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Chapter 4


Test Structure
The JMET 2006 will be of 2 hours duration. The test will consist of 150 questions (objective / multiple choice
type) in the following sections:
1. Verbal Communication
2. Logical Reasoning
3. Quantitative Ability
4. Data Interpretation

There is negative marking for incorrect answers. For a wrong answer to a question, 25% of the marks
allotted to that question will be deducted.

General instructions
1. You should be in your assigned seat at the Test Center latest by 1000 hrs.
2. You should bring the following to the Test Center:
i) Your Test Admit Card, without which you will not be allowed to take the test.
ii) Pen/ball pen, HB Pencil(s), eraser(s) and sharpener(s).
Calculators, electronic diaries, cell phones and similar electronic gadgets will not be allowed in the
examination hall.
3. The test begins with the distribution of the Test Booklets. When you get the Test Booklet, make sure that the
Booklet is in sealed condition. If the seal is found broken or tampered with, please bring this matter
immediately to the notice of the invigilator.
4. Do not break the seal of the Test Booklet till you are told to do so.
5. Without breaking the seal, take out the Answer Sheet from the Test Booklet and verify that it has the same
code printed on it in large letters as on the cover of the Test Booklet. If the two codes do not match, or the
Test Booklet does not contain the Answer Sheet, the Test Booklet must be exchanged immediately with a
new sealed Test Booklet. The candidate must not mark the answers on an Answer Sheet having a code
different from the code printed on the Test Booklet.
6. Fill in all the information required in the right hand side of the Answer Sheet and sign where indicated using
pen/ball pen. Use HB pencil for darkening the oval bubbles corresponding to your Registration Number on
the Answer Sheet. Use extreme caution in filling the appropriate bubbles. Information on the right half of the
Answer Sheet should be written in ink wherever indicated. No distinctive mark of any sort is to be put
anywhere on the Answer Sheet.
7. Open the seal of the Test Booklet only after having been instructed to do so by the invigilator. Each section
contains several items / questions. You should read the directions for each section of the test carefully.
8. The left hand side of the Answer Sheet must be filled in with HB pencil only. The answers to the questions
are to be marked by darkening the bubbles corresponding to the letters A, B, C or D. A soft eraser should be
used for erasing any darkened bubble if required.
9. Nothing should be written either in ink or in pencil, in the space used for printing the Barcode on the Answer
Sheet. If the candidate tampers with the Barcode, he/she will be disqualified.
10. All the rough work should be done only on the blank pages of the Test Booklet. No extra papers will be
11. Once the test starts, you will not be allowed to leave the examination hall for any reason till the test is over
and all other formalities are completed.
12. You should remain seated after completing the test. The invigilator will collect the Answer Sheet. You will be
allowed to leave the hall only after the Answer Sheets from all the candidates in your hall have been
collected, and accounted for.
Candidates found violating the instructions of the Test / Invigilator, will be disqualified. Any candidate giving
assistance or seeking / receiving help from any source in answering questions or copying in any manner in the
test will forfeit his/ her chance of being considered for admission.
Note: In all matters concerning JMET 2006, the decision of the Institutes will be final and binding on the applicant.


The test requires knowledge of basic mathematics (arithmetic, algebra, matrices, trigonometry, mensuration,
plane and co-ordinate geometry, calculus, set theory, probability and statistics etc.) and English.
Sample questions for each of the four sections are provided below. Note that these are only indicative of the type
of questions that can be expected in the test.

Section 1: Verbal Communication

Q. 1: In the paragraph below, each line numbered 1 to 4 has one wrong word. Locate the wrong word. Then,
identify which response option (A, B, C, or D), given below, has the correct combination of words that would
make the paragraph read correctly.
1. At times our respirations seem more than wishful dreams. With a
2. sluggish global economy, slumping housing valuables, a tight
3. job market and rising costs for essentials such as healthy care and
4. tuition, achieving financial prosperity appears even more remotely.

A. 1. perspiration. 2. ticklish. 3. rousing. 4. appeals.

B. 1. bashful. 2. dumping. 3. essentially. 4. prosperous.
C. 1. aspirations. 2. values. 3. health. 4. remote.
D. 1. timely. 2. tightly. 3. carefully. 4. finance.

Q. 2: In these questions, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Choose
the one that must be changed to make the sentence correct.
1. Promotion by senior (A) / is the next pillar (B) / of the system (C) / we shall look at (D).

2. When making a tender, a contractor must make allowances (A) / in his quoted price for possible
increased costs (B) /, but it is not far from easy (C) / to calculate how great these will be. (D)

3. One topic of conversation almost guaranteed (A) / to rise the blood pressure (B) / of a European
industrialist (C) / is that of economic democracy (D).

Q. 3: Choose the word/phrase nearest in meaning to the underlined part from the four alternatives given under
each of these questions:
1. He collapsed following a vigorous exercise session at the gym.

(A) Died. (B) Relaxed. (C) Fainted. (D) Gasped.

2. The old woman next door is a garrulous person

(A) Senile. (B) Sociable. (C) Talkative. (D) Haggard.

Q. 4: The following extract has been taken from a letter written by an insurance company to one of its customers.
Fill in the blanks in this extract with the most appropriate words.
We wish to inform you 1.______ the premium for this policy 2.______ not been paid as on the due date.
3.______ the policy is revived the benefits attached to it 4.______ stand modified.

1. (A) which. (B) about. (C) that. (D) of.

2. (A) could. (B) has. (C) have. (D) can.

3. (A) If. (B) Because. (C) Unless. (D) Before.

4. (A) shall. (B) would. (C) could. (D) be.

Q. 5: Answer the following questions based on your reading of the given passage.
At the center of studies of the mind is the problem of representation. It has always seemed that if we could
unravel the mystery of how knowledge is stored it would lead irrevocably to understanding how it is learned, how
it is used, and, perhaps most intractably of all, how it is made conscious. The form that language takes when it is
laid down as traces of long-term memory is a key to understanding its role in human development, intelligence,
and socialization.
How is language represented? Are semantic features of words stored as entries in a lexicon or as part of our
knowledge of concepts? How do words and meanings combine so that we can use language meaningfully and
express thoughts verbally? Why do contexts change the way we interpret language? These are some of the
questions that have fueled the inquiry into psycholinguistic processes and each one has a noble tradition in
research and theory. Because the questions are difficult and the solutions impossible to observe directly, the
research is intricate and the conclusions are inferential. However, the vast majority of that literature is based on a


simplifying assumption: people have only one language. Again the story becomes more complex when these
questions are asked about speakers who have two or more languages.
There is another complicating factor. Psycholinguistic research has typically approached research questions by
examining and attempting to understand the stable state, namely, the adult mind. Development processes are
always more difficult to observe and to understand. For monolinguals, questions about how children build up
representations for language and representations for concepts are notoriously difficult to untangle. Children’s
early words and early meanings have a tentative existence on their own, as well as precarious connections to
each other. These fragile systems must somehow evolve into the fabric that is our knowledge of language and
the world. The mechanisms by which this happens and the stages through which it progresses are the subject of
much research in developmental psycholinguistics. Again, the escalation in complexity is palpable if children are
learning two languages.
These are the problems faced in the attempt to understand how bilingual children construct mental
representations for language and concepts. Investigating this issue includes two sets of related questions that
can nonetheless be examined separately. The first set of questions concerns the relation between the two
languages. How is the mental organization of two languages different from that of one? What is the relation
between the languages in the child’s representational structure? Are the various levels of language, such as
phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, isolated with the child’s knowledge of an individual language or
part of a shared resource? The second set of questions concerns the role of meaning and concepts in linguistic
organization. How does each language connect with a system of meaning? Are the two languages alternative
labeling systems for the same concepts? Does each language identify a different set of concepts and
experiences for children? These are the questions that underlie the study of the development of mental
representation for bilingual children.
i. The Central idea of the passage is that:
a) To understand the human mind it is important to study how language is represented.
b) It is difficult to conduct a study on speakers who use two or more languages.
c) It is difficult to understand how monolinguals store language.
d) Bilinguals are more intelligent than monolinguals.
ii) Which of the following statements is not true?
a) All researchers assume that people speak only one language.
b) Contexts can influence our interpretation of language.
c) Words are stored in the mind.
d) People do not know how words are stored in the mind.
Choose the most appropriate answer for the next three questions.
iii) A study of how language is represented helps us to understand:
a) How semantic features of words are stored.
b) How people express thoughts verbally.
c) How knowledge is gained and used.
d) How knowledge is made conscious.
iv) Psycholinguists have attempted to study the adult mind because:
a) Children’s minds are not stable.
b) The adult mind is more stable than children’s mind.
c) Developmental processes are difficult to observe.
d) Children’s early words and early meanings have a tentative existence.
v) Psycholinguists study bilingual children to understand:
a) The relation between two languages.
b) The role of meaning in linguistic organization.
c) How each language connects with a system of meanings.
d) How they construct mental representations for language and concepts.


Section 2: Logical Reasoning

Q. 6: In general, the terms entrepreneur and SME’s (small and medium enterprises) are used in conjunction with
each other. But entrepreneurship is not just about owning a small business. The very basis of
entrepreneurship, irrespective of the size of the organization, lies in its ability to create new products/
services, and devising new ways of implementing the existing or new products.

Which of the following best sums up the above passage?

(A) The major characteristic of entrepreneurs is their ability to introduce new products/services into the
(B) Entrepreneurs are the main actors in economic growth.
(C) An owner of a large business may be an entrepreneur.
(D) Entrepreneurs do not own or operate small business.

Q.7: During the summer this year, advertising expenditures on soft drinks increased by 25%, while the
consumption of soft drinks increased by 30%. Which of the following is irrelevant to explaining the increase
in consumption of soft drinks?

(A) This summer, soft drink companies offered more volume discounts than competing substitutes.
(B) Soft drinks were available in more retail outlets this summer.
(C) The advertisements of soft drinks were more catchy and effective this summer.
(D) The production of soft drink bottle openers doubled this year.

Instructions for Questions 8-9

A two-way road network exists between the following locations in a city: A and B, A and C, C and E, E and G, E
and H, G and D, and D and F. There is also a one-way road between locations D and B; the only possible way of
travel is from D to B. None of these road routes intersect each other except meeting at the nodal points in the
respective locations. There are no other routes to or from the above locations in the city.
Q.8: Which of the following locations cannot be avoided while traveling from F to H?
(A) B, C
(B) D, C
(C) D, E
(D) D, A
Q.9: What is the minimum number of locations one would have to touch to reach E from F?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
Q.10: The following sentences, when properly sequenced, form, a coherent paragraph. Select the most logical
order of the sentences.
(i) Transmission and Distribution losses are very high in Indian State Electricity Boards. (ii) Electricity rates
have to be raised. (iii) State Electricity Boards in India are making commercial losses. (iv) High technical
losses lead to loss of revenue and subsequent rise in electricity prices.

(A) (ii)-(i)-(iii)-(iv)
(B) (iii)-(i)-(ii)-(iv)
(C) (iii)-(i)-(iv)-(ii)
(D) (i)-(ii)-(iii)-(iv)
Q.11: Seven MBA students are to be assigned projects, as part of their curriculum. Three students (A, B and C)
are engineering graduates, two (D and E) are science graduates, and two (F and G) are commerce
graduates. The course instructor has offered them three projects coded here as 1, 2 and 3.

No student can take part in more than one project.

There must be atleast one engineering graduate in each project.
B cannot be in the same project as G.
C and F must work on the same project.
E must not work on project 3.
Since projects 1 and 2 are easier, the instructor has allowed only two students to work on these projects.


Which of the following pairs CANNOT work on the same project?

(A) C and G
(B) D and F
(C) D and E
(D) B and E

Section 3: Quantitative Ability

Q.12: A text book for children is meant to have 216 sq. cms. of actual printed matter in each page. Also, the top
and bottom margins are 3 cms. each and the left and right margins are 2 cms. each. The most economical
height and width of each page will be respectively
(A) 16 cms. and 12 cms.
(B) 20 cms. and 14 cms.
(C) 24 cms. and 16 cms.
(D) 18 cms. and 12 cms.

Q.13: The probability of a number being divisible by 3, not divisible by 5 and divisible by either 4 or 6 is

(A) 1/6
(B) 2/15
(C) 1/30
(D) 5/6

Q.14. Let PQR be a right-angled triangle, right-angled at R, and let RS be the perpendicular from R to PQ. Let
PQ=a, QR=b, RP=c, RS=d and PS=e. Which one of the following is not always true?

