05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1 High Buyers

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Project Name: Yahoo Flickr Location: New York Date: 1/22/14 Time: 5:30pm e!

ment: "ro#p 1 $ow i% e&er'one to(a') Good. How are you? "oo(* + think it,% -+N./D+0L12 o#t%i(e3 4#t it will 4e 5#n j#%t to -+N./D+0L12* Thank 'o# all 5or %pen(in! 'o#r 6e(ne%(a'3 %now'7not %o %now'3 4#t %now i% %#4tle3 col( e&enin! with me* 8' name i% .n!ela* +,ll 4e mo(eratin!3 an( we,ll 4e here 5or a4o#t two ho#r% to!ether3 4#t tr#%t me3 the time will 5l'3 4eca#%e it,% 4een !oin! 4' 5a%t 5or all the other !ro#p% that we,&e 4een (oin! the%e !ro#p% in an Franci%co an( now we,re here in New York* 9er' e:citin!* $a% an'one (one a 5oc#% !ro#p 4e5ore) Three o5 'o#) "reat* Yo# kin( o5 know the (rill3 4#t let me tell 'o# what thi% room i% all a4o#t3 5or the other%* 6e ha&e microphone% an( we,re recor(in! the %e%%ion3 an( the rea%on wh' we,re recor(in! i% %o +,m not %cram4lin! an( takin! note%* + can act#all' j#%t talk to 'o# an( enjo' o#r con&er%ation* Then3 al%o3 we ha&e a two;wa' mirror here3 4eca#%e + ha&e collea!#e% here in the 4ack room who are li%tenin! in* The',re al%o intere%te( in 'o#r opinion% an( what 'o# ha&e to %hare to(a'* +,ll 4e checkin! 4ack with them3 i5 the' ha&e an' a((itional <#e%tion% or comment% here an( there* 6e,ll %pen( two ho#r% an( we,ll 4e talkin! a4o#t what 'o#,&e 4een pre(ictin!3 photo %tock3 talkin! a4o#t %ome o5 the e:perience% 'o# ha&e3 %ince 'o#,re %o clo%e with it* Yo#,re p#rcha%in! photo %tock all the time* Then +,m !oin! to %hare a new pro(#ct i(ea with 'o#* =ne thin! that,% reall' important i% that we,&e recr#ite( 'o# 4eca#%e 'o#,re all (i55erent* Yo#,re all 4#'in! photo %tock3 4#t 'o# all ha&e (i55erent pro5e%%ion%3 'o#,re all (oin! (i55erent thin!%3 %o there mi!ht 4e moment% where 'o# a!ree3 there mi!ht 4e moment% where 'o# (i%a!ree3 an( that,% !oo(* 6e act#all' want 'o#r mo%t hone%t 5ee(4ack* +5 there,% a moment where we,re not all on the %ame pa!e3 that,% totall' 5ine* Yo#r mo%t hone%t 5ee(4ack i% the 4e%t* .n( thi% i% the one place that 'o# co#l( j#%t %a' e&er'thin! that,% on 'o#r min(* + ha&e a lot to co&er3 %o 'o# mi!ht %ee me %teerin! the con&er%ation one wa' or the other3 j#%t 4eca#%e o5 the thin!% that we ha&e to !et thro#!h3 4#t other than that3 'o#r hone%t 5ee(4ack i% what we lo&e* Ye%* .n'thin! el%e i% j#%t7+,m thinkin! 4athroom* +5 'o# ha&e to !o to the 4athroom3 + j#%t a%k that 'o# !o one at a time3 4eca#%e %ometime% e&er'4o(' !oe% at the %ame time an( we lo%e hal5 o#r !ro#p* +5 'o# co#l( !o one at a time* + think >err',% !oin! to 4rin! in %ome water3 in ca%e 'o# !#'% !et thir%t'* That,% reall' it* .n' <#e%tion% 5or me 4e5ore we !et !oin!) ince we,re !oin! to 4e to!ether 5or two ho#r%3 + think it wo#l( 4e !reat 5or #% to !et to know each other a little 4it 4e5ore we !o into the whole

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1

photo %tock (i%c#%%ion* +5 we co#l( !o aro#n(3 'o# can intro(#ce 'o#r%el5* Tell #% 'o#r li&in! %it#ation3 what 'o# (o 5or a li&in!3 an( wh' 'o# 4#' photo %tock* I ll !"ar". I m a #reela$ce %raphic de!i%$er& a$d I 'uy pho"o !"ock mo!"ly #or work& pre""y much e(clu!i)ely #or work. *ha" ! a'ou" i". 6hat part o5 New York are 'o# in) +rookly$. =h3 !reat* ,i"ma! -ark. -+N./D+0L12 %o 5#n* +,m 5rom 8ichi!an 4#t li&in! in L. ri!ht now* .u!" )i!i"i$%? Yeah* a&io* /y $ame i! 0a)io. I li)e i$ 1e!"che!"er Cou$"y& 'u" I work i$ 2"la$"ic Ci"y. I li)e i$ a !i$%le3#amily home 'y my!el#. 0i$%le. I m a !e$ior we' producer& !o I 'uy pho"o !"ock #or clie$"! a$d more work3rela"ed purpo!e!& 'u" I al!o ha)e crea"i)e pur!ui"!& !o I like "o 'uy !ome pho"o !"ock #or "ha"& a! well. 6hat creati&e p#r%#it%) I 4u!" like& really& u!i$% i/o)ie a$d !ome li""le )ideo!. I like5I ha)e a "um'lr accou$" a$d a *wi""er accou$"& I ha)e a -i$"ere!" accou$"& !o I 4u!" like "o pi$'oard. *ra)el i! a really 'i% "hi$% #or me. -la$$i$% a "rip "o 6urope i$ a'ou" "wo mo$"h!. *ryi$% "o %e" "o%e"her a lo" o# 7IN28,I+96:. te&e* Hi& I m 0"e)e. I am a #reela$ce "ele)i!io$ producer. I primarily 'uy !"ock #or 'o"h !"ill pho"o%raphy a$d #or )ideo #or )ariou! clie$"!. ;i%h" $ow I m doi$% !ome perma3la$ce wi"h a compa$y "ha" !peciali<e! i$ pu""i$% "o%e"her packa%ed $ew! !"orie!. 1e do 'o"h pri$" campai%$! a$d )ideo campai%$!. I !pe$" a couple year! i$ commercial ad)er"i!i$%& a! well& a$d I )e worked purcha!i$% !"ock pho"o! a$d !"ock )ideo #or "ho!e "ype! o# campai%$!& a! well. /arried a$d li)e i$ Ho'oke$. Neat* 6elcome3 te&e*

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1

Hi. I m Freddie. I m #rom 1e!" Che!"er& al!o. /arried wi"h "wo childre$& o$e "ha" li)e! wi"h me& "he o"her o$e i! i$ colle%e. I )e 'ee$ a pho"o edi"or #or 1= year!& ei%h" o# "ho!e worki$% #or we'. I am $ow a mul"imedia producer 7IN28,I+96:. Now I work al!o i$ )ideo> I m produci$% a$d edi"i$% )ideo. I 'uy !"ock mo!"ly #or my pho"o%raphy clie$"!. 1he$ I m worki$% #or a clie$"& a par"icular edi"orial clie$"& a$d $ow #or )ideo& "oo. I# I ha)e "o purcha!e ima%ery "o u!e i$ )ideo& I d ra"her !ome"hi$% #rom !"ock. I m 2my. I m a #reela$ce %raphic de!i%$er. I 4u!" li)e a #ew 'lock! away. 7C;?0029@:. .u!" a !mall walk. I almo!" #ell& 'u" "ha" ! ?@. I work almo!" e(clu!i)ely #or "he medical i$du!"ry& !o I work #or ho!pi"al!& medical pu'li!her!& u$i)er!i"ie! #or "heir medical depar"me$"!& a$d I 'uy a lo" o# !"ock pho"o!. Ca"alo%ue!& I ll 'uy 40 ima%e! a" o$ce. I" ! cra<y how ma$y ima%e! I ha)e "o 'uy. =h3 "o%h* + can,t wait to hear all 'o#r %torie%* You pro'a'ly %e" %ood deal!. /edical "e("'ook!. I work #or a p!ychia"ri!" a" "he NY8& 'u" I %e"5I a!ked i# he "hou%h" I $eeded hi! help a$d he !aid& ANo&B !o I m %ood. 7928GH*6;:. 2dam. 9i)e i$ /a$ha""a$. 1ork o$ 1all 0"ree". I m "he mul"imedia edi"or #or a ma4or #i$a$cial media compa$y. 1e do all o# our pho"o !"ock a$d edi"orial pho"o! #or a pri$" edi"orial& )ideo edi"orial& !ocial media& a$d our premium !er)ice! di)i!io$& !o we ha)e a he#"y amou$" o# !u'!crip"io$! "o )ariou! pho"o or%a$i<a"io$! acro!! "he 'oard. 6elcome e&er'4o('* Thi% i% a won(er5#l arra' o5 pro5e%%ion% an( %#ch* Thi% i% 5anta%tic* +5 'o# !#'% were to %#mmari?e what t'pe% o5 project% are the 4i! one% that re<#ire 'o# to (o p#rcha%e photo %tock7which 'o# kin( o5 to#che( on3 4#t j#%t to hear e&er'one* 6hat project% re<#ire 'o# to 4#'* 9ar%e amou$"!? Ye%* -ho"o %allerie!& i$ my ca!e. I ha)e "o 'uild pho"o %allery #or !ome"hi$%& a$ edi"orial !"ory. 6di"orial. ,aily pic"ure! "o pair wi"h edi"orial a$d )ideo repor"i$%. I work a lo" o$ ca"alo%ue! #or cardiolo%y& %a!"roe$"erolo%y& !erie! ca"alo%ue!& a$d I ha)e "o 'uy a lo" o# !"ock pho"o! #or "ho!e. For me i" ! we' de!i%$.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1

1e' de!i%$& yeah. Yeah& I wa! %oi$% "o !ay i$"erac"i)e. + !#e%%3 thinkin! a4o#t7The rea%on wh' we ha( 'o# (o thi% prete%t i% j#%t + know 'o#,re (oin! it (a';in an( (a';o#t3 4#t j#%t to reall' !et %ome o5 the 4i! thin!% in 'o#r min(* +n !oin! thro#!h that proce%%3 what %t#ck o#t in re%pect to 'o#r o&erall e:perience in lookin! 5or photo %tock) .n'thin! that kin( o5 %#rpri%e( 'o#) .u!" #rom "he homework a!!i%$me$"? Yeah* .u!" a %e$eral !e$!e5a$d "hi! %oe! #or i$ my e)eryday li#e& a! I m !ure e)eryo$e ca$ a""e!" "o i" a! well52 lo" o# looki$% #or ei"her )ideo or !"ill! "hrou%h "he di##ere$" o$li$e !earch e$%i$e! #or !"ock pho"o%raphy& I #i$d "ha" you $eed "o 'e really o$ poi$" wi"h your keyword !earche!& 'ecau!e "he pho"o! could 'e "here& 'u" you may $e)er #i$d "hem i# you re $o" pu""i$% i$ "he correc" word!& "ermi$olo%y. I %e" #ru!"ra"ed )ery Cuick& e!pecially i# I m worki$% o$ a $um'er o# di##ere$" pro4ec"! a" o$ce. 9e" ! !ay& we do a lo" o# heal"hcare !"orie!. I# I m looki$% #or& le" ! !ay& %e$eric medici$e& where I do$ " wa$" "o !ee *yle$ol or 2d)il 'u" I wa$" "o !ee 4u!" %e$eric "a'le"! a$d !"ill!& i# I do$ " "ype "ha" i$ properly& "he$ I ll %e" a 'u$ch o# pho"o! "ha" are "o"ally irrele)a$"& a$d ei"her I ll $eed "o #ocu! my "ime a$d e$er%y "hi$ki$%& A?@& well how do I phra!e i" properly !o I ca$ %e" "he ima%e! I wa$"? ?r do I !pe$d "he "ime !earchi$% "hrou%h pa%e a#"er pa%e a#"er pa%e o# irrele)a$" pho"o! "ha" pro'a'ly I will $e)er $eed?B I #ou$d "ha"& a%ai$& "he !earch cri"eria i! really impor"a$" 'ecau!e& a%ai$& a compa$y like Ge""y or Cor'i! or you $ame i"& ca$ ha)e "he pho"o! "ha" you wa$"& 'u" i# you re $o" pu""i$% i$ "he correc" word!& "he$ you re !pi$$i$% your word! a$d ca$ wi$d up wi"h $o"hi$%. *he$ I& o#"e$& will %o "o a$o"her we'!i"e or a$o"her !earch e$%i$e "o %o look el!ewhere& u!i$% ei"her "ha" !ame "ermi$olo%y or "he$ #i( i" "here. You d 'e !urpri!ed how e##ec"i)e "he da"e come! i$"o "hi$%!& a! well. ?$e o# "he !earch cri"eria& 'e!ide! wordi$%& #or me& i! da"e& 'ecau!e my ima%e! ha)e "o 'e "imely& u$iCue& curre$". *hey ha)e "o 'e up3"o3do3da"e o)er wha" we re doi$%. *he$ you ll %e" a cur)e 'all where i" ! !ome"hi$% like "he *i"a$ic. 2$d "he word A*i"a$icB ca$ 'e u!ed a! a de!crip"io$& ra"her "ha$ a$ ac"ual e)e$" or a$ i"em. 8!i$% "he parame"er o# "ime& a" lea!" o$ my e$d& i! )ery impor"a$". I #ou$d "ha"& par"icularly wi"h o$e o# my a!!i%$me$"!& "ha" I "ry "o u!e "ha" "o "he 'e!" o# my a'ili"y& 'u" "he$ keywordi$% 'ecame a pro'lem& 'ecau!e I wa! looki$% #or o$e )ery par"icular i"em #or o$e par"icular e)e$"& a$d i" kep" %i)i$% me par"! o# "he e)e$". *hey were$ " %i)i$% me wha" I wa$"ed& which I k$ew I would #i$d e)e$"ually& 'u" I had "o %o "hrou%h pa%e a$d pa%e a$d pa%e a$d pa%e a$d pa%e a$d I e)e$"ually #ou$d i".

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1

+ %ee e&er'one el%e %hakin! their hea( here* No& I "o"ally a%ree wi"h wha" 0"e)e !aid& a$d 2la$& "oo. ?$e "hi$% "ha" I would like "o add i! o$e i!!ue "ha" I u!ually come acro!! wi"h& a$d "hi! %oe! "hrou%h all "he pro)ider!& i! I work a lo"& !ome"ime!& #or 9a"i$o compa$ie!& a$d #i$di$% ima%e! o# 9a"i$o! i$ Ge""y& *hi$k0"ock& Cor'i!& ca$ 'e challe$%i$%. I" ! al!o50ome"ime!& I "hi$k i" ! "he lack o# k$owled%e o# wha" a 9a"i$o look! like. I m -uer"o ;ica$. 1e could come 'lack& 'row$& whi"e. 2 lo" o# "ime!& "he!e compa$ie! mi%h"& whe$ you !earch u$der A9a"i$o&B you o$ly %e" people o# dark !ki$& whe$ "here could 'e a "ypical 9a"i$a "ha" i! comple"ely whi"e wi"h 'ru$e""e hair& a$d !he i! 9a"i$a& i" ! 4u!" "ha" "hey ha)e a !peci#ic look "o "hem. I do$ " "hi$k a lo" o# compa$ie! k$ow e(ac"ly how "o ca"er "o "ha". I" ! a hu%e marke". I" ! a hu%e marke". 6hat other challen!e% are 'o# !#'% comin! acro%%) The%e are !reat7the time3 ethnicit'* I ha)e a hu%e e"h$ici"y pro'lem& 'ecau!e I alway! ha)e "o !how $ur!e!& or %roup! o# $ur!e!& or %roup! o# doc"or!& a$d i" ! hard. ?$e o# my home5?$e o# "he pa%e! you ll !ee& I picked a$ ima%e "ha" had a lo" o# di##ere$" maleD#emale. *ho!e are challe$%e!& "oo& #or doc"or!& 'ecau!e all o# "he #emale doc"or! look like $ur!e!. I" ! hard. Ge$der a$d e"h$ici"y. 1thnicit'* I would !ay commo$ali"ie! 'e"wee$ "hi$%!. ?$e o# my o"her a!!i%$me$"! wa! I $eeded !ome"hi$%5I wa! looki$% #or a place. I" wa! %i)i$% me a$o"her place #rom a$o"her cou$"ry& which had "he !ame $ame a! a place i$ "he 8$i"ed 0"a"e!& a$d "he commo$ali"y 4u!" kep" 'ri$%i$% up o$e di!"i$c" area& )er!u! wha" I $eeded& which wa! o$ "he o"her !ide o# "he world. *he idea 'ehi$d "he de!crip"io$ o# !ome"hi$% "ha" could mea$ o$e "hi$% or a$o"her. I" could pre!e$" real pro'lem!& i# you $eed !ome"hi$% really Cuickly& whe$ you "hi$k !ome"hi$% ! really o')iou!& a$d "he$ i" "ur$! ou" i" ! $o"& 'ecau!e "he !ame "hi$% will %i)e you a$o"her re!ul" #or !ome"hi$% comple"ely di##ere$". I$ my ca!e& i" wa! "he $ame o# a ci"y. 2$d I i$cluded "he !"a"e& "oo& a$d i" kep" %i)i$% me a ci"y i$ a$o"her cou$"ry. I 4u!"5For me& "here ! a couple o# i!!ue!. 9ike o$e& #or e(ample& I would lo)e i# "here wa! a #reCue$cy o# 'uy! or "he mo!" rece$" "ime !"amp o$ "ho!e& 'ecau!e I do$ " wa$" "o 'uy !ome"hi$% "ha"& may'e& ha! 'ee$ i$ u!e i$ a #reCue$cy o# "ime. *he o"her "hi$% I wa! "hi$ki$% a'ou" a! a !olu"io$& I do$ " k$ow why a$yo$e crea"ed a )i!ual !earch. 0o u!e a$ al%ori"hm59ike& #or e(ample& I ha)e o$e or "wo !"ock #or "he pho"o ima%e! "ha" u!e! a$ al%ori"hm& a$d "he$ ca$ replica"e "he "ime o# "ype a$d #eeli$% "ha"5 *hi$k0"op ha! "ha" #u$c"io$ali"y.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1

