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Who Controls The Gold Stealing New York Fed Bank?

Presented January 2014 by Charles Savoie

---Pilgrims Society member Allan Sproul, president of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1941-1956.

---Robert V. Roosa, Pilgrims Society, in Monetary Reform for the World Economy (1965). Roosa was with the New York Federal Reserve Bank, 1946-1960 when he moved to Treasury to fight silver coinage!

The most powerful international society on earth, the Pilgrims, is so wrapped in silence that few Americans know even of its existence since 1903.
---E.C. Knuth, The Empire of The City: World Superstate (Milwaukee, 1946), page 9. A cold blooded attitude is a necessary part of my Midas touch! ---financier Scott Breckenridge in The Midas Man, April 13, 1966 The Big Valley

The Pilgrims Society is the last great secret of modern history! ******************** Before gold goes berserk like Godzilla rampaging across Tokyo--and frees silver to supernova---lets have a look into backgrounds of key Federal Reserve personalities, with special focus on the New York Federal Reserve Bank. The NYFED is the center of an international scandal regarding refusal (incapacity) to return German-owned gold. The outrage will worsen. I hope to add to examining this Pandoras Box of gold suppression by documenting membership of key Fed officials in The Pilgrims Society, which has existed unknown to the public for over a century, and which shoved the world financial system off gold and silver through a series of breathtakingly villainous schemes as profusely documented in http://silverstealers.net/tss.html Just like President Nixon, who stole gold from foreign dollar holders by closing the Treasury gold window, the NYFED is a Pilgrims Society entity. On March 24, 1969, Richard Nixon sent a letter to 74 Trinity Place, New York, to The Pilgrims office, formally accepting their invitation to join and added, I was delighted to have the opportunity to address The Pilgrims of the United States during my term of office as Vice President some years ago. (The Pilgrims of the United States, 2003, Profile Books, London, page 141, VERY short run book). Page 196 of the 2002 book The Pilgrims of Great Britain (same publisher, same very short run) notes that Richard Nixon was The Pilgrims guest in London on November 25, 1958---so that over ten years before officially joining, he was already in their orbit! Using however the 1969 joining date, Nixon was a member for almost 125 weeks before they pulled his strings and he closed the Treasury gold window on August 15, 1971! No gold from Treasury! said The Pilgrims Society then. No gold for Germany! says The Pilgrims Society now. It was deeper than that---Nixons daughter Tricia married the son of attorney and real estate developer Howard E. Cox, who surfaced in the leaked Pilgrims list for 1980. Nixons son in law

was grandson of Edward Ridley Finch, a prominent judge who surfaced in the leaked 1940 Pilgrims list. Finch was descended from a member of Winthrops voyage to New England in 1630, and the Winthrops have been a significant family in the secret society, including with Federal Reserve connections. Other oldline East coast wealthy families in the genealogy of Tricia Nixons husband include the Delafields and Livingstons, owners of old colonial land grant fortunes; the Delafields were linked by marriage to French nobility and Time Magazine, February 13, 1928, mentioned Edward Delafield (Pilgrims 1924 leaked list) was president of the Bank of America and director of many corporations. Both President Bushes are descended from the Livingstons---both are Pilgrims Society members---both have acted as precious metals suppressors and/or allowed the suppression. Edward Ridley Finch Jr. was in the 1980 Pilgrims list. Were mostly family in The Pilgrims Society! The Bush family has an entity called Pilgrim Investments http://rense.com/politics6/green.htm Long realized by gold and silver investors as a key entity in precious metals price suppression and demonetization, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has in the past year received, and correctly so, a heightened amount of attention as a criminal enterprise. In January 2013 Germany formally demanded return of some 300 tons of its gold held in the NYFED and has to date received less than 2% (two percent) of it back! Copper ingots in tonnages vastly outstripping the weight of the lawfully due gold bullion routinely traverse the worlds shipping lanes, and there is no unreasonable protracted delay in the shipments due to any issue of what the metal weighs. Will Bill Dudley of NYFED hold up a kids plastic toy boat and bleat, the gold is too heavy to ship and expect Germany to buy his chatter? The same situation prevails at NYFED as has prevailed for over half a century at Fort Knox. We are sternly told the gold is there, but an independent audit? Really, we lack the maturity to even suggest it! Qualified bankers who comprehend monetary science insist on guiding our destiny! NYFED has always been recognized as easily the most important FED branch bank, and FED people know it,

even if blithering dummy economists deny it. Being in the nations largest banking district, NYFED was destined at all times to be the flagship location. Formally, the Federal Reserve System is headquartered in the District of Columbia, and whether the DC office dictates policy to NYFED or the other way around which can easily be the case, it makes substantively no difference. Mentality is constant in all 12 branches and the national HQ. However, branches strongly tend to have more elite individuals in their management the closer they are to NYFED; meaning, the Boston and Philadelphia branches are more likely to be run by Pilgrims Society members than the Kansas City branch. Yes, here we are again---The Pilgrims Society owns and controls the Federal Reserve System---including the gold stealing NYFED. The Pilgrims Society is mentioned at http://www.owenandbarlow.com/pd-pilgrims-society1902 --The Pilgrims Society is an elite British-American organization which was founded in 1902 to foster and promote good relations between the two countries. Although it exists on both sides of the Atlantic as a mere dining club for its members, it has been described as one of the world's most powerful, secretive and influential organizations and has been a rich ground for conspiracy theorists. Past members of the Society have included Henry Kissinger, Margaret Thatcher, Walter Cronkite and many of the greatest names in politics, banking, industry and the arts and sciences. Material relating to the Pilgrims Society is scarce and this menu from the very first dinner in 1902 is particularly rare. This menu was signed for Miss Charlotte R. Haldeman and is inscribed to her at the head in the hand of Lord Roberts. Miss Haldeman was the daughter of Donald C. Haldeman of Philadelphia and she later married the British naval officer, Victor Marryat a relative of the British novelist Capt. Frederick Marryat. Additionally they mention the following about the alleged mere dining club ---

PILGRIMS SOCIETY 1902 Menu card for inaugural dinner, signed by Lord Kelvin and others. Menu printed in colours, with portraits of patrons, Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, for the first dinner given by the Pilgrims Society at the Carlton Hotel, London, Friday August 8th 1902. Signed in pencil on the verso by 16 members and guests, including William Thompson 1st Baron KELVIN (1824-1907), British physicist and engineer; General Joseph WHEELER (18361906) American Confederate general and co-founder of the Pilgrims; Field Marshal Frederick ROBERTS, V.C. (1832-1914) British soldier and first President of the Pilgrims Society; Henry WHITE (1850-1927) a leading American diplomat and the American signer of the Treaty of Versailles; Hedworth LAMBTON (1856-1929) British naval officer, remembered for his part in the siege of Ladysmith; Sir Edward George CLARKE (1841-1931) British lawyer who defended Oscar Wilde and represented the plaintiff in the "Baccarat Case"; Joseph Hodges CHOATE (18321917) American lawyer and diplomat, Ambassador to Britain and American representative at the Hague Peace Conference; Arthur Fitzgerald, Lord KINNAIRD (1847-1923) British banker, founding director of Barclays Bank; Henry Billings BROWN (1836-1913) American lawyer remembered for giving the judgment in Plessey v Ferguson; Henry Clay EVANS (1843-1921) American industrialist, politician and diplomat; Charles William BERESFORD (1846-1919) British Admiral of the Fleet and politician; etc. Notice Confederate General Joe Wheeler; the British were behind the Civil War; at least 4 Northern top brass were charter members in New York in January 1903---for the purpose of assisting the financiers in planning World War I and the attempted world government that would be offered after the war---the League of Nations. Henry White married into the Vanderbilt railroad, banking and land fortune and at Versailles did his part to guarantee the rise of Hitler and the second World War by provoking Germany into it; Choate was also a Vanderbilt operative, and the 7th richest family in history is directly linked by marriage to Britains nobility; Billings Brown, who married into a

Michigan based timber fortune, was a U.S. Supreme Court Justice (1891-1906) and a Yale 1856 graduate (at Yale he knew Chauncey Depew, another Vanderbilt operative who with Choate, held the presidency of The Pilgrims New York from 1912-1928). Lord Kinnairds banking affiliation, major silver suppressor Barclays, traces to London goldsmiths (monetary trickery) in 1690; it boasts 140,000 employees and has recently has as its chairman the son in law of Edmund L. de Rothschild (Pilgrims London leaked 1969 roster). http://silverstealers.net/tss.html The controlling members of the Jekyll Island, Georgia meeting in November 1910 where the Federal Reserve Act was planned were Pilgrims Society members! Working with incomplete information I can show the following (first from page 11 of the leaked list of The Pilgrims 1914, New York branch) ---

J.P. Morgan Senior was not at the meeting; this was actually J.P. Morgan Jr., because the elder Morgan, who was a Pilgrims vice president until his death in March 1913, was gone before the 1914 roster was compiled. However, the elder Morgan had been agitating for a central bank, and was the central figure behind the Panic of 1907, which was falsely cited as a reason we needed a central bank. The panic was an excuse to form the National Monetary Commission in 1908, a Pilgrims Society front lobbying for a central bank. Morgan along with the Rockefellers, predictably, also Pilgrims Society members, were owners of the

building where the secret meeting transpired, and to suggest they were unaware is to appeal to excessively trusting (and therefore vulnerable) mentalities. Page 14 of the leaked 1914 list has these identities including Frank Vanderlip, often considered the top Jekyll Island ringleader; however also see Paul Warburg near the end of this excerpt---

Chances are slim that the Warburgs are half as wealthy as the Vanderbilts and Van Rensselaers; we will have more to say about them. From 1922-1925 Paul Warburg, who many consider the real architect of the Federal Reserve Act, was on the Federal Advisory Council to the FED and the NYFED. Of the original 7 Federal Reserve System governors, to date the only one I can ID

as a Pilgrims member is Warburg; but that is quite enough. The other six were members of lesser interlocking groups and of that group, only Warburg was at the 1910 secret conclave. Business Week Magazine, November 23, 1974, pages 92-93, said of Paul Warburgs nephew Sir Siegmund Warburg, creator of the Eurobond market, that he "COUNTS AMONG HIS FRIENDS SOME OF THE MOST POWERFUL MEN IN THE WORLD." His top functionary in S.G. Warburg & Company was Lord Roll of Ipsden, director of the gold suppressing Bank of England, 19681977, who also chaired Bilderberg, 1986-1989 as yet another Pilgrims Society supervisor over their inferior Bilderberg satellite group (leaked 1980 London list of The Pilgrims for The Lordly one). Carola Rothschild was Felix Warburgs daughter; he was a member of the anti-monetary silver Bankers Club and a director of International Acceptance bank which Paul headed. Felix Warburg, Pilgrims Society, was a leading advocate of the Federal Reserve System http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_M._Warburg --

The true aim and object whereof shall be British rule throughout the world--- the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire. ---Cecil Rhodes, South African diamond monopolist financed by the Rothschilds and The Crown, who schemed the formation of The Pilgrims Society as the first organization, followed by associated groups and the Rhodes Scholars.

Page 50 of The Empire of The City: World Superstate had the author mentioning--the barbed tail, horns and cloven hoof of international finance, intrigue and war. Let no one be confused---the Federal Reserve was created by and for the worlds wealthiest exploitative families who are represented in historys most elite organization, The Pilgrims Society; the Warburgs are long known for lengthy affiliation with the Rothschilds. The original Van Rensselaer is rated as worth $68 billion in todays dollars while the original Vanderbilt, $143 billion. Note that two Warburgs were in the list, including Paul. Senator Aldrich, known as a Rockefeller-Morgan hired gun in the Senate, was father in law of Pilgrims Society member John D. Rockefeller Jr. and grandfather of Pilgrims Society members Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller and gold antagonist David Rockefeller. Senator Aldrich was father of Pilgrims Society member Winthrop W. Aldrich, who became head of the Rockefeller-Astor Chase Manhattan Bank and Ambassador to England. From the leaked roster for 1957 of The Pilgrims, New York, note Senator Aldrichs son in Pilgrims management---

Aldrich was a class A director of NYFED, 1947-1949. Also note major gold antagonist Lewis Douglas, International Monetary Fund apologist who advocated capping gold at $35, in spite of being a Newmont Mining Company director. For extensive details, see the entirely free access www.silverstealers.net Also from the 1957 roster we see still more Aldrich relatives listed---

The 1933 list had another Aldrich, Herbert Lincoln (born in Massachusetts in 1860) of International Marine Engineering, London and New York; yellowed original paper---

The 1980 leaked list showed megabanker Hulbert Stratton Aldrich on The Pilgrims admissions committee. He chaired the New York office of the London based Hill Samuel investment bank, a famous group in world finance and always led by Pilgrims Society members in London. H.S. Aldrich was a director of the usual smattering of corporations including National Distillers & Chemical. With all these details in mind, it may be time for Pilgrims Society members reading this unwelcome research report to reach for some National Distillers whiskey and get falling down drunk! Page 8 of the leaked 1914 roster of The Pilgrims shows Henry Pomeroy Davison, a ringleader of the 1910 meeting that planned the Federal Reserve Act---

George F. Peabody, Pilgrims leaked roster 1914, was a director of the NYFED (1914-1921) Peabody was according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Foster_Peabody "an unofficial counselor to many government officials" (he passed word to them as to what to do) and was on the executive committee of the Indianapolis Monetary Convention of 1897, an anti-silver event, and backed the "Gold Democrats" against silver populist William Jennings Bryan. Clarence M. Woolley, Pilgrims leaked list 1924, was a NYFED director, 1921-1936. At http://www.hbs.edu/leadership/database/leaders/clarence_m_wo olley.html we read--With the financing help of JP Morgan, Woolleys American Radiator came to control just about every heating equipment

manufacturer in the United States. Seeing that a greater market for gas radiators existed in Europe than in the United States, however, Woolley established subsidiaries in nearly all of the major European markets. The 1940 Whos Who, page 2830, showed Woolley a member of the anti-monetary silver Economic Club of New York and states he was a member of the Central Banking and Industrial Commission of 1932. He was a director of Hotel Waldorf Astoria (site of many Pilgrims Society meetings); Texas Gulf Sulphur; Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway; Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad; Atlantic Mutual Insurance; Continental Insurance; Mutual Life Insurance; Gold Dust Corporation. Another Pilgrims Society member who was a NYFED director (1933-1940) was Thomas J. Watson Senior of IBM, whose two sons became Pilgrims Society members and also a son in law. Between those 4 they held several hundred positions of influence! Arthur K. Watson was Ambassador to France and a NYFED director, 1968-1969. Leon Fraser, Pilgrims Society, was a NYFED director, 1941-1943. Fraser was president (1933-1935) of the Bank for International Settlements; president of First National Bank of New York as of 1937; director Mutual Life Insurance; General Electric; U.S. Steel; member Federal Advisory Council to Federal Reserve System. Frederick Ely Williamson, director of NYFED (1942-1943), Pilgrims Society 1940 list, was president of the Vanderbilt associated New York Central Railroad and director of Central Railroad of New Jersey; Cleveland Cliffs Iron; trustee Western Reserve University. Far from being irrelevant, mentioning the seemingly endless business connections of these men demonstrates the level of control over a national economy that is achieved once they have bribed Congress for a law that allows them to create money by bookkeeping entries!

