Current Effective On 1 Apr 2014 First Schedule First Schedule

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Current FIRST SCHEDULE Regulation 3A INSIGNIFICANT BUILDING WORKS Building works carried out for or in connection with

Effective on 1 Apr 2014 FIRST SCHEDULE Regulation 3A INSIGNIFICANT BUILDING WORKS Building works carried out for or in connection with



(a) site formation works involving any excavation or filling not exceeding 1,500 millimetres in depth or height;

(a) site formation works involving any excavation or filling not exceeding 1,500 millimetres in depth or height;

(b) any trenches for the purpose of laying sewers not exceeding 1,000 (b) any shaft, manhole, trench or tunnel for the purpose of laying sewer, water millimetres in diameter in conjunction with any public sewerage system or other utility pipes, where the pipe does not exceed 1,000 millimetres in internal diameter, and where the building works are not located within the site of other building works that are not specified in this Schedule; (c) any boundary wall, boundary fence or gate; (d) any awning, windowhood or cantilevered roof constructed of tiles, and having a projection not exceeding 1,400 millimetres; (e) any awning, windowhood or cantilevered roof constructed of lightweight material, and having a horizontal projection not exceeding 3,000 millimetres; (f) any single storey trellis, pergola, shelter, gazebo and the like (c) any boundary wall, boundary fence or gate; (d) any awning, windowhood or cantilevered roof constructed of tiles, and having a projection not exceeding 1,400 millimetres; (e) any awning, windowhood or cantilevered roof constructed of lightweight material or glass not exceeding a thickness of 13 millimetres, and having a horizontal projection not exceeding 3,000 millimetres; (f) any single storey open-sided shelter, gazebo and the like (whether erected on the ground or on a roof), not exceeding an area of 10 square metres; (fa) any trellis (g) any canal or drain not exceeding 1,500 millimetres in depth; (h) any box culvert with a span not exceeding 5,000 millimetres and a depth not exceeding 1,500 millimetres; (i) any stall or shed of lightweight material within any premises used for the purpose of holding a trade fair, fun fair or any exhibition; (j) any pipe rack or support not exceeding 2,000 millimetres in height;

(g) any canal or drain not exceeding 1,500 millimetres in depth; (h) any box culvert with a span not exceeding 5,000 millimetres and a depth not exceeding 1,500 millimetres; (i) any stall or shed of lightweight material within any premises used for the purpose of holding a trade fair, fun fair or any exhibition; (j) any pipe rack or support not exceeding 2,000 millimetres in height;

Current (k) any height restriction gantry; (l) any concrete or brick vault used for housing underground tanks; (m) any plinth, platform or other base not supported by piled foundation with a visible height not exceeding 1,000 millimetres from the ground level and erected for the purpose of supporting any mechanical plant, tank, equipment, machinery or other components(other than a building); (n) the enclosing of a balcony, yard or terrace with windows and glass panels in residential buildings; (o) the creation of any opening in a non-load bearing wall or the sealing up of any wall opening; (p) the demolition, restoration or reinstatement of any non-load bearing wall; (q)

Effective on 1 Apr 2014 (k) any height restriction gantry; (l) any concrete or brick vault used for housing tanks located under the ground at a depth not exceeding 1,500 millimetres; (m) any plinth, platform or other base not supported by piled foundation, erected for the purpose of supporting any mechanical plant, tank, equipment, machinery or other components (other than a building) not exceeding 2,500 millimetres in height; (n) the enclosing of any sides of a balcony, yard or terrace with windows and glass panels in residential buildings; (o) (p) the creation of any opening in a non-load bearing wall or the sealing up of any wall opening; the demolition, restoration or reinstatement of any non-load bearing wall;

any retaining wall or earth retaining structure that is constructed with (q) any retaining wall or earth retaining structure that is constructed with structural steel or reinforced concrete and with a visible height of not more structural steel or reinforced concrete and with a visible height of not more than 1,500 millimetres, or any other retaining wall or earth retaining than 1,500 millimetres, or any other retaining wall or earth retaining structure with a visible height of not more than 1,000 millimetres; structure with a visible height of not more than 1,000 millimetres; any retaining wall or earth-retaining structure for supporting the face of an (r) any retaining wall or earth-retaining structure for supporting the face of an excavation made for the purpose of constructing any pile cap, footing, excavation made for the purpose of constructing any pile cap, footing, sump, lift pit or trench, provided that the size of the pile cap, footing, sump, sump, lift pit or trench, provided that the size of the pile cap, footing, sump, lift pit or trench does not exceed 10 square metres in area and 2 metres in lift pit or trench does not exceed 10 square metres in area and 2 metres in depth. ; depth; (s) the replacement or reinstatement of any railing, balustrade or similar barrier constructed of any material other than non-laminated glass, using the same material, design and fixing details; (t) any single storey building used for agriculture or to house livestock, including a greenhouse or a building used to house fixed plant or machinery for the farm, provided that (i) no part of the building is used as a dwelling or for the purposes of packing, exhibiting, or retailing; and (ii) each point of the building is situated not less than 1.5 times its height