(A) ad=bc
(B) b2 + c2 = 2c2 + ½ a2
2 2 2
(C) 1/d =1/b + 1/c
(D) d = e(a-e)

Q.15: Five students are participating in a contest. Three teams are to be made in such a way that each student
has to be a member of one and only one team. However, team sizes need not be the same. If the order of
the teams or the order of the students within the teams does not matter, the number of ways in which three
teams can be formed is

(A) 35
(B) 7
(C) 20
(D) 25

Q.16: Any complex number x + iy can be put in the form r( cosθ + isinθ ) where r is called the modulus and θ is
the argument of the complex number. The complex number z having the least positive argument and
satisfying ⏐ z – 5i ⏐ ≤ 3 is

(A) 9/5 + i (15/5)

(B) 2/5 + i (3/5)
(C) 12/5 + i (16/5)
(D) none of the above

Q. 17: The angle of elevation of a kite from a point 100 meter above a lake is 30 and the angle of depression of
its reflection in the lake is 60 . The height of the kite above the lake is

(A) 100 √3/3 meters

(B) 200 √3 meters
(C) 100 meters
(D) 200 meters


Section 4: Data Interpretation

A Decade of LMN Ltd.

Revenue & Profits (1989-90 - 2000-01)
(Millions of Rupees)

Net Profit/Loss Total Revenue



110 111.17


70 72.05 70.61

47.12 44.89

10 7.79
1.65 2.28 0.01 1.01
89-90 90-91 -4.67
91-92 92-93-4.54 93-94 94-95 95-96 97-98 99-00 00-01

Questions 18 -21 are based on the above graph, which depicts the performance parameters of LMN Ltd, for ten
Q.18: In which of the following years did LMN Ltd. suffer a loss?
(A) 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993-94, 1994-95
(B) 1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993-94
(C) 1993-94, 1994-95, 1995-96
(D) 1991-92, 1992-93, 1994-95
Q.19: The highest percentage of growth in total revenue was recorded between the financial years
(A) 1999-00 and 2000-01
(B) 1997-98 and 1998-99
(C) 1992-93 and 1993-94
(D) 1994-95 and 1995-96
Q.20: If the percentage growth rate between the financial years 1999-00 and 2000-01 was maintained, the total
revenue for the year 2001-02 would approximately be
(A) Rs. 192.30 millions.
(B) Rs. 171.87 millions.
(C) Rs. 174.74 millions.
(D) Rs. 164.41 millions.
Q.21: In which year was the Net Profit at its highest as a percentage of total revenue?
(A) 1989-90
(B) 2000-01
(C) 1999-00
(D) 1990-91


Chapter 5


After qualifying JMET 2006, a candidate has to apply separately to each of the schools / departments of
management in IISc / IITs wherein he / she wishes to seek admission. The application duly filled in and signed
must reach the concerned Institution by January 23, 2006.

Group Discussions (GD) and Personal Interviews (PI) for candidates seeking admission will be held at the
respective Institutions.

The procedure to be followed for admission and the profiles of various schools / departments are given in the
following pages.

™ Department of Management Studies, IISc Bangalore

™ Shailesh J Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay

™ Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi

™ Department of Industrial & Management Engineering, IIT Kanpur

™ Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur

™ Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras

™ Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee






Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (founded in 1909) is the oldest and the most reputed centre of post-graduate education
and research in science and engineering in the country. Over the years, the Institute has gained international recognition for the
quality of its teaching and its R&D achievements. The Centre for Scientific and Industrial Consultancy and Society for Innovation
and Development constitute the Institute’s interface with industry, and direct the technical expertise and entrepreneurial skills of
the Institute’s faculty members towards channels useful for the society and industry. The Institute consultancy strives to help
the country achieve her scientific, academic and technological goals, and is keenly aware of its obligation to maintain the high
academic standards it has traditionally adhered to.


The Department of Management Studies was established at the Institute in 1948 as the Section of Economics and Social
Sciences. That makes it the earliest institutional attempt at imparting formal training in the principles and practices of scientific
management to young men and women whose services would be required by then fast-expanding industrial sector of the newly
independent nation. Flourishing in the intellectual milieu of the Indian Institute of Science, it was but natural for the Department
to develop an affinity for a style of learning that combined the attractions of instruction with those of independent exploration of
various realms of knowledge. Thus the Department soon acquired a reputation for high-calibre research in areas such as
Economics, Marketing, and Energy and Technology Management. The Language Group of the Department aims at catering to
the language requirements of the Institute staff and students. Besides teaching, translation and interpretation, this section
developed research interest in communication-oriented language teaching, socio-linguistic issues in language use, language for
specific purpose, and language choice in scientific communication. Issues in cross-cultural communication are explored through
comparative studies of communication patterns in different countries/ societies (Germany and India) and scientific and business
communication in EC countries. Currently there are 40 research students working for M.Sc (Engg.) and PhD degrees in frontier
areas of management.


Academic programmes at the Department of Management Studies include:

ƒ Two-year, full-time M.B.A. open only to engineering graduates.
ƒ M.Sc.(Engg.) and Ph.D. programs for full-time, QIP, and external registration candidates.


The members of the Department Faculty conduct research in Human Resource Management, Technology Management,
Marketing, Energy Management, Transportation, Operations Research, Operations Management, Finance, Supply Chain
Management, Decision Support Systems, Industrial Economics, Cross Cultural Communications, and German Language and
Didactics. The Department undertakes consultancy projects and case development in business planning, marketing strategy,
reengineering, human resource development, technology management, e-commerce, and decision support systems.


The Department conducts in-company as well as on-campus Management Development Programmes. Capacity-building for
Competitive Advantage, Leadership at the Work Place, Trade Union Leadership Development, and Strategic Management of
Technology are examples of such courses offered recently.


The Department organizes seminars by experts every Friday. These seminars give an opportunity to the students to listen and
interact with the leaders in industry and academics.
The Department also conducts an annual event titled Consortium of Students of Management Research (COSMAR). This
provides a forum for research in management and allied disciplines from leading institutions in the country to interact with our
research students, industry professionals, and leading academics.


Institute offers an excellent academic and residential infrastructure. It has JRD Library with more than 400,000 volumes, Digital
Library with CD-ROM facilities, National Centre for Science Information, electronic access to more than 2,500 Journals, and
offers round the clock access to high power computers that support database systems, multimedia graphics and visualization
applications, and Web services. A campus-wide FDDI network hook-up from Department also exists.
Department of Management Studies provides a high-speed LAN with dedicated applications server, file server, mail server and
web server with the state-of-the-art operating systems and software packages including SPSS, Systat, Witness 2003, Vensim,
Sigma Plot, MATLAB, LINGO and a host of productivity tools from Microsoft.



Faculty Areas of Interest

N.J. RAO, Ph.D., (IIT, Kanpur) Chairman Systems Dynamics, Technology Management, Web based Education.
K.B. AKHILESH, Ph.D. (IISc) Human Resources Management, Organizational Development, Team
Professor Building, Performance Appraisal.
R. SRINIVASAN, B.E., P.D.I.T., FIIM- (IIM, Marketing, Strategic Management, Infrastructure Systems Management,
Bangalore), Professor Business Process Reengineering, and Business Planning.
M.H. BALA SUBRAHMANYA, Ph.D., (ISEC, Industrial Economics, with reference to issues related to Small Scale
Bangalore), Industry, Multi National Business and Industrial Policy.
Associate Professor
C. MUKHOPADHYAY, Ph.D., (Missouri, USA), Reliability and Statistical Quality Control.
Associate Professor
MARY MATHEW, Ph.D. (IISc) Organizational Behavior, Organizational Development, Patent Management,
Assistant Professor and Entrepreneurial R & D.
N.R. SRINIVASA RAGHAVAN ERP, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Performance Modeling and
Ph.D. (IISc), Assistant Professor Scheduling.
YADNYVALKYA, M.Sc.(Engg.) Moscow, M.A. Russian Studies (Literature, socio-economic issues), and Motivation factors
in Russian from CIEFL in language learning.
Principal Research Scientist
N.S. ANURADHA, Ph.D. in German from Inter cultural Communication, Language Learning Strategies and Learner
CIEFL, MA (Kassel, Germany) Autonomy.
Assistant Professor
ANJULA GURTOO, FPM(IIM, Ahmedabad) Industrial Relations, Sustainable Development, Public Policy, SOE
Assistant Professor Management.
PARTHASARATHY RAMACHANDRAN, Ph.D. Operations Research, Revenue Management, Operations Management,
(Oklahoma State, USA) Service Operations.
Assistant Professor
M. MATHIRAJAN, Ph.D. (IISc) Applied Operations Research, Decision Support Systems, Logistics
Senior Scientific Officer Management and Distribution Management.
P. BALACHANDRA, Ph.D. (IISc) Energy Planning, Modeling, Demand Side Management, Energy
Senior Scientific Officer Environment, and Applied Operations Research.


V.V.S. SARMA Knowledge-Based Systems, Decision Support Systems and Reliable Computing.
PARAMESHWAR P. IYER Systems engineering, Project management, Technology transfer and Management
Ph.D. (California) Information Systems.
Principal Research Scientist


The MBA programme is a two-year full time postgraduate course. The major objective of the program is to enable graduate
engineers to grow into competent, responsible and creative managers for technology-intensive global business.

Technology- intensive business organizations produce and market high technology products and/or services globally and
integrate all their business functions using information technology tools. These organizations require leaders who understand
the administrative and technological dimensions of modern business. Future managers should be able to foresee the forces
shaping the global business environment, assess threats and opportunities inherent in that environment, and chart a course of
“responsible progress” for their organization. The managers of the new millennium should be able to employ sophisticated
quantitative tools in analyzing, understanding, and directing business processes. At the same time, they should nurture and
value their innate intuitive skills, imagination, ability to empathize, and capacity to combine wisdom with the results of individual
observation and reflection. Our MBA programme is designed and implemented with this vision.

Programme Structure

The M.B.A programme comprises a total of 64 credits distributed as follows:

Hard Core Courses: 30 credits; Soft Core Courses: 9 credits; Electives: 15 credits; Projects: 10 credits. Courses that are
laboratory-based or activity-oriented are offered on a 2:1 basis, that is, two lectures per week and one three-hour laboratory or
activity per week.
The programme aims at building the following competencies:

ƒ Basic Competence: Quantitative Methods; Information Technology; Project Management; Personal Development and
Business Communication.
ƒ Understanding the Business Environment: Macro Economics; Indian and International Business Environment; Legal and
Patenting Aspects
ƒ Functional Areas: Marketing; Finance; Operations Management; Human Resource Management.
ƒ Specialization: Electives and Project Work.
ƒ Workspace skills: These are to be gained through industrial attachment during summer.

Management Projects: The students analyze management situations, and formulate and solve management problems.


Structure of the MBA Course Program

Course Credits Course Title Course Credits Course Title
No. No.
MG 201 2:0 Managerial Economics MG 204 2:0 Industrial Policy and
MG 211 3:0 Human Resource Management MG 243 2:0 International Marketing
MG 212 2:1 Behavioral Science MG 244 2:0 Services Marketing
MG 221 3:0 Managerial Statistics MG 253 3:0 Security Analysis and Portfolio
MG 223 3:0 Applied Operations Research MG 254 3:0 International Financial Systems
MG 231 2:1 Management Information Systems MG 255 3:0 Corporate Financial Strategy
MG 241 3:0 Marketing Management MG 256 3:0 Management Control Systems
MG 251 2:0 Accounting MG 258 3:0 Financial Instruments and Risk
MG 252 2:0 Financial Management MG 263 3:0 Dynamics of Business Systems
MG 261 3:0 Operations Management MG 264 2:0 Performance Analysis and
MG 291 2:0 Business Law MG 272 2:0 R & D Management
MG 292 0:1 Communication Skills for Manager MG 273 2:0 Management of Change
TOTAL 30:00 MG 274 2:0 Management of Intellectual
SOFTCORE MG 286 2:0 Project Management
MG 202 2:0 Macroeconomics MG 293 0:1 Communication Skills for
Personal and Professional
MG 213 2:0 Organizational Behavior MG 298 0:2 Entrepreneurship
MG 222 2:1 Data Modeling and Forecasting MG 301 3:0 Methodology of Management
MG 242 3:0 Strategic Management MG 311 2:0 Advanced Human Resource
MG 271 2:0 Technology Management MG 344 2:0 Marketing Research
E1 234 3:1 Supply Chain Management

Summer Placement: No credits. Every student is required to spend a minimum of eight weeks in an identified industry during
the summer break between the second and third semesters.

