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The document discusses a reported encounter between two Turkish military pilots and an unidentified flying object over the Candarli Gulf in Turkey in 2001. It also provides information on articles, events and leadership within the Mutual UFO Network organization.

Two Turkish Air Force pilots, flying a training mission in a T-37 jet, reported experiencing a 'dogfight' with an unidentified flying object over the Candarli Gulf while performing maneuvers.

The 'In this issue' section lists articles titled 'Turkish pilots encounter UFO', 'Disney, UFOs, & Disclosure', 'Top Secret draft now available', 'UFO violates D.C. airspace', 'Is there an alien strategy?', and 'Naperville crop circle appears to be a hoax'.




September 2002 Number 413




Two Turkish Air Force pilots took off from Izmir in a T-37 jet and experienced a "dogfight" with a UFO
while training over Candarli Gulf. The story begins on page 3.
Table of contents
September 2002 Number 413

UFO Journal
(USPS 002-970)
(ISSN 0270-6822) '.f
Post Office Box 369
, Morrison, CO 80465-0369
Tel: 303-932-7709
Fax: 303-932-9279 In this issue
International Director Turkish pilots encounter UFO by Esen Sekerkarar. 3
John F. Schuessler, M.S.
Disney, UFOs, & Disclosure by Grant Cameron 4
Editor: Top Secret draft now available by Grant Cameron 9
Dwight Connelly, M.S. UFO violates D.C. airspace by Kenny Young 11
14026 Ridgelawn Road
Martinsville, IL 62442
Is there an alien strategy? by Jim Deardorff. 12
Tel: (217) 382-4502 Naperville crop circle appears to be a hoax 14
e-mail: Filer's Files by George A. Filer 15
[email protected] UFO Press: Trickster reviewed by David Perkins 18
Columnists: Perceptions by Stanton T. Friedman 21
Walter N. Webb, B.S. The Night Sky by Walter N. Webb 23
George Filer, M.B.A. Calendar 23
Jenny Randies
Director's Message by John Schuessler 24
Stanton Friedman, M.S. -
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"This is literally dogfighting with us.'

Turkish military pilots encounter UFO

By Esen Sekerkarar About the author
On Aug. 7,2001, two military pilots of the Turkish Air Ms. Sekerkarar, a graduate of Istanbul University, Tur-
Force were witnesses to a very unusual incident. key, got involved with ufology in 1998 with the opening of
At about 12:30 p.m. Instructor Pilot First Lt. Ilker the Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center
Dincer and his student, Lt. Arda Gunyel, took off with a (SUSSRC), where she served as vice-president. It is the
T-37 training aircraft from Squadron 122 in Izmir, Turkey's first center for collecting and researching ufological data
third largest city, for a training flight. throughout Turkey, and has organized three international
As they were flying over Candarli Gulf at an altitude UFO symposiums. She is also one of the three founders
of 15,000 feet, they started making maneuvers of adjust- of the International UFO Museum, which opened Jan. 18
ment and engine stopping. Then First Lt. Dincer and his in Istanbul. She spoke at the 2002 MUFON Symposium.
pupil encountered a UFO.
After recovering from the
shock, Dincer reported the situa- T-37: We are turning the cursor to the object.
tion to the ground control and the Base: We cannot detect a second object other than
Regional Military Centre near you.
Kutahya. First Lt. Dincer re- T-37: The object is coming towards us.
ported to the operation center: Base: Radar detect negative.
"We encounter an unusual situ- T-37: Object is approaching our wings. Now it's at the
ation. There is an extremely bright rear. I'll take it in the front by a maneuver.
object resembling a funnel or a Base: I repeat, radar detect negative.
pyramid with a leg flying at a very T-37: Object is now over us. This is literally dogfight-
high speed." ing with us.
But the Centre's answer was, Base: Continue
"We detected your aircraft. But T-37: Object suddenly disappeared.
no other object around can be After returning to their base in Cigli [Izmir], the pilots
detected." reported the incident to their superiors. It was stated that
Esen Sekerkarar there was much astonishment in the Air Force and that
Thereupon, First Lt. Dincer
directed the aircraft towards the mysterious object. Ac- the investigation continued.
cording to his statement, the object did the same. The
UFO approached the T-37's wings, and they started to Air Force's Press Release
fly together. Dincer reported, "Object is approaching our As this news was all over the front pages of the news-
wings. Now it's at the rear. I'll take it in the front by a papers and on TV as breaking news, the Turkish Air Force
maneuver. Object is now over us. This is literally dog- had to make a press release where it was stated that the
fighting with us." encountered object was a meteorology balloon!
The UFO made maneuvers around the aircraft for This statement was not taken seriously by the media
about 15 minutes. An experienced pilot, Dincer responded itself, either. Also Meteorology Centre stated that there
to the maneuvers of the mysterious craft. The dangerous were no balloons over that route at the date. One other
dogfight ended with the disappearance of the UFO at a thing is that before training flights the route is always
fantastic speed. checked for air traffic.
Here is the full radio talk of First Lt. Dincer and the No need to say it is a law of nature that no meteorol-
Base: ogy balloon can dogfight with a jet at such high altitude
T-37: Position Candarli skies, we are facing an un- and make such unconventional maneuvers. .
usual situation. However the Air Force did not make any further state-
Base: What is the problem? ments after the objections. The two pilots were not al-
T-37: There is a very bright object resembling a fun- lowed to speak about the encounter, so they could not be
nel and a disk flying at a very high speed in 12 o'clock reached at their base for any further details. The case
position. was closed.
Base: Continue, what's its position? Reminder
T-37: It is approaching me at a very high speed from State and local MUFON organizations which have
straight ahead. Immediately detect this object on the ra- address changes, email changes, or web site changes
dars. 1 have never encountered such a thing. I suspect it need to immediately contact MUFON Headquarters
is a UFO. so that this information is included in our files and on
Base: We detect a high activity of your craft. But no our website.
other object can be detected on the radar.
September 2002 MUFON UFO Journal Page 3
Has the government been trying to reveal UFOs?

Disney, UFOs, and Disclosure

By Grant Cameron It was Kimball, who at the July 1979 MUFON UFO
symposium in California told of his interest in the subject

W ard Kimball, one of the original Disney ani-

mators, referred to by Walt Disney as one of
the trusted "Nine Old Men" (supreme court
to a stunned audience he related the story
American government had approached Walt
of animation), died in Arcadia, CA, on July 8. He was 88. Disney himself, prior to Sputnik, to make a UFO docu-
mentary to help acclimatize the
Kimball was famous for his ani-
mated creation of the characters American population to the reality
Jiminy Cricket, The Cheshire Cat, of extraterrestrials.
The March Hare, The Mad Hat- Kimball stated in the speech that
ter, and for redesigning Mickey around 1955 or 1956 the USAF con-
Mouse in 1938. tacted Walt Disney. They asked him
He j oined the Disney Studios in to cooperate on a documentary
1934, and rose up in the ranks to about UFOs. As a part of the deal,
become a directing animator on the USAF offered to supply actual
such classics as "Snow White and UFO footage, which Disney would
the Seven Dwarfs," "Pinocchio," be allowed to use in his film.
"Fantasia" and "Peter Pan." He According to Kimball's account,
directed Disney Oscar-winning Disney went along with the USAF
shorts "Toot, Whistle, Plunk and plan, which was not that unusual.
Boom" in 1953 and "It's Tough To The use of Walt Disney cartoons,
Be a Bird" in 1969. after all, had been suggested by the
Unknown to many Disney 1953 CIA Robertson UFO panel as
watchers, Kimball was also a stu- part of a public-education program
dent of UFOs and outer space. He involving the mass media to "strip
had a large collection of UFO the UFO phenomenon of its spe-
books and magazines, according to cial status and eliminate the aura
Navy physicist Bruce Maccabee, of mystery, it has acquired."1
who met with him in 1980. The discussions between the
Maccabee had been to Kimball's CIA people and Disney may actu-
house to recruit him as one of the ally have taken place, because in
10 original board members for the August 1955, Frederick C. Durant
Fund for UFO Research. Kimball III, who was a member of the
accepted the position, although he Ward Kimball
Robertson CIA panel, showed Walt
really didn't become an active Kimball's documentary "Man in
member of the board. Space" during the Sixth Congress of the International As-
In the mid-fifties Kimball worked with a soon to be tronomical Federation in Copenhagen.2
famous scientific advisor by the name of Wemher von Prior to the request for a UFO documentary by the
Braun to write and direct three key outer space docu- defense department, Disney had shown a capacity to co-
mentaries for the "Disneyland" television series. The three operate with the government. His studio produced 80
documentaries were "Man in Space," "Man and the armed forces shorts during WW II. Films such as "Alice
Moon," and "Mars and Beyond." Kimball referred to them in Wonderland" (1951) and "Peter Pan" (1953) were put
as "the creative high point of my career." on hold while the Disney staff produced the numerous
According to Disney spokesman Howard E. Green, animated films, plus 1,200 insignia designs for military units.
the three outer space documentaries are "often credited In one year, during the war, Disney turned out over
with popularizing the concept of the government's space four hundred thousand feet of government films.3
program during the 1950's." "Victory through air power"
The first of these, the 1955 "Man in Space," was so The films ranged from one on venereal disease to one
popular (viewed by over 42 million people) that, accord- of the most popular, which was the film "Victory through
ing to Kimball, President Eisenhower phoned Air Power." It is the film which British Prime Minister
Walt Disney from the White House looking for a copy of Winston Churchill and Roosevelt watched together just
the production. When Disney asked Eisenhower why he prior to the invasion of Europe. Roosevelt was "excited
wanted it, Eisenhower replied, "Well, I'm by the way Disney's aircraft masterfully wiped ships off
going to show it to all those stove-shirt generals who don't the seas," so it was "run again the next day, and FDR
believe we're going to be up there!"
Page 4 MUFON UFO Journal September 2002
invited the Joint Staff to have a look at it." About the author
Disney had represented the United States government Grant Cameron became involved in Ufology in May
on a good-will tour of Chile, Argentina, Columbia, Brazil, 1975 with a sighting of an object during the Carman
and Bolivia, and he had allowed the United States Army Manitoba UFO flap. Over the next 18 months he had
to station a 700-man anti-aircraft unit at his Los Angeles many other sightings of objects in the area. He spent count-
studio early in the war. less days in the area photographing the objects and inter-
Disney was also, according to a Dec. 16, 1954, FBI viewing hundreds of witnesses who were involved.
document, made a SAC Contact for the FBI, which el- After composing a manuscript about the flap, he moved
evated him from his former position as an informant for on to research the work of the late Wilbert B. Smith, who
the agency. Now he was able to gather information from headed up the Canadian government flying saucer inves-
other FBI informants. The confidential internal FBI memo tigation known as Project Magnet, which ran from 1950
read, "Because of Mr. Disney's position as the foremost to 1954. During two decades of work on Smith, Cameron
producer of cartoon files in the motion picture industry, was able to collect most of Smith's files and material writ-
and his prominence and wide acquaintanceship in film ten about Smith, as well as interviewing most of the asso-
production matters, it is believed that he can be of valu- ciates around Smith who worked on the flying saucer in-
able assistance to this office ..." vestigation.
What would an alien look like? Years of Smith research led to the discovery of former
Once Walt Disney had finished his meetings with the Perm State University president Dr. Eric Walker, who was
USAF, he began to work on the requested UFO docu- identified by Dr. Robert Sarbacher as a key person inside
mentary for the public. He asked his animators to think the UFO cover-up. Cameron teamed up with T. Scott
up what an alien would look like. Meanwhile, he waited Grain to write a book titled UFOs, MJ-12, and the Gov-
for the Air Force to deliver on the promised film. ernment which summed up their three years of research
After some period of time the Air Force re-contacted on Dr. Walker.
Disney and told him the film offer had to be withdrawn. In the past few years Cameron has turned his research
There would be no UFO footage as promised. Kimball interests to the involvement and actions of the presidents
told researcher Stanton Friedman that once he found out of the United States in the UFO problem. He has made
there would be no delivery of UFO film, he personally 10 trips to the National Archives and various presidential
spoke with an Air Force Colonel who told him "there in- archives looking for presidential UFO material. Many of
deed was plenty of UFO footage, but that neither Ward, his findings have been written up on The Presidents
nor anyone else, was going to get access to it."4 Website
This caused a temporary halt to Disney's UFO docu- At present Cameron is working on producing mono-
mentary project. As one account by Bruce Maccabee graphs for Walker, Smith, the Presidential involvement in
described it, "Disney cancelled the project, but by this psychic phenomena, and a monograph looking at a pos-
time a lot of animated film of 'creatures' had been com- sible disclosure pattern to try and explain many of the
pleted by his artists. So Disney went ahead and made a actions of the American government related to UFOs
short 'documentary' anyway, featuring Jonathan during the past 50 years.
Winters impersonating various 'characters' associated
with typical UFO lore.
"I specifically recall Mr. Winters as an old lady/grand- sort of strange and desperate attempt to get out a mes-
mother who saw a UFO and reported it... then he por- sage to the American population.
trayed the Air Force officer who investigated the sightings At exactly the same time as Kimball was producing
and offered explanations. He also portrayed a little boy in his space documentaries, and Disney was fielding offers
a room who had a telescope looking up at the stars and, to from the USAF to do a UFO documentary, the USAF
the little boy's amazement, an alien came through the was busy doing what they could do to manage another
telescope into his room (I think I've got this right). Of UFO documentary being produced by Clarence Greene
course the boy's father didn't believe that story."5 and Russell Rouse.
The UFO documentary was never shown in public, Prepared for controversy
but Kimball did show the 15-20 minute piece at the 1979 The 92-minute documentary titled "UFO" was even-
MUFON Symposium. The documentary, however, did not tually released in May, 1956. It was a film that Air Force
contain any of the dramatic UFO footage everyone had officials thought might bring a storm of controversy, new
been anticipating. sightings, and flying saucer hysteria. As pointed out by
Other attempts to "spill the beans" author David Jacobs in his book UFO Controversy in
What is important to note about this Kimball story, re- America, the Air Force set up a contingency plan to
lating the attempt by the United States government to counteract the feared fallout from the documentary. The
"spill the beans," is that it was not the only time such an new Project Blue Book Director and "zealous UFO de-
incident had occurred. People associated with the United bunker," Captain George T. Gregory, took the necessary
States government have been approaching people inside steps to deal with the UFO documentary.
the UFO community with similar UFO film offers for "Gregory kept a file of all the movie's reviews, notifi-
decades. A close look at these "approaches" shows some cations, and advertisements, carefully underlining every
September 2002 MUFON UFO Journal PageS
statement that might cause problems for the Air Force or offer at the Pentagon of "800 feet of film. . .as well as
generate interest in UFOs. From Richard Dyer McCann's several thousand feet of additional material" related to
review in the Christian Science Monitor, Gregory singled UFOs.
out the statement, 'It will almost certainly stir up a The offer was made to documentary film producers
storm of public controversy,' and Robert Emenegger and Allan Sandier.
added the marginal note, 'This is some- The two men were told that they would
thing that neither PIO (Office of Public be allowed to use the UFO footage in
Information) or ATIC would like to a special film project they had been
undergo again!' asked to join. Other than the fact that
"ATIC asked (Dr. J. Allen) Hynek neither man had to sign in at the Pen-
(then AF Chief UFO Consultant) and tagon, the whole documentary nego-
Air Force officers to review the film tiation was handled like an ordinary
before its release, and asked photo ex- film deal, according to Emenegger.
perts to compare copies of the Mariana There were no mysterious figures
and Newhouse films with the excerpts and calls in the middle of the night as
shown in the movie. ATIC Chief Sci- had happened with researchers like
entist A. Francis Arcier met with Bill Moore. The talks to go over the
agency officials to discuss the prepa- details of the documentary were held
ration of a case file giving the official in places like Col. William Coleman's
Air Force explanation for every sight- Pentagon office. Emenegger described
ing portrayed in the film." some of the incredible events that oc-
More importantly, the Air Force curred as the officially sanctioned De-
had not only prepared for the fallout Fournei. Chop, and Ruppelt fense Department film was being
from the film, they had actively par- Review "UFO" Script. planned:
ticipated in the development of the "As a matter of fact, you know, one
documentary. Three key former Blue Book members- of our agreements was to go over the script at the Penta-
Albert M. Chop, Maj. Dewey J.Fournet, and Capt. Ed- gon, and if there was any question about anything they
ward Ruppelt-provided technical assistance to Greene had the right to ask about it. Strangely enough, no one
and Rouse. The three Air Force men had many meeting even questioned the thing about the landing at Holloman
with the producers. Air Force Base. It was like, 'Well, OK'... I just couldn't
Greene told researcher Robert Barrow: "Together we believe it (Emenegger and Sandier began as UFO
went into a lengthy and exhaustive study of reports, vari- disbelievers), but said, 'Oh, Well-I'll go along with it.'
ous documents and affidavits of UFO sightings and re- One conversation led to another. Everyone couldn't have
ports from radar experts which, with some heretofore top been more open about what we were doing. Anyone along
secret motion pictures, in color, of flying saucers, form the line could have questioned it, which I expected. They
the basis of the film." could have said, 'What the hell are you guys talking
Most importantly Greene and Rouse obtained two key about?' This included Gen. George Weinbrenner, if you
UFO films that had just been declassified for "UFO." recall."
The two films, both showing daytime UFOs in flight, were, Dramatic footage of landed UFO
the Great Falls, Montana, film which showed two objects, The main film promised to the two men was dramatic
and the Tremonton, Utah, film which showed 12 objects. footage of an encounter between the occupants of a landed
The films had been analyzed and presented to the CIA UFO and officials at Holloman Air Force Base. It im-
Robertson UFO Panel in January, 1953, as the best pho- pressed Emenegger, who described what he saw in 1988:
tographic evidence held by the USAF related to UFOs. "What I saw and heard was enough to convince me that
Following their appearance at the Robertson panel the the phenomenon of UFOs is real-very real."6
Air Force chose to keep the two films classified. The The project was described to the two producers as a
Utah film was actually declassified quietly by ATIC just documentary on a secret government project. When the
before "UFO" was finished. two men discovered that the topic of the secret project
Declassified for the documentary? would be UFOs, they were surprised because "they had
Were the two films declassified for the UFO docu- assumed that the matter had been resolved with the clo-
mentary? Were these all or part of the UFO footage that sure of Project Blue Book in 1969."
had been shown to Walt Disney? The timing was ideal, The documentary was to be sponsored by the Depart-
and at least Ruppelt and Foumet were involved in the ment of Defense in a claimed attempt to do a public rela-
analysis of at least the Utah film. tions turnaround, which they claimed was needed because
An even more direct and dramatic encounter between of the Vietnam War. At least that is the story Emenegger
the Air Force and a team of documentary producers OCL and Sandier were told by Col. Bill Coleman. A number of
curred in 1972-73. It was then that former USAF Project different subjects were proposed for the defense docu-
Blue Book spokesman Col. William Coleman and former mentaries (such as 3-D holography and laser develop-
ATIC Commander Col. George Weinbrenner made an ment), but no other subject other than UFOs was ever

