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DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS ANDHRA UNIVERSITY Common for M.Sc. Physics and M.Sc. S ac! Physics I S!m!s"!r #$.!.

f %&&'()& *a"ch+ MAR,S ./0)/1)&& ./0)/1)&& ./0)/1)&& ./0)/1)&& )&& )&& 5&&

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TOTA- MAR,S For Each Theory Paper 85 marks for semester end exam and 15 marks for internal assessment SCHEME OF E7AMINATION Th!ory ass minim8m Prac"ica6 ass minim8m A::r!:a"! SCHEME OF INSTRUCTION ; T!achin: Ho8rs T8"oria6 Prac"ica6

4&9 /&9 /&9 4 P!riods !r $!!< ) P!riod !r $!!< 5 P!riods !r $!!<

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS ANDHRA UNIVERSITY Common for M.Sc. Physics and M.Sc. S ac! Physics I S!m!s"!r #$.!.f %&&'()& *a"ch+ P)&)=SP)&); C-ASSICA- MECHANICS. UNIT(I; Mechanics of a particle. Mechanics of a system of particles, constraints, DAlemberts principle and Lagranges equations, Velocity Dependent potentials and the Dissipation function Simple applications of the Lagrangian Formulation / Hrs. hapter ! ". Section ! ", #, $, %,& ' ( . )amiltons principle, some techniques of the calculus of *ariations. .Deri*ation of Lagranges equations from )amiltons principle. onser*ation theorems and symmetryproperties,+nergy function and the conser*ation of +nergy 5 Hrs. hapter ! #. Section ! ", #, $, &, ( UNIT(II; ,eduction to the equi*alent one body problem. -he equation of motion and first .ntegrals, -he equi*alent /ne 0 Dimensional problem and classification of orbits, -he differential equation for the orbit, and .ntegrable po1er 0la1 potentials, onditions for closed orbits 23ertrands theorem4, -he 5epler problem in*erse square la1 of force , -he motion in time in the 5epler problem, Scattering in a central force field.. hapter ! $. Section. ", #, $, &, (, 6, 7 > Hrs Legendre transformations and )amiltons equations of motion. yclic oordinates and conser*ation theorems, Deri*ation of )amiltons equation of motion from *ariational principle, 8rinciple of Least Action. 5 Hrs hapter ! 6 Section! ", #,$,% & . UNIT(III! +quations of canonical transformation, +9amples of anonical transformations, -he harmonic /scillator, 8oisson brac:ets and other anonical in*ariants, +quations of motion, .nfinitesimal canonical transformations, and conser*ation theorems in the poisson brac:et formulation, the angular momentum poisson brac:et relations. /Hrs hapter ! 7. Section ! " , # ,%, &, ( ' 6. )amilton 0 ;acobi equation of )amiltons principal function, -he )armonic oscillator problem as an e9ample of the )amilton 0 ;acobi Method, )amilton 0;acobi equation for )amiltons characteristic function. Action 0 angle *ariables in systems of one degree of freedom. 7 Hrs. hapter ! <. Section ! ", #, $, ' &. UNIT(IV! .ndependent coordinates of rigid body. , -he +uler angles, +ulers theorem on theMotion of a rigid body, .nfinitesimal rotations, ,ate of change of a *ector, -he oriolis +ffect. hapter ! %. Section ! ", %, (, 7, < . -he .nertia tensor and the moment of inertia, -he +igen*alues of the inertia tensor and the principal a9is transformation, Sol*ing rigid body problems and +uler equations of motion, -orque 0 free motion of a rigid body 5 Hrs hapter & Section! $, %, & ' (. -he +igen*alue equation and the principal a9is transformation, Frequencies of free *ibration, and normal coordinates, Free *ibrations of a linear triatomic molecule hapter "= Section! #, $ ' % . 5 Hrs TE7T ?OO,S ! lassical Mechanics ).>oldstein 2Addison?@leley, "st ' #nd ed4 REFERENCE ?OO,! lassical Dynamics of 8articles and Systems ;.3.Marion.

