Social Forestry Malaysia Experience (Aminuddin Mohammad) PP 202-205

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Social Forestry: Malaysia Experience

Aminuddin Mohamad ABSTRACT Coastal line is an important feature to ones country. The very long coastal line of Malaysia is subjected to open sea and waves hitting the coastline. Some portion of the coastline is affected and damaged except for those having Mangrove forests along it. Some of the coastline in the states of Kedah and Johor have been destroyed and retreat inland. Steps have been taken by the Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia to plant species of Mangrove together with other coastal species like Casuarina equisetifolia in order to reduce the impact of the damage. This paper tends to highlight the long term social forestry program undertaken by the Forestry Department in order to reduce the damage to the coastline. Keywords:Coastal line,Mangrove forest

Mangrove forests are very important tropical coastal tidal ecosystems and grow on nutrient-rich muddy substrates that are low in oxygen and that undergo variations in salinity. The important functional role of mangrove forest communities and their transitional position between marine and terrestrial environments have led to these ecosystems being the object of study within a variety of scientific disciplines such as biology, ecology, geology, oceanography and pedology. However, scientists, including pedologists, often refer to the substrate on which mangrove vegetation develops as soil (Corredor et al., 1999, Clark et al., 1998 and Tam and Wong, 1998). The soil is always an important component in the system comprising the lithosphere, the atmosphere and the biosphere. Soil properties reflect the varying nature of the interactions within this system. Soil is essential for many human activities if we understand how soil has been developed and how it is affected by changes in the system, particularly those in the biosphere caused by our manipulation of vegetation and soil. Soils are vital resources in every country of the world. Increasing population pressures and demands for food, fibre and timber emphasize the need for careful management. In order for sustainable system of land management to be adopted, the effects in soil properties must be measured and the data obtained correctly interpreted (Rowell, 1996). Towards the end of December 2004, there was an occurrence of Tsunami off the coast of Sumatera, Indonesia and devastated the many life forms including humans and trees. Lives have been lost. The areas included coastline of Malaysia, South Thailand, Sri Lanka and other surrounding areas. From then on, many countries including Malaysia have started the massive planting along the coastline coastal species such as Mangrove species, Nyireh (Xylocarpus granatum) and Rhu (Casuarina equisetifolia). This activity is also to safeguard the possible erosion of coastline by the high waves from the sea. This paper will highlight the activities conducted by the Forestry Department Malaysia in planting millions of mangrove plants over the years since 2005.

Malaysias Experience Activities.

Planting Activities At the beginning of 2005, Government of Malaysia through various Ministries and Agencies started the initiatives of planting Mangrove species and other coastal species in the country. Started with a total of only 169 ha distributed all over the country planting a total of 476 602 seedlings in 2005 and by 2011 it had risen to a total of 2342.95 ha and a total of 6,060,366 seedlings planted (Table 1). The largest areas planted are in the state of Sabah, followed by Perak, Sarawak, Kedah with the least being in Malacca (Photo 1). A total of 1,117,175 seedlings planted in Sarawak and 1,095,946 seedlings planted in Perak. From the areas planted, 94.3% were planted with Mangrove (Bakau) species, followed by Casuarina equisetifolia (Rhu Pantai) 3.3% and other species. 2.4%. Other species to include palms like Nyireh (Xylocarpus granatum) and Nipah (Nypa



fruticans) , Gelam (Melalueca cajuputi), Kelat Jambu Laut (Eugenia macrophylla) Bintangor Laut (Callophyllum innophyllum) and Tembusu (Fragrea fragrans). Extension Work Extension work has been carried to involve the local communities by encouraging them to plant the seedlings. This is carried out through various NGOs and sponsoring agencies like Bank Islam Malaysia. School children are also organised to make trips on weekends to plant the trees. Monitoring and Evaluation Routine checks on areas planted were conducted by state forestry department and also by Forest Research Institute Malaysia and the research committee involving various agencies and bodies. The committee will have to report to the main committee and in turn will report to the Minister of the agency concerned for the progress made thus far. This has become the Key Performance Index of the Minister since the start of the planting. Pictures as shown showed that the growth performance of the species planted over the years taken from the same spot.