Page 6 MUFON UFO Journal September 2002

brought up. The two documentary producers were told the new film offer. Doty told Howe that "higher-ups" were
that the government was now ready to release all the willing to release special confirming UFO footage for her
facts about the alien presence on earth. They were shown documentary. Howe described the film offer made to her:
and told about evidence that they could use for their tell- "The government intended to release to me several
all documentary. This evidence included: thousand feet of color and black and white film taken
* Photographs and films of UFOs. between 1947 and 1964 showing crashed UFO discs and
* Pictures of grey-skinned alien beings. extraterrestrial bodies in historic footage to be included in
* A 16mm movie film of an alien in the company of an the HBO documentary supported with official govern-
Air Force officer. The two men were told that this alien ment confirmation."10
had survived a 1949 crash, and that it had been kept at a Film not released
safe house in Los Alamos until its death in 1952.7 As with Kimball and the Emenegger/Sandler team, the
4 800 feet of film showing an encounter between three promised film was never released to Howe. Despite Dory's
aliens and Holloman Air Base officials during a landing claim that the government had authorized the release of
that had reportedly occurred there in May, 1971.8 Several film showing crashed saucers and alien bodies for use in
thousand feet of additional material was also promised. the HBO documentary, it never materialized. Doty and
* Photos of UFOs taken by astronauts, which NASA others at the base told Howe that this was due to "politi-
had formally denied the existence of. cal delays." When the alleged historical film footage didn't
As the documentary neared completion, the two pro- materialize, HBO canceled the documentary, and Howe
ducers waited for the promised dramatic alien landing was forced to move on to other projects.
footage taken at Holloman AFB. Col. Coleman, who had In 1985, yet another offer of historic UFO footage was
first made the offer to provide it in 1972, however, with- made, once again to Robert Emenegger. Col. William
drew the film offer. According to what Emenegger told Coleman, now retired from the Air Force Public Rela-
researcher Tim Good, Coleman had declared, "The tim- tions Office and living in Florida, indicated the time was
ing was politically inappropriate, due to the Watergate again right. The government might again be willing to re-
scandal."9 lease key footage confirming the extraterrestrial presence
Documentary released on earth. Suggestions were even made that Senator Barry
The Emenegger/Sandler documentary, "UFOS, Past, Goldwater, and former President Jimmy Carter "would
Present, and Future" was released by Sandier Films in help" obtain the release of the promised film.
1974. Lacking the actual UFO footage, the documentary One of the conditions tied to the release, however, was
was forced to use standard animation, background film that prominent UFO researchers Jacques Vallee and J.
taken at Holloman, and "elaborate drawing of the so-called Allen Hynek had to get involved in the film project. The
aliens." reason given for this was that a key to getting the govern-
At least that is what the producers thought when they ment to release the information hinged on the film being
first ran the film. Later, indications arose that indicated 12 "professional enough and interesting enough to reopen
seconds of the actual Holloman landing might have been the whole subject before the American people."
slipped in (for unknown reasons) as part of the "training By the time Hynek had been contacted by Col.
film" material the defense department provided for the Coleman in 1985 to get involved in the newest UFO film
documentary. disclosure, Hynek was already familiar with the Holloman
As an interesting footnote to the Disney story, and other UFO films that would be offered to Vallee and
Emenegger reported that he and Sandier had also talked himself. That is because Brian and Tina Choate, who were
with the Disney people during the time period they were in large part responsible for bringing Hynek to Arizona,
working on their UFO documentary. The people who they had already seen the UFO footage-including the 1971
spoke to at the Disney studios "seemed to be involved Holloman Air Force Base alien landing footage.
and interested, but did not have any particularly startling They were shown UFO footage and photos at Norton
data." Air Force Base's Defense Audiovisual Agency (DAVA)
In 1983, the United States government made yet an- in the early 1980s by a Gen. Glenn E. Miller, who asked
other offer of dramatic UFO film for a UFO documen- them if they would like to check out a copy of the Holloman
tary. This new offer was made to documentary film pro- footage. They were expected to then pass on the word of
ducer Linda Moulton Howe and HBO. They were ap- what they had seen to Dr. Hynek. "Miller wanted to get
proached and offered the same Holloman landing film, the word out."
along with a film of the live alien that supposedly had Generals were contactees?
lived in a Los Alamos safe house from 1949-1952. Gen. Miller, a man with two doctorate degrees, worked
New evidence? at DAVA along with his boss Gen. Robert Scott, the
The events that led to the offer .came while Howe was DAVA Director. Surprisingly, both generals were, accord-
preparing to make a UFO documentary for HBO. Through ing to Jacques Vallee, "outright contactees."
a second researcher, who had heard about the new evi- Because the Choates were "steeped heavily in
dence, Howe was brought onto the Kirkland Air Force contactee lore," it is believed Miller allowed them to see
Base in Albuquerque. There, Richard Doty, an Air Force the Holloman film even though they were not prominent
Office of Special Investigations special agent, made her in the UFO community. In 1985, Emenegger had seen
September 2002 MUFON UFO Journal Page?
enough to lead him to believe that dramatic UFO infor- "I had some personal experience with them. I was
mation and film footage was once again about to be re- approached by a retired officer from the Air Force Of-
leased. That is because he too was dealing with Gen. fice of Special Investigations with all kinds of stories, how
Scott and Gen. Miller at Norton. He spoke of this new the government had taken 16mm film of an alien that they
contact to get him to'do another UFO documentary: had done an operation on in 1952 to enable it to talk through
"During the Reagan administration I met with Gen. otherwise atrophied vocal cords. It struck me as ... I
Bob Scott and Gen. Glenn Miller... they wanted another wouldn't have written it,as fiction because it was ridicu-
program like we had done, and we spent a lot of time lous. They tried to make me believe that aliens had some-
discussing it. Bob Scott was a Reagan appointee . . . He thing to do with Jesus Christ and all sorts of ridiculous
had a Glen E. Miller retired general as his aide, or second things which if I had gone out into the public with would
in command. We spent a lot of discussion. There was have make me look like a fool."
a lot of stuff in the vault that he wanted to get out. I even Offer withdrawn
had Gen. Miller come to our house to meet Hynek and his In most of the cases involving the live alien footage
group to take them out to Norton so they could look and the interview with the "keeper," there was one delay
around .. . Miller was, interestingly enough, head of one after another. Finally, like the offer of UFO films made to
of the studios in Hollywood-one of the old ones. He got other researchers in the seventies and early eighties, the
Reagan his first contract. So there were these strange offer was eventually withdrawn.
connections. I met with Miller and Scott like at Denny's The final twist in this bizarre disclosure saga brings us
restaurant. It was like 'Meet at Denny's and we will back to the Disney animator Ward Kimball. A prominent
discuss this.'" British photographer by the name of Don Maloney re-
Vallee, on the other hand, was "negative and skepti- ported in 1995 that in 1972 he had been in the United
cal" about the offer of the UFO footage being promised States and was having dinner with the head of the Disney
by the two generals. He felt that if the government wanted Studios, and four of the nine original Disney animators.
to release the information they could simply go to some- Ward Kimball was one of the four at the table.
one like the national Academy of Sciences and announce While this dinner was going on, Maloney reported that
the discovery of the alien presence. he was introduced to another man, identified in one ac-
Both Vallee and Hynek felt the Air Force was again count as a "well-known Disney employee." The man of-
playing games and were trying to use them to deliberately fered to show Maloney some unusual film footage at his
mislead the public. Between themselves, they concluded house. When Maloney saw it he described it as "old foot-
that they could not support Emenegger's plan to pursue a age of UFOs," and "two beings that he was told were
documentary, but "if there was any chance of uncovering aliens." UFO investigator Georgina Bruni interviewed
genuine evidence" they would pursue it "behind1 the Mike Maloney about his early 1970s encounter at Disney.
scenes." ' She described what Maloney told her about the aliens he
Hynek and Vallee weren't buying had been shown on the film:
Hynek and Vallee did follow up on some interviews at "One, which appeared to be dead, was laid out on a
Norton Air Force Base, where two "contactee" generals table-or slab; the other was clearly alive and moving around
assured them they could produce the UFO footage. The on the floor. He was given no information .as to the
two researchers, however, weren't buying, and the UFO source of the footage, which he was told was 'top se-
film offer was finally withdrawn. cret,' but he was in no doubt that it was a genuine piece
In the late eighties,1 the government was again busy of old film. Mike described it as being similar to the alien
making disclosure promises. This time the offers included autopsy footage that had been shown on television. (The
the offer of an interview with the "keeper" of the live Santilli "Alien Autopsy" film.) At no time did he say it
alien that had been held at Los Alamos, or access to a was the same, just similar. Of the footage he personally
16mm film that had been taken of the alien while he was viewed, he said: 'If the film that I saw was a fake, it was
still living. The man who had been the "keeper" had been a brilliant fake.""1
a captain in the early fifties when he lived with the cap- Was it Kimball?
tured alien. He was by one account now a colonel, near Was the "well-known" employee Kimball, or was there
death, .and prepared to talk. Those presented with the a second "well-known" Disney employee who was also
interview offer were documentary film producer Linda a UFO buff? Was the Kimball Disney story told by Kimball
Howe and author Bill Moore. in 1979 just a cover for a film that the Disney people had
A chance to view an alien actually gotten from the government? Maloney has not
Emenegger was not offered a film interview with the yet released the name of the man who showed him the
alien. Through Paul Shartle he was offered an actual film. If it was Kimball who showed the alien film in his
chance to go to New Mexico and see the alien (EBE-3) house, then the government now knows where that miss-
that was now a guest of the government. Prominent au- ing UFO film went.
thor Whitley Strieber was made the offer of publicizing a If it wasn't Kimball who showed Maloney the conclu-
16mm film that had been taken of the alien, along with sive E.T. footage, then Ward Kimball, like many UFO
other bizarre tales. Whitley described his government researchers before him, had spent many decades of his
encounter this way: life gathering strong evidence of the E.T. presence, and
PageS MUFON UFO Journal September 2002
died before he could hear the government confirm his
suspicions. If that is the case, then welcome to the club, Draft of Top Secret UFO