?h& I did$ " k$ow "ha". You ca$ do "ha" i$ Goo%le5I u!ed "o u!e i" i$ Goo%le all "he "ime. I! i" 4u!" a! e##ec"i)e? +ecau!e I u!e Ge""y mo!" o# "he "ime. I u!e i" 4u!" a!5 I 4u!" u!ed i" "oday a$d i" wa! e##ec"i)e. *he "hi$%! "ha" I k$ew& "he ima%e came #rom "ha" collec"io$& a$d I "hi$k I had a comp& I 4u!" pu" i" i$ "here& a$d i" %a)e me& immedia"ely& "he re#ere$ce $um'er a$d e)ery"hi$% I $eeded. *ha" ! how I %e" arou$d i". I u!e i" #rom "he !ame& whoe)er& pho"o%rapher or whoe)er pu" i" up. *ha" ! how I %e" arou$d i". $a&e 'o# !#'% ha( the e:perience where 'o# came acro%% the7Yo#,re lookin! 5or a %peci5ic ima!e an( then 'o# co#l(n,t 5in( it) Yeah. Ye!. Ye!& ma$y "ime!& yeah. 6hat wo#l( 4e an e:ample) .u!" "o u$der!"a$d "he Cue!"io$F I #ou$d i" a$d "he$ "ryi$% "o %o 'ack a$d #i$d i" la"er o$? >#%t 'o# were lookin! %omethin! an( 'o# ha( no7 ?h& !o I had !ome"hi$% i$ my head "ha" I k$ew I wa$"ed5 2$d you could$ " #i$d i"& yeah. *ha" happe$ed "o me& almo!"5I lucked ou"& 'u" I wa! %e""i$% "o "he poi$" where I wa!& AI" ! $o" happe$i$%.B I ca$ " "hi$k o# o$e ri%h" $ow& 'u" I5 6hat wa%76hat were 'o# lookin! 5or) I $eeded "o #i$d "he5I$ *ime! 0Cuare& "here i! a !i%$ "ha" !ay!5?h& e(cu!e me. I m !orry5*ha" !ay!& A,ow .o$e!.B I $eeded "o #i$d "ha"& a$d I $eeded "o #i$d i" i$ a cer"ai$ way where I could crop ou" "he !i%$ a$d $o" ha)e all o# "he periphery arou$d i". I" kep" %i)i$% me ima%e! where I could$ " %e" "he e(ac" !"yle I wa! looki$% #or. I had i$ my head& A*hi! i! wha" I wa$". I k$ow i" ! "here.B 2$d i" "ook me a'ou" 20 mi$u"e! "o ac"ually

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1

#i%ure i" ou"& 'ecau!e I had "o %o look a$d look& a$d look& a$d look. +u" ac"ually& o$e o# my o"her a!!i%$me$"! wa! I $eeded "o #i$d !ome"hi$%& a$d I could$ " %e" i". $a&e 'o# !#'% e&er hire( a photo!rapher to !et the ima!e 'o# nee(e() I ha)e. Ye!. ?h& yeah. Yeah. .n( what were 'o#76hat wa% 'o#r roa(4lock3 where 'o# j#%t %ai(3 @+ ha&e to7@ 0ome"ime!& i# you re pho"o%raphi$% a !peci#ic place& or #or a real e!"a"e compa$y& or #or place! where you do$ " wa$" a %e$eric ima%e& you wa$" i" !peci#ic "o "he 'u!i$e!! you re marke"i$%& "he$& o# cour!e& hiri$% i! 'e""er. Yeah. I did "ha"& "oo. Yeah. Yeah. ame thin!) For par"icular holiday!. +ecau!e we $eed& a%ai$& "imely "hi$%!& !o we $eed up3"o3da"e pic"ure! o# wha" a 'uildi$% look! like duri$% holiday "ime& or wha" "he i$"erior o# a !"ore or a mall. *hey ha)e "o 'e curre$"& 'ecau!e "he !"ore! cha$%e wi"h "re$d!& !o i# we ha)e "he i$!ide o# a mall i$ 2012& a$d "he$ i$ 2013 "hey re all clo!ed& we ca$ " !how "ha" older ima%e. 0o I )e had "o ha)e !omeo$e %o ou" "here a$d "ake i". .(am3 'o# 4rin! #p a !oo( point a4o#t c#rrent3 #p;to;(ate ima!e%* Do 'o# e&er ha&e 5r#%tration% tr'in! to 5in( that3 o&erall) Fin(in! tho%e c#rrent3 #p;to;(ate) ?$e o# "he o"her "hi$%! "ha" I "hi$k "ha" I !ome"ime! ru$ i$"o& a$d i" would 'e i$"ere!"i$% "o hear wha" o"her people ha)e "o !ay& "oo& i! !ome o# "he ima%e! "ha" I #i$d 4u!" !eem5I do$ " wa$" "o !ay& Achee!y&B 'u" !"a%ed. Yeah. .u!" "oo per#ec".

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1

0"ock pho"o%raphy ha! a look. Ye!. Yeah& a$d i" ! !ome"hi$% "ha" i! 4u!" "o"ally irrele)a$"5 Ye!& ye!. +ecau!e I would $e)er u!e "ha" i$ a campai%$& 'ecau!e i" 4u!" looked like5For e(ample& I had "o #i$d !omeo$e %oi$% a$d u!i$% a$ 2*/. 2$d I wa$"ed "o a)oid #ace!& 'u" I wa$"ed "o !how& o')iou!ly& a$ 2*/ a$d "he card. +u" "here ! a 'eau"i#ul woma$& "he li%h"i$% i! per#ec"& !he ! !mili$% wi"h her card. I m like& A*ha" would $e)er happe$.B 2$d I u$der!"a$d& "here are pic"ure! #or e)ery %e$re& 'u" whe$ I looked a" i"& I m like& ANo& I would5No& "hi! doe!$ " work. No& "ha" doe!$ " work.B I" 4u!" look! "o"ally !"a%ed i$ "ha" a!pec". *ha" ! u!ually "he 'i% challe$%e o# #i$di$% a !"ock pho"o "ha" doe!$ " look like a !"ock pho"o. 6(ac"ly. ;i%h". *ha" ! "he 7IN28,I+96: I ha)e i$& ac"ually& medical !"ock pho"o%raphy5 Ye!& !mili$% doc"or!5 Ye!. 9ooki$% a" a char" a$d !mili$%. I# you re doi$% a !"ory a'ou" ca$cer& you do$ " wa$" a doc"or !mili$%. 2 phy!icia$ !mili$%5"ha" ! my 'i%%e!"5 Yeah& we ha)e all "hi! 'io"ech& a$d we ha)e "o co$!"a$"ly #i$d ima%e! "ha" re#lec" ad)a$ced la'ora"orie!& a$d i" look! like a really cool& cu""i$%3ed%e e(perime$"& a$d i" ! 4u!" doc"or& old per!o$& !"e"ho!cope. I$ a 'la$k room. ?r 4u!" !"a$di$% i$ a hallway "ha" doe!$ " look like a ho!pi"al. Yeah. 2$d "ha" ! par"icularly5*hi$k0"ock i! par"icularly $o"oriou! #or "ha". Yeah& i" ! %o" i" !5I" ! %o" a "hou!a$d plu!!e!& 'u" i" ! %o" HHH mi$u!e!& a$d "ha" ! o$e o# "hem. Yo# !#'% mentione( a 5ew %o#rce% that 'o#,re #%in!* + wrote thi% (own* o + ha&e "ett' +ma!e%3 Aor4i%3 Think tock3 what other %o#rce% are 'o# #%in!) I u!e +i%0"ock.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1

6hat i% it calle() +i%0"ock. 0i! tock* 0hu""er0"ock. h#tter tock* I u!e ma4or5?"her ma4or edi"orial o$e!. 9ike I u!e "he 2!!ocia"ed -re!! a$d +loom'er%. ?h& yeah. Cor'i! i! o$e. i0"ock. I al!o u!e -o$d Fi)e& which i! a %rea" !i"e. -o$d Fi)e& yeah. 2lamy i!& ac"ually& a %ood o$e. ince 'o# !#'% are %o clo%e with thi%7=ne thin! + want 'o# to (o 5or me i%3 thinkin! a4o#t all the%e (i55erent %o#rce% that 'o#,re #%in!7+,m j#%t !oin! to p#t the%e #p here7"ett' an( Aor4i% an( Think tock* Yo# talke( a4o#t a lot o5 the 5r#%tration% that 'o#,re ha&in!3 in re%pect to %earch an( the t'pe o5 ima!e% that 'o#,re 5in(in!* The',re too po%e( or the' ha&e that tack' 5eel* +5 'o# co#l( help me #n(er%tan( what are the pain point% or 5r#%tration% with "ett') 6hat are the 5r#%tration% with Aor4i% an( Think tock* 8ake one7Yo# know3 'o# ha&e more 5r#%tration%* Yo# can j#%t write on Po%t+t%* 6h' (on,t 'o# po%t thi%7"ra4 a %tack* Thinkin! a4o#t 'o#r 5r#%tration%3 i5 'o# co#l( j#%t write them on Po%t+t%* .n( !ra4 a marker3 too* +,ll !i&e 'o# marker%3 4eca#%e that wa' we,ll %ee it reall' well* Di( e&er'one !et a marker) 1e re ac"ually wri"i$% "he #ru!"ra"io$!? Yeah3 j#%t a %#mmar' o5 the 5r#%tration* Like3 @$a&in! to (o m#ltiple %earche%*B .ll the thin!% that 'o# !#'% are talkin! a4o#t* +,m !oin! to !ra4 %ome more marker% j#%t %o7.n( then3 i5 'o# co#l( !et #p an( p#t them #n(er the %o#rce* o 'o# alrea(' were talkin! a little 4it like3 =C3 with i tock &er%#% "ett'3 thi% i% %ome o5 the (i55erent e:perience% 'o# ha&e3 %o i5 'o# co#l( p#t that* +5 it,% more o5 a pain point

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


or 5r#%tration with i tock3 p#t it #n(er i tock* .n( 'o# co#l( p#t the 5r#%tration% #n(er more than one3 4#t + j#%t reall' want to #n(er%tan( 'o#r (i55erent e:perience% with all o5 the%e %ite%* I m $o" !ure i# a$yo$e i$ here u!e! +loom'er%& 'u" "ha" ! a 'i% o$e #or me& !o I mi%h" ha)e a #ew %ripe!. Yo# mi!ht ha&e the mo%t7Yeah* 6hat + wa% %a'in! to e&er'one in the other% who (i( thi%3 thi% i% like a &entin! 4oar(3 4' the %o#rce% that 'o#,re #%in!* +t,% the one time 'o# can completel' &ent a4o#t %omethin! that 'o#,re (oin! all the time* + ha&e the -+N./D+0L12 here3 in ca%e 'o# !#'% nee( to7+ think 'o# know it %o well* Yeah3 5eel 5ree to %tart po%tin! them #p here* 6e,ll take a look* Yo# !#'% can %tan( #p3 %o that wa' we can kin( o5 %#rro#n( an( talk7+t mi!ht 4e har( to %ee* /i$e %oe! acro!! "he 'oard& !o I do$ " k$ow5 +5 there,% an' that,% ma'4e a little more 5r#%tratin! than other%3 4eca#%e we,re j#%t tr'in! to #n(er%tan( how the' work 5or 'o#* >#%t tr'in! to -+N./D+0L12 %o we can 5oc#% in3 here7 *hi! i! more o# a %e$eral5 Yo# co#l( %tan(7%ta'* 0eca#%e it mi!ht 4e har( to %ee %ome o5 the%e* =C3 %o 5or "ett' ima!e%3 we ha&e re5inin! %earch* +% thi%7 ,ear"h. ,ear"h. Dearth o5 %earch* No &i%#al %earch* 2$d "he$& I ha)e li%h" 'o(. Ca"e%ory o# depo!i"ory ima%e!. Let,% %ee3 an'thin! el%e with %earch* earch acc#rac'* Tell me a little 4it3 %peci5ic to "ett'3 the i%%#e% with the %earch* o re5inin!: Tell me a4o#t that* .u!"52c"ually& 4u!" ho$i$% i$"o "he e(ac"& "o keyword! "ha" I m looki$% #or. Do 'o# ha&e an e:ample 'o# can !i&e) Yeah& I o#"e$ %e" a$ array o# ima%e! "ha" I li"erally ha)e "o !pe$d a lo" o# "ime o$ 4u!" "o re#i$e i". *o me& i" wa! really "he amou$" o# "he re!ul"!& a$d "he$ "he ac"ually re#i$i$% o# "ho!e.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


6hat (o 'o# mean 4'3 @No &i%#al %earchB) ?h yeah& wha" I me$"io$ed earlier& u!i$% a$ al%ori"hm. *hey me$"io$ed !ome o"her !i"e doe! "ha"& 'u" Ge""y i!$ ". *he$ I 4u!" ha)e5I" ! doi$% e)ery"hi$% i$ li%h"'o(& 'u" I do #i$d "he ca"e%ori<a"io$ i! 4u!" $o" "he way I wa$" i" "o 'e i$ "erm! o# how i" !hould 'e !"ruc"ured. Doe% an'4o(' el%e 5in( that) Yeah& "ha" ! a %ood poi$"& 'ecau!e o$e o# my %ripe! wa! i" ! "oo e)e$"3!peci#ic. 9ike& #or e(ample& I $eeded a pho"o o# 0u$da$ce. *here ! pro'a'ly 10&000 pho"o! o# 0u$da$ce o)er "he la!" #i)e day!& 'u" e)ery"hi$% had "o do wi"h a$ e)e$"F "hi! premier& "hi! premier& "hi! par"y& "hi! 7IN2,8I+96:. I $eeded5*hi! mou$"ai$& wha"e)er. I $eeded a !i%$. 0o I we$" ou" a$d I had "o look #or a !i%$. I" "ook me like "wo hour! "o #i$d. +u" all o# "he #il"er! were "oo e)e$"3!peci#ic. Now& o$e o# "he "hi$%! I do like a'ou" Ge""y i! "hey do ha)e5I do$ " k$ow i# a$yo$e el!e ha! "hi! o$ "he "op o# "heir!& where i" !ay!& A$ewe!"& olde!"& la!" ma"ch& a$d mo!" popular.B *ha" ! a li#e !a)er. +u" "he$& whe$ you %e" "o "he #il"er!& i" !ay! o$ your le#" !ide& where i" ha! all o# "he 'reak i" dow$ 'y "ype& i" ! all 4u!"5 I" ! )ery& )ery !peci#ic "o a cer"ai$ e)e$". 0o i# you $eed Ya$kee 0"adium& you re %oi$% "o %e" %ame!> you re $o" %oi$% "o %e" "he !"adium. You ll %e" ,erek .ee"er& a clo!e3up o$ hi! #ace or hi""i$% a 'all. *ha" ! o$e o# "ho!e5"ha" ki$d o# !"ruc"ure! a$d all. +u" "he e)e$" i!5I )e $o"iced i" more o$ "he edi"orial !ide& $o" "he crea"i)e. ;i%h". *ha" ! ri%h". I" ! more o# a$ edi"orial5+u" I $eed %e$eric5I $eed "he 0u$da$ce 0i%$ a$d I ll ha)e "o %o a$d pull i" ou" o# !ome"hi$% el!e& 'u" I ll ha)e "o look "hrou%h par"y ima%e a$d par"y ima%e a$d par"y ima%e u$"il I #i$ally %e" i". *o 'e ho$e!"& o$ "he edi"orial !ide& I do$ " e)e$ u!e "ha" e)e$" !ide'ar. Nei"her do I. *o me& i" ! 4u!" u!ele!!. .n( then 'o#,re j#%t ro'alt' 5ree an( the whole thin! o5 &ariet'* Ye!. =C* o then we al%o ha&e what we 4ro#!ht #p 4e5ore3 the (i&er%it' o5 Latino%* Do 'o# think7There,% a lot a4o#t %earch #n(er "ett'* Do 'o# think 'o# 5eel more 5r#%tration with %earch on "ett' &er%#% other%) I "hi$k I 4u!" u!e i" more.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


*he "hi$% i!& I u!e i" more. Yeah. o no rea%on 5or %#4%cription &er%#% pa'* Tell me a4o#t that* I ha)e a !u'!crip"io$. I ha)e a mo$"hly !u'!crip"io$& which limi"! me "o how ma$y I ha)e per mo$"h. 2$d i" co!"! I amou$" o# dollar!. +u" !ome"ime!& %oi$% 'ack "o "he Cue!"io$ a'ou" you !aw !ome"hi$% a$d you ca$ " #i$d i"& I ll !ee "hi! ama<i$% ima%e5I ll %o o$ "here& a$d i" !ay!& AJuo"e your price.B 2$d I do$ " u$der!"a$d why i!$ " "ha" i$cluded i$ my packa%e. I" doe!$ " "ell me why. .n( wo#l( it 4e a ro'alt';5ree ima!e) No. *hi! would 'e a$ edi"orial. 7IN28,I+96:. I k$ow "he a$!wer "o "ha". Ge""y ha! di##ere$"5How !hould I call i"? Collec"io$!& i$ a way& "ha" %e" a!!i%$ed "o a par"icular !u'!crip"io$ packa%e. I# your clie$" or your compa$y i! payi$% #or a hu%e& all3e$compa!!i$% o$e& you %e" acce!! "o e)ery"hi$%. +u" i# you ha)e a limi"ed o$e& "he$ you %e" acce!! "o 802& Nor"h 2merica& a$d $o" a$y"hi$% el!e. ;i%h". +u" our *hi$k0"ock o$e i! u$limi"ed. /nlimite(* + know76e recr#ite( 'o# all 4eca#%e 'o#,re 4#'in! a lot o5 photo%* 6ho3 here3 ha% the %#4%cription) + know 'o# (o3 .(am* .n'4o(' el%e) I do$ " ha)e i" $ow& 'u" I work wi"h clie$"! "ha" ha)e had !u'!crip"io$!& yeah. +ecau!e we ha)e "he !u'!crip"io$ "o Ge""y& *hi$k0"ock& a$d +loom'er%. =C3 %o Aor4i% we ha&e limite( re%o#rce%3 %ame thin! o5 no &i%#al %earchin!3 price7 Yeah. *ha" ! wha" I wro"e& "oo. -rice& yeah. Yeah. ?h& yeah. ?u" o# "he ma4or !"ock compa$ie!& Cor'i! i! "he mo!" e(pe$!i)e. 6hen 'o# %a' e:pen%i&e3 what,% an e:ample) 6hat,% e:pen%i&e) 6hat wo#l( it 4e3 per photo or7) -er pho"o& yeah. -er pho"o.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


.n( what wo#l( 4e too e:pen%i&e per photo) I# i" ! #or we' u!e& K250 #or a pic"ure #or we'. I" ca$ depe$d o$ "he campai%$& 'u" i" could %o #rom a couple hu$dred "o& ea!ily& up "o K1200 or K1300. Yeah. .n( 'eah3 here,% another one: Aan 4e co%tl'* Filter% aren,t help5#l on Aor4i%) +% that7 1ell& "ha" ! ac"ually more o# a u$i)er!al& 'u" I 4u!" pu" i" u$der Cor'i!& 'u" you k$ow. =C* Then Think tock3 we ha&e photo% are too po%e(3 (ate(7 +u" "he #il"er! o$ *hi$k0"ock are #a$"a!"ic. Yeah& "hey are. *hey are awe!ome. *hey 'reak i" dow$ 'y per!o$& orie$"a"io$& !"yle5 6"h$ici"y& which i! why I u!e i" a lo". *hi$k0"ock #il"er! are ac"ually5I ca$ " complai$ a'ou" "ho!e a" all. ,id a$y'ody who had a *hi$k0"ock !u'!crip"io$ %e" your cu!"omer !er)ice per!o$ or !ome"hi$% "o "ell you "ha" you re dow$loadi$% your limi"? I had "ha" wi"h *hi$k0"ock. *hey ac"ually i$!ul"ed me !o 'adly 'y calli$% me "ha" I u!ed up all wha"e)er i" wa!& like 255 No& I $e)er had "ha". I had "ha". 1he$ I "ried "o re$ew my !u'!crip"io$& "hey !aid& A1ell& you do dow$load a lo".B ANo& I dow$loaded wha" I paid #or.B 0o I had "ha" pro'lem wi"h "hem. *ha" ! "oo 'ad& 'ecau!e "hey re alway! really $ice "o me. *ha" ! wha"57C;?00*29@:. Yeah& I k$ow. I k$ow. h#tter tock3 'o# ha( photo <#alit') *ha" ! 4u!"5Compared "o Ge""y a$d Cor'i!& !ome o# "he o$e! like i0"ock a$d 0hu""er0"ock& "hey look more !"ock pho"o3y.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


