse or semi-ellipse that would
completely enclose the defect9 Ellipses were used for internal defects while semi-ellipses
were used for the more common surface breaking defect. As mentioned earlier, the

expected endurance limit is dependent only on the approximate size, so this method was
deemed adequate even for defects of highly irregular shape.
Defects were of two types, inclusions and shrinkage pores. Shrinkage pores tended to
be larger than the inclusions. Figure 6 shows a typical near surface shrinkage pore and an
inclusion which resulted in fatigue failure.
Figure 7 shows the distribution of defects from the two batches of specimens.
Because high cycle fatigue is characterized by only a small number of crack initiation
sites and little or no crack linking, the observed defects are assumed to be the most severe
for the volume of material near the specimen surface. Approximately 90% of all fatigue
initiation sites were surface defects and in no cases did cracks initiate from defects at
depths greater than 0.5 mm from the free surface. Figure 7 shows that the defect sizes can
be reasonably well described by the Type I extreme value distribution. Batch 2 material
had both a smaller mean defect size and smaller variation as compared to batch 1

Figure 6 - Examples of Defects Leading to Failures: a) Shrinkage Pore and b) Inclusion.

Nonpropagating Cracks

Figure 8 shows a nonpropagating crack observed in a four-point bend specimen after

5 x l O 6 fatigue cycles. Etching was performed after fatigue cycling and reveals the
complex ferritic-pearlitic microstructure. This crack has a surface length of
approximately 260 Ixm but the majority of observed nonpropagating cracks were of
length 50-150 ].tm. The defect from which the crack initiated cannot be seen, but further
polishing revealed a shrinkage pore just below the surface. The density ofnonpropagating
fatigue cracks observed was 5-10 / cm 2.

6 (

4 *

~ 'A A 9 9
~ '= 9149

~e/ 9 9 GRP 500 batch 2

-2 I
0 50O 1000
sqrt(area) in pm

Figure 7 - Defect Size Distributions for the Two Batches of Material.

Figure 8 - Nonpropagating fatigue crack after 5xlO 6 cycles near the endurance limit.


Mean Stress Effects

As seen by the two curves in Fig. 5, Equation 2 tends to underpredict the reduction
in endurance limit with increasing mean stress for GRP 500 SG iron. The SWT
parameter has been found to be suitable for materials like cast iron that fail by mode I
crack growth [12] and predicts better than Eq 2 the harmful effects of tensile mean stress.
Equation 3 more closely follows the data but still under predicts the damaging effect of
tensile mean stress.
The Goodman mean stress correction was very similar to Eq 3 for tensile mean
stresses, but was better than either Eqs 2 or 3 for the single compressive mean stress data
point. This single data point corresponds to high compressive loads such that general
yielding has occurred and other stress states with less negative stress ratios should be

Fatigue Strength in Torsion

Many early studies in fatigue were devoted to determining the ratio of tensile and
torsion fatigue limits, On / '~n, for different materials. Published values of On / ~:n range
from 0.9 to 2.7. Static yield criteria which are often used to relate fatigue data obtained
from different stress states predict constant On / ~n ratios for any material. For example,
the maximum shear stress theory predicts On / ~n = 2.0, the octahedral shear stress
9 , %

theory, 1.73, and maximum principal stress theory, 1.0. As mentioned earher, the
model which is based on the growth of cracks from small naturally occurring defects
predicts On / "~n = 1.25. This is in very good agreement with experiments for GRP 500 at
R=0 which showed On / 7:n = 148 MPa / 120 MPa = 1.23. At R=-I the respective values
were 230 MPa / 182 MPa = 1.26. Figure 5b shows the torsion endurance limit values and
their relation to the tension value.

Nonpropagating Cracks

Contrary to what is sometimes presented in the literature, the endurance limit does
not commonly represent a stress level where cracks do not initiate. Instead, it represents a
stress level where initiated cracks become nonpropagating [13]. Murakami and Endo [1-
6] have observed this in a variety of metallic materials and Clement et al. [14] and Palin-
luc et. al. [15] have shown this to be the case for nodular cast irons.
The density of nonpropagating fatigue cracks observed was only 5-10 / cm 2 which is
far less than the density observed by Palin-luc et. al., but it should be noted that their test
specimens were taken from relatively small crank shafts and initiation was due to
graphite nodules. Material in the current study was intentionally taken from heavy
section castings where shrinkage pores are more likely to be present9 The significantly
lower endurance limit stress in the current series, 192 MPa as compared to 268 MPa for
Palin-luc et. al., can be partially accounted for in that crack initiation was due to
shrinkage pores or inclusions which are several time larger than the nodules. The current

test series involved axial testing while Palin-luc et. al. employed fully reversed bending;
bending produces less driving force for crack growth into the specimen thickness and
results in a slightly higher endurance limit strength.
For the crack shown in Fig. 8, the bending stress amplitude was 150 MPa which
translates to a threshold stress intensity of 4.3 MPa~m. This value is close to measured
threshold stress intensity values for short cracks [14,16] or closure-free long cracks in
nodular cast iron [17-18].

