CP On Breast Cancer
CP On Breast Cancer
CP On Breast Cancer
Presented by:
Lim, Stephanie
Madrazo, Benedict
Mangitngit, Jeferson
Margaja, Dominique
Nalzaro, Sheena
Presented to:
Ma'am Sarah Manalili, RN
Clinical Instructor
I. Acknowledgement
II. Introduction
III. Objectives
V. Family Background
XI. Pathophysiology
XIX. Recommendation
XX. References
We, the students from group 3 of section 3E, wish to extend our
in every step of the way, may He bless all student nurses striving to
without its existence, this case presentation wouldn’t even exist and
who really showed the group how it is to work round the clock just to
keep patients safe and healthy, may they serve as inspirations for
more and more student nurses who come to practice a very humbling
may they all find it in their hearts to keep going and keep teaching the
support for each of us to pursue our Nursing careers, may they remain
school years, may we live to see each other grow into the Nurses that
we ought to be;
amount of time and effort in making this Case Presentation, may this
Liver 13.4 20.4 7.3 14.7 20.4 8 16.8 25.6 9 16.8 25.6 9
Cervix uteri 20.5 – 20.5 22.5 – 22.5 26.4 – 26.4 26.4 – 26.4
Stomach 9.6 11.9 7.6 9.6 11.4 7.7 9.6 12.1 7.6 9.6 12.1 7.6
Colon 6.5 7.3 5.7 8 8 7.7 10.7 11.8 9.8 10.7 11.8 9.8
Oral cavity 5.9 5.4 6.3 6.9 6.4 7.3 8.6 8.5 8.3 8.6 8.5 8.3
Leukemia 5.2 5.7 2.9 5.7 5.6 5.5 6.6 7.2 6.2 6.6 7.2 6.2
Nasopharynx 2.5 6 1.6 5.2 6.7 3.1 6.2 8.6 4 6.2 8.6 4
Larynx 1.4 4.3 0.4 2.8 4.4 1.1 3.4 6.2 1 3.4 6.2 1
Thyroid 2.7 1.3 6.6 5.6 2.7 8 6.6 3.1 9.8 6.6 3.1 9.8
Corpus uteri 6.1 – 6.1 5.8 – 5.8 5.2 – 5.2 5.2 – 5.2
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 2 2.1 1.6 3.3 3.8 2.6 4.6 5.8 3.6 4.6 5.8 3.6
Table 1. Leading cancer sites, age-standardized rates per 100 000 population, all ages, Manila and Rizal (2–4)
General Objectives:
how this may affect any woman, and ways to prevent, avoid, treat, and
Specific Objectives:
and its deviation from the normal physiologic functioning of the body
significant case study with the aid of proper and complete data
therapeutic communication
study and be able to attain the general objectives, the group aims to:
• Gather information and pertinent data from the patient’s chart
lymphatic system.
patient’s condition
patients condition
• Discuss the doctor’s order, the specific date of the order and
which would include the date the lab was ordered, the name of
would include the generic name of the drug, its brand name(s),
Patient's Co
had a breast cancer. All the sicknesses she recalls are from her
father’s side; one aunt has diabetes and one uncle has kidney failure.
Among her siblings, the second and the third eldest sons have
Psychosocial Theory:
Not only does she show generosity and care to her immediate
family, she also helps her friends, colleagues, and siblings who are not
as well-off as her family. Her job as a teacher is something to offer
financial help to them and she does not wait for them to come to her.
Whenever she feels that they are in need, she would readily come to
them and offer comfort and helping hands.
Our client belongs to the middle age stage filled with seven tasks to
accomplish. As a good citizen of Davao City, she knows her
responsibility to keep the environment clean and create a happy home
for her family. Although they have employed someone to manage the
household chores, Patient X still gives a hand in performing daily
She has a very good relationship with her husband. It’s unavoidable
that sometimes they will have misunderstandings regarding some
matters. In dealing with this, she sometimes nags at him but keeps
quiet when she feels she has gotten through him. Silence will be
maintained until such time that each one has cooled down and then
they would talk about the problem objectively and find solution
Patient X is now fifty nine years old and knows that she is not
getting any younger. Aside from the physical changes that have
occurred, like the appearance of lines on her face, she is aware that
she is presently facing her breast problems and would pose some
serious problems if not monitored all throughout.