$ow a4o#t 'o# !#'%7Yo# 4rin! #p thi% whole thin! a4o#t %tock photo%3 like po%e an( 'o# %ai( the wor( @chee%'3B te&e* 6hat wo#l( 4e the oppo%ite o5 @%tock photoB) 6hat i% @non;%tockB) Ca$did. Yeah& ca$did. 1ell& i0"ock a$d +i%0"ock& "hey re ac"ually "aki$% pho"o! #rom ama"eur pho"o%rapher!& !o "ha" ! why you re %e""i$% "ha". I do$ " "hi$k Ge""y5I m $o" !ure& Ge""y5Ge""y ac"ually purcha!e! ima%e! #rom pro#e!!io$al pho"o%rapher!. I# you 4u!" uploaded a !emi3 rea!o$a'le3looki$% ima%e& i0"ock a$d +i%0"ock will ac"ually !ell "ho!e& a$d "ha" ! why you re %e""i$% "ha"5 Do 'o# think it,% j#%t pro5e%%ional &er%#% non;pro5e%%ional) =r i% there a wa' o5 %tock photo% an( how the'7 No& "hey re co$!ciou!ly !"a%ed. Ye!. 8$i)er!ally li"& a$d "hey do$ " look like& AHere ! a $ew! repor" "ha" happe$! "o 'e i$ "he e(ac" 'uildi$% you happe$ed "o $eed a pho"o o#.B I" ! more like& A0ome'ody li" "he crap ou" o# "hi! a$d "old e)ery'ody "o !mile.B I" ! u!ually i$!ide o# a$ o##ice. 0eca#%e + %ee in the mi((le3 here3 thin!% that 'o# j#%t co#l(n,t pinpoint to an' %o#rce* +t,% j#%t thi% %ame ima!e3 po%e(3 too %ta!e(* o @can(i(*B .n' other wor(% that come to min( thinkin! @non;%tockB) .u!" e)e$"!. *he real world ki$d o# "hi$%. I# you $eed a$ o##ice& you could$ " ha)e a$ o##ice where i" look! like o$e o# "he!e room!& where i" ! pre""y %e$eric. *here ! a co$#ere$ce "a'le& "here ! people !i""i$% arou$d a$d ha)i$% a mee"i$%. +u" "he$ I ca$ %e" a pic"ure i$!ide o# "he Face'ook o##ice& a$d you ca$ "ell "ha" i" ! $o" "ake$ i$ a !"udio& 'ecau!e i" ! more o# a 5I" ! "he real5I" ! ou" i$ "he real world& !o "o !peak. .re 'o# !#'% willin! to pa' more 5or a photo that,% more real worl() Yeah. 2'!olu"ely.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


-ar"icularly o$ my e$d. 2%ai$& I m !"ric"ly edi"orial& #or HH.HHHL o# wha" I m doi$%. 0o #or u!& i" ha! "o51e ha)e "o ha)e "ha". 6e talke(3 here7+ %aw price come #p a little 4it3 here3 with Aor4i%* 6hat a4o#t price 5or the other%) *hey re more compara'le& i$ my opi$io$. I" ! pre""y rea!o$a'le. 1e ha)e u$limi"ed *hi$k0"ock& a$d i" !5Compared "o wha" I m heari$% #rom e)ery'ody el!e& i" ! e("remely rea!o$a'le. ?h& yeah. Yeah. 6hat t'pe o5 %i?e are 'o# t'picall' 4#'in!) Yo# know how 'o# !et (i55erent option%) I# I ca$& I alway! 'uy "he lar%e!" re!olu"io$& 'ecau!e you do$ " k$ow i# you re %oi$% "o 'e croppi$% i$ "hi! "i%h" i$ "he pic"ure. 0o I alway! "ry "o %e" "he lar%e!" re!olu"io$ a)aila'le. Yeah& I ll "ake "he mo!" hi%he!" re! a$d "he$ le" me dow$!cale or do wha"e)er& 'u" i" ! hard "o work "he o"her way arou$d. ?h& $o& you ca$ ". ?ur hi%he!" i! 12=0DG20 i$ "erm! o# our hi%he!" re!olu"io$& 'ecau!e we re we'5we' a$d we' )ideo. 0o we do$ " %o "o hi%he!"& 'ecau!e we 4u!" do$ " ha)e "o. 0o we %o medium "o hi%h& depe$di$% o$ wha" we re doi$%. Do 'o# think7That,% a reall'7 o (oe% the lar!e%t7Yo# want the lar!e%t j#%t 4eca#%e croppin! an( all that) 6hat a4o#t7Yo# were talkin! a lot a4o#t 5ilter%3 too3 earlier3 j#%t in !eneral* $ow important i% the 5ilter3 like the li!htin!3 on the pict#re) *he li%h"i$%? *o me& $o" 4u!"5ca$did i! wha" I look #or. *o me& I would pre#er "o !ee more ar"i!"ically i$"ere!"i$% a$d i$)e$"i)e pho"o%raphy. *here ! 4u!" "ime! whe$ I do$ " 4u!" wa$" a pic"ure o# a 'uildi$%. I wa$" a$ i$"ere!"i$% pic"ure o# a 'uildi$%& a$d "ha" ! $o" really wha" "ho!e !i"e! !peciali<e i$. *ha" ! u!ually !ome"hi$% you would wa$" "o hire a pho"o%rapher #or& or !ome'ody you k$ow "heir !"yle. 1ell& you k$ow& li%h"i$% i! key. I" ca$ make or 'reak a pic"ure.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


,o you mea$ a !earch #il"er or& ac"ually& a5 No& ar"i!"ic #il"er!. ?h& I "ook i" a! A!earch #il"er!.B 0orry. + wa% thinkin! more the t'pe o5 li!htin!7 earch a 5ilter 4' the t'pe o5 li!htin!* For a pre!! co$#ere$ce& i" ! %o" "o 'e li". ?# cour!e. No3 thi% i% reall' !reat3 j#%t to %ee all the (i55erence%* + think it reall' help% j#%t pinpoint e&er'thin!* + !#e%%76hat wo#l( 4e the ma:im#m price that 'o#,( 4e willin! to pa') For a$ ima%e? Yeah* I "hi$k i" depe$d! o$ how i! i" %oi$% "o 'e u!ed. +u" #or a$ edi"orial !"ory& K250 i!& I "hi$k& "he mo!". I# i" ! $o" a$ e(clu!i)e ima%e& K250. +5 it,% not e:cl#%i&e* +5 it,% e:cl#%i&e3 (oe% that chan!e the !ame) ?h ye!& i" doe!. I" would 'e le!!. 9e!! "ha$ K250. For a$ amou$" o# ou"pu"? 9e!! "ha$ "ha". -er ima%e? 2" mo!"& I would !ay i$ "he low hu$dred!& i# "ha". Now + want to !et 'o#r take on7+ mentione( to a 5ew o5 'o# o#t in the 5ront room3 we want to talk a4o#t a new pro(#ct3 an( + want to !et 'o#r take on it* o 4e5ore + (o3 + want to know3 (oe% an'4o(' here #%e Flickr) how o5 han(%* I )e u!ed i". I )e u!ed i"& 'u" I $e)er #i$d a lo" o# !"u##. You !croll pic"ure! a$d i" doe!$ " really ha)e "oo much. I u!ed "o work #or a clie$" "ha" had a )ery "i%h" 'ud%e"& a$d we u!ed a lo" o# "heir crea"i)e commo$ co$"e$". I ac"ually %o" really %ood a" !earchi$%& crea"i)e commo$. Yeah& I ha)e i" #or my!el# a$d commo$!.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


2c"ually& I #i$d "ha"& a" "ime!& i# you %e" a %ood crea"i)e commo$ ima%e& "here are pho"o%rapher! i$ "here "ha" are hi%h Cuali"y. *hey re ama"eur!& 'u" "hey re !o %ood. Your ima%e! look #re!her a$d "hey look more real. *hey do$ " look like !"ock 'ecau!e "hey are ac"ually real people. *hey re $o" paid model! "o ac" "he !ce$e. I )e had "o %o "o "he Flickr crea"i)e ma$y& ma$y "ime! a$d look #or !"u##& a$d I )e had %rea" !ucce!! wi"h "ha". Ye!& me "oo. Yeah& a'!olu"ely. -ar"icularly #or !ome"hi$% "ha" ! a li""le 'i" more !peci#ic. I# i" ! a !peci#ic5like a !mall "ow$ re!"aura$" or& hell& e)e$ a !por"i$% e)e$" "ha" you do$ " wa$" "o pay #or& "here are people who !i" i$ "he #ro$" row who "ake a !olid pho"o "ha" ! #ree. You ca$ u!e i". 2$d i" ! #ree. Do 'o# !o ahea( an( #%e it) =r (o 'o# %ometime% 'o# reach o#t to the photo!rapher an( a%k to 4#' it) I# i" ! u$der "he crea"i)e lice$!e& I u!e i". I read care#ully a! "o wha" "he limi"a"io$! are& 'u"5 1i"h proper credi"!& #ree u!e. The photo!rapher attri4#tion an( all that) Ye!. Ye!. Yeah. 6ell3 the new pro(#ct i% Flickr i% !oin! to 4e o55erin! a licen%e( photo!raph'3 like photo %tock %ite* + ha&e %ome mock;#p%3 + ha&e %ome &i(eo%3 an( + want to !et 'o#r take3 j#%t o5 the ro#!h pro(#ct* >#%t !et 'o#r o&erall take a4o#t it* Let,% %tart o#t with76e co#l( (o thi% two wa'%3 j#%t (epen(in! how 'o# 5eel* + ha&e %ome mock; #p%* Yo# can come o&er an( look at them or + can throw them o#t here* 6hat wo#l( 'o# pre5er) Do 'o# 5eel like !ettin! #p) Yeah. Yeah& yeah& yeah. *hey re already "here. I mea$& yeah. + ha&e two3 %o +,ll j#%t %prea( it o#t3 %o ma'4e three can come on thi% %i(e3 thi% %i(e* ee3 now thi% wo#l( 4e what we wo#l( call the lan(in! pa!e* Thi% wo#l( 4e where 'o# wo#l( !o i5 'o# came to Flickr tock* .n( what 'o# wo#l( %ee7>#%t come o&er

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


here a little 4it* Yo# wo#l( %ee 'o#r pro5ile3 i5 'o# were to lo!in* . li!ht 4o:3 which wo#l( %a&e all o5 'o#r photo% that 'o# %earche( 5or an( 'o# p#t in 'o#r li!ht 4o:3 an( 'o#r cart* Then there wo#l( 4e7The whole e%%ence o5 thi% wo#l( 4e a clean %earch3 wo#l( then take 'o# into an a(&ance( %earch* The clean %earch wo#l( j#%t 4e a %earch 4o:* Then j#%t three thin!% to know a4o#t Flickr tock* +t incl#(e% incre(i4le photo!rapher%3 the home o5 man' worl(;cla%% photo!rapher%D a#thentic photo%D an(3 then3 %imple pricin!* Then3 here3 we wo#l( ha&e tren(in! collection%* 6hat that wo#l( 4e i% c#rator% on Flickr wo#l( create collection% 4a%e( on %peci5ic cate!orie% or theme%3 an( 4a%e( on thi%3 'o# co#l( !o7ma'4e i5 'o# like a %peci5ic c#rator75or in%piration* o ma'4e3 i5 'o#,re not comin! in with e:actl' knowin! what 'o# want3 'o# can #%e %ome in%piration 5rom the%e collection%3 an( the' wo#l( %how 4a%e( on the comm#nit' acti&it'* +5 the' !ot a lot o5 like%3 thi% %pecial collection3 the more like% the' !et the more the' wo#l( 4e a4le to 4e %hown on thi% lan(in! pa!e* o 'o# wo#l( %ee prett' m#ch the mo%t like(3 comin! #p here* Then3 #n(erneath that wo#l( 4e pop#lar theme%* Thi% wo#l( 4e (i55erent t'pe% o5 cate!orie%* Like 'o# %ee portrait%3 'o# %ee %k' -+N./D+0L123 an( thi% wo#l( al%o 4e another thin! j#%t 5or in%piration3 i5 'o# (i(n,t know what 'o# were comin! in lookin! 5or* .n( thi% wo#l( 4e (ri&en all 4' the (ata o5 %earche%3 %o what people are %earchin! 5or3 &er%#% thi% i% comm#nit' like% an( %#ch* o 4e5ore we talk a4o#t it3 + think + !a&e 'o# !#'% note pa(%* +5 'o# wo#l(n,t min( !ra44in! it an( writin! (own %ome initial tho#!ht%* -+N./D+0L12* Thi% i% j#%t a4o#t the lan(in! pa!e* 6e,re !oin! to !o into what the e:perience wo#l( 4e like a5ter3 5or the a(&ance( %earch an( all that* Ca$ I a!k a Cue!"io$? =5 co#r%e* For "he "re$di$% collec"io$! a$d popular "heme!& would i" 'e almo!" like a re)ol)i$% carou!el& where "he ima%e! are %oi$% "o 'e !wi"chi$% ou"? ?r i! i" 4u!" %oi$% "o 'e !"a"ic ima%e!? ?r do "hey cha$%e a" e)ery couple o# mi$u"e!? ?r how doe! "ha" work? Yeah3 the',( 4e chan!in! 4a%e( on7For the tren(in! collection%) Yeah. 0a%e( on the like% the',re !ettin!3 %o thi% wo#l( 4e #p(atin!3 4eca#%e the comm#nit' wo#l( 4e likin! an( &otin! an( %#ch* The pop#lar theme i% !oin! to 4e 4a%e( on the Flickr (ata3 %o that wo#l( 4e #p(atin! too* Not knowin! how %peci5ic7 + (on,t know i5 it wo#l( 4e e&er' 5ew min#te%3 4#t it wo#l( (e5initel' 4e #p(atin!* +u" i" would$ " 'e 4u!" a !"a"ic pa%e.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


No* No3 (e5initel' not* .n( another e:ample3 j#%t to !i&e 'o# an i(ea7+t co#l( 4e %omethin! like7+ (on,t know i5 'o# !#'% #%e e0a' or 1t%' an( how the' ha&e the collection%* +t wo#l( 4e %omethin! like that* I! i" more like -i$"ere!"? Yeah* omethin! like that3 where 'o# !et to pick7+t,% reall' j#%t a cate!ori?e( compo%ite o5 %peci5ic ima!e% 5rom a certain c#rator* ,oe! a$y'ody %e" "o 'e a cura"or& or i! i" !"a##? Thi% wo#l( 4e 5rom the c#rator% that ha&e the pro5e%%ional e:perience%7%o3 ma'4e3 15 'ear% e:perience* The%e !#'% are &er' m#ch the pro% in thi% one* =C3 %o what were the o&erall tho#!ht% on thi%) I "hi$k "he pa%e i! a""rac"i)e. I" ! plea!i$% "o "he eye whe$ you #ir!" look a" i". *he co$"e$" look! pre""y or%a$i<ed& #rom where I ca$ !ee here. *he o$ly "hi$% "ha" I $o"iced "ha" !hould 'e "here& e!pecially #or u! who are pro#e!!io$al! u!i$% "hi! "ype o# !er)ice& "here !hould 'e !omewhere here "ha" you ca$ click o$ a$d !ay& A2d)a$ced 0earch.B I do$ " k$ow i# "ha" #u$c"io$ali"y will 'e a)aila'le> i# you 4u!" do$ " "ype a$y"hi$%& i" "ake! you "o a$ ad)a$ced !earch pa%e. +u" "hey !hould ha)e !ome"hi$% ri%h" "here o$ "he5 Doe% an'4o(' a!ree with that7that i(ea) I like wha" you !aid& 'u" I al!o a%ree wi"h wha" you !aid& how i" ! clea$. +ecau!e "ha" ! how i" i! $ow. ?r a" lea!"& "ha" ! "he way I do i". I ll 4u!" like5I# I $eed Ya$kee 0"adium& I ll "ype "ha" i$ a$d i" will %i)e me e)ery re!ul". *he$ I ca$ %o do "he ad)a$ced& 'u" "ha" doe! help o## "he 'a"& i# you ca$ !ay& AYa$kee 0"adium& $i%h" "ime& emp"y& wi$"er.B *he$ you ca$ %o. 0ome"hi$% "ha" you had& ac"ually& me$"io$ed& which I "hi$k i! %oi$% i$ "wo di##ere$" direc"io$!& wi"h "he "re$di$% collec"io$ a$d popular "heme!. I "hi$k i" ! %rea"& you me$"io$ed& #or people looki$% #or i$!pira"io$& 'u" I "hi$k "ha" clearly de#i$e! "wo di##ere$" ca"e%orie! o# people. I# you re looki$% #or i$!pira"io$& "he$ you pro'a'ly are $o" !i""i$% i$ "hi! room. No" "ha" we re $o" crea"i)e people& 'u" I m %oi$% o$"o a !"ock pa%e 'ecau!e I k$ow "he ima%e "ha" I wa$". .u!" like i# you re looki$% #or Ya$kee 0"adium or you re looki$% #or a medical !"ory& you k$ow wha" you wa$". I m $o" %oi$% "o %o "o a "re$di$% collec"io$ "hi$ki$%& A1ell& wha" could 'e i$!piri$% #or a medical !"ory?B I k$ow wha" "he !"ory i!. I k$ow wha" I wa$". 2$d I pro'a'ly would #i$d "he "re$di$% collec"io$ irrele)a$" #or my pro#e!!io$al li#e. Now& a! a co$!umer& I %o o$ Flickr ri%h" $ow 'ecau!e I like looki$% a" people ! pho"o!. I like !hari$% !"u##. *hi$%! like "ha". 2$d "ha" ! !ome"hi$% I would #i$d i$"ere!"i$%& like& A?h& le" me !ee wha" "he people "ha" are more !a))y "ha$ I am are looki$% a".B ?r A9e" ! !ee wha" "he mo!" popular i!.B 2$d "ha" I