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS ANDHRA UNIVERSITY Common for M.Sc. Physics and M.Sc. S ac! Physics I S!m!s"!r #$.!.f %&&'()& *a"ch+ P)&%=SP)&% ; INTRODUCTORY 2UANTUM MECHANICS UNIT(I; -he onceptual aspect !@a*e particle duality,3ohrs complementarity principle.@a*e function and its interpretation ?8rinciple of superposition?@a*e pac:ets 0 phase *elocity and group *elocity?Ancertainty relation 8ostulates of Buantum Mechanics ? Schrodinger 1a*e equation ? onser*ation of probability UNIT(II; /perators and their properties ? +quation of Motion for operators, )ermitian operators and their +igen *alues and eigen functions Stationary states, 3ohrs correspondence principle ? oordinate and Momentum representation? +hrenfests theorem ommutator Algebra.? Dirac Delta function, definition and properties. Dirac Delta CormaliDation UNIT(III! /ne dimensional problems ? Free 8article, 8article in a bo9? 8otential step, potential @ell, ,ectangular 8otential 3arrier ? Linear )armonic /scillator Angular Momentum, Angular Momentum in spherical polar coordinates, +igen*alues and eigenfunctions of L#, LE , L F and LG operators. +igen *alues and eigen functions of ,igid rotator and )ydrogen atom. ommutation relations, electron spin. UNIT(IV; -ime? independent perturbation theory for#i+ non degenerate systems and application to )ydrogen atom! 5inetic energy correction, spin?orbit interaction, fine structure. >round state of )elium atom. ii4 degenerate systems, application to linear star: effect in )ydrogen. Variation method and its application to )elium atom. +9change energy and lo1 lying e9cited states of )elium atom. .nteraction of electromagnetic radiation 1ith matter. Selection rules. T!@" ?oo< ! Buantum Mechanics R!f!r!nc! ?oo<s ; ". Buantum Mechanics #. Buantum Mechanics $. Buantum Mechanics %. Buantum Mechanics &. Buantum Mechanics ,.D. ,A-CA ,A;A Aruldhas >. S. haddha 3.).3ransden and .;.;oachain +. MerDbacher ,ichard Liboff

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS ANDHRA UNIVERSITY Common for M.Sc. Physics and M.Sc. S ac! Physics I S!m!s"!r #$.!.f %&&'()& *a"ch+ P)&3=SP)&3! Ma"h!ma"ica6 M!"hods of Physics Uni" I ; Com 6!@ Varia*6!s )/ Hrs
Function of comple9 number? definition?properties, analytic function? auchy 0,iemann conditions? polar form?problems, omple9 differentiation, comple9 integration 0 auchys integral theorem? auchys integral formulae?multiply connected region? problems, .nfinite series?-aylors theorem? Laurrents theorem?8roblems, auchys ,esidue theorem? e*aluation of definite integrals?problems .

T!@" ?oo<;).Mathematical Methods of 8hysics?>.Arf:en,Academic 8ress #.Mathematical 8hysics?Satya 8ra:ash, Sultan hand ' co,Ce1 Delhi $. omple9 Variables 2 Schaums out line series4 Murray,.Spiegel R!f ?oo<; Mathematical Methods 3.D.>upta Uni" II ; ?!"a = Aamma f8nc"ions BS !cia6 f8nc"ions )& Hrs
3eta ' >amma functions ?definition, relation bet1een them? properties?e*aluation of some integrals Special Functions? Legendre 8olynomial, )ermite 8olynomial, Laguerre 8olynomial? >enerating finction?recurrence relations?,odrigues formula?orthonormal property?associated Legendre polynomial? simple recurrence relation?orthonormal property?spherical harmonics

