Memory Competition Rules 2013
Memory Competition Rules 2013
Memory Competition Rules 2013
Random Words: Event: All the contestants will be given 6 A4 sheets (Question paper). Each sheet
contains 60 random words serially numbered. n each sheet the words are presented in ! columns with "0 words in each column. #he participants are re$uired to commit to memory as many words as they can in the allotted time.
Timing: #his is a !0 %inute event.
#ime allotted &or memori'ation is (0 minutes. )rea* time allotted be&ore attempting to answer is + minutes. #ime allotted &or written recall is (+ minutes.
Scoring: #he order o& the words is very important. Every word written in the correct
place will be allotted ( point. Every word written in the correct place, but with a spelling error will be given hal& a point. & there are more than - errors in a column, no mar*s will be allotted &or that column. #he scoring will stop at the &irst instance o& - consecutive spaces le&t blan* by you. Note: )lan* spaces le&t between the words are considered as error &or scoring purpose.
Random Numbers: Event: All the contestants will be given " A4 sheets paper printed with 400 random
single digits on each sheet. #here will be "0 digits in each row and there will be "0 such rows. #he contestants are re$uired to memori'e as many numbers as they can.
Timing: #his is a !0 minute event.
#ime allotted &or memori'ation is (0 minutes. )rea* time allotted be&ore attempting to answer is + minutes. #ime allotted &or written recall is (+ minutes.
Scoring: Every digit correctly recalled in position will be awarded ( point. & there are
more than 4 errors in a line, no points will be allotted &or that line. Note: )lan* spaces le&t between the numbers are considered as error &or scoring purpose.
ates ! Events Event: All the contestants will be given " A4 sheet with 40 &ictional dates and events in
each sheet. #hey need to remember as many dates and events as possible.
Timing: #his is a !0 %inute event.
#ime allotted &or memori'ation is (0 minutes. )rea* time allotted be&ore attempting to answer is + minutes. #ime allotted &or written recall is (+ minutes.
Scoring: Every correct answer will be awarded ( point.
Random "etters o# t$e %&p$abet Event: #he contestants will be given " A4 sheets containing letters o& the alphabet
#ime allotted &or memori'ation is (0 minutes. )rea* time allotted be&ore attempting to answer is + minutes. #ime allotted &or written recall is (+ minutes.
Scoring: /or recalling every letter in its correct position the contestant is awarded with (
point. 0etters in wrong position will not be awarded any points. & there are more than " errors per row, no points will be awarded &or that row. Note: )lan* spaces le&t between the letters are considered as error &or scoring purpose.