memo now available
By Grant Cameron
'Haines, Gerald K. 1997. "CIA's Role in the Study of Through the diligent research efforts of York Univer-
UFOs, 1947-90." from Studies in Intelligence, 1/1:4, <http:/ sity researcher Nick Balaskas, a draft of the original> "Project Magnet" Top Secret Memo has been recovered
"SP-4209 The Partnership: A History of the Apollo- from the Archives at the University of Ottawa.
Soyuz Test Project: Chapter 3 -Routes to Space Flight" The Balaskas discovery not only backs up the con-
l.htm>. Willy Lay, Heinz Haber, and Von Braun were three
tents of what was found in the Top Secret document de-
of the key scientists who appeared in the documentary.
classified by the Canadian government in 1979, it adds
Schickel, Richard "The Disney Version: The life, Times,
two new pages to the three that researchers were al-
Art, and Commerce of Walt Disney" New York, Simon& ready aware of.
Schuster, 1968 p.268. Wilbert Smith, Senior Radio Engineer in the Canadian
"Friedman, Stanton, " re: The UFO/Disney Connection" Department of Transport, wrote the original Top Secret
UFO Updates March 17, 2000 memo to his superiors in November, 1952. The memo
, 5Recollections from UFO researcher Bruce Maccabee. was the beginning of the Canadian government's official
Good, Timothy^ Alien Liaison: The Ultimate Secret, Lon- program to investigate flying saucers. Wilbert Smith
don, Random Century Ltd, 1991, p. 103. headed up that investigation from December 1950 to
'Good, Timothy, Alien Liaison: The Ultimate Secret, August 1954.
p.101. The "captured live alien being held in Nevada" story The existence of the Top Secret draft in the Wilbert
was given to Hollywood writer Frank Scully in 1951 in a Smith UFO files is part of the reason that the Canadian
letter from New York. Linda Howe was told the story in government was forced to declassify the Top Secret memo
1983 and offered an interview with "a retired colonel who held in their files.
was EBE-l's (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity) constant Wilbert Smith left the draft in the files to give future
companion" until his death in 1952. Bob Pratt reported hear- researchers the truth of what had actually happened in
ing the live alien story from Moore in 1983. Dr. Eric walker the early days of government investigation into flying sau-
hinted during a number of interviews- he was involved in cers. Dying of cancer, Smith made arrangement with his
the late 1980s that not all the aliens had died at the crash site wife to hide the files so they would survive his death.
as claimed in the MJ-12 document. Finally Robert Emenegger "They will be coming to recover them," he told his wife
was offered an interview in the late eighties with the same Murl.
colonel who had been EBE-l's companion.
As Smith predicted, the Canadians, Americans, and
The film was supposedly taken by a camera crew, which Soviets approached Mrs. Smith, requesting the files for
happened to be in a helicopter near the base at the time. At research purposes. Mrs. Smith told all callers she no longer
5:30 AM in early May 1971, three objects approached the had the files. After a number of break-ins that might have
base. One landed and the other two flew away. The object been linked to the search for the files, they were passed
"shaped like a bathtub, according to Emenegger, hovered on to Arthur Bray, a local Ottawa researcher, who held
about 10 feet off the ground. It then yawed and extended them quietly for over two decades.
three legs which it landed on. A panel on the side of the Bray was aware of the Top Secret memo draft, but
craft opened, and three men dressed in tight fitting suits was unable to say anything because the copy in the Smith
descended. They were about 5' 2" with eyes set wide apart. files was still marked Top Secret. Bray held a Navy se-
They had vertical slit eyes like a cat and had a headpiece curity clearance and was forced to remain quiet.
that resembled "rows of rope-like design." They had a large Bray, aware of what was in the files, did however lead
nose, or some type of breathing device. the charge to force the government to release all the
The base commander and two scientists met with the "Project Magnet" files held by the government. He wrote
aliens, after which the group moved down to the end of letters to government ministers and officials telling them
Mars street on the base into building #930. where the files would be found.
Some accounts state that Emenegger "was even taken
to Holloman and shown the landing site and the building in
The "Project Magnet" Top Secret memo is the key
which the spaceship had been stored and others (Buildings
document in the large Smith collection of UFO material,
383 and 1382) in which meetings between Air Force per-
now stored in the archives at the University of Ottawa.
sonnel and the aliens had been conducted over the next In the memo, Smith outlined five key items about fly-
severaLdays." (Ebe text: Emenegger and Holloman, Round ing saucers that he had discovered while in discussions
One.)",' .', ... with top U.S. officials working on the flying saucer prob-
'Good, Timothy, A lien Liaison: The Ultimate Secret, p. lem. These were:
102, 1) The matter is the most highly classified subject in
Klass, Phil, "The Klass Files" #44, March 1997 the United States Government, rating higher than even
"Bruni, Georgina, "Alien Autopsy Film Review" the H-bomb.
<> (Continued on next page)
September 2002 MUFON UFO Journal Page 9
2) Flying saucers exist. ; tain suspicions that the lesser-known and little explored
3) Their modus operand! is unknown, but a concen- aspects of magnetism may hold the key to a new and
trated effort is being made by a small group headed by significant technology. Consequently, it is intended to clas-
Vannevar Bush. sify this work in it entirety until such time as it can be
4) The entire matter is considered by the United States assessed for its impact on our civilization.
authorities to be of tremendous significance. The full Document is at
5) The United States authorities are investigating along
quite a number of lines, which might possibly be related to The Presidents UFO Story
the saucers, such as mental phenomena.
The two newly discovered pages of the November 1952
memo are titled "Project Magnet" and are classified in Conducted implant research
the draft as "Secret." The new pages read as follows:
Scientist Bill Mallow dies
Purpose Bill Mallow, one of a handful of scientists willing to do
This project is for the purpose of studying magnetic research into unusual objects, such as alleged alien im-
phenomena, particularly those phenomena resulting from plants, has died.
unusual boundary conditions in the basic electromagnetic Because of the controversial nature of this material
field. There is reason to believe their discovery will open and the fear of scientists that they may suffer career dam-
up a new and useful technology. age if they work on it, he leaves behind him a significant
Organization void.
The initial organization shall be as small as practical Dr. Roger Leir, noted implant researcher and author,
and composed of personnel who are used to working to- says, "Bill became a good friend and colleague of mine.
gether, including so far as possible a variety of research He worked on several different portions of the implant
abilities. Laboratory facilities are to be drawn from exist- study. Without him we would not have gotten as far as
ing facilities so far as possible. we did. His loss will be felt deeply by many. The labora-
Overall responsibility for the project shall rest with the tory he was connected with will now be closed to all of us
engineer-in-charge, who shall delegate such responsibil- who are researching in this field. This is a sad day in-
ity to subordinates as may be required to carry out the deed."
project. Mallow was the first scientist to explore these objects
Program with an open mind, and he made a number of valuable
The initial program shall include the following avenues discoveries about them.
of investigations, to which others may be added from time James Lankford, the Materials Engineering Director
top time as may appear expedient. of the Southwest Research Institute where Mallow had
1. Theoretical study of electromagnetic radiation as- been employed since 1954, said of him, "Bill Mallow is
suming boundary conditions different from those upon surely the greatest inventor and one of the greatest scien-
which the conventional theory was developed. tists in the history of the institute." He held 38 U.S. pat-
2. Laboratory study of mechanical forces associated ents.
with electron drift and electric currents in metallic masses. Although the institute took a dim view of his research
3. Theoretical and laboratory study of magnetic do- into unusual objects, Mallow continued to conduct it de-
main resonance conditions in magnetic materials. spite their objections, paying for the research himself.
4. Investigation of the propagation of magnetic wave As well as being a notable scientist, Mallow was a
motion in magnetic materials. musician, a singer, and a poet.
5. Investigate the possibility of producing, in effect, a
"sink" in a magnetic field.
6. Investigate the possibility of producing, in effect,
single isolated magnetic poles. 2002 Symposium Proceedings
7. Investigate the effects of a magnetic field on a ro- The MUFON 2002 International UFO Sym-
tating curviplaner metallic object. posium Proceedings book is now available from
Coordination MUFON Headquarters for $25 + $2.50 p&h (U.S.).
For deliveries outside of the United States an addi-
Full coordination is to be maintained, within security tional $4.00 postage (total $6.50) is required. The
regulations, with other groups working on a parallel or book contains the papers presented at the annual
associated problems. Project reports will be available on MUFON Symposium in Rochester, New York, by
a classified basis to suitably accredited groups of indi- William J. Birnes, Richard Dolan, Timothy
viduals. Good, Betty Hill, Bill Hamilton, Budd Hopkins,
Security David Jacobs, Don Ledger, Peter Robbins,
As in the case with most fields of research, it is im- Jeffrey W. Sainio, Chris Styles and Richard
possible to assess the results in advance, which might be Thieme.
obtained through this project. However, there exist cer-