Returning to the list image with D names for 1914, Davison of 23 Wall Street where he was a partner in J.P. Morgan & Company was a director of First National Bank; Astor Trust Company; Bankers Trust; Liberty National Bank; National Bank of Commerce; Western Union; and three major railroads. Charles D. Norton of First National Bank of New York and Bankers Trust, who answered to Pilgrims Society member J.P. Morgan Senior, then to Morgan Junior, was at the time of the Jekyll Island meeting, only 39 and a half years of age, which is younger than the age most men Ive noticed, becoming members of The Pilgrims Society. Because of fragmentary information, I cant confirmyet---whether he was inducted. The fact that his boss was a member is confirmation enough he was in the clutches of The Society as a trusted operative. I am certainly willing to work with any Congressional Committee if this desperately needed investigation into The Pilgrims Society ever transpires however; undoubtedly The Society could furnish rosters, kicking and

screaming---for every year since their founding. A. Piatt Andrew, a pencil pusher for Senator Aldrich, was there acting as a stenographer, and was of no importance as to his input. The last name to look at from the Jekyll Island meeting is Benjamin Strong, another J.P. Morgan agent in Bankers Trust Company. Strong was age 38 at the time of the 1910 meeting, again, in most cases, younger than minimum average age for admission into The Pilgrims. Due to incomplete information as the Societys refuses disclosure, I cant presently show Strong was a Pilgrims member at a later date. He was a NYFED official from 1914 to 1928. However, in the leaked list of The Pilgrims dated 1969 we note his son---

FINANCE Committee

Harold H. Helm, Chairman Walter S. Marvin Benjamin Strong


Benjamin Strong, Chairman Malcolm Muir Thomas K. Finletter

Page 152 of the very limited edition The Pilgrims of the United States 2003 showed another Benjamin Strong in yet another Pilgrims management role (I dont think it was a 107 year old man). The Strongs should be told about things like junior, or 2 nd, 3rd, II and III and so on. Gallatin was great grandson of Albert

Gallatin (1761-1849) of an old-line wealthy Swiss family who was Treasury Secretary (1801-1814) and later Minister to France and the United Kingdom who also founded the New York Historical Society and New York University---the original Gallatin argued in favor of the first and second United States Banks (direct forerunners of the Federal Reserve System!) Not only are Pilgrims Society members associated to the very core with the Treasury and Federal Reserve, members so associated are often in Pilgrims management. Let it not be concluded, however, that any of them except in a few cases are likely to be actual inner circle Pilgrims members, but rather as functionaries of the inner circle. Windsor is the most alarming name below, as this is a relative of the British Royals, sponsors of both branches of The Pilgrims Society!

Im certain the earlier Benjamin Strong was a member; complete information only is awaited. From page 2812 of the 1960-1961 Whos Who in America, the second Benjamin Strong---

U.S. Trust has for many years been an Astor controlled entity. In 1924 this character married into the Pratt section of the Standard Oil fortune; another possible Standard Oil Pratt, Edmund, surfaced in the leaked 1980 Pilgrims list as head of the very dangerous pharmaceutical, Pfizer Incorporated. He had enormous influence in shaping modern global trade http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/edmund He was a silver suppressing Chase Manhattan Bank and General Motors director. The LeBoutillier name has also surfaced in the leaked 1974 Pilgrims list, page 16. Schroder Bank London was

associated with Nazi Party finance http://reformedtheology.org/html/books/wall_street and several Schroder officials on both sides of the Atlantic, such as Edmund Bartlett and John I. Howell, surfaced in the 1969 Pilgrims roster. The International Acceptance Bank was a Warburg (warthog) entity; the Royal Globe group of insurance companies is a direct reference to The Crown, sponsors of The Pilgrims Society. Note also his membership in the anti-precious metals Bankers Club in Manhattan. This link was useful http://www.scribd.com/doc/50484683/Directors (and I am aware of PJ/SB born on 5/4/1870 but are you aware of his relatives in The Pilgrims Society? And that Pilgrims Society members created the FR Act?) Samuel Sloan Colt was a NYFED director, 1944-1946 and president of Bankers Trust New York, affiliated with the Morgan interests. He was the grandson of Samuel Colt (1814-1862) who was one of the wealthiest men in America http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Colt he was the inventor who made mass production of revolvers possible and is remembered by the expression Sam Colt made all men equal. S.S. Colt was a director of Royal Exchange Assurance; Mutual Life Insurance; Provident Insurance; Pan American Airways; General Insurance; State Assurance; General Foods; General Electric; Discount Corporation of New York; American Bank Note Company (printed paper currency for foreign, Pilgrims Society inspired central banks) and commissioner, Port of New York Authority. He was a member of Scroll & Key Society, a counterpart at Yale to Skull & Bones. Paul Mellon, Pilgrims Society, was also a Scroll & Key alumnus and was wealthier than dozens of vaunted Bonesmen combined! Robert T. Stevens, a NYFED director (1948-1952) was a member of the Wolfs Head Society of Yale, another counterpart to Skull & Bones; Bones researchers do their

readers a huge disservice by minimizing the importance of the other super-fraternities, and distort the real picture. N. Baxter Jackson, NYFED director 1953-1955, (Pilgrims 1957 leaked roster). Baxter was chairman of Chemical Bank and a trustee of Roosevelt Hospital and of Vanderbilt University, host of the antimonetary silver American Economic Association. Baxter was a director of French American Banking Corporation; North Star Insurance; General Reinsurance; Home Life Insurance; Interchemical Corporation; American Chain & Cable; Western Electric; Beekman Downtown Hospital; American Chicle Company, (chewing gum); McCrory Stores; United Stores; Alco Products and others. The 1960-1961 Whos Who in America, page 1459, says Baxter Jackson was a member of the government borrowing committee of the American Bankers Association! Hell yeah! The Pilgrims Society owns the national debt, as they founded and control the Federal Reserve, and technically hold a lien against all private property in all 50 States! The Baxter-Jackson family archives are at Vanderbilt University http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/speccol/findingaids/baxter By way of interest, Henry C. Irons was also in the 1957 list, and was the man who rebuilt France after World War I http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F00D17FB385 In 1956-1958 Howard C. Sheperd (correct spelling) was a NYFED director; his name appears on page 22 of the 1957 Pilgrims roster. Right! These Pilgrims have been running a relay race as board members of NYFED! One finishes, another comes in. The quote by Mexican bandit Tuco Ramirez in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) comes to mind--Who the hell is that? One bastard goes in, another comes out!

Howard Sheperd was chairman of First National City Bank (now Citigroup) and had his hands on the usual array of levers of power which are routine for Pilgrims Society members and cofounded WNET TV New York. In 1959-1961 Henry Clay Alexander, chairman of Morgan Guaranty Trust (Pilgrims 1969 roster, very likely a member years before that) was a NYFED director. Again---complete information is lacking because the worthy gentlemen of The Pilgrims Society are not willing subjects for study! Alexander (Vanderbilt University 1923) of 23 Wall Street was a director of General Motors; Johns Manville Corporation; Discount Corporation of New York; American Viscose Company; Standard Brands; Consolidated Edison of New York; Presbyterian Hospital New York; and was a Vanderbilt University trustee and a trustee of Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Metropolitan Museum of Art and the U.S. Churchill Foundation. In 1944-1945 he was vice chairman of the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey. In 1942 Alexander was with Russian War Relief, under Pilgrims Society member Frank L. Polk of the Wall Street Davis, Polk & Wardwell law firm. In 1971 Alexanders daughter Janet married Christopher Pell, son of Rhode Island Senator Claiborne Pell, a long time ally of the Silver Users Association. Pell (Pilgrims leaked 1969 list) traced his roots back to colonial times and was an heir to several intersecting fortunes, including the Lorillard tobacco fortune, the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea fortune, a fortune based on automobile shock absorber patents, and was related to Pennsylvania Senator George Dallas, for whom Dallas, Texas is named; Dallas was Vice President, 1845-1849. During 1961-1996 Senator Pell, Democrat, did his damndest to advance globalism and voted for the Coinage Act of 1965, removing most silver from our money system. Obamas VP Joe Biden spoke at Claiborne Pells funeral. Are you getting the picture, friends? The web of The Pilgrims Society though invisible to the public is enormous, and influential beyond description!

In October 2008 at Silver Investor site www.silver-investor.com I released Typical J.P. Morgan Racketeer about Henry Clay Alexander (named after Henry Clay, a supporter of the second United States Bank and adversary of Andrew Jackson). The Investment Bankers Association of America met on November 28, 1960 at Hollywood, Florida. Alexander addressed the meeting (see Vital Speeches of the Day) with a discourse entitled, Of Men and Money---Keeping Our Currency Sound. An excerpt--OUR GOLD POLICY PROHIBITS RESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES FROM OWNING REFINED GOLD IN THIS COUNTRY. THAT POLICY SHOULD BE EXTENDED TO PROHIBIT THE OWNERSHIP OF GOLD ANYWHERE BY U.S. RESIDENTS.

This subversive monetary operator was in on the London Gold Pool, based on being top executive of the Morgan interests! It is highly likely that Alexander dispensed German owned gold from NYFED into the LGP for the effort to hold gold at $35! There is literally no telling how long ago The Pilgrims Society toyed with German owned gold from the NYFED vault to suppress prices!

Henry Clay Alexander of The Pilgrims Society and the NYFED--profiled in the November 2, 1959 Time Magazine as The Big Banker--- was a trustee of the Cordell Hull Foundation, named after the Pilgrims Society member known as Father of the United Nations. Hull was Secretary of State (1933-1944), played a role in assisting the Treasury absorb over a billion ounces of Chinese silver starting after the Silver Purchase Act of 1934, and in driving China off its centuries old silver standard as of November 3, 1935! In June 1933 Hull presided at the World Monetary Conference in London in the Geological Museum, where he oversaw the agreement allowing his British Pilgrims Society pals to keep dumping 35 to 40 million silver ounces out of India for the next 4 years---which dumping had been the sole cause of the Great Depression in the first place! For the entirety of the awful speech by Alexander, see http://nosilvernationalization.org/88.pdf The FED, the NYFED and the Treasury, all under Pilgrims Society supervision, were all neck-deep participants in the London Gold Pool. The Engineering & Mining Journal, September 1963, page 73, remarked--THE ADMINISTRATION AND THE TREASURY WERE DEAD SET AGAINST A FREE GOLD MARKET AND A HIGHER PRICE FOR GOLD. The Economist, July 13, 1963, page 166 reported the Treasury Department helping the Silver Users Association (and the Federal Reserve System): "DILLON, THE SECRETARY OF THE U.S. TREASURY, HAS SAID THAT SILVER BULLION WOULD BE RELEASED ON DEMAND TO PREVENT SILVER RISING."

Philip D. Reed was a NYFED director, 1960-1965; we will profile this Pilgrims Society member further on as he was also NYFED chairman in those years in which he and his Pilgrims Society pals were waging a successful war to get silver out of our money system! George Champion, NYFED director (1962-1964, Pilgrims list 1969, most likely a member by 1960) was president starting in 1957 of Chase Manhattan Bank (the Warburgs Bank of Manhattan and Chase National Bank merged in 1955). Champion was on such boards as ASARCO (American Smelting & Refining); Travelers Insurance; Southern Railway; Discount Corporation of New York; Charter Oak Fire Insurance; Kellogg; PepsiCo; International Paper. He chaired Chase Manhattan Bank, 19611969 and was a president of the Association of Reserve City Bankers---representing top bankers in cities having Federal Reserve branch banks! He was a member of the anti-monetary silver Economic Club of New York; a director of the anti-monetary silver New York Association for Commerce & Industry; and a V.P. of the anti-monetary silver New York Chamber of Commerce. Have you noticed? Another recurring theme is we find Pilgrims Society members across the years as ASARCO directors--doubtless connected to gold and silver suppression. Champions son in law, Carl W. Knobloch Jr. was chairman of Automated Logic Corporation and also associated with Production Operators Corporation. While at Chase, Champion had his flunky level employees winnowing silver coins out of the batches, which process was repeated at the NYFED, the silver coins then sent to Treasury for eventual melting into bullion for price suppression objectives. George A. Murphy (Pilgrims 1969) was a NYFED director, 19651967. Since theres a 12 year gap from the leaked 1957 Pilgrims list, its very possible Murphy was a member before 1969. Page 1639 of the 1970-1971 Whos Who in America has Murphys info

as of that time; typically no mention of any Pilgrims Society membership---most names have to come from discovered lists, which are extremely difficult to locate. He mentioned he was past president of the advisory council to the Federal Reserve System and former president of the New York State Bankers Association. He married Ruth Milliken of the Milliken textile fortune; he was chairman of Irving Trust Company at 1 Wall Street (to which the Millikens were long connected) and was a director of Distillers Corporation; Otis Elevator; Charter New York Corporation; General Telephone & Electronics; Warner Lambert Pharmaceutical and Continental Can Company. Norton Otis was a charter Pilgrims Society member in 1903 and heir to the Otis Elevator fortune; Otis is the largest elevator manufacturer in the world. Robert E. McNeill (Pilgrims 1969) was a NYFED director, 1968-1970. McNeill was chairman of Manufacturers Hanover Trust as of 1963 and was another Pilgrims Society member on the board of ASARCO, American Smelting & Refining Company, evidently one of their special concerns for many years, very likely because gold and silver were among the metals refined! Additionally he was a director of Chrysler; Continental Corporation; American Title Insurance; Florida Power & Light; Union Carbide (Silver Users Association) and others. He was a trustee of New York University and University of Florida Foundation; he chaired the advisory committee to the Comptroller of New York Pension Funds. I have a sense that these Pilgrims types entice the small folks to give them their payrolls back by manipulation of their retirement funds, leaving them broke and screeching! William Shryock Renchard (Pilgrims 1969) chairman of Chemical Bank with the usual long list of big directorships and orbitally high trustee positions including governor of the United Nations