T!@" ?oo<! ).Mathematical Methods of 8hysics?>.Arf:en,Academic 8ress #.Mathematical 8hysics?Satya 8ra:ash, Sultan hand ' co,Ce1 Delhi $. Mathematical 8hysics 3 S ,aHput R!f *oo< ! Special Finctions .M.D.,aisinghania Uni" III ; -a 6ac! Transforms B Fo8ri!r s!ri!s= Fo8ri!r Transforms )/ Hrs
Laplace -ransforms 0 definition? properties 0 Laplace transform of elementary functions? .n*erse Laplace transforms?properties? e*aluation of .n*erse Laplace -ransforms?elementary function method?8artial fraction method?)ea*yside e9pansion method? on*olution method? comple9 in*ersion formula method?application to differential equations Fourier series? e*aluation of Fourier coefficients? Fourier integral theorem?problems?square 1a*e? rectangular 1a*e?triangular 1a*e Fourier -ransforms? infinite Fourier -ransforms?Finite Fourier -ransforms?8roperties? problems?application to 3oundary *alue problem

T!@" ?oo<! ).Mathematical Methods of 8hysics?>.Arf:en,Academic 8ress #.Mathematical 8hysics?Satya 8ra:ash, Sultan hand ' co,Ce1 Delhi $. Laplace n Fourier -ransforms >oyal ' >upta, R!f *oo<s! .ntegral -ransforms M.D.,aisinghanna .ntegral -ransforms >oyal ' >upta Mathematical 8hysics 3 S ,aHput Uni" IV; N8m!rica6 Ana6ysis )& Hrs
Solutions of algebraic and -ranscendental equations?3isection method?method of successi*e appro9imations?method of false position.teration method?Ce1ton ,apson method Simultaneous linear algebraic equations?>auss elimination method?>auss ;ordan method? Matri9 in*ersion method?Hacobi method 0 >auss?Siedel method .nterpolation 1ith equal inter*als?Finite differences?Ce1ton For1ard ' 3ac:1ard .nterpolation formule .nterpolation 1ith unequal internals?Ce1tons di*ided difference formula?Lagrange interpolation formula Cumerical .ntegration?>eneral Buadrature formula? -rapeDoidal rule ?Simpson"I$ rule ' $I7 rule

T!@" ?oo<s;

In"rod8c"ory m!"hods of N8m!rica6 ana6ysis S.S.Sas"ry N8m!rica6 M!"hods V.N.V!dam8r"hy B.N.Ch.S.N.Iy!n:ar

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS ANDHRA UNIVERSITY Common for M.Sc. Physics and M.Sc. S ac! Physics I S!m!s"!r

2$.!.f %&&'(%&)& admi""!d *a"ch of s"8d!n"s4

P)&4=SP)&4; E-ECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS UNIT(I SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; )& Hrs. -unnel diode, photo diode, solar cell, L+D, Silicon controlled ,ectifier, Ani ;unction -ransistor, Field +ffect -ransistor, 2;F+- ' M/SF+-4, M/S UNIT(II MICROCAVE DEVICES; )/ Hrs. Varactor diode, 8arametric Amplifier, -hyristors, 5lystron, ,efle9 5lystron, >unn Diode, Magnetron, FA,-@-, 3@/, .M8A--, -,A8A--, A8D, 8.C Diode, Schott:y 3arrier Diode. UNIT(III OPERATIONA- AMP-IFIERS ; )& Hrs. -he ideal /p Amp 0 8ractical in*erting and Con in*erting /p Amp stages. /p Amp Architecture 0 differential stage, gain stage, D le*el shifting, output stage, offset *oltages and currents . /perational Amplifier parameters? input offset *oltage, input bias current , ommon Mode ,eHection ,atio, Sle1 ,ate UNIT(IV )/ Hrs. OP( AMP APP-ICATIONS; Summing amplifier, .ntegrator, Differentiator, Voltage to urrent con*erter, urrent to Voltage con*erter /scillators 0 8hase shift oscillator, @ien?3ridge /scillator, Voltage ontrolled /scillator, Schmitt -rigger Special applications 0 Monostable and Astable multi*ibrators using &&&, 8hase loc:ed Loop, Voltage regulators. TE7T ?OO,S; ". .ntegrated +lectronics ? ;acob Millman ' . . )al:ies 2-M)4 #. /p.Amps and Linear .ntegrated ircuits 0 ,ama:ant A.>aya:1ad 28).4 $. +lectronic ommunication Systems 0 >eorge 5ennedy28).4 REFERENCE ?OO,S; ". Microelectronics ? ;acob Millman ' Ar*in >rabel 2Mc>ra1 )ill4 #. +lectronic De*ices and ircuits 0 >.5. Mithal 25hanna4 $. /p?amps and Linear .ntegrated ircuits 0 D. Mahesh 5umar 2MacMillan4.