Page 10 MUFON UFO Journal September 2002

50 years to the day
UFO violates D.C. airspace
By Kenny Young
queries of concern. Some described a blue light, some
MUFON Kentucky State Section Director thought it was orange or white. Some said it had soft
On two consecutive weekends culminating on July 26, edges. Some said it made no noise. To some, it appeared
1952, UFOs were sighted visually and on radar over the that military jets were in pursuit.
hot summer skies of Washington, D.C. Alarms sounded A July 26, 2002, newscast on the FOX News network
and planes took to the skies. Banner headlines shouted told of numerous eyewitness claims that the unusual light
the event across the land. The public was mystified, and had been chased by military jets. One witness was quoted
the event has withstood firm explanation to this day. as saying the jets were right on its tail. "As the thing would
Now a half century later, on the 50th anniversary of move, a jet was right behind it..."
that legendary UFO "invasion" of the nation's capital, our But Maj. Snyder is doubtful of the observational cogni-
collective cage has apparently been rattled by yet an- zance of the citizenry of Waldorf, MD.
other mysterious occurrence. "People can see what they want to see..." he said.
Around 1 o'clock in the morning of Friday, July 26, "What these people reported could have been exhaust
2002, a pair of Air Force F-16 jets were scrambled from from the jet itself, depending on whether or not the pilot
Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland to investigate an was on or off afterburners. We don't think it was a UFO."
unidentified object tracked by NORAD radar systems. However, he could not explain the exact nature of
The unidentified radar target was apparently moving NORAD's unidentified radar track.
toward the Washington, D.C., vicinity, approaching the "In this situation we found nothing at all," the Com-
Temporary Flight Restriction Area designated after the mand Spokesman said. "The radar return may have been
terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. caused by a small plane flying low, and sometimes that
According to Maj. Mike Snyder, Command Spokes- will cause them to drop on or off the radar."
man for both NORAD and The U.S. Space Command, When asked about the radar target's peculiar method
this particular track was considered "of interest." of departure by "fading" from the radar screens, Maj.
Maj. Snyder noted that "its radar signature, speed, and Snyder said, "I don't have any info on this,.but it's not
elevation fit the criteria of a small private aircraft. It was uncommon for either routine or unidentified radar returns
viewed as a reasonable security precaution to ascertain to fade. Sometimes a plane will simply come down.and
the intentions of the track and implement a graduated re- land on a small airport in the area or on a grassy strip."
sponse." The Command Spokesman was then asked if he could
He said that in extreme circumstances, such a response inform of the location, speed, and altitude the object was
may include use of lethal force. last observed, and he said: "I cannot get into this with any
NORAD alerted the 113th Air National Guard wing of specificity. NORAD is absolutely not concerned about
Andrews Air Force Base to investigate the unidentified this situation. We posture our forces according to the threat,
radar target as it approached the most sensitive area of and at no time did this incident involve any threat to our
the country. Men took to action, and jets were scrambled. country."
Fueling this already tense situation with a healthy dose The Major also does not think that President Bush was
of mystery, the radar target "faded" from NORAD de- awakened by the unusual episode and has no reason to
tection systems. believe that the Secret Service was cautioned.
And so it goes-the pilots found nothing and saw noth- "It was an innocuous happening," he remarked.
ing, so they returned home to a happy ending. Or that's Yet while Maj. Snyder and NORAD think this "innocu-
what the official line is. ous happening" has no relevance to the security of our
Meanwhile, all hell broke loose in nearby Waldorf, MD, nation's capital, his hypothesis regarding the nature of the
as frightened residents took to the streets in droves amidst unidentified radar track argues just the opposite.
an aerial explosion of noise and tumultuous commotion. Suppose this was a small private plane that somehow
According to a report from the Washington Post news- eluded the F-16 jets scrambled to intercept it., Wouldn't
paper, Renny Rogers rushed out under the din of aircraft that plane and its grassy "landing strip" hideaway some-
noise to see the source of the mayhem and was "floored" where near the flight restriction zone around Washington,
by the spectacle. D.C., pose a security concern if manned by hostile op-
"It was this object, this light blue object, traveling at a eratives? And the factual reality of UFOs just might be
phenomenal rate of speed, followed by this Air Force jet... another little security concern.
right behind it, chasing it," Rogers said to reporters. "I But when it's all said and done we'll probably have
told my neighbor, 'I think those jets are chasing a UFO.'" another unsolved mystery on our hands. And in time the
Others also saw the bedlam, and the switchboards of mystery will slip away into that big black hole where all
talk radio station WTOP in Washington, D.C., lit up with the "unresolved mysteries" are collectively forgotten.
September 2002 MUFON UFO Journal Page 11
Looking at the evidence thus far

Is there an alien strategy?

By Jim Deardorff no longer be delayed or prevented, the shock of sudden
[email protected] confrontation with a superior civilization would still be
A fter 55 years of continued UFO reports indi- devastating to our society. Thus a "leaky embargo" strat-
/\ eating a wide range of UFO/alien behavior, the egy has been proposed. The UFO phenomenon consti-
-Z \>question must arise as to whether or not the tutes the "leak in the embargo," serving the purpose of
UFO occupants, or aliens, are carrying out some sort of conditioning society for eventual alien contact.
strategy directed at us. And if so, what kind of strategy? This conditioning appears to be a prolonged educational
According to Elaine Douglass, for example, it is evi- process directed mainly towards those who are inquisi-
dent they are participating in maintaining the UFO coverup. tive and open to the possibility of an alien presence. It is
That this is the case follows from the fact that never, in then left up to the latter, plus the eyewitnesses themselves,
hundreds of thousands of sightings and large numbers of who are typically found to be one person in 12 or 15, to
abductions, have they stayed around long enough for the try to persuade the rest of society of the reality of the
news media of the developed world to converge upon the UFO/alien presence.
scene, and never have they left sufficient evidence be- UFO sightings not only enlighten those who can ac-
hind to satisfy scientists who value their professional repu- cept it, but provide them with significant information as to
tations. the aliens' level of technology-the capability of their craft
That this could be the result of random behavior seems to withstand tremendous accelerations, hover without
entirely implausible, given the reality of the UFO phe- making noise, travel at large supersonic speeds without
nomenon. This then must be one element of an alien strat- producing sonic booms, disappear suddenly or become
egy. invisible, change shape, etc.
A prime factum is the oft-noted feature that during this The educational aspect
extended period of time, and during past millennia as well, Encounters with the aliens themselves have further
they have not wiped us out, enslaved us, or taken over the educated us on their psychic abilities, communication via
planet despite in all probability possessing the capability some form of mental telepathy, ability to block out memo-
of doing so. From this it is usually concluded that the aliens ries or provide screen memories within their abductees'
involved are non-hostile, at least to society as a whole. minds, etc. By comparison, another purpose of the strat-
This lets us know that their strategy does not entail out- egy, then, is evidently to cause us to recognize our own
right hostility. lowly place within the hierarchy of intelligent life forms in
Now, many of us are aware from science fiction, in the cosmos.
particular Star Trek, that advanced, exploring ETs (in that Most interesting is that even the aliens who carry out
case, us) may obey a "prime directive" in regards to less the abductions and animal mutilations, plus those who
advanced alien beings of other planets. The intent of the engage in less traumatic contacts, abide by the same stra-
directive is that the advanced beings not disrupt the de- tegic guideline as followed by the aliens who provide "or-
veloping civilization of the lesser advanced beings who dinary" UFO sightings: they do not leave sufficient evi-
are not yet aware of life outside their planet. dence behind that would force unwilling skeptics to be-
Interestingly, papers have appeared in the peer-re- lieve what is unthinkable to them. If this were not true,
viewed scientific literature that incorporate this thought. science would have caught on to the reality of the UFO
The researchers allow that exploration, rather than phenomenon, including abductions, years ago.
exploitive colonization, could be a likely behavior of ad- Hence, the aliens engaged in the abduction phenom-
vanced aliens, who may be treating us as if in a zoo, a enon and animal mutilations cannot be considered totally
nursery, or carrying out a quarantine or embargo against independent of whichever alien group may be in charge
Earth until we are better prepared for contact. of overseeing the strategy by which they all abide.
This theme has, for example, been accepted as a pos- It may be noticed that although these deductions indi-
sibility by Newman & Sagan, who referred to such ethi- cate that the aliens involved can wield great power and
cal guidelines as a Codex Galactica. They also wrote, advanced technology, they no longer need be treated as
"Some subset of moderately advanced civilizations may gods/goddesses, now that science and astronomy have
be engaged in the exploration and colonization of other carried us to the point where we can appreciate the like-
planetary systems; however, their mere existence makes lihood of the aliens' extraterrestrial origins and how their
it highly likely that their intentions are benign and their advanced capabilities should seem like magic to us.
sensitivities at our level of technological adolescence deli- The fact that the aliens in charge have not protected
cate." us from our own follies and wars has not prevented trau-
However, a total embargo or hands-off strategy of matic abductions from occurring-and have sometimes
Earth as part of an alien strategy would be self-defeating, caused physical ailments in close-encounter witnesses-
in that when the time came when overt alien contact could should further deter us from calling them gods or equat-
Page 12 MUFON UFO Journal September 2002
ing them with true God, the Universal Consciousness (as- as an airplane, helicopter, large balloon or even a cloud.
suming such exists). On the other hand, the counterbal- The eyewitnesses will notice the eerie differences, such
ancing benign or favorable aspects of the UFO phenom- as not giving off any sound, not having wings or not using
enon as discussed above, which include healings of some "navigational" lights of proper placement and color, in the
abductees' and witnesses' physical problems, and impart- case of aircraft, and not moving with the wind like any
ing an increased psychic and spiritual awareness to oth- balloon or cloud does; however, the non-witnesses who
ers, suggest we should follow a middle path regarding read of the report may ignore such details and assume
alien ethical levels, treating them as neither angels nor the witnesses were mistaken.
demons. The aliens may also communicate some disinformation,
Though it may be more speculative, I therefore view contradictory thoughts, or silly science to their abductees
this aspect-considering them on the whole as neither gods and contactees, who, when they report it, can get ac-
nor evil enemies, but entities rather like us except for their cused by scientists of having invented their stories, and
great headstart over us-as another element of the strat- be ridiculed. The aliens' "magical" technology and ap-
egy the aliens in charge wish to put across to us. parent intelligence thus permits them to stay several jumps
This, along with the variety of reported alien types and ahead of our scientists and ufologists alike, though at the
behaviors, suggests that we will need to consider each personal expense of some UFO experiencers.
future alien encounter on its own merits, as common sense Future outlook
would dictate, while keeping in mind what the UFO phe- It may be that the aliens are patiently waiting for us to
nomenon of the past several decades has taught us. Be- realize these facets of their strategy, which may seem so
cause of the variety of alien types, I have frequently re- obvious in hindsight, and are waiting for us to convince
ferred to "aliens in charge" in connection with implemen- our fellow man, especially those in position of authority,
tation of the alien strategy. before making their first overt contact with humanity.
Other aspects of the strategy The alternative scenario is that the aliens will make
A disproportionate number of UFO sightings have oc- their presence known worldwide soon after some devas-
curred at nuclear missile silos and over nuclear power tating global disasters, either natural or of mankind's mak-
plants, and in the former case, nuclear missiles have even ing, have caused our civilization to collapse, in which case
been remotely disarmed by the UFO. This strongly sug- they need no longer fear that it would be their own overt
gests that another element of the alien strategy is to dis- presence that would produce the same reaction.
courage the use of nuclear weapons and nuclear power It is true that we cannot know all, or even much, of
as well. what's in the minds of the aliens who are involved in the
A key topic that aliens communicate to their UFO UFO phenomenon. However, this should not deter us from
experiencers is the grave danger of Earth and its environ- making logical sense out of the information they have
ment becoming unlivable through human destructiveness, chosen to impart to us during the past 55 years of UFO
carelessness, hatred, and greed. Emphasis of this con- sightings and encounters.
cern then appears to be another facet of the alien strat- Having a handle on what the alien behavior is all about,
egy, probably because it is indeed of paramount impor- and their implementation of a consistent though complex
tance. strategy, should help to make the UFO topic less unpalat-
On a less pessimistic note, their concern that we mend able to professional scientists, who don't like to study what
our ways suggests that they believe the future is not a doesn't make sense to them, and who are the linchpins in
fixed inevitability. This in turn suggests that the aliens, for the maintenance of the UFO coverup.
the most part at least, are not time travelers from Earth's
own future, tampering with a history assumed to be fluid WUFOD login &
and changeable.
As mentioned at the beginning, an important part of password for MUFON members
the strategy is that the aliens maintain the UFO coverup WUFOD is MUFON's Worldwide UFO data-
at the same time as they covertly disclose their presence base, linked to the MUFON home page. URL for
to selected witnesses and experiencers. There are a vari- WUFOD is:
ety of means by which they can accomplish this. They login (where it says Name) is: member
can purposely locate and time many of their UFO sightings password is: Imember!
to occur within an hour or two of a scientifically explain- Remember, the login is the word "member," NOT
able event, such as a bright meteorite, an earthquake, a your name! Both login and password must be typed in
volcanic eruption, or reentry of satellite debris. lower case to enter WUFOD.
Then, although most witnesses will be astounded by Print out the user guide once you log in and read it
the remarkable, non-explainable aspects of their sighting, for best use of the database.
non-witnesses may ignore these features of a UFO re- Logins and passwords for investigators will be given
port if they wish and assume the event was the nearby them by their State Directors. All Field Investigators
scientifically explainable one, which it in some way re- should be getting email from WUFOD when a case is
sembled. Also, the aliens may exhibit a UFO craft that in entered in your state. If you aren't, please contact
some ways resembles a man-made or natural object, such [email protected]

September 2002 MUFON UFO Journal Page 13

This aerial view of the Naperville crop circle in afield of soybeans is reasonably impressive. (Photo by Bev
Home of the Daily Herald.