Association, was a NYFED director, 1971-1972. A picture is worth 1,000 words---

Ellmore Clark Patterson (Pilgrims 1969) was a NYFED director, 1977-1979. He married Anne Hyde Choate, grand niece of Pilgrims member Joseph H. Choate, Vanderbilt family operative, president of The Pilgrims United States (1912-1917) and Ambassador to England (1899-1905). Patterson was a member of the Presidential Commission on Financial Structure and Regulation (1970-1972) and chairman of J.P. Morgan & Company, 1971-1977. He was a director of General Motors; Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway; Standard Brands; A.T. & T.; Bethlehem Steel; Schlumberger; and a University of Chicago trustee---

Gordon T. Wallis (Pilgrims leaked 1974 roster) was a NYFED director, 1980-1982. Wallis was chairman of Irving Trust Company as of 1972 and was a director of Wing Hang Bank; International Commercial Bank; United Nations Association; General Telephone & Electronics; Sterling Drug; J. Walter Thompson Company and others. Alfred Brittain III (Pilgrims 1969 list) was a NYFED director, 1983-1985 and was chairman of Bankers Trust New York as of 1975. He was a director of Royal Globe Insurance Companies; Philip Morris Companies; Collins & Aikman Corporation; and the New York Chamber of Commerce & Industry, whose opposition to monetary silver dates way back! From 1968-1976 Brittain was a trustee of the warmongering Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Several sources said he became a NYFED director as of 1982. Lewis T. Preston Jr. (Pilgrims 1974 leaked list) was a NYFED director, 1986-1987 and married Gladys Pulitzer of the Pulitzer publishing fortune. She was the granddaughter of the founder of the Pulitzer Prize. Ever hear of any investigative journalist

being awarded the Pulitzer Prize for bringing The Pilgrims Society to light? By 1978 Preston was president of J.P. Morgan & Company and was a General Electric director. After leaving JPM in 1991, due to President George Bush (Pilgrims Society) he became president of the World Bank. He was a member of the anti-silver Bankers Club in Manhattan. He was called One of the most eminent international bankers of his time, The Independent, London, June 2, 1995. His daughter Linda appears to have married the son of another member however I cant confirm it so far. Other NYFED directors who may easily have been Pilgrims members but cant be confirmed due to the secrecy of the organization include Richard Gelb of Bristol Myers circa 1988; John F. McGillicuddy of Manufacturers Hanover Trust circa 1988; John R. Opal of IBM circa 1988; Rand V. Araskog of I.T.T. circa 1991; Thomas Labrecque of Chase Manhattan Bank circa 1992; William C. Steere of Pfizer circa 1994; Eugene R. McGrath of Consolidated Edison New York, circa 2000; and various others up until the present, including the president chairman and president of NYFED. It certainly bears mentioning that one of the national governors of the Federal Reserve Board, 1921-1932, was inner circle Pilgrims Society member Andrew W. Mellon who was on the executive committee 1934-1937. http://www.federalreservehistory.org/People --Andrew W. Mellon served as secretary of the Treasury from March 4, 1921, to February 12, 1932. Under the provisions of the original Federal Reserve Act, this meant he was also ex-officio chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. Mellon acted against American silver miners as Treasury Secretary, cheating them out of at least $14 million; see searchable Word version of The Silver Stealers. Mellons main

Congressional antagonist was Texas Representative Wright Patman, who alleged Mellons fortune to have been equal to twothirds of all the gold in the entire world (page 55 Paul Mellon Portrait of an Oil Baron, William Hoffman, 1974). The same source (page 47) cited an authoritative source to the effect that Mellon in fact, dictated all policy to the White House during his 8 year time at Treasury and was a heavy holder of stock (page 52) in more than 300 corporations. He was easily the greatest financial genius of the 20th century. The Crown and Prince Philip stayed with his son Paul (Pilgrims Society) in October 1957.

From the leaked 1933 Pilgrims London list---

That was Prince Arthur, Governor General of Canada, who married Princess Louise of Prussia of the noble house of Hohenzollern. The Bank of England was organized under Royal Charter in 1694. Federal Reserve activities are closely connected to BOE actions and the FED may well be the junior partner. A review of highlights of top NYFED management over the years supports the contention that The Pilgrims Society controls the NYFED! After the original Strong, George L. Harrison, Pilgrims Society, was president (1928-1940) of NYFED who while at Yale was inducted into Skull & Bones Society http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_L._Harrison notice however the entry is silent as to his Pilgrims Society membership---the senior and easily more powerful group. Very young men do not take hold of the reins of power and the idea that all top elitists come from only one university is absurd. Bones is a mere conduit upwards into the superior group and Bones membership is hardly guarantee of later advancement! Harrisons grandfather, owner of a fleet of sailing ships, came to California for the gold rush of 1849 --http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~harrison In 1913-1914 Harrison was legal secretary to Supreme Court Justice Oliver Holmes. After leaving NYFED Harrison assumed the

leadership of New York Life Insurance Company. Page 12, leaked roster of The Pilgrims 1940---

The 1952 Whos Who, page 1055, shows Harrison a member of The Pilgrims executive committee; a director of First National City Bank; Harper & Brothers Publishers; RCA Corporation; Life Insurance Association of America; Institute of Life Insurance; member New York State Banking Board; trustee Columbia University; Foreign Service Educational Foundation; chairman advisory committee on fiscal and monetary problems to the Economic Cooperation Administration and chairman Interim Policy Committee on Atomic Energy. Harriman was also appointed to oversee the Manhattan Project that developed the Atomic Bomb--the MP used tremendous amounts of leased silver from the Treasury Department! Oliver Harriman of the Union Pacific fortune and related banking interests noted above. His father was a director of Bank of America, Mutual Life Insurance and other companies. John C. Traphagen (Pilgrims leaked 1957 roster, very likely an earlier member), chairman of the Bank of New York at 48 Wall Street, was a NYFED director, 1950-1952. Traphagen

(1952-1953 Whos Who, page 2445) was a trustee of Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and Stevens Institute of Technology, and a director of ASARCO (American Smelting & Refining); INCO (International Nickel Company of Canada); Foreign Bondholders Protective Council; Babcock & Wilcox; American Agricultural Chemical Company; Baltimore & Ohio Railroad; Bankers & Shippers Insurance of New York; Wyandotte Chemicals; Seamens Bank for Savings; 5th Avenue Bank; Nyack Bank & Trust; Jersey Insurance; Eagle Fire Insurance; Centennial Insurance; Caledonian American Insurance; North American Reassurance; Pacific Fire Insurance; Norwich Union Fire Insurance; Royal Globe Insurance; Sun Insurance and others. President of NYFED (1941-1956) was Allan Sproul who surfaced in the leaked 1957 Pilgrims list and was virtually certain to have been a member some years before that---

After Sproul left the NYFED he appeared on assorted boards such as Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical and Wells Fargo Bank. In 1961 Sproul chaired the Presidential Committee on United States Balance of Payments, which almost certainly had to do with the Treasury bleeding gold due to foreigners, led by the French, insisting on dollar conversion into gold. Smith was chief of staff in 1944 of SHEAF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces); Ambassador to the Soviet Union (1946-1948) and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (1950-1953). Charles Spofford (Skull & Bones) was with the Pilgrims Society law firm

Davis, Polk & Wardwell, a Brigadier General, Rockefeller family associate, North Atlantic Treaty Organization official and a member of the Order of the British Empire http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Spofford Harold Stanley was cofounder of silver suppressor Morgan Stanley & Company in 1935 with third generation Pilgrims Society member Henry S. Morgan, grandson of the original J.P. Morgan! Ashley Sparks headed the Cunard Line (shipping company and luxury passenger ships). Snow was owner of Speidel Newspapers. Sprague was a director of Whitney Communications, owned by inner circle Pilgrims Society member John Hay Whitney; Sprague was also associated with Parade Magazine and with the huge British Bowater pulp and paper interests and published the Oregon Statesman. In December 2009 I discussed Allan Sproul in 1949 & 2009 Same Con Men http://nosilvernationalization.org/100.pdf A quote from Sproul from Vital Speeches of the Day, December 1, 1949 (pages 108-114) --AS CENTRAL BANKERS CHARGED WITH RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR MONETARY AND CREDIT POLICIES, WE HAVE THE QUESTION OF GOLD UNDER CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE. WE HAVE BEEN UNDER ATTACK BECAUSE OF OUR ATTITUDE TOWARD GOLD. A FREE GOLD MARKET IS HERESY. THERE IS NO SENSE IN A MAKE BELIEVE FREE GOLD MARKET. GOLD HAS NO USEFUL PURPOSE TO SERVE IN THE POCKETS OF THE PEOPLE. THERE IS NO HIDDEN PURPOSE. ALMOST ANYTHING WILL SERVE AS MONEY. Does that sound like a spokesman for an entity that would screw gold over? Very much so! Does that sound like the mouthpiece for an organization (Pilgrims Society) that would STEAL GOLD? Very much so! Alfred Hayes was the next president of NYFED (1956-1975) in which capacity he played a prime role in

removing lawful, Constitutional silver coins from the nations largest banking district; I must assume he did that with incredible relish! Hayes was a Rhodes Scholar (1933) at Oxford University--as direct a subsidiary of The Pilgrims Society as can be found. In the 1940s Hayes was with New York Trust Company and worked with the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner in D.C. During 1965-1966 Hayes was president of the anti-silver Economic Club of New York. Page 14 of the leaked 1969 Pilgrims roster shows Hayes a member (very laughably, his birthday was July 4) ---

Hayes, Alfred Hayes, Samuel P. Haynes, Raymond B. Haynes, Robert B. Heald, Henry T. Hecht, Frank A. Heinz, II, Henry John Helm, Harold H. Herd, John Victor Herod, William Rogers

Hertell, Hiram H. Hervey-Bathurst, Sir Frederick P., Baronet Hester, James McNaughton
After Alfred Hayes exited the NYFED, he assumed the chairmanship of Morgan Stanley International and became a director of National Distillers & Chemical and North American Reinsurance (Whos Who in America, 1978-1979, page 1427). Samuel Hayes, a behaviorist, was director (1953-1960) of the Foundation for Research in Human Behavior (everyones behavior is subject to evaluation except theirs---typical witch hunters!) He was a member of the American Psychological Association and the anti-monetary silver American Economic Association, sponsored by the Vanderbilts; an outer circle Pilgrims member, his more powerful associates made him president of the Foreign Policy Association in 1962, very similar to the globalist United Nations Association (also another Pilgrims front). Henry T. Heald was president of the Ford Foundation, which was in the habit of sponsoring economists who bad-mouthed monetary silver; see searchable Word document version of The Silver Stealers! Henry Heinz II of the Heinz Foods agribusiness empire, was accounted a magnate of the first order, yet he was only a large offshoot of the far larger Mellon (Pilgrims Society) empire---he was on the Bilderberg Steering Committee as a supervisor of the inferior organization set up to indoctrinate transitory politicians, and to include influential Europeans as extensions of Pilgrims Society influence. Baronet Hervey-Bathurst was descended from the Earl of Bristol, who was with the Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 in Belgium and from a member of Parliament. Herd was an insurance magnate and director of Manufacturers Hanover Trust, a predecessor entity to silver suppressor JPMorgan Chase; he was also a director of Union Carbide Corporation, Silver Users Association member. He was a Guggenheim Foundation trustee (copper mining fortune). Hester

was another Rhodes Scholar and also a Union Carbide director who became rector of United Nations University in Tokyo (19751980). Hester (Pilgrims 1969) was also a director of Prudential Insurance, Lehman Corporation and the NYFED (Whos Who, 1971, page 1024). He was a NYFED director 1965-1970.

Alfred Hayes was the Pilgrims Society member I profiled at Silver Investor in March 2007, Paper Money Mobster Speaks http://nosilvernationalization.org/69.pdf As president of the NYFED, Hayes was also a key functionary of the infamous London Gold Pool starting in the early 1960s which fought hard to hold gold at $35 the ounce! Hayes was another in a long procession of Pilgrims Society members battling monetary gold. The New York Times, September 22, 1931, page 1, cited J.P. Morgan Jr. as

approving the British repudiation of the gold standard. That was a scant 7 months after the British slashed silver all the way down to 24.5 cents the ounce! When Alfred Hayes appeared before the House Banking Committee in 1964, committee chairman Wright Patman, a strong opponent of the Federal Reserve System, told Hayes (Time Magazine, February 14, 1964) --You can absolutely veto everything the President does. You have the power to veto what Congress does, and the fact is you have done it. You are going too far. Patman also said McChesney Martin Jr. held the most powerful job in the civilized world. Martin was another Pilgrims Society member who chaired the Federal Reserve System from 1951 to 1970 and was a key ringleader in the London Gold Pool who is infamous for insisting hed defend the $35 per ounce gold price down to the last ingot. Heres Martin in the leaked Pilgrims list from 1969---

Manton, Edwin A. G. Marsh, Norman J. Martin, Edmund F. Martin, John M. Martin, Jr., The Hon. Wi1Iiam McChesney Marvin, John Howland Marvin, Murray Sands Marvin, Walter Sands Mason, Jr., Birny

Manton was an American International Group official who was in position to be involved with AIGs previous Red Chinese silver leasing activities. Mason was another Union Carbide (Silver Users Association) director and of Metropolitan Life Insurance and North American Philips. Edmund Martin was a Bethlehem Steel official and director of J.P. Morgan & Company. Whos Who in the East, 1957, page 589, showed Walter Marvin on The Pilgrims executive committee and father of John Howland Marvin---who was descended from John Howland of the Mayflower, which arrived on the East coast in November 1620! Marvin was with the HemphillNoyes (Pilgrims Society) financial interests. After Martin Jr. left the FED helm in D.C., he chaired the committee to reorganize the New York Stock Exchange and appeared on such boards as Royal Dutch Petroleum; U.S. Steel; Eli Lilly; Dow Jones & Company; Caterpillar Tractor; American Express; General Foods; Riggs National Bank and IBM. He became a Yale University trustee and was a member of the Presidents Soviet Protocol Committee (Whos Who in America, 1974-1975, page 2011). In 1940 Alfred Hayes was with National City Bank, a predecessor of Citigroup. His father was described as an internationalist, whereas we might today use the term globalist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred. At a lecture delivered at the Economic Club of New York on April 22, 1963, Pilgrims Society member Alfred Hayes stated--I HAVE HEARD OUR SWAPS CRITICIZED AS COVER UPS. Yes! This was a reference to gold swap activities of the gold suppressing NYFED! This was about the London Gold Pool, started by these racketeers in November 1961, and at the time of Hayes remarks, had been going on for 18 months! (Find it in Vital Speeches of the Day, June 22, 1963, Dollar: National and International Bulwark, start page 490). Also see http://www.newyorkfed.org/research/monthly_review/1963_pdf/ 05_1_63.pdf On August 31, 1975, at a speech at the International Monetary Fund, Pilgrims Society member Hayes boasted---