Project: MG 299 Management Project 0:10


The Institute has its own Placement Centre, which invites reputed national and multinational enterprises for campus recruitment.
The Centre also invites executives of industrial and R&D organizations to talk to our students on their personnel requirements.

Some of the prominent companies, where our students are placed are:

GE Capital Madura Garments Hughes Software

Quest Global OSRAM SAP Labs
Waltex Valliappa WIPRO Mindtree
CRISIL Price Waterhouse Coopers Thermax India
DiamlerChrysler Infosys I-flex
Ingersall Rand i2 Technologies Pharmarc
Ing-Vysya AMROP Geometric Systems Ltd.

Eligibility: BE / B.Tech. in any branch of Engineering or equivalent with at least a Second Class and a valid JMET Score.
Work experience is desirable but not compulsory. Candidates appearing for the final examination are also eligible to apply.

Program Fees:

The tuition fee per semester is Rs. 7,500/-.

This fee does not include admission fee, hostel expenses, caution deposits or other (medical, gymkhana etc.) charges. Mess
charges are paid separately as per actual expenses every month.

No Government of India Scholarship is available.

Batch Strength:

The ceiling strength of the MBA programme is 20.


15% seats for SC, 7.5% seats for ST and 3% Physically challenged (handicapped) candidates are reserved as per the
Government of India norms.



The following steps are required to be completed by the candidates interested in seeking admission to the IISc Bangalore
Master of Business Administration Programme.

A. JMET application procedure

Step 1: Obtain a JMET-2006 Information Brochure.

Step 2: Complete the JMET-2006 application form and send it to The Chairman-GATE, Indian Institute of Technology,
Bombay, Mumbai, 400076, as stipulated in the JMET-2006 Information Brochure.

website addresses).

B. Procedure for applying to IISc Bangalore for admission to MBA Programme

Step 3: Send your request for an Application Form on a plain paper, giving your name and JMET-2006 Registration number to
the Deputy Registrar (Admissions), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – 560 012. Request for an application form will be
entertained from December 20, 2005. Enclose a demand draft for Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) drawn in favour
of “The Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore” payable at Bangalore to your request.

The application form can also be downloaded from the website: www.iisc.ernet.in and sent along with the DD for the requisite

Step 4: Submit the Application Form, duly filled in and signed, to:

The Deputy Registrar (Admissions)

Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore – 560 012

Do not send this application to the IISc-GATE Office.

JANUARY 23, 2006. Please note that the Institute cannot be held responsible for late receipt of applications caused by postal
delay or any other reason.

Step 5: For any further information address your queries to:

The Chairman
Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore – 560 012
Email: [email protected]

You may also visit our Website at: www.mgmt.iisc.ernet.in


Only those candidates who have successfully qualified at JMET Examination, the results of which are expected to be
announced on January 6, 2006, will be eligible to apply. The application, duly filled in and signed, must be received by us latest
by January 23, 2006.

After receipt of applications, a shortlist will be prepared based on JMET 2006 rank. Final selection will be based on the
performance of the candidate in the different components of the admission process: JMET 2006 score, group discussion,
interview, academic record and work experience. Provisionally selected candidates will be intimated and will be required to
confirm their acceptance of the offer by paying caution deposit of Rs.5,000/-. This deposit will be adjusted against the fees at
the time of registration.

Please note that Group Discussion/Interviews will be conducted during third week of March 2006. Candidates short-listed for
GD/Interview will be intimated by registered post/courier during February 2006. Individual regret letters will not be sent to
applicants who are not called for GD/Interview.



The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay was established in 1958 as an institute of national importance by an enabling act of
the Indian Parliament. IIT Bombay was the second such institute to be established for providing leadership in education and
research with a focus on Technology and Science. Over a period of more than four decades, about 23,000 students have
graduated from the Institute with Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D. degrees. IIT Bombay has now established itself as a leading
institution for education and research in Engineering, Science, Social Sciences and Management.

The Institute can boast of one of the best locations in India with the Powai and Vihar Lakes in the vicinity of the campus, and
verdant hills in the neighborhood. The Institute is located in a 220 hectare green campus in the North-eastern suburbs of
Mumbai. The campus is a self-contained community with all day-to-day facilities in easy access. There are two banks, a post-
office and hospital. For the athletically inclined, the campus boasts of a swimming pool, tennis and badminton courts,
playgrounds for field games, and excellent hiking and biking trails amongst the surrounding hills and lakes.
Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management
Since its establishment in 1995, the Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management (SJMSOM) has emerged as one of the leading
th st
business schools in the country (ranked 10 overall, and 1 amongst new B-schools in the Business World – Cosmode survey,
September 2003; and 6 in the TNS – Business Barons’ survey of CEO’s in January 2004). The School has been generously
supported by ICICI Ltd, Hindustan Lever Ltd, Larsen and Toubro Ltd, Hindi Vidya Bhavan, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, and Dr. Shailesh J Mehta, who is a distinguished alumnus of IIT-Bombay, and in whose honor the School has
been named. Strong linkages with other academic units in IIT and industry, the School provides for a rich blend of perspectives
in management and technology. The School through its academic programmes, seeks to fulfill the growing and acute need
being felt by Indian organizations for managers equipped to deal with rapid technological change.
Academic Programmes
Academic Programmes at the Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management include:
• Postgraduate programme in management leading to the award of Master of Management degree.
• Doctoral programme in management leading to the award of Ph.D. degree.
• Management Development Programmes for working executives
Library & information resources
Students in SJMSOM have access to dedicated library and information resources in the School, and at IIT Bombay. These
resources include books, journals, company, market and economic information, CD-ROM databases, magazines and reports on
management and technology, and are comparable to the best in the country. Library holdings are fully computerized and the
library catalogue is accessible on line.

Online Databases Full-text electronic journal Library Collection Library Collection

databases (SJMSOM) (Central Library)
CMIE Prowess EMERALD Books: 5,300 Books: 2,02,250
Capitaline Elsevier Science Direct Electronic Journals: 10 Electronic Journals: 4,300
Indiastat ABI/Inform Printed Journals: 55 Printed Journals: 1,200
Business Beacon EBSCO

The School has two computing laboratories with over 150 networked high-end PC’s linked to Unix and Windows servers. In
addition, central computing facilities include high end HP, Sun and IBM servers. PhD students have dedicated work cubicles. All
computers are connected to the campus Gigabit Ethernet backbone. In addition there is a wireless Ethernet network throughout
the School building and classrooms, enabling students to access the network from all locations. Students & faculty in the
School have access to a range of business applications like SAS, SPSS, Lisrel, Visio, Visible Analyst, MS Project, ARENA –
OPTQUEST, Office productivity applications like MS Office one note, Microsoft Works etc. which run on Operating systems like
Windows -(Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server), Linux – (ES, Redhat linux, Fedora, Suse).
Databases like MS SQL Server, MySQL Server, Access are also available. The Institute has dedicated high-speed Internet
access, and all students are provided with e-mail accounts. The School also runs an Internet/Intranet web server.
Students are provided accommodation in the Institute hostels, with access to the Institute LAN from individual hostel rooms.
Support and Linkages
The School enjoys the generous support of a number of leading industries and organizations. Collaborative relationships exist
with the University of Connecticut, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt. of India; J L Kellogg Graduate
School of Management, Northwestern University; Qimpro College, Mumbai; Hoseo University, Korea, SISL and WIPO.
Master of Management Programme
The Master of Management (M.Mgt.) Programme is a two-year full time postgraduate course, targeted towards those who
believe that technology is a powerful vehicle for change and sustainable competitive advantage in the evolving global economic
order. The Programme is oriented towards the needs of contemporary businesses.
Programme Structure
Students take core courses in all functional areas of management including courses in Technology Management and
Manufacturing Management during the first two semesters. At the end of the first year, students are required to undertake an
eight-week summer project in an organization of their choice. In the third semester, students choose electives in their areas of
interest, in addition to core courses. In the final semester, the students take electives in their areas of interest, before


undertaking a three month long final project in an organization of their choice. Most of the courses (4-credit) in the School are
organized in a half semester fashion, thus allowing students to complete as many as ten courses in a semester. Students are
also allowed to pursue related courses from other departments in IIT Bombay.

Course Curriculum
(L = Lecture hours, T = Tutorial hours, P = Practical hours, C = Credits)

Year First Semester LTPC Second Semester LTPC

MG 603 Statistical Methods 2004 MG 611 Operations Management-I 2004
MG 615 Decision Models in Management 2004 MG 612 Operations Management – II 2004
Communication and Presentation
MG 651 2004 MG 616 Management of Human Resources 2004
MG 661 Financial Accounting & Control 2004 MG 625 Legal Aspects of Business 2004
F MG 663 Cost Accounting and Control 2004 MG 662 Financial Management – I 2004
I MG 664 Management Information Systems 2004 MG 673 Financial Management – II 2004
R MG 665 Managerial Economics 2004 MG 691 Introduction to Marketing 2004
Management of Information
S MG 666 2004 MG 692 Marketing Management 2004
T MG 667 Economic Environment and Policy 2004 MG 693 Management of Technology -I 2004
MG 771 Organisational Behavior 2004 MG 694 Management of Technology -II 2004
Total Credits 40 Total Credits 40
Summer Training
Year Third Semester LTPC Fourth Semester LTPC
E MG 655 Corporate Strategy 2004 MG 670 Leadership and Vision 2004
O Electives 34-36 Electives 34-36
D Total Credits 38-40 Total Credits 38-40
Minimum Credit Requirements for the Master of Management Programme = 156

Elective Courses

1. Technology and Operations Management

Course Course
Sr. No. Course Name LTPC Sr. No. Course Name LTPC
Number Number
1 MG 623 Quality Management 2004 8 MG 652 Maintenance Management 2004
2 MG 631 Innovation Management 2004 9 MG 654 Logistics and Supply Chain Management 2004
Technology Forecasting and Technology Evaluation, Negotiation and
3 MG 632 2004 10 MG 657 2004
Assessment Acquisition
4 MG 634 Project Management 2004 11 MG 659 World Class Manufacturing Systems 2004
Technology Systems, Environment and
5 MG 635 Manufacturing Strategy 2004 12 MG 669 2004
6 MG 640 Design Management 2004 13 MG 697 Service Operations Management 2004
7 MG 641 Materials Management

2. Finance and Accounting

Management of Financial
1 MG 643 2004 5 MG 679 Management Control Systems 2004
Public Investment Planning and Security Analysis and Portfolio
2 MG 658 2004 6 MG 682 2004
Pricing Management
Valuation, Mergers, Acquisitions
3 MG 676 2004 7 MG 775 Derivatives and Risk Management 2004
and Corporate Control
4 MG 677 Financial Engineering 2004

3. Marketing Management
Management of Sales and Distribution
1 MG 605 Brand Management 3006 6 MG 678 2004
2 MG 614 Industrial Marketing 2004 7 MG 702 Advertising and Media Management 2004
3 MG 630 Product Planning and Marketing 2004 8 MG 772 Customer Relationship Management 2004
4 MG 639 International Marketing 2004 9 MG 774 Services Marketing 2004
5 MG 648 Marketing Research 2004

4. Systems and IT
E Business Strategies and
1 MG 602 2004 5 MG 645 Systems Analysis and Design 2004
2 MG 604 Software Project Management 2004 6 MG 660 Business Process Reengineering 2004
3 MG 606 Business Data Systems 2004 7 MG 704 Knowledge Management 2004
4 MG 636 Intelligent Systems in Management 2004

5. Organization Behavior and Human Resource Management

1 MG 637 Management of Change 2004 3 MG 687 Business Entrepreneurship Development 3006
Systems Approach to Organizational
2 MG 644 2004 4 MG 813 Organization Theory 3006


6. International Business
1 MG 608 Managing Intellectual property 2004 4 MG 681 International Finance 2004
2 MG 656 Management of International Business 2004 5 MG 706 WTO and Indian Business 2004
Managing International Business and
3 MG 680 International Trade 2004 6 MG 695 3006

7. Quantitative Methods & Decision Sciences

1 MG 646 Systems Dynamics 2004 4 MG 689 Large Scale Optimization 3006
2 MG 653 Simulation of Business Systems 3006 5 MG 691 Multivariate Data Analysis 3006
Analysis and Modeling of Risk and
3 MG 685 Business Forecasting 2004 6 MG 811 3006

