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Introduction to Organizational Behaviour: Definition, Importance, Scope, Fundamental Concepts of OB, Different models of OB - autocratic, custodial, supportive, collegial and SOBC 2. Personality & Attitudes: Meaning of personality, attitude - Development of personality Attributes of personality- Transactional Analysis Ego states Johari window - Nature and dimensions of attitude Developing the right attitude 3. Motivation: Definition, Importance, Motives Characteristics, Classification of motives - Primary & Secondary motives. Theories of Motivation - Maslows Theory of need hierarchy - Herzberg's theory. Morale - Definition and relationship with productivity - Morale Indicators. 4. Group Dynamics and Team building: Concept of Group & Team. Theories of Group Formation - Formal and Informal Groups. Importance of Team building. 5. Conflict Management: Definition. Traditional vis--vis Modern view of conflict Types of conflict Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Organizational. Constructive and Destructive conflict. Conflict management. 6. Stress management: Definition, Causes, Managing stress, Stress as a motivator. Work life balance. 7. Change management: Concept of change, change as a natural process, Importance & Causes of change social, economic, technological, organizational. Learning unlearning, Concept of learning organizations. 8. Cases studies on above topics

SECTION II: Principles and Practice of Management 1. Basic concepts of management: Definition Need and Scope Different schools of management thought Behavioural, Scientific, Systems, and Contingency 2. Contribution of Management Thinkers: Taylor, Fayol, Elton Mayo 3. Functions of Management a) Planning Concept, Nature, Importance, Steps, Limitations, Management by objectives b) Organizing - Concept, Nature, Importance, Principles, Centralization, Decentralization, Organization Structures- Line and Staff Authority, Functional, Product, Matrix, Geographical, Customer, New Forms of Organization Virtual, Organizations as Networks - Types of Network Organizations/Clusters - SelfOrganizing Systems. Organizational Designs for Change and Innovation Designing Principles for New Forms of Organizations c) Staffing - Concept, Nature, Importance, Steps. Concept of knowledge worker. d) Directing Concept, Nature, Importance. e) Controlling - Concept, Nature, Importance, Process of controlling, Control Techniques. 4. Leadership: Concept, Nature, Importance, Attributes of a leader, developing leaders across the organization, Leadership Grid. 5. Decision making: Concept, Nature, Importance, and Process. Types of decisions. Problems in decision making. 6. Case Study: Planning, Decision Making, Leadership.

(203)-HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 1. Human resources Management-Introduction and Importance-Evolution difference between Personnel Management and HRM- Strategic HRM- role of a HR Manager. 2. Human Resources Planning-Objectives-Importance-HRP Process- Manpower Estimation-Job analysis-Job Description-Job Specification. Recruitment-Sources of Recruitment-Selection Process-Placement and Induction-Retention of Employees. 3. Training and Development- Objectives and Needs-Training Process-Methods of Training Tools and Aids-Evaluation of Training Programs. 4. Career Planning- Succession Planning. 5. Performance Management System-Definition, Concepts and Ethics-Different methods of Performance Appraisal- Rating Errors-Competency management. 6. Compensation Management Concepts and Components-Job EvaluationIncentives and Benefits. 7. Productivity Management-Concepts-TQM-Kaizen-Quality Circles 8. Industrial relations-Grievance Procedure-collective Bargaining-Settlement of Disputes. 9. Retirement/Separation-Superannuation-Voluntary Retirement SchemesResignation-Discharge-Dismissal-Suspension-Layoff.


1 The Factories Act, 1948 Approval, Licensing and Registration- Inspecting Staff Health Welfare Working Hours - Annual Leave with wages - Periodical ReturnsRegisters and Records. 2 The Bombay Shops and Establishments Act, 1948 Registration of Establishments Shops and Commercial Establishments Residential Hotels, Restaurants and Eating Houses Theatres or other places of Public Amusement or Entertainment Leave with pay and payment of wages Health and Safety Maintenance of Registers, Records and Annual Report 3 The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 Advisory Boards Registration of Establishments Licensing of Contractors Welfare and Health of Contract Labour Registers and other Records to be maintained. 4 The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 Fixing of Minimum Rates of Wages Minimum Rates of Wages Procedure for Fixing and Revising Minimum Wages Advisory Boards and Committees Wages in Kind Wages for worker who works for less than normal working day Wages for two or more classes of work Minimum time rate wages for piece rate work Maintenance of Registers and Records 5 The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 Fixation of Wage Periods Time of Payment of Wages Deductions which may be made from wages Maintenance of Registers and Records. 6 The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 Computation of Gross Profit and Available Surplus Eligibility and Disqualification for Bonus Payment of Minimum and Maximum Bonus Calculation of Bonus with respect to certain employees Proportionate deduction in bonus in certain cases Computation of number of working days Set on and Set off of allocable surplus Special provisions with respect to certain establishments Deduction of certain amounts from bonus payable Time limit for payment of bonus Presumption about accuracy of balance sheet and profit and loss account Maintenance of Registers and Records. 7 The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 Entire Act