I am particularly proud of THE FEDERAL RESERVE SWAP NETWORK, in the development of which I WAS INVOLVED FROM ITS INCEPTION, LINKING THE FEDERAL RESERVE AND 14 OTHER CENTRAL BANKS AND THE BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS. GOLD HAS LONG BEEN VIEWED BY MANY AS A BARBAROUS RELIC AND DEMONETIZING IT AND PHASING IT OUT OF THE SYSTEM COMPLETELY SEEMS TO HAVE A GOOD DEAL OF APPEAL IN SOME QUARTERS. WHILE GOLD CAN HARDLY REGAIN ITS EARLIER POSITION, it is a respected monetary asset and it can be a valuable component of reserves EVEN IF IT IS NOT VERY ACTIVELY IN USE. See? The Federal Reserve swap network involving a total of 15 major central banks, with Pilgrims Society members as ringleaders, was SWAPPING GOLD FOR PRICE SUPPRESSION OBJECTIVES! Documentation is at pp. 13-15 of http://www.perjacobsson.org/lectures/1975.pdf The Jacobsson Foundation sponsored the meeting; Eugene R. Black, Pilgrims Society, of the World Bank chaired it. Various Pilgrims Society members appeared as foundation trustees---Viscount Harcourt; Gabriel Hauge; David Rockefeller; Lord Salter and the already visited monetary vandal---Allan Sproul. Opening remarks were by Pilgrims Society member Warren Randolph Burgess who was with the NYFED, 1920-1938, member of the anti-monetary silver American Economic Association; president, anti precious metals American Bankers Association (1944-1945); director International Banking Corporation; Union Pacific Railroad et al and U.S. representative as of 1957 to North Atlantic Treaty Organization. In the Commercial & Financial Chronicle, January 1, 1938, page 45, Burgess advocated lowering the price of silver! GATA announced proof of the Feds gold swap activities dated September 17, 2009 http://www.gata.org/files/GATAFedResponse-09-17-2009.pdf However, I provided the community proof of the same thing as of March 1, 2007---two years, six and one half months before they

did---and additionally documented that this secret society, The Pilgrims Society---is the source of precious metals suppression problems---and to date, while the self-appointed great leaders of the precious metals community, GATA, have still not acknowledged any of these findings! Ask GATA are they afraid of The Pilgrims Society, or is it just I dont square with their personality popularity profile parade? My release was at Silver Investor site and GATA cannot change the calendar! I have records of sending it at that time. In my view Nielsens allegation that GATA gets Rothschild money is not bullseye. Instead, there is this area they are fearful of going to! Its awful how much good GATA could have done to help bring The Pilgrims Society to light, and they absolutely refuse to touch this! Many sites blindly follow their lead, so if GATA refuses coverage, the follower sites also refuse! Personalities are being accorded preference over documentation! GATA has never mentioned Bilderberg, Trilaterals---better known elitist groups, far less so this one. Why is that not relevant when top metals suppressors and central bankers are members? I had a GATA supporter tell me I havent made any original contribution? Oh? I was and remain the only source to bring The Pilgrims organization into view as it relates to gold and silver---the only other source, Van Der Reijden, doesnt cover that aspect. I presented more history on silver than the next dozen sources combined, remain one of two silver commentators the Silver Users Association ever cited on the long side, and I havent made any original contribution. This is the cult of personality in play! Gold swaps may have been taking place years before what Pilgrims member Hayes admitted-THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK DOES NOT REVEAL THE NAMES OF CORRESPONDENTS FOR WHOM IT EARMARKS GOLD. ---New York Times, September 25, 1931, page 1

I didnt have to send any Freedom of Information Act requests anywhere; I merely combed through the vast public record. Simple, huh? And extraordinarily time consuming. But

fascinating. Gold and silver suppressor Hayes also had this in Vital Speeches of the Day, December 1, 1957, page 121, A Testing Period for Monetary Policy, Alfred Hayes, speech at Bond Club of NY, October 16, 1957--There have been a number of comments recently on the potential danger to this country of our sizable outstanding short term liabilities to foreign banks, corporations, and individuals, in the sense that their sudden liquidation COULD CAUSE A HEAVY DRAIN ON OUR MONETARY GOLD STOCK. It has always seemed to me that these fears have been exaggerated. The growth of these foreign held dollar balances is really the most convincing evidence we could have of the strength of the dollar and the confidence of foreigners in it. THE REST OF THE FREE WORLD HAS WILLINGLY MADE US ITS BANKER. We assume this role with assurance because we are confident of our economic and financial strength and are aware of the advantages both to ourselves and to foreigners of the development of our market as the worlds largest international money market. A very large part of these claims on us constitute official monetary reserves on which the foreign country in question IS GLAD TO EARN A RETURN, IN CONTRAST WITH UNPRODUCTIVE HOLDINGS OF GOLD. Also, a large part consists of private working balances which are indispensable to the conduct of business between the United States and other important trading countries. But the main safeguard AGAINST A SUDDEN LARGE WITHDRAWAL OF GOLD lies in the powerful attraction which American products have for many foreign countries, and our enormous capacity to export those products. If this sounds like a Federal Reserve banker who doesnt want to pay anyone in gold, or to return gold rightfully due, were on the same wavelength, podnuh! A sudden large withdrawal of gold is the fire these worthy gentlemen in The Pilgrims Society have

going on for over a year now, and they cant put it out! Heavy drain on our monetary gold stock, they had their junior member President Nixon end Treasury gold redemption; as of over a year ago, their NYFED told Germany---youll have your gold back by 2020, undoubtedly because theyre planning to uncork World War III before 2020, they have no intention of making good! After Alfred Hayes left the NYFED, he was replaced by Paul Volcker, who was a Chase Manhattan executive under Pilgrims Society member David Rockefeller. Volcker had been at Treasury earlier, where he played a big role in persuading Nixon to close the gold window in 1971 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul Volcker held the NYFED post 1975-1979, when in August 1979 he moved to Washington to head the Federal Reserve Board, where he told the nations bankers to not lend money for precious metals speculation. He also arranged a bailout for the Hunts in the wake of devastating margin calls they were pelted with in the aftermath of the silver crash after mid-January 1980. Volcker set the loans up so as to eventually squeeze the Hunts (not Pilgrims members) out of some 60 million hard silver ounces by 1986! Volcker is the same SOB who during the London Gold Pool days, said that if the U.S. didnt support gold at $35, it would fall to $5! (May 1978 American Opinion Magazine, pages 7374). Page 22 of The Pilgrims leaked 1980 list---

Frank Vanderlip Jr. was the son of one of the original Federal Reserve Act planners! Claus Von Bulow was the subject of the 1990 movie Reversal of Fortune http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reversal about the attempted murder of his wife (descended from German nobility) by insulin overdose in 1980 for which he was originally convicted http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claus It left her in a persistent vegetative state for the rest of her life. He was assessed a 30 year prison term, but (by virtue of being a Pilgrims Society member) appealed and brought in high powered Harvard lawyers who used expert witnesses from such Pilgrims Society controlled institutions as University of Chicago; State University of New York; and Cornell University. The 1984 retrial had the conviction overturned because it was contrived to show the evidence for the conviction was illegally obtained---you really have to read the links if you want to know more. Von Bulows grandfather was president of the Parliament of Denmark and hes descended from

German and Danish nobility and his father was regarded a Nazi collaborator in the German occupation of Denmark in WWII. Von Bulow associated with J. Paul Getty, reputed oil billionaire, for whom no evidence has yet been found showing him a Pilgrims member. However, second generation Pilgrims Society member John M. Schiff was a long time Getty Oil director. Von Bulow was a consultant to oil multinationals with Pilgrims Society members on their boards. John C. Van Eck Jr. was a large fund operator emphasizing commodities, emerging markets and precious metals mining http://www.vaneck.com/ If youre invested with this outfit--should you be? http://www.vaneck.com/about-van As for the Vietors, they are descendants of several of New Yorks oldest families http://mvgazette.com/obituaries/2005/12/30/ and are involved with among other things, The College of Arms Foundation, which describes itself as a department of the British Royal household http://www.coaf.us/prez.html its president is John M. Shannon, and he is a Pilgrims Society member and involved with the Hereditary Society Community and the Descendants of Colonial Governors http://www.hereditary.us/shannon.htm Vance Van Dine was a partner in major silver antagonist Morgan Stanley & Company and a director of Asia Capital and BV Capital. He was a trustee of Yale Alumni Fund; Cancer Research Institute; Long Island University and a governor of the Foreign Policy Association. Predictably, Cancer Research Institute is a front for Big Pharma and investors in pharmaceutical patents. Inexpensive nutritional approaches? The Pilgrims Society doesnt get to drain wealth from you that way. Duncan Van Norden was a member of an impressive array of clubs and societies http://paw.princeton.edu/mem and

descended from an old-line Dutch colonial family in New Jersey who arrived in 1623. As you see, these Pilgrims are people capable of influencing events at the highest levels, which is why theyre THE influence network of the British Crown, who still intends to recapture its colonies here! The English and Dutch royals are interconnected, and resolved their colonial struggles ages past. Paul Volcker turned up as a vice president of The Pilgrims New York as of 2006 and is at this moment, President Obamas top economic adviser. What advice will Volcker give Obama when gold and silver prices make naked short sellers feel like the rude teenager who was tossing stones at the caged polar bears, but leaned too far forward and fell into their enclosure? Will Volcker advise Obummer the same way he advised Nixon---to screw precious metals longs any way possible? Is another Franklin Roosevelt gold and silver seizure being planned by the same worthy gentlemen who run the NYFED and wont return German gold as they cant, because they dumped it for price suppression to prop up their paper note currency? Since Volcker left NYFED, the next presidents of it, Anthony Solomon (1980-1984); Gerald Corrigan (1985-1993); William McDonough (1993-2003); Timothy Geithner (2003-2009) and William Dudley since 2009, are as yet not documentable as Pilgrims Society members. This would be different but for the issue that no leaked list since 1980 has come to light. However, the past pattern should hold. Solomon donated most of his holdings to the Peter G. Peterson Institute (named for Peter Peterson, Pilgrims Society, major associate of Pilgrims member David Rockefeller); Page 172 of Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins (Bankers Research Institute, Staunton, Virginia, 1983), which has no mention of The Pilgrims Society because the author lacked information, said of member Roosa---

Behind Solomon stands Robert Roosa. Corrigan became a Trilateral Commission member, another front founded by The Pilgrims Society; the Jacobsson Foundation; the anti-monetary silver Economic Club of New York; the laughably named Institute for Financial Stability; Aspen Institute; Group of 30 (central bankers in D.C., headed by Pilgrims member Volcker) and others. Corrigan was special assistant to Volcker at NYFED and is also a Goldman Sachs associate. Corrigans wife was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1994-2007). William McDonough was with First National Bank of Chicago and Merrill Lynch. Hes been co-chairman of the United Nations Association and a director of the single most important front organization founded by The Pilgrims Society in 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations. Globalism and the war on precious metals are twins. He additionally was a director of the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland, a known gold suppressor whose first two presidents were Pilgrims Society members---Gates McGarrah and Leon Fraser, who were both rabidly opposed to silver (see Silver Stealers documentary). McDonough was also a member of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the Federal Open Market Committee. The more I looked at Geithners background the more I felt like a food poisoning victim. Where to start? His wife is a PSYCHIATRIST! Thats the group of professionals who call themselves doctors but are nothing of the kind! Nevertheless they can be counted on to take a vote at an American Psychiatric Association meeting to decide whether people have a disorder who prefer gold or silver to paper notes and digital currency--trust me, they WILL decide we are ill and need treatment! Gun rampages are caused by psychiatric drugs, then the media calls for abolishing gun ownership! The Pilgrims Society owns Big Pharma and Big Media! As of over a year ago, not updated since

then, at least 60 school massacres are linked to shooters on psychiatric medications http://beforeitsnews.com/health/2013/01/60-school-shootingsin-20-years-of-4800-violent-incidents-all-linked-to-psychiatricdrugs-2464466.html In 1985-1988 Geithner was with Kissinger Associates (Pilgrims Society) and did a stint at Treasury (19952001) after which he was with the anti-gold International Monetary Fund (2001-2003) after which he was president of NYFED till 2009, when Obummer made him Treasury Secretary until January 2013. In the 1980s Geithners father was with the Ford Foundation, in which capacity he met Obummers mamma! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Geithner Geithner worked under both Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers, anti-gold Treasury secretaries and very likely Pilgrims Society members, especially Summers. In 2008 Geithner played a role in the Bear Stearns takeover by Morgan Chase; Ted Butler concluded it was about continuing silver price suppression. Geithners maternal ancestry is unnerving as it suggests more Pilgrims Society genealogy. In March 2014 Geithner is due to become president of Warburg Pincus, a $35 billion entity that bears the name of a leading Jekyll Island Federal Reserve planner http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warburg This brings us to William Dudley, current NYFED president, who is in the middle of the swirling controversy about his institutions stall job as to returning German owned gold. It was originally brought there after World War II based on the ruse it might need protection from Russian militarist ambitions but hell, WE built the Red war machine with Lend-Lease administered by such Pilgrims Society members as Averill Harriman, and before then with the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce run by Charles P. Coleman, Pilgrims Society. The fact that Germany came under British-American control after the war was the real reason---they

could jerk Germany around all they wanted. John Jay McCloy, a top tier Pilgrims Society member, was first Allied High Commissioner for Germany and president of the World Bank, who later chaired Chase Manhattan Bank and The Pilgrims subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations. He was named after John Jay, first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1789-1795). We wont look farther down that particular spider hole of McCloy and other Pilgrims Society members from both branches encouraging Germany to ship its gold overseas after WWII and keep it away due to the Cold War, however The Pilgrims Society seems to have at least hundreds such manifestations, such as the American Council on Germany, founded by McCloy, who was called the most influential private citizen in America http://www.acgusa.org/index.php?section=bio-mccloy The AC on Germany today has McCloys son as a director; also the gold and silver suppressing FED leader, Pilgrims Society member Paul Volcker; and other Pilgrims Society members---Henry Kissinger. Additionally, a Warburg is also present. Is part of the American Council on Germanys mission to create resistance about questions regarding German gold absconded with by the NYFED? This fishy smelling group with its rancid bratwurst even has Warburg Chapters in 19 major U.S. cities. Among the ACG sponsors are JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and Warburg Pincus, which FED/Treasury figure Geithner is about to head up! http://acgusa.org/index.php?section=corporate Dudley was with Goldman Sachs where he was a managing director and economist (1986-2007). From 1983 to 1986 Dudley was with the Morgan interests, before which he was with the Federal Reserve Board in D.C. He is a director of the gold antagonistic Bank for International Settlements and is vice chairman of the anti-monetary silver Economic Club of New York. Dudley is a member of The Pilgrims subsidiary, the Council on

Foreign Relations, which has identical characteristics, but with some 4,800 members to The Pilgrims roughly 700, is down the totem pole on the elite scale. Note the similarity between The Pilgrims emblem (1902) and the CFR (1921) ---

Note both feature a rider on a horse and both feature the Latin word ubique, meaning everywhere.