Variable Amplitude Loading

Figure 4 shows data obtained for five tensile undedoad tests using specimens
identical to those used for the constant amplitude tests. The amplitude of small cycles in
the spectrum was approximately three standard deviations below the measured endurance
limit stress of 105 MPa, so failure would not be expected for such a small test series in
the absence of the large underload cycles. As few as 10 tensile underload cycles were
required to cause failure and the mean (geometric) number of undedoads was only 54.
Under constant amplitude cycling at the larger amplitude, fatigue life would be
approximately Nf = 400,000. The damage fraction caused by the larger cycles was
therefore only in the range of 0.01%. The greatly increased damage of small cycles
observed here is even greater than that observed by Rabb [19] for grey cast iron using
simple variable amplitude load histories.
During constant amplitude loading at 130 MPa the difference in fatigue lives
between the shortest and longest of ten tests was a factor of about 2.5. The load history
consisting of many small amplitude cycles with single underloads resulted in a difference
of more than 20 between the shortest and longest of five tests. This increased scatter is in
contrast to experimental results for welds and some wrought materials which show that
variable amplitude loading normally produces less scatter than does constant amplitude
The number of tensile underload cycles required to cause failure in the variable
amplitude test ranged from only 10 to 227. This number was several times smaller than
expected based on the experimental results for grey iron [19] or from theoretical
predictions based on the Haibach principle [20]. It is significant because it shows that
even the small number of underload cycles that may resultfrom transporting or
overhauling a piece of machinery will destroy the fatigue limit and dramatically reduce
the allowable operating stresses.
Simple fracture mechanics arguments can not easily account for the additional
damage produced by the tensile underload cycles. For example, if it is assumed that the
nonpropagating crack size due to constant amplitude loading is the same as the measured
defects -500 ktm, the stress intensity due to low amplitude cycling would be 3.4 MPa~/m.
The larger underload cycles produce stress intensities approximately twice this value. By
using average crack growth properties measured for SG iron [14,16-18], the crack growth
extension due to the relatively small number of tensile underloads is expected to be only
several microns. It is unlikely that small cycles would suddenly become damaging only
due to this small increment in crack length. A more likely explanation can be found in
research work on smooth and notched steel and aluminum specimens by Topper and co-
workers [21-23]. Tensile underloads cause local plasticity near the small defects which

reduce closure resulting in greater effective stress ranges for the small cycles. Further
experimentation on the role of tensile underloads including smaller amplitude cycling,
varying block sizes and longer fatigue lives is continuing.

Defects and Fatigue Strength

As seen in Fig. 7, material in batch 1 had a mean defect size of 330 Ixm while batch 2
had a mean defect size of only 220 ~tm. The variation in defect sizes was also
significantly greater for the batch 1 material implying a significantly greater scatter in
material properties. In batch 1, approximately 80% of fatigue failures initiated from
shrinkage pores. In batch 2 the size of shrinkage pores was reduced so that the smaller
inclusions began to control fatigue crack initiation. Only 45% of the failures for batch 2
initiated at shrinkage pores.
Based on the mean defect size and mean hardness measurements for batch 1, the
value of On R=-Ibased on Eq 1 is 159 MPa if the ferrite phase is considered and 193 MPa
if the peaflite phase is considered. It is reasonable to consider the higher value more
accurate since the weaker ferrite phase is always surrounded by a tougher pearlite phase.
Both phases must fracture if fatigue failure is to occur. This higher value is close to the
measured endurance limit of 192 MPa. For batch 2 the fatigue strength based on the
mean defect size 205 ~tm and the hardness of the pearlite phase using Eq 1 gives CYnR=-~=
247 MPa. This again is close to the experimentally measured value of 230 MPa. The
increased matrix hardness of the pearlite phase between the two batches of material
provides a predicted increase in strength of 19% while the smaller defect size provides
the remaining 9%. It should be noted, however, that the measured hardness of the
different phases varied even within a single specimen. This should be studied further.
In the current test series, approximately 90% of all fatigue initiation sites were
surface defects and in no cases did cracks initiate from defects at depths greater than 0.5
mm. Because specimens were cut from random internal locations within the ingots and
cylinder head, defects would expectedly be evenly distributed throughout the specimen
volume. Murakami et. al. [2] have estimated that surface defects are more severe than
internal defects of equal size. The computed difference in stress intensity factor is about
9% which means that, e.g., a surface defect ~ =300 ~tm would be equally severe as
an internal defect ~ =500 ~tm. This does not fully explain, however, the absence of
internally initiated failures.