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS ANDHRA UNIVERSITY Common for M.Sc. Physics and M.Sc. S ac! Physics I S!m!s"!r #$.!.f %&&'()& *a"ch+ P)&/ D SP)&/ ; MODERN PHYSICS -A? ( I ).A"omic S !c"r8m of Einc. a+ V!rifica"ion of -and!Fs in"!rGa6 r86! *+ S"8dy of r!6a"iG! in"!nsi"i!s %.Ara"in: s !c"rom!"!r a+CaG!6!n:"hs of H: s !c"r8m= *+ $aG!6!n:"h of ?a6m!r s!ri!s= Ryd*!r: cons"an" 3. R!ci roca6 dis !rsion c8rG! 4. A 6ica"ion of Poin" Aro8 s. a+Id!n"ifica"ion of symm!"ry o !ra"ions in H %O= ?H3 = NH3 and H%CO *+R!d8ci*6! r! r!s!n"a"ions and Vi*ra"iona6 mod!s of H%O. /. D!"!rmina"ion of P6anc<Fs cons"an"= $or< f8nc"ion and "hr!sho6d fr!H8!ncy 5. ?and :a of a s!micond8c"or.# T$o Pro*! M!"hod+ >. Th!rmo !mf .. Th! Franc<(H!r"I !@ !rim!n" '. ?and s !c"r8m of CN in "h! Gio6!" a+conG!rsion of :iG!n $aG!6!n:"hs "o $aG!n8m*!rs and assi:nm!n" of #GF= GJ+ *+D!s6andr!sF "a*6! and Vi*ra"iona6 cons"an"s.

ANDHRA UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Common for M.Sc. Physics and M.Sc. S ac! Physics I S!m!s"!r #$.!.f %&&'()& *a"ch+ P)&5DSP)&5; E-ECTRONICS -A? (I -IST OF E7PERIMENTS

). FET am 6ifi!r %. N!:a"iG! f!!d*ac< am 6ifi!r 3.

#?FC )&D)) + #?C )4> +

olpitts /scillator

23F "<%4 23 "%64 23F "<%4 2. 6%" 4 2# C #(%( 4 23F "<%4

%. 8hase shift /scillator &. Astable Multi*ibrator (. /p.Amp. haracteristics 6. 8o1er Supply 7. A;- haracteristics <. ,.F.Amplifier