8. General Management/Entrepreneurship
1 MG 633 Management of New Ventures 2004 5 MG 683 Environmental Management 2004
2 MG 647 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3006 6 MG 687 Business Entrepreneurship Development 3006
3 MG 674 Managerial Effectiveness Skills 2004 7 MG 779 Indian Business in Transition 2004
4 MG 675 Strategic Transformation 2004

9. Project
MGP 601 Project Work 12 Credits

10. Institute Electives To Be Offered By Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management.

1 MG 614 Industrial Marketing 2004 5 MG 687 Business Entrepreneurship Development 3006
Managing International Business and
2 MG 637 Management of Change 2004 6 MG 695 3006
Systems Approach to Organization
3 MG 644 2004 7 *MG 696 Engineering Project Management 3006
4 MG 647 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3006

Elective courses in SJMSOM cover the complete range of specializations and areas within management. In addition students
can, and do, take courses from other departments in the institute, such as IE&OR, KReSIT, HSS and Industrial Design Center.
SJMSOM currently comprises of core faculty members, adjunct faculty members, associate faculty members from other
departments of IIT and guest faculty from the corporate sector.
Core Faculty
M.G. Korgaonker Ph.D., IIT Bombay; ICICI Chair Professor Ms. Karuna Jain, Ph.D., IIT Kharagpur; Professor
Anand Patwardhan, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, Gajendra Kumar Adil, Ph.D, University of Manitoba, Canada,
Professor CPIM, Associate Professor
Atanu Ghosh M.Tech, IIT Delhi, PGDM, IIM Ahmedabad, S.V.D. Nageswara Rao, Fellow, IIM, Ahmedabad, Associate
Associate Professor Professor
Sonjaya Singh Gaur, Ph.D., BITS Pilani, Assistant Professor S. Narayan Rao, Ph.D., IIT Madras, Associate Professor
Ms. Ujvala Rajadhyaksha, Fellow, IIM Ahmedabad, Ms. Usha Ananthakumar, Ph.D., IIT Bombay, Assistant
Associate Professor Professor
Shishir Kumar Jha, Ph.D., Syracuse University, Assistant S. Bhargava, Ph.D., Gujarat University, Professor
Ms. Meera Sharma, Ph.D., BITS Pilani, Assistant Professor R.M. Sonar, Ph.D., University of Pune, Assistant Professor
Sameer R. Rege, Ph.D, IGIDR Mumbai, Assitant Professor G.P.Samanta, Ph.D. (Economics), University of Mumbai;
M.Stat, ISI Calcutta, Associate Professor.

Adjunct Faculty
A.T. Kusre, GM, ICICI Bank S. Banerjee, Ph.D., IIT Bombay
H.E. Nagarwalla, Ph.D., IIT Bombay R.K. Lagu, Ph.D., University of Florida, Gainesville, USA

Distinguished Guest Professors

Jahar Saha, PhD, Case Western, ex-Director, Ashok Ganguly, Chairman, ICICI OneSource
IIM Ahmedabad
Eight batches of students have been placed in a range of private and public sector companies and multinational corporations.
The School has achieved 100% on campus placement so far. Placements are usually completed during a placement week in
the first week of January on campus. A student-led placement committee, supported by a faculty coordinator forms the
placement office, which explores career opportunities and facilitates placement of students.
This year, SJMSOM reached another milestone by placing its entire batch in eight hours on Day One (January 5 , 2005) of the
placements. 74 companies participated in the placement process. The batch of 52 people was given a total of 85 job offers,
approximately 1.64 job offers per student. This included the pre-placement offers to students as a result of their summer
internship with companies. Some of the regular recruiters are mentioned below:
ABN Amro Bank HCL Tecnologies Mahindra British Telecom
Accenture IBM SBI
Anand Group Idea Cellular SBI Caps
Ashok Leyland Iflex Symphony
AV Birla Group ING – Vysya Tata International Ltd
Avalon consulting Godrej & Boyce Mphasis
Bennett and Coleman Godrej Industries Ltd Nicholas Piramal


Bharti Televentures HCL Perot Oracle SSI

Birla Management Consultancy HDFC Bank Patni Computer Systems Ltd
BPCL Hero Honda Pepsi Foods
Cadburys (I) Ltd HLL Philips
Castrol HPCL Providian Financial
Citibank i2 Technologies PWH
Compsoft ICI Paints Ranbaxy
Cummins India Ltd. ICICI Bank SAP India Pvt.Ltd.
Datamatics Technosoft Ltd. ICICI Infotech Satyam Computers Ltd.
DHL Worldwide Express ICICI Prudential SISL
Eclerx IDBI Bank Stallion
Edelweiss Capital Ltd Infosys Tata Consultancy Services
Elbee Ingersoll Rand Tata Motors
Ernst & Young Kotak Mahindra Tata Strategic Management group
Evalueserve J.P.Morganchase TVS Electronics
GE Capital KPMG Trinity Corporation
GECIS Lafarge Vyasa Bank
Geometric Software Solutions Co. Ltd. Bristlecone WIPRO Technologies
Glaxo Smithkline Marico Zensar Technologies
Global Telesystems Mckinsey Knowledge Centre
Selection to the Master of Management Programme is based on criteria such as the candidate’s academic record, work
experience, performance in JMET, group discussion and interview.
A First Class degree (Min. 60% aggregate / Min. CPI of 6.5/10), in either Engineering (Bachelor's degree or equivalent) or
Postgraduate degree in Science. While work experience is desirable, candidates without work experience can apply.
Candidates appearing for the final degree examination can also apply. Such candidates, if selected, will be admitted
provisionally, provided they complete all requirements for the qualifying degree at the time of joining the course.
The approximate per semester fee is: Rs.45670/-. This fee includes tuition, hostel charges and other charges (medical,
gymkhana etc.). Mess charges are paid separately by the students amounting to (approximately) Rs.2500 per month. In
addition to the above fees, students will have to pay a one-time admission fee (Rs.1425/-), and (refundable) institute, library and
hostel deposits (Rs.5000/-). The fee is subject to revision, from time to time. For International candidates fees may be as
decided by the Institute.
Financial Aid
A number of scholarships based on merit are awarded in the programme.
Application procedure
After qualifying in the JMET 2006 the following procedure is required to be completed by the candidates interested in seeking
admission to the Master of Management (M. Mgt.) Programme at IIT Bombay (International candidates may submit their GMAT
score in lieu of the test).

Step 1: Send your request on a plain paper asking for an Application Form along with a self-addressed stamped (Rs.7.00)
envelope (size 9” x 4”) to the Admissions Coordinator, Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management. The last date for
issue of application (a) by post is January 12, 2006, (b) at Shailesh J Mehta School of Management Office is January
19, 2006. The application form can also be downloaded from the website: www.som.iitb.ac.in w.e.f. December 20,
Step 2: Obtain a demand draft for Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST candidates) drawn in favour of “The Registrar, IIT Bombay”.
Fill in the details of this draft on the Application form as specified in the Application form.
Step 3: Send the Application form, dully filled in and signed, along with the requisite Demand Draft to the following address.
For any further details, write to:
Admissions Coordinator
Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai – 400 076
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.som.iitb.ac.in
Tel: (022) 2576 7781/82, Fax: (022) 2572 2872
Timing: 10.00 AM - 5.00 PM
Step 4: Short-listed candidates will be called for Group Discussion and Personal Interview.

Please note that Group Discussion/Interviews will be conducted during last week of February, 2006. Candidates short-listed for
GD/Interview will be intimated by registered post/courier during February 2006. Individual regret letters will not be sent to
applicants who are not called for GD/Interview.



Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi is one of the premier teaching, research and consulting institutions in India. The
Institute has established itself as a world-class teaching and research institution, and is involved in extensive work in terms of
consulting, training programmes and other related work for the industry. The alumni of the Institute hold, inter-alia, top
management positions in the best of Indian as well as multinational companies, both in India and abroad. Besides the
professional achievements, IIT Delhi provides the ideal setting and background conducive to higher learning. The research
contribution of the Department is considered as one of the best in the country. It has now taken a quantum leap by launching a
quarterly International journal – Journal of Advances in Management Research. Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi,
is ranked among the Top 10 B-Schools in the country consecutively for the past four years as per the survey conducted by
AIMA in association with The Business Standard and a leading market Research Agency, IMRB. The Department provides
excellent environment to the students to hone up various skills. Student team of DMS bagged second prize in IBM's Great
Minds Challenge 2003 - national level project contest featuring more than 100 colleges. The Department has been able to
attract the leading firms of all sectors to take part in the campus recruitment. For last three years, all students were placed in
very reputed firms. This year full placement was achieved on the very first day of the placement week.

About MBA Programme

The Post-graduate Programme in Management at IIT Delhi has existed for over two decades and has carved a niche for itself.
In response to the feedback from the students, alumni and industry, the Department of Management Studies, updated the
following two programs:

MBA (Full Time) with Focus on Management Systems (60 seats)

With the unique features of systems orientation and a blend of creativity and analytical problem-solving skills, MBA with focus on
“Management Systems” is aimed to develop holistic managers who internalize a synthesis of conventional and modern
management thinking and who can comfortably adapt to changing business requirements. This programme is comprehensive in
nature, involving all the business functions-accounting, finance, operations, HR management, marketing, and business

MBA (Full-Time) with Focus on Telecommunication Systems Management (15 seats)

The emphasis of Telecommunications Systems Management provides a strong foundation in Telecom System Management to
become effective managers especially in the Telecom sector. This programme draws Telecom technology inputs from Bharti
School of Telecom Technology & Management (BSTTM) of IIT Delhi. Typical employers would be corporations, which provide
telecom networks, telecom service providers, and telecom equipment vendors. This programme is also comprehensive in
nature, involving all the business functions-accounting, finance, operations, HR management, marketing, and business


The candidates having the following qualifications are eligible to apply for admission to the MBA programme:

(i) Bachelor’s degree in any branch of Engineering/ Technology /Architecture/Pharmacy/B.Sc. Agriculture

Engineering (Minimum 4 years after 10+2)
(ii) Master’s degree in any branch of Physical/Chemical/Mathematical Sciences like Physics, Chemistry,
Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Application, Electronic Science, Environmental Science, Operations
Research, Computational/Information Science, Agriculture or Master’s Degree in Commerce/ Economics.

Those appearing in the final year examination may also apply. However, the candidates must finish their final qualifying
examination before the last date of registration, i.e. 31 July 2006 (exact date to be notified in admission letter). Minimum of
60% marks in aggregate (of all the years/semesters) or 6.75 CGPA on a 10 point scale or equivalent in the above mentioned
degree programmes are essential for admission. There is a relaxation of 5% in marks or equivalent in CGPA for SC/ST
candidates and as per Institute norms for PH category. Those having applied to IIT Delhi MBA programmes on qualifying the
JMET 2005 will be short listed and then invited for a group discussion and interview, which will be held at IIT Delhi.