We should also mention that Arthur F. Burns, who was chairman of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System from 1970-1978 and Ambassador to West Germany (1981-1985) was another central banker member of The Pilgrims. This was Burns bio information from page 315 of the 1970-1971 Whos Who in America---

While at Columbia University in 1926-1945 Burns was under the leadership of Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University; Butler was also president of The Pilgrims United States, 1928-1946! Butler married into the old-line Schuyler fortune, Dutch colonials who held major land grants. Peter

Schuyler received a Royal land grant 50 miles long in the Mohawk valley of New York from Colonial Governor Fletcher. Peter was first mayor of Albany, New York and colonial governor in 17191720. Alexander Hamilton, backer of the Bank of North America and the first United States Bank (British controlled central banks) married Elizabeth Schuyler. The Schuylers are related by marriage to the still wealthier Van Rensselaers who in turn are related to the wealthy Livingstons; later the still wealthier Astors came into the genealogy. In this entry on Peter Schuyler http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pieter_Schuyler I see also that the Van Schaick family was prominent long ago---note the Van Schaick from the leaked 1980 list! We additionally see linkage to the Dudley-Winthrop family. Apparently current NYFED president Dudley has common roots with prominent families associated with receipt of huge Royal colonial land grants; and political and monetary power from these centuries old entities strongly radiates in our lives to this very moment, though weve been woefully unaware of it! The same situation applies to other dynasties largely unknown to the public, the Rhinelanders and Schermerhorns---both recurring names in leaked rosters of The Pilgrims Society. The National Bureau of Economic Research is another anti-monetary silver hack organization. Note Burns was associated with both President Eisenhower (Pilgrims Society) and President Lyndon Johnson (Pilgrims Society). Nixon, who as we saw was associated with The Pilgrims Society back into the 1950s, ended up appointing a member to head the Federal Reserve System! Nation Wide Securities and Dividend Shares were both run by Hugh Bullock, president of The Pilgrims starting in 1955 and a second generation member, at number 1 Wall Street. And the balance---

Notice Burns co-authored a book with New York Republican Senator Jacob Javits, who voted for the perverse Coinage Act of 1965, removing most silver from our coinage! On June 27, 1967, The Pilgrims London hosted Senator Javits, very likely in appreciation for his correct voting record (2002 book, page 197!) In 1959 Burns, an admitted Keynesian, was president of the anti-monetary silver American Economic Association and held a seven year tenure as president of the Academy of Political Science. What would a fiat paper money economist like Burns was know about prosperity without inflation? These people are total sham hypocrites. Cosmos is an important club in D.C. where politicians can rendezvous with power brokers to have marching orders discretely transferred to them. Paul Warburg

was a member. The club says its for Washingtons intellectual elite https://www.cosmosclub.org/default.aspx It traces to 1878 and was originally in the Corcoran building, named after a quite predatory 19th century banking magnate, William W. Corcoran (1798-1888) who in 1854 was able to retire with an immense fortune http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William His partner George Washington Riggs was known as The Presidents Banker and they were associated with George Peabody (1795-1869) who in 1854 took under his wing the father of the original J.P. Morgan. According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Peabody --Peabody, Morgan & Co. then took the name J.S. Morgan & Company. The former UK merchant bank Morgan Grenfell (now part of Deutsche Bank) international universal bank JP Morgan Chase and investment bank Morgan Stanley can all trace their roots to Peabody's bank. The Cosmos Club was modeled after the Century Club (now Century Association) in New York which dates to 1829 and has significant overlap with Pilgrims members. Even the Century http://www.thecentury.org/ is patterned after--The Century is a quintessentially New York place: despite its debt to London clubs and the national and even international character of its membership, it could exist nowhere else. In case anyone wonders what these details have to do with gold and the NYFED---I dont do short summaries, I do research investigations; these are ramifications---not tangents as was asserted in May 2009 (node 7424, May 16, 2009). Any detective work involves background checks and examination of activities--why isnt that plain as day to everyone? From 1949-1953, Marion Bayard Folsom (1893-1976, Pilgrims leaked 1969 roster), was a NYFED director http://www.nndb.com/people/466/000167962/

Gustavus Myers in History of the Great American Fortunes (1909), page 43, related--Nicholas Bayard was a go-between in arranging with sea pirates the price that they should pay for Fletchers protection, was another favored personage. BAYARD WAS THE RECIPIENT OF A GRANT FORTY MILES LONG AND THIRTY BROAD. The Bayard dynasty thus launched, (mayor of New York, 16851686) became related by marriage to other huge scale landowners including the Schuylers---both recurring names in The Pilgrims Society http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Bayard His Crown land grant was of course stolen from the native Americans. Folsom was with silver user Kodak for many years, ending as a director. He was Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (1955-1958) and a member of the anti-monetary silver American Economic Association. He held a bewilderingly extensive array of positions in his lifetime, including trustee of the University of Rochester, home city of Eastman Kodak, and overseer of Harvard University. He had a son also with Bayard as middle name http://www.nndb.com/people/466/000167962/ In addition to the national head of the FED in Washington and the presidents of NYFED, there have also been chairmen of NYFED. Lets look at several of these chairmen. A leader of the anti-silver Stable Money Association was Owen D. Young, Pilgrims Society, monetary silver suppressor, who founded Radio Corporation of America in 1919; trustee Rockefeller Foundation 1928-1940; director Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1923-1940, ending as chairman; chairman of General Electric, 1922-1939 and 1942-1944; director, Council on Foreign Relations, 1927-1940, a front by which over 4,000 influential persons are brought into The Pilgrims Society orbit without actually being members; member, War Manpower Commission,

1942-1945, and creator of the Young Plan for German reparations, which gave rise to the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, in 1930 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Plan ---

From The Pilgrims leaked 1940 list, showing top NYFED official Owen D. Young---

Alfred Aiken was a director (1914-1917) of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Ward was president of Irving Trust Company and a director of luxury jeweler Cartier. Dunn headed an engineering conglomerate and was an advisor to the Patent Office. Williamson whom we mentioned earlier was on the executive committee of the Association of American Railroads. People like these have nearly endless bios. Notice two of them with decorations awarded by The Crown! Of Thomas W. Lamont we read the quotation by financial historian Ferdinand Lundberg in his 1937 work, Americas 60 Families, page 33--"An extraordinarily complex and resourceful personality like Thomas W. Lamont, who has been the brains of J.P. Morgan and Company throughout the postwar period and was a mentor of

Woodrow Wilson in Wilsons second administration as well as of President Herbert Hoover throughout his fateful single term in the White House, HAS EXERCISED MORE POWER FOR TWENTY YEARS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE, HAS PUT INTO EFFECT MORE FINAL DECISIONS FROM WHICH THERE HAS BEEN NO APPEAL, THAN ANY OTHER PERSON. Lamont has been the First Consul de facto in the invisible directory of postwar high finance and politics, consulted by presidents, prime ministers, governors of central banks, the directing intelligence behind the Dawes and Young Plans. Lamont is Protean; he is a diplomat, an editor, a writer, a publisher, a politician, a statesman---an international presence as well as a financier." Major financial figures such as Lamont in his time, unknown to the public, are members of this secret society, and Americans never know so many powerful men are in fact acting in concert. The United States President appoints people to the Federal Reserve Board, and people dont know that such as Lamont, and a few others in his time---dictated to the President what to do and whom to appoint. Central bankers in themselves are rarely substantive powers, but hatchet men for people like Lamont, Morgan, Mellon, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Windsor, Astor, Vanderbilt. The paperback reprint of the 1971 David: Report on a Rockefeller by William Hoffman, rear cover, stated --One President after another has done his bidding. The power he wields crosses all borders, can make or destroy governments, start or stop wars, profoundly influence everyones life. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Rockefeller states--In a private capacity Rockefeller has interfaced with every United States president since Eisenhower and has even at times served as an unofficial emissary on high-level diplomatic missions. President Jimmy Carter offered him the positions of United States Secretary of the Treasury and Federal Reserve Chairman but he declined both instead preferring a private role.

The Soviets at one time expressed desire for David to be Ambassador to the Kremlin. He declined, because an inner circle Pilgrims Society member sends emissaries to fill posts while he coordinates many such functionaries. So it was that President Reagan (Pilgrims Society leaked 1985 roster) appointed Alan Greenspan to head the Federal Reserve System in 1987. He did a fine job suppressing gold and silver but assuredly he didnt do it entirely by himself ---

In 2002 Greenspan was made Sir Alan Greenspan, Knight Commander of the British Empire, by The Crown, Royal patron of The Pilgrims Society. Very likely hes a member. There is still the absence of more recent lists to confirm many very likely names strongly suggested as members due to past confirmed patterns. According to http://www.whoownstheworld.com/aboutthe-book/largest-landowner/ the Queen as head of the Royal family is worth $33 trillion (not billion---trillion) as the worlds largest landowner. Actually that wealth is spread among the Royals and not all held by the one on the throne. Imagine owning thousands (at least) of diamonds and the biggest is valued at $400 million and the glittering gems are just a little splinter of your wealth! Late in January 2014 a news item was blared about the Royals being nearly broke; they realize enough people will believe it that pressure on them will relent. Now for another flashback---chairman of the NYFED, 1960-1965, was Pilgrims Society member Philip Dunham Reed, (Pilgrims leaked

list 1969; he was most likely a member by the late 1950s). Reed in Whos Who, 1966-1967, page 1750, was a director of Tiffany & Company (Silver Users Association, silver stealers). Reed had been chairman and long time director of General Electric (another silver user); director of Bankers Trust; Eurofund; Metropolitan Life; Otis Elevator; Bigelow Sanford; National Dairy Products; and National Educational TV & Radio Center. Do you get the picture? The Pilgrims Society is the most powerful influence network in world history! Influence exerted by CFR, RIIA, Bilderberg, Trilaterals, Rhodes Scholars, Bones and more---is really Pilgrims influence, as its the managing group. Thats why it remains the only major globalist group still refusing to post any roster to public view! They promote Anglo-American relations but wish their full identities remain unknown! I am not going to present as many details as possible on this NYFED/Pilgrims situation. We will consider several more examples to wrap-up. Roswell L. Gilpatrick (Pilgrims leaked list 1969) had a typical pattern---that of being a member, but leaving that crux detail out of his Whos Who in America listing (1980 1981, page 1255) ---

Yes, I track Bilderberg, but in all candor, it is not the apex elite organization! Note page 13 of the leaked 1969 roster---

Gardner, The Hon. John W., Gates, The Hon. Artemus 1. Gates, The Hon. Thomas S. Gaylord, Brig. Gen. Bradley, USAF (Rct.), D.S.C. Geddes, Eugene M. Gibbons, John 1. Gilbert, Carl J. Gilchrist, The Hon. Huntington Gillespie, J r., S. Hazard

Gilmer, Ben Screws Gilpatric, Hon. Roswell L.

Roswell L. Gilpatric---Pilgrims Society member, former NYFED chairman (1973-1975, a NYFED director as of 1969), Rockefeller family operative! Notice The Pilgrims interest in military brass; not odd since this is the worlds top warmonger organization. Gardner was Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare and a Rockefeller Brothers Fund trustee and a director of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was also an official of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. In 1944-1945 Gardner was with the OSS, Office of Strategic Services, forerunner of the CIA. Artemus Gates inherited a sizable timber resource fortune (Mississippi River Logging & Lumber Company) and was president of New York Trust Company and a director of Time Incorporated;

Boeing; Middle South Utilities; Safeway Stores; Northern British & Mercantile Insurance; and others; trustee Presbyterian Hospital; and was assistant secretary of the Navy (1941-1945) and brother in law of Pilgrims Society member F. Trubee Davison, son of Pilgrims Society member Henry P. Davison, one of the FED planners in 1910 at Jekyll Island. The elder Davisons first banking position was with Astor Place Bank in 1891, marking him as an Astor family agent, wealthiest landowners in Manhattan and showing the continuing Astor influence in central banking after the second U.S. Bank in which John Jacob Astor was the main domestic power (shuttered in 1836 by Andrew Jackson). Trubee Davison was director of personnel at the Central Intelligence Agency. Both Artemus Gates and Trubee Davison were inducted into Skull & Bones at Yale. The Pilgrims Society is very interested in its interlocks! Trubee was also president of The American Museum of Natural History and as of 1945 he was a brigadier general; he was a director of Mutual Life Insurance as was his brother in law Artemus Gates! Thomas Sovereign Gates was a second generation banker and by 1940 was a partner in Drexel & Company till 1953. In 1957-1959 he was Secretary of the Navy. The Drexels are an inner circle Pilgrims Society family (or close to it) who trace way back into high finance in the 19th century with roots in Austria and England and in recent years are Pilgrims Society executive committee members and related by marriage to the Astors, an even wealthier inner circle Pilgrims Society family who rose to top leadership in The Pilgrims London by 1977 and have been Crown collaborators for over 200 years. Gates father was president of the University of Pennsylvania and a director of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Gates Jr. became Secretary of Defense, 1959-1961, succeeding Pilgrims Society member Neil McElroy (Pilgrims leaked list 1969). By 1965 Thomas Gates was elevated to be chairman of Morgan Guaranty Trust and placed on such boards as General Electric; Scott Paper; Campbell Soup; Insurance Corporation of North America; Smith Kline & French Labs; Cities Service Company and others. He was on the Rockefeller University Council and an advisor to the National War College. In 1976-