"=. 3oot?strap time based generator 2#C ####4

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS ANDHRA UNIVERSITY Common for M.Sc. Physics and M.Sc. S ac! Physics I S!m!s"!r #$.!.f %&&'()& *a"ch+ P)&)=SP)&); C-ASSICA- MECHANICS. UNIT(I; Mechanics of a particle. Mechanics of a system of particles, constraints, DAlemberts principle and Lagranges equations, Velocity Dependent potentials and the Dissipation function Simple applications of the Lagrangian Formulation / Hrs. hapter ! ". Section ! ", #, $, %,& ' ( . )amiltons principle, some techniques of the calculus of *ariations. .Deri*ation of Lagranges equations from )amiltons principle. onser*ation theorems and symmetryproperties,+nergy function and the conser*ation of +nergy 5 Hrs. hapter ! #. Section ! ", #, $, &, ( UNIT(II; ,eduction to the equi*alent one body problem. -he equation of motion and first .ntegrals, -he equi*alent /ne 0 Dimensional problem and classification of orbits, -he differential equation for the orbit, and .ntegrable po1er 0la1 potentials, onditions for closed orbits 23ertrands theorem4, -he 5epler problem in*erse square la1 of force , -he motion in time in the 5epler problem, Scattering in a central force field.. hapter ! $. Section. ", #, $, &, (, 6, 7 > Hrs Legendre transformations and )amiltons equations of motion. yclic oordinates and conser*ation theorems, Deri*ation of )amiltons equation of motion from *ariational principle, 8rinciple of Least Action. 5 Hrs hapter ! 6 Section! ", #,$,% & . UNIT(III! +quations of canonical transformation, +9amples of anonical transformations, -he harmonic /scillator, 8oisson brac:ets and other anonical in*ariants, +quations of motion, .nfinitesimal canonical transformations, and conser*ation theorems in the poisson brac:et formulation, the angular momentum poisson brac:et relations. /Hrs hapter ! 7. Section ! " , # ,%, &, ( ' 6. )amilton 0 ;acobi equation of )amiltons principal function, -he )armonic oscillator problem as an e9ample of the )amilton 0 ;acobi Method, )amilton 0;acobi equation for )amiltons characteristic function. Action 0 angle *ariables in systems of one degree of freedom. 7 Hrs. hapter ! <. Section ! ", #, $, ' &. UNIT(IV! .ndependent coordinates of rigid body. , -he +uler angles, +ulers theorem on theMotion of a rigid body, .nfinitesimal rotations, ,ate of change of a *ector, -he oriolis +ffect. hapter ! %. Section ! ", %, (, 7, < . -he .nertia tensor and the moment of inertia, -he +igen*alues of the inertia tensor and the principal a9is transformation, Sol*ing rigid body problems and +uler equations of motion, -orque 0 free motion of a rigid body 5 Hrs hapter & Section! $, %, & ' (. -he +igen*alue equation and the principal a9is transformation, Frequencies of free *ibration, and normal coordinates, Free *ibrations of a linear triatomic molecule hapter "= Section! #, $ ' % . 5 Hrs TE7T ?OO,S ! lassical Mechanics ).>oldstein 2Addison?@leley, "st ' #nd ed4 REFERENCE ?OO,! lassical Dynamics of 8articles and Systems ;.3.Marion.

8"=#,S8"=# ! .C-,/DA -/,J BAAC-AM M+ )AC. S UNIT(I; -he onceptual aspect !@a*e particle duality,3ohrs complementarity principle.@a*e function and its interpretation ?8rinciple of superposition?@a*e pac:ets 0 phase *elocity and group *elocity?Ancertainty relation 8ostulates of Buantum Mechanics ? Schrodinger 1a*e equation ? onser*ation of probability UNIT(II; /perators and their properties ? +quation of Motion for operators, )ermitian operators and their +igen *alues and eigen functions Stationary states, 3ohrs correspondence principle ? oordinate and Momentum representation? +hrenfests theorem ommutator Algebra.? Dirac Delta function, definition and properties. Dirac Delta CormaliDation UNIT(III! /ne dimensional problems ? Free 8article, 8article in a bo9? 8otential step, potential @ell, ,ectangular 8otential 3arrier ? Linear )armonic /scillator Angular Momentum, Angular Momentum in spherical polar coordinates, +igen*alues and eigenfunctions of L#, LE , L F and LG operators. +igen *alues and eigen functions of ,igid rotator and )ydrogen atom. ommutation relations, electron spin. UNIT(IV; -ime? independent perturbation theory for#i+ non degenerate systems and application to )ydrogen atom! 5inetic energy correction, spin?orbit interaction, fine structure. >round state of )elium atom. ii4 degenerate systems, application to linear star: effect in )ydrogen. Variation method and its application to )elium atom. +9change energy and lo1 lying e9cited states of )elium atom. .nteraction of electromagnetic radiation 1ith matter. Selection rules. T!@" ?oo< ! Buantum Mechanics ,.D. ,A-CA ,A;A R!f!r!nc! ?oo<s ; (. Buantum Mechanics Aruldhas 6. Buantum Mechanics >. S. haddha 7. Buantum Mechanics 3.).3ransden and .;.;oachain <. Buantum Mechanics +. MerDbacher "=. Buantum Mechanics ,ichard Liboff