1 Industrial Relation :-Origin, Definition, Scope, Determinant, Socio-Economic, Technical, Political factors affecting IR in changing Environment, Approaches to the study of IR Psychological, Human Relation, Socio,Gandhinian approach &Its Effect on Management 2 Trade Union: - Function of Trade Union, Types & structure of Trade Union, Impact of globalization on Trade union movement. 3 Industrial Dispute-Meaning, Causes 4 Industrial Relation Machinery to solve Industrial Dispute: - Negotiation, Mediator. Arbitration- Work Committees, Conciliation, Board of Conciliation, Court of enquiry, Labour Court, Industrial Tribunal, National Tribunal, Role of Judiciary & its impact on industrial relation. 5 Collective Bargaining-Meaning, Characteristics, Need, Importance, Essential Conditions for Success of Collective Bargaining, Process of Collective Bargaining, Causes for Failure of Collective Bargaining, Options in Case of Collective Bargaining. 6 Workers Participation in Management-Concept, Pre-Requisites, Levels Of Participation, Benefits of Participation. 7 Impact of Globalization &Information Technology on IR. 8 Role of Human Resource Development in Developing Industrial Relation- Industrial Relation Democracy, Industrial peace . 9 Salient features of Industrial Employment (Standing order) Act1946.

(305 E)- PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION - APPLICATION & PROCEDURE 1. Personnel Administration Definition, Nature, Objectives, Principles. 2. Personnel Policy Definition, Scope, Process, Objectives, Contents of Personnel file & Personnel audit, Personnel Department Structure, proper Environment around factory. 3. General Communication Drafting of appointment orders, Interview Letters, Promotion, Transfer & Appreciation Letters, Notices & Circulars (All Types) 4. Wage & Salary Administration General consideration in wage & Salary administration Objectives & principles, Time keeping, Attendance, Statutory Returns TDS, Professional Tax, Form 16 (A) PF & ESI Returns. 5. Disciplinary Action Communication Suspension Orders, show cause, Notices, memo, charge sheet, warning, letter of termination & dismissal. 6. Calculations Calculation for superannuation, gratuity & bonus 7. Challenges of modern personnel manager (306E)- TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT 1. Introduction To Training Concept: Definition, Meaning, Need For Training, Importance Of Training, Objectives Of Training, Concepts Of Education, Training And Development, Overview Of Training Functions, Types Of Training 2. Process Of Training: Steps In Training, Identification Of Job Competencies, Criteria For Identifying Training Needs (Person Analysis, Task Analysis, Organization Analysis), Assessment Of Training Needs, Methods And Process Of Needs Assessment. 3. Designing And Implementing A Training Program: Trainer Identification, Methods And Techniques Of Training, Designing A Training Module (Cross Cultural, Leadership, Training The Trainer, Change), Management Development Program, Budgeting Of Training. 4. Evaluation Of Training Program: Kirkpatrick Model Of Evaluation, CIRO Model, Cost-Benefit Analysis, ROI Of Training. 5. Learning: Principles Of Learning, Theories Of Learning, Reinforcement Theory, Social Learning Theory, Andragogy, Resistance To Training. 6. Technology In Training: CBT, Multimedia Training, E-Learning/Online Learning, Distance Learning. (2)