1977 he was the Presidents chief liaison to the Peoples Republic of China with rank of ambassador. His view was we should militarily intervene overseas. This accomplishes several Pilgrims Society objectives---first, more profits to their secret organization; two, some population reduction and three, more pressure for a world government. Gates---

Ted Butler named Drexel Burnham Lambert as a ringleader of the silver price suppression scheme http://www.sprottmoney.com/news/ask-the-expert-ted-butlerseptember-2013 Huntington Gilchrist worked from 1919 to 1928 for the League of Nations, another Crown attempt to rule the planet, sponsored by Pilgrims Society members. Afterwards he was with major chemical manufacturer American Cyanamid and in 1945 this deeply conspiratorial gentleman helped draft the charter for the United Nations, the Crowns second outright attempt at world government and an attempt to revitalize and extend the old British Empire in disguise! In 1950 he went to Belgium to be Marshall Plan administrator for Belgium, Luxembourg and the former Belgian Congo (Marshall Plan named after Pilgrims Society member George C. Marshall). Gilchrist was a longtime trustee of

the anti-monetary silver Brookings Institution. Ben Screws Gilmer (all Pilgrims Society members should have that middle name) was an A.T. & T. executive and director of Manufacturers Hanover Trust, a predecessor bank of JPMorgan Chase; he was a director of pharmaceutical Merck & Company; U.S. Pipe & Foundry; 195 Broadway Corporation and others and was a trustee of Auburn University Foundation. Geddes headed Clark, Dodge & Company, an important Wall Street investment bank and was on the executive committee of Western Union Telegraph. Carl J. Gilbert was chairman of Gillette (the reason you got nicked) and was president of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Massachusetts. He was a trustee of Tufts University and a trustee of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. In 1969-1971 he was the Presidents special representative for trade negotiations. He was also a director of Massachusetts Investor Growth Stock Fund; Massachusetts Financial Development Fund; Massachusetts Income Development Fund; Massachusetts Capitol Development Fund; and was a trustee of Massachusetts Investors Trust. What, someone asks, do all these unrelated details have to do with the NYFED and gold someone asks. The relevance is extremely potent for two reasons. First, this is only a small sampling of who NYFED officials over the years have been involved with, in this Pilgrims organization, completely unknown to the public; and second, its reasonable to expect that all these hundreds of other very influential men would exert their massive clout in many political ways, to back up the Federal Reserve as to its existence, its resistance to audits, and all of its activities! The Pilgrims Society was started by globally powerful people who realized they needed to all pull together to accomplish the common goal of global governance. As we read on page 64 of The Empire of The City: Global Superstate --THESE MEN EXERT A PLANNED INFLUENCE OF IMMENSE WEIGHT IN UTTER SECRECY.

Before looking at another Pilgrims Society member who became chairman of the NYFED, have a look at Rockefeller/Harriman functionary Robert Vincent Roosa, who as undersecretary of the Treasury in 1961-1964 helped lead the fight against silver coinage, consider Roosa as one of many examples of people who arent FED officials but whose huge influence is backing FED policies. Actually he was a NYFED figure for 14 years; most Pilgrims members arent FED officials. Page 2765, 1978-1979 Whos Who in America (personal library) ---

Info on Roosas globalist operating son in law is here http://www.adst.org/OH%20TOCs/Inderfurth We discussed the Cosmos Club and the Century Association previously; note this Pilgrims Society member was a member of both those groups---this is a prime way in which The Pilgrims extend their influence circles to gain the cooperation of influential people who arent Pilgrims members. Roosas 173 page book, Monetary Reform for the World Economy mentions--Any attempt to write up the price of gold would assuredly be matched, within hours, by comparable and offsetting action. We could also rephrase this Pilgrims Society conspirator by saying--Any attempt on the part of Germany to recover its stored gold which we long since dissipated for global gold price

suppression will assuredly be matched, within hours, by offsetting action to work a stall and extend this con job we run over the world. The Pilgrims Society is the central committee of global fiat currency issuance. They are the ringleaders of global silver and gold demonetization. This is why gold and silver longs and hard money advocates should unite and work to expose this group, instead of ignoring this research! This group has bankrupted and impoverished billions of people who they imposed monetary victimization on by shoving the entire world off silver first, then gold. It would cause gold and silver shorts as much pain to see their secret organization publicly exposed as it would for COMEX to cease all metals deliveries. If The Pilgrims Society would become the target of coordinated exposure on the part of websites and organizations who are long the precious metals and who wish to see the metals remonetized this would send short sellers into a deeper tailspin. In spite of the evidence Ive presented since December 2004 and especially since January 2011, few sites wish to allow any trace of coverage. Please ask them why? Absence of an alleged personality pedigree on the part of the lone researcher (with one great associate in the Netherlands and several assistants in America) is no basis for denying coverage! Assuming the metals price suppression ends and we dont get treated to a second Pilgrims Society caused Franklin Roosevelt style metals seizure, we continue to be at risk due to The Pilgrims Society conspiring to cause World War III and to drag us into it; to impose martial law all over America; to suck us dry through control over medicine; and to herd us into a North American Union! Coverage, coverage, and coverage is what we need for this Pilgrims Society and bear in mind I receive not one cent for my public service efforts! Nobody pays except The Pilgrims Society in loss of secrecy, and therefore, a threat to what they can continue doing to us---dragging us towards Crown feudalism because this is a Crown sponsored organization! Robert Huntington Knight (1919-2006), Pilgrims Society and once counsel to the board of United Technologies Corporation, is

another Pilgrims member identified as having been chairman of the NYFED and held that top level post during the time the HuntArab silver play got crushed---

Whos Who in America, 1994, page 1912---


Shearman & Sterling is a top tier Wall Street law firm associated with Pilgrims Society members and entities they supervise. Notice his important Treasury Department post in 1961-1962. His views on phasing silver out of United States coinage were--what? His input into the London Gold Pool, even if only as a pencil pusher for Pilgrims Society member Douglas Dillon, then Treasury Secretary was---what? Bet Knight was against monetary silver and felt the London Gold Pool was a great idea. Intelsat was the International Satellite Arbitration Panel he was a member of for 20 years. He was a descendant of Eli Whitney, inventor of the cotton gin who married the first cousin of the eighth president of Yale University in 1817; Whitney arranged to supply rifles to the newly formed United States Army. Eli Whitneys great granddaughter became Anne Farnam Whitney Debevoise, who was the mother of Pilgrims Society member Eli Whitney Debevoise (Pilgrims leaked 1957 list, also George Debevoise). Eli Whitney Debevoise was general counsel to the U.S. High Commissioner in Germany, 1951-1953 (Pilgrims member McCloy) and he was a high-powered Wall Street attorney who was a director of the International Commission of Jurists. He was also a director of the Bank of New York, a trustee of Rockefeller University, and father in law of Pilgrims Society member Harold Harris Healy Jr., also of the Debevoise, Plimpton law firm and an advisor to The Crown sponsored Ditchley Foundation. Were mostly family in The Pilgrims Society! From page 16 of the 1974 leaked roster of The Pilgrims---

My last information about Kissinger is he was a Pilgrims vice president at least as of 2004 and very likely much earlier than that. Kissinger seen below at right in the White House providing guidance to Obama, with Pilgrims Society member George P. Shultz, who was Treasury Secretary in 1972-1974 and supervised the Exchange Stabilization Fund to keep a lid on precious metals prices---

Richard Kleindienst was United States Attorney General, March 1, 1972 till March 30, 1973, resigning over the Nixon Watergate scandal. Notice carefully in such big media coverage events, is gold and silver price suppression ever mentioned? Is The Pilgrims Society ever mentioned? No! Well hear it from the stone Presidents on Mount Rushmore before we ever hear it from The Pilgrims Society controlled media! Kleindienst was responsible for the Justice Department ceasing to pursue ITT Corporation, a major Pilgrims Society entity. Kleindienst was also the one who opened the door for William Rehnquist to become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court http://anb.org/articles/07/0700730.html Rehnquist was also a Pilgrims Society member http://www.nndb.com/people/984/000022918/ Bennett Korn was an executive of the Metromedia conglomerate; his personal papers are in the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library. Here was another of NYFED chairman Knights pals in The Most Secret of Secret Societies (Whos Who in America, page 1746, 1974 -1975) ---

Deputy chairman of the NYFED in 1985-1986 was Pilgrims Society member Clifton R. Wharton Jr., and was a NYFED director as of 1983, became a Pilgrims Society member in December 1977 (The Pilgrims of the United States, 2003, page 144). Whartons profile at http://www.nndb.com/people/679/000121316/ should soon be updated that he was a Pilgrims member. Wharton was chancellor of the State University of New York System, 19781987. From 1987-1993 he chaired the TIAA, Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association and also the College Retirement Equities Fund and in 1993 became Deputy Secretary of State. Become a Pilgrims Society member, you are handed all manner of important levers of influence! He was a member of such typical Pilgrims Society organizations as the Aspen Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Asia Society. He even chaired the Rockefeller Foundation, 1982-1987, strongly suggesting Rockefeller influence in the NYFED! He was made a director of

Tenneco; Ford Motor; Burroughs Corporation: New York Stock Exchange; Time Warner Communications; Equitable Life Assurance Society; Harcourt General; Federated Department Stores; he was a trustee of the Agricultural Development Council and numerous other globalist fronts and held scores of Federal positions before he became a Pilgrims Society member. Cyrus R. Vance surfaced on page 23 of the ferreted-out Pilgrims list 1969---two names removed from that of Frank Vanderlip Jr., son of one of the original Jekyll Island conspirators in 1910! Vance was chairman of the NYFED, 1989-1991. During that time one of the NYFED directors was Maurice Greenberg of AIG (American International Group), mentioned by Ted Butler as involved in leasing silver from mainland China! At https://www.mail-archive.com/cia-d we notice--If you're interested in "who secretly runs the world" and what the Pilgrims Society is all about, I suggest you at least read the shortened bios below. More extensive ones are included in the membership lists. Just before I wanted to upload all the updates, including those done in the 1001 and the Jason Group membership lists, Charles Savoie, the No. 1 Pilgrims Society researcher, decided to share some new info he had come across. One of those things is this simple (quite amusing) New York Daily News gossip article, which confirms the membership of Richard C. Holbrooke and Peter G. Peterson. As you can see in my intro article, I have long suspected Peterson of being a Pilgrims Society member. Talk about having some good luck. In response to Savoie, I decided to contact the US Pilgrims Society secretary again, after having been ignored the last time, and kindly asked her if she could confirm the membership of John C. Whitehead and Maurice R. Greenberg, two other persons whose membership in the Pilgrims I would really like to have confirmed. To my surprise, she did. The same source Van Der Reijden consulted (I havent approached them since December 1973) may have slipped in some misdirection by alleging Greenberg dropped out in 2002;

the lists are often accompanied by a necrology every two years, suggesting its a life membership. But lets look at Cyrus Vance some more! His son is currently Manhattan District Attorney! He married Grace Elsie Sloane, daughter of Pilgrims member John Sloane, an insurance magnate. Vance in 1956 became a partner in the Pilgrims Society law firm, Simpson, Thatcher & Bartlett. In 1958 he was a consultant to the Senate Committee on Space and Aeronautics. In 1961-1962 he was general counsel to the Defense Department and in 1962-1963 he was Secretary of the Army, followed by undersecretary of Defense, 1964-1967. In 1967 he became a trustee of the Aerospace Corporation. In 1968-1969 he was the Presidents representative at the Paris Peace Talks on Vietnam. Vance became a director of Aetna Casualty & Life; Pan American World Airways; IBM Corporation; by the early 1970s he was a trustee of Yale University; Urban Institute; New York Presbyterian Hospital; and the Rockefeller Foundation. Vance was first cousin of John W. Davis, president (1946-1955) of The Pilgrims United States and was a partner in Davis, Polk & Wardwell, still a top Wall Street law firm. In 19131918 Davis was Solicitor General of the U.S. and Ambassador to England, 1918-1921. He was the founding President in 1921 of the Council on Foreign Relations, the most important satellite group of The Pilgrims Society. In 1933 Davis became personal legal counsel to second generation Pilgrims Society member J.P. Morgan Jr. and argued 140 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1976 Vance chaired United Nations Development Corporation. In 1975-1977 Vance chaired the Rockefeller Foundation, and from 1977-1980 he was Secretary of State. Vance was a director and vice chairman, 1985-1987 of the Council on Foreign Relations---like literally scores of other globalist entities, founded and managed by Pilgrims Society members. In 1985 Vance assumed the chairmanship of the Asia Society. He was on such boards as General Dynamics; IBM and New York Times, seen below pulling President Carters puppet strings---

After Pilgrims Society member Robert H. Knight completed his tenure as chairman of the NYFED, he was succeeded by Pilgrims Society member John Carter Bacot. The 1980-1981 Whos Who in America, page 140, shows him a Pilgrims member; for other, later details, see http://www.nndb.com/people/179/000127795/ about him becoming chairman of the NYFED until 1998 (however see other info later from NYFED) ---