At this age that she is now, she has accomplished her tasks and
created a happy life.
Stage II is divided into stages IIA and IIB. In stage IIA, (1) no tumor
is found in the breast, but cancer is found in the axillary lymph nodes
(the lymph nodes under the arm); or (2) the tumor is 2 centimeters or
smaller and has spread to the axillary lymph nodes; or (3) the tumor is
larger than 2 centimeters but not larger than 5 centimeters and has
not spread to the axillary lymph nodes. In stage IIB, the tumor is either
(1) larger than 2 centimeters but not larger than 5 centimeters and has
spread to the axillary lymph nodes; or (2) larger than 5 centimeters but
has not spread to the axillary lymph nodes.
Name: Patient X
Age: 59
Sex: Female
Ward: 324 (3C)
Bed: 6
Civil Status: Maried
Religion: Roman Catholic
Her nasolabial fold and septum are along the vertical midline of
her face. Her nasal mucosa is pinkish in color. There are no
discharges noted upon inspection of nostrils. Both nostrils are patent
with symmetrical gross smelling. No pain or tenderness is reported
upon palpation of sinuses.
Her lips are colored pink to dark pink. Her mucosa is colored
pink and is well lubricated with saliva. The tongue is along the vertical
midline of her face and she has missing teeth which are replaced by
false teeth. Her speech is intact.
The uvula is along the vertical midline of her face and the
mucosa is observed to be pinkish. Tonsils are not inflamed.
The trachea is along the vertical midline of her face and there
are no observations of inflamed cervical lymph nodes. The thyroid
gland is not enlarged.
Her pericardial area is flat. Her heart sounds are distinct and
regular upon auscultation.
Patient did not allow male student nurse to assess her breasts
thoroughly but was open to answer questions verbally.
Patient’s breasts are equal in size and shape with nipples colored
dark brown. No tenderness is reported by the patient.
The patient did not allow male student nurse to assess her genitals but was
open to answer questions verbally.
The patient is able to urinate without any reports of pain or
burning sensations. The patient claims to have pinkish colored labia.
Reproductive System
The breasts, or mammary tissues, are located between the third and the seventh
ribs of the anterior chest wall and are supported by the pectoral muscles and superficial
fascia. They are specialized glandular structures that have an abundant shared nervous,
vascular, and lymphatic supply. The contiguous nature of breast tissue is important in
health and illness. Men and women alike are born with rudimentary breast tissue, with the
ducts lines with epithelium. In women, the pituitary released of FSH, LH, and prolactin at
puberty stimulates the ovary to produce and released estrogen. This estrogen stimulates
the growth and development of ductile system. With the onset of ovulatory cycles,
progesterone release stimulates the growth and development of ductile and alveolar
secretory epithelium.
Structurally, the breasts consist of fat, fibrous connective tissue, and glandular
tissue. The superficial fibrous connective tissue is attached to the skin, a fact that is
important in the visual observation of skin movement over the breast during breast self-
examination. The breast mass is supported by the fascia of the pectoralis major and minor
muscles and by the fibrous connective tissue of the breast. Fibrous tissue ligaments,
called Cooper's ligaments, extend from the outer boundaries of the breast to the nipple
These ligaments support the breast and form septa that divide the breast into 15 to
25 lobes. Each lobe consists of grape like clusters, alveoli or glands, which are
interconnected by ducts. The alveoli are lined with secretory cells capable of producing
milk or fluid. The route of descent of milk and other breast secretions is from alveoli to
duct, to intra lobar duct, to lactiferous duct and reservoir, to nipple. Breast milk is
produced and reabsorbed during the menstrual cycle. The breasts respond to the cyclic
Areolar tissue surrounds the nipple and is recognized as the darker, smooth skin between
the nipple and the breast. The small bumps or projections on the areolar surface known as
Montgomery's tubercles are sebaceous glands that keep the nipple area soft and elastic.
