Cold Formed Bending

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Example: Design and serviceability limit state check of a cold-formed steel member in bending EN 1993-1-3 V. Ungureanu, A. Ruff D. Dubina
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Eurocode Ref Made by Checked by

Dec 2005 Dec 2005

Example: Design and serviceability limit state check of a cold-formed steel member in bending
This example considers the design of a simply supported lipped channel section floor joist. It is assumed that the upper and bottom flanges are continuously laterally restrained. Serviceability limit state check is also considered. Basic Data Span of joist Spacing between joists

L=5m S = 0,6 m
qG,beam = 0,06 kN m 0,68 kN m 2
qG,slab = 0,68 0 ,6 = 0,41 kN m

Distributed loads applied to the joist: self-weight of the beam

lightweight slab

dead load

qG = qG,beam + qG,slab = 0,47 kN m 2,50 kN m 2 qQ = 2,50 0,6 = 1,50 kN m

imposed load

The dimensions of the cross-section and the material properties are: Total height
Total width of flange in compression Total width of flange in tension Total width of edge fold Internal radius Nominal thickness Steel core thickness Basic yield strength Modulus of elasticity Poissons ratio h = 200 mm
b1 = 74 mm
b2 = 66 mm

c = 20,8 mm r = 3 mm t nom = 2 mm t = 1,96 mm

f yb = 350 N mm 2

E = 210000 N mm 2

= 0,3



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Example: Design and serviceability limit state check of a cold-formed steel member in bending EN 1993-1-3 V. Ungureanu, A. Ruff D. Dubina
Date Date

Eurocode Ref Made by Checked by

Dec 2005 Dec 2005

Partial factors

M0 = 1,0
M1 = 1,0

EN1993-1-3 2(3) permanent loads variable loads EN1990

G = 1,35

Q = 1,50

Design of the joist for Ultimate Limit State

Effective section properties at the ultimate limit state

Second moment of area of cold-formed lipped channel section subjected I eff,y = 4139861 mm 4 to bending about its major axis: Position of the neutral axis: - from the flange in compression: - from the flange in tension: Effective section modulus: - with respect to the flange in compression: Weff,y,c = I eff,y zc


zc = 102 ,3 mm z t = 95,7 mm

4139861 = 40463 mm3 102,3

- with respect to the flange in tension: Weff,y,t = I eff,y zt


4139861 = 43264 mm3 95,7

Weff,y = min(Weff,y,c ,Weff,y,t ) = 40463 mm 3

Applied loading on the joist at ULS

qd = G qG + Q qQ = 1,35 0,47 + 1,50 1,50 = 2,89 kN m Maximum applied bending moment (at midspan) about the major axis y-y: M Ed = qd L2 8 = 2,89 52 8 = 9,03 kNm
Check of bending resistance at ULS


Design moment resistance of the cross-section for bending:

M c,Rd = Weff,y f yb M0 = 40463 10 9 350 103 1,0 = 14 ,16 kNm




Document Ref: Title




Example: Design and serviceability limit state check of a cold-formed steel member in bending EN 1993-1-3 V. Ungureanu, A. Ruff D. Dubina
Date Date

Eurocode Ref Made by Checked by

Dec 2005 Dec 2005

Verification of bending resistance:

M Ed 9 ,03 = = 0 ,638 < 1 M c,Rd 14 ,16

EN1993-1-1 OK 6.2.5(1)

Check of shear resistance at ULS

Design to shear force Maximum applied shear force VEd = qd L 2 = 2,89 5 2 = 7,225 kN Design plastic shear resistance
Vpl,Rd = Av f yb


) = sin t ( f



EN1993-1-1 6.2.6(2)

where: Av hw = h t nom is the shear area is the web height is the slope of the web relative to the flanges. sin 90 3

= 90
Vpl,Rd =

(200 2) 10 3 1,96 10 3 (350 103


= 78,42 kN

Design shear buckling resistance

Vb,Rd = hw tf bv sin

is the shear strength, considering buckling

EN1993-1-3 6.1.5

where: f bv

For a web with stiffening at the support: f bv = 0,58 f yb

f bv = 0,48 f yb w

if if

w 0,83 w > 0,83



Document Ref: Title




Example: Design and serviceability limit state check of a cold-formed steel member in bending EN 1993-1-3 V. Ungureanu, A. Ruff D. Dubina
Date Date

Eurocode Ref Made by Checked by

Dec 2005 Dec 2005

The relative slenderness w for webs without longitudinal stiffeners:

w = 0,346

sw t

f yb E

= 0,346

h t nom t

f yb E


200 2 350 = 1,427 1,96 210000

w = 1,427 > 0,83


f bv = 0 ,48 f yb w = 0 ,48 350 1,427 = 117 ,73 N mm 2

Vb,Rd =

(200 2) 103 1,96 10 3 117 ,73 103

sin 90 1,0

= 45,7 kN

Design shear resistance

Vc,Rd = min(Vpl,Rd ,Vb,Rd ) = min(78,42 ; 45,7 ) = 45,7 kN

Verification of shear resistance

VEd 7 ,225 = = 0 ,158 < 1 Vc,Rd 45,7


EN1993-1-1 6.2.6(1)