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


would #i$d i$"ere!"i$%& 'u" o$ a co$!umer le)el& $o" o$ a pro#e!!io$al le)el. ,oe! "ha" make !e$!e? Yeah3 it (oe%* +t (e5initel' make% %en%e* 6ho here a!ree% with7 I do$ " a%ree comple"ely. I )e worked #or ma$y year! #or 2?9& a$d o$e o# my #u$c"io$! "here wa! "o cura"e "he -ic"ure! o# "he 1eek pho"o %allery. I# "he!e "re$di$% collec"io$! are "imely& you k$ow& ha)e a da"e& "hi! would ha)e 'ee$ a %ood place #or me "o !earch& 'ecau!e !ome"ime! "he -ic"ure! o# "he 1eek& I pre""y much k$ew wha" e)e$"! happe$ed i$ "he week& 'u" "here wa! al!o room 4u!" "o %e" a$y"hi$% "ha" wa! crea"ed duri$% "ha" week "ha" wa! i$credi'ly !"u$$i$%. *hi! would 'e a %ood place #or me "o %o a$d #i$d i$!pira"io$& a$d 'e like& A?h& "ha" ! a %rea" ima%e a$d i" wa! !ho" "hi! week. I ca$ u!e i".B I "e$d "o a%ree wi"h 0"e)e. I" ! a really cool idea& 'u" pro#e!!io$ally& I ha)e !uch !peci#ic idea! "ha" I m $o" !ure how much "ime I d !pe$d 'row!i$% #or #u$. *he o$ly "hi$% I would !ay wi"h "ha" i! "ha"& i# i" could5"he more you !earch& would i" "ailor "o "he ki$d o# i$"ere!"! you ha)e? 0o i# you $eed #or medical& i# i" ! %oi$% "o 'e ei"her doc"or! or machi$ery or !ur%ical or 'io"ech& would "ha" %e$era"e "o wha" i! "re$di$%& 'a!ed o$ your !earch Cuery or wha" you ha)e i$ your li%h" 'o(? +ecau!e i# I m %oi$% "o %o up "here a$d i" ! like& you k$ow& "re$di$% collec"io$! i! a$imal!& !ea!o$!& a$d "he wea"her& "ha" ! #i$e& 'ecau!e i" look! cool& 'u" i# i" ! "here 4u!" 'ecau!e i" ! "here& i" doe!$ " help a$yo$e pro#e!!io$ally i$ "he e)e$" "ha" e)eryo$e i$ "hi! room who ha! "o do !ome"hi$% )ery !peci#ic& i" ! !or" o# dead !pace. 1ha" would 'e cool i! ki$d o# like wha" Face'ook doe!. I" k$ow! who you are a$d i" %i)e! you ad! !peci#ically #or "hi$%! "ha" "hey k$ow& i$ your compu"er& "ha" you )e !earched #or. 0o i# I ca$ pu" i$& !omewhere i$ "here& "ha" I5my clie$"!& I ha)e& mo!" o# "hem are medical& 'u" I do ha)e a %u$ dealer I work #or a$d !ome o"her5I d like "re$di$% collec"io$!& or !ome"hi$%& !peci#ically #or "ho!e i$du!"rie! I work #or. Yeah. No& I wa! %oi$% "o !ay I !aw $o 0M0 #u$c"io$ali"y i$ "hi!. 0o e)e$ i# "here wa! a 7IN28,I+96: !earchi$%& "he$ you could do "hi! more real3"ime. *ha" ! more orie$"ed "oward "ha". *ha" would 'e o# more i$"ere!" "o me& 'ecau!e I k$ow people5e!pecially "he clie$"! I work& "hey wa$" ima%e! "ha" are !or" o# "imely. 2l!o& wha" would 'e %rea"& alo$% wi"h wha"5 2my. 2my !aid& i# "here could 'e a$ aler" $o"i#ica"io$ #ea"ure. 0o i# you had a )i!ual5le" ! !ay co$"ai$ed )i!ual !earche!& i# you had a $o"i#ica"io$ "ha" "old you "he!e rolli$% $ew ima%e! "ha" ha)e$ " uploaded 7IN28,I+96:. o onl' the mo%t recent ima!e% wo#l( 4e another thin! that mi!ht 4e help5#l)

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


+u" 'a!ed o$ a key5 .n( then rele&ant7 ?h yeah. 2'!olu"ely. +5 the%e collection% were rele&ant to 'o#r pa%t %earche%* Yeah& ri%h". "reat* Thi% i% reall' help5#l* Let,% !et to o#r ne:t one* Thi% wo#l( 4e the .(&ance( earch pa!e* o a5ter !oin! 5rom thi% pa!e3 'o# wo#l( then !o to the .(&ance( earch* + al%o ha&e a &i(eo to %how 'o# alon!%i(e thi%* + j#%t want to %how 'o# thi% 5ir%t* "oin! in3 'o# wo#l( 4e a4le to %earch 4' the orientation3 lan(%cape3 portrait3 color%* Yo# co#l( %earch 4' price3 %i?e* .n( thi% wo#l( 4e Flickr tock3 an( it wo#l( j#%t ha&e %tock7licen%e(3 c#rate( photo%* 0#t 'o# co#l( e:pan( 'o#r %earch an( p#ll in the creati&e common%3 'o# co#l( p#ll in all the p#4lic ima!e%3 e&er'thin!3 4' e:pan(in! 'o#r pool in 'o#r %earch* N#m4er o5 people3 !en(er3 an( ethnicit' wo#l( al%o 4e in thi% %earch* Thi% i% how the %earch wo#l( look* +5 'o# want to write (own %ome initial tho#!ht%3 an( then + want to %how 'o# a &i(eo3 4eca#%e it %how% more o5 the 5#nctionalit' o5 it* Let me p#t thi% in the mi((le o5 #%* 6e,&e !ot three3 three3 two* +5 'o# !#'% want to come three on thi% %i(e an( three on thi% %i(e3 that wa' 'o# can %ee it reall' !oo(* + ha&e it on the iPa(3 4#t + think it,% !oin! to 4e 4etter i5 e&er'one %ee% it at the %ame time* 6here,( we !o) =C* -PE1 1NT.T+=N PL.Y 2 + want to %how it to 'o# a!ain3 4#t e:plain a 5ew thin!%* o + 5ir%t wante( 'o# j#%t to take it all in an( %ee what it,% all a4o#t* 7C;?00*29@:. Ca$ you make "ha" par" 'i%%er? Yeah* The la%t3 'o# can make it7 No" "he la!". I m "alki$% a'ou" "he "hum'$ail!& 'ecau!e "ha" looked really !mall& whe$ !he did "he la!!o. I# you could make "he "hum'$ail! lar%er. o 'o#r <#e%tion i% the th#m4nail%3 'o# want to7 Yeah. 9e" ! !ay our mo$i"or i! "ha" mirror& a$d you had 10&000 ima%e! o$ "here. From here& "ha" ! a lo". +u" i# I %o up "o here a$d I look a" i" like "hi!& "he!e %e" 'i%%er. +u" ca$

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


you make "hem 'i%%er5I# I m !"a$di$% 'ack here& I wa$" "o !ee 'i%%er o$e! a$d 'e a'le "o !croll. o once 'o# %ee 'o#r th#m4nail%3 can 'o# kin( o5 ?oom in to whate&er wa'7 ?h& $o5I 4u!" mea$ ca$ I ha)e a row o# #i)e a$d "he$ 4u!" keep !crolli$% dow$ "he pa%e? *hi$%! like "ha"? +ecau!e I "hou%h" "ha" mi%h" ha)e 'ee$ 4u!" a li""le !mall. Yeah* The i(ea o5 that i% j#%t to %how 'o# how man' re%#lt% are a&aila4le3 4a%e( on 'o#r %earch* .n( then 'o# can %tart !oin! thro#!h them in (etail* Yeah3 %o i5 'o# won,t min( j#%t writin! (own %ome initial tho#!ht% on the whole %earch3 4a%e( on thi% an( the &i(eo* 6hat wa% the o&erall take) I liked "ha". I liked !eei$% all o# my ima%e! a" o$ce a$d <oomi$% i$. I" ! 4u!" like "he curre$" Flickr. 1he$ you %o i$ a$d you do a !earch& "hey re "here. +u" like 2dam wa! !ayi$%& i" would 'e$e#icial i# you had5I will call i" Acolum$B are5"hi! i! 'y #i)e& 'y 10& !how re!ul"! 'y5e)e$ i# i" ! 4u!" 'y "hree& !o you ca$ !ee "hem lar%e. You wa$" "o 4u!"5 Yeah& you ca$ !croll dow$. I# i" looked like "ha"5like "ha" pa%e i$ your e(ample& "ha" ! %rea". *o ha)e 50 %oi$% acro!!5I m !ure e)eryo$e here ha! eCuipme$" "ha" i! e(pe$!i)e a$d you ca$ !ee "hi$%! )ery lar%e& 'u" i$ "he e)e$" "ha" you do$ "& i# you re worki$% o$ a lap"op& "ha" ! $o" really a! u!er3#rie$dly a! you d "hi$k. 6o#l( it 4e !oo( to %ee e&er'thin! an( then 4e a4le to !et to the7 1ell& $o" e)ery"hi$%& 'u" you ca$ ha)e5I# "hey were "ha" !i<e a$d you 4u!" keep !crolli$% dow$5 Yeah& I do$ " "hi$k i" ! $ece!!ary "o !ee all "he re!ul"! i$ 4u!" "ha" o$e pa%e. *he !crolli$% i! a lo" 'e""er. I do$ " %e" a$y"hi$% 'y !eei$% a map o# 4u!" "hum'$ail! o# 1500 re!ul"!. I" would 'e help#ul "o ha)e "ha" )iew i# you could <oom i$ a$d ou" like you do o$ a$ i-ho$e& you k$ow wha" I mea$? ?r like o$ a /ac. You ca$ make your "hum'$ail! lar%er a$d !maller. Yeah& "ha" ! wha" I wa! "hi$ki$%5!ome "ype o# i$"ui"i)e !earch& !o a! you ho)er o)er i"& i" "he$ e$lar%e!& a$d "he$ you ca$ !ee a more re#i$ed !or" o# carou!el o# !elec"ed ima%e!& !o i" ac"ually !a)e! you "ime. I k$ow& #or me& I ca$ %o "hrou%h "hem pre""y Cuickly.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


I did like "he la!!o idea& e!pecially i# a $um'er o# pic"ure! are %rouped "o%e"her. 9e" ! !ay you re doi$% a !earch a$d5I# you re looki$% #or ha$% %lidi$%& like we !aw& a$d you wa$"ed "he !ho" wi"h "he mou$"ai$ i$ "he 'ack%rou$d. I# #i)e o# "hem are all )ery !imilar& "ha" you ca$ la!!o a$d pull i$ "o%e"her& "ha" ! %rea". +u" I do$ "hi$k i" ! %oi$% "o work i# you )e %o" o$e o)er here a$d o$e o)er here a$d o$e o)er her a$d o$e o)er here. I" would 'e %ood i# you could make mul"iple la!!o!. 0elec" 'y 7IN28,I+96:& "he$ look a" "hem. How a'ou" 4u!" 'ei$% a'le "o 4u!" Cuickly %ra' "he o$e! you like? +a!ed o$ 4u!" "he layou" o# "ha"& I 4u!" ha)e "wo "hi$%!. ?$e& a$d may'e "hi! i! 4u!" me& I )e $e)er& e)er had a$y u!e #or a color pale""e. *ha" could 'e& o')iou!ly& di##ere$" pro#e!!io$!& di##ere$" world!& 'u" #or me& I 4u!"5+u" you ha)e like "e$ color!& !o wha" doe! "ha"5You ha)e "e$ color!. 6hat i5 'o# co#l( c#%tomi?e or e:pan(7+5 'o# co#l( e:pan( an( hi(e certain thin!% that were rele&ant an( non;rele&ant) Yeah& !ure. *ha" ! alway! %ood. .nother thin! to point o#t: +5 'o# co#l( !o thro#!h thi% whole e:perience witho#t %i!nin! in3 or (oin! what we wo#l( call a @li!ht re!i%tration3B j#%t %i!n in with the e; mail an( 'o# co#l( %earch3 %a&e thin!% to 'o#r li!ht 4o:3 come 4ack an( %till !et to that li!ht 4o: witho#t 4ein! %i!ne( in3 4eca#%e o5 the cookie%3 it wo#l( %a&e it* $owe&er3 i5 'o# were to act#all' (o a 5#ll re!i%tration3 'o# co#l( &iew photo% witho#t watermark%* 6hat (o 'o# !#'% think o5 that) I a'!olu"ely $eed "ha" !ome"ime!& 'ecau!e I ha)e "o !how my clie$"! mock3up!& "hree di##ere$" )er!io$!. 2$d "hey re like& A1ha" ! "hi!?B You !ee "he wa"ermark o# i0"ock i$ "he 'ack%rou$d& a$d I alway! ha)e "o e(plai$ i" ! #or po!i"io$ o$ly. $ow co#l( thi% %earch7Yo# %aw a mock;#p3 a &i(eo* +t,% &er' ro#!h* $ow (oe% thi% 5eel3 compare( to %ome o5 the other %o#rce% 'o#,re #%in!) I #i$d i" more u!e#ul "hi! way. I ca$ !ca$ really Cuickly& a$d <ero i$ o$ a par"icular ima%e "ha" I like. *he o"her o$e!& par"icularly wi"h "he more o# "he52%ai$& i" ! !or" o# i$ my ow$ world& e)ery"hi$%5I ha)e me"ada"a i$cluded. 1he$ you !ee i"& i" ! #i)e acro!!5each o$e o# "ho!e ha! a mou$"ai$ o# da"a "ha" ! !i""i$% u$der i". 1herea! "hi! o$e i! 4u!" "he ima%e. I ca$ look "hrou%h 200 ima%e! i$ 20 !eco$d!& wherea! "ha" I ha)e "o %o "hrou%h pa%e a$d pa%e a$d pa%e. *ha" ! wha" "he commo$!& Flickr Commo$! $ow& i! %ood& 'ecau!e

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


e)ery"hi$% 4u!" !or" o# %oe!. You ha)e5i" i! wha" i" i! o$ "he !cree$& a$d "he$ you click i"& a$d "he$ "he da"a i! )i!i'le. Let me %how 'o# another* I 4u!" ha)e o$e more "hi$% o$ "hi! o$e. =h3 'eah3 %#re* You !aid "ha" you were %oi$% "o i$clude "he Commo$! area. *ha" ! Commo$! i$ "hi! !earch? +u" I "hi$k you $eed "o make "ha" e(plici"ly clear. I$!"ead o# !ayi$%& A;eCue!" lice$!e u!e&B I "hi$k "ha" $eed! "o li"erally5You ha)e "o ha)e o$e "ha" !ay!& AI$clude Crea"i)e Commo$!&B "o make5+ecau!e "here are !ome people who52$d a%ai$& e)eryo$e i$ "hi! room k$ow! "ha" "hey re "alki$% a'ou". *here are people who do$ ". I work wi"h "hem. *here ! a lo" o# people who do$ "& yeah. 0o I "hi$k "o make i" a! i$"ui"i)e a! huma$ly po!!i'le will $o" o$ly help "he people who u!e i" e)ery day& 'u" i" will 4u!" make i" a$ ea!ier produc" "o u!e. I" will make you wa$" "o %o "here 'ecau!e i" i! ea!y. =C* No3 that,% !reat* That,% !reat* +t,% reall' help5#l* o thi% wo#l( 4e the Aheck =#t pa!e*B Yo# can come #p an( check o#t thi%* Feel 5ree to 4rin! 'o#r notepa(%3 too* o thi% Aheck =#t pa!e wo#l( ha&e3 o5 co#r%e3 the ima!e that 'o# %electe(3 %o 'o# can %ee it #p clo%e* Then 'o# co#l( (ownloa( a cop'3 %a&e it to 'o#r li!ht 4o:3 %hare it thro#!h mo%t %ocial7like Face4ook3 Twitter3 an( -+N./D+0L123 an( e; mail* Then 'o# co#l( p#rcha%e it 4' (i55erent %i?e% or (i55erent price%* Yo# co#l(3 then3 !o to the photo!rapher,% pa!e7$e,ll ha&e a pro5ile pa!e3 i5 'o# want to %ee more o5 hi% work* .l%o3 'o# can %ee the (i55erent ta!%3 in ca%e 'o# want to 5ilter7 8a'4e 'o# like thi%3 4#t 'o# want to j#%t look at %ome more o5 an Franci%co* o 'o# co#l( #%e that ta! a% a wa' to (o another %earch3 like another wa' o5 5ilterin!* Then3 at the 4ottom3 it wo#l( 4e Photo% Like The%e3 %omethin! like what 'o# wo#l( %ee on .ma?on3 4a%e( on what 'o#,&e %earche(* Niewer! al!o purcha!ed. Ye%* 6hat are %ome initial reaction% o5 thi%) Thi% Aheck =#t pa!e) 9ook! clea$. Yeah. -re""y $ice5

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


Could you i$clude& where i" !ay!& A8ploaded o$&B could you ha)e i$cluded whe$ i" wa! "ake$? 0o we ca$5I ca$ upload a$ ima%e #rom 1HH55 Yeah& "here ! a 'i% di##ere$ce5 =r it can al%o incl#(e how man' time% it,% 4een p#rcha%e(3 a% well* +u" I "hi$k "he whe$ i" wa! "ake$ i! 'i%. Yeah. +ecau!e "ha" !5I# you ha)e56)e$ i# New York5I# you ha)e "he !kyli$e& o')iou!ly i" look! di##ere$" $ow "ha$ i" did i$ 1HH2& !o #or !omeo$e looki$%& o')iou!ly "hey re %oi$% "o u$der!"a$d i". +u" i# i" ! "he !kyli$e o# Nie$$a& or i# I" ! ?klahoma Ci"y& "here ! %oi$% "o 'e !"ark di##ere$ce! 'e"wee$ "he!e "wo "hi$%!. That,% !oo(* Let me %how 'o# what we were %tartin! to talk a4o#t in the Aheck =#t i% the Pro5ile pa!e* Thi% wo#l( 4e the Pro5ile pa!e* Thi% i% the Photo!rapher,% Pro5ile pa!e* Like + wa% %a'in!3 'o# can click an( %ee the photo!rapher,% pa!e3 an( on that wo#l( 4e a little (e%cription o5 what he 5oc#%e% on7he or %he 5oc#%e% on3 the t'pe o5 photo!raph'3 j#%t a little 4it o5 (e%cription a4o#t them3 how man' photo% the' ha&e3 how man' al4#m%3 their 5ollower%7ma'4e i5 'o#,re 5ollowin! an'4o('* o 'o# can !o in an( click on the al4#m%3 an( the' ha&e e&er'thin! or!ani?e( 4'7 Thi% i% more lan(%cape3 4#t %orte( 4' (i55erent theme%3 'o# wo#l( 4e a4le to %ee all that* Then 'o# can al%o 5ollow that photo!rapher ri!ht on thi% pa!e* 1ha" would "he A0ocial /ediaB %i)e you? I# I were "o click AFace'ook&B would i" %o "o "ha" Face'ook pa%e? ?r would i" !hare "hi!50ay& AHey& check ou" .oh$$y 2pple!eed ! pro#ileB? 1:actl'* +t wo#l( 4e %harin! hi% pro5ile pa!e* 8a'4e with 'o#r team3 'o#,re like3 @$e'3 we lo&e thi% !#'* Thi% i% hi% pa!e*B Now& ca$ you %o 'ack "o "he o"her o$e? *he o$e you 4u!" !howed me? *he$& wi"h "hi! o$e& I "hi$k "hi! i! !or" o# irrele)a$"& 'ecau!e i#59e" ! !ay& AHey& check ou" "hi! pho"o o# "hi! %uy o$ a 'ike 'y "he lake&B a$d you !hare i" "o Face'ook& "he$ wha" ! !"oppi$% !omeo$e #rom my Face'ook pro#ile "aki$% "ha" ima%e a$d u!i$% i" #or !ome"hi$% el!e& whe$ I 4u!" !pe$" K4H "o 'uy i"? +ecau!e i# I ca$ !hare "ha" "o my *wi""er #eed& "hey ope$ i" up& A?h& "hi! pho"o ! $ice.B Click. A9e" me !a)e i" #or my 'lo% or my *um'lr.B I 4u!" paid K12H. I" would$ " 'e rele)a$" #or pro#e!!io$al!. *ha" ! really whe$ your #rie$d!5