At puberty and during pregnancy, increased levels of estrogen and progesterone cause the
areola and nipple to become darker and more prominent and at the same time cause the
Montgomery's glands to become more active. The erectile tissue of the nipple is
responsive to psychological and tactile stimuli, which contributes to the sexual function
of the breast. There are many individual variations in breast size and shape. The shape
and texture vary with hormonal, genetic, nutritional, and endocrine factors and with
muscle tone, age, and pregnancy. A well-developed set of pectoralis muscles supports the
breast mass higher on the chest wall. Poor posture, significant weight loss, and lack of
clear fluid called lymph. This fluid distributes immune cells and other factors throughout
the body. It also interacts with the blood circulatory system to drain fluid from cells and
tissues. The lymphatic system contains immune cells called lymphocytes, which protect
the body against antigens (viruses, bacteria, etc.) that invade the body.
a.) to collect and return interstitial fluid, including plasma protein to the blood,
c.) to absorb lipids from the intestine and transport them to the blood.
Lymph nodes:
Human lymph nodes are bean-shaped and range in size from a few millimeters to
about 1-2 cm in their normal state and there are about 500-700 lymph nodes spread
throughout the body. Lymph nodes are body organs (not glands) spread throughout your
The lymph node is surrounded by a fibrous capsule, and inside the lymph node the
fibrous capsule extends to form trabeculae. The substance of the lymph node is divided
into the outer cortex and the inner medulla surrounded by the former all around except
for at the hilum, where the medulla comes in direct contact with the surface. Thin
reticular fibers, fibroblasts and elastin fibers form a supporting meshwork called
reticulum inside the node, within which the white blood cells (WBCs), most prominently,
lymphocytes are tightly packed as follicles in the cortex. Elsewhere, there are only
occasional WBCs.
i. The number
and composition of
especially when
challenged by an
develop a germinal
of lymph. It is lined
by highly branched
macrophages. Thus,
subcapsular sinus is a
region immediately
sparse lymphocytes. It
is continuous with
similar sinuses
flanking the
trabeculae. Multiple
network extensively
subcapsular sinus.
vessels is continuous
slowly filtered
it encounters the
as a part of adaptive
by a relatively dense
reticulum present
lymph node.
filled with lymphocytes that collect and destroy bacteria and viruses. When the body is
fighting an infection, they begin producing large numbers of lymphocytes which causes
them to swell. Lymphatic fluid in the tissues, before it has gone into a lymph node, is
Knowing the Signs and Symptoms of a disease or a sickness can really help in
early detection. When it comes to breast cancer, a technique for early detection has been
encouraged to women for a very long time already. The “Breast Self Exam” has
increased the rate of early detection of breast cancer. This is important because early
detection means early and treatments would have lesser consequences, and late detection
would require greater consequences.
formation in
the breast
Tumor becomes
Travel (metastasize) Progressed beyond
to other organ breast to regional
systems in the body lymph nodes
Primary cancer spreads
Cancer Cell
Date Doctor's Order
Ordered Rationale
6/29/2008 >please admit patient under my service To establish a
designated doctor
to which all
regarding the
patient will be
referred to.
>TPR q shift To monitor the
Vital Signs of the DONE
>DAT To signify that
the patient has
no restrictions
regarding intake
of solid or liquid
>attach labs For information
regarding the
patient to be
recorded and
organized for
>please inform me [when] admitted For the doctor to
know where to
find the patient DONE
during her
>scheduled for FS biopsy of (L) breast mass To determine
possible MRM
whether an MRM
is needed to be
>refer to Dr. Villarosa for aneth To indicate that DONE
Dr. Villarosa is
involved in a
>profurex 1.5 for IVTT ANST 30 min prior to OR For prophylaxis;
prevention of
>no IV line/IV med on (L) upper extremity To prevent the
condition from DONE
getting worse
10pm >scheduled for OR tomorrow 6/30/08 @ 1pm DONE
12mn >NPO after 7am To prevent any
during the
scheduled for the
next day
>start IVF of D5LR 1L @ 120cc/˚ where on NPO To supplement
the nutrition of
the patient while
Post - op order DONE
6/30/2008 >20 PACU x 2hrs then to room. To monitor and DONE
take care of the
patient after an
4pm >DAT when fully awake. To notify the
caretakers that
the patient can
eat any tolerated DONE
food when fully
Diagnostic Exam
Date Test Normal Value Patient's Result Clinical Nursing
Ordere Significance Responsibilit
d y
6/30/20 Histopathology --- gross: a tan pink piece frozen section -Explain
08 of tissue that measures infiltrating meaning of
1.2cm ductal result
5/9/200 Ultrasound Sonomammography clear Sonomammography Suspicious solid -Explain
8 delineates a hypoechoic mass, left. meaning of
solid mass at 12 o'clock result
position (L) measuring
up to 11.7 mm.