Naperville crop circle appears to be a hoax

cron circle in a field of soybeans
A crop sovbeans just
iust off Diehl Road onlv overall measurement
The only measurement icompleted by Sugden
in Naperville, IL, seems to have been created with the and Connelly indicated the circle was about 209 feet in
use of a "weed wacker." Since it appeared only two diameter, north to south, not including a "hook" protruding
weeks prior to the release of the movie "Signs," in which from the northeast section. Sugden took a radiation read-
crop circles play a major role, there is speculation that ing and found nothing unusual, but the circle was at least
there may be a connection. a week old at that time.
William Leone, an investigator for MUFON from The owner of the property told Connelly that his em-
Downers Grove, IL, was one of the first on the scene. ployees had observed individuals in the field in broad day-
He noted at the time that only an analysis of the plants light with "weedwhackers." He did not explain why noth-
and soil can determine the legitimacy of the circle, and ing was done about this.
this has not been done. He has indicated, however, that Overview and close-up photos have been sent to Talbott,
the circle does not appear to be legitimate. and the few soil and plant samples taken are being stored,
Nancy Talbott, director of BLT, Inc., the major crop pending a decision on whether analysis of the few samples
circle investigating organization in the world, contacted is justified. The new website for BLT, Inc is
Roger Sugden, MUFON Assistant State Director for In- Check it out.
diana, and Dwight Connelly, editor of the MUFON UFO
Journal, to see if they could provide information on the MUFON shirts and caps
circle. An on-site inspection by the two indicated that the Wear official MUFON T-shirts (royal blue printing
plants were not whirled or laid down, but, rather, had been on white cotton), sizes S, M, L & XL. Two styles of
cut off, as by a string-type mower. baseball caps (royal blue with white logo or dark blue
Although Sugden and Connelly obtained permission from with blue logo on white front). T-shirt price is $12.00
farmer Steve Berning to take soil and plant samples and and baseball caps are $8.00. S/H for each is $3.00, or
make measurements, the owner of the land-who had an if both are ordered together is only $3.00. MUFON,
adjacent business-was upset with the numerous P.O. Box 369, Morrison, CO 80465-0369. (Check, MO,
sightseeers who had visited the site, and refused to let the or cash, U.S. dollars.)
pair continue.
Page 14 MUFON UFO Journal September 2002
Filer's Files
By George A. Filer
Director, MUFON Eastern Region

Unless otherwise noted, these reports represent raw data direction. It banked in the turn, as opposed to an instant
which has not been verified by official investigations. change of direction. I came to a stop and turned the
lights out. It sat in the sky in one spot. I couldn't leave
Cattle found in water tank in Argentina the lights off too long because another boat was coming
SUCO — El Diario News reports, that on June 28, along and passed me 200 feet off my starboard side. I
2002, very near the border with San Luis Province a well- thought the light might then pick up the other boat, but it
respected livestock producer found 19 animals within an stayed still. My wife was feeling spooked, so we decided
Australian-type water tank. These tanks are steel-sided, to head back to the cottage.
sheet metal with a conical cap. Nine of the bovines were "During this 5-minute trip our friend stayed with us.
dead, according to subsequent medical-veterinarian ex- We tied up the boat, and the object drifted slowly out of
aminations, due to asphyxiation our sight over the trees." Thanks to Sue Darroch
through immersion. [email protected] Para-Researchers Of Ontario
The rest were alive, but affected
by the low temperatures and were
near dead due to freezing. The Disc-shaped object spotted in British Columbia
news was confirmed by police of- SURREY, BC — On June 20, 2002, the witness was
ficials of Regional Unit 7, headquar- out on his apartment balcony at 6:30 PM using his phone
tered at Rio Cuarto. when he spotted a disc-shaped craft that was silver on
What no one can explain is how top, with a darker bottom. He grabbed his field glasses,
the 19 animals could have entered but was unable to detect a cupola on the craft. The sky
the enormous water tank, bearing was clear, and he estimated that the UFO was about 3000
in mind that they first had to cross feet from him at an altitude of 500 feet. It was hovering
an electric drover, then a 1.50 meter George Filer and moving slowly S.S.E. when he first saw it. He
tall fence, and finally, "jump" over watched it move behind a house and finally lost it from
the tank wall. view when it headed south and disappeared behind some
Later, farmhands found a mutilated cow that had given trees. Total viewing time was 3 minutes. During the view-
birth to a calf. The cow was stressed, showing burns and ing period he had time to phone Terry Tibando, Vancouver
precise incisions in different parts of her carcass, as though Working Group Coordinator for CSETI (Center for the
experts had deftly used a special scalpel. Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) in Port Moody de-
These cases, according Dr. Cumin, have been investi- scribing what he was watching.
gated from the onset by veterinarians from the National Thanks to Life Boat News, http://
University of Rio Cuarto. Ufologists posited the chal-[email protected]/
lenging possibility that teleportation occurred, moving the index.html
19 animals of large size and weight from their cow pen
into the tank. Government authorities who have been blam- "Symbols" reported in Ontario wheat field
ing red-muzzled mice for the mutilations now must ex-
plain how the mice carried the bovines into the tank. ERIN TOWNSHIP, ONTARIO — Crop Watch 2002,
received a report of an odd formation of possible "sym-
bols" in a wheat field found on July 13, 2002, by a local
Ontario object paces boat resident. The symbols are 60 meters (200 feet) long. It is
MUSKOKA — On July 6,2002, a couple had a sight- difficult to tell specific shapes as they were observed only
ing at 9:30 PM, while cruising on the lake. They saw a from the ground. There are also other very small mark-
very bright light off the port side of the boat in a westerly ings nearby with symbols 3 to 4.5 meters (10 to 15 feet)
direction, about 35 degrees off the horizon. The witness in size, with the wheat stalks flattened in overlapping lay-
reported, "I realized it was moving in the same direction ers, with some stalks bent over. There are numerous
as us at about the same speed passing some treetops. I bent and swollen nodes on stalks, about 1.5 times normal
sped up the boat to about 30 mph and sure enough the size. This is the sixth report for 2002.
lighted object did the same thing, just enough to stay with
us. My wife and I were amazed that it reacted. Objects over Maryland airport videotaped
"Was it a fluke? We slowed right down again to al-
most a stop, and it did the same. I sped up and turned 180 BALTIMORE — Bill Bean writes, "I met with Vir-
degrees and watched it turn the same way in the same ginia MUFON investigator Alexander Zikas and Bill at
the observation lot at Baltimore/Washington International
September 2002 MUFON UFO Journal Page 15
Airport on June 22, 2002. I set two camcorders up and seen thousands of satellites before, and I know for sure
began taping, one camera northeast and the other one to this was NOT a satellite. Why? Because this object was
the south. We were there approximately 30 minutes when about the size of a dime moving across my windscreen. I
something caught the eye of Mr. Zikas. initially saw it on climb-out as it traveled from directly
"It was in the northeastern sky, and it started forming a overhead to slightly above the horizon (about 1 thumb's
shape right before our eyes. It looked like an alien being, width with your arm stretched outward) before I lost it in
and we began shooting photos, and I was taping this as the haze.
well. After review of the tape and photos, several non- "The object traveled this total distance in less than 3
conventional aircraft were noted. Mr. Zikas captured a minutes time. My estimate 250 to 300 miles. It had a
silver reflective object, and I also captured the same ob- soft, medium white silhouette light which illuminated the
ject or a similar one. In my photo I noticed a dark dome entire object. I was climbing out of 4500 feet at the time,
on the object. These photos can be viewed at and my guess was that the object was in excess of 50,000 Thanks to Bill Bean feet.
Note: Bill goes out and hunts UFOs, and, surprise, he "I inquired with ATC, to see if I had any potential con-
finds them. I encourage you to find a good lookout point flicting traffic. He panned his radar out to include all alti-
where you can see a large area of the sky. Get your tudes, and then he said nothing was on his scope except
cameras ready before you go and keep them handy as for a few low altitude targets that were in bound for K.
you drive. Many are reporting they see UFOs shortly C. International. The ATC controller and I both laughed a
after they leave their home and before they get ready at bit about it, and then nothing was said. It has been at the
their viewing site. UFOs are being sighted throughout front of my L mind, each day, since I s a w the object."
the area. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director NUFORC

Baseball-size lights observed in Virginia Twenty lights reported on California object