8"=$,S8"=$! Mathematical Methods of 8hysics Uni" I ; Com 6!@ Varia*6!s )/ Hrs Function of comple9 number? definition?properties, analytic function? auchy 0,iemann conditions?polar form?problems, omple9 differentiation, comple9 integration 0 auchys integral theorem? auchys integral formulae?multiply connected region? problems, .nfinite series?-aylors theorem? Laurrents theorem?8roblems, auchys ,esidue theorem? e*aluation of definite integrals?problems. T!@" ?oo<;).Mathematical Methods of 8hysics?>.Arf:en,Academic 8ress #.Mathematical 8hysics?Satya 8ra:ash, Sultan hand ' co,Ce1 Delhi $. omple9 Variables 2 Schaums out line series4 Murray,.Spiegel R!f ?oo<; Mathematical Methods 3.D.>upta Uni" II ; ?!"a = Aamma f8nc"ions BS !cia6 f8nc"ions )& Hrs 3eta ' >amma functions ?definition, relation bet1een them? properties?e*aluation of some integrals Special Functions? Legendre 8olynomial, )ermite 8olynomial, Laguerre 8olynomial?>enerating finction?recurrence relations? ,odrigues formula?orthonormal property?associated Legendre polynomial? simple recurrence relation?orthonormal property? spherical harmonics T!@" ?oo<! ).Mathematical Methods of 8hysics?>.Arf:en,Academic 8ress #.Mathematical 8hysics?Satya 8ra:ash, Sultan hand ' co,Ce1 Delhi $. Mathematical 8hysics 3 S ,aHput R!f *oo< ! Special Finctions .M.D.,aisinghania Uni" III ; -a 6ac! Transforms B Fo8ri!r s!ri!s= Fo8ri!r Transforms )/ Hrs Laplace -ransforms 0 definition? properties 0 Laplace transform of elementary functions?.n*erse Laplace transforms?properties? e*aluation of .n*erse Laplace -ransforms?elementary function method?8artial fraction method?)ea*yside e9pansion method? on*olution method?comple9 in*ersion formula method?application to differential equations Fourier series?e*aluation of Fourier coefficients? Fourier integral theorem?problems?square 1a*e?rectangular 1a*e?triangular 1a*e Fourier -ransforms? infinite Fourier -ransforms?Finite Fourier -ransforms?8roperties?problems?application to 3oundary *alue problem T!@" ?oo<! ).Mathematical Methods of 8hysics?>.Arf:en,Academic 8ress #.Mathematical 8hysics?Satya 8ra:ash, Sultan hand ' co,Ce1 Delhi $. Laplace n Fourier -ransforms >oyal ' >upta, R!f *oo<s! .ntegral -ransforms M.D.,aisinghanna .ntegral -ransforms >oyal ' >upta Mathematical 8hysics 3 S ,aHput Uni" IV; N8m!rica6 Ana6ysis )& Hrs Solutions of algebraic and -ranscendental equations?3isection method?method of successi*e appro9imations?method of false position.teration method?Ce1ton ,apson method Simultaneous linear algebraic equations?>auss elimination method?>auss ;ordan method?Matri9 in*ersion method?Hacobi method 0 >auss?Siedel method .nterpolation 1ith equal inter*als?Finite differences?Ce1ton For1ard ' 3ac:1ard .nterpolation formule .nterpolation 1ith unequal internals?Ce1tons di*ided difference formula?Lagrange interpolation formula Cumerical .ntegration?>eneral Buadrature formula?-rapeDoidal rule ?Simpson"I$ rule ' $I7 rule T!@" ?oo<s; In"rod8c"ory m!"hods of N8m!rica6 ana6ysis S.S.Sas"ry N8m!rica6 M!"hods V.N.V!dam8r"hy B.N.Ch.S.N.Iy!n:ar 8"=%,S8"=%! +L+ -,/C. D+V. +S ACD ., A.-S UNIT(I! SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES; )& Hrs. -unnel diode, photo diode, solar cell, L+D, Silicon controlled ,ectifier, Ani ;unction -ransistor, Field +ffect -ransistor, 2;F+- ' M/SF+-4, M/S UNIT(II; MICROCAVE DEVICES; )/ Hrs. Varactor diode, 8arametric Amplifier, -hyristors, 5lystron, ,efle9 5lystron, >unn Diode, Magnetron, FA,-@-, 3@/, .M8A--, -,A8A--, A8D, 8.C Diode, Schott:y 3arrier Diode. UNIT(III; OPERATIONA- AMP-IFIERS ; )& Hrs. -he ideal /p Amp 0 8ractical in*erting and Con in*erting /p Amp stages. /p Amp Architecture 0 differential stage, gain stage, D le*el shifting, output stage, offset *oltages and currents . /perational Amplifier parameters? input offset *oltage, input bias current , ommon Mode ,eHection ,atio, Sle1 ,ate UNIT(IV )/ Hrs. OP( AMP APP-ICATIONS; Summing amplifier, .ntegrator, Differentiator, Voltage to urrent con*erter, urrent to Voltage con*erter /scillators 0 8hase shift oscillator, @ien?3ridge /scillator, Voltage ontrolled /scillator, Schmitt -rigger Special applications 0 Monostable and Astable multi*ibrators using &&&, 8hase loc:ed Loop, Voltage regulators. TE7T ?OO,S; ". .ntegrated +lectronics ? ;acob Millman ' . . )al:ies 2-M)4 #. /p.Amps and Linear .ntegrated ircuits 0 ,ama:ant A.>aya:1ad 28).4 $. +lectronic ommunication Systems 0 >eorge 5ennedy28).4 REFERENCE ?OO,S; ". Microelectronics ? ;acob Millman ' Ar*in >rabel 2Mc>ra1 )ill4 #. +lectronic De*ices and ircuits 0 >.5. Mithal 25hanna4 $. /p?amps and Linear .ntegrated ircuits 0 D. Mahesh 5umar 2MacMillan4.