Chemical Test
5/9/200 Urinalysis Color pale color: light yellow normal Pretest Care
8 yellow to
Transparency clear to protein: (-) normal Explain
slightly purpose and
hazy procedure
Glucose negative sugar: (-) normal and need to
Albumin negative appearance: slightly normal follow
hazy appropriate
Reaction reaction: 6.0 urine
Specific 1.010 - specific gravity: 1.015 normal collection
Gravity 1.035 procedures.
Pus Cells 0-3/hpf
Red Blood 0-2/hpf Microscopic Test -List patient
Cells drugs that
can affect
squamous cells:
outcome on
pus cells: 2-3 normal slip or
RBC: 0-1 /hpf normal computer
Renal Cell: 2-4 /hpf normal screen.
during urine
5/14/20 Blood Chemistry glucose 70- 101mg/dl normal Pretest Care:
08 105mg/dl
blood urea 10- 33.3mg/dl normal
purpose and
nitrogen 50mg/dl
creatinine ♀ 0.60- 0.95mg/dl normal
no fasting is
blood uric 2.6- 5.1mg/dl normal
acid ♀ 6.0mg/dl -Explain the
relation of
hemoglobin 110- 139g/L normal test to
150g/L potential
hematocrit 0.38- 0.42g/L normal
0.47g/L -Recognize
WBC 5-10x10/L 6.5 normal need for
differential follow-up
count testing in
seg. 0.50-0.70 0.65 normal prenatal
neut. screening of
lymphoc 0.35 0.35 normal Rh-antibody
ytes if titer is
platelet 150- 350.0x10/L normal negative
count 400x10/L (repeat 30-
36 weeks of
-List drugs
patient is
taking on lab
slip or
e sites for
signs of
bleeding or
infection –
dressing to
-In addition
to blood
semen, and
may be
5/16/20 Radiography Lung fields are clear. The Lung fields are clear. implication: Explain
08 Section heart is not enlarged. The heart is not normal chest meaning of
Both hemidiaphragms and enlarged. Both findings result
costophrenic sulci are hemidiaphragms and
intact costophrenic sulci are
Generic Name Cefuroxime sodium
Brand Name
Side Effects
• diarrhea
• stomach pain
• upset stomach
• vomiting
Adverse Reaction
• unusual bleeding or
• difficulty breathing
• itching
• rash
• hives
• sore mouth or throat
Nursing Responsibility
• Tell patient to take all of
the drug as prescribed,
even after he feels better.
• If suspension is being
used, tell patient to shake
container well before
measuring dose.
• Tell patient to notify
doctor if rash or signs and
symptoms of
superinfection occur.
• Inform patient receiving
drug I.V. to alert nurse if
discomfort occurs at I.V.
insertion site.
• Tell patient to notify
doctor if loose stools or
diarrhea occur.
Side Effects vomiting
CV: hypertension
Adverse Reaction EENT: Pharyngitis
GI: dyspepsia
• Tell patient to report
Nursing Responsibilities history of allergic
reactions to sulfonamides,
aspirin, or other NSAIDs
before therapy.
• Instruct patient to
promptly report signs of
GI bleeding such as blood
in vomit, urine, or stool;
or black, tarry stools.
• Tell woman to notify
prescriber if she becomes
pregnant or is planning to
become pregnant during
drug therapy.
• Instruct patient to take
drug with food if stomach
upset occurs.