ARLINGTON — A witnesses reports, "My son and HAWTHORNE CITY — A large black flying tri-
I were in the back yard of our house about 1:15 AM this angle was sighted on July 22, 2002, traveling along the
morning because we had gone outside to get our cat, who California coast line at around 10:15 PM. The following
was on a ledge outside the second floor window. We night the witness stated, "I walked out unto my patio at
were both looking up at the side of the house wondering 10:21 PM, and saw a string of lights, ran inside my house,
how long we would have to wait for her to come down grabbed my camcorder, and recorded this spectacle for a
when two circular white lights flew over the house, going few seconds: There were about twenty lights all flashing
more or less west to east or northeast. a cherry red color, and all of them were flashing heading
"They were about the size of a baseball held at arm's southeast.
length. We both saw it, and about two minutes later they "They started off in a triangular pattern and started
came back again, from west to east/northeast. This time forming a crescent shape. Some objects were further
they both stopped-don't know how far away-they seemed away and not part of the configuration. I was with two
close, although the spheres were small. friends, and we were outside talking. Some red lights
"They both stopped for a second, then one of the ob- approaching from the north (going south) caught our at-
jects 'flew' away at a right angle to its previous path of tention. We saw a very huge boomerang or V-shaped
flight, not up in the sky, but back to the northwest at what object, with a bright white light at the 'nose,' and red
seemed to be the same altitude as before. The other blinking lights around its perimeter (maybe four or five on
object remained motionless for five seconds maybe, then either side of the white light).
continued northeast on pretty much its original direction. "We were all pretty impressed with its massive size
They were definitely two different objects that were fly- and we kept the object in sight as it traveled along the
ing in tandem at first, then split up. We ran out to the coastline. We kept sight of it until it was too far away to
front yard with the video camera, but didn't see anything. see. It was totally silent and seemed to glide slowly across
They made no noise: If they weren't close they must the sky. I am totally shocked it did not make the news,
have been huge. Similar sightings were seen in Waldorf, since it flew right over the LAX flight path.
MD, about ten miles from us." Thanks to Peter Daven- PALOS VERDES — A flying triangle was reported
port NUFORC coming from the Redondo Beach direction along the coast
moving slowly just before 11:00 PM on Tuesday. Thanks,
Rapidly-moving oval reported by pilot Bill Hamilton, Executive Director, Skywatch International,
KANSAS CITY — "I am an air freight pilot that flies Inc. Website:
smaller, twin-engined aircraft, building experience to fly
for the major airlines. I saw something strange on my Mutilations and sightings continue in Argentina
way out of Kansas City International Airport on July 2, BUENOS AIRES PROVINCE — The total carcass
2002." I have always been a skeptic and thought UFOs count to date now stands at 394 according to Christian
were bogus, until now. Quintero, who cautions that many ranchers have stopped
"I saw a solid oval, no blinking lights or colored lights, reporting new cases, and the tally may in fact exceed
moving rapidly across the sky from east to west. I've four hundred. Most of the cases are in Buenos Aires
Page 16 MUFON UFO Journal September 2002
with 140. La Pampa has 77, Cordoba Province has 27. Bright white flashes and moving star-like objects were
The bulk of the cases are within 300 miles of Buenos observed almost nightly after 2100 hours on July 24, 25,
Aires. Thanks to Argentina's Proyecto Condor,; the num- 26, 27, over the Sea of Azov. There are numerous ru-
bers are based on information supplied by C.O.R. mors about an underwater UFO base in the Sea of Azov
SAN JOSE — A couple driving home last night at and the Black Sea. These include observations of the
around 21:00 hours witnessed a large, sky-blue light mov- objects diving into the water. "I am myself the witness of
ing over the lagoon, changing color and size as it did so. more than ten UFOs during the last five years."
Its color was red and it gave off flashes. Minutes later a Thanks to Anton Anfalov, Research Specialist for
local resident contacted EL FUERTE [to say that she MUFON in Ukraine, Coordinator of Ukrainian UFOlogical
had seen] the light descend and lose itself behind the Association (UKUFAS) [email protected] UFO activity
treeline. An hour later, at 22:30, two other witnesses saw over the Crimea has intensified, since 1987.
the same phenomenon. EDITOR'S NOTE: UFOs with six lights are being
PARISH — The El Yunque ranch foreman informed reported as activity increases.
EL TIEMPO that he found a bovine presenting signs of
mutilation. The case, according to the rural worker's de- Cosmonauts report "Christmas tree" obj ect
scription, is similar to others detected in the area and other Gennadij Strekhalov, aboard the MIR Space Station,
parts of the country. In this specific case, the animal says, "On the last two flights I saw something. During the
showed mutilations in the rectal area, tongue, eyes, and flight of 1990,1 called Gennadij Manakov, our commander:
jaw. Four mutilated cows were found twelve kilometers "Come to the porthole. Unfortunately, but this is typical,
southwest of Bartolome de las Casas, having the same we did not manage to put a film in the camera quickly
characteristics as earlier cases. Thanks to Scott Corrales, enough to film it."
Institute of Hispanic Ufology for the Translation (C) 2002. We looked on Newfoundland, and the atmosphere was
Special thanks to Alicia Rossi. completely clear. And suddenly a kind of sphere appeared.
I want to compare it with a Christmas tree decoration,
Object with search lights reported in Russia beautiful, shiny, glittering. I saw it for ten seconds. The
PERM — Nikolay Subbotin, Director of the Russian sphere appeared in the same way as it disappeared again.
UFO Research Station (RUFORS), reports that the "hunt- "What it was, what size it had, I don't know. There
ing season for UFOs is opened in Perm." In April a clas- was nothing I could compare it with. I was like struck by
sic silver saucer-shaped UFO was observed over the Ural lightning by this phenomenon. It was a perfect sphere,
region city. On June 29,2002, around 12:10 AM a UFO glittering like a Christmas tree decoration. I reported to
was videotaped from the 7th floor of a multi-storied apart- the Mission Control Center, but I did not say that I have
ment building. Mr. Maksim, who shot the video-footage, seen a UFO. I said I saw a kind of unusual phenomenon.
said his first impression was "...this might be a bright star." I had to be careful with the choice of my words. I don't
But soon he noticed it was moving too fast, so he started want someone to speculate too much or quote me wrong."
shooting. On July 2, 2002, a UFO was observed further Cosmonaut Victor Afanashev's drawing of an elon-
south of the original point of observation. It was too fast gated flying triangle UFO seen flying in formation in April
moving for a star or satellite, and was a very bright, pul- 1979, is on my website. Victor states, "I think we are not
sating ovoid light. The video shows the moving object alone; something of extraterrestrial origin has visited Earth.
pulsating as it moved, making new jerks with every flash. The alien craft turned toward ours, followed us, and flew
On July 17, 2002, around 12:30 AM, over the Kama formation 25 to 29 meters away. We photographed the
River, several witnesses observed a bright light and flashes metallic engineering structure that was 40 meters long.
inside the low clouds, slowly moving over the river. Sud- The film was later confiscated." See his drawing at
denly, two beams, like from searchlights, descended and
started scanning the river and nearby houses. This stun-
ning sighting lasted for two minutes. Then the beams SETI director says aliens could be here
vanished, light started going away, suddenly squeezing into SETI director Jill Tartar has told that she
a little dot and disappearing The impression was that the believes extraterrestrials could be present in our solar
object, emitting light, suddenly zoomed up. system. Her comments were made in a discussion about
Thanks to [email protected], http:// Fermi's Paradox, which states that if there are extrater-, Translated by Anton Anfalov, Director of restrials in the galaxy, then they must have colonized it.
Ukrainian UFOlogical Association (UKUFAS) But there is no evidence of their presence here; therefore
the implication is that they don't exist.
Many sightings reported over Sea of Azov Tartar says, "I would claim that we don't know that.
SEA OF AZOV — On Friday, July 26,2002, at about We've so poorly explored even the local neighborhood of
10:50 PM, a bright object looking like a white star, brighter our solar system that there could well be probes, arti-
than Sirius, was observed over the Crimean peninsula fly- facts, even large, slow ships within our solar system that
ing northeast to the Sea of Azov. It could be identified as we wouldn't have detected yet. It's possible that there
ordinary satellite, but the witness persistently states that it could be, in fact, within our solar system some evidence
was moving twice as fast as any satellite. of an extraterrestrial technology. They may be here."
September 2002 MUFON UFO Journal Page 17
cerate animals. For all of their bedevilnient of humanity,
tricksters also brought great benefits. These included new
skills and technologies, such as fire, fish hooks, musical
instruments, and language. The appearance of the trick-
The-Trickster and the Paranormal by George P. ster always signaled the advent of novel modes of thought
Hansen, 2001, Xlibris, 8 1 / 2 x 5 1/2, 564 pages, through and new views of reality. or Barnes & Noble, or (cheapest) directly In his recent articles in the MUFON UFO Journal,
from Xlibris ($22.94 paperback, $33.29 hardback or $8.00 Chris Aubeck chronicled the many striking similarities
ebook) (1-888-795-4274) between the modern entities described by abduction re-
Reviewed by David Perkins searchers and the "demons" portrayed in the 1486 theo-
Recently in the pages of this journal, Chris Aubeck, logical treatise Malleus Maleficarum. As British re-
Dr. Barry Downing, and Brenda Denzler have discussed searcher Patrick Harpur reminds us in his insightful book
religious and folkloric themes Daimonic Reality, "all daimons are tricksters ..."
in ufology. Jenny, Randies Perhaps Aubeck and Hansen are covering some of
has called for a "broadening the same ground. This mythological and folkloric mate-
of the search for answers" rial, however, poses a conundrum for ufologists. Are the
to include such topics as pre- demon/tricksters actually extraterrestrial entities misin-
cognition and the psychic terpreted by the superstitious and culturally biased belief
aspects of UFOs. systems of ancient times? Or... are they manifestations
More and more research- of humanity's deepest psychological underpinnings? Or...
ers, it seems, are taking a are they something else entirely?
fresh look at paranormal, Hansen draws much of his material from research on
mythological, and spiritual the trickster and "primitive" religions done during the 1960s
ideas. With his new book, by Western anthropologists. He admits that much of this
The Trickster and the analytical work is highly abstract and theoretical, but "nev-
Paranormal, George ertheless abstract theory can be powerful." He compares
Hansen enters the fray. the "trickster" to a differential equation that governs and
Hansen's resume gives describes many seemingly unrelated things.
his insights some added One example would be UFOs and psychic phenom-
gravity. He is one of the few people in America who has ena, where Hansen sees a considerable "overlap." As
actually made a living by doing parapsychology/psi re- Randies and other researchers have noted, psychic expe-
search. For a total of eight years, he was employed at the riences play a significant role in the lives of many close
Rhine Research Center and the Psychophysical Labora- encounter witnesses. Virtually all of the U.S. government's
tories. psychic spies have encountered UFOs in their remote
Now, after seven years of writing and research, Hansen viewing excursions.
has unleashed his ambitious and scholarly tome examin- Hansen quotes from a 1997 article by Gerald Haines,
ing the current state of ufological, paranormal, and psy- a historian at the National Reconnaisance Office, which
chic research. The result is a fascinating and provocative suggests that intelligence agencies had a strong interest
piece of work with much potential value for ufolegists. in these links: "During the late 1970s and 1980s ... some
According to Hansen, UFOs have been around for in the Agency and in the Intelligence Community shifted
thousands of years, and it only makes sense for us to their interest to studying parapsychology and psychic phe-
learn what we can about them from earlier cultures' reli- nomena associated with UFO sightings."
gions and myths. Trickster figures were endowed with Mythological motifs
paranormal powers, and were central to many of these Another area of overlap is the strong presence of
myths. Some of the-best documented examples include mythological motifs in the accounts of many abductees,
Hermes of the Greeks, the coyote and raven of North including the well-known experiences of Whitley Strieber
American Indian tribes, Mercury of the Romans, Loki of and Betty Andreasson Luca. Still other overlaps involve
the Norse, and Eshu of West Africa. UFOs and spirituality.
The predominantly male trickster figures have much in Dr. Barry Downing argues that there is no "scientific
common with UFOs and their occupants. They operate justification to continue to try to study UFOs apart from
in an atmosphere of stealth, deception, and evasion. They the religious dimension." Many of John Mack's
teleport effortlessly between the heavens and the earth. "experiencers" have commented on the meaningful! spiri-
They are the ultimate shapeshifters, able to breach walls tual dimensions of their UFO encounters. Mack coun-
and boundaries with ease. They have the ability to "dis- selled the 2001 MUFON Symposium on the "terrible so-
solve time." cial and religious consequences associated with rejecting
Their encounters with humans frequently involve sexual the testimony of authentic witnesses."
relations and interbreeding. With eerie echoes of the "mod- One of the primary qualities associated with the trick-
ern" phenomena of crop circles and animal mutilations, ster is "anti-structure," a concept introduced by anthro-
tricksters frequently lay down "nests" in crops and evis- pologist Victor Turner. Anti-structure refers to marginal,
Page 18 MUFON UFO Journal September 2002
unstable and transitional conditions. Hansen's primary in- Hansen raises the possibility that some government
sight is that anti-structure describes much psychic and personnel are "manipulating public belief in order to es-
UFO phenomena, the environment around them, the tablish a new mythology..." and he questions whether the
experiences arid even the investigators. As an example promotion of mythological beliefs is healthy for the larger
of the antistructural nature of large-scale tricksterish out- society. In the short run, the government's disinformation
breaks, Hansen notes that the pandemic UFO wave of and cover-up tactics have bred more fear and distrust in
1964-68 in the U.S. coincided with a period of cultural government.
transition and rapid social change. Also, during the breakup In the long-run, the policies may have been designed to
of the former Soviet Union, "there was an explosion of bluff the Soviets into thinking that the U.S. has obtained
paranormal activity throughout eastern Europe." alien technology, or to signal that the U.S. actually does
An aversion to bureaucracies have it.
The inherent anti-structural nature of psi and UFO phe- Another possibility is that the military anticipated a
nomena also connotes an aversion, or even antagonism, massive decrease in post Cold War funding and needed
to large bureaucratic institutions. Hansen points out that the public to believe in some other external threat. The
there are no university departments devoted to UFOs or permutations are limitless, and maybe total confusion is
parapsychology. This "anti-institutional" aspect of ufology the goal. It's hard to be united when you're confused.
and parapsychology is apparent when limited and unstable A wealth of material available
funding comes from wealthy individuals rather than phil- Despite the prodigious amount of static generated by
anthropic organizations. the government on the UFO issue, Hansen still has cause
.Although there appears to be avid public interest in for hope. There is a wealth of material to analyze if those
paranormal themes, as witnessed by some of the top gross- who tread the slippery slopes of ufology can cultivate "a
ing movies of all times, such attention does not translate high tolerance for ambiguity to avoid premature conclu-
into funding for research. A message is subtly conveyed sions or paranoia."
that the phenomena are "fictional." Hansen ponders why He cautions researchers to detach themselves emo-
SETI gets far more support from established institutions tionally, and to understand that "the shrieking and sneer-
than does ufology. Ufology has a massive amount of real ing attacks on ufology" are reactions not to ufologists, but
data, while SET! has virtually nothing to show for itself. to the UFO phenomenon itself.
Millions of people have seen UFOs, yet mainline funding There is something "extremely important about UFOs"
sources disdain ufology. that can be ascertained if researchers can overcome ten-
The marginality of UFOs is also perpetuated by what dencies toward "personal destabilization" and the feel-
Hansen terms "reversals," another feature of ings of disappointment and disillusionment that seem to
anti-structure. For instance, some of the best cases are go with the territory. MUFON Director John Schuessler
ignored by the media (Cash-Landrum and Eddie Doyle has also commented on dealing with "the unique types of
Webb, which Hansen praises) whereas the.more fragile stress due to the nature of the job." Perhaps there is a
cases receive enormous attention (Roswell, Gulf Breeze). reason why the early psychiatrists were called "alienists."
Hansen's corrosive critique of the CSICOP skeptics In The Trickster and the Paranormal George Hansen
alone is worth the price of admission, but his chapter "Gov- goes beyond the obvious trickster/UFO parallels and at-
ernment Disinformation" is the most disturbing and per- tempts a "grand synthesis," a new way of approaching all
plexing. The chapter reads like a dark episode of the the great mysteries. He dislikes the current trend of re-
"X-Files,"complete with shadowy "operatives," danger- ferring to UFO and paranormal phenomena as "anoma-
ous intrigues, betrayals, human folly, and murky, compet- lous," because such labeling "divorces the phenomena of
ing agendas supposedly involving the future of humanity. today from their historical predecessors."
Schizoid policies? The implication is that anomalous phenomena are
Hansen details the government's seemingly schizoid "merely minor curiosities, without threat or of much im-
UFO policies, both official and unofficial. First... they do mediate import." Of course any well-rounded ufologist
exist. Then... they don't exist. Then... they might exist. should be familiar with mythology and other possible his-
Then... whatever they are, they pose no threat. Then ... torical antecedents of the UFO phenomenon. What comes
they are taking over the world. Then ??? Even arch UFO through clearly in Hansen's work are the reasons why
debunker and NASA scientist James Oberg seems the UFO remains the greatest challenge to science.
puzzled. Hansen quotes from an Oberg letter: "from my A thorough examination
own experience, they [the government) seem to have Hansen's most significant contribution, however, is his
played a tremendous role in inciting and enflaming public thorough and comprehensive examination of the vast ar-
interest in UFOs." ray of forces which have aligned themselves to keep
The intelligence community in particular is given close ufology marginal. It is arguably the best analysis of its
scrutiny by Hanseni He points out that the only really kind ever written. If we are going to attempt to under-
substantial and sustained funding for parapsychology and stand UFOs, we must not only grapple with the phenom-
psi-related research has come from the intelligence agen- enon itself, but we must also proceed with a complete
cies. Since their job is institutionalized deception, it is logi- understanding of the powers that would attempt to im-
cal that they would gravitate to these "tricky" realms. pede our progress.
September 2002 MUFON UFO Journal Page 19
Now ET can call home Close encounter with sphere
Green circle shocks rancher reported in Pennsylvania
A well-known resident of Jacinto Arauz, a town in By Stan Gordon
Argentina's Buenos Aires province, was reportedly hos- On Aug. 1,2002,1 received an interesting report of an
pitalized on Aug. 2,2002, in a state of shock after having encounter with an unusual object that had taken place on
had a strange experience in a field he owns. July 24, 2002. I had the opportunity to interview the re-
According to investigating police officer Marcelo porting witness later that day. The sighting occurred in a
Alarcon, "On Friday afternoon, Raul Dorado, 64, was shopping complex in North Huntingdon Township, in
touring the field located 5 kilometers (3 miles) northeast Westmoreland County, PA.
of town (Jacinto Arauz), as he is accustomed to do. The The incident involved three witnesses-a man, his wife,
man explained that he had heard sound on two occa- and a friend. Since these people hadn't seen each other
sions, like a whirlwind, which drew his attention. The for some time, they stood in the parking lot and got in-
third time, he saw something he describes as a green volved in a long conversation. It was about 10 P.M., and
circle with three legs hovering over him. the local businesses had all been closed for awhile.
"At that moment, Dorado fell to the ground and, ac- In the middle of the conversation, the friend suddenly
cording to his story, he carried a shotgun, binoculars, and said, "Look behind you." They turned around to look, and
a cell phone, the last of which was taken from his hand, observed a small odd object which looked like a bubble,
and he could clearly see it being sucked into the object, but was "absolutely round and shiny." The sphere was
which was apparently at low altitude." estimated to be the size of a tennis ball. While it gave the
In an interview with the newspaper La Nueva appearance of looking something like a bubble, the wit-
Proyincia, Dorado described his experience with the green ness described it as "solid, in a way not like a bubble. You
UFO: could see thickness in the wall of the object."
"As I was heading back toward the farmhouse, where As they watched, the object floated past them at a
I'd left the car, that's when the thing appeared," Dorado distance of no more than 10 feet. The object, which was
said. "It was a dim, green-colored circumference-although only six feet off the ground, continued to move slowly in a
in daylight I wasn't able to see its luminosity. It had three straight line down the middle of the road.
legs and was barely a meter (3.3 feet) to a meter-and-a- The witness commented, "It was a perfectly calm night,
half (5 feet) away from me," he stated. with no wind at all, yet this bubble zoomed on past us as if
"When I saw it," he continued, "I felt something like being driven by something unseen." (The Pittsburgh Na-
an electrical charge. I fell to the ground on my knees, tional Weather Service Office verifies that the winds were
paralyzed, unable to do anything, with my shotgun lean- calm at the time.)
ing on the ground. I was also carrying binoculars and As the object continued to move straight down the road,
had a cell phone in my left hand, which was sucked up by at one point it zig-zagged left then right, and was halfway
the green circle. I saw it rising and disappearing.'" down the complex when they lost sight of it. At one point
As the object disappeared toward the east, Dorado it passed under an awning, and it was apparent that there
said he remained at the location for an hour before being were no strings attached to it. The object did reflect light
able to rise and walk back to his car, returning to town in from the overhead lighting. There was no sound detected
a state of shock. Aided by his wife and neighbors, the during the approximately 20-second observation. There
man was admitted to the local hospital, where he was was no one else in sight during the observation.
cared for by Dr. Ana Maria Lazaric.
Following this incident, Deputy Sheriff Daniel Rosane
decided to do some investigating on his own. Rosane re- Arizona MUFON celebrates
ported that he has since dialed the cell phone's number a
few times. It would ring and then make the typical sound UFO Awareness Week
of when buttons are being pressed to dial. Judy Yarns of Arizona MUFON sends this report on
In a subsequent attempt, he discovered that the phone their participation in UFO Awareness Week:
was answered, but he heard only breathing sounds. In "Here in hot, hot, hot Phoenix, we took advantage of
later attempts, the operator reported that the phone was UFO Awamess Week, and had two exciting days at the
either shut off or out of range. (See the Argentinian news- Mall. We had MUFON participants from Tucson each
paper La Arena of La Pampa for Aug. 4, 2002, "Local day, Fountain Hills, Ahwatukee, and of course Scottsdale
resident claims seeing a UFO; hospitalized in shock," and Phoenix.
and La Nueva Provincia for Aug. 9, 2002, "Rancher "We took as many e-mail address as we could get
claims being paralyzed by unknown object." from interested people. Signed up some for MUFON mem-
Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales y Gloria Coluchi para bership, and we sold an investigators manual.
eses articulos de diario. Thanks to UFO ROUNDUP, "We were also represented on two TV stations, two
Volume 7, Number 33, Aug. 13, 2002, Editor: Joseph radio stations, and the local newspaper, apprearing four
Trainor. times on each. Great news coverage for MUFON."
Page 20 MUFON UFO Journal September 2002
By Stanton T. Friedman