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


I "hi$k "ha" ! co$!umer5 Your Face'ook& a! a co$!umer5 +t wo#l(n,t 4e that7Yo# were 4#'in! m#ch lar!er re%ol#tion* +t wo#l( 4e like7 ?h& ri%h". +u" a" "he !ame "ime& "hey ca$ !"ill51ha" ! !"oppi$% "hem #rom "aki$% "ha" pre)iew? *ha"& "oo. I" ! $o" o$ly "ha". I" ! like& why would you wa$" "o do "ha"? I could u$der!"a$d a'ou" "he pro#ile. *ha" ! %rea". ;i%h". ;i%h". +ecau!e "ha" ! a per#ec" o$e. .re 'o# !#'% 5eelin! like e;mail i% all 'o# nee() =r7 I do$ " $eed a$y"hi$%. To %hare with 'o#r team) 2c"ually& I do& 'ecau!e I )e worked i$ place! i$ which "he edi"or! are worki$% remo"ely. 8$le!! copyi$% a$d pa!"i$% "he li$k will 'e "he eCui)ale$" o# 4u!" clicki$% "ha" Ae3mailB 'u""o$ "here& would 'e "he !ame. 2 lo" o# "ime!& I m doi$% re!earch& a$d "he edi"or i! i$ Colorado& a$d !he wa$"! "o !ee my re!ul"!& or a" lea!" my "op #i)e choice!. *ha" could 'e u!e#ul. 7IN28,I+96: !hare o$ !ocial media i$ "ha" a!pec"& "he$ why ca$ " "here 'e !ome"hi$% "ha" ! 'ee$ pri$"ed o$ "he ima%e o#5 ;i%h". *ha" ! wa"ermarked. 7C;?00*29@:. 2 wa"ermark would 'e o$& u$le!! you were allowed "o %o i$ a$d ac"ually5 9ike& AHey& check ou" "hi! %uy wi"h a 'ike 'y "he lake&B a$d "he$ i" 'ri$%! you "o "ha" la$di$% pa%e& ra"her "ha$ "he ima%e i"!el#. 0o you would %e" "he pre)iew i$ your #eed. You click "he li$k& a$d "he$ i" 'ri$%! you "o "he prici$%. $ow important (o 'o# think it i% to ha&e a Photo!rapher,% Pro5ile pa!e) +% thi% %omethin!7

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


Here ! a$o"her comme$" "ha" I had "ha" wa! ki$d o# i$"ere!"i$%. I# I m doi$% "hi! #or work& a$d I m purcha!i$% a pho"o #or a campai%$& I do$ " "hi$k I m %oi$% "o %o "ake ad)a$"a%e o# !ocial media "o !hare i" wi"h a$y'ody. 1hy would I wa$" "o !e$d5AHey& look. I )e purcha!ed "hi! #or a 'reaki$% !"ory "ha" ! %oi$% ou" i$ a week. ?r a commercial "ha" ! %oi$% "o 'e5A I would$ " do "ha". +u" i# I wa! purcha!i$% i" #or my 'lo% or Face'ook& "he$ o# cour!e I would !hare. 0o I "hi$k "ha" ! "he !"a$dard deli$ea"io$ 'e"wee$& a%ai$& pro#e!!io$al a$d co$!umer u!e. I "hi$k "he idea o# !hari$% "he pho"o%rapher pa%e i! %ood& 'ecau!e "he$& i# "hi! i!59e" ! 4u!" !ay& #or e(ample& "ha" "hi! e(erci!e i! a'ou" hi%hli%h"i$% pho"o%rapher! #or !"ock& where i" ! $o" e(ac"ly "he chee!ie!" o# !"a%ed %ar'a%e "ha" we )e all !ee$. *ha" would 'e %ood& "oo& 'ecau!e a lo" o# people do$ " k$ow wha" a$y o# "he!e a%e$cie! are& 'u" e)ery'ody k$ow! wha" Flickr i!. .u!" !ayi$% "ha" e)ery'ody k$ew wha" 1e' 0ho"! wa!. 0o I "hi$k "ha" i! 'e$e#icial& may'e "o ha)e #ree a$d paid& par"icularly o$ "ha" pa%e& "o !ee wha" ! a)aila'le. 0ome"hi$% like "ha". I "hi$k "he ar"i!" ! pa%e i! more 'e$e#icial "ha$ "he !ocial media "ied "o "he par"icular ima%e. Now + walk 'o# thro#!h thi% i(ea o5 the li!ht 4o:* $ow it wo#l( work i% thi%3 o5 co#r%e3 i% a more ro#!h mock #p3 j#%t a% the other%3 4#t while 'o#,re %earchin!7 Yo#,re (oin! 'o#r a(&ance( %earch* There wo#l( 4e a little icon where 'o# co#l( %a' either @8ake a new li!ht 4o:B or @.(( itB to an' o5 the one% that 'o# ha&e* o 'o# co#l( create a new one or 'o# mi!ht ha&e all the%e li!ht 4o:e% %tarte( 5or 'o#r project%3 an( 'o# co#l( j#%t a(( it to that* .!ain3 'o# can (o thi% witho#t %i!nin! in* Then3 thi% i% the pa!e where 'o# co#l( look at 'o#r project &iew o5 all 'o#r li!ht 4o:e%* Yo# co#l(3 then3 ?oom in an( %ee a %peci5ic project3 %o %ee all the (i55erent ima!e% that 'o# %a&e( 5or that project* Then3 here 'o# wo#l( 4e a4le to %hare the ima!e% o5 an entire li!ht 4o: with other% in 'o#r team or 'o#r client3 either 4' clickin! @Aop' the linkB or %harin! &ia e;mail* o the' wo#l( !et thi% an( 4e a4le to %ee 'o#r whole li!ht 4o:* =r i5 'o#,( rather j#%t %hare one ima!e3 'o# can al%o (o that3 a% well* Yo# co#l( pick one ima!e an( %hare that with the client* 6a!y e$ou%h. 6hat (o 'o# !#'% think o5 thi% o&erall li!ht 4o: e:perience) *hey would %e" a li$k a$d "hey would click i"& a$d i" would ope$ up a$d "hey would !ee i". I "hi$k i" ! !eamle!!. Yeah& "ha" !5 Nery help#ul.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


I "hi$k i" ! 4u!"& yeah5 I" make! i" ea!y. $ow (i55erent i% thi%7+ know we were talkin! a little 4it a4o#t li!ht 4o:e% in the other%* $ow (i55erent i% thi%) *ha" !5Ge""y& you $eed a #ull5*hey do$ " le" you do a$y"hi$% u$le!! you lo%i$. I" ! like %oi$% "o "he airpor". You really $eed "o 'e a'le "o %e" i$ "here. 2$d *hi$k0"ock5 2$d *hi$k0"ock& you ca$ " do a$y"hi$% i# you do$ " lo%i$. *here ! $o"hi$%. *here ! $o pa%e. +ecau!e "hey wa$" "o "rack you. ;i%h"& o# cour!e. 7IN28,I+96: i$)i"i$%5I" make! you like you re ha)i$% colla'ora"io$ wi"h "eam mem'er! a$d wi"h clie$"!. I like "he #ac" "ha" you ca$ ea!ily 4u!" !hare a li$k )ia e3mail& ri%h" i$ "ha" pa%e. Yeah& "ha" ! really help#ul. 2ma<i$%ly help#ul. 1i"h "he clie$"!& i# "hey ha)e "o do more "ha$ "wo !"ep!& "hey re like& AI m $o" i$"ere!"ed.B 6!pecially whe$ you wa$" "o do like a Amo)e #orwardB "ype o# a deal& you wa$" "o %e" "he "ype a$d #eeli$%& you ca$ !hare !ome o# "he ima%ery i$ a !or" o# Ahou!edB "ype o# e$)iro$me$". I like "ha". Tatiana3 an'thin!) No& I a%ree. I" ! really well de!i%$ed. Now + want to %how 'o#76e talke( a little 4it a4o#t the %eparate %ite3 Flickr tock3 which + j#%t took 'o# thro#!h* 0#t there,% al%o the option o5 !oin! thro#!h Flickr to !et to the%e* There,% two %cenario%* +,m !oin! to %how 'o# thi% pa!e* I ha)e a Cue!"io$. Yeah*

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


I do$ " k$ow5I %ue!! e)ery'ody ha! "hi!. I# I %o "o *hi$k0"ock& i0"ock& +i%0"ock& "hey all ha)e "he !ame ima%e!. 0o #or "hi! $ew produc"& are you %oi$% "o ha)e e(clu!i)e pho"o%rapher! 4u!" #or Flickr? +ecau!e "ha" would 'e %rea" #or me. *ha" ! a %ood idea. *ha" would 'e %rea" #or e)ery'ody. o Flickr tock wo#l( 4e all licen%e( photo!raph'* .ll* Yeah& 'u" i! i" lice$!ed 4u!" #or Flickr? I m "hi$ki$% "ha"5 =h3 'o# mean e:cl#%i&e photo!raph') .u!" #or Flickr& 'ecau!e I m "ired o# !eei$% "he !ame $ur!e i$ e)ery !i$%le5 o what there wo#l( 4e with Flickr tock3 i% it wo#l( 4e a &ol#nteer 4a%i% 5or the photo!rapher%* +5 the' were intere%te( in makin! it e:cl#%i&e3 there wo#l( 4e a F0 (a'%3 an( the' co#l( make it e:cl#%i&e to Flickr tock* o it wo#l(n,t 4e 5or e&er' photo3 4#t 'o# co#l( %ee %ome that wo#l( 4e e:cl#%i&e* That,% a !reat <#e%tion* Thi% one i% more a4o#t the e:perience 5rom one %ite to another* There co#l( 4e j#%t a Flickr tock e:perience an( then there co#l( 4e a Flickr* The (i55erence 4etween the two i% reall' j#%t a4o#t ha&in! a %eparate %ite or j#%t ha&in! the Flickr %ite* .n( 'o# co#l( %till %ee all the %ame content3 4#t the 5ilter% wo#l( 4e (i55erent* The 5ilter%7 6ith Flickr tock3 'o# wo#l( %ee all licen%e( photo!raph'3 4' (e5a#lt* Then 'o# co#l( e:pan( it3 like + mentione( 4e5ore3 an( %ee Areati&e Aommon% an( more* 6ith Flickr3 'o# wo#l( a#tomaticall' %ee what i% on Flickr3 the p#4lic3 4#t then 'o# co#l( al%o look 5or %tock ima!e% a% well3 4' a((in! that 5ilter* There wo#l( 4e a little icon to in(icate that it,% %tock photo!raph'3 licen%e(* >#%t the 5ilter i% one wa'3 an( Flickr i% the oppo%ite wa'* Tho%e are the onl' two (i55erence%* + j#%t want to !et 'o#r take: +% there one that 'o# pre5er3 a% a reall' %tron! #%er o5 all the%e %tock %ite%) I# I had a !u'!crip"io$5I# "hi! wa! a !u'!crip"io$3'a!ed !er)ice& I would wa$" "o ha)e 'o"h immedia"ely. I would wa$" "o ha)e "he Commo$!& a$d I wa$" "o k$ow wha" am I allowed "o u!e a$d wha" am I payi$% #or. 1ha"& i$ Commo$!& ca$ I u!e& a$d wha" am I payi$% mo$ey #or? *he re!" o# i"& $o. +ecau!e i# I ca$ " u!e i"& I ca$ " u!e i". *here ! $o poi$" i$ ha)i$% i" "here. I# I ca$ ha)e "he 'o"h "o%e"her5I# I ca$ lo%i$ "o Flickr& I lo%i$ 2dam-ho"oO'lah3'lah3'lah.com& I click A0i%$ I$&B a$d i" %i)e! me e)ery"hi$% I ca$ u!e& 'e"wee$ 'o"h re%ular a$d !"ock& ready "o %o. ;i%h" whe$ I $eed i"& !earch& ad)a$ce& wha"e)er. Good "o %o. I "hi$k ha)i$% o$e %e$eral5a" lea!" #or me5would 'e %ood.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


6hat a4o#t the other%) I like "he idea o# "o%%li$% 'e"wee$ "he "wo. *ha"& "o me& would 'e my pre#erred op"io$. I would$ " wa$" i" all i$"o o$e. 7IN28,I+96:& i# "ha" wa! po!!i'le. Do 'o# !#'% ha&e7>#%t 5rom hearin! a4o#t 4oth3 (o 'o# ha&e a pre5erence) 6o#l( Flickr tock 4e a pre5erence o&er Flickr) Flickr 0"ock would 'e pre#ere$ce o)er Flickr. $ow come) .u!" 'a!ed upo$ "he de!i%$!& "o !ee i# i" ! more o# a u!er3#rie$dly "ype o# e$)iro$me$"& a! oppo!ed "o5I #eel like I could %e" more crea"i)i"y ou" o# Flickr 0"ock& #rom wha" I )e !ee$ !o #ar. + %ee %ome %hakin! hea(%* te&e) I "e$d "o a%ree. I "hi$k I would keep "hem !epara"e& 'u" 'e a'le "o "o%%le 'ack a$d #or"h i$ 'e"wee$ "he "wo. Yeah. I like i$dica"i$% which o$e i! #rom Commo$! a$d which o$e i! $o". Yeah. Ye!. Ha)i$% "ha" e(plici"ly !ay5+ecau!e "he$& i# you are a$ a)era%e per!o$& a$d you $eed "o click i"& a$d i" ! %oi$% "o !ay A#reeB or Ayou ha)e "o pay a la$di$%.B Now + want to r#n another i(ea 4' 'o# !#'%* Thinkin! a4o#t the licen%e(3 c#rate( photo!raph'3 &er%#% %ome o5 the Areati&e Aommon%3 there,% another an!le that + j#%t want to !et 'o#r take on* Thi% wo#l( 4e when %ome4o(' #ploa(% their ima!e a% p#4lic3 the' !et a re<#e%t to licen%e* Thi% mean%7+ (on,t know i5 an'4o(',% trie( to p#rcha%e a photo on Flickr* For %ome o5 the ima!e%3 'o# (o ha&e to p#rcha%e them3 an( 'o# ha&e to !o thro#!h a proce%%3 an( it c#rrentl' i% 'o# ha&e to e;mail the photo!rapher an(7 te&en3 ha&e 'o# !one thro#!h it) No& 'u" I wa!5I$ a$"icipa"io$ o# 'ei$% here& I !pe$" a li""le more "ime o$ Flickr& 4u!" %oi$% "hrou%h. +u" I wa! looki$%51ha" wa! i$"ere!"i$% wa! you5depe$di$% o$ "he pho"o& you ha)e "o click o$ i" a$d !ome o# "he pho"o! are all ri%h"! re!er)ed& par"ial ri%h"! #or !ale. *he$ you #ir!" ha)e "o %o a$d "he$ co$"ac" "he pho"o%rapher. 2" lea!"& 4u!" #rom a

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


%e$eral co$!e$!u!& i# I m 'uyi$% !"ock pho"o%raphy& "ha" wa! !omewha" o# a $ui!a$ce& 'ecau!e I do$ " wa$" "o ha)e "o #ir!" %o "hrou%h& #i$d a pho"o& a$d "he$ #i$d ou" I )e %o" "o co$"ac" here& wherea! "he5*hi! i! 'e#ore I k$ew "hi! i$#orma"io$& o')iou!ly. 1herea! a$y o# "he Ge""y5*hey re !e" up 4u!" "o 'uy i" ri%h" o## "he 'a". ,oe! "ha" make !e$!e? *here are a lo" o# !"ep! i$)ol)ed& i$ "erm! o# "ryi$% "o #i$d !ome"hi$%& "he$ 'uy i"& "he$ reach ou" "o "he per!o$5 That,% wh' + wa% a%kin! 5or %ome 4ack!ro#n(* To tell 'o# more a4o#t70#t (o 'o# ha&e a <#e%tion) For u!& we %o !"rai%h" "o Commo$!. 1e do$ " e)e$ %o "o "he Home pa%e. 1e ha)e "he Flickr Crea"i)e Commo$! la$di$%. I" ! a 'ookmark. 1e %o !"rai%h" "here. 1e k$ow we ca$ u!e i". 1e k$ow we ha)e "o credi" i". 1e k$ow we ca$ ma$ipula"e i" a$y way we wa$". 2$d we u!e51e %o !"rai%h" "here. 1e do$ " e)e$ u!e re%ular& 'ecau!e wha"5I" ! like "he !ame poi$". 1ha" am I %oi$% "o do? 1ai" "hree day! #or her "o reach ou"5 I# I ca$ " %e" i" immedia"ely& I ll %o !omewhere el!e "ryi$% "o %e" !ome"hi$% "ha" I ca$ u!e ri%h" $ow. I )e %o" "o !i<e "hi! i$ 10 mi$u"e!. I %o !"rai%h" "o Commo$!. .lwa'% Areati&e Aommon%3 4eca#%e 'o# know that,% the one area* 0#t 'o#,re mi%%in! all the other7 ;i%h". +u" i" ! already "here& 'ecau!e i" ! already5I" ! "here. I" ! #ree. I" ! u!a'le. "ot 'o#* "ot 'o#* o thi% i(ea wo#l( 4e all the photo% wo#l(3 then3 ha&e thi% option3 %o 'o# co#l( re<#e%t a photo an( !et almo%t a real;time re%pon%e3 a% the photo!rapher will 4e %ent a re<#e%t3 an( the' can a#thori?e an( &eri5' the %ell within that %ame (a'* 6hat wa% !oin! to 4e happenin! on the 4ack!ro#n( to make thi% happen i%3 when a photo!rapher #ploa(% their ima!e3 the' %et it #p to ha&e the ta!% an( talk a4o#t a pre;e%ta4li%he( price* o that,% all o#t o5 the wa'* That wa'3 when 'o# re<#e%t3 it !oe% %o m#ch %moother* 6hat (o 'o# think o5 that i(ea) That wo#l( open #p* 2%ai$& mo!" o# "he place! where I work are we' $ew! orie$"ed place!& or edi"orial orie$"ed place!. I# I ha)e "o wai" more "ha$ 20 mi$u"e! "o %e" my pic"ure& I m %oi$% "o %o !omewhere el!e. Yeah. I# "hey ha)e "o re!po$d "o a$ e3mail& #or%e" i". I ll %o !omewhere el!e. ,o$ " e)e$5I" ! $o" e)e$ wor"h i".