• Tell patient that drug may
harm the liver. Advise
patient to stop therapy
and notify prescriber
immediately if he
experiences signs and
symptoms of liver toxicity
including nausea, fatigue,
lethargy, itching,
yellowing of skin or eyes,
right upper quadrant
tenderness, and flulike
• Inform patient that it may
take several days before
he feels consistent pain
• Advise patient that using
celecoxib may increase
the risk of GI toxicity.
Generic Name Ketorolac Tromethamine
• lassitude
Adverse Reaction • Insomnia
• Dyspnea
• Hypotension
• hepatotoxic
• CNS: dizziness,
headache, seizures
• GI: constipation,
nausea, vomiting
• Respiratory:
Respiratory depression
structure. The stronger the defense that the individual has, lesser is
the probability of that person to get sick, and vice versa. It also
back. Her first onset of a breast mass was over and done, which put
her all the way from Secondary prevention to Tertiary prevention. But
a second onset a few years later would put her back to the second
Knowing this, we must keep in mind that any patient can go from one
level of prevention to another and to another and to another, yet
patients. When it comes to Patient X, she was in the hospital and was
care of our patient, making sure that infection does not occur and
prepare her for a very good Tertiary prevention outside the hospital.
After treating the symptoms of her sickness, she can then readapt to
maintain the stability of her health. If all goes well during her Tertiary
level of prevention, she will have a very healthy and sickness-free life
ahead of her.
1950s, she experienced what she describes as cultural shock while she
the children and concluded that these differences had a cultural base.
This experience led her to become the first professional nurse in the
culture runs in her veins. She is from Davao City, and she teaches in a
should approach her: Having a warm and happy voice will immediately
catch the attention of the patient and will have a presumption that the
as this will ensure the clear understanding between the nurse and the
patient and vice versa. Having enough knowledge about the patient’s
specific that –if not all- most of what she wrote can still be applied
today. It can even be applied outside the hospital setting and still
is healthy if he/she can; (1) breathe normally, (2) eat and drink
desirable postures, (5) sleep and rest, (6) select suitable clothes –
dress and undress, (7) maintain body temperature within normal range
body clean and well groomed and protect the integument, (9) avoid
opinions, (11) worship according to one’s faith, (12) work in such a way
curiosity that leads to normal development and health and use the
patient to live a healthy life. The components that are usually closely
that the patient his/herself can only influence, which are 6, 9, 11, 12,
13 and 14. Therefore, a healthy life isn’t provided by the nurse alone,
the patient also has a very crucial role in promoting good health. With
cared of by nurses, especially the 8th, keeping the body clean and
person’s body greatly increases the chance for pathogens to enter and
6. Encourage clients
involvement in decision
making as much as possible.
®enhance commitment to
plan, optimizing outcomes.
8.Administer medication
prior to activity as needed
for pain relief
® permit maximal effort/
involvement in activity
Name: Mrs. X Age: 59 yrs old
Medical Diagnosis: Breast cancer stage IIB, left breast @ upper outer quadrant Gender: Female
Chief Complaint: Breast mass Room and Bed no.: 324-6
Attending Physician: Dr. Lobo and Dr. Villarosa Ward: 3C
Date Admitted: June 29, 2008 Shift: 11-7
J Subjective: S Disturbed body At the end of the 1. Establish trusting July 03, 2008
U “Unsa kaya E image related to three-day span of relationship or rapport to @ 7:00 AM
L itsura sa akong L impending changes care, the client the patient.