Long life experimental fatigue studies have been done on GRP 500 spheroidal
graphite cast iron specimens obtained from thick section castings. Constant amplitude
endurance limit tests at several stress ratios, torsion tests and simple variable amplitude
tests were performed. Endurance limit values are presented in the form of Haigh
diagrams. Statistics on defects leading to failure for two batches of nominally identical
material have been obtained. The following conclusions can be made:

1. For the ferritic-pearlitic SG cast iron tested, the ~ parameter could be used to
predict the mean endurance limit strength when the hardness value of the tougher
pearlite phase was used. However, microhardness measurements of the non-
homogenous microstructure were difficult and showed significant scatter.
2. The ~/area model accurately predicted the relationship between the torsion and tensile
fatigue limit.
3. Mean stress corrections developed by Murakami, SWT and Goodman have been
evaluated. Goodman's correction provided the best fit while the others underestimated
the strength reduction with increasing mean stress.
4. Nonpropagating cracks several grain sizes in length were observed in non-failed
specimens cycled near the fatigue limit. The density was 5-10 / cm 2 and the sizes were
typically 50-150 p.m.
5. The load history which contained cycles smaller than the constant amplitude
endurance limit and periodic underloads produced more scatter than did finite life
constant amplitude loading above the endurance limit. Single underload cycles
themselves caused an insignificant amount of damage but greatly increased the
damaging effect of the smaller cycles.

Additional work with variable amplitude spectra and using simple notched
specimens is continuing. Statistics relating the variation in defect sizes and material
hardness to variation in the endurance limit strength should also be studied.


Work reported here was performed as part of the Finnish research project SCILLED
funded by The Technology Development Centre of Finland (TEKES), W~irtsila NSD,
Valmet Corp., and VTT Manufacturing Technology.


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STP1372-EB/Feb. 2000

Author Index


Akiniwa, Y., 304 Newman, J. A., 63

Albrecht, R, 374 Newman, J. C., Jr., 227
Allison, J. E., 285
Ohashi, M., 123
Bathias, C., 135
Bucci, R. J., 269 P
Bush, R. W., 269
Petit, J., 3, 341
C Piascik, R. S., 63, 109
Pippan, R., 96, 252
Caton, M. J., 285 Powell, P., 96
Chabanne, Y., 341
Czyryca, E. J., 319 R

D Rabb, R., 411

Riddell, W. T., 63
DeCarmine, A., 123 Riemelmoser, E O., 252
Donald, J. K., 269 Rosborg, B., 400

Garr, K. R., 155 Sarrazin-Baudoux, C., 3, 341

Schindler, H.-J., 46
H Shover, R., 123
Siivonen, L., 411
Hadrboletz, A., 31 Smith, S. W., 109
Henaff, G., 3 Stephens, R. R., 175
Hresko, G. C., III, 155 Stickler, R., 31

Jones, J. W., 285 Tabernig, B., 96

Tanaka, K , 304
L Taylor, D., 361
Topper, T. H., 192
Lidar, R, 400
Liknes, H. O., 175 V
Lindstr6m, R., 400
Varvani-Farahani, A., 192
Marci, G., 81
Marquis, G., 411 Wang, G., 361
McClung, R. C., 209 Weiss, B., 31
McEvily, A. J., 123 Wright, W. J., 374