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS ANDHRA UNIVERSITY Common for M.Sc. Physics and M.Sc. S ac! Physics I S!m!s"!r#$.!.f %&&'()& *a"ch+

P)&/ D SP)&/ ; MODERN PHYSICS -A? ( I ).A"omic S !c"r8m of Einc. a+ V!rifica"ion of -and!Fs in"!rGa6 r86! *+ S"8dy of r!6a"iG! in"!nsi"i!s %.Ara"in: s !c"rom!"!r a+CaG!6!n:"hs of H: s !c"r8m= *+ $aG!6!n:"h of ?a6m!r s!ri!s= Ryd*!r: cons"an" 3. R!ci roca6 dis !rsion c8rG! 4. A 6ica"ion of Poin" Aro8 s. a+Id!n"ifica"ion of symm!"ry o !ra"ions in H%O= ?H3 = NH3 and H%CO *+R!d8ci*6! r! r!s!n"a"ions and Vi*ra"iona6 mod!s of H%O. /. D!"!rmina"ion of P6anc<Fs cons"an"= $or< f8nc"ion and "hr!sho6d fr!H8!ncy 5. ?and :a of a s!micond8c"or.# T$o Pro*! M!"hod+ >. Th!rmo !mf .. Th! Franc<(H!r"I !@ !rim!n" '. ?and s !c"r8m of CN in "h! Gio6!" a+conG!rsion of :iG!n $aG!6!n:"hs "o $aG!n8m*!rs and assi:nm!n" of #GF= GJ+ *+D!s6andr!sF "a*6! and Vi*ra"iona6 cons"an"s.

ANDHRA UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Common for M.Sc. Physics and M.Sc. S ac! Physics I S!m!s"!r #$.!.f %&&'()& *a"ch+ P)&5DSP)&5; E-ECTRONICS -A? (I -IST OF E7PERIMENTS ). FET am 6ifi!r %. N!:a"iG! f!!d*ac< am 6ifi!r 3. olpitts /scillator %. 8hase shift /scillator &. Astable Multi*ibrator (. /p.Amp. haracteristics 6. 8o1er Supply 7. A;- haracteristics <. ,.F.Amplifier 2# C #(%( 4 23F "<%4 #?FC )&D)) + #?C )4> + 23F "<%4 23 "%64 23F "<%4 2. 6%" 4

"=. 3oot?strap time based generator 2#C ####4

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