Courses in MBA Programme

Core Modules Focus Module: Telecommunication SML846 Total Productivity Management
Systems Management SML849 Current and Emerging Issues in
Core Courses (3 credits each) Course Courses (3 credits each) Manufacturing Management
SML710 Creative Problem Solving MEL661 Materials Management
SML720 Business Environment and SML723 Telecommunication Systems MEL667 Group Technology and
Corporate Strategy Management Production Strategy
SML730 Organization Management SML726 Telecommunication Systems MEL783 Automation in Manufacturing
SML731 Human Resources Analysis Planning & Design
Management SML728 International Strategic Management (3 credits each)
SML740 Quantitative Methods in Telecommunications SML820 Global Business Environment
Management Management SML821 Strategic Management
SML745 Operations Management SML727 (EE767) Telecommunication SML822 International Business
SML760 Marketing Management Systems SML823 Strategic change and Flexibility
SML770 Managerial Accounting and SML824 Policy Dynamics and Learning
Financial Management Electives Telecommunications Organization
SML780 Managerial Economics Systems Management (3 credits each) SML825 Strategic in Functional
Compulsory Audit Courses Management
For candidates without adequate SML826 Business Ethics
background in Telecom Technology, SML829 Current and Emerging Issues in
(Equivalent to 1 credit each) an Audit prerequisite (Bridge course Strategic Management
SMP791 Computer Laboratory No. EEL882 “Introduction to Telecom
SMV793 Statistics for Management Systems” 3 credits) will be Organization Management
SML794 Communication Skills recommended on case-to-case basis. (3 credits each)
SMV795 Systems Thinking
SML830 Organizational Structure and
SMV895 Management Research Specialization Electives
Information Technology Management Processes
SML831 Management of Change
SMV896 Human Values in Management (3 credits each)
SML832 Managing Innovation for
Focus Module: Management Systems SML815 Decision Support and Expert
Organizational Effectiveness
SML833 Organizational Development
Core Courses (3 credits each) SML859 Current Emerging Issues in
SML835 Labour Legislation and Industrial
SML713 Information Systems Information Technology
Management Management
SML715 Quality and Environment SML850 Management of Information
SML839 Current and Emerging Issues in
Management Systems SML855 Electronic Commerce
Organization Management
SML716 Fundamentals of Management SML852 Network Systems: Application
HUL710 Personality Structure and
Systems and Management
SML717 Business System Analysis and SML853 Software Project Management
Public Sector Management
Design SML857 Database Management
(3 credits each)
Information Systems
SML881 Management of Public Sector
Electives (Management Systems) CSL768 Knowledge Bases System
Enterprises in India
(3 credits each) Design
SML889 Current and Emerging Issues in
SML714 Organizational Dynamics and
Finance Management ( 3 Credits each) Public Sector Management
SML811 Management Control Systems SML870 Advanced Financial
Management Consultancy Management
SML812 Flexible Management Systems
SML871 Accounting for Decision Making (3 credits each)
SML813 Systems Methodology for
SML872 Working Capital Management SML897 Consultancy process and Skill
SML873 Security Analysis and Portfolio SML898 Consultancy and Professional
SML815 Decision Support and Expert
Management Practices
SML874 Indian Financial System SML833 Organizational Development
SML819 Business Process Re-
SML875 International Financial SML845 Total Project Systems
Management Management
SML879 Current and Emerging Issues in SML822 International Business
Focus Module: Technology
Finance SML895 Current and emerging issues in
Consultancy Management
Marketing Management
Core Courses (3 credits each) (3 credits each) Open Electives (3 credits each)
SML700 Fundamentals of Management
SML734 Management of Small Scale
of Technology SML861 Market Research Industrial Enterprises
SML701 Strategic Technology SML862 Product Management SML783 Management Laboratory
Management SML863 Advertising and Sales SML816 Total Quality Management
SML702 Management of Innovation and Promotion Management SML817 Management of System Waste
R&D SML864 Distribution Management SML818 Industrial Waste Management
SML703 Management of Technology SML865 Sales Management SML887 Business Law
Transfer And Absorption SML866 International Marketing (Open slot to float new course)
SML704 Science & Technology Policy SML867 Industrial Marketing HUL762 Industrial Economics
Systems Management HUL738 International Economics
SML869 Current and Emerging Issues in CSL740 Software Engineering
Electives (Technology Management) Marketing Management CSL820 Computer Networks
(3 credits each)
SML704 Science and Technology Policy Manufacturing Management
Systems (3 credits each) Project
SML801 Technology Forecasting and SML840 Manufacturing Strategy SM792 Minor Project (3 credits only for
Assessment SML843 Supply Chain Logistics TTM)
SML802 Management of Intellectual Management SM890 Project (6 credits)
Property Rights SML844 Systems Reliability, Safety and SM893 Industrial Training
SML804 Technical Entrepreneurship Maintenance Management SM894 Seminar
SML845 Total Project Systems

All core and elective courses are of 3 credits each, whereas the compulsory audit courses are of 1 credit each


Course Fee Structure

Following is the fee structure and payment schedule for the MBA programme (The institute has right to revise this):

Tuition fee of Rs.25,000 per candidate per semester for first four semesters. For International students the fee is US $6,000
per semester for four semesters. (Hostel and mess fee will be separate).

The Break-up of fee

At the time of joining Every subsequent semester
Tuition fee Rs. 25,000 Tuition fee Rs. 25,000
One time fee Rs. 1,200 Semester Fee Rs. 1,285
Semester Fee Rs. 1,285 Others Rs. 500
Refundable Security Deposit Rs. 2,000 Total Rs. 26,785
Alumni Assoc Fee (life) Rs. 1,000
Total Rs. 30,485

Hostel fee, cost of books/course material, placement fee etc are additional as applicable. (Hostel fee will consist of room rent of
Rs.1,000 per month plus electricity and mess charges.)

Faculty Profile
Surendra S Yadav (Ph.D.)
Professor and Head
Operations Management Group: Finance & Investment Group: Entrepreneurship Group

Banwet, D.K. (Ph.D., IIT/D) Yadav, Surendra S.(Ph.D., Paris) Jain, S.K. (Ph.D., IIT/K)
Dalmia Chair Professor. Group Chair Professor, & Group Chair Associate Professor & Group Chair
Operations Mgt, Operations Research, International Finance, General Mgt, Managerial Economics, Marketing
Manufacturing Strategy & Tech Mgt , Finance, International Business Management IPR.
TQM, Supply Chain Management.
Jain, P.K. (Ph.D., IIT/D) Gautam, Vinayshil (Ph.D.)
Shankar, R. (Ph.D., IIT/D) Modi Chair Professor Chaudhry,Harish (PGDBM,IIM/B)
Associate Professor Financial Mgt, Mgt and Cost Accounting,
Operations Mgt, Manufacturing Development Banking. Marketing Management Group
Systems, ERP, Optimization, Supply
Chain and IT Mgt Iyer K.Chandrashekhar (Ph.D., IIT/D) Baisya Rajat K. (Ph.D.),
Associate Professor Professor & Group Chair
Iyer K.Chandrashekhar(Ph.D., IIT/K) Project Management, Legal aspects, Marketing Mgt, Strategic Mgt
Financial Mgt
Strategic Management Group Sushil (Ph.D.,IIT/D) Chaudhry,Harish (PGDBM,IIM/B)
Gupta, M.P. (Ph.D., IIT/D) Assistant Professor
Momaya, K. (Ph.D., Toronto)
Associate Professor & Group Chair Entrepreneurship, Marketing Mgt
International Competitiveness,
Technology Mgt, Project Mgt. Organization Management Group Sectoral Group

Sushil (Ph.D.,IIT/D) Bhal, Kanika T.(Ms.) Ph.D., IIT/K) Shankar, R. (Ph.D., IIT/D)
Professor Associate Professor & Group Chair Associate Professor & Group Chair
Strategic Mgt, Flexible Systems Mgt, Ethics in Mgt, Organization Culture, and Operations Mgt, Manufacturing
Tech. Mgt HRM Systems, ERP, Optimization,
Supply Chain and IT Mgt
Baisya Rajat K. (Ph.D ) Gautam, Vinayshil (Ph.D.) FRAS
Bhal K. T. (Ph. D/IITK) (London) Gautam, Vinayshil (Ph.D.)
Gupta, M.P. (Ph.D., IIT/D) Professor,Organization Mgt, Behavior Banwet, D.K. (Ph.D., IIT/D)
Yadav, Surendra S.(Ph.D., Paris) and Development, Human Resource Sushil (Ph.D.,IIT/D)
Development, Entrepreneurship Momaya, K. (Ph.D., Toronto)

Information Systems Group

Gupta, M.P. (Ph.D., IIT/D)

Associate Professor & Group Chair
IT Management, E-commerce/E-
business, Business Intelligence

Banwet, D.K. (Ph.D., IIT/D)

Shankar, R. (Ph.D., IIT/D)
Send the completed application form to For any other enquiry
Assistant Registrar (PG) MBA Programme Coordinator
MBA Programme Department of Management Studies,
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Vishwakarma Bhavan,
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Contact Numbers: Telephone: 011 26591171 FAX : 011-26862620



After qualifying in the JMET 2006 the following procedure is required to be completed by the candidates interested in seeking
admission to the Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme of IIT Delhi.

Step 1: Send your request on a plain paper asking for an Application Form along with Self-addressed stamped (Rs.7.00)
envelope (Size 9’”x4” ) to the Assistant Registrar (PG) Section, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas,
New Delhi-110016. The application form can also be downloaded from the Website: www.iitd.ac.in

Step 2: Obtain a demand draft for Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) made in favour of “Registrar IIT Delhi”
payable at New Delhi. Fill in the details of this draft on the Application Form as specified.

Step 3: Send the Application Form, duly filled in and signed, along with the requisite demand draft to:

The Assistant Registrar (PG)

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016.

Do not send this application to the GATE Office. Also, if you are sending applications to more than one participating
Institute of the JMET, make sure you send the correct form and demand draft to the correct Institute.

Step 4: If you have any other questions, please send them to:

The Assistant Registrar (PG)

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016

by Fax 11-26582037, 11-26582277. You may telephone at 11-26591723, 11-26591737. You may also like to visit us at Institute
website: www.iitd.ac.in


Please note that Group Discussion/Interviews will be conducted during February, 2006. Candidates short-listed for
GD/Interview will be intimated by registered post/courier. Individual regret letters will not be sent to applicants who are not
called for GD/Interview.



Globally accepted as a vibrant seat of academic and professional excellence, IIT Kanpur is known for its innovative approaches,
participative culture, and academic rigour. It is recognized as a world class teaching and research institution in technology,
science, and interdisciplinary programs.

THE MBA PROGRAM : A Collective Endeavor of IIT Kanpur

This MBA program addresses the emergent complexion of how business is managed, in the context of remarkable changes of
the last three decades. The rising complexity of the marketplace, a relentless pace of competition through newer technologies,
increased globalisation of business operations, declining barriers to trade, and unprecedented changes in the information and
communication technologies have all made a technologically-endowed MBA essential to the modern enterprise. True to its
tradition of innovation, IIT Kanpur introduced its two-year MBA (Master of Business Administration) program. This program aims
at creating business leaders and entrepreneurs by taking advantage of its strengths in technology, computing, & social science.
The IIT Kanpur MBA has accordingly been crafted to build on the technological strengths and the strong base in humanities &
social sciences existing in the Institute.


The IIT Kanpur MBA program comprises six distinct aspects.

¾ Twelve foundation courses are compulsory for all students. These cover the basic skills and knowledge required of any
business manager in the contemporary world.
¾ The student spends the following summer to complete a management project in an intern manager's role pre-arranged
by the institute at a host enterprise.
¾ The 2 year opens up the program to specialization and elective courses. Students have a choice of six specialization
courses focussed either on Manufacturing or Service sector.
¾ A wide choice of electives is also offered to the students in 2 year, in order to broaden their areas of familiarity.
Electives are offered in Marketing, finance, IT & Systems, Operations and in General Management.
¾ Students are also required to do a Special Study or Project in each semester of 2 year
¾ Concurrently, the student attends a series of departmental seminars and participates in discussions and critiques - a
compulsory part of the program.


First Semester Second Semester

MBA 601: Accounting for Management MBA 631: Marketing Mgmt

MBA 611: Organization Structure and Behaviour MBA 607: Financial Mgmt
MBA 606: Economic Analysis for Mgmt MBA 661: Production/Operations Mgmt
MBA 651: Quantitative Methods MBA 616: Human Resource Mgmt
MBA 641: Computing for Management MBA 617: Social, Political & Legal
MBA 621: Managerial Communication Environment of Business
Specialization I
MBA 698: Management Seminars MBA 698: Management Seminars

MBA 697: Summer Project

Third Semester Fourth Semester

MBA 623: Strategic Management Elective III

Elective I Elective IV
Elective II Specialization IV
Specialization II Specialization V
Specialization III Specialization VI
MBA 699: Special Studies/Project MBA 699: Special Studies/Project
MBA 698: Management Seminars MBA 698: Management Seminars

Specialization Courses
MBA 663: Total Quality Management MBA 633: Marketing Research
MBA 675: Infrastructure Regulation, Policy, MBA 671: Managing Service Operations
& Finance MBA 664: Supply Chain Mgmt
MBA 665: Manufacturing Planning and Control MBA 672: Advanced Manufacturing Systems
MBA 626: Management of Technology MBA622 : Manufacturing Policy
MBA 635 Marketing of Services MBA 613: Organizing for Services


Elective Courses

(This list of elective courses is only indicative . Some of them may not be offered or available for a batch ).

Knowledge Strategies & Knowledge Systems Measuring & Driving Corporate Performance
Corporate Innovation & Entrepreneurship Managing Change in Organizations
Project Management Management of High Technology
E-Marketing International Business
Advertising and Marketing Strategy Business to Business Marketing
Consumer Behaviour Enterprise Integration with IT
Management Information Systems Software Project management
Data Base Management Systems Simulation of Business Systems
Security Analysis, Derivatives, Portfolio Mgmt Project Finance and Management
Financial Intermediaries, Financial Institutions, & Regulators
Risk Management in Financial Systems

Courses of other Department ‘s: Students can also take courses from other departments of the Institute as electives.