(307E)- MBA ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1. Definition, Values and Assumptions, Importance, Evolution: Kurt Lewin, Robert Tanenbaum, McGregor, Herbert Shepard, Robert Blake. 2. Foundations Of OD: Action Research, Survey Feedback, Systems Theory, Teams And Teamwork, Participation And Empowerment, Applied Behavioural Science, Parallel Learning Structures. 3. Process Of OD Model Of Change, Six Box Model. 4. OD Intervention: Meaning, Importance, Team Intervention: Role Analysis, Interdependency, Appreciation and Concern Inter group: Walton, Principled Negotiation Structural: Sts, Work Redesign, Self-Managed Teams. Individual: T-Group, Behaviour Modeling 5. Client And Consultant Relationship 6. Caselets: Action Research Intervention Exercises

(405E)- Labour Laws

1 The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 Definitions of Industry, Workman and Industrial Dispute - Authorities under the Act Procedure, Powers and Duties of Authorities Strikes and Lock outs Lay off and Retrenchment Special Provisions relating to Layoff, Retrenchment and Closure in certain establishments 2 The Maharashtra Recognition of Trade Unions & Prevention of Unfair Labour Practices Act, 1971 Entire Act 3 The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 Entire Act Principles of Natural Justice 4 The Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 Entire Act 5 The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 Corporation, Standing Committee and Medical Benefit Council Contributions Benefits General 6 The Workmens Compensation Act, 1923 Entire Act 7 The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 Entire Act

(406E) STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1) Introduction To Strategic HRM Definition, need and importance; Introduction to business and corporate strategies; Integrating HR strategies with business strategies; Developing HR plans and policies 2) Human Resource Environment Technology and structure; Workforce diversity; Demographic changes Temporary and contract labour; Global environment; Global competition Global sourcing of labour; WTO and labour standards 3) RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION STRATEGIES Online recruitment; Employee referrals; Recruitment process outsourcing Head hunting; Executive education; Flexi timing; Telecommuting Quality of work life; Work - life balance; Employee empowerment Employee involvement; Autonomous work teams 4) TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES Creating a learning organization; Competency mapping; Multi-Skilling Succession planning; Cross cultural training 5) PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Defining key result areas (KRA); Result based performance Linking performance to pay; Merit based promotions 6) REWARD AND COMPENSATION STRATEGIES Performance based pay; Skill based pay; Team based pay Broad banding; Profit sharing; Executive Compensation; Variable pay 7) RETRENCHMENT STRATEGIES Downsizing; Voluntary retirement schemes (VRS) HR outsourcing; Early retirement plans; Project based employment 8) HUMAN ASPECTS OF STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION Behavioral issues in strategy implementation; Matching culture with strategy Human side of mergers and acquisitions; Leadership, power and politics; Employee morale; Personal values and business ethics 9) GLOBAL HR STRATEGIES Introduction to global HR strategies; Developing HR as a value added function

(407E)- EMERGING TRENDS IN HR PRACTICES 1. The changed role of HR in organizations with respect to leading the change and operating from the Board Room level; challenges of sustainability with reference to Retention and Talent Management for competitive Advantages; Learning organizations and organizational learning, collective learning 2. HR in International Context: Issues that change the context, differences between HRM Domestic and International perspectives, linking hr to international expansion, international recruitment at different levels, issues in staff selection and retention, Performance Management Criterias used, factors associated, evaluation systems. Training and Development, Expatriate Training, Developing International teams, managing virtual teams, Compensation Management, Objectives and Approaches, Repatriation Process, Labor Relations Key Issues 3. Re-Engineering HR Functions and Processes, implementing re-engineering changes 4. HRD Accounting and Audit: HRA Introduction, need and objectives, methods and valuation models, benefits of HRA. HRD Audit: Meaning, methodology, issues, audit instruments, HRD Scorecard, Report. (408E) CASE STUDIES IN PM & IR CASE STUDIES IN P M / IR 30 A student will study at least 20 cases, 10 from personnel management and 10 from Industrial Relations. Cases will be normally based on the following topics of personnel management. a) Recruitment sources controversy over issue of sons of soil. b) Conflict on transfer, promotion, demotion, and upgradation. c) Favouritism, informal relations with higher authorities, violation of principles of Management. d) Declaration of strikes lay off, Retrenchment, Lock-out, Closure, Suspension of operation etc. e) Using Act of force by Management, causing industrial unrest. f) Issues connected with adjudicated matters of respective industry. g) Disregarding agreement terms violating terms of settlement signed

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