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


I m looki$% #or a !eamle!! e(perie$ce& where I ca$ 4u!"5I like "he pho"o& a$d !ee "he price& I ll purcha!e i". /ay'e i# i" wa! au"oma"ed& where i" !aid& AI wa$" "o u!e "hi! pho"o&B a$d you !ay& A?@& you are a%reei$% "o "he co$di"io$! "ha" you ha)e "o credi" i" a$d you ca$ " ma$ipula"e i".B 2'!olu"ely. Yeah. 2$d i" will !ay5I" will au"oma"ically au"hori<e& 'a!ed o$ "he a%reeme$" "ha" "he pho"o%rapher ha! do$e already whe$ "hey pu" i" o$ "here. 0o i" ! already do$e i$ ad)a$ce. +ecau!e doi$% a$y"hi$% i$ real "ime wi"h !omeo$e& ha)i$% "o wai" #or e3mail& #or%e" i". 1;mail or te:t* ;i%h". For%e" i". I" ! poi$"le!!. 1ha" a'ou" a52$d "hi! could 'e e$"irely cra<y& 'u"5You me$"io$ed e+ay 'e#ore. I# you re 'iddi$% o$ a$ op"io$ a$d "he price %oe! up a$d up a$d up& 'u" you could alway! A+u" I" Now&B i# a$ op"io$ like "ha" e(i!"ed59e" ! !ay I m worki$% o$ a campai%$ wi"h a limi"ed 'ud%e"& a$d I had "ime& a$d I ca$ reach ou" "o "he pho"o%rapher& I could 'uy "he pho"o #or K250& 'u" i# I ca$ wai" a couple o# day! a$d !ay& AHey& I )e %o" a 'ud%e". I ca$ o$ly !pe$d K1G5& would you 'e willi$% "o do "ha"?B 2$d I )e %o" "he "ime a$d he %e"! 'ack "o me a$d !ay!& AYeah& I ca$ do "ha". 1ha" are you u!i$% i" #or?B *he$ !ome"hi$% like "ha" mi%h" work. +u" i#& a%ai$51hich i! "he !ame 'oa" a! mo!" o# you5I# I m worki$% o$ a campai%$ a$d I )e %o" 'ud%e" a$d "ime le#"& I m %oi$% "o ei"her 'uy i" or $o" 'uy i"> I m $o" %oi$% "o wai" #or !omeo$e "ha" may or may $o" %e" 'ack "o me. *he pho"o%rapher could 'e ou" o# "he cou$"ry o$ )aca"io$& #or all I k$ow. I ha)e a Cue!"io$ #or youF 2re "he!e5e)e$ i# you re 'uyi$% "hem5do you ha)e "o credi" "he pho"o%rapher? For the %tock3 licen%e(3 c#rate() No* +ecau!e my clie$"! would $e)er allow me "o do "ha". That,% onl' 5or Areati&e Aommon%* For tho%e7 For u!& #or edi"orial& we do. Yo#,re p#rcha%in! it3 %o it,%7Yeah3 it,% 5ine* "reat* Thi% i% reall' help5#l* >#%t %o + !et a !oo( #n(er%tan(in!3 wo#l( 'o# %a' mo%t o5 the time3 it,% #n(er the !#n3 'o# (on,t ha&e that time 5or the real (a'7%ame (a')

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


Yeah. 0ame day& 4u!" #or%e" i". 0ame 10 mi$u"e!? Yeah& 10& 20 mi$u"e! a" "he mo!". Yeah. Yeah. +ecau!e "he$& i" could 'e "he 'e!" pho"o you )e e)er !ee$& a$d i# you do$ "5You $eed i" i$ 20 mi$u"e! a$d "ha" 20 mi$u"e! %oe! 'y& "he$ wha" ! "he poi$"? I u!ually ha)e "ime. o wo#l( thi%7%omethin! help5#l) For me& yeah. +ecau!e u!ually I pre!e$" a de!i%$& )ary i". I" ! $o" like a pu'lica"io$ %oi$% ou". +u" i# your clie$" like! "he ima%e a$d "he$ you #i$d ou" "ha"& #or !ome rea!o$& you ca$ " u!e i" or !ome"hi$% %oe! wro$%5 6ell with thi% %et#p3 the',re alrea(' a!ree7The photo!rapher,% alrea(' a!ree( to %ell it* o it,% reall' j#%t7 ;i%h". 0o i# "hey pre3a%ree& "he$ why do "hey& "he$& ha)e "o !ay& A1ell& ?@B? Yeah& e(ac"ly. I a%ree wi"h "ha". I do$ " u$der!"a$d "ha". 1hy ca$ " "hey 4u!" !ay5I# i" ! pre5I# "he pho"o%rapher a%ree! "o relea!e ima%e& ?@& click& u!e& dow$load& do$e. *he pho"o%rapher i! already %ra$"i$% Flickr "he ri%h"! "o !ell "he ima%e& "hrou%h wha"e)er a%reeme$" came "o. 6hat the',re a!reein! to i% a re<#e%t to licen%e* The photo!rapher i% a!reein! to that* ?h& "hey re a%reei$% #or "hem "o %e" a$ e3mail. Ye%* .n( %et #p %ome pre7pre;work3 %o it !oe% <#icker* ?h& $o.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


1ha" i# "here were !"ipula"io$!& "ha" "he a%reed3upo$ di!cu!!io$ or co$)er!a"io$ wa! i$ "wo day! or 24 hour!. 2" lea!" "ha" %i)e! you a lead3i$ "ime a! "o !ee i# "ha" ! !ome"hi$% you would %o #or& or o##er a$o"her op"io$. *o me& "ha" would pro'a'ly work& i# I k$ew "he parame"er! o# wha" he ! a%reei$% "o. Now + want to7+ ha&e %ome %peci5ic 5eat#re% that + wo#l( lo&e 5or 'o# !#'% to j#%t take a 5ew min#te%* +5 we co#l( 4reak o55 into two team%* 8a'4e thi% %i(e o5 the ta4le an( thi% %i(e o5 the ta4le3 team% o5 three* .n( i5 'o# co#l( !o thro#!h thi% %tack o5 5eat#re% an( %ort them to what,% mo%t important3 %omewhat important3 an( lea%t important to 'o# a% a team* There ma' 4e a 5ew that 'o# can,t a!ree on3 an( that,% 5ine* P#t them to the %i(e* 0#t j#%t to !et a con%en%#% o5 the three o5 'o#3 which one% are mo%t3 %omewhat3 an( lea%t3 i5 'o#,re thinkin! a4o#t #%in! -+N./D+0L12* + want to e:plain the 5ir%t one3 4eca#%e that one,% a little con5#%in!* +t,% calle( @a4ilit' to ea%il' re<#e%t to licen%eB7=h3 %orr'* +t,% @a4ilit' to re<#e%t a 4rie5 5or a photo3 a% nee(e(*B 6hat that wo#l( mean i%3 i5 'o#,re on Flickr3 'o# can re<#e%t3 @+ nee( a photo o5B7all the %peci5ic%* .n( a photo!rapher can !o an( either take that photo 5or 'o# or the' co#l( !o thro#!h their (ata4a%e to %ee i5 the' mi!ht ha&e that photo alrea('* o it,% almo%t like 'o#,re writin! a 4rie5 to !et that photo 'o# nee(3 &er%#% %earchin!* I" ! almo!" like a hiri$% a pho"o%rapher. Yeah3 thro#!h Flickr* Yeah* *ha" ! %ood. I like "ha". I like "ha"& "oo. 1e ll !"ar" o$ "hi! !ide. /ay'e we !hould %o o$e a" a "ime& "he$. I" u!ually "ake! "ime& like decide. .u!" pu" "hem i$ lowe!" "o lea!". Yeah& we were 4u!" %oi$% "o rearra$%e "hem5 Yeah. Yeah. ?@& well& "he$ le" ! !"ar" wi"h "he!e& I %ue!!. .u!" "hree colum$!F 'e!"& middle& a$d $o" !o much. 1e ca$ make a$o"her colum$ here.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


1e ll %o "hrou%h "hem all. -u!h "hem up a$d I ca$ ha)e a$o"her row. Yeah. /ore impor"a$". Yeah. 0o& ye!? Yeah. No& i" %oe!5 *hi! i! our mo!" impor"a$"? 0o more impor"a$"& le!! impor"a$". *hi! will 'e "he Aimpor"a$"B pile. I "hi$k we re %oi$% "o make "hi! 7IN28,I+96:. Ye!. 2ll ri%h". I" ! )ery impor"a$". 1e do$ " $eed "ha". 2ll ri%h"& !o5 7C;?00*29@:. 0ome"ime! I ha)e "o. I lo!e "hem. 1he$ ha! "ha" e)er $o" 'ee$ a$ op"io$? I do& "oo. /ay'e le!! impor"a$"& 'ecau!e5

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


7C;?00*29@:. *hi! ca$ 'e A!omewha".B 1e ll pu" i" i$ colum$ "wo. 9e" ! 'elay "he !"ack a! we %o alo$%. *hi! i! our A!omewha".B *hi! i! impor"a$"5#or me& a" lea!". 1hich o$e i! i"? 9ice$!ed pho"o! o$ly& or Crea"i)e Commo$!. *hi! i!5 I "hi$k "hi! i! o$ly wor"h5like !he me$"io$ed& i$ "he "eam. 2'ili"y "o crea"e. I like "hi!. I like i" a lo". *o !ee order hi!"ory. 0omewha". Yeah& 'ecau!e i" ! #u$& 'u" i# you re $o" !eei$% i"5 I "hi$k wi"h "he we'& "hi! i!5 7C;?00*29@:. Hori<o$"alDla$d!cape? 0omewha". 0ome"ime! I ha)e "o #i" i" i$. I would !ay i" ! %o" "o 'e A!omewha"&B 'ecau!e we ha)e "o5i" ! )er"ical. *hi! i! impor"a$" #or me& a" lea!". I )e come acro!! o$e! "ha" I $eed 4u!" a wide5I wa$" "o #il"er ou"5 7C;?00*29@:. Ge$der a$d race. ;ace.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


2%e& "oo. 0ome"ime! you 4u!" wa$" a !peci#ic a%e ra$%e. -ho"o!& )ideo!& a$d illu!"ra"io$!. No. 1ha" i! "ha" !he 4u!" "old u!? Newe!". 0i$%le a$d mul"iple? For me& ye!. +ecau!e I !ome"ime! ha)e "o 'uy "hi$%! #or a !lide!how. The' can !et a photo!rapher to take the pict#re or the' will ha&e photo!rapher% !o thro#!h their (ata4a%e7 9ice$!e a$d $o$3lice$!e a" "he !ame "ime. Yeah. G#arter o5 a million photo%* I" ! impor"a$". ,epe$di$% o$ price& !ure. 7C;?00*29@:. There wo#l( pro4a4l' 4e a <#ick t#rnaro#n( time* 1e all ha)e di##ere$" 4o'!. I "hi$k i" would 'e %rea". No& i" ! $o" impor"a$". Click o$3click !hoppi$%& !o you do$ " ha)e "o #ill3i$ credi" card da"a. ?# cour!e. 0ure& yeah. 1e ha)e a pro'lem5*hi! i! 4u!" pro'lema"ic& 'ecau!e wha" ! impor"a$" "o him i! $o" impor"a$" "o me. I" ! )ery di##icul" "o5

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


No3 thi% i% !oo(* Let,% talk a4o#t that* To %ee3 a% a team3 what wo#l( 4e mo%t important7 ?@. Go" you. 0#t let,% al%o76hen we talk thro#!h it3 talk a4o#t %ome o5 the (i55erence%* 0#t it will 4e intere%tin! to %ee what 'o# a!ree on3 e&en i5 there,% onl' two or three* *o me& i" ! all5 I# i" ! i$ "he "hi$%& I wa$"5 Yeah. ?h& "he a%e5 7C;?00*29@:. Yeah& "ha" ! all #il"er. Cer"ai$ price or price!. Yeah. Yeah. *o me& whe$ I m #i%uri$% ou" "hi$%! #or a clie$"& "ha" mi%h" ha)e5 2'!olu"ely. 1e do$ " wa$" "o !pe$d K1000. No. 1ha"e)er. No. 7C;?00*29@:. You !aid i" wa! impor"a$" "o you. 0omewha"& yeah. I# I ha)e "hem& I ha)e "hem. 0ome people& "hey $eed "hem. I "hou%h" all o# "he!e were impor"a$"& !omewha". *he!e are$ " )i"al& 'u" "hey re $ice lu(urie!.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


0ure. ?# cour!e. Fi$i"o. @eep pho"o! 7IN28,I+96:. I do$ " !ee how "ha" ! di##ere$". 6hat +,m enjo'in!3 it,% reall' 5#n3 i% we can ha&e one team pre%ent an( then 'o# can tell me how (i55erent 'o#r% wa%* Then we can act#all'3 a5ter that3 talk a4o#t3 ma'4e3 %ome o5 the (i55erent thin!% 5rom 'o# !#'%* 6hat wa% in the @mo%t importantB 4#cket) 1e ki$d o# 4u!" ca"e%ori<ed. 2 lo" o# "he!e o)erlapped. +u" i$ "he Amo!" impor"a$"B wa! "hi! ra$%e. I ll mo)e "hi! o)er a li""le 'i". A*he a'ili"y "o 'ookmark a #a)ori"e a$d !hare pho"o! you i$"e$d "o 'uy.B A-ho"o! "o 'e #il"ered 'y )i!ual !imilari"y.B AFi$d pho"o! like "hi! o$e.B Nery impor"a$". AFil"eri$% 'e"wee$ pho"o& )ideo& a$d illu!"ra"io$!.B *ha" ! paramou$"& !i$ce i# you do$ " ha)e a pa%e& I do$ " wa$" "o pull up !"ill! a$d look a" "he )ideo& )ice3)er!a. Cer"ai$ly& we di!cu!!ed Apho"o! "ha" are $ew.B A*he a'ili"y "o !hare wi"h o"her!.B Nery impor"a$". 2l!o& i$ "he !ame ca"e%ory& A-ho"o! "ha" are a cer"ai$ price> price ra$%e!.B Cer"ai$ly& we )e %o" 'ud%e"! "ha" we work wi"h. A*he a'ili"y "o crea"e a 'rie# where a pho"o i! $eeded&B )ery cool. *he A!earch #or lice$!e a$d $o$3lice$!e a" "he !ame "ime&B impor"a$". 2$d "he Apho"o! #rom a !peci#ic pho"o%rapher&B al!o& we #ou$d a li""le 'i" help#ul. $ow (i( that compare to 'o#r%) 6)ery !i$%le o$e o# our! wa! parame"er3'a!edF %e$der& race& a%e& "ime& orie$"a"io$& !imilari"y& price& color!& reCue!"i$% "he "ype& a$d a'ili"y "o do lice$!e o$ly. 6)ery"hi$% here i! 'a!ed o$ parame"er! o# !earch. Ner!u! a lo" o# "he li#e!"yle o$e! "ha" "he o"her o$e. Yeah* $ow come 'o# 5elt like that wa%7parameter% %earch i% n#m4er one) For me& I $eed5e)ery"hi$% o$ here i! "a$"amou$" i$ edi"orial #or "imely ima%e!. I a%ree. *ha" ! 4u!" me. No. Yeah& I #all i$ "he !ame ca"e%ory. 0o& "he$& I #all i$ "he ca"e%ory& a! well. 1e 4u!" ki$d o# "ake "ha" #or %ra$"ed& I "hi$k. 1e a!!ume we ca$ !earch "he!e pho"o! a$yway& a$d "ho!e are "he more op"io$al #ea"ure! "ha" we "hou%h" a'ou" ra$ki$%.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


Yeah& we "hou%h" were more e$"ici$%. 2$d wi"h "he #il"eri$% ca"e%ory& !ame "hi$%F %e$der& race& a%e& al!o %oe! ri%h" o$ "he !ame #il"er a! wha" we had "o !or" 'e"wee$ pho"o& )ideo& a$d illu!"ra"io$!5all wi"hi$ "he !ame #il"eri$% ca"e%ory. 6hat came into the @lea%tB 4#cket) The le%% important) For 'o# !#'%) A-ho"o! "o 'e di!co)ered 'y color or 'lack3a$d3whi"eB may 'e le!! impor"a$". ?r hi!"ory. ?r )er"ical or hori<o$"al& le!! impor"a$" "o me. =r(er hi%tor') $ow come that,% le%% important) I "hi$k& may'e& i" ! 4u!" "o %i)e i" "ha" you 4u!" "hi$k i" ! %oi$% "o 'e !or"ed or ca"e%ori<ed i$ a cer"ai$ way& !o we 4u!" did$ " "hi$k o# i" a! a )ery pre!!i$%5 Yeah3 how important i% it7+5 'o# ha&e an acco#nt an( 'o# %i!ne( in3 'o# 4o#!ht the photo3 to !o 4ack an(7Let,% %a'3 + hear( 5rom another !ro#p3 @=h3 + lo%t that photo* +,( reall' like to 4e a4le to re;acce%% that photo*B o to 4e a4le to %ee m' or(er hi%tor' an( !o 4ack an( %ee m' photo%* $ow important i% that) I" ! impor"a$". Yeah& i" ! impor"a$". Yeah. Yeah. You ca$ "a% i". I# "here ! "a%%i$% #ea"ure!. -urcha!e hi!"ory. Yeah. Yeah. I "hou%h" i" wa! ki$d o# hard "o ca"e%ori<e i"& "o 'e%i$ wi"h& 'ecau!e "hey re all impor"a$" i$ "heir ow$ a!pec". I" really depe$d! o$ wha" pro4ec" you re worki$% o$& "he campai%$& your 'ud%e"& your clie$"& e" ce"era. 0o i" wa! hard "o #i$d "hi! i!5I" ! $o" like "hi! i! way more impor"a$" "ha$ "hi!& or "hi! i! irrele)a$" 'ecau!e I pu" "hi! here. Cer"ai$ly& #il"eri$% i! 5!"ar"! "he !earch. +u" order hi!"ory i! al!o pre""y impor"a$"& "oo& 'ecau!e i# you lo!e a pho"o or you $eed "o %o 'ack "o #i$d !ome"hi$%& you wa$" "o make !ure you re a'le "o do "ha". +ecau!e "he$ you )e %o" "o !"ar" all o)er a%ai$ wi"h "he #il"eri$% proce!!. I" ! ki$d o# hard "o pu" "he!e i$ a ca"e%ory& a" lea!" #rom my per!pec"i)e. o then 'o#,re %a'in! ma'4e the (i55erence i% not that !reat 5rom 'o#r mo%t important to 'o#r lea%t*

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


Ye!. Yeah. Yo# were a4le to %eparate them3 4#t7 2ll o# "he!e are impor"a$". /ay'e #i$di$% 'lack3a$d3whi"e pic"ure! are $o" "ha" impor"a$" "o me& 'u" e)ery"hi$% o$ "hi! "a'le& cer"ai$ly I would #i$d !ome impor"a$ce #or. a&io an( Tatiana3 'o# 5eel the %ame) Yeah& we #eel like "he!e are all pre""y impor"a$" a$d all u!e#ul. I" #u$c"io$! a! a we'!i"e& !o #or me& "he premi!e i! all i! 'e""er. You k$ow wha" I mea$? I ca$ 4u!" !or" o# pick a$d choo!e a! "o e(ac"ly wha" !or" o# de#i$i"io$ I d wa$" "o !or" o# ho$e i$"o. 6hat a4o#t 'o# !#'%) 6hat wa% lea%t) ;i%h" hereF Aa'ili"y "o 'ookmark a$d !hare pho"o!.B A2'ili"y "o !hare wi"h o"her!.B A-ho"o! "ha" are popular or "re$di$%.B AFil"eri$% 'e"wee$ pho"o! a$d )ideo!.B A2'ili"y "o reCue!" a lice$!ed pho"o )ia e3mail.B A*o !earch #or lice$!ed a$d u$lice$!ed a" "he !ame "ime.B 2$d Apho"o! #rom a !peci#ic pho"o%rapher.B I& par"icularly& really do$ " ha)e a $eed #or a$y o# "hi!. Yeah. I ha)e a $eed #or "hi!. I $eed !ome o# "hi!5I $eed illu!"ra"io$!& !ome"ime!& )er!u! pho"o!. That wo#l( !o into the @mo%tB 5or 'o#* I "hi$k "he mo!" irrele)a$"& a" lea!" "he o$e "ha" I "hou%h"& wa! "he a'ili"y "o #a)ori"e a$d 'ookmark. 1e all a%reed o$ "ha". Yeah& 4u!" 'ecau!e& i# you re o$ a pro4ec"& you re o#"e$ worki$%52" lea!" #or u!& i" ! Cuick. Yeah& I ll ope$ up "hree "a'!. I m $o" %oi$% "o !i" "here a$d 'ookmark& %o 'ack "o my 'ookmark& a$d look. I #or%e" hal# o# my I$"er$e" 'ookmark!. *he idea i! "ha" "hi! could 'e !i""i$% "here. I" ! more o# a real3"ime e(perie$ce "ha$ i" i!5 Yo# !#'% %o#n( &er' #n(er;the;!#n* That,% a little (i55erent 5rom 'o#r7Yo# %ai( 'o# ha( a little 4it more time* Yo#3 too* Yo#3 too3 a&io) Yo# !et a little 4it more c#%hion)