Y totoy karon?” F to breast or will begin to ® To gain trust. GOAL
01, “Dili pa nako - disfiguring surgical exhibit her 2. Ascertain whether PARTIALLY
2008 kaya mutan-aw P procedure and perception or support and counseling MET:
@ kay wala koh o E psychosocial present her pre- were initiated when the
12:00 kabalo kung R concern about surgical or possibility of and/or After the three-
AM. unsa akong C sexual baseline body necessity of mastectomy day span of care,
naingon.” E attractiveness as image, as was first discussed. the client was able
“Unsa kaya P manifested by evidenced by: ® This provides to exhibit
ingnon sa mga T actual change in a. verbalization information about patient’s perception or
tao ani?” I breast structure, and of positive level of knowledge and present her pre-
O negative feelings adaptation to her anxiety about individual surgical body image
Objective: N about body by not surgery, situation. as evidenced by
- Modified / looking at the b. wearing of her 3. Encourage patient to verbalization of
Radical S affected body part. usual feminine verbalize feelings positive adaptation
Mastectomy E appearance or regarding the procedure to the surgery done
(MRM) done on L ® Woman who attire after done. Acknowledge like looking
left side of the F undergo surgery for surgery, and normality of feelings of forward to the use
breast - breast cancer c. looking at the anger, depression, and grief of temporary
- dressing placed C experience a sense postoperative site. over loss. Discuss daily prosthesis and
on left breast O of loss – changes in “ups and downs” that can possible
- not looking at N life routines, social occur. reconstructive
the postoperative C interactions, self- ® It helps patient realize surgery. The client
site E concept, and body that feelings are not wore her favorite,
P image – and fear of unusual and that guilty “sexy” clothes and
T death. Recovery about them is not necessary looks good about
during the or helpful. Patient needs to her self. However,
P postoperative recognize feelings before she was not able to
A period after they can be dealt with look or take a
T mastectomy effectively. glimpse of the
T requires a great deal 4. Note behaviors of postoperative site
E of energy. A withdrawal, increased since the dressing
R client’s usual dependency, manipulation, was not yet
N coping strategies or noninvolvement in care. removed.
may not be ® This suggests of
effective. Not every problems in adjustment
one perceives or that may require further Evaluated by:
handles stress in the evaluation and more
same way. Clients extensive therapy. Stephanie Marie
who have surgically 5. Provide opportunities for Lim, St. N.
lost a breast may patient to view and touch
adapt in the same the postoperative site, Benedict Madrazo,
way as they would using the moment to point St.N
to any loss. out positive signs of
healing, normal Jeferson D.
References: appearance, and so forth. Mangitngit, St.N
Black, J. et. al. Remind patient that it will
(2001). MEDICAL- take time to adjust, both Dominique Dawn
SURGICAL physically and emotionally. Margaja, St.N
NURSING: ® Although integration of
Clinical the skin in the Sheena Ann A.
Management for postoperative site into body Nalzaro, St.N
Positive Outcomes. image can take weeks or
6th ed. USA: W.B. even months, looking at the
Saunders Company. site and hearing comments
(made in a normal, matter-
Doenges, M. et. al. of-fact manner) can help
(2002). NURSING patient with this
CARE PLANS: acceptance.
Guidelines for 6. Provide opportunity for
Individualizing patient to deal with
Patient’s Care. 6th mastectomy through
ed. USA: F.A. participation in self-care.
Davis Co. ® Independence in self-
care helps improve self-
Gulanick, M. et. al. confidence and acceptance
(2003). NURSING of situation.
CARE PLAN: 7. Encourage questions
Nursing Diagnosis about current situation and
and Intervention, 5th future expectations.
ed. St. Louis Provide emotional support
Missouri: Mosby when surgical dressings are
Publishing Co. removed.
® Loss of breast causes
Linton, A. et. al. many reactions, including
(2000). feeling disfigured, fear of
INTRODUCTORY viewing scar, and fear of
NURSING CARE partner’s reaction to
OF ADULTS, 2nd change in body.
ed. USA: W.B. 8. Plan or schedule care
Saunders Company. activities with patient.
® Promotes sense of
control and give message
that patient can handle
situation, enhancing self-
9. Maintain positive
approach during care
activities, avoiding
expressions of disdain or
revulsion. Do not take
angry expressions of
patient personally.
® Assists patient to accept
body changes and feel all
right about self. Anger is
most often directed at the
situation and lack of
control individual has over
what has happened
(powerlessness), not with
the individual caregiver.
10. Identify role concerns
as woman, wife, mother,
career woman, and so
® This may reveal how
patient’s self-view has
been altered.
11. Provide temporary soft
prosthesis, if indicated.
® Prosthesis of nylon and
Dacron fluff may be worn
in bra until incision heals if
reconstructive surgery is
not performed at the time
of mastectomy. This may
promote social acceptance
and allow patient to feel
more comfortable about
body image at the time of
• Encourage the client to comply with all the prescribed
• Emphasize to the client and her family of the importance of
taking the medications at the prescribed schedule, dosage and
• Educate the client about the purpose of the drugs.
