UNIT 02 - The Learning Thing

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12th January
So today is the day of the physics test. I've just found a couple of minutes to jot down a few lines that would capture the atmosphere in the class. Everybody is so tense today. There's an uneasy silence all over the place. ll my classmates are on pins and needles! and I have butterflies in my stomach! too. Even "etsy "rains! the bri#htest #irl is ed y. $hy are we always so upti ht when the e%am time comes& "ut even stran#er' why is "etsy "rains on ed e& (oubtless she will pass !ith flyin colours! whereas me and Jeff are just hopin# to scrape throu h somehow. "y the way! I've chosen a new method this time. I chose the #ood old borin# way! that is! I've tried to familiarise myself !ith the subject! I memorised countless e)uations and data and I learned all these thin s by rote in order to master the pieces of this mystery they call physics. *avin# learnt at least a hundred names of physicists by heart! I thin+ I"ve ot the han of nuclear physics and am able to master everythin#. lso! I #ot sic+ and tired of my parents continual whinin# ,-ou #no! nothin about history! son! science is a closed boo# for you! you are so i norant you don't have the faintest idea about art! let alone maths., .h #od! the teacher has just entered the room. There is no way bac+ now/


1. 0ind the odd one out. 1. *e seemed 111.. at the meetin# yesterday but we didn't +now why. 2 ama3ed "2 a bundle of nerves 42 a nervous wrec+ (2 upti#ht 2. She is by far the best student in the class. This e%am cannot be a problem for her she ou#ht to 1. . 2 pass with flyin# colours "2 scrape throu#h 42 bree3e throu#h (2 sail throu#h 5. I wish I +new where he is now but I don't have the 11. idea. 2 faintest "2 sli#htest 42 least (2 smallest 6. '$here is she&' '1' 2 It's anybody's #uess "2 -our #uess is as #ood as mine 42 I'm uninformed! I'm afraid. (2 *ow should I +now& I lost touch with her a year a#o 7. Since I left school! economics is 1 me. 2 a stran#er to "2 blac+ ma#ic to 42 a closed boo+ for (2 a mystery to

2. 8lease connect the e%pressions with their meanin#s 9:ore e%pressions mi#ht mean the same. 2 'N() A LITTLE A*(UT &G E+ER,*(-, 'N()& NER+(U& LEARN *, HEART

be on pins and needles learn by rote it is an open secret be on ed e it is common #no!led e have a !or#in #no!led e of commit s to memory have a smatterin of be in a state s!ot 5. The followin# sentences contain idioms with either brain.s/ or mind. 8lease fill in the blan+s with the suitable word. 1. I hate havin# to start wor+ at ;. I'm sure it was Samuel's 111<child! as he simply can't sleep after 7. 2. I don't thin+ you should beat about the bush much lon#er. -ou are an outspo+en person! you always spea+ your 11.! so just be yourself and you'll succeed. 5. I enjoy e%otic places but it never crossed my 11. to #o campin# in =uala >umpur. 6. s I was wal+in# home yesterday I suddenly had a 1wave and now I +now what I'm #oin# to do with my life. 7. I have been rac+in# my 1.. for more than two hours but I simply can't remember her phone number. ?. Their child has #one on a bi+in# tour without tellin# them. I'm sure they will #ive her a piece of their 1.. when she comes bac+. ;. I don't have the least idea how to finish this essay! I would li+e to pic+ your 1.. for a #ood endin#! if you don't mind. @. I understand that it is very hard to choose between these two boys but you've been sittin# on the fence too lon#! it is just about time you made up your 11.. . A. *e is a very independent youn# man. *e has a 1.. of his own and I thin+ he has a brilliant future in the business world. 1B. $hy don't you come with us to see the new Stallone movie& It is so funny it will certainly ta+e your 11 off your problems. 6. 8lease! rewrite the followin# sentences usin# the proper form of the words and e%pressions #iven. $hen he arrived home at lon# last! his mother #ave him a #ood tellin#<off. GI+E &, A 0IE%E (1 (NE"& 2IN2. -ou just thin+ no one +nows about you affair with the boss! but it is actually common +nowled#e. (0EN &E%RET 5. I don't see why you #o to football matches! you are so tense when your favourite team is playin#. *UN-LE (1 NER+E& 6. I had no idea what to do in the afternoon! but suddenly I realised I should visit my e%<wife to have a little chat. *RAIN)A+E 7. If you want to #raduate as a teacher! you must learn all the subjects you intend to teach. 1A2ILIARI&E (NE&EL1 )ITH ?. It was my first job interview so I was rather nervous on the way to the company. HA+E *UTTER1LIE& IN (NE"& &T(2A%H ;. I li+e readin# about people's lives! it is learnin# all the dates by heart that I can't stand. S$.T @. 4ome on Jimmy! don't be so spineless. $hen he as+s you what you thin+ about his idea tell him bluntly what's on your mind. &0EA' (NE"& 2INA. She really is the teacher's pet. Co wonder she won't have a problem passin# the end<of<year

test. 0A&& )ITH 1L,ING %(L(UR&


E%ercise 1
1 2" 5( 64 7

E%ercise 2
=now a little about somethin#' have a wor+in# +nowled#e of s#! have a smatterin# of s# Everybody +nows' it's an open secret! it is common +nowled#e! Cervous' be on ed#e! be in a state! be on pins and needles >earn by heart' learn by rote! commit s# to memory! swot

E%ercise 5
1. brain 2. mind 5. mind 6. brain 7. brain9s2 ?. mind ;. brain9s2 @. mind A. mind 1B. mind

E%ercise 6
1. $hen he arrived home at lon# last! his mother #ave him a piece of her mind. 2. -ou just thin+ no one +nows about your affair with the boss but it is actually an open secret. 5. I don't see why you #o to football matchesD you are always a bundle of nerves durin# the #ame. 6. I had no idea what to do in the afternoon but suddenly I had a brainwave and I visited my e%< wife to have a little chat. 7. If you want to #raduate as a teacher! you must familiarise yourself with all the subjects you intend to teach. ?. It was my first job interview so I had butterflies in my stomach on the way to the company. ;. I li+e readin# about people's lives! it is swottin# for the e%ams that I can't stand. @. 4ome on Jimmy! don't be so spineless. $hen he as+s you what you thin+ about his idea! you should spea+ your mind. A. She really is the teacher's pet. Co wonder she'll pass the end<of<year test with flyin# colours.

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