Roswell and the History Channel The narrator claimed the that the Roswell witnesses
said the wreckage included balsa wood. More nonsense.
On Dec. 13, 1999, the History Channel ran a pro- Jesse Marcel told me that the I-beams weighed almost
gram about the Roswell Incident. My strong Dec. 21 let- nothing, just like balsa wood, but couldn't be cut, broken,
ter to the HC about the massive misrepresentations in the or burned-very much unlike balsa wood.
program is posted at my website www.v-j- Where were the strange lavender symbols on the I- I received a brief unsigned beam as described by Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr.? Where was
response months later saying thanks for your interest. We the 2" wide toy factory tape used to hold the radar reflec-
can't please everyone... Dealing tors together? Its strange symbols were supposedly mis-
with none of my specific objec- taken for what Dr. Marcel described. None has been
tions to false claims made by de- found, not even in the picture taken in Gen. Ramey's of-
bunkers on the show.. fice snowing him and then Col. (later Retired General) T
They did it again on June 13, J DuBose and some phony wreckage.
2002. "Roswell Declassified." A small piece of a video of Gerald Anderson (I shot
This show by Indigo was even the footage) was shown, and it was falsely claimed he
more deceptive and inaccurate was speaking to government investigators. On that same
than the first one. Very selective 105-minute video, "Recollections of Roswell" (assembled
choice of data, many factual mis- by the Fund for UFO Research), is testimony from 26
takes, serious misrepresentation, other witnesses, including Gen. DuBose. He makes clear
character assassination, and cre- that the material in the photo was substituted for the real
ative blending of items having no wreckage.
connection with each other or Using only the brief Anderson clip and none of the
Roswell. Stanton T. Friedman other witness testimony is a great example of selective
Despite the title, there were no choice of data, which we have come to expect from anti-
newly declassified Roswell documents!! A big fuss was Roswell propagandists.
made about 11 boxes of material at the National Archives. Many films are shown of huge teardrop-shaped poly-
The material dealt almost exclusively with the USAF's ethylene balloons. None were used for Mogul balloon trains
attempts to debunk Roswell as opposed to the Roswell until after Roswell. Instead, the small neoprene balloons
event itself. were used. Repeatedly we were told how highly classi-
It was as if the consultants were USAF Col. Richard fied Mogul and other USAF programs were.
Weaver, author of the huge 1995 "Roswell Report: Truth Mogul was so classified that several launches were
Versus Fiction in the New Mexico Desert" (He provided allowed to just float on down in the middle of nowhere
the fiction) and Capt. James McAndrew, author of the without a chase plane or jeep recovering it. None of the
1997 2nd Volume, mercifully only 231 pages long, "The technology-only the purpose-was classified. Not a shred
Roswell Report: Case Closed." (In the TV program for of evidence was presented to link the supposed June 14
reasons unknown, it was dated 1998.) launch of a Mogul balloon train to Roswell.
In the first place 11 boxes is not a lot of material. USAF The program falsely claimed that Marcel changed his
Headquarters Files for the Post WWII period until about tune and made up a new story in the late 1970s, and then
1956 totalled 9,800 feet of material, or about 1,000 4- researchers swarmed all over him. He supposedly was
drawer filing cabinets. I have been to 19 Archives, and at sent out to the crash site and then was joined by a platoon
none of the archives including the Nat. Archives in Col- of soldiers!! Neither Marcel nor Brazel via his family or
lege Park ,MD, where some of the TV program was neighbors ever said any such thing.
shot, was I asked to use gloves as were shown. Jesse told me in 1978, in his first conversation about
There was great drama when a triangular box was the incident in years, that the rancher had come into town
slowly opened to reveal, guess what, a radar reflector on Sunday, July 6 (The Program made it sound like Brazel
used with weather balloons. Connection with Roswell? called the base-despite not having a phone-on the 7th.)
NONE. It was pristine, clearly had a light foil backed Marcel and CIC Capt. Sheridan Cavitt followed Brazel
with paper that any 3-year-old could tear. out to the ranch, spent the night in sleeping bags, having
Where was the very strong foil with no backing de- had a can of beans, and then went to the site, loaded two
scribed by Maj. Marcel and Mack and Bill Brazel? That vehicles with wreckage, leaving almost all of it behind,
material when folded many times would come back to its and went the long way back to town.
original shape. The reflector material was certainly not Yet the program snowed Brazel picking up a small
memory metal. amount of crunched up aluminum foil with his daughter or

September 2002 MUFON UFO Journal Page 2!