• Advice the significant others not to leave the client during
medication to secure that the client has taken the medicines.
• Explain to the client the side effects and adverse effects of the
drug she takes by describing its manifestations. Client and
significant others should be aware so that prompt medical
intervention can be given if in case such reactions occur.
Client and significant others must know and understand the drug’s
generic and brand name, dosage, route, frequency, purpose and side
effects for them to be knowledgeable in administering the drug and to
avoid any accidents regarding drug administration. And for the
significant others to know how important they are in contributing to
the healing process of the client.
• Encourage to ambulate and assume her normal activities as long
as there will be no problems.
• Instruct client to have frequent arm exercise, the arm where the
postoperative site is located.
• Educate the client on proper body mechanics to enable her to
relax, be comfortable and prevent strains.
• Instruct the client to balance activities with adequate rest
Exercise is now also known to be major contributor to health and
can improve the body in three ways: through increased stamina; more
efficient heart, lungs, and circulatory system, improved muscle tone,
through enhanced strength; and more supple joints. It is also essential
to prevent obesity and to help control weight.
• Educate the client on the importance of drug and money
• Discuss to the client the complication of the condition because
knowledge about the condition supports learning that will
decrease anxiety.
• Instruct the client to report or ask medical assistance when
abnormalities occur.
• Educate the family on how to demonstrate a correct performance
of the treatment.
It is important for the client, including the family, to know the
importance of drug or treatment compliance in order to achieve an
effective outcome and facilitate continuous care.
• Instruct the client to do proper personal hygiene such as taking a
bath daily, brushing her teeth after eating and proper grooming.
• Stress out to the client the importance of hand washing before
and after using the comfort room and eating to deter the spread
of microorganisms.
• Encourage the client as well as the significant others to follow
physician’s instructions regarding personal hygiene and self care.
It is essential to both the client and the significant others to have a
hygiene and healthy lifestyle in order to promote faster recovery and
prevent causing further injury and damage to the client.
• Instruct the patient to comply with the scheduled follow up check
up to enable the physician to have continuous record on the
client’s condition.
• Advice the client to report any abnormalities observed to provide
immediate medical intervention.
• Review signs and symptoms with the client. These symptoms
may include pressure on the bladder with difficulty voiding or
urinary frequency and urgency, pressure on the rectum with
constipation, lower back and abdominal pain, as well as heavy
Regular check-up or consultation with a physician provides
continuous update on the client’s condition. With the physician’s
medical intervention and the client’s cooperation, faster recovery can
be obtained.
• Instruct the client to follow physician’s order regarding proper
food intake and tell her its importance.
• Encourage the client to avoid fatty foods and increase intake of
vegetables and fruits.
• Advice client to increase oral fluid intake to facilitate proper
circulation of blood and to provide needed nutrients and
Having well balanced diet, prescribed foods, and proper fluid intake
facilitates in improving the health of the client.
• Inform the client that there is a breadth and depth of sexual
expression possible and that she is a person of value.
• Recognize the feelings of warmth, approval, and friendship, as
well as sharing and touching, are important.
• Inform the patient of the availability of the following services: sex
education or counseling services (individual, couples and family);
sex therapy; group discussion; audiovisual materials and
regarding materials.
Sexuality is part of a person’s self-concept and involves feelings of
self-worth, acceptance, sharing, affection and intimacy, as well as
feelings of femininity. It includes physical, psychological, emotional,
and social elements and is reflected in everything a person says and
does. It also promotes to the healing process of the client.
• Encourage client to strengthen her faith with Almighty Father to
provide spiritual growth and promote healing.
• Advice client never to forget God, to ask for Jesus’ help and to
believe in the healing power of the Holy Spirit to promote peace
of mind and relaxation, thus promoting comfort and healing not
just to the mind but also to avoid harm and promote a soothing
and pleasant atmosphere with everyone.
It is important to take care of the spiritual aspect of the client
because it is one of the many factors that could promote healing to the
physical aspect, the body, but also to the client’s spirituality, the mind.