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


I do. I m $o"5*he "ur$arou$d "ime i! $o" a! Cuick a! "heir!. *ha" ! why I u!ed "o do work i$ edi"orial!. I )e %o"5I ha)e clie$"! "ha" I work #or& or work wi"h& a$d !o I5I# "hey are looki$% #or !ome"hi$%& I )e %o" "o "ur$ arou$d a$d %i)e i" "o "hem. Thi% i% reall' !reat* +5 'o# (on,t min( keepin! the%e o#t3 4eca#%e + want to take a pict#re o5 them a5ter3 %o j#%t keep them a% i%* 0#t now + want to talk to 'o# a4o#t %omethin! that,%3 o5 co#r%e3 the 4i! topic7+t,% price3 ri!ht) 6e %tarte( to talk to 'o# on price when we were talkin! a4o#t other %o#rce% 'o#,re #%in!3 4#t + want to !et 'o#r take on j#%t o&erall with price* 6e talke( a little 4it a4o#t the %i?e that 'o# 4#'* Yo# tr' to !o 5or the lar!e%t* 6hat role (oe% price pla' in thinkin! a4o#t the photo %i?e) ,e#i$i"ely. ,e#i$i"ely. *he5 I# you $eed a 'i% !i<e& you ha)e "o pay #or i". +u" i# you do$ " $eed a 'i% !i<e& "here ! $o $eed "o pay #or "he ma(imum. I do$ "3 ;i%h". .re there e&er time% when 'o# opt 5or a (i55erent %i?e j#%t 4eca#%e o5 the price) Yeah. Yeah. 6hat a4o#t ha&in! an e:ten(e( licen%e) $ow important i% that) I$ "erm! o# wha"? 0ein! a4le to7Yo# !et to #%e it 5or lon!er pre%% r#n%3 ma'4e more impre%%ion%3 a((e( le!al protection%3 will warrant' to it* 0o i# you dow$load i"& you ca$ " u!e i" #or cer"ai$ "hi$%!. +t,% more 5or %omethin! that 'o#,re !oin! to #%e 'o#r ima!e 5or a lot o57 /ul"iple u!e? Yeah* + (on,t think +,&e hear( an' mention% o5 it in the !ro#p3 4#t + j#%t won(ere( i5 it,% %omethin! that 'o# think a4o#t*

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


Yeah& o# cour!e. I# we ha)e "o pu" i" o$ !ocial media& a lo" o# edi"orial compa$ie! do wa$" !ome"hi$%5 Yeah. *ha" cha$%e! "he price. Yeah. Yeah& "ha" cha$%e! "he5"ha" ame$d! "he co$"rac" a lo". Now + want to hear 5rom 'o#7+ ha&e a 5ew thin!% j#%t in re%pect to price* .n( + want to hear how the%e kin( o5 5all o#t 5or 'o#* tick them on here3 an( then to mo&e them aro#n(* =ne i% j#%t knowin! the price ahea( o5 time* Nery impor"a$". Yeah. o a% earl' in the proce%% a% po%%i4le* Yeah. Nery& )ery impor"a$". .4ilit' to enter 'o#r cre(it car( 5or 4#lk 5or cre(it3 %o that wa' 'o#,re not worr'in! a4o#t7 Yeah. Then3 no worrie% aro#n( e:ten(e( #%e% char!e%* Peace o5 min( that ima!e% are relea%e( an( cleare(* Yeah. Nery much !o. Ye!. Cnowin! how man' time% other% ha&e p#rcha%e( it* Yeah. Then3 o5 co#r%e3 j#%t thinkin! o5 price7the lowe%t price* 0#t then3 al%o3 hi!her <#alit'* o + !#e%% +,ll j#%t p#t the%e all here* 6hich one% %ho#l( + 4rin! to the top) Let,% hear a n#m4er o5 &ote% 5or76hich one7.4ilit' to enter a cre(it car( in 4#lk 5or cre(it)

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


?# cour!e. 6o#l( that 4e on the top) The mi((le) =n the 4ottom) I" would 'e i$ "he middle #or me. /iddle. @$owi$% ahead "he price would5a" la!" #or me5would 'e $um'er o$e. @$owi$% "he price ahead o# "ime i! $um'er o$e. Yeah& $um'er o$e. 7IN28,I+96: price a$d lower price would 'e a" "he "op. Lower price) .n what el%e) There wa% %omethin! el%e) @$owi$% "he price ahead o# "ime. Cnowin! the price ahea( o5 time* 0eco$d. Thank 'o#* + wa% like3 @6here (i( it !o)B =C* 6hat a4o#t the%e one% here) 6e ha&e the%e three* ?h& "he cleared5 Ye!. ?h& yeah. Cleared. I" ha! "o 'e cleared. I" ! alway! $ice "o k$ow "ha" $o o$e ! comi$% a#"er you. Ye!. ?h& i# you )e e)er had "ha"& "ha" ! horri'le. Ye!. I" i!. I" i!. *ha" ! horri'le.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


I %o" "hrea"e$ed o$ce 'y a$ e!"a"e. 1a! calli$% me "o !ue me. I had $o"hi$% "o do wi"h i". I %o" !ued 'y Ge""y. =h3 'o# (i() 1e had a$ ar" direc"or 4u!" li#" a$ ima%e o## o# Goo%le& a$d i" wa! like& AYou ca$ " do "ha".B Happe$! all "he "ime. I %o" !ued 'y Goo%le5or 'y Ge""y. .n( how (i( that all come a4o#t) 6ere 'o# #p(ate( on how lon! 'o# ha(7 No& wha" happe$ed wa! I came i$"o "he po!i"io$51e had a pro'lem i$ la!" ?c"o'er. I came i$ i$ ,ecem'er. ?$e o# our co$"ri'u"or wri"er!5?ur co$"ri'u"i$% edi"or "ook a pho"o #rom Goo%le& pu" i" o$ "heir $ew!le""er o$ "heir we'!i"e. *ha" piece wa! pu'li!hed o$ our we'!i"e. Ge""y !aid& A*ha" ! our ima%e. Here ! "he proo# "ha" i" ! our!.B 1e !aid& A?h& [email protected] 1e looked "hrou%h our hi!"ory& a$d we had "he ima%e& "oo. *he pro'lem "hey had wa! "he #ac" "ha" "hey pu" i" o$ "heir $ew!le""er. I" wa! o$ly allowed #or our we'!i"e& a$d $o'ody k$ew "ha" u$"il "hey !ued u!. *he$ we had "o "ake i" dow$. 0o "ha" ! impor"a$"5*ha" i! 100L impor"a$". o (e5initel' knowin! that it,% cleare(* =C3 knowin! how man' time% other% ha&e p#rcha%e( it) No" impor"a$"5a" lea!" #or me. No" impor"a$". Pero. 8ore in the mi((le3 then) No. 9ower. 2ll "he way dow$& yeah. G#alit') Ye!.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


Yeah. -re""y hi%h up "here. 1:ten(e( #%e% char!e%) $ow lon! (o 'o# #%#all' nee( 'o#r ima!e% 5or) + mean3 %ome people 'o# ha&e to worr' a4o#t #p(atin! e&er' 'ear7 ,epe$d!. 1he$ I dow$load i"& we keep "hem. 1e ha)e a li'rary& !o we keep "hem. Do 'o# ha&e to worr' a4o#t a certain amo#nt o5 time a5ter p#rcha%in!) =C* + ha&e two price concept% + want to r#n 4' 'o#3 j#%t to !et 'o#r reaction* =ption one i% one me!a4'te 5or H2F3 I*I me!a4'te% 5or HJF3 an( 22 me!a4'te% 5or H14F* 6hat (o 'o# think o5 tho%e price%) *oo e(pe$!i)e #or me. Too e:pen%i&e 5or 'o#) Now3 i% that thinkin! o5 the 5#ll %i?e or7 I $eed "he !i(5u!ually "he !i(& "he middle o$e. I m 'uyi$% more "ha$ o$e #or a pro4ec"& a$d my clie$"! wo$ " %o #or "ha". 6hat wo#l( the' #%#all'76hat,% their limit3 t'picall') I k$ow "hey ll pay5For +i%0"ock& le" ! !ay& I ll 'uy o$e mo$"h a$d I ca$ dow$load #i)e e)ery day #or like5I "hi$k a mo$"h ! !u'!crip"io$ ! like KEH& a$d I ca$ %e" #i)e a" "ha". I ca$ %e" "he 22 me% o$e i$ "ha" !u'!crip"io$. Yeah& I "hi$k ha)i$% "o do i" like "hi! i! ridiculou!. I" ! "oo e(pe$!i)e. I" ! $o" e)e$5I" ! "ha"& 'u" ha)i$% "o !i" "here a$d mea!ure ou". I" ! like& I did$ " reali<e ma"h wa! i$)ol)ed. I ma4ored i$5/y colle%e ma4or wa! pic"ure!& $o" $um'er!5*ha" ! wha" I alway! !ay. 0o #or me& I m looki$% a" "ha". I wa! a 0"a"i!"ic! ma4or a$d I !"ill do$ " k$ow5 ;i%h". 6(ac"ly. Now 'o#7Thi% i% the %#4%cription7Yo# 4oth ha&e %#4%cription%* Now what a4o#t the 5olk% that (on,t) 6hat (o 'o# think o5 thi%)

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


I "hi$k i" ! a li""le o$ "he e(pe$!i)e !ide. I" really would depe$d o$ wha" clie$" I m worki$% wi"h. o what wo#l( 'o# normall' !o 5or) 6hich %i?e) 8!ually medium. 8e(i#m) The I*I) .n( what7HJF 5eel% hi!h) I mea$& i" ! a #air price& 'u" a%ai$& i# i" ! $o" "ha" impor"a$"5*he ima%e i! mo!" impor"a$". I# I #i$d a %ood ima%e& I ll pay #or i". +u" i# i" ! $o"& "he$ I will 'e a" "he o"her !i"e!. .u!" a %e$eric pho"o o# a$ o##ice or !ome"hi$%. Yeah. 6hat (o 'o# !#'% think3 o&er here) I a%ree. 0ome o# "he clie$"! "ha" I )e worked wi"h ha)e !u'!crip"io$!& a$d I a%ree wi"h wha" 2dam !aid. I )e worked o$ i$di)idual campai%$!& a! well& a$d "ho!e campai%$! I d op"& pro'a'ly& #or "he !i( me%a'y"e pic"ure5may'e a li""le o$ "he hi%h !ide. +u" a%ai$& i# i" wa! a$ ima%e "ha" "he clie$" liked& I would make !ure I would i$clude i" i$ "he campai%$ a$d would make !ure our 'ud%e" accou$"ed #or i" properly. 6e were talkin! a little 4it earlier a4o#t thi% i(ea o5 !ettin!7pa'in! a little 4it more 5or a real a#thentic photo* $ow (o 'o# think that tran%late% when act#all' %eein! the price%) I" depe$d! o$ wha" "he pho"o i!. Yeah. +ecau!e you ca$ "ake5You ca$ %o "o Ge""y or a$y edi"orial !i"e a$d %e" a 'eau"i#ul pic"ure o# a 'a!e'all %ame. ?r you ca$ %e" a really hi%h3Cuali"y pho"o o# !omeo$e !i""i$% i$ "he #ro$" row. 2$d "here will 'e a )ery di!"i$c" di##ere$ce 'e"wee$ "ho!e "wo "hi$%!. ?$e will 'e i$cluded i$ a K2&000 a mo$"h !u'!crip"io$ a$d o$e will 'e "ha". -+N./D+0L12* Thi% i% option two3 an( thi% wo#l( 4e 5or the e:ten(e( licen%e* Thi% i% what + wa% talkin! a4o#t a little earlier* Thi% wo#l( 4e i5 'o#r ima!e i% prett' m#ch the center o5 what 'o#,re (oin!3 like 'o#,re workin! on a h#!e project with lon! pre%% r#n%3 ma'4e tee;%hirt% an( 'o# nee( that e:ten(e( #%e* o that wo#l( 4e one me!a4'te 5or H4F3 I*I me!a4'te 5or H14F3 an( 22 me!a4'te o5 H2FF* I" ! "oo e(pe$!i)e. Too e:pen%i&e*

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


Yeah& "ha" !5 6hat wo#l( 'o# 4e willin! to pa') Let,% !o 4ack to j#%t the 4a%ic* For7Let,% %a' the I*I me!a4'te3 4eca#%e that,% %omethin! that 'o# come acro%% a lot* I "hi$k arou$d K4HDK50 i! a pre""y a)era%e price. I" ! a #air price. 6hat i5 'o# knew7>#%t another %i(e* The other %i(e* That the photo!rapher% were !ettin! 51K ro'alt'3 an( that,% one o5 the rea%on% wh' the price i% what it i%* I "hi$k "ha" ! %rea"& 'u" i" !"ill doe!$ " impac" me. Yeah. *he !pli" i! !"ill comi$% ou" o# ei"her my 'ud%e" or a clie$" ! 'ud%e". 1&en tho#!h it,% hi!her than %ome o5 the other%3 like "ett' an( Aor4i%7+ think the' pa' 5rom 20K to 40K ro'alt') *ha"& "o me5I )e $e)er !ee$ "ha" i$ a co$"rac"& !o51he$ we !i%$ our Ge""y co$"rac" e)ery year& "ha" ! irrele)a$". I" ! $o" e)e$ i$cluded. o at the en( o5 the (a'3 (oe% that matter) No. No. No" "o me. I m a 'i% #a$ o# pho"o%rapher! %e""i$% "heir #air !hare o# mo$ey& 'u" i" !52%ai$& 'a!ed o$ "he parame"er! o# clie$"! 'ud%e"!& e" ce"era& I m %oi$% "o "ry "o& o')iou!ly& %e" a! much a! I ca$ #or "he lea!" amou$" o# mo$ey. *he !u'!crip"io$ model "ha" I )e had e(perie$ce wi"h& we re payi$% accou$" I K2&500 a mo$"h a$d "here ! 100 dow$load!. 2ccou$" Y i! K2&300 a$d i" ! G5 dow$load!. 2$d "hi! i! "he hi%he!" po!!i'le Cuali"y o# edi"orial. 2$d "ha" !51e ha)e u!a%e o# "ha". 1e do$ " ha)e "o !i" "here a$d "hi$k a'ou" i". 1e ca$ u!e i" where)er we wa$". 6di"orially& o')iou!ly& 'u" we ha)e "he a'ili"y "o do "ha"& 'a!ed52$d we pay I amou$" a mo$"h. Now& %ra$"ed& I work #or a lar%er pu'lic compa$y& 'u" "ha" !5*ha" ki$d o# a'ili"y o# my 'u##e" o# ima%e! i! "here.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


There* =C* That make% %en%e* o now that 'o#,&e %een the o&erall mock;#p%* 6e,&e talke( a little 4it a4o#t the li!ht room7li!ht 4o:* + call it @li!ht room*B Li!ht 4o:* .n( all the (i55erent pricin! %cheme%* + !#e%% + want to hear 5rom 'o# what (o 'o# think o5 the i(ea o5 Flickr tock a% a photo %tock %o#rce 5or 'o#) 6hen 'o# 5ir%t hear( me %a' it3 what were 'o#r initial tho#!ht%) I like i" a!5i# i" ! o##eri$% me !ome"hi$% "ha" "he!e o"her! do$ " ha)e. I m all #or "ha". 6hat (o 'o# think %o 5ar) >#%t %eein! what 'o# %aw a4o#t the ro#!h i(ea% o5 the content an( the %earch7(oe% it 5eel (i55erent) I" #eel! di##ere$". 2ll "he i$"er#ace cer"ai$ly doe! #eel di##ere$". I really care a'ou" wha" "he co$"e$" i! %oi$% "o 'e. Yeah. *ha" ! "he 'o""om li$e& 'a!ically& 'ecau!e "hey o##er& pre""y much& a cer"ai$ look& a cer"ai$ co$"e$". For "hi! "o !"a$d ou" a$d ac"ually really make me %o here& u$le!! "he ima%e! are dir" cheap& I do$ " !ee a rea!o$ #or me "o 4u!" %o o$ Flickr lice$!e a$d purcha!e #rom "hem. +u" i# "heir co$"e$" i! more u$iCue& #re!her& le!! po!ed5all "he "hi$%! "ha" we !poke a'ou" here5de#i$i"ely& I will 'e %oi$% "here. 2" "he e$d o# "he day& you wa$" "o #i$d your ima%e. For me& i" ! #i$di$% $ew !"u## a$d $o" "he !ame !"u## "ha" ! o$5*ha" ! why I a!ked you a'ou" "he e(clu!i)e pho"o%rapher!. I" ! really impor"a$"& 'ecau!e we re all #i$di$%5I m !ure we re all #i$di$% "he !ame ima%e! o$ all "he!e di##ere$" !i"e!. Yeah. I" ! )ery #ru!"ra"i$%. Yeah& #or payi$% #or i"59e" ! !ay "here i! a !u'!crip"io$3'a!ed model& i" would 'e i# "here ! !ome"hi$% )ery& )ery di##ere$" a'ou" i". 0ome"hi$% "ha" ca$ 'e u!ed "ha" !5I! i" wor"h "he mo$ey? I! 'uyi$% a mo$"h ! !u'!crip"io$ #or 100 or 200 or 1000 ima%e! wor"h i"? *hi$k0"ock& we pay #or a mo$"hly !u'!crip"io$. I" i! u$limi"ed #or wha" we u!e. 1e ca$5wha"e)er we wa$". 1ould "hi! 'e "he !ame "hi$%? *hey le" you dow$load a! ma$y a! you wa$"? Yeah. +ecau!e I "hi$k I wa! limi"ed "o 50. I ll wri"e i" dow$ how much i" i!& a$d i" ! u$limi"ed #or u!& #or a mo$"h.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


Now + want 'o# !#'% to p#t 'o#r creati&e hat% on* 6e can #%e the %ame team% that 'o# !#'% ha( 4e5ore* + want 'o# to7+,m !oin! to !i&e 'o# %ome in5ormation a4o#t Flickr tock* Prett' m#ch e&er'thin! we alrea(' co&ere(* 0#t j#%t %mall3 little7not reall' ta! line%3 4#t j#%t 5eat#re% an( p#t in a wa' that,% a little more marketin! 5oc#%e(* + want 'o#3 a% a team3 to p#ll to!ether a one; or a two;min#te7what wo#l( we call it) 1le&ator pitch* Yo#,re in the ele&ator an( 'o# ha&e to %ell it to the other team* +ma!ine7Fir%t o5 all3 'o#,re thinkin! a4o#t wh' wo#l( 'o# #%e Flickr3 ri!ht) Tr' to think a4o#t what 5eat#re% are the mo%t compellin!3 or the item% are mo%t compellin! to %ell to !et the other team to !o 5or Flickr tock* + ha&e3 here3 a 4oar( to kin( o5 help 'o# o#t3 4eca#%e thi% i% alwa'% a little trick' to (o* +n 'o#r three; min#te pitch7.n( 'o# can write thi% here3 !ra4 a marker an( write thi% o#t3 4eca#%e +,m !oin! to !i&e 'o# a 5ew min#te% to think it thro#!h* Yo# can %a'3 @Thi% Flickr tock pro&i(e%7+t,% (i55erent 5rom other %o#rce%3B Like all the other one% we were talkin! a4o#t3 @4eca#%e* .n( 'o# nee( to %i!n #p tomorrow 4eca#%e7@ Thinkin! o5 the%e three thin!%3 'o# can 5rame 'o#r 5i&e;min#te pitch or two;min#te pitch* 2$d "he a$!wer! are "he!e choice!? P#llin! the%e little thin!% 5or 'o#r three;min#te thin!* + ma(e a 4oar( 5or 'o# !#'%3 too* Yo# can j#%t write it o#t an( then we,ll kin( o5 pre%ent it to each other* + ma(e a 4oar(3 here3 5or 'o# !#'%* ame thin! here* Yo# !#'% can write it o#t* +,m !oin! to mo&e thi%* Yo# !#'% can !ra4 a marker an( then j#%t write it7 ame thin!* Doe% that %eem clear) 0hould we wri"e "he le""er o# our !ec"io$? ?r ac"ually wri"e ou" "he !e$"e$ce? =h3 'eah3 'o# can j#%t p#t the letter3 an( al%o we,ll talk thro#!h it* Yo# can rea( it o55 when 'o# (o the three;min#te pitch* ?@. .5ter 'o# kin( o5 !o thro#!h it on 'o#r own3 i5 'o# co#l( come to!ether an( j#%t write it there* -+N./D+0L12* te&e3 + (on,t know i5 'o# %aw3 'o# !#'% ha&e 'o#r own 4oar( here* Ye!& I did. *ha$k you. Ca$ I a!k a Cue!"io$& "hou%h? Ye%3 o5 co#r%e* + wa% !oin! to %a'3 @Do 'o# !#'% ha&e an' <#e%tion%)B I! "here a$y co$cer$ wi"h remo)i$% "he wa"ermark! #or "he people "ha" are lo%%ed i$& #or pho"o "he#"?