wife, who was not even with him at the ranch.. This fol- That National Enquirer story was probably respon-
lows the obviously false claim of Cavitt in an interview sible for Capt. (and outstanding pilot) "Pappy"
with Col. Weaver that he suddenly recalled just a small Henderson's telling his wife Sappho around 1980 about
amount of wreckage from an obvious weather balloon having seen the wreckage and bodies and flown wreck-
which covered an area only 20 feet square and would age to Wright Patterson. Sappho and. her daughter and
easily fit in one vehicle. his good friend, Dr. John Kromshroeder, told their story
Of course, if that had been the case, Brazel would on that same video.
have taken it all with him to the Sheriffs office in Roswell, Karl Pflock, author of the Roswell debunking book
and there would have been no reason for Marcel and Roswell: Inconvenient Facts and the Will to Believe
Cavitt to make the long trek, much of it cross country, to dismissed Pappy as a practical joker who, rather than
the ranch. handing Dr. Kromshroeder a small piece of saucer wreck-
Marcel, in our first conversation in 1978 and as shown age back in 1978, on John's honor as a former naval of-
on the Rec.of Roswell tape and in my Video "UFOs ARE ficer not to talk about it, had supposedly shown him a
Real," said the wreckage covered an area about % of a piece of a V-2 rocket that he had. The family knew about
mile long and hundreds of feet wide. There was nothing the V-2 piece. Pappy's son and son-in-law also held the
conventional such as vacuum tubes, wires, rivets, etc. He strange wreckage. Pappy had also quietly told his story to
had had a course in radar, and knew about radar reflec- his WW II bombardier, the late Vere McCarthy, who in
tors, which had to be very light weight. 1989 wrote me about it in response to my call, and even
In his volume, Weaver described the genesis of the had been one of Pappy's pallbearers in 1986. Pflock doesn't
crash story, making the following false statement: "In say any of this in his book or in his many negative com-
1978 an article appeared in a tabloid newspaper, the Na- ments in the History Channel video.
tional Inquirer (sic) which reported the former intelli- McAndrew had focused on various crash test dum-
gence officer, Marcel, claimed that he had recovered UFO mies used to evaluate ejection seats and methods of jump-
debris near Roswell in 1947. Also in 1978 a UFO re- ing out of very high altitude balloons. Nice visuals of these
searcher, Stanton Friedman, met with Marcel and began experiments were shown in the video. These had abso-
investigating the claims that the material Marcel handed lutely nothing to do with Roswell, especially since none
was from a crashed UFO." were dropped until after 1953. McAndrew used a map of
The story has just been tabloidized, since the only way drop locations three times. Strange there were no dum-
the National Enquirer could have known about Marcel mies dropped near either the Foster Ranch or Plains of
is if he had gone to them with his story. The fact is that San Augustin crash sites!
the Enquirer article appeared in 1980, well after William The man in charge of the program told me that the
Moore and I had talked to 62 witnesses while working on dummies were 6 feet tall and weighed 175 pounds. Could
the first book The Roswell Incident. anybody mistake such items for small alien beings???
I didn't get my lead from the Enquirer. In early 1978, Time travel was further demonstrated by the claim that
I had been referred to Jesse by an old ham radio buddy of the reported red headed officer seen by Glenn Dennis at
his who had seen the original wire story about the crashed the Roswell Army Air Force base (and also independently
saucer, and was twiddling his thumbs as manager of the claimed to have been observed in the Plains by Gerald
TV station where I was being interviewed to promote my Anderson, in both cases accompanied by a black ser-
lecture that night at LSU in Baton Rouge, LA. geant) was actually famed red haired pilot Joe Kittinger,
The reporter, fortunately, was late. Jesse didn't go to who had been to the hospital with a friend injured by a
the Enquirer or to me. I gave their excellent reporter, balloon that had come down near Roswell. This was
Bob Pratt, Marcel's address. Marcel did not change any 1959!!
earlier story. He hadn't given one. No black sergeant seen. Naturally there was a chase
team present very quickly. It was claimed that because
When does my the military wasn't desegregated until 1948 there could
not have been a black sergeant with a white officer.
membership/subscription expire? FALSE. Black sergeants were allowed to work with se-
The answer to this question appears on the curity dog patrols, of which there were several at the
mailing label on each Journal (see example be- Sandia National Lab in Albuquerque from which the Of-
low) ficer had supposedly come.
01/05 Other visually interesting items were shown, such as
Name a chimp in a space capsule and a bear used for a space
Street Address City, State, Zip launch. People out in the desert seeing these coming
The first line on the label provides the answer. down would obviously have thought they were space
The first two numbers show the year of expira- aliens!! NONSENSE It wasn't noted that none of these
tion (01=2001,02=2002, etc). experiments were conducted until well after Roswell,
The two numbers after the slash show the and that there were always chase teams to dissuade any
month of expiration and show the last issue that tourists in the desert from interfering.
will be mailed (05=May, 08=Aug, 1 l=Nov, etc.). The "expert" team included Dr. Robert Park, a mem-
ber of the American Physical Society (as are Dr. Bruce
Page 22 MUFON UFO Journal September 2002
Maccabee, Dr. Robert M. Wood, and myself. All active
in MUFON.) Park is the APS chief debunker of all things The NIGHT SKY
"paranormal." His 10 pages in "Voodoo Science: The Road Walter N. Webb
from Foolishness to Fraud" about UFOs in general and
Roswell in particular are a splendid example of the
pseudoscience of anti-ufology. October 2002
He bought into the McAndrew and Weaver opuses
(crash test dummies, Project Mogul, ad nauseum) hook Bright Planets (Evening Sky):
line and sinker, and couldn't even get straight simple facts, Venus (magnitude -4.5) is especially visible until around
such as that George Wilcox was sheriff of Chavez County mid-October to southern observers. Look for it at dusk
not Lincoln County, and ignored the fact that newspaper low in the WSW.
articles of July 8, 1947, noted that the wreckage had been Saturn (-0.1), in Orion, rises in the ENE around 10:30
found by Rancher Brazel "last week," not the June 14 on the 1st and about 7:30 on the 31st. The planet giant
date deemed appropriate by the Army Air Force People begins retrograde (westward) motion on Oct. 11. It can
who reprogrammed the rancher with "new" (dis)info as be seen about 3 degrees below the gibbous Moon on the
noted in the Roswell Daily Record on July 9. night of the 25th-26th.
Park casually has the false story of Maj. Marcel load-
ing sticks, cardboard, and metal foil into the trunk of his Bright Planets (Morning Sky):
car growing over the years into a major operation. There
isn't the slightest indication that he read any of the books Mercury reaches a point farthest W of the Sun on
briefly flashed across the screen, including Don Berliner's Oct. 13, a favorable appearance for the tiny orange world.
and my Crash at Corona, and three books by Kevin Look for it after the 1 st week of the month low in the E at
Randle, very briefly shown on the program. The noisy twilight below fainter red Mars. See Mars.
negativists clearly had done no independent research, and Mars (1.8), in Virgo, improves its position in the E at
accepted Weaver and McAndrew. dawn, rising about 5 AM. It is paired with somewhat
A silly attempt was made to link the nearby crash in brighter Mercury, the former being 3 degrees above the
1956 of a bomber resulting in 11 crewmen being burned latter on the 10th. Thereafter, the separation between the
to death with mortician Glenn Dennis' confusing this with two planets widens.
Roswell aliens. Speaking to me at the Ballard Funeral Jupiter (-2.1), in Cancer, rises in the ENE about 1
Home, Glenn recalled that crash very well. Another ludi- AM in mid-October and is about halfway up the SE sky
crous claim on the program was that the International by dawn. This largest planet is visible 4 degrees to the left
UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell is owned of the lunar crescent on the 2nd.
by Glenn Dennis and Walter Haut, who had issued the Saturn reaches a point high in the SSW at dawn.
famous press release!! It is a non-pro tit organization, does
not charge admission, and is NOT owned by them. It has Moon Phases:
had 1.2 Million visitors in less than a decade. New moon-Oct. 6; First quarter-Oct. 13; Full moon-
Those who want facts about Roswell didn't find them Oct. 21; Last quarter-Oct. 29
in this program, which will, of course, be repeated, as
was the 1999 History Channel production. An excellent The Stars:
source is outstanding researcher David Rudiak's website October evenings bring into view a portion of the sky . For those who in the S known in ancient times as "The Sea." All its
want to review a serious effort to compare the wreckage constellation members are inconspicuous and have an
descriptions with the makeup of Mogul Balloons, I would aquatic theme. Sweeping W to E, the observer comes
recommend FUFOR's 69-page 2002 report by engineer upon diaper-shaped Capricornus the Sea Goat, Aquarius
Robert A. Galganski, "The Roswell Debris Field: An the Water Bearer (his water jug is a small "Y" of stars),
Engineer's Perspective." Piscis Austrinus the Southern Fish (has a bright white
star Fomalhaut), Pisces the Fish (two strings of stars form
a big "V"), and Cetus the Sea Monster (a sprawling pat-
tern below Pisces).
Fomalhaut (fo-mal-hot) in Piscis Austrinus is the only
bright star in this entire "watery" region. It is the south-
Sept. 21-Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society 4th Annual ernmost bright luminary seen from northern latitudes.
East Coast Bigfoot Conference/Expo, Jeannette, PA Be alert to a number of celestial IFO candidates near
[email protected]. the horizon around 9 PM. Atmospheric refraction close to the horizon can cause stellar objects to appear to move
Sept. 28-National UFO Conference, 2002, Cincinnati, and change color, brightness, and shape.
OH., see or call Kenny Young at These low-level objects are Capella (NE), Aldebaran
513-588-4548 (ENE), Fomalhaut (SSE), and Arcturus (WNW). Con-
Oct. 12-13. UFO/ET Congress of 2002, Days Inn, trary to popular belief, even the normally steady planets
Bordentown, NJ. 609-631-8955 (after 11 A.M.). can be affected by the atmosphere if they are low enough.
September 2002 MUFON UFO Journal Page 23
By John F. Schuessler David Finkbeiner to the position of State Section Di-
MUFON International Director rector for the Illinois counties of Jo Davicss, Stephenson,
Winnebago, and Boone.
The Celebration of Doing Ken Cherry, State Director for Texas, appointed
MUFON's excellent volunteer cadre is comprised of Monica Morris to the position of State Section Director
the people who work tirelessly to keep UFO investiga- for Parker County.
tions and research on track. They investigate, record, Bland Pugh, State Director for Florida, appointed
analyze, communicate, and never quit digging for answers. Michael Forte to the position of State Section Director
They are applauded by all of the people they help, and at for the Florida counties of Hillsborough and Pinellas.
times are criticized by people who lack an understanding After a brief hiatus, James Carrion has returned to
of the importance of their work. the position of State Section Director for the Colorado
With this in mind, one of our volunteers sent me a state- counties of Weld, Morgan, Logan. Sedgwick, Phillips,
ment attributed to President Theodore Roosevelt in 1910. Yuma, and Washington.
While is it not politically correct today because it refers James Bouck, State Director for New York, ap-
only to men, the message fits pointed William J. Callahan to the position of State Sec-
the situation faced by all work- tion Director for Warren and Washington counties.
ers. It reads as follows: Jon Nowinski has been appointed to the position of
"It is not the critic who Consultant in Parapsychology.
counts; not the man who points Dennis Glassberg has been appointed to the position
out how the strong man of Research Specialist in Intellectual Property Rights.
stumbles, or where the doer of Bernie Raines has been appointed to the position of
deeds could have done them Research Specialist in Environmental Engineering.
better. The credit belongs to
the man who is actually in the New Field Investigators
arena, whose face is marred Kathleen Marden, Director of Field Investigator
by dust and sweat and blood; Training, announced that the following Field Investigator
who strives valiantly; who errs, Trainees have completed the Field Investigator's Exam
and comes short again and John Schuessler and are now MUFON Field Investigators; Martha M.
again, because there is no effort without error and short- Calnen. East Berlin, CT; Larry G. Powell, Canton, TX;
coming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who Linda Revere, Tucson, AZ; Dr. S. James Sullivan,
knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who Mooresville, NC; and Brian Wyatt, Lexington, K.Y.
spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows Field Investigator Trainees are urged to study the
in the end the triumph of high achievements, and who at MUFON Field Investigator's Manual and take the
worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that exam. The price for the MUFON Field Investigator's
his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls Manual is $25 + $3.50 p&h. The exam is provided free
who know neither victory nor defeat." of charge by MUFON Headquarters.

Position Announcements Donation to MUFON Archives

The state of Washington has a natural mountain bar- Kenneth Ewing, of Los Alamos, NM, donated his
rier between the eastern and western regions of the state. collection of materials of historical value to the MUFON
This makes the management of investigations and organi- archives. The collection includes APRO Bulletins. NM
zation growth across the state very difficult. Therefore, MUFON News. Hermit's Peak. International UFO
based upon a recommendation by State Director Gerald Reporter. CUFOS Bulletins. CUFOS Associates News-
Rolwes, we will have a State Director for each region. letters, and Fund for UFO Research Reports. We thank
Jerry will continue as State Director for Eastern Wash- Kenneth for helping us preserve these valuable items for
ington and Kathleen Anderson has assumed the role of posterity.
State Director for Western Washington.
The state of Oregon has new leadership. Laura Banry New MUFON field investigator t-shirt
of Medford is the new State Director and Tom Bovvden The new field i n v e s t i g a t o r t - s h i r t has the
of Gresham is the new Assistant State Director. MUFON logo over the left chest pocket and
Nicholas Roesler, State Director for Wisconsin, ap- MUFON Field Investigator on the back. It comes
pointed Matthew Sloan of Appleton to the position of in S, M, L and XL in white with a blue logo or
Assistant State Director. black with a white logo. White shirts are $12 + $3
David Marler, State Director for Illinois, appointed S&.H. Black shirts are $15 + $3 S&H.

MUFON UFO Journal September 2002

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