Check of local transverse resistance at ULS

Support reaction: FEd = qd L 2 = 2,89 5 2 = 7,225 kN To obtain the local transverse resistance of the web for a cross section with a single unstiffened web, the following criteria should be satisfied: hw t
r t

EN1993-1-3 (1)


198 1,96 = 101,02 < 200 OK 3 1,96 = 1,53 < 6 OK



where is the slope of the web relative to the flanges: = 90




Document Ref: Title




Example: Design and serviceability limit state check of a cold-formed steel member in bending EN 1993-1-3 V. Ungureanu, A. Ruff D. Dubina
Date Date

Eurocode Ref Made by Checked by

Dec 2005 Dec 2005

The local transverse resistance of the web The bearing length is: ss = 80 mm EN1993-1-3 (2) Figure 6.7

For ss t = 80 1,96 = 40,816 < 60 the local transverse resistance of the web Rw,Rd is: h t s k1k 2 k3 5,92 w 1 + 0,01 s t 2 f yb 132 t =



k1 = 1,33 0,33k


k = f yb 228 = 350 228 = 1,535

k1 = 1,33 0,33 1,535 = 0,823 k 2 = 1,15 0,15 r t = 1,15 0,15 3 1,96 = 0,92 k3 = 0,7 + 0,3( 90 ) = 0,7 + 0,3 (90 90 ) = 1
2 2



198 1,96 80 2 0,823 0,92 1 5,92 1 + 0,01 1,96 350 132 1 , 96 = 7396 N = 1,0

Rw,Rd = 7,396 kN Verification of local transverse force FEd = 7,225 kN < Rw,Rd = 7,396 kN OK


Verification for Serviceability Limit State

Applied loading on the joist at SLS (frequent combination)

qd,ser = qG + qQ = 0,47 + 1,50 = 1,97 kN m The maximum applied bending moment:

M Ed,ser = qd,ser L2 8 = 1,97 52 8 = 6 ,16 kNm




Document Ref: Title




Example: Design and serviceability limit state check of a cold-formed steel member in bending EN 1993-1-3 V. Ungureanu, A. Ruff D. Dubina
Date Date

Eurocode Ref Made by Checked by

Dec 2005 Dec 2005

Effective section properties at the serviceability limit state

Second moment of area for SLS: I fic = I gr with:

I gr = 4495921 mm 4 is the second moment of area of the gross cross-section

gr (I I ( )eff ) gr

EN1993-1-3 7.1(3)

gr maximum compressive bending stress in SLS

zc,gr = 96,88 mm position of the centroidal axis with regard to the compressed flange

gr =

M Ed,ser M Ed,ser 6 ,16 106 = = = 132,74 N mm 2 Wgr I gr z c,gr 4495921 96,88

= f yb = 350 N mm 2
I ( )eff = I eff,y = 4139861 mm 4

I fic = 4495921

132 ,74 (4495921 4139861) = 4360883 mm 4 350

Deflection check

Deflection of the joist:

4 5 qd,ser L 5 1,97 5000 4 = = 17,51 mm 384 EI fic 384 210000 4360883

The deflection is L/286 OK

Note 1: the limits of deflection should be specified by the client. The National Annex may specify some limits. Here the result may be considered as fully satisfactory.

EN 1993-1-1 7.2.1

Note 2: concerning the vibration, the National Annex may specify limits EN 1993-1-1 concerning the frequency. Here the total deflection is acceptably low, for this 7.2.3 reason there is no problem of vibration.


Example: Design and serviceability limit state check of a cold-formed steel member in bending T3704_T3706-DFE.doc

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RESOURCE TITLE Example: Design and serviceability limit state check of a cold-formed steel member in bending

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Example: Design and serviceability limit state check of a cold-formed steel member in bending T3704_T3706-DFE.doc

Wrapper Information
Title* Series Description* This example considers the design of a simply supported lipped channel section floor joist. It is assumed that the upper and bottom flanges are continuously laterally restrained. Serviceability limit state check is also considered. Expertise Filename C: T3704_T3706-DFE.doc Microsoft Office Word; 8 Pages; 589kb; Resource Type Viewpoint Subject* Dates Application Area(s) Created Date Last Modified Date Checked Date Valid From Valid To Language(s)* Contacts Author Checked By Approved by Editor Last Modified By Keywords* See Also Ultimate limit state, serviceability limit state, bending, lipped channel section, cold-formed, joist Eurocode Reference Worked Example(s) Commentary Discussion Other Coverage Special Instructions National Applicability Europe Residential buildings 25/12/2005 Worked example Example: Design and serviceability limit state check of a cold-formed steel member in bending

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