The Department is equipped with state-of-art facilities for computational support. The system optimization laboratory provides
computational support both for teaching and for research. It includes Pentiums and workstations connected to form a Local
Area Network, and to access the IIT-K computing facilities and Internet. The Department also has audio-visual aids, games and
other state of the art material to supplement understanding of various fields of management. It also operates a management
library in the Department which carries the various business news papers, magazines, periodicals etc. related to management.


The central library of the Institute (recently renamed after dedicating it to the founder Director Prof. P K Kelkar) with a collection
of more than four lakh volumes and subscription to more than 1800 periodicals is one of the best in the country. Most of the
library functions are fully computerized and access is available on network. Library also subscribes to a large number of
electronic resources.


IIT Kanpur is a residential campus and students are required to stay on campus. There are eight halls of residences for the male
students and one for female students. Networking facilities have now reached the desks of students in their rooms in the halls. A
few single bed room apartments for married students are also available and are allocated on the basis of seniority of the


Students of MBA program are required to pay tuition fee of Rs.17500/- per Semester. In addition the student has to pay other
fees and charges which include hostel room rent, electricity charges, Gymkhana fees etc. which are likely to be approximately
Rs.8000/- per Semester. Mess charges are payable on actual. SC/ST students are exempted from paying tuition fee but are
required to pay other fees. Foreign and Non Resident Indians are required to pay tuition fee of US$6,000 per semester.


A Bachelor's degree in any branch of engineering or technology (AICTE approved) from a University/Institute with at least 60%
of marks or grade point average of 6.0 on a scale of 10.0 in aggregate based on average over whole program. AMIE or similar
distance learning qualification are not eligible for this program. Candidates with Architecture degree can apply provided they
have taken Mathematics at 10+2 level.
Candidates will be selected on the basis of nationally-administered JMET, a group discussion and a personal interview.
Candidates from outside India (foreign nationals and non-resident Indians) will be selected on the basis of academic
background and work experience.

Concession for SC/ST Candidates/Physically Handicapped

In this program 15% seats are reserved for SC candidates and 7.5% seats for ST candidates. Such candidates who have
passed the above stated qualifying degree are eligible to apply irrespective of marks/grade point average but should satisfy the
eligibility requirement of qualifying in JMET. However, while considering their cases only their suitability for the program is
ensured and they are not compared with the candidates belonging to other categories. 3% Seats are reserved for physically
handicapped persons.



Tapan P Bagchi, Ph D (Toronto) (on Leave)

MIS/DSS, Quality Management, Scheduling.
Veena Bansal, Ph D (IIT Kanpur)
Information Technology, Document Processing.
Jayanta Chaterjee, Ph D (IIT Delhi)
Knowledge Management, Entrepreneurship, Service Management
Ashok K Mittal, Ph D (Case Western)
Operations Research, Operations Management, TQM, IPR.
Kripa Shanker, Ph D (Cornell) Head of the Department
Operations Management, CIMS, Quantitative Decision Modeling.
RRK Sharma, Fellow in Management (IIM Ahmedabad)
Quantitative Methods, Manufacturing Policy
Arun P Sinha, Fellow in Management (IIM Ahmedabad)
Strategic Management, International Business, Service Marketing.
Sanjeev Swami, Ph D (University of British Columbia)
Quantitative Models in Marketing , Strategic Marketing, E- Marketing.
Rahul Varman, Fellow in Management (IIM Ahmedabad)
Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, Organizational Behaviour.
Rohit Varman, PhD (Univ. of UTAH )
Consumer Behaviour, International Marketing, Social Marketing
Anoop singh , PhD ( IGIDR, Mumbai)
Infrastructure Finance & Regulation , Energy & Environment, Managerial Economics
R.N. Sengupta , Fellow in Management ( IIM Calcutta)
Computational finance, Risk Management, Operations Management
P. Ramachandran, Ph.D ( Okalhama State )
Yield Management, Operations Research
N K Sharma Ph.D ( Delhi)
Cognitive Processes, Consumer Behaviour.
Piyush Mehta, Fellow in Management (IIM Ahmedabad)
Operations management, Quantitative Methods

Faculty from other departments of IITK/ Adjunct/Guest Faculty

A K Sharma Ph.D (IIT Bombay)

Social Systems
G K Agarwal, Fellow ofChartered Accountant, Company Secretary, Cost & works Accts
Corporate Finance , Financial Intermediaries
Dipankar Ganguli, Chartered Accountant
Corporate law & Taxation


Preserving its park-like mettle in the cradle of the Gangetic plains, IIT Kanpur is now home to 3000 undergraduate and
postgraduate students and a 300-strong faculty. The Institute has a modern library and state-of-art computing facilities. A self-
contained community, it has its own shopping complex, two banks, a hospital, four schools, a new auditorium, and a swimming
pool. Some can be found to have developed colossal fascination with peacocks, migrating birds and greenery on the campus.


Institute has a placement office to facilitate placement of students. Students from the graduating batches have been fully placed.



After qualifying in the JMET 2006 the following procedure is required to be completed by the candidates interested in seeking
admission to the Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme of IIT Kanpur.

Step 1: Qualified candidates can download the application form from www.iitk.ac.in/ime and send it to, Convener DPGC IME
Department IIT Kanpur 208016 along with a DD of Rs 500/- ( Rs 250/- for SC/ ST) payable to Registrar IIT Kanpur at
Kanpur. Last date of receiving application at IITK is January 23,2006.

Step 2: Shortlisted candidates will be called for GD/Interview at Kanpur.


For any further information about the MBA program of IIT Kanpur, contact:

Head, Industrial & Management Department

IIT Kanpur, Kanpur - 208 016
Tel: 512-2597376/2597172 Fax:2 597553/2590260
Email: [email protected]
Homepage www.iitk.ac.in./ime



IIT Kharagpur was the first of the IITs and remains the largest and the most diversified. The Institute has come a long way
since its inception in 1951 to its present position of preeminence with 18 academic departments, 8 multidisciplinary centres,
4 schools and sophisticated central facilities. Currently, there are about 460 faculty members, 1400 employees and 3500
students on campus.


The Vinod Gupta School of Management (VGSOM) at IIT Kharagpur was established in 1993, and was the first
management science faculty set up within the IIT system. It was founded by a distinguished alumnus of the Institute, Mr.
Vinod Gupta, whose generous endowment was matched by liberal support from the Government of India. It was felt that
IIT Kharagpur could play a pioneering role in creating management schools within the IIT system and offer unique
programmes that would develop managers who would be able to understand and appreciate both the critical technology
related issues and their managerial implications. This original and pioneering concept has now been vindicated by the
setting up of management schools/departments in all IITs except one.


• Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme

• Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGDBA) Programme
• Doctoral Programme
• Management Development Programmes
• Industrial Consultancy and Research

Semester - I: 25 credits (July – November) - Quantitative Methods for Management, Production & Operations Management,
Economics for Management–1, Marketing Management, Managerial Accounting & Control, Financial Management, Individual
and Group Behaviour in Organisation, Organization Structure and Dynamics, Oral Business Communication, Software

Semester - II: 24 credits (January - April) - Statistical Methods for Management, Management of International Business,
Economics for Management-II, Marketing of Industrial and High Tech Products, IT and Management Information Systems,
Strategic Management, Management of HR and Industrial Relations, Business German / French/ Japanese (any one), Written
Business Communication, MIS Laboratory.

Summer Internship: 3 credits (May - July)

Semester - III: 17 / 19 credits (July – November) -Dissertation Project (17 credits, out of which third semester will carry 7
credits and fourth semester will carry 10 credits) Or

Combination of Electives and 1 Field Application Course (FAC) of 4 credits under VGSOM Faculty Members
Semester - IV: 20/22 credits (January - April) - Business Values and Ethics, Leadership, Creating and Managing New
Ventures, Strategic & Operational Mgmt. of Technology, Legal Aspects of Business, PLUS
Electives (Total 5 Nos.)

The School has highly qualified faculty members in the areas of Finance, Economics, Operations and Production Management,
Marketing, Information Systems, Strategic Management and International Management. In addition, faculty resources from
other departments of the Institute are normally drawn upon for particular specializations. Distinguished visiting scholars and
speakers from industry are invited to address the students. The faculty of the School is engaged in teaching in the MBA,
PGDBA and doctoral programmes, research and consultancy assignments, case development and developing and offering
short-term courses for practicing executives.

Faculty of Vinod Gupta School of Management

• Chakraborty, Debjani, B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc., Ph.D (IIT Kharagpur)
• Datta, Biplab, B.Arch., M.B.E.M., Ph.D. (IIT Delhi)
• De, Sadhan K., B.Tech., M.Tech., M.Sc.(Techy.)(Loughborough), Ph.D. (Manchester)


• Guin, Kalyan Kumar, B.Tech, Fellow (IIM Bangalore)

• Gupta, Probir K., B.Tech. (IIT Kharagpur)
• Mukhopadhyay, Sipra, B.Tech., Fellow (IIM Kolkata)
• Rajib, Prabina , MBM, Ph.D.(IIT Kharagpur)
• Sinha, Gautam, B.Tech.(Prod), M.Tech.(IE & M), PhD (IIT Kharagpur)
• Srinivasan, S., B.E. M.Tech, Ph.D (IIT Kharagpur)

Associated Faculty
• Banerjee, Rabindra Nath, B.Tech (Hons.), M.Sc, PGDM (Edinburgh)
• Basu, P., M.A.(Economics), Ph.D. (Calcutta Univ)
• Chakraborti, Chhanda, M.A.(Philosophy), Ph.D. (Univ. of Utah, USA)
• Chatterjee, Bani, M.A., Ph.D (BHU)
• Chatterjee, Suhita Chopra, M.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (IIT Bombay)
• Dasgupta, Pallab, B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D (IIT Kharagpur)
• Faruqui, M. A., B.Sc.(Engg.Hon.), M.Tech., Ph.D(IIT Kharagpur)
• Giri, V. N., M.A. (German, BHU), German Literature and Language, Interpersonal Communication
• Kumar, C. S., B.Tech, Ph.D (IIT Kharagpur)
• Mahanty, Biswajit, B.Tech (Hons), M.Tech, Ph.D (IIT Kharagpur)
• Mohapatra, P. K. J., B.E., M.E., Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur)
• Nayak, N. C., M.A. (Economics), M.Phil.(Utkal Univ), Ph.D. (Utkal Univ)
• Patnaik, P., M.A.(English), Ph.D. (Utkal Univ)
• Ray, Pradip Kumar, B.E. (Mech), M.Tech, PGDDM (IIMM), Ph.D (IIT Kharagpur)
• Roy, Anjali, M.A.(English), Ph.D (IIT Bombay)
• Sahu, Sadananda, B.Sc (Engg.), M.Tech, PGDIM (Delft, Netherlands), Ph.D (IIT, Kharagpur)
• Shandilya, B. P., M.A., Dip in German (Munich), Dip in Russian, Ph.D (IIT Kharagpur)
• Sharan, M. B., M.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (Patna University)
• Srivastava, K. B. L., M.A., Ph.D (Allahabad)
• Suar, Damodar, M.A. (Psychology),Ph.D (IIT Kharagpur)
• Tiwari, H. R., M.A. (Sociology), P.G. Dip. USD, P.G. Dip INDP., M.S.(Hague), Ph.D (IIT Kharagpur)
• Vizayakumar, Karumanchi, B.E., M.Tech, Ph.D (IIT Kharagpur)


A candidate who has either secured or is likely to secure a first class Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology or a first
class Master’s degree in Science (with Mathematics or Statistics at Bachelor’s level) or a first class Master’s degree in
Economics or Commerce (with Mathematics or Statistics at Bachelor’s level) is eligible for admission. Selection is based strictly
on performance in JMET, followed by group discussion and personal interview with the Selection Board. Post qualification work
experience in industrial organizations will be given due weightage. The School follows Government of India norms regarding
reservation of seats for qualified Scheduled Caste/Tribe and Physically Handicapped candidates.


The School’s aim is to ensure that students individually as well as in a group can maximize their market value through learning
and skill-development. The Institute has its own placement office, which helps in placement. In addition, the School has a
Career Development and Placement Committee headed by a faculty member of the School which makes special efforts for
Summer Project, Dissertation Project and Final Placement. The School’s graduates have been placed in reputed organizations
in India and abroad, e.g. Price Waterhouse Coopers, A. F. Fergusons, HCL Infosysems Ltd., Mahindra British Telecom, Polaris,
Birla Management Services, Cambridge Technology Partners, Citicorp, GE Capital, Bombay Stock Exchange, BOC, TCS and
many others. Also the School has collaboration with U.S. Universities for placement of students for Summer and Dissertation



Fees for the total MBA programme of four semesters cover tuition fee, room rent, part of the teaching materials, library and
computer facilities and other institutional fees. The current fees are Rs. 45,000/- per semester, which may be enhanced to
Rs.50,000/-. An amount of Rs. 3,700/- will also be charged towards “Hostel Overhead Charges” in every semester. Expenses
on account of mess charges are extra. A refundable “caution” deposit is also charged.

