Date of Test:-11 April 2004 (Sunday) Examination Center:-: Infosys

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Date of Test:- 11 April 2004 (Sunday !"a#ination $enter:- Tagore International School,
E- Block, East of Kailash, New Delhi 110 065

Topi% as&ed:- Analyti%al 'easonin( And )o(i%al T*in&in( (+ No !n(lis* test Type:- T*is test ,as dire%t re%ruit#ent for De-eloper. Sr/ De-eloper.Testin( professionals/ not for trainee0s

Ti#e: 10 2inutes 2ar&s: 30


Please do not write / mark on the question paper Read the Questions carefully. Work your answers carefully and as rapidly as possible. Do not spend too much time on questions that seem difficult for you. If time permits go back to the ones you ha e left out. !n answer sheet has been pro ided to you separately. "se this to write your answers. "se the rough sheets for the detailed working. #n completion$ please put your answer sheet along with the rough sheets$ inside the question paper and hand them back to us. %here is no negati e marking. Do not turn t*e pa(e until you are told to 7e(in

1.While dri ing through the countryside one day I saw former tending his pigs and ducks in his yard.I was curious to know how many of each he had.I stopped the car and inquired. &earning on the site 'o ially$(e repiled I ha e altogether )* eyes and +* feet between them.Idro e off trying to calculate in my mind the e,act number of ducks and pigs he had.What do you think is the answerAns,er:- pi(s819:du%&s81; 2/ 2ind the alue of following chart % I2 % R # % 3% R # % 44444444444444444 R # # 0 4444444444444444444 Ans,er:- T82 : '83 : O80 : 284 9/ In this question there was three queens named 5I26$%!7I!$2!%I7! and they used three type of 'ewelry like Diamond$ 8old$ 9mbraced and %hree thief named :#0$ ;!I5R! and R!0%## 5ome conditions are gi e like the eldest queen not used gold the :#0 was friend of youngest queen.<2our more conditions are gi en I could not remember = 2inally they asked 4ueens 5ify %!7I! 2!%I7! T*ie-es <e,elry . ) 0arks1 Ans,er:- 2a&e a ta7le and %al%ulate it (not -ery tuff . / 0arks1 R # 0 . / 0arks1


! man working in 07> for going office he used daily local trains which was shouted in the morning %here was to type of trains one is type ! and other was type : . %he frequency of both trains was ?* minutes if one trains <type ! =start at @A** !0 so second <%ype :=start at @A*B !.0 and after that it

continuously running in e ery ?* minutes .! 0an went to the station a random time in the morning what is the number of chance he got type ! train mostly rather then type : trains. Ans,er:- = ti#es %*an(es *e (ot type A train .C 0arks1


9 ery :ig question some statements are gi en and it contain C sub parts also $I neither attempt it nor remember it they asked like four question my some friend told me following but I am not sure

Ans,er:<?= a <B= c </= d <C= d . + 0arks 1


! person :uy some clothes from wholesale at some discount and think when will he sale it at retail price he get C*D profit.:ut some how after selling whole clothes he feel that he get /ED lose. !fter searching the reason he came to know his Weight metter < clothe meter= is not proper .>an you tell we (ow much meter weight and is it more or less from normal. . C 0arks1

Ans,er:- 2eter #a>or /?;3 e"tra in per #eter ( 100/?;3 $/2 ,ei(*t in one ti#e ;/ %wo boys ! and : work as a part time in a shop ! works e ery after B days while : Works e ery after / days$! start working at ? Fune %hursday while : start working at B Fune Wednesday >an you tell in which date of month they work together. . C 0arks1 Ans,er:- 10 <une T*ursday t*ey ,or& to(et*er . after B days from ? Fune means ne,t at C Fune not in / Fune similarly for other1 =/ ! car is tra elling at uniform speed.%he dri er sees a milestone showing a digit number $after tra elling for an hour the dri er sees another milestone with the same digits in re erse order after another hour the dri er sees another milestone containg the same two digits what is the a erage speed of the dri er/ Ans,er:- 43 6#p* .) 0arks1

?/!$:$>$D$9$ four person are gi en and they are in ol ed in si, professions like consultant$ %echnician$ !rtist $ 7eurologist $physician 5ome conditions was also gi en like <i=>onsultant was youngest of all four <B= %echnician was not oldest to : who is not youngest the artist </= one more condition $I could not remember <C=> is not youngest of all 2inaly asked the profession of e ery indi idual person .) 0arks1

Ans,er:- A ,as %onsultant and rea#in( I did not re#e#7er 7ut @uestion ,as easy /

10/ Fonty went for mo ie with his family but at ticket window a lot of rush present so he was getting upset$then his father told him I am gi ing you a puGGle for you $so that your time pass properly$ he was agree then his father told him here lines of people at e ery after third man there was a kid $but number of man and women is three times to the number of kids $ %otal people alue lies between +** to ?***. >an you tell me number of kids and number of adult. Ans,er:- 900 &ids and 100 adult (I a# not -ery sure for t*is @uestion Ay:- 5#an( Sa"ena ()N$T A*opal Id:- (ettou#an(Brediff#ail/%o# Cor&in( at:- Net,or& Dro(ra#s India )td Noida(5/D D*one:- ?=?190?;=3 2Y !"perien%e :- When I was start the paper I was with full confidence and I attempt E questions out of ?* in which H was correct <Question noA4?$B$/$C$)$H$+= and some doubt in E$?* questions :ut finally I could not select in infosys $ so I think selection cutoff is + or E question $so I lose this chance for ne,t E month so my message for those who are going to appear in ne,t infy test be prepare his/her self for + $E question and go through all old papers and shakuntala de i book. If you ha e any query so contact me. !nd I also request to all of you this >(9%!7! group is ery ery usefull for us .please corporate With chetana group and sends paper and informations to all with helping nature. :95% #2 &">; .) 0arks1

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