Table 1: Cumulative Physical achievement since 2005 till 2011 on the no of seedlings planted and area covered State 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Cumula tive 20052011 area


No of seedling s 189150 18000 14300 0 0 1600 167100 10000 25000 48000 3452 0 0 475602


No of seedling s 37094 53000 33833 0 0 7627 90000 12104 53388 60000 3059 166665 22220 538990


No of seedlings


No of seedlings


No of seedlings


No of seedling s 23100 222201 7430 5750 61 10406 255076 3600 40299 90900 14056 117793 79385 930995


Johore Kedah Kelantan Melaka N.Sembilan Pahang Perak Perlis Penang Selangor Terengganu Sabah Sarawak TOTAL

64 3 11.3 0 0 4 31 2 9.2 40 4.8 0 0 169.3

12 11 10.49 0 0 11.3 16 2.3 10 10 5.36 15 10 113.45

31 41 14.4 0 6.5 30.6 18 5 4.5 12.5 14.4 186.0 35 398.9

80800 220000 50283 0 30151 15888 72800 18200 18450 37000 9216 420465 77770 1051023

42 90 22.06 8.50 34.5 25.55 69 8.79 10.6 25 18.35 200.84 64.4 620.29

131250 530862 62221 10500 58365 14109 147300 44336 38670 81000 11704 223165 153638 1507120

18 77.9 23 2 15.3 16.6 65 4.66 14.30 33 13.08 157.43 88.6 526.87

11250 465200 45664 1000 67127 10373 238671 9649 32916 101588 8176 189087 176732 1357433

13.2 42.90 8 2.5 14.15 17.55 55 4.55 14.20 37.5 12.71 115.90 90.70 428.86

17 0 1 0 0 2 50 3 3.5 8 0.78 0 0 85.28

No of seed lings 452 75 0 625 0 0 125 0 125 000 111 11 670 2 775 0 490 0 0 198 203

No of seedlings

198 265.8 90.25 13 70.45 107.6 304 30.3 68.20 166 69.48 675.17 286.7 2342.95

517919 1509263 214356 17250 216643 61253 1095946 109000 215425 426238 50153 1117175 509745 6060366

Source: Annual Report Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia 2011



Issues and Problems

Some of the issues faced in undertaking such big projects were coastal deterioration. The coastline tends to be eroded away by the strong waves hitting the area. Some of the seedling got carried away as shown in the following pictures.Other issues faced are strong winds that can break the branches or stem of the planted species. Vandalism is another factor that can fail the project as in some areas the locals are not aware of the activities undertaken by the forestry department. Steps were taken to reduce such problems through talks to the chieftain and other local committees. Another issue is the mismatching of the areas planted. There are occurrences of Caladium species at the areas planted. Some areas are inundated with acidic soil and therefore cannot plant the wanted species. Grazing of cows and goats along the coast can be another big issue as some of the planted Rhu Pantai (Casuarina equisetifolia) species are eaten and grazed by these animals.

The immediate outcomes by undertaking such projects can provide extra jobs to the locals through the establishment of more nurseries and contracting jobs in the planting of the species. The Intermediate outcomes though will increase the areas of for eco-tourism, increase the awareness of the public on the importance of planting the species. By doing this therefore can increase the biodiversity. The end outcome after the project hopefully will stabilize the coastal areas and increase the protected coastal line by having more buffer zones. This in the long run will increase the carbon stock and provides corridor for flora and fauna to the areas.

The physical planting achievement of the projects showed that such projects can be achieved with the help of all those concerns through the planting of more than 6 million seedlings. In most areas, more than 80% of the planted seedlings survived and replanting has been carried out especially those affected by grazing animals.

Annual Report Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia (2011). Clark M. W., McConchie D., Lewis D. W., & Saenger P.(1998). Redox stratification and heavy metal partitioning in Avicennia-dominated mangrove sediments: a geochemical model. Chemical Geology 149 (1998) 147-171. Rowell D. L.(1994). Soil Science: Methods & Applications. Department of Soil Science, University of Reading. Tam N. F. Y., & Wong Y. S.(1998). Spatial variation of heavy metals in surface sediments of Hong Kong mangrove swamps. Environmental Pollution 110 (2000) 195-205. Aminuddin Mohamad


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