Every student admitted to the MBA Programme is given a single room in Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma Block of the Pandit Madan
Mohan Malviya Hall of Residence, which has all modern amenities and is meant exclusively for MBA students.


Computing Facilities
The School has two dedicated computer laboratories which have Pentium PCs, Windows NT Pentium Pro server, dual Intel
Pentium II server, Silicon Graphics O2 Workstation and IBM AS 400e machine. Printers are connected with all machines
through VGSOM LAN. Latest software and Databases are supported on these machines and LAN. The school is connected with
the Institute through an ATM LAN, which is connected to Internet with 2MBPS bandwidth line.

VGSOM Library
The School’s MBA students have access to both the Main Library of IIT Kharagpur, the largest technical library in India, and the
School’s own Library. The school subscribes to CMIE database, various national and international journals and newspapers,
increasingly which are turning on-line.

Sports and Recreation

Technology Film Society: The society runs film shows for the IIT fraternity during weekends in the Netaji Auditorium.
Technology Students’ Gymkhana: The Technology Students’ Gymkhana provides various outdoor and indoor sports facilities
and offers memberships to all kinds of clubs from tennis to basketball. Our Spring Festival is organized as an extravaganza
during the month of January every year.
Technology Aquatic Society: An international standard swimming pool functions under the aegis of the society.
The above facilities are only for the residential MBA students at IIT Kharagpur campus.

Health and Miscellaneous

B. C. Roy Technology Hospital It has the facility to treat the patients as IN as well as OUT patients. Students can avail medical
facilities for themselves by producing their identity cards.
Guest Houses: The institute maintains a number of guesthouses in the campus.
The above facilities are only for the MBA students resident at IIT Kharagpur campus.

After qualifying in the JMET 2006, the candidates seeking admission to the MBA Programme at VGSOM must complete the
following procedure :

Step 1: Send your request on a plain paper to the Senior Manager (Administration & Projects), Vinod Gupta School of
Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur – 721302, asking for an Application Form. Request for an application
form will be entertained as soon as JMET results are declared.
The application form can also be downloaded from the website:
http://vgsom.iitkgp.ernet.in or www.iitkgp.ernet.in/vgsom .

Step 2: Obtain a demand draft for Rs. 700/- (Rs. 350/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) made in favour of “VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur”
payable at Kharagpur . Fill in the details of this draft on the Application Form as specified.

Step 3: Send the Application Form, duly filled in and signed, along with the requisite demand draft to:

The Admission Coordinator,

Vinod Gupta School of Management,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Kharagpur - 721 302.

Do not send this application to the GATE Office. The last date for the school to receive your duly filled application
form is January 23, 2006. If you have any other questions, you may contact Admission Coordinator by Fax: (03222)
283874 / 255303, Email : [email protected] and Phone (03222) 282295 / 282224 / 283870.
You may also like to visit us at http://vgsom.iitkgp.ernet.in or www.iitkgp.ernet.in/vgsom.


Only those candidates who have successfully qualified at JMET examination, the result of which is expected to be
announced in the first week of January, 2006, will be eligible to apply. We must receive the application, duly filled in and signed
with demand draft, latest by 23 January, 2006.

After receipt of applications, candidates will be called for Group Discussion and Personal Interview according to a shortlist
prepared for this purpose.

The sanctioned strength of VGSOM is 120.

Please note that Group Discussion (GD) / Personal Interviews (PI) will be conducted during March 3-6, 2006. Candidates
shortlisted for GD/PI will be intimated by registered post/courier during February 2006. Individual regret letters will not be sent
to applicants who are not called for GD/PI.



The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) is recognized worldwide for its excellence in teaching, research, industrial
consultancy and intellectual services rendered. It has state-of-the-art, fully accessible infrastructure (library, computer center,
hostels, recreation facilities) and a vibrant academic environment to nurture and inspire its young, brilliant student community.
The alumni of the Institute have excelled professionally and have earned all-round acclaim for their outstanding achievements
and leadership qualities.

Given India’s socio-economic vision and the thrust to promote our products and services into the heart of global competition,
there is an obvious need for top quality managerial talent. While we have fine institutions producing excellent managerial talent,
there is a strong need for more fine institutions and excellent managers.

The Department of Management Studies

The Institute has offered post-graduate education and research programmes in Management for well over three decades. The
Department of Management Studies (DoMS) now continues with the excellent legacy of the earlier programmes. Its
internationally renowned full-time and visiting faculty form an eclectic mix of rich academic expertise and industry experience, in
India and abroad, in a variety of areas in management including accounting, business models and systems, data and decision
analysis, finance, human resources, information technology, knowledge management, marketing, operations research,
organizational behaviour, operations, projects, public systems, strategy, supply chains, systems analysis, and total quality. The
Department houses a well-stocked library with adequate electronic access to a variety of learning resources located worldwide,
and has an enviable computing facility. The Department offers the MBA, MS (by research), MS (Entrepreneurship) and Ph D

The MBA Programme

The two-year, eight-quarter, full time MBA programme is uniquely structured and rigorous. Following an internationally proven,
optimal learning experience, students take only five/six courses per quarter lasting about eight weeks. This enables them to
engage in a variety of constructive activities including taking courses on audit, going on field visits, participating in various
management workshops and competitions, organizing special professional events, and working on live business projects. This
leads to intensive learning and strong analytical orientation. Each batch consists of about 50 carefully selected students and has
a balanced mix of age-groups, work experience, socio-cultural backgrounds, and gender. Our faculty members give
personalized attention and build a warm culture of group-work.

The programme consists of core courses dealing with business management concepts, analytical and quantitative
methodologies, tools and techniques, functional specializations, industrial and business domains, professional development,
and industrial/business projects. The curriculum is continuously reviewed and updated periodically. It includes unique,
professionally useful core and elective courses such as Systems Thinking and Applications, Supply Chain Management, Total
Quality Management, Project Management, Business Models, Industrial and Business Domains, Strategic Networking, and IT
Consulting. Professional Development Workshops (on business communications and presentations, negotiations, team work,
conflict resolution, ethics and values, leadership, emotional intelligence, information and work organization, time management,
personal finance, etiquette and yoga) are organized for training students to develop soft-skills.

The programme also offers specializations, through elective courses, in the areas of Business Consulting, Systems and
Information Technology, Operations, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources and Strategy. A unique feature of some
specializations is that there are courses designed and offered by leading business organizations through their senior executives.

Students also work for 8 to 10 weeks on Summer Projects in a variety of industrial and business organizations. This gives them
opportunities to blend their academic learning with practical problems and situations. A uniquely designed Comprehensive Viva
Voce is aimed at widening and strengthening students’ integrated grasp of business knowledge. During the second year, they
work on Industry Projects to demonstrate their ability to apply the knowledge and skills gained during the programme.

Full details about the programme, faculty, Institute, students, life on campus, activities, etc., can be obtained by visiting
www.doms.iitm.ac.in or www.iitm.ac.in.


Programme Structure (planned to be implemented from Academic Year 2005 – 2006)

Quarter I (July, August, September) Quarter II (October, November, December)

Macro Economics Macro Economics
Organizational Behavior Organizational Structure and Design
Financial Accounting Cost Accounting
Marketing Management I Marketing Management II
Data Analysis for Management Operations Research
Systems Thinking and Applications Business Communication Lab
Quarter III (January, February, March) Quarter IV (March, April, May)
Financial Management Human Resource Management
Marketing Management III Systems Analysis and Design
Operations Management Supply Chain Management
Management Information Systems Total Quality Management
Legal Aspects of Business Business Research Methodology
Professional Development Workshop
Summer Project (8 to 10 weeks, mid-May to mid/end-July)
Comprehensive Viva Voce
Quarter V (July, August, September) Quarter VI (October, November, December)
Strategic Management Project Management
Elective 1 Elective 5
Elective 2 Elective 6
Elective 3 Elective 7
Elective 4 Elective 8
Quarter VII (January, February, March) Quarter VIII (March, April, May)
Business Models Strategic Networking
Industrial and Business Domains Contemporary Issues in Management
Elective 9 Elective 12
Elective 10 Elective 13
Elective 11 Elective 14
Second Year Industry Project (including Three Reviews)


Students of the Classes of 2003, 2004 and 2005 are presently working for (or, through campus and external placements, have
been offered by) internationally and nationally reputed organizations, from a wide variety of business domains, including Asian
Paints, Avalon Consulting, Bajaj Allianz, Bajaj Tempo, Brakes India, Calsoft, CavinKare, Citibank, Covansys, Deep Blue
Consulting, Drivestream, e-Serve, Frost and Sullivan, GEA Systems, GECIS, Goodlass Nerolac, HCL Tech, HSBC, IBM, ICICI
Infotech, ICICI Lombard, IMS, Infosys, Ingersoll Rand, Kotak Mahindra, Lucas TVS, Ma Foi, McKinsey, MindTree, Oracle, Perot
Systems, Photon Infotech, Redington, Sherpa Business Solutions, Sify, Sundaram Finance, Synergy Login, TCS, Verizon,
Wipro, Xansa. A much larger set of companies including 3M, Coca Cola, AIG, Ajuba, AMP Sanmar, Ashok Leyland, BPCL,
Belden, Bharat Overseas Bank, Cognizant, Daimler Chrysler, EID Parry, Gillette, Glaxo Smithkline, HCL Tech, HDFC,
Hindustan Thompson, HSBC, Hyundai, LIC, MRF, O&M, Orchid, Prudential ICICI, Ramco, RBI, Satyam, Standard Chartered,
TAFE, and TVS Electronics have offered summer placements.

Many students of the Classes 2003 and 2004 have earned prizes, awards, honours and even promotions within their first year of
work in some of the above organizations! This fact bears ample testimony to the living and learning experiences they underwent
at MBA@IITM. They have served as fine examples of the programme’s operative principle, Quiet Excellence Demonstrated


The core faculty of the programme (mentioned in the table below) are highly qualified and have rich teaching, research and
consulting experience. Their research work frequently appears in reputed national and international journals, and is presented
at prestigious conferences. Several of them have served as members in national-level committees. They regularly interact with
business and other organizations/institutions for mutual benefit. The programme also uses the services of expert guest faculty
from industry, and visiting faculty from other specialised institutions. The Department’s faculty members collectively bring a
fine blend of methodological mastery, intellectual rigour, business perspectives, and practical experience into the educational

Core Faculty

Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources Management, Industrial

Anantharaman R. N., Ph.D. (Bangalore)
Management of Financial Services, Strategic Cost Management,
Arun Kumar G., Ph.D. (IISc Bangalore)
Management Accounting
Bhardhwaj S., Ph.D. (U. of Maryland, College Consumer Behaviour, International Marketing, Brand Management,
Park) Marketing Communications
Debasish Acharya, Ph.D. (Hyderabad) Macro Economics, Monetary Economics, Applied Econometrics
Systems Analysis and Modeling, Data and Decision Analysis
Ganesh L. S., Ph. D. (IIT Madras)
Forecasting, Project Management, Technology Management


Jayachandran S., Ph. D. (IIT Madras) Marketing Management

Kamalanabhan T. J., Ph. D. (Madras) Human Resources Management, Organizational Behaviour
Madhumathi R., Ph. D. (Madras) Accounting, Finance
Malathy Duraisamy, Ph. D. (Madras) Applied Economics/Econometrics, Economics of Human Resources.
Mohan S., M. A. (Madras) Oral and Written Communication
Muraleedharan V. R., Ph. D. (IIT Madras) Economics, Health-care Economics, Public Policy
Operations Management, Operations Research, Supply
Narendran T. T., Ph. D. (IIT Madras)
Chain Management, Computer Simulation
Raghunathan S., Ph.D. (U. of Pittsburgh) Information Systems
Production Management, Scheduling, Computer Simulation, Total
Rajendran C., Ph. D. (IIT Madras)
Quality Management
Customer Management, Loyalty Strategies, Service Quality
Ramasubramanian G., Ph.D. (Sloan, MIT)
Management, Business Intelligence Methodologies
Sanghamitra B., Fellow (IIM Calcutta) Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources Management
Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing Systems Management,
Srinivasan G., Ph. D. (IIT Madras)
Operations Research
Thenmozhi M., Ph. D. (Madras) Finance, International Business, Strategic Management
Vijayaraghavan P., Fellow (IIM Bangalore) Strategic Marketing, Brand Management, Advertising and Sale
TTK Chair Professor Promotion, Industrial and Services Marketing

This year, a few more faculty with rich national and international academic/ industrial experience are to join the Department, and
offer unique, value-laden courses.

