Blaine Number - Average Particle Size

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A company of mg chemical group Dynamit Nobel

Determination of
average particle size
(according to Blaine)
Basic principle Blaines method determines the surface area of powders and
deduces the average grain diameter from this figure.
Procedure The substance to be measured is added to a measuring cell and
compacted with a pestle to a given volume. The specific gravity
of the substance, the initial weight and the volume are used to
calculate the porosity of the packed-down material. The ma-
nometer filling is drawn up to the upper mark on the right leg of
the apparatus, and the tap then closed. The air can now flow only
through the packed powder. The time taken for the liquid level to
pass from one of the two central marks to the other is measured.
The porosity and the flow time are used to calculate the surface
area of the powder. From this figure, the average grain diameter
is deduced, assuming that the particles are spherical. Sub-
stances of known surface area are used to calibrate the appara-
tus. This method of measurement is practicable only for relative
A detailed description is given in DIN 1164, part 4 (Nov. 1978) or
in ASTM C 204. Blaines method is similar to the well known but
more complicated FSSS method (Fisher sub sieve sizer). Long
term experience has shown that both methods are comparable
and normally give same or very close test results for zirconium
and titanium products.
Supplier of the porosity tester acc. to Blaine:
Tonindustrie Prftechnik or: Strhlein Instruments
Voltastrae 5 Girmeskreuzstrae 55
13355 Berlin 41564 Kaarst
Tel.: 030/4633096 Germany
Determination of average particle size
(according to Blaine)
Chemetall GmbH
Special Metals Division
Trakehner Strae 3
D-60487 Frankfurt am Main
P.O. Box 90 01 70
D-60441 Frankfurt a.M.
Phone +49 69 7165-3911
Fax +49 69 7165-2523
Mail [email protected]
The above details have been compiled to the best of
our knowledge on the basis of thorough tests and with
regard to the current state of our long practical experi-
No liabilities or guaranties deriving form or in con-
nection with this leaflet can be imputed to us. Repro-
duction in whole or in part, only for personal use.
( )
e 1 s
e 1362

85 . 1 s
e 1

d s

This can be summarized to yield the grain diameter:
5 . 1
d =
s 95 . 419
s 85 . 1

E = Initial weight of powder

s = Specific gravity
t = Flow time
d = Grain diameter
O = Surface area
e = Porosity
1.85 = Powder mass volume
1362 = Apparatus factor determined with calibration substance
For a constant initial weight and a given specific gravity, the first
part of the equation can be condensed into a single factor:
f d =
It is more practical to calculate with f/100 and t 100 .
The f/100 factor can be recorded in tabulated form; the expres-
sion t 100 yields a straight line when plotted logarithmically
against t.
Multiplication of the two values f/100 and t 100 supplies the
required average grain diameter in micron.
Edition: January 2001

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