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


That,% a !reat <#e%tion* +ecau!e you ca$ 4u!" !cree$ !ho" "ha". 6a!ily. ?# cour!e. The whole i(ea wo#l( 4e that3 i5 'o# are7That,% one* Yo# j#%t nee( to take it* 0#t i5 'o#,re lo!!e( in an( 5#ll' re!i%tere(3 Flickr can monitor 'o#r (ownloa(%* Then the' can (o a#(it% e&er' %o o5ten3 to make %#re that the' can protect the photo!rapher%* The rea%on wh'3 leanin! towar(% the watermark3 i% j#%t 4eca#%e o5 what 'o# mentione(* +t,% %o m#ch ea%ier3 a% a 4#'er3 to %hare work with 'o#r potential client%* "reat* o 5eel 5ree to write it o#t* +,ll !i&e 'o# a 5ew min#te%* .n' other <#e%tion%) I we$" "hrou%h "he "op o$e!. 0o you a$d I ha)e + a$d C& 'u" I ha)e 2 a$d you ha)e +. 2& +& a$d C. 7C;?00*29@:. You re ri%h". 6(ac"ly. 7C;?00*29@:. +u" I $eed "ha" #or my mock3up!. *ha" ! )ery i$"ere!"i$%. I did$ " k$ow "ha". How "hey reCuire5 +ecau!e I m deali$% wi"h people "ha" are u$pro#e!!io$al& !o "hey do$ " u$der!"a$d "ha" 7C;?00*29@:. I worked wi"h !omeo$e who had $o idea wha" dummy "ype wa!. Ye!& a$d !he !aw "he mock3up a$d !he wa! like& A*ha" ai$ " wha" I wro"e.B 0he ! like& A*ha" ! $o" wha" I wro"e&B a$d we all looked a" her like& AYou )e %o" "o 'e kiddi$%.B Yeah. + i! $o" impor"a$" "o me. 1ell& I %ue!! "ha" ! $o" e)e$ i". 2ll "hi! o"her !"u##. *he commu$i"y 7IN28,I+96:5"ha" !& yeah. I do$ " $eed "ha". =C3 how are (oin! here with o#r ele&ator pitch)

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


Good. Yeah. Yeah) Di( 'o# !#'% want to write 'o#r letter% #n(erneath3 %o we can talk thro#!h it) Feel 5ree7Yo# co#l( j#%t write the letter% o5 the %tatement%3 an( then we,ll talk thro#!h it* 1e a%reed o$ wha"? 2& +& a$d C. 2& +& a$d C. 7C;?00*29@:. 2& C& +. Flickr i! di##ere$" 'ecau!e o# 2. You re %e""i$% + a$d you wa$" "o !i%$ up 'ecau!e o# C. 2. +. C. ?@. =C* o let,% hear* o Flickr tock pro&i(e%76alk #% thro#!h thi%* +,ll 4e like the a#(ience an( 'o#,ll (o the pitch o5 'o#r three7 0o Flickr 0"ock pro)ide! a u!e#ul "ool "o )i!ually !earch& while 'ei$% a'le "o !earch a "i%h"ly crea"ed collec"io$ o# $o$3!"ock3looki$% ima%ery. Flickr i! di##ere$" #rom o"her! 'ecau!e co$"e$" i! #re!h& ori%i$al& a$d ed%ier "ha$ 0hu""er0"ock& Ge""y Ima%e!& a$d !o o$. You $eed "o !i%$ up "omorrow 'ecau!e i" ! a !imple lice$!e "ha" ! ea!y "o u$der!"a$d& prici$% "ha" ! $o" complica"ed& "ra$!pare$" a$d hi%h3)alue& compared "o compe"i"io$. 6hat ma(e 'o# pick tho%e three thin!% in the pitch) 1ell& "he #ir!" o$e& I "hi$k& 'ecau!e i" e(plai$! "he !er)ice 'e!". 2. 1ha" make! i" di##ere$" i! "he pho"o%raphy i"!el#& I "hi$k& !o "ha" ! why we picked C. 2$d + 'ecau!e "ha" ! ac"ually a'ou" !ome o# "he u!e. The licen%e)

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


*he lice$!i$%& "he proce!! o# how 7IN28,I+96: a$d "hi$%!. .n( that,% %omethin! we (i(n,t reall' !et to !o into* That,% %omethin! that,% important3 %till* =C* "reat* "reat* "reat* >#%t one that we (i(n,t !o into e&er' %in!le element o5* =C3 let,% hear 5rom 'o#r %i(e* Flickr& yeah& !imple lice$!e "ha" ! ea!y "o u$der!"a$d& prici$% "ha" ! $o" complica"ed& "ra$!pare$"& hi%h3)alue compared "o compe"i"io$. Flickr i! di##ere$" 'ecau!e i" ! a u!e#ul "ool "o )i!ually !"re"ch while 'ei$% a'le "o !earch a "i%h"ly cura"ed collec"io$ o# $o$3 !"ock3looki$% ima%ery. 2$d you $eed "o !i%$ up "omorrow 'ecau!e co$"e$" i! #re!h& ori%i$al& ed%ier "ha$ 0hu""er0"ock& Ge""y Ima%e!& e" ce"era. o we reall' ha( the %ame one% come thro#!h* Yeah. Yeah. Di55erentiatin! wa% (i55erent3 4eca#%e it wa% a4o#t the %earch* 6herea% here3 it wa% more a4o#t the %eamle%% -+N./D+0L12* +t wa% the content* Do 'o# think %earch i% a (i55erentiator or content) Co$"e$". Co$"e$". Yeah& co$"e$". 0#t then al%o3 wo#l( it 4e the wa' to !et to the content3 too) Ye!. Yeah. ?h& de#i$i"ely. Co$"e$" i! wha" ! %oi$% "o a""rac" me "o Flickr. ?$ce you ha)e me "here& all "hi! i! 4u!" a$ add3o$. +u" "he rea!o$ I ll 'e %oi$% "here i! 'ecau!e you are di##ere$". 1ell& "he !earch a##ec"! "he co$"e$" you !ee& !o i" really i! ha$d3i$3ha$d. $an(;in;han(* =C* No3 that make% complete %en%e* o (o 'o# ha&e an' a(&ice) Thi% i% %omethin! that,% !oin! to come into pla' later thi% 'ear* .n' a(&ice 5or Flickr tock) >#%t in 4ein! %o clo%e with p#rcha%in! photo %tock e&er' (a') 2d)ice i$?

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


+n re%pect to hearin! all thi% a4o#t the ro#!h7ro#!h 5low3 how it wo#l( look3 how the %earch wo#l( 4e3 %ome o5 the%e 5eat#re%) I" ! o$e "hi$% "o !ee e)ery"hi$% o$ paper& which i! a %rea" #orum& a! we re !i""i$% arou$d di!cu!!i$% "hi!. +u" i" ! a$o"her "hi$% "o ac"ually !ee i" i$ u!e. 2$d I m !ure "here are pla$!5 +e"a5 *o +e"a "e!" "hi!. +u" a" "he !ame "oke$& i# I m !earchi$% a$d a$ ima%e i! $o" poppi$% up. I" ca$ look 'eau"i#ul. ?r i# i" ! really e(pe$!i)e& "he$ "ha" ca$ "ur$ me o##. I# "he !earch e$%i$e i! $o" a! ro'u!" a! "he o"her "ype o# compe"i"or! ou" "here& "ha" ca$ 'e a 'i% #ac"or i$ "erm! o# maki$% my deci!io$ a! "o where "o look. -rici$%. 0u'!crip"io$ model. /ul"iple pho"o! #or a mo$"h& #or a mo$"hly #ee& a$d u$limi"ed u!a%e. *he ri%h"!& cleara$ce& pre3cleara$ce& ready3"o3%o. +uy i"& %o. I do$ " wa$" "o ha)e "o !i" "here a$d wai". 0i%$ i". .u!" 'uy i". No worrie!. +uy my !u'!crip"io$. *hi! i! wha" you ha)e. You ca$ u!e i" u$limi"edly. Go. Yeah. ince thi% i% a newer thin!3 i% thi% %omethin! 'o# want to (o a %#4%cription to ri!ht awa') =r wo#l( 'o# want to 4#' 4' photo3 to %ee i57 I# I ca$& I would %o !u'!crip"io$5 Yo# !o %#4%cription) +ecau!e "he 'ud%e" i! "here. ;i%h" o## "he 'a". ;i%h" ou" "he %a"e. Eeall') Yeah. I# I #ou$d ima%e! "ha" I5For me& i" ! heal"hcare. 0o i# I !aw a lo" o# di##ere$" !"e"ho!cope!& I would 'uy a !u'!crip"io$. ?r %i)e a #i)e medium pho"o "rial.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


Yeah& e(ac"ly. I "ru!" "hem. Ye!. Yeah. Yeah. I would a" lea!" wa$" "o !ee "ha" "he pho"o! are "here& #ir!"& 'e#ore I ha)e my compa$y or i$di)idually pay #or a !u'!crip"io$3'a!ed !er)ice. +u" o$ce5I# I ca$ #i$d "ho!e %e$eral pic"ure!& "he$& ac"ually& a !u'!crip"io$3'a!ed !er)ice i! a $o3'rai$er deci!io$. For me5I do$ " k$ow how much 7IN28,I+96: #or e)eryo$e el!e. I m like e)eryo$e el!eF I m mo!"ly co$cer$ed wi"h wha" ima%e I #i$d a$d wha" my 'ud%e" i!& 'u" i# I %o" "he !e$!e "ha" i" wa! more like ,e)ia$"2r" or !ome o"her we'!i"e& where "hey "ake a pro#i" "o make "he !ale5I$ o"her word!& "he pho"o%rapher! are maki$% a !li%h"ly lar%er perce$"a%e& like E5L or E0L& I would #eel like I m ac"ually !uppor"i$% "he ar"!. 1herea!& a hal#3a$d3hal# perce$"a%e !"ill make! me #eel like i" ! a 'u!i$e!!> pho"o%rapher! make a cu"& 'u" i" doe!$ " #eel like I m %oi$% "here "o !uppor"& direc"ly& pho"o%rapher!. 6ho (o 'o# think it wo#l(76hen + mentione( the 51K 4ein!3 reall'3 one o5 the mo%t hi!h7+ mean3 comparin! to the%e other one%* 6hat (i( 'o# think o5 that) 2%ai$& I do$ " k$ow i# my idea! are e)e$ #ea!i'le. I do$ " k$ow a$y"hi$% a'ou" "he 'ack%rou$d o# "hi!& 'u" I "hou%h" i" ! %ood& 'ecau!e i" ! a !"ep up #or wha" pho"o%rapher! ha)e a$ op"io$ #or. +u" I al!o "hou%h" i" ! $o" "he %rea"e!"& 'ecau!e i# I wa! a pho"o%rapher& k$owi$% "he co!" o# "ha"& I would pre#er i" o)er "he o"her o$e! "ha" are payi$% 20L "o 40L. +u" a! a co$!umer& I would$ " $ece!!arily "hi$k "ha" pho"o%rapher! %e""i$% hal# i! $ece!!arily "he 'e!" 'u!i$e!! #or "hem. /ay'e I m wro$%. No3 that,% 5air* .nother thin! + want to !et 'o#r take on i% the whole name3 Flickr tock* 6hat (o 'o# think o5 the name) I "hi$k i" ! #i$e. You already ha)e a 'ra$d i$ Flickr. You ha)e "he re%ular Flickr& a$d "he$ Flickr 0"ock. *o me& i" !ay! immedia"ely wha" i" i!. Yeah& Flickr 0"ock& di##ere$" #rom Crea"i)e Commo$!. I" ! already di##ere$"ia"ed. Yeah. You ll %e" your pa!" co$!umer! a$d you ll %e" $ew o$e! "ha" are comi$% i$& like my!el#. I )e !earched o$ Flickr. 2%ai$& I )e $o" #ou$d a$y"hi$% #or my co$"e$" "ha" I $eed& 'u" I would de#i$i"ely %i)e i" a "ry& a$d I m !ure mo!" de!i%$er! would& i# "hey "hi$k "ha" "hey re %oi$% "o #i$d a$ ima%e o#5!pecial ima%e. /y ad)ice ha! 'ee$& "hrou%hou" "hi! whole !e!!io$& you $eed "o make !ure "ha" you "ell people& A1e ha)e di##ere$" ima%e!

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


"ha$ e)ery'ody el!e.B 2$d "ha" ! how you ha)e "o marke" i". *ha" ! really wha" I m looki$% #or. Di55erent ima!e%* +ecau!e I 'uy !o ma$y. I $eed !ome"hi$% di##ere$". Yeah. 6o#l( knowin! %ome o5 the photo!rapher% co#l( opt in an( (o the e:cl#%i&e %ell 5or F0 (a'%3 wo#l( that make a (i55erence to 'o#3 too) + mentione( that earlier* No" really. No. No. That,% !reat* .n' other tho#!ht% a4o#t the name 5rom thi% %i(e) Flickr tock) I "hi$k you $eed "o de#i$i"ely i$corpora"e "he $ame Flickr. ?')iou!ly& you )e %o" a 'ra$d. 2$d cer"ai$ly A!"ockB i! wha" you re !elli$%. 0o yeah& i" ! pre""y %ood. I d ha)e "o %i)e i" !ome !eriou! 'rai$!"ormi$% "o "hi$k o# !ome"hi$% "ha" ! di##ere$" a$d more crea"i)e. +u" yeah& i" work!. I" %oe! ri%h" "o "he poi$". ;i%h". You k$ow wha" you re %e""i$%. 2$d i" ! wha" i" i!. "reat* 6ell3 thank 'o# !#'%* Yo#,&e 4een %o won(er5#l* *ha$k you. Yeah* Let me j#%t check with the 4ack room* .n' la%t <#e%tion%) =therwi%e3 + think we,re prett' %et* ,o you $eed our homework? ?r5 Ye%* $ow a4o#t76hen + !o in the 4ack3 i5 'o# (on,t min( writin! 'o#r name on the homework3 4eca#%e a lot o5 them are kin( o5 mi:in! to!ether la%t time* 6rite

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


'o#r name* .n( then3 i5 'o# co#l( al%o write 'o#r name on the notepa( that 'o# wrote %ome o5 'o#r initial impre%%ion%* ?h& I did$ " really wri"e "oo much. I did$ " wri"e dow$ much& ei"her. That,% =C* 1&en i5 it,% j#%t one line3 it,% %till !reat* ?@. Thank 'o# !#'%* Yo#,re all %et* The',re 5ine* 6e,re all !oo(* Yo# !#'% ha&e 4een won(er5#l* $a&e a !oo( re%t o5 'o#r e&enin!* *ha$k you. Thank% 5or comin! all the wa' o#t in the col(* I wi!h you luck wi"h your pro4ec". Thank 'o# &er' m#ch* 2$d I look #orward "o i"& de#i$i"ely& o$ce you lau$ch i". I ll 'e wa"chi$%. Yeah* 1e ll 'e wai"i$% #or i". 7IN28,I+96:. Good luck. Thank 'o# !#'%* $a&e a !oo( re%t o5 the ni!ht* *ha$k you. -+N./D+0L12* *ha$k you. I ha)e a lo" o$ my ear!. I do$ " k$ow i# a$y'ody el!e 4u!" 7IN28,I+96:.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


Yeah3 +,m the %ame wa'* Yo# !#'% ha&e !ot to take at lea%t 10 min#te%3 %o* +u" you li)e i$ 92& !o you do$ " really ha)e "hi! ki$d o# wea"her. No3 we (on,t* o + (on,t act#all' ha&e !oo( winter wear3 %o + j#%t 4ro#!ht 5i&e e:tra %weater%* ;i%h". /y cou!i$ li)e! i$ 7IN28,I+96:& Florida. *hey %o" dow$ "o like 40 de%ree! o$e $i%h". 0he !aid& AI ha)e $o coa". I ha)e $o"hi$%. Yeah* +u" I m a +rookly$ %irl& !o I )e 'ee$ doi$% "hi! #or5/y #amily ha! 'ee$ here !i$ce 1=51. =h3 + lo&e it* Then 'o#,re all rea(' 5or it* Thi% i% not col( compare( to other one%* *hi! ha! 'ee$ horri'le #or u!. Ye%* +t,% cra?'* 6ell3 + hope it !et% warmer* The &orte: i%7 *he )or"e( a$d all "hi! o"her $o$!e$!e. I wa$"ed "o a!k you& how do we %e" "he #ee "ha"5 =h3 the' %et 'o# #p all when 'o#,re on 'o#r wa' o#t* 6hen 'o# %i!n o#t3 the',ll take care o5 'o#* Grea". The',ll !et 'o# all %et* *ha$k you !o much. Yo#,re welcome* *om wa$"ed u! "o call him. ,o you ha)e a #ew mi$u"e!? Ye%* + ha&e to -+N./D+0L12* ?@& ye!. Yeah& yeah& yeah. o it,ll take me ten min#te%* ?@. Ye!.

05 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012214 530pm Group 1


7*ra$!cri'ed 'y 2/9DI@:

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