The 1994 Whos Who and web sources showed John C. Bacot as chairman of the trustees of Hamilton College and a member of the anti-monetary silver Economic Club of New York. He was also a director of Time Warner Communications (another reason you just dont hear about The Pilgrims Society); Phoenix Companies; Venator Group; Atlantic Mutual Insurance; Centennial Insurance; Associates First Capital Corporation; Foot Locker; and NVR, a $5 billion + annual revenues homebuilder. Hamilton College traces to 1793 and Alexander Hamilton, who favored a central bank, was an original trustee. I cant imagine Hamilton favored a central bank due to being misguided---he knew it was to represent covert British (Crown) control! Too bad his losing duel with Aaron Burr didnt happen sooner! In 1791 Burr captured a Senate seat from Hamiltons father in law, Philip Schuyler. The Schuyler name has recurred in leaked Pilgrims lists over the years; the 1957 leaked list showed Major General Pierpont Morgan Hamilton---a blend of lines from the J.P. Morgan (Pilgrims) dynasty and that of Alexander Hamiltons line! NYFED mentions Hamilton but beware their misinformation http://www.newyorkfed.org/aboutthefed/history_article.html Notice Bacot was a director of American International Group (AIG). Ted Butler mentioned AIG on multiple occasions as being a silver suppression ringleader

http://www.sprottmoney.com/news/ask-the-expert-ted-butler The Bank of New York, which Bacot chaired, was in fact founded by Alexander Hamilton in 1784 http://www.hamilton.edu/magazine/fall05 Bacots father owned the water company in Utica, New York, where he was born. Walter Vincent Shipley, Pilgrims Society 1980 leaked list, was a Chemical Bank executive, was chairman, 1996-1999, of Chase Manhattan Bank after the merger with Chemical. Shipley was a director of NYFED as of 1997 http://www.nndb.com/people/126/000124751/ and has been a director of Exxon Mobil; Wyeth Pharmaceuticals; Verizon; Bayer Foreign Investments; National Foreign Trade Council; Bell Atlantic; Banco General de Negocios, Buenos Aires, Argentina and others. He was under consideration for Treasury Secretary in 2000. He was a backer of Romney for President. Shipley took over Texas Commerce Banks in 1987. His father, Linwood Parks Shipley, surfaced in the leaked 1974 roster of The Pilgrims. The elder Shipley was a partner in Brown Brothers, Harriman & Company at 59 Wall Street, oldest and largest private bank in the United States, founded in 1818 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_Brothers_Harriman . They currently have a junior exec, Kyle Barndollar---couldnt resist mentioning it! Shipley Senior was a director of Prudential Insurance of Great Britain; Hudson Insurance Company; Manhattan Life Insurance; Swedish American Chamber of Commerce; Pakistan-American Chamber of Commerce; Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce; and India Chamber of Commerce, by which he probably meant, India-America Chamber of Commerce (Whos Who in America, 1970 -1971, page 2077). NYFED director Walter Vincent Shipley, Pilgrims Society member---

Peter G. Peterson, Pilgrims Society, was a NYFED director, 19961998 and chaired the NYFED, 2000-2004 http://www.nndb.com/people/146/000052987/ (Petersons bio information on page 3647 of the 2005 Whos Who in America has him saying he chaired the NYFED from 1999-2003). Inner circle Pilgrims Society member David Rockefeller at left with Peter G. Peterson, probably just outside The Pilgrims inner circle---

Peterson was U.S. Commerce Secretary, 1972-1973, succeeding Maurice Stans (Pilgrims leaked 1969 roster). Frederick B. Dent

(not a Pilgrim to my knowledge) married Mildred Carrington Harrison, daughter of James Leftwich Harrison (Pilgrims 1957 leaked roster) of National City Bank. Peterson was named the most influential billionaire in U.S. politics by the Los Angeles Times, October 30, 2012. They should have waited 19 more days till Halloween to give him that accolade! In 2008 he started the Peterson Foundation, with an endowment north of $1 billion. In 1985 he founded the Blackstone Group which went public in 2007. He was with Bell & Howell (1958-1971, ending as chairman). From 1973 to 1984 he was chairman of Lehman Brothers. Peterson has been a director of Sony Corporation; 3M Corporation; Black & Decker; Federated Department Stores; RCA; General Foods; Cities Service Company; Continental Group and others. He succeeded David Rockefeller in 1985 as chairman of The Pilgrims most important subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations, a post he held into 2007. He was a trustee of the National Bureau for Economic Research, of which former Federal Reserve Board chairman Arthur Burns, Pilgrims Society, was also a trustee. For more details on Peterson see this from my very capable correspondent in The Netherlands, Joel Van Der Reijden https://wikispooks.com/ISGP/organisations/introduction/PEHI_Pe te_Peterson_bio.htm Peterson is a member of The Windsor Club, apparently named after the worlds most dangerous family---the British Royals http://www.windsorclub.com/past-present-future/ Petersons wife Joan has been on such boards as Metropolitan Life Insurance; Chase Manhattan Bank; Johnson & Johnson and Mayo Foundation and is a founder of the Childrens Television Network, which presumably paints gold and silver out of the monetary picture. Peterson has been one of The Pilgrims in attendance supervising the Bilderberg Conferences. Hes a trustee of the Japan Society, founded in 1907 by Pilgrims Society member Lindsay Russell, a Rockefeller-Vanderbilt functionary. The Japan Society predates Rockys Trilateral Commission by 66 years. Peterson has been associated with the Nixon Center and among many other positions and activities has supported the very dangerous statist Arizona Senator John McCain, whose navy Admiral father surfaced in the leaked 1969 Pilgrims roster.

Sanford Weill was a NYFED director, 2001-2006 http://www.nndb.com/people/031/000159551/ we have no current way to document him as a Pilgrims Society member; the only usual way besides leaked lists is the Whos Who; that detail does not appear; however as weve stated most Pilgrims members omit that item from their Whos Who listing. Id bet money hes been a member for some years. The CEO of Citigroup and predecessor banks to it has in most cases been identifiable as a Pilgrims member. The fact that hes Jewish and not Episcopalian as the majority of members are, changes nothing, and the group has had that religion significantly represented; I hope to not have any arguments about religious matters opened up! I only report what I find. Weill supported Phil Gramm, whose wife Wendy helped screw gold and silver investors as CFTC chair from 1988-1993. Phil was a Republican Senator from Texas (1985-2002) who could have spoken against the precious metals price fraud, and of course wasnt going to! Weill has been a director of such Pilgrims Society entities as American Express; United Technologies; AT & T; and major Silver Users Association member Du Pont. He supports The Hilarious Rotten one (Hillary Rodham Clinton) for President in 2016---God forbid this triple-sixer harridan become President! John Edward Sexton chaired the NYFED, 2003-2006. He became president of New York University in 2002. One of the founders of NYU in 1831 was Albert Gallatin (1761-1849) who supported both United States Banks (1791-1811 and 1816-1836, forerunners of the Federal Reserve) and his great, great grandson surfaced as secretary of The Pilgrims New York in 1921-1927 (as seen in previous illustration). In 1997-1998 Sexton was president of the Association of American Law Schools. He was a law clerk in 1980-1981 to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Warren Burger, nominated in 1969 to that post by Pilgrims Society member Richard M. Nixon. Sexton has been a director of the American Council on Education at One Du Pont Circle North West in D.C., founded in 1918, consisting of some 1,800 colleges and universities, which has across the years received funding from the phenomenally dangerous Carnegie Foundations (Pilgrims Society

member Andrew Carnegie, of the huge Carnegie Steel fortune and a Crown loyalist, left his fortune to his globalist vision, including the North American Union). Pilgrims Society member Elihu Root, called the most brilliant administrator in American history, supervised the launch of the Carnegie Foundations. So it comes as no surprise that John Sexton was director (19841988) of the Root-Tilden Scholarship Program (Whos Who in America, 2005, page 4224). That program is at New York University and is named after Elihu Root and Samuel Tilden (Governor of New York, 1875-1876). Sexton is another case in point---of having to work with fragmentary information---most Pilgrims Society members listed in Whos Who omit that detail, and we havent found any leaked list dated past 1980. Sexton is a Council on Foreign Relations member, a direct Pilgrims subsidiary, so even if he isnt a member, his actions would not be any different. A fair number of high level academics have been Pilgrims members. In 1996-1998 he was a director of the National Association of Securities Dealers. Trustees of New York University, of which Sexton remains president, include the usual connections to Pilgrims Society law firms---Cravath, Swaine & Moore and Sullivan & Cromwell. John Cunningham Whitehead, who turned up as a vice president of The Pilgrims in a tax filing seen at Guide Star, dated 2004, has doubtless been a member way longer than that, though he doesnt appear in the leaked 1980 list. He could easily have been in the 1981 list. This group has a waiting list of ten percent, meaning at any given time it has about 70 people waiting for a membership slot---memberships usually but not absolutely always created by obituaries---some slots may clear due to senility or other reason. At http://www.nndb.com/people/679/000121316/ and in various Whos Who in America volumes, Whitehead merely states past chairman Federal Reserve Bank of New York, this would have transpired in one of the gaps seen in the preceding review, but it was almost certainly in the 1990s or just after 2000. At http://www.newyorkfed.org/newsevents/news/aboutthefed/1997 we see Whitehead was redesignated chairman of NYFED for

1998 meaning he had an earlier term. He was chairman since January 1996 http://www.newyorkfed.org/banking/circulars/10902.html Now we see that details at NNDB and Whos Who dont square exactly with details from the horses mouth; nevertheless, Bacot for example was a Class A NYFED director and all the NYFED personalities mentioned since the review of its presidents, have been directors or chairmen. NNDBs mix-up was probably it saw Bacot at the NYFED site as a Class A director, Chairman of Bank of New York, and mixed-up the BNY with NYFED. Going into the NYFED site to exactly correlate the time periods in which various men were chairmen wont change any conclusion---NYFED is a Pilgrims Society run entity, down to the last trace of brick and mortar. Junior staff and janitors there arent aware of it. In Whiteheads career he was while at Goldman Sachs (he became a partner in 1955), boss of two major precious metals suppressors---Gary Gensler who headed the CFTC for several years till recently; and the notorious human/cockroach hybrid, Jeffrey Christian of CPM Group, a Goldman Sachs spinoff. The distinctly subordinate relationship of Gensler and Christian to Whitehead are profiled in Jonathan Frid Vomits on Silver, http://silverstealers.net/jfvos.pdf released in October 2013 and posted by few sites besides http://silvermarketnewsonline.com/ The metals long community is mostly led by a pack of people who are afraid to go all the way and let spades be called spades. Facts will out, however. Whitehead over the years was a director of such corporations as Household Finance; Pillsbury Mills; Crompton & Knowles; Equitable Life Real Estate Trust; New York Chamber of Commerce; Morton-Norwich Products; Dillard Department Stores; American District Telegraph; chairman of Haverford College; chairman Downtown Lower Manhattan Development Corporation; chairman of Securities Industry Association; trustee Carnegie Corporation of New York; J. Paul Getty Trust; Rockefeller University; Bryn Mawr College; director Committee for Economic Development; Associates of Harvard Business School; American Productivity Center; co-chairman Republican National Finance

Committee; member Georgetown University Center for Strategic and International Studies; former president of the board of overseers of Harvard University; former chairman of the trustees of the National Gallery of Art; the 1994 Whos Who showed Whitehead a trustee of International House; the anti-silver Brookings Institution; the United Nations Association; and the Andrew Mellon Foundation. In 1989 Whitehead became chairman of AEA Investors, a Rockefeller/Mellon enterprise. Whitehead therefore represents two inner circle Pilgrims Society dynasties! The 6 foot 7 inch Paul Volcker, Pilgrims Society vice president, ex chairman of the gold and silver suppressing Federal Reserve System with John Whitehead, Pilgrims vice president, ex chairman of the gold stealing NYFED---

Earlier we saw that details from NNDB and Whos Who didnt precisely match details from the NYFED site; the differences were as to dates and whether a man was chairman, or a director. The names themselves matched all three sources as to NYFED connections. Apparently someone is desirous of clouding the waters of information! As an even better example of this distortion, consider that a search at http://www.newyorkfed.org/ for the name John Brademas found no results! Yet, examine

his biographical information from page 498 of the 2005 Whos Who in America; notice he identified himself as having been a NYFED chairman (1983-1986) ---

Balance of listing---

Even though the NYFED search returned no documents on Brademas, Wikipedia and NNDB both say he was a NYFED chairman---

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brademas http://www.nndb.com/people/372/000062186/ Three significant sources---Whos Who in America; Wikipedia and NNDB all say he once chaired the NYFED. The documentation is adequate, and certainly more substantiation is easy to find. When he was a Congressman from Indiana (1959-1981) he voted for the Coinage Act of 1965, removing most silver from our coinage; how totally predictable for a Rhodes Scholar! At http://gaepis.org/pages/JOHN_BRADEMAS we read--He is a member of The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain and The Pilgrims Society of the United States. That site is Hellenic Public Radio in Astoria, New York, a Greek language organization---Brademas is ethnic Greek. This Pilgrims Society member, like so many of them, has a truly hellacious background and resume. These are operators who influence events at the very highest levels. Hes yet another operative for the big Rockefeller faction within The Pilgrims Society. Here hes seen with the Capitol dome in the background---

New York University sponsors the John Brademas Center for the Study of Congress, which is more like influencing votes than studying Congress http://wagner.nyu.edu/centers/brademas Weve seen just about enough evidence indicating the Federal Reserve System and the NYFED are very, very tightly in the grasp of Pilgrims Society members. If lists were in hand for years since 1980, say, once every five years since then---I guarantee it would enhance the argument that this shadow organization runs the FED and the NYFED both. Its inconceivable they could be in control, and not know or be responsible for what happened to Germanys gold that was very tragically, entrusted to the NYFED! We know The Pilgrims Society came into existence with a 200 year plan to absorb wealth and to be involved in the seizure of the wealth necessary as stated in The Review of Reviews, May 1902, page 557; The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain was founded on July 11, 1902 with its first banquet meeting on August 8, 1902 and The Pilgrims Society of the United States on January 13, 1903 with its first banquet meeting on February 4, 1903---

On Monday, January 27, 2014, I sent this message to the Greek group [email protected] --I notice you mention hes a member of The Pilgrims Society which you discovered is a USA/UK group. In fact its the top elite of both nations since 1902-1903. In that vein, would you care to ask Brademas to see if hes willing to ask his Pilgrim Partners in London to see about returning the Elgin Marbles to Greece, stolen by the British almost 200 years ago? Additionally since this is not a secret society would you care to ask Brademas to produce a ROSTER? Not likely hed perk up to that idea, since the high Crown agents in the USA prefer to remain under cover. I appreciate that you mention his membership in The Pilgrims, since he has remained silent about it elsewhere. Its useful being able to definitely pin down such a major wheelhorse as Brademas! I feel only a Congressional subpoena can make these worthy gentlemen come out of the shadows. They decided to post a site in late June 2011 www.pilgrimsociety.org in response to my site www.silverstealers.net posted in

January 2011. They have also had pressure from Joel Van Der Reijden in the Netherlands, who started out as Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions. Lord Curzon at the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 admitted there would be a second World War. He and his London/New York Pilgrims associates guaranteed it would happen, because they intentionally made the terms against Germany so severe as to insure a dictator would arise in Deutschland! Therefore, without the 1919 conspiracy by The Pilgrims Society---its doubtful Mussolini would have invaded Greece and for certain, Germany would NOT have come to their aid! And Brademas is a member of this ultra-warmonger group! In the news is word of German demand since January 2013 for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to return some 300 tons of German owned gold. To date, a year later, I notice only a paltry 5 tons are restored---and NOT the original bars! Germany has been told theyll get their gold back by 2020! Would you care to ask Brademas---Pilgrims Society member, British Crown agent---what does he know about the underground gold vault at NYFED? Was he a party to any malfeasance, rehypothecation, daisy chain, derivative related bullion bank dumping of gold to suppress the gold price to make the Federal Reserve dollar look healthy, when in fact its the most rank garbage? Brademas is a man of vast accomplishments. Unfortunately these are all related to globalization and therefore destructive of civilization---such as voting in 1965 to withdraw most silver from our coinage, cheapening our money to the point where today, even a zinc penny costs more to produce than its nominal value! The Federal Reserve is no good! Like The Pilgrims Society refusing to post rosters to the public domain, the FED resists all attempts at independent auditing and is very secretive about its NYFED gold vault. It would be justifiable for you to cite men like weightlifter Valerios Leonidis or your Evzone soldiers as examples of Greek accomplishment. But Brademas? Hes a blackguard and was no good since he became a Rhodes Scholar with its British global supremacy indoctrination!