Effective on 1 Apr 2014 away from any adjacent building or any route of public access; (u) any pre-fabricated swimming or wading pool placed on the ground, provided that (i) the maximum depth of water contained in the pool is not more than 1,000 millimetres; and (ii) where the pool is located on higher ground, the distance between the pool and any retaining structure or slope is more than 3,000 millimetres and the difference in elevation of the ground levels is less than 1,500 millimetres.

2. Replacement or changing of windows and doors. 3. Replacement of existing floor and wall finishes. 4. Replacement or changing of any false ceiling with lightweight material. 5. One to one replacement of timber roof or other roof covering not involving any replacement of roof trusses. 6. Erection or alteration of (a) any partition or partition wall in any bungalow, semi-detached, terrace or linked house; or any partition or partition wall constructed of lightweight material in any other building.

2. 3. 4.

Replacement or changing of windows and doors. Replacement of existing floor and wall finishes. Replacement or changing of any false ceiling with lightweight material.

5. One to one replacement of timber roof or other roof covering not involving any replacement of roof trusses. 6. Erection or alteration of (a) any partition or partition wall in any bungalow, semi-detached, terrace or linked house; or (b) any partition or partition wall constructed of lightweight material in any other building. 7. Construction of any raised floor or the topping up of balconies, and the like, with lightweight materials. 8. Erection at the ground level of any single storey detached booth, covered walkway, kiosk, guardhouse, bin centre and the like, not exceeding an area of 10 square metres. 9. 10. Installation of any roller shutter or grilled door. Erection of any single storey lean-to extension with roof covering of tiles,


7. Construction of any raised floor or the topping up of balconies, and the like, with lightweight materials. 8. Erection of any single storey detached booth kiosk, guardhouse, bin centre and the like, not exceeding an area of 10 square metres.

9. Installation of any roller shutter or grilled door. 10. Erection of any single storey lean-to extension with roof covering of glazed

Current or clay tiles, or of any lighter material, in any bungalow, semi-detached, terrace or linked house, subject to compliance with building set-back and area of coverage requirements under the Planning Act (Cap. 232). 11. Erection of any single storey shed or hut not exceeding an area of 10 square metres for housing fuel tanks, mechanical or electrical equipment. 12. All air-conditioning works.

Effective on 1 Apr 2014 or of any lighter material, in any bungalow, semi-detached, terrace or linked house.

11. Erection of any single storey shed or hut not exceeding an area of 10 square metres for housing fuel tanks, mechanical or electrical equipment. 12. All air-conditioning works.

12A. Construction of temporary decking over any trench, where the width of the trench does not exceed 3,000 millimetres. 13. In this Schedule 13. In this Schedule "lightweight material" means agriculture includes horticulture, fruit growing, the growing of plants for seed (a) any sheet or board material such as timber board, plywood, fibreboard, and aquaculture; plasterboard, aluminium sheet, corrugated metal sheet or polycarbonate "lightweight material" means sheet; (b) any concrete product made with lightweight aggregates such as pumice, (b) any sheet or board material such as timber board, plywood, perlite or vermiculite; or fibreboard, plasterboard, aluminium sheet, corrugated metal sheet or (c) any hollow concrete block, hollow glass block, autoclaved aerated polycarbonate sheet; concrete block and the like; (b) any concrete product made with lightweight aggregates such as pumice, perlite or vermiculite; or (c) any hollow concrete block, hollow glass block, autoclaved aerated concrete block and the like; "non-load bearing wall" means a wall which supports no load other than its non-laminated glass means glass other than laminated glass; own weight; "non-load bearing wall" means a wall which supports no load other than its "partition" means a temporary or an easily removable vertical panel of own weight; lightweight construction for the subdivision of spaces within a building. "partition" means a temporary or an easily removable vertical panel of lightweight construction for the subdivision of spaces within a building.

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