Eligibility Criteria for MBA

A maximum of fifty JMET-qualified students can be selected into the programme. An additional ten seats are earmarked for
candidates sponsored by Industry/Business organizations and NRI/Foreign students.

The minimum academic qualifications for admission into the programme are:

B.E/B.Tech or equivalent with first class or equivalent from a recognized Institution or University.
A Master's degree in any discipline with first class or equivalent from a recognized Institution or University.
Final year students are also eligible to apply. Such candidates, if selected, will be admitted provisionally, provided they
complete all requirements for the qualifying degree before 15 July, 2006 and produce a provisional degree certificate on or
before 30 September, 2006.

Candidates sponsored by their employers may also pursue the programme. They must have a minimum of two years of work
experience in the sponsoring organization. They are exempted from appearing in the JMET. They will be selected on the basis
of their performance in a separate written test, an interview and group task.

NRIs and Foreign Nationals are exempted from the JMET, the interview and the group task. Their selection will depend on their
GMAT score, their academic record, letters of reference and work experience, if any.

Programme Fees (for Regular Candidates)

One time payment fees : Rs. 3,950/-

Semester fees (including tuition fees*) : Rs. 32,600/-
Caution Deposit – Institute & Library ; Rs. 2,000/-
* Subject to Change.

Hostel Fees

One time hostel admission charges : Rs. 500/-

Hostel accommodation (per semester) : Rs.3,150/-
Hostel Caution Deposit : Rs.3,000/-
Mess charges as per actuals


After qualifying in the JMET 2006, candidates seeking admission to the IIT Madras MBA Programme should complete the
following procedure.

Step 1: Send your request on a plain paper asking for an application form, along with a self-addressed stamped (Rs.7/-)
envelope (9”x4”) to:

The Admissions Coordinator (MBA Programme), Ph : (044) 22574550

Department of Management Studies, E-mail : [email protected]
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, website: www.doms.iitm.ac.in
Chennai 600 036
Request for an application form will be entertained from 26 December, 2005. The application form can also be downloaded
from the web site http://www.doms.iitm.ac.in/


Step 2: Obtain a Demand Draft (DD) for Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) in favour of “Registrar, IIT Madras”
payable at Chennai. Fill in the details of the DD as specified in the Application form.

Step 3: Send the fully completed / filled in and signed application form, along with the DD to the Admissions Coordinator (MBA
Programme) as mentioned in Step 1

Step 4: If you have any other questions please ask the Admissions Coordinator.

Do not send the completed application to the GATE Office


Selection Procedure

The results of the JMET 2006 are expected to be announced in early January, 2006. Only those candidates who have
successfully qualified in JMET 2006 will be eligible to apply. The application form, duly completed/filled in and signed, must be
received latest by 23 January, 2006. After receipt of applications, a short list will be prepared and due communications will be

Please note that post-JMET selection process will be held during February and March, 2006. Candidates short-listed for
these will be intimated by registered post/courier during February, 2006. Individual regret letters will not be sent to
applicants who are not called.




Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee is a premier center of engineering and technical education in India. Being the first such
institution of India (1847), IIT Roorkee has now acquired a worldwide reputation of being among the foremost centres of
excellence. It was elevated to the position of the first technical University of Independent India in 1949. In the year 2001, it was
rechristened as Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. The Institute has over 3000 students in 19 academic
departments/centres of Engineering and Technology, Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences and Management.

Prior to becoming an IIT, the University of Roorkee was accredited by the National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC),
an autonomous institution of the University Grants Commission, with Five Star status for a period of five years in the year 2000.
This is the highest grade that NAAC awards on a five point scale.

The Institute is located at Roorkee, a quiet town of moderate size in the district of Haridwar (Uttaranchal). Roorkee is located on
the banks of the Upper Ganga Canal, which takes off at Haridwar, 30 km away. About 30 km south of the Shivaliks, 170 km
north of Delhi and situated on Amritsar - Howrah main line, Roorkee is linked by rail to many important cities such as Delhi,
Kolkata and Mumbai. Located on the Delhi - Haridwar National Highway (NH 58) and on the Delhi - Dehradun Highway.
Roorkee is also well connected by road.


Recognizing the need for professional managers in the rapidly evolving global business environment, the Institute established
the Department of Management Studies in 1998 to impart high quality formal education in the management sciences through a
comprehensive 2 years regular full time MBA programme.

The Department of Management Studies has acquired and developed adequate infrastructure, expertise and resources for
providing high quality management education. The Department is housed in an exquisitely designed double storeyed building
with four spacious lecture rooms, a large computer laboratory, a double storeyed library, syndicate and committee halls,
auditorium with teaching aids and a large central atrium. An excellent Departmental library with over 4600 books and a state of
the art computer laboratory augment the centralized resources available to students at the Institute level. A massive 350 acre
campus with all round sports and games facilities and a hobbies club provides ambience and a stimulating academic

A fresh student is likely to be overwhelmed by the quantum of activities taking place in the Department. Students are active in
organising academic and extra-curricular activities throughout the academic year. These include quizzes, monthly magazine
(@doms.edu), discussion forums, industry interaction (guest lectures and tours) etc. The students regularly organise marketing
fairs and students' paper contests. They also organise and participate in management festivals.


MBA at IIT Roorkee is a 4 semester residential regular programme spread over two academic years. The course structure is
designed to impart knowledge of the core management concepts and techniques in the first year which are, thereafter,
upgraded to advanced knowledge and practicing skills in the areas of specialization opted for by the students in the final year.

Presently, the Department offers dual specialization in any two of the following:

(i) Marketing, (ii) Finance, (iii) Information Technology, (iv) Operations.

At the end of the first academic year, the students take up summer training in professionally managed organizations to get
exposure to real life situations and apply their newly acquired skills in a practical environment.

Additionally, in the fourth semester, students take up a comprehensive project in the area of their choice in which they are
required to apply their expertise in a simulated environment under the guidance of a faculty member who specializes in that


First Semester Second Semester
Course Credits Course Credits
Preparatory Mathematics 0 Business Statistics 2
Quantitative Methods in Management 2 Management Accounting 2
Operations Research 3 Financial Management 4
Management Processes & Organisational Behaviour 4 Business Environment 2
Managerial Economics I 2 Human Resource Management 3
Managerial Economics II 2 Management Information Systems 3
Computer Applications in Management 2 Marketing Management II 3
Business Communication 3 Operations Management I 3
Financial Accounting 3 Operations Management II 2
Marketing Management I 3 Technology Management 3

Total Credits 24 Total Credits 27

Third Semester Fourth Semester

Strategic Management 3 6 Courses in Area of 18

Specialization / Open Electives (3 Credits Each)

Legal Aspects of Business 2 Project Work 6

Computer Systems II 2
Summer Training 2
6 Courses in Area of Specialization / Open Electives (3 18
Credits Each)

Total Credits 27 Total Credits 24

A. Marketing B. Finance
Consumer Behaviour Analysis Working Capital Management
Sales & Distribution Management Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
International Marketing Taxation & Tax Planning
Advanced Marketing Research Quantitative Analysis for Financial Management
Advertising Management Indian Financial System
Industrial Marketing Management International Financial Management
Service Marketing Financial Management Control Systems
Internet Marketing Merchant Banking & Financial Services
Product Management Electronic Commerce
C. Information Technology D. Operations Management
Database Design & Data Management Supply Chain & Logistics Management
Object Oriented Programming Project Management
Distributed Computing & Managing Networks Systems Reliability, Safety & Maintenance Management
Management of Information Technology Manufacturing Strategy
Software Engineering & Management Operations Planning & Control Systems
Design of Online Systems Quality Management
Decision Support & Expert Systems Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Electronic Commerce Productivity Management
E. Open Electives
Management of Self & Interpersonal Dynamics Managing Innovation & Creativity
Industrial Waste Management Organisation Developments
Entrepreneurship Development Labour Legislation & Industrial Relations
Management of Large Systems Career Planning & Performance Audit
Environment Management International Business
Management of Change Knowledge Management


a. The complete programme entails a total of 102 course credits including 36 credits in the two areas of specialisation
& open electives.
b. Specialisation in two disciplines is mandatory. To specialise in a discipline, a student has to earn a minimum of 12
credits (four courses of 3 credits each).
c. In addition to the electives in the areas of specialisation, every student has to take a minimum of three open
electives, which may include courses offered in other disciplines/departments.
d. Elective courses to be offered in a particular semester are decided on the basis of students' feedback and resource

Core Faculty

Prof. Vinay K. Nangia, MBM

Dr. Zillur Rahman, Ph.D., MBA.

Dr. Santosh Rangnekar, Ph.D., MBA, LLB, PG Dip. PM & IR

Dr. Sangeeta Sahney, Ph.D., MBA

Dr. Anil Sharma, Ph.D., M.Phil., M.Com.

Prof. J.P. Singh, Ph.D., M.Sc. (Phy. & Maths.), FCA, FCS, AICWA, AMIE, LL.B., Dip. Op. Res.


IIT Roorkee has a proven track record of placing its students in the best of organizations. The Institute's Employment
Information and Guidance Bureau is a centralized cell, which undertakes all the work related to placements.

The Employment Information & Guidance Bureau at the Institute is responsible for establishing contact with various
organizations. The Placement Cell arranges interviews for students on the campus by the prospective employers, and monitors
on-job training. Selection teams from a number of Private Industries, Public Sector and Government Establishment/Industries
visit the Institute annually for 'On-Campus Recruitment' and a majority of students get proper and satisfying placement.


Candidates with Bachelor's degree in any discipline of Engineering / Technology or its equivalent or a Master's degree in any
discipline from a recognized Institute/University with at least 60% marks (55% marks for SC/ST) in aggregate or CGPA of
6.75/10 (6.25/10 for SC/ST) are eligible to apply.

Final year students appearing in the above degree programmes are also eligible to apply. Such candidates, if selected, will be
admitted provisionally, provided they complete all requirements before the date of registration and produce proof of passing the
qualifying degree with requisite percentage of marks or CGPA by 30th-September, 2006.

Selection criteria include Academic Record, Work Experience, Performance in JMET, Group Discussions and Interview.


For Regular Students Rs.35,000 per semester

For Sponsored Students Rs.60,000 per semester
For International Students As may be decided by the Institute

The above fee does not include security, mess charges, mess security etc. and other Institute fees and charges.

*The above fees are subject to change and the exact amount payable by the students at the time of admission shall be
communicated in the invitation letter for counseling / registration.



After qualifying in the JMET 2006 the following procedure is required to be completed by the candidates interested in seeking
admission to the IIT Roorkee, Master of Business Administration Programme.

Step 1 : Send your request for an Application Form on a plain paper along with a self addressed stamped (Rs.7.00)
envelope (size 9" x 4") to the Officer in Charge, Admissions, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute
of Technology, Roorkee-247 667. Request for an application form will be entertained from December 27, 2005.
The application form may also be downloaded from the Institute website, http://www.iitr.ac.in/

Step 2 : Obtain a demand draft for Rs. 500.00 (Rs.250.00 for SC/ST/PH candidates) made in favour of "The Registrar,
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee", payable at Roorkee. Fill in the details of this draft on the Application
Form as specified.

Step 3 : Send the Application Form, duly filled in and signed, along with the requisite demand draft to:

The Officer in Charge, Admissions

Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Roorkee - 247 667

Do not send this application to the GATE Office. Also, if you are sending applications to more than one participating institute of
the JMET, make sure you send the correct form and Demand Draft to the correct Institute.

IS JANUARY 23, 2006.
Any correspondence relating to the admissions may be addressed to:

The Officer in Charge, Admissions

Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Roorkee - 247 667
Phone: 01332 285014 Fax: 01332 285565
Website: http://www.iitr.ernet.in

Applicants may note that Group Discussion / Interviews will be conducted during February / March 2006. Candidates
short listed for GD / lnterview will be intimated by registered post / courier during February, 2006. Individual regret
letters will not be sent to applicants who are not called for GD / lnterview.


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