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# Indicative Syllabus
1 Business ethics, corporate governance and CSR
Subtopics: Introduction to business ethics, sources and types of ethics, role of ethics in management,
creating an ethical organization; overview of corporate governance, board structures and style,
Board of directors: roles and responsibilities, board management relationship and management
performance codes and laws; Responsible business, CSR policies, major stakeholders - their current
and future plans, organizational, social and economic issues, role of civil society and government,
2 Business Policy and Strategic Analysis-Basic Concepts of Strategic Management, Scanning the
Environment- Environmental Scanning and Industry Analysis, Internal Scanning: Organizing Analysis,
Strategy Formulation- Strategy Formulation: Situation Analysis and Business Strategy, Strategy
Formulation: Corporate Strategy, Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy and Strategic Choice,
Strategy Implementation and Control- strategy Implementation: Organizing for Action, Strategy
Implementation: Staffing and Directing, Evaluation and Control, Other Strategic Issues- Strategic
Issues in Managing Technology and Innovation, Strategic Issues in Entrepreneurial Ventures and
Small Businesses, Strategic Issues in Not-For-Profit Organizations. HR Scorecard, HR Audit, HR issues
in Merger and Acquisition
3 Collective Bargaining and Negations process: Nature, Conditions for successful bargaining,
Advantages and current trends in bargaining, Issues fo0r concerns for employers, negotiation-
objectives, team structure, and strategy, negotiation process-reactions, discussions, and style,
negotiation agreement. Theories of Collective Bargaining
4 Conflict Management - definition, intervention process, sources, reasons and different levels of
conflicts, conflict management strategies
5 Emotional Intelligence and Managerial Effectiveness: Concept of EI, theories, and measurement, EI
and managerial performance
6 Grievance Management: Concept of Grievance, Causes of Grievance, Need for a Grievance Redressal
Procedure, Effective Grievance Redressal, Steps in a Grievance Redressal Procedure, Grievance
Redressal Procedure in Unionized Organizations, Legislative Aspects of the Grievance, Redressal
Procedure in India
7 Human Resource Development: Strategies and Systems: Human resource development process—
assessment, design, implementation, and evaluation, Training, coaching, mentoring, counselling,
career planning and development, aligning strategy with HRD activities. Assessment Techniques –
Tools like In –Basket Exercises, Critical Incidence Technique, Types of Interviews etc. Competency
based approach in Various HR Practices like PMS, Balance Scorecard etc. Managerial Competencies
and Career Development
8 Human Resource Information System: Human Resource Management-Systems Approach, strategic
Role of Information in HRM, Information Technology-Concepts & Issues, HRIS Philosophy ,HRIS
Implementation and Control, Designing an HRIS Department, Statistical Applications in HR,
Compensation and Benefits Management, Training and Development, HR Planning and Analysis,
Social Reporting, HRIS Initiatives in Indian Companies
9 Human Resource Management: Introduction, staffing, manpower planning, performance appraisal,
wage and salary administration, employee welfare, accidents and safety issues
10 Human Resource Planning: Objectives, H R P at Different Levels, The Process of HRP, Assessing
Current Human Resources and Making an Inventory, Forecasting, Matching the Inventory with
Future Requirements, Managing the Forecasted Demand/ Surplus, Managing Future Demand,
Managing Future Surplus, Dealing with Surplus Manpower, Growing Importance of Human Resource
Planning, Current Trends
11 Industrial Relations & Trade Unions: Nature, concept, models and theories of IR, Collective
bargaining, industrial disputes, workers participation management, employee discipline, grievance
handling, trade unionism, development of unionism, structure and types of unions, trade unions act,
issue of registration and recognition, problems of unions in liberalised economy. Role of State in IR
12 Labour Laws: Introduction; Regulatory laws-Trade union act 1926, ID act 1947, Industrial
employment act (standing order act) 1946, Protective laws- Factories act, 1948, Wage laws-
minimum wages act, 1948, payment of wages act, 1936, Equal remuneration act, 1976, The payment
of bonus act, 1965, Social security laws- EPF act, 1952, ESI act, 1948, workmen’s compensation act
1923, Maternity benefit act, 1961, payment of gratuity act, 1972, Contract labor laws Contract
labour act 1986, Bonded labour system act 1986, child labour act, 1986. Apprentice Act’1961, Shops
and Establishments Act’ 1953, Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification) Act’ 1959
13 Managing change and organizational effectiveness: Understand the dynamics of change, reasons
for change, diagnosis for change, resistance to change, change agents, forms of interventions,
models of change, implementing change in organizations, consolidating change, organizational
effectiveness: theories and models, indicators of effectiveness, organizational health, financial and
non financial measures
14 Management of Compensations and Benefits: wages and salary concepts, Factors affecting wage
and salary, legislative measures, job evaluation, components of compensation, linking rewards with
performance, indirect or fringe benefits
15 Management Process and Organizational Behaviour: foundations of Individual Behaviour, Values
and Personality, Attitudes and job satisfaction, Perception and individual decision making,
Motivation in the Workplace, Motivation Through Applied Performance, Practices, emotions and
moods. Learning, Attribution
16 Managing Interpersonal and Group Processes: Foundations of Group understanding work teams,
communication, leadership, Stress Management, Decision Making and Creativity, Power and politics,
conflict and negotiation
17 Organizational Structure Design and Change: foundation of structure, factors affecting structure-
environment, strategy, size, culture and technology, organizational development and change, stress
management, corporate transformation
18 Performance Management & Appraisal: goals and objectives, Planning performance, self appraisal
performance analysis, performance ratings techniques, performance review discussion, using
performance management data for HR decisions and performance improvements goals and
objectives, Planning performance, self appraisal performance analysis, performance ratings
techniques, performance review discussion, using performance management data for HR decisions
and performance improvements. Types of PMS
19 Quantitative Methods & Research Methodology- Introduction to research methodology, types of
research, Research process- problem identification, literature survey theoretical framework and
hypothesis development, variables identification, research design formulation, data collection
methods –preliminary and secondary methods, measurement of variables, scaling techniques,
reliability and validity issues, sampling techniques, data analysis and interpretation, statistical
techniques, central tendency measures, graphs and diagrams, measures of variability,, T- tests,
correlation techniques,, chi square, regression analysis, multivariate statistics- factor analysis, MRA,,
discriminate analysis, canonical correlation, structure equation modelling
20 Recruitment & Selection- Understanding the staffing process, recruitment- internal and external
sources, advantages and disadvantages, selection process- pseudo scientific methods, scientific
selection process- tests-and issues, interview process, probation, internal mobility
21 Rewards & Recognition- types of rewards,- n=monetary and non monetary, performance reward
link, pay for performance- types, challenges, psychological contracts for managing performance ,
Incentives,- individual, group and organization based incentives
22 Training and Development- Key training issues, training need analysis, clarifying the objectives of
training, designing effective training programmes, implementing training – training methodology,
conducting training, trainer behaviour, evaluation of training, legal issues. Models of measuring
Training Effectiveness
23 Transactional Analysis- Understanding TA- life stages- father, child and adult, different types of
transactions, use of TA for improving behaviour,
24 Discipline : Principles of Natural Justice, Disciplinary Proceedings, Domestic Enquiry

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