Copyright 2000 byASTM International www.astm.org
STP1372-EB/Feb. 2000
Subject Index
A Crack opening stress measurements, 192
Crack propagation, 285, 341
Adsorption, 3 aluminum alloys, 96
Aircraft applications, advanced, 123 mechanisms and modeling, 3
Aluminum alloys, 3, 81 nickel alloy, 135
cast, 285 nickel based superalloy, 155
endurance limits, 135 titanium alloys, 81
nickel aluminum bronze, 319 Cracks, short, 361
particle reinforced, 96 Crack, surface, 123
stress intensity factor effects, 63 Crack tip process zone damage
thin sheet, 227 mechanisms, 63
Amplitude, variable, 374 Crack tip shielding, 46
ASTM standards Creep damage process, 341
E 647, 269, 319 Critical distance concept, 361
Cut compliance method, 46
B Cyclic loading, 341
Cyclic resistance curve method, 304
BCS model, 252
Biaxial fatigue, 192 D
Biaxiality ratio, 155, 175
Bridges, highway, 374
Bronze, nickel aluminum, 319 Damage mechanisms, 63
Deformation, 341
Dislocation configuration, 31
C Dislocation mechanics, 252
Dislocation model, discrete, 252
Castings, wall, 411
Closure effects, 31 E
Closure-free fatigue life, 192
Compressive overstrain, periodic, 192
Compressor disk titanium alloys, 81 Electron channeling contrast imaging
Constant amplitude fatigue limit, 192 technique, 31
Constant amplitude loading, 227 Endurance limits, 135, 361,411
Constant amplitude torsion, 412
Constraint, 155, 227 F
Copper, 31
copper-base alloy, 319 FASTRAN strip yield model, 209
Corrosion, 341
Fatigue limit, 135, 374
fatigue, 319 Fatigue limit prediction, 96, 304
Crack closure, 46, 209
Finite element model, 209
aluminum alloy, 31,227
Fractography, 63
cast nickel-aluminum bronze, 319
fatigue limit prediction, 304
nickel-based superalloy, 155 G
steel, 31
titanium alloy, 109, 123, 175 Gigacycle fatigue, 135
Crack growth, near threshold, 3, 63
Crack growth rate, 192, 252, 400
Crack initiation, 285 H
Crack length, 269
Crack, nonpropagating, 411 Haigh diagrams, 304, 411
Crack opening displacement, 227 High Speed Civilian Transport, 123
Crack opening levels, 209 Highway bridges, 374


Plasticity-induced closure, 209

Plastic strain amplitude, 31
Incubation phenomenon, 135 Plastic zone size, overload, 123
Intrinsic threshold, 31, 46 Porosity, 285
nodular cast, 411 R
spheroidal graphite cast, 411
R-curve, 96
K R-effect, 46
Residual stress, 269
Kitagawa diagram, 96 Resistance curves, 96
method, 304

Load history, 175

Loading, biaxial fatigue, 192
Loading, cyclic, 81, 374 Scanning electron microscope, 31
Load ratio, 63, 175 Scanning laser microscopy technique,
Load reduction, 175, 227 confocal, 192
Load shedding, 175, 209 Seawater, 319
Secondary dendrite ann spacing, 285
M Shear strain, 192
Shielding, crack tip, 46
Material flow strength, 209 Spheroidal graphite cast iron, 411
Mean stress, 304, 341,411 Steam testing, 400
Microstructure, 3 Steel, 135, 374
Models and modeling stainless, 400
BCS model, 252 Stiffeners, 374
crack closure, 227 Strain intensity factor, 192
discrete dislocation model, 252 Stress amplitude, 304
fatigue life calculation, 285 Stress concentration assessment, 361
finite element, 209 Stress corrosion cracking, 341
near-threshold fatigue crack propagation, Stress crack propagation threshold, 341
3 Stress intensity, 319
short notches, 361 Stress intensity factor, 81, 135, 227
stress-life, for life prediction, 374 cyclic, 63
strip yield model, 209 effective, 3
effect on fatigue crack growth rate, 109
N initial, 209
range, 96, 269
Nickel alloys, 135 Stress life curves, 285
Nickel aluminum bronze, 319 Stress ratio, 304
Nickel-based superalloy, 155 effects, 109
Nickel-base metal, 400 Stress, residual, 46
Nickel-base weld metal, 400 Strip yield model, 209
Notches, 361 Surface crack, 123


Overload, 123, 374 Tensile specimen, 374

Thin foils, 31
P Titanium alloys, 3, 81, 109, 175
cracking behavior, 341
Plastic deformation, 252 overload effects on crack growth
Plasticity, 227 behavior, 123

Transverse stiffener specimens, 374 W

T stress, 155, 175
Water testing, 400
U Water vapor, 3, 341
Weld, 374
Ultrasonic vibratory effort, 135 metal, 319, 400
Vacuum, 3
Variable amplitude loading, 411 Yield strength, 123
Void production, 63 Yield stress, 252
ISBN 0-8031-2624-7

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