I am posting this inquiry verbatim in a public domain release at www.silvermarketnewsonline.com by late January 2014 entitled, Who Controls The Gold Stealing New York Fed Bank? You may be disenchanted over this message, but since people are driven by curiosity, I feel certain youll want to examine the documentary. If Brademas sees it, he may find it disquieting. In the unlikely event I get any open minded response, my faith in mankind would be partially restored. I dont actually believe your group is motivated by bad intentions. Sometimes however a hero figure is seriously questioned and found wanting. (EOM) ******************* I noticed this link about The Pilgrims Society http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/things-to-do/visiting-thecity/archives-and-city-history/london-metropolitan-archives/thecollections/Pages/pilgrims-of-great-britain.aspx It leads to another link http://search.lma.gov.uk/scripts/mwimain.dll/144/LMA which leads to another clickable item at the page bottom Level Down, which in turn yields the message--Invalid expression number

God direct us. However notice the intense military heraldry symbolism! Sword, shield, griffins with claws in fighting stance--and the armor of a Kings knight! The City of London is at the center of 24 hour international banking time. The Federal Reserve is directly modeled after the Bank of England. The Pilgrims Society United States is likely the junior partner to The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain, with The Crown and the Rothschilds almost certainly being the two wealthiest factions in The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain in London! If there is a serious researcher in London, possibly a retired person or university student, who wishes to earn significant income from conducting a personal on location search, please contact me through the contact form at http://silverstealers.net/contact.html Funds will be transferred after an initial demonstration that you can deliver, followed by more funds at a rate to be discussed. In the unlikely event there

is any difficulty in transfer of payment, arrangement will be made to pay by way of a loose diamond at a London jeweler which you may simply sign for, or precious metal from a dealer, if available. The scan below is from sometime in 1973, 1974 or 1975, the years in which Roswell Gilpatrick was NYFED chairman, showing Pilgrims Society member David Rockefeller a director which he was from 1973-1976! Also seen is Pilgrims Society member Alan Pifer of Carnegie Corporation of New York---

Ive seen other info that Gilpatric was NYFED chairman as of 1972. Notice Richard A. Debs near the top; we will close this research with a look at him!

President Kennedy may have had an attack of conscience regarding the monetary system after his exchange of correspondence with Pilgrims Society member David Rockefeller, published by Life Magazine, July 6, 1962, pages 30-34, in which JFK promised The Incarnation Of Evil that the United States would not raise the $35 per ounce price of gold! In this publicly reprinted letter exchange between Pilgrims Society member David Rockefeller and President Kennedy, Rocky called for a cooperative effort to dampen down the gold price, and the strengthening of the International Monetary Fund. Kennedys response appeared compliant; but that was months before Executive Order 11110 was issued---which is the most probable reason the back of Kennedys brain was later blasted off in Dallas! Would Pilgrims Society member David Rockefeller, a key participant in the London Gold Pool starting in 1961, take part in dumping German owned gold from the NYFED to suppress gold quotes, in order to bolster money created by the Federal Reserve System, in which his family clearly owns a big interest? The unavoidable answer is most certainly! From the leaked 1949 roster of The Pilgrims (notice the criminal Roosevelt dynasty represented) ---

Notice Frank R. Milliken at Deputy Chairman from the mid-1970s item---in 1961 he became president of Kennecott Copper, which has long had considerable amounts of gold and silver credits in output, the better to help bankers suppress precious metals prices. Second generation Pilgrims Society member John Mortimer Schiff was a Kennecott director at the same time Milliken was associated with the NYFED. There was a Seth Milliken in the leaked 1957 Pilgrims roster. Notice Alfred Hayes as president---already profiled. Heres Alan Pifer from the leaked Pilgrims 1980 roster on page 18---

Two of the names are self explanatory---the British Ambassador to the United Nations and a medical doctor. The Society always has important MDs as members for two reasons---one, they realize that medicine may well be the final way they can expropriate the wealth of the middle class and two, members want MDs who are members to consult with. In case they become delirious, the member MD can assist them in becoming silent! Thomas L. Phillips was board chairman of large military contractor Raytheon. Donald C. Platten was chairman of Chemical Bank and was a director of Thomson Newspapers; CPC International; Associated Dry Goods; Consolidated Edison Company of New York; Goodwill Industries of Greater New York; Economic Development Council of New York; United Fund of Greater New York; National Foreign Trade Council; member antimonetary silver Economic Club of New York; trustee, American University in Beirut, Lebanon; Princeton University; United Student Aid Funds; International Chamber of Commerce. His daughter Alison C. married Alfred G. Vanderbilt Jr., of the same Vanderbilt family that was in with other power blocs that founded The Pilgrims Society! The 19th century robber barons have NOT gone away! Before Platten, Pilgrims Society member William S. Renchard chaired Chemical Bank; before that, Pilgrims Society member Harold H. Helm chaired Chemical Bank; before that, Pilgrims Society member Frank Houston chaired Chemical Bank, and so on! The bank, antecedent of the present silver antagonist JPMorgan Chase, traces to 1823.

Piercy was a director of Exxon and negotiator with OPEC countries. Pifer became a trustee of the University of Bridgeport, Connecticut in 1973 and from 1973-1981 was a Ditchley Foundation trustee, another British imperialist/globalist front. He won the Cleveland E. Dodge medal of Columbia University in 1982. Cleveland E. Dodge (Pilgrims 1957) was heir to the huge Phelps-Dodge copper mining accumulation. John B.M. Place, second generation member, was a director of Chase Manhattan Bank; Celanese Corporation; Anaconda Mining; and Lehigh Portland Cement. His father founded General Precision Instrument Corporation and was associated with the Rockefeller Foundation. He was a Chase National Bank official and chairman of the executive committee of 20th Century Fox Film Corporation. Calvin and Francis Plimpton were brothers. Calvin was a trustee of the globalist World Peace Foundation in Boston. In 1961-1965 Francis was Ambassador to the United Nations and over the years held more positions all over the diplomatic and financial map than you could ever shake a stick at. Their father George Arthur Plimpton (1855-1936, Pilgrims 1924) inherited an ironworks fortune and ran an educational book publishing enterprise, Ginn & Company. The outgoing national FED chairman Bernanke? Near 100% chance that he, like Sir Alan Greenspan, is another member. It will be revealing to see which levers of influence the inner circle places his hands upon. Jeffrey Immelt, a NYFED director 20062010, chairman of General Electric may easily be another member. We could mention several other prospects between 2004-2010. In 2010 Lee Bollinger was appointed NYFED chairman. The 2005 Whos Who in America, page 451, shows he received money from the Rockefeller Foundation. He became president in 2002 of Columbia University and in 2003 he founded the World Leaders Forum at Columbia. While Bollinger is a thousand miles short of the lengthy credentials held by Nicholas Murray Butler, he is still under suspicion as another Pilgrims member. Butler was president of Columbia University (19021945) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Murray_Butler and

also, among an eye-rubbing array of other stellar positions, was president of The Pilgrims United States (1928-1946). One of the more recent NYFED directors (2004-2007), Jerry Speyer, is said to be worth several billion from real estate development. The 1914 Pilgrims roster had the name James Speyer, an international financier and agent for the Central Pacific Railroad and Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Company. He had a listing 51 lines deep in the 1940 Whos Who, page 2429, including president of the anti-monetary silver Economic Club of New York. Speyer & Company traces to the year 1837, when the Bank of England and its City of London allies instigated the Panic of 1837 in the United States by having all major banks cease specie conversion of paper notes all on the same day---May 10, 1837! Jerry Speyer is a member of the anti-monetary silver Economic Club and The Pilgrims direct subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations and is very likely also a Pilgrim. Jerry is or has been a trustee of New York Presbyterian Hospital; Urban Land Institute; and the secretive, elite RAND Corporation. He bears the earmarks of a Pilgrims member. To cap off this research inquiry into the ownership/management of the NYFED, lets have a look at Richard A. Debs, who in 1974 was first Vice President of the NYFED. This is from Whos Who in America, 2005, page 1097---

No mention of Pilgrims Society---this is one of the few members IDd in recent years. Notice especially his connections across the Arab world and also Japan. His mother appeared Arabic.

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_pilgrims ociety02c.htm http://www.iie.org/en/who-we-are/governance/board-oftrustees/richard-a-debs We should mention the Banque de France because the official tally of gold owed to Germany is even larger from this source than from NYFED! The January 16, 2013 Washington Post had one of its hack staff writers say--the Bundesbank is offering a sop to the conspiracy theorists by relocating the gold to German soil. Conspiracy theorist is the preprogrammed, mass hypnosis phrase response the elite concocted to make it harder for outsiders to question their actions. Why should it be thought strange that metals suppressors founded organizations they belong to? Why should it be thought strange there would be a single apex organization? At http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_de_Rothschild we see a member of the French Rothschilds has been a Banque De France director. Through Cecil Rhodes, the English Rothschilds were founders of The Pilgrims Society, and Rothschilds have surfaced over the years in leaked Pilgrims rosters---Edmund L De Rothschild (1980, 1969, 1957); heres an excerpt from The Pilgrims London leaked 1914 roster also showing at the end a relative of gold cult figure Jim Sinclair---

Isaac Seligman was a charter Pilgrims member in New York in 1903 and Charles a London charter member in 1902; they were international financiers (dont confuse C.D. Seligman with C.G. Seligman!) Banque De France, of which a Rothschild has been a director---

The Banque De France was/has been/is a member of the 14 central bank gold swap network developed by Pilgrims Society member Alfred Hayes! According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banque_de_France --In 1800 financial power in France was in the hands of about ten to fifteen banking houses whose founders, in most cases, came from Switzerland in the second half of the eighteenth century. These bankers, all Protestant, were deeply involved in the agitations leading up to the French Revolution. When the revolutionary violence got out of hand, they orchestrated the rise of Napoleon, whom they regarded as the restorer of order. As a reward for their support, Napoleon, in 1800, gave these bankers

a monopoly over French finance by giving them control of the new Bank of France. Weve seen about the Swiss Albert Gallatin who became Treasury Secretary, 1801-1814 being a central bank backer, and his great, great grandson becoming a Pilgrims Society official in 1921. There have been American and British Ambassadors to Switzerland in The Pilgrims Society---Richard C. Patterson Jr.; Henry Junior Taylor; Shelby Cullom Davis; Sir Esme Howard; I could identify more in a roster search; the same applies to France; and members of The Pilgrims United States have been management of the France-America Society. In spite of any pretense of nationalization or kicking the old-line rich out of power in France or England---nothing has changed! Actions to manipulate German gold are parellel whether by NYFED or the BDF. The 1957 twin list of The Pilgrims has this from pages 5657 of the London members---

The Rootes were automobile and war machinery manufacturers.

Rowallan was British Governor of Tasmania (1959-19630; the main power station and reservoir bears his name; his father was a real estate developer. Rowan was secretary to Pilgrims Society member Neville Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer, who in 1933 successfully blocked a world conference on silver! Rowan was associated with industrial giant and military contractor Vickers Group. What is the end game of gold and silver suppression? We must conclude the national gold at Fort Knox is long gone, perhaps partly to fund the London Gold Pool 1961-1968 and other ventures. When the dollar collapses completely and the public is told we have no gold, the possibilities include a second gold and silver grab by The Pilgrims Society, hiding behind the President and appeals to national emergency. We may be coaxed to have the United Nations take over our government! The Pilgrims Society on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean may be scheming to have Russia and China go tooth and nail in the Middle East, so that afterwards, the Anglo-Americans can have the same dominance they had by the close of World War II. I certainly am not one to have all the answers; however, clearly the Federal Reserve Bank of New York committed unlimited malfeasance with

Germanys gold reserves; clearly The Pilgrims Society controls the NYFED; and clearly, there is an urgent national interest emergency that The Pilgrims Society be probed by Congress---a difficult proposal, since so many national lawmakers are long since bought off! South Koreans were scammed by their government, bought off by international finance! Do you remember that 16 years ago? Koreans Give Up Their Gold to Help Their Country reported on January 14, 1998 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/analysis Anyone wishing to help clean up the United States financial system is asked to spread this documentary around as best you can. Those wishing to help the innocent victims of gold theft from Germany are asked to forward this to sources in Germany. Please help! I dont have an army, Im a lone researcher! Shining the light of day onto the Treasury Building? And the NYFED? I revealed these as Pilgrims Society controlled entities! Time to shine the light of day onto The Pilgrims Society! The BBC (a Pilgrims Society London operation) reported an initial shipment of 300 kilograms of refined gold bullion from donated jewelry items. People were led to be sheared also by several large Far Eastern multinationals represented in The Trilateral Commission, an important Pilgrims Society subsidiary. True the government there was in a financial crisis (caused by the world financiers) and the solution was for the small folks to be trimmed back (again!) The concern was more for squeezing all possible gold out of anywhere for dumping on world markets to damped prices--not to help the South Korean government. I hope Americans wont fall for this Pilgrims Society con job of seizing and absorbing wealth from them! www.nosilvernationalization.org Would Germany care to quitclaim its ownership of gold once stored in the NYFED in exchange for ownership of Manhattan Island? Or will they be satisfied with $24 worth of trinkets? No, after the Federal Reserve dollar slides to zero, NYFED can ship

Germany a shipload of pallets of $100 bills and its summer 1923 all over again!

Message to precious metals websites---dont take away the key of knowledge (Luke 